1Sa_9:4...............of/Shalim/and................ 1/1
1Sa_9:4...............of/Shalisha/but.............. 1/1 be for meat And to/every 1/9838
Gen_2:23.............she/shall be called Woman/because 2/9838
Gen_2:24.......Therefore/shall a man leave his father and his/mother 3/9838
Gen_2:24.............and/shall cleave unto his/wife 4/9838
Gen_2:24............they/shall be one flesh And/they 5/9838
Gen_3:1...............Ye/shall not eat of every/tree 6/9838
Gen_3:3...............Ye/shall not eat of it/neither 7/9838
Gen_3:3..........neither/shall ye touch/it...... 8/9838
Gen_3:4...............Ye/shall not surely/die... 9/9838
Gen_3:5.............eyes/shall be opened and ye/shall 10/9838 be as gods/knowing 11/9838 bruise thy/head. 12/9838
Gen_3:16..........desire/shall be to thy/husband 13/9838
Gen_3:16..............he/shall rule over thee/And 14/9838
Gen_3:18........thistles/shall it bring/forth.. 15/9838
Gen_4:7.............thee/shall be his desire/and 16/9838 not henceforth/yield 17/9838
Gen_4:14............face/shall I be hid/and.... 18/9838
Gen_4:14...............I/shall be a fugitive/and 19/9838 come to pass that every one that findeth/me 20/9838 slay me And the/LORD 21/9838
Gen_4:15.......vengeance/shall be taken on/him. 22/9838
Gen_4:24............Cain/shall be avenged/sevenfold 23/9838
Gen_5:29............same/shall comfort us/concerning 24/9838
Gen_6:3...........spirit/shall not always/strive 25/9838
Gen_6:3.............days/shall be an hundred and/twenty 26/9838
Gen_6:15.............ark/shall be three hundred/cubits 27/9838 die But with/thee 28/9838
Gen_6:19............they/shall be male/and..... 29/9838
Gen_6:20............sort/shall come unto thee to keep/them 30/9838 be for food for/thee 31/9838
Gen_8:22...........night/shall not cease/And... 32/9838 be upon every beast/of 33/9838
Gen_9:3...........liveth/shall be meat for you even/as 34/9838
Gen_9:4..........thereof/shall ye not eat And surely/your 35/9838 his blood/be.... 36/9838
Gen_9:11.........neither/shall all flesh be/cut 37/9838
Gen_9:11.........neither/shall there any more/be 38/9838 be for a token of/a 39/9838 come to pass when I/bring 40/9838
Gen_9:14.............bow/shall be seen in/the.. 41/9838
Gen_9:15..........waters/shall no more become/a 42/9838
Gen_9:16.............bow/shall be in the cloud/and 43/9838
Gen_9:25........servants/shall he be unto/his.. 44/9838
Gen_9:26..........Canaan/shall be his servant God/shall 45/9838
Gen_9:27.............God/shall enlarge Japheth/and 46/9838
Gen_9:27..............he/shall dwell in the tents/of 47/9838
Gen_9:27..........Canaan/shall be his servant And/Noah 48/9838
Gen_12:3............thee/shall all families/of. 49/9838 come to pass when the Egyptians/shall 50/9838
Gen_12:12......Egyptians/shall see thee/that... 51/9838
Gen_12:12...........they/shall say This is/his. 52/9838
Gen_12:13...........soul/shall live because/of. 53/9838
Gen_13:16...........then/shall thy seed also/be 54/9838
Gen_15:4............This/shall not be thine/heir 55/9838
Gen_15:4............that/shall come forth out of thine/own 56/9838
Gen_15:4..........bowels/shall be thine heir/And 57/9838
Gen_15:5..............So/shall thy seed be And he/believed 58/9838
Gen_15:8.........whereby/shall I know that I/shall 59/9838
Gen_15:8...............I/shall inherit it And he/said 60/9838
Gen_15:13...........seed/shall be a stranger/in 61/9838
Gen_15:13............and/shall serve them/and.. 62/9838
Gen_15:13...........they/shall afflict them/four 63/9838
Gen_15:14...........they/shall serve will/I.... 64/9838
Gen_15:14......afterward/shall they come out/with 65/9838
Gen_15:16...........they/shall come hither/again 66/9838 not be numbered/for 67/9838
Gen_16:12.............he/shall dwell in the presence/of 68/9838
Gen_17:5.........Neither/shall thy name/any.... 69/9838 be Abraham/for.. 70/9838
Gen_17:6...........kings/shall come out of thee/And 71/9838 keep between/me. 72/9838 be circumcised And ye/shall 73/9838 circumcise/the.. 74/9838 be a token of/the 75/9838
Gen_17:12............old/shall be circumcised among/you 76/9838
Gen_17:13.......covenant/shall be in your/flesh 77/9838
Gen_17:14...........soul/shall be cut off from his people he/hath 78/9838
Gen_17:15..........Sarah/shall her name/be..... 79/9838
Gen_17:16............she/shall be a mother/of.. 80/9838
Gen_17:16.........people/shall be of her/Then.. 81/9838
Gen_17:17..........heart/Shall a child/be...... 82/9838
Gen_17:17............and/shall Sarah/that...... 83/9838
Gen_17:19...........wife/shall bear thee a son indeed/and 84/9838
Gen_17:20........princes/shall he beget/and.... 85/9838
Gen_17:21..........Sarah/shall bear unto/thee.. 86/9838 pass on/for..... 87/9838
Gen_18:10...........wife/shall have a son And Sarah/heard 88/9838
Gen_18:12............old/shall I have pleasure/my 89/9838
Gen_18:13.........saying/Shall I of/a.......... 90/9838
Gen_18:14..........Sarah/shall have a son Then/Sarah 91/9838
Gen_18:17...........said/Shall I hide/from..... 92/9838
Gen_18:18........Abraham/shall surely become/a. 93/9838 be blessed in him For/I 94/9838
Gen_18:19...........they/shall keep the way/of. 95/9838
Gen_18:25...........thee/Shall not the Judge/of 96/9838
Gen_18:28..........there/shall lack/five....... 97/9838
Gen_18:29..........there/shall be forty found/there 98/9838
Gen_18:30..........there/shall thirty/be....... 99/9838
Gen_18:31..........there/shall be twenty found/there 100/9838
Gen_18:32............ten/shall be found there/And 101/9838 rise up early/and 102/9838
Gen_19:20...........soul/shall live And he/said 103/9838
Gen_20:7..............he/shall pray for thee/and 104/9838
Gen_20:13.............we/shall come say/of.... 105/9838
Gen_21:10......bondwoman/shall not be heir with my/son 106/9838
Gen_21:12..........Isaac/shall thy seed be called And/also 107/9838 be seen And/the 108/9838
Gen_22:17...........seed/shall possess the gate/of 109/9838
Gen_22:18...........seed/shall all the nations of the earth be blessed because thou/hast 110/9838 withhold/from.. 111/9838
Gen_23:9..............he/shall give it me/for. 112/9838
Gen_24:7..............he/shall send his angel/before 113/9838
Gen_24:14..............I/shall say Let/down... 114/9838
Gen_24:14............she/shall say Drink/and.. 115/9838
Gen_24:14........thereby/shall I know that thou hast/shewed 116/9838 come to pass that when the virgin/cometh 117/9838
Gen_24:55............she/shall go And he/said. 118/9838
Gen_25:23.........people/shall be separated/from 119/9838
Gen_25:23.........people/shall be stronger than the/other 120/9838
Gen_25:23..........elder/shall serve the younger And/when 121/9838
Gen_25:32.........profit/shall this birthright/do 122/9838
Gen_26:2...............I/shall tell thee of/Sojourn 123/9838
Gen_26:4............seed/shall all the nations of the earth be blessed Because that/Abraham 124/9838
Gen_26:11...........wife/shall surely be put to death Then/Isaac 125/9838
Gen_26:22.............we/shall be fruitful in/the 126/9838
Gen_27:12..............I/shall seem to/him.... 127/9838
Gen_27:12..............I/shall bring a curse/upon 128/9838
Gen_27:33.............he/shall be blessed And when/Esau 129/9838
Gen_27:37...........what/shall I do now/unto.. 130/9838
Gen_27:39.......dwelling/shall be the fatness/of 131/9838 come to pass when thou shalt have/the 132/9838
Gen_27:46...........good/shall my life/do..... 133/9838
Gen_28:14...........seed/shall be as the dust/of 134/9838
Gen_28:14...........seed/shall all the families/of 135/9838
Gen_28:21...........then/shall the LORD be/my. 136/9838
Gen_28:22.........pillar/shall be God's/house. 137/9838
Gen_29:15...........what/shall thy wages/be... 138/9838
Gen_30:3.............she/shall bear upon my/knees 139/9838
Gen_30:15.............he/shall lie with thee/to 140/9838
Gen_30:24...........LORD/shall add to/me...... 141/9838
Gen_30:30...........when/shall I provide/for.. 142/9838
Gen_30:31...........What/shall I give thee And Jacob/said 143/9838
Gen_30:32...........such/shall be my hire/So.. 144/9838
Gen_30:33.............So/shall my righteousness/answer 145/9838 come for my/hire 146/9838
Gen_30:33...........that/shall be counted stolen/with 147/9838
Gen_31:8........speckled/shall be thy wages/then 148/9838
Gen_31:8.....ringstraked/shall be thy hire/then 149/9838
Gen_32:4............Thus/shall ye speak unto my/lord 150/9838
Gen_32:8............left/shall escape And Jacob/said 151/9838
Gen_32:19.........manner/shall ye speak unto Esau/when 152/9838 be called no/more 153/9838 dwell with us/and 154/9838 be before/you.. 155/9838 say unto me I/will 156/9838 say unto me but/give 157/9838
Gen_34:23....circumcised/Shall not their/cattle 158/9838
Gen_34:30...........they/shall gather themselves together/against 159/9838
Gen_34:30..............I/shall be destroyed I and/my 160/9838 not be called/any 161/9838
Gen_35:10.........Israel/shall be thy name and he/called 162/9838
Gen_35:11........nations/shall be of thee and/kings 163/9838
Gen_35:11..........kings/shall come out of thy/loins 164/9838
Gen_37:10........dreamed/Shall I and/thy...... 165/9838
Gen_37:20.............we/shall see what/will.. 166/9838
Gen_37:30........whither/shall I go And they/took 167/9838
Gen_38:18.........pledge/shall I give thee And she/said 168/9838
Gen_40:13...........days/shall Pharaoh lift up thine/head 169/9838 be well with thee and/shew 170/9838
Gen_40:19...........days/shall Pharaoh lift up thy/head 171/9838
Gen_40:19............and/shall hang thee/on... 172/9838
Gen_40:19..........birds/shall eat thy flesh/from 173/9838
Gen_41:16............God/shall give Pharaoh/an 174/9838
Gen_41:27...........wind/shall be seven years/of 175/9838
Gen_41:30..........there/shall arise after/them 176/9838
Gen_41:30.........plenty/shall be forgotten in/the 177/9838
Gen_41:30.........famine/shall consume the land/And 178/9838
Gen_41:31.........plenty/shall not be known in/the 179/9838 be very grievous/And 180/9838 be for store/to 181/9838
Gen_41:36..........which/shall be in the land/of 182/9838
Gen_41:40...........word/shall all my/people.. 183/9838
Gen_41:44...........thee/shall no man lift/up. 184/9838 be proved/By... 185/9838 not go forth/hence 186/9838 be kept in/prison 187/9838 your words/be.. 188/9838 not die And/they 189/9838
Gen_42:33.........Hereby/shall I know that ye are true/men 190/9838
Gen_42:34...........then/shall I know that ye are no/spies 191/9838 traffick/in.... 192/9838
Gen_42:38............son/shall not go down/with 193/9838
Gen_42:38...........then/shall ye bring down/my 194/9838
Gen_43:3..............Ye/shall not see my face except your brother be with you If/thou 195/9838
Gen_43:5..............Ye/shall not see my face except your brother be with you And/Israel 196/9838 dine/with...... 197/9838
Gen_44:10..........found/shall be my servant and ye/shall 198/9838 be blameless/Then 199/9838
Gen_44:16...........What/shall we say unto/my. 200/9838
Gen_44:16...........what/shall we speak/or.... 201/9838 we clear/ourselves 202/9838
Gen_44:17.............he/shall be my servant and as/for 203/9838 see my face no more And/it 204/9838 bring down my/gray 205/9838
Gen_44:31.............It/shall come to pass when he seeth/that 206/9838
Gen_44:31.......servants/shall bring down the gray/hairs 207/9838
Gen_44:32..............I/shall bear the blame/to 208/9838 I go up to my/father 209/9838
Gen_44:34...........that/shall come on my/father 210/9838
Gen_45:6...........there/shall neither be earing/nor 211/9838 tell my/father. 212/9838 haste/and...... 213/9838 eat the fat/of. 214/9838
Gen_46:4..........Joseph/shall put his hand upon thine/eyes 215/9838 come to pass when Pharaoh/shall 216/9838
Gen_46:33........Pharaoh/shall call you and/shall 217/9838
Gen_46:33............and/shall say What is/your 218/9838 say Thy servants'/trade 219/9838
Gen_47:19......Wherefore/shall we die/before.. 220/9838 sow the land/And 221/9838 come to pass in the increase/that 222/9838 give the fifth/part 223/9838 be your own/for 224/9838
Gen_48:5............they/shall be mine And thy/issue 225/9838
Gen_48:6............them/shall be thine and shall/be 226/9838
Gen_48:6.............and/shall be called after/the 227/9838
Gen_48:19...........also/shall become a people/and 228/9838
Gen_48:19...........also/shall be great but/truly 229/9838 be greater than he/and 230/9838
Gen_48:19...........seed/shall become a multitude/of 231/9838
Gen_48:20...........thee/shall Israel bless/saying 232/9838
Gen_48:21............God/shall be with you and/bring 233/9838
Gen_49:1...........which/shall befall you/in.. 234/9838
Gen_49:8........brethren/shall praise thy hand/shall 235/9838
Gen_49:8............hand/shall be in the neck/of 236/9838
Gen_49:8........children/shall bow down before/thee 237/9838
Gen_49:9.............who/shall rouse/him...... 238/9838
Gen_49:10........sceptre/shall not depart from Judah/nor 239/9838
Gen_49:10............him/shall the gathering/of 240/9838
Gen_49:12...........eyes/shall be red/with.... 241/9838
Gen_49:13........Zebulun/shall dwell at the/haven 242/9838
Gen_49:13.............he/shall be for an/haven 243/9838
Gen_49:13.........border/shall be unto Zidon/Issachar 244/9838
Gen_49:16............Dan/shall judge his people as/one 245/9838
Gen_49:17............Dan/shall be a serpent/by 246/9838
Gen_49:17..........rider/shall fall backward/I 247/9838
Gen_49:19..........troop/shall overcome him/but 248/9838
Gen_49:19.............he/shall overcome at/the 249/9838
Gen_49:20..........bread/shall be fat and he/shall 250/9838
Gen_49:20.............he/shall yield royal/dainties 251/9838
Gen_49:25............who/shall help thee/and.. 252/9838
Gen_49:25............who/shall bless thee with/blessings 253/9838
Gen_49:26...........they/shall be on the head/of 254/9838
Gen_49:27.......Benjamin/shall ravin/as....... 255/9838
Gen_49:27.............he/shall devour the prey/and 256/9838
Gen_49:27.............he/shall divide the spoil All/these 257/9838
Gen_50:17.............So/shall ye say unto Joseph/Forgive 258/9838 carry up my bones from/hence 259/9838 kill him but/if 260/9838
Exo_1:16.............she/shall live But the/midwives 261/9838 cast into/the.. 262/9838 save alive/And. 263/9838
Exo_2:7.........daughter/Shall I go and call/to 264/9838
Exo_3:12............this/shall be a token unto/thee 265/9838 serve God/upon. 266/9838
Exo_3:13.............and/shall say unto them The/God 267/9838
Exo_3:13............they/shall say to me/What. 268/9838
Exo_3:13............what/shall I say unto/them 269/9838
Exo_3:18............they/shall hearken to/thy. 270/9838 say unto him The/LORD 271/9838 come to pass that when ye/go 272/9838 not go empty/But 273/9838
Exo_3:22...........woman/shall borrow/of...... 274/9838 put them upon your/sons 275/9838 spoil the Egyptians/And 276/9838 come to pass if they will not believe thee/neither 277/9838 come to pass if they will not believe also/these 278/9838
Exo_4:9............river/shall become blood/upon 279/9838 do And he/shall 280/9838
Exo_4:16..............he/shall be thy spokesman/unto 281/9838
Exo_4:16..............he/shall be even he/shall 282/9838
Exo_4:16..............he/shall be to thee/instead 283/9838
Exo_4:21..............he/shall not let/the.... 284/9838
Exo_5:7...............Ye/shall no more give/the 285/9838 lay upon them/ye 286/9838 not diminish/ought 287/9838 be diminished So/the 288/9838
Exo_5:18...........there/shall no straw/be.... 289/9838
Exo_5:18.............yet/shall ye deliver/the. 290/9838
Exo_5:19..............Ye/shall not minish/ought 291/9838
Exo_6:1.............hand/shall he let them/go. 292/9838
Exo_6:1.............hand/shall he drive/them.. 293/9838 know that I am the LORD your God which/bringeth 294/9838
Exo_6:12............then/shall Pharaoh hear/me 295/9838 Pharaoh hearken/unto 296/9838 be thy prophet/Thou 297/9838 speak unto Pharaoh/that 298/9838
Exo_7:4..........Pharaoh/shall not hearken unto you that I/may 299/9838
Exo_7:5........Egyptians/shall know that I am the LORD when I stretch/forth 300/9838
Exo_7:9..........Pharaoh/shall speak unto you/saying 301/9838 become a serpent/And 302/9838
Exo_7:17............they/shall be turned to/blood 303/9838
Exo_7:18...........river/shall die and the river/shall 304/9838
Exo_7:18...........river/shall stink/and...... 305/9838
Exo_7:18.......Egyptians/shall lothe to/drink. 306/9838
Exo_8:3............river/shall bring forth frogs/abundantly 307/9838
Exo_8:3............which/shall go up and/come. 308/9838
Exo_8:4............frogs/shall come up both/on 309/9838
Exo_8:9.............when/shall I intreat/for.. 310/9838
Exo_8:11...........frogs/shall depart from thee and from/thy 311/9838
Exo_8:11............they/shall remain in the river/only 312/9838
Exo_8:21.......Egyptians/shall be full of swarms/of 313/9838
Exo_8:22...........flies/shall be there to/the 314/9838
Exo_8:23..........morrow/shall this sign/be... 315/9838
Exo_8:26..............we/shall sacrifice the/abomination 316/9838
Exo_8:26..............lo/shall we sacrifice/the 317/9838
Exo_8:27..............he/shall command us/And. 318/9838 not go very/far 319/9838
Exo_9:3............there/shall be a very grievous/murrain 320/9838
Exo_9:4.............LORD/shall sever between/the 321/9838
Exo_9:4............there/shall nothing die/of. 322/9838
Exo_9:5.............LORD/shall do this thing/in 323/9838 become small/dust 324/9838
Exo_9:9..............and/shall be a boil/breaking 325/9838
Exo_9:19...........which/shall be found in the/field 326/9838
Exo_9:19.............and/shall not be brought/home 327/9838
Exo_9:19............hail/shall come down upon them/and 328/9838
Exo_9:19............they/shall die He that feared/the 329/9838 stay no/longer. 330/9838
Exo_9:29.........thunder/shall cease neither/shall 331/9838
Exo_9:29.........neither/shall there be any more hail/that 332/9838
Exo_10:5............they/shall cover the face/of 333/9838
Exo_10:5............they/shall eat the residue/of 334/9838
Exo_10:5.............and/shall eat every tree/which 335/9838
Exo_10:6............they/shall fill thy/houses 336/9838
Exo_10:7............long/shall this man be/a.. 337/9838
Exo_10:8............that/shall go And Moses/said 338/9838
Exo_10:14...........them/shall be such/For.... 339/9838
Exo_10:26...........also/shall go with us/there 340/9838
Exo_10:26..........there/shall not an hoof/be. 341/9838
Exo_11:1..............he/shall let you/go..... 342/9838
Exo_11:1..............he/shall surely thrust/you 343/9838
Exo_11:5...........Egypt/shall die from the first/born 344/9838
Exo_11:6...........there/shall be a great cry/throughout 345/9838
Exo_11:6.............nor/shall be like it/any. 346/9838
Exo_11:7..........Israel/shall not a dog/move. 347/9838
Exo_11:8........servants/shall come down unto/me 348/9838
Exo_11:9.........Pharaoh/shall not hearken unto you that my/wonders 349/9838
Exo_12:2...........month/shall be unto you the/beginning 350/9838 be the first month/of 351/9838
Exo_12:3............they/shall take to them/every 352/9838
Exo_12:4..........eating/shall make your count/for 353/9838
Exo_12:5............lamb/shall be without blemish a/male 354/9838 take it out/from 355/9838 keep it up/until 356/9838
Exo_12:6..........Israel/shall kill it in/the. 357/9838
Exo_12:7............they/shall take of the blood and/strike 358/9838
Exo_12:7............they/shall eat it And they/shall 359/9838
Exo_12:8............they/shall eat the flesh in/that 360/9838
Exo_12:8............they/shall eat it Eat/not. 361/9838 let nothing/of. 362/9838 burn with/fire. 363/9838
Exo_12:11...........thus/shall ye eat it/with. 364/9838 eat it in haste/it 365/9838
Exo_12:13..........blood/shall be to you for a/token 366/9838
Exo_12:13.........plague/shall not be upon you/to 367/9838 be unto you for a memorial/and 368/9838 keep it a feast to/the 369/9838 keep it a feast by/an 370/9838
Exo_12:15...........days/shall ye eat unleavened bread even/the 371/9838 put away leaven/out 372/9838
Exo_12:15...........soul/shall be cut off from Israel And/in 373/9838
Exo_12:16..........there/shall be an holy convocation and/in 374/9838
Exo_12:16..........there/shall be an holy convocation to/you 375/9838 be done in them/save 376/9838 observe the/feast 377/9838
Exo_12:17......therefore/shall ye observe this/day 378/9838 eat unleavened/bread 379/9838
Exo_12:19...........days/shall there be no/leaven 380/9838
Exo_12:19...........soul/shall be cut off from the congregation/of 381/9838
Exo_12:20.............Ye/shall eat nothing/leavened 382/9838
Exo_12:20....habitations/shall ye eat unleavened bread Then/Moses 383/9838 take a bunch/of 384/9838 go out at the door/of 385/9838 observe this/thing 386/9838 come to pass when ye be come/to 387/9838 keep this/service 388/9838 come to pass when your/children 389/9838
Exo_12:26.......children/shall say unto you What/mean 390/9838 say It/is...... 391/9838
Exo_12:43..........There/shall no stranger eat thereof/But 392/9838
Exo_12:44...........then/shall he eat thereof/A 393/9838
Exo_12:45........servant/shall not eat thereof In/one 394/9838 it be eaten thou/shalt 395/9838
Exo_12:46........neither/shall ye break/a..... 396/9838
Exo_12:47.........Israel/shall keep it And when/a 397/9838
Exo_12:48.......stranger/shall sojourn with/thee 398/9838
Exo_12:48.............he/shall be as one that/is 399/9838
Exo_12:48.........person/shall eat thereof One/law 400/9838 be to him that is/homeborn 401/9838
Exo_13:3...........there/shall no leavened bread be eaten/This 402/9838 be when the LORD shall bring thee into the land of the Canaanites and/the 403/9838
Exo_13:5............LORD/shall bring thee into the land of the Canaanites and/the 404/9838 be a feast/to.. 405/9838
Exo_13:7...........bread/shall be eaten seven/days 406/9838
Exo_13:7...........there/shall no leavened bread be seen/with 407/9838
Exo_13:7.........neither/shall there be leaven/seen 408/9838 be for a sign unto/thee 409/9838 be when the LORD shall bring thee into the land of the Canaanites as/he 410/9838
Exo_13:11...........LORD/shall bring thee into the land of the Canaanites as/he 411/9838
Exo_13:11............and/shall give it thee/That 412/9838
Exo_13:12..........males/shall be the LORD's And/every 413/9838 be when thy/son 414/9838 be for a token upon/thine 415/9838 carry up my bones away/hence 416/9838 ye encamp/by... 417/9838
Exo_14:4..............he/shall follow after them/and 418/9838 see them again/no 419/9838
Exo_14:14...........LORD/shall fight for you and ye/shall 420/9838 hold your/peace 421/9838
Exo_14:16.........Israel/shall go on dry/ground 422/9838
Exo_14:17...........they/shall follow them and/I 423/9838
Exo_14:18......Egyptians/shall know that I am the LORD when I have gotten/me 424/9838
Exo_15:9............lust/shall be satisfied upon them/I 425/9838
Exo_15:9............hand/shall destroy them Thou/didst 426/9838
Exo_15:14.........people/shall hear and be/afraid 427/9838
Exo_15:14.........sorrow/shall take hold on/the 428/9838
Exo_15:15...........Edom/shall be amazed the/mighty 429/9838
Exo_15:15......trembling/shall take hold upon/them 430/9838
Exo_15:15.........Canaan/shall melt away/Fear. 431/9838
Exo_15:16..........dread/shall fall upon them by/the 432/9838
Exo_15:16...........they/shall be as still/as. 433/9838
Exo_15:18...........LORD/shall reign for ever and ever For/the 434/9838
Exo_15:24...........What/shall we drink And/he 435/9838
Exo_16:4..........people/shall go out and gather/a 436/9838 come to pass that on/the 437/9838
Exo_16:5............they/shall prepare that/which 438/9838 be twice/as.... 439/9838 know that the LORD hath brought/you 440/9838 see the glory of the LORD for/that 441/9838
Exo_16:8............This/shall be when the LORD shall give/you 442/9838
Exo_16:8............LORD/shall give you in/the 443/9838 eat flesh and/in 444/9838 be filled with bread/and 445/9838 know that I am the LORD your God And/it 446/9838 not find it in the/field 447/9838 gather it but/on 448/9838
Exo_16:26..........there/shall be none And it/came 449/9838
Exo_17:4............What/shall I do unto this/people 450/9838
Exo_17:6...........there/shall come water/out. 451/9838
Exo_18:19............God/shall be with thee Be/thou 452/9838 be that every/great 453/9838
Exo_18:22...........they/shall bring unto thee/but 454/9838
Exo_18:22...........they/shall judge so/shall. 455/9838 it be easier/for 456/9838
Exo_18:22...........they/shall bear the burden with/thee 457/9838
Exo_18:23.........people/shall also go/to..... 458/9838 be a peculiar/treasure 459/9838 be unto me a/kingdom 460/9838
Exo_19:12..........mount/shall be surely put to death There/shall 461/9838
Exo_19:13..........There/shall not an hand/touch 462/9838
Exo_19:13.............he/shall surely be stoned/or 463/9838 not live when/the 464/9838
Exo_19:13...........they/shall come up to/the. 465/9838
Exo_20:23.............Ye/shall not make with/me 466/9838
Exo_20:23........neither/shall ye make unto/you 467/9838
Exo_21:2..............he/shall serve and in/the 468/9838
Exo_21:2..............he/shall go out free/for 469/9838
Exo_21:3..............he/shall go out by himself if/he 470/9838
Exo_21:3............wife/shall go out with him/If 471/9838
Exo_21:4........children/shall be her/master's 472/9838
Exo_21:4..............he/shall go out by himself And/if 473/9838
Exo_21:5.........servant/shall plainly/say.... 474/9838
Exo_21:6..........master/shall bring him unto/the 475/9838
Exo_21:6..............he/shall also bring him/to 476/9838
Exo_21:6..........master/shall bore/his....... 477/9838
Exo_21:6..............he/shall serve him for ever/And 478/9838
Exo_21:7.............she/shall not go out as/the 479/9838
Exo_21:8............then/shall he let her/be.. 480/9838
Exo_21:8..............he/shall have no power seeing/he 481/9838
Exo_21:9..............he/shall deal with her/after 482/9838
Exo_21:10.......marriage/shall he not diminish/And 483/9838
Exo_21:11...........then/shall she go/out..... 484/9838
Exo_21:12............die/shall be surely put to death And if/a 485/9838
Exo_21:13.............he/shall flee But/if.... 486/9838
Exo_21:15.........mother/shall be surely put to death And he/that 487/9838
Exo_21:16.............he/shall surely be put to death And he that curseth/his 488/9838
Exo_21:17.........mother/shall surely be put to death And if men/strive 489/9838
Exo_21:19...........then/shall he that smote/him 490/9838
Exo_21:19.............he/shall pay for/the.... 491/9838
Exo_21:19............and/shall cause him to be/thoroughly 492/9838
Exo_21:20.............he/shall be surely punished Notwithstanding/if 493/9838
Exo_21:21.............he/shall not be punished/for 494/9838
Exo_21:22.............he/shall be surely punished according/as 495/9838
Exo_21:22.............he/shall pay as/the..... 496/9838
Exo_21:26.............he/shall let him go free for his eye's/sake 497/9838
Exo_21:27.............he/shall let him go free for his tooth's/sake 498/9838
Exo_21:28.............ox/shall be surely stoned/and 499/9838
Exo_21:28..........flesh/shall not be eaten but the/owner 500/9838
Exo_21:28.............ox/shall be quit/But.... 501/9838
Exo_21:29.............ox/shall be stoned and his/owner 502/9838
Exo_21:29...........also/shall be put to death If/there 503/9838
Exo_21:30.............he/shall give for/the... 504/9838
Exo_21:31.......judgment/shall it be done unto him/If 505/9838
Exo_21:32.............ox/shall push a/manservant 506/9838
Exo_21:32.............he/shall give unto their/master 507/9838
Exo_21:32.............ox/shall be stoned And if/a 508/9838 open a/pit..... 509/9838 dig a/pit...... 510/9838
Exo_21:34............pit/shall make it good and/give 511/9838
Exo_21:34..........beast/shall be his And if one/man's 512/9838
Exo_21:35...........they/shall sell the/live.. 513/9838
Exo_21:35...........they/shall divide Or/if... 514/9838
Exo_21:36.............he/shall surely pay/ox.. 515/9838
Exo_21:36...........dead/shall be his own/If.. 516/9838 steal/an....... 517/9838
Exo_22:1..............he/shall restore five/oxen 518/9838
Exo_22:2...........there/shall no blood/be.... 519/9838
Exo_22:3...........there/shall be blood/shed.. 520/9838
Exo_22:3..............he/shall be sold for/his 521/9838
Exo_22:4..............he/shall restore double/If 522/9838 cause a/field.. 523/9838
Exo_22:5.............and/shall put in his/beast 524/9838
Exo_22:5.............and/shall feed in another/man's 525/9838
Exo_22:5........vineyard/shall he make restitution/If 526/9838 surely make restitution/If 527/9838 deliver unto/his 528/9838 be brought unto the judges/to 529/9838
Exo_22:9.........parties/shall come before the judges/and 530/9838
Exo_22:9..........judges/shall condemn he/shall 531/9838
Exo_22:9..............he/shall pay double/unto 532/9838
Exo_22:11...........Then/shall an/oath........ 533/9838 accept thereof/and 534/9838
Exo_22:11.............he/shall not make it good And/if 535/9838
Exo_22:12.............he/shall make restitution/unto 536/9838
Exo_22:13.............he/shall not make good/that 537/9838
Exo_22:14.............he/shall surely make it/good 538/9838
Exo_22:15.............he/shall not make it good if/it 539/9838
Exo_22:16.............he/shall surely endow/her 540/9838
Exo_22:17.............he/shall pay money/according 541/9838
Exo_22:19..........beast/shall surely be put to death He/that 542/9838
Exo_22:20.............he/shall be utterly destroyed/Thou 543/9838
Exo_22:22.............Ye/shall not afflict/any 544/9838
Exo_22:24..........wrath/shall wax hot/and.... 545/9838
Exo_22:24..........wives/shall be widows/and.. 546/9838
Exo_22:27........wherein/shall he sleep/and... 547/9838 come to pass when he crieth/unto 548/9838 be with his/dam 549/9838 be holy men/unto 550/9838
Exo_22:31........neither/shall ye eat any/flesh 551/9838 cast it/to..... 552/9838
Exo_23:11..........field/shall eat In like/manner 553/9838
Exo_23:15...........none/shall appear before me empty And/the 554/9838
Exo_23:17..........males/shall appear before the/LORD 555/9838
Exo_23:18........neither/shall the fat/of..... 556/9838
Exo_23:23..........Angel/shall go before thee and/bring 557/9838 serve the LORD your/God 558/9838
Exo_23:25.............he/shall bless thy/bread 559/9838
Exo_23:26..........There/shall nothing cast/their 560/9838
Exo_23:28..........which/shall drive out the/Hivite 561/9838
Exo_23:33...........They/shall not dwell in thy/land 562/9838
Exo_24:2...........alone/shall come near the/LORD 563/9838
Exo_24:2............they/shall not come nigh neither/shall 564/9838
Exo_24:2.........neither/shall the people go/up 565/9838 take my/offering 566/9838 take of them/gold 567/9838 ye make it/And. 568/9838
Exo_25:10...........they/shall make an ark/of. 569/9838
Exo_25:10...........half/shall be the length thereof and a cubit and a half the breadth thereof and a/cubit 570/9838
Exo_25:12..........rings/shall be in the one/side 571/9838
Exo_25:15.........staves/shall be in the rings/of 572/9838
Exo_25:15...........they/shall not be taken from/it 573/9838
Exo_25:16..............I/shall give thee And thou/shalt 574/9838
Exo_25:17...........half/shall be the length thereof and a cubit and a half the breadth thereof And thou/shalt 575/9838 ye make the cherubims/on 576/9838
Exo_25:20......cherubims/shall stretch forth their/wings 577/9838
Exo_25:20..........faces/shall look one/to.... 578/9838 the faces/of... 579/9838
Exo_25:21..............I/shall give thee And there/I 580/9838
Exo_25:23.........cubits/shall be the length thereof and a cubit the breadth thereof and/a 581/9838
Exo_25:27.........border/shall the rings/be... 582/9838 the candlestick/be 583/9838 be of the same And six/branches 584/9838
Exo_25:32.......branches/shall come out of the/sides 585/9838
Exo_25:34...candlesticks/shall be four bowls/made 586/9838
Exo_25:35..........there/shall be a knop/under 587/9838
Exo_25:36.......branches/shall be of the same all/it 588/9838 be one beaten/work 589/9838
Exo_25:37...........they/shall light/the...... 590/9838
Exo_25:38........thereof/shall be of pure/gold 591/9838 he make it/with 592/9838
Exo_26:2.........curtain/shall be eight and/twenty 593/9838
Exo_26:2........curtains/shall have one measure/The 594/9838
Exo_26:3........curtains/shall be coupled together one/to 595/9838
Exo_26:3........curtains/shall be coupled one/to 596/9838 be one tabernacle/And 597/9838
Exo_26:8.........curtain/shall be thirty cubits/and 598/9838
Exo_26:8........curtains/shall be all of one/measure 599/9838
Exo_26:12......remaineth/shall hang over the backside/of 600/9838 hang over the sides/of 601/9838
Exo_26:16.........cubits/shall be the length of a/board 602/9838
Exo_26:16...........half/shall be the breadth of/one 603/9838
Exo_26:17.........tenons/shall there be in/one 604/9838
Exo_26:20..........there/shall be twenty boards/And 605/9838
Exo_26:24...........they/shall be coupled together beneath/and 606/9838
Exo_26:24...........they/shall be coupled together above/the 607/9838
Exo_26:24...........thus/shall it be for them/both 608/9838
Exo_26:24...........they/shall be for the two/corners 609/9838
Exo_26:25...........they/shall be eight boards/and 610/9838
Exo_26:28.........boards/shall reach from end/to 611/9838
Exo_26:31......cherubims/shall it be made/And. 612/9838
Exo_26:32..........hooks/shall be of gold upon/the 613/9838
Exo_26:33...........vail/shall divide unto/you 614/9838
Exo_26:37..........hooks/shall be of gold and/thou 615/9838
Exo_27:1...........altar/shall be foursquare/and 616/9838
Exo_27:1.........thereof/shall be three cubits/And 617/9838
Exo_27:2...........horns/shall be of the same and thou shalt overlay it with brass/And 618/9838
Exo_27:7..........staves/shall be put into/the 619/9838
Exo_27:7..........staves/shall be upon the two/sides 620/9838 they make/it... 621/9838
Exo_27:9...........there/shall be hangings for/the 622/9838
Exo_27:10........sockets/shall be of brass the/hooks 623/9838
Exo_27:10........fillets/shall be of silver And likewise/for 624/9838
Exo_27:11..........there/shall be hangings of an/hundred 625/9838
Exo_27:12...........side/shall be hangings of fifty/cubits 626/9838
Exo_27:13.......eastward/shall be fifty cubits/The 627/9838
Exo_27:14...........gate/shall be fifteen cubits/their 628/9838
Exo_27:15...........side/shall be hangings fifteen/cubits 629/9838
Exo_27:16..........court/shall be an hanging/of 630/9838
Exo_27:16........pillars/shall be four and/their 631/9838
Exo_27:17..........court/shall be filleted/with 632/9838
Exo_27:17..........hooks/shall be of silver and their/sockets 633/9838
Exo_27:18..........court/shall be an hundred cubits/and 634/9838
Exo_27:19..........court/shall be of brass And/thou 635/9838
Exo_27:21...........sons/shall order it/from.. 636/9838 be a statute for ever unto their/generations 637/9838
Exo_28:4............they/shall make a breastplate/and 638/9838
Exo_28:4............they/shall make holy/garments 639/9838
Exo_28:5............they/shall take gold/and.. 640/9838
Exo_28:6............they/shall make the ephod/of 641/9838
Exo_28:7..............It/shall have the two/shoulderpieces 642/9838 be joined together/And 643/9838 be of the same according/to 644/9838
Exo_28:12..........Aaron/shall bear their names/before 645/9838 be being/doubled 646/9838
Exo_28:16...........span/shall be the length thereof and a span/shall 647/9838
Exo_28:16...........span/shall be the breadth thereof/And 648/9838
Exo_28:17............row/shall be a sardius/a. 649/9838
Exo_28:17...........this/shall be the first row/And 650/9838
Exo_28:18............row/shall be an emerald/a 651/9838
Exo_28:20...........they/shall be set in/gold. 652/9838
Exo_28:21.........stones/shall be with the names/of 653/9838 they be according/to 654/9838
Exo_28:28...........they/shall bind the/breastplate 655/9838
Exo_28:29..........Aaron/shall bear the names/of 656/9838
Exo_28:30...........they/shall be upon Aaron's heart/when 657/9838
Exo_28:30..........Aaron/shall bear the judgment/of 658/9838
Exo_28:32..........there/shall be an hole/in.. 659/9838 have a binding/of 660/9838 be upon Aaron to/minister 661/9838
Exo_28:35..........sound/shall be heard when/he 662/9838 be And it/shall 663/9838 be upon Aaron's forehead/that 664/9838
Exo_28:38.........Israel/shall hallow in/all.. 665/9838 be always/upon. 666/9838
Exo_28:42...........they/shall reach And/they. 667/9838
Exo_28:43...........they/shall be upon Aaron and/upon 668/9838 be a statute for ever unto him/and 669/9838 be theirs for/a 670/9838
Exo_29:10...........sons/shall put their hands upon the head of the bullock/And 671/9838
Exo_29:15...........sons/shall put their hands upon the head of the ram And/thou 672/9838
Exo_29:19...........sons/shall put their hands upon the head of the ram Then/shalt 673/9838
Exo_29:21.............he/shall be hallowed/and 674/9838 be thy part/And 675/9838 be Aaron's and his sons' by/a 676/9838 be an heave/offering 677/9838
Exo_29:29..........Aaron/shall be his sons' after/him 678/9838
Exo_29:30..........stead/shall put them on seven/days 679/9838
Exo_29:32...........sons/shall eat the flesh of the ram/and 680/9838
Exo_29:33...........they/shall eat those/things 681/9838
Exo_29:33.......stranger/shall not eat thereof because/they 682/9838 not be eaten because/it 683/9838 be an altar most holy whatsoever/toucheth 684/9838
Exo_29:37..........altar/shall be holy Now/this 685/9838
Exo_29:42...........This/shall be a continual/burnt 686/9838
Exo_29:43.....tabernacle/shall be sanctified by/my 687/9838
Exo_29:46...........they/shall know that I am the LORD their God that/brought 688/9838
Exo_30:2...........cubit/shall be the length thereof and a cubit the breadth thereof foursquare/shall 689/9838
Exo_30:2......foursquare/shall it be and two/cubits 690/9838
Exo_30:2..........cubits/shall be the height/thereof 691/9838
Exo_30:2.........thereof/shall be of the same And thou shalt overlay it with pure/gold 692/9838
Exo_30:4............they/shall be for places/for 693/9838
Exo_30:7...........Aaron/shall burn thereon sweet/incense 694/9838
Exo_30:7..............he/shall burn incense upon it And/when 695/9838
Exo_30:8..............he/shall burn incense upon it a/perpetual 696/9838
Exo_30:9..............Ye/shall offer no/strange 697/9838
Exo_30:9.........neither/shall ye pour/drink.. 698/9838
Exo_30:10..........Aaron/shall make an atonement upon/the 699/9838
Exo_30:10...........year/shall he make atonement/upon 700/9838
Exo_30:12...........then/shall they give every/man 701/9838
Exo_30:13...........they/shall give every/one. 702/9838
Exo_30:13.........shekel/shall be the offering of/the 703/9838
Exo_30:14..........above/shall give an/offering 704/9838 not give more/and 705/9838
Exo_30:15...........poor/shall not give less/than 706/9838
Exo_30:19...........sons/shall wash their hands and their feet thereat/When 707/9838
Exo_30:20...........they/shall wash with/water 708/9838
Exo_30:21...........they/shall wash their hands and their feet that/they 709/9838 be a statute for ever to/them 710/9838 be an holy anointing oil And/thou 711/9838
Exo_30:29...........them/shall be holy And thou shalt anoint Aaron/and 712/9838
Exo_30:31...........This/shall be an holy anointing oil unto/me 713/9838
Exo_30:32..........flesh/shall it not be poured/neither 714/9838
Exo_30:32........neither/shall ye make any other/like 715/9838 be holy unto you Whosoever/compoundeth 716/9838
Exo_30:33.......stranger/shall even be cut off from his people And the LORD said/unto 717/9838
Exo_30:34...........each/shall there be a like/weight 718/9838 be unto you most/holy 719/9838 not make to/yourselves 720/9838 be unto thee holy/for 721/9838
Exo_30:38......Whosoever/shall make like/unto. 722/9838
Exo_30:38........thereto/shall even be cut off from his people And the LORD spake/unto 723/9838
Exo_31:11...........thee/shall they do And/the 724/9838 keep for/it.... 725/9838
Exo_31:14.............Ye/shall keep the sabbath therefore/for 726/9838 surely be put to death for whosoever/doeth 727/9838
Exo_31:14...........soul/shall be cut off from among his people Six/days 728/9838
Exo_31:15.............he/shall surely be put to death Wherefore/the 729/9838
Exo_31:16.........Israel/shall keep the sabbath to/observe 730/9838
Exo_32:1...........which/shall go before us for as for this Moses the man that brought us up out of the land of Egypt we wot not what is become of him And Aaron/said 731/9838
Exo_32:13...........they/shall inherit it for/ever 732/9838
Exo_32:23..........which/shall go before us for as for this Moses the man that brought us up out of the land of Egypt we wot not what is become of him And I/said 733/9838
Exo_32:30..............I/shall make an atonement for your/sin 734/9838
Exo_32:34..........Angel/shall go before thee nevertheless/in 735/9838
Exo_33:14.......presence/shall go with thee and I/will 736/9838
Exo_33:16........wherein/shall it be known here/that 737/9838 we be separated/I 738/9838
Exo_33:20..........there/shall no man see/me.. 739/9838 come to pass while/my 740/9838
Exo_33:23...........face/shall not be seen/And 741/9838 come up with thee/neither 742/9838 see the work/of 743/9838 destroy their altars break/their 744/9838
Exo_34:20...........none/shall appear before me empty Six/days 745/9838
Exo_34:23...........year/shall all your/menchildren 746/9838
Exo_34:24........neither/shall any man desire/thy 747/9838
Exo_34:25........neither/shall the sacrifice/of 748/9838
Exo_35:2............days/shall work be done but on/the 749/9838
Exo_35:2...........there/shall be to you an/holy 750/9838
Exo_35:2.........therein/shall be put to death Ye shall kindle/no 751/9838
Exo_35:3..............Ye/shall kindle no/fire. 752/9838 come and make/all 753/9838 be holy And thou shalt anoint the/altar 754/9838 be an altar most holy And/thou 755/9838
Exo_40:15......anointing/shall surely be an/everlasting 756/9838 bring your offering/of 757/9838
Lev_1:3...............he/shall offer it of/his 758/9838
Lev_1:4...............he/shall put his hand upon the/head 759/9838 be accepted for him/to 760/9838
Lev_1:5...............he/shall kill the bullock before/the 761/9838
Lev_1:5.............sons/shall bring the blood/and 762/9838
Lev_1:6...............he/shall flay/the....... 763/9838
Lev_1:7...........priest/shall put fire/upon.. 764/9838
Lev_1:8.............sons/shall lay the parts/the 765/9838
Lev_1:9.............legs/shall he wash in/water 766/9838
Lev_1:9...........priest/shall burn all on/the 767/9838
Lev_1:10..............he/shall bring it a male/without 768/9838
Lev_1:11..............he/shall kill it on/the. 769/9838
Lev_1:11............sons/shall sprinkle his/blood 770/9838
Lev_1:12..............he/shall cut it/into.... 771/9838
Lev_1:12..........priest/shall lay them/in.... 772/9838
Lev_1:13..............he/shall wash the/inwards 773/9838
Lev_1:13..........priest/shall bring it all/and 774/9838
Lev_1:14..............he/shall bring his offering of/turtledoves 775/9838
Lev_1:15..........priest/shall bring it unto the altar and wring/off 776/9838
Lev_1:15.........thereof/shall be wrung out at the side/of 777/9838
Lev_1:16..............he/shall pluck away/his. 778/9838
Lev_1:17..............he/shall cleave it/with. 779/9838
Lev_1:17.............but/shall not divide it asunder and the/priest 780/9838
Lev_1:17..........priest/shall burn it upon the altar upon/the 781/9838
Lev_2:1.........offering/shall be of fine flour and/he 782/9838
Lev_2:1...............he/shall pour oil/upon.. 783/9838
Lev_2:2...............he/shall bring it to Aaron's/sons 784/9838
Lev_2:2...............he/shall take thereout/his 785/9838
Lev_2:2...........priest/shall burn the memorial of it upon/the 786/9838
Lev_2:3.........offering/shall be Aaron's and his sons' it is a thing most holy of the offerings of the LORD made by fire And/if 787/9838 be unleavened/cakes 788/9838 be of fine flour unleavened/mingled 789/9838 be made of fine/flour 790/9838
Lev_2:8...............he/shall bring it unto the altar And the/priest 791/9838
Lev_2:9...........priest/shall take from/the.. 792/9838
Lev_2:9..............and/shall burn it upon the altar it is an/offering 793/9838
Lev_2:10........offering/shall be Aaron's and his sons' it is a thing most holy of the offerings of the LORD made by fire No/meat 794/9838 bring unto the LORD shall be made/with 795/9838
Lev_2:11............LORD/shall be made with leaven/for 796/9838 burn no/leaven. 797/9838 offer them unto/the 798/9838
Lev_2:12............they/shall not be burnt/on 799/9838
Lev_2:16..........priest/shall burn the memorial of it part/of 800/9838
Lev_3:1...............he/shall offer it without blemish before/the 801/9838
Lev_3:2...............he/shall lay his hand upon the head of his offering and kill it at/the 802/9838
Lev_3:2..........priests/shall sprinkle the blood upon the altar round/about 803/9838
Lev_3:3...............he/shall offer of the sacrifice of the peace offering an offering made by fire unto the LORD the fat that/covereth 804/9838 he take away And Aaron's/sons 805/9838
Lev_3:5.............sons/shall burn it on/the. 806/9838
Lev_3:6...............he/shall offer it without blemish If/he 807/9838
Lev_3:7.............then/shall he offer it/before 808/9838
Lev_3:8...............he/shall lay his hand upon the head of his offering and kill it before/the 809/9838
Lev_3:8.............sons/shall sprinkle the blood thereof round/about 810/9838
Lev_3:9...............he/shall offer of the sacrifice of the peace offering an offering made by fire unto the LORD the fat thereof/and 811/9838 he take off/hard 812/9838 he take away And the priest shall burn it/upon 813/9838
Lev_3:11..........priest/shall burn it upon the altar it is the/food 814/9838
Lev_3:12..............he/shall offer it before the LORD And he/shall 815/9838
Lev_3:13..............he/shall lay his hand upon the head of it/and 816/9838
Lev_3:13...........Aaron/shall sprinkle the blood thereof upon/the 817/9838
Lev_3:14..............he/shall offer thereof/his 818/9838 he take away And the priest shall burn them upon the altar it/is 819/9838
Lev_3:16..........priest/shall burn them upon the altar it/is 820/9838
Lev_3:17..............It/shall be a perpetual statute for/your 821/9838
Lev_4:2.............soul/shall sin/through.... 822/9838
Lev_4:2..............and/shall do against/any. 823/9838
Lev_4:4...............he/shall bring the bullock unto/the 824/9838
Lev_4:4..............and/shall lay his hand upon the bullock's/head 825/9838
Lev_4:5.........anointed/shall take of the bullock's/blood 826/9838
Lev_4:6...........priest/shall dip his finger in the/blood 827/9838
Lev_4:7...........priest/shall put some of the blood upon the horns of the altar of/sweet 828/9838
Lev_4:7..............and/shall pour all/the... 829/9838
Lev_4:8...............he/shall take off/from.. 830/9838 he take away As/it 831/9838
Lev_4:10..........priest/shall burn them upon the altar of/the 832/9838
Lev_4:12.........bullock/shall he carry/forth. 833/9838
Lev_4:12.............out/shall he be burnt/And 834/9838
Lev_4:14....congregation/shall offer a young/bullock 835/9838
Lev_4:15....congregation/shall lay their hands upon the head/of 836/9838
Lev_4:15.........bullock/shall be killed/before 837/9838
Lev_4:16........anointed/shall bring of/the... 838/9838
Lev_4:17..........priest/shall dip his finger in some/of 839/9838
Lev_4:18..............he/shall put some of the blood upon the horns of the altar which/is 840/9838
Lev_4:18.............and/shall pour out all the blood at/the 841/9838
Lev_4:19..............he/shall take all his/fat 842/9838
Lev_4:20..............he/shall do with the/bullock 843/9838 he do with/this 844/9838
Lev_4:20..........priest/shall make an atonement for them/and 845/9838 be forgiven them And/he 846/9838
Lev_4:21..............he/shall carry forth/the 847/9838
Lev_4:23..............he/shall bring his offering a kid of the goats a male/without 848/9838
Lev_4:24..............he/shall lay his hand upon the head of the goat/and 849/9838
Lev_4:25..........priest/shall take of the blood of the sin offering with his finger and put it upon the horns of the altar of burnt offering and shall pour out his/blood 850/9838
Lev_4:25.............and/shall pour out his/blood 851/9838
Lev_4:26..............he/shall burn all his/fat 852/9838
Lev_4:26..........priest/shall make an atonement for him as concerning/his 853/9838 be forgiven him And if any/one 854/9838
Lev_4:28..............he/shall bring his offering a kid of the goats a female/without 855/9838
Lev_4:29..............he/shall lay his hand upon the head of the sin offering and slay the/sin 856/9838
Lev_4:30..........priest/shall take of the blood thereof/with 857/9838
Lev_4:30.............and/shall pour out all the blood thereof at the bottom of the altar And he shall take away all the fat thereof as the fat is/taken 858/9838
Lev_4:31..............he/shall take away all the fat thereof as the fat is/taken 859/9838
Lev_4:31..........priest/shall burn it upon the altar for a sweet savour unto/the 860/9838
Lev_4:31..........priest/shall make an atonement for him and it/shall 861/9838 be forgiven him And if he/bring 862/9838
Lev_4:32..............he/shall bring it a female/without 863/9838
Lev_4:33..............he/shall lay his hand upon the head of the sin offering and slay it/for 864/9838
Lev_4:34..........priest/shall take of the blood of the sin offering with his finger and put it upon the horns of the altar of burnt offering and shall pour out all/the 865/9838
Lev_4:34.............and/shall pour out all the blood thereof at the bottom of the altar And he shall take away all the fat thereof as the fat of/the 866/9838
Lev_4:35..............he/shall take away all the fat thereof as the fat of/the 867/9838
Lev_4:35..........priest/shall burn them upon the altar according/to 868/9838
Lev_4:35..........priest/shall make an atonement for his/sin 869/9838 be forgiven him And if a soul sin and hear/the 870/9838
Lev_5:1...............he/shall bear his iniquity Or/if 871/9838
Lev_5:2.............also/shall be unclean and guilty/Or 872/9838 be defiled withal/and 873/9838
Lev_5:3...............he/shall be guilty Or/if 874/9838 pronounce with/an 875/9838
Lev_5:4...............he/shall be guilty in one of these And/it 876/9838 be when he shall/be 877/9838
Lev_5:5...............he/shall be guilty in one of these things/that 878/9838
Lev_5:5...............he/shall confess that he/hath 879/9838
Lev_5:6...............he/shall bring his trespass offering unto the LORD for/his 880/9838
Lev_5:6...........priest/shall make an atonement for him concerning his sin/And 881/9838
Lev_5:7...............he/shall bring for his trespass which/he 882/9838
Lev_5:8...............he/shall bring them unto/the 883/9838
Lev_5:8..............who/shall offer that which/is 884/9838
Lev_5:8..............but/shall not divide it asunder And he/shall 885/9838
Lev_5:9...............he/shall sprinkle of the blood of/the 886/9838
Lev_5:9............blood/shall be wrung out at the bottom/of 887/9838
Lev_5:10..............he/shall offer the second/for 888/9838
Lev_5:10..........priest/shall make an atonement for him for/his 889/9838 be forgiven him But if/he 890/9838
Lev_5:11..........sinned/shall bring for his offering/the 891/9838
Lev_5:11..............he/shall put no/oil..... 892/9838
Lev_5:11.........neither/shall he put any/frankincense 893/9838
Lev_5:12............Then/shall he bring it/to. 894/9838
Lev_5:12..........priest/shall take his handful/of 895/9838
Lev_5:13..........priest/shall make an atonement for him as touching/his 896/9838 be forgiven him and the/remnant 897/9838
Lev_5:13.........remnant/shall be the priest's as/a 898/9838
Lev_5:15..............he/shall bring for his trespass unto/the 899/9838
Lev_5:16..............he/shall make amends/for 900/9838
Lev_5:16.............and/shall add the fifth part thereto/and 901/9838
Lev_5:16..........priest/shall make an atonement for him with the ram of the trespass offering and/it 902/9838 be forgiven him And if a soul sin and commit/any 903/9838
Lev_5:17.............and/shall bear his iniquity And he/shall 904/9838
Lev_5:18..............he/shall bring a ram/without 905/9838
Lev_5:18..........priest/shall make an atonement for him concerning his ignorance/wherein 906/9838 be forgiven him It/is 907/9838 be because/he.. 908/9838
Lev_6:4...............he/shall restore that/which 909/9838
Lev_6:5...............he/shall even restore/it 910/9838
Lev_6:5..............and/shall add the fifth part more/thereto 911/9838
Lev_6:6...............he/shall bring his trespass offering unto the LORD a/ram 912/9838
Lev_6:7...........priest/shall make an atonement for him before the LORD and it/shall 913/9838 be forgiven him for/any 914/9838
Lev_6:9............altar/shall be burning in it And/the 915/9838
Lev_6:10..........priest/shall put on his/linen 916/9838
Lev_6:10........breeches/shall he put upon/his 917/9838
Lev_6:10..............he/shall put them beside/the 918/9838
Lev_6:11..............he/shall put off his/garments 919/9838
Lev_6:12...........altar/shall be burning in it it/shall 920/9838 not be put out/and 921/9838
Lev_6:12..........priest/shall burn wood/on... 922/9838
Lev_6:12..............he/shall burn thereon the/fat 923/9838 ever be burning/upon 924/9838 never go/out... 925/9838
Lev_6:14...........Aaron/shall offer it before the LORD before/the 926/9838
Lev_6:15..............he/shall take of it/his. 927/9838
Lev_6:15.............and/shall burn it upon the altar for a sweet savour even/the 928/9838
Lev_6:16.........thereof/shall Aaron and/his.. 929/9838
Lev_6:16...........bread/shall it be eaten in the holy/place 930/9838
Lev_6:16............they/shall eat it It shall not/be 931/9838
Lev_6:17..............It/shall not be baken/with 932/9838
Lev_6:18...........Aaron/shall eat of it It/shall 933/9838
Lev_6:18..............It/shall be a statute for ever in your generations concerning/the 934/9838
Lev_6:18............them/shall be holy And the/LORD 935/9838
Lev_6:20............they/shall offer unto the LORD in the day/when 936/9838 be made with oil/and 937/9838
Lev_6:22...........stead/shall offer it it/is. 938/9838 be wholly burnt For/every 939/9838
Lev_6:23..........priest/shall be wholly burnt it/shall 940/9838 not be eaten And/the 941/9838
Lev_6:25..........killed/shall the sin/offering 942/9838
Lev_6:26.............sin/shall eat it in the holy place shall/it 943/9838 it be eaten in the court/of 944/9838
Lev_6:27......Whatsoever/shall touch the/flesh 945/9838
Lev_6:27.........thereof/shall be holy and when/there 946/9838
Lev_6:28..........sodden/shall be broken and if/it 947/9838 be both scoured/and 948/9838
Lev_6:29.........priests/shall eat thereof it is/most 949/9838 be eaten it/shall 950/9838 be burnt in the fire Likewise/this 951/9838
Lev_7:2.........offering/shall they kill/the.. 952/9838
Lev_7:2..........thereof/shall he sprinkle round/about 953/9838
Lev_7:3...............he/shall offer of it/all 954/9838 he take away And the priest shall burn them upon the altar for/an 955/9838
Lev_7:5...........priest/shall burn them upon the altar for/an 956/9838
Lev_7:6..........priests/shall eat thereof it shall/be 957/9838 be eaten in/the 958/9838
Lev_7:7........therewith/shall have it And the/priest 959/9838
Lev_7:8...........priest/shall have to/himself 960/9838
Lev_7:9..............pan/shall be the priest's that offereth/it 961/9838
Lev_7:10.............dry/shall all the sons/of 962/9838
Lev_7:11..............he/shall offer unto the LORD If/he 963/9838
Lev_7:12..............he/shall offer with the sacrifice/of 964/9838
Lev_7:13..............he/shall offer for/his.. 965/9838
Lev_7:14..............he/shall offer one out/of 966/9838 be the priest's that sprinkleth/the 967/9838
Lev_7:15....thanksgiving/shall be eaten the same day that it/is 968/9838
Lev_7:15..............he/shall not leave any/of 969/9838 be eaten the same day that he/offereth 970/9838 be eaten But/the 971/9838 be burnt with fire And if/any 972/9838 not be accepted neither/shall 973/9838
Lev_7:18.........neither/shall it be imputed/unto 974/9838 be an abomination and/the 975/9838 bear his iniquity And the flesh/that 976/9838
Lev_7:19...........thing/shall not be eaten it/shall 977/9838 be burnt with fire and as/for 978/9838
Lev_7:19...........clean/shall eat thereof But/the 979/9838
Lev_7:20............soul/shall be cut off from his people Moreover the/soul 980/9838
Lev_7:21............that/shall touch any/unclean 981/9838
Lev_7:21............soul/shall be cut off from his people And the LORD spake unto Moses saying Speak unto the children of Israel saying Ye/shall 982/9838
Lev_7:23..............Ye/shall eat no manner of fat/of 983/9838 in no wise eat/of 984/9838 be cut off from his people Moreover ye/shall 985/9838 eat no manner of blood/whether 986/9838
Lev_7:27............soul/shall be cut off from his people And the LORD spake unto Moses saying Speak unto the children of Israel saying He/that 987/9838
Lev_7:29............LORD/shall bring his oblation/unto 988/9838
Lev_7:30...........hands/shall bring the offerings/of 989/9838 he bring that/the 990/9838
Lev_7:31..........priest/shall burn the fat/upon 991/9838
Lev_7:31..........breast/shall be Aaron's and his sons' And the/right 992/9838
Lev_7:32........shoulder/shall ye give unto/the 993/9838
Lev_7:33.............fat/shall have the right/shoulder 994/9838
Lev_8:31............sons/shall eat it And that/which 995/9838
Lev_8:32...........bread/shall ye burn with fire And/ye 996/9838 not go out of/the 997/9838
Lev_8:33............days/shall he consecrate/you 998/9838
Lev_8:35.......Therefore/shall ye abide/at.... 999/9838
Lev_9:6.............LORD/shall appear unto/you 1000/9838 not go out from/the 1001/9838 be a statute for ever throughout your generations And/that 1002/9838 eat it in the holy place because/it 1003/9838
Lev_10:14.......shoulder/shall ye eat in/a... 1004/9838
Lev_10:15.........breast/shall they bring/with 1005/9838 be thine and thy/sons' 1006/9838 eat among/all. 1007/9838
Lev_11:3............that/shall ye eat Nevertheless/these 1008/9838
Lev_11:4...........these/shall ye not eat of/them 1009/9838
Lev_11:8...........flesh/shall ye not eat and their/carcase 1010/9838
Lev_11:8.........carcase/shall ye not touch/they 1011/9838
Lev_11:9...........These/shall ye eat of all/that 1012/9838
Lev_11:9............them/shall ye eat And all/that 1013/9838
Lev_11:10...........they/shall be an abomination unto you They/shall 1014/9838
Lev_11:11...........They/shall be even an/abomination 1015/9838 not eat of their flesh but/ye 1016/9838 have their carcases/in 1017/9838
Lev_11:12...........that/shall be an abomination unto you And these/are 1018/9838 have in abomination/among 1019/9838
