Gen_1:9..........unto/one place and let/the.. 1/1967
Gen_2:21.........took/one of his ribs/and.... 2/1967 flesh And/they..... 3/1967
Gen_3:6..........make/one wise she/took...... 4/1967 of us to/know...... 5/1967
Gen_4:14........every/one that findeth me/shall 6/1967
Gen_4:19..........the/one was Adah/and....... 7/1967
Gen_10:5........every/one after his tongue/after 8/1967
Gen_10:8.......mighty/one in the earth/He.... 9/1967
Gen_10:25..........of/one was Peleg for/in.. 10/1967
Gen_11:1...........of/one language and of/one 11/1967
Gen_11:1...........of/one speech/And........ 12/1967
Gen_11:3.........said/one to another Go/to.. 13/1967 and they/have..... 14/1967
Gen_11:6..........all/one language and this/they 15/1967
Gen_11:7...understand/one another's speech/So 16/1967
Gen_13:11.........the/one from the other Abram/dwelled 17/1967
Gen_14:13........came/one that had escaped and/told 18/1967
Gen_15:3...........lo/one born in/my........ 19/1967
Gen_15:10.......piece/one against another but/the 20/1967
Gen_19:9.........This/one fellow/came....... 21/1967 that mocked/unto.. 22/1967
Gen_19:20......little/one Oh/let............ 23/1967
Gen_19:20......little/one and my/soul....... 24/1967
Gen_21:15.......under/one of the shrubs/And. 25/1967
Gen_22:2.........upon/one of the mountains/which 26/1967
Gen_24:41........thee/one thou/shalt........ 27/1967
Gen_25:23.........the/one people shall/be... 28/1967 of the people might/lightly 29/1967
Gen_26:26....Ahuzzath/one of his friends/and 30/1967
Gen_26:31.......sware/one to another and Isaac/sent 31/1967
Gen_27:29.......every/one that curseth thee/and 32/1967
Gen_27:38.........but/one blessing/my....... 33/1967 day And Rebekah/said 34/1967
Gen_30:33.......every/one that is not/speckled 35/1967
Gen_30:35.......every/one that had some/white 36/1967
Gen_31:49......absent/one from another If/thou 37/1967
Gen_32:8..........the/one company and/smite. 38/1967
Gen_33:13........them/one day all/the....... 39/1967 that is uncircumcised/for 40/1967
Gen_34:16......become/one people But/if..... 41/1967 people if/every... 42/1967
Gen_37:19........said/one to another Behold this/dreamer 43/1967
Gen_38:28.........the/one put out/his....... 44/1967 night each/man.... 45/1967
Gen_41:5.........upon/one stalk rank/and.... 46/1967 night I/and....... 47/1967 stalk full/and.... 48/1967 God hath/shewed... 49/1967 And the seven/thin 50/1967
Gen_41:38...........a/one as this/is........ 51/1967
Gen_42:1.........look/one upon another And/he 52/1967
Gen_42:11.........all/one man's sons/we..... 53/1967
Gen_42:13..........of/one man in/the........ 54/1967
Gen_42:13.........and/one is not And Joseph/said 55/1967
Gen_42:16........Send/one of you and let/him 56/1967
Gen_42:19.........let/one of your brethren be/bound 57/1967
Gen_42:21........said/one to another We are/verily 58/1967 of them opened/his 59/1967
Gen_42:28......saying/one to another What is this that God/hath 60/1967
Gen_42:32......father/one is not and the/youngest 61/1967
Gen_42:33.......leave/one of your brethren here/with 62/1967
Gen_43:33...marvelled/one at another And/he. 63/1967
Gen_44:20......little/one and his/brother... 64/1967
Gen_44:28.........the/one went out from/me.. 65/1967
Gen_47:21........from/one end of the borders/of 66/1967
Gen_48:1.........that/one told Joseph/Behold 67/1967
Gen_48:2..........And/one told Jacob/and.... 68/1967
Gen_48:22........thee/one portion above/thy. 69/1967 of the tribes of Israel Dan/shall 70/1967
Gen_49:28.......every/one according to his blessing/he 71/1967
Exo_1:15..........the/one was Shiphrah/and.. 72/1967 of the Hebrews'/children 73/1967
Exo_2:11.......Hebrew/one of his brethren And/he 74/1967
Exo_6:25..........him/one of the daughters of Putiel/to 75/1967
Exo_8:31..........not/one And Pharaoh hardened/his 76/1967
Exo_9:6...........not/one And Pharaoh sent/and 77/1967
Exo_9:7...........not/one of the cattle/of.. 78/1967
Exo_10:5.........that/one cannot/be......... 79/1967
Exo_10:19.........not/one locust/in......... 80/1967
Exo_10:23.........not/one another neither/rose 81/1967
Exo_11:1........bring/one plague more/upon.. 82/1967
Exo_12:18.........the/one and twentieth day of the month at/even 83/1967
Exo_12:30.........not/one dead And/he....... 84/1967
Exo_12:46..........In/one house shall/it.... 85/1967 that is born in/the 86/1967
Exo_12:49.....thereof/One law shall/be...... 87/1967
Exo_14:7........every/one of them And the LORD hardened/the 88/1967
Exo_14:20.........the/one came not/near..... 89/1967 of them But the/children 90/1967
Exo_16:15........said/one to another It/is.. 91/1967
Exo_16:22.........for/one man and all/the... 92/1967
Exo_17:12.........the/one on the one side and/the 93/1967
Exo_17:12.........the/one side and the other/on 94/1967
Exo_18:3..........the/one was Gershom/for... 95/1967
Exo_18:16.....between/one and another/and... 96/1967
Exo_21:18.........and/one smite/another..... 97/1967
Exo_21:35..........if/one man's ox/hurt..... 98/1967 year lest/the..... 99/1967
Exo_24:3.........with/one voice and/said... 100/1967
Exo_25:12.........the/one side of it and two rings in/the 101/1967
Exo_25:19........make/one cherub on the one/end 102/1967
Exo_25:19.........the/one end and the/other 103/1967
Exo_25:20........look/one to another toward/the 104/1967
Exo_25:32.........the/one side and three/branches 105/1967 branch and/three. 106/1967 beaten work of pure gold And thou/shalt 107/1967
Exo_26:2...........of/one curtain shall be eight/and 108/1967
Exo_26:2...........of/one curtain four cubits and every/one 109/1967
Exo_26:2........every/one of the curtains/shall 110/1967
Exo_26:2.........have/one measure The/five. 111/1967
Exo_26:3.....together/one to another and other/five 112/1967
Exo_26:3......coupled/one to another And thou/shalt 113/1967
Exo_26:4..........the/one curtain from the selvedge in the coupling and/likewise 114/1967
Exo_26:5..........the/one curtain and fifty loops shalt/thou 115/1967
Exo_26:5.........hold/one of another And thou/shalt 116/1967 tabernacle And thou/shalt 117/1967
Exo_26:8...........of/one curtain shall be thirty/cubits 118/1967
Exo_26:8...........of/one curtain four cubits and the/eleven 119/1967
Exo_26:8...........of/one measure And thou/shalt 120/1967
Exo_26:10.........the/one curtain that/is.. 121/1967 And the remnant/that 122/1967
Exo_26:13.........the/one side and a cubit/on 123/1967
Exo_26:16..........of/one board Two/tenons. 124/1967 board set/in..... 125/1967
Exo_26:17.......order/one against another thus/shalt 126/1967
Exo_26:19.......under/one board for his two tenons and two sockets under another board for his two tenons And for the second/side 127/1967
Exo_26:21.......under/one board and two sockets under another board And for the sides of the tabernacle westward thou/shalt 128/1967
Exo_26:24........unto/one ring thus shall/it 129/1967
Exo_26:25.......under/one board and two sockets under another board And thou/shalt 130/1967
Exo_26:26.........the/one side of the tabernacle And five bars for the boards of the other side of the tabernacle and five bars for the boards of the side/of 131/1967
Exo_27:9..........for/one side And the twenty/pillars 132/1967
Exo_27:14..........of/one side of the gate shall/be 133/1967
Exo_28:10..........on/one stone and the/other 134/1967
Exo_28:21.......every/one with his name shall/they 135/1967
Exo_29:1.........Take/one young bullock and two rams without/blemish 136/1967
Exo_29:3.........into/one basket and/bring. 137/1967
Exo_29:15........take/one ram and Aaron/and 138/1967
Exo_29:23.........And/one loaf of/bread.... 139/1967
Exo_29:23.........and/one cake of/oiled.... 140/1967
Exo_29:23.........and/one wafer out/of..... 141/1967
Exo_29:39.........The/one lamb thou/shalt.. 142/1967
Exo_29:40.........the/one lamb a/tenth..... 143/1967
Exo_30:13.......every/one that passeth among them that are numbered half/a 144/1967
Exo_30:14.......Every/one that passeth among them that are numbered from/twenty 145/1967
Exo_31:14.......every/one that defileth/it. 146/1967
Exo_32:15.........the/one side and on the other were/they 147/1967
Exo_33:7........every/one which sought/the. 148/1967
Exo_34:15.........and/one call/thee........ 149/1967
Exo_35:21.......every/one whose heart stirred him up and/every 150/1967
Exo_35:21.......every/one whom his spirit/made 151/1967
Exo_35:24.......Every/one that did/offer... 152/1967
Exo_36:2........every/one whose heart stirred him up to/come 153/1967
Exo_36:9...........of/one curtain was twenty/and 154/1967
Exo_36:9...........of/one curtain four cubits the/curtains 155/1967
Exo_36:9...........of/one size And he coupled the/five 156/1967
Exo_36:10....curtains/one unto another and the/other 157/1967
Exo_36:10.....coupled/one unto another And he/made 158/1967
Exo_36:11..........of/one curtain from the selvedge in the coupling likewise/he 159/1967 curtain and fifty loops made/he 160/1967
Exo_36:12........held/one curtain to/another 161/1967
Exo_36:13....curtains/one unto another with/the 162/1967
Exo_36:13......became/one tabernacle And he/made 163/1967
Exo_36:15..........of/one curtain was thirty/cubits 164/1967
Exo_36:15..........of/one curtain the/eleven 165/1967
Exo_36:15..........of/one size And he coupled five/curtains 166/1967 And he made/a.... 167/1967
Exo_36:21.......board/one cubit and a half One/board 168/1967
Exo_36:22........half/One board had/two.... 169/1967
Exo_36:22.....distant/one from another thus/did 170/1967
Exo_36:24.......under/one board for his two tenons and two sockets under another board for his two tenons And for the other/side 171/1967
Exo_36:26.......under/one board and two sockets under another board And for the sides of the tabernacle westward he/made 172/1967 ring thus he/did. 173/1967
Exo_36:31.........the/one side of the tabernacle And five bars for the boards of the other side of the tabernacle and five bars for the boards of the tabernacle/for 174/1967
Exo_36:33.........the/one end to the/other. 175/1967
Exo_37:3..........the/one side of it and two rings upon/the 176/1967
Exo_37:6..........and/one cubit and a half the/breadth 177/1967
Exo_37:7...........of/one piece made/he.... 178/1967 cherub on the end/on 179/1967
Exo_37:9........faces/one to another even to/the 180/1967
Exo_37:18.........the/one side thereof/and. 181/1967 branch a/knop.... 182/1967
Exo_37:22.........was/one beaten work of pure gold And he/made 183/1967
Exo_38:14.........the/one side of the gate were/fifteen 184/1967
Exo_38:26.......every/one that went/to..... 185/1967
Exo_39:14.......every/one with his name according/to 186/1967
Lev_4:27..........any/one of the common/people 187/1967 of these And it shall be when/he 188/1967 of these things that/he 189/1967
Lev_5:7..........LORD/one for a sin offering and the other for a burnt offering And he/shall 190/1967 of these and it shall be forgiven/him 191/1967
Lev_6:18........every/one that toucheth them shall be holy/And 192/1967 law for them/the. 193/1967
Lev_7:10.........have/one as much/as....... 194/1967
Lev_7:14........offer/one out of the/whole. 195/1967
Lev_8:26.........took/one unleavened cake and/a 196/1967
Lev_8:26..........and/one wafer and/put.... 197/1967
Lev_11:26.......every/one that toucheth them shall be unclean/And 198/1967
Lev_12:8..........the/one for the burnt/offering 199/1967
Lev_13:2.........unto/one of his sons the/priests 200/1967
Lev_14:5.........that/one of the birds be/killed 201/1967
Lev_14:10.........and/one ewe lamb of the first year without blemish and/three 202/1967
Lev_14:10.........and/one log/of........... 203/1967
Lev_14:12........take/one he lamb and/offer 204/1967
Lev_14:21........take/one lamb for a trespass/offering 205/1967
Lev_14:21.........and/one tenth deal of/fine 206/1967
Lev_14:22.........the/one shall be a/sin... 207/1967
Lev_14:30.........the/one of the turtledoves/or 208/1967
Lev_14:31.........the/one for a sin offering and the other for a burnt offering with/the 209/1967
Lev_14:50.........the/one of the birds in/an 210/1967
Lev_15:15.........the/one for a sin offering and the other for a burnt offering and the priest shall make an atonement for him/before 211/1967
Lev_15:30.........the/one for a sin offering and the other for a burnt offering and the priest shall make an atonement for her/before 212/1967
Lev_16:5..........and/one ram for/a........ 213/1967
Lev_16:8........goats/one lot for/the...... 214/1967
Lev_16:27.......shall/one carry/forth...... 215/1967 of your own country or a stranger that/sojourneth 216/1967 of your own country or a stranger he/shall 217/1967
Lev_18:30.........any/one of these abominable/customs 218/1967
Lev_19:8........every/one that eateth/it... 219/1967
Lev_19:11.........lie/one to another And ye/shall 220/1967 born among/you... 221/1967
Lev_20:9........every/one that curseth his/father 222/1967 day And when/ye.. 223/1967
Lev_23:18.........and/one young bullock and two rams they/shall 224/1967
Lev_23:19...sacrifice/one kid of the goats for a sin offering and two/lambs 225/1967 cake And/thou.... 226/1967
Lev_24:22........have/one manner of/law.... 227/1967
Lev_24:22.........for/one of your own country for/I 228/1967
Lev_25:14.....oppress/one another According/to 229/1967
Lev_25:17.....oppress/one another but thou/shalt 230/1967
Lev_25:46........rule/one over another with/rigour 231/1967
Lev_25:48.......again/one of his brethren may/redeem 232/1967 oven/and......... 233/1967
Lev_26:37........fall/one upon another as/it 234/1967
Num_1:4.........every/one head of/the...... 235/1967
Num_1:41..........and/one thousand and five hundred Of/the 236/1967
Num_1:44.........each/one was for/the...... 237/1967
Num_2:16..........and/one thousand and four/hundred 238/1967
Num_2:28..........and/one thousand and five hundred Then/the 239/1967
Num_2:34........every/one after their/families 240/1967
Num_4:19........every/one to his service/and 241/1967
Num_4:30........every/one that entereth into the service to/do 242/1967
Num_4:35........every/one that entereth into the service for the work in the tabernacle of the congregation And/those 243/1967
Num_4:39........every/one that entereth into the service for the work in the tabernacle of the congregation Even those that were numbered of them throughout/their 244/1967
Num_4:43........every/one that entereth into the service for the work in the tabernacle of the congregation Even those that were numbered of them after/their 245/1967
Num_4:47........every/one that came to/do.. 246/1967
