Gen_41:34......fifth/part of the land/of..... 1/214
Gen_47:24......fifth/part unto Pharaoh/and... 2/214
Gen_47:26......fifth/part except/the......... 3/214
Exo_16:36......tenth/part of an ephah And all/the 4/214
Exo_19:17.....nether/part of the mount/And... 5/214
Exo_29:26........thy/part And thou/shalt..... 6/214
Exo_29:40.....fourth/part of an hin of beaten oil and/the 7/214
Exo_29:40.....fourth/part of an hin of wine for a drink offering And/the 8/214
Lev_1:16........east/part by/the............. 9/214
Lev_2:6........shalt/part it/in............. 10/214 of the beaten/corn 11/214
Lev_2:16.........and/part of the oil/thereof 12/214
Lev_5:11.......tenth/part of an ephah of fine flour for a sin/offering 13/214
Lev_5:16.......fifth/part thereto/and....... 14/214
Lev_6:5........fifth/part more/thereto...... 15/214
Lev_6:20.......tenth/part of an ephah of fine flour for a meat/offering 16/214
Lev_7:33.........his/part For the/wave...... 17/214
Lev_8:29......Moses'/part as/the............ 18/214
Lev_11:35........any/part of their carcase falleth/shall 19/214
Lev_11:37........any/part of their carcase fall upon/any 20/214
Lev_11:38........any/part of their carcase fall thereon/it 21/214
Lev_13:41........the/part of his head/toward 22/214
Lev_22:14......fifth/part thereof unto it/and 23/214
Lev_23:13.....fourth/part of an hin And/ye.. 24/214
Lev_27:13......fifth/part thereof unto thy/estimation 25/214
Lev_27:15......fifth/part of the money of thy estimation unto it and it shall be his/And 26/214
Lev_27:16.......some/part of a field/of..... 27/214
Lev_27:19......fifth/part of the money of thy estimation unto it and it shall be assured/to 28/214
Lev_27:27......fifth/part of it thereto/or.. 29/214
Lev_27:31......fifth/part thereof And concerning/the 30/214
Num_5:7........fifth/part thereof and give/it 31/214
Num_5:15.......tenth/part of an ephah of barley/meal 32/214
Num_15:4......fourth/part of an hin of oil And the/fourth 33/214
Num_15:5......fourth/part of an hin of wine for a drink offering shalt/thou 34/214
Num_15:6.......third/part of an hin of oil And for/a 35/214
Num_15:7.......third/part of an hin of wine for a sweet/savour 36/214
Num_18:20........any/part among them/I...... 37/214
Num_18:20........thy/part and thine/inheritance 38/214
Num_18:26......tenth/part of the tithe/And.. 39/214
Num_18:29...hallowed/part thereof out/of.... 40/214
Num_22:41.....utmost/part of the people And/Balaam 41/214
Num_23:10.....fourth/part of Israel/Let..... 42/214
Num_23:13.....utmost/part of them and/shalt. 43/214
Num_28:5.......tenth/part of an ephah of flour/for 44/214
Num_28:5......fourth/part of an hin of beaten oil It/is 45/214
Num_28:7......fourth/part of an hin for/the. 46/214
Num_28:14......third/part of an hin unto a ram/and 47/214
Num_28:14.....fourth/part of an hin unto a lamb/this 48/214 nor inheritance with his/brethren 49/214 nor inheritance with you/Take 50/214 nor inheritance with thee At/the 51/214 nor inheritance with thee and/the 52/214 nor inheritance with Israel/they 53/214
Deu_33:21......first/part for himself/because 54/214 unto the/Levites.. 55/214
Jos_15:1...uttermost/part of the south/coast 56/214
Jos_15:5...uttermost/part of Jordan/And..... 57/214
Jos_15:13..........a/part among the/children 58/214 among you/for..... 59/214
Jos_19:9.........the/part of the children/of 60/214 in the LORD so/shall 61/214 in the LORD Therefore/said 62/214
Rut_1:17.......death/part thee/and.......... 63/214
Rut_2:3............a/part of the field/belonging 64/214
Rut_3:13.........the/part of a kinsman well/let 65/214
Rut_3:13...kinsman's/part but if/he......... 66/214
Rut_3:13.........the/part of a kinsman to thee then/will 67/214