Lev_11:13...........they/shall not be eaten they/are 1020/9838
Lev_11:20...........four/shall be an abomination unto you Yet/these 1021/9838
Lev_11:23...........feet/shall be an abomination unto you And for/these 1022/9838 be unclean whosoever/toucheth 1023/9838
Lev_11:24...........them/shall be unclean until the even And whosoever/beareth 1024/9838
Lev_11:25...........them/shall wash his clothes and be unclean until the even The/carcases 1025/9838
Lev_11:26...........them/shall be unclean And whatsoever/goeth 1026/9838
Lev_11:27........carcase/shall be unclean until the even And he that beareth the/carcase 1027/9838
Lev_11:28...........them/shall wash his clothes and be unclean until the even they/are 1028/9838
Lev_11:29...........also/shall be unclean unto you among/the 1029/9838
Lev_11:31...........dead/shall be unclean until the even And upon/whatsoever 1030/9838 be unclean whether it be any/vessel 1031/9838 be unclean until the even so/it 1032/9838 be cleansed And/every 1033/9838 be unclean and ye/shall 1034/9838 break it Of/all 1035/9838
Lev_11:34.........cometh/shall be unclean and all/drink 1036/9838
Lev_11:34.........vessel/shall be unclean And every/thing 1037/9838
Lev_11:35........falleth/shall be unclean whether it be oven/or 1038/9838
Lev_11:35...........they/shall be broken down for/they 1039/9838
Lev_11:35............and/shall be unclean unto you Nevertheless/a 1040/9838
Lev_11:36..........water/shall be clean but that/which 1041/9838
Lev_11:36........carcase/shall be unclean And if any/part 1042/9838 be clean But if any/water 1043/9838 be unclean unto you And/if 1044/9838
Lev_11:39........thereof/shall be unclean until the even And he that eateth/of 1045/9838 wash his clothes and be unclean until the even he/also 1046/9838 wash his clothes and be unclean until the even And every/creeping 1047/9838 be an abomination it/shall 1048/9838 not be eaten Whatsoever/goeth 1049/9838 not eat for/they 1050/9838
Lev_11:43.............Ye/shall not make yourselves/abominable 1051/9838
Lev_11:43........neither/shall ye make yourselves/unclean 1052/9838 therefore sanctify/yourselves 1053/9838 be holy for I am/holy 1054/9838
Lev_11:44........neither/shall ye defile/yourselves 1055/9838 therefore be/holy 1056/9838
Lev_12:2.............she/shall be unclean seven days according/to 1057/9838
Lev_12:2.......infirmity/shall she be unclean/And 1058/9838
Lev_12:3........foreskin/shall be circumcised And she/shall 1059/9838
Lev_12:4.............she/shall then continue/in 1060/9838
Lev_12:4.............she/shall touch no/hallowed 1061/9838
Lev_12:5.............she/shall be unclean two/weeks 1062/9838
Lev_12:5.............she/shall continue in the blood/of 1063/9838
Lev_12:6.............she/shall bring a lamb of the first year for a burnt/offering 1064/9838
Lev_12:7.............Who/shall offer it before the LORD and make/an 1065/9838
Lev_12:7.............she/shall be cleansed from/the 1066/9838
Lev_12:8.............she/shall bring two turtles or two young pigeons the/one 1067/9838
Lev_12:8..........priest/shall make an atonement for her and/she 1068/9838
Lev_12:8.............she/shall be clean And the/LORD 1069/9838 have in the/skin 1070/9838
Lev_13:2..............he/shall be brought unto Aaron/the 1071/9838
Lev_13:3..........priest/shall look on the plague in/the 1072/9838
Lev_13:3..........priest/shall look on him and pronounce/him 1073/9838
Lev_13:4..........priest/shall shut up him that hath the plague seven/days 1074/9838
Lev_13:5..........priest/shall look on him the/seventh 1075/9838
Lev_13:5..........priest/shall shut him up seven days more/And 1076/9838
Lev_13:6..........priest/shall look on him again/the 1077/9838
Lev_13:6..........priest/shall pronounce him clean it/is 1078/9838
Lev_13:6..............he/shall wash his clothes and be clean But if the scab/spread 1079/9838
Lev_13:7..............he/shall be seen of/the 1080/9838
Lev_13:8..........priest/shall pronounce him unclean it is a leprosy/When 1081/9838
Lev_13:9..............he/shall be brought unto the priest And the priest shall see/him 1082/9838
Lev_13:10.........priest/shall see him and behold if the rising/be 1083/9838
Lev_13:11.........priest/shall pronounce him unclean and/shall 1084/9838
Lev_13:11............and/shall not shut/him.. 1085/9838
Lev_13:13.........priest/shall consider and/behold 1086/9838
Lev_13:13.............he/shall pronounce him clean that hath the plague it/is 1087/9838
Lev_13:14.............he/shall be unclean And the priest/shall 1088/9838
Lev_13:15.........priest/shall see the raw/flesh 1089/9838
Lev_13:16.............he/shall come unto the priest/And 1090/9838
Lev_13:17.........priest/shall see him and behold if the plague/be 1091/9838
Lev_13:17.........priest/shall pronounce him clean that hath the plague he/is 1092/9838
Lev_13:20.........priest/shall pronounce him unclean it is a plague of/leprosy 1093/9838
Lev_13:21.........priest/shall shut him up seven days And if/it 1094/9838
Lev_13:22.........priest/shall pronounce him unclean it is a plague But/if 1095/9838
Lev_13:23.........priest/shall pronounce him clean Or/if 1096/9838
Lev_13:25.........priest/shall look upon it and behold if the hair/in 1097/9838
Lev_13:25.........priest/shall pronounce him unclean it is the plague of leprosy But/if 1098/9838
Lev_13:26.........priest/shall shut him up seven days And the/priest 1099/9838
Lev_13:27.........priest/shall look upon him/the 1100/9838
Lev_13:27.........priest/shall pronounce him unclean it is the plague of leprosy And/if 1101/9838
Lev_13:28.........priest/shall pronounce him clean for/it 1102/9838
Lev_13:30.........priest/shall see the plague/and 1103/9838
Lev_13:30.........priest/shall pronounce him unclean it is a dry/scall 1104/9838
Lev_13:31.........priest/shall shut up him that hath the plague of/the 1105/9838
Lev_13:32.........priest/shall look on the plague and behold if the scall/spread 1106/9838
Lev_13:33.............He/shall be shaven/but. 1107/9838
Lev_13:33..........scall/shall he not shave/and 1108/9838
Lev_13:33.........priest/shall shut up him that hath the scall/seven 1109/9838
Lev_13:34.........priest/shall look on the scall/and 1110/9838
Lev_13:34.........priest/shall pronounce him clean and he/shall 1111/9838
Lev_13:34.............he/shall wash his clothes and be clean But if the scall/spread 1112/9838
Lev_13:36.........priest/shall look on him and behold/if 1113/9838
Lev_13:36.........priest/shall not seek/for.. 1114/9838
Lev_13:37.........priest/shall pronounce him clean If/a 1115/9838
Lev_13:39.........priest/shall look and behold if the bright/spots 1116/9838
Lev_13:43.........priest/shall look upon it and behold if the rising/of 1117/9838
Lev_13:44.........priest/shall pronounce him utterly/unclean 1118/9838
Lev_13:45........clothes/shall be rent and his/head 1119/9838
Lev_13:45.............he/shall put a covering/upon 1120/9838
Lev_13:45............and/shall cry Unclean/unclean 1121/9838
Lev_13:46.........plague/shall be in him he/shall 1122/9838
Lev_13:46.............he/shall be defiled he/is 1123/9838
Lev_13:46.............he/shall dwell alone without/the 1124/9838 his habitation/be 1125/9838
Lev_13:49............and/shall be shewed unto/the 1126/9838
Lev_13:50.........priest/shall look upon the/plague 1127/9838
Lev_13:51.............he/shall look on the plague on/the 1128/9838
Lev_13:52.............He/shall therefore burn/that 1129/9838 be burnt in the fire And if the/priest 1130/9838
Lev_13:53.........priest/shall look and behold the/plague 1131/9838
Lev_13:54.........priest/shall command that they wash/the 1132/9838
Lev_13:54.............he/shall shut it/up.... 1133/9838
Lev_13:55.........priest/shall look on the plague after/that 1134/9838
Lev_13:56.............he/shall rend it out/of 1135/9838 be washed the/second 1136/9838
Lev_13:58............and/shall be clean This is the law of/the 1137/9838
Lev_14:2............This/shall be the law/of. 1138/9838
Lev_14:2..............He/shall be brought unto the priest And the priest shall go/forth 1139/9838
Lev_14:3..........priest/shall go forth out/of 1140/9838
Lev_14:3..........priest/shall look and behold if the plague of/leprosy 1141/9838
Lev_14:4............Then/shall the priest command/to 1142/9838
Lev_14:5..........priest/shall command that one/of 1143/9838
Lev_14:6..............he/shall take it and the cedar/wood 1144/9838
Lev_14:6.............and/shall dip them/and.. 1145/9838
Lev_14:7..............he/shall sprinkle upon him/that 1146/9838
Lev_14:7.............and/shall pronounce him clean and shall/let 1147/9838
Lev_14:7.............and/shall let the living/bird 1148/9838
Lev_14:8........cleansed/shall wash his clothes and shave/off 1149/9838
Lev_14:8..............he/shall come into the camp and shall/tarry 1150/9838
Lev_14:8.............and/shall tarry/abroad.. 1151/9838 be on the seventh/day 1152/9838
Lev_14:9..............he/shall shave all/his. 1153/9838
Lev_14:9..............he/shall shave off/and. 1154/9838
Lev_14:9..............he/shall wash his clothes also/he 1155/9838
Lev_14:9..............he/shall wash his flesh in/water 1156/9838
Lev_14:9..............he/shall be clean And on the eighth day he shall take two/he 1157/9838
Lev_14:10.............he/shall take two/he... 1158/9838
Lev_14:11..........clean/shall present the man/that 1159/9838
Lev_14:12.........priest/shall take one he/lamb 1160/9838
Lev_14:13.............he/shall slay the lamb/in 1161/9838
Lev_14:13.............he/shall kill the sin/offering 1162/9838
Lev_14:14.........priest/shall take some of the blood of the trespass offering and the/priest 1163/9838
Lev_14:14.........priest/shall put it upon the/tip 1164/9838
Lev_14:15.........priest/shall take some of the log/of 1165/9838
Lev_14:16.........priest/shall dip his right/finger 1166/9838
Lev_14:16............and/shall sprinkle of the oil/with 1167/9838
Lev_14:17...........hand/shall the priest put/upon 1168/9838
Lev_14:18.............he/shall pour upon/the. 1169/9838
Lev_14:18.........priest/shall make an atonement for him before the LORD And the/priest 1170/9838
Lev_14:19.........priest/shall offer the sin/offering 1171/9838
Lev_14:19.............he/shall kill the burnt/offering 1172/9838
Lev_14:20.........priest/shall offer the burnt offering and/the 1173/9838
Lev_14:20.........priest/shall make an atonement for him and he/shall 1174/9838
Lev_14:20.............he/shall be clean And if/he 1175/9838
Lev_14:21.............he/shall take one lamb/for 1176/9838 be a sin/offering 1177/9838
Lev_14:23.............he/shall bring them on/the 1178/9838
Lev_14:24.........priest/shall take the lamb/of 1179/9838
Lev_14:24.........priest/shall wave them for a wave offering before the LORD And/he 1180/9838
Lev_14:25.............he/shall kill the lamb/of 1181/9838
Lev_14:25.........priest/shall take some of the blood of the trespass offering and put/it 1182/9838
Lev_14:26.........priest/shall pour of/the... 1183/9838
Lev_14:27.........priest/shall sprinkle with/his 1184/9838
Lev_14:28.........priest/shall put of/the.... 1185/9838
Lev_14:29.............he/shall put upon the/head 1186/9838
Lev_14:30.............he/shall offer the one of/the 1187/9838
Lev_14:31.........priest/shall make an atonement for him that/is 1188/9838 come and tell/the 1189/9838
Lev_14:36.........priest/shall command that they empty/the 1190/9838
Lev_14:36.........priest/shall go in to see/the 1191/9838
Lev_14:37.............he/shall look on the plague and behold if the plague/be 1192/9838
Lev_14:38.........priest/shall go out of the house/to 1193/9838
Lev_14:39.........priest/shall come again the/seventh 1194/9838
Lev_14:39............and/shall look and behold if the plague be/spread 1195/9838
Lev_14:40.........priest/shall command that they take/away 1196/9838
Lev_14:40...........they/shall cast them into an/unclean 1197/9838
Lev_14:41.............he/shall cause the house/to 1198/9838
Lev_14:41...........they/shall pour out the/dust 1199/9838
Lev_14:42...........they/shall take other stones/and 1200/9838
Lev_14:42.............he/shall take other morter/and 1201/9838
Lev_14:42............and/shall plaister/the.. 1202/9838
Lev_14:44.........priest/shall come and look/and 1203/9838
Lev_14:45.............he/shall break down the/house 1204/9838
Lev_14:45.............he/shall carry them forth/out 1205/9838
Lev_14:46.............up/shall be unclean until the even And he that lieth/in 1206/9838 wash his clothes and he that eateth/in 1207/9838 wash his clothes And if/the 1208/9838
Lev_14:48.........priest/shall come in and/look 1209/9838
Lev_14:48.........priest/shall pronounce the/house 1210/9838
Lev_14:49.............he/shall take to cleanse/the 1211/9838
Lev_14:50.............he/shall kill the one/of 1212/9838
Lev_14:51.............he/shall take the cedar/wood 1213/9838
Lev_14:52.............he/shall cleanse the house/with 1214/9838
Lev_14:53.............he/shall let go the living/bird 1215/9838 be clean This is the law for/all 1216/9838
Lev_15:3............this/shall be his uncleanness/in 1217/9838
Lev_15:4.........sitteth/shall be unclean And whosoever toucheth his/bed 1218/9838
Lev_15:5.............bed/shall wash his clothes and bathe himself in water and be unclean until the even And he that sitteth/on 1219/9838
Lev_15:6...........issue/shall wash his clothes and bathe himself in water and be unclean until the even And he that toucheth/the 1220/9838
Lev_15:7...........issue/shall wash his clothes and bathe himself in water and be unclean until the even And if he/that 1221/9838
Lev_15:8..............he/shall wash his clothes and bathe himself in water and be unclean until the even And what/saddle 1222/9838
Lev_15:9...........issue/shall be unclean And whosoever toucheth any/thing 1223/9838
Lev_15:10............him/shall be unclean until the even and he that beareth any/of 1224/9838
Lev_15:10.........things/shall wash his clothes and bathe himself in water and be unclean until the even And whomsoever/he 1225/9838
Lev_15:11.............he/shall wash his clothes and bathe himself in water and be unclean until the even And the/vessel 1226/9838
Lev_15:12..........issue/shall be broken and every/vessel 1227/9838
Lev_15:12...........wood/shall be rinsed/in.. 1228/9838
Lev_15:13.............he/shall number to himself/seven 1229/9838
Lev_15:13............and/shall be clean And on the eighth day he shall take to/him 1230/9838
Lev_15:14.............he/shall take to him/two 1231/9838
Lev_15:15.........priest/shall offer them the/one 1232/9838
Lev_15:15.........priest/shall make an atonement for him before the LORD for/his 1233/9838
Lev_15:16.............he/shall wash all/his.. 1234/9838
Lev_15:17.....copulation/shall be washed with/water 1235/9838 lie with seed/of 1236/9838
Lev_15:18...........they/shall both bathe/themselves 1237/9838
Lev_15:19............she/shall be put apart/seven 1238/9838
Lev_15:19............her/shall be unclean until the even And every/thing 1239/9838
Lev_15:20.....separation/shall be unclean every thing/also 1240/9838
Lev_15:20...........upon/shall be unclean And whosoever toucheth her/bed 1241/9838
Lev_15:21............bed/shall wash his clothes and bathe himself in water and be unclean until the even And whosoever/toucheth 1242/9838
Lev_15:22...........upon/shall wash his clothes and bathe himself in water and be unclean until the even And if it/be 1243/9838
Lev_15:23.............he/shall be unclean until the even And if/any 1244/9838
Lev_15:24.............he/shall be unclean seven days and all/the 1245/9838
Lev_15:24..........lieth/shall be unclean And if a/woman 1246/9838
Lev_15:25....uncleanness/shall be as the days/of 1247/9838
Lev_15:25............she/shall be unclean Every bed/whereon 1248/9838
Lev_15:26..........issue/shall be unto her/as 1249/9838
Lev_15:26...........upon/shall be unclean as/the 1250/9838
Lev_15:27.........things/shall be unclean and shall wash/his 1251/9838
Lev_15:27............and/shall wash his clothes and bathe himself in water and be unclean until the even But/if 1252/9838
Lev_15:28............she/shall number to herself/seven 1253/9838
Lev_15:28............she/shall be clean And on the eighth day she/shall 1254/9838
Lev_15:29............she/shall take unto/her. 1255/9838
Lev_15:30.........priest/shall offer the one for a sin offering and the other for a burnt offering and the/priest 1256/9838
Lev_15:30.........priest/shall make an atonement for her before/the 1257/9838
Lev_15:31...........Thus/shall ye separate/the 1258/9838
Lev_16:3............Thus/shall Aaron come/into 1259/9838
Lev_16:4..............He/shall put on the holy/linen 1260/9838
Lev_16:4..............he/shall have the linen/breeches 1261/9838
Lev_16:4.............and/shall be girded/with 1262/9838
Lev_16:4...........mitre/shall he be attired/these 1263/9838
Lev_16:4.......therefore/shall he wash his/flesh 1264/9838
Lev_16:5..............he/shall take of the congregation/of 1265/9838
Lev_16:6...........Aaron/shall offer his bullock/of 1266/9838
Lev_16:7..............he/shall take the two/goats 1267/9838
Lev_16:8...........Aaron/shall cast lots/upon 1268/9838
Lev_16:9...........Aaron/shall bring the goat/upon 1269/9838
Lev_16:10......scapegoat/shall be presented/alive 1270/9838
Lev_16:11..........Aaron/shall bring the bullock of/the 1271/9838
Lev_16:11............and/shall make an atonement for himself/and 1272/9838
Lev_16:11............and/shall kill the bullock of/the 1273/9838
Lev_16:12.............he/shall take a censer/full 1274/9838
Lev_16:13.............he/shall put the incense/upon 1275/9838
Lev_16:14.............he/shall take of the blood of the bullock and sprinkle/it 1276/9838 he sprinkle of/the 1277/9838
Lev_16:15...........Then/shall he kill/the... 1278/9838
Lev_16:16.............he/shall make an atonement for the holy place/because 1279/9838 he do for/the. 1280/9838
Lev_16:17..........there/shall be no man/in.. 1281/9838
Lev_16:18.............he/shall go out unto/the 1282/9838
Lev_16:18............and/shall take of the blood of the bullock and of/the 1283/9838
Lev_16:19.............he/shall sprinkle of the blood upon/it 1284/9838
Lev_16:20.............he/shall bring the live/goat 1285/9838
Lev_16:21..........Aaron/shall lay both/his.. 1286/9838
Lev_16:21............and/shall send him/away. 1287/9838
Lev_16:22...........goat/shall bear upon him/all 1288/9838
Lev_16:22.............he/shall let go the goat/in 1289/9838
Lev_16:23..........Aaron/shall come into the tabernacle/of 1290/9838
Lev_16:23............and/shall put off the/linen 1291/9838
Lev_16:23............and/shall leave them there/And 1292/9838
Lev_16:24.............he/shall wash his flesh with/water 1293/9838
Lev_16:25.......offering/shall he burn upon/the 1294/9838
Lev_16:26......scapegoat/shall wash his clothes and bathe his flesh in water and afterward come/into 1295/9838 one carry/forth 1296/9838
Lev_16:27...........they/shall burn in/the... 1297/9838
Lev_16:28...........them/shall wash his clothes and bathe his flesh in water and afterward he/shall 1298/9838
Lev_16:28.............he/shall come into the camp And this/shall 1299/9838
Lev_16:29...........this/shall be a statute for ever unto you/that 1300/9838 afflict your souls and do/no 1301/9838 the priest make/an 1302/9838
Lev_16:31.............It/shall be a sabbath of rest unto you/and 1303/9838 afflict your souls by/a 1304/9838
Lev_16:32.............he/shall anoint/and.... 1305/9838
Lev_16:32.............he/shall consecrate to/minister 1306/9838
Lev_16:32..........stead/shall make the atonement/and 1307/9838
Lev_16:32............and/shall put on the linen/clothes 1308/9838
Lev_16:33.............he/shall make an atonement for the holy sanctuary/and 1309/9838
Lev_16:33.............he/shall make an atonement for the tabernacle/of 1310/9838
Lev_16:33.............he/shall make an atonement for the priests/and 1311/9838
Lev_16:34...........this/shall be an everlasting statute/unto 1312/9838
Lev_17:4...........blood/shall be imputed unto/that 1313/9838 be cut off from among his people To/the 1314/9838
Lev_17:6..........priest/shall sprinkle the blood upon the altar of/the 1315/9838
Lev_17:7............they/shall no more offer/their 1316/9838
Lev_17:7............This/shall be a statute for ever unto them/throughout 1317/9838 be cut off from among his people And whatsoever man/there 1318/9838 eat blood/neither 1319/9838
Lev_17:12........neither/shall any stranger/that 1320/9838
Lev_17:13.............he/shall even pour/out. 1321/9838
Lev_17:14.............Ye/shall eat the blood/of 1322/9838 be cut off And every/soul 1323/9838
Lev_17:15.............he/shall both wash/his. 1324/9838
Lev_17:15...........then/shall he be clean/But 1325/9838
Lev_17:16.............he/shall bear his iniquity And the LORD/spake 1326/9838
Lev_18:3...........dwelt/shall ye not do and/after 1327/9838 ye not do neither/shall 1328/9838
Lev_18:3.........neither/shall ye walk/in.... 1329/9838
Lev_18:4..............Ye/shall do my judgments/and 1330/9838
Lev_18:5..............Ye/shall therefore keep my statutes and my judgments which/if 1331/9838
Lev_18:5..............he/shall live in them I/am 1332/9838 approach to any/that 1333/9838
Lev_18:23........neither/shall any woman/stand 1334/9838
Lev_18:26.............Ye/shall therefore keep my statutes and my judgments and/shall 1335/9838
Lev_18:26............and/shall not commit/any 1336/9838
Lev_18:29......whosoever/shall commit any of/these 1337/9838
Lev_18:29...........them/shall be cut off from among their people Therefore/shall 1338/9838
Lev_18:30......Therefore/shall ye keep mine/ordinance 1339/9838
Lev_19:2..............Ye/shall be holy for I the/LORD 1340/9838
Lev_19:3..............Ye/shall fear every/man 1341/9838 offer it at/your 1342/9838
Lev_19:6..............It/shall be eaten the same day ye/offer 1343/9838 be burnt in the fire And if it/be 1344/9838 not be accepted Therefore/every 1345/9838 bear his iniquity because/he 1346/9838
Lev_19:8............soul/shall be cut off from among his people And when/ye 1347/9838
Lev_19:11.............Ye/shall not steal/neither 1348/9838 not swear/by.. 1349/9838
Lev_19:13..........hired/shall not abide with thee/all 1350/9838
Lev_19:15.............Ye/shall do no unrighteousness in judgment thou/shalt 1351/9838
Lev_19:19.............Ye/shall keep my statutes Thou/shalt 1352/9838
Lev_19:19........neither/shall a garment/mingled 1353/9838
Lev_19:20............she/shall be scourged/they 1354/9838
Lev_19:20...........they/shall not be put to death because/she 1355/9838
Lev_19:21.............he/shall bring his trespass offering unto the LORD unto/the 1356/9838
Lev_19:22.........priest/shall make an atonement for him with the ram of the trespass offering before/the 1357/9838
Lev_19:22...........done/shall be forgiven him And when/ye 1358/9838 come into the land/and 1359/9838
Lev_19:23............and/shall have planted/all 1360/9838 count the/fruit 1361/9838
Lev_19:23..........years/shall it be as/uncircumcised 1362/9838 not be eaten of/But 1363/9838
Lev_19:24........thereof/shall be holy to praise/the 1364/9838
Lev_19:25...........year/shall ye eat of the/fruit 1365/9838
Lev_19:26.............Ye/shall not eat any/thing 1366/9838
Lev_19:26........neither/shall ye use/enchantment 1367/9838
Lev_19:27.............Ye/shall not round/the. 1368/9838
Lev_19:28.............Ye/shall not make any/cuttings 1369/9838
Lev_19:30.............Ye/shall keep my sabbaths and reverence my sanctuary I am the LORD Regard/not 1370/9838 not vex him/But 1371/9838 be unto you as one/born 1372/9838
Lev_19:35.............Ye/shall do no unrighteousness in judgment in/meteyard 1373/9838
Lev_19:36............hin/shall ye have I/am.. 1374/9838
Lev_19:37......Therefore/shall ye observe all/my 1375/9838
Lev_20:2..............he/shall surely be put to death the people/of 1376/9838 stone him with stones And/I 1377/9838 keep my statutes and/do 1378/9838
Lev_20:9..........mother/shall be surely put to death he/hath 1379/9838
Lev_20:9...........blood/shall be upon him And the man/that 1380/9838
Lev_20:10.....adulteress/shall surely be put to death And the man/that 1381/9838
Lev_20:11...........them/shall surely be put to death their blood shall be upon them And if a man lie/with 1382/9838
Lev_20:11..........blood/shall be upon them And if a man lie/with 1383/9838
Lev_20:12...........them/shall surely be put to death they have/wrought 1384/9838
Lev_20:12..........blood/shall be upon them If/a 1385/9838
Lev_20:13...........they/shall surely be put to death their blood shall be upon them And if a man take/a 1386/9838
Lev_20:13..........blood/shall be upon them And if a man take/a 1387/9838
Lev_20:14...........they/shall be burnt with fire both/he 1388/9838
Lev_20:15.............he/shall surely be put to death and ye/shall 1389/9838 slay the beast/And 1390/9838
Lev_20:16...........they/shall surely be put to death their blood shall be upon them And if a man shall/take 1391/9838
Lev_20:16..........blood/shall be upon them And if a man shall/take 1392/9838 take his sister/his 1393/9838
Lev_20:17...........they/shall be cut off in the/sight 1394/9838
Lev_20:17.............he/shall bear his iniquity And if/a 1395/9838 lie with a/woman 1396/9838
Lev_20:18............and/shall uncover her/nakedness 1397/9838
Lev_20:18...........them/shall be cut off from among their people And/thou 1398/9838
Lev_20:19...........they/shall bear their iniquity And if/a 1399/9838 lie with his/uncle's 1400/9838
Lev_20:20...........they/shall bear their sin/they 1401/9838
Lev_20:20...........they/shall die childless/And 1402/9838 take his brother's/wife 1403/9838
Lev_20:21...........they/shall be childless/Ye 1404/9838
Lev_20:22.............Ye/shall therefore keep all/my 1405/9838 not walk in the/manners 1406/9838
Lev_20:24.............Ye/shall inherit their/land 1407/9838
Lev_20:25.............Ye/shall therefore put/difference 1408/9838 not make your/souls 1409/9838 be holy unto me/for 1410/9838
Lev_20:27.........wizard/shall surely be put to death they shall/stone 1411/9838
Lev_20:27...........they/shall stone them with stones their/blood 1412/9838
Lev_20:27..........blood/shall be upon them And the/LORD 1413/9838
Lev_21:1...........There/shall none be/defiled 1414/9838
Lev_21:4..............he/shall not defile/himself 1415/9838
Lev_21:5............They/shall not make baldness/upon 1416/9838
Lev_21:5.........neither/shall they shave off/the 1417/9838
Lev_21:6............They/shall be holy unto their/God 1418/9838
Lev_21:6............they/shall be holy They/shall 1419/9838
Lev_21:7............They/shall not take a/wife 1420/9838
Lev_21:7.........neither/shall they take a/woman 1421/9838
Lev_21:8..............he/shall be holy unto thee for/I 1422/9838
Lev_21:9.............she/shall be burnt with fire And he/that 1423/9838
Lev_21:10.......garments/shall not uncover/his 1424/9838
Lev_21:11........Neither/shall he go in/to... 1425/9838
Lev_21:12........Neither/shall he go out/of.. 1426/9838
Lev_21:13.............he/shall take a wife/in 1427/9838
Lev_21:14..........these/shall he not take/but 1428/9838
Lev_21:14.............he/shall take a virgin/of 1429/9838
Lev_21:15........Neither/shall he profane/his 1430/9838
Lev_21:18.............he/shall not approach/a 1431/9838
Lev_21:21.........priest/shall come nigh/to.. 1432/9838
Lev_21:21.............he/shall not come nigh to/offer 1433/9838
Lev_21:22.............He/shall eat the bread/of 1434/9838
Lev_21:23.............he/shall not go in unto/the 1435/9838
Lev_22:3............soul/shall be cut off from my/presence 1436/9838
Lev_22:4..............he/shall not eat of the holy things until/he 1437/9838
Lev_22:6............such/shall be unclean until even and shall/not 1438/9838
Lev_22:6.............and/shall not eat of the holy things unless/he 1439/9838
Lev_22:7..............he/shall be clean and shall/afterward 1440/9838
Lev_22:7.............and/shall afterward/eat. 1441/9838
Lev_22:8..............he/shall not eat to/defile 1442/9838
Lev_22:9............They/shall therefore keep mine/ordinance 1443/9838
Lev_22:10..........There/shall no stranger eat of/the 1444/9838
Lev_22:10........servant/shall not eat of the holy thing/But 1445/9838
Lev_22:11.............he/shall eat of it and/he 1446/9838
Lev_22:11...........they/shall eat of his/meat 1447/9838
Lev_22:13............she/shall eat of her/father's 1448/9838
Lev_22:13..........there/shall be no stranger/eat 1449/9838
Lev_22:14.............he/shall put the fifth/part 1450/9838
Lev_22:14............and/shall give it unto/the 1451/9838
Lev_22:15...........they/shall not profane/the 1452/9838
Lev_22:19.............Ye/shall offer at/your. 1453/9838
Lev_22:20...........that/shall ye not offer/for 1454/9838 not be acceptable/for 1455/9838 be perfect/to. 1456/9838
Lev_22:21..........there/shall be no blemish/therein 1457/9838 not offer these/unto 1458/9838 not be accepted Ye/shall 1459/9838
Lev_22:24.............Ye/shall not offer unto/the 1460/9838
Lev_22:24........neither/shall ye make any offering/thereof 1461/9838
Lev_22:25...........hand/shall ye offer the/bread 1462/9838
Lev_22:25...........they/shall not be accepted for/you 1463/9838 be seven days/under 1464/9838 be accepted for an/offering 1465/9838 not kill/it... 1466/9838 be eaten up ye/shall 1467/9838 leave none of it until/the 1468/9838
Lev_22:31......Therefore/shall ye keep my/commandments 1469/9838
Lev_22:32........Neither/shall ye profane/my. 1470/9838 proclaim to be holy convocations even/these 1471/9838
Lev_23:3............days/shall work be done but the/seventh 1472/9838 do no work therein/it 1473/9838 proclaim in/their 1474/9838 have an holy convocation ye shall do no servile work therein/But 1475/9838 do no servile work therein But ye shall offer an offering made by fire unto the LORD seven/days 1476/9838 offer an offering made by fire unto the LORD seven/days 1477/9838 do no servile work therein And/the 1478/9838
Lev_23:10............and/shall reap the harvest/thereof 1479/9838 bring a sheaf/of 1480/9838
Lev_23:11.............he/shall wave the sheaf/before 1481/9838
Lev_23:11.........priest/shall wave it/And... 1482/9838 offer that day/when 1483/9838
Lev_23:13........thereof/shall be two tenth/deals 1484/9838
Lev_23:13........thereof/shall be of wine/the 1485/9838 eat neither bread/nor 1486/9838 be a statute for ever throughout your generations in all your dwellings And/ye 1487/9838 count unto/you 1488/9838
Lev_23:15.......sabbaths/shall be complete/Even 1489/9838
Lev_23:16........sabbath/shall ye number/fifty 1490/9838 offer a new/meat 1491/9838
Lev_23:17.............Ye/shall bring out of/your 1492/9838
Lev_23:17...........they/shall be of fine flour they/shall 1493/9838
Lev_23:17...........they/shall be baken/with. 1494/9838 offer with the bread/seven 1495/9838
Lev_23:18...........they/shall be for a burnt/offering 1496/9838 sacrifice one/kid 1497/9838
Lev_23:20.........priest/shall wave them with/the 1498/9838
Lev_23:20...........they/shall be holy to the/LORD 1499/9838 proclaim on/the 1500/9838 do no servile work therein it/shall 1501/9838 be a statute for ever in all/your 1502/9838
Lev_23:24..........month/shall ye have a/sabbath 1503/9838
Lev_23:25.............Ye/shall do no servile work therein but ye shall offer an offering made by fire unto the LORD And/the 1504/9838 offer an offering made by fire unto the LORD And/the 1505/9838
Lev_23:27..........there/shall be a day of/atonement 1506/9838 be an holy convocation unto you and ye shall afflict/your 1507/9838 afflict your souls and offer/an 1508/9838 do no work in/that 1509/9838
Lev_23:29...........that/shall not be afflicted/in 1510/9838
Lev_23:29.............he/shall be cut off from among his people And whatsoever soul/it 1511/9838
Lev_23:31.............Ye/shall do no manner of work/it 1512/9838 be a statute for ever throughout your generations in all your dwellings It/shall 1513/9838
Lev_23:32.............It/shall be unto you a/sabbath 1514/9838 afflict your souls in/the 1515/9838
Lev_23:32...........even/shall ye celebrate/your 1516/9838
Lev_23:34..........month/shall be the feast/of 1517/9838 be an holy convocation ye shall do no servile/work 1518/9838 do no servile work therein Seven/days 1519/9838 offer an offering made by fire unto the LORD on/the 1520/9838 be an holy convocation unto you and ye shall offer/an 1521/9838 offer an offering made by fire unto the LORD it/is 1522/9838 do no servile work therein These/are 1523/9838 proclaim to be holy convocations to/offer 1524/9838 keep a feast unto the LORD seven days on/the 1525/9838 be a sabbath and on/the 1526/9838 be a sabbath And ye/shall 1527/9838 take you on/the 1528/9838 rejoice before the LORD your God seven/days 1529/9838 keep it a feast unto/the 1530/9838
Lev_23:41.............It/shall be a statute for ever in your generations ye/shall 1531/9838 celebrate/it.. 1532/9838
Lev_23:42.............Ye/shall dwell in booths seven/days 1533/9838
Lev_23:42...........born/shall dwell in booths That/your 1534/9838
Lev_24:3....congregation/shall Aaron order/it 1535/9838 be a statute for ever in your generations He/shall 1536/9838
Lev_24:4..............He/shall order the lamps/upon 1537/9838 be in one/cake 1538/9838
Lev_24:8..............he/shall set it in/order 1539/9838 be Aaron's and his sons' and they/shall 1540/9838
Lev_24:9............they/shall eat it in the holy place for/it 1541/9838
Lev_24:15............God/shall bear his sin And he/that 1542/9838
Lev_24:16.............he/shall surely be put to death and all the congregation/shall 1543/9838
Lev_24:16...congregation/shall certainly stone/him 1544/9838
Lev_24:16...........Lord/shall be put to death And he/that 1545/9838 surely be put to death And he that killeth/a 1546/9838
Lev_24:18..........beast/shall make it good beast/for 1547/9838 it be done to him Breach/for 1548/9838 it be done to him again/And 1549/9838
Lev_24:21.............he/shall restore it/and 1550/9838
Lev_24:21.............he/shall be put to death Ye shall have/one 1551/9838
Lev_24:22.............Ye/shall have one manner/of 1552/9838
Lev_25:2............then/shall the land keep/a 1553/9838
Lev_25:4............year/shall be a sabbath of rest unto the/land 1554/9838 be meat for you for/thee 1555/9838 all the increase/thereof 1556/9838
Lev_25:8...........years/shall be unto thee forty/and 1557/9838
Lev_25:9.......atonement/shall ye make the trumpet/sound 1558/9838 hallow the/fiftieth 1559/9838 be a jubile/unto 1560/9838 return every man unto his possession and ye/shall 1561/9838 return every man unto his family/A 1562/9838
Lev_25:11.........jubile/shall that fiftieth/year 1563/9838 not sow neither/reap 1564/9838 be holy unto you ye/shall 1565/9838 eat the increase/thereof 1566/9838 return every man unto his possession And if/thou 1567/9838 not oppress/one 1568/9838
Lev_25:15.............he/shall sell unto/thee 1569/9838
Lev_25:17.............Ye/shall not therefore/oppress 1570/9838 do my statutes/and 1571/9838 dwell in the land in/safety 1572/9838 yield her fruit and ye/shall 1573/9838 eat your fill/and 1574/9838 say What shall/we 1575/9838
Lev_25:20...........What/shall we eat the/seventh 1576/9838
Lev_25:20.............we/shall not sow nor/gather 1577/9838 bring forth fruit/for 1578/9838 sow the eighth/year 1579/9838 eat of the/old 1580/9838 not be sold for/ever 1581/9838 grant/a....... 1582/9838
Lev_25:25...........then/shall he redeem/that 1583/9838
Lev_25:28...........sold/shall remain in the hand/of 1584/9838 go out and he/shall 1585/9838
Lev_25:28.............he/shall return unto his possession/And 1586/9838 be established for ever to/him 1587/9838 not go out in/the 1588/9838
Lev_25:31...........them/shall be counted as/the 1589/9838
Lev_25:31...........they/shall go out in the jubile/Notwithstanding 1590/9838
Lev_25:33.....possession/shall go out in the year of jubile for/the 1591/9838
Lev_25:40.............he/shall be with thee and/shall 1592/9838
Lev_25:40............and/shall serve thee unto/the 1593/9838
Lev_25:41...........then/shall he depart/from 1594/9838
Lev_25:41............and/shall return unto his own/family 1595/9838
Lev_25:41........fathers/shall he return For/they 1596/9838
Lev_25:42...........they/shall not be sold as/bondmen 1597/9838
Lev_25:44...........have/shall be of the heathen/that 1598/9838
Lev_25:44...........them/shall ye buy bondmen/and 1599/9838
Lev_25:45...........them/shall ye buy and/of. 1600/9838
Lev_25:45...........they/shall be your possession And/ye 1601/9838 take them as/an 1602/9838
Lev_25:46...........they/shall be your bondmen/for 1603/9838 not rule one/over 1604/9838
Lev_25:50.............he/shall reckon with/him 1605/9838 be according unto/the 1606/9838
Lev_25:50........servant/shall it be with him/If 1607/9838
Lev_25:51.............he/shall give again/the 1608/9838
Lev_25:52.............he/shall count with/him 1609/9838
Lev_25:52..........years/shall he give him/again 1610/9838
Lev_25:53........servant/shall he be with/him 1611/9838
Lev_25:53..........other/shall not rule with/rigour 1612/9838
Lev_25:54.............he/shall go out in the year of jubile both/he 1613/9838
Lev_26:1..............Ye/shall make you no/idols 1614/9838
Lev_26:1.........neither/shall ye set/up..... 1615/9838
Lev_26:2..............Ye/shall keep my sabbaths and reverence my sanctuary I am the LORD If/ye 1616/9838 yield her increase and the/trees 1617/9838
Lev_26:4...........field/shall yield their/fruit 1618/9838
Lev_26:5.......threshing/shall reach unto the vintage/and 1619/9838
Lev_26:5.........vintage/shall reach unto the sowing/time 1620/9838 eat your bread/to 1621/9838 lie down and none shall make you/afraid 1622/9838
Lev_26:6............none/shall make you afraid/and 1623/9838
Lev_26:6.........neither/shall the sword go/through 1624/9838 chase your/enemies 1625/9838
Lev_26:7............they/shall fall before you by the sword And/five 1626/9838 chase an/hundred 1627/9838 put ten/thousand 1628/9838
Lev_26:8.........enemies/shall fall before you by the sword For/I 1629/9838 eat old/store. 1630/9838
Lev_26:11...........soul/shall not abhor/you. 1631/9838 be my people I/am 1632/9838 despise my/statutes 1633/9838
Lev_26:16...........that/shall consume the eyes/and 1634/9838 sow your/seed. 1635/9838
Lev_26:16........enemies/shall eat it And I/will 1636/9838 be slain before your/enemies 1637/9838 reign over you and/ye 1638/9838 flee when/none 1639/9838
Lev_26:20.......strength/shall be spent/in... 1640/9838 not yield/her. 1641/9838
Lev_26:20........neither/shall the trees of the land/yield 1642/9838
Lev_26:22..........which/shall rob/you....... 1643/9838
Lev_26:22...........ways/shall be desolate And if/ye 1644/9838
Lev_26:25...........that/shall avenge/the.... 1645/9838 be delivered into the hand of the enemy/And 1646/9838
Lev_26:26..........women/shall bake your/bread 1647/9838
Lev_26:26...........they/shall deliver you your/bread 1648/9838 eat and not be/satisfied 1649/9838 eat the flesh of your/sons 1650/9838
Lev_26:29......daughters/shall ye eat And I/will 1651/9838
Lev_26:30...........soul/shall abhor you/And. 1652/9838
Lev_26:32........therein/shall be astonished at it/And 1653/9838 be desolate and your cities/waste 1654/9838
Lev_26:34...........Then/shall the land enjoy/her 1655/9838
Lev_26:34...........then/shall the land rest/and 1656/9838 rest because/it 1657/9838
Lev_26:36...........leaf/shall chase them/and 1658/9838
Lev_26:36...........they/shall flee as/fleeing 1659/9838
Lev_26:36...........they/shall fall when/none 1660/9838
Lev_26:37...........they/shall fall one/upon. 1661/9838 have no power to/stand 1662/9838 perish among/the 1663/9838
Lev_26:38........enemies/shall eat you/up.... 1664/9838 pine away in/their 1665/9838
Lev_26:39........fathers/shall they pine/away 1666/9838
Lev_26:40...........they/shall confess their iniquity/and 1667/9838
Lev_26:43...........also/shall be left of/them 1668/9838
Lev_26:43............and/shall enjoy/her..... 1669/9838
Lev_26:43...........they/shall accept of/the. 1670/9838 make a singular/vow 1671/9838
Lev_27:2.........persons/shall be for the LORD/by 1672/9838
Lev_27:3......estimation/shall be of the male from/twenty 1673/9838
Lev_27:3......estimation/shall be fifty shekels/of 1674/9838
Lev_27:4......estimation/shall be thirty shekels/And 1675/9838
Lev_27:5......estimation/shall be of the male twenty/shekels 1676/9838
Lev_27:6......estimation/shall be of the male five/shekels 1677/9838
Lev_27:6......estimation/shall be three shekels/of 1678/9838
Lev_27:7......estimation/shall be fifteen shekels/and 1679/9838
Lev_27:8..............he/shall present himself/before 1680/9838
Lev_27:8..........priest/shall value him/according 1681/9838
Lev_27:8...........vowed/shall the priest value/him 1682/9838
Lev_27:9............LORD/shall be holy He/shall 1683/9838
Lev_27:10.............He/shall not alter/it.. 1684/9838
Lev_27:10.............he/shall at all change/beast 1685/9838
Lev_27:10........thereof/shall be holy And if/it 1686/9838
Lev_27:11.............he/shall present the beast/before 1687/9838
Lev_27:12.........priest/shall value it/whether 1688/9838 it be But/if.. 1689/9838
Lev_27:13.............he/shall add a fifth part thereof/unto 1690/9838 sanctify his/house 1691/9838
Lev_27:14.........priest/shall estimate it whether/it 1692/9838
Lev_27:14.........priest/shall estimate it so/shall 1693/9838 it stand And/if 1694/9838
Lev_27:15.............he/shall add the fifth part of the money of thy estimation unto it and it shall be his/And 1695/9838 be his And if a/man 1696/9838 sanctify unto/the 1697/9838
Lev_27:16.....estimation/shall be according to the seed/thereof 1698/9838
Lev_27:16...........seed/shall be valued/at.. 1699/9838 stand But if he/sanctify 1700/9838
Lev_27:18.........priest/shall reckon unto him the money/according 1701/9838 be abated/from 1702/9838
Lev_27:19.............he/shall add the fifth part of the money of thy estimation unto it and it shall be assured/to 1703/9838 be assured/to. 1704/9838 not be redeemed any/more 1705/9838
Lev_27:21.........jubile/shall be holy unto the LORD as/a 1706/9838
Lev_27:21........thereof/shall be the priest's And/if 1707/9838
Lev_27:23.........priest/shall reckon unto him the worth/of 1708/9838
Lev_27:23.............he/shall give thine/estimation 1709/9838
Lev_27:24..........field/shall return unto him/of 1710/9838
Lev_27:25....estimations/shall be according to the shekel/of 1711/9838
Lev_27:25.........gerahs/shall be the shekel/Only 1712/9838 sanctify it/whether 1713/9838
Lev_27:27.............he/shall redeem it/according 1714/9838
Lev_27:27............and/shall add a fifth part of/it 1715/9838 be sold according/to 1716/9838 devote/unto... 1717/9838
Lev_27:28.....possession/shall be sold or/redeemed 1718/9838
Lev_27:29..........which/shall be devoted/of. 1719/9838 be redeemed but/shall 1720/9838
Lev_27:29............but/shall surely be put to death And all the tithe/of 1721/9838
Lev_27:31.............he/shall add thereto/the 1722/9838
Lev_27:32..........tenth/shall be holy unto the LORD He/shall 1723/9838
Lev_27:33.............He/shall not search/whether 1724/9838
Lev_27:33........neither/shall he change/it.. 1725/9838
Lev_27:33........thereof/shall be holy it/shall 1726/9838 not be redeemed These/are 1727/9838
Num_1:3............Aaron/shall number them/by 1728/9838
Num_1:4............there/shall be a man of every/tribe 1729/9838
Num_1:5.............that/shall stand with/you 1730/9838
Num_1:50............they/shall bear the tabernacle/and 1731/9838
Num_1:50............they/shall minister unto it/and 1732/9838
Num_1:50.............and/shall encamp/round.. 1733/9838
Num_1:51.........Levites/shall take it down/and 1734/9838
Num_1:51.........Levites/shall set it up/and. 1735/9838
Num_1:51............nigh/shall be put to death And the children/of 1736/9838
Num_1:52..........Israel/shall pitch their tents every/man 1737/9838
Num_1:53.........Levites/shall pitch round/about 1738/9838
Num_1:53.........Levites/shall keep the charge of the tabernacle/of 1739/9838
Num_2:2...........Israel/shall pitch by/his.. 1740/9838
Num_2:2.....congregation/shall they pitch/And 1741/9838
Num_2:3..............sun/shall they of/the... 1742/9838
Num_2:3........Amminadab/shall be captain of the children of Judah/And 1743/9838
Num_2:5..............him/shall be the tribe of Issachar/and 1744/9838
Num_2:5.............Zuar/shall be captain of the children of Issachar/And 1745/9838
Num_2:7............Helon/shall be captain of the children of Zebulun/And 1746/9838
Num_2:9............These/shall first set/forth 1747/9838
Num_2:10............side/shall be the standard of the camp of Reuben/according 1748/9838
Num_2:10..........Reuben/shall be Elizur/the. 1749/9838
Num_2:12.............him/shall be the tribe of Simeon/and 1750/9838
Num_2:12..........Simeon/shall be Shelumiel/the 1751/9838
Num_2:14.............Gad/shall be Eliasaph the son of Reuel/And 1752/9838
Num_2:16............they/shall set forth in/the 1753/9838
Num_2:17....congregation/shall set forward/with 1754/9838 they set/forward 1755/9838
Num_2:18............side/shall be the standard of the camp of Ephraim/according 1756/9838
Num_2:18.........Ephraim/shall be Elishama/the 1757/9838
Num_2:20.............him/shall be the tribe of Manasseh/and 1758/9838
Num_2:20........Manasseh/shall be Gamaliel/the 1759/9838
Num_2:22........Benjamin/shall be Abidan/the. 1760/9838
Num_2:24............they/shall go forward in/the 1761/9838
Num_2:25.............Dan/shall be on the north/side 1762/9838
Num_2:25.............Dan/shall be Ahiezer/the 1763/9838
Num_2:27.............him/shall be the tribe of Asher/and 1764/9838
Num_2:27...........Asher/shall be Pagiel/the. 1765/9838
Num_2:29........Naphtali/shall be Ahira/the.. 1766/9838
Num_2:31............They/shall go hindmost/with 1767/9838
Num_3:7.............they/shall keep his/charge 1768/9838
Num_3:8.............they/shall keep all/the.. 1769/9838
Num_3:10............they/shall wait on/their. 1770/9838
Num_3:10............nigh/shall be put to death And the LORD spake unto Moses/saying 1771/9838
Num_3:12.........Levites/shall be mine Because/all 1772/9838
Num_3:13............mine/shall they be I/am.. 1773/9838
Num_3:23.....Gershonites/shall pitch behind/the 1774/9838
Num_3:24.....Gershonites/shall be Eliasaph the son of Lael/And 1775/9838
Num_3:25....congregation/shall be the tabernacle/and 1776/9838
Num_3:29..........Kohath/shall pitch on the side of the tabernacle southward/And 1777/9838
Num_3:30......Kohathites/shall be Elizaphan/the 1778/9838
Num_3:31..........charge/shall be the ark/and 1779/9838
Num_3:32..........priest/shall be chief over/the 1780/9838
Num_3:35...........these/shall pitch on the side of the tabernacle northward/And 1781/9838
Num_3:36..........Merari/shall be the boards/of 1782/9838
Num_3:38........eastward/shall be Moses/and.. 1783/9838
Num_3:38............nigh/shall be put to death All/that 1784/9838
Num_3:45.........Levites/shall be mine I/am.. 1785/9838
Num_4:4.............This/shall be the service/of 1786/9838
Num_4:5............Aaron/shall come and his/sons 1787/9838
Num_4:5.............they/shall take down/the. 1788/9838
Num_4:6..............And/shall put thereon/the 1789/9838
Num_4:6..............and/shall spread over/it 1790/9838
Num_4:6..............and/shall put in the staves thereof And upon/the 1791/9838
Num_4:7.............they/shall spread a cloth of blue and put/thereon 1792/9838
Num_4:7............bread/shall be thereon/And 1793/9838
Num_4:8.............they/shall spread upon them/a 1794/9838
Num_4:8..............and/shall put in the staves thereof And they/shall 1795/9838
Num_4:9.............they/shall take a cloth/of 1796/9838
Num_4:10............they/shall put it and/all 1797/9838
Num_4:10.............and/shall put it upon a/bar 1798/9838
Num_4:11............they/shall spread a cloth of blue and cover/it 1799/9838
Num_4:11.............and/shall put to the/staves 1800/9838
Num_4:12............they/shall take all the/instruments 1801/9838
Num_4:12.............and/shall put them on a/bar 1802/9838
Num_4:13............they/shall take away the ashes/from 1803/9838
Num_4:14............they/shall put upon it/all 1804/9838
Num_4:14............they/shall spread upon it/a 1805/9838
Num_4:15..........Kohath/shall come to bear/it 1806/9838
Num_4:15............they/shall not touch any/holy 1807/9838
Num_4:19............sons/shall go in and appoint/them 1808/9838
Num_4:20............they/shall not go in to see/when 1809/9838
Num_4:25............they/shall bear the curtains/of 1810/9838 they serve/At. 1811/9838
Num_4:27............sons/shall be all the/service 1812/9838 appoint unto/them 1813/9838
Num_4:28..........charge/shall be under the/hand 1814/9838 reckon the/instruments 1815/9838
Num_5:3...........female/shall ye put out/without 1816/9838 ye put them/that 1817/9838
Num_5:6............woman/shall commit any sin/that 1818/9838
Num_5:7.............they/shall confess their sin/which 1819/9838
Num_5:7...............he/shall recompense his/trespass 1820/9838
Num_5:8........atonement/shall be made for him And/every 1821/9838
Num_5:9...........priest/shall be his And every/man's 1822/9838
Num_5:10..........things/shall be his whatsoever/any 1823/9838 be his And the/LORD 1824/9838
Num_5:15............Then/shall the man bring/his 1825/9838
Num_5:15..............he/shall bring her offering/for 1826/9838
Num_5:15..............he/shall pour no/oil... 1827/9838
Num_5:16..........priest/shall bring her near/and 1828/9838
Num_5:17..........priest/shall take holy/water 1829/9838
Num_5:17..........priest/shall take and/put.. 1830/9838
Num_5:18..........priest/shall set the woman before the LORD and uncover/the 1831/9838
Num_5:18..........priest/shall have in his/hand 1832/9838
Num_5:19..........priest/shall charge her/by. 1833/9838
Num_5:21..........priest/shall charge the/woman 1834/9838
Num_5:21..........priest/shall say unto the woman/The 1835/9838
Num_5:22...........curse/shall go into thy/bowels 1836/9838
Num_5:22...........woman/shall say Amen amen/And 1837/9838
Num_5:23..........priest/shall write these/curses 1838/9838
Num_5:23..............he/shall blot them/out. 1839/9838
Num_5:24..............he/shall cause the woman to drink the bitter/water 1840/9838
Num_5:24...........curse/shall enter into her and become bitter Then/the 1841/9838
Num_5:25..........priest/shall take the jealousy/offering 1842/9838
Num_5:25.............and/shall wave the offering/before 1843/9838
Num_5:26..........priest/shall take an handful/of 1844/9838
Num_5:26.......afterward/shall cause the woman to drink the water/And 1845/9838 come to pass that if/she 1846/9838
Num_5:27...........curse/shall enter into her and become bitter and/her 1847/9838
Num_5:27...........belly/shall swell/and..... 1848/9838
Num_5:27...........thigh/shall rot and/the... 1849/9838
Num_5:27...........woman/shall be a curse/among 1850/9838
Num_5:28.............she/shall be free and shall/conceive 1851/9838
Num_5:28.............and/shall conceive seed/This 1852/9838
Num_5:30.............and/shall set the woman before the LORD and the/priest 1853/9838
Num_5:30..........priest/shall execute upon/her 1854/9838
Num_5:31............Then/shall the man be guiltless/from 1855/9838
Num_5:31...........woman/shall bear her iniquity And/the 1856/9838
Num_6:2............woman/shall separate themselves/to 1857/9838
Num_6:3...............He/shall separate himself/from 1858/9838
Num_6:3..............and/shall drink no vinegar/of 1859/9838
Num_6:3..........neither/shall he drink/any.. 1860/9838
Num_6:4.......separation/shall he eat nothing/that 1861/9838
Num_6:5............there/shall no razor come upon his head until/the 1862/9838
Num_6:5...............he/shall be holy and shall/let 1863/9838
Num_6:5..............and/shall let the locks/of 1864/9838
Num_6:6...............he/shall come at no dead body/He 1865/9838
Num_6:7...............He/shall not make himself/unclean 1866/9838
Num_6:9...............he/shall shave his/head 1867/9838 he shave/it... 1868/9838
Num_6:10..............he/shall bring two turtles or two young pigeons to/the 1869/9838
Num_6:11..........priest/shall offer the one for a sin offering and the other for a burnt offering and make/an 1870/9838
Num_6:11.............and/shall hallow his/head 1871/9838
Num_6:12..............he/shall consecrate unto/the 1872/9838
Num_6:12.............and/shall bring a lamb of the first year for a trespass/offering 1873/9838
Num_6:12..........before/shall be lost/because 1874/9838
Num_6:13..............he/shall be brought unto the door/of 1875/9838
Num_6:14..............he/shall offer his offering/unto 1876/9838
Num_6:16..........priest/shall bring them before/the 1877/9838
Num_6:16.............and/shall offer his sin offering and/his 1878/9838
Num_6:17..............he/shall offer the ram/for 1879/9838
Num_6:17..........priest/shall offer also/his 1880/9838
Num_6:18........Nazarite/shall shave the/head 1881/9838
Num_6:18.............and/shall take the hair/of 1882/9838
Num_6:19..........priest/shall take the sodden/shoulder 1883/9838
Num_6:19.............and/shall put them upon the/hands 1884/9838
Num_6:20..........priest/shall wave them for a wave offering before the LORD this/is 1885/9838
Num_6:21............hand/shall get according/to 1886/9838 bless the/children 1887/9838
Num_6:27............they/shall put my name/upon 1888/9838
Num_7:11............They/shall offer their/offering 1889/9838
Num_8:2............lamps/shall give light/over 1890/9838
Num_8:10..........Israel/shall put their hands upon the Levites/And 1891/9838
Num_8:11...........Aaron/shall offer the Levites/before 1892/9838
Num_8:12.........Levites/shall lay their hands upon the heads/of 1893/9838
Num_8:14.........Levites/shall be mine And after/that 1894/9838
Num_8:15............that/shall the Levites/go 1895/9838
Num_8:24............they/shall go in to wait/upon 1896/9838
Num_8:25............they/shall cease waiting/upon 1897/9838
Num_8:25.............and/shall serve no/more. 1898/9838
Num_8:26.............But/shall minister with/their 1899/9838
Num_8:26.............and/shall do no service/Thus 1900/9838 keep it in/his 1901/9838
Num_9:3..........thereof/shall ye keep it/And 1902/9838
Num_9:10.......posterity/shall be unclean by/reason 1903/9838
Num_9:10..............he/shall keep the passover/unto 1904/9838
Num_9:11............they/shall keep it and eat/it 1905/9838
Num_9:12............They/shall leave none of it unto/the 1906/9838
Num_9:12............they/shall keep it But/the 1907/9838
Num_9:13............soul/shall be cut off from among his people because he brought/not 1908/9838 bear his sin And if/a 1909/9838
Num_9:14........stranger/shall sojourn among/you 1910/9838 he do ye/shall 1911/9838 have one ordinance/both 1912/9838
Num_10:3............they/shall blow with them/all 1913/9838
Num_10:3........assembly/shall assemble themselves/to 1914/9838
Num_10:4..........Israel/shall gather themselves unto/thee 1915/9838 go forward When/ye 1916/9838
Num_10:6............side/shall take their/journey 1917/9838
Num_10:6............they/shall blow an alarm for/their 1918/9838 blow but/ye... 1919/9838 not sound/an.. 1920/9838
Num_10:8.........priests/shall blow with the trumpets and they/shall 1921/9838
Num_10:8............they/shall be to you for an/ordinance 1922/9838 blow an alarm with/the 1923/9838 be remembered/before 1924/9838 be saved from your/enemies 1925/9838 blow with the trumpets over/your 1926/9838 be if thou go/with 1927/9838 be that what goodness/the 1928/9838
Num_10:32...........LORD/shall do unto us/the 1929/9838
Num_11:4.............Who/shall give us flesh to eat We/remember 1930/9838
Num_11:17...........they/shall bear the burden of/the 1931/9838 eat flesh for/ye 1932/9838
Num_11:18............Who/shall give us flesh to eat for/it 1933/9838 eat Ye/shall.. 1934/9838
Num_11:19.............Ye/shall not eat one/day 1935/9838
Num_11:22..........month/Shall the flocks and/the 1936/9838
Num_11:22.............or/shall all the fish/of 1937/9838
Num_11:23...........word/shall come to pass unto/thee 1938/9838
Num_12:8............LORD/shall he behold wherefore/then 1939/9838
Num_13:2.........fathers/shall ye send a/man. 1940/9838
Num_14:13......Egyptians/shall hear it for/thou 1941/9838 be filled with the glory/of 1942/9838
Num_14:23...........they/shall not see the land/which 1943/9838
Num_14:23........neither/shall any of them/that 1944/9838
Num_14:24...........seed/shall possess it Now/the 1945/9838
Num_14:27...........long/shall I bear/with... 1946/9838
Num_14:29.......carcases/shall fall in this wilderness and all/that 1947/9838 not come into the land/concerning 1948/9838
Num_14:31...........they/shall know the land/which 1949/9838
Num_14:32...........they/shall fall in this wilderness And your/children 1950/9838
Num_14:33.......children/shall wander in/the. 1951/9838
Num_14:34...........year/shall ye bear/your.. 1952/9838 know my breach/of 1953/9838
Num_14:35...........they/shall be consumed and/there 1954/9838
Num_14:35...........they/shall die And the men/which 1955/9838 not prosper Go/not 1956/9838 fall by the sword because/ye 1957/9838
Num_15:4............Then/shall he that offereth/his 1958/9838
Num_15:9............Then/shall he bring with/a 1959/9838
Num_15:11...........Thus/shall it be done for/one 1960/9838 prepare so/shall 1961/9838 ye do to/every 1962/9838 do these/things 1963/9838
Num_15:14.............he/shall do One/ordinance 1964/9838
Num_15:15......ordinance/shall be both for/you 1965/9838 the stranger/be 1966/9838
Num_15:16.........manner/shall be for you/and 1967/9838 be that when/ye 1968/9838 offer up an heave offering unto/the 1969/9838
Num_15:20.............Ye/shall offer up a/cake 1970/9838 ye heave/it... 1971/9838 give unto the LORD/an 1972/9838 be if ought/be 1973/9838
Num_15:24...congregation/shall offer one young/bullock 1974/9838
Num_15:25.........priest/shall make an atonement for all/the 1975/9838 be forgiven them for/it 1976/9838
Num_15:25...........they/shall bring their/offering 1977/9838 be forgiven all/the 1978/9838
Num_15:27.............he/shall bring a she/goat 1979/9838
Num_15:28.........priest/shall make an atonement for the soul/that 1980/9838 be forgiven him Ye/shall 1981/9838
Num_15:29.............Ye/shall have one law/for 1982/9838
Num_15:30...........soul/shall be cut off from among his people Because he hath/despised 1983/9838
Num_15:31...........soul/shall utterly be cut/off 1984/9838
Num_15:31.......iniquity/shall be upon him And while/the 1985/9838 be surely put to death all/the 1986/9838
Num_15:35...congregation/shall stone him with stones without/the 1987/9838 be unto you for a fringe/that 1988/9838 be that the man whom/the 1989/9838