Num_4:49........every/one according to his service/and 247/1967
Num_5:2.........every/one that hath an issue and/whosoever 248/1967
Num_6:11..........the/one for a sin offering and the other for a burnt offering and make/an 249/1967
Num_6:14.........LORD/one he lamb of/the... 250/1967
Num_6:14..........and/one ewe lamb of the first year without blemish for/a 251/1967
Num_6:14..........and/one ram without/blemish 252/1967
Num_6:19..........and/one unleavened cake out/of 253/1967
Num_6:19..........and/one unleavened wafer/and 254/1967
Num_7:3..........each/one an ox/and........ 255/1967
Num_7:13..........was/one silver charger the weight thereof/was 256/1967
Num_7:13......shekels/one silver bowl of seventy shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them were/full 257/1967
Num_7:14.....offering/One spoon of ten/shekels 258/1967
Num_7:15......incense/One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Nahshon/the 259/1967
Num_7:15......bullock/one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Nahshon/the 260/1967
Num_7:15..........ram/one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Nahshon/the 261/1967
Num_7:16.....offering/One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Nahshon/the 262/1967
Num_7:19.....offering/one silver charger the weight whereof was an hundred and thirty shekels one silver bowl of seventy shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One spoon/of 263/1967
Num_7:19......shekels/one silver bowl of seventy shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One spoon/of 264/1967
Num_7:20.....offering/One spoon of gold/of. 265/1967
Num_7:21......incense/One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Nethaneel/the 266/1967
Num_7:21......bullock/one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Nethaneel/the 267/1967
Num_7:21..........ram/one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Nethaneel/the 268/1967
Num_7:22.....offering/One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Nethaneel/the 269/1967
Num_7:25..........was/one silver charger the weight whereof was an hundred and thirty shekels one silver bowl of seventy shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Eliab/the 270/1967
Num_7:25......shekels/one silver bowl of seventy shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Eliab/the 271/1967
Num_7:26.....offering/One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Eliab/the 272/1967
Num_7:27......incense/One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Eliab/the 273/1967
Num_7:27......bullock/one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Eliab/the 274/1967
Num_7:27..........ram/one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Eliab/the 275/1967
Num_7:28.....offering/One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Eliab/the 276/1967
Num_7:31..........was/one silver charger of the weight of an hundred and thirty shekels one silver bowl of seventy shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Elizur/the 277/1967
Num_7:31......shekels/one silver bowl of seventy shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Elizur/the 278/1967
Num_7:32.....offering/One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Elizur/the 279/1967
Num_7:33......incense/One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Elizur/the 280/1967
Num_7:33......bullock/one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Elizur/the 281/1967
Num_7:33..........ram/one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Elizur/the 282/1967
Num_7:34.....offering/One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Elizur/the 283/1967
Num_7:37..........was/one silver charger the weight whereof was an hundred and thirty shekels one silver bowl of seventy shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Shelumiel/the 284/1967
Num_7:37......shekels/one silver bowl of seventy shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Shelumiel/the 285/1967
Num_7:38.....offering/One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Shelumiel/the 286/1967
Num_7:39......incense/One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Shelumiel/the 287/1967
Num_7:39......bullock/one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Shelumiel/the 288/1967
Num_7:39..........ram/one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Shelumiel/the 289/1967
Num_7:40.....offering/One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Shelumiel/the 290/1967
Num_7:43..........was/one silver charger of the weight of an hundred and thirty shekels a/silver 291/1967
Num_7:44.....offering/One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Eliasaph/the 292/1967
Num_7:45......incense/One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Eliasaph/the 293/1967
Num_7:45......bullock/one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Eliasaph/the 294/1967
Num_7:45..........ram/one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Eliasaph/the 295/1967
Num_7:46.....offering/One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Eliasaph/the 296/1967
Num_7:49..........was/one silver charger the weight whereof was an hundred and thirty shekels one silver bowl of seventy shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Elishama/the 297/1967
Num_7:49......shekels/one silver bowl of seventy shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Elishama/the 298/1967
Num_7:50.....offering/One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Elishama/the 299/1967
Num_7:51......incense/One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Elishama/the 300/1967
Num_7:51......bullock/one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Elishama/the 301/1967
Num_7:51..........ram/one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Elishama/the 302/1967
Num_7:52.....offering/One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Elishama/the 303/1967
Num_7:55..........was/one silver charger of the weight of an hundred and thirty shekels one silver bowl of seventy shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Gamaliel/the 304/1967
Num_7:55......shekels/one silver bowl of seventy shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Gamaliel/the 305/1967
Num_7:56.....offering/One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Gamaliel/the 306/1967
Num_7:57......incense/One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Gamaliel/the 307/1967
Num_7:57......bullock/one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Gamaliel/the 308/1967
Num_7:57..........ram/one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Gamaliel/the 309/1967
Num_7:58.....offering/One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Gamaliel/the 310/1967
Num_7:61..........was/one silver charger the weight whereof was an hundred and thirty shekels one silver bowl of seventy shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Abidan/the 311/1967
Num_7:61......shekels/one silver bowl of seventy shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Abidan/the 312/1967
Num_7:62.....offering/One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Abidan/the 313/1967
Num_7:63......incense/One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Abidan/the 314/1967
Num_7:63......bullock/one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Abidan/the 315/1967
Num_7:63..........ram/one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Abidan/the 316/1967
Num_7:64.....offering/One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Abidan/the 317/1967
Num_7:67..........was/one silver charger the weight whereof was an hundred and thirty shekels one silver bowl of seventy shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Ahiezer/the 318/1967
Num_7:67......shekels/one silver bowl of seventy shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Ahiezer/the 319/1967
Num_7:68.....offering/One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Ahiezer/the 320/1967
Num_7:69......incense/One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Ahiezer/the 321/1967
Num_7:69......bullock/one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Ahiezer/the 322/1967
Num_7:69..........ram/one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Ahiezer/the 323/1967
Num_7:70.....offering/One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Ahiezer/the 324/1967
Num_7:73..........was/one silver charger the weight whereof was an hundred and thirty shekels one silver bowl of seventy shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Pagiel/the 325/1967
Num_7:73......shekels/one silver bowl of seventy shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Pagiel/the 326/1967
Num_7:74.....offering/One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Pagiel/the 327/1967
Num_7:75......incense/One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Pagiel/the 328/1967
Num_7:75......bullock/one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Pagiel/the 329/1967
Num_7:75..........ram/one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Pagiel/the 330/1967
Num_7:76.....offering/One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Pagiel/the 331/1967
Num_7:79..........was/one silver charger the weight whereof was an hundred and thirty shekels one silver bowl of seventy shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Ahira/the 332/1967
Num_7:79......shekels/one silver bowl of seventy shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Ahira/the 333/1967
Num_7:80.....offering/One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Ahira/the 334/1967
Num_7:81......incense/One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Ahira/the 335/1967
Num_7:81......bullock/one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Ahira/the 336/1967
Num_7:81..........ram/one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Ahira/the 337/1967
Num_7:82.....offering/One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Ahira/the 338/1967
Num_7:89...........of/one speaking/unto.... 339/1967
Num_8:12..........the/one for a sin offering and the other for a burnt offering unto/the 340/1967
Num_9:14.........have/one ordinance both/for 341/1967
Num_10:4.........with/one trumpet/then..... 342/1967 day nor/two...... 343/1967
Num_11:26.........the/one was Eldad/and.... 344/1967
Num_11:28.......Moses/one of his young/men. 345/1967 dead of/whom..... 346/1967
Num_13:2........every/one a ruler/among.... 347/1967
Num_13:23........with/one cluster/of....... 348/1967
Num_14:4.........said/one to another Let us make/a 349/1967 man then/the..... 350/1967
Num_15:5..........for/one lamb Or/for...... 351/1967
Num_15:11.........for/one bullock or/for... 352/1967
Num_15:11.........for/one ram or/for....... 353/1967
Num_15:12.......every/one according to their number/All 354/1967 ordinance shall/be 355/1967
Num_15:16........LORD/One law and/one...... 356/1967
Num_15:16.........and/one manner shall/be.. 357/1967
Num_15:24.......offer/one young bullock for/a 358/1967
Num_15:24.........and/one kid of the goats for a sin offering And the/priest 359/1967
Num_15:29........have/one law for him/that. 360/1967
Num_16:3........every/one of them and the LORD is/among 361/1967
Num_16:15.......taken/one ass/from......... 362/1967
Num_16:15........hurt/one of them And Moses/said 363/1967
Num_16:22.......shall/one man sin and/wilt. 364/1967
Num_17:2........every/one of them a/rod.... 365/1967
Num_17:3..........for/one rod/shall........ 366/1967
Num_17:6........every/one of their princes/gave 367/1967
Num_17:6.......prince/one according to their fathers'/houses 368/1967
Num_18:11.......every/one that is clean in thy/house 369/1967
Num_18:13.......every/one that is clean in thine/house 370/1967
Num_19:3..........and/one shall slay/her... 371/1967
Num_19:5..........And/one shall burn/the... 372/1967
Num_19:16....toucheth/one that is slain with/a 373/1967
Num_19:18..........or/one slain/or......... 374/1967
Num_19:18..........or/one dead or/a........ 375/1967
Num_21:8........every/one that is bitten/when 376/1967
Num_25:5........every/one his men/that..... 377/1967
Num_25:6.......behold/one of the children of Israel came/and 378/1967
Num_26:54.......every/one shall his/inheritance 379/1967
Num_28:4..........The/one lamb shalt/thou.. 380/1967
Num_28:7..........the/one lamb in/the...... 381/1967
Num_28:11.........and/one ram seven lambs of the first year without spot/And 382/1967
Num_28:12.........for/one bullock and/two.. 383/1967
Num_28:12.........for/one ram And a/several 384/1967
Num_28:13........unto/one lamb for a burnt/offering 385/1967
Num_28:15.........And/one kid of the goats for a sin offering unto/the 386/1967
Num_28:19.........and/one ram and seven lambs of the first year they shall be unto you without blemish And their meat offering shall be of flour mingled with oil three tenth deals shall/ye 387/1967
Num_28:22.........And/one goat for a sin offering to/make 388/1967
Num_28:27....bullocks/one ram seven lambs of the first year And/their 389/1967
Num_28:28........unto/one bullock two/tenth 390/1967
Num_28:28........unto/one ram A several tenth deal unto/one 391/1967
Num_28:29........unto/one lamb throughout the seven lambs And one kid of the goats to/make 392/1967
Num_28:30.........And/one kid of the goats to/make 393/1967
Num_29:2.........LORD/one young bullock one ram and seven lambs of the first year without/blemish 394/1967
Num_29:2......bullock/one ram and seven lambs of the first year without/blemish 395/1967
Num_29:4..........And/one tenth deal for/one 396/1967
Num_29:4..........for/one lamb throughout the seven lambs And one kid of the goats for/a 397/1967
Num_29:5..........And/one kid of the goats for a sin offering to/make 398/1967
Num_29:8.......savour/one young bullock one ram and seven lambs of the first year they/shall 399/1967
Num_29:8......bullock/one ram and seven lambs of the first year they shall be unto you without blemish And their meat offering shall be of flour mingled with oil three tenth deals to/a 400/1967 ram A several tenth deal for/one 401/1967
Num_29:10.........for/one lamb throughout the seven lambs One/kid 402/1967
Num_29:11.......lambs/One kid of the goats for a sin offering beside the sin/offering 403/1967
Num_29:16.........And/one kid of the goats for a sin offering beside the continual burnt offering his meat offering and his drink offering And on the second/day 404/1967