Rut_3:13.........the/part of a kinsman to thee as/the 68/214
1Sa_9:8.......fourth/part of a shekel of/silver 69/214
1Sa_14:2...uttermost/part of Gibeah/under... 70/214
1Sa_23:20........our/part shall be to/deliver 71/214
1Sa_30:24........his/part is that/goeth..... 72/214
1Sa_30:24........his/part be/that........... 73/214
1Sa_30:24......shall/part alike/And......... 74/214 them/but.......... 75/214
2Sa_18:2.......third/part of the people under/the 76/214
2Sa_18:2.......third/part under the hand of Abishai/the 77/214
2Sa_18:2.......third/part under the hand of Ittai/the 78/214 in David/neither.. 79/214
1Ki_6:24...uttermost/part of the one/wing... 80/214
1Ki_6:24...uttermost/part of the other/were. 81/214
1Ki_6:31.......fifth/part of the wall The/two 82/214
1Ki_6:33......fourth/part of the wall And/the 83/214
2Ki_6:25......fourth/part of a cab/of....... 84/214
2Ki_7:5....uttermost/part of the camp of/Syria 85/214
2Ki_7:8....uttermost/part of the camp they/went 86/214
2Ki_11:5.......third/part of you that/enter. 87/214
2Ki_11:6.......third/part shall be at the gate/of 88/214
2Ki_11:6.......third/part at the gate behind/the 89/214
2Ki_18:23........thy/part to set riders upon them How then wilt thou turn away the face of one captain of the least of my master's servants and put thy trust on Egypt for chariots and for horsemen Am/I 90/214
1Ch_12:29...greatest/part of them had/kept.. 91/214
2Ch_23:4.......third/part of you entering/on 92/214
2Ch_23:5.......third/part shall be at the king's/house 93/214
2Ch_23:5.......third/part at the gate of/the 94/214
2Ch_29:16......inner/part of the house/of... 95/214
Neh_1:9....uttermost/part of the heaven/yet. 96/214
Neh_3:9.........half/part of Jerusalem And/next 97/214
Neh_3:12........half/part of Jerusalem he/and 98/214
Neh_3:14..........of/part of Bethhaccerem/he 99/214
Neh_3:15..........of/part of Mizpah/he..... 100/214
Neh_3:16........half/part of Bethzur/unto.. 101/214
Neh_3:17........half/part of Keilah in/his. 102/214
Neh_3:17.........his/part After/him........ 103/214
Neh_3:18........half/part of Keilah And/next 104/214
Neh_5:11...hundredth/part of the money and/of 105/214
Neh_9:3.......fourth/part of the day/and... 106/214
Neh_9:3.......fourth/part they confessed/and 107/214
Neh_10:32......third/part of a shekel for/the 108/214 I/also........... 109/214
Job_41:6........they/part him/among........ 110/214
Psa_5:9.......inward/part is very/wickedness 111/214
Psa_22:18.......They/part my/garments...... 112/214
Psa_51:6......hidden/part thou shalt make/me 113/214 with them/that... 114/214
Pro_8:26.....highest/part of the dust/of... 115/214
Pro_8:31...habitable/part of his earth/and. 116/214
Pro_17:2........have/part of the inheritance/among 117/214
Isa_7:18...uttermost/part of the rivers of/Egypt 118/214
Isa_24:16..uttermost/part of the earth have/we 119/214
Isa_36:8.........thy/part to set riders upon them How then wilt thou turn away the face of one captain of the least of my master's servants and put thy trust on Egypt for chariots and for horsemen And/am 120/214
Isa_44:16....burneth/part thereof in/the... 121/214
Isa_44:16.......with/part thereof he/eateth 122/214
Isa_44:19.....burned/part of it in/the..... 123/214
Eze_4:11.......sixth/part of an hin from/time 124/214
Eze_5:2........third/part in the midst/of.. 125/214
Eze_5:2........third/part and smite/about.. 126/214
Eze_5:2........third/part thou shalt scatter/in 127/214
Eze_5:12.......third/part of thee shall/die 128/214
Eze_5:12.......third/part shall fall/by.... 129/214
Eze_5:12.......third/part into/all......... 130/214
Eze_39:2.......sixth/part of thee and/will. 131/214
Eze_45:11......tenth/part of an homer and/the 132/214