Num_16:7..............he/shall be holy ye/take 1990/9838
Num_16:22..........flesh/shall one man/sin... 1991/9838 know that the LORD hath sent/me 1992/9838 understand that/these 1993/9838
Num_16:38...........they/shall be a sign unto the/children 1994/9838
Num_17:3.............rod/shall be for the head/of 1995/9838 come to pass that the man's/rod 1996/9838
Num_17:5...............I/shall choose shall blossom/and 1997/9838
Num_17:5..........choose/shall blossom and I/will 1998/9838
Num_17:13...........LORD/shall die shall/we.. 1999/9838
Num_17:13............die/shall we be consumed/with 2000/9838
Num_18:1............thee/shall bear the iniquity of the/sanctuary 2001/9838
Num_18:1............thee/shall bear the iniquity of your/priesthood 2002/9838
Num_18:2............thee/shall minister before/the 2003/9838
Num_18:3............they/shall keep thy charge/and 2004/9838
Num_18:3............they/shall not come nigh the/vessels 2005/9838
Num_18:4............they/shall be joined unto thee/and 2006/9838
Num_18:4........stranger/shall not come nigh unto you/And 2007/9838 keep the charge of the sanctuary/and 2008/9838
Num_18:7............thee/shall keep your priest's/office 2009/9838 serve I/have.. 2010/9838
Num_18:7............nigh/shall be put to death And the LORD spake unto Aaron/Behold 2011/9838
Num_18:9............This/shall be thine of/the 2012/9838
Num_18:9............they/shall render unto/me 2013/9838 be most holy for/thee 2014/9838
Num_18:10...........male/shall eat it it shall be/holy 2015/9838 be holy unto thee And/this 2016/9838 eat of it All/the 2017/9838
Num_18:12...........they/shall offer unto the LORD them/have 2018/9838
Num_18:13...........they/shall bring unto the LORD shall be thine/every 2019/9838
Num_18:13...........LORD/shall be thine every one/that 2020/9838 eat of it Every/thing 2021/9838
Num_18:14.........Israel/shall be thine Every thing/that 2022/9838
Num_18:15.........beasts/shall be thine nevertheless/the 2023/9838
Num_18:18...........them/shall be thine as/the 2024/9838
Num_18:23........Levites/shall do the service/of 2025/9838
Num_18:23...........they/shall bear their iniquity it/shall 2026/9838 be a statute for ever throughout your generations that/among 2027/9838
Num_18:24...........they/shall have no inheritance/And 2028/9838 offer up an heave offering of/it 2029/9838
Num_18:27.......offering/shall be reckoned/unto 2030/9838
Num_18:28...........also/shall offer an heave/offering 2031/9838 give thereof/the 2032/9838 offer every/heave 2033/9838 be counted unto/the 2034/9838 eat it in every/place 2035/9838 bear no sin/by 2036/9838
Num_18:32........neither/shall ye pollute/the 2037/9838 give her unto/Eleazar 2038/9838 slay her/before 2039/9838
Num_19:4..........priest/shall take of her/blood 2040/9838 burn the heifer/in 2041/9838
Num_19:5............dung/shall he burn And/the 2042/9838
Num_19:6..........priest/shall take cedar/wood 2043/9838
Num_19:7..........priest/shall wash his clothes and he shall/bathe 2044/9838
Num_19:7..............he/shall bathe/his..... 2045/9838
Num_19:7..............he/shall come into the camp and the priest/shall 2046/9838
Num_19:7..........priest/shall be unclean until the even And he that burneth/her 2047/9838
Num_19:8.............her/shall wash his clothes in/water 2048/9838
Num_19:8.............and/shall be unclean until the even And a/man 2049/9838
Num_19:9...........clean/shall gather up the/ashes 2050/9838 be kept for/the 2051/9838
Num_19:10.........heifer/shall wash his clothes and be unclean until the even and it/shall 2052/9838 be unto the children of Israel and/unto 2053/9838 be unclean seven days He/shall 2054/9838
Num_19:12.............He/shall purify himself with/it 2055/9838
Num_19:12.............he/shall be clean but if he/purify 2056/9838
Num_19:12.............he/shall not be clean/Whosoever 2057/9838
Num_19:13...........soul/shall be cut off from Israel because/the 2058/9838
Num_19:13.............he/shall be unclean his/uncleanness 2059/9838
Num_19:14...........tent/shall be unclean seven days And every/open 2060/9838
Num_19:16..........grave/shall be unclean seven days And for/an 2061/9838
Num_19:17...........they/shall take of the ashes/of 2062/9838
Num_19:17..........water/shall be put thereto/in 2063/9838
Num_19:18.........person/shall take hyssop/and 2064/9838
Num_19:19.........person/shall sprinkle upon the/unclean 2065/9838
Num_19:19.............he/shall purify himself and/wash 2066/9838
Num_19:19............and/shall be clean at/even 2067/9838
Num_19:20...........that/shall be unclean and shall not/purify 2068/9838
Num_19:20............and/shall not purify/himself 2069/9838
Num_19:20...........soul/shall be cut off from among the/congregation 2070/9838 be a perpetual statute unto/them 2071/9838
Num_19:21.....separation/shall wash his clothes and he that toucheth/the 2072/9838
Num_19:21.....separation/shall be unclean until even And whatsoever/the 2073/9838
Num_19:22.......toucheth/shall be unclean and the soul/that 2074/9838 be unclean until even Then/came 2075/9838 give forth/his 2076/9838 not bring this/congregation 2077/9838
Num_20:24..........Aaron/shall be gathered unto his people for/he 2078/9838
Num_20:24.............he/shall not enter into the land which/I 2079/9838
Num_20:26..........Aaron/shall be gathered unto his people and/shall 2080/9838
Num_20:26............and/shall die there And Moses/did 2081/9838 come to pass that every one that is bitten/when 2082/9838 live And Moses/made 2083/9838
Num_22:4.............Now/shall this company/lick 2084/9838
Num_22:6...............I/shall prevail that/we 2085/9838
Num_22:8............LORD/shall speak unto me/and 2086/9838
Num_22:11..............I/shall be able to overcome/them 2087/9838
Num_22:20..............I/shall say unto thee that/shalt 2088/9838
Num_22:35..............I/shall speak unto thee that/thou 2089/9838
Num_22:38...........that/shall I speak And Balaam/went 2090/9838
Num_23:8.............How/shall I curse/whom.. 2091/9838 I defy/whom... 2092/9838
Num_23:9..........people/shall dwell alone and/shall 2093/9838
Num_23:9.............and/shall not be reckoned/among 2094/9838
Num_23:19............and/shall he not do/it.. 2095/9838
Num_23:19............and/shall he not make/it 2096/9838 be said of/Jacob 2097/9838
Num_23:24.........people/shall rise up as a/great 2098/9838
Num_23:24.............he/shall not lie down/until 2099/9838
Num_24:7..............He/shall pour the/water 2100/9838
Num_24:7............seed/shall be in many/waters 2101/9838
Num_24:7............king/shall be higher/than 2102/9838
Num_24:7.........kingdom/shall be exalted God/brought 2103/9838
Num_24:8..............he/shall eat up the/nations 2104/9838
Num_24:8.............and/shall break their/bones 2105/9838
Num_24:9.............who/shall stir him/up... 2106/9838
Num_24:14.........people/shall do to thy/people 2107/9838
Num_24:17..............I/shall see him but/not 2108/9838
Num_24:17..............I/shall behold him/but 2109/9838
Num_24:17..........there/shall come a Star/out 2110/9838
Num_24:17........Sceptre/shall rise out/of... 2111/9838
Num_24:17............and/shall smite the corners/of 2112/9838
Num_24:18...........Edom/shall be a possession Seir/also 2113/9838
Num_24:18...........also/shall be a possession for/his 2114/9838
Num_24:18.........Israel/shall do valiantly Out/of 2115/9838
Num_24:19..........Jacob/shall come he/that.. 2116/9838
Num_24:19...........that/shall have dominion and/shall 2117/9838
Num_24:19............and/shall destroy him that/remaineth 2118/9838
Num_24:20............end/shall be that he perish/for 2119/9838
Num_24:22.........Kenite/shall be wasted until/Asshur 2120/9838
Num_24:22.........Asshur/shall carry thee away/captive 2121/9838
Num_24:23............who/shall live when/God. 2122/9838
Num_24:24..........ships/shall come from the coast/of 2123/9838
Num_24:24............and/shall afflict Asshur/and 2124/9838
Num_24:24............and/shall afflict Eber/and 2125/9838
Num_24:24...........also/shall perish for ever And/Balaam 2126/9838
Num_25:13.............he/shall have it and his/seed 2127/9838 be divided for/an 2128/9838 his inheritance/be 2129/9838 be divided by lot/according 2130/9838
Num_26:55...........they/shall inherit According/to 2131/9838
Num_26:56............lot/shall the possession/thereof 2132/9838
Num_26:65...........They/shall surely die in/the 2133/9838 cause his inheritance/to 2134/9838 give his inheritance unto his brethren/And 2135/9838 give his inheritance unto his father's/brethren 2136/9838 give his inheritance unto his kinsman/that 2137/9838
Num_27:11.............he/shall possess it and it/shall 2138/9838 be unto the children of Israel a/statute 2139/9838
Num_27:21.............he/shall stand before Eleazar/the 2140/9838
Num_27:21............who/shall ask counsel/for 2141/9838
Num_27:21...........word/shall they go out/and 2142/9838
Num_27:21...........they/shall come in both/he 2143/9838 ye observe to offer/unto 2144/9838 offer unto the LORD two/lambs 2145/9838
Num_28:7.........thereof/shall be the fourth part/of 2146/9838 offer a burnt offering unto the LORD two/young 2147/9838
Num_28:14......offerings/shall be half an/hin 2148/9838
Num_28:15...........LORD/shall be offered beside the continual burnt offering and his drink offering And in/the 2149/9838
Num_28:17...........days/shall unleavened/bread 2150/9838 be an holy convocation ye shall do no manner/of 2151/9838 do no manner of servile/work 2152/9838 offer a sacrifice/made 2153/9838
Num_28:19...........they/shall be unto you without blemish And their meat offering shall be of flour mingled with oil three tenth deals shall/ye 2154/9838
Num_28:20.......offering/shall be of flour mingled with oil three tenth deals shall/ye 2155/9838 ye offer for/a 2156/9838
Num_28:23.............Ye/shall offer these/beside 2157/9838 offer daily/throughout 2158/9838 be offered beside the continual burnt offering and his drink offering And on/the 2159/9838 have an holy convocation ye shall do no servile work Also/in 2160/9838 do no servile work Also/in 2161/9838 have an holy convocation ye shall do no servile work But/ye 2162/9838 do no servile work But/ye 2163/9838 offer the burnt offering for/a 2164/9838
Num_28:31.............Ye/shall offer them beside/the 2165/9838
Num_28:31...........they/shall be unto you without blemish and their drink/offerings 2166/9838 have an holy convocation ye shall do no servile work it/is 2167/9838 do no servile work it/is 2168/9838 offer a burnt offering for/a 2169/9838
Num_29:3........offering/shall be of flour mingled with oil three tenth deals for/a 2170/9838 have on/the... 2171/9838 afflict your souls ye/shall 2172/9838 not do any/work 2173/9838 offer a burnt offering unto the LORD for/a 2174/9838
Num_29:8............they/shall be unto you without blemish And their meat offering shall be of flour mingled with oil three tenth deals to/a 2175/9838
Num_29:9........offering/shall be of flour mingled with oil three tenth deals to/a 2176/9838 have an holy convocation ye shall do no servile work and/ye 2177/9838 do no servile work and/ye 2178/9838 keep a feast unto the LORD seven days And/ye 2179/9838 offer a burnt offering a sacrifice made by fire of a sweet savour unto the LORD thirteen/young 2180/9838
Num_29:13...........they/shall be without blemish And their/meat 2181/9838
Num_29:14.......offering/shall be of flour mingled with oil three tenth deals unto/every 2182/9838 offer twelve/young 2183/9838
Num_29:18..........lambs/shall be according to their number after the manner And one kid of the goats for a sin offering beside the continual burnt offering and/the 2184/9838
Num_29:21..........lambs/shall be according to their number after the manner And one goat for a sin offering beside the continual burnt offering and his meat offering and his drink offering And on the fourth/day 2185/9838
Num_29:24..........lambs/shall be according to their number after the manner And one kid of the goats for a sin offering beside the continual burnt offering his/meat 2186/9838
Num_29:27..........lambs/shall be according to their number after the manner And one goat for a sin offering beside the continual burnt offering and his meat offering and his drink offering And on the sixth/day 2187/9838
Num_29:30..........lambs/shall be according to their number after the manner And one goat for a sin offering beside the continual burnt offering his meat offering and his drink offering And/on 2188/9838
Num_29:33..........lambs/shall be according to their number after the manner And one goat for a sin offering beside the continual burnt offering his meat offering and his drink offering On/the 2189/9838 have a solemn/assembly 2190/9838 do no servile work therein But ye shall offer a/burnt 2191/9838 offer a burnt offering a sacrifice made by fire of a sweet savour unto the LORD one/bullock 2192/9838
Num_29:37..........lambs/shall be according to their number after the manner And one goat for a sin offering beside the continual burnt offering and his meat offering and his drink offering These/things 2193/9838 do unto the LORD/in 2194/9838
Num_30:2..............he/shall not break his/word 2195/9838
Num_30:2..............he/shall do according to all/that 2196/9838
Num_30:4..........father/shall hold his/peace 2197/9838
Num_30:4............vows/shall stand and every bond wherewith she hath/bound 2198/9838
Num_30:4............soul/shall stand But if her father/disallow 2199/9838
Num_30:5............soul/shall stand and the/LORD 2200/9838
Num_30:5............LORD/shall forgive her because/her 2201/9838
Num_30:7............vows/shall stand and her/bonds 2202/9838
Num_30:7............soul/shall stand But if her husband disallowed/her 2203/9838
Num_30:8..............he/shall make her vow/which 2204/9838
Num_30:8............LORD/shall forgive her But/every 2205/9838
Num_30:9...........souls/shall stand against/her 2206/9838
Num_30:11...........vows/shall stand and every bond wherewith she bound/her 2207/9838
Num_30:11...........soul/shall stand But if her husband hath/utterly 2208/9838
Num_30:12...........soul/shall not stand her/husband 2209/9838
Num_30:12...........LORD/shall forgive her Every/vow 2210/9838
Num_30:15.............he/shall any ways/make. 2211/9838
Num_30:15.............he/shall bear her iniquity These/are 2212/9838
Num_31:4..........Israel/shall ye send to/the 2213/9838 make it go/through 2214/9838 be clean nevertheless/it 2215/9838 be purified with/the 2216/9838 make go/through 2217/9838 wash your/clothes 2218/9838 be clean and afterward/ye 2219/9838 come into the camp And the LORD/spake 2220/9838
Num_32:6..........Reuben/Shall your brethren/go 2221/9838
Num_32:6.............and/shall ye sit/here... 2222/9838
Num_32:11.........upward/shall see the land/which 2223/9838 destroy all/this 2224/9838
Num_32:17...........ones/shall dwell in the fenced/cities 2225/9838 return and be guiltless/before 2226/9838 be your possession before/the 2227/9838
Num_32:26.........cattle/shall be there in/the 2228/9838 be subdued before/you 2229/9838 give them the/land 2230/9838
Num_32:30...........they/shall have possessions/among 2231/9838 drive out all/the 2232/9838 dispossess/the 2233/9838 divide the land by/lot 2234/9838 give the more/inheritance 2235/9838 give the less/inheritance 2236/9838
Num_33:54....inheritance/shall be in the place/where 2237/9838 inherit But/if 2238/9838 come to pass that those/which 2239/9838
Num_33:55...........them/shall be pricks/in.. 2240/9838
Num_33:55............and/shall vex you/in.... 2241/9838 come to pass that I/shall 2242/9838
Num_33:56..............I/shall do unto you as/I 2243/9838
Num_34:2............that/shall fall unto you for an/inheritance 2244/9838
Num_34:3.........quarter/shall be from the wilderness/of 2245/9838
Num_34:3..........border/shall be the outmost/coast 2246/9838
Num_34:4..........border/shall turn from the/south 2247/9838
Num_34:4.........thereof/shall be from the south/to 2248/9838
Num_34:4.............and/shall go on to Hazaraddar/and 2249/9838
Num_34:5..........border/shall fetch/a....... 2250/9838 be at the sea/And 2251/9838 even have/the. 2252/9838
Num_34:6............this/shall be your west/border 2253/9838
Num_34:7............this/shall be your north border from/the 2254/9838 point out for/you 2255/9838 point out your border/unto 2256/9838
Num_34:8..........border/shall be to Zedad/And 2257/9838
Num_34:9..........border/shall go on to Ziphron/and 2258/9838 be at Hazarenan/this 2259/9838
Num_34:9............this/shall be your north border And/ye 2260/9838 point out your east/border 2261/9838
Num_34:11..........coast/shall go down from/Shepham 2262/9838
Num_34:11.........border/shall descend and/shall 2263/9838
Num_34:11............and/shall reach unto the side/of 2264/9838
Num_34:12.........border/shall go down to Jordan/and 2265/9838 be at the salt/sea 2266/9838
Num_34:12...........this/shall be your land/with 2267/9838 inherit by/lot 2268/9838
Num_34:17..........which/shall divide the land unto/you 2269/9838 take one prince/of 2270/9838 give also/unto 2271/9838
Num_35:3..........cities/shall they have to/dwell 2272/9838
Num_35:3............them/shall be for their cattle/and 2273/9838 give unto the Levites shall/reach 2274/9838
Num_35:4.........Levites/shall reach from the/wall 2275/9838 measure from without/the 2276/9838 be in the midst this/shall 2277/9838
Num_35:5............this/shall be to them the/suburbs 2278/9838 give unto the Levites there/shall 2279/9838
Num_35:6...........there/shall be six cities/for 2280/9838 appoint for/the 2281/9838 add forty/and. 2282/9838 give to the/Levites 2283/9838
Num_35:7.........Levites/shall be forty and/eight 2284/9838
Num_35:7............them/shall ye give with/their 2285/9838 give shall/be. 2286/9838
Num_35:8............give/shall be of the possession/of 2287/9838 give many/but. 2288/9838 give few/every 2289/9838 give of/his... 2290/9838 appoint you/cities 2291/9838
Num_35:12...........they/shall be unto you cities/for 2292/9838 give six/cities 2293/9838
Num_35:13.........cities/shall ye have for/refuge 2294/9838
Num_35:14.............Ye/shall give three/cities 2295/9838
Num_35:14.........cities/shall ye give in/the 2296/9838
Num_35:14..........which/shall be cities/of.. 2297/9838
Num_35:15.........cities/shall be a refuge/both 2298/9838
Num_35:16.......murderer/shall surely be put to death And if he/smite 2299/9838
Num_35:17.......murderer/shall surely be put to death Or/if 2300/9838
Num_35:18.......murderer/shall surely be put to death The revenger/of 2301/9838
Num_35:19........himself/shall slay the murderer when he meeteth him he/shall 2302/9838
Num_35:19.............he/shall slay him But/if 2303/9838
Num_35:21............him/shall surely be put to death for he/is 2304/9838
Num_35:21..........blood/shall slay the murderer when he meeteth him But/if 2305/9838
Num_35:24...congregation/shall judge between/the 2306/9838
Num_35:25...congregation/shall deliver the slayer/out 2307/9838
Num_35:25...congregation/shall restore him/to 2308/9838
Num_35:25.............he/shall abide in it/unto 2309/9838
Num_35:26.........slayer/shall at any/time... 2310/9838
Num_35:27.............he/shall not be guilty/of 2311/9838
Num_35:28.........slayer/shall return into the/land 2312/9838
Num_35:29.........things/shall be for a statute/of 2313/9838
Num_35:30.......murderer/shall be put to death by/the 2314/9838
Num_35:30........witness/shall not testify/against 2315/9838 take no satisfaction for the/life 2316/9838
Num_35:31.............he/shall be surely put to death And ye/shall 2317/9838 take no satisfaction for him/that 2318/9838 not pollute/the 2319/9838 inhabit wherein/I 2320/9838
Num_36:3............then/shall their inheritance be taken from/the 2321/9838
Num_36:3.............and/shall be put to the/inheritance 2322/9838 it be taken/from 2323/9838
Num_36:4..........Israel/shall be then/shall. 2324/9838
Num_36:4............then/shall their inheritance be put/unto 2325/9838 their inheritance be taken away/from 2326/9838
Num_36:6..........father/shall they marry/So. 2327/9838
Num_36:7..............So/shall not the inheritance/of 2328/9838
Num_36:7..........Israel/shall keep himself to the/inheritance 2329/9838
Num_36:8..........Israel/shall be wife/unto.. 2330/9838
Num_36:9.........Neither/shall the inheritance/remove 2331/9838
Num_36:9..........Israel/shall keep himself to his/own 2332/9838
Deu_1:17..............Ye/shall not respect/persons 2333/9838 hear the small/as 2334/9838 not be afraid of the/face 2335/9838
Deu_1:22............they/shall search us/out. 2336/9838
Deu_1:22..............we/shall come And the/saying 2337/9838
Deu_1:28.........Whither/shall we go up our/brethren 2338/9838
Deu_1:30..............he/shall fight for you according/to 2339/9838
Deu_1:35...........there/shall not one of/these 2340/9838
Deu_1:36..............he/shall see it and to/him 2341/9838
Deu_1:38..............he/shall go in thither encourage/him 2342/9838
Deu_1:38..............he/shall cause Israel/to 2343/9838
Deu_1:39............they/shall go in thither and/unto 2344/9838
Deu_1:39............they/shall possess it But/as 2345/9838
Deu_2:4.............they/shall be afraid of you/take 2346/9838
Deu_2:6...............Ye/shall buy meat/of... 2347/9838 also buy/water 2348/9838
Deu_2:25.............who/shall hear report/of 2349/9838
Deu_2:25.............and/shall tremble and be/in 2350/9838
Deu_2:29...............I/shall pass over Jordan into/the 2351/9838 pass over armed/before 2352/9838
Deu_3:19..........cattle/shall abide in your/cities 2353/9838
Deu_3:20............then/shall ye return every/man 2354/9838 the LORD do unto/all 2355/9838
Deu_3:22..............Ye/shall not fear them/for 2356/9838
Deu_3:22..............he/shall fight for you And I/besought 2357/9838
Deu_3:28..............he/shall go over before this/people 2358/9838
Deu_3:28..............he/shall cause them to inherit/the 2359/9838
Deu_4:2...............Ye/shall not add/unto.. 2360/9838
Deu_4:2..........neither/shall ye diminish/ought 2361/9838
Deu_4:6............which/shall hear all these/statutes 2362/9838
Deu_4:10............they/shall live upon/the. 2363/9838 go over and/possess 2364/9838 have remained/long 2365/9838
Deu_4:25.............and/shall corrupt/yourselves 2366/9838
Deu_4:25.............and/shall do evil/in.... 2367/9838 soon utterly/perish 2368/9838 not prolong your days upon it/but 2369/9838
Deu_4:26.............but/shall utterly be destroyed/And 2370/9838
Deu_4:27............LORD/shall scatter you/among 2371/9838 be left few in number among/the 2372/9838
Deu_4:27............LORD/shall lead you And there/ye 2373/9838 serve gods/the 2374/9838
Deu_5:25..............we/shall die For who/is 2375/9838
Deu_5:27.............God/shall say and/speak. 2376/9838
Deu_5:27.............God/shall speak unto thee and/we 2377/9838
Deu_5:32..............Ye/shall observe to do therefore/as 2378/9838 not turn/aside 2379/9838
Deu_5:33..............Ye/shall walk in all/the 2380/9838 possess Now/these 2381/9838 be in thine heart/And 2382/9838
Deu_6:8.............they/shall be as frontlets/between 2383/9838 be when the LORD thy God shall/have 2384/9838
Deu_6:10.............God/shall have brought thee/into 2385/9838
Deu_6:14..............Ye/shall not go after/other 2386/9838
Deu_6:16..............Ye/shall not tempt/the. 2387/9838
Deu_6:17..............Ye/shall diligently keep the/commandments 2388/9838 be our/righteousness 2389/9838
Deu_7:1..............God/shall bring thee into the land whither/thou 2390/9838
Deu_7:2..............God/shall deliver them before/thee 2391/9838
Deu_7:5.............thus/shall ye deal/with.. 2392/9838 destroy their altars and/break 2393/9838 come to pass if ye hearken/to 2394/9838
Deu_7:12.............God/shall keep unto/thee 2395/9838
Deu_7:14...........there/shall not be male/or 2396/9838
Deu_7:16.............God/shall deliver thee thine/eye 2397/9838
Deu_7:16.............eye/shall have no pity upon/them 2398/9838 the LORD thy/God 2399/9838
Deu_7:23.............God/shall deliver them unto/thee 2400/9838
Deu_7:23.............and/shall destroy them with/a 2401/9838
Deu_7:24..............he/shall deliver their/kings 2402/9838
Deu_7:24...........there/shall no man be able to stand before thee/until 2403/9838
Deu_7:25............gods/shall ye burn with fire thou/shalt 2404/9838 ye observe to do/that 2405/9838 be if thou do/at 2406/9838 surely perish As/the 2407/9838 ye perish/because 2408/9838
Deu_9:3...............he/shall destroy them and he/shall 2409/9838
Deu_9:3...............he/shall bring them down before/thy 2410/9838
Deu_11:8.......Therefore/shall ye keep all/the 2411/9838 come to pass if ye shall/hearken 2412/9838 hearken diligently/unto 2413/9838
Deu_11:18......Therefore/shall ye lay/up..... 2414/9838 teach them your/children 2415/9838 diligently keep all/these 2416/9838 possess greater/nations 2417/9838
Deu_11:24...........feet/shall tread shall/be 2418/9838
Deu_11:24..........tread/shall be yours/from. 2419/9838
Deu_11:24............sea/shall your coast/be. 2420/9838
Deu_11:25..........There/shall no man be able to stand before you/for 2421/9838
Deu_11:25............God/shall lay the fear/of 2422/9838 tread upon as/he 2423/9838 come to pass when the LORD thy/God 2424/9838 pass over Jordan to/go 2425/9838 possess it and dwell/therein 2426/9838 observe to do all/the 2427/9838 observe to do in/the 2428/9838
Deu_12:2..............Ye/shall utterly destroy all/the 2429/9838 possess served/their 2430/9838 overthrow/their 2431/9838 hew/down...... 2432/9838
Deu_12:4..............Ye/shall not do so unto/the 2433/9838
Deu_12:5.............God/shall choose out/of. 2434/9838
Deu_12:5......habitation/shall ye seek/and... 2435/9838 bring your burnt/offerings 2436/9838 eat before/the 2437/9838 rejoice in all/that 2438/9838
Deu_12:8..............Ye/shall not do after/all 2439/9838
Deu_12:11..........there/shall be a place which/the 2440/9838
Deu_12:11............God/shall choose to cause/his 2441/9838
Deu_12:11........thither/shall ye bring all/that 2442/9838 rejoice before the LORD your God ye/and 2443/9838
Deu_12:14...........LORD/shall choose in one of thy tribes/there 2444/9838 not eat the blood/ye 2445/9838 pour it/upon.. 2446/9838
Deu_12:18............God/shall choose thou and thy son/and 2447/9838
Deu_12:20............God/shall enlarge thy/border 2448/9838
Deu_12:22..........clean/shall eat of them/alike 2449/9838
Deu_12:26...........LORD/shall choose And thou shalt offer/thy 2450/9838
Deu_12:27.....sacrifices/shall be poured out upon the/altar 2451/9838
Deu_12:29............God/shall cut off the nations/from 2452/9838
Deu_13:4..............Ye/shall walk after the LORD your/God 2453/9838 serve him and cleave/unto 2454/9838
Deu_13:5..........dreams/shall be put to death because/he 2455/9838
Deu_13:8.........neither/shall thine eye/pity 2456/9838
Deu_13:9............hand/shall be first upon him to put him to death and afterwards/the 2457/9838
Deu_13:11.........Israel/shall hear and fear and shall do/no 2458/9838
Deu_13:11............and/shall do no more/any 2459/9838 be an heap/for 2460/9838 not be built/again 2461/9838
Deu_13:17..........there/shall cleave nought/of 2462/9838 not cut yourselves/nor 2463/9838 eat the ox/the 2464/9838 eat Nevertheless/these 2465/9838 not eat of them/that 2466/9838 not eat of their flesh nor/touch 2467/9838 eat of all/that 2468/9838
Deu_14:9..........scales/shall ye eat And whatsoever/hath 2469/9838 eat But these/are 2470/9838 not eat the eagle/and 2471/9838
Deu_14:19...........they/shall not be eaten But of/all 2472/9838
Deu_14:21.............Ye/shall not eat of anything/that 2473/9838
Deu_14:23.............he/shall choose to place his name there the/tithe 2474/9838
Deu_14:24............God/shall choose to set/his 2475/9838
Deu_14:25............God/shall choose And thou shalt bestow/that 2476/9838
Deu_14:29..........gates/shall come and shall eat/and 2477/9838
Deu_14:29............and/shall eat and be satisfied that/the 2478/9838
Deu_15:2.......neighbour/shall release it/he. 2479/9838
Deu_15:2..............he/shall not exact it/of 2480/9838
Deu_15:3............hand/shall release Save/when 2481/9838
Deu_15:4...........there/shall be no poor/among 2482/9838
Deu_15:4............LORD/shall greatly bless/thee 2483/9838
Deu_15:6............they/shall not reign/over 2484/9838
Deu_15:10..........heart/shall not be grieved/when 2485/9838
Deu_15:10............God/shall bless thee in all thy/works 2486/9838
Deu_15:11...........poor/shall never cease/out 2487/9838 be if he say/unto 2488/9838
Deu_15:17.............he/shall be thy servant/for 2489/9838
Deu_15:18.............It/shall not seem/hard. 2490/9838
Deu_15:18............God/shall bless thee in all that/thou 2491/9838
Deu_15:20...........LORD/shall choose thou and thy household/And 2492/9838
Deu_15:22.........person/shall eat it alike/as 2493/9838
Deu_16:2............LORD/shall choose to place his name there Thou/shalt 2494/9838
Deu_16:4...........there/shall be no leavened/bread 2495/9838
Deu_16:4.........neither/shall there any thing/of 2496/9838
Deu_16:6.............God/shall choose to place his name in/there 2497/9838
Deu_16:7.............God/shall choose and thou shalt turn/in 2498/9838 be a solemn/assembly 2499/9838
Deu_16:15...........LORD/shall choose because/the 2500/9838
Deu_16:15............God/shall bless thee in all thine/increase 2501/9838
Deu_16:16...........year/shall all thy/males. 2502/9838
Deu_16:16.............he/shall choose in the/feast 2503/9838
Deu_16:16...........they/shall not appear/before 2504/9838 give as/he.... 2505/9838
Deu_16:18...........they/shall judge the people with/just 2506/9838
Deu_17:6.......witnesses/shall he that is/worthy 2507/9838
Deu_17:6..............he/shall not be put to death The/hands 2508/9838
Deu_17:7.......witnesses/shall be first upon him to put him to death and afterward/the 2509/9838
Deu_17:8.............God/shall choose And thou shalt come/unto 2510/9838
Deu_17:9............that/shall be in those days and enquire/and 2511/9838
Deu_17:9............they/shall shew thee the/sentence 2512/9838
Deu_17:10...........LORD/shall choose shall shew/thee 2513/9838
Deu_17:10.........choose/shall shew thee and/thou 2514/9838
Deu_17:11...........they/shall teach thee and according/to 2515/9838
Deu_17:11...........they/shall tell thee thou/shalt 2516/9838
Deu_17:11...........they/shall shew thee to/the 2517/9838 die and thou shalt put away/the 2518/9838
Deu_17:13.........people/shall hear and fear and do/no 2519/9838
Deu_17:15............God/shall choose one/from 2520/9838
Deu_17:16.............he/shall not multiply/horses 2521/9838
Deu_17:16.............Ye/shall henceforth return/no 2522/9838
Deu_17:17........Neither/shall he multiply/wives 2523/9838
Deu_17:17........neither/shall he greatly/multiply 2524/9838 be when he sitteth/upon 2525/9838
Deu_17:18.............he/shall write him/a... 2526/9838 be with him and he/shall 2527/9838
Deu_17:19.............he/shall read therein/all 2528/9838
Deu_18:1............Levi/shall have no part/nor 2529/9838
Deu_18:1............they/shall eat the offerings/of 2530/9838
Deu_18:2.......Therefore/shall they have no/inheritance 2531/9838
Deu_18:3............this/shall be the priest's due/from 2532/9838
Deu_18:3............they/shall give unto the priest/the 2533/9838
Deu_18:6............LORD/shall choose Then/he 2534/9838
Deu_18:7..............he/shall minister in/the 2535/9838
Deu_18:8............They/shall have like/portions 2536/9838
Deu_18:10..........There/shall not be found among/you 2537/9838 hearken According/to 2538/9838
Deu_18:18.............he/shall speak unto them/all 2539/9838
Deu_18:18..............I/shall command him/And 2540/9838 come to pass that whosoever will/not 2541/9838
Deu_18:19.............he/shall speak in my/name 2542/9838
Deu_18:20..........which/shall presume/to.... 2543/9838
Deu_18:20...........that/shall speak in the/name 2544/9838
Deu_18:20........prophet/shall die And if/thou 2545/9838
Deu_18:21............How/shall we know the/word 2546/9838
Deu_19:4...........which/shall flee thither/that 2547/9838
Deu_19:5..............he/shall flee unto one/of 2548/9838 send and/fetch 2549/9838
Deu_19:13............eye/shall not pity him/but 2550/9838
Deu_19:15........witness/shall not rise up against/a 2551/9838
Deu_19:15......witnesses/shall the matter/be. 2552/9838 stand before the/LORD 2553/9838
Deu_19:17..........which/shall be in those days And the/judges 2554/9838
Deu_19:18.........judges/shall make diligent/inquisition 2555/9838
Deu_19:19...........Then/shall ye do unto/him 2556/9838
Deu_19:20.........remain/shall hear and fear and shall henceforth/commit 2557/9838
Deu_19:20............and/shall henceforth commit/no 2558/9838
Deu_19:21............eye/shall not pity but/life 2559/9838 go for life/eye 2560/9838 be when ye are/come 2561/9838
Deu_20:2..........priest/shall approach and/speak 2562/9838
Deu_20:3.............And/shall say unto them Hear/O 2563/9838
Deu_20:5........officers/shall speak unto the/people 2564/9838
Deu_20:8........officers/shall speak further/unto 2565/9838
Deu_20:8............they/shall say What man/is 2566/9838 be when the officers/have 2567/9838
Deu_20:9............they/shall make captains/of 2568/9838 be if it/make. 2569/9838 be that all/the 2570/9838
Deu_20:11........therein/shall be tributaries/unto 2571/9838
Deu_20:11...........they/shall serve thee And/if 2572/9838
Deu_21:2..........judges/shall come forth and they/shall 2573/9838
Deu_21:2............they/shall measure unto/the 2574/9838 be that the city/which 2575/9838 take an heifer/which 2576/9838 bring down the heifer/unto 2577/9838
Deu_21:4.............and/shall strike off/the 2578/9838
Deu_21:5............Levi/shall come near for/them 2579/9838
Deu_21:5............word/shall every controversy/and 2580/9838 wash their hands over/the 2581/9838
Deu_21:7............they/shall answer and say Our/hands 2582/9838
Deu_21:8...........blood/shall be forgiven them So/shalt 2583/9838
Deu_21:12............she/shall shave her/head 2584/9838
Deu_21:13............she/shall put the raiment/of 2585/9838
Deu_21:13............and/shall remain in thine/house 2586/9838
Deu_21:13............she/shall be thy wife/And 2587/9838 be if thou have/no 2588/9838 be when he maketh/his 2589/9838
Deu_21:17.............he/shall acknowledge the/son 2590/9838
Deu_21:19...........Then/shall his father/and 2591/9838
Deu_21:20...........they/shall say unto the elders of/his 2592/9838 stone him with stones that/he 2593/9838
Deu_21:21.........Israel/shall hear and fear And if/a 2594/9838
Deu_21:23...........body/shall not remain/all 2595/9838 be with thee until/thy 2596/9838
Deu_22:5...........woman/shall not wear/that. 2597/9838
Deu_22:5.........neither/shall a man put/on.. 2598/9838
Deu_22:15...........Then/shall the father of/the 2599/9838
Deu_22:16.........father/shall say unto the elders I/gave 2600/9838
Deu_22:17...........they/shall spread the/cloth 2601/9838 take that/man. 2602/9838
Deu_22:19...........they/shall amerce/him.... 2603/9838
Deu_22:19............she/shall be his wife he/may 2604/9838
Deu_22:21...........they/shall bring out the damsel/to 2605/9838 stone her/with 2606/9838
Deu_22:22...........they/shall both of/them.. 2607/9838 bring them both/out 2608/9838 stone them with stones that/they 2609/9838
Deu_22:25............her/shall die But unto/the 2610/9838
Deu_22:29............her/shall give unto the damsel's/father 2611/9838
Deu_22:29............she/shall be his wife because/he 2612/9838 not take his/father's 2613/9838 not enter into the congregation of the LORD A/bastard 2614/9838
Deu_23:2.........bastard/shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD even to his/tenth 2615/9838
Deu_23:2......generation/shall he not enter/into 2616/9838
Deu_23:3.........Moabite/shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD even to their/tenth 2617/9838
Deu_23:3......generation/shall they not enter/into 2618/9838
Deu_23:8............them/shall enter into the congregation/of 2619/9838
Deu_23:10...........then/shall he go abroad/out 2620/9838
Deu_23:10.............he/shall not come within/the 2621/9838 be when evening/cometh 2622/9838
Deu_23:11.............he/shall wash himself/with 2623/9838
Deu_23:11.............he/shall come into the camp again/Thou 2624/9838 be when thou wilt/ease 2625/9838
Deu_23:14......therefore/shall thy camp/be... 2626/9838
Deu_23:16.............He/shall dwell with thee/even 2627/9838
Deu_23:16.............he/shall choose in one of thy gates/where 2628/9838
Deu_23:17..........There/shall be no whore/of 2629/9838 be no sin/in.. 2630/9838
Deu_24:5..............he/shall not go out to/war 2631/9838
Deu_24:5.........neither/shall he be charged/with 2632/9838
Deu_24:5..............he/shall be free at/home 2633/9838
Deu_24:5.............and/shall cheer/up...... 2634/9838 take the nether/or 2635/9838
Deu_24:7...........thief/shall die and thou shalt put evil/away 2636/9838
Deu_24:8.........Levites/shall teach you as/I 2637/9838 observe to do Remember/what 2638/9838
Deu_24:11...........lend/shall bring out the pledge/abroad 2639/9838 be righteousness/unto 2640/9838
Deu_24:15........neither/shall the sun go/down 2641/9838
Deu_24:16........fathers/shall not be put to death for the children neither/shall 2642/9838
Deu_24:16........neither/shall the children be/put 2643/9838 be put to death for his own sin Thou/shalt 2644/9838 be for the stranger for the fatherless and for the widow that/the 2645/9838 be for the stranger for the fatherless and for the widow When/thou 2646/9838 be for the stranger for the fatherless and for the widow And/thou 2647/9838
Deu_25:1............they/shall justify the righteous/and 2648/9838 be if the/wicked 2649/9838
Deu_25:2...........judge/shall cause him to lie/down 2650/9838
Deu_25:5............dead/shall not marry/without 2651/9838 go in unto/her 2652/9838 be that the firstborn/which 2653/9838
Deu_25:6.........beareth/shall succeed/in.... 2654/9838 call him and/speak 2655/9838
Deu_25:9............Then/shall his brother's/wife 2656/9838
Deu_25:9.............and/shall answer and say So/shall 2657/9838
Deu_25:9..............So/shall it be done unto that/man 2658/9838 be called in/Israel 2659/9838
Deu_25:12............eye/shall not pity her/Thou 2660/9838 be when the LORD thy God hath/given 2661/9838 be when thou art/come 2662/9838
Deu_26:2.............God/shall choose to place his name there And/thou 2663/9838
Deu_26:3............that/shall be in those days and say/unto 2664/9838
Deu_26:4..........priest/shall take the basket/out 2665/9838 be on the day/when 2666/9838 pass over Jordan unto/the 2667/9838 be when ye be/gone 2668/9838 set up these/stones 2669/9838
Deu_27:12..........These/shall stand upon mount Gerizim/to 2670/9838
Deu_27:13..........these/shall stand upon mount Ebal/to 2671/9838
Deu_27:14........Levites/shall speak and say unto all/the 2672/9838
Deu_27:15.........people/shall answer and say Amen/Cursed 2673/9838
Deu_27:16.........people/shall say Amen Cursed be he that removeth/his 2674/9838
Deu_27:17.........people/shall say Amen Cursed be he that maketh/the 2675/9838
Deu_27:18.........people/shall say Amen Cursed be he that perverteth/the 2676/9838
Deu_27:19.........people/shall say Amen Cursed be he that lieth with his father's/wife 2677/9838
Deu_27:20.........people/shall say Amen Cursed be he that lieth with any/manner 2678/9838
Deu_27:21.........people/shall say Amen Cursed be he that lieth with his sister/the 2679/9838
Deu_27:22.........people/shall say Amen Cursed be he that lieth with his mother/in 2680/9838
Deu_27:23.........people/shall say Amen Cursed be he that smiteth/his 2681/9838
Deu_27:24.........people/shall say Amen Cursed be he that taketh/reward 2682/9838
Deu_27:25.........people/shall say Amen Cursed be he that confirmeth/not 2683/9838
Deu_27:26.........people/shall say Amen And/it 2684/9838 come to pass if thou shalt/hearken 2685/9838
Deu_28:2.......blessings/shall come on thee/and 2686/9838
Deu_28:4.........Blessed/shall be the fruit of thy body and the fruit of thy ground/and 2687/9838
Deu_28:5.........Blessed/shall be thy basket and thy store Blessed/shalt 2688/9838
Deu_28:7............LORD/shall cause thine/enemies 2689/9838
Deu_28:7............they/shall come out against/thee 2690/9838
Deu_28:8............LORD/shall command the/blessing 2691/9838
Deu_28:8..............he/shall bless thee in the land which/the 2692/9838
Deu_28:9............LORD/shall establish thee/an 2693/9838 see that thou/art 2694/9838
Deu_28:10...........they/shall be afraid of thee/And 2695/9838
Deu_28:11...........LORD/shall make thee plenteous/in 2696/9838
Deu_28:12...........LORD/shall open unto/thee 2697/9838
Deu_28:13...........LORD/shall make thee the/head 2698/9838 come to pass if thou wilt/not 2699/9838
Deu_28:15.........curses/shall come upon thee and overtake/thee 2700/9838
Deu_28:17.........Cursed/shall be thy basket and thy store Cursed/shall 2701/9838
Deu_28:18.........Cursed/shall be the fruit of thy body and the fruit of thy land/the 2702/9838
Deu_28:20...........LORD/shall send upon thee/cursing 2703/9838
Deu_28:21...........LORD/shall make the pestilence/cleave 2704/9838
Deu_28:22...........LORD/shall smite thee with a consumption/and 2705/9838
Deu_28:22...........they/shall pursue thee until/thou 2706/9838
Deu_28:23...........head/shall be brass/and.. 2707/9838
Deu_28:23...........thee/shall be iron The/LORD 2708/9838
Deu_28:24...........LORD/shall make the rain/of 2709/9838
Deu_28:24.........heaven/shall it come down/upon 2710/9838
Deu_28:25...........LORD/shall cause thee/to. 2711/9838
Deu_28:26........carcase/shall be meat unto/all 2712/9838 fray them away The/LORD 2713/9838
Deu_28:28...........LORD/shall smite thee with madness/and 2714/9838 save thee Thou/shalt 2715/9838 lie with her/thou 2716/9838
Deu_28:31.............ox/shall be slain before thine/eyes 2717/9838
Deu_28:31............ass/shall be violently/taken 2718/9838
Deu_28:31............and/shall not be restored/to 2719/9838
Deu_28:31..........sheep/shall be given unto thine/enemies 2720/9838
Deu_28:32......daughters/shall be given unto another/people 2721/9838
Deu_28:32...........eyes/shall look and fail/with 2722/9838
Deu_28:32..........there/shall be no might/in 2723/9838
Deu_28:33........labours/shall a nation which/thou 2724/9838
Deu_28:35...........LORD/shall smite thee in/the 2725/9838
Deu_28:36...........LORD/shall bring thee and/thy 2726/9838
Deu_28:37...........LORD/shall lead thee Thou/shalt 2727/9838
Deu_28:38.........locust/shall consume it Thou/shalt 2728/9838
Deu_28:39..........worms/shall eat them Thou/shalt 2729/9838
Deu_28:40..........olive/shall cast his fruit/Thou 2730/9838
Deu_28:41...........they/shall go into captivity All/thy 2731/9838 the locust/consume 2732/9838
Deu_28:43...........thee/shall get up/above.. 2733/9838
Deu_28:44.............He/shall lend/to....... 2734/9838
Deu_28:44.............he/shall be the head/and 2735/9838
Deu_28:45.........curses/shall come upon thee and shall/pursue 2736/9838
Deu_28:45............and/shall pursue thee and/overtake 2737/9838
Deu_28:46...........they/shall be upon thee for/a 2738/9838
Deu_28:48...........LORD/shall send against/thee 2739/9838
Deu_28:48.............he/shall put a yoke/of. 2740/9838
Deu_28:49...........LORD/shall bring a nation/against 2741/9838
Deu_28:50..........which/shall not regard the/person 2742/9838
Deu_28:51.............he/shall eat the fruit of thy/cattle 2743/9838
Deu_28:51...........also/shall not leave thee/either 2744/9838
Deu_28:52.............he/shall besiege thee in all thy gates until/thy 2745/9838
Deu_28:52.............he/shall besiege thee in all thy gates throughout/all 2746/9838
Deu_28:53........enemies/shall distress thee So/that 2747/9838
Deu_28:54............eye/shall be evil toward his/brother 2748/9838
Deu_28:54.............he/shall leave So/that. 2749/9838
Deu_28:55.............he/shall eat because/he 2750/9838
Deu_28:55........enemies/shall distress thee in all/thy 2751/9838
Deu_28:56............eye/shall be evil toward the/husband 2752/9838
Deu_28:57............she/shall bear for/she.. 2753/9838
Deu_28:57............she/shall eat them for/want 2754/9838
Deu_28:57..........enemy/shall distress thee in thy/gates 2755/9838
Deu_28:60...........they/shall cleave unto thee Also/every 2756/9838 be left few in number whereas/ye 2757/9838 come to pass that as the/LORD 2758/9838 be plucked from/off 2759/9838
Deu_28:64...........LORD/shall scatter thee/among 2760/9838
Deu_28:65........neither/shall the sole/of... 2761/9838
Deu_28:65...........LORD/shall give thee there/a 2762/9838 hang in/doubt. 2763/9838
Deu_28:68...........LORD/shall bring thee into Egypt/again 2764/9838 be sold unto/your 2765/9838 buy you/These. 2766/9838
Deu_29:19..............I/shall have peace though/I 2767/9838
Deu_29:20.......jealousy/shall smoke against/that 2768/9838 lie upon/him.. 2769/9838
Deu_29:20...........LORD/shall blot out/his.. 2770/9838
Deu_29:21...........LORD/shall separate him/unto 2771/9838
Deu_29:22...........that/shall rise up after/you 2772/9838
Deu_29:22...........that/shall come from a/far 2773/9838 say when/they. 2774/9838
Deu_29:24........nations/shall say Wherefore hath/the 2775/9838 say Because they/have 2776/9838 come to pass when all/these 2777/9838
Deu_30:12............Who/shall go up for us to/heaven 2778/9838
Deu_30:13............Who/shall go over the/sea 2779/9838
Deu_30:16............God/shall bless thee in the land whither/thou 2780/9838 surely perish and/that 2781/9838 not prolong your days upon the/land 2782/9838
Deu_31:3..............he/shall go over before thee/as 2783/9838
Deu_31:4............LORD/shall do unto them/as 2784/9838
Deu_31:5............LORD/shall give them up/before 2785/9838
Deu_31:11.............he/shall choose thou shalt/read 2786/9838
Deu_31:17..........anger/shall be kindled against them/in 2787/9838
Deu_31:17...........they/shall be devoured and many/evils 2788/9838
Deu_31:17.......troubles/shall befall them/so 2789/9838
Deu_31:18...........they/shall have wrought/in 2790/9838
Deu_31:20..............I/shall have brought them/into 2791/9838
Deu_31:20...........they/shall have eaten/and 2792/9838 come to pass when many/evils 2793/9838 testify against/them 2794/9838 not be forgotten out/of 2795/9838
Deu_32:2........doctrine/shall drop as/the... 2796/9838
Deu_32:2..........speech/shall distil/as..... 2797/9838
Deu_32:20............end/shall be for they/are 2798/9838
Deu_32:22............and/shall burn unto/the. 2799/9838
Deu_32:22............and/shall consume the earth/with 2800/9838
Deu_32:24...........They/shall be burnt with hunger/and 2801/9838
Deu_32:25.........within/shall destroy both the/young 2802/9838
Deu_32:35...........foot/shall slide in/due.. 2803/9838
Deu_32:35...........that/shall come upon them make/haste 2804/9838
Deu_32:36...........LORD/shall judge his people and/repent 2805/9838
Deu_32:37.............he/shall say Where are/their 2806/9838
Deu_32:42..........sword/shall devour flesh/and 2807/9838 command your/children 2808/9838 prolong your/days 2809/9838 receive of thy/words 2810/9838
Deu_33:10...........They/shall teach Jacob/thy 2811/9838
Deu_33:10...........they/shall put incense/before 2812/9838
Deu_33:12...........LORD/shall dwell in safety by/him 2813/9838
Deu_33:12...........Lord/shall cover him/all. 2814/9838
Deu_33:12.............he/shall dwell between/his 2815/9838
Deu_33:17.............he/shall push the/people 2816/9838
Deu_33:19...........They/shall call the people/unto 2817/9838
Deu_33:19...........they/shall offer sacrifices/of 2818/9838
Deu_33:19...........they/shall suck of/the... 2819/9838
Deu_33:22.............he/shall leap/from..... 2820/9838 be iron and/brass 2821/9838 thy strength/be 2822/9838
Deu_33:27.............he/shall thrust out/the 2823/9838
Deu_33:27............and/shall say Destroy/them 2824/9838
Deu_33:28...........then/shall dwell in safety alone/the 2825/9838
Deu_33:28..........Jacob/shall be upon a/land 2826/9838
Deu_33:28........heavens/shall drop down dew/Happy 2827/9838
Deu_33:29........enemies/shall be found liars/unto 2828/9838
Jos_1:3.............foot/shall tread upon that/have 2829/9838
Jos_1:4..............sun/shall be your coast/There 2830/9838
Jos_1:5............There/shall not any man/be 2831/9838 not depart out of thy mouth but/thou 2832/9838 pass over this/Jordan 2833/9838
Jos_1:14..........cattle/shall remain in the land/which 2834/9838 pass before your/brethren 2835/9838 return unto the land/of 2836/9838
Jos_1:18..............he/shall be put to death only/be 2837/9838 overtake them/But 2838/9838 be when the LORD hath/given 2839/9838 be that whosoever/shall 2840/9838
Jos_2:19.......whosoever/shall go out of the doors/of 2841/9838
Jos_2:19...........blood/shall be upon his head/and 2842/9838
Jos_2:19.......whosoever/shall be with thee in/the 2843/9838
Jos_2:19...........blood/shall be on our/head 2844/9838 remove from/your 2845/9838
Jos_3:4............there/shall be a space/between 2846/9838 stand still/in 2847/9838 know that the living/God 2848/9838 come to pass as soon as the/soles 2849/9838 rest in the/waters 2850/9838
Jos_3:13..........Jordan/shall be cut off from the waters/that 2851/9838
Jos_3:13............they/shall stand upon an/heap 2852/9838 carry them over/with 2853/9838 lodge this/night 2854/9838 answer them/That 2855/9838
Jos_4:7...........stones/shall be for a memorial/unto 2856/9838
Jos_4:21........children/shall ask their/fathers 2857/9838 let your/children 2858/9838 compass the city all/ye 2859/9838
Jos_6:4..........priests/shall bear before/the 2860/9838 compass the city seven/times 2861/9838
Jos_6:4..........priests/shall blow with the trumpets And it/shall 2862/9838 come to pass that when they make/a 2863/9838
Jos_6:5...........people/shall shout with/a.. 2864/9838 fall down flat/and 2865/9838
Jos_6:5...........people/shall ascend up/every 2866/9838
Jos_6:10..............Ye/shall not shout/nor. 2867/9838
Jos_6:10.........neither/shall any word/proceed 2868/9838
Jos_6:10............then/shall ye shout/So... 2869/9838 be accursed even/it 2870/9838
Jos_6:17..........harlot/shall live she/and.. 2871/9838
Jos_6:19............they/shall come into the treasury/of 2872/9838
Jos_6:26..............he/shall lay the foundation/thereof 2873/9838
Jos_6:26.............son/shall he set up the/gates 2874/9838
Jos_7:8.............what/shall I say when/Israel 2875/9838 hear of it/and 2876/9838
Jos_7:9..............and/shall environ/us.... 2877/9838 be brought according/to 2878/9838 be that the tribe/which 2879/9838
Jos_7:14..........taketh/shall come according/to 2880/9838
Jos_7:14............LORD/shall take shall come by/households 2881/9838
Jos_7:14............take/shall come by/households 2882/9838
Jos_7:14............LORD/shall take shall come man/by 2883/9838
Jos_7:14............take/shall come man/by... 2884/9838 be that he that/is 2885/9838
Jos_7:15...........thing/shall be burnt with fire he/and 2886/9838
Jos_7:25............LORD/shall trouble thee/this 2887/9838
Jos_8:2..........thereof/shall ye take/for... 2888/9838 lie in wait/against 2889/9838 come to pass when they/come 2890/9838 rise up from/the 2891/9838 be when ye have/taken 2892/9838 set the city/on 2893/9838
Jos_8:8.............LORD/shall ye do See/I... 2894/9838 we make/a..... 2895/9838
Jos_9:23...........there/shall none of you/be 2896/9838
Jos_10:8...........there/shall not a man of/them 2897/9838
Jos_10:25...........thus/shall the LORD do to/all 2898/9838
Jos_14:9.........trodden/shall be thine inheritance/and 2899/9838
Jos_14:12..............I/shall be able to drive/them 2900/9838
Jos_15:4............this/shall be your south/coast 2901/9838
Jos_17:18.......mountain/shall be thine for it/is 2902/9838 be thine for thou/shalt 2903/9838
Jos_18:4............they/shall rise and go/through 2904/9838
Jos_18:4............they/shall come again to me/And 2905/9838
Jos_18:5............they/shall divide it into/seven 2906/9838
Jos_18:5...........Judah/shall abide in their coast/on 2907/9838
Jos_18:5..........Joseph/shall abide in their coasts/on 2908/9838
Jos_18:6..............Ye/shall therefore describe/the 2909/9838
Jos_20:3............they/shall be your refuge/from 2910/9838
Jos_20:4..........cities/shall stand at the entering/of 2911/9838
Jos_20:4.............and/shall declare his cause/in 2912/9838
Jos_20:4............they/shall take him into/the 2913/9838
Jos_20:5............they/shall not deliver the/slayer 2914/9838
Jos_20:6..............he/shall dwell in that/city 2915/9838
Jos_20:6............that/shall be in those days then/shall 2916/9838
Jos_20:6............then/shall the slayer/return 2917/9838
Jos_22:22.............he/shall know if/it.... 2918/9838 your children/make 2919/9838 be when they should/so 2920/9838 be a witness between/us 2921/9838
Jos_23:5..............he/shall expel/them.... 2922/9838 possess their land/as 2923/9838 chase a/thousand 2924/9838
Jos_23:12............and/shall make marriages/with 2925/9838
Jos_23:13...........they/shall be snares/and. 2926/9838 come to pass that as all/good 2927/9838 the LORD bring/upon 2928/9838
Jos_23:16...........then/shall the anger/of.. 2929/9838 perish quickly/from 2930/9838
Jos_24:27..........stone/shall be a witness unto/us 2931/9838 be therefore/a 2932/9838
Jdg_1:1..............Who/shall go up for us against/the 2933/9838
Jdg_1:2............Judah/shall go up behold/I 2934/9838 make no/league 2935/9838 throw down their/altars 2936/9838
Jdg_2:3.............they/shall be as thorns/in 2937/9838
Jdg_2:3.............gods/shall be a snare/unto 2938/9838
Jdg_4:9...........takest/shall not be for thine/honour 2939/9838
Jdg_4:9.............LORD/shall sell Sisera/into 2940/9838 be when any/man 2941/9838
Jdg_5:11...........there/shall they rehearse/the 2942/9838
Jdg_5:11............then/shall the people of/the 2943/9838
Jdg_5:24...........women/shall Jael/the...... 2944/9838
Jdg_5:24.........blessed/shall she be above/women 2945/9838
Jdg_6:15.......wherewith/shall I save/Israel. 2946/9838
Jdg_6:37............then/shall I know that thou wilt/save 2947/9838 be that of/whom 2948/9838
Jdg_7:4.............This/shall go with thee the/same 2949/9838
Jdg_7:4.............same/shall go with thee and of/whomsoever 2950/9838
Jdg_7:4.............This/shall not go with/thee 2951/9838
Jdg_7:4.............same/shall not go So/he.. 2952/9838
Jdg_7:11.......afterward/shall thine hands/be 2953/9838 be that as I/do 2954/9838 ye do When/I.. 2955/9838
Jdg_8:23.........neither/shall my son/rule... 2956/9838
Jdg_8:23............LORD/shall rule over you/And 2957/9838 be that in/the 2958/9838
Jdg_10:18.............he/shall be head/over.. 2959/9838 I be your/head 2960/9838
Jdg_11:24............God/shall drive out from/before 2961/9838 be that whatsoever cometh/forth 2962/9838
Jdg_11:31..........Ammon/shall surely be the LORD's/and 2963/9838
Jdg_13:5...........razor/shall come on his/head 2964/9838
Jdg_13:5...........child/shall be a Nazarite unto/God 2965/9838
Jdg_13:5..............he/shall begin to deliver/Israel 2966/9838
Jdg_13:7...........child/shall be a Nazarite to/God 2967/9838
Jdg_13:8..............we/shall do unto the child/that 2968/9838
Jdg_13:8............that/shall be born And/God 2969/9838
Jdg_13:12............How/shall we order/the.. 2970/9838 we do unto him/And 2971/9838
Jdg_13:15.............we/shall have made/ready 2972/9838
Jdg_13:22.............We/shall surely die because/we 2973/9838
Jdg_14:13...........then/shall ye give me/thirty 2974/9838
Jdg_14:16............and/shall I tell/it..... 2975/9838
Jdg_15:3.............Now/shall I be more/blameless 2976/9838 I die/for..... 2977/9838
Jdg_16:2..............we/shall kill him And Samson/lay 2978/9838
Jdg_16:7............then/shall I be weak and be as another man Then/the 2979/9838
Jdg_16:11...........then/shall I be weak and be as another man Delilah/therefore 2980/9838
Jdg_16:17..............I/shall become weak/and 2981/9838
Jdg_18:5..............go/shall be prosperous And/the 2982/9838 come unto a/people 2983/9838
Jdg_20:9............this/shall be the thing/which 2984/9838 go up first to/the 2985/9838
Jdg_20:18..........Judah/shall go up first And/the 2986/9838
Jdg_20:23.........saying/Shall I go up again/to 2987/9838
Jdg_20:28.........saying/Shall I yet/again... 2988/9838
Jdg_20:28.............or/shall I cease/And... 2989/9838
Jdg_21:1...........There/shall not any of/us. 2990/9838
Jdg_21:5..............He/shall surely be put to death And the children/of 2991/9838
Jdg_21:7.............How/shall we do for wives for them that remain seeing we/have 2992/9838 do Ye/shall... 2993/9838
Jdg_21:11.............Ye/shall utterly destroy every/male 2994/9838
Jdg_21:16............How/shall we do for wives for them that remain seeing the/women 2995/9838 be when their/fathers 2996/9838
Rut_1:16..........people/shall be my people and thy/God 2997/9838
Rut_2:2................I/shall find grace/And 2998/9838
Rut_2:9.............they/shall not touch thee and/when 2999/9838
Rut_3:1.........daughter/shall I not seek/rest 3000/9838
Rut_3:3...............he/shall have done eating/and 3001/9838 be when he lieth/down 3002/9838
Rut_3:4...............he/shall lie and/thou.. 3003/9838 be in the morning/that 3004/9838
Rut_4:12............LORD/shall give thee of/this 3005/9838
Rut_4:15..............he/shall be unto thee a/restorer 3006/9838
1Sa_1:11...........there/shall no razor come upon his head And/it 3007/9838
1Sa_1:28..............he/shall be lent/to.... 3008/9838
1Sa_2:9...........wicked/shall be silent/in.. 3009/9838
1Sa_2:9.........strength/shall no man prevail/The 3010/9838
1Sa_2:10............LORD/shall be broken to/pieces 3011/9838
1Sa_2:10..........heaven/shall he thunder/upon 3012/9838
1Sa_2:10............LORD/shall judge the ends/of 3013/9838
1Sa_2:10..............he/shall give strength/unto 3014/9838
1Sa_2:25...........judge/shall judge him but/if 3015/9838
1Sa_2:25.............who/shall intreat for/him 3016/9838 be lightly/esteemed 3017/9838
1Sa_2:31...........there/shall not be an old man in thine house And/thou 3018/9838
1Sa_2:32.............God/shall give Israel and/there 3019/9838
1Sa_2:32...........there/shall not be an old man in thine house for/ever 3020/9838
1Sa_2:33...............I/shall not cut off/from 3021/9838
1Sa_2:33...........altar/shall be to consume/thine 3022/9838 die in the flower/of 3023/9838
1Sa_2:34............this/shall be a sign unto thee that/shall 3024/9838