Num_29:19.........And/one kid of the goats for a sin offering beside the continual burnt offering and/the 405/1967
Num_29:22.........And/one goat for a sin offering beside the continual burnt offering and his meat offering and his drink offering And on the fourth/day 406/1967
Num_29:25.........And/one kid of the goats for a sin offering beside the continual burnt offering his meat offering and his drink offering And on the fifth/day 407/1967
Num_29:28.........And/one goat for a sin offering beside the continual burnt offering and his meat offering and his drink offering And on the sixth/day 408/1967
Num_29:31.........And/one goat for a sin offering beside the continual burnt offering his meat offering and his drink offering And/on 409/1967
Num_29:34.........And/one goat for a sin offering beside the continual burnt offering his meat offering and his drink offering On/the 410/1967
Num_29:36........LORD/one bullock one/ram.. 411/1967
Num_29:36.....bullock/one ram seven lambs of the first year without blemish/Their 412/1967
Num_29:38.........And/one goat for a sin offering beside the continual burnt offering and his meat offering and his drink offering These/things 413/1967
Num_31:28......battle/one soul of/five..... 414/1967
Num_31:30........take/one portion of fifty of/the 415/1967
Num_31:34.........and/one thousand asses/And 416/1967
Num_31:39.........and/one And the persons/were 417/1967
Num_31:47........took/one portion of fifty both/of 418/1967
Num_31:49.........not/one man of us/We..... 419/1967
Num_34:18........take/one prince/of........ 420/1967
Num_35:8........every/one shall give/of.... 421/1967
Num_35:15.......every/one that killeth/any. 422/1967
Num_35:30.........but/one witness shall not testify/against 423/1967
Num_36:7........every/one of the children of Israel shall/keep 424/1967
Num_36:8.........unto/one of the family/of. 425/1967
Num_36:9.........from/one tribe to another/tribe 426/1967
Num_36:9........every/one of the tribes of the/children 427/1967
Deu_1:22........every/one of you and said/We 428/1967 of a tribe/And... 429/1967
Deu_1:35..........not/one of these men/of.. 430/1967
Deu_2:36..........not/one city too/strong.. 431/1967
Deu_4:4.........every/one of you this/day.. 432/1967
Deu_4:32..........the/one side of heaven/unto 433/1967
Deu_4:42.........unto/one of these cities he/might 434/1967 LORD And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine/heart 435/1967 of thy tribes/there 436/1967
Deu_13:7..........the/one end of the earth even unto the other end of the earth Thou/shalt 437/1967 of thy cities/which 438/1967
Deu_15:7...........of/one of thy brethren/within 439/1967
Deu_17:6...........of/one witness he/shall. 440/1967
Deu_17:15......choose/one from among/thy... 441/1967
Deu_18:10.........any/one that maketh his/son 442/1967
Deu_19:5.........unto/one of those cities and/live 443/1967
Deu_19:11........into/one of these cities Then/the 444/1967 witness shall not rise/up 445/1967
Deu_21:1...........If/one be found/slain... 446/1967
Deu_21:15.......wives/one beloved/and...... 447/1967 of thy gates/where 448/1967
Deu_24:5.........home/one year and shall/cheer 449/1967
Deu_25:5..........and/one of them die/and.. 450/1967
Deu_25:11....together/one with another and the wife/of 451/1967
Deu_25:11.........the/one draweth/near..... 452/1967
Deu_28:7.........thee/one way and flee/before 453/1967
Deu_28:25.........out/one way against/them. 454/1967
Deu_28:57.......young/one that cometh/out.. 455/1967
Deu_28:64.........the/one end of the earth even unto the other and/there 456/1967
Deu_32:30......should/one chase/a.......... 457/1967
Deu_33:3........every/one shall receive/of. 458/1967
Deu_33:8.........holy/one whom thou/didst.. 459/1967
Jos_9:2..........with/one accord And when/the 460/1967 of the royal/cities 461/1967 time because/the. 462/1967
Jos_12:9......Jericho/one the king of Ai/which 463/1967
Jos_12:9.......Bethel/one The king of Jerusalem/one 464/1967
Jos_12:10...Jerusalem/one the king of Hebron/one 465/1967
Jos_12:10......Hebron/one The king of Jarmuth/one 466/1967
Jos_12:11.....Jarmuth/one the king of Lachish/one 467/1967
Jos_12:11.....Lachish/one The king of Eglon/one 468/1967
Jos_12:12.......Eglon/one the king of Gezer/one 469/1967
Jos_12:12.......Gezer/one The king of Debir/one 470/1967
Jos_12:13.......Debir/one the king of Geder/one 471/1967
Jos_12:13.......Geder/one The king of Hormah/one 472/1967
Jos_12:14......Hormah/one the king of Arad/one 473/1967
Jos_12:14........Arad/one The king of Libnah/one 474/1967
Jos_12:15......Libnah/one the king of Adullam/one 475/1967
Jos_12:15.....Adullam/one The king of Makkedah/one 476/1967
Jos_12:16....Makkedah/one the king of Bethel/one 477/1967
Jos_12:16......Bethel/one The king of Tappuah/one 478/1967
Jos_12:17.....Tappuah/one the king of Hepher/one 479/1967
Jos_12:17......Hepher/one The king of Aphek/one 480/1967
Jos_12:18.......Aphek/one the king of Lasharon/one 481/1967
Jos_12:18....Lasharon/one The king of Madon/one 482/1967
Jos_12:19.......Madon/one the king of Hazor/one 483/1967
Jos_12:19.......Hazor/one The king of Shimronmeron/one 484/1967
Jos_12:20Shimronmeron/one the king of Achshaph/one 485/1967
Jos_12:20....Achshaph/one The king of Taanach/one 486/1967
Jos_12:21.....Taanach/one the king of Megiddo/one 487/1967
Jos_12:21.....Megiddo/one The king of Kedesh/one 488/1967
Jos_12:22......Kedesh/one the king of Jokneam/of 489/1967
Jos_12:22......Carmel/one The king of Dor/in 490/1967
Jos_12:23.........Dor/one the king of the/nations 491/1967
Jos_12:23......Gilgal/one The king of Tirzah/one 492/1967
Jos_12:24......Tirzah/one all the kings/thirty 493/1967
Jos_12:24.........and/one Now/Joshua....... 494/1967
Jos_13:31.........the/one half of the children/of 495/1967
Jos_17:14.........but/one lot and/one...... 496/1967
Jos_17:14.........and/one portion to/inherit 497/1967
Jos_17:17........have/one lot only/But..... 498/1967
Jos_20:4.........unto/one of those cities shall/stand 499/1967
Jos_21:42.......every/one with their/suburbs 500/1967
Jos_22:7..........the/one half of the tribe/of 501/1967
Jos_22:14........each/one was an/head...... 502/1967 man of you/shall. 503/1967
Jos_23:14.........not/one thing hath failed of/all 504/1967
Jos_23:14.........not/one thing hath failed thereof/Therefore 505/1967 man And he/said.. 506/1967
Jdg_6:29.........said/one to another Who/hath 507/1967
Jdg_6:31......because/one hath cast/down... 508/1967
Jdg_7:5.........Every/one that lappeth/of.. 509/1967
Jdg_7:5.........every/one that boweth/down. 510/1967
Jdg_8:18.........each/one resembled/the.... 511/1967
Jdg_9:2..........that/one reign/over....... 512/1967
Jdg_9:5..........upon/one stone notwithstanding/yet 513/1967
Jdg_9:18.........upon/one stone and have/made 514/1967
Jdg_10:18........said/one to another What man/is 515/1967 of them that trouble/me 516/1967 of the cities/of. 517/1967
Jdg_16:5........every/one of us eleven/hundred 518/1967
Jdg_16:29.........the/one with his right/hand 519/1967
Jdg_17:5..consecrated/one of his sons who/became 520/1967 of his sons And/Micah 521/1967
Jdg_18:19..........of/one man or/that...... 522/1967 of these places/to 523/1967 man from/Dan..... 524/1967 man saying We will not/any 525/1967 man And the/tribes 526/1967
Jdg_20:16.......every/one could sling/stones 527/1967
Jdg_20:31.......which/one goeth up to the house/of 528/1967 tribe lacking/in. 529/1967 tribe cut/off.... 530/1967
Jdg_21:8.........What/one is there/of...... 531/1967
Rut_1:4...........the/one was Orpah/and.... 532/1967
Rut_2:13.........unto/one of thine handmaidens/And 533/1967 of our/next...... 534/1967
Rut_3:14.......before/one could know/another 535/1967
Rut_4:1.............a/one turn/aside....... 536/1967
1Sa_1:2...........the/one was Hannah/and... 537/1967
1Sa_1:24..........and/one ephah/of......... 538/1967
1Sa_2:25...........If/one man sin against/another 539/1967 day they/shall... 540/1967
1Sa_2:36........every/one that is left in/thine 541/1967
1Sa_2:36.........into/one of the priests' offices/that 542/1967
1Sa_3:11........every/one that heareth it/shall 543/1967
1Sa_6:4...........for/one plague was/on.... 544/1967
1Sa_6:17.......Ashdod/one for Gaza/one..... 545/1967
1Sa_6:17.........Gaza/one for Askelon/one.. 546/1967
1Sa_6:17......Askelon/one for Gath/one..... 547/1967
1Sa_6:17.........Gath/one for Ekron/one.... 548/1967
1Sa_6:17........Ekron/one And the golden/mice 549/1967 of the servants with/thee 550/1967
1Sa_10:3.......Bethel/one carrying/three... 551/1967
1Sa_10:11........said/one to another What is this that is/come 552/1967
1Sa_10:12.........And/one of the same/place 553/1967
1Sa_11:7.........with/one consent And/when. 554/1967
1Sa_13:1......reigned/one year and when/he. 555/1967
1Sa_13:17...companies/one company turned/unto 556/1967
1Sa_14:4..........the/one side and a sharp/rock 557/1967
1Sa_14:4..........the/one was Bozez/and.... 558/1967
1Sa_14:5..........the/one was situate/northward 559/1967
1Sa_14:16........down/one another Then/said 560/1967
1Sa_14:28....answered/one of the people and/said 561/1967
1Sa_14:40..........on/one side and I/and... 562/1967
1Sa_14:45.........not/one hair of his/head. 563/1967
1Sa_16:18....answered/one of the servants and said/Behold 564/1967
1Sa_17:3..........the/one side and Israel/stood 565/1967
1Sa_17:7..........and/one bearing/a........ 566/1967 of them seeing/he 567/1967
1Sa_18:7.....answered/one another as they/played 568/1967
1Sa_18:21.........the/one of the twain/And. 569/1967
1Sa_19:22.........And/one said Behold/they. 570/1967
1Sa_20:15.......every/one from the face/of. 571/1967
1Sa_20:41......kissed/one another and wept/one 572/1967
1Sa_20:41........wept/one with another until/David 573/1967
1Sa_21:11........sing/one to another of/him 574/1967
1Sa_22:2........every/one that was in distress/and 575/1967
1Sa_22:2........every/one that was in debt/and 576/1967
1Sa_22:2........every/one that was discontented/gathered 577/1967
1Sa_22:7........every/one of you fields/and 578/1967
1Sa_22:20.........And/one of the sons of Ahimelech/the 579/1967
1Sa_25:14.........But/one of the young men told/Abigail 580/1967
1Sa_26:15........came/one of the people in/to 581/1967
1Sa_26:20........when/one doth/hunt........ 582/1967
1Sa_26:22.........let/one of the young men come/over 583/1967
1Sa_27:1.......perish/one day by/the....... 584/1967
1Sa_29:5.........sang/one to another in dances/saying 585/1967
2Sa_1:15.......called/one of the young men and said/Go 586/1967
2Sa_2:13..........the/one on the one side of/the 587/1967
2Sa_2:13..........the/one side of the pool/and 588/1967
2Sa_2:16........every/one his fellow/by.... 589/1967
2Sa_2:21...........on/one of the young men and take/thee 590/1967
2Sa_2:25.......became/one troop/and........ 591/1967
2Sa_2:27........every/one from following/his 592/1967
2Sa_3:13..........but/one thing I require/of 593/1967
2Sa_3:29.........Joab/one that hath an issue or/that 594/1967
2Sa_4:2...........the/one was Baanah/and... 595/1967
2Sa_4:10.........When/one told me/saying... 596/1967
2Sa_6:19........every/one a cake/of........ 597/1967
2Sa_6:19........every/one to his house/Then 598/1967 of the vain/fellows 599/1967
2Sa_7:23.........what/one nation in the earth is like thy people even/like 600/1967
2Sa_8:2..........with/one full/line........ 601/1967 of the king's sons/And 602/1967
2Sa_10:4..........the/one half of their/beards 603/1967
2Sa_11:3..........And/one said Is/not...... 604/1967
2Sa_11:25...devoureth/one as well as another make/thy 605/1967 city the/one..... 606/1967
2Sa_12:1..........the/one rich/and......... 607/1967 little ewe/lamb.. 608/1967 of the fools/in.. 609/1967
2Sa_13:30.........not/one of them left Then the/king 610/1967
2Sa_14:6..........the/one smote/the........ 611/1967
2Sa_14:11.........not/one hair of thy/son.. 612/1967
2Sa_14:12.......speak/one word unto/my..... 613/1967 which is/faulty.. 614/1967
2Sa_14:27.........and/one daughter/whose... 615/1967
2Sa_15:2...........of/one of the tribes of Israel And/Absalom 616/1967
2Sa_15:31.........And/one told David/saying 617/1967 Moreover/if...... 618/1967
2Sa_17:13.........not/one small stone/found 619/1967
2Sa_17:22.........not/one of them that was/not 620/1967
2Sa_18:17.......every/one to his tent/Now.. 621/1967
2Sa_19:7........tarry/one with thee/this... 622/1967
2Sa_19:14..........of/one man so/that...... 623/1967
2Sa_20:11.........And/one of Joab's/men.... 624/1967
2Sa_20:12.......every/one that came by/him. 625/1967 of them that are/peaceable 626/1967 time And after him was Eleazar the son of Dodo the Ahohite one/of 627/1967
2Sa_23:9......Ahohite/one of the three mighty/men 628/1967
2Sa_23:15........that/one would give me drink of the water of the well of Bethlehem which/is 629/1967
2Sa_23:24.........was/one of the thirty/Elhanan 630/1967
2Sa_24:12........thee/one of them that I may do it unto thee So Gad came to David and told/him 631/1967
1Ki_1:48........given/one to sit/on........ 632/1967
1Ki_2:16..........ask/one petition/of...... 633/1967
1Ki_2:20.......desire/one small petition/of 634/1967
1Ki_3:17..........the/one woman/said....... 635/1967 house and/I...... 636/1967
1Ki_3:23..........The/one saith This/is.... 637/1967
1Ki_3:25..........the/one and half/to...... 638/1967
1Ki_4:22..........for/one day was/thirty... 639/1967
1Ki_6:24..........the/one wing of the cherub/and 640/1967
1Ki_6:24..........the/one wing unto/the.... 641/1967
1Ki_6:25...........of/one measure and one size The/height 642/1967
1Ki_6:25..........and/one size The/height.. 643/1967
1Ki_6:26..........the/one cherub was ten/cubits 644/1967
1Ki_6:27..........the/one touched/the...... 645/1967
1Ki_6:27..........the/one wall/and......... 646/1967
1Ki_6:27......touched/one another in the midst/of 647/1967
1Ki_6:34..........the/one door were/folding 648/1967
1Ki_7:7..........from/one side of the floor/to 649/1967
1Ki_7:16..........the/one chapiter was five cubits and/the 650/1967
1Ki_7:17..........the/one chapiter and/seven 651/1967
1Ki_7:18..........the/one network to cover the chapiters/that 652/1967
1Ki_7:23..........the/one brim/to.......... 653/1967
1Ki_7:27...........of/one base and four/cubits 654/1967
1Ki_7:34...........of/one base and the/undersetters 655/1967
1Ki_7:36........every/one and additions/round 656/1967
1Ki_7:37..........had/one casting one/measure 657/1967
1Ki_7:37......casting/one measure and one size Then/made 658/1967
1Ki_7:37..........and/one size Then/made... 659/1967
