Isa_28:10....For/precept must/be.......... 1/11
Isa_28:10...upon/precept precept upon precept line upon line line upon line here a little and there a little For/with 2/11
Isa_28:10precept/precept upon precept line upon line line upon line here a little and there a little For/with 3/11
Isa_28:10...upon/precept line upon line line upon line here a little and there a little For/with 4/11
Isa_28:13...them/precept upon precept precept/upon 5/11
Isa_28:13...upon/precept precept upon precept line upon line line upon line here a little and there a little that/they 6/11
Isa_28:13precept/precept upon precept line upon line line upon line here a little and there a little that/they 7/11
Isa_28:13...upon/precept line upon line line upon line here a little and there a little that/they 8/11
Isa_29:13....the/precept of/men........... 9/11
Mar_10:5....this/precept But/from........ 10/11
Heb_9:19...every/precept to/all.......... 11/11
Neh_9:14....them/precepts statutes/and.... 1/24
Psa_119:4....thy/precepts diligently/O.... 2/24
Psa_119:15...thy/precepts and have/respect 3/24
Psa_119:27...thy/precepts so/shall........ 4/24
Psa_119:40...thy/precepts quicken me in/thy 5/24
Psa_119:45...thy/precepts I will/speak.... 6/24
Psa_119:56...thy/precepts Thou/art........ 7/24
Psa_119:63...thy/precepts The earth/O..... 8/24
Psa_119:69...thy/precepts with/my......... 9/24
Psa_119:78...thy/precepts Let/those...... 10/24
Psa_119:87...thy/precepts Quicken me after/thy 11/24
Psa_119:93...thy/precepts for/with....... 12/24
Psa_119:94...thy/precepts The wicked/have 13/24
Psa_119:100..thy/precepts I have refrained/my 14/24
Psa_119:104..thy/precepts I get/understanding 15/24
Psa_119:110..thy/precepts Thy testimonies/have 16/24
Psa_119:128..thy/precepts concerning/all. 17/24
Psa_119:134..thy/precepts Make/thy....... 18/24
Psa_119:141..thy/precepts Thy righteousness/is 19/24
Psa_119:159..thy/precepts quicken me O/LORD 20/24
Psa_119:168..thy/precepts and thy/testimonies 21/24
Psa_119:173..thy/precepts I have longed/for 22/24
Jer_35:18....his/precepts and done/according 23/24
Dan_9:5......thy/precepts and from/thy... 24/24
Gen_24:53.mother/precious things And/they. 1/76
Deu_33:13....the/precious things of heaven/for 2/76
Deu_33:14....the/precious fruits/brought.. 3/76
Deu_33:14....the/precious things put/forth 4/76
Deu_33:15....the/precious things of the lasting/hills 5/76
Deu_33:16....the/precious things of the earth/and 6/76
1Sa_3:1......was/precious in those/days... 7/76
1Sa_26:21....was/precious in thine/eyes... 8/76
2Sa_12:30....the/precious stones and it/was 9/76
1Ki_10:2.....and/precious stones and when she was come to Solomon she communed with him of all that was in her heart And Solomon told her all her questions there/was 10/76
1Ki_10:10....and/precious stones there/came 11/76
1Ki_10:11....and/precious stones And the king made of the almug/trees 12/76 in thy sight Behold/there 13/76 in thy sight And/the 14/76
2Ki_20:13....his/precious things the silver and the gold and the spices and the precious ointment and all the house of his armour and all that was found in his treasures there was nothing in his house nor in all his dominion that Hezekiah shewed them not Then came Isaiah the prophet unto king Hezekiah and said unto him What said these men and from whence came they unto thee And Hezekiah said They are come from a far country even/from 15/76
2Ki_20:13....the/precious ointment and all the house of his armour and all that was found in his treasures there was nothing in his house nor in all his dominion that Hezekiah shewed them not Then came Isaiah the prophet unto king Hezekiah and said unto him What said these men and from whence came they unto thee And Hezekiah said They are come from a far country even/from 16/76