1Sa_2:34............that/shall come upon thy/two 3025/9838
1Sa_2:34............they/shall die both/of... 3026/9838
1Sa_2:35............that/shall do according to that/which 3027/9838
1Sa_2:35..............he/shall walk before/mine 3028/9838 come to pass that every one that is left in/thine 3029/9838 come and crouch/to 3030/9838
1Sa_2:36.............and/shall say Put/me.... 3031/9838 be if he call/thee 3032/9838 tingle In/that 3033/9838 not be purged with/sacrifice 3034/9838
1Sa_4:8..............who/shall deliver us out of the hand of these/mighty 3035/9838
1Sa_5:7...........Israel/shall not abide with us/for 3036/9838
1Sa_5:8.............What/shall we do with/the 3037/9838
1Sa_6:2.............What/shall we do to the/ark 3038/9838
1Sa_6:2...............we/shall send it/to.... 3039/9838 be healed and it shall be/known 3040/9838 be known to you/why 3041/9838
1Sa_6:4.............What/shall be the trespass/offering 3042/9838
1Sa_6:4...............we/shall return to him They/answered 3043/9838 make images/of 3044/9838 give glory/unto 3045/9838
1Sa_6:9...............we/shall know that it/is 3046/9838
1Sa_6:20............whom/shall he go up/from. 3047/9838
1Sa_8:9.............that/shall reign over them And/Samuel 3048/9838
1Sa_8:11............that/shall reign over you He/will 3049/9838
1Sa_8:11............some/shall run before/his 3050/9838 be his servants And/ye 3051/9838 cry out in/that 3052/9838 have chosen/you 3053/9838
1Sa_9:7.............what/shall we bring/the.. 3054/9838 straightway find/him 3055/9838 find him/And.. 3056/9838
1Sa_9:17............same/shall reign over my/people 3057/9838 eat with/me... 3058/9838
1Sa_10:2............What/shall I do for my son/Then 3059/9838
1Sa_10:3...........there/shall meet thee/three 3060/9838 come to pass when thou art/come 3061/9838
1Sa_10:5............they/shall prophesy And the/Spirit 3062/9838
1Sa_10:27............How/shall this man save/us 3063/9838 it be done unto his/oxen 3064/9838
1Sa_11:9............Thus/shall ye say unto the/men 3065/9838 have help/And. 3066/9838 do with us/all 3067/9838
1Sa_11:12...........said/Shall Saul/reign.... 3068/9838
1Sa_11:13..........There/shall not a man be/put 3069/9838
1Sa_12:12...........king/shall reign over us/when 3070/9838
1Sa_12:14...........then/shall both ye/and... 3071/9838
1Sa_12:15...........then/shall the hand of the LORD be/against 3072/9838
1Sa_12:17.............he/shall send thunder/and 3073/9838 still do/wickedly 3074/9838 be consumed both/ye 3075/9838
1Sa_13:14........kingdom/shall not continue/the 3076/9838
1Sa_14:10...........this/shall be a sign unto us/And 3077/9838
1Sa_14:37............God/Shall I go down/after 3078/9838
1Sa_14:39.............he/shall surely die But/there 3079/9838
1Sa_14:45...........Saul/Shall Jonathan/die.. 3080/9838
1Sa_14:45..........there/shall not one hair of his/head 3081/9838 thy mother/be. 3082/9838 come to pass when the evil/spirit 3083/9838
1Sa_16:16.............he/shall play with/his. 3084/9838
1Sa_17:9............then/shall ye be our/servants 3085/9838 be that the man who/killeth 3086/9838
1Sa_17:26...........What/shall be done to/the 3087/9838
1Sa_17:27.............So/shall it be done to the man that/killeth 3088/9838
1Sa_17:36.....Philistine/shall be as one of/them 3089/9838
1Sa_17:47.......assembly/shall know that the LORD saveth/not 3090/9838
1Sa_18:25...........Thus/shall ye say to David/The 3091/9838
1Sa_19:6..............he/shall not be slain/And 3092/9838
1Sa_20:7.........servant/shall have peace but/if 3093/9838
1Sa_20:10............Who/shall tell me/or.... 3094/9838
1Sa_20:31.............he/shall surely die And Jonathan/answered 3095/9838
1Sa_20:32......Wherefore/shall he be slain/what 3096/9838
1Sa_21:15.......presence/shall this fellow/come 3097/9838
1Sa_23:2..........saying/Shall I go and smite/these 3098/9838
1Sa_23:17.........father/shall not find thee/and 3099/9838
1Sa_23:17..............I/shall be next/unto.. 3100/9838
1Sa_23:20...........part/shall be to deliver/him 3101/9838 come to pass if he/be 3102/9838 seem good unto thee Then/David 3103/9838
1Sa_24:12...........hand/shall not be upon thee As/saith 3104/9838
1Sa_24:13...........hand/shall not be upon thee After/whom 3105/9838
1Sa_24:20.........Israel/shall be established in thine/hand 3106/9838
1Sa_25:6............thus/shall ye say to him that/liveth 3107/9838
1Sa_25:11.........master/Shall I then take my/bread 3108/9838
1Sa_25:29...........lord/shall be bound in the/bundle 3109/9838
1Sa_25:29...........them/shall he sling/out.. 3110/9838 come to pass when the LORD shall/have 3111/9838
1Sa_25:30...........LORD/shall have done to/my 3112/9838
1Sa_25:30............and/shall have appointed/thee 3113/9838
1Sa_25:31...........this/shall be no grief/unto 3114/9838
1Sa_25:31...........LORD/shall have dealt/well 3115/9838
1Sa_26:10...........LORD/shall smite him/or.. 3116/9838 come to die/or 3117/9838
1Sa_26:10.............he/shall descend into battle/and 3118/9838
1Sa_27:1...............I/shall now perish/one 3119/9838
1Sa_27:1............Saul/shall despair/of.... 3120/9838 I escape/out.. 3121/9838
1Sa_27:12.............he/shall be my servant for/ever 3122/9838
1Sa_28:8...............I/shall name unto/thee 3123/9838
1Sa_28:10..........there/shall no punishment/happen 3124/9838
1Sa_28:11...........Whom/shall I bring up/unto 3125/9838
1Sa_28:15..............I/shall do Then/said.. 3126/9838
1Sa_28:19...........also/shall deliver the host/of 3127/9838
1Sa_29:9..............He/shall not go up with/us 3128/9838
1Sa_30:8..........saying/Shall I pursue/after 3129/9838
1Sa_30:8...........troop/shall I overtake/them 3130/9838
1Sa_30:23.............Ye/shall not do so my/brethren 3131/9838 his part/be... 3132/9838
1Sa_30:24...........they/shall part/alike.... 3133/9838
2Sa_2:1...........saying/Shall I go up into/any 3134/9838
2Sa_2:1..........Whither/shall I go up And/he 3135/9838
2Sa_2:26............said/Shall the sword devour/for 3136/9838
2Sa_2:26............long/shall it be then/ere 3137/9838
2Sa_3:12............hand/shall be with thee to/bring 3138/9838
2Sa_3:39............LORD/shall reward the/doer 3139/9838
2Sa_4:11.............bed/shall I not therefore/now 3140/9838
2Sa_5:8...............he/shall be chief and captain Wherefore/they 3141/9838
2Sa_5:8.............lame/shall not come into the house So/David 3142/9838
2Sa_5:19..........saying/Shall I go up to the/Philistines 3143/9838
2Sa_5:24............then/shall the LORD go out/before 3144/9838
2Sa_6:9..............How/shall the ark/of.... 3145/9838
2Sa_6:22............them/shall I be had/in... 3146/9838
2Sa_7:10.........neither/shall the children of wickedness afflict/them 3147/9838
2Sa_7:12...........which/shall proceed out/of 3148/9838
2Sa_7:13..............He/shall build an house for my name and I/will 3149/9838
2Sa_7:14..............he/shall be my son If/he 3150/9838
2Sa_7:15...........mercy/shall not depart away/from 3151/9838
2Sa_7:16.........kingdom/shall be established for ever before/thee 3152/9838
2Sa_7:16..........throne/shall be established for ever According/to 3153/9838
2Sa_9:10........servants/shall till the/land. 3154/9838
2Sa_9:10.............son/shall eat bread alway/at 3155/9838 thy servant/do 3156/9838
2Sa_9:11..............he/shall eat at/my..... 3157/9838
2Sa_11:11.........fields/shall I then go/into 3158/9838
2Sa_12:5...........thing/shall surely die And he shall/restore 3159/9838
2Sa_12:6..............he/shall restore the/lamb 3160/9838
2Sa_12:10..........sword/shall never depart/from 3161/9838
2Sa_12:11.............he/shall lie with thy/wives 3162/9838
2Sa_12:14...........thee/shall surely die And Nathan/departed 3163/9838
2Sa_12:23..............I/shall go to him/but. 3164/9838
2Sa_12:23.............he/shall not return to me/And 3165/9838
2Sa_13:13........whither/shall I cause my/shame 3166/9838
2Sa_14:7............they/shall quench my/coal 3167/9838
2Sa_14:7.............and/shall not leave to/my 3168/9838
2Sa_14:10.............he/shall not touch thee any/more 3169/9838
2Sa_14:11..........there/shall not one hair of thy/son 3170/9838
2Sa_14:17...........king/shall now be/comfortable 3171/9838
2Sa_14:18..............I/shall ask thee And/the 3172/9838
2Sa_15:8............LORD/shall bring me again/indeed 3173/9838 say Absalom/reigneth 3174/9838
2Sa_15:14.............we/shall not else/escape 3175/9838
2Sa_15:15...........king/shall appoint And/the 3176/9838
2Sa_15:21...........king/shall be whether/in. 3177/9838
2Sa_15:25..............I/shall find favour/in 3178/9838 be that what thing/soever 3179/9838 send unto/me.. 3180/9838 the house of Israel restore/me 3181/9838
2Sa_16:10............Who/shall then say/Wherefore 3182/9838
2Sa_16:20.............we/shall do And Ahithophel/said 3183/9838
2Sa_16:21.........Israel/shall hear that thou/art 3184/9838
2Sa_16:21...........then/shall the hands/of.. 3185/9838
2Sa_17:2.............him/shall flee and/I.... 3186/9838
2Sa_17:3..........people/shall be in peace And the/saying 3187/9838
2Sa_17:6..........manner/shall we do after/his 3188/9838
2Sa_17:10...........lion/shall utterly melt/for 3189/9838
2Sa_17:12.............So/shall we come/upon.. 3190/9838
2Sa_17:12.............he/shall be found and/we 3191/9838
2Sa_17:12..........there/shall not be left so/much 3192/9838
2Sa_17:13...........then/shall all Israel/bring 3193/9838
2Sa_19:21...........said/Shall not Shimei/be. 3194/9838 there any man/be 3195/9838
2Sa_19:37...........what/shall seem good unto thee And the/king 3196/9838
2Sa_19:38........Chimham/shall go over with/me 3197/9838
2Sa_19:38..........which/shall seem good unto thee and whatsoever/thou 3198/9838
2Sa_20:6.............Now/shall Sheba/the..... 3199/9838
2Sa_20:18...........They/shall surely ask/counsel 3200/9838
2Sa_20:21...........head/shall be thrown to/thee 3201/9838
2Sa_21:3............What/shall I do for you/and 3202/9838
2Sa_21:3.......wherewith/shall I make the atonement/that 3203/9838 say that/will. 3204/9838 I be saved from mine enemies When/the 3205/9838
2Sa_22:44............not/shall serve me Strangers/shall 3206/9838
2Sa_22:45......Strangers/shall submit themselves unto me as/soon 3207/9838
2Sa_22:45...........they/shall be obedient/unto 3208/9838
2Sa_22:46......Strangers/shall fade away and they/shall 3209/9838
2Sa_22:46...........they/shall be afraid out/of 3210/9838
2Sa_23:4..............he/shall be as the light of the morning/when 3211/9838
2Sa_23:6..........Belial/shall be all of them/as 3212/9838
2Sa_23:7............that/shall touch them/must 3213/9838
2Sa_23:7............they/shall be utterly burned with fire in/the 3214/9838
2Sa_24:13............him/Shall seven/years... 3215/9838
2Sa_24:13..............I/shall return to him that/sent 3216/9838
1Ki_1:13.............son/shall reign after me and he shall sit upon my throne why/then 3217/9838
1Ki_1:13..............he/shall sit upon my throne why/then 3218/9838
1Ki_1:17.............son/shall reign after me and he shall sit upon my throne And/now 3219/9838
1Ki_1:17..............he/shall sit upon my throne And/now 3220/9838
1Ki_1:20.............who/shall sit on the throne of my/lord 3221/9838 come to pass when my/lord 3222/9838
1Ki_1:21............king/shall sleep with/his 3223/9838
1Ki_1:21.........Solomon/shall be counted offenders/And 3224/9838
1Ki_1:24........Adonijah/shall reign after me and he shall sit upon my throne For/he 3225/9838
1Ki_1:24..............he/shall sit upon my throne For/he 3226/9838
1Ki_1:30.............son/shall reign after me and he shall sit upon my throne in/my 3227/9838
1Ki_1:30..............he/shall sit upon my throne in/my 3228/9838 come up after/him 3229/9838
1Ki_1:35..............he/shall be king in/my. 3230/9838
1Ki_1:52...........there/shall not an hair of him/fall 3231/9838
1Ki_1:52......wickedness/shall be found in him/he 3232/9838
1Ki_1:52..............he/shall die So king/Solomon 3233/9838
1Ki_2:4............there/shall not fail thee said/he 3234/9838
1Ki_2:24........Adonijah/shall be put to death this/day 3235/9838
1Ki_2:32............LORD/shall return his/blood 3236/9838
1Ki_2:33...........blood/shall therefore return/upon 3237/9838
1Ki_2:33..........throne/shall there be peace/for 3238/9838 be that on/the 3239/9838
1Ki_2:37...........blood/shall be upon thine/own 3240/9838
1Ki_2:44............LORD/shall return thy/wickedness 3241/9838
1Ki_2:45.........Solomon/shall be blessed and the/throne 3242/9838
1Ki_2:45...........David/shall be established before the/LORD 3243/9838
1Ki_3:5................I/shall give thee And Solomon said Thou/hast 3244/9838
1Ki_3:12............thee/shall any arise/like 3245/9838
1Ki_3:13...........there/shall not be any among/the 3246/9838
1Ki_5:5...............he/shall build an house unto/my 3247/9838
1Ki_5:6.........servants/shall be with thy servants and/unto 3248/9838
1Ki_5:9.........servants/shall bring them down from/Lebanon 3249/9838
1Ki_8:19............that/shall come forth out of thy loins he shall build the house unto/my 3250/9838
1Ki_8:19..............he/shall build the house unto/my 3251/9838
1Ki_8:25...........There/shall not fail thee a man in my sight to sit on/the 3252/9838 be there that/thou 3253/9838
1Ki_8:29.........servant/shall make toward this place And/hearken 3254/9838
1Ki_8:30............they/shall pray toward/this 3255/9838
1Ki_8:33.............and/shall turn again to/thee 3256/9838
1Ki_8:38...........which/shall know every/man 3257/9838
1Ki_8:42............they/shall hear of thy/great 3258/9838
1Ki_8:42..............he/shall come and pray/toward 3259/9838
1Ki_8:44.............and/shall pray unto the/LORD 3260/9838
1Ki_8:47............they/shall bethink/themselves 3261/9838
1Ki_8:59..........matter/shall require That/all 3262/9838
1Ki_9:3............heart/shall be there perpetually And if/thou 3263/9838
1Ki_9:5............There/shall not fail thee a man upon/the 3264/9838 at all turn/from 3265/9838
1Ki_9:7...........Israel/shall be a proverb/and 3266/9838 be astonished and shall hiss and/they 3267/9838
1Ki_9:8..............and/shall hiss and they/shall 3268/9838
1Ki_9:8.............they/shall say Why hath the LORD done thus unto this land and to/this 3269/9838
1Ki_9:9.............they/shall answer Because they forsook/the 3270/9838
1Ki_11:2..............Ye/shall not go in to them/neither 3271/9838
1Ki_11:2.........neither/shall they come in/unto 3272/9838
1Ki_11:32.............he/shall have one tribe/for 3273/9838 be if thou wilt/hearken 3274/9838
1Ki_12:10.........finger/shall be thicker than my father's loins And/now 3275/9838
1Ki_12:24.............Ye/shall not go up nor fight against your brethren the/children 3276/9838
1Ki_12:26............Now/shall the kingdom return/to 3277/9838
1Ki_12:27...........then/shall the heart of this/people 3278/9838
1Ki_12:27...........they/shall kill me/and... 3279/9838
1Ki_13:2...........child/shall be born unto/the 3280/9838
1Ki_13:2............thee/shall he offer the/priests 3281/9838
1Ki_13:2...........bones/shall be burnt upon/thee 3282/9838
1Ki_13:3...........altar/shall be rent and the/ashes 3283/9838 be poured out And/it 3284/9838
1Ki_13:22........carcase/shall not come unto the/sepulchre 3285/9838
1Ki_13:32........Samaria/shall surely come to pass/After 3286/9838
1Ki_14:3..............he/shall tell thee what shall/become 3287/9838
1Ki_14:3............what/shall become of/the. 3288/9838 be when she/cometh 3289/9838
1Ki_14:5.............she/shall feign/herself. 3290/9838 the dogs eat and him that dieth in/the 3291/9838
1Ki_14:11..........field/shall the fowls of the air eat for/the 3292/9838
1Ki_14:12..........child/shall die And all/Israel 3293/9838
1Ki_14:13.........Israel/shall mourn for him and/bury 3294/9838
1Ki_14:13.......Jeroboam/shall come to the grave/because 3295/9838
1Ki_14:14...........LORD/shall raise him up a/king 3296/9838
1Ki_14:14............who/shall cut off the house/of 3297/9838
1Ki_14:15...........LORD/shall smite Israel/as 3298/9838
1Ki_14:15.............he/shall root/up....... 3299/9838
1Ki_14:15............and/shall scatter them beyond/the 3300/9838
1Ki_14:16.............he/shall give Israel up/because 3301/9838 the dogs eat and him that dieth of/his 3302/9838
1Ki_16:4..........fields/shall the fowls of the air eat Now/the 3303/9838
1Ki_17:1...........there/shall not be dew/nor 3304/9838 be that thou/shalt 3305/9838
1Ki_17:14...........meal/shall not waste/neither 3306/9838
1Ki_17:14........neither/shall the cruse/of.. 3307/9838 come to pass as soon as I/am 3308/9838
1Ki_18:12...........LORD/shall carry thee whither/I 3309/9838
1Ki_18:12.............he/shall slay me but/I. 3310/9838
1Ki_18:14.............he/shall slay me And Elijah/said 3311/9838
1Ki_18:31.........Israel/shall be thy name And with/the 3312/9838 come to pass that him/that 3313/9838
1Ki_19:17.........Hazael/shall Jehu/slay..... 3314/9838
1Ki_19:17...........Jehu/shall Elisha/slay... 3315/9838
1Ki_20:6............they/shall search thine/house 3316/9838 be that whatsoever is/pleasant 3317/9838
1Ki_20:6............they/shall put it in/their 3318/9838
1Ki_20:10........Samaria/shall suffice/for... 3319/9838
1Ki_20:14............Who/shall order the battle/And 3320/9838
1Ki_20:23.............we/shall be stronger than they And do/this 3321/9838
1Ki_20:25.............we/shall be stronger than they And he/hearkened 3322/9838 know that I am the LORD And they/pitched 3323/9838
1Ki_20:36...........lion/shall slay thee And as/soon 3324/9838
1Ki_20:39...........then/shall thy life/be... 3325/9838
1Ki_20:40.............So/shall thy judgment/be 3326/9838 go for his/life 3327/9838
1Ki_21:19.........Naboth/shall dogs lick/thy. 3328/9838
1Ki_21:23...........dogs/shall eat Jezebel by/the 3329/9838
1Ki_21:24...........dogs/shall eat and him/that 3330/9838
1Ki_21:24..........field/shall the fowls of the air eat But/there 3331/9838
1Ki_22:6............them/Shall I go against/Ramothgilead 3332/9838
1Ki_22:6..............or/shall I forbear And they said Go up for the/LORD 3333/9838
1Ki_22:6............LORD/shall deliver it into the hand of the king And Jehoshaphat/said 3334/9838
1Ki_22:12...........LORD/shall deliver it into the king's/hand 3335/9838
1Ki_22:15........Micaiah/shall we go against/Ramothgilead 3336/9838
1Ki_22:15.............or/shall we forbear/And 3337/9838
1Ki_22:15...........LORD/shall deliver it into the hand of the king And the king/said 3338/9838
1Ki_22:16..........times/shall I adjure thee that thou tell/me 3339/9838
1Ki_22:20............Who/shall persuade/Ahab. 3340/9838
2Ki_1:2................I/shall recover of/this 3341/9838
2Ki_2:9................I/shall do for/thee... 3342/9838 be so/unto.... 3343/9838 not be so And/it 3344/9838
2Ki_2:16..............Ye/shall not send/And.. 3345/9838
2Ki_2:21...........there/shall not be from/thence 3346/9838
2Ki_3:8..............way/shall we go up And/he 3347/9838
2Ki_3:17..............Ye/shall not see wind/neither 3348/9838
2Ki_3:17.........neither/shall ye see rain/yet 3349/9838
2Ki_3:17..........valley/shall be filled with water/that 3350/9838 smite every/fenced 3351/9838
2Ki_3:19.............and/shall fell/every.... 3352/9838
2Ki_4:2.............What/shall I do for thee/tell 3353/9838 be when he cometh/to 3354/9838
2Ki_4:10..............he/shall turn in/thither 3355/9838
2Ki_4:23..............It/shall be well Then/she 3356/9838
2Ki_4:43............They/shall eat and shall/leave 3357/9838
2Ki_4:43.............and/shall leave thereof/So 3358/9838
2Ki_5:8...............he/shall know that there is/a 3359/9838
2Ki_5:10...........flesh/shall come again to thee/and 3360/9838
2Ki_5:17............said/Shall there not/then 3361/9838
2Ki_5:27..........Naaman/shall cleave unto thee and/unto 3362/9838 be my camp/And 3363/9838 we do And he answered/Fear 3364/9838
2Ki_6:21..........father/shall I smite them shall/I 3365/9838
2Ki_6:21............them/shall I smite them And/he 3366/9838
2Ki_6:27..........whence/shall I help/thee... 3367/9838
2Ki_6:31.........Shaphat/shall stand on him/this 3368/9838
2Ki_7:1.............time/shall a measure/of.. 3369/9838
2Ki_7:4...............we/shall die there and if/we 3370/9838
2Ki_7:4...............we/shall live and if/they 3371/9838
2Ki_7:4...............we/shall but die/And... 3372/9838
2Ki_7:12..............we/shall catch/them.... 3373/9838
2Ki_7:18..........shekel/shall be to morrow/about 3374/9838 also come upon/the 3375/9838
2Ki_8:8...........saying/Shall I recover of this disease So/Hazael 3376/9838
2Ki_8:9...........saying/Shall I recover of this disease And/Elisha 3377/9838
2Ki_8:10..............he/shall surely die And he settled/his 3378/9838
2Ki_9:8.............Ahab/shall perish and I/will 3379/9838
2Ki_9:10............dogs/shall eat Jezebel in/the 3380/9838
2Ki_9:10...........there/shall be none to/bury 3381/9838
2Ki_9:36.........Jezreel/shall dogs eat/the.. 3382/9838
2Ki_9:37.........Jezebel/shall be as dung upon the face of the field/in 3383/9838
2Ki_9:37............they/shall not say This/is 3384/9838
2Ki_10:4............then/shall we stand/And.. 3385/9838
2Ki_10:10..........there/shall fall unto the/earth 3386/9838
2Ki_10:18...........Jehu/shall serve him much/Now 3387/9838
2Ki_10:19......whosoever/shall be wanting/he. 3388/9838
2Ki_10:19.............he/shall not live But/Jehu 3389/9838 be for the life/of 3390/9838
2Ki_10:30.....generation/shall sit on the throne of Israel But/Jehu 3391/9838 do A third part of you that/enter 3392/9838
2Ki_11:5.........sabbath/shall even be keepers/of 3393/9838
2Ki_11:6............part/shall be at the gate/of 3394/9838 ye keep the/watch 3395/9838
2Ki_11:7............they/shall keep the watch of the house/of 3396/9838 compass the king round about every man with his weapons in his hand and he/that 3397/9838
2Ki_12:5..........breach/shall be found But/it 3398/9838
2Ki_14:6.........fathers/shall not be put to death for the children nor/the 3399/9838 be put to death for his own sin He/slew 3400/9838
2Ki_15:12...........sons/shall sit on the throne of Israel unto/the 3401/9838
2Ki_16:15..........altar/shall be for me/to.. 3402/9838
2Ki_17:12.............Ye/shall not do this/thing 3403/9838
2Ki_17:35.............Ye/shall not fear other gods nor/bow 3404/9838
2Ki_17:36............him/shall ye fear and/him 3405/9838
2Ki_17:36............him/shall ye worship/and 3406/9838
2Ki_17:36............him/shall ye do sacrifice/And 3407/9838 observe to do for/evermore 3408/9838 not fear other gods And/the 3409/9838 not forget/neither 3410/9838
2Ki_17:38........neither/shall ye fear other/gods 3411/9838 fear and he/shall 3412/9838
2Ki_17:39.............he/shall deliver you out of the/hand 3413/9838
2Ki_18:22.............Ye/shall worship before this altar in/Jerusalem 3414/9838
2Ki_18:29.............he/shall not be able to deliver you out/of 3415/9838 not be delivered into the hand of the king of Assyria Hearken not to Hezekiah for thus saith the king of Assyria Make an agreement with me by a present and come out to me and then/eat 3416/9838
2Ki_19:6............Thus/shall ye say to your/master 3417/9838
2Ki_19:7..............he/shall hear a rumour and shall/return 3418/9838
2Ki_19:7.............and/shall return to his/own 3419/9838
2Ki_19:10...........Thus/shall ye speak to Hezekiah king of Judah saying Let not thy God in whom thou trustest deceive thee saying Jerusalem shall not be delivered/into 3420/9838
2Ki_19:10......Jerusalem/shall not be delivered into the hand of the king of Assyria Behold/thou 3421/9838
2Ki_19:29...........this/shall be a sign unto thee Ye shall eat this year such things/as 3422/9838
2Ki_19:29.............Ye/shall eat this year such things/as 3423/9838
2Ki_19:30..........Judah/shall yet again/take 3424/9838
2Ki_19:31......Jerusalem/shall go forth a remnant and they that escape out of mount Zion the zeal of the LORD of hosts shall do this Therefore thus saith the LORD concerning the king of Assyria He shall not come into this city nor shoot an arrow there nor come before it with shield/nor 3425/9838
2Ki_19:31..........hosts/shall do this Therefore thus saith the LORD concerning the king of Assyria He shall not come into this city nor shoot an arrow there nor come before it with shield/nor 3426/9838
2Ki_19:32.............He/shall not come into this city nor shoot an arrow there nor come before it with shield/nor 3427/9838
2Ki_19:33...........same/shall he return and shall not come into this city saith the LORD For I will defend this city to save it for mine own sake and for my servant David's sake And/it 3428/9838
2Ki_19:33............and/shall not come into this city saith the LORD For I will defend this city to save it for mine own sake and for my servant David's sake And/it 3429/9838
2Ki_20:8............What/shall be the sign that/the 3430/9838
2Ki_20:8...............I/shall go up into/the 3431/9838
2Ki_20:9..........spoken/shall the shadow/go. 3432/9838 be carried into/Babylon 3433/9838
2Ki_20:17........nothing/shall be left saith the LORD And of thy sons that shall issue from thee which thou shalt beget shall they take away and they shall be eunuchs in the palace of the king of Babylon Then said Hezekiah unto/Isaiah 3434/9838
2Ki_20:18...........that/shall issue from thee which thou shalt beget shall they take away and they shall be eunuchs in the palace of the king of Babylon Then said Hezekiah unto/Isaiah 3435/9838
2Ki_20:18..........beget/shall they take away and they shall be eunuchs in the palace of the king of Babylon Then said Hezekiah unto/Isaiah 3436/9838
2Ki_20:18...........they/shall be eunuchs in the palace of the king of Babylon Then said Hezekiah unto/Isaiah 3437/9838
2Ki_21:12...........ears/shall tingle And/I.. 3438/9838
2Ki_21:14...........they/shall become a prey/and 3439/9838
2Ki_22:17..........wrath/shall be kindled against this/place 3440/9838
2Ki_22:17............and/shall not be quenched But/to 3441/9838
2Ki_22:18...........thus/shall ye say to him Thus/saith 3442/9838
2Ki_22:20...........eyes/shall not see all/the 3443/9838 be there Now/the 3444/9838 be well with you But/it 3445/9838
1Ch_11:6...........first/shall be chief and captain So/Joab 3446/9838
1Ch_11:19..........thing/shall I drink/the... 3447/9838
1Ch_12:17..........heart/shall be knit/unto.. 3448/9838
1Ch_13:12............How/shall I bring the/ark 3449/9838
1Ch_14:10.........saying/Shall I go up against/the 3450/9838 be when thou shalt/hear 3451/9838
1Ch_16:30...........also/shall be stable/that 3452/9838
1Ch_16:33...........Then/shall the trees of the wood/sing 3453/9838
1Ch_17:9............they/shall dwell in their place/and 3454/9838
1Ch_17:9.............and/shall be moved no/more 3455/9838
1Ch_17:9.........neither/shall the children of wickedness waste/them 3456/9838 come to pass when thy/days 3457/9838
1Ch_17:11..........which/shall be of thy/sons 3458/9838
1Ch_17:12.............He/shall build me/an... 3459/9838
1Ch_17:13.............he/shall be my son and I will not/take 3460/9838
1Ch_17:14.........throne/shall be established for evermore/According 3461/9838 be blessed for ever/Now 3462/9838
1Ch_21:12..............I/shall bring again to/him 3463/9838
1Ch_22:9.............son/shall be born to/thee 3464/9838
1Ch_22:9.............who/shall be a man of rest/and 3465/9838 be Solomon/and 3466/9838
1Ch_22:10.............He/shall build an house for my name and he/shall 3467/9838
1Ch_22:10.............he/shall be my son and I will be/his 3468/9838
1Ch_23:26...........they/shall no more carry/the 3469/9838
1Ch_28:6..............he/shall build my house/and 3470/9838
1Ch_28:21...........they/shall be with thee for all the/service 3471/9838
1Ch_28:21..........there/shall be with thee for all manner/of 3472/9838
2Ch_1:7................I/shall give thee And Solomon said unto/God 3473/9838
2Ch_1:12.........neither/shall there any after/thee 3474/9838
2Ch_2:8.........servants/shall be with thy servants Even/to 3475/9838 be wonderful/great 3476/9838
2Ch_2:14...........which/shall be put to him/with 3477/9838
2Ch_6:9............which/shall come forth out of thy loins he shall build the house for/my 3478/9838
2Ch_6:9...............he/shall build the house for/my 3479/9838
2Ch_6:16...........There/shall not fail thee a man in my sight to sit upon/the 3480/9838
2Ch_6:21............they/shall make toward this place hear/thou 3481/9838
2Ch_6:24.............and/shall return and confess/thy 3482/9838
2Ch_6:29..........soever/shall be made of any/man 3483/9838 know his/own.. 3484/9838
2Ch_6:29.............and/shall spread forth his hands in this/house 3485/9838 humble themselves/and 3486/9838
2Ch_7:15............eyes/shall be open and/mine 3487/9838
2Ch_7:16...........heart/shall be there perpetually And as/for 3488/9838
2Ch_7:18...........There/shall not fail thee a man to/be 3489/9838
2Ch_7:19.............and/shall go and serve/other 3490/9838
2Ch_7:21............high/shall be an astonishment/to 3491/9838
2Ch_7:21..............he/shall say Why hath the LORD done thus unto this land and unto/this 3492/9838 be answered/Because 3493/9838
2Ch_8:11............wife/shall not dwell in the house/of 3494/9838
2Ch_10:10.........finger/shall be thicker than my father's loins For/whereas 3495/9838
2Ch_11:4..............Ye/shall not go up nor fight against your brethren return/every 3496/9838
2Ch_12:7...........wrath/shall not be poured/out 3497/9838
2Ch_12:8............they/shall be his servants that/they 3498/9838 not prosper But Jeroboam/caused 3499/9838 be rewarded And/when 3500/9838
2Ch_18:5............them/Shall we go to Ramothgilead to battle or shall I forbear And they/said 3501/9838
2Ch_18:5..............or/shall I forbear And they said Go up for God/will 3502/9838
2Ch_18:11...........LORD/shall deliver it into the hand of the king And the messenger/that 3503/9838
2Ch_18:14........Micaiah/shall we go to Ramothgilead to battle or shall I forbear And he/said 3504/9838
2Ch_18:14.............or/shall I forbear And he/said 3505/9838
2Ch_18:14...........they/shall be delivered into your/hand 3506/9838
2Ch_18:15..........times/shall I adjure thee that thou say/nothing 3507/9838
2Ch_18:19............Who/shall entice/Ahab... 3508/9838
2Ch_19:9............Thus/shall ye do in/the.. 3509/9838
2Ch_19:10.........soever/shall come to you/of 3510/9838 even warn/them 3511/9838 not trespass/And 3512/9838
2Ch_19:11........Levites/shall be officers/before 3513/9838
2Ch_19:11...........LORD/shall be with the good/It 3514/9838 find them/at.. 3515/9838
2Ch_20:17.............Ye/shall not need/to... 3516/9838 ye be established/believe 3517/9838 ye prosper/And 3518/9838
2Ch_23:3.............son/shall reign as/the.. 3519/9838 do A third part of you entering/on 3520/9838
2Ch_23:4.........Levites/shall be porters/of. 3521/9838
2Ch_23:5............part/shall be at the king's/house 3522/9838
2Ch_23:5..........people/shall be in the courts/of 3523/9838
2Ch_23:6............they/shall go in for/they 3524/9838
2Ch_23:6..........people/shall keep the watch of the LORD/And 3525/9838
2Ch_23:7.........Levites/shall compass the king round about every man with his weapons in his hand and whosoever/else 3526/9838
2Ch_23:7..............he/shall be put to death but/be 3527/9838
2Ch_25:4.........fathers/shall not die for the children/neither 3528/9838
2Ch_25:4.........neither/shall the children die/for 3529/9838 die for his own sin/Moreover 3530/9838
2Ch_25:8.............God/shall make thee fall/before 3531/9838
2Ch_25:9............what/shall we do for the/hundred 3532/9838
2Ch_26:18........neither/shall it be for thine/honour 3533/9838
2Ch_28:13.............Ye/shall not bring in/the 3534/9838
2Ch_30:9........children/shall find compassion/before 3535/9838
2Ch_30:9............they/shall come again into/this 3536/9838
2Ch_32:11............God/shall deliver us out of the hand of the/king 3537/9838
2Ch_32:12.............Ye/shall worship before one/altar 3538/9838
2Ch_32:15...........less/shall your God/deliver 3539/9838 not the God/of 3540/9838
2Ch_33:4.......Jerusalem/shall my name/be.... 3541/9838
2Ch_34:25..........wrath/shall be poured out upon this place and/shall 3542/9838
2Ch_34:25............and/shall not be quenched And as/for 3543/9838 ye say unto him Thus/saith 3544/9838
2Ch_34:28........neither/shall thine eyes/see 3545/9838 not be a burden/upon 3546/9838
Ezr_4:21.....commandment/shall be given from/me 3547/9838 do to the/elders 3548/9838
Ezr_6:11.......whosoever/shall alter/this.... 3549/9838
Ezr_6:12............that/shall put to their/hand 3550/9838
Ezr_7:18......whatsoever/shall seem good to/thee 3551/9838
Ezr_7:20............more/shall be needful/for 3552/9838
Ezr_7:21..........heaven/shall require of/you 3553/9838 not be lawful/to 3554/9838
Ezr_9:10............what/shall we say after/this 3555/9838
Neh_2:6.............long/shall thy journey/be 3556/9838
Neh_2:8................I/shall enter into And/the 3557/9838
Neh_4:3...............he/shall even break/down 3558/9838
Neh_4:11............They/shall not know neither/see 3559/9838 return unto us/they 3560/9838
Neh_4:20.............God/shall fight for us/So 3561/9838
Neh_5:8...............or/shall they be sold/unto 3562/9838 it be reported/to 3563/9838
Neh_6:9............hands/shall be weakened/from 3564/9838
Neh_9:29..............he/shall live in them and/withdrew 3565/9838
Neh_10:38..........Aaron/shall be with the Levites/when 3566/9838
Neh_10:38........Levites/shall bring up the tithe/of 3567/9838
Neh_10:39...........Levi/shall bring the offering/of 3568/9838
Neh_13:25.............Ye/shall not give your/daughters 3569/9838
Neh_13:27............sin/Shall we then hearken/unto 3570/9838
Est_1:15............What/shall we do unto the/queen 3571/9838
Est_1:17...........queen/shall come abroad/unto 3572/9838
Est_1:17............they/shall despise their/husbands 3573/9838 be reported/The 3574/9838
Est_1:18........Likewise/shall the ladies/of. 3575/9838
Est_1:18............Thus/shall there arise/too 3576/9838
Est_1:20..............he/shall make shall/be. 3577/9838
Est_1:20............make/shall be published/throughout 3578/9838
Est_1:20...........wives/shall give to their/husbands 3579/9838
Est_4:11...........women/shall come unto the king/into 3580/9838
Est_4:11............king/shall hold out/the.. 3581/9838
Est_4:14............then/shall there enlargement/and 3582/9838 be destroyed and/who 3583/9838 be even given/thee 3584/9838 be granted thee and what is thy request even/to 3585/9838 be performed Then/answered 3586/9838
Est_5:8................I/shall prepare for/them 3587/9838
Est_6:6.............What/shall be done unto the/man 3588/9838
Est_6:9.............Thus/shall it be done to the man whom/the 3589/9838
Est_6:11............Thus/shall it be done unto the/man 3590/9838 be granted thee and what is thy request and/it 3591/9838 be performed even/to 3592/9838
Est_8:6.............that/shall come unto my/people 3593/9838 be granted thee or/what 3594/9838 be done Then/said 3595/9838
Job_1:21...........naked/shall I return/thither 3596/9838
Job_2:10............What/shall we receive/good 3597/9838
Job_2:10.............and/shall we not receive/evil 3598/9838
Job_4:17..........saying/Shall mortal/man.... 3599/9838
Job_4:17.............God/shall a man be/more. 3600/9838
Job_5:19..............He/shall deliver thee in/six 3601/9838
Job_5:19...........there/shall no evil touch/thee 3602/9838
Job_5:20..............he/shall redeem thee from death/and 3603/9838
Job_5:23...........field/shall be at peace/with 3604/9838
Job_5:24......tabernacle/shall be in peace and thou/shalt 3605/9838
Job_5:25............seed/shall be great and thine/offspring 3606/9838
Job_7:4.............When/shall I arise/and... 3607/9838
Job_7:7..............eye/shall no more see/good 3608/9838 see me no/more 3609/9838
Job_7:9............grave/shall come up no/more 3610/9838
Job_7:10..............He/shall return no more to/his 3611/9838
Job_7:10.........neither/shall his place know/him 3612/9838
Job_7:13.............bed/shall comfort me/my. 3613/9838
Job_7:13...........couch/shall ease/my....... 3614/9838
Job_7:20............what/shall I do unto thee O thou/preserver 3615/9838 I sleep/in.... 3616/9838
Job_7:21...............I/shall not be Then/answered 3617/9838
Job_8:2.............long/shall the words/of.. 3618/9838
Job_8:10..........shadow/Shall not they/teach 3619/9838
Job_8:13............hope/shall perish Whose/hope 3620/9838
Job_8:14............hope/shall be cut off and whose/trust 3621/9838 be a spider's/web 3622/9838
Job_8:15..............He/shall lean/upon..... 3623/9838 not stand he/shall 3624/9838
Job_8:15..............he/shall hold it/fast.. 3625/9838 not endure/He. 3626/9838 deny him/saying 3627/9838 others/grow... 3628/9838
Job_8:22............thee/shall be clothed with shame/and 3629/9838
Job_8:22..........wicked/shall come to nought Then/Job 3630/9838
Job_9:14............less/shall I answer him and/choose 3631/9838
Job_9:19.............who/shall set me a/time. 3632/9838
Job_9:20...........mouth/shall condemn me if/I 3633/9838 also prove/me. 3634/9838
Job_9:31.........clothes/shall abhor me/For.. 3635/9838
Job_10:21..............I/shall not return even/to 3636/9838
Job_11:3.........mockest/shall no man make/thee 3637/9838
Job_11:17............age/shall be clearer/than 3638/9838
Job_11:19...........none/shall make thee afraid/yea 3639/9838
Job_11:19...........many/shall make suit/unto 3640/9838
Job_11:20.........wicked/shall fail and they/shall 3641/9838
Job_11:20...........they/shall not escape and/their 3642/9838
Job_11:20...........hope/shall be as the giving/up 3643/9838
Job_12:2..........wisdom/shall die with you/But 3644/9838
Job_12:7............they/shall teach thee and the fowls/of 3645/9838
Job_12:7............they/shall tell thee Or/speak 3646/9838 teach thee and the fishes/of 3647/9838
Job_12:8.............sea/shall declare unto/thee 3648/9838
Job_13:11........persons/Shall not his excellency/make 3649/9838
Job_13:16...........also/shall be my salvation/for 3650/9838
Job_13:16......hypocrite/shall not come before/him 3651/9838
Job_13:18..............I/shall be justified Who/is 3652/9838
Job_13:19..............I/shall give up/the... 3653/9838
Job_14:6..............he/shall accomplish as/an 3654/9838
Job_14:12...........they/shall not awake/nor. 3655/9838
Job_14:14............die/shall he live again/all 3656/9838
Job_14:22............him/shall have pain/and. 3657/9838
Job_14:22............him/shall mourn Then/answered 3658/9838
Job_15:21......destroyer/shall come upon him He believeth/not 3659/9838
Job_15:22.............he/shall return out of darkness/and 3660/9838
Job_15:24........anguish/shall make him afraid they/shall 3661/9838
Job_15:24...........they/shall prevail against him as/a 3662/9838
Job_15:29.............He/shall not be rich neither/shall 3663/9838
Job_15:29........neither/shall his substance/continue 3664/9838
Job_15:29........neither/shall he prolong the/perfection 3665/9838
Job_15:30.............He/shall not depart out of darkness/the 3666/9838
Job_15:30..........flame/shall dry up his/branches 3667/9838
Job_15:30..........mouth/shall he go away/Let 3668/9838
Job_15:31.........vanity/shall be his recompence/It 3669/9838
Job_15:32.............It/shall be accomplished before/his 3670/9838
Job_15:32.........branch/shall not be green/He 3671/9838
Job_15:33.............He/shall shake off/his. 3672/9838
Job_15:33............and/shall cast off/his.. 3673/9838
Job_15:34.....hypocrites/shall be desolate and fire/shall 3674/9838 consume the tabernacles/of 3675/9838
Job_16:3.............all/Shall vain/words.... 3676/9838
Job_16:22..............I/shall go the/way.... 3677/9838
Job_16:22..............I/shall not return My/breath 3678/9838
Job_17:5........children/shall fail He hath/made 3679/9838 be astonied at this/and 3680/9838
Job_17:8........innocent/shall stir up himself/against 3681/9838
Job_17:9............also/shall hold on/his... 3682/9838
Job_17:9...........hands/shall be stronger and/stronger 3683/9838
Job_17:15............who/shall see it They/shall 3684/9838
Job_17:16...........They/shall go down to the bars/of 3685/9838
Job_18:4...........anger/shall the earth be forsaken/for 3686/9838
Job_18:4.............and/shall the rock/be... 3687/9838
Job_18:5..........wicked/shall be put out and/the 3688/9838 not shine/The. 3689/9838
Job_18:6...........light/shall be dark in/his 3690/9838
Job_18:6..........candle/shall be put out with/him 3691/9838
Job_18:7........strength/shall be straitened/and 3692/9838
Job_18:7.........counsel/shall cast him/down. 3693/9838
Job_18:9.............gin/shall take him by/the 3694/9838
Job_18:9..........robber/shall prevail against him The/snare 3695/9838
Job_18:11........Terrors/shall make him afraid on/every 3696/9838
Job_18:11............and/shall drive him/to.. 3697/9838
Job_18:12.......strength/shall be hungerbitten/and 3698/9838
Job_18:12....destruction/shall be ready at/his 3699/9838
Job_18:13.............It/shall devour the strength/of 3700/9838
Job_18:13..........death/shall devour his/strength 3701/9838
Job_18:14.....confidence/shall be rooted out of his/tabernacle 3702/9838 bring him to the/king 3703/9838
Job_18:15.............It/shall dwell in his/tabernacle 3704/9838
Job_18:15......brimstone/shall be scattered upon/his 3705/9838
Job_18:16..........roots/shall be dried up beneath/and 3706/9838
Job_18:16..........above/shall his branch/be. 3707/9838
Job_18:17....remembrance/shall perish from the earth and he/shall 3708/9838
Job_18:17.............he/shall have no name/in 3709/9838
Job_18:18.............He/shall be driven from/light 3710/9838
Job_18:19.............He/shall neither have/son 3711/9838
Job_18:20............him/shall be astonied at his/day 3712/9838
Job_19:25.............he/shall stand at the latter/day 3713/9838
Job_19:26..........flesh/shall I see God/Whom 3714/9838
Job_19:27..............I/shall see for/myself 3715/9838
Job_19:27...........eyes/shall behold and/not 3716/9838
Job_20:7..............he/shall perish for ever like/his 3717/9838
Job_20:7.............him/shall say Where is/he 3718/9838
Job_20:8..............He/shall fly away as/a. 3719/9838
Job_20:8.............and/shall not be found yea/he 3720/9838
Job_20:8..............he/shall be chased away/as 3721/9838
Job_20:9.............him/shall see him no/more 3722/9838
Job_20:9.........neither/shall his place any/more 3723/9838
Job_20:10.......children/shall seek to please/the 3724/9838
Job_20:10..........hands/shall restore their/goods 3725/9838
Job_20:11..........which/shall lie down with him/in 3726/9838
Job_20:15.............he/shall vomit/them.... 3727/9838
Job_20:15............God/shall cast them out/of 3728/9838
Job_20:16.............He/shall suck the/poison 3729/9838
Job_20:16.........tongue/shall slay him He/shall 3730/9838
Job_20:17.............He/shall not see the rivers/the 3731/9838
Job_20:18............for/shall he restore/and 3732/9838
Job_20:18............and/shall not swallow/it 3733/9838
Job_20:18......substance/shall the restitution/be 3734/9838
Job_20:18.............he/shall not rejoice therein/Because 3735/9838
Job_20:20.............he/shall not feel/quietness 3736/9838
Job_20:20.............he/shall not save of/that 3737/9838
Job_20:21..........There/shall none of his/meat 3738/9838
Job_20:21......therefore/shall no man look/for 3739/9838
Job_20:22.............he/shall be in straits/every 3740/9838
Job_20:22.........wicked/shall come upon him When/he 3741/9838
Job_20:23............God/shall cast the/fury. 3742/9838
Job_20:23............and/shall rain it/upon.. 3743/9838
Job_20:24.............He/shall flee from the iron/weapon 3744/9838
Job_20:24..........steel/shall strike him/through 3745/9838
Job_20:26.......darkness/shall be hid in his/secret 3746/9838
Job_20:26..........blown/shall consume him/it 3747/9838 go ill/with... 3748/9838
Job_20:27.........heaven/shall reveal his/iniquity 3749/9838 rise up against him/The 3750/9838 depart and his/goods 3751/9838
Job_20:28..........goods/shall flow away/in.. 3752/9838
Job_21:19.............he/shall know it His/eyes 3753/9838
Job_21:20...........eyes/shall see his destruction/and 3754/9838
Job_21:20.............he/shall drink of the wrath/of 3755/9838
Job_21:22..........midst/Shall any teach/God. 3756/9838
Job_21:26...........They/shall lie down alike/in 3757/9838
Job_21:26..........worms/shall cover them Behold/I 3758/9838
Job_21:30...........they/shall be brought forth to the day/of 3759/9838
Job_21:31............Who/shall declare his way/to 3760/9838
Job_21:31............who/shall repay/him..... 3761/9838
Job_21:32............Yet/shall he be brought/to 3762/9838
Job_21:32............and/shall remain in the tomb/The 3763/9838
Job_21:33.........valley/shall be sweet unto/him 3764/9838 draw after/him 3765/9838
Job_22:21...........good/shall come unto thee Receive/I 3766/9838
Job_22:25.......Almighty/shall be thy defence/and 3767/9838
Job_22:27.............he/shall hear thee and/thou 3768/9838 be established unto/thee 3769/9838
Job_22:28..........light/shall shine upon/thy 3770/9838
Job_22:29.............he/shall save the humble/person 3771/9838
Job_22:30.............He/shall deliver the island/of 3772/9838
Job_23:10..............I/shall come forth as/gold 3773/9838
Job_24:15............eye/shall see me and disguiseth/his 3774/9838
Job_24:20...........womb/shall forget/him.... 3775/9838
Job_24:20...........worm/shall feed sweetly/on 3776/9838
Job_24:20.............he/shall be no more remembered/and 3777/9838
Job_24:20.....wickedness/shall be broken as/a 3778/9838
Job_27:4............lips/shall not speak wickedness/nor 3779/9838
Job_27:6...........heart/shall not reproach/me 3780/9838
Job_27:13...........they/shall receive of the/Almighty 3781/9838
Job_27:14......offspring/shall not be satisfied with bread/Those 3782/9838
Job_27:15............him/shall be buried in/death 3783/9838
Job_27:15.........widows/shall not weep/Though 3784/9838
Job_27:17...........just/shall put it on/and. 3785/9838
Job_27:17.......innocent/shall divide the silver/He 3786/9838 lie down but/he 3787/9838
Job_27:19.............he/shall not be gathered he/openeth 3788/9838
Job_27:22............God/shall cast upon/him. 3789/9838
Job_27:23............Men/shall clap their hands at/him 3790/9838
Job_27:23............and/shall hiss him/out.. 3791/9838
Job_28:12..........where/shall wisdom/be..... 3792/9838
Job_28:15........neither/shall silver/be..... 3793/9838 not be for jewels/of 3794/9838
Job_28:18........mention/shall be made of coral/or 3795/9838
Job_28:19.......Ethiopia/shall not equal/it.. 3796/9838
Job_28:19........neither/shall it be valued/with 3797/9838
Job_29:18..............I/shall die in my/nest 3798/9838
Job_29:18..............I/shall multiply/my... 3799/9838
Job_31:14...........then/shall I do when/God. 3800/9838
Job_31:14...........what/shall I answer him Did/not 3801/9838
Job_33:3...........words/shall be of the uprightness/of 3802/9838
Job_33:3............lips/shall utter knowledge/clearly 3803/9838
Job_33:7..........terror/shall not make thee/afraid 3804/9838
Job_33:7.........neither/shall my hand/be.... 3805/9838
Job_33:25..........flesh/shall be fresher/than 3806/9838
Job_33:25.............he/shall return to the days/of 3807/9838
Job_33:26.............He/shall pray unto God/and 3808/9838
Job_33:26.............he/shall see his face with/joy 3809/9838 see the light/Lo 3810/9838
Job_33:33..............I/shall teach thee wisdom/Furthermore 3811/9838 he render/unto 3812/9838
Job_34:15..........flesh/shall perish together/and 3813/9838 turn again unto/dust 3814/9838
Job_34:17..........words/Shall even he/that.. 3815/9838
Job_34:20.........moment/shall they die/and.. 3816/9838
Job_34:20.........people/shall be troubled at midnight/and 3817/9838
Job_34:20.........mighty/shall be taken away without/hand 3818/9838
Job_34:24.............He/shall break in pieces mighty/men 3819/9838
Job_35:3..........profit/shall I have if/I... 3820/9838
Job_36:4...........words/shall not be false/he 3821/9838
Job_36:11...........they/shall spend/their... 3822/9838
Job_36:12...........they/shall perish by/the. 3823/9838
Job_36:12...........they/shall die without knowledge/But 3824/9838
Job_37:19.............we/shall say unto him for/we 3825/9838
Job_37:20.......darkness/Shall it be told/him 3826/9838
Job_37:20.............he/shall be swallowed/up 3827/9838 thy proud/waves 3828/9838
Job_38:15............arm/shall be broken Hast/thou 3829/9838
Job_40:2............said/Shall he that contendeth/with 3830/9838
Job_40:4............what/shall I answer thee/I 3831/9838
Job_41:6.........maidens/Shall the companions/make 3832/9838
Job_41:6.............him/shall they part/him. 3833/9838
Job_41:9............vain/shall not one be/cast 3834/9838
Job_42:8.............Job/shall pray for you/for 3835/9838
Psa_1:3...............he/shall be like a tree/planted 3836/9838
Psa_1:3.............also/shall not wither/and 3837/9838
Psa_1:3............doeth/shall prosper The/ungodly 3838/9838
Psa_1:5..........ungodly/shall not stand in the/judgment 3839/9838
Psa_1:6..........ungodly/shall perish Why/do. 3840/9838
Psa_2:4..........heavens/shall laugh the/LORD 3841/9838
Psa_2:4.............LORD/shall have them in/derision 3842/9838
Psa_2:5.............Then/shall he speak unto/them 3843/9838
Psa_2:8................I/shall give thee the heathen/for 3844/9838
Psa_5:4..........neither/shall evil dwell/with 3845/9838
Psa_5:5..........foolish/shall not stand in thy/sight 3846/9838
Psa_6:5..............who/shall give thee thanks/I 3847/9838
Psa_7:7...............So/shall the congregation/of 3848/9838
Psa_7:8.............LORD/shall judge the people judge/me 3849/9838
Psa_7:16........mischief/shall return upon his/own 3850/9838
Psa_7:16.........dealing/shall come down upon his/own 3851/9838
Psa_9:3.............they/shall fall and perish/at 3852/9838
Psa_9:7.............LORD/shall endure for ever he/hath 3853/9838
Psa_9:8...............he/shall judge the world in/righteousness 3854/9838
Psa_9:8...............he/shall minister judgment/to 3855/9838
Psa_9:17..........wicked/shall be turned into hell/and 3856/9838
Psa_9:18...........needy/shall not alway/be.. 3857/9838
Psa_9:18............poor/shall not perish for/ever 3858/9838
Psa_10:6...............I/shall not be moved for I/shall 3859/9838
Psa_10:6...............I/shall never be in/adversity 3860/9838
Psa_11:6..............he/shall rain snares/fire 3861/9838
Psa_11:6............this/shall be the portion/of 3862/9838
Psa_12:3............LORD/shall cut off all/flattering 3863/9838
Psa_13:2............long/shall I take counsel/in 3864/9838
Psa_13:2............long/shall mine enemy/be. 3865/9838
Psa_13:5...........heart/shall rejoice in thy salvation/I 3866/9838
Psa_14:7...........Jacob/shall rejoice and Israel shall be glad Lord/who 3867/9838
Psa_14:7..........Israel/shall be glad Lord/who 3868/9838
Psa_15:1.............who/shall abide in thy/tabernacle 3869/9838
Psa_15:1.............who/shall dwell in thy holy/hill 3870/9838
Psa_15:5..........things/shall never be moved Preserve/me 3871/9838
Psa_16:4.........sorrows/shall be multiplied that/hasten 3872/9838
Psa_16:8...............I/shall not be moved Therefore/my 3873/9838
Psa_16:9............also/shall rest in hope For/thou 3874/9838
Psa_17:3...........mouth/shall not transgress/Concerning 3875/9838
Psa_17:15..............I/shall be satisfied when/I 3876/9838 I be saved from mine enemies The/sorrows 3877/9838
Psa_18:43..........known/shall serve me As/soon 3878/9838
Psa_18:44...........they/shall obey me/the... 3879/9838
Psa_18:44......strangers/shall submit themselves unto me The/strangers 3880/9838
Psa_18:45......strangers/shall fade away and be/afraid 3881/9838
Psa_19:13...........then/shall I be upright/and 3882/9838
Psa_19:13..............I/shall be innocent/from 3883/9838
Psa_21:1............king/shall joy/in........ 3884/9838
Psa_21:1.........greatly/shall he rejoice/Thou 3885/9838
Psa_21:7..............he/shall not be moved Thine/hand 3886/9838
Psa_21:8............hand/shall find out all/thine 3887/9838
Psa_21:8............hand/shall find out those/that 3888/9838
Psa_21:9............LORD/shall swallow them/up 3889/9838 devour them Their/fruit 3890/9838
Psa_22:25.........praise/shall be of thee in/the 3891/9838
Psa_22:26...........meek/shall eat and be satisfied they/shall 3892/9838
Psa_22:26...........they/shall praise the LORD that/seek 3893/9838
Psa_22:26..........heart/shall live for ever All/the 3894/9838 remember and/turn 3895/9838
Psa_22:27........nations/shall worship before thee/For 3896/9838 eat and worship/all 3897/9838
Psa_22:29...........dust/shall bow before him and none/can 3898/9838
Psa_22:30...........seed/shall serve him it/shall 3899/9838 be accounted to/the 3900/9838
Psa_22:31...........They/shall come and shall declare/his 3901/9838
Psa_22:31............and/shall declare his righteousness unto/a 3902/9838
Psa_22:31...........that/shall be born that/he 3903/9838
Psa_23:1...............I/shall not want He/maketh 3904/9838
Psa_23:6...........mercy/shall follow me/all. 3905/9838
Psa_24:3.............Who/shall ascend into the/hill 3906/9838
Psa_24:3.............who/shall stand in his/holy 3907/9838
Psa_24:5..............He/shall receive the blessing/from 3908/9838
Psa_24:7...........glory/shall come in Who is this King of glory The LORD strong/and 3909/9838
Psa_24:9...........glory/shall come in Who is this King of glory The LORD of/hosts 3910/9838
Psa_25:12............him/shall he teach in/the 3911/9838
Psa_25:12.............he/shall choose His/soul 3912/9838
Psa_25:13...........soul/shall dwell at ease/and 3913/9838
Psa_25:13...........seed/shall inherit the earth The/secret 3914/9838
Psa_25:15.............he/shall pluck my/feet. 3915/9838
Psa_26:1...............I/shall not slide/Examine 3916/9838
Psa_27:1............whom/shall I fear/the.... 3917/9838
Psa_27:1............whom/shall I be afraid/When 3918/9838
Psa_27:3...........heart/shall not fear though/war 3919/9838
Psa_27:5..............he/shall hide me/in.... 3920/9838
Psa_27:5......tabernacle/shall he hide/me.... 3921/9838
Psa_27:5..............he/shall set me up/upon 3922/9838 mine head/be.. 3923/9838
Psa_27:14.............he/shall strengthen thine/heart 3924/9838
Psa_28:5..............he/shall destroy them and not/build 3925/9838
Psa_30:6...............I/shall never be moved LORD/by 3926/9838
Psa_30:9.............pit/Shall the dust praise/thee 3927/9838
Psa_30:9............thee/shall it declare/thy 3928/9838
Psa_31:24.............he/shall strengthen your/heart 3929/9838
Psa_32:6............this/shall every one that/is 3930/9838
Psa_32:6............they/shall not come nigh unto him/Thou 3931/9838
Psa_32:10........sorrows/shall be to the wicked/but 3932/9838
Psa_32:10..........mercy/shall compass him/about 3933/9838
Psa_33:17........neither/shall he deliver any/by 3934/9838
Psa_33:21..........heart/shall rejoice in him/because 3935/9838
Psa_34:1..........praise/shall continually/be 3936/9838
Psa_34:2............soul/shall make her boast/in 3937/9838
Psa_34:2..........humble/shall hear thereof/and 3938/9838
Psa_34:10...........LORD/shall not want any/good 3939/9838
Psa_34:21...........Evil/shall slay the wicked/and 3940/9838
Psa_34:21......righteous/shall be desolate The/LORD 3941/9838
Psa_34:22............him/shall be desolate Plead/my 3942/9838
Psa_35:9............soul/shall be joyful in the/LORD 3943/9838 rejoice in his salvation/All 3944/9838
Psa_35:10..........bones/shall say LORD/who.. 3945/9838
Psa_35:28.........tongue/shall speak of thy righteousness/and 3946/9838
Psa_36:8............They/shall be abundantly/satisfied 3947/9838
Psa_36:9...........light/shall we see light/O 3948/9838
Psa_36:12............and/shall not be able to rise/Fret 3949/9838
Psa_37:2............they/shall soon be/cut... 3950/9838
Psa_37:4..............he/shall give thee the desires/of 3951/9838
Psa_37:5..............he/shall bring it to pass/And 3952/9838
Psa_37:6..............he/shall bring forth thy/righteousness 3953/9838
Psa_37:9.......evildoers/shall be cut off but those/that 3954/9838
Psa_37:9............they/shall inherit the earth For/yet 3955/9838
Psa_37:10.........wicked/shall not be yea/thou 3956/9838 not be But/the 3957/9838
Psa_37:11...........meek/shall inherit the earth and shall/delight 3958/9838
Psa_37:11............and/shall delight/themselves 3959/9838
Psa_37:13...........LORD/shall laugh at him for/he 3960/9838
Psa_37:15..........sword/shall enter into their/own 3961/9838
Psa_37:15...........bows/shall be broken A/little 3962/9838
Psa_37:17.........wicked/shall be broken but the/LORD 3963/9838
Psa_37:18....inheritance/shall be for ever They/shall 3964/9838
Psa_37:19...........They/shall not be ashamed in/the 3965/9838
Psa_37:19...........they/shall be satisfied But/the 3966/9838
Psa_37:20.........wicked/shall perish and the enemies/of 3967/9838
Psa_37:20...........LORD/shall be as the fat/of 3968/9838
Psa_37:20...........they/shall consume into/smoke 3969/9838
Psa_37:20..........smoke/shall they consume/away 3970/9838
Psa_37:22............him/shall inherit the earth and they/that 3971/9838
Psa_37:22............him/shall be cut off The steps/of 3972/9838
Psa_37:24.............he/shall not be utterly/cast 3973/9838
Psa_37:28.........wicked/shall be cut off The righteous/shall 3974/9838
Psa_37:29......righteous/shall inherit the land and/dwell 3975/9838
Psa_37:31..........steps/shall slide The/wicked 3976/9838
Psa_37:34.............he/shall exalt thee/to. 3977/9838
Psa_37:38..transgressors/shall be destroyed together/the 3978/9838
Psa_37:38.........wicked/shall be cut off But the/salvation 3979/9838
Psa_37:40...........LORD/shall help them/and. 3980/9838
Psa_37:40.............he/shall deliver them from/the 3981/9838
Psa_39:6.............who/shall gather them And/now 3982/9838
Psa_40:3............many/shall see it and fear and/shall 3983/9838
Psa_40:3.............and/shall trust in the LORD/Blessed 3984/9838
Psa_41:2..............he/shall be blessed upon/the 3985/9838
Psa_41:5............When/shall he die and/his 3986/9838
Psa_41:8..............he/shall rise up no/more 3987/9838
Psa_42:2............when/shall I come and/appear 3988/9838
Psa_42:5...............I/shall yet praise him for/the 3989/9838 be with me/and 3990/9838
Psa_42:11..............I/shall yet praise him who is the health of my countenance and my God Judge/me 3991/9838
Psa_43:5...............I/shall yet praise him who is the health of my countenance and my God We/have 3992/9838
Psa_44:6.........neither/shall my sword save/me 3993/9838
Psa_44:21............god/Shall not God search/this 3994/9838
Psa_45:4............hand/shall teach thee terrible/things 3995/9838
Psa_45:11.............So/shall the king greatly/desire 3996/9838