1Ki_7:38........brass/one laver contained/forty 660/1967
1Ki_7:38........every/one of the ten/bases. 661/1967
1Ki_7:38........bases/one laver And/he..... 662/1967
1Ki_7:42..........for/one network to cover the two/bowls 663/1967
1Ki_7:44..........And/one sea and twelve oxen under the/sea 664/1967
1Ki_8:56.......failed/one word of/all...... 665/1967
1Ki_9:8.........every/one that passeth by it shall/be 666/1967 year was six hundred threescore/and 667/1967 target And he/made 668/1967 shield and the king put them in the house of the forest of Lebanon Moreover the king made a great throne of ivory and overlaid it with the/best 669/1967
1Ki_10:20.........the/one side and on the other upon the six steps there was not the like made in any kingdom And all king/Solomon's 670/1967
1Ki_11:13........give/one tribe to thy/son. 671/1967
1Ki_11:32........have/one tribe for/my..... 672/1967
1Ki_11:36........give/one tribe that/David. 673/1967
1Ki_12:29.........the/one in Bethel/and.... 674/1967
1Ki_12:30.........the/one even unto/Dan.... 675/1967
1Ki_13:33......became/one of the priests of/the 676/1967
1Ki_14:21.........and/one years old when he began to reign and he reigned seventeen/years 677/1967
1Ki_15:10.........and/one years reigned/he. 678/1967
1Ki_16:11.........not/one that pisseth/against 679/1967
1Ki_18:6.........went/one way by/himself... 680/1967
1Ki_18:23......choose/one bullock for themselves/and 681/1967 bullock for yourselves/and 682/1967
1Ki_18:40.........not/one of them escape/And 683/1967
1Ki_19:2...........of/one of them by/to.... 684/1967
1Ki_20:20.......every/one his man/and...... 685/1967
1Ki_20:29.....pitched/one over against the other seven/days 686/1967 day But/the...... 687/1967
1Ki_22:8..........yet/one man Micaiah/the.. 688/1967
1Ki_22:13........with/one mouth let/thy.... 689/1967
1Ki_22:13..........of/one of them and speak/that 690/1967
1Ki_22:20.........And/one said on/this..... 691/1967
1Ki_22:28.......every/one of you So/the.... 692/1967
1Ki_22:38.........And/one washed/the....... 693/1967
2Ki_3:11..........And/one of the king/of... 694/1967
2Ki_3:23......smitten/one another now/therefore 695/1967
2Ki_4:22.........thee/one of the young men and one/of 696/1967
2Ki_4:22..........and/one of the asses/that 697/1967
2Ki_4:39..........And/one went out into/the 698/1967
2Ki_5:4...........And/one went in/and...... 699/1967
2Ki_6:3...........And/one said Be/content.. 700/1967 was felling/a.... 701/1967
2Ki_6:12..........And/one of his servants said/None 702/1967
2Ki_7:3..........said/one to another Why/sit 703/1967
2Ki_7:6..........said/one to another Lo/the 704/1967
2Ki_7:8..........into/one tent/and......... 705/1967
2Ki_7:9..........said/one to another We do/not 706/1967
2Ki_7:13..........And/one of his servants answered/and 707/1967
2Ki_8:26......reigned/one year in Jerusalem And/his 708/1967
2Ki_9:1........called/one of the children of the/prophets 709/1967
2Ki_9:11..........and/one said unto him Is/all 710/1967
2Ki_9:18.........went/one on horseback/to.. 711/1967
2Ki_10:21........from/one end to another And/he 712/1967
2Ki_12:4........every/one that passeth the/account 713/1967 cometh/into...... 714/1967
2Ki_14:8.........look/one another in the face And Jehoash/the 715/1967
2Ki_14:11......looked/one another in the face at/Bethshemesh 716/1967
2Ki_14:23.........and/one years And/he..... 717/1967
2Ki_17:27.....thither/one of the priests whom ye/brought 718/1967
2Ki_17:28........Then/one of the priests whom they/had 719/1967
2Ki_18:24..........of/one captain of the least of my master's servants and put thy trust on Egypt for chariots and for horsemen Am/I 720/1967
2Ki_18:31.......every/one of his fig tree and drink ye every one the waters of his cistern/Until 721/1967
2Ki_18:31.......every/one the waters of his cistern/Until 722/1967
2Ki_19:22........Holy/One of Israel By thy messengers/thou 723/1967
2Ki_21:16........from/one end to another beside/his 724/1967
2Ki_22:1..........and/one years in/Jerusalem 725/1967
2Ki_23:35.......every/one according to his taxation/to 726/1967
2Ki_24:18.........and/one years old when he began to reign and he reigned eleven/years 727/1967
2Ki_25:16.....pillars/one sea and the/bases 728/1967
2Ki_25:17.........the/one pillar was eighteen cubits and the/chapiter 729/1967
1Ch_1:19..........the/one was Peleg because/in 730/1967
1Ch_9:31...Mattithiah/one of the Levites who/was 731/1967
1Ch_10:13..........of/one that had a/familiar 732/1967 time And after him was Eleazar the son of Dodo the Ahohite who/was 733/1967
1Ch_11:12.........was/one of the three mighties/He 734/1967
1Ch_11:17........that/one would give me drink of the water of the well of Bethlehem that/is 735/1967 of the least was/over 736/1967
1Ch_12:25.........and/one hundred Of/the... 737/1967
1Ch_12:38..........of/one heart to make/David 738/1967
1Ch_16:3........every/one of Israel both/man 739/1967
1Ch_16:3........every/one a loaf/of........ 740/1967
1Ch_16:20........from/one kingdom to another people He suffered no man to do them wrong yea he reproved kings for their sakes Saying Touch not mine anointed and do my prophets no harm Sing/unto 741/1967
1Ch_17:5.........from/one tabernacle to/another 742/1967
1Ch_17:21........what/one nation in the earth is like thy people Israel/whom 743/1967
1Ch_21:10........thee/one of them that I may do it unto thee So Gad came to David and said/unto 744/1967 reckoning/according 745/1967
1Ch_24:5..........lot/one sort/with........ 746/1967
1Ch_24:6.......scribe/one of the Levites wrote/them 747/1967
1Ch_24:6......Levites/one principal/household 748/1967
1Ch_24:6..........and/one taken/for........ 749/1967
1Ch_24:17.........The/one and twentieth to Jachin/the 750/1967
1Ch_25:28.........The/one and twentieth to Hothir/he 751/1967
1Ch_26:12.......wards/one against another to/minister 752/1967
1Ch_27:18.......Elihu/one of the brethren/of 753/1967
1Ch_29:7..........and/one hundred thousand/talents 754/1967
2Ch_3:11.........long/one wing of the one/cherub 755/1967
2Ch_3:11..........the/one cherub was five/cubits 756/1967
2Ch_3:12..........And/one wing of the other/cherub 757/1967
2Ch_3:17.......temple/one on the right hand and the other on the left and/called 758/1967
2Ch_4:15........bases/One sea and twelve oxen under it/The 759/1967 to make/one...... 760/1967
2Ch_5:13.........make/one sound/to......... 761/1967
2Ch_6:29........every/one shall know/his... 762/1967
2Ch_7:21........every/one that passeth by it so/that 763/1967
2Ch_9:6...........the/one half of the greatness/of 764/1967 year was six hundred and/threescore 765/1967 target And three/hundred 766/1967 shield And the king put them in the house of the forest of Lebanon Moreover the king made a great throne of ivory and overlaid it with pure/gold 767/1967
2Ch_9:19..........the/one side and on the other upon the six steps There was not the like made in any kingdom And all the/drinking 768/1967
2Ch_12:13.........was/one and forty/years.. 769/1967
2Ch_16:13.........the/one and fortieth/year 770/1967
2Ch_18:7..........yet/one man by/whom...... 771/1967
2Ch_18:8..........for/one of his officers/and 772/1967
2Ch_18:12........with/one assent/let....... 773/1967 of their's/and... 774/1967
2Ch_18:19.........And/one spake/saying..... 775/1967
2Ch_20:23.......every/one helped/to........ 776/1967
2Ch_22:2......reigned/one year in Jerusalem His/mother's 777/1967
2Ch_25:17.........see/one another in the face And Joash/king 778/1967
2Ch_25:21.........saw/one another in the face both/he 779/1967
2Ch_26:11....Hananiah/one of the king's captains/The 780/1967 day which were/all 781/1967
2Ch_30:12........them/one heart to do/the.. 782/1967
2Ch_30:17.......every/one that was not/clean 783/1967
2Ch_30:18.......every/one That prepareth/his 784/1967
2Ch_31:16.......every/one that entereth into the house/of 785/1967
2Ch_32:12......before/one altar/and........ 786/1967
2Ch_34:1....Jerusalem/one and thirty/years. 787/1967 of the sepulchres/of 788/1967
2Ch_36:11.........was/one and twenty years old when he began to reign and reigned/eleven 789/1967
Ezr_2:1.........every/one unto his city Which/came 790/1967
Ezr_2:26..........and/one The men of Michmas an hundred twenty/and 791/1967
Ezr_2:69..........and/one thousand drams/of 792/1967
Ezr_2:69..........and/one hundred priests'/garments 793/1967 man to/Jerusalem. 794/1967
Ezr_3:5.........every/one that willingly/offered 795/1967
Ezr_5:14.........unto/one whose name/was... 796/1967
Ezr_6:5.........every/one to his place/and. 797/1967
Ezr_8:34........every/one and all/the...... 798/1967
Ezr_9:4.........every/one that trembled/at. 799/1967
Ezr_9:11.........from/one end to another with/their 800/1967
Ezr_10:2.......Jehiel/one of the sons of Elam/answered 801/1967
Ezr_10:13..........of/one day or two/for... 802/1967
Neh_1:2........Hanani/one of my/brethren... 803/1967
Neh_3:8............of/one of the apothecaries/and 804/1967
Neh_3:28........every/one over against his/house 805/1967
Neh_4:15........every/one unto his work/And 806/1967
Neh_4:17........every/one with one/of...... 807/1967
Neh_4:17.........with/one of his hands/wrought 808/1967
Neh_4:18........every/one had his/sword.... 809/1967
Neh_4:19.........wall/one far/from......... 810/1967
Neh_4:22........every/one with his servant/lodge 811/1967
Neh_4:23........every/one put them/off..... 812/1967
Neh_5:7.........every/one of his brother/And 813/1967
Neh_5:18..........was/one ox/and........... 814/1967
Neh_6:2..........some/one of the villages/in 815/1967
Neh_7:3.........every/one in his watch/and. 816/1967
Neh_7:3.........every/one to be/over....... 817/1967
Neh_7:6.........every/one unto his city Who/came 818/1967
Neh_7:30..........and/one The men of Michmas an hundred and/twenty 819/1967
Neh_7:37..........and/one The children of Senaah/three 820/1967
Neh_7:63.........took/one of the daughters of Barzillai/the 821/1967 man into/the..... 822/1967
Neh_8:16........every/one upon the roof/of. 823/1967
Neh_9:3...........God/one fourth/part...... 824/1967
Neh_10:28.......every/one having knowledge/and 825/1967
Neh_11:1........bring/one of ten/to........ 826/1967
Neh_11:3........every/one in his possession/in 827/1967
Neh_11:14..........of/one of the great/men. 828/1967
Neh_11:20.......every/one in his inheritance/But 829/1967
Neh_12:31.....whereof/one went on/the...... 830/1967
Neh_13:10.......every/one to his field/Then 831/1967
Neh_13:28.........And/one of the sons of Joiada/the 832/1967
Neh_13:30.......every/one in his business/And 833/1967
Est_1:7.......diverse/one from another and/royal 834/1967 day even/upon.... 835/1967
Est_4:5........Hatach/one of the king's chamberlains/whom 836/1967 law of/his....... 837/1967
Est_6:9............of/one of the king's most/noble 838/1967
Est_7:9......Harbonah/one of the chamberlains/said 839/1967
Est_8:12.........Upon/one day in all/the... 840/1967
Est_9:19.....portions/one to another And Mordecai/wrote 841/1967
Est_9:22.....portions/one to another and gifts/to 842/1967
Job_1:1...........and/one that feared God and/eschewed 843/1967
Job_1:4.........every/one his day/and...... 844/1967 that feareth God and escheweth evil Then/Satan 845/1967 that feareth God and escheweth evil and/still 846/1967 of the foolish/women 847/1967
Job_2:11........every/one from his own/place 848/1967
Job_2:12........every/one his mantle/and... 849/1967
Job_5:2.........silly/one I have/seen...... 850/1967
Job_6:10.........Holy/One What/is.......... 851/1967
Job_6:26...........of/one that is desperate/which 852/1967
Job_9:3...........him/one of a thousand/He. 853/1967 thing therefore/I 854/1967 mocked/of........ 855/1967 man mocketh/another 856/1967 and bringest/me.. 857/1967
Job_14:4..........not/one Seeing/his....... 858/1967
Job_16:21........that/one might/plead...... 859/1967
Job_17:10........find/one wise man/among... 860/1967 of his enemies/His 861/1967
Job_21:23........high/One dieth in/his..... 862/1967 mind and who/can. 863/1967
Job_24:6........every/one his corn/in...... 864/1967
Job_24:17..........if/one know/them........ 865/1967 that comforteth/the 866/1967
Job_31:15.........not/one fashion/us....... 867/1967
Job_31:35........that/one would hear/me.... 868/1967
Job_33:23.interpreter/one among a/thousand. 869/1967
Job_40:11.......every/one that is proud and abase/him 870/1967
Job_40:12.......every/one that is proud and bring/him 871/1967
Job_41:9..........not/one be cast/down..... 872/1967
Job_41:16........seal/One is so/near....... 873/1967
Job_41:17......joined/one to another they stick/together 874/1967
Job_41:32.........him/one would think/the.. 875/1967
Job_42:11.......every/one an earring/of.... 876/1967
Psa_12:2........every/one with his neighbour/with 877/1967
Psa_14:3..........not/one Have all/the..... 878/1967
Psa_16:10........Holy/One to see corruption Thou wilt/shew 879/1967
Psa_27:4....confident/One thing have/I..... 880/1967
Psa_29:9........every/one speak/of......... 881/1967
Psa_32:6........every/one that is godly/pray 882/1967
Psa_34:20.........not/one of them is broken/Evil 883/1967 that mourneth/for 884/1967
Psa_49:16........when/one is made/rich..... 885/1967 as thyself/but... 886/1967
Psa_53:3........Every/one of them is gone/back 887/1967
Psa_53:3..........not/one Have the/workers. 888/1967
Psa_58:8........every/one of them pass/away 889/1967
Psa_63:11.......every/one that sweareth by/him 890/1967
Psa_64:6........every/one of them and the heart/is 891/1967 as goeth/on...... 892/1967
Psa_68:30.......every/one submit/himself... 893/1967
Psa_71:18.......every/one that is to/come.. 894/1967
Psa_71:22........Holy/One of Israel My/lips 895/1967
Psa_73:20........when/one awaketh/so....... 896/1967
Psa_75:7.........down/one and setteth/up... 897/1967
Psa_78:41........Holy/One of Israel They/remembered 898/1967 out of sleep/and. 899/1967 of the princes/Arise 900/1967
Psa_83:5.........with/one consent they/are. 901/1967
Psa_84:7........every/one of them in Zion/appeareth 902/1967 that is slain thou/hast 903/1967
Psa_89:18........Holy/One of Israel is/our. 904/1967
Psa_89:19........holy/one and saidst/I..... 905/1967
Psa_89:19........upon/one that is mighty/I. 906/1967
Psa_89:19.....exalted/one chosen/out....... 907/1967
Psa_105:13.......from/one nation to/another 908/1967
Psa_105:13.......from/one kingdom to another people He suffered no man to do them wrong yea he reproved kings for their sakes Saying Touch not mine anointed and do my prophets no harm Moreover/he 909/1967