1Ch_20:2....were/precious stones in/it... 17/76
1Ch_29:2......of/precious stones and marble/stones 18/76
1Ch_29:8....whom/precious stones were/found 19/76
2Ch_3:6.....with/precious stones for/beauty 20/76
2Ch_9:1......and/precious stones and when she was come to Solomon she communed with him of all that was in her heart And Solomon told her all her questions and/there 21/76
2Ch_9:9......and/precious stones neither/was 22/76
2Ch_9:10.....and/precious stones And the king made of the algum/trees 23/76
2Ch_20:25....and/precious jewels/which... 24/76
2Ch_21:3......of/precious things with/fenced 25/76
2Ch_32:27....for/precious stones and for/spices 26/76
Ezr_1:6.....with/precious things beside/all 27/76
Ezr_8:27..copper/precious as/gold........ 28/76
Job_28:10..every/precious thing/He....... 29/76
Job_28:16....the/precious onyx/or........ 30/76 and it/ceaseth. 31/76
Psa_72:14....and/precious shall/their.... 32/76
Psa_116:15people/Precious in the sight/of 33/76
Psa_126:6bearing/precious seed/shall..... 34/76
Psa_133:2....the/precious ointment upon/the 35/76
Psa_139:17...How/precious also/are....... 36/76
Pro_1:13.....all/precious substance/we... 37/76
Pro_3:15....more/precious than rubies/and 38/76
Pro_6:26.....the/precious life/Can....... 39/76 In the way/of.. 40/76
Pro_17:8.......a/precious stone in/the... 41/76
Pro_20:15......a/precious jewel/Take..... 42/76
Pro_24:4.....all/precious and pleasant/riches 43/76
Ecc_7:1.....than/precious ointment and the/day 44/76
Isa_13:12...more/precious than fine/gold. 45/76
Isa_28:16......a/precious corner/stone... 46/76
Isa_39:2.....his/precious things the silver and the gold and the spices and the precious ointment and all the house of his armour and all that was found in his treasures there was nothing in his house nor in all his dominion that Hezekiah shewed them not Then came Isaiah the prophet unto king Hezekiah and said unto him What said these men and from whence came they unto thee And Hezekiah said They are come from a far country unto/me 47/76
Isa_39:2.....the/precious ointment and all the house of his armour and all that was found in his treasures there was nothing in his house nor in all his dominion that Hezekiah shewed them not Then came Isaiah the prophet unto king Hezekiah and said unto him What said these men and from whence came they unto thee And Hezekiah said They are come from a far country unto/me 48/76
Isa_43:4....wast/precious in my/sight.... 49/76
Jer_15:19....the/precious from/the....... 50/76
Jer_20:5.....the/precious things thereof/and 51/76
Lam_4:2......The/precious sons/of........ 52/76
Eze_22:25....and/precious things they/have 53/76 clothes/for.... 54/76
Eze_27:22....all/precious stones and gold/Haran 55/76
Eze_28:13..every/precious stone was/thy.. 56/76
Dan_11:8...their/precious vessels/of..... 57/76
Dan_11:38...with/precious stones and pleasant/things 58/76
Dan_11:43....the/precious things of Egypt/and 59/76
Mat_26:7....very/precious ointment and poured/it 60/76
Mar_14:3....very/precious and she/brake.. 61/76
1Co_3:12..silver/precious stones wood/hay 62/76
Jam_5:7......the/precious fruit/of....... 63/76
1Pe_1:7.....more/precious than of/gold... 64/76
1Pe_1:19.....the/precious blood/of....... 65/76
1Pe_2:4......and/precious Ye/also........ 66/76
1Pe_2:6....elect/precious and he/that.... 67/76 but/unto....... 68/76 faith/with..... 69/76
2Pe_1:4......and/precious promises/that.. 70/76
Rev_17:4.....and/precious stones and pearls having/a 71/76
Rev_18:12....and/precious stones and of/pearls 72/76
Rev_18:12...most/precious wood/and....... 73/76
Rev_18:16....and/precious stones and pearls For/in 74/76
Rev_21:11...most/precious even/like...... 75/76
Rev_21:19.....of/precious stones The/first 76/76