Psa_45:12...........Tyre/shall be there with/a 3997/9838
Psa_45:12.........people/shall intreat thy/favour 3998/9838
Psa_45:14............She/shall be brought unto the king/in 3999/9838
Psa_45:14............her/shall be brought unto thee/With 4000/9838
Psa_45:15......rejoicing/shall they be brought/they 4001/9838
Psa_45:15...........they/shall enter into the king's/palace 4002/9838
Psa_45:16........fathers/shall be thy children/whom 4003/9838
Psa_45:17......therefore/shall the people praise/thee 4004/9838
Psa_46:4.........whereof/shall make glad/the. 4005/9838
Psa_46:5.............she/shall not be moved God/shall 4006/9838
Psa_46:5.............God/shall help her/and.. 4007/9838
Psa_47:3..............He/shall subdue the/people 4008/9838
Psa_47:4..............He/shall choose our/inheritance 4009/9838
Psa_49:3...........mouth/shall speak of wisdom/and 4010/9838
Psa_49:3...........heart/shall be of understanding/I 4011/9838
Psa_49:5...........heels/shall compass me about They/that 4012/9838
Psa_49:11.........houses/shall continue for/ever 4013/9838
Psa_49:14..........death/shall feed on them/and 4014/9838
Psa_49:14........upright/shall have dominion over/them 4015/9838 consume in/the 4016/9838
Psa_49:15.............he/shall receive me Selah/Be 4017/9838
Psa_49:17.............he/shall carry nothing/away 4018/9838
Psa_49:17..........glory/shall not descend/after 4019/9838
Psa_49:19.............He/shall go to the generation/of 4020/9838
Psa_49:19...........they/shall never see light/Man 4021/9838
Psa_50:3.............God/shall come and shall not/keep 4022/9838
Psa_50:3.............and/shall not keep/silence 4023/9838 devour before/him 4024/9838 be very tempestuous/round 4025/9838
Psa_50:4..............He/shall call to/the... 4026/9838
Psa_50:6.........heavens/shall declare his righteousness for/God 4027/9838
Psa_51:7...............I/shall be clean wash/me 4028/9838
Psa_51:7...............I/shall be whiter/than 4029/9838
Psa_51:13........sinners/shall be converted unto thee Deliver/me 4030/9838
Psa_51:14.........tongue/shall sing aloud/of. 4031/9838
Psa_51:15..........mouth/shall shew forth thy praise/For 4032/9838
Psa_51:19...........then/shall they offer/bullocks 4033/9838
Psa_52:5.............God/shall likewise/destroy 4034/9838
Psa_52:5..............he/shall take thee/away 4035/9838
Psa_52:6............also/shall see and fear/and 4036/9838
Psa_52:6.............and/shall laugh at him Lo/this 4037/9838
Psa_53:6...........Jacob/shall rejoice and Israel shall be glad Save/me 4038/9838
Psa_53:6..........Israel/shall be glad Save/me 4039/9838
Psa_54:5..............He/shall reward evil/unto 4040/9838
Psa_55:16...........LORD/shall save me Evening/and 4041/9838
Psa_55:17.............he/shall hear my voice He/hath 4042/9838
Psa_55:19............God/shall hear and afflict/them 4043/9838
Psa_55:22.............he/shall sustain/thee.. 4044/9838
Psa_55:22.............he/shall never suffer/the 4045/9838 not live out/half 4046/9838
Psa_56:7............soul/Shall they escape/by 4047/9838
Psa_56:9............then/shall mine enemies/turn 4048/9838
Psa_57:3..............He/shall send from/heaven 4049/9838
Psa_57:3.............God/shall send forth his mercy/and 4050/9838
Psa_58:9..............he/shall take them away as with/a 4051/9838
Psa_58:10......righteous/shall rejoice when he/seeth 4052/9838
Psa_58:10.............he/shall wash his feet/in 4053/9838 say Verily/there 4054/9838
Psa_59:10..........mercy/shall prevent/me.... 4055/9838
Psa_59:10............God/shall let me/see.... 4056/9838
Psa_60:12.............we/shall do valiantly for he it is that shall tread down our enemies Hear/my 4057/9838
Psa_60:12...........that/shall tread down our enemies Hear/my 4058/9838
Psa_61:7..............He/shall abide before/God 4059/9838
Psa_62:2...............I/shall not be greatly/moved 4060/9838 be slain all/of 4061/9838
Psa_62:3............wall/shall ye be and/as.. 4062/9838
Psa_62:6...............I/shall not be moved In/God 4063/9838
Psa_63:3............lips/shall praise thee Thus/will 4064/9838
Psa_63:5............soul/shall be satisfied as/with 4065/9838
Psa_63:5...........mouth/shall praise thee with/joyful 4066/9838 go into the lower/parts 4067/9838
Psa_63:10...........They/shall fall by the sword they shall be/a 4068/9838
Psa_63:10...........they/shall be a portion/for 4069/9838
Psa_63:11...........king/shall rejoice in God/every 4070/9838
Psa_63:11............him/shall glory but/the. 4071/9838
Psa_63:11...........lies/shall be stopped/Hear 4072/9838
Psa_64:5.............Who/shall see them They/search 4073/9838
Psa_64:7.............God/shall shoot at/them. 4074/9838
Psa_64:7........suddenly/shall they be wounded/So 4075/9838
Psa_64:8............they/shall make their own/tongue 4076/9838
Psa_64:8............them/shall flee away And/all 4077/9838 fear and shall/declare 4078/9838
Psa_64:9.............and/shall declare the/work 4079/9838
Psa_64:9............they/shall wisely/consider 4080/9838
Psa_64:10......righteous/shall be glad in/the 4081/9838
Psa_64:10............and/shall trust in him/and 4082/9838
Psa_64:10..........heart/shall glory Praise/waiteth 4083/9838
Psa_65:1............thee/shall the vow/be.... 4084/9838
Psa_65:2............thee/shall all flesh come Iniquities/prevail 4085/9838
Psa_65:4..............we/shall be satisfied with the goodness/of 4086/9838
Psa_66:3...........power/shall thine enemies/submit 4087/9838 worship thee/and 4088/9838
Psa_66:4.............and/shall sing unto/thee 4089/9838
Psa_66:4............they/shall sing to/thy... 4090/9838
Psa_67:6............Then/shall the earth yield/her 4091/9838
Psa_67:6.............God/shall bless us God/shall 4092/9838
Psa_67:7.............God/shall bless us and/all 4093/9838 fear him/Let.. 4094/9838
Psa_68:13............yet/shall ye be as/the.. 4095/9838
Psa_68:21............God/shall wound the head/of 4096/9838
Psa_68:29......Jerusalem/shall kings/bring... 4097/9838
Psa_68:31........Princes/shall come out of Egypt/Ethiopia 4098/9838
Psa_68:31.......Ethiopia/shall soon stretch/out 4099/9838
Psa_69:31...........also/shall please/the.... 4100/9838
Psa_69:32.........humble/shall see this and/be 4101/9838
Psa_69:32..........heart/shall live that/seek 4102/9838
Psa_69:36.......servants/shall inherit it and they/that 4103/9838 dwell therein MAKE/HASTE 4104/9838
Psa_71:6..........praise/shall be continually/of 4105/9838
Psa_71:15..........mouth/shall shew forth thy righteousness/and 4106/9838
Psa_71:23...........lips/shall greatly rejoice when/I 4107/9838
Psa_71:24...........also/shall talk of/thy... 4108/9838
Psa_72:2..............He/shall judge thy/people 4109/9838
Psa_72:3.......mountains/shall bring peace/to 4110/9838
Psa_72:4..............He/shall judge the poor/of 4111/9838
Psa_72:4..............he/shall save the children/of 4112/9838
Psa_72:4.............and/shall break in pieces the/oppressor 4113/9838
Psa_72:5............They/shall fear thee as/long 4114/9838
Psa_72:6..............He/shall come down like/rain 4115/9838
Psa_72:7............days/shall the righteous flourish/and 4116/9838
Psa_72:8..............He/shall have dominion also/from 4117/9838
Psa_72:9......wilderness/shall bow before him and his/enemies 4118/9838
Psa_72:9.........enemies/shall lick the dust The/kings 4119/9838
Psa_72:10..........isles/shall bring presents/the 4120/9838
Psa_72:10...........Seba/shall offer gifts/Yea 4121/9838
Psa_72:11..........kings/shall fall down before/him 4122/9838
Psa_72:11........nations/shall serve him For he/shall 4123/9838
Psa_72:12.............he/shall deliver the needy/when 4124/9838
Psa_72:13.............He/shall spare the/poor 4125/9838
Psa_72:13............and/shall save the souls/of 4126/9838
Psa_72:14.............He/shall redeem their/soul 4127/9838
Psa_72:14.......precious/shall their blood/be 4128/9838
Psa_72:15.............he/shall live and to/him 4129/9838
Psa_72:15............him/shall be given of/the 4130/9838
Psa_72:15...........also/shall be made for him continually/and 4131/9838
Psa_72:15..........daily/shall he be praised/There 4132/9838
Psa_72:16..........There/shall be an handful/of 4133/9838
Psa_72:16........thereof/shall shake like/Lebanon 4134/9838 flourish like grass/of 4135/9838 endure for ever his/name 4136/9838 be continued/as 4137/9838 be blessed in him all/nations 4138/9838
Psa_72:17........nations/shall call him blessed/Blessed 4139/9838
Psa_73:27...........thee/shall perish thou hast/destroyed 4140/9838
Psa_74:10...........long/shall the adversary/reproach 4141/9838
Psa_74:10.......reproach/shall the enemy/blaspheme 4142/9838
Psa_75:2...............I/shall receive the congregation/I 4143/9838 wring/them.... 4144/9838
Psa_75:10......righteous/shall be exalted In Judah/is 4145/9838 praise thee the/remainder 4146/9838
Psa_76:12.............He/shall cut off the spirit/of 4147/9838
Psa_79:5............ever/shall thy jealousy/burn 4148/9838
Psa_80:3..............we/shall be saved O/LORD 4149/9838
Psa_80:7..............we/shall be saved Thou/hast 4150/9838
Psa_80:19.............we/shall be saved Sing/aloud 4151/9838
Psa_81:9...........There/shall no strange/god 4152/9838 die like/men.. 4153/9838
Psa_85:11..........Truth/shall spring out/of. 4154/9838
Psa_85:11..righteousness/shall look down/from 4155/9838
Psa_85:12...........LORD/shall give that/which 4156/9838 yield her increase Righteousness/shall 4157/9838
Psa_85:13..Righteousness/shall go before him and/shall 4158/9838
Psa_85:13............and/shall set us/in..... 4159/9838
Psa_86:9............made/shall come and worship before thee O/Lord 4160/9838
Psa_86:9.............and/shall glorify thy/name 4161/9838 be said This/and 4162/9838
Psa_87:5.........himself/shall establish her/The 4163/9838
Psa_87:6............LORD/shall count when/he. 4164/9838
Psa_87:7.....instruments/shall be there all/my 4165/9838
Psa_88:10...........dead/shall the dead/arise 4166/9838
Psa_88:11..........Selah/Shall thy lovingkindness/be 4167/9838
Psa_88:12....destruction/Shall thy wonders/be 4168/9838
Psa_88:13........morning/shall my prayer/prevent 4169/9838
Psa_89:2...........Mercy/shall be built up/for 4170/9838
Psa_89:5.........heavens/shall praise thy wonders/O 4171/9838
Psa_89:12.........Hermon/shall rejoice in thy name/Thou 4172/9838
Psa_89:14..........truth/shall go before thy/face 4173/9838
Psa_89:15...........they/shall walk O/LORD... 4174/9838 they rejoice/all 4175/9838
Psa_89:16..righteousness/shall they be exalted/For 4176/9838
Psa_89:17...........horn/shall be exalted For/the 4177/9838
Psa_89:21...........hand/shall be established mine/arm 4178/9838
Psa_89:21...........also/shall strengthen him/The 4179/9838
Psa_89:22..........enemy/shall not exact upon/him 4180/9838
Psa_89:24..........mercy/shall be with him and in/my 4181/9838 his horn/be... 4182/9838
Psa_89:26.............He/shall cry unto me Thou/art 4183/9838
Psa_89:28.......covenant/shall stand fast/with 4184/9838
Psa_89:36...........seed/shall endure for ever and his/throne 4185/9838
Psa_89:37.............It/shall be established for ever as/the 4186/9838
Psa_89:46...........ever/shall thy wrath/burn 4187/9838
Psa_89:48............and/shall not see death/shall 4188/9838
Psa_89:48..........death/shall he deliver his/soul 4189/9838
Psa_91:1............High/shall abide under/the 4190/9838
Psa_91:3..............he/shall deliver thee from/the 4191/9838
Psa_91:4..............He/shall cover thee with/his 4192/9838
Psa_91:4...........truth/shall be thy shield/and 4193/9838
Psa_91:7........thousand/shall fall at thy/side 4194/9838 not come nigh thee/Only 4195/9838
Psa_91:10..........There/shall no evil befall/thee 4196/9838
Psa_91:10........neither/shall any plague/come 4197/9838
Psa_91:11.............he/shall give his angels charge over thee to keep thee in/all 4198/9838
Psa_91:12...........They/shall bear thee up in/their 4199/9838
Psa_91:15.............He/shall call upon me/and 4200/9838
Psa_92:7............they/shall be destroyed for/ever 4201/9838
Psa_92:9.........enemies/shall perish all/the 4202/9838
Psa_92:9........iniquity/shall be scattered But my/horn 4203/9838
Psa_92:10..............I/shall be anointed/with 4204/9838
Psa_92:11...........also/shall see my desire/on 4205/9838
Psa_92:11...........ears/shall hear my desire/of 4206/9838
Psa_92:12......righteous/shall flourish like the/palm 4207/9838
Psa_92:12.............he/shall grow like/a... 4208/9838
Psa_92:13...........LORD/shall flourish in/the 4209/9838
Psa_92:14...........They/shall still bring/forth 4210/9838
Psa_92:14...........they/shall be fat and flourishing/To 4211/9838
Psa_94:3............long/shall the wicked how/long 4212/9838
Psa_94:3............long/shall the wicked triumph/How 4213/9838
Psa_94:4............long/shall they utter/and 4214/9838
Psa_94:7............LORD/shall not see neither/shall 4215/9838
Psa_94:7.........neither/shall the God of Jacob/regard 4216/9838
Psa_94:9.............ear/shall he not hear/he 4217/9838
Psa_94:9.............eye/shall he not see He/that 4218/9838
Psa_94:10........heathen/shall not he correct/he 4219/9838
Psa_94:10......knowledge/shall not he know/The 4220/9838
Psa_94:15.......judgment/shall return unto righteousness/and 4221/9838
Psa_94:15..........heart/shall follow it/Who. 4222/9838
Psa_94:20...........soul/Shall the throne of/iniquity 4223/9838
Psa_94:23.............he/shall bring upon them/their 4224/9838
Psa_94:23............and/shall cut them off in/their 4225/9838
Psa_94:23............God/shall cut them off O/come 4226/9838
Psa_96:10...........also/shall be established that/it 4227/9838 not be moved he/shall 4228/9838
Psa_96:10.............he/shall judge the people righteously/Let 4229/9838
Psa_96:12...........then/shall all the trees/of 4230/9838
Psa_96:13.............he/shall judge the world with/righteousness 4231/9838
Psa_98:9...righteousness/shall he judge the world/and 4232/9838 not cleave to/me 4233/9838
Psa_101:4..........heart/shall depart from me/I 4234/9838
Psa_101:6...........eyes/shall be upon the faithful/of 4235/9838
Psa_101:6.............he/shall serve me He/that 4236/9838
Psa_101:7.........deceit/shall not dwell within/my 4237/9838
Psa_101:7...........lies/shall not tarry in/my 4238/9838
Psa_102:12..........LORD/shall endure for ever and thy/remembrance 4239/9838
Psa_102:15.......heathen/shall fear the name/of 4240/9838
Psa_102:16..........LORD/shall build up Zion/he 4241/9838
Psa_102:16............he/shall appear in/his. 4242/9838
Psa_102:18..........This/shall be written for/the 4243/9838
Psa_102:18.........which/shall be created/shall 4244/9838
Psa_102:18.......created/shall praise the LORD For/he 4245/9838
Psa_102:26..........They/shall perish but thou shalt/endure 4246/9838
Psa_102:26..........them/shall wax old like a garment as/a 4247/9838
Psa_102:26..........they/shall be changed But thou art the same and thy years shall have/no 4248/9838
Psa_102:27.........years/shall have no end/The 4249/9838
Psa_102:28......servants/shall continue and/their 4250/9838
Psa_102:28..........seed/shall be established before thee/Bless 4251/9838
Psa_103:16.......thereof/shall know it no/more 4252/9838
Psa_104:12..........them/shall the fowls of the heaven/have 4253/9838
Psa_104:31..........LORD/shall endure for ever the/LORD 4254/9838
Psa_104:31..........LORD/shall rejoice in his works/He 4255/9838
Psa_104:34...........him/shall be sweet I/will 4256/9838
Psa_107:42.....righteous/shall see it and rejoice/and 4257/9838
Psa_107:42......iniquity/shall stop her/mouth 4258/9838
Psa_107:43..........they/shall understand the/lovingkindness 4259/9838
Psa_108:13............we/shall do valiantly for he it is that shall tread down our enemies Hold/not 4260/9838
Psa_108:13..........that/shall tread down our enemies Hold/not 4261/9838
Psa_109:7.............he/shall be judged let/him 4262/9838
Psa_109:31............he/shall stand at the right/hand 4263/9838
Psa_110:2...........LORD/shall send the/rod.. 4264/9838
Psa_110:3.........people/shall be willing/in. 4265/9838
Psa_110:5...........hand/shall strike through/kings 4266/9838
Psa_110:6.............He/shall judge among the heathen/he 4267/9838
Psa_110:6.............he/shall fill the places/with 4268/9838
Psa_110:6.............he/shall wound the heads/over 4269/9838
Psa_110:7.............He/shall drink of the brook/in 4270/9838
Psa_110:7......therefore/shall he lift up/the 4271/9838
Psa_112:2...........seed/shall be mighty upon/earth 4272/9838
Psa_112:2........upright/shall be blessed Wealth/and 4273/9838
Psa_112:3.........riches/shall be in his/house 4274/9838
Psa_112:6.............he/shall not be moved for ever/the 4275/9838
Psa_112:6......righteous/shall be in everlasting/remembrance 4276/9838
Psa_112:7.............He/shall not be afraid of evil/tidings 4277/9838
Psa_112:8.............he/shall not be afraid until/he 4278/9838
Psa_112:9...........horn/shall be exalted with/honour 4279/9838
Psa_112:10........wicked/shall see it and be grieved/he 4280/9838
Psa_112:10............he/shall gnash/with.... 4281/9838
Psa_112:10........wicked/shall perish Praise/ye 4282/9838
Psa_115:14..........LORD/shall increase you/more 4283/9838
Psa_116:12..........What/shall I render/unto. 4284/9838
Psa_118:7......therefore/shall I see my/desire 4285/9838
Psa_118:17.............I/shall not die but live/and 4286/9838
Psa_118:20.....righteous/shall enter I/will.. 4287/9838
Psa_119:6...........Then/shall I not be ashamed/when 4288/9838
Psa_119:7..............I/shall have learned/thy 4289/9838
Psa_119:9....Wherewithal/shall a young/man... 4290/9838 I talk/of..... 4291/9838
Psa_119:33.............I/shall keep it unto the/end 4292/9838
Psa_119:34.............I/shall keep thy law/yea 4293/9838
Psa_119:34.............I/shall observe it/with 4294/9838
Psa_119:42............So/shall I have wherewith/to 4295/9838
Psa_119:44............So/shall I keep thy/law 4296/9838 I keep the/testimony 4297/9838
Psa_119:117............I/shall be safe and/I. 4298/9838
Psa_119:144............I/shall live I/cried.. 4299/9838
Psa_119:146............I/shall keep thy testimonies/I 4300/9838
Psa_119:165......nothing/shall offend them/LORD 4301/9838
Psa_119:171.........lips/shall utter praise/when 4302/9838
Psa_119:172.......tongue/shall speak of thy word/for 4303/9838 praise thee and/let 4304/9838
Psa_120:3...........What/shall be given unto thee/or 4305/9838
Psa_120:3...........what/shall be done unto thee thou/false 4306/9838
Psa_121:4.........Israel/shall neither slumber/nor 4307/9838
Psa_121:6............sun/shall not smite/thee 4308/9838
Psa_121:7...........LORD/shall preserve thee from/all 4309/9838
Psa_121:7.............he/shall preserve thy soul/The 4310/9838
Psa_121:8...........LORD/shall preserve thy going/out 4311/9838
Psa_122:2...........feet/shall stand within/thy 4312/9838
Psa_122:6...........they/shall prosper that/love 4313/9838
Psa_125:1...........LORD/shall be as mount/Zion 4314/9838
Psa_125:3.........wicked/shall not rest/upon. 4315/9838
Psa_125:5...........LORD/shall lead them forth/with 4316/9838
Psa_125:5..........peace/shall be upon Israel/When 4317/9838
Psa_126:5..........tears/shall reap in/joy... 4318/9838
Psa_126:6...........seed/shall doubtless/come 4319/9838
Psa_127:5...........they/shall not be ashamed but/they 4320/9838
Psa_127:5...........they/shall speak with the/enemies 4321/9838 be well with thee Thy/wife 4322/9838
Psa_128:3...........wife/shall be as a fruitful/vine 4323/9838
Psa_128:4...........thus/shall the man be blessed/that 4324/9838
Psa_128:5...........LORD/shall bless thee out/of 4325/9838
Psa_130:3............who/shall stand But there/is 4326/9838
Psa_130:8.............he/shall redeem Israel/from 4327/9838
Psa_132:12.............I/shall teach them their/children 4328/9838
Psa_132:12......children/shall also sit/upon. 4329/9838
Psa_132:16........saints/shall shout aloud/for 4330/9838
Psa_132:18.......himself/shall his crown/flourish 4331/9838
Psa_137:4............How/shall we sing/the... 4332/9838
Psa_137:8..........happy/shall he be that rewardeth/thee 4333/9838
Psa_137:9..........Happy/shall he be that taketh/and 4334/9838 praise thee O LORD when/they 4335/9838
Psa_138:5...........they/shall sing in the ways/of 4336/9838
Psa_138:7...........hand/shall save me The/LORD 4337/9838
Psa_139:7........Whither/shall I go from/thy. 4338/9838
Psa_139:7........whither/shall I flee/from... 4339/9838
Psa_139:10.........there/shall thy hand/lead. 4340/9838
Psa_139:10..........hand/shall hold me/If.... 4341/9838
Psa_139:11......darkness/shall cover me/even. 4342/9838
Psa_139:11.........night/shall be light about/me 4343/9838
Psa_140:11..........evil/shall hunt the/violent 4344/9838
Psa_140:13.....righteous/shall give thanks/unto 4345/9838
Psa_140:13.......upright/shall dwell in thy presence/Lord 4346/9838 be a kindness/and 4347/9838 be an excellent/oil 4348/9838
Psa_141:5..........which/shall not break my/head 4349/9838
Psa_141:5...........also/shall be in their calamities/When 4350/9838
Psa_141:6...........they/shall hear my words/for 4351/9838
Psa_142:7......righteous/shall compass me about for/thou 4352/9838
Psa_143:2..........sight/shall no man living/be 4353/9838
Psa_144:5...........they/shall smoke Cast/forth 4354/9838
Psa_145:4.....generation/shall praise thy works/to 4355/9838
Psa_145:4............and/shall declare thy/mighty 4356/9838 speak of the might/of 4357/9838
Psa_145:7...........They/shall abundantly/utter 4358/9838
Psa_145:7............and/shall sing of/thy... 4359/9838 praise thee O LORD and/thy 4360/9838
Psa_145:10........saints/shall bless thee They/shall 4361/9838
Psa_145:11..........They/shall speak of the glory/of 4362/9838
Psa_145:21.........mouth/shall speak the/praise 4363/9838
Psa_146:10..........LORD/shall reign for ever even/thy 4364/9838
Psa_148:6..........which/shall not pass Praise/the 4365/9838
Pro_1:5....understanding/shall attain unto wise/counsels 4366/9838
Pro_1:9.............they/shall be an ornament/of 4367/9838
Pro_1:13..............We/shall find all/precious 4368/9838
Pro_1:13..............we/shall fill our/houses 4369/9838
Pro_1:28............Then/shall they call upon/me 4370/9838
Pro_1:28............they/shall seek me early/but 4371/9838
Pro_1:28............they/shall not find me For/that 4372/9838
Pro_1:31.......Therefore/shall they eat/of... 4373/9838
Pro_1:32..........simple/shall slay them and the/prosperity 4374/9838
Pro_1:32...........fools/shall destroy them But/whoso 4375/9838 dwell safely and shall/be 4376/9838
Pro_1:33.............and/shall be quiet/from. 4377/9838
Pro_2:11......Discretion/shall preserve thee understanding/shall 4378/9838
Pro_2:11...understanding/shall keep thee To/deliver 4379/9838
Pro_2:21.........upright/shall dwell in the land and/the 4380/9838
Pro_2:21.........perfect/shall remain in it But/the 4381/9838
Pro_2:22..........wicked/shall be cut off from the earth/and 4382/9838
Pro_2:22...transgressors/shall be rooted out of it/My 4383/9838
Pro_3:2............peace/shall they add/to... 4384/9838
Pro_3:6...............he/shall direct thy/paths 4385/9838
Pro_3:8...............It/shall be health/to.. 4386/9838
Pro_3:10..............So/shall thy barns/be.. 4387/9838
Pro_3:10.........presses/shall burst/out..... 4388/9838
Pro_3:22..............So/shall they be life/unto 4389/9838
Pro_3:23............foot/shall not stumble When/thou 4390/9838
Pro_3:24...........sleep/shall be sweet Be/not 4391/9838
Pro_3:26............LORD/shall be thy confidence/and 4392/9838
Pro_3:26.............and/shall keep thy foot/from 4393/9838
Pro_3:35............wise/shall inherit glory/but 4394/9838
Pro_3:35...........shame/shall be the promotion/of 4395/9838
Pro_4:6..............she/shall preserve thee love/her 4396/9838
Pro_4:6..............she/shall keep thee Wisdom/is 4397/9838
Pro_4:8..............she/shall promote/thee.. 4398/9838
Pro_4:8..............she/shall bring thee to/honour 4399/9838
Pro_4:9..............She/shall give to thine/head 4400/9838
Pro_4:9............glory/shall she deliver/to 4401/9838 be many I/have 4402/9838
Pro_4:12...........steps/shall not be straitened/and 4403/9838
Pro_5:22......iniquities/shall take the wicked/himself 4404/9838
Pro_5:22..............he/shall be holden with/the 4405/9838
Pro_5:23..............He/shall die without instruction/and 4406/9838
Pro_5:23..............he/shall go astray/My.. 4407/9838
Pro_6:11..............So/shall thy poverty come as one that travelleth and thy want as an armed man A/naughty 4408/9838
Pro_6:15.......Therefore/shall his calamity/come 4409/9838
Pro_6:15........suddenly/shall he be broken/without 4410/9838 lead thee when/thou 4411/9838 keep thee and/when 4412/9838 talk with/thee 4413/9838
Pro_6:29.............her/shall not be innocent Men/do 4414/9838
Pro_6:31..............he/shall restore sevenfold/he 4415/9838
Pro_6:31..............he/shall give all/the.. 4416/9838
Pro_6:33.......dishonour/shall he get/and.... 4417/9838
Pro_6:33........reproach/shall not be wiped/away 4418/9838
Pro_8:6.............lips/shall be right/things 4419/9838
Pro_8:7............mouth/shall speak truth/and 4420/9838
Pro_8:17...........early/shall find me/Riches 4421/9838
Pro_8:35.............and/shall obtain favour/of 4422/9838
Pro_9:11............days/shall be multiplied and/the 4423/9838 be increased If/thou 4424/9838
Pro_10:7..........wicked/shall rot The/wise.. 4425/9838
Pro_10:8............fool/shall fall He/that.. 4426/9838
Pro_10:9............ways/shall be known He/that 4427/9838
Pro_10:10...........fool/shall fall The mouth/of 4428/9838 come upon him but/the 4429/9838
Pro_10:24......righteous/shall be granted As/the 4430/9838
Pro_10:27.........wicked/shall be shortened The/hope 4431/9838
Pro_10:28......righteous/shall be gladness/but 4432/9838
Pro_10:28.........wicked/shall perish The way/of 4433/9838
Pro_10:29....destruction/shall be to the workers of iniquity The righteous/shall 4434/9838
Pro_10:30......righteous/shall never be removed/but 4435/9838
Pro_10:30.........wicked/shall not inhabit/the 4436/9838
Pro_10:31.........tongue/shall be cut out/The 4437/9838
Pro_11:3.........upright/shall guide them/but 4438/9838
Pro_11:3...transgressors/shall destroy them Riches/profit 4439/9838
Pro_11:5.........perfect/shall direct his/way 4440/9838
Pro_11:5..........wicked/shall fall by his/own 4441/9838
Pro_11:6.........upright/shall deliver them but/transgressors 4442/9838
Pro_11:6...transgressors/shall be taken in their/own 4443/9838
Pro_11:7.....expectation/shall perish and the hope/of 4444/9838
Pro_11:9.......knowledge/shall the just/be... 4445/9838
Pro_11:15.......stranger/shall smart/for..... 4446/9838
Pro_11:18..righteousness/shall be a sure/reward 4447/9838
Pro_11:21.........wicked/shall not be unpunished but/the 4448/9838
Pro_11:21......righteous/shall be delivered As/a 4449/9838
Pro_11:25...........soul/shall be made fat and/he 4450/9838
Pro_11:25.......watereth/shall be watered/also 4451/9838
Pro_11:26.........people/shall curse/him..... 4452/9838
Pro_11:26.......blessing/shall be upon the head/of 4453/9838 come unto him/He 4454/9838
Pro_11:28.........riches/shall fall but/the.. 4455/9838
Pro_11:28......righteous/shall flourish as/a. 4456/9838 inherit the wind/and 4457/9838
Pro_11:29...........fool/shall be servant to/the 4458/9838
Pro_11:31......righteous/shall be recompensed in/the 4459/9838 not be established by/wickedness 4460/9838
Pro_12:3.......righteous/shall not be moved A/virtuous 4461/9838
Pro_12:6.........upright/shall deliver them The/wicked 4462/9838
Pro_12:7.......righteous/shall stand A/man... 4463/9838 be commended/according 4464/9838
Pro_12:8...........heart/shall be despised/He 4465/9838 be satisfied with bread/but 4466/9838
Pro_12:13...........just/shall come out of trouble/A 4467/9838 be satisfied with good/by 4468/9838
Pro_12:14..........hands/shall be rendered/unto 4469/9838
Pro_12:19..........truth/shall be established for ever but/a 4470/9838
Pro_12:21..........There/shall no evil happen/to 4471/9838
Pro_12:21.........wicked/shall be filled with mischief/Lying 4472/9838
Pro_12:24.......diligent/shall bear rule but/the 4473/9838
Pro_12:24.......slothful/shall be under tribute/Heaviness 4474/9838 eat good/by... 4475/9838
Pro_13:2...transgressors/shall eat violence/He 4476/9838
Pro_13:3............lips/shall have destruction/The 4477/9838
Pro_13:4........diligent/shall be made fat A/righteous 4478/9838
Pro_13:9..........wicked/shall be put out Only/by 4479/9838
Pro_13:11.........vanity/shall be diminished but/he 4480/9838
Pro_13:11.........labour/shall increase Hope/deferred 4481/9838
Pro_13:13...........word/shall be destroyed but/he 4482/9838
Pro_13:13....commandment/shall be rewarded The/law 4483/9838
Pro_13:18..........shame/shall be to him that refuseth/instruction 4484/9838
Pro_13:18........reproof/shall be honoured The/desire 4485/9838 be wise/but... 4486/9838
Pro_13:20..........fools/shall be destroyed Evil/pursueth 4487/9838
Pro_13:21...........good/shall be repayed/A.. 4488/9838
Pro_13:25.........wicked/shall want Every/wise 4489/9838
Pro_14:3............wise/shall preserve them/Where 4490/9838
Pro_14:11.........wicked/shall be overthrown but the/tabernacle 4491/9838
Pro_14:11........upright/shall flourish There/is 4492/9838
Pro_14:14..........heart/shall be filled with his/own 4493/9838 be satisfied from/himself 4494/9838
Pro_14:22..........truth/shall be to them that/devise 4495/9838
Pro_14:26.......children/shall have a place/of 4496/9838
Pro_15:10........reproof/shall die Hell/and.. 4497/9838 live The/heart 4498/9838
Pro_16:3........thoughts/shall be established The/LORD 4499/9838
Pro_16:5..............he/shall not be unpunished By/mercy 4500/9838
Pro_16:20.........wisely/shall find good and/whoso 4501/9838
Pro_16:21..........heart/shall be called prudent/and 4502/9838
Pro_17:2.........servant/shall have rule/over 4503/9838
Pro_17:2.............and/shall have part/of.. 4504/9838
Pro_17:5......calamities/shall not be unpunished Children's/children 4505/9838
Pro_17:11......messenger/shall be sent/against 4506/9838
Pro_17:13...........evil/shall not depart from his/house 4507/9838
Pro_18:20..........belly/shall be satisfied with the fruit/of 4508/9838
Pro_18:20...........lips/shall he be filled/Death 4509/9838 eat the fruit thereof Whoso/findeth 4510/9838
Pro_19:5.........witness/shall not be unpunished and he that speaketh lies shall not/escape 4511/9838
Pro_19:5............lies/shall not escape Many/will 4512/9838
Pro_19:8...understanding/shall find good A/false 4513/9838
Pro_19:9.........witness/shall not be unpunished and he that speaketh lies shall perish/Delight 4514/9838
Pro_19:9............lies/shall perish Delight/is 4515/9838
Pro_19:15...........soul/shall suffer hunger/He 4516/9838
Pro_19:16...........ways/shall die He that hath/pity 4517/9838
Pro_19:19..........wrath/shall suffer punishment/for 4518/9838
Pro_19:21...........that/shall stand The/desire 4519/9838 abide satisfied/he 4520/9838
Pro_19:23.............he/shall not be visited/with 4521/9838
Pro_20:4.......therefore/shall he beg/in..... 4522/9838
Pro_20:17..........mouth/shall be filled with gravel/Every 4523/9838
Pro_20:20...........lamp/shall be put out in/obscure 4524/9838
Pro_20:21........thereof/shall not be blessed/Say 4525/9838
Pro_20:22.............he/shall save thee Divers/weights 4526/9838
Pro_21:7..........wicked/shall destroy them because/they 4527/9838
Pro_21:13...........also/shall cry himself/but 4528/9838
Pro_21:13............but/shall not be heard/A 4529/9838
Pro_21:15....destruction/shall be to the workers of iniquity The man/that 4530/9838
Pro_21:16..understanding/shall remain in the congregation/of 4531/9838
Pro_21:17.......pleasure/shall be a poor/man. 4532/9838
Pro_21:17............oil/shall not be rich The/wicked 4533/9838
Pro_21:18.........wicked/shall be a ransom/for 4534/9838
Pro_21:28........witness/shall perish but the/man 4535/9838
Pro_22:5............soul/shall be far from/them 4536/9838
Pro_22:8........iniquity/shall reap vanity/and 4537/9838
Pro_22:8...........anger/shall fail He that/hath 4538/9838
Pro_22:9.............eye/shall be blessed for he/giveth 4539/9838
Pro_22:10.....contention/shall go out yea/strife 4540/9838
Pro_22:10.......reproach/shall cease He/that. 4541/9838
Pro_22:11...........king/shall be his friend/The 4542/9838
Pro_22:13..............I/shall be slain in/the 4543/9838
Pro_22:14...........LORD/shall fall therein Foolishness/is 4544/9838
Pro_22:15.....correction/shall drive it/far.. 4545/9838 surely come to want/Bow 4546/9838
Pro_22:18...........they/shall withal/be..... 4547/9838
Pro_22:29.............he/shall stand before kings/he 4548/9838
Pro_22:29.............he/shall not stand before/mean 4549/9838
Pro_23:11.............he/shall plead/their... 4550/9838
Pro_23:13.............he/shall not die Thou/shalt 4551/9838
Pro_23:15..........heart/shall rejoice even/mine 4552/9838
Pro_23:16..........reins/shall rejoice when thy/lips 4553/9838
Pro_23:18....expectation/shall not be cut off Hear/thou 4554/9838
Pro_23:21........glutton/shall come to poverty/and 4555/9838
Pro_23:21.....drowsiness/shall clothe a/man.. 4556/9838
Pro_23:24......righteous/shall greatly rejoice and/he 4557/9838
Pro_23:24..........child/shall have joy/of... 4558/9838
Pro_23:25.........mother/shall be glad and/she 4559/9838
Pro_23:25...........thee/shall rejoice My/son 4560/9838
Pro_23:33...........eyes/shall behold strange/women 4561/9838
Pro_23:33..........heart/shall utter perverse/things 4562/9838
Pro_23:35...........when/shall I awake/I..... 4563/9838
Pro_24:4.......knowledge/shall the chambers/be 4564/9838
Pro_24:8............evil/shall be called a mischievous/person 4565/9838
Pro_24:12............and/shall not he render/to 4566/9838
Pro_24:14.............So/shall the knowledge/of 4567/9838
Pro_24:14..........there/shall be a reward/and 4568/9838
Pro_24:14....expectation/shall not be cut off Lay/not 4569/9838
Pro_24:16.........wicked/shall fall into mischief Rejoice/not 4570/9838
Pro_24:20..........there/shall be no reward/to 4571/9838
Pro_24:20.........wicked/shall be put out My/son 4572/9838
Pro_24:22.......calamity/shall rise suddenly/and 4573/9838
Pro_24:24............him/shall the people curse/nations 4574/9838
Pro_24:24........nations/shall abhor him/But. 4575/9838
Pro_24:25............him/shall be delight/and 4576/9838
Pro_24:25.......blessing/shall come upon them Every/man 4577/9838 kiss his/lips. 4578/9838
Pro_24:34.............So/shall thy poverty come as one that travelleth and thy want as an armed man These/are 4579/9838
Pro_25:4...........there/shall come forth a vessel/for 4580/9838
Pro_25:5..........throne/shall be established in righteousness/Put 4581/9838
Pro_25:22...........LORD/shall reward thee The/north 4582/9838
Pro_26:2.......causeless/shall not come A/whip 4583/9838
Pro_26:26.....wickedness/shall be shewed before/the 4584/9838
Pro_26:27............pit/shall fall therein and/he 4585/9838 be counted a/curse 4586/9838
Pro_27:18...........tree/shall eat the fruit thereof so/he 4587/9838
Pro_27:18.........master/shall be honoured As/in 4588/9838
Pro_28:2.........thereof/shall be prolonged/A 4589/9838
Pro_28:8..............he/shall gather it for/him 4590/9838
Pro_28:9..........prayer/shall be abomination/Whoso 4591/9838
Pro_28:10.............he/shall fall himself/into 4592/9838
Pro_28:10........upright/shall have good/things 4593/9838
Pro_28:13...........sins/shall not prosper but whoso/confesseth 4594/9838
Pro_28:13...........them/shall have mercy Happy/is 4595/9838
Pro_28:14..........heart/shall fall into mischief As/a 4596/9838
Pro_28:16...covetousness/shall prolong his days A/man 4597/9838
Pro_28:17.........person/shall flee to the pit/let 4598/9838
Pro_28:18......uprightly/shall be saved but he that is/perverse 4599/9838
Pro_28:18...........ways/shall fall at once/He 4600/9838 have plenty/of 4601/9838
Pro_28:19........persons/shall have poverty/enough 4602/9838 abound with/blessings 4603/9838 not be innocent To/have 4604/9838
Pro_28:22........poverty/shall come upon him He that/rebuketh 4605/9838
Pro_28:23.....afterwards/shall find more/favour 4606/9838
Pro_28:25...........LORD/shall be made fat He/that 4607/9838
Pro_28:26.............he/shall be delivered He/that 4608/9838
Pro_28:27...........poor/shall not lack/but.. 4609/9838
Pro_28:27...........eyes/shall have many/a... 4610/9838
Pro_29:1............neck/shall suddenly be/destroyed 4611/9838
Pro_29:14.........throne/shall be established for ever The/rod 4612/9838
Pro_29:16......righteous/shall see their fall/Correct 4613/9838
Pro_29:17.............he/shall give thee rest yea/he 4614/9838
Pro_29:17.............he/shall give delight/unto 4615/9838
Pro_29:21..........child/shall have him/become 4616/9838
Pro_29:23..........pride/shall bring him low/but 4617/9838
Pro_29:23.........honour/shall uphold/the.... 4618/9838
Pro_29:25...........LORD/shall be safe Many/seek 4619/9838
Pro_30:17.........valley/shall pick/it....... 4620/9838
Pro_30:17.........eagles/shall eat it There/be 4621/9838
Pro_31:11.............he/shall have no need/of 4622/9838
Pro_31:25............she/shall rejoice in time/to 4623/9838
Pro_31:30............she/shall be praised/Give 4624/9838
Ecc_1:9............which/shall be and that/which 4625/9838
Ecc_1:9............which/shall be done and there/is 4626/9838
Ecc_1:11.........neither/shall there be any remembrance/of 4627/9838
Ecc_1:11............that/shall come after I/the 4628/9838
Ecc_2:16............come/shall all be forgotten/And 4629/9838
Ecc_2:18............that/shall be after me/And 4630/9838
Ecc_2:19..............he/shall be a wise/man. 4631/9838
Ecc_2:19.............yet/shall he have rule/over 4632/9838
Ecc_2:21.........therein/shall he leave it/for 4633/9838 be for ever nothing/can 4634/9838
Ecc_3:17.............God/shall judge the righteous/and 4635/9838
Ecc_3:22.............who/shall bring him to see/what 4636/9838
Ecc_3:22............what/shall be after him So/I 4637/9838
Ecc_4:12.............two/shall withstand/him. 4638/9838
Ecc_4:15............that/shall stand up in his stead/There 4639/9838
Ecc_4:16...........after/shall not rejoice in/him 4640/9838
Ecc_5:10..........silver/shall not be satisfied with silver/nor 4641/9838
Ecc_5:15...........naked/shall he return to/go 4642/9838
Ecc_5:15.............and/shall take nothing/of 4643/9838 he go and/what 4644/9838
Ecc_5:20..............he/shall not much/remember 4645/9838 be covered/with 4646/9838
Ecc_6:12............what/shall be after him under/the 4647/9838
Ecc_7:18.............God/shall come forth of/them 4648/9838
Ecc_7:26.............God/shall escape from/her 4649/9838
Ecc_7:26..........sinner/shall be taken by/her 4650/9838
Ecc_8:1.............face/shall be changed I/counsel 4651/9838
Ecc_8:5......commandment/shall feel/no....... 4652/9838
Ecc_8:7............which/shall be for who/can 4653/9838 be There is/no 4654/9838
Ecc_8:8..........neither/shall wickedness/deliver 4655/9838 be well with them/that 4656/9838 not be well/with 4657/9838
Ecc_8:13.........neither/shall he prolong his/days 4658/9838
Ecc_8:15............that/shall abide with/him 4659/9838
Ecc_8:17..............he/shall not find it yea/farther 4660/9838
Ecc_8:17.............yet/shall he not be/able 4661/9838
Ecc_9:5.............they/shall die but the/dead 4662/9838
Ecc_10:8.............pit/shall fall into it/and 4663/9838
Ecc_10:8.........serpent/shall bite him/Whoso 4664/9838
Ecc_10:9..........stones/shall be hurt/therewith 4665/9838
Ecc_10:9............wood/shall be endangered/thereby 4666/9838
Ecc_10:14...........what/shall be and what/shall 4667/9838
Ecc_10:14...........what/shall be after him who/can 4668/9838
Ecc_10:20............air/shall carry the/voice 4669/9838
Ecc_10:20..........wings/shall tell the/matter 4670/9838
Ecc_11:2............evil/shall be upon the earth/If 4671/9838 be He/that.... 4672/9838
Ecc_11:4............wind/shall not sow and/he 4673/9838
Ecc_11:4..........clouds/shall not reap/As... 4674/9838
Ecc_11:6.........whether/shall prosper either/this 4675/9838
Ecc_11:6............both/shall be alike/good. 4676/9838
Ecc_11:8............they/shall be many All/that 4677/9838 tremble and the strong/men 4678/9838 bow themselves and/the 4679/9838
Ecc_12:4...........doors/shall be shut in/the 4680/9838
Ecc_12:4..............he/shall rise up at/the 4681/9838
Ecc_12:4..........musick/shall be brought low Also/when 4682/9838
Ecc_12:5............they/shall be afraid of that/which 4683/9838
Ecc_12:5...........fears/shall be in the way/and 4684/9838
Ecc_12:5............tree/shall flourish and/the 4685/9838
Ecc_12:5.....grasshopper/shall be a burden/and 4686/9838
Ecc_12:5..........desire/shall fail because/man 4687/9838
Ecc_12:7............Then/shall the dust return/to 4688/9838
Ecc_12:7..........spirit/shall return unto God/who 4689/9838
Ecc_12:14............God/shall bring every/work 4690/9838
Son_1:13..............he/shall lie all/night. 4691/9838 I put it/on... 4692/9838 I defile/them. 4693/9838
Son_7:8..........breasts/shall be as clusters/of 4694/9838
Son_8:8.............what/shall we do for our/sister 4695/9838
Son_8:8..............she/shall be spoken for/If 4696/9838
Isa_1:18............they/shall be as white/as 4697/9838
Isa_1:18............they/shall be as wool/If. 4698/9838 eat the good/of 4699/9838 be devoured with the sword/for 4700/9838
Isa_1:27............Zion/shall be redeemed with/judgment 4701/9838
Isa_1:28.........sinners/shall be together/and 4702/9838
Isa_1:28............LORD/shall be consumed For/they 4703/9838
Isa_1:29............they/shall be ashamed of the/oaks 4704/9838 be confounded for/the 4705/9838 be as an oak/whose 4706/9838
Isa_1:31..........strong/shall be as tow/and. 4707/9838
Isa_1:31............they/shall both burn/together 4708/9838
Isa_1:31............none/shall quench them/The 4709/9838 come to pass in the last days that/the 4710/9838 be established in the top of the mountains and shall/be 4711/9838
Isa_2:2..............and/shall be exalted above the hills and all/nations 4712/9838
Isa_2:2..........nations/shall flow unto it And many people/shall 4713/9838
Isa_2:3...........people/shall go and say/Come 4714/9838
Isa_2:3.............Zion/shall go forth the/law 4715/9838
Isa_2:4...............he/shall judge among the nations/and 4716/9838
Isa_2:4..............and/shall rebuke many/people 4717/9838
Isa_2:4.............they/shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruninghooks nation shall not lift up sword/against 4718/9838
Isa_2:4...........nation/shall not lift up sword/against 4719/9838
Isa_2:4..........neither/shall they learn war any more O/house 4720/9838 be humbled and the haughtiness/of 4721/9838 be bowed down and the LORD/alone 4722/9838
Isa_2:11...........alone/shall be exalted in that day For/the 4723/9838
Isa_2:12...........hosts/shall be upon every one/that 4724/9838
Isa_2:12..............he/shall be brought low And upon/all 4725/9838 be bowed down and the haughtiness/of 4726/9838 be made low and the LORD/alone 4727/9838
Isa_2:17...........alone/shall be exalted in that day And/the 4728/9838
Isa_2:18..............he/shall utterly abolish/And 4729/9838
Isa_2:19............they/shall go into the holes/of 4730/9838 cast his idols/of 4731/9838
Isa_3:4............babes/shall rule over them And/the 4732/9838
Isa_3:5...........people/shall be oppressed/every 4733/9838
Isa_3:5............child/shall behave/himself 4734/9838 take hold of his/brother 4735/9838 he swear/saying 4736/9838 be well with him/for 4737/9838
Isa_3:10............they/shall eat the fruit of their/doings 4738/9838 be ill/with... 4739/9838
Isa_3:11...........hands/shall be given him As/for 4740/9838 come to pass that instead/of 4741/9838
Isa_3:24...........there/shall be stink/and.. 4742/9838 fall by the sword and thy mighty/in 4743/9838
Isa_3:26...........gates/shall lament and mourn/and 4744/9838
Isa_3:26........desolate/shall sit upon the ground And in/that 4745/9838
Isa_4:1............women/shall take hold of one/man 4746/9838 the branch/of. 4747/9838 be excellent/and 4748/9838 come to pass that he that/is 4749/9838
Isa_4:3........Jerusalem/shall be called holy even/every 4750/9838
Isa_4:4.............Lord/shall have washed/away 4751/9838
Isa_4:4..............and/shall have purged/the 4752/9838
Isa_4:5............glory/shall be a defence/And 4753/9838
Isa_4:6............there/shall be a tabernacle/for 4754/9838 be eaten up and/break 4755/9838 be trodden down And/I 4756/9838 not be pruned/nor 4757/9838
Isa_5:6............there/shall come up briers/and 4758/9838
Isa_5:9...........houses/shall be desolate even/great 4759/9838
Isa_5:10........vineyard/shall yield one/bath 4760/9838
Isa_5:10...........homer/shall yield an/ephah 4761/9838
Isa_5:14.......rejoiceth/shall descend into it/And 4762/9838 be brought down and the mighty/man 4763/9838 be humbled and the eyes/of 4764/9838
Isa_5:15...........lofty/shall be humbled But/the 4765/9838
Isa_5:16...........hosts/shall be exalted in judgment/and 4766/9838
Isa_5:16............holy/shall be sanctified in righteousness/Then 4767/9838
Isa_5:17............Then/shall the lambs/feed 4768/9838
Isa_5:17............ones/shall strangers/eat. 4769/9838
Isa_5:24............root/shall be as rottenness/and 4770/9838
Isa_5:24.........blossom/shall go up as/dust. 4771/9838
Isa_5:26............they/shall come with speed/swiftly 4772/9838
Isa_5:27............None/shall be weary nor/stumble 4773/9838
Isa_5:27............none/shall slumber/nor... 4774/9838
Isa_5:27.........neither/shall the girdle/of. 4775/9838
Isa_5:28...........hoofs/shall be counted like/flint 4776/9838
Isa_5:29.........roaring/shall be like a lion/they 4777/9838
Isa_5:29............they/shall roar like young/lions 4778/9838
Isa_5:29............they/shall roar and/lay.. 4779/9838
Isa_5:29.............and/shall carry it/away. 4780/9838
Isa_5:29............none/shall deliver it And/in 4781/9838
Isa_5:30............they/shall roar against/them 4782/9838
Isa_6:8.............Whom/shall I send/and.... 4783/9838 be a tenth/and 4784/9838 return and shall be eaten/as 4785/9838
Isa_6:13.............and/shall be eaten as/a. 4786/9838
Isa_6:13............seed/shall be the substance/thereof 4787/9838
Isa_7:7...............It/shall not stand neither/shall 4788/9838
Isa_7:7..........neither/shall it come to pass For/the 4789/9838
Isa_7:8............years/shall Ephraim/be.... 4790/9838 not be established Moreover/the 4791/9838
Isa_7:14.........himself/shall give you a sign/Behold 4792/9838 conceive and/bear 4793/9838
Isa_7:14.............and/shall call his name Immanuel/Butter 4794/9838
Isa_7:15...........honey/shall he eat that/he 4795/9838
Isa_7:16...........child/shall know to/refuse 4796/9838
Isa_7:16.......abhorrest/shall be forsaken of/both 4797/9838
Isa_7:17............LORD/shall bring upon thee/and 4798/9838 come to pass in that day that the LORD shall hiss/for 4799/9838
Isa_7:18............LORD/shall hiss for/the.. 4800/9838
Isa_7:19............they/shall come and shall rest/all 4801/9838
Isa_7:19.............and/shall rest all/of... 4802/9838 the Lord shave/with 4803/9838 also consume/the 4804/9838 come to pass in that day that a man/shall 4805/9838 nourish/a..... 4806/9838 come to pass for/the 4807/9838
Isa_7:22............they/shall give he/shall. 4808/9838
Isa_7:22..............he/shall eat butter/for 4809/9838
Isa_7:22...........honey/shall every one eat/that 4810/9838 come to pass in that day that every/place 4811/9838 be where/there 4812/9838 even be for/briers 4813/9838
Isa_7:24............bows/shall men come thither/because 4814/9838 become briers/and 4815/9838
Isa_7:25............that/shall be digged/with 4816/9838
Isa_7:25...........there/shall not come thither/the 4817/9838 be for the sending/forth 4818/9838
Isa_8:4............child/shall have knowledge/to 4819/9838
Isa_8:4..........Samaria/shall be taken away before/the 4820/9838
Isa_8:7...............he/shall come up over/all 4821/9838
Isa_8:8...............he/shall pass through Judah/he 4822/9838
Isa_8:8...............he/shall overflow and go/over 4823/9838
Isa_8:8...............he/shall reach even/to. 4824/9838
Isa_8:8............wings/shall fill the breadth/of 4825/9838 be broken in pieces and/give 4826/9838 be broken in pieces gird/yourselves 4827/9838 be broken in pieces Take/counsel 4828/9838 come to nought speak/the 4829/9838 not stand for God/is 4830/9838
Isa_8:12..........people/shall say A/confederacy 4831/9838
Isa_8:14..............he/shall be for a sanctuary/but 4832/9838
Isa_8:15............them/shall stumble and fall and be/broken 4833/9838
Isa_8:19............they/shall say unto you Seek/unto 4834/9838
Isa_8:21............they/shall pass through it hardly/bestead 4835/9838 come to pass that when they shall/be 4836/9838
Isa_8:21............they/shall be hungry they/shall 4837/9838
Isa_8:21............they/shall fret/themselves 4838/9838
Isa_8:22............they/shall look unto/the. 4839/9838
Isa_8:22............they/shall be driven to/darkness 4840/9838
Isa_9:1..........dimness/shall not be such/as 4841/9838
Isa_9:5.............this/shall be with burning/and 4842/9838
Isa_9:6.......government/shall be upon his shoulder/and 4843/9838 be called Wonderful/Counsellor 4844/9838
Isa_9:7............there/shall be no end upon/the 4845/9838
Isa_9:9...........people/shall know even/Ephraim 4846/9838
Isa_9:11............LORD/shall set up the/adversaries 4847/9838
Isa_9:12............they/shall devour Israel/with 4848/9838
Isa_9:17............LORD/shall have no joy/in 4849/9838
Isa_9:17.........neither/shall have mercy on/their 4850/9838 devour the briers/and 4851/9838
Isa_9:18.............and/shall kindle in the/thickets 4852/9838
Isa_9:18............they/shall mount up like/the 4853/9838
Isa_9:19..........people/shall be as the fuel/of 4854/9838 spare his/brother 4855/9838
Isa_9:20..............he/shall snatch/on..... 4856/9838
Isa_9:20..............he/shall eat on/the.... 4857/9838
Isa_9:20............they/shall not be satisfied they/shall 4858/9838
Isa_9:20............they/shall eat every man/the 4859/9838
Isa_9:21........together/shall be against Judah/For 4860/9838
Isa_10:3...........which/shall come from far to/whom 4861/9838
Isa_10:4............they/shall bow down under/the 4862/9838
Isa_10:4............they/shall fall under/the 4863/9838
Isa_10:11........Samaria/Shall I not as/I.... 4864/9838 come to pass that when the Lord/hath 4865/9838
Isa_10:15.........peeped/Shall the axe/boast. 4866/9838
Isa_10:15.............or/shall the saw/magnify 4867/9838
Isa_10:16......Therefore/shall the Lord the/Lord 4868/9838
Isa_10:16.............he/shall kindle a/burning 4869/9838
Isa_10:17.........Israel/shall be for a fire/and 4870/9838 burn and devour/his 4871/9838
Isa_10:18............And/shall consume the glory/of 4872/9838
Isa_10:18...........they/shall be as when a/standard-bearer 4873/9838
Isa_10:19.........forest/shall be few/that... 4874/9838 come to pass in that day that the remnant/of 4875/9838
Isa_10:20..........Jacob/shall no more again/stay 4876/9838
Isa_10:20............but/shall stay upon/the. 4877/9838
Isa_10:21........remnant/shall return even the/remnant 4878/9838
Isa_10:22...........them/shall return the/consumption 4879/9838
Isa_10:22........decreed/shall overflow with righteousness/For 4880/9838
Isa_10:23..........hosts/shall make a consumption/even 4881/9838
Isa_10:24.............he/shall smite thee with a rod/and 4882/9838
Isa_10:24............and/shall lift up his/staff 4883/9838
Isa_10:25....indignation/shall cease and mine/anger 4884/9838
Isa_10:26..........hosts/shall stir up a/scourge 4885/9838 he lift it/up. 4886/9838 come to pass in that day that his/burden 4887/9838
Isa_10:27.........burden/shall be taken away from off/thy 4888/9838
Isa_10:27...........yoke/shall be destroyed because/of 4889/9838
Isa_10:32............yet/shall he remain/at.. 4890/9838
Isa_10:32.............he/shall shake his/hand 4891/9838
Isa_10:33..........hosts/shall lop/the....... 4892/9838
Isa_10:33........stature/shall be hewn/down.. 4893/9838
Isa_10:33........haughty/shall be humbled And he/shall 4894/9838
Isa_10:34.............he/shall cut down the/thickets 4895/9838
Isa_10:34........Lebanon/shall fall by a/mighty 4896/9838
Isa_11:1...........there/shall come forth a rod/out 4897/9838
Isa_11:1..........Branch/shall grow out/of... 4898/9838
Isa_11:2............LORD/shall rest upon him/the 4899/9838
Isa_11:3.............And/shall make him of/quick 4900/9838
Isa_11:3..............he/shall not judge/after 4901/9838
Isa_11:4...righteousness/shall he judge the poor/and 4902/9838
Isa_11:4..............he/shall smite the earth/with 4903/9838
Isa_11:4............lips/shall he slay/the... 4904/9838
Isa_11:5...righteousness/shall be the girdle/of 4905/9838
Isa_11:6............also/shall dwell with the lamb/and 4906/9838
Isa_11:6.........leopard/shall lie down with the/kid 4907/9838
Isa_11:6...........child/shall lead them And/the 4908/9838
Isa_11:7............bear/shall feed their/young 4909/9838
Isa_11:7............ones/shall lie down together and/the 4910/9838
Isa_11:7............lion/shall eat straw like the ox/And 4911/9838
Isa_11:8...........child/shall play on/the... 4912/9838
Isa_11:8...........child/shall put his hand on/the 4913/9838
Isa_11:9............They/shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain for/the 4914/9838 be full of the/knowledge 4915/9838
Isa_11:10..........there/shall be a root of Jesse which/shall 4916/9838
Isa_11:10..........which/shall stand for an/ensign 4917/9838 the Gentiles seek/and 4918/9838 be glorious/And 4919/9838 come to pass in that day that the Lord shall set/his 4920/9838
Isa_11:11...........Lord/shall set his/hand.. 4921/9838
Isa_11:11..........which/shall be left from Assyria and/from 4922/9838
Isa_11:12.............he/shall set up an/ensign 4923/9838
Isa_11:12............and/shall assemble the/outcasts 4924/9838
Isa_11:13........Ephraim/shall depart and the adversaries/of 4925/9838
Isa_11:13..........Judah/shall be cut off Ephraim/shall 4926/9838
Isa_11:13........Ephraim/shall not envy/Judah 4927/9838
Isa_11:13..........Judah/shall not vex Ephraim/But 4928/9838
Isa_11:14...........they/shall fly upon/the.. 4929/9838
Isa_11:14...........they/shall spoil them of/the 4930/9838
Isa_11:14...........they/shall lay their hand upon Edom/and 4931/9838
Isa_11:14..........Ammon/shall obey them/And. 4932/9838
Isa_11:15...........LORD/shall utterly destroy the/tongue 4933/9838
Isa_11:15...........wind/shall he shake/his.. 4934/9838
Isa_11:15............and/shall smite it/in... 4935/9838
Isa_11:16..........there/shall be an highway/for 4936/9838
Isa_11:16..........which/shall be left from Assyria like/as 4937/9838 ye draw/water. 4938/9838 ye say Praise/the 4939/9838 come as a/destruction 4940/9838
Isa_13:7.......Therefore/shall all hands/be.. 4941/9838
Isa_13:7...........heart/shall melt And they/shall 4942/9838
Isa_13:8............they/shall be afraid pangs/and 4943/9838
Isa_13:8.........sorrows/shall take hold of them/they 4944/9838
Isa_13:8............they/shall be in pain/as. 4945/9838
Isa_13:8............they/shall be amazed one/at 4946/9838
Isa_13:8...........faces/shall be as flames/Behold 4947/9838
Isa_13:9..............he/shall destroy the sinners/thereof 4948/9838
Isa_13:10........thereof/shall not give their/light 4949/9838
Isa_13:10............sun/shall be darkened in/his 4950/9838
Isa_13:10...........moon/shall not cause/her. 4951/9838 remove out/of. 4952/9838 be as the chased/roe 4953/9838
Isa_13:14...........they/shall every man turn/to 4954/9838
Isa_13:15..........found/shall be thrust/through 4955/9838
Isa_13:15...........them/shall fall by the sword Their children/also 4956/9838
Isa_13:16...........also/shall be dashed to/pieces 4957/9838
Isa_13:16.........houses/shall be spoiled and/their 4958/9838
Isa_13:17..........which/shall not regard silver/and 4959/9838
Isa_13:17...........they/shall not delight/in 4960/9838
Isa_13:18...........also/shall dash/the...... 4961/9838
Isa_13:18...........they/shall have no pity on/the 4962/9838
Isa_13:18...........eyes/shall not spare children/And 4963/9838
Isa_13:19.....excellency/shall be as when God/overthrew 4964/9838
Isa_13:20.............It/shall never be inhabited/neither 4965/9838
Isa_13:20........neither/shall it be dwelt in from generation to generation neither/shall 4966/9838
Isa_13:20........neither/shall the Arabian/pitch 4967/9838
Isa_13:20........neither/shall the shepherds make/their 4968/9838
Isa_13:21.........desert/shall lie there/and. 4969/9838
Isa_13:21.........houses/shall be full of doleful/creatures 4970/9838
Isa_13:21...........owls/shall dwell there and satyrs/shall 4971/9838
Isa_13:21.........satyrs/shall dance/there... 4972/9838
Isa_13:22........islands/shall cry in/their.. 4973/9838
Isa_13:22...........days/shall not be prolonged/For 4974/9838
Isa_14:1.......strangers/shall be joined with/them 4975/9838
Isa_14:1............they/shall cleave to the/house 4976/9838
Isa_14:2..........people/shall take them and/bring 4977/9838
Isa_14:2..........Israel/shall possess them in/the 4978/9838
Isa_14:2............they/shall take them captives/whose 4979/9838
Isa_14:2............they/shall rule over their/oppressors 4980/9838 come to pass in the day that/the 4981/9838
Isa_14:3............LORD/shall give thee rest from/thy 4982/9838
Isa_14:10...........they/shall speak and say unto thee/Art 4983/9838
Isa_14:16...........thee/shall narrowly/look. 4984/9838
Isa_14:20......evildoers/shall never be renowned/Prepare 4985/9838 it come to pass and/as 4986/9838 it stand That/I 4987/9838
Isa_14:25...........then/shall his yoke/depart 4988/9838
Isa_14:27............who/shall disannul/it... 4989/9838
Isa_14:27............who/shall turn it/back.. 4990/9838
Isa_14:29...........root/shall come forth a cockatrice/and 4991/9838
Isa_14:29..........fruit/shall be a fiery/flying 4992/9838
Isa_14:30...........poor/shall feed and the/needy 4993/9838
Isa_14:30..........needy/shall lie down in safety/and 4994/9838
Isa_14:30.............he/shall slay thy remnant/Howl 4995/9838
Isa_14:31..........there/shall come from the north a/smoke 4996/9838
Isa_14:31...........none/shall be alone/in... 4997/9838
Isa_14:32...........What/shall one then/answer 4998/9838
Isa_14:32.........people/shall trust in it/The 4999/9838
Isa_15:2............Moab/shall howl over/Nebo 5000/9838
Isa_15:2...........heads/shall be baldness/and 5001/9838
Isa_15:3............they/shall gird themselves/with 5002/9838 howl weeping/abundantly 5003/9838
Isa_15:4.........Heshbon/shall cry and Elealeh/their 5004/9838