Psa_105:37........not/one feeble/person.... 910/1967
Psa_106:11........not/one of them left Then believed/they 911/1967
Psa_115:8.......every/one that trusteth in them O/Israel 912/1967
Psa_119:160.....every/one of thy righteous/judgments 913/1967 that findeth great/spoil 914/1967
Psa_128:1.......every/one that feareth the/LORD 915/1967
Psa_135:18......every/one that trusteth in them Bless/the 916/1967 of the songs/of.. 917/1967
Psa_141:7........when/one cutteth and/cleaveth 918/1967
Psa_145:4unsearchable/One generation shall/praise 919/1967
Pro_1:14.........have/one purse/My......... 920/1967
Pro_1:19........every/one that is greedy/of 921/1967
Pro_3:18........every/one that retaineth/her 922/1967 that travelleth and thy want as an armed man A/naughty 923/1967
Pro_6:28..........Can/one go upon/hot...... 924/1967 brought/up....... 925/1967
Pro_15:12.........not/one that reproveth/him 926/1967
Pro_16:5........Every/one that is proud in/heart 927/1967
Pro_17:14........when/one letteth/out...... 928/1967
Pro_19:25.....reprove/one that hath understanding/and 929/1967
Pro_20:6........every/one his own/goodness. 930/1967
Pro_21:5........every/one that is hasty/only 931/1967
Pro_22:26........thou/one of them that strike/hands 932/1967 that travelleth and thy want as an armed man These/are 933/1967 that taketh/a.... 934/1967
Ecc_1:4...........sun/One generation passeth/away 935/1967
Ecc_2:14.........that/one event happeneth/to 936/1967
Ecc_3:19.........even/one thing befalleth/them 937/1967
Ecc_3:19..........the/one dieth so/dieth... 938/1967
Ecc_3:19..........all/one breath/so........ 939/1967
Ecc_3:20.........unto/one place all are/of. 940/1967 alone/and........ 941/1967
Ecc_4:9..........than/one because they/have 942/1967
Ecc_4:10..........the/one will lift/up..... 943/1967
Ecc_4:11..........can/one be warm/alone.... 944/1967
Ecc_4:12...........if/one prevail/against.. 945/1967
Ecc_5:18..........for/one to eat/and....... 946/1967 place All the/labour 947/1967
Ecc_7:14..........the/one over against the other to/the 948/1967
Ecc_7:27.....counting/one by one to/find... 949/1967 to find/out...... 950/1967
Ecc_7:28..........not/one man among a/thousand 951/1967
Ecc_8:9.......wherein/one man ruleth/over.. 952/1967 event to/the..... 953/1967 event unto/all... 954/1967
Ecc_9:18..........but/one sinner destroyeth/much 955/1967
Ecc_10:3........every/one that he is/a..... 956/1967
Ecc_10:15.......every/one of them because/he 957/1967
Ecc_12:11........from/one shepherd And/further 958/1967 that turneth/aside 959/1967
Son_2:10.........fair/one and come away For/lo 960/1967
Son_2:13.........fair/one and come away O/my 961/1967
Son_4:2.........every/one bear twins/and... 962/1967
Son_4:9..........with/one of thine eyes/with 963/1967
Son_4:9..........with/one chain/of......... 964/1967
Son_6:6.........every/one beareth/twins.... 965/1967
Son_6:6...........not/one barren/among..... 966/1967
Son_6:9...........but/one she/is........... 967/1967
Son_6:9..........only/one of her mother/she 968/1967
Son_6:9........choice/one of her that/bare. 969/1967 that found/favour 970/1967
Son_8:11........every/one for the fruit/thereof 971/1967
Isa_1:4..........Holy/One of Israel unto/anger 972/1967
Isa_1:23........every/one loveth/gifts..... 973/1967
Isa_1:24.......mighty/One of Israel Ah/I... 974/1967
Isa_2:12........every/one that is proud and lofty/and 975/1967
Isa_2:12........every/one that is lifted/up 976/1967
Isa_2:20.........each/one for himself/to... 977/1967
Isa_3:5.........every/one by another/and... 978/1967
Isa_3:5.........every/one by his/neighbour. 979/1967
Isa_4:1............of/one man saying We will eat/our 980/1967
Isa_4:3.........every/one that is written/among 981/1967
Isa_5:10........yield/one bath/and......... 982/1967
Isa_5:19.........Holy/One of Israel draw/nigh 983/1967
Isa_5:24.........Holy/One of Israel Therefore is/the 984/1967
Isa_5:30...........if/one look/unto........ 985/1967
Isa_6:2..........each/one had six/wings.... 986/1967
Isa_6:3...........And/one cried/unto....... 987/1967
Isa_6:6..........flew/one of the seraphims/unto 988/1967
Isa_7:22........every/one eat/that......... 989/1967 day The ancient/and 990/1967
Isa_9:17........every/one is an/hypocrite.. 991/1967 gathereth/eggs... 992/1967
Isa_10:17........Holy/One for a flame/and.. 993/1967 day And shall/consume 994/1967
Isa_10:20........Holy/One of Israel in truth/The 995/1967
Isa_10:34......mighty/one And there shall/come 996/1967
Isa_12:6.........Holy/One of Israel in the/midst 997/1967
Isa_13:8.......amazed/one at another their/faces 998/1967
Isa_13:14.......every/one into his own land/Every 999/1967
Isa_13:15.......Every/one that is found/shall 1000/1967
Isa_13:15.......every/one that is joined/unto 1001/1967
Isa_14:18.......every/one in his own/house 1002/1967
Isa_14:32.......shall/one then answer/the. 1003/1967
Isa_15:3........every/one shall howl weeping/abundantly 1004/1967
Isa_16:7........every/one shall howl for/the 1005/1967
Isa_17:7.........Holy/One of Israel And he shall not/look 1006/1967
Isa_19:2........every/one against his brother/and 1007/1967
Isa_19:2........every/one against his neighbour city/against 1008/1967
Isa_19:17.......every/one that maketh mention/thereof 1009/1967
Isa_19:18.......hosts/one shall be called/The 1010/1967
Isa_19:20.......great/one and he shall/deliver 1011/1967
Isa_23:15..........of/one king after/the.. 1012/1967
Isa_27:12....gathered/one by one O/ye..... 1013/1967 O/ye............ 1014/1967
Isa_28:2.......strong/one which as/a...... 1015/1967
Isa_29:4...........of/one that hath a familiar/spirit 1016/1967 that is learned/saying 1017/1967
Isa_29:19........Holy/One of Israel For the/terrible 1018/1967
Isa_29:20....terrible/one is brought/to... 1019/1967
Isa_29:23........Holy/One of Jacob and/shall 1020/1967
Isa_30:11........Holy/One of Israel to/cease 1021/1967
Isa_30:12........Holy/One of Israel Because ye/despise 1022/1967
Isa_30:15........Holy/One of Israel In returning/and 1023/1967
Isa_30:17.......swift/One thousand shall/flee 1024/1967
Isa_30:17..........of/one at the rebuke/of 1025/1967
Isa_30:29........when/one goeth with/a.... 1026/1967
Isa_30:29......mighty/One of Israel And the/LORD 1027/1967
Isa_31:1.........Holy/One of Israel neither/seek 1028/1967
Isa_33:20.........not/one of the stakes/thereof 1029/1967
Isa_34:15.......every/one with her/mate... 1030/1967 of these shall/fail 1031/1967
Isa_36:9...........of/one captain of the least of my master's servants and put thy trust on Egypt for chariots and for horsemen And/am 1032/1967
Isa_36:16.......every/one of his vine/and. 1033/1967
Isa_36:16.......every/one of his fig tree and drink ye every one the waters of his own/cistern 1034/1967
Isa_36:16.......every/one the waters of his own/cistern 1035/1967
Isa_37:23........Holy/One of Israel By thy servants/hast 1036/1967
Isa_40:25........Holy/One Lift/up......... 1037/1967
Isa_40:26.........not/one faileth/Why..... 1038/1967
Isa_41:6........every/one his neighbour and every/one 1039/1967
Isa_41:6........every/one said to his/brother 1040/1967
Isa_41:14........Holy/One of Israel Behold/I 1041/1967
Isa_41:16........Holy/One of Israel When/the 1042/1967
Isa_41:20........Holy/One of Israel hath/created 1043/1967
Isa_41:25..........up/one from the north/and 1044/1967
Isa_41:27...Jerusalem/one that bringeth/good 1045/1967
Isa_43:3.........Holy/One of Israel thy/Saviour 1046/1967
Isa_43:7........every/one that is called/by 1047/1967
Isa_43:14........Holy/One of Israel For your/sake 1048/1967
Isa_43:15........Holy/One the creator/of.. 1049/1967 shall say I/am.. 1050/1967
Isa_45:11........Holy/One of Israel and his/Maker 1051/1967
Isa_45:24.......shall/one say/in.......... 1052/1967
Isa_46:7..........yea/one shall cry/unto.. 1053/1967
Isa_47:4.........Holy/One of Israel Sit/thou 1054/1967 day the loss/of. 1055/1967
Isa_47:15.......every/one to his quarter/none 1056/1967
Isa_48:17........Holy/One of Israel I/am.. 1057/1967
Isa_49:7.........Holy/One to him/whom..... 1058/1967
Isa_49:7.........Holy/One of Israel and he shall choose/thee 1059/1967
Isa_49:26......mighty/One of Jacob Thus/saith 1060/1967
Isa_53:6........every/one to his own way/and 1061/1967
Isa_54:5.........Holy/One of Israel The/God 1062/1967
Isa_55:1........every/one that thirsteth/come 1063/1967
Isa_55:5.........Holy/One of Israel for he/hath 1064/1967
Isa_56:6........every/one that keepeth/the 1065/1967
Isa_56:11.......every/one for his gain/from 1066/1967
Isa_57:2.........each/one walking/in...... 1067/1967
Isa_57:15.......lofty/One that inhabiteth/eternity 1068/1967
Isa_60:9.........Holy/One of Israel because he/hath 1069/1967
Isa_60:14........Holy/One of Israel Whereas/thou 1070/1967
Isa_60:16......mighty/One of Jacob For/brass 1071/1967
Isa_60:22......little/one shall become/a.. 1072/1967
Isa_60:22.......small/one a strong/nation. 1073/1967
Isa_65:8..........and/one saith Destroy/it 1074/1967 day or shall/a.. 1075/1967
Isa_66:13..........As/one whom his mother/comforteth 1076/1967
Isa_66:17......behind/one tree/in......... 1077/1967
Isa_66:23........from/one new moon/to..... 1078/1967
Isa_66:23........from/one sabbath/to...... 1079/1967
Jer_1:15........every/one his throne/at... 1080/1967 of a city/and... 1081/1967
Jer_5:6.........every/one that goeth out/thence 1082/1967
Jer_5:8.........every/one neighed/after... 1083/1967
Jer_6:3.........every/one in his place/Prepare 1084/1967
Jer_6:13........every/one is given to/covetousness 1085/1967
Jer_6:13........every/one dealeth falsely They/have 1086/1967
Jer_8:6.........every/one turned/to....... 1087/1967
Jer_8:10........every/one from the least/even 1088/1967
Jer_8:10........every/one dealeth falsely For/they 1089/1967
Jer_9:4.........every/one of his neighbour/and 1090/1967
Jer_9:5.........every/one his neighbour and will/not 1091/1967
Jer_9:8........deceit/one speaketh/peaceably 1092/1967
Jer_9:20........every/one her/neighbour... 1093/1967
Jer_10:3..........for/one cutteth a/tree.. 1094/1967
Jer_11:8........every/one in the imagination/of 1095/1967
Jer_12:12.........the/one end of the land/even 1096/1967
Jer_13:14........them/one against another even/the 1097/1967
Jer_15:10.......every/one of them doth curse/me 1098/1967
Jer_16:12.......every/one after the/imagination 1099/1967
Jer_18:11.......every/one from his evil way and make/your 1100/1967
Jer_18:12.......every/one do/the.......... 1101/1967
Jer_18:16.......every/one that passeth thereby shall be astonished and wag/his 1102/1967
Jer_19:8........every/one that passeth thereby shall be astonished and hiss/because 1103/1967
Jer_19:9........every/one the flesh of his/friend 1104/1967 breaketh/a...... 1105/1967
Jer_20:7........every/one mocketh/me...... 1106/1967
Jer_20:11....terrible/one therefore/my.... 1107/1967
Jer_22:7........every/one with his weapons/and 1108/1967
Jer_23:17.......every/one that walketh/after 1109/1967
Jer_23:30.......every/one from his neighbour/Behold 1110/1967
Jer_23:35.......every/one to his neighbour/and 1111/1967
Jer_23:35.......every/one to his brother What/hath 1112/1967
Jer_24:2......Babylon/One basket had/very. 1113/1967
Jer_25:5........every/one from his evil way and from the evil/of 1114/1967
Jer_25:26........near/one with another and all/the 1115/1967
Jer_25:33........from/one end of the earth even unto the other end of the earth they/shall 1116/1967
Jer_30:14.......cruel/one for the multitude/of 1117/1967
Jer_30:16.......every/one of them shall go/into 1118/1967
Jer_31:30.......every/one shall die/for... 1119/1967
Jer_32:19.......every/one according to his ways and/according 1120/1967
Jer_32:39........them/one heart and one/way 1121/1967
Jer_32:39.........and/one way that/they... 1122/1967
Jer_34:10.......every/one should let/his.. 1123/1967
Jer_34:10.......every/one his maidservant/go 1124/1967
Jer_34:17.......every/one to his brother and/every 1125/1967
Jer_35:2.........into/one of the chambers/and 1126/1967
Jer_36:7........every/one from his evil way for/great 1127/1967
Jer_36:16........both/one and other/and... 1128/1967
Jer_38:7....Ethiopian/one of the eunuchs/which 1129/1967
Jer_46:16.........yea/one fell/upon....... 1130/1967
Jer_49:17.......every/one that goeth by it/shall 1131/1967
Jer_50:13.......every/one that goeth by Babylon/shall 1132/1967
Jer_50:16.......every/one to his people/and 1133/1967
Jer_50:16.......every/one to his own land/Israel 1134/1967
Jer_50:29........Holy/One of Israel Therefore shall/her 1135/1967
Jer_50:42.......every/one put in/array.... 1136/1967
Jer_51:5.........Holy/One of Israel Flee/out 1137/1967
Jer_51:9........every/one into his own country/for 1138/1967
Jer_51:31......broken/One post/shall...... 1139/1967
Jer_51:31.........and/one messenger/to.... 1140/1967 end And that/the 1141/1967
Jer_51:46........come/one year and after/that 1142/1967
Jer_51:56.......every/one of their bows/is 1143/1967
Jer_52:1..........was/one and twenty years old when he began to reign and he/reigned 1144/1967
Jer_52:20.....pillars/one sea and twelve brasen/bulls 1145/1967
Jer_52:21..........of/one pillar was eighteen cubits and a/fillet 1146/1967
Jer_52:22..........of/one chapiter was five cubits with/network 1147/1967
Eze_1:6.........every/one had four faces and/every 1148/1967
Eze_1:6.........every/one had four wings/And 1149/1967
Eze_1:9........joined/one to another they turned/not 1150/1967
Eze_1:9.........every/one straight forward As/for 1151/1967
Eze_1:11........every/one were joined/one. 1152/1967
Eze_1:11.......joined/one to another and two/covered 1153/1967
Eze_1:12........every/one straight forward whither/the 1154/1967
Eze_1:15.......behold/one wheel upon/the.. 1155/1967
Eze_1:16..........had/one likeness and/their 1156/1967
Eze_1:23..........the/one toward the/other 1157/1967
Eze_1:23........every/one had two which covered on this/side 1158/1967
Eze_1:23........every/one had two which covered on that/side 1159/1967
Eze_1:28...........of/one that spake/And.. 1160/1967
Eze_3:13......touched/one another and the/noise 1161/1967
Eze_4:8..........from/one side to/another. 1162/1967 vessel and/make. 1163/1967
Eze_4:17.....astonied/one with another and consume/away 1164/1967
Eze_7:16........every/one for his iniquity/All 1165/1967
Eze_9:2...........and/one man among them/was 1166/1967
Eze_10:7..........And/one cherub stretched/forth 1167/1967