Eze_45:11......tenth/part of an homer the/measure 133/214
Eze_45:13......sixth/part of an ephah of an homer of wheat/and 134/214
Eze_45:13......sixth/part of an ephah of an homer of barley/Concerning 135/214
Eze_45:14......tenth/part of a bath/out.... 136/214
Eze_45:17...prince's/part to give/burnt.... 137/214
Eze_46:14......sixth/part of an ephah and the/third 138/214
Eze_46:14......third/part of an hin of oil to/temper 139/214
Dan_1:2.........with/part of the vessels/of 140/214
Dan_2:33........feet/part of iron and part of clay Thou/sawest 141/214
Dan_2:33.........and/part of clay Thou/sawest 142/214
Dan_2:41........toes/part of potters'/clay. 143/214
Dan_2:41.........and/part of iron the/kingdom 144/214
Dan_2:42........were/part of iron and part of clay so/the 145/214
Dan_2:42.........and/part of clay so/the... 146/214
Dan_5:5..........the/part of the hand that/wrote 147/214
Dan_5:24.........the/part of the hand sent/from 148/214
Dan_11:31........his/part and they/shall... 149/214
Joe_2:20......hinder/part toward/the....... 150/214
Amo_7:4............a/part Then/said........ 151/214
Zec_13:9.......third/part through/the...... 152/214
Mar_4:38......hinder/part of the ship/asleep 153/214
Mar_9:40.........our/part For whosoever/shall 154/214
Mar_13:27..uttermost/part of the earth to the/uttermost 155/214
Mar_13:27..uttermost/part of heaven/Now.... 156/214
Luk_10:42.......good/part which shall/not.. 157/214 dark/the......... 158/214
Luk_11:39.....inward/part is full/of....... 159/214 under heaven shineth/unto 160/214
Luk_17:24......other/part under heaven so/shall 161/214 with me/Simon.... 162/214
Joh_19:23..........a/part and also/his..... 163/214
Act_1:8....uttermost/part of the earth And/when 164/214
Act_1:17....obtained/part of this ministry Now/this 165/214
Act_1:25........take/part of this ministry and/apostleship 166/214
Act_5:2.........back/part of the price his/wife 167/214
Act_5:2......certain/part and laid/it...... 168/214
Act_5:3.........back/part of the price of/the 169/214
Act_8:21.....neither/part nor lot/in....... 170/214
Act_14:4.........and/part held/with........ 171/214
Act_14:4.........and/part with the/apostles 172/214
Act_16:12.......that/part of Macedonia/and. 173/214
Act_19:32.......more/part knew/not......... 174/214 were/Sadducees... 175/214
Act_23:9..Pharisees'/part arose/and........ 176/214
Act_27:12.......more/part advised/to....... 177/214
Act_27:41.....hinder/part was/broken....... 178/214 is happened/to... 179/214
1Co_12:24.......that/part which lacked/That 180/214 and we/prophesy.. 181/214 But when/that.... 182/214 shall be done/away 183/214 but then/shall... 184/214
1Co_15:6.....greater/part remain/unto...... 185/214
1Co_16:17.......your/part they have/supplied 186/214 that we/are...... 187/214 that I/may....... 188/214
2Co_6:15........what/part hath/he.......... 189/214
Eph_4:16.......every/part maketh/increase.. 190/214
Tit_2:8.....contrary/part may/be........... 191/214
Heb_2:14........took/part of the same/that. 192/214
Heb_7:2........tenth/part of all/first..... 193/214
1Pe_4:14.......their/part he is evil/spoken 194/214
1Pe_4:14........your/part he is glorified/But 195/214
Rev_6:8.......fourth/part of the earth to kill/with 196/214
Rev_8:7........third/part of trees/was..... 197/214
Rev_8:8........third/part of the sea/became 198/214
Rev_8:9........third/part of the creatures/which 199/214
Rev_8:9........third/part of the ships/were 200/214
Rev_8:10.......third/part of the rivers and/upon 201/214
Rev_8:11.......third/part of the waters/became 202/214
Rev_8:12.......third/part of the sun/was... 203/214
Rev_8:12.......third/part of the moon/and.. 204/214
Rev_8:12.......third/part of the stars so/as 205/214