Isa_15:4...........voice/shall be heard even/unto 5005/9838
Isa_15:4............Moab/shall cry out his/life 5006/9838 be grievous/unto 5007/9838
Isa_15:5...........heart/shall cry out for/Moab 5008/9838
Isa_15:5.......fugitives/shall flee unto Zoar/an 5009/9838
Isa_15:5.........weeping/shall they go it/up. 5010/9838
Isa_15:5............they/shall raise up a/cry 5011/9838
Isa_15:6..........Nimrim/shall be desolate for the/hay 5012/9838
Isa_15:7..............up/shall they carry/away 5013/9838
Isa_15:9...........Dimon/shall be full of blood/for 5014/9838 be that as a/wandering 5015/9838
Isa_16:2............Moab/shall be at the fords/of 5016/9838
Isa_16:5...........mercy/shall the throne be/established 5017/9838
Isa_16:5..............he/shall sit upon it/in 5018/9838
Isa_16:6............lies/shall not be so Therefore/shall 5019/9838
Isa_16:7.......Therefore/shall Moab howl/for. 5020/9838 howl for the/foundations 5021/9838
Isa_16:7.....Kirhareseth/shall ye mourn/surely 5022/9838
Isa_16:10..........there/shall be no singing/neither 5023/9838
Isa_16:10........neither/shall there be shouting/the 5024/9838
Isa_16:10.......treaders/shall tread out/no.. 5025/9838
Isa_16:11.........bowels/shall sound like an/harp 5026/9838 come to pass when it/is 5027/9838
Isa_16:12.............he/shall come to his sanctuary/to 5028/9838
Isa_16:12.............he/shall not prevail This/is 5029/9838
Isa_16:14...........Moab/shall be contemned/with 5030/9838
Isa_16:14........remnant/shall be very small/and 5031/9838 be a ruinous/heap 5032/9838
Isa_17:2............they/shall be for flocks/which 5033/9838
Isa_17:2...........which/shall lie down and none shall make them/afraid 5034/9838
Isa_17:2............none/shall make them afraid The/fortress 5035/9838
Isa_17:3............also/shall cease from Ephraim/and 5036/9838
Isa_17:3............they/shall be as the glory/of 5037/9838 come to pass that the glory/of 5038/9838
Isa_17:4...........Jacob/shall be made thin/and 5039/9838
Isa_17:4...........flesh/shall wax lean/And.. 5040/9838 be as when the/harvestman 5041/9838 be as he/that. 5042/9838
Isa_17:6..........grapes/shall be left in/it. 5043/9838 a man look/to. 5044/9838
Isa_17:7............eyes/shall have respect/to 5045/9838
Isa_17:8..............he/shall not look to/the 5046/9838
Isa_17:8.........neither/shall respect/that.. 5047/9838 his strong/cities 5048/9838
Isa_17:9...........there/shall be desolation/Because 5049/9838
Isa_17:11........harvest/shall be a heap/in.. 5050/9838
Isa_17:13........nations/shall rush/like..... 5051/9838
Isa_17:13............God/shall rebuke them/and 5052/9838
Isa_17:13...........they/shall flee far/off.. 5053/9838
Isa_17:13............and/shall be chased as/the 5054/9838
Isa_18:5..............he/shall both cut/off.. 5055/9838
Isa_18:6............They/shall be left together/unto 5056/9838
Isa_18:6...........fowls/shall summer/upon... 5057/9838 winter/upon... 5058/9838
Isa_18:7............time/shall the present/be 5059/9838
Isa_19:1.............and/shall come into Egypt and the idols/of 5060/9838
Isa_19:1...........Egypt/shall be moved at/his 5061/9838
Isa_19:1...........Egypt/shall melt in/the... 5062/9838
Isa_19:2............they/shall fight every/one 5063/9838
Isa_19:3...........Egypt/shall fail in the/midst 5064/9838
Isa_19:3............they/shall seek to the/idols 5065/9838
Isa_19:4............king/shall rule over them saith/the 5066/9838
Isa_19:5..........waters/shall fail from/the. 5067/9838
Isa_19:5...........river/shall be wasted and/dried 5068/9838
Isa_19:6............they/shall turn the rivers/far 5069/9838
Isa_19:6.........defence/shall be emptied/and 5070/9838
Isa_19:6...........flags/shall wither The/paper 5071/9838
Isa_19:7..........brooks/shall wither be/driven 5072/9838
Isa_19:8............also/shall mourn and all/they 5073/9838
Isa_19:8..........brooks/shall lament and they/that 5074/9838
Isa_19:8..........waters/shall languish Moreover/they 5075/9838
Isa_19:9........networks/shall be confounded And they/shall 5076/9838
Isa_19:10...........they/shall be broken in the/purposes 5077/9838
Isa_19:15........Neither/shall there be any work/for 5078/9838 Egypt/be...... 5079/9838 be afraid and fear/because 5080/9838
Isa_19:17..........Judah/shall be a terror/unto 5081/9838
Isa_19:17........thereof/shall be afraid in/himself 5082/9838 five/cities... 5083/9838 be called The city/of 5084/9838 there be an/altar 5085/9838 be for a sign and/for 5086/9838
Isa_19:20...........they/shall cry unto the/LORD 5087/9838
Isa_19:20.............he/shall send them a/saviour 5088/9838
Isa_19:20.............he/shall deliver them And/the 5089/9838
Isa_19:21...........LORD/shall be known to Egypt/and 5090/9838
Isa_19:21......Egyptians/shall know the LORD/in 5091/9838
Isa_19:21............and/shall do sacrifice/and 5092/9838
Isa_19:21...........they/shall vow/a......... 5093/9838
Isa_19:22...........LORD/shall smite Egypt/he 5094/9838
Isa_19:22.............he/shall smite and/heal 5095/9838
Isa_19:22...........they/shall return even to/the 5096/9838
Isa_19:22.............he/shall be intreated/of 5097/9838
Isa_19:22............and/shall heal/them..... 5098/9838 there be a highway/out 5099/9838
Isa_19:23.......Assyrian/shall come into Egypt and the Egyptian/into 5100/9838
Isa_19:23......Egyptians/shall serve with/the 5101/9838 Israel be the/third 5102/9838
Isa_19:25..........hosts/shall bless saying/Blessed 5103/9838
Isa_20:4..............So/shall the king of Assyria/lead 5104/9838
Isa_20:5............they/shall be afraid and ashamed/of 5105/9838
Isa_20:6............isle/shall say in that/day 5106/9838 we escape The/burden 5107/9838
Isa_21:13.........Arabia/shall ye lodge/O.... 5108/9838
Isa_21:16..........Kedar/shall fail And the residue/of 5109/9838
Isa_21:17..........Kedar/shall be diminished for/the 5110/9838 come to pass that thy/choicest 5111/9838
Isa_22:7.........valleys/shall be full of chariots/and 5112/9838
Isa_22:7........horsemen/shall set themselves in array at/the 5113/9838
Isa_22:13.............we/shall die And it/was 5114/9838
Isa_22:14.......iniquity/shall not be purged from/you 5115/9838
Isa_22:18..........glory/shall be the shame/of 5116/9838
Isa_22:19..........state/shall he pull/thee.. 5117/9838 come to pass in that day that I will call/my 5118/9838
Isa_22:21.............he/shall be a father/to 5119/9838
Isa_22:22.............he/shall open and none/shall 5120/9838
Isa_22:22...........none/shall shut and he/shall 5121/9838
Isa_22:22.............he/shall shut and none/shall 5122/9838
Isa_22:22...........none/shall open And I/will 5123/9838
Isa_22:23.............he/shall be for a glorious/throne 5124/9838
Isa_22:24...........they/shall hang upon/him. 5125/9838
Isa_22:25..........hosts/shall the nail/that. 5126/9838 be cut off for/the 5127/9838 they be sorely/pained 5128/9838
Isa_23:7............feet/shall carry her/afar 5129/9838 come to pass in that day that Tyre/shall 5130/9838
Isa_23:15...........Tyre/shall be forgotten seventy/years 5131/9838
Isa_23:15..........years/shall Tyre/sing..... 5132/9838 come to pass after the/end 5133/9838
Isa_23:17............she/shall turn to her/hire 5134/9838
Isa_23:17............and/shall commit fornication/with 5135/9838
Isa_23:18...........hire/shall be holiness to/the 5136/9838 not be treasured/nor 5137/9838
Isa_23:18....merchandise/shall be for them/that 5138/9838 be as with/the 5139/9838 be utterly emptied/and 5140/9838
Isa_24:9............They/shall not drink wine with/a 5141/9838
Isa_24:9...........drink/shall be bitter/to.. 5142/9838 be in the midst of the land among/the 5143/9838
Isa_24:13..........there/shall be as the shaking/of 5144/9838
Isa_24:14...........They/shall lift up their/voice 5145/9838
Isa_24:14...........they/shall sing for the/majesty 5146/9838
Isa_24:14...........they/shall cry aloud/from 5147/9838 come to pass that he who/fleeth 5148/9838
Isa_24:18...........fear/shall fall into the pit and he that cometh/up 5149/9838
Isa_24:18............pit/shall be taken in the snare for the/windows 5150/9838 reel/to....... 5151/9838
Isa_24:20............and/shall be removed like/a 5152/9838
Isa_24:20........thereof/shall be heavy/upon. 5153/9838 fall and not/rise 5154/9838 come to pass in that day that the LORD shall punish/the 5155/9838
Isa_24:21...........LORD/shall punish the/host 5156/9838
Isa_24:22...........they/shall be gathered together as/prisoners 5157/9838
Isa_24:22............and/shall be shut up in/the 5158/9838
Isa_24:22...........days/shall they be visited/Then 5159/9838
Isa_24:23...........moon/shall be confounded and the/sun 5160/9838
Isa_24:23..........hosts/shall reign in mount/Zion 5161/9838 never be built/Therefore 5162/9838
Isa_25:3.......Therefore/shall the strong/people 5163/9838
Isa_25:3.........nations/shall fear thee For/thou 5164/9838
Isa_25:5............ones/shall be brought low And in/this 5165/9838
Isa_25:6........mountain/shall the LORD of hosts make/unto 5166/9838
Isa_25:8..........people/shall he take away from/off 5167/9838 be said in/that 5168/9838
Isa_25:10.......mountain/shall the hand of the LORD rest/and 5169/9838
Isa_25:10...........Moab/shall be trodden down under/him 5170/9838
Isa_25:11.............he/shall spread forth his hands in the/midst 5171/9838
Isa_25:11.............he/shall bring down their/pride 5172/9838
Isa_25:12..........walls/shall he bring down/lay 5173/9838 this song/be.. 5174/9838
Isa_26:6............foot/shall tread it down even/the 5175/9838
Isa_26:11...........they/shall see and be ashamed/for 5176/9838
Isa_26:11........enemies/shall devour them LORD/thou 5177/9838
Isa_26:14...........they/shall not live they/are 5178/9838
Isa_26:14...........they/shall not rise therefore/hast 5179/9838 live together/with 5180/9838
Isa_26:19...........body/shall they arise/Awake 5181/9838 cast out/the.. 5182/9838
Isa_26:21...........also/shall disclose/her.. 5183/9838
Isa_26:21............and/shall no more cover/her 5184/9838
Isa_27:1...........sword/shall punish leviathan/the 5185/9838
Isa_27:1..............he/shall slay the dragon/that 5186/9838
Isa_27:5..............he/shall make peace/with 5187/9838
Isa_27:6..............He/shall cause them that/come 5188/9838
Isa_27:6..........Israel/shall blossom and bud/and 5189/9838
Isa_27:9.......therefore/shall the iniquity/of 5190/9838
Isa_27:9..........images/shall not stand up/Yet 5191/9838 be desolate and the habitation/forsaken 5192/9838
Isa_27:10..........there/shall the calf/feed. 5193/9838
Isa_27:10..........there/shall he lie/down... 5194/9838
Isa_27:11...........they/shall be broken off/the 5195/9838 come to pass in that day that the LORD shall beat/off 5196/9838
Isa_27:12...........LORD/shall beat off/from. 5197/9838 be gathered one/by 5198/9838 come to pass in that day that the great/trumpet 5199/9838
Isa_27:13........trumpet/shall be blown/and.. 5200/9838
Isa_27:13...........they/shall come which/were 5201/9838
Isa_27:13............and/shall worship the LORD/in 5202/9838
Isa_28:2.....overflowing/shall cast down to/the 5203/9838
Isa_28:3.........Ephraim/shall be trodden under/feet 5204/9838
Isa_28:4..........valley/shall be a fading/flower 5205/9838 the LORD of hosts be/for 5206/9838
Isa_28:9............Whom/shall he teach knowledge/and 5207/9838
Isa_28:9............whom/shall he make to/understand 5208/9838
Isa_28:15........scourge/shall pass through it shall/not 5209/9838 not come unto us/for 5210/9838
Isa_28:16......believeth/shall not make haste/Judgment 5211/9838
Isa_28:17...........hail/shall sweep/away.... 5212/9838
Isa_28:17.........waters/shall overflow the hiding/place 5213/9838
Isa_28:18..........death/shall be disannulled/and 5214/9838
Isa_28:18...........hell/shall not stand when/the 5215/9838
Isa_28:18........scourge/shall pass through then ye/shall 5216/9838 be trodden down by/it 5217/9838 take you for/morning 5218/9838
Isa_28:19........morning/shall it pass/over.. 5219/9838 be a vexation/only 5220/9838
Isa_28:21...........LORD/shall rise up as in/mount 5221/9838
Isa_28:21.............he/shall be wroth/as... 5222/9838
Isa_29:2...........there/shall be heaviness/and 5223/9838 be unto me as/Ariel 5224/9838
Isa_29:4..........speech/shall be low out/of. 5225/9838
Isa_29:4...........voice/shall be as of one/that 5226/9838
Isa_29:4..........speech/shall whisper/out... 5227/9838
Isa_29:5.......strangers/shall be like small/dust 5228/9838
Isa_29:5............ones/shall be as chaff/that 5229/9838 be at an/instant 5230/9838
Isa_29:7.............her/shall be as a dream/of 5231/9838
Isa_29:8..............It/shall even be as when/an 5232/9838 the multitude/of 5233/9838 perish and the understanding/of 5234/9838 be hid Woe/unto 5235/9838
Isa_29:16...........down/shall be esteemed as the/potter's 5236/9838
Isa_29:16............for/shall the work/say.. 5237/9838
Isa_29:16.............or/shall the thing framed/say 5238/9838
Isa_29:17........Lebanon/shall be turned into a/fruitful 5239/9838
Isa_29:17..........field/shall be esteemed as a/forest 5240/9838 the deaf/hear. 5241/9838
Isa_29:18..........blind/shall see out/of.... 5242/9838
Isa_29:19...........also/shall increase their/joy 5243/9838 rejoice in the Holy/One 5244/9838
Isa_29:22..........Jacob/shall not now/be.... 5245/9838
Isa_29:22........neither/shall his face/now.. 5246/9838
Isa_29:23...........they/shall sanctify my/name 5247/9838
Isa_29:23............and/shall fear the God/of 5248/9838
Isa_29:24.........spirit/shall come to understanding/and 5249/9838
Isa_29:24.......murmured/shall learn/doctrine 5250/9838
Isa_30:3.......Therefore/shall the strength/of 5251/9838
Isa_30:6............that/shall not profit them/For 5252/9838
Isa_30:7.......Egyptians/shall help in/vain.. 5253/9838
Isa_30:13.......iniquity/shall be to you as/a 5254/9838
Isa_30:14.............he/shall break it as/the 5255/9838
Isa_30:14.............he/shall not spare so/that 5256/9838
Isa_30:14..........there/shall not be found in/the 5257/9838 ye be saved/in 5258/9838
Isa_30:15.....confidence/shall be your strength/and 5259/9838
Isa_30:16......therefore/shall ye flee and/We 5260/9838
Isa_30:16......therefore/shall they that pursue/you 5261/9838
Isa_30:17.......thousand/shall flee at/the... 5262/9838
Isa_30:17...........five/shall ye flee till/ye 5263/9838
Isa_30:19.........people/shall dwell in Zion/at 5264/9838
Isa_30:19.............he/shall hear it he/will 5265/9838
Isa_30:20............yet/shall not thy/teachers 5266/9838
Isa_30:20...........eyes/shall see thy teachers/And 5267/9838
Isa_30:21...........ears/shall hear a word/behind 5268/9838
Isa_30:22.............Ye/shall defile also/the 5269/9838
Isa_30:23...........Then/shall he give the/rain 5270/9838 be fat and plenteous/in 5271/9838 thy cattle/feed 5272/9838
Isa_30:24.........ground/shall eat clean/provender 5273/9838
Isa_30:25..........there/shall be upon every high/mountain 5274/9838
Isa_30:26...........moon/shall be as the light of the sun/and 5275/9838
Isa_30:26............sun/shall be sevenfold/as 5276/9838 reach to/the.. 5277/9838
Isa_30:28..........there/shall be a bridle/in 5278/9838
Isa_30:29.............Ye/shall have a song/as 5279/9838
Isa_30:30...........LORD/shall cause his glorious/voice 5280/9838
Isa_30:30............and/shall shew the/lighting 5281/9838
Isa_30:31...........LORD/shall the Assyrian be/beaten 5282/9838
Isa_30:32..........staff/shall pass which/the 5283/9838
Isa_30:32...........LORD/shall lay upon him/it 5284/9838 be with tabrets/and 5285/9838
Isa_31:3............LORD/shall stretch out his/hand 5286/9838
Isa_31:3.........helpeth/shall fall and he/that 5287/9838
Isa_31:3..........holpen/shall fall down and they all/shall 5288/9838
Isa_31:3.............all/shall fail together/For 5289/9838 the LORD of hosts come/down 5290/9838 cast away/his. 5291/9838
Isa_31:8............Then/shall the Assyrian fall/with 5292/9838 devour him but he/shall 5293/9838
Isa_31:8..............he/shall flee from the sword/and 5294/9838 be discomfited/And 5295/9838
Isa_31:9..............he/shall pass over to/his 5296/9838
Isa_31:9.........princes/shall be afraid of the ensign/saith 5297/9838
Isa_32:1............king/shall reign in righteousness/and 5298/9838
Isa_32:1.........princes/shall rule in/judgment 5299/9838 be as an hiding/place 5300/9838
Isa_32:3.............see/shall not be dim/and 5301/9838
Isa_32:3............hear/shall hearken The/heart 5302/9838
Isa_32:4............rash/shall understand knowledge/and 5303/9838
Isa_32:4......stammerers/shall be ready to/speak 5304/9838
Isa_32:5..........person/shall be no more called/liberal 5305/9838
Isa_32:8..........things/shall he stand Rise/up 5306/9838
Isa_32:10..........years/shall ye be troubled/ye 5307/9838
Isa_32:10........vintage/shall fail the/gathering 5308/9838
Isa_32:10......gathering/shall not come Tremble/ye 5309/9838
Isa_32:12...........They/shall lament for the/teats 5310/9838
Isa_32:13.........people/shall come up thorns/and 5311/9838
Isa_32:14........palaces/shall be forsaken the/multitude 5312/9838 be left the/forts 5313/9838
Isa_32:14.........towers/shall be for dens/for 5314/9838
Isa_32:16.......judgment/shall dwell in the wilderness/and 5315/9838
Isa_32:17..righteousness/shall be peace and the/effect 5316/9838
Isa_32:18.........people/shall dwell in a/peaceable 5317/9838 hail/coming... 5318/9838 be low in/a... 5319/9838
Isa_33:1............they/shall deal treacherously/with 5320/9838
Isa_33:4...........spoil/shall be gathered like/the 5321/9838
Isa_33:4.........locusts/shall he run/upon... 5322/9838
Isa_33:6.......knowledge/shall be the stability/of 5323/9838
Isa_33:7............ones/shall cry without/the 5324/9838
Isa_33:7...........peace/shall weep bitterly/The 5325/9838
Isa_33:11.............Ye/shall conceive chaff/ye 5326/9838 bring forth stubble/your 5327/9838 devour you/And 5328/9838
Isa_33:12.........people/shall be as the burnings/of 5329/9838
Isa_33:12.............up/shall they be burned/in 5330/9838 dwell with the devouring/fire 5331/9838 dwell with everlasting/burnings 5332/9838
Isa_33:16.............He/shall dwell on/high. 5333/9838
Isa_33:16........defence/shall be the munitions/of 5334/9838
Isa_33:16..........bread/shall be given him his/waters 5335/9838
Isa_33:16.........waters/shall be sure Thine/eyes 5336/9838
Isa_33:17...........eyes/shall see the king/in 5337/9838
Isa_33:17...........they/shall behold the land/that 5338/9838
Isa_33:18..........heart/shall meditate/terror 5339/9838
Isa_33:20...........eyes/shall see Jerusalem a/quiet 5340/9838
Isa_33:20...........that/shall not be taken down/not 5341/9838
Isa_33:20........thereof/shall ever be removed/neither 5342/9838
Isa_33:20........neither/shall any of the/cords 5343/9838
Isa_33:21........wherein/shall go no galley/with 5344/9838
Isa_33:21........neither/shall gallant/ship.. 5345/9838
Isa_33:24.....inhabitant/shall not say I/am.. 5346/9838
Isa_33:24........therein/shall be forgiven their/iniquity 5347/9838
Isa_34:3............also/shall be cast out and their/stink 5348/9838
Isa_34:3...........stink/shall come up out of their/carcases 5349/9838
Isa_34:3.......mountains/shall be melted with/their 5350/9838
Isa_34:4..........heaven/shall be dissolved and the heavens/shall 5351/9838
Isa_34:4.........heavens/shall be rolled/together 5352/9838 fall down as/the 5353/9838
Isa_34:5...........sword/shall be bathed/in.. 5354/9838 come down upon Idumea/and 5355/9838
Isa_34:7........unicorns/shall come down with/them 5356/9838 be soaked/with 5357/9838
Isa_34:9.........thereof/shall be turned into pitch/and 5358/9838
Isa_34:9.........thereof/shall become burning/pitch 5359/9838
Isa_34:10.............It/shall not be quenched night/nor 5360/9838
Isa_34:10........thereof/shall go up for ever/from 5361/9838 lie waste/none 5362/9838
Isa_34:10...........none/shall pass through it for/ever 5363/9838
Isa_34:11........bittern/shall possess it the/owl 5364/9838
Isa_34:11..........raven/shall dwell in it and he/shall 5365/9838
Isa_34:11.............he/shall stretch out upon/it 5366/9838
Isa_34:12...........They/shall call the nobles/thereof 5367/9838
Isa_34:12...........none/shall be there and all/her 5368/9838
Isa_34:12........princes/shall be nothing/And 5369/9838
Isa_34:13.........thorns/shall come up in her/palaces 5370/9838 be an habitation of dragons/and 5371/9838
Isa_34:14.........desert/shall also meet/with 5372/9838
Isa_34:14..........satyr/shall cry to/his.... 5373/9838
Isa_34:14...........also/shall rest there/and 5374/9838
Isa_34:15..........There/shall the great/owl. 5375/9838
Isa_34:15..........there/shall the vultures/also 5376/9838
Isa_34:16..........these/shall fail none/shall 5377/9838
Isa_34:16...........none/shall want her/mate. 5378/9838
Isa_34:17...........they/shall possess it for/ever 5379/9838
Isa_34:17.....generation/shall they dwell therein/The 5380/9838 be glad for/them 5381/9838
Isa_35:1..........desert/shall rejoice and blossom/as 5382/9838
Isa_35:2..............It/shall blossom abundantly/and 5383/9838
Isa_35:2.........Lebanon/shall be given unto it/the 5384/9838
Isa_35:2............they/shall see the glory of the LORD and/the 5385/9838
Isa_35:5...........blind/shall be opened and the ears/of 5386/9838
Isa_35:5............deaf/shall be unstopped/Then 5387/9838
Isa_35:6............Then/shall the lame/man.. 5388/9838
Isa_35:6......wilderness/shall waters/break.. 5389/9838
Isa_35:7..........ground/shall become a pool/and 5390/9838
Isa_35:7.............lay/shall be grass/with. 5391/9838
Isa_35:8.........highway/shall be there and a/way 5392/9838 be called The way/of 5393/9838
Isa_35:8.........unclean/shall not pass over/it 5394/9838 be for those/the 5395/9838
Isa_35:8...........fools/shall not err/therein 5396/9838
Isa_35:9............lion/shall be there nor/any 5397/9838
Isa_35:9...........beast/shall go up thereon/it 5398/9838 not be found there/but 5399/9838
Isa_35:9........redeemed/shall walk there/And 5400/9838
Isa_35:10...........LORD/shall return and come to/Zion 5401/9838
Isa_35:10...........they/shall obtain joy/and 5402/9838
Isa_35:10........sighing/shall flee away Now/it 5403/9838
Isa_36:7..............Ye/shall worship before this altar Now/therefore 5404/9838
Isa_36:14.............he/shall not be able to deliver you Neither/let 5405/9838 not be delivered into the hand of the king of Assyria Hearken not to Hezekiah for thus saith the king of Assyria Make an agreement with me by a present and come out to me and eat/ye 5406/9838
Isa_37:6............Thus/shall ye say unto your master/Thus 5407/9838
Isa_37:7..............he/shall hear a rumour and return/to 5408/9838
Isa_37:10...........Thus/shall ye speak to Hezekiah king of Judah saying Let not thy God in whom thou trustest deceive thee saying Jerusalem shall not be given/into 5409/9838
Isa_37:10......Jerusalem/shall not be given/into 5410/9838
Isa_37:30...........this/shall be a sign unto thee Ye shall eat this year such as/groweth 5411/9838
Isa_37:30.............Ye/shall eat this year such as/groweth 5412/9838
Isa_37:31..........Judah/shall again/take.... 5413/9838
Isa_37:32......Jerusalem/shall go forth a remnant and they that escape out of mount Zion the zeal of the LORD of hosts shall do this Therefore thus saith the LORD concerning the king of Assyria He shall not come into this city nor shoot an arrow there nor come before it with shields/nor 5414/9838
Isa_37:32..........hosts/shall do this Therefore thus saith the LORD concerning the king of Assyria He shall not come into this city nor shoot an arrow there nor come before it with shields/nor 5415/9838
Isa_37:33.............He/shall not come into this city nor shoot an arrow there nor come before it with shields/nor 5416/9838
Isa_37:34...........same/shall he return and shall not come into this city saith the LORD For I will defend this city to save it for mine own sake and for my servant David's sake Then/the 5417/9838
Isa_37:34............and/shall not come into this city saith the LORD For I will defend this city to save it for mine own sake and for my servant David's sake Then/the 5418/9838
Isa_38:7............this/shall be a sign unto thee from/the 5419/9838
Isa_38:10..............I/shall go to the gates/of 5420/9838
Isa_38:11..............I/shall not see the LORD/even 5421/9838
Isa_38:11..............I/shall behold man/no. 5422/9838
Isa_38:15...........What/shall I say he/hath. 5423/9838
Isa_38:15..............I/shall go softly/all. 5424/9838
Isa_38:19.............he/shall praise thee as/I 5425/9838
Isa_38:19.......children/shall make known thy/truth 5426/9838
Isa_38:21.............he/shall recover Hezekiah/also 5427/9838
Isa_38:22..............I/shall go up to/the.. 5428/9838 be carried to Babylon nothing/shall 5429/9838
Isa_39:6.........nothing/shall be left saith the LORD And of thy sons that shall issue from thee which thou shalt beget shall they take away and they shall be eunuchs in the palace of the king of Babylon Then said Hezekiah to/Isaiah 5430/9838
Isa_39:7............that/shall issue from thee which thou shalt beget shall they take away and they shall be eunuchs in the palace of the king of Babylon Then said Hezekiah to/Isaiah 5431/9838
Isa_39:7...........beget/shall they take away and they shall be eunuchs in the palace of the king of Babylon Then said Hezekiah to/Isaiah 5432/9838
Isa_39:7............they/shall be eunuchs in the palace of the king of Babylon Then said Hezekiah to/Isaiah 5433/9838
Isa_39:8...........there/shall be peace and truth/in 5434/9838
Isa_40:4..........valley/shall be exalted and every/mountain 5435/9838
Isa_40:4............hill/shall be made low and the crooked/shall 5436/9838
Isa_40:4.........crooked/shall be made straight and the rough places/plain 5437/9838
Isa_40:5............LORD/shall be revealed and/all 5438/9838
Isa_40:5...........flesh/shall see it together/for 5439/9838
Isa_40:6............What/shall I cry All/flesh 5440/9838
Isa_40:8.............God/shall stand for ever O/Zion 5441/9838
Isa_40:10............arm/shall rule for/him.. 5442/9838
Isa_40:11.............He/shall feed his/flock 5443/9838
Isa_40:11.............he/shall gather the lambs/with 5444/9838
Isa_40:11............and/shall gently/lead... 5445/9838
Isa_40:20...........that/shall not be moved Have/ye 5446/9838
Isa_40:24...........they/shall not be planted/yea 5447/9838
Isa_40:24...........they/shall not be sown/yea 5448/9838
Isa_40:24..........stock/shall not take root/in 5449/9838
Isa_40:24.............he/shall also blow/upon 5450/9838
Isa_40:24...........they/shall wither and/the 5451/9838
Isa_40:24......whirlwind/shall take them away as stubble/To 5452/9838
Isa_40:25.............or/shall I be equal/saith 5453/9838
Isa_40:30.........youths/shall faint and be/weary 5454/9838 utterly fall/But 5455/9838
Isa_40:31...........LORD/shall renew/their... 5456/9838
Isa_40:31...........they/shall mount up with/wings 5457/9838
Isa_40:31...........they/shall run and/not... 5458/9838
Isa_40:31...........they/shall walk and/not.. 5459/9838
Isa_41:11...........thee/shall be ashamed and confounded/they 5460/9838
Isa_41:11...........they/shall be as nothing and they/that 5461/9838
Isa_41:11...........thee/shall perish Thou shalt/seek 5462/9838
Isa_41:12...........thee/shall be as nothing and as/a 5463/9838
Isa_41:16...........wind/shall carry them away/and 5464/9838
Isa_41:16......whirlwind/shall scatter them and/thou 5465/9838
Isa_41:22...........what/shall happen/let.... 5466/9838
Isa_41:25.............he/shall come from the rising/of 5467/9838
Isa_41:25............sun/shall he call/upon.. 5468/9838
Isa_41:25.............he/shall come upon princes/as 5469/9838
Isa_41:27..........first/shall say to Zion/Behold 5470/9838
Isa_42:1..............he/shall bring forth judgment to/the 5471/9838
Isa_42:2..............He/shall not cry/nor... 5472/9838
Isa_42:3............reed/shall he not break and the/smoking 5473/9838
Isa_42:3............flax/shall he not quench he/shall 5474/9838
Isa_42:3..............he/shall bring forth judgment unto/truth 5475/9838
Isa_42:4..............He/shall not fail nor/be 5476/9838
Isa_42:4...........isles/shall wait for his/law 5477/9838
Isa_42:13...........LORD/shall go forth as a/mighty 5478/9838
Isa_42:13.............he/shall stir up jealousy/like 5479/9838
Isa_42:13.............he/shall cry yea/roar.. 5480/9838
Isa_42:13.............he/shall prevail against his/enemies 5481/9838
Isa_42:17...........They/shall be turned back/they 5482/9838
Isa_42:17...........they/shall be greatly ashamed that/trust 5483/9838
Isa_43:2............they/shall not overflow/thee 5484/9838
Isa_43:2.........neither/shall the flame/kindle 5485/9838
Isa_43:10........neither/shall there be after/me 5486/9838
Isa_43:13............who/shall let it/Thus... 5487/9838
Isa_43:17...........they/shall lie down together they/shall 5488/9838
Isa_43:17...........they/shall not rise they/are 5489/9838 spring forth shall/ye 5490/9838
Isa_43:19..........forth/shall ye not know/it 5491/9838
Isa_43:20..........field/shall honour/me..... 5492/9838
Isa_43:21...........they/shall shew forth my/praise 5493/9838
Isa_44:4............they/shall spring up/as.. 5494/9838
Isa_44:5.............One/shall say I am the/LORD's 5495/9838
Isa_44:5.........another/shall call himself/by 5496/9838
Isa_44:5.........another/shall subscribe/with 5497/9838
Isa_44:7...............I/shall call and shall/declare 5498/9838
Isa_44:7.............and/shall declare it and/set 5499/9838
Isa_44:7.............and/shall come let/them. 5500/9838
Isa_44:9..........things/shall not profit and they are/their 5501/9838
Isa_44:11........fellows/shall be ashamed and the workmen/they 5502/9838
Isa_44:11...........they/shall fear and they/shall 5503/9838
Isa_44:11...........they/shall be ashamed together/The 5504/9838
Isa_44:15...........Then/shall it be for a/man 5505/9838
Isa_44:19............and/shall I make the residue/thereof 5506/9838
Isa_44:19....abomination/shall I fall/down... 5507/9838
Isa_44:26.............Ye/shall be built and/I 5508/9838
Isa_44:28............and/shall perform/all... 5509/9838 be laid Thus/saith 5510/9838
Isa_45:1...........gates/shall not be shut I/will 5511/9838 the clay/say.. 5512/9838
Isa_45:13.............he/shall build my city/and 5513/9838
Isa_45:13.............he/shall let go my/captives 5514/9838
Isa_45:14........stature/shall come over unto/thee 5515/9838
Isa_45:14...........they/shall be thine they/shall 5516/9838
Isa_45:14...........they/shall come after thee/in 5517/9838
Isa_45:14...........they/shall come over and/they 5518/9838
Isa_45:14...........they/shall fall down unto/thee 5519/9838
Isa_45:14...........they/shall make supplication/unto 5520/9838
Isa_45:16...........They/shall be ashamed and also/confounded 5521/9838
Isa_45:16...........they/shall go to confusion/together 5522/9838
Isa_45:17.........Israel/shall be saved in the/LORD 5523/9838 not be ashamed nor/confounded 5524/9838
Isa_45:23............and/shall not return That/unto 5525/9838
Isa_45:23...........knee/shall bow every/tongue 5526/9838
Isa_45:23.........tongue/shall swear Surely/shall 5527/9838
Isa_45:24.........Surely/shall one say/in.... 5528/9838
Isa_45:24............him/shall men come and/all 5529/9838
Isa_45:24............him/shall be ashamed In/the 5530/9838
Isa_45:25...........LORD/shall all the seed/of 5531/9838
Isa_45:25............and/shall glory Bel/boweth 5532/9838 he not remove/yea 5533/9838 cry unto him/yet 5534/9838
Isa_46:10........counsel/shall stand and I/will 5535/9838 not be far/off 5536/9838
Isa_46:13......salvation/shall not tarry and/I 5537/9838
Isa_47:3.......nakedness/shall be uncovered yea/thy 5538/9838
Isa_47:3...........shame/shall be seen I/will 5539/9838
Isa_47:7...............I/shall be a lady/for. 5540/9838
Isa_47:8...............I/shall not sit/as.... 5541/9838
Isa_47:8.........neither/shall I know the/loss 5542/9838
Isa_47:9..........things/shall come to thee/in 5543/9838
Isa_47:9............they/shall come upon thee in/their 5544/9838
Isa_47:11......Therefore/shall evil come upon thee/thou 5545/9838
Isa_47:11.......mischief/shall fall upon thee/thou 5546/9838
Isa_47:11.....desolation/shall come upon thee suddenly/which 5547/9838
Isa_47:13...........that/shall come upon thee Behold/they 5548/9838
Isa_47:14...........they/shall be as stubble/the 5549/9838 burn them they/shall 5550/9838
Isa_47:14...........they/shall not deliver themselves/from 5551/9838
Isa_47:14..........there/shall not be a coal/to 5552/9838
Isa_47:15...........Thus/shall they be unto/thee 5553/9838
Isa_47:15...........they/shall wander every/one 5554/9838
Isa_47:15...........none/shall save thee Hear/ye 5555/9838
Isa_48:14............arm/shall be on the Chaldeans/I 5556/9838
Isa_48:15.............he/shall make his/way.. 5557/9838
Isa_49:5.............yet/shall I be glorious/in 5558/9838
Isa_49:5.............God/shall be my strength And/he 5559/9838
Isa_49:7...........Kings/shall see and arise/princes 5560/9838
Isa_49:7............also/shall worship because/of 5561/9838
Isa_49:7..............he/shall choose thee/Thus 5562/9838
Isa_49:9............They/shall feed in the/ways 5563/9838
Isa_49:9........pastures/shall be in all high/places 5564/9838
Isa_49:10...........They/shall not hunger/nor 5565/9838
Isa_49:10........neither/shall the heat/nor.. 5566/9838
Isa_49:10...........them/shall lead them even/by 5567/9838
Isa_49:10..........water/shall he guide/them. 5568/9838
Isa_49:11.......highways/shall be exalted Behold/these 5569/9838
Isa_49:12..........these/shall come from far and lo/these 5570/9838
Isa_49:17.......children/shall make haste thy/destroyers 5571/9838
Isa_49:17..........waste/shall go forth of thee/Lift 5572/9838
Isa_49:19....destruction/shall even now/be... 5573/9838
Isa_49:19.............up/shall be far away/The 5574/9838
Isa_49:20..........other/shall say again/in.. 5575/9838
Isa_49:22...........they/shall bring thy sons/in 5576/9838
Isa_49:22......daughters/shall be carried upon/their 5577/9838
Isa_49:23..........kings/shall be thy nursing/fathers 5578/9838
Isa_49:23...........they/shall bow down to/thee 5579/9838
Isa_49:23...........they/shall not be ashamed that/wait 5580/9838 the prey/be... 5581/9838
Isa_49:25.........mighty/shall be taken away and the prey/of 5582/9838
Isa_49:25.......terrible/shall be delivered for I/will 5583/9838
Isa_49:26...........they/shall be drunken/with 5584/9838
Isa_49:26..........flesh/shall know that I the LORD am/thy 5585/9838
Isa_50:7.......therefore/shall I not be confounded/therefore 5586/9838
Isa_50:7...............I/shall not be ashamed He/is 5587/9838
Isa_50:9............that/shall condemn me lo/they 5588/9838
Isa_50:9.............all/shall wax old as a/garment 5589/9838
Isa_50:9............moth/shall eat them up Who/is 5590/9838
Isa_50:11...........This/shall ye have of/mine 5591/9838 lie down in sorrow/Hearken 5592/9838
Isa_51:3............LORD/shall comfort Zion/he 5593/9838
Isa_51:3........gladness/shall be found therein/thanksgiving 5594/9838 proceed from me/and 5595/9838
Isa_51:5............arms/shall judge the people the/isles 5596/9838
Isa_51:5...........isles/shall wait upon/me.. 5597/9838
Isa_51:5.............arm/shall they trust/Lift 5598/9838
Isa_51:6.........heavens/shall vanish away like/smoke 5599/9838 wax old like a garment and/they 5600/9838
Isa_51:6.........therein/shall die in like/manner 5601/9838
Isa_51:6.......salvation/shall be for ever and my righteousness/shall 5602/9838
Isa_51:6...righteousness/shall not be abolished/Hearken 5603/9838
Isa_51:8............moth/shall eat them up like/a 5604/9838
Isa_51:8............worm/shall eat them like/wool 5605/9838
Isa_51:8...righteousness/shall be for ever and my salvation/from 5606/9838
Isa_51:11...........LORD/shall return and come with/singing 5607/9838 be upon their head/they 5608/9838
Isa_51:11...........they/shall obtain gladness/and 5609/9838
Isa_51:11.......mourning/shall flee away I/even 5610/9838
Isa_51:12...........that/shall die and of/the 5611/9838
Isa_51:12..........which/shall be made as/grass 5612/9838
Isa_51:19............who/shall be sorry/for.. 5613/9838
Isa_51:19...........whom/shall I comfort/thee 5614/9838
Isa_52:1...........there/shall no more come/into 5615/9838 be redeemed without/money 5616/9838
Isa_52:6..........people/shall know my name/therefore 5617/9838
Isa_52:6............they/shall know in/that.. 5618/9838
Isa_52:8........watchmen/shall lift up the/voice 5619/9838
Isa_52:8........together/shall they sing/for. 5620/9838
Isa_52:8............they/shall see eye/to.... 5621/9838
Isa_52:8............LORD/shall bring again Zion/Break 5622/9838 see the salvation of our/God 5623/9838 not go out with/haste 5624/9838
Isa_52:13........servant/shall deal prudently/he 5625/9838
Isa_52:13.............he/shall be exalted and extolled/and 5626/9838
Isa_52:15.............So/shall he sprinkle many/nations 5627/9838
Isa_52:15..........kings/shall shut their/mouths 5628/9838
Isa_52:15...........them/shall they see and/that 5629/9838
Isa_52:15..........heard/shall they consider/Who 5630/9838
Isa_53:2..............he/shall grow up before/him 5631/9838
Isa_53:2..............we/shall see him there/is 5632/9838
Isa_53:8.............who/shall declare his generation for he/was 5633/9838
Isa_53:10.............he/shall see his seed/he 5634/9838
Isa_53:10.............he/shall prolong his days and/the 5635/9838
Isa_53:10...........LORD/shall prosper in his/hand 5636/9838
Isa_53:11.............He/shall see of/the.... 5637/9838
Isa_53:11............and/shall be satisfied by/his 5638/9838
Isa_53:11......knowledge/shall my righteous/servant 5639/9838
Isa_53:11.............he/shall bear their iniquities/Therefore 5640/9838
Isa_53:12.............he/shall divide the spoil with/the 5641/9838
Isa_54:3............seed/shall inherit the Gentiles/and 5642/9838 he be called/For 5643/9838
Isa_54:10......mountains/shall depart and the hills/be 5644/9838
Isa_54:10.......kindness/shall not depart from thee/neither 5645/9838
Isa_54:10........neither/shall the covenant/of 5646/9838
Isa_54:13.......children/shall be taught/of.. 5647/9838
Isa_54:13..........great/shall be the peace of/thy 5648/9838 not come near thee/Behold 5649/9838
Isa_54:15...........they/shall surely gather/together 5650/9838
Isa_54:15......whosoever/shall gather together against/thee 5651/9838
Isa_54:15...........thee/shall fall for/thy.. 5652/9838
Isa_54:17...........thee/shall prosper and every/tongue 5653/9838
Isa_54:17...........that/shall rise against thee/in 5654/9838
Isa_55:3............soul/shall live and I will make/an 5655/9838
Isa_55:5............thee/shall run unto/thee. 5656/9838
Isa_55:11.............So/shall my word/be.... 5657/9838 not return unto/me 5658/9838 accomplish that/which 5659/9838 prosper in the/thing 5660/9838 go out with joy/and 5661/9838
Isa_55:12..........hills/shall break forth before/you 5662/9838
Isa_55:12..........field/shall clap their hands Instead/of 5663/9838
Isa_55:13..........thorn/shall come up the fir/tree 5664/9838
Isa_55:13..........brier/shall come up the myrtle/tree 5665/9838 be to the LORD/for 5666/9838
Isa_55:13...........that/shall not be cut off Thus/saith 5667/9838
Isa_56:5............that/shall not be cut off Also/the 5668/9838
Isa_56:7......sacrifices/shall be accepted upon/mine 5669/9838 be called an house/of 5670/9838
Isa_56:12.........morrow/shall be as this/day 5671/9838
Isa_57:2..............He/shall enter into peace/they 5672/9838
Isa_57:2............they/shall rest in their/beds 5673/9838
Isa_57:12...........they/shall not profit thee/When 5674/9838
Isa_57:13...........wind/shall carry them all/away 5675/9838
Isa_57:13.........vanity/shall take them but/he 5676/9838 possess the land/and 5677/9838
Isa_57:13............and/shall inherit my/holy 5678/9838
Isa_57:14............And/shall say Cast/ye... 5679/9838 not fast/as... 5680/9838
Isa_58:8............Then/shall thy light break/forth 5681/9838 spring forth speedily/and 5682/9838
Isa_58:8...righteousness/shall go before thee the/glory 5683/9838
Isa_58:8............LORD/shall be thy rereward/Then 5684/9838
Isa_58:9............LORD/shall answer thou/shalt 5685/9838
Isa_58:9..............he/shall say Here/I.... 5686/9838
Isa_58:10...........then/shall thy light rise/in 5687/9838
Isa_58:11...........LORD/shall guide thee/continually 5688/9838
Isa_58:12...........that/shall be of thee shall/build 5689/9838
Isa_58:12...........thee/shall build the old waste/places 5690/9838
Isa_59:6............webs/shall not become/garments 5691/9838
Isa_59:6.........neither/shall they cover/themselves 5692/9838
Isa_59:8.........therein/shall not know peace/Therefore 5693/9838
Isa_59:19.............So/shall they fear/the. 5694/9838
Isa_59:19..........enemy/shall come in like/a 5695/9838
Isa_59:19...........LORD/shall lift up a standard/against 5696/9838
Isa_59:20.......Redeemer/shall come to Zion/and 5697/9838
Isa_59:21..........mouth/shall not depart out of thy mouth nor/out 5698/9838
Isa_60:2........darkness/shall cover the earth/and 5699/9838
Isa_60:2............LORD/shall arise upon/thee 5700/9838
Isa_60:2...........glory/shall be seen upon/thee 5701/9838
Isa_60:3........Gentiles/shall come to thy/light 5702/9838
Isa_60:4............sons/shall come from far and thy/daughters 5703/9838
Isa_60:4.......daughters/shall be nursed/at.. 5704/9838
Isa_60:5...........heart/shall fear and be/enlarged 5705/9838
Isa_60:5.............sea/shall be converted unto thee the/forces 5706/9838
Isa_60:5........Gentiles/shall come unto thee The multitude/of 5707/9838
Isa_60:6..........camels/shall cover thee the/dromedaries 5708/9838
Isa_60:6...........Sheba/shall come they shall/bring 5709/9838
Isa_60:6............they/shall bring gold/and 5710/9838
Isa_60:6............they/shall shew forth the/praises 5711/9838
Isa_60:7...........Kedar/shall be gathered together unto/thee 5712/9838
Isa_60:7........Nebaioth/shall minister unto thee they/shall 5713/9838
Isa_60:7............they/shall come up with acceptance/on 5714/9838
Isa_60:9...........isles/shall wait for me/and 5715/9838
Isa_60:10......strangers/shall build up thy/walls 5716/9838
Isa_60:10..........kings/shall minister unto thee for/in 5717/9838
Isa_60:11..........gates/shall be open continually/they 5718/9838
Isa_60:11...........they/shall not be shut day/nor 5719/9838
Isa_60:12...........thee/shall perish yea/those 5720/9838
Isa_60:12........nations/shall be utterly wasted/The 5721/9838
Isa_60:13........Lebanon/shall come unto thee the fir/tree 5722/9838
Isa_60:14...........thee/shall come bending/unto 5723/9838
Isa_60:14...........thee/shall bow themselves down/at 5724/9838
Isa_60:14...........they/shall call thee/The. 5725/9838
Isa_60:18.......Violence/shall no more be heard in/thy 5726/9838
Isa_60:19............sun/shall be no more thy/light 5727/9838
Isa_60:19.....brightness/shall the moon/give. 5728/9838
Isa_60:19...........LORD/shall be unto thee an/everlasting 5729/9838
Isa_60:20............sun/shall no more go/down 5730/9838
Isa_60:20........neither/shall thy moon/withdraw 5731/9838
Isa_60:20...........LORD/shall be thine everlasting/light 5732/9838
Isa_60:20.......mourning/shall be ended/Thy.. 5733/9838
Isa_60:21...........also/shall be all righteous/they 5734/9838
Isa_60:21...........they/shall inherit the land for/ever 5735/9838 become a thousand/and 5736/9838
Isa_61:4............they/shall build the old wastes/they 5737/9838
Isa_61:4............they/shall raise up the/former 5738/9838
Isa_61:4............they/shall repair/the.... 5739/9838
Isa_61:5.......strangers/shall stand and feed your/flocks 5740/9838
Isa_61:5...........alien/shall be your plowmen/and 5741/9838 be named/the.. 5742/9838 call you the/Ministers 5743/9838 eat the riches/of 5744/9838
Isa_61:6...........glory/shall ye boast/yourselves 5745/9838 have double/and 5746/9838
Isa_61:7............they/shall rejoice in their/portion 5747/9838
Isa_61:7............they/shall possess the double/everlasting 5748/9838 be unto them For I/the 5749/9838
Isa_61:9............seed/shall be known among/the 5750/9838
Isa_61:9............them/shall acknowledge them/that 5751/9838
Isa_61:10...........soul/shall be joyful in my/God 5752/9838
Isa_62:2........Gentiles/shall see thy righteousness/and 5753/9838
Isa_62:2............LORD/shall name Thou/shalt 5754/9838
Isa_62:4.........neither/shall thy land/any.. 5755/9838 be married/For 5756/9838 thy sons/marry 5757/9838 thy God/rejoice 5758/9838
Isa_62:6...........which/shall never hold/their 5759/9838
Isa_62:8........stranger/shall not drink thy/wine 5760/9838 eat it and praise/the 5761/9838
Isa_62:9........together/shall drink it/in... 5762/9838
Isa_62:12...........they/shall call them The holy/people 5763/9838
Isa_63:3...........blood/shall be sprinkled/upon 5764/9838
Isa_64:5..............we/shall be saved But we/are 5765/9838
Isa_65:9...........elect/shall inherit it and my/servants 5766/9838
Isa_65:9........servants/shall dwell there And Sharon/shall 5767/9838
Isa_65:10.........Sharon/shall be a fold/of.. 5768/9838 all bow/down.. 5769/9838
Isa_65:13.......servants/shall eat but ye/shall 5770/9838 be hungry behold/my 5771/9838
Isa_65:13.......servants/shall drink but/ye.. 5772/9838 be thirsty/behold 5773/9838
Isa_65:13.......servants/shall rejoice but/ye 5774/9838 be ashamed Behold my/servants 5775/9838
Isa_65:14.......servants/shall sing for joy/of 5776/9838 cry for/sorrow 5777/9838
Isa_65:14............and/shall howl for vexation/of 5778/9838 leave your/name 5779/9838
Isa_65:15............GOD/shall slay thee and call/his 5780/9838 bless himself/in 5781/9838 swear by the God/of 5782/9838
Isa_65:17.........former/shall not be remembered nor/come 5783/9838
Isa_65:19........weeping/shall be no more heard in/her 5784/9838
Isa_65:20..........There/shall be no more thence/an 5785/9838
Isa_65:20..........child/shall die an/hundred 5786/9838
Isa_65:20............old/shall be accursed And/they 5787/9838
Isa_65:21...........they/shall build houses and inhabit/them 5788/9838
Isa_65:21...........they/shall plant vineyards and eat/the 5789/9838
Isa_65:22...........They/shall not build/and. 5790/9838
Isa_65:22...........they/shall not plant/and. 5791/9838
Isa_65:22..........elect/shall long/enjoy.... 5792/9838
Isa_65:23...........They/shall not labour/in. 5793/9838 come to pass that before/they 5794/9838
Isa_65:25...........lamb/shall feed together/and 5795/9838
Isa_65:25...........lion/shall eat straw like the bullock/and 5796/9838
Isa_65:25...........dust/shall be the serpent's/meat 5797/9838
Isa_65:25...........They/shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain saith/the 5798/9838
Isa_66:5..............he/shall appear to/your 5799/9838
Isa_66:5............they/shall be ashamed A/voice 5800/9838
Isa_66:8..........things/Shall the earth be made/to 5801/9838
Isa_66:8..............or/shall a nation be/born 5802/9838
Isa_66:9........children/Shall I bring to/the 5803/9838
Isa_66:9............LORD/shall I cause to/bring 5804/9838
Isa_66:12...........then/shall ye suck/ye.... 5805/9838 be borne/upon. 5806/9838 be comforted in Jerusalem/And 5807/9838
Isa_66:14..........heart/shall rejoice and your bones/shall 5808/9838
Isa_66:14..........bones/shall flourish like an/herb 5809/9838
Isa_66:14...........LORD/shall be known toward/his 5810/9838
Isa_66:16...........LORD/shall be many They/that 5811/9838
Isa_66:17..........mouse/shall be consumed together/saith 5812/9838 come that/I... 5813/9838
Isa_66:18...........they/shall come and see/my 5814/9838
Isa_66:19...........they/shall declare my/glory 5815/9838
Isa_66:20...........they/shall bring all/your 5816/9838
Isa_66:22...........make/shall remain before/me 5817/9838 your seed/and. 5818/9838 come to pass that from/one 5819/9838
Isa_66:23........another/shall all flesh come to/worship 5820/9838
Isa_66:24...........they/shall go forth and look/upon 5821/9838
Isa_66:24...........worm/shall not die neither/shall 5822/9838
Isa_66:24........neither/shall their fire/be. 5823/9838
Isa_66:24...........they/shall be an abhorring/unto 5824/9838
Jer_1:7................I/shall send thee and/whatsoever 5825/9838
Jer_1:14............evil/shall break forth upon/all 5826/9838
Jer_1:15............they/shall come and they/shall 5827/9838
Jer_1:15............they/shall set every/one. 5828/9838
Jer_1:19............they/shall fight against thee but they shall not prevail against thee for I am with thee saith/the 5829/9838
Jer_1:19............they/shall not prevail against thee for I am with thee saith/the 5830/9838
Jer_2:3..............him/shall offend evil/shall 5831/9838
Jer_2:3.............evil/shall come upon them saith/the 5832/9838
Jer_2:19......wickedness/shall correct/thee.. 5833/9838
Jer_2:19....backslidings/shall reprove/thee.. 5834/9838
Jer_2:24............they/shall find her/Withhold 5835/9838
Jer_2:35...........anger/shall turn from me/Behold 5836/9838's/shall he return unto/her 5837/9838
Jer_3:1............again/shall not that/land. 5838/9838
Jer_3:15...........which/shall feed you/with. 5839/9838 come to pass when ye be multiplied/and 5840/9838
Jer_3:16............they/shall say no more The ark/of 5841/9838
Jer_3:16.........neither/shall it come to mind/neither 5842/9838
Jer_3:16.........neither/shall they remember/it 5843/9838
Jer_3:16.........neither/shall they visit/it. 5844/9838
Jer_3:16.........neither/shall that be/done.. 5845/9838
Jer_3:17............they/shall call Jerusalem/the 5846/9838
Jer_3:17.........nations/shall be gathered unto it/to 5847/9838
Jer_3:17.........neither/shall they walk/any. 5848/9838
Jer_3:18...........Judah/shall walk with the/house 5849/9838
Jer_3:18............they/shall come together/out 5850/9838
Jer_3:19.............How/shall I put thee/among 5851/9838
Jer_4:2..........nations/shall bless themselves/in 5852/9838
Jer_4:2..............him/shall they glory/For 5853/9838
Jer_4:7...........cities/shall be laid waste without/an 5854/9838 come to pass at that day saith/the 5855/9838
Jer_4:9.............king/shall perish and the heart/of 5856/9838
Jer_4:9..........priests/shall be astonished and the/prophets 5857/9838
Jer_4:9.........prophets/shall wonder Then/said 5858/9838
Jer_4:10..............Ye/shall have peace whereas/the 5859/9838
Jer_4:11............time/shall it be said/to. 5860/9838
Jer_4:12..........places/shall come unto me now/also 5861/9838
Jer_4:13..............he/shall come up as/clouds 5862/9838
Jer_4:13........chariots/shall be as a whirlwind/his 5863/9838
Jer_4:14............long/shall thy vain/thoughts 5864/9838
Jer_4:21............long/shall I see the/standard 5865/9838 be desolate yet/will 5866/9838
Jer_4:28............this/shall the earth mourn/and 5867/9838 flee for/the.. 5868/9838
Jer_4:29............they/shall go into thickets/and 5869/9838 be forsaken and not/a 5870/9838
Jer_5:6...........forest/shall slay them and a/wolf 5871/9838
Jer_5:6.........evenings/shall spoil them a/leopard 5872/9838
Jer_5:6..........leopard/shall watch/over.... 5873/9838
Jer_5:6...........thence/shall be torn/in.... 5874/9838
Jer_5:7..............How/shall I pardon/thee. 5875/9838
Jer_5:9.............wife/Shall I not visit for these things saith the LORD and/shall 5876/9838
Jer_5:9..............and/shall not my soul be avenged on such a nation as this Go/ye 5877/9838
Jer_5:12.........neither/shall evil come upon us/neither 5878/9838
Jer_5:12.........neither/shall we see sword/nor 5879/9838
Jer_5:13........prophets/shall become wind/and 5880/9838
Jer_5:13............thus/shall it be done unto them Wherefore/thus 5881/9838 devour them Lo/I 5882/9838
Jer_5:17............they/shall eat up thine/harvest 5883/9838
Jer_5:17............they/shall eat up thy flocks/and 5884/9838
Jer_5:17............they/shall eat up thy vines/and 5885/9838
Jer_5:17............they/shall impoverish/thy 5886/9838 come to pass when ye shall/say 5887/9838 say Wherefore doeth/the 5888/9838 ye serve strangers/in 5889/9838
Jer_5:29...........judge/Shall I not visit for these things saith the LORD shall/not 5890/9838
Jer_5:29............LORD/shall not my soul be avenged on such a nation as this A/wonderful 5891/9838
Jer_6:3...........flocks/shall come unto her they/shall 5892/9838
Jer_6:3.............they/shall pitch their tents against/her 5893/9838
Jer_6:3.............they/shall feed every/one 5894/9838
Jer_6:9.............They/shall throughly glean/the 5895/9838
Jer_6:10............whom/shall I speak and give/warning 5896/9838
Jer_6:11............wife/shall be taken the/aged 5897/9838
Jer_6:12..........houses/shall be turned unto others/with 5898/9838
Jer_6:15............they/shall fall among/them 5899/9838
Jer_6:15............they/shall be cast down saith the LORD Thus/saith 5900/9838 find rest for/your 5901/9838
Jer_6:21........together/shall fall upon them the/neighbour 5902/9838
Jer_6:21..........friend/shall perish Thus/saith 5903/9838
Jer_6:22..........nation/shall be raised from/the 5904/9838
Jer_6:23............They/shall lay hold on/bow 5905/9838
Jer_6:26.........spoiler/shall suddenly come upon/us 5906/9838
Jer_6:30..........silver/shall men call/them. 5907/9838
Jer_7:20............fury/shall be poured out upon this place upon/man 5908/9838 burn and shall/not 5909/9838
Jer_7:20.............and/shall not be quenched Thus/saith 5910/9838 be my people and walk/ye 5911/9838 no more be called Tophet nor the valley of the son of Hinnom but the valley of slaughter for/they 5912/9838
Jer_7:32............they/shall bury in/Tophet 5913/9838
Jer_7:33..........people/shall be meat for the fowls of the/heaven 5914/9838
Jer_7:33............none/shall fray them away Then/will 5915/9838 be desolate At/that 5916/9838
Jer_8:1.............they/shall bring out the bones/of 5917/9838
Jer_8:2.............they/shall spread them/before 5918/9838
Jer_8:2.............they/shall not be gathered nor/be 5919/9838
Jer_8:2.............they/shall be for dung/upon 5920/9838
Jer_8:3............death/shall be chosen/rather 5921/9838
Jer_8:4.............LORD/Shall they fall and/not 5922/9838
Jer_8:4............arise/shall he turn away/and 5923/9838
Jer_8:10............that/shall inherit them/for 5924/9838
Jer_8:12.......therefore/shall they fall among/them 5925/9838
Jer_8:12............they/shall be cast down saith the LORD I/will 5926/9838
Jer_8:13...........there/shall be no grapes/on 5927/9838
Jer_8:13............leaf/shall fade and/the.. 5928/9838
Jer_8:13............them/shall pass away from/them 5929/9838
Jer_8:17............they/shall bite you/saith 5930/9838 I do for the/daughter 5931/9838
Jer_9:9.............wait/Shall I not visit them/for 5932/9838
Jer_9:9.............LORD/shall not my soul be avenged on such a nation as this For/the 5933/9838 fall as/dung.. 5934/9838
Jer_9:22............none/shall gather them Thus/saith 5935/9838 tremble and the nations/shall 5936/9838
Jer_10:10........nations/shall not be able to abide/his 5937/9838
Jer_10:11...........Thus/shall ye say unto them/The 5938/9838
Jer_10:11...........they/shall perish from the earth and from/under 5939/9838
Jer_10:15...........they/shall perish The portion of Jacob is not like them for he is the former of all things and Israel is the rod of his inheritance The LORD of hosts is his name Gather/up 5940/9838
Jer_10:21...........they/shall not prosper and all/their 5941/9838
Jer_10:21.........flocks/shall be scattered Behold/the 5942/9838 ye be my people/and 5943/9838
Jer_11:11...........they/shall not be able to escape/and 5944/9838
Jer_11:11...........they/shall cry unto me I/will 5945/9838
Jer_11:12...........Then/shall the cities/of. 5946/9838
Jer_11:12...........they/shall not save them/at 5947/9838 die by the sword their/sons 5948/9838
Jer_11:22......daughters/shall die by famine/And 5949/9838
Jer_11:23..........there/shall be no remnant/of 5950/9838
Jer_12:4............long/shall the land mourn and the/herbs 5951/9838
Jer_12:4..............He/shall not see our/last 5952/9838
Jer_12:12...........LORD/shall devour from/the 5953/9838
Jer_12:12..........flesh/shall have peace They/have 5954/9838
Jer_12:13............but/shall reap thorns/they 5955/9838
Jer_12:13............but/shall not profit and they shall/be 5956/9838
Jer_12:13...........they/shall be ashamed of your/revenues 5957/9838 come to pass after that/I 5958/9838 come to pass if they will diligently/learn 5959/9838
Jer_12:16...........then/shall they be built/in 5960/9838
Jer_13:10...........them/shall even be as this/girdle 5961/9838
Jer_13:12.........bottle/shall be filled with wine and/they 5962/9838
Jer_13:12...........they/shall say unto thee Do/we 5963/9838
Jer_13:12.........bottle/shall be filled with wine Then/shalt 5964/9838
Jer_13:17...........soul/shall weep in/secret 5965/9838
Jer_13:17............eye/shall weep sore/and. 5966/9838
Jer_13:18.principalities/shall come down even/the 5967/9838
Jer_13:19..........south/shall be shut up and/none 5968/9838
Jer_13:19...........none/shall open them/Judah 5969/9838
Jer_13:19..........Judah/shall be carried away/captive 5970/9838 be wholly carried/away 5971/9838
Jer_13:21.............he/shall punish thee/for 5972/9838
Jer_13:21...........thee/shall not sorrows/take 5973/9838
Jer_13:27...........when/shall it once/be.... 5974/9838
Jer_14:13.............Ye/shall not see the sword/neither 5975/9838
Jer_14:13........neither/shall ye have famine/but 5976/9838
Jer_14:15.........famine/shall not be in this/land 5977/9838
Jer_14:15.........famine/shall those prophets/be 5978/9838
Jer_14:16.......prophesy/shall be cast out in the streets/of 5979/9838
Jer_14:16...........they/shall have none to bury/them 5980/9838 come to pass if they say/unto 5981/9838
Jer_15:2.........Whither/shall we go forth/then 5982/9838
Jer_15:5.............who/shall have pity/upon 5983/9838
Jer_15:5.............who/shall bemoan/thee... 5984/9838
Jer_15:5.............who/shall go aside/to... 5985/9838 be well with thy/remnant 5986/9838
Jer_15:12.....affliction/Shall iron/break.... 5987/9838
Jer_15:14..........which/shall burn upon/you. 5988/9838
Jer_15:20...........they/shall fight against thee but they shall not prevail against thee for I am with thee to/save 5989/9838
Jer_15:20...........they/shall not prevail against thee for I am with thee to/save 5990/9838
Jer_16:4............They/shall die of grievous/deaths 5991/9838
Jer_16:4............they/shall not be lamented neither shall/they 5992/9838
Jer_16:4.........neither/shall they be buried/but 5993/9838
Jer_16:4............they/shall be as dung upon the face of the earth/and 5994/9838
Jer_16:4............they/shall be consumed by the sword and by famine/and 5995/9838
Jer_16:4........carcases/shall be meat for the fowls of heaven/and 5996/9838