Eze_10:9....cherubims/one wheel by/one.... 1168/1967 cherub and/another 1169/1967
Eze_10:10.........had/one likeness as/if.. 1170/1967
Eze_10:14.......every/one had four faces the/first 1171/1967
Eze_10:19.......every/one stood/at........ 1172/1967
Eze_10:21.......Every/one had four faces apiece/and 1173/1967
Eze_10:21.......every/one four/wings...... 1174/1967
Eze_10:22.......every/one straight forward Moreover/the 1175/1967
Eze_11:5........every/one of them Ye/have. 1176/1967
Eze_11:19........them/one heart and I/will 1177/1967
Eze_13:10.........and/one built/up........ 1178/1967
Eze_14:7........every/one of the house/of. 1179/1967
Eze_15:7.........from/one fire/and........ 1180/1967
Eze_16:15.......every/one that passed by his/it 1181/1967
Eze_16:25.......every/one that passed by and/multiplied 1182/1967
Eze_16:44.......every/one that useth proverbs/shall 1183/1967
Eze_17:22......tender/one and will/plant.. 1184/1967
Eze_18:10.........any/one of these things And/that 1185/1967
Eze_18:30.......every/one according to his ways saith/the 1186/1967
Eze_19:3...........up/one of her whelps/it 1187/1967
Eze_20:39.......every/one his idols/and... 1188/1967
Eze_21:16........thee/one way or/other.... 1189/1967
Eze_21:19..........of/one land/and........ 1190/1967
Eze_22:6........every/one were in/thee.... 1191/1967
Eze_22:11.........And/one hath committed/abomination 1192/1967
Eze_23:2...........of/one mother/And...... 1193/1967
Eze_23:13........both/one way And that/she 1194/1967
Eze_24:23.......mourn/one toward another Thus/Ezekiel 1195/1967
Eze_31:11......mighty/one of the heathen/he 1196/1967
Eze_33:20.......every/one after his ways/And 1197/1967
Eze_33:21........that/one that had escaped out/of 1198/1967
Eze_33:24.........was/one and he inherited/the 1199/1967
Eze_33:26.......every/one his neighbour's/wife 1200/1967
Eze_33:30.......speak/one to another every/one 1201/1967
Eze_33:30.......every/one to his brother saying/Come 1202/1967
Eze_33:32..........of/one that hath a pleasant/voice 1203/1967
Eze_34:23..........up/one shepherd over/them 1204/1967
Eze_37:16........thee/one stick and write/upon 1205/1967
Eze_37:17........them/one to another into/one 1206/1967
Eze_37:17........into/one stick and they shall become/one 1207/1967
Eze_37:17......become/one in thine/hand... 1208/1967
Eze_37:19........them/one stick and they shall be/one 1209/1967 in mine/hand.... 1210/1967
Eze_37:22........them/one nation in the land/upon 1211/1967
Eze_37:22.........and/one king shall/be... 1212/1967
Eze_37:24........have/one shepherd they/shall 1213/1967
Eze_39:7.........Holy/One in Israel/Behold 1214/1967
Eze_40:5.....building/one reed and/the.... 1215/1967
Eze_40:5.......height/one reed Then came/he 1216/1967
Eze_40:6..........was/one reed broad and the/other 1217/1967
Eze_40:6..........was/one reed broad And every/little 1218/1967
Eze_40:7..........was/one reed long/and... 1219/1967
Eze_40:7..........and/one reed broad and between/the 1220/1967
Eze_40:7..........was/one reed He/measured 1221/1967
Eze_40:8.......within/one reed Then measured/he 1222/1967
Eze_40:10..........of/one measure and the/posts 1223/1967
Eze_40:10.........had/one measure on/this. 1224/1967
Eze_40:12.........was/one cubit on this/side 1225/1967
Eze_40:12.........was/one cubit on that/side 1226/1967
Eze_40:13..........of/one little chamber/to 1227/1967
Eze_40:26.......trees/one on this side and another on that side upon/the 1228/1967 goeth up to the entry/of 1229/1967
Eze_40:42.........and/one cubit high/whereupon 1230/1967
Eze_40:44.......south/one at the side/of.. 1231/1967
Eze_40:49.......posts/one on this side and another on that side Afterward/he 1232/1967
Eze_41:1..........the/one side and six/cubits 1233/1967
Eze_41:2..........the/one side and five/cubits 1234/1967
Eze_41:6........three/one over another and/thirty 1235/1967
Eze_41:11........left/one door toward/the. 1236/1967
Eze_41:15.........the/one side and on the other side an/hundred 1237/1967
Eze_41:19.........the/one side and the face/of 1238/1967
Eze_41:21.........the/one as the/appearance 1239/1967
Eze_41:24.........the/one door and/two.... 1240/1967
Eze_41:26.........the/one side and on the other side on/the 1241/1967
Eze_42:4...........of/one cubit and their/doors 1242/1967 goeth into/them. 1243/1967 entereth/into... 1244/1967
Eze_43:14.....breadth/one cubit and from/the 1245/1967
Eze_43:14.....breadth/one cubit So/the.... 1246/1967
Eze_45:7..........the/one side and on the other side of/the 1247/1967
Eze_45:7......against/one of the portions/from 1248/1967
Eze_45:11..........of/one measure that/the 1249/1967
Eze_45:15.........And/one lamb out/of..... 1250/1967
Eze_45:20.......every/one that erreth/and. 1251/1967
Eze_46:12........LORD/one shall then/open. 1252/1967
Eze_46:12.......forth/one shall shut/the.. 1253/1967 of his servants then/it 1254/1967
Eze_46:22..........of/one measure And there/was 1255/1967
Eze_47:7..........the/one side and on the other Then/said 1256/1967 as well as another concerning/the 1257/1967 goeth to/Hamath. 1258/1967 of the other/parts 1259/1967
Eze_48:21.........the/one side and on the other of/the 1260/1967
Eze_48:31...northward/one gate of Reuben/one 1261/1967
Eze_48:31......Reuben/one gate of Judah/one 1262/1967
Eze_48:31.......Judah/one gate of Levi/And 1263/1967
Eze_48:32.........and/one gate of Joseph/one 1264/1967
Eze_48:32......Joseph/one gate of Benjamin/one 1265/1967
Eze_48:32....Benjamin/one gate of Dan/And. 1266/1967
Eze_48:33.......gates/one gate of Simeon/one 1267/1967
Eze_48:33......Simeon/one gate of Issachar/one 1268/1967
Eze_48:33....Issachar/one gate of Zebulun/At 1269/1967
Eze_48:34.......gates/one gate of Gad/one. 1270/1967
Eze_48:34.........Gad/one gate of Asher/one 1271/1967
Eze_48:34.......Asher/one gate of Naphtali/It 1272/1967
Dan_2:9...........but/one decree/for...... 1273/1967
Dan_2:43.......cleave/one to another even as/iron 1274/1967
Dan_3:19......furnace/one seven/times..... 1275/1967
Dan_4:13.........holy/one came down/from.. 1276/1967
Dan_4:19..........for/one hour and his/thoughts 1277/1967
Dan_4:23.........holy/one coming/down..... 1278/1967
Dan_5:6.........smote/one against another The/king 1279/1967
Dan_7:3.......diverse/one from another The/first 1280/1967
Dan_7:5............on/one side and it/had. 1281/1967
Dan_7:13.......behold/one like the Son/of. 1282/1967
Dan_7:16.........unto/one of them that stood by and/asked 1283/1967
Dan_8:3...........but/one was higher/than. 1284/1967
Dan_8:9............of/one of them came/forth 1285/1967
Dan_8:13........heard/one saint/speaking.. 1286/1967
Dan_9:27..........for/one week/and........ 1287/1967 and twenty days/but 1288/1967
Dan_10:13.....Michael/one of the chief princes/came 1289/1967
Dan_10:16......behold/one like the similitude/of 1290/1967 like the appearance/of 1291/1967
Dan_11:5..........and/one of his princes/and 1292/1967
Dan_11:7........shall/one stand/up........ 1293/1967
Dan_11:10.........and/one shall certainly/come 1294/1967 table/but....... 1295/1967
Dan_12:1........every/one that shall be found/written 1296/1967
Dan_12:5..........the/one on this side of/the 1297/1967
Dan_12:6..........And/one said to the/man. 1298/1967
Hos_1:11...themselves/one head and/they... 1299/1967
Hos_4:3.........every/one that dwelleth/therein 1300/1967
Hos_11:9.........Holy/One in the midst/of. 1301/1967
Joe_2:7.........every/one on his ways/and. 1302/1967
Joe_2:8.........shall/one thrust/another.. 1303/1967
Joe_2:8.........every/one in his path/and. 1304/1967
Amo_3:5.........shall/one take up a snare/from 1305/1967
Amo_4:7..........upon/one city and/caused. 1306/1967 piece was/rained 1307/1967
Amo_4:8..........unto/one city to/drink... 1308/1967 house that/they. 1309/1967
Amo_6:12.........will/one plow/there...... 1310/1967
Amo_8:8.........every/one mourn/that...... 1311/1967
Oba_1:9.........every/one of the mount/of. 1312/1967 of them But thou/shouldest 1313/1967
Jon_1:7.........every/one to his fellow/Come 1314/1967
Jon_3:8.........every/one from his evil way and from the violence/that 1315/1967
Mic_2:4.........shall/one take up a parable/against 1316/1967
Mic_4:5.........every/one in the name/of.. 1317/1967 come/out........ 1318/1967
Nah_2:4........justle/one against another in/the 1319/1967
Hab_1:12.........Holy/One we shall/not.... 1320/1967
Hab_3:3..........Holy/One from mount/Paran 1321/1967
Zep_2:11........every/one from his place/even 1322/1967
Zep_2:15........every/one that passeth by her/shall 1323/1967
Zep_3:9..........with/one consent From/beyond 1324/1967
Hag_2:1...........the/one and twentieth day of the month came/the 1325/1967
Hag_2:12...........If/one bear holy/flesh. 1326/1967
Hag_2:13...........If/one that is unclean/by 1327/1967
Hag_2:16.........when/one came to an/heap. 1328/1967
Hag_2:16.........when/one came to the/pressfat 1329/1967
Hag_2:22........every/one by the/sword.... 1330/1967
Zec_3:9..........upon/one stone shall/be.. 1331/1967 day In that/day. 1332/1967 upon the right/side 1333/1967
Zec_5:3.........every/one that stealeth/shall 1334/1967
Zec_5:3.........every/one that sweareth shall/be 1335/1967
Zec_8:10........every/one against his neighbour But/now 1336/1967
Zec_8:21...........of/one city shall/go... 1337/1967
Zec_10:1........every/one grass/in........ 1338/1967
Zec_11:6........every/one into his neighbour's/hand 1339/1967
Zec_11:7..........the/one I called/Beauty. 1340/1967 month/and....... 1341/1967
Zec_11:9........every/one the flesh of another/And 1342/1967
Zec_11:16.......young/one nor/heal........ 1343/1967 mourneth/for.... 1344/1967 that is in/bitterness 1345/1967
Zec_13:4........every/one of his vision/when 1346/1967
Zec_13:6..........And/one shall say unto/him 1347/1967 day which shall/be 1348/1967 LORD and his/name 1349/1967 All the land/shall 1350/1967
Zec_14:13.......every/one on the hand/of.. 1351/1967
Zec_14:16.......every/one that is left of/all 1352/1967
Mal_2:3...........and/one shall take/you.. 1353/1967
Mal_2:10..........all/one father hath/not. 1354/1967
Mal_2:10..........not/one God created/us.. 1355/1967
Mal_2:15.........make/one Yet/had......... 1356/1967
Mal_2:15....wherefore/one That he might/seek 1357/1967
Mal_2:16..........for/one covereth/violence 1358/1967
Mal_2:17........Every/one that doeth evil is/good 1359/1967
Mal_3:16........often/one to another and the/LORD 1360/1967
Mat_3:3............of/one crying in the wilderness Prepare ye the way of the Lord make his paths straight And/the 1361/1967
Mat_5:18.........pass/one jot/or.......... 1362/1967
Mat_5:18...........or/one tittle shall/in. 1363/1967
Mat_5:19........break/one of these least/commandments 1364/1967
Mat_5:29.........that/one of thy members should perish and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell And/if 1365/1967
Mat_5:30.........that/one of thy members should perish and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell It/hath 1366/1967
Mat_5:36.........make/one hair white/or... 1367/1967
Mat_6:24..........the/one and love the other or else he will hold to the one and despise the other Ye cannot serve God and mammon Therefore/I 1368/1967
Mat_6:24..........the/one and despise the other Ye cannot serve God and mammon Therefore/I 1369/1967
Mat_6:27..........add/one cubit unto/his.. 1370/1967 of these Wherefore/if 1371/1967
Mat_7:8.........every/one that asketh receiveth and he that seeketh findeth and to him that knocketh it shall be opened Or/what 1372/1967
Mat_7:21........every/one that saith/unto. 1373/1967
Mat_7:26........every/one that heareth these/sayings 1374/1967 having authority/and 1375/1967
Mat_10:29.........and/one of them shall not/fall 1376/1967
Mat_10:42........unto/one of these little ones a/cup 1377/1967 greater/than.... 1378/1967
Mat_12:11........have/one sheep/and....... 1379/1967
Mat_12:22.........him/one possessed/with.. 1380/1967
Mat_12:29.........can/one enter/into...... 1381/1967
Mat_12:47........Then/one said unto him Behold/thy 1382/1967
Mat_13:19.........any/one heareth/the..... 1383/1967
Mat_13:19......wicked/one and catcheth/away 1384/1967
Mat_13:38......wicked/one The enemy/that.. 1385/1967
Mat_13:46.......found/one pearl of/great.. 1386/1967
Mat_16:14..........or/one of the prophets He/saith 1387/1967
Mat_17:4..tabernacles/one for thee and one for Moses and one for Elias While/he 1388/1967
Mat_17:4..........and/one for Moses and one for Elias While/he 1389/1967
Mat_17:4..........and/one for Elias While/he 1390/1967
Mat_18:5......receive/one such/little..... 1391/1967
Mat_18:6.......offend/one of these little ones which/believe 1392/1967
Mat_18:9.........with/one eye rather/than. 1393/1967
Mat_18:10.........not/one of these little ones for/I 1394/1967
Mat_18:12.........and/one of them be/gone. 1395/1967
Mat_18:14........that/one of these little ones should/perish 1396/1967
Mat_18:16........thee/one or/two.......... 1397/1967
Mat_18:24......reckon/one was brought/unto 1398/1967
Mat_18:28.......found/one of his fellowservants/which 1399/1967
Mat_18:35.......every/one his brother/their 1400/1967 flesh Wherefore/they 1401/1967
Mat_19:6..........but/one flesh What therefore God hath joined together let not man put asunder They/say 1402/1967
Mat_19:16......behold/one came and/said... 1403/1967
Mat_19:17.........but/one that is God but/if 1404/1967
Mat_19:29.......every/one that hath forsaken/houses 1405/1967
Mat_20:12.........but/one hour and thou/hast 1406/1967
Mat_20:13....answered/one of them and said/Friend 1407/1967
Mat_20:21.........the/one on thy right hand and the other on the/left 1408/1967 thing which/if.. 1409/1967
Mat_21:35........beat/one and killed/another 1410/1967
Mat_22:5.........ways/one to his farm/another 1411/1967
Mat_22:35........Then/one of them which was/a 1412/1967
Mat_23:4.........with/one of their fingers/But 1413/1967
Mat_23:8..........for/one is your Master even Christ and/all 1414/1967
Mat_23:9..........for/one is your Father/which 1415/1967
Mat_23:10.........for/one is your Master even Christ But/he 1416/1967
Mat_23:15........make/one proselyte/and... 1417/1967 stone upon another that shall not be thrown down And as he sat upon the mount of Olives the/disciples 1418/1967
Mat_24:10......betray/one another and shall/hate 1419/1967
Mat_24:10........hate/one another And many/false 1420/1967
Mat_24:31........from/one end of heaven/to 1421/1967
Mat_24:40.........the/one shall be taken and the other left Two women/shall 1422/1967
