Gen_11:2.......a/plain in the land/of..... 1/75
Gen_12:6.....the/plain of Moreh/And....... 2/75
Gen_13:10....the/plain of Jordan that/it.. 3/75
Gen_13:11....the/plain of Jordan and/Lot.. 4/75
Gen_13:12....the/plain and pitched/his.... 5/75
Gen_13:18....the/plain of Mamre which/is.. 6/75
Gen_14:13....the/plain of Mamre the/Amorite 7/75
Gen_19:17....the/plain escape/to.......... 8/75
Gen_19:25....the/plain and all the inhabitants/of 9/75
Gen_19:28....the/plain and beheld/and.... 10/75
Gen_19:29....the/plain that/God.......... 11/75
Gen_25:27......a/plain man/dwelling...... 12/75
Deu_1:1......the/plain over/against...... 13/75
Deu_1:7......the/plain in the hills/and.. 14/75
Deu_2:8......the/plain from Elath/and.... 15/75
Deu_3:10.....the/plain and all Gilead/and 16/75
Deu_3:17.....The/plain also/and.......... 17/75
Deu_3:17.....the/plain even the salt sea under/Ashdothpisgah 18/75
Deu_4:43.....the/plain country of/the.... 19/75
Deu_4:49.....the/plain on this/side...... 20/75
Deu_4:49.....the/plain under/the......... 21/75
Deu_34:3.....the/plain of the valley/of.. 22/75
Jos_3:16.....the/plain even the salt sea failed/and 23/75
Jos_8:14.....the/plain but he/wist....... 24/75
Jos_11:16....the/plain and the mountain/of 25/75
Jos_12:1.....the/plain on the east/Sihon. 26/75
Jos_12:3.....the/plain to the/sea........ 27/75
Jos_12:3.....the/plain even the salt sea on/the 28/75
Jos_13:9.....the/plain of Medeba/unto.... 29/75
Jos_13:16....the/plain by/Medeba......... 30/75
Jos_13:17....the/plain Dibon/and......... 31/75
Jos_13:21....the/plain and all the kingdom/of 32/75
Jos_20:8.....the/plain out/of............ 33/75
Jdg_4:11.....the/plain of Zaanaim/which.. 34/75
Jdg_9:6......the/plain of the pillar/that 35/75
Jdg_9:37.....the/plain of Meonenim/Then.. 36/75
Jdg_11:33....the/plain of the vineyards/with 37/75
1Sa_10:3.....the/plain of Tabor/and...... 38/75
1Sa_23:24....the/plain on the south/of... 39/75
2Sa_2:29.....the/plain and passed/over... 40/75
2Sa_4:7......the/plain all/night......... 41/75
2Sa_15:28....the/plain of the wilderness/until 42/75
2Sa_18:23....the/plain and overran/Cushi. 43/75
1Ki_7:46.....the/plain of Jordan did the king cast them in the clay ground between Succoth and Zarthan/And 44/75
1Ki_20:23....the/plain and surely we shall be stronger than they And do/this 45/75
1Ki_20:25....the/plain and surely we shall be stronger than they And he/hearkened 46/75
2Ki_14:25....the/plain according/to...... 47/75
2Ki_25:4.....the/plain And the army/of... 48/75
2Ch_4:17.....the/plain of Jordan did the king cast them in the clay ground between Succoth and Zeredathah/Thus 49/75
Neh_3:22.....the/plain After/him......... 50/75
Neh_6:2......the/plain of Ono/But........ 51/75
Neh_12:28....the/plain country round/about 52/75
Psa_27:11......a/plain path/because...... 53/75
Pro_8:9......all/plain to him/that....... 54/75
Pro_15:19...made/plain A/wise............ 55/75
Isa_28:25...made/plain the face/thereof.. 56/75
Isa_40:4..places/plain And the glory/of.. 57/75
Jer_17:26....the/plain and from/the...... 58/75
Jer_21:13....the/plain saith/the......... 59/75
Jer_39:4.....the/plain But the Chaldeans'/army 60/75