Jer_16:6...........small/shall die in this/land 5997/9838
Jer_16:6............they/shall not be buried/neither 5998/9838
Jer_16:6.........neither/shall men lament/for 5999/9838
Jer_16:7.........Neither/shall men tear/themselves 6000/9838
Jer_16:7.........neither/shall men give them/the 6001/9838 come to pass when thou shalt shew/this 6002/9838
Jer_16:10...........they/shall say unto thee Wherefore/hath 6003/9838
Jer_16:13..........there/shall ye serve other/gods 6004/9838 no more be said/The 6005/9838
Jer_16:16...........they/shall fish/them..... 6006/9838
Jer_16:16...........they/shall hunt them/from 6007/9838
Jer_16:19.......Gentiles/shall come unto thee from/the 6008/9838
Jer_16:19............and/shall say Surely/our 6009/9838
Jer_16:20.........profit/Shall a man make/gods 6010/9838
Jer_16:21...........they/shall know that my/name 6011/9838
Jer_17:4...........which/shall burn for/ever. 6012/9838
Jer_17:6..............he/shall be like the heath/in 6013/9838
Jer_17:6.............and/shall not see when good/cometh 6014/9838
Jer_17:6.............but/shall inhabit the/parched 6015/9838
Jer_17:8..............he/shall be as a tree/planted 6016/9838
Jer_17:8.............and/shall not see when heat/cometh 6017/9838
Jer_17:8............leaf/shall be green/and.. 6018/9838
Jer_17:8.............and/shall not be careful/in 6019/9838
Jer_17:8.........neither/shall cease from yielding/fruit 6020/9838
Jer_17:11..........right/shall leave them in/the 6021/9838
Jer_17:11............end/shall be a fool/A... 6022/9838
Jer_17:13...........thee/shall be ashamed and they/that 6023/9838 be written in/the 6024/9838
Jer_17:14..............I/shall be healed save/me 6025/9838
Jer_17:14..............I/shall be saved for thou/art 6026/9838 come to pass if ye diligently/hearken 6027/9838
Jer_17:25...........Then/shall there enter into/the 6028/9838 remain for/ever 6029/9838
Jer_17:26...........they/shall come from the cities/of 6030/9838 devour the palaces of Jerusalem and/it 6031/9838 not be quenched The/word 6032/9838
Jer_18:7...............I/shall speak concerning a nation and concerning a kingdom to pluck/up 6033/9838
Jer_18:9...............I/shall speak concerning a nation and concerning a kingdom to build/and 6034/9838
Jer_18:14.............or/shall the cold/flowing 6035/9838
Jer_18:16........thereby/shall be astonished and wag/his 6036/9838 not perish from/the 6037/9838 evil be/recompensed 6038/9838
Jer_19:2...............I/shall tell thee And/say 6039/9838
Jer_19:3............ears/shall tingle Because/they 6040/9838 no more be called Tophet nor The valley of the son of Hinnom but The valley of slaughter And/I 6041/9838
Jer_19:8.........thereby/shall be astonished and hiss because/of 6042/9838
Jer_19:9............they/shall eat every one/the 6043/9838
Jer_19:9...........lives/shall straiten/them. 6044/9838
Jer_19:11...........they/shall bury them in/Tophet 6045/9838
Jer_19:13..........Judah/shall be defiled as/the 6046/9838
Jer_20:4............they/shall fall by the sword of/their 6047/9838
Jer_20:4............eyes/shall behold it/and. 6048/9838
Jer_20:4..............he/shall carry them captive/into 6049/9838
Jer_20:4.............and/shall slay them with/the 6050/9838
Jer_20:5...........which/shall spoil them and take/them 6051/9838 go into captivity and thou/shalt 6052/9838
Jer_20:10.............we/shall prevail against him and/we 6053/9838
Jer_20:10.............we/shall take our/revenge 6054/9838
Jer_20:11....persecutors/shall stumble and they/shall 6055/9838
Jer_20:11...........they/shall not prevail they/shall 6056/9838
Jer_20:11...........they/shall be greatly ashamed for/they 6057/9838
Jer_20:11...........they/shall not prosper their/everlasting 6058/9838
Jer_20:11......confusion/shall never be forgotten/But 6059/9838
Jer_21:3............Thus/shall ye say to Zedekiah/Thus 6060/9838
Jer_21:6............they/shall die of a/great 6061/9838
Jer_21:7..............he/shall smite them/with 6062/9838
Jer_21:7..............he/shall not spare them/neither 6063/9838 die by the sword and by/the 6064/9838
Jer_21:9..............he/shall live and his/life 6065/9838 be unto him for/a 6066/9838 be given into the/hand 6067/9838
Jer_21:10.............he/shall burn it with fire And touching/the 6068/9838
Jer_21:13............Who/shall come down against/us 6069/9838
Jer_21:13............who/shall enter into our/habitations 6070/9838 devour all things/round 6071/9838
Jer_22:4............then/shall there enter in/by 6072/9838 become a desolation For/thus 6073/9838
Jer_22:7............they/shall cut down thy/choice 6074/9838
Jer_22:8.........nations/shall pass by/this.. 6075/9838
Jer_22:8............they/shall say every/man. 6076/9838
Jer_22:9............they/shall answer Because they have/forsaken 6077/9838
Jer_22:10.............he/shall return no more nor/see 6078/9838
Jer_22:11.............He/shall not return thither/any 6079/9838
Jer_22:12.............he/shall die in the place/whither 6080/9838
Jer_22:12............and/shall see this land/no 6081/9838
Jer_22:18...........They/shall not lament for him saying Ah my/brother 6082/9838
Jer_22:18...........they/shall not lament for him saying Ah lord/or 6083/9838
Jer_22:19.............He/shall be buried with/the 6084/9838
Jer_22:22...........wind/shall eat up all/thy 6085/9838
Jer_22:22.........lovers/shall go into captivity surely/then 6086/9838
Jer_22:26..........there/shall ye die/But.... 6087/9838
Jer_22:27........thither/shall they not return/Is 6088/9838
Jer_22:30...........that/shall not prosper in/his 6089/9838
Jer_22:30...........seed/shall prosper sitting/upon 6090/9838
Jer_23:3............they/shall be fruitful and/increase 6091/9838
Jer_23:4...........which/shall feed them and they/shall 6092/9838
Jer_23:4............they/shall fear no/more.. 6093/9838
Jer_23:4.........neither/shall they be lacking/saith 6094/9838
Jer_23:5............King/shall reign and/prosper 6095/9838
Jer_23:5.............and/shall execute judgment and justice/in 6096/9838
Jer_23:6...........Judah/shall be saved and Israel/shall 6097/9838
Jer_23:6..........Israel/shall dwell safely and this is his/name 6098/9838
Jer_23:6..............he/shall be called THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS Therefore/behold 6099/9838
Jer_23:7............they/shall no more say/The 6100/9838
Jer_23:8............they/shall dwell in their own/land 6101/9838
Jer_23:12............way/shall be unto them as slippery/ways 6102/9838
Jer_23:12...........they/shall be driven on/and 6103/9838
Jer_23:17.............Ye/shall have peace and/they 6104/9838
Jer_23:17...........evil/shall come upon you For/who 6105/9838 fall grievously/upon 6106/9838
Jer_23:20...........LORD/shall not return until he have/executed 6107/9838 consider it perfectly/I 6108/9838
Jer_23:24..............I/shall not see him/saith 6109/9838
Jer_23:26...........long/shall this be in/the 6110/9838
Jer_23:32...........they/shall not profit this/people 6111/9838
Jer_23:33.........priest/shall ask thee saying/What 6112/9838
Jer_23:34...........that/shall say The burden/of 6113/9838
Jer_23:35...........Thus/shall ye say every/one 6114/9838
Jer_23:36...........LORD/shall ye mention/no. 6115/9838
Jer_23:36...........word/shall be his burden/for 6116/9838
Jer_23:38.............Ye/shall not say The/burden 6117/9838
Jer_23:40..........which/shall not be forgotten The/LORD 6118/9838
Jer_24:7............they/shall be my people and I will be their God for/they 6119/9838
Jer_24:7............they/shall return unto me/with 6120/9838
Jer_24:9...............I/shall drive them/And 6121/9838 be a desolation and an/astonishment 6122/9838
Jer_25:11........nations/shall serve the king/of 6123/9838 come to pass when seventy/years 6124/9838
Jer_25:14..........kings/shall serve themselves of them/also 6125/9838
Jer_25:16...........they/shall drink and be/moved 6126/9838
Jer_25:26.......Sheshach/shall drink after/them 6127/9838 be if they/refuse 6128/9838
Jer_25:28.............Ye/shall certainly drink/For 6129/9838
Jer_25:29.............Ye/shall not be unpunished for/I 6130/9838
Jer_25:30...........LORD/shall roar from/on.. 6131/9838
Jer_25:30.............he/shall mightily/roar. 6132/9838
Jer_25:30.............he/shall give a shout/as 6133/9838
Jer_25:31..........noise/shall come even to the/ends 6134/9838
Jer_25:32...........evil/shall go forth from nation/to 6135/9838
Jer_25:32......whirlwind/shall be raised up from the coasts of the earth And/the 6136/9838
Jer_25:33...........LORD/shall be at that day from/one 6137/9838
Jer_25:33...........they/shall not be lamented neither gathered/nor 6138/9838
Jer_25:33...........they/shall be dung/upon.. 6139/9838 fall like/a... 6140/9838
Jer_25:35......shepherds/shall have no way/to 6141/9838
Jer_25:36..........flock/shall be heard for the/LORD 6142/9838 be like Shiloh/and 6143/9838 be desolate without an/inhabitant 6144/9838 surely bring/innocent 6145/9838
Jer_26:18...........Zion/shall be plowed/like 6146/9838
Jer_26:18......Jerusalem/shall become heaps and the mountain of the house as the high places of a/forest 6147/9838
Jer_27:4............Thus/shall ye say unto your masters/I 6148/9838
Jer_27:7.........nations/shall serve him and his/son 6149/9838
Jer_27:7...........kings/shall serve themselves of him/And 6150/9838 come to pass that the nation/and 6151/9838
Jer_27:9..............Ye/shall not serve the king of Babylon For they prophesy a lie unto you to/remove 6152/9838
Jer_27:11...........they/shall till it/and... 6153/9838
Jer_27:14.............Ye/shall not serve the king of Babylon for they prophesy a lie unto you For/I 6154/9838 now shortly/be 6155/9838
Jer_27:22...........They/shall be carried to Babylon and/there 6156/9838
Jer_27:22..........there/shall they be until/the 6157/9838
Jer_28:9.........prophet/shall come to pass then/shall 6158/9838
Jer_28:9............then/shall the prophet/be 6159/9838
Jer_28:14...........they/shall serve him and I/have 6160/9838
Jer_29:7.........thereof/shall ye have peace/For 6161/9838
Jer_29:12...........Then/shall ye call upon/me 6162/9838 go and pray/unto 6163/9838 seek me and find/me 6164/9838 search for/me. 6165/9838
Jer_29:21.............he/shall slay them before/your 6166/9838
Jer_29:22...........them/shall be taken up/a. 6167/9838
Jer_29:32.............he/shall not have a man/to 6168/9838
Jer_29:32........neither/shall he behold the/good 6169/9838
Jer_30:3............they/shall possess it And these/are 6170/9838
Jer_30:7..............he/shall be saved out/of 6171/9838 come to pass in that day saith the LORD of hosts that I will break/his 6172/9838
Jer_30:8.......strangers/shall no more serve/themselves 6173/9838
Jer_30:9............they/shall serve the LORD their/God 6174/9838
Jer_30:10..........Jacob/shall return and shall be in/rest 6175/9838
Jer_30:10............and/shall be in rest/and 6176/9838
Jer_30:10...........none/shall make him afraid For/I 6177/9838
Jer_30:16...........thee/shall be devoured and all/thine 6178/9838
Jer_30:16...........them/shall go into captivity and they/that 6179/9838
Jer_30:16...........thee/shall be a spoil and/all 6180/9838 be builded upon/her 6181/9838
Jer_30:18.........palace/shall remain after/the 6182/9838
Jer_30:19...........them/shall proceed thanksgiving/and 6183/9838
Jer_30:19...........they/shall not be few/I.. 6184/9838
Jer_30:19...........they/shall not be small/Their 6185/9838
Jer_30:20...........also/shall be as aforetime/and 6186/9838
Jer_30:20...congregation/shall be established before me/and 6187/9838
Jer_30:21.........nobles/shall be of themselves/and 6188/9838
Jer_30:21.......governor/shall proceed from the/midst 6189/9838
Jer_30:21.............he/shall approach unto/me 6190/9838 be my people and I will be your God Behold/the 6191/9838 fall with pain/upon 6192/9838
Jer_30:24...........LORD/shall not return until he hath/done 6193/9838 consider it At/the 6194/9838
Jer_31:1............they/shall be my people Thus/saith 6195/9838
Jer_31:5........planters/shall plant and/shall 6196/9838
Jer_31:5.............and/shall eat them as/common 6197/9838
Jer_31:6...........there/shall be a day that/the 6198/9838
Jer_31:6.........Ephraim/shall cry Arise/ye.. 6199/9838 return thither/They 6200/9838
Jer_31:9............They/shall come with weeping/and 6201/9838
Jer_31:9............they/shall not stumble for/I 6202/9838
Jer_31:12...........they/shall come and sing/in 6203/9838
Jer_31:12............and/shall flow together/to 6204/9838
Jer_31:12...........soul/shall be as a watered/garden 6205/9838
Jer_31:12...........they/shall not sorrow/any 6206/9838
Jer_31:13...........Then/shall the virgin/rejoice 6207/9838
Jer_31:14.........people/shall be satisfied with my/goodness 6208/9838 be rewarded saith/the 6209/9838
Jer_31:16...........they/shall come again from/the 6210/9838
Jer_31:17.......children/shall come again to their/own 6211/9838
Jer_31:18..............I/shall be turned for/thou 6212/9838
Jer_31:22..........woman/shall compass a/man. 6213/9838
Jer_31:23...........they/shall use this speech/in 6214/9838
Jer_31:23..............I/shall bring again their captivity The LORD/bless 6215/9838
Jer_31:24..........there/shall dwell in Judah/itself 6216/9838 come to pass that like/as 6217/9838
Jer_31:29...........they/shall say no more The fathers/have 6218/9838 die for his own iniquity/every 6219/9838
Jer_31:30..........teeth/shall be set on/edge 6220/9838
Jer_31:33...........this/shall be the covenant/that 6221/9838
Jer_31:33...........they/shall be my people And they/shall 6222/9838
Jer_31:34...........they/shall teach no/more. 6223/9838
Jer_31:34...........they/shall all know/me... 6224/9838
Jer_31:36...........also/shall cease from being/a 6225/9838 be built to/the 6226/9838
Jer_31:39...........line/shall yet go/forth.. 6227/9838
Jer_31:39............and/shall compass about/to 6228/9838
Jer_31:40...........east/shall be holy unto the LORD it/shall 6229/9838 not be plucked/up 6230/9838
Jer_32:3..............he/shall take it And Zedekiah/king 6231/9838
Jer_32:4...........Judah/shall not escape out/of 6232/9838
Jer_32:4.............but/shall surely be delivered/into 6233/9838
Jer_32:4.............and/shall speak with him/mouth 6234/9838
Jer_32:4............eyes/shall behold his eyes/And 6235/9838
Jer_32:5..............he/shall lead Zedekiah/to 6236/9838
Jer_32:5...........there/shall he be until/I. 6237/9838 not prosper And Jeremiah/said 6238/9838
Jer_32:7...........uncle/shall come unto thee saying/Buy 6239/9838
Jer_32:15......vineyards/shall be possessed/again 6240/9838
Jer_32:28.............he/shall take it And the Chaldeans/that 6241/9838 come and set/fire 6242/9838
Jer_32:36.............It/shall be delivered into the hand of the king/of 6243/9838
Jer_32:38...........they/shall be my people and I will be their God And/I 6244/9838
Jer_32:40...........they/shall not depart from me/Yea 6245/9838
Jer_32:43.........fields/shall be bought/in.. 6246/9838
Jer_32:44............Men/shall buy fields/for 6247/9838 be to me a name/of 6248/9838
Jer_33:9...........which/shall hear all the/good 6249/9838
Jer_33:9............they/shall fear and tremble/for 6250/9838
Jer_33:10..........there/shall be heard in this/place 6251/9838
Jer_33:10............say/shall be desolate without man/and 6252/9838
Jer_33:11...........that/shall say Praise/the 6253/9838
Jer_33:11...........that/shall bring the sacrifice/of 6254/9838
Jer_33:12........thereof/shall be an habitation of shepherds/causing 6255/9838
Jer_33:13..........Judah/shall the flocks pass/again 6256/9838
Jer_33:15.............he/shall execute judgment and righteousness/in 6257/9838
Jer_33:16...........days/shall Judah/be...... 6258/9838
Jer_33:16......Jerusalem/shall dwell safely and this is the/name 6259/9838
Jer_33:16............she/shall be called The LORD our righteousness For/thus 6260/9838
Jer_33:17..........David/shall never want/a.. 6261/9838
Jer_33:18........Neither/shall the priests/the 6262/9838
Jer_34:2..............he/shall burn it with fire And thou shalt not escape out of his/hand 6263/9838
Jer_34:3............eyes/shall behold the eyes/of 6264/9838
Jer_34:3..............he/shall speak with thee/mouth 6265/9838 they burn/odours 6266/9838
Jer_34:20.........bodies/shall be for meat unto/the 6267/9838
Jer_34:22...........they/shall fight against it/and 6268/9838
Jer_35:6..............Ye/shall drink no wine/neither 6269/9838
Jer_35:7.........Neither/shall ye build/house 6270/9838 dwell in tents/that 6271/9838 dwell in the land which/I 6272/9838
Jer_35:19.........Rechab/shall not want a/man 6273/9838
Jer_36:29........Babylon/shall certainly come and destroy/this 6274/9838
Jer_36:29............and/shall cause to/cease 6275/9838
Jer_36:30.............He/shall have none to sit/upon 6276/9838
Jer_36:30...........body/shall be cast out in the day/to 6277/9838
Jer_37:7............Thus/shall ye say to the/king 6278/9838 return to Egypt into/their 6279/9838
Jer_37:8.......Chaldeans/shall come again and/fight 6280/9838
Jer_37:9.......Chaldeans/shall surely depart/from 6281/9838
Jer_37:9............they/shall not depart For/though 6282/9838
Jer_37:19........Babylon/shall not come against/you 6283/9838 die by the sword by the famine and by the pestilence but/he 6284/9838
Jer_38:2.......Chaldeans/shall live for he/shall 6285/9838
Jer_38:2..............he/shall have his/life. 6286/9838
Jer_38:2.............and/shall live Thus/saith 6287/9838 surely be given/into 6288/9838
Jer_38:3...........which/shall take it Therefore/the 6289/9838
Jer_38:17...........soul/shall live and this/city 6290/9838 not be burned/with 6291/9838
Jer_38:18...........then/shall this city/be.. 6292/9838
Jer_38:18...........they/shall burn it with fire and thou shalt not escape out of their/hand 6293/9838
Jer_38:20...........They/shall not deliver thee/Obey 6294/9838 be well unto/thee 6295/9838
Jer_38:20...........soul/shall live But if/thou 6296/9838 be brought forth to the king/of 6297/9838
Jer_38:22..........women/shall say Thy friends/have 6298/9838
Jer_38:23...........they/shall bring out all/thy 6299/9838
Jer_39:12.............he/shall say unto thee So/Nebuzaradan 6300/9838
Jer_39:16...........they/shall be accomplished in/that 6301/9838 be for a prey/unto 6302/9838 be well with you As/for 6303/9838 know it wherefore/should 6304/9838 come to pass that whatsoever/thing 6305/9838
Jer_42:4............LORD/shall answer you/I.. 6306/9838
Jer_42:5.............God/shall send thee to/us 6307/9838
Jer_42:14.............we/shall see no war/nor 6308/9838 come to pass that the sword/which 6309/9838
Jer_42:16.........feared/shall overtake you/there 6310/9838
Jer_42:16.........afraid/shall follow close/after 6311/9838 die So shall/it 6312/9838
Jer_42:17.............So/shall it be with all/the 6313/9838
Jer_42:17...........they/shall die by the sword by the famine and by the pestilence and/none 6314/9838
Jer_42:17...........them/shall remain or/escape 6315/9838 my fury/be.... 6316/9838 enter into Egypt/and 6317/9838 be an execration and an astonishment and a curse and a reproach and/ye 6318/9838 see this place/no 6319/9838
Jer_42:20............God/shall say so/declare 6320/9838 die by the sword by the famine and by the pestilence in/the 6321/9838
Jer_43:10.............he/shall spread his royal/pavilion 6322/9838
Jer_43:11.............he/shall smite the land of/Egypt 6323/9838
Jer_43:12.............he/shall burn them and/carry 6324/9838
Jer_43:12.............he/shall array/himself. 6325/9838
Jer_43:12.............he/shall go forth from thence/in 6326/9838
Jer_43:13.............He/shall break also/the 6327/9838
Jer_43:13......Egyptians/shall he burn with/fire 6328/9838
Jer_44:12...........they/shall all be consumed/and 6329/9838
Jer_44:12...........they/shall even be consumed/by 6330/9838
Jer_44:12...........they/shall die from the least/even 6331/9838
Jer_44:12...........they/shall be an execration and an astonishment and a curse and a reproach For/I 6332/9838
Jer_44:14..........there/shall escape or/remain 6333/9838
Jer_44:14...........none/shall return but/such 6334/9838 escape Then/all 6335/9838 no more be named/in 6336/9838
Jer_44:27..........Egypt/shall be consumed by the sword and by the/famine 6337/9838
Jer_44:28..........sword/shall return out of the/land 6338/9838
Jer_44:28..........there/shall know whose/words 6339/9838
Jer_44:28..........words/shall stand mine/or. 6340/9838
Jer_44:29...........this/shall be a sign unto you saith/the 6341/9838
Jer_44:29..........words/shall surely stand/against 6342/9838
Jer_46:6............they/shall stumble and fall toward/the 6343/9838
Jer_46:10..........sword/shall devour and it/shall 6344/9838 be satiate/and 6345/9838
Jer_46:14..........sword/shall devour round/about 6346/9838 he come O/thou 6347/9838
Jer_46:19...........Noph/shall be waste/and.. 6348/9838
Jer_46:22........thereof/shall go like/a..... 6349/9838
Jer_46:22...........they/shall march with/an. 6350/9838
Jer_46:23...........They/shall cut down her/forest 6351/9838
Jer_46:24..........Egypt/shall be confounded she/shall 6352/9838
Jer_46:24............she/shall be delivered into the hand of the people/of 6353/9838 be inhabited as in/the 6354/9838
Jer_46:27..........Jacob/shall return and be in/rest 6355/9838
Jer_46:27...........none/shall make him afraid Fear/thou 6356/9838
Jer_47:2.............and/shall be an overflowing flood/and 6357/9838
Jer_47:2.............and/shall overflow the land/and 6358/9838 cry and all/the 6359/9838 howl At/the... 6360/9838
Jer_47:3.........fathers/shall not look back/to 6361/9838
Jer_48:2...........There/shall be no more praise/of 6362/9838
Jer_48:2...........sword/shall pursue thee A/voice 6363/9838
Jer_48:3..........crying/shall be from Horonaim/spoiling 6364/9838
Jer_48:5.........weeping/shall go up for in/the 6365/9838
Jer_48:7.........Chemosh/shall go forth into captivity with/his 6366/9838
Jer_48:8.........spoiler/shall come upon every/city 6367/9838 escape the valley/also 6368/9838
Jer_48:8............also/shall perish and the plain/shall 6369/9838
Jer_48:8...........plain/shall be destroyed as/the 6370/9838
Jer_48:9.........thereof/shall be desolate without any/to 6371/9838
Jer_48:12...........that/shall cause him to wander/and 6372/9838
Jer_48:12............and/shall empty his/vessels 6373/9838
Jer_48:13...........Moab/shall be ashamed of Chemosh/as 6374/9838
Jer_48:18...........Moab/shall come upon thee and he/shall 6375/9838
Jer_48:18.............he/shall destroy thy/strong 6376/9838
Jer_48:26...........also/shall wallow in/his. 6377/9838
Jer_48:26...........also/shall be in derision/For 6378/9838 not be so his/lies 6379/9838
Jer_48:30...........lies/shall not so/effect. 6380/9838
Jer_48:31..........heart/shall mourn for the/men 6381/9838
Jer_48:33...........none/shall tread with/shouting 6382/9838
Jer_48:33.......shouting/shall be no shouting/From 6383/9838
Jer_48:34.........Nimrim/shall be desolate Moreover/I 6384/9838
Jer_48:36..........heart/shall sound for/Moab 6385/9838
Jer_48:36..........heart/shall sound like pipes/for 6386/9838
Jer_48:37...........head/shall be bald/and... 6387/9838
Jer_48:37..........hands/shall be cuttings/and 6388/9838
Jer_48:38..........There/shall be lamentation/generally 6389/9838
Jer_48:39...........They/shall howl saying/How 6390/9838 Moab be/a..... 6391/9838
Jer_48:40.............he/shall fly as an/eagle 6392/9838
Jer_48:40............and/shall spread his wings/over 6393/9838 be as the heart/of 6394/9838
Jer_48:42...........Moab/shall be destroyed from being/a 6395/9838
Jer_48:43..........snare/shall be upon thee O/inhabitant 6396/9838
Jer_48:44...........fear/shall fall into the pit and he that getteth/up 6397/9838
Jer_48:44............pit/shall be taken in the snare for I/will 6398/9838 come forth out of Heshbon/and 6399/9838
Jer_48:45............and/shall devour the corner/of 6400/9838 be a desolate heap/and 6401/9838
Jer_49:2.......daughters/shall be burned with fire then/shall 6402/9838
Jer_49:2............then/shall Israel be heir/unto 6403/9838
Jer_49:3............king/shall go into captivity and his/priests 6404/9838
Jer_49:4.............Who/shall come unto me Behold/I 6405/9838 be driven out/every 6406/9838
Jer_49:5............none/shall gather up him/that 6407/9838
Jer_49:10.............he/shall not be able to hide/himself 6408/9838
Jer_49:12...........that/shall altogether/go. 6409/9838
Jer_49:13.........Bozrah/shall become a desolation a/reproach 6410/9838
Jer_49:13........thereof/shall be perpetual/wastes 6411/9838
Jer_49:17...........Edom/shall be a desolation every/one 6412/9838 be astonished and shall hiss at/all 6413/9838
Jer_49:17............and/shall hiss at all/the 6414/9838 abide there/neither 6415/9838
Jer_49:18........neither/shall a son/of...... 6416/9838
Jer_49:19.............he/shall come up like a lion from the swelling of Jordan against/the 6417/9838
Jer_49:20..........flock/shall draw them out surely he shall make their habitations/desolate 6418/9838
Jer_49:20.............he/shall make their habitations/desolate 6419/9838
Jer_49:22.............he/shall come up and fly/as 6420/9838 the heart of the/mighty 6421/9838 fall in her/streets 6422/9838
Jer_49:26............war/shall be cut off in that day saith the LORD of/hosts 6423/9838 consume the palaces/of 6424/9838
Jer_49:28........Babylon/shall smite thus/saith 6425/9838
Jer_49:29.........flocks/shall they take away they/shall 6426/9838
Jer_49:29...........they/shall take to themselves/their 6427/9838
Jer_49:29...........they/shall cry unto them/Fear 6428/9838
Jer_49:32.........camels/shall be a booty/and 6429/9838
Jer_49:33..........Hazor/shall be a dwelling/for 6430/9838
Jer_49:33..........there/shall no man abide there nor/any 6431/9838
Jer_49:36..........there/shall be no nation/whither 6432/9838
Jer_49:36...........Elam/shall not come For/I 6433/9838 come to pass in the latter/days 6434/9838
Jer_50:3...........which/shall make her land/desolate 6435/9838
Jer_50:3............none/shall dwell therein they/shall 6436/9838
Jer_50:3............they/shall remove they/shall 6437/9838
Jer_50:3............they/shall depart both/man 6438/9838
Jer_50:4..........Israel/shall come they and/the 6439/9838
Jer_50:4............they/shall go and seek/the 6440/9838
Jer_50:5............They/shall ask the way/to 6441/9838
Jer_50:5............that/shall not be forgotten My/people 6442/9838
Jer_50:9............they/shall set themselves in array against/her 6443/9838
Jer_50:9.............she/shall be taken their/arrows 6444/9838
Jer_50:9..........arrows/shall be as of a/mighty 6445/9838
Jer_50:9............none/shall return in/vain 6446/9838
Jer_50:10........Chaldea/shall be a spoil all/that 6447/9838
Jer_50:10............her/shall be satisfied saith/the 6448/9838
Jer_50:12.........mother/shall be sore confounded/she 6449/9838 be ashamed behold the/hindermost 6450/9838
Jer_50:12........nations/shall be a wilderness/a 6451/9838 not be inhabited but/it 6452/9838 be wholly desolate/every 6453/9838
Jer_50:13........Babylon/shall be astonished and hiss at/all 6454/9838
Jer_50:16...........they/shall turn every/one 6455/9838
Jer_50:16...........they/shall flee every/one 6456/9838
Jer_50:19.............he/shall feed on Carmel/and 6457/9838
Jer_50:19...........soul/shall be satisfied upon mount/Ephraim 6458/9838
Jer_50:20.........Israel/shall be sought/for. 6459/9838
Jer_50:20..........there/shall be none and the/sins 6460/9838
Jer_50:20...........they/shall not be found for I/will 6461/9838
Jer_50:30......Therefore/shall her young/men. 6462/9838
Jer_50:30............war/shall be cut off in that day saith the LORD Behold/I 6463/9838
Jer_50:32..........proud/shall stumble and fall and none/shall 6464/9838
Jer_50:32...........none/shall raise him up and I/will 6465/9838 devour all round/about 6466/9838
Jer_50:34.............he/shall throughly plead/their 6467/9838
Jer_50:36...........they/shall dote/a........ 6468/9838
Jer_50:36...........they/shall be dismayed A/sword 6469/9838
Jer_50:37...........they/shall become as/women 6470/9838
Jer_50:37...........they/shall be robbed/A... 6471/9838
Jer_50:38...........they/shall be dried up for/it 6472/9838
Jer_50:39........islands/shall dwell there and the/owls 6473/9838
Jer_50:39...........owls/shall dwell therein and/it 6474/9838 be no more inhabited/for 6475/9838
Jer_50:39........neither/shall it be dwelt in from generation to generation As/God 6476/9838 no man abide there neither/shall 6477/9838
Jer_50:40........neither/shall any son/of.... 6478/9838
Jer_50:41.........people/shall come from the north and/a 6479/9838
Jer_50:41..........kings/shall be raised up from the coasts of the earth They/shall 6480/9838
Jer_50:42...........They/shall hold the/bow.. 6481/9838
Jer_50:42..........voice/shall roar like the/sea 6482/9838
Jer_50:42...........they/shall ride/upon..... 6483/9838
Jer_50:44.............he/shall come up like a lion from the swelling of Jordan unto/the 6484/9838
Jer_50:45..........flock/shall draw them out surely he shall make their habitation/desolate 6485/9838
Jer_50:45.............he/shall make their habitation/desolate 6486/9838
Jer_51:2............that/shall fan/her....... 6487/9838
Jer_51:2.............and/shall empty her/land 6488/9838
Jer_51:2............they/shall be against her/round 6489/9838
Jer_51:4...........slain/shall fall in the land/of 6490/9838
Jer_51:14...........they/shall lift up a shout/against 6491/9838
Jer_51:18...........they/shall perish The portion of Jacob is not like them for he is the former of all things and Israel is the rod of his inheritance the LORD of hosts is his name Thou/art 6492/9838
Jer_51:26...........they/shall not take of thee/a 6493/9838 tremble and sorrow/for 6494/9838
Jer_51:29...........LORD/shall be performed against/Babylon 6495/9838 run to meet/another 6496/9838
Jer_51:33........harvest/shall come Nebuchadrezzar/the 6497/9838
Jer_51:35........Babylon/shall the inhabitant/of 6498/9838
Jer_51:35........Chaldea/shall Jerusalem say/Therefore 6499/9838
Jer_51:37........Babylon/shall become heaps a/dwellingplace 6500/9838
Jer_51:38...........They/shall roar together/like 6501/9838
Jer_51:38...........they/shall yell/as....... 6502/9838
Jer_51:44........nations/shall not flow/together 6503/9838
Jer_51:44........Babylon/shall fall My/people 6504/9838
Jer_51:46...........that/shall be heard in the land/a 6505/9838
Jer_51:46.........rumour/shall both come/one. 6506/9838
Jer_51:46...........year/shall come a rumour/and 6507/9838 be confounded and all/her 6508/9838
Jer_51:47..........slain/shall fall in the midst of her/Then 6509/9838
Jer_51:48........therein/shall sing for Babylon/for 6510/9838
Jer_51:48.......spoilers/shall come unto her from/the 6511/9838
Jer_51:49........Babylon/shall fall the slain/of 6512/9838
Jer_51:52........wounded/shall groan Though/Babylon 6513/9838 spoilers/come. 6514/9838
Jer_51:56....recompences/shall surely requite/And 6515/9838
Jer_51:57...........they/shall sleep a/perpetual 6516/9838
Jer_51:58........Babylon/shall be utterly broken/and 6517/9838
Jer_51:58..........gates/shall be burned with fire and/the 6518/9838
Jer_51:58.........people/shall labour in vain/and 6519/9838
Jer_51:58...........they/shall be weary The/word 6520/9838
Jer_51:62...........none/shall remain in it neither/man 6521/9838 be desolate for ever/And 6522/9838 be when thou hast/made 6523/9838
Jer_51:64...........Thus/shall Babylon/sink.. 6524/9838
Jer_51:64............and/shall not rise from/the 6525/9838
Jer_51:64...........they/shall be weary Thus/far 6526/9838
Lam_1:21............they/shall be like unto/me 6527/9838
Lam_2:13...........thing/shall I take to/witness 6528/9838
Lam_2:13...........thing/shall I liken to/thee 6529/9838
Lam_2:13............what/shall I equal/to.... 6530/9838
Lam_2:20............this/Shall the women/eat. 6531/9838
Lam_2:20............long/shall the priest and/the 6532/9838
Lam_4:15............They/shall no more sojourn/there 6533/9838
Lam_4:20..............we/shall live among/the 6534/9838
Lam_4:21............also/shall pass through unto/thee 6535/9838
Lam_5:21..............we/shall be turned renew/our 6536/9838
Eze_2:5..............yet/shall know that there hath/been 6537/9838
Eze_3:10...............I/shall speak unto thee receive/in 6538/9838 die in his iniquity but his blood will I require at thine hand Yet/if 6539/9838
Eze_3:19..............he/shall die in his iniquity but thou hast delivered thy soul Again/When 6540/9838
Eze_3:20..............he/shall die because/thou 6541/9838
Eze_3:20..............he/shall die in his sin/and 6542/9838
Eze_3:20............done/shall not be remembered but his/blood 6543/9838
Eze_3:21..............he/shall surely live because/he 6544/9838
Eze_3:25............they/shall put bands/upon 6545/9838
Eze_3:25.............and/shall bind thee/with 6546/9838 be besieged/and 6547/9838
Eze_4:3.............This/shall be a sign to/the 6548/9838
Eze_4:7..............arm/shall be uncovered and/thou 6549/9838 be by/weight.. 6550/9838
Eze_4:13............thus/shall the children of Israel eat/their 6551/9838
Eze_4:16............they/shall eat bread by/weight 6552/9838
Eze_4:16............they/shall drink water/by 6553/9838
Eze_5:4..........thereof/shall a fire/come... 6554/9838
Eze_5:10.........fathers/shall eat the sons/in 6555/9838
Eze_5:10............sons/shall eat their fathers/and 6556/9838
Eze_5:11.........neither/shall mine eye/spare 6557/9838
Eze_5:12............thee/shall die with the pestilence/and 6558/9838
Eze_5:12..........famine/shall they be consumed/in 6559/9838
Eze_5:12............part/shall fall by the sword round/about 6560/9838
Eze_5:13............Thus/shall mine anger/be. 6561/9838
Eze_5:13............they/shall know that I the LORD have spoken it in/my 6562/9838 be a reproach/and 6563/9838
Eze_5:15...............I/shall execute judgments/in 6564/9838
Eze_5:16...............I/shall send upon them/the 6565/9838
Eze_5:16...........which/shall be for their destruction/and 6566/9838
Eze_5:17............they/shall bereave/thee.. 6567/9838
Eze_5:17...........blood/shall pass through thee/and 6568/9838
Eze_6:4...........altars/shall be desolate and your images/shall 6569/9838
Eze_6:4...........images/shall be broken and I/will 6570/9838
Eze_6:6...........cities/shall be laid waste and the high/places 6571/9838
Eze_6:6...........places/shall be desolate that your/altars 6572/9838
Eze_6:7............slain/shall fall in the midst of you/and 6573/9838 know that I am the LORD Yet/will 6574/9838
Eze_6:8.............that/shall escape the sword/among 6575/9838 be scattered through/the 6576/9838 remember me among/the 6577/9838
Eze_6:9.............they/shall be carried captives/because 6578/9838
Eze_6:9.............they/shall lothe themselves/for 6579/9838
Eze_6:10............they/shall know that I am the LORD and that/I 6580/9838
Eze_6:11............they/shall fall by the sword by/the 6581/9838 die of the pestilence and/he 6582/9838
Eze_6:12............near/shall fall by the sword and he/that 6583/9838
Eze_6:12........besieged/shall die by the famine/thus 6584/9838
Eze_6:13............Then/shall ye know that I am the LORD when/their 6585/9838 be among their/idols 6586/9838
Eze_6:14............they/shall know that I am the LORD Moreover the word of the LORD came unto/me 6587/9838
Eze_7:4..............eye/shall not spare thee/neither 6588/9838
Eze_7:4.....abominations/shall be in the midst of thee and ye/shall 6589/9838 know that I am the LORD Thus saith the Lord GOD An/evil 6590/9838
Eze_7:9..............eye/shall not spare neither will I have pity I/will 6591/9838 know that I am the LORD that/smiteth 6592/9838
Eze_7:11............them/shall remain nor/of. 6593/9838
Eze_7:11.........neither/shall there be wailing/for 6594/9838
Eze_7:13..........seller/shall not return to that/which 6595/9838
Eze_7:13...........which/shall not return neither/shall 6596/9838
Eze_7:13.........neither/shall any strengthen/himself 6597/9838
Eze_7:15...........field/shall die with the sword/and 6598/9838
Eze_7:15......pestilence/shall devour him But they/that 6599/9838
Eze_7:16............them/shall escape and shall/be 6600/9838
Eze_7:16.............and/shall be on the mountains/like 6601/9838
Eze_7:17...........hands/shall be feeble and all/knees 6602/9838
Eze_7:17...........knees/shall be weak as water They/shall 6603/9838
Eze_7:18............They/shall also gird/themselves 6604/9838
Eze_7:18..........horror/shall cover them and/shame 6605/9838
Eze_7:18...........shame/shall be upon all faces/and 6606/9838
Eze_7:19............They/shall cast their/silver 6607/9838 be removed their/silver 6608/9838 not be able to deliver them/in 6609/9838
Eze_7:19............they/shall not satisfy/their 6610/9838
Eze_7:21............they/shall pollute it/My. 6611/9838
Eze_7:22............they/shall pollute my/secret 6612/9838
Eze_7:22.........robbers/shall enter into it/and 6613/9838
Eze_7:24............they/shall possess their houses/I 6614/9838
Eze_7:24..........places/shall be defiled Destruction/cometh 6615/9838
Eze_7:25............they/shall seek peace/and 6616/9838
Eze_7:25...........there/shall be none Mischief/shall 6617/9838
Eze_7:26........Mischief/shall come upon mischief/and 6618/9838
Eze_7:26..........rumour/shall be upon rumour/then 6619/9838
Eze_7:26............then/shall they seek/a... 6620/9838 perish from the priest/and 6621/9838
Eze_7:27............king/shall mourn and the prince/shall 6622/9838
Eze_7:27..........prince/shall be clothed with desolation/and 6623/9838 be troubled I/will 6624/9838
Eze_7:27............they/shall know that I am the LORD And it came to pass in the sixth/year 6625/9838
Eze_8:18.............eye/shall not spare neither will I have pity and/though 6626/9838
Eze_9:10.............eye/shall not spare neither will I have pity but/I 6627/9838
Eze_11:10.............Ye/shall fall by the sword I/will 6628/9838 know that I am the LORD This/city 6629/9838 not be your caldron/neither 6630/9838
Eze_11:11........neither/shall ye be the/flesh 6631/9838 know that I am the LORD for ye/have 6632/9838
Eze_11:16...........they/shall come Therefore/say 6633/9838
Eze_11:18...........they/shall come thither and/they 6634/9838
Eze_11:18...........they/shall take away all the detestable/things 6635/9838
Eze_11:20...........they/shall be my people and I will be their God But/as 6636/9838 it be done unto them they/shall 6637/9838
Eze_12:11...........they/shall remove and go/into 6638/9838
Eze_12:12...........them/shall bear upon his/shoulder 6639/9838
Eze_12:12............and/shall go forth they/shall 6640/9838
Eze_12:12...........they/shall dig through/the 6641/9838
Eze_12:12.............he/shall cover his/face 6642/9838
Eze_12:13.............he/shall be taken in my snare and I will bring him to Babylon to/the 6643/9838
Eze_12:13............yet/shall he not see it/though 6644/9838
Eze_12:13.............he/shall die there And I/will 6645/9838
Eze_12:15...........they/shall know that I am the LORD when I shall scatter/them 6646/9838
Eze_12:15..............I/shall scatter them among/the 6647/9838
Eze_12:16...........they/shall know that I am the LORD Moreover the word of the LORD came to/me 6648/9838
Eze_12:19...........They/shall eat their bread/with 6649/9838
Eze_12:20......inhabited/shall be laid waste and the land/shall 6650/9838 be desolate and ye/shall 6651/9838 know that I am the LORD And the/word 6652/9838
Eze_12:23...........they/shall no more use/it 6653/9838
Eze_12:24..........there/shall be no more any/vain 6654/9838
Eze_12:25..............I/shall speak shall/come 6655/9838
Eze_12:25..........speak/shall come to pass it/shall 6656/9838 be no more prolonged/for 6657/9838
Eze_12:28..........There/shall none of my/words 6658/9838
Eze_12:28.........spoken/shall be done saith/the 6659/9838
Eze_13:9............hand/shall be upon the prophets/that 6660/9838
Eze_13:9............they/shall not be in the/assembly 6661/9838
Eze_13:9.........neither/shall they be written/in 6662/9838
Eze_13:9.........neither/shall they enter/into 6663/9838 know that I am the Lord GOD Because/even 6664/9838 fall there/shall 6665/9838
Eze_13:11..........there/shall be an overflowing shower and/ye 6666/9838
Eze_13:11.....hailstones/shall fall and a/stormy 6667/9838
Eze_13:11...........wind/shall rend it Lo/when 6668/9838
Eze_13:12.........fallen/shall it not be said/unto 6669/9838
Eze_13:13..........there/shall be an overflowing shower in/mine 6670/9838
Eze_13:14........thereof/shall be discovered and/it 6671/9838 fall and ye/shall 6672/9838 be consumed in/the 6673/9838 know that I am the LORD Thus will/I 6674/9838
Eze_13:21...........they/shall be no more in/your 6675/9838 know that I am the LORD Because with/lies 6676/9838 see no more/vanity 6677/9838 know that I am the LORD Then/came 6678/9838 know that I am the LORD And if/the 6679/9838
Eze_14:10...........they/shall bear the punishment/of 6680/9838
Eze_14:10........prophet/shall be even as the/punishment 6681/9838
Eze_14:16...........they/shall deliver neither sons nor daughters they/only 6682/9838
Eze_14:16...........only/shall be delivered but/the 6683/9838 be desolate Or/if 6684/9838
Eze_14:18...........they/shall deliver neither sons nor daughters but/they 6685/9838
Eze_14:18...........only/shall be delivered themselves/Or 6686/9838
Eze_14:20...........they/shall deliver neither son/nor 6687/9838
Eze_14:20...........they/shall but deliver/their 6688/9838
Eze_14:22........therein/shall be left a/remnant 6689/9838
Eze_14:22...........that/shall be brought forth both/sons 6690/9838
Eze_14:22...........they/shall come forth unto/you 6691/9838 see their way/and 6692/9838 be comforted concerning/the 6693/9838
Eze_14:23...........they/shall comfort you/when 6694/9838 know that I have not/done 6695/9838
Eze_15:3..........forest/Shall wood/be....... 6696/9838
Eze_15:5............less/shall it be meet/yet 6697/9838
Eze_15:7............they/shall go out from one/fire 6698/9838 devour them and/ye 6699/9838 know that I am the LORD when I set/my 6700/9838
Eze_16:16.........things/shall not come neither/shall 6701/9838
Eze_16:16........neither/shall it be so/Thou. 6702/9838
Eze_16:39...........they/shall throw down thine/eminent 6703/9838
Eze_16:39............and/shall break down thy high/places 6704/9838
Eze_16:39...........they/shall strip/thee.... 6705/9838
Eze_16:39............and/shall take thy fair/jewels 6706/9838
Eze_16:40...........They/shall also bring up/a 6707/9838
Eze_16:40...........they/shall stone thee/with 6708/9838
Eze_16:41...........they/shall burn thine/houses 6709/9838
Eze_16:42.......jealousy/shall depart from thee and I/will 6710/9838
Eze_16:44.......proverbs/shall use this proverb/against 6711/9838
Eze_16:53..............I/shall bring again their captivity the captivity/of 6712/9838
Eze_16:55......daughters/shall return to their former estate and/Samaria 6713/9838
Eze_16:55......daughters/shall return to their former estate then/thou 6714/9838
Eze_16:55......daughters/shall return to your/former 6715/9838
Eze_17:9.............GOD/Shall it prosper shall he/not 6716/9838
Eze_17:9.........prosper/shall he not pull/up 6717/9838 wither in all/the 6718/9838
Eze_17:10........planted/shall it prosper shall it/not 6719/9838
Eze_17:10........prosper/shall it not utterly/wither 6720/9838 wither in the/furrows 6721/9838
Eze_17:15.........people/Shall he prosper/shall 6722/9838
Eze_17:15........prosper/shall he escape/that 6723/9838
Eze_17:15.............or/shall he break/the.. 6724/9838
Eze_17:16.............he/shall die Neither/shall 6725/9838
Eze_17:17........Neither/shall Pharaoh with/his 6726/9838
Eze_17:18.............he/shall not escape Therefore/thus 6727/9838
Eze_17:20.............he/shall be taken in my snare and I will bring him to Babylon and/will 6728/9838
Eze_17:21..........bands/shall fall by the sword and they/that 6729/9838
Eze_17:21.........remain/shall be scattered toward/all 6730/9838 know that I the LORD have spoken it Thus/saith 6731/9838 bring forth boughs/and 6732/9838 dwell all/fowl 6733/9838
Eze_17:23........thereof/shall they dwell And/all 6734/9838
Eze_17:24..........field/shall know that I the LORD have brought/down 6735/9838 not have occasion/any 6736/9838 die But if a/man 6737/9838
Eze_18:9..............he/shall surely live saith/the 6738/9838
Eze_18:13.......increase/shall he then/live.. 6739/9838
Eze_18:13.............he/shall not live he/hath 6740/9838
Eze_18:13.............he/shall surely die his/blood 6741/9838
Eze_18:13..........blood/shall be upon him Now/lo 6742/9838
Eze_18:17.............he/shall not die for the iniquity/of 6743/9838
Eze_18:17.............he/shall surely live As/for 6744/9838
Eze_18:18.............he/shall die in his iniquity Yet/say 6745/9838
Eze_18:19.............he/shall surely live The/soul 6746/9838 die The/son... 6747/9838
Eze_18:20............son/shall not bear/the.. 6748/9838
Eze_18:20........neither/shall the father bear/the 6749/9838
Eze_18:20......righteous/shall be upon him and the wickedness/of 6750/9838
Eze_18:20.........wicked/shall be upon him But if/the 6751/9838
Eze_18:21.............he/shall surely live he shall not die All/his 6752/9838
Eze_18:21.............he/shall not die All/his 6753/9838
Eze_18:22...........they/shall not be mentioned unto/him 6754/9838
Eze_18:22.............he/shall live Have/I... 6755/9838
Eze_18:24..........doeth/shall he live All/his 6756/9838
Eze_18:24...........done/shall not be mentioned in/his 6757/9838
Eze_18:24...........them/shall he die Yet/ye. 6758/9838
Eze_18:26...........done/shall he die Again/when 6759/9838
Eze_18:27.............he/shall save his soul/alive 6760/9838
Eze_18:28.............he/shall surely live he shall not die Yet/saith 6761/9838
Eze_18:28.............he/shall not die Yet/saith 6762/9838
Eze_18:30.......iniquity/shall not be your ruin/Cast 6763/9838
Eze_19:14............and/shall be for a lamentation/And 6764/9838
Eze_20:11.............he/shall even live in them Moreover/also 6765/9838
Eze_20:13.............he/shall even live in them and/my 6766/9838
Eze_20:20...........they/shall be a sign between/me 6767/9838
Eze_20:21.............he/shall even live in them they/polluted 6768/9838
Eze_20:31............and/shall I be enquired/of 6769/9838
Eze_20:32...........mind/shall not be at/all. 6770/9838
Eze_20:38...........they/shall not enter into the land of/Israel 6771/9838 know that I am the LORD As/for 6772/9838
Eze_20:40..........there/shall all the house/of 6773/9838 know that I am the LORD when I shall bring/you 6774/9838
Eze_20:42..............I/shall bring you into the/land 6775/9838
Eze_20:43..........there/shall ye remember your ways/and 6776/9838 lothe yourselves in your own sight for all/your 6777/9838 know that I am the LORD when I have wrought/with 6778/9838 devour every/green 6779/9838
Eze_20:47..........flame/shall not be quenched and all/faces 6780/9838
Eze_20:47..........north/shall be burned therein/And 6781/9838
Eze_20:48..........flesh/shall see that I/the 6782/9838 not be quenched Then/said 6783/9838
Eze_21:4.......therefore/shall my sword go/forth 6784/9838 not return any/more 6785/9838 be when they say/unto 6786/9838
Eze_21:7...........heart/shall melt and all hands/shall 6787/9838
Eze_21:7...........hands/shall be feeble and every/spirit 6788/9838
Eze_21:7..........spirit/shall faint and all/knees 6789/9838
Eze_21:7...........knees/shall be weak as water behold/it 6790/9838
Eze_21:7.............and/shall be brought to pass saith/the 6791/9838 be upon my people it/shall 6792/9838 be upon all the/princes 6793/9838
Eze_21:12..........sword/shall be upon my people smite/therefore 6794/9838 be no more saith/the 6795/9838
Eze_21:19..........twain/shall come forth out of one/land 6796/9838 be unto them as a/false 6797/9838 be taken with/the 6798/9838
Eze_21:25.......iniquity/shall have an end Thus/saith 6799/9838
Eze_21:26...........this/shall not be the/same 6800/9838 be no more until/he 6801/9838
Eze_21:29.......iniquity/shall have an end Shall/I 6802/9838
Eze_21:30............end/Shall I cause it/to. 6803/9838
Eze_21:32..........blood/shall be in the midst of the land thou/shalt 6804/9838
Eze_22:5............thee/shall mock thee/which 6805/9838
Eze_22:14..............I/shall deal with thee I/the 6806/9838 be melted in/the 6807/9838 ye be melted/in 6808/9838 know that I the LORD have poured/out 6809/9838
Eze_23:24...........they/shall come against thee/with 6810/9838
Eze_23:24..........which/shall set against/thee 6811/9838
Eze_23:24...........they/shall judge thee/according 6812/9838
Eze_23:25...........they/shall deal furiously/with 6813/9838
Eze_23:25...........they/shall take away thy/nose 6814/9838
Eze_23:25........remnant/shall fall by the sword they shall take/thy 6815/9838
Eze_23:25...........they/shall take thy sons/and 6816/9838
Eze_23:25........residue/shall be devoured by the fire They/shall 6817/9838
Eze_23:26...........They/shall also strip/thee 6818/9838
Eze_23:29...........they/shall deal with thee hatefully/and 6819/9838
Eze_23:29............and/shall take away all thy/labour 6820/9838
Eze_23:29............and/shall leave thee/naked 6821/9838
Eze_23:29......whoredoms/shall be discovered both/thy 6822/9838
Eze_23:45...........they/shall judge them/after 6823/9838 stone them with stones and/dispatch 6824/9838
Eze_23:47...........they/shall slay their/sons 6825/9838
Eze_23:49...........they/shall recompense your/lewdness 6826/9838 bear the sins/of 6827/9838 know that I am the Lord GOD Again/in 6828/9838
Eze_24:12...........scum/shall be in the fire/In 6829/9838 come to pass and I/will 6830/9838
Eze_24:14.........doings/shall they judge/thee 6831/9838
Eze_24:16........neither/shall thy tears/run. 6832/9838
Eze_24:21...........left/shall fall by the sword And ye/shall 6833/9838 do as/I....... 6834/9838 not cover/your 6835/9838 be upon your/heads 6836/9838 not mourn/nor. 6837/9838 pine away for/your 6838/9838
Eze_24:24...........done/shall ye do and/when 6839/9838 know that I am the Lord GOD Also/thou 6840/9838 it not be in/the 6841/9838 come unto thee to cause/thee 6842/9838 thy mouth/be.. 6843/9838
Eze_24:27...........they/shall know that I am the LORD The word of the LORD came again unto me saying Son of man set/thy 6844/9838
Eze_25:4............they/shall set their/palaces 6845/9838
Eze_25:4............they/shall eat thy fruit/and 6846/9838
Eze_25:4............they/shall drink thy/milk 6847/9838 know that I am the LORD For thus saith the Lord GOD Because/thou 6848/9838
Eze_25:11...........they/shall know that I am the LORD Thus saith the Lord GOD Because/that 6849/9838
Eze_25:13..........Dedan/shall fall by the sword And I/will 6850/9838
Eze_25:14...........they/shall do in/Edom.... 6851/9838
Eze_25:14...........they/shall know my vengeance/saith 6852/9838
Eze_25:17...........they/shall know that I am the LORD when I shall lay/my 6853/9838
Eze_25:17..............I/shall lay my/vengeance 6854/9838
Eze_26:2...............I/shall be replenished/now 6855/9838
Eze_26:4............they/shall destroy the walls/of 6856/9838
Eze_26:5..............It/shall be a place for the/spreading 6857/9838 become a spoil/to 6858/9838
Eze_26:6...........field/shall be slain by the/sword 6859/9838
Eze_26:6............they/shall know that I am the LORD For thus saith the Lord GOD Behold/I 6860/9838
Eze_26:8..............He/shall slay with/the. 6861/9838
Eze_26:8..............he/shall make a fort/against 6862/9838
Eze_26:9..............he/shall set engines/of 6863/9838
Eze_26:9..............he/shall break down thy towers/By 6864/9838
Eze_26:10...........dust/shall cover thee thy/walls 6865/9838
Eze_26:10..........walls/shall shake at the noise/of 6866/9838
Eze_26:10.............he/shall enter into thy/gates 6867/9838
Eze_26:11.........horses/shall he tread/down. 6868/9838
Eze_26:11.............he/shall slay thy people/by 6869/9838
Eze_26:11......garrisons/shall go down to the ground/And 6870/9838
Eze_26:12...........they/shall make a spoil/of 6871/9838
Eze_26:12...........they/shall break down thy walls/and 6872/9838
Eze_26:12...........they/shall lay thy/stones 6873/9838
Eze_26:13..........harps/shall be no more heard And/I 6874/9838
Eze_26:15..........Tyrus/Shall not the isles/shake 6875/9838
Eze_26:16............sea/shall come down from their thrones/and 6876/9838
Eze_26:16...........they/shall clothe themselves/with 6877/9838
Eze_26:16...........they/shall sit upon the ground and shall/tremble 6878/9838
Eze_26:16............and/shall tremble at every moment and/be 6879/9838
Eze_26:17...........they/shall take up a lamentation for thee and say/to 6880/9838
Eze_26:18............Now/shall the isles/tremble 6881/9838
Eze_26:18............sea/shall be troubled at thy/departure 6882/9838
Eze_26:19..............I/shall make thee a/desolate 6883/9838
Eze_26:19..............I/shall bring up the deep/upon 6884/9838
Eze_26:19.........waters/shall cover thee When/I 6885/9838
Eze_26:20..............I/shall bring thee down with/them 6886/9838
Eze_26:20............and/shall set thee/in... 6887/9838
Eze_26:20..............I/shall set glory/in.. 6888/9838
Eze_27:27...........thee/shall fall into the midst/of 6889/9838
Eze_27:28........suburbs/shall shake at the sound/of 6890/9838
Eze_27:29............sea/shall come down from their ships/they 6891/9838
Eze_27:29...........they/shall stand upon the/land 6892/9838
Eze_27:30............And/shall cause their/voice 6893/9838
Eze_27:30............and/shall cry bitterly/and 6894/9838
Eze_27:30............and/shall cast up/dust.. 6895/9838
Eze_27:30...........they/shall wallow themselves/in 6896/9838
Eze_27:31...........they/shall make themselves/utterly 6897/9838
Eze_27:31...........they/shall weep for/thee. 6898/9838
Eze_27:32...........they/shall take up a lamentation for thee and lament/over 6899/9838
Eze_27:34...........thee/shall fall All/the.. 6900/9838
Eze_27:35..........isles/shall be astonished at thee and/their 6901/9838
Eze_27:35..........kings/shall be sore afraid/they 6902/9838
Eze_27:35...........they/shall be troubled in/their 6903/9838
Eze_27:36.........people/shall hiss at thee/thou 6904/9838
Eze_28:7............they/shall draw their swords against the/beauty 6905/9838
Eze_28:7............they/shall defile thy/brightness 6906/9838
Eze_28:8............They/shall bring thee down to/the 6907/9838 devour thee/and 6908/9838
Eze_28:19.........people/shall be astonished at thee thou/shalt 6909/9838
Eze_28:22...........they/shall know that I am the LORD when I shall have/executed 6910/9838
Eze_28:22..............I/shall have executed/judgments 6911/9838
Eze_28:22............and/shall be sanctified in her/For 6912/9838
Eze_28:23........wounded/shall be judged in/the 6913/9838
Eze_28:23...........they/shall know that I am the LORD And there/shall 6914/9838
Eze_28:24..........there/shall be no more a pricking/brier 6915/9838
Eze_28:24...........they/shall know that I am the Lord GOD Thus/saith 6916/9838
Eze_28:25..............I/shall have gathered/the 6917/9838
Eze_28:25............and/shall be sanctified in them/in 6918/9838
Eze_28:25...........then/shall they dwell in/their 6919/9838
Eze_28:26...........they/shall dwell safely therein/and 6920/9838
Eze_28:26............and/shall build houses and plant/vineyards 6921/9838
Eze_28:26...........they/shall dwell with confidence/when 6922/9838
Eze_28:26...........they/shall know that I am the LORD their God In/the 6923/9838
Eze_29:4..........rivers/shall stick/unto.... 6924/9838
Eze_29:6...........Egypt/shall know that I am the LORD because they/have 6925/9838
Eze_29:9...........Egypt/shall be desolate and waste/and 6926/9838
Eze_29:9............they/shall know that I am the LORD because he/hath 6927/9838 pass through it nor/foot 6928/9838
Eze_29:11..........beast/shall pass through it neither/shall 6929/9838
Eze_29:11........neither/shall it be inhabited/forty 6930/9838
Eze_29:12..........waste/shall be desolate forty/years 6931/9838
Eze_29:14...........they/shall be there a/base 6932/9838
Eze_29:15.............It/shall be the basest/of 6933/9838
Eze_29:15........neither/shall it exalt/itself 6934/9838
Eze_29:15...........they/shall no more rule/over 6935/9838 be no more the confidence/of 6936/9838
Eze_29:16...........they/shall look after/them 6937/9838
Eze_29:16...........they/shall know that I am the Lord GOD And/it 6938/9838
Eze_29:19.............he/shall take her/multitude 6939/9838 be the wages/for 6940/9838
Eze_29:21...........they/shall know that I am the LORD The word of the LORD came again unto me saying Son of man prophesy/and 6941/9838 be the time/of 6942/9838
Eze_30:4...........sword/shall come upon Egypt/and 6943/9838
Eze_30:4............pain/shall be in Ethiopia/when 6944/9838
Eze_30:4...........slain/shall fall in Egypt/and 6945/9838
Eze_30:4............they/shall take away her/multitude 6946/9838
Eze_30:4.....foundations/shall be broken down Ethiopia/and 6947/9838
Eze_30:5..........league/shall fall with them by/the 6948/9838
Eze_30:6...........Egypt/shall fall and the pride/of 6949/9838
Eze_30:6...........power/shall come down from the/tower 6950/9838
Eze_30:6...........Syene/shall they fall in/it 6951/9838
Eze_30:7............they/shall be desolate in the midst/of 6952/9838
Eze_30:7..........cities/shall be in the midst of the cities/that 6953/9838
Eze_30:8............they/shall know that I am the LORD when I have set/a 6954/9838
Eze_30:8.........helpers/shall be destroyed In/that 6955/9838 messengers/go. 6956/9838
Eze_30:9............pain/shall come upon them as/in 6957/9838
Eze_30:11........nations/shall be brought to destroy/the 6958/9838
Eze_30:11...........they/shall draw their swords against Egypt/and 6959/9838
Eze_30:13..........there/shall be no more a prince/of 6960/9838
Eze_30:16............Sin/shall have great/pain 6961/9838
Eze_30:16.............No/shall be rent asunder/and 6962/9838
Eze_30:16...........Noph/shall have distresses/daily 6963/9838
Eze_30:17.......Pibeseth/shall fall by the sword and these/cities 6964/9838
Eze_30:17.........cities/shall go into captivity At/Tehaphnehes 6965/9838 be darkened when/I 6966/9838
Eze_30:18..............I/shall break there/the 6967/9838
Eze_30:18.......strength/shall cease in/her.. 6968/9838 cover her and/her 6969/9838
Eze_30:18......daughters/shall go into captivity Thus/will 6970/9838
Eze_30:19...........they/shall know that I am the LORD And it came to pass in the eleventh year in the first/month 6971/9838 not be bound/up 6972/9838
Eze_30:24.............he/shall groan before/him 6973/9838
Eze_30:25........Pharaoh/shall fall down and they shall/know 6974/9838
Eze_30:25...........they/shall know that I am the LORD when I shall put/my 6975/9838