Rev_8:12.......third/part of them was/darkened 206/214
Rev_8:12.......third/part of it and/the.... 207/214
Rev_9:15.......third/part of men And/the... 208/214
Rev_9:18.......third/part of men killed/by. 209/214
Rev_11:13......tenth/part of the city/fell. 210/214
Rev_12:4.......third/part of the stars of/heaven 211/214
Rev_20:6........hath/part in the first/resurrection 212/214
Rev_21:8.......their/part in the lake/which 213/214
Rev_22:19........his/part out/of........... 214/214
Psa_50:18.......been/partaker with/adulterers.. 1/9 of his hope/If... 2/9 thereof/with..... 3/9
1Co_10:30..........a/partaker why/am........... 4/9 of other/men's... 5/9
2Ti_1:8.........thou/partaker of the afflictions/of 6/9
2Ti_2:6........first/partaker of the fruits/Consider 7/9
1Pe_5:1............a/partaker of the glory/that 8/9 of his evil/deeds 9/9
Mat_23:30.......been/partakers with them in/the 1/22
Rom_15:27.......made/partakers of their/spiritual 2/22 of this/power.. 3/22
1Co_9:13.........are/partakers with the/altar. 4/22
1Co_10:17........all/partakers of that/one.... 5/22
1Co_10:18.sacrifices/partakers of the altar/What 6/22 of the Lord's/table 7/22
2Co_1:7..........are/partakers of the sufferings/so 8/22
Eph_3:6..........and/partakers of his promise/in 9/22
Eph_5:7....therefore/partakers with them For/ye 10/22
Php_1:7..........are/partakers of my/grace... 11/22 of the inheritance/of 12/22
1Ti_6:2......beloved/partakers of the benefit/These 13/22
Heb_2:14.........are/partakers of flesh/and.. 14/22
Heb_3:1.....brethren/partakers of the heavenly/calling 15/22
Heb_3:14........made/partakers of Christ/if.. 16/22
Heb_6:4.........made/partakers of the Holy/Ghost 17/22
Heb_12:8.........are/partakers then/are...... 18/22 of his holiness/Now 19/22
1Pe_4:13.........are/partakers of Christ's/sufferings 20/22 of the divine/nature 21/22
Rev_18:4.........not/partakers of her/sins... 22/22
Rom_11:17.......them/partakest/of.............. 1/1
Gen_2:10.........was/parted and/became........ 1/12
2Ki_2:11.........and/parted them both/asunder. 2/12
2Ki_2:14........they/parted hither/and........ 3/12
Job_38:24......light/parted which/scattereth.. 4/12
Joe_3:2..........and/parted my land/And....... 5/12
Mat_27:35........and/parted his garments casting lots that/it 6/12
Mat_27:35.......They/parted my garments/among. 7/12
Mar_15:24.......they/parted his garments casting lots upon/them 8/12
Luk_23:34.......they/parted his raiment/and... 9/12
Luk_24:51........was/parted from/them........ 10/12
Joh_19:24.......They/parted my raiment/among. 11/12
Act_2:45.........and/parted them to/all...... 12/12
Lev_11:3..Whatsoever/parteth the hoof and is/clovenfooted 1/3
Deu_14:6........that/parteth the hoof and cleaveth/the 2/3
Pro_18:18........and/parteth between/the....... 3/3
Act_2:9.........born/Parthians/and............. 1/1
Mal_2:9.........been/partial in the/law........ 1/2
Jam_2:4.........then/partial in yourselves/and. 2/2 Lay/hands...... 1/2
Jam_3:17.....without/partiality and/without.... 2/2 And/God........ 1/2 so/love........ 2/2
Act_21:19...declared/particularly what/things.. 1/2
Heb_9:5........speak/particularly Now/when..... 2/2
Exo_22:9........both/parties/shall............. 1/1
Eze_21:21........the/parting/of................ 1/1
1Ki_6:21...........a/partition by/the.......... 1/2
Eph_2:14..........of/partition between/us...... 2/2 strong/and......... 1/5
Dan_2:42.........and/partly broken/And......... 2/5
1Co_11:18..........I/partly believe/it......... 3/5
Heb_10:33afflictions/Partly whilst ye were/made 4/5
Heb_10:33........and/partly whilst ye became/companions 5/5 with/a............ 1/3 and/fellowhelper.. 2/3
Phl_1:17...........a/partner receive/him....... 3/3
Luk_5:7........their/partners which/were....... 1/2