Mat_24:41.........the/one shall be taken and the other left Watch/therefore 1423/1967
Mat_25:15........unto/one he gave/five.... 1424/1967
Mat_25:15.....another/one to every/man.... 1425/1967
Mat_25:18....received/one went and/digged. 1426/1967
Mat_25:24.........the/one talent/came..... 1427/1967
Mat_25:29.......every/one that hath shall/be 1428/1967
Mat_25:32........them/one from another as/a 1429/1967
Mat_25:40........unto/one of the least of these my/brethren 1430/1967 of the least of these ye/did 1431/1967
Mat_26:14........Then/one of the twelve called Judas/Iscariot 1432/1967
Mat_26:21........that/one of you shall betray me And/they 1433/1967
Mat_26:22.......every/one of them to/say.. 1434/1967 hour Watch and/pray 1435/1967
Mat_26:47.......Judas/one of the twelve came/and 1436/1967
Mat_26:51......behold/one of them which were/with 1437/1967 of them for thy/speech 1438/1967
Mat_27:38.........him/one on the right hand and another/on 1439/1967
Mat_27:48.straightway/one of them ran/and. 1440/1967
Mar_1:3............of/one crying in the wilderness Prepare ye the way of the Lord make his paths straight John/did 1441/1967
Mar_1:7........cometh/one mightier than I after/me 1442/1967 that had authority/and 1443/1967
Mar_1:24.........Holy/One of God And Jesus rebuked him saying Hold thy peace and come out of him And when the unclean/spirit 1444/1967
Mar_2:3......bringing/one sick/of......... 1445/1967
Mar_4:41.........said/one to another What manner of man is this that/even 1446/1967
Mar_5:22.......cometh/one of the rulers/of 1447/1967 of the prophets But/when 1448/1967
Mar_7:14........every/one of you and understand/There 1449/1967
Mar_7:32..........him/one that was deaf/and 1450/1967
Mar_8:14.........than/one loaf And/he..... 1451/1967
Mar_8:28.......others/One of the prophets And/he 1452/1967
Mar_9:5...tabernacles/one for thee and one for Moses and one for Elias For/he 1453/1967
Mar_9:5...........and/one for Moses and one for Elias For/he 1454/1967
Mar_9:5...........and/one for Elias For/he 1455/1967
Mar_9:10..questioning/one with another what the/rising 1456/1967
Mar_9:17..........And/one of the multitude/answered 1457/1967 dead insomuch/that 1458/1967
Mar_9:37......receive/one of such/children 1459/1967
Mar_9:38..........saw/one casting out devils in thy name and he/followeth 1460/1967
Mar_9:42.......offend/one of these little ones that/believe 1461/1967
Mar_9:47.........with/one eye than/having. 1462/1967
Mar_9:49........every/one shall be salted/with 1463/1967
Mar_9:50........peace/one with another And he/arose 1464/1967 flesh so/then... 1465/1967
Mar_10:8..........but/one flesh What therefore God hath joined together let not man put asunder And/in 1466/1967
Mar_10:17........came/one running/and..... 1467/1967
Mar_10:18.........but/one that is God Thou knowest the commandments Do not commit adultery Do not kill Do not steal Do not bear false witness Defraud/not 1468/1967
Mar_10:21.........him/One thing thou/lackest 1469/1967
Mar_10:37.........sit/one on thy right hand and the other on thy/left 1470/1967 question/and.... 1471/1967
Mar_12:6....therefore/one son/his......... 1472/1967
Mar_12:28.........And/one of the scribes/came 1473/1967 Lord And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy/heart 1474/1967 God and there/is 1475/1967
Mar_13:1.......temple/one of his disciples saith/unto 1476/1967
Mar_13:2.........left/one stone upon another that shall not be thrown down And as he sat upon the mount of Olives over/against 1477/1967
Mar_14:10....Iscariot/one of the twelve went unto/the 1478/1967 of you which/eateth 1479/1967
Mar_14:19.........him/one by one Is/it.... 1480/1967 Is it/I......... 1481/1967 of the twelve that/dippeth 1482/1967 hour Watch ye/and 1483/1967
Mar_14:43.......Judas/one of the twelve and/with 1484/1967
Mar_14:47.........And/one of them that stood by drew/a 1485/1967
Mar_14:66......cometh/one of the maids/of. 1486/1967 of them And he/denied 1487/1967 of them for thou/art 1488/1967
Mar_15:6.........them/one prisoner/whomsoever 1489/1967
Mar_15:7..........was/one named Barabbas/which 1490/1967
Mar_15:21......compel/one Simon a Cyrenian who/passed 1491/1967
Mar_15:27.........the/one on his right/hand 1492/1967
Mar_15:36.........And/one ran/and......... 1493/1967
Luk_2:3.........every/one into his own city/And 1494/1967
Luk_2:15.........said/one to another Let us now/go 1495/1967
Luk_2:36..........was/one Anna/a.......... 1496/1967
Luk_3:4............of/one crying in the wilderness Prepare ye the way of the Lord make his paths straight Every/valley 1497/1967
Luk_3:16..........but/one mightier than I cometh/the 1498/1967
Luk_4:34.........Holy/One of God And Jesus rebuked him saying Hold thy peace and come out of him And when the devil/had 1499/1967
Luk_4:40........every/one of them and healed/them 1500/1967
Luk_5:3..........into/one of the ships/which 1501/1967 thing Is it/lawful 1502/1967
Luk_6:11.....communed/one with another what they/might 1503/1967
Luk_6:29..........the/one cheek/offer..... 1504/1967
Luk_6:40........every/one that is perfect/shall 1505/1967
Luk_7:8..........unto/one Go and/he....... 1506/1967
Luk_7:32......calling/one to another and saying/We 1507/1967
Luk_7:36..........And/one of the Pharisees/desired 1508/1967
Luk_7:41..........the/one owed/five....... 1509/1967
Luk_8:25.......saying/one to another What manner of man is this for/he 1510/1967
Luk_8:42..........had/one only/daughter... 1511/1967
Luk_8:49.......cometh/one from the ruler/of 1512/1967
Luk_9:8..........that/one of the old prophets was/risen 1513/1967
Luk_9:19.........that/one of the old prophets is/risen 1514/1967
Luk_9:33..tabernacles/one for thee and one for Moses and one for Elias not/knowing 1515/1967
Luk_9:33..........and/one for Moses and one for Elias not/knowing 1516/1967
Luk_9:33..........and/one for Elias not/knowing 1517/1967
Luk_9:43........every/one at all/things... 1518/1967
Luk_9:49..........saw/one casting out devils in thy name and we/forbad 1519/1967
Luk_10:42.........But/one thing is needful/and 1520/1967
Luk_11:1.......ceased/one of his disciples said/unto 1521/1967
Luk_11:4........every/one that is indebted/to 1522/1967
Luk_11:10.......every/one that asketh receiveth and he that seeketh findeth and to him that knocketh it shall be opened If/a 1523/1967
Luk_11:45....answered/one of the lawyers/and 1524/1967
Luk_11:46........with/one of your fingers/Woe 1525/1967
Luk_12:1........trode/one upon another he/began 1526/1967
Luk_12:6..........not/one of them is forgotten/before 1527/1967
Luk_12:13.........And/one of the company/said 1528/1967
Luk_12:25.....stature/one cubit If/ye..... 1529/1967 of these If/then 1530/1967 house divided/three 1531/1967 of the synagogues/on 1532/1967
Luk_13:15........each/one of you on/the... 1533/1967
Luk_13:23........said/one unto him/Lord... 1534/1967
Luk_14:1...........of/one of the chief Pharisees/to 1535/1967
Luk_14:15........when/one of them that sat at meat/with 1536/1967
Luk_14:18........with/one consent began/to 1537/1967
Luk_15:4.........lose/one of them doth not/leave 1538/1967
Luk_15:7.........over/one sinner that repenteth more/than 1539/1967
Luk_15:8.........lose/one piece doth/not.. 1540/1967
Luk_15:10........over/one sinner that repenteth And/he 1541/1967 of thy hired/servants 1542/1967
Luk_15:26......called/one of the servants and asked/what 1543/1967
Luk_16:5........every/one of his lord's/debtors 1544/1967
Luk_16:13.........the/one and love the other or else he will hold to the one and despise the other Ye cannot serve God and mammon And/the 1545/1967
Luk_16:13.........the/one and despise the other Ye cannot serve God and mammon And/the 1546/1967
Luk_16:17........than/one tittle of/the... 1547/1967
Luk_16:30..........if/one went unto/them.. 1548/1967
Luk_16:31......though/one rose/from....... 1549/1967
Luk_17:2.......offend/one of these little ones Take/heed 1550/1967
Luk_17:15.........And/one of them when/he. 1551/1967
Luk_17:22.........see/one of the days/of.. 1552/1967
Luk_17:24.........the/one part under/heaven 1553/1967 bed/the......... 1554/1967
Luk_17:34.........the/one shall be taken and the other shall/be 1555/1967
Luk_17:35.........the/one shall be taken and the other left Two men/shall 1556/1967
Luk_17:36.........the/one shall be taken and the other left And/they 1557/1967
Luk_18:10.........the/one a Pharisee/and.. 1558/1967
Luk_18:14.......every/one that exalteth/himself 1559/1967 that is God Thou knowest the commandments Do not commit adultery Do not kill Do not steal Do not bear false witness Honour/thy 1560/1967
Luk_18:22........thou/one thing sell/all.. 1561/1967
Luk_19:26.......every/one which hath/shall 1562/1967
Luk_19:44........thee/one stone upon another because/thou 1563/1967
Luk_20:1...........on/one of those days/as 1564/1967 thing and answer/me 1565/1967
Luk_21:6.........left/one stone upon another that shall not be thrown down And they/asked 1566/1967 For I/say....... 1567/1967
Luk_22:47.......Judas/one of the twelve went before/them 1568/1967
Luk_22:50.........And/one of them smote/the 1569/1967
Luk_22:59..........of/one hour after/another 1570/1967 that perverteth/the 1571/1967
Luk_23:17.....release/one unto them/at.... 1572/1967
Luk_23:26........upon/one Simon a Cyrenian coming/out 1573/1967
Luk_23:33.malefactors/one on the right hand and the other on the left Then/said 1574/1967
Luk_23:39.........And/one of the malefactors/which 1575/1967
Luk_24:17........have/one to another as ye/walk 1576/1967
Luk_24:18.........the/one of them whose/name 1577/1967
Luk_24:32........said/one to another Did/not 1578/1967
Joh_1:23...........of/one crying in the wilderness Make/straight 1579/1967
Joh_1:26.....standeth/one among you/whom.. 1580/1967
Joh_1:40.........hour/One of the two/which 1581/1967
Joh_3:8.........every/one that is born of/the 1582/1967
Joh_3:20........every/one that doeth evil hateth/the 1583/1967
Joh_4:33....disciples/one to another Hath/any 1584/1967
Joh_4:37.........true/One soweth/and...... 1585/1967
Joh_5:44.......honour/one of another and seek/not 1586/1967 that accuseth/you 1587/1967
Joh_6:7.........every/one of them may/take 1588/1967
Joh_6:8........little/One of his disciples Andrew/Simon 1589/1967
Joh_6:22.........that/one whereinto/his... 1590/1967
Joh_6:40........every/one which seeth/the. 1591/1967
Joh_6:70..........and/one of you is/a..... 1592/1967
Joh_6:71........being/one of the twelve After/these 1593/1967
Joh_7:21.........done/one work/and........ 1594/1967
Joh_7:50........being/one of them Doth our/law 1595/1967
Joh_8:9...........out/one by one beginning/at 1596/1967 beginning/at.... 1597/1967 that bear/witness 1598/1967
Joh_8:41.........have/one Father even/God. 1599/1967 that seeketh/and 1600/1967
Joh_9:25..........not/one thing I know/that 1601/1967
Joh_9:32...........of/one that was born/blind 1602/1967 fold/and........ 1603/1967
Joh_10:16.........and/one shepherd Therefore/doth 1604/1967
Joh_10:30.........are/one Then the Jews/took 1605/1967
Joh_11:49.........And/one of them named Caiaphas/being 1606/1967
Joh_11:50........that/one man should die for the people and that/the 1607/1967 the children of God/that 1608/1967
Joh_12:2..........was/one of them that sat at the/table 1609/1967
Joh_12:4........saith/one of his disciples Judas/Iscariot 1610/1967
Joh_12:48........hath/one that judgeth/him 1611/1967
Joh_13:14........wash/one another's feet/For 1612/1967
Joh_13:21........that/one of you shall betray me Then/the 1613/1967
Joh_13:22......looked/one on another/doubting 1614/1967
Joh_13:23.......bosom/one of his disciples whom/Jesus 1615/1967 another as I have loved you that/ye 1616/1967 another By/this. 1617/1967 to another Simon/Peter 1618/1967 another as I have loved you Greater/love 1619/1967 another If the/world 1620/1967 as we/are....... 1621/1967 as thou/Father.. 1622/1967 in us/that...... 1623/1967 even as/we...... 1624/1967
Joh_17:22.........are/one I in/them....... 1625/1967 and that/the.... 1626/1967
Joh_18:14........that/one man should die for the people And Simon/Peter 1627/1967
Joh_18:17........also/one of this/man's... 1628/1967
Joh_18:22......spoken/one of the officers/which 1629/1967
Joh_18:25........also/one of his disciples He/denied 1630/1967
Joh_18:26.........not/One of the servants of/the 1631/1967
Joh_18:37.......Every/one that is of/the.. 1632/1967 at the passover/will 1633/1967
Joh_19:18........side/one and Jesus/in.... 1634/1967
Joh_19:34.........But/one of the soldiers/with 1635/1967
Joh_20:12.........the/one at the head/and. 1636/1967
Joh_20:24......Thomas/one of the twelve called Didymus/was 1637/1967
Joh_21:25.......every/one I suppose/that.. 1638/1967
Act_1:14.........with/one accord in prayer/and 1639/1967
Act_1:22.........must/one be ordained/to.. 1640/1967
Act_2:1..........with/one accord in one/place 1641/1967 place And suddenly/there 1642/1967
Act_2:7........saying/one to another Behold are/not 1643/1967
Act_2:12.......saying/one to another What meaneth/this 1644/1967
Act_2:27.........Holy/One to see corruption Thou hast/made 1645/1967
Act_2:38........every/one of you in the/name 1646/1967
Act_2:46.........with/one accord in the/temple 1647/1967
Act_3:14.........Holy/One and the Just/and 1648/1967
Act_3:26........every/one of you from/his. 1649/1967
Act_4:24.........with/one accord and said/Lord 1650/1967
Act_4:32...........of/one heart and of/one 1651/1967
Act_4:32...........of/one soul neither/said 1652/1967
Act_5:12.........with/one accord in Solomon's/porch 1653/1967
Act_5:16........every/one Then the high/priest 1654/1967
Act_5:25.........came/one and told/them... 1655/1967
Act_5:34...........up/one in the council/a 1656/1967
Act_7:24.......seeing/one of them suffer/wrong 1657/1967 again/saying.... 1658/1967
Act_7:26........wrong/one to another But/he 1659/1967
Act_7:52.........Just/One of whom/ye...... 1660/1967
Act_7:57.........with/one accord And cast/him 1661/1967
Act_8:6..........with/one accord gave/heed 1662/1967
Act_8:9.........great/one To whom/they.... 1663/1967
Act_9:11..........for/one called/Saul..... 1664/1967
Act_9:43.........with/one Simon a tanner There/was 1665/1967
Act_10:2..........and/one that feared God with/all 1666/1967
Act_10:5..........for/one Simon whose/surname 1667/1967
Act_10:6.........with/one Simon a tanner whose/house 1668/1967
Act_10:22.........and/one that feareth God and of/good 1669/1967
Act_10:28........unto/one of another nation/but 1670/1967
Act_10:32..........of/one Simon a tanner by/the 1671/1967