Eze_30:25..............I/shall put my sword/into 6976/9838
Eze_30:25.............he/shall stretch it/out 6977/9838
Eze_30:26...........they/shall know that I am the LORD And it came to pass in the eleventh year in the third/month 6978/9838
Eze_31:11.............he/shall surely deal/with 6979/9838
Eze_31:13...........ruin/shall all the fowls/of 6980/9838
Eze_31:13..........field/shall be upon his branches/To 6981/9838
Eze_31:16..........water/shall be comforted in the/nether 6982/9838
Eze_32:3............they/shall bring thee up/in 6983/9838
Eze_32:6..........rivers/shall be full of thee/And 6984/9838
Eze_32:7...............I/shall put thee/out.. 6985/9838
Eze_32:7............moon/shall not give her light All/the 6986/9838
Eze_32:9...............I/shall bring thy destruction/among 6987/9838
Eze_32:10..........kings/shall be horribly/afraid 6988/9838
Eze_32:10..............I/shall brandish/my... 6989/9838
Eze_32:10...........they/shall tremble at every moment every/man 6990/9838
Eze_32:11........Babylon/shall come upon thee By/the 6991/9838
Eze_32:12...........they/shall spoil the pomp/of 6992/9838
Eze_32:12........thereof/shall be destroyed I will/destroy 6993/9838
Eze_32:13........neither/shall the foot/of... 6994/9838
Eze_32:15..............I/shall make the land/of 6995/9838 be destitute/of 6996/9838
Eze_32:15..............I/shall smite all/them 6997/9838
Eze_32:15...........then/shall they know that I am the LORD This/is 6998/9838
Eze_32:16...........they/shall lament her the/daughters 6999/9838
Eze_32:16........nations/shall lament her they/shall 7000/9838
Eze_32:16...........they/shall lament for her/even 7001/9838
Eze_32:20...........They/shall fall in the midst of them/that 7002/9838
Eze_32:21.........mighty/shall speak to him/out 7003/9838
Eze_32:27...........they/shall not lie with/the 7004/9838
Eze_32:27.....iniquities/shall be upon their bones/though 7005/9838
Eze_32:29...........they/shall lie with the/uncircumcised 7006/9838
Eze_32:31........Pharaoh/shall see them and/shall 7007/9838
Eze_32:31............and/shall be comforted over/all 7008/9838
Eze_32:32.............he/shall be laid in/the 7009/9838
Eze_33:4...........blood/shall be upon his own/head 7010/9838
Eze_33:5...........blood/shall be upon him But he/that 7011/9838
Eze_33:5.........warning/shall deliver his/soul 7012/9838 die in his iniquity but his blood will I require at thine hand Nevertheless/if 7013/9838
Eze_33:9..............he/shall die in his iniquity but thou hast delivered thy soul Therefore/O 7014/9838
Eze_33:12......righteous/shall not deliver him/in 7015/9838
Eze_33:12.............he/shall not fall thereby/in 7016/9838
Eze_33:12........neither/shall the righteous be/able 7017/9838
Eze_33:13..............I/shall say to the righteous/that 7018/9838
Eze_33:13.............he/shall surely live if/he 7019/9838
Eze_33:13righteousnesses/shall not be remembered but for/his 7020/9838
Eze_33:13.............he/shall die for it/Again 7021/9838
Eze_33:15.............he/shall surely live he shall not die None/of 7022/9838
Eze_33:15.............he/shall not die None/of 7023/9838
Eze_33:16......committed/shall be mentioned/unto 7024/9838
Eze_33:16.............he/shall surely live Yet/the 7025/9838
Eze_33:18.............he/shall even die/thereby 7026/9838
Eze_33:19.............he/shall live thereby/Yet 7027/9838
Eze_33:25............and/shall ye possess the land Ye/stand 7028/9838
Eze_33:26............and/shall ye possess the land Say/thou 7029/9838
Eze_33:27.........wastes/shall fall by the sword and him/that 7030/9838
Eze_33:27..........caves/shall die of the pestilence For/I 7031/9838
Eze_33:28.......strength/shall cease and the/mountains 7032/9838
Eze_33:28.........Israel/shall be desolate that none/shall 7033/9838
Eze_33:28...........none/shall pass through Then shall/they 7034/9838
Eze_33:29...........Then/shall they know that I am the LORD when/I 7035/9838
Eze_33:33...........then/shall they know that a/prophet 7036/9838
Eze_34:10........neither/shall the shepherds feed/themselves 7037/9838
Eze_34:14.........Israel/shall their fold/be. 7038/9838
Eze_34:14..........there/shall they lie in/a. 7039/9838
Eze_34:14........pasture/shall they feed/upon 7040/9838
Eze_34:22...........they/shall no more be a prey and/I 7041/9838
Eze_34:23.............he/shall feed them even/my 7042/9838
Eze_34:23.............he/shall feed them and he/shall 7043/9838
Eze_34:23.............he/shall be their shepherd/And 7044/9838
Eze_34:25...........they/shall dwell safely in/the 7045/9838
Eze_34:26..........there/shall be showers/of. 7046/9838
Eze_34:27..........field/shall yield her fruit and the/earth 7047/9838 yield her increase and they/shall 7048/9838
Eze_34:27...........they/shall be safe in/their 7049/9838
Eze_34:27............and/shall know that I am the LORD when I have broken/the 7050/9838
Eze_34:28...........they/shall no more be a prey to/the 7051/9838
Eze_34:28........neither/shall the beast/of.. 7052/9838
Eze_34:28...........they/shall dwell safely and none/shall 7053/9838
Eze_34:28...........none/shall make them afraid And/I 7054/9838
Eze_34:29...........they/shall be no more consumed/with 7055/9838
Eze_34:30...........Thus/shall they know that I the/LORD 7056/9838
Eze_35:6...........blood/shall pursue thee sith/thou 7057/9838
Eze_35:6...........blood/shall pursue thee Thus/will 7058/9838
Eze_35:8..........rivers/shall they fall that/are 7059/9838
Eze_35:9..........cities/shall not return and/ye 7060/9838 know that I am the LORD Because thou/hast 7061/9838
Eze_35:10......countries/shall be mine and we/will 7062/9838
Eze_35:15...........they/shall know that I am the LORD Also/thou 7063/9838
Eze_36:7............they/shall bear their shame But/ye 7064/9838 shoot forth/your 7065/9838 be tilled and/sown 7066/9838
Eze_36:10.........cities/shall be inhabited and/the 7067/9838
Eze_36:10.........wastes/shall be builded And I/will 7068/9838
Eze_36:11...........they/shall increase and/bring 7069/9838 know that I am the LORD Yea/I 7070/9838
Eze_36:12...........they/shall possess thee/and 7071/9838
Eze_36:23........heathen/shall know that I am the LORD saith/the 7072/9838
Eze_36:23..............I/shall be sanctified in you/before 7073/9838 be clean from/all 7074/9838 keep my judgments/and 7075/9838 dwell in the land that I gave/to 7076/9838 be my people and I will be your God I/will 7077/9838 receive no/more 7078/9838
Eze_36:31...........Then/shall ye remember your own/evil 7079/9838
Eze_36:31............and/shall lothe yourselves in your own sight for your/iniquities 7080/9838
Eze_36:33..............I/shall have cleansed/you 7081/9838
Eze_36:33.........wastes/shall be builded And the/desolate 7082/9838 be tilled whereas/it 7083/9838
Eze_36:35...........they/shall say This land/that 7084/9838 know that I the LORD build/the 7085/9838 the waste/cities 7086/9838
Eze_36:38...........they/shall know that I am the LORD The hand/of 7087/9838 live And I will lay/sinews 7088/9838 live and ye/shall 7089/9838 know that I am the LORD So I/prophesied 7090/9838 know that I am the LORD when I have opened/your 7091/9838
Eze_37:14............And/shall put my spirit/in 7092/9838 live and I shall/place 7093/9838
Eze_37:14..............I/shall place you/in.. 7094/9838
Eze_37:14...........then/shall ye know that I the/LORD 7095/9838
Eze_37:17...........they/shall become one/in. 7096/9838
Eze_37:18.........people/shall speak unto thee saying/Wilt 7097/9838
Eze_37:19...........they/shall be one in/mine 7098/9838
Eze_37:20........writest/shall be in thine hand/before 7099/9838
Eze_37:22...........king/shall be king to/them 7100/9838
Eze_37:22...........they/shall be no more two/nations 7101/9838
Eze_37:22........neither/shall they be divided/into 7102/9838
Eze_37:23........Neither/shall they defile/themselves 7103/9838 they be my/people 7104/9838
Eze_37:24........servant/shall be king over them/and 7105/9838
Eze_37:24............all/shall have one shepherd/they 7106/9838
Eze_37:24...........they/shall also walk/in.. 7107/9838
Eze_37:25...........they/shall dwell in the land that I have/given 7108/9838
Eze_37:25...........they/shall dwell therein even/they 7109/9838
Eze_37:25..........David/shall be their prince/for 7110/9838 be an everlasting covenant/with 7111/9838
Eze_37:27...........also/shall be with them yea/I 7112/9838
Eze_37:27...........they/shall be my people And the/heathen 7113/9838
Eze_37:28........heathen/shall know that I the LORD do/sanctify 7114/9838
Eze_37:28......sanctuary/shall be in the midst of them/for 7115/9838
Eze_38:8............they/shall dwell safely all/of 7116/9838
Eze_38:10.............It/shall also come to/pass 7117/9838
Eze_38:10...........time/shall things/come... 7118/9838
Eze_38:13........thereof/shall say unto thee Art/thou 7119/9838 be in the latter days and/I 7120/9838
Eze_38:16..............I/shall be sanctified in thee/O 7121/9838 come to pass at the/same 7122/9838
Eze_38:18............Gog/shall come against the land/of 7123/9838
Eze_38:18...........fury/shall come up in my/face 7124/9838
Eze_38:19..........there/shall be a great shaking/in 7125/9838 shake at my/presence 7126/9838
Eze_38:20......mountains/shall be thrown down/and 7127/9838
Eze_38:20.........places/shall fall and every/wall 7128/9838
Eze_38:20...........wall/shall fall to the/ground 7129/9838
Eze_38:21..........sword/shall be against his/brother 7130/9838
Eze_38:23...........they/shall know that I am the LORD Therefore/thou 7131/9838
Eze_39:6............they/shall know that I am the LORD So will/I 7132/9838
Eze_39:7.........heathen/shall know that I am the LORD the Holy/One 7133/9838
Eze_39:9..........Israel/shall go forth and shall/set 7134/9838
Eze_39:9.............and/shall set on fire/and 7135/9838
Eze_39:9............they/shall burn them with/fire 7136/9838
Eze_39:10...........they/shall take no wood/out 7137/9838
Eze_39:10...........they/shall burn the weapons/with 7138/9838
Eze_39:10...........they/shall spoil those/that 7139/9838 come to pass in that day that I will give/unto 7140/9838 stop the/noses 7141/9838
Eze_39:11..........there/shall they bury/Gog. 7142/9838
Eze_39:11...........they/shall call it/The... 7143/9838
Eze_39:12.........months/shall the house of Israel be/burying 7144/9838 bury them and/it 7145/9838 be to them a/renown 7146/9838
Eze_39:13..............I/shall be glorified/saith 7147/9838
Eze_39:14...........they/shall sever out/men. 7148/9838
Eze_39:14.........months/shall they search/And 7149/9838
Eze_39:15...........then/shall he set up a/sign 7150/9838 be Hamonah/Thus 7151/9838
Eze_39:16...........Thus/shall they cleanse/the 7152/9838
Eze_39:18.............Ye/shall eat the flesh of the mighty/and 7153/9838 eat fat/till.. 7154/9838 be filled at/my 7155/9838
Eze_39:21........heathen/shall see my judgment/that 7156/9838
Eze_39:22.........Israel/shall know that I am the LORD their God from/that 7157/9838
Eze_39:23........heathen/shall know that the house/of 7158/9838
Eze_39:28...........Then/shall they know that I am the LORD their/God 7159/9838
Eze_40:4...............I/shall shew thee for/to 7160/9838
Eze_42:13...........LORD/shall eat the most/holy 7161/9838
Eze_42:13..........there/shall they lay/the.. 7162/9838
Eze_42:14...........then/shall they not go/out 7163/9838
Eze_42:14...........they/shall lay their garments/wherein 7164/9838
Eze_42:14............and/shall put on other garments and shall/approach 7165/9838
Eze_42:14............and/shall approach to those/things 7166/9838 the house of Israel no/more 7167/9838
Eze_43:12..........about/shall be most holy Behold/this 7168/9838
Eze_43:13.........bottom/shall be a cubit and/the 7169/9838
Eze_43:13..........about/shall be a span/and. 7170/9838
Eze_43:13...........this/shall be the higher/place 7171/9838
Eze_43:14.........settle/shall be two cubits/and 7172/9838
Eze_43:14.........settle/shall be four cubits and the/breadth 7173/9838
Eze_43:15..........altar/shall be four cubits and from/the 7174/9838
Eze_43:15.........upward/shall be four horns/And 7175/9838
Eze_43:16..........altar/shall be twelve/cubits 7176/9838
Eze_43:17.........settle/shall be fourteen/cubits 7177/9838 be half a/cubit 7178/9838
Eze_43:17........thereof/shall be a cubit about/and 7179/9838
Eze_43:17.........stairs/shall look toward/the 7180/9838
Eze_43:18...........they/shall make it to/offer 7181/9838
Eze_43:21.............he/shall burn it in/the 7182/9838
Eze_43:22...........they/shall cleanse the altar/as 7183/9838
Eze_43:24........priests/shall cast salt/upon 7184/9838
Eze_43:24...........they/shall offer them up/for 7185/9838
Eze_43:25...........they/shall also prepare/a 7186/9838
Eze_43:26...........days/shall they purge/the 7187/9838
Eze_43:26...........they/shall consecrate themselves/And 7188/9838 be that upon/the 7189/9838
Eze_43:27........priests/shall make your burnt/offerings 7190/9838
Eze_44:2............gate/shall be shut it shall/not 7191/9838 not be opened/and 7192/9838 enter in by/it 7193/9838 be shut It is/for 7194/9838
Eze_44:3..............he/shall sit in it/to.. 7195/9838
Eze_44:3..............he/shall enter by the way of the porch of that gate and/shall 7196/9838
Eze_44:3.............and/shall go out by the way of the same/Then 7197/9838
Eze_44:9...........flesh/shall enter into my sanctuary of/any 7198/9838
Eze_44:10...........they/shall even bear/their 7199/9838
Eze_44:11...........they/shall be ministers/in 7200/9838
Eze_44:11...........they/shall slay the burnt/offering 7201/9838
Eze_44:11...........they/shall stand before them/to 7202/9838
Eze_44:12...........they/shall bear their iniquity And they/shall 7203/9838
Eze_44:13...........they/shall not come near unto/me 7204/9838
Eze_44:13...........they/shall bear their shame and/their 7205/9838
Eze_44:14...........that/shall be done therein/But 7206/9838
Eze_44:15...........they/shall come near to me/to 7207/9838
Eze_44:15...........they/shall stand before me/to 7208/9838
Eze_44:16...........They/shall enter into my sanctuary and/they 7209/9838
Eze_44:16...........they/shall come near to my/table 7210/9838
Eze_44:16...........they/shall keep my charge/And 7211/9838 come to pass that when they enter/in 7212/9838
Eze_44:17...........they/shall be clothed with linen/garments 7213/9838
Eze_44:17...........wool/shall come upon them whiles/they 7214/9838
Eze_44:18...........They/shall have linen bonnets/upon 7215/9838
Eze_44:18............and/shall have linen breeches/upon 7216/9838
Eze_44:18...........they/shall not gird/themselves 7217/9838
Eze_44:19...........they/shall put off their/garments 7218/9838
Eze_44:19...........they/shall put on other garments and they/shall 7219/9838
Eze_44:19...........they/shall not sanctify/the 7220/9838
Eze_44:20........Neither/shall they shave their/heads 7221/9838
Eze_44:20...........they/shall only/poll..... 7222/9838
Eze_44:21........Neither/shall any priest/drink 7223/9838
Eze_44:22........Neither/shall they take for/their 7224/9838
Eze_44:22...........they/shall take maidens/of 7225/9838
Eze_44:23...........they/shall teach my/people 7226/9838
Eze_44:24...........they/shall stand in judgment/and 7227/9838
Eze_44:24...........they/shall judge it/according 7228/9838
Eze_44:24...........they/shall keep my laws/and 7229/9838
Eze_44:24...........they/shall hallow my/sabbaths 7230/9838
Eze_44:25...........they/shall come at no dead person/to 7231/9838
Eze_44:26...........they/shall reckon unto him seven/days 7232/9838
Eze_44:27.............he/shall offer his sin offering saith/the 7233/9838 be unto them for an/inheritance 7234/9838 give them no/possession 7235/9838
Eze_44:29...........They/shall eat the meat/offering 7236/9838
Eze_44:29.........Israel/shall be theirs And/the 7237/9838
Eze_44:30......oblations/shall be the priest's ye/shall 7238/9838 also give/unto 7239/9838
Eze_44:31........priests/shall not eat of any/thing 7240/9838 divide by lot the/land 7241/9838 offer an oblation/unto 7242/9838
Eze_45:1..........length/shall be the length of five/and 7243/9838
Eze_45:1.........breadth/shall be ten thousand This/shall 7244/9838
Eze_45:1............This/shall be holy in/all 7245/9838
Eze_45:2...........there/shall be for the sanctuary/five 7246/9838 be the sanctuary/and 7247/9838 be for the priests the/ministers 7248/9838
Eze_45:4...........which/shall come near to minister/unto 7249/9838 be a place for their/houses 7250/9838
Eze_45:5.........breadth/shall also the Levites/the 7251/9838 appoint the/possession 7252/9838 be for the whole/house 7253/9838
Eze_45:7.........portion/shall be for the prince on the one side and on the other side/of 7254/9838
Eze_45:7..........length/shall be over against one/of 7255/9838 be his possession/in 7256/9838
Eze_45:8.........princes/shall no more oppress/my 7257/9838 they give to/the 7258/9838
Eze_45:10.............Ye/shall have just/balances 7259/9838
Eze_45:11...........bath/shall be of one/measure 7260/9838
Eze_45:11........thereof/shall be after the homer/And 7261/9838
Eze_45:12.........shekel/shall be twenty gerahs/twenty 7262/9838
Eze_45:12........shekels/shall be your maneh/This 7263/9838 offer the sixth/part 7264/9838 give the sixth/part 7265/9838 offer the tenth/part 7266/9838 give this/oblation 7267/9838 be the prince's/part 7268/9838
Eze_45:17.............he/shall prepare the sin/offering 7269/9838
Eze_45:19.........priest/shall take of the blood of the sin offering and/put 7270/9838 ye reconcile/the 7271/9838 have the passover/a 7272/9838
Eze_45:21..........bread/shall be eaten And/upon 7273/9838 the prince prepare/for 7274/9838
Eze_45:23.............he/shall prepare a burnt/offering 7275/9838
Eze_45:24.............he/shall prepare a meat offering of/an 7276/9838
Eze_45:25..........month/shall he do the/like 7277/9838
Eze_46:1............east/shall be shut the/six 7278/9838 be opened and in/the 7279/9838 be opened And the prince/shall 7280/9838
Eze_46:2..........prince/shall enter by the way of the porch of that gate without/and 7281/9838
Eze_46:2.............and/shall stand by/the.. 7282/9838
Eze_46:2.........priests/shall prepare his burnt offering and his peace offerings and/he 7283/9838
Eze_46:2..............he/shall worship at the threshold/of 7284/9838
Eze_46:2..............he/shall go forth but/the 7285/9838
Eze_46:2............gate/shall not be shut until/the 7286/9838 worship at the door/of 7287/9838
Eze_46:4..........prince/shall offer unto the LORD in the sabbath/day 7288/9838 be six lambs/without 7289/9838
Eze_46:5........offering/shall be an ephah for/a 7290/9838
Eze_46:5..............he/shall be able to give/and 7291/9838 be a young/bullock 7292/9838
Eze_46:6............they/shall be without blemish And he/shall 7293/9838
Eze_46:7..............he/shall prepare a meat offering an/ephah 7294/9838
Eze_46:7............hand/shall attain unto and/an 7295/9838
Eze_46:8..........prince/shall enter he/shall 7296/9838
Eze_46:8..............he/shall go in by/the.. 7297/9838
Eze_46:8..............he/shall go forth by the way thereof/But 7298/9838 come before the LORD/in 7299/9838
Eze_46:9.........worship/shall go out by the way of the south/gate 7300/9838
Eze_46:9............gate/shall go forth by the way of/the 7301/9838
Eze_46:9..............he/shall not return by/the 7302/9838
Eze_46:9.............but/shall go forth over/against 7303/9838 go in and when/they 7304/9838
Eze_46:10..........forth/shall go forth And in/the 7305/9838
Eze_46:11.......offering/shall be an ephah to/a 7306/9838
Eze_46:12.........prince/shall prepare a voluntary/burnt 7307/9838 then open/him. 7308/9838
Eze_46:12.............he/shall prepare his burnt offering and his peace offerings as/he 7309/9838
Eze_46:12.............he/shall go forth and after/his 7310/9838 shut the/gate. 7311/9838
Eze_46:15...........Thus/shall they prepare/the 7312/9838
Eze_46:16........thereof/shall be his sons' it/shall 7313/9838 be their possession/by 7314/9838 be his to/the. 7315/9838 return to the prince/but 7316/9838
Eze_46:17....inheritance/shall be his sons' for/them 7317/9838
Eze_46:18.........prince/shall not take of the/people's 7318/9838
Eze_46:18.............he/shall give his sons/inheritance 7319/9838
Eze_46:20........priests/shall boil the trespass/offering 7320/9838
Eze_46:20...........they/shall bake the/meat. 7321/9838 boil the sacrifice/of 7322/9838
Eze_47:8..........waters/shall be healed And it shall come/to 7323/9838 come to pass that every thing/that 7324/9838
Eze_47:9..........rivers/shall come shall live/and 7325/9838
Eze_47:9............come/shall live and there/shall 7326/9838
Eze_47:9...........there/shall be a very great multitude/of 7327/9838
Eze_47:9..........waters/shall come thither for/they 7328/9838
Eze_47:9............they/shall be healed and every/thing 7329/9838
Eze_47:9...........thing/shall live whither/the 7330/9838 come to pass that the fishers/shall 7331/9838
Eze_47:10........fishers/shall stand upon it/from 7332/9838
Eze_47:10...........they/shall be a place to/spread 7333/9838 be according to their kinds/as 7334/9838
Eze_47:11........thereof/shall not be healed/they 7335/9838
Eze_47:11...........they/shall be given to salt/And 7336/9838
Eze_47:12...........side/shall grow all/trees 7337/9838
Eze_47:12...........leaf/shall not fade/neither 7338/9838
Eze_47:12........neither/shall the fruit/thereof 7339/9838 bring forth new/fruit 7340/9838
Eze_47:12........thereof/shall be for meat and the/leaf 7341/9838
Eze_47:13...........This/shall be the border whereby/ye 7342/9838 inherit the land according/to 7343/9838
Eze_47:13.........Joseph/shall have two/portions 7344/9838 inherit it one/as 7345/9838 fall unto you for inheritance/And 7346/9838
Eze_47:15...........this/shall be the border of/the 7347/9838
Eze_47:17............sea/shall be Hazarenan/the 7348/9838 measure from Hauran/and 7349/9838
Eze_47:20...........also/shall be the great/sea 7350/9838
Eze_47:21.............So/shall ye divide/this 7351/9838 come to pass that ye/shall 7352/9838 divide it by/lot 7353/9838
Eze_47:22..........which/shall beget/children 7354/9838
Eze_47:22...........they/shall be unto you as born/in 7355/9838
Eze_47:22...........they/shall have inheritance/with 7356/9838 come to pass that in what/tribe 7357/9838
Eze_47:23..........there/shall ye give him/his 7358/9838
Eze_48:8............side/shall be the offering which/ye 7359/9838 offer of five/and 7360/9838
Eze_48:8.......sanctuary/shall be in the midst of it/The 7361/9838 offer unto the LORD shall/be 7362/9838
Eze_48:9............LORD/shall be of five/and 7363/9838
Eze_48:10........priests/shall be this/holy.. 7364/9838
Eze_48:10...........LORD/shall be in the midst thereof It/shall 7365/9838
Eze_48:11.............It/shall be for the priests that/are 7366/9838
Eze_48:12........offered/shall be unto them a/thing 7367/9838
Eze_48:13........Levites/shall have five/and. 7368/9838
Eze_48:13.........length/shall be five and twenty thousand and/the 7369/9838
Eze_48:14...........they/shall not sell/of... 7370/9838
Eze_48:15.......thousand/shall be a profane/place 7371/9838 be in the midst thereof And/these 7372/9838
Eze_48:16..........these/shall be the measures/thereof 7373/9838 be toward the north/two 7374/9838
Eze_48:18........portion/shall be ten thousand eastward/and 7375/9838 be over against the/oblation 7376/9838
Eze_48:18........thereof/shall be for food unto/them 7377/9838 serve it/out.. 7378/9838
Eze_48:20.......oblation/shall be five and twenty thousand by/five 7379/9838 offer the holy/oblation 7380/9838
Eze_48:21........residue/shall be for the prince on the one side and on the other of/the 7381/9838 be the holy/oblation 7382/9838 be in the midst thereof Moreover/from 7383/9838
Eze_48:22.......Benjamin/shall be for the prince As/for 7384/9838
Eze_48:23.......Benjamin/shall have a portion And by the border of Benjamin/from 7385/9838
Eze_48:24.........Simeon/shall have a portion And by the border of Simeon/from 7386/9838
Eze_48:28.........border/shall be even from/Tamar 7387/9838 divide by lot unto/the 7388/9838 be after the names/of 7389/9838 be The LORD/is 7390/9838
Dan_1:10............then/shall ye make me/endanger 7391/9838 be cut in pieces and your/houses 7392/9838
Dan_2:5...........houses/shall be made a dunghill But/if 7393/9838 receive of me/gifts 7394/9838
Dan_2:9................I/shall know that ye/can 7395/9838
Dan_2:28............what/shall be in the latter days Thy/dream 7396/9838
Dan_2:29............what/shall come to pass But/as 7397/9838
Dan_2:30............that/shall make known the/interpretation 7398/9838
Dan_2:39............thee/shall arise another/kingdom 7399/9838
Dan_2:39...........which/shall bear rule over/all 7400/9838
Dan_2:40.........kingdom/shall be strong as/iron 7401/9838
Dan_2:40...........these/shall it break/in... 7402/9838
Dan_2:41.........kingdom/shall be divided but/there 7403/9838
Dan_2:41...........there/shall be in it of/the 7404/9838
Dan_2:42.........kingdom/shall be partly/strong 7405/9838
Dan_2:43............they/shall mingle/themselves 7406/9838
Dan_2:43............they/shall not cleave one/to 7407/9838
Dan_2:44...........kings/shall the God of heaven/set 7408/9838
Dan_2:44...........which/shall never be destroyed/and 7409/9838
Dan_2:44.........kingdom/shall not be left to/other 7410/9838 break in pieces and/consume 7411/9838 stand for ever Forasmuch/as 7412/9838
Dan_2:45............what/shall come to pass hereafter/and 7413/9838
Dan_3:6......worshippeth/shall the same/hour. 7414/9838
Dan_3:10............that/shall hear the sound/of 7415/9838
Dan_3:10..........musick/shall fall down and worship/the 7416/9838 be cast the/same 7417/9838
Dan_3:15............that/shall deliver you out of my/hands 7418/9838
Dan_3:29........Abednego/shall be cut in pieces and their/houses 7419/9838
Dan_3:29..........houses/shall be made a dunghill because/there 7420/9838
Dan_4:25............they/shall drive thee from men and thy dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field and/they 7421/9838
Dan_4:25........dwelling/shall be with the beasts of the field and/they 7422/9838
Dan_4:25............they/shall make thee to eat grass as oxen and they/shall 7423/9838
Dan_4:25............they/shall wet/thee...... 7424/9838
Dan_4:25...........times/shall pass over thee till/thou 7425/9838
Dan_4:26.........kingdom/shall be sure unto/thee 7426/9838
Dan_4:32............they/shall drive thee from men and thy dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field they/shall 7427/9838
Dan_4:32........dwelling/shall be with the beasts of the field they/shall 7428/9838
Dan_4:32............they/shall make thee to eat grass as oxen and seven/times 7429/9838
Dan_4:32...........times/shall pass over thee until/thou 7430/9838
Dan_5:7........Whosoever/shall read this/writing 7431/9838
Dan_5:7..........thereof/shall be clothed with scarlet/and 7432/9838
Dan_5:7..............and/shall be the third/ruler 7433/9838
Dan_6:5...............We/shall not find any/occasion 7434/9838
Dan_6:7........whosoever/shall ask a petition of any God or man for/thirty 7435/9838
Dan_6:7...............he/shall be cast into the den of lions Now/O 7436/9838
Dan_6:12............that/shall ask a petition of any God or man within/thirty 7437/9838
Dan_6:12............king/shall be cast into the den of lions The/king 7438/9838
Dan_6:26...........which/shall not be destroyed and/his 7439/9838
Dan_6:26........dominion/shall be even unto/the 7440/9838
Dan_7:14...........which/shall not pass away and his/kingdom 7441/9838
Dan_7:14...........which/shall not be destroyed I/Daniel 7442/9838
Dan_7:17...........which/shall arise out/of.. 7443/9838
Dan_7:18............High/shall take the kingdom/and 7444/9838
Dan_7:23...........beast/shall be the fourth kingdom/upon 7445/9838
Dan_7:23...........which/shall be diverse from all/kingdoms 7446/9838
Dan_7:23.............and/shall devour the whole/earth 7447/9838
Dan_7:23.............and/shall tread it down and/break 7448/9838
Dan_7:24............that/shall arise and/another 7449/9838
Dan_7:24.........another/shall rise after/them 7450/9838
Dan_7:24..............he/shall be diverse from the/first 7451/9838
Dan_7:24..............he/shall subdue three/kings 7452/9838
Dan_7:25..............he/shall speak great/words 7453/9838
Dan_7:25.............and/shall wear/out...... 7454/9838
Dan_7:25............they/shall be given into his hand until/a 7455/9838
Dan_7:26........judgment/shall sit and they/shall 7456/9838
Dan_7:26............they/shall take away his dominion/to 7457/9838
Dan_7:27..........heaven/shall be given to the/people 7458/9838
Dan_7:27.......dominions/shall serve and obey/him 7459/9838
Dan_8:13............long/shall be the vision concerning/the 7460/9838
Dan_8:14............then/shall the sanctuary/be 7461/9838
Dan_8:17.............end/shall be the vision Now/as 7462/9838
Dan_8:19............what/shall be in the last/end 7463/9838
Dan_8:19.............end/shall be The ram/which 7464/9838
Dan_8:22........kingdoms/shall stand up out/of 7465/9838
Dan_8:23.......sentences/shall stand up And/his 7466/9838
Dan_8:24...........power/shall be mighty but/not 7467/9838
Dan_8:24..............he/shall destroy wonderfully/and 7468/9838
Dan_8:24.............and/shall prosper and practise/and 7469/9838
Dan_8:24.............and/shall destroy the mighty/and 7470/9838
Dan_8:25..............he/shall cause craft/to 7471/9838
Dan_8:25..............he/shall magnify himself in/his 7472/9838
Dan_8:25...........peace/shall destroy many/he 7473/9838
Dan_8:25..............he/shall also stand/up. 7474/9838
Dan_8:25..............he/shall be broken without/hand 7475/9838 be for many/days 7476/9838
Dan_9:25..........Prince/shall be seven weeks/and 7477/9838
Dan_9:25..........street/shall be built again/and 7478/9838
Dan_9:26...........weeks/shall Messiah/be.... 7479/9838
Dan_9:26............that/shall come shall destroy/the 7480/9838
Dan_9:26............come/shall destroy the city/and 7481/9838
Dan_9:26.........thereof/shall be with a/flood 7482/9838
Dan_9:27..............he/shall confirm/the... 7483/9838
Dan_9:27..............he/shall cause the sacrifice/and 7484/9838
Dan_9:27..............he/shall make it desolate/even 7485/9838
Dan_9:27......determined/shall be poured upon/the 7486/9838
Dan_10:14...........what/shall befall thy/people 7487/9838
Dan_10:20.........Grecia/shall come But/I.... 7488/9838
Dan_11:2...........there/shall stand up yet/three 7489/9838
Dan_11:2..........fourth/shall be far richer/than 7490/9838
Dan_11:2..............he/shall stir up all/against 7491/9838
Dan_11:3............king/shall stand up that/shall 7492/9838
Dan_11:3............that/shall rule with/great 7493/9838
Dan_11:4..............he/shall stand up his/kingdom 7494/9838
Dan_11:4.........kingdom/shall be broken and shall/be 7495/9838
Dan_11:4.............and/shall be divided toward/the 7496/9838
Dan_11:4.........kingdom/shall be plucked up/even 7497/9838
Dan_11:5...........south/shall be strong and one/of 7498/9838
Dan_11:5..............he/shall be strong above/him 7499/9838
Dan_11:5........dominion/shall be a great dominion/And 7500/9838
Dan_11:6............they/shall join/themselves 7501/9838
Dan_11:6...........south/shall come to the king/of 7502/9838
Dan_11:6.............she/shall not retain/the 7503/9838
Dan_11:6.........neither/shall he stand nor/his 7504/9838
Dan_11:6.............she/shall be given up/and 7505/9838
Dan_11:7...........roots/shall one stand/up.. 7506/9838
Dan_11:7...........which/shall come with an/army 7507/9838
Dan_11:7.............and/shall enter into the fortress/of 7508/9838
Dan_11:7.............and/shall deal against/them 7509/9838
Dan_11:7.............and/shall prevail And/shall 7510/9838
Dan_11:8.............And/shall also carry/captives 7511/9838
Dan_11:8..............he/shall continue more/years 7512/9838
Dan_11:9...........south/shall come into his/kingdom 7513/9838
Dan_11:9.............and/shall return into his/own 7514/9838
Dan_11:10...........sons/shall be stirred up and/shall 7515/9838
Dan_11:10............and/shall assemble a/multitude 7516/9838 certainly come and overflow/and 7517/9838
Dan_11:10...........then/shall he return and be/stirred 7518/9838
Dan_11:11..........south/shall be moved with/choler 7519/9838
Dan_11:11............and/shall come forth and fight/with 7520/9838
Dan_11:11.............he/shall set forth a great/multitude 7521/9838
Dan_11:11......multitude/shall be given into his hand And/when 7522/9838
Dan_11:12..........heart/shall be lifted up and he/shall 7523/9838
Dan_11:12.............he/shall cast down many/ten 7524/9838
Dan_11:12.............he/shall not be strengthened/by 7525/9838
Dan_11:13..........north/shall return and shall set/forth 7526/9838
Dan_11:13............and/shall set forth a multitude/greater 7527/9838
Dan_11:13............and/shall certainly come after/certain 7528/9838
Dan_11:14..........there/shall many stand/up. 7529/9838
Dan_11:14.........people/shall exalt themselves/to 7530/9838
Dan_11:14...........they/shall fall So/the... 7531/9838
Dan_11:15..........north/shall come and cast/up 7532/9838
Dan_11:15..........south/shall not withstand/neither 7533/9838
Dan_11:15........neither/shall there be any strength/to 7534/9838
Dan_11:16............him/shall do according to his own/will 7535/9838
Dan_11:16...........none/shall stand before him/and 7536/9838
Dan_11:16.............he/shall stand in the/glorious 7537/9838
Dan_11:16...........hand/shall be consumed He/shall 7538/9838
Dan_11:17.............He/shall also set/his.. 7539/9838
Dan_11:17...........thus/shall he do and/he.. 7540/9838
Dan_11:17.............he/shall give him the/daughter 7541/9838
Dan_11:17............she/shall not stand on/his 7542/9838
Dan_11:18...........this/shall he turn his/face 7543/9838
Dan_11:18............and/shall take many/but. 7544/9838
Dan_11:18.........behalf/shall cause the reproach/offered 7545/9838
Dan_11:18.............he/shall cause it/to... 7546/9838
Dan_11:19.............he/shall turn his/face. 7547/9838
Dan_11:19.............he/shall stumble and fall and not/be 7548/9838
Dan_11:20...........Then/shall stand up in his estate/a 7549/9838
Dan_11:20.............he/shall be destroyed neither/in 7550/9838 stand up a/vile 7551/9838
Dan_11:21...........they/shall not give the/honour 7552/9838
Dan_11:21.............he/shall come in peaceably/and 7553/9838
Dan_11:22..........flood/shall they be overflown/from 7554/9838
Dan_11:22............and/shall be broken yea/also 7555/9838
Dan_11:23.............he/shall work deceitfully/for 7556/9838
Dan_11:23.............he/shall come up and shall/become 7557/9838
Dan_11:23............and/shall become strong/with 7558/9838
Dan_11:24.............He/shall enter peaceably/even 7559/9838
Dan_11:24.............he/shall do that/which. 7560/9838
Dan_11:24.............he/shall scatter among/them 7561/9838
Dan_11:24.............he/shall forecast his/devices 7562/9838
Dan_11:25.............he/shall stir up his/power 7563/9838
Dan_11:25..........south/shall be stirred up to/battle 7564/9838
Dan_11:25.............he/shall not stand for they/shall 7565/9838
Dan_11:25...........they/shall forecast devices/against 7566/9838
Dan_11:26...........meat/shall destroy him and/his 7567/9838 overflow and many/shall 7568/9838
Dan_11:26...........many/shall fall down slain/And 7569/9838
Dan_11:27.........hearts/shall be to do/mischief 7570/9838
Dan_11:27...........they/shall speak lies/at. 7571/9838 not prosper for/yet 7572/9838
Dan_11:27............end/shall be at the time/appointed 7573/9838
Dan_11:28...........Then/shall he return into/his 7574/9838
Dan_11:28..........heart/shall be against the/holy 7575/9838
Dan_11:28.............he/shall do exploits/and 7576/9838
Dan_11:29.............he/shall return and come toward/the 7577/9838 not be as/the. 7578/9838
Dan_11:30........Chittim/shall come against him therefore/he 7579/9838
Dan_11:30.............he/shall be grieved/and 7580/9838 he do he/shall 7581/9838
Dan_11:30.............he/shall even return/and 7582/9838
Dan_11:31...........arms/shall stand on his/part 7583/9838
Dan_11:31...........they/shall pollute the/sanctuary 7584/9838
Dan_11:31............and/shall take away the daily/sacrifice 7585/9838
Dan_11:31...........they/shall place the/abomination 7586/9838
Dan_11:32.......covenant/shall he corrupt/by. 7587/9838
Dan_11:32............God/shall be strong and do/exploits 7588/9838
Dan_11:33.........people/shall instruct/many. 7589/9838
Dan_11:33...........they/shall fall by the sword and by/flame 7590/9838
Dan_11:34...........they/shall fall they/shall 7591/9838
Dan_11:34...........they/shall be holpen/with 7592/9838
Dan_11:34...........many/shall cleave to them/with 7593/9838
Dan_11:35..understanding/shall fall to try/them 7594/9838
Dan_11:36...........king/shall do according to his will/and 7595/9838
Dan_11:36.............he/shall exalt himself and/magnify 7596/9838
Dan_11:36............and/shall speak marvellous/things 7597/9838
Dan_11:36............and/shall prosper till/the 7598/9838
Dan_11:36.....determined/shall be done Neither/shall 7599/9838
Dan_11:37........Neither/shall he regard/the. 7600/9838
Dan_11:37.............he/shall magnify himself above/all 7601/9838 he honour the/God 7602/9838
Dan_11:38............not/shall he honour with/gold 7603/9838
Dan_11:39...........Thus/shall he do in/the.. 7604/9838
Dan_11:39.............he/shall acknowledge and/increase 7605/9838
Dan_11:39.............he/shall cause them to rule/over 7606/9838
Dan_11:39............and/shall divide the land for/gain 7607/9838
Dan_11:40............end/shall the king of the/south 7608/9838
Dan_11:40..........north/shall come against him like/a 7609/9838
Dan_11:40.............he/shall enter into the countries/and 7610/9838
Dan_11:40............and/shall overflow and pass/over 7611/9838
Dan_11:41.............He/shall enter also/into 7612/9838
Dan_11:41......countries/shall be overthrown but these/shall 7613/9838
Dan_11:41..........these/shall escape out/of. 7614/9838
Dan_11:42.............He/shall stretch forth his/hand 7615/9838
Dan_11:42..........Egypt/shall not escape But he/shall 7616/9838
Dan_11:43.............he/shall have power/over 7617/9838
Dan_11:43.....Ethiopians/shall be at his/steps 7618/9838
Dan_11:44..........north/shall trouble him/therefore 7619/9838
Dan_11:44.............he/shall go forth with/great 7620/9838
Dan_11:45.............he/shall plant the/tabernacles 7621/9838
Dan_11:45.............he/shall come to his end/and 7622/9838
Dan_11:45...........none/shall help him/And.. 7623/9838
Dan_12:1............time/shall Michael/stand. 7624/9838
Dan_12:1...........there/shall be a time/of.. 7625/9838
Dan_12:1..........people/shall be delivered every/one 7626/9838
Dan_12:1............that/shall be found written/in 7627/9838 awake/some.... 7628/9838
Dan_12:3............wise/shall shine as/the.. 7629/9838
Dan_12:4............many/shall run to and fro and/knowledge 7630/9838
Dan_12:4.......knowledge/shall be increased Then/I 7631/9838
Dan_12:6............long/shall it be to/the.. 7632/9838 be for a time/times 7633/9838
Dan_12:7..............he/shall have accomplished/to 7634/9838
Dan_12:7..........things/shall be finished/And 7635/9838
Dan_12:8............what/shall be the end/of. 7636/9838
Dan_12:10...........Many/shall be purified and/made 7637/9838
Dan_12:10.........wicked/shall do wickedly/and 7638/9838
Dan_12:10.........wicked/shall understand but/the 7639/9838
Dan_12:10...........wise/shall understand And/from 7640/9838
Dan_12:11......sacrifice/shall be taken away and the abomination/that 7641/9838
Dan_12:11..........there/shall be a thousand/two 7642/9838 come to pass at that day that/I 7643/9838
Hos_1:10..........Israel/shall be as the sand/of 7644/9838 come to pass that in the place where it was said unto them Ye are not my people there it/shall 7645/9838 be said unto/them 7646/9838
Hos_1:11............Then/shall the children of Judah/and 7647/9838
Hos_1:11............they/shall come up out of the/land 7648/9838
Hos_1:11...........great/shall be the day/of. 7649/9838
Hos_2:6..............she/shall not find her/paths 7650/9838
Hos_2:7..............she/shall follow after her/lovers 7651/9838
Hos_2:7..............she/shall not overtake them/and 7652/9838
Hos_2:7..............she/shall seek them/but. 7653/9838
Hos_2:7..............but/shall not find them/then 7654/9838
Hos_2:7.............then/shall she say/I..... 7655/9838
Hos_2:10............none/shall deliver her/out 7656/9838
Hos_2:12...........field/shall eat them And/I 7657/9838
Hos_2:15.............she/shall sing there/as. 7658/9838 be at that day saith/the 7659/9838
Hos_2:17............they/shall no more be remembered by/their 7660/9838 come to pass in that day I/will 7661/9838
Hos_2:21............they/shall hear the earth/And 7662/9838 hear the corn/and 7663/9838
Hos_2:22............they/shall hear Jezreel/And 7664/9838
Hos_2:23............they/shall say Thou art/my 7665/9838
Hos_3:4...........Israel/shall abide many/days 7666/9838
Hos_3:5........Afterward/shall the children of Israel return/and 7667/9838
Hos_3:5..............and/shall fear the LORD/and 7668/9838
Hos_4:3........Therefore/shall the land mourn and every/one 7669/9838
Hos_4:3..........therein/shall languish with/the 7670/9838
Hos_4:3.............also/shall be taken away Yet/let 7671/9838
Hos_4:5.............also/shall fall with thee/in 7672/9838
Hos_4:9............there/shall be like people/like 7673/9838
Hos_4:10............they/shall eat and not have/enough 7674/9838
Hos_4:10............they/shall commit whoredom and shall/not 7675/9838
Hos_4:10.............and/shall not increase/because 7676/9838
Hos_4:13.......daughters/shall commit whoredom and your/spouses 7677/9838
Hos_4:13.........spouses/shall commit adultery/I 7678/9838
Hos_4:14......understand/shall fall Though/thou 7679/9838
Hos_4:19............they/shall be ashamed because/of 7680/9838
Hos_5:5........therefore/shall Israel and/Ephraim 7681/9838
Hos_5:5.............also/shall fall with them They/shall 7682/9838
Hos_5:6.............They/shall go with their/flocks 7683/9838
Hos_5:6.............they/shall not find him he/hath 7684/9838 a month/devour 7685/9838
Hos_5:9..........Ephraim/shall be desolate in the day/of 7686/9838
Hos_5:9............which/shall surely be The princes/of 7687/9838
Hos_5:14............none/shall rescue/him.... 7688/9838
Hos_6:2...............we/shall live in his/sight 7689/9838
Hos_6:3.............Then/shall we know if/we. 7690/9838
Hos_6:3...............he/shall come unto us/as 7691/9838
Hos_6:4.............what/shall I do unto thee O Judah/what 7692/9838
Hos_6:4.............what/shall I do unto thee for/your 7693/9838
Hos_7:12............they/shall go I/will..... 7694/9838
Hos_7:16.........princes/shall fall by the sword for/the 7695/9838
Hos_7:16............this/shall be their derision/in 7696/9838
Hos_8:1...............He/shall come as an/eagle 7697/9838
Hos_8:2...........Israel/shall cry unto me My/God 7698/9838
Hos_8:3............enemy/shall pursue him/They 7699/9838
Hos_8:6..........Samaria/shall be broken in pieces For/they 7700/9838
Hos_8:7.............they/shall reap the whirlwind/it 7701/9838
Hos_8:7..............bud/shall yield no meal/if 7702/9838
Hos_8:7........strangers/shall swallow it/up. 7703/9838 they be among/the 7704/9838
Hos_8:10............they/shall sorrow/a...... 7705/9838
Hos_8:11..........altars/shall be unto him to/sin 7706/9838
Hos_8:13............they/shall return to Egypt For/Israel 7707/9838 devour the palaces thereof Rejoice/not 7708/9838
Hos_9:2........winepress/shall not feed/them. 7709/9838 fail in her/They 7710/9838
Hos_9:3.............They/shall not dwell in the LORD's/land 7711/9838
Hos_9:3..........Ephraim/shall return to Egypt and/they 7712/9838
Hos_9:3.............they/shall eat unclean/things 7713/9838
Hos_9:4.............They/shall not offer wine/offerings 7714/9838
Hos_9:4..........neither/shall they be pleasing/unto 7715/9838
Hos_9:4.......sacrifices/shall be unto them as the/bread 7716/9838
Hos_9:4..........thereof/shall be polluted/for 7717/9838
Hos_9:4.............soul/shall not come into the house of/the 7718/9838
Hos_9:6............Egypt/shall gather them up/Memphis 7719/9838
Hos_9:6..........Memphis/shall bury them the/pleasant 7720/9838
Hos_9:6..........nettles/shall possess them thorns/shall 7721/9838
Hos_9:6...........thorns/shall be in their tabernacles/The 7722/9838
Hos_9:7...........Israel/shall know it the/prophet 7723/9838
Hos_9:11...........glory/shall fly away like/a 7724/9838
Hos_9:12...........there/shall not be a man/left 7725/9838
Hos_9:13.........Ephraim/shall bring forth his/children 7726/9838
Hos_9:16............they/shall bear no fruit/yea 7727/9838
Hos_9:17............they/shall be wanderers/among 7728/9838 they be found/faulty 7729/9838
Hos_10:2..............he/shall break down their/altars 7730/9838
Hos_10:2..............he/shall spoil their/images 7731/9838
Hos_10:3............they/shall say We/have... 7732/9838
Hos_10:5.........Samaria/shall fear because of the/calves 7733/9838
Hos_10:5.........thereof/shall mourn over/it. 7734/9838
Hos_10:6..............It/shall be also carried/unto 7735/9838
Hos_10:6.........Ephraim/shall receive shame/and 7736/9838
Hos_10:6..........Israel/shall be ashamed of his/own 7737/9838
Hos_10:8..........Israel/shall be destroyed the/thorn 7738/9838
Hos_10:8.........thistle/shall come up on their/altars 7739/9838
Hos_10:8............they/shall say to the mountains/Cover 7740/9838
Hos_10:10.........people/shall be gathered against/them 7741/9838
Hos_10:10...........they/shall bind themselves/in 7742/9838
Hos_10:11..........Judah/shall plow/and...... 7743/9838
Hos_10:11..........Jacob/shall break his/clods 7744/9838
Hos_10:14......Therefore/shall a tumult/arise 7745/9838
Hos_10:14.....fortresses/shall be spoiled as/Shalman 7746/9838
Hos_10:15.............So/shall Bethel/do..... 7747/9838
Hos_10:15........morning/shall the king of Israel/utterly 7748/9838
Hos_11:5..............He/shall not return into/the 7749/9838
Hos_11:5........Assyrian/shall be his king/because 7750/9838
Hos_11:6...........sword/shall abide on/his.. 7751/9838
Hos_11:6.............and/shall consume his/branches 7752/9838
Hos_11:8.............How/shall I give thee up/Ephraim 7753/9838 I deliver/thee 7754/9838 I make thee/as 7755/9838 I set/thee.... 7756/9838
Hos_11:10...........They/shall walk after the LORD he/shall 7757/9838
Hos_11:10.............he/shall roar like a/lion 7758/9838
Hos_11:10.............he/shall roar then/the. 7759/9838
Hos_11:10.......children/shall tremble from/the 7760/9838
Hos_11:11...........They/shall tremble as/a.. 7761/9838
Hos_12:8............they/shall find none/iniquity 7762/9838
Hos_12:14......therefore/shall he leave his/blood 7763/9838
Hos_12:14.......reproach/shall his LORD/return 7764/9838
Hos_13:3............they/shall be as the morning/cloud 7765/9838
Hos_13:8...........beast/shall tear/them..... 7766/9838
Hos_13:13..........woman/shall come upon him he is/an 7767/9838
Hos_13:14.....repentance/shall be hid from/mine 7768/9838
Hos_13:15...........wind/shall come the/wind. 7769/9838
Hos_13:15...........LORD/shall come up from/the 7770/9838
Hos_13:15.........spring/shall become dry/and 7771/9838
Hos_13:15.......fountain/shall be dried up he/shall 7772/9838
Hos_13:15.............he/shall spoil the treasure/of 7773/9838
Hos_13:16........Samaria/shall become desolate/for 7774/9838
Hos_13:16...........they/shall fall by the sword their infants/shall 7775/9838
Hos_13:16........infants/shall be dashed in/pieces 7776/9838
Hos_13:16..........child/shall be ripped/up.. 7777/9838
Hos_14:3..........Asshur/shall not save us/we 7778/9838
Hos_14:5..............he/shall grow as/the... 7779/9838
Hos_14:6........branches/shall spread and/his 7780/9838 be as the olive/tree 7781/9838
Hos_14:7..........shadow/shall return they/shall 7782/9838
Hos_14:7............they/shall revive/as..... 7783/9838
Hos_14:7.........thereof/shall be as the wine/of 7784/9838
Hos_14:8.........Ephraim/shall say What have/I 7785/9838
Hos_14:9..............he/shall understand these/things 7786/9838
Hos_14:9..............he/shall know them for/the 7787/9838
Hos_14:9............just/shall walk in them/but 7788/9838
Hos_14:9...transgressors/shall fall therein The/word 7789/9838
Joe_1:15........Almighty/shall it come Is/not 7790/9838
Joe_2:2..........neither/shall be any/more... 7791/9838
Joe_2:3..........nothing/shall escape them/The 7792/9838 they run/Like. 7793/9838
Joe_2:5........mountains/shall they leap/like 7794/9838
Joe_2:6...........people/shall be much pained/all 7795/9838
Joe_2:6............faces/shall gather blackness/They 7796/9838
Joe_2:7.............They/shall run like mighty/men 7797/9838
Joe_2:7.............they/shall climb the/wall 7798/9838
Joe_2:7.............they/shall march every/one 7799/9838
Joe_2:7.............they/shall not break their/ranks 7800/9838
Joe_2:8..........Neither/shall one thrust/another 7801/9838
Joe_2:8.............they/shall walk every/one 7802/9838
Joe_2:8.............they/shall not be wounded/They 7803/9838
Joe_2:9.............They/shall run to and fro in/the 7804/9838
Joe_2:9.............they/shall run upon/the.. 7805/9838
Joe_2:9.............they/shall climb up/upon. 7806/9838
Joe_2:9.............they/shall enter in at/the 7807/9838 quake/before.. 7808/9838
Joe_2:10.........heavens/shall tremble the/sun 7809/9838
Joe_2:10............moon/shall be dark and/the 7810/9838
Joe_2:10...........stars/shall withdraw their shining And/the 7811/9838
Joe_2:11............LORD/shall utter his/voice 7812/9838 be satisfied therewith/and 7813/9838
Joe_2:20...........stink/shall come up and his/ill 7814/9838
Joe_2:20..........savour/shall come up because/he 7815/9838
Joe_2:24..........floors/shall be full of wheat/and 7816/9838
Joe_2:24............vats/shall overflow with wine/and 7817/9838 eat in plenty/and 7818/9838
Joe_2:26..........people/shall never be ashamed And ye/shall 7819/9838 know that I am in the/midst 7820/9838
Joe_2:27..........people/shall never be ashamed And it/shall 7821/9838 come to pass afterward/that 7822/9838
Joe_2:28.......daughters/shall prophesy your/old 7823/9838 dream dreams your/young 7824/9838 see visions And also/upon 7825/9838
Joe_2:31.............sun/shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood before the great and terrible/day 7826/9838 come to pass that whosoever shall call on the name of the LORD shall be delivered/for 7827/9838
Joe_2:32.......whosoever/shall call on the name of the LORD shall be delivered/for 7828/9838
Joe_2:32............LORD/shall be delivered for in/mount 7829/9838
Joe_2:32.......Jerusalem/shall be deliverance as/the 7830/9838
Joe_2:32............LORD/shall call For/behold 7831/9838
Joe_3:1................I/shall bring again the/captivity 7832/9838
Joe_3:8.............they/shall sell them/to.. 7833/9838
Joe_3:15............moon/shall be darkened and the stars/shall 7834/9838
Joe_3:15...........stars/shall withdraw their shining The/LORD 7835/9838
Joe_3:16............also/shall roar out/of... 7836/9838 shake but/the. 7837/9838
Joe_3:17..............So/shall ye know that I am the LORD your/God 7838/9838
Joe_3:17............then/shall Jerusalem be/holy 7839/9838
Joe_3:17...........there/shall no strangers/pass 7840/9838 come to pass in that day that the mountains/shall 7841/9838
Joe_3:18.......mountains/shall drop down new/wine 7842/9838
Joe_3:18...........hills/shall flow with milk/and 7843/9838
Joe_3:18...........Judah/shall flow with waters/and 7844/9838
Joe_3:18........fountain/shall come forth out of the/house 7845/9838
Joe_3:18.............and/shall water/the..... 7846/9838
Joe_3:19...........Egypt/shall be a desolation and Edom/shall 7847/9838
Joe_3:19............Edom/shall be a desolate wilderness/for 7848/9838
Joe_3:20...........Judah/shall dwell for/ever 7849/9838
Amo_1:2........shepherds/shall mourn and the top/of 7850/9838
Amo_1:2...........Carmel/shall wither Thus/saith 7851/9838
Amo_1:4............which/shall devour the palaces of Benhadad/I 7852/9838
Amo_1:5............Syria/shall go into captivity unto/Kir 7853/9838
Amo_1:7............which/shall devour the palaces thereof And/I 7854/9838
Amo_1:8......Philistines/shall perish saith/the 7855/9838
Amo_1:10...........which/shall devour the palaces thereof Thus/saith 7856/9838
Amo_1:12...........which/shall devour the palaces of Bozrah/Thus 7857/9838 devour the palaces thereof with/shouting 7858/9838
Amo_1:15............king/shall go into captivity he and/his 7859/9838 devour the palaces of Kirioth/and 7860/9838
Amo_2:2.............Moab/shall die with tumult/with 7861/9838 devour the palaces of Jerusalem Thus/saith 7862/9838
Amo_2:14..........flight/shall perish from the swift/and 7863/9838
Amo_2:14..........strong/shall not strengthen/his 7864/9838
Amo_2:14.........neither/shall the mighty/deliver 7865/9838
Amo_2:15.........Neither/shall he stand that/handleth 7866/9838
Amo_2:15............foot/shall not deliver himself/neither 7867/9838
Amo_2:15.........neither/shall he that rideth/the 7868/9838
Amo_2:16..........mighty/shall flee away naked/in 7869/9838
Amo_3:5..............him/shall one take up a snare/from 7870/9838
Amo_3:6..............all/Shall a trumpet/be.. 7871/9838
Amo_3:6...........afraid/shall there be evil/in 7872/9838
Amo_3:11...........there/shall be even round/about 7873/9838
Amo_3:11..............he/shall bring down thy/strength 7874/9838
Amo_3:11.........palaces/shall be spoiled Thus/saith 7875/9838 the children of Israel be/taken 7876/9838
Amo_3:14...............I/shall visit the/transgressions 7877/9838
Amo_3:14...........altar/shall be cut off and fall/to 7878/9838
Amo_3:15...........ivory/shall perish and the great/houses 7879/9838
Amo_3:15..........houses/shall have an end saith/the 7880/9838
Amo_4:2.............days/shall come upon you that/he 7881/9838 go out at the breaches/every 7882/9838 cast them into the palace/saith 7883/9838
Amo_5:2..............she/shall no more rise/she 7884/9838
Amo_5:3.........thousand/shall leave an/hundred 7885/9838
Amo_5:3..........hundred/shall leave ten/to.. 7886/9838 live But seek/not 7887/9838
Amo_5:5...........Gilgal/shall surely go into captivity and/Bethel 7888/9838
Amo_5:5...........Bethel/shall come to nought Seek/the 7889/9838 live lest/he.. 7890/9838
Amo_5:9..........spoiled/shall come against the fortress/They 7891/9838 not dwell in them/ye 7892/9838 not drink wine of/them 7893/9838
Amo_5:13.........prudent/shall keep silence/in 7894/9838
Amo_5:14...........hosts/shall be with you as/ye 7895/9838
Amo_5:16.........Wailing/shall be in all streets/and 7896/9838
Amo_5:16............they/shall say in all/the 7897/9838
Amo_5:16............they/shall call the husbandman/to 7898/9838
Amo_5:17.......vineyards/shall be wailing for/I 7899/9838
Amo_5:20.............him/Shall not the day/of 7900/9838 they go captive/with 7901/9838
Amo_6:7.......themselves/shall be removed The/Lord 7902/9838 come to pass if there/remain 7903/9838
Amo_6:9.............they/shall die And a/man's 7904/9838
Amo_6:10...........uncle/shall take him up/and 7905/9838
Amo_6:10.............and/shall say unto him that/is 7906/9838
Amo_6:10..............he/shall say No Then/shall 7907/9838
Amo_6:10............Then/shall he say Hold/thy 7908/9838
Amo_6:12..........clefts/Shall horses/run.... 7909/9838
Amo_6:14............they/shall afflict you/from 7910/9838
Amo_7:2.............whom/shall Jacob arise for he is small The LORD repented for this It/shall 7911/9838
Amo_7:3...............It/shall not be saith the LORD Thus/hath 7912/9838
Amo_7:5.............whom/shall Jacob arise for he is small The LORD repented for this This/also 7913/9838
Amo_7:6.............also/shall not be saith the Lord GOD/Thus 7914/9838
Amo_7:9............Isaac/shall be desolate and the sanctuaries/of 7915/9838
Amo_7:9...........Israel/shall be laid waste and I/will 7916/9838
Amo_7:11........Jeroboam/shall die by the sword and Israel/shall 7917/9838
Amo_7:11..........Israel/shall surely be led/away 7918/9838
Amo_7:17............wife/shall be an harlot/in 7919/9838
Amo_7:17.......daughters/shall fall by the sword and thy land/shall 7920/9838 be divided by line/and 7921/9838
Amo_7:17..........Israel/shall surely go into captivity forth/of 7922/9838
Amo_8:3...........temple/shall be howlings/in 7923/9838
Amo_8:3............there/shall be many dead/bodies 7924/9838
Amo_8:3.............they/shall cast them forth/with 7925/9838 not the land/tremble 7926/9838 rise up wholly as/a 7927/9838 be cast out and drowned/as 7928/9838 come to pass in that day saith the Lord GOD/that 7929/9838
Amo_8:12............they/shall wander from/sea 7930/9838
Amo_8:12............they/shall run to and fro to/seek 7931/9838
Amo_8:12.............and/shall not find it In that/day 7932/9838 the fair/virgins 7933/9838
Amo_8:14............they/shall fall and never/rise 7934/9838
Amo_9:1.............them/shall not flee/away. 7935/9838
Amo_9:1.............them/shall not be delivered Though/they 7936/9838
Amo_9:2...........thence/shall mine hand/take 7937/9838
Amo_9:3...............he/shall bite them/And. 7938/9838 slay them and I/will 7939/9838 melt and all that/dwell 7940/9838
Amo_9:5..........therein/shall mourn and it/shall 7941/9838 rise up wholly like/a 7942/9838
Amo_9:5..............and/shall be drowned/as. 7943/9838
Amo_9:9..............yet/shall not the least/grain 7944/9838
Amo_9:10..........people/shall die by the sword which/say 7945/9838
Amo_9:10............evil/shall not overtake nor/prevent 7946/9838
Amo_9:13.........plowman/shall overtake the/reaper 7947/9838
Amo_9:13.......mountains/shall drop sweet/wine 7948/9838
Amo_9:13...........hills/shall melt And I/will 7949/9838
Amo_9:14............they/shall build the waste/cities 7950/9838
Amo_9:14............they/shall plant vineyards and drink/the 7951/9838
Amo_9:14............they/shall also make/gardens 7952/9838
Amo_9:15............they/shall no more be pulled/up 7953/9838
Oba_1:3..............Who/shall bring me down/to 7954/9838
Oba_1:8..............him/Shall I not in/that. 7955/9838
Oba_1:9............Teman/shall be dismayed to/the 7956/9838
Oba_1:10...........shame/shall cover thee and thou/shalt 7957/9838 be done unto thee thy/reward 7958/9838
Oba_1:15..........reward/shall return upon thine/own 7959/9838 all the heathen/drink 7960/9838
Oba_1:16............they/shall drink and they/shall 7961/9838
Oba_1:16............they/shall swallow down/and 7962/9838
Oba_1:16............they/shall be as though they/had 7963/9838
Oba_1:17............Zion/shall be deliverance and/there 7964/9838
Oba_1:