Luk_5:10........were/partners with/Simon....... 2/2
1Sa_26:20..........a/partridge in/the.......... 1/2
Jer_17:11........the/partridge sitteth/on...... 2/2
Gen_47:24.......four/parts shall be/your...... 1/64
Exo_33:23.......back/parts but/my............. 2/64
Lev_1:8..........the/parts the/head........... 3/64
Lev_22:23........his/parts that mayest/thou... 4/64
Num_10:5........east/parts shall go/forward... 5/64
Num_11:1...uttermost/parts of the camp/And.... 6/64
Num_31:27........two/parts between/them....... 7/64
Deu_19:3.......three/parts that every/slayer.. 8/64
Deu_30:4.....outmost/parts of heaven/from..... 9/64 Judah/shall....... 10/64 and bring/the..... 11/64 in a/book......... 12/64
1Sa_5:9.......secret/parts Therefore they/sent 13/64
2Sa_19:43........ten/parts in the/king....... 14/64
1Ki_6:38.........the/parts thereof and/according 15/64
1Ki_7:25......hinder/parts were inward And it/was 16/64
1Ki_16:21........two/parts half/of........... 17/64
2Ki_11:7.........two/parts of all/you........ 18/64
2Ch_4:4.......hinder/parts were inward And the/thickness 19/64
Neh_11:1........nine/parts to dwell/in....... 20/64
Job_26:14........are/parts of his/ways....... 21/64
Job_38:36.....inward/parts or/who............ 22/64
Job_41:12........his/parts nor/his........... 23/64
Psa_2:8....uttermost/parts of the earth for/thy 24/64
Psa_51:6......inward/parts and in/the........ 25/64
Psa_63:9.......lower/parts of the earth They shall/fall 26/64
Psa_65:8...uttermost/parts are/afraid........ 27/64
Psa_78:66.....hinder/parts he/put............ 28/64
Psa_136:13......into/parts for his/mercy..... 29/64
Psa_139:9..uttermost/parts of the sea/Even... 30/64
Psa_139:15....lowest/parts of the earth Thine/eyes 31/64
Pro_18:8...innermost/parts of the belly He/also 32/64
Pro_20:27.....inward/parts of the belly Mercy/and 33/64
Pro_20:30.....inward/parts of the belly The/king's 34/64
Pro_26:22..innermost/parts of the belly Burning/lips 35/64
Isa_3:17......secret/parts In that/day....... 36/64
Isa_16:11.....inward/parts for Kirharesh/And. 37/64
Isa_44:23......lower/parts of the earth break/forth 38/64
Jer_31:33.....inward/parts and write/it...... 39/64
Jer_34:18........the/parts thereof The/princes 40/64
Jer_34:19........the/parts of the calf/I..... 41/64
Eze_26:20........low/parts of the earth in places/desolate 42/64
Eze_31:14.....nether/parts of the earth in the/midst 43/64
Eze_31:16.....nether/parts of the earth They also/went 44/64
Eze_31:18.....nether/parts of the earth thou/shalt 45/64
Eze_32:18.....nether/parts of the earth with/them 46/64
Eze_32:24.....nether/parts of the earth which/caused 47/64
Eze_37:11........our/parts Therefore prophesy/and 48/64
Eze_38:15......north/parts thou/and.......... 49/64
Eze_39:2.......north/parts and will/bring.... 50/64
Eze_48:8.......other/parts from/the.......... 51/64
Zec_13:8.........two/parts therein/shall..... 52/64
Mat_2:22.........the/parts of Galilee/And.... 53/64
Mat_12:42..uttermost/parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon and behold a greater than Solomon is here When/the 54/64
Mar_8:10.........the/parts of Dalmanutha/And. 55/64
Luk_11:31.....utmost/parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon and behold a greater than Solomon is here The/men 56/64
Joh_19:23.......four/parts to every/soldier.. 57/64
Act_2:10.........the/parts of Libya/about.... 58/64
Act_20:2.......those/parts and had/given..... 59/64
Rom_15:23......these/parts and having/a...... 60/64
1Co_12:23...uncomely/parts have more/abundant 61/64
1Co_12:24.....comely/parts have no/need...... 62/64
Eph_4:9........lower/parts of the earth He/that 63/64
Rev_16:19......three/parts and the/cities.... 64/64