Jer_48:8.....the/plain shall/be.......... 61/75
Jer_48:21....the/plain country upon/Holon 62/75
Jer_52:7.....the/plain But the army/of... 63/75
Eze_3:22.....the/plain and I/will........ 64/75
Eze_3:23.....the/plain and behold/the.... 65/75
Eze_8:4......the/plain Then/said......... 66/75
Dan_3:1......the/plain of Dura/in........ 67/75
Amo_1:5......the/plain of Aven/and....... 68/75
Oba_1:19.....the/plain the Philistines/and 69/75 upon/tables....... 70/75
Zec_4:7........a/plain and he shall/bring 71/75
Zec_7:7......the/plain And the word/of... 72/75
Zec_14:10......a/plain from Geba/to...... 73/75
Mar_7:35...spake/plain And he charged/them 74/75
Luk_6:17.....the/plain and the company/of 75/75
Exo_21:5...shall/plainly say/I............ 1/11
Deu_27:8....very/plainly And Moses/and.... 2/11
1Sa_2:27.......I/plainly appear/unto...... 3/11 that the/asses... 4/11
Ezr_4:18....been/plainly read/before...... 5/11
Isa_32:4...speak/plainly The/vile......... 6/11 Jesus/answered... 7/11
Joh_11:14...them/plainly Lazarus/is....... 8/11 of/the........... 9/11
Joh_16:29...thou/plainly and speakest/no. 10/11
Heb_11:14declare/plainly that they/seek.. 11/11
2Co_3:12...great/plainness/of.............. 1/1
Gen_18:1.....the/plains of Mamre/and...... 1/25
Num_22:1.....the/plains of Moab on this/side 2/25
Num_26:3.....the/plains of Moab by Jordan near Jericho saying Take/the 3/25
Num_26:63....the/plains of Moab by Jordan near Jericho But/among 4/25
Num_31:12....the/plains of Moab which/are. 5/25
Num_33:48....the/plains of Moab by Jordan near Jericho And/they 6/25
Num_33:49....the/plains of Moab And/the... 7/25
Num_33:50....the/plains of Moab by Jordan near Jericho saying Speak/unto 8/25
Num_35:1.....the/plains of Moab by Jordan near Jericho saying Command/the 9/25
Num_36:13....the/plains of Moab by Jordan near Jericho These/be 10/25
Deu_11:30....the/plains of Moreh/For..... 11/25
Deu_34:1.....the/plains of Moab unto/the. 12/25
Deu_34:8.....the/plains of Moab thirty/days 13/25
Jos_4:13.....the/plains of Jericho On/that 14/25
Jos_5:10.....the/plains of Jericho And they/did 15/25
Jos_11:2.....the/plains south/of......... 16/25
Jos_12:8.....the/plains and/in........... 17/25
Jos_13:32....the/plains of Moab on the/other 18/25
2Sa_17:16....the/plains of the/wilderness 19/25
2Ki_25:5.....the/plains of Jericho and all his army were/scattered 20/25
1Ch_27:28....low/plains was/Baalhanan.... 21/25
2Ch_9:27.....low/plains in/abundance..... 22/25
2Ch_26:10....the/plains husbandmen/also.. 23/25
Jer_39:5.....the/plains of Jericho and when/they 24/25
Jer_52:8.....the/plains of Jericho and all his army was/scattered 25/25
Lev_14:42..shall/plaister the/house........ 1/7
Deu_27:2.....and/plaister them with plaister And thou/shalt 2/7
Deu_27:2....with/plaister And thou/shalt... 3/7
Deu_27:4...shalt/plaister them with plaister And there/shalt 4/7
Deu_27:4....with/plaister And there/shalt.. 5/7
Isa_38:21......a/plaister upon/the......... 6/7
Dan_5:5......the/plaister of/the........... 7/7 Then the priest shall come/and 1/2
Lev_14:48....was/plaistered then the priest shall pronounce/the 2/2
1Pe_3:3.......of/plaiting/the.............. 1/1