1Ch_16:7....this/psalm to/thank............ 1/6
Psa_81:2.......a/psalm and/bring........... 2/6
Psa_98:5.......a/psalm With/trumpets....... 3/6
Act_13:33.second/psalm Thou art/my......... 4/6
Act_13:35another/psalm Thou shalt/not...... 5/6
1Co_14:26......a/psalm hath/a.............. 6/6
2Sa_23:1...sweet/psalmist/of............... 1/1
1Ch_16:9....sing/psalms unto him talk ye of all his wondrous works Glory ye in his holy name let the heart of them rejoice that seek the LORD Seek the LORD and his strength seek his face continually/Remember 1/9
Psa_95:2....with/psalms For/the............ 2/9
Psa_105:2...sing/psalms unto him talk ye of all his wondrous works Glory ye in his holy name let the heart of them rejoice that seek the LORD Seek the LORD and his strength seek his face evermore/Remember 3/9
Luk_20:42.....of/Psalms The/LORD........... 4/9
Luk_24:44....the/psalms concerning/me...... 5/9
Act_1:20......of/Psalms Let/his............ 6/9
Eph_5:19......in/psalms and hymns and spiritual songs singing and/making 7/9
Col_3:16......in/psalms and hymns and spiritual songs singing with/grace 8/9
Jam_5:13....sing/psalms Is/any............. 9/9
2Sa_6:5.......on/psalteries and on/timbrels 1/14
1Ki_10:12....and/psalteries for singers there/came 2/14
1Ch_13:8....with/psalteries and with timbrels/and 3/14
1Ch_15:16.musick/psalteries and harps and cymbals/sounding 4/14
1Ch_15:20...with/psalteries on/Alamoth.... 5/14
1Ch_15:28...with/psalteries and harps And it/came 6/14
1Ch_16:5....with/psalteries and with harps but/Asaph 7/14
1Ch_25:1....with/psalteries and with cymbals/and 8/14
1Ch_25:6.cymbals/psalteries and harps for/the 9/14
2Ch_5:12.....and/psalteries and harps stood/at 10/14
2Ch_9:11.....and/psalteries for singers and/there 11/14
2Ch_20:28...with/psalteries and harps and trumpets/unto 12/14
2Ch_29:25...with/psalteries and with harps according/to 13/14
Neh_12:27cymbals/psalteries and with harps And/the 14/14
1Sa_10:5.......a/psaltery and a/tabret.... 1/13
Psa_33:2.....the/psaltery and an instrument of ten strings Sing/unto 2/13
Psa_57:8...awake/psaltery and harp I myself will awake early I will praise thee O Lord among the people I/will 3/13
Psa_71:22....the/psaltery even/thy........ 4/13
Psa_81:2.....the/psaltery Blow/up......... 5/13
Psa_92:3.....the/psaltery upon/the........ 6/13
Psa_108:2..Awake/psaltery and harp I myself will awake early I will praise thee O LORD among the people and/I 7/13
Psa_144:9......a/psaltery and an instrument of ten strings will/I 8/13
Psa_150:3....the/psaltery and harp Praise/him 9/13
Dan_3:5..sackbut/psaltery dulcimer/and... 10/13
Dan_3:7..sackbut/psaltery and all/kinds.. 11/13
Dan_3:10.sackbut/psaltery and dulcimer and all kinds of musick shall/fall 12/13
Dan_3:15.sackbut/psaltery and dulcimer and all kinds of musick ye/fall 13/13