Act_11:28..........up/one of them named Agabus/and 1672/1967
Act_12:10.....through/one street/and...... 1673/1967
Act_12:20........with/one accord to him/and 1674/1967
Act_13:25......cometh/one after me/whose.. 1675/1967
Act_13:35........Holy/One to see corruption For/David 1676/1967
Act_15:25........with/one accord to send/chosen 1677/1967
Act_15:39.....asunder/one from the other and/so 1678/1967
Act_17:7.........king/one Jesus And/they.. 1679/1967
Act_17:26..........of/one blood/all....... 1680/1967
Act_17:27.......every/one of us For/in.... 1681/1967
Act_18:7.......Justus/one that worshipped/God 1682/1967
Act_18:12........with/one accord against/Paul 1683/1967
Act_19:9...........of/one Tyrannus/And.... 1684/1967
Act_19:14..........of/one Sceva/a......... 1685/1967
Act_19:29........with/one accord into/the. 1686/1967
Act_19:32.......cried/one thing and some/another 1687/1967
Act_19:34........with/one voice about/the. 1688/1967
Act_19:38.....implead/one another But if/ye 1689/1967
Act_20:31.......every/one night and/day... 1690/1967
Act_21:6........leave/one of another we/took 1691/1967
Act_21:7.........them/one day And the/next 1692/1967
Act_21:8..........was/one of the seven and/abode 1693/1967
Act_21:16........them/one Mnason/of....... 1694/1967
Act_21:26.......every/one of them And when/the 1695/1967
Act_21:34.......cried/one thing some/another 1696/1967
Act_22:12.........And/one Ananias/a....... 1697/1967
Act_22:14........Just/One and shouldest/hear 1698/1967
Act_23:6..........the/one part were/Sadducees 1699/1967
Act_23:17......called/one of the centurions/unto 1700/1967
Act_24:21........this/one voice that/I.... 1701/1967
Act_25:19..........of/one Jesus which/was. 1702/1967
Act_27:1.........unto/one named Julius/a.. 1703/1967
Act_27:2.........Asia/one Aristarchus/a... 1704/1967
Act_28:2........every/one because of/the.. 1705/1967
Act_28:13.......after/one day the south/wind 1706/1967
Act_28:25......spoken/one word Well/spake. 1707/1967
Rom_1:16........every/one that believeth to/the 1708/1967
Rom_1:27.........lust/one toward another men/with 1709/1967
Rom_2:15.....excusing/one another In the day/when 1710/1967 outwardly/neither 1711/1967 inwardly/and.... 1712/1967
Rom_3:10..........not/one There/is........ 1713/1967
Rom_3:12..........not/one Their/throat.... 1714/1967 God which/shall. 1715/1967
Rom_5:7..........will/one die/yet......... 1716/1967 man sin entered/into 1717/1967
Rom_5:15...........of/one many/be......... 1718/1967 man Jesus/Christ 1719/1967 that sinned/so.. 1720/1967 to condemnation/but 1721/1967 man's offence/death 1722/1967 much/more....... 1723/1967 Jesus Christ/Therefore 1724/1967
Rom_5:18...........of/one judgment/came... 1725/1967
Rom_5:18...........of/one the free/gift... 1726/1967 man's disobedience/many 1727/1967
Rom_5:19...........of/one shall many/be... 1728/1967 even by/our..... 1729/1967
Rom_9:21.........make/one vessel unto/honour 1730/1967
Rom_10:4........every/one that believeth For/Moses 1731/1967 body and all/members 1732/1967
Rom_12:5..........are/one body in/Christ.. 1733/1967
Rom_12:5........every/one members/one..... 1734/1967
Rom_12:5......members/one of another Having/then 1735/1967
Rom_12:10.affectioned/one to another with/brotherly 1736/1967
Rom_12:10..preferring/one another Not slothful/in 1737/1967
Rom_12:16........mind/one toward another Mind/not 1738/1967 another for he/that 1739/1967
Rom_14:2..........For/one believeth/that.. 1740/1967
Rom_14:5........stand/One man esteemeth/one 1741/1967
Rom_14:5....esteemeth/one day above/another 1742/1967
Rom_14:12.......every/one of us shall/give 1743/1967
Rom_14:13.......judge/one another any/more 1744/1967
Rom_14:19...wherewith/one may edify/another 1745/1967
Rom_15:2........every/one of us please/his 1746/1967
Rom_15:5...likeminded/one toward another according/to 1747/1967
Rom_15:6.........with/one mind and one/mouth 1748/1967
Rom_15:6..........and/one mouth glorify/God 1749/1967 another as Christ/also 1750/1967
Rom_15:14....admonish/one another Nevertheless/brethren 1751/1967
Rom_16:16......Salute/one another with an holy kiss The churches/of 1752/1967
1Co_1:12........every/one of you saith/I.. 1753/1967
1Co_3:4.........while/one saith I/am...... 1754/1967
1Co_3:8...........are/one and every/man... 1755/1967 of you be/puffed 1756/1967
1Co_4:6...........for/one against another For/who 1757/1967
1Co_5:1..........that/one should have/his. 1758/1967 unto Satan/for.. 1759/1967 no/not.......... 1760/1967
1Co_6:5...........not/one that shall be able/to 1761/1967 with another Why/do 1762/1967 body for two/saith 1763/1967 flesh But/he.... 1764/1967 spirit Flee/fornication 1765/1967
1Co_7:5...........not/one the other/except 1766/1967
1Co_7:7...........God/one after this/manner 1767/1967
1Co_7:17........every/one so/let.......... 1768/1967 that hath obtained/mercy 1769/1967
1Co_8:4...........but/one For though/there 1770/1967
1Co_8:6...........but/one God the/Father.. 1771/1967
1Co_8:6...........and/one Lord Jesus/Christ 1772/1967
1Co_9:24..........but/one receiveth/the... 1773/1967 that beateth/the 1774/1967 day three/and... 1775/1967
1Co_10:17.........are/one bread and/one... 1776/1967
1Co_10:17.........and/one body for we/are. 1777/1967
1Co_10:17........that/one bread Behold/Israel 1778/1967
1Co_11:5..........all/one as if/she....... 1779/1967
1Co_11:20........into/one place this/is... 1780/1967
1Co_11:21.......every/one taketh/before... 1781/1967
1Co_11:21.........and/one is hungry/and... 1782/1967
1Co_11:33.......tarry/one for another And if/any 1783/1967 is given by/the. 1784/1967
1Co_12:11........that/one and the selfsame/Spirit 1785/1967 and hath many/members 1786/1967
1Co_12:12........that/one body being/many. 1787/1967
1Co_12:12.........are/one body so/also.... 1788/1967 Spirit are/we... 1789/1967
1Co_12:13........into/one body whether/we. 1790/1967
1Co_12:13........into/one Spirit For/the.. 1791/1967
1Co_12:14.........not/one member but/many. 1792/1967
1Co_12:18.......every/one of them in the/body 1793/1967
1Co_12:19.........all/one member where/were 1794/1967
1Co_12:20.........but/one body And the/eye 1795/1967 for another And whether/one 1796/1967
1Co_12:26.....whether/one member suffer/all 1797/1967
1Co_12:26..........or/one member be/honoured 1798/1967
1Co_14:23........into/one place and all/speak 1799/1967 that believeth not/or 1800/1967
1Co_14:24..........or/one unlearned/he.... 1801/1967
1Co_14:26.......every/one of you hath/a... 1802/1967
1Co_14:27.........let/one interpret/But... 1803/1967
1Co_14:31....prophesy/one by one that/all. 1804/1967 that all/may.... 1805/1967
1Co_15:8...........of/one born out/of..... 1806/1967 kind/of......... 1807/1967 and the glory/of 1808/1967 glory/of........ 1809/1967
1Co_15:41.........for/one star/differeth.. 1810/1967
1Co_16:2........every/one of you lay/by... 1811/1967
1Co_16:16.......every/one that helpeth/with 1812/1967 another with an holy kiss The salutation/of 1813/1967
2Co_2:7.............a/one should be/swallowed 1814/1967
2Co_2:16..........the/one we are/the...... 1815/1967
2Co_5:10........every/one may receive/the. 1816/1967
2Co_5:14...........if/one died/for........ 1817/1967 think/this...... 1818/1967 husband/that.... 1819/1967 Thrice/was...... 1820/1967 caught/up....... 1821/1967 will I/glory.... 1822/1967
2Co_13:11..........of/one mind live/in.... 1823/1967
2Co_13:12.......Greet/one another with an holy kiss All/the 1824/1967
Gal_3:10........every/one that continueth/not 1825/1967
Gal_3:13........every/one that hangeth/on. 1826/1967
Gal_3:16...........of/one And to/thy...... 1827/1967
Gal_3:20...........of/one but/God......... 1828/1967 Is the/law...... 1829/1967
Gal_3:28..........all/one in Christ/Jesus. 1830/1967
Gal_4:22..........the/one by a/bondmaid... 1831/1967
Gal_4:24..........the/one from the mount/Sinai 1832/1967
Gal_5:13........serve/one another For all/the 1833/1967 word even/in.... 1834/1967
Gal_5:15.......devour/one another take/heed 1835/1967
Gal_5:15.....consumed/one of another This/I 1836/1967
Gal_5:17..........the/one to the/other.... 1837/1967
Gal_5:26....provoking/one another envying/one 1838/1967
Gal_5:26......envying/one another Brethren/if 1839/1967 in the spirit/of 1840/1967 another's burdens/and 1841/1967 all things/in... 1842/1967
Eph_2:14.........both/one and hath broken/down 1843/1967
Eph_2:15........twain/one new man/so...... 1844/1967 body by/the..... 1845/1967 Spirit unto/the. 1846/1967
Eph_4:2....forbearing/one another in love/Endeavouring 1847/1967 body and one/Spirit 1848/1967
Eph_4:4...........and/one Spirit even/as.. 1849/1967 hope/of......... 1850/1967
Eph_4:5.......calling/One Lord one/faith.. 1851/1967
Eph_4:5..........Lord/one faith/one....... 1852/1967 baptism/One..... 1853/1967
Eph_4:6.......baptism/One God and Father/of 1854/1967
Eph_4:7.........every/one of us is/given.. 1855/1967
Eph_4:25......members/one of another Be/ye 1856/1967
Eph_4:32.........kind/one to another tenderhearted/forgiving 1857/1967
Eph_4:32....forgiving/one another even as God/for 1858/1967
Eph_5:21...yourselves/one to another in the/fear 1859/1967 flesh This/is... 1860/1967
Eph_5:33........every/one of you in particular/so 1861/1967
Php_1:16..........The/one preach/Christ... 1862/1967 spirit with/one. 1863/1967
Php_1:27.........with/one mind striving/together 1864/1967
Php_2:2............of/one accord of/one... 1865/1967
Php_2:2............of/one mind Let/nothing 1866/1967
Php_3:13.........this/one thing I do/forgetting 1867/1967
Col_3:9...........not/one to another seeing/that 1868/1967
Col_3:13...Forbearing/one another and forgiving/one 1869/1967
Col_3:13....forgiving/one another if any/man 1870/1967 body and be/ye.. 1871/1967
Col_3:16..admonishing/one another in psalms/and 1872/1967 of you They/shall 1873/1967 of you a/servant 1874/1967
1Th_2:11........every/one of you as/a..... 1875/1967 toward another and/toward 1876/1967
1Th_4:4.........every/one of you should/know 1877/1967 another And indeed/ye 1878/1967
1Th_4:18......comfort/one another with these/words 1879/1967
1Th_5:11........edify/one another even as also/ye 1880/1967
2Th_1:3.........every/one of you all/toward 1881/1967 God and one/mediator 1882/1967
1Ti_2:5...........and/one mediator/between 1883/1967
1Ti_3:2............of/one wife vigilant/sober 1884/1967
1Ti_3:4......covetous/One that ruleth/well 1885/1967
1Ti_3:12...........of/one wife ruling/their 1886/1967
1Ti_5:9............of/one man Well/reported 1887/1967
1Ti_5:21...preferring/one before/another.. 1888/1967
2Ti_2:19........every/one that nameth/the. 1889/1967
Tit_1:6............of/one wife having/faithful 1890/1967
Tit_1:12.........sake/One of themselves/even 1891/1967
Tit_3:3........hating/one another But after/that 1892/1967 as Paul/the..... 1893/1967
Heb_2:6...........But/one in a/certain.... 1894/1967
Heb_2:11...........of/one for which/cause. 1895/1967
Heb_3:13.......exhort/one another daily/while 1896/1967
Heb_5:12.........that/one teach/you....... 1897/1967
Heb_5:13........every/one that useth milk/is 1898/1967
Heb_6:11........every/one of you do/shew.. 1899/1967
Heb_10:12.....offered/one sacrifice/for... 1900/1967 offering/he..... 1901/1967
Heb_10:24....consider/one another to/provoke 1902/1967
Heb_10:25...exhorting/one another and so/much 1903/1967
Heb_11:12..........of/one and him/as...... 1904/1967
Heb_12:16.........for/one morsel/of....... 1905/1967 to come/By...... 1906/1967 point/he........ 1907/1967
Jam_2:16..........And/one of you say/unto. 1908/1967 God thou/doest.. 1909/1967
Jam_4:11.........evil/one of another brethren/He 1910/1967 lawgiver/who.... 1911/1967
Jam_5:9...........not/one against another brethren/lest 1912/1967
Jam_5:16.......faults/one to another and pray/one 1913/1967
Jam_5:16.........pray/one for another that/ye 1914/1967
Jam_5:19..........and/one convert/him..... 1915/1967 another with a pure/heart 1916/1967
1Pe_3:8............of/one mind having/compassion 1917/1967
1Pe_3:8....compassion/one of another love/as 1918/1967
1Pe_4:9...hospitality/one to another without/grudging 1919/1967
1Pe_4:10.........same/one to another as good/stewards 1920/1967
1Pe_5:5.......subject/one to another and be/clothed 1921/1967 another with a kiss/of 1922/1967
2Pe_3:8..........this/one thing that/one.. 1923/1967
2Pe_3:8..........that/one day is/with..... 1924/1967 day The Lord/is. 1925/1967
1Jn_1:7....fellowship/one with another and the blood/of 1926/1967
1Jn_2:13.......wicked/one I write/unto.... 1927/1967
1Jn_2:14.......wicked/one Love/not........ 1928/1967
1Jn_2:20.........Holy/One and ye/know..... 1929/1967
1Jn_2:29........every/one that doeth righteousness/is 1930/1967 another Not as/Cain 1931/1967
1Jn_3:12.......wicked/one and slew/his.... 1932/1967 another as he/gave 1933/1967 another for love/is 1934/1967
1Jn_4:7.........every/one that loveth is/born 1935/1967 another No/man.. 1936/1967 another God/dwelleth 1937/1967
1Jn_5:1.........every/one that loveth him/that 1938/1967
1Jn_5:7...........are/one And there are/three 1939/1967 If/we........... 1940/1967
1Jn_5:18.......wicked/one toucheth/him.... 1941/1967 another And this/is 1942/1967
Rev_1:13.candlesticks/one like unto/the... 1943/1967
Rev_2:23........every/one of you according/to 1944/1967
Rev_4:2...........and/one sat on/the...... 1945/1967
Rev_5:5...........And/one of the elders saith/unto 1946/1967
Rev_5:8.........every/one of them harps/and 1947/1967
Rev_6:1........opened/one of the seals/and 1948/1967
Rev_6:1.......thunder/one of the four beasts saying/Come 1949/1967
Rev_6:4..........kill/one another and there/was 1950/1967
Rev_6:11........every/one of them and it/was 1951/1967
Rev_7:13..........And/one of the elders answered/saying 1952/1967
Rev_9:12.....Apollyon/One woe/is.......... 1953/1967 to another because/these 1954/1967
Rev_13:3..........saw/one of his heads/as. 1955/1967 sat like/unto... 1956/1967
Rev_15:7..........And/one of the four beasts gave/unto 1957/1967
Rev_17:1.........came/one of the seven angels which had the seven vials and/talked 1958/1967
Rev_17:10.........and/one is and/the...... 1959/1967
Rev_17:12.......kings/one hour with/the... 1960/1967
Rev_17:13........have/one mind and shall/give 1961/1967 day death/and... 1962/1967 hour is thy/judgment 1963/1967 hour so/great... 1964/1967 hour is she/made 1965/1967 of the seven angels which had the seven vials full/of 1966/1967
Rev_21:21..........of/one pearl and/the... 1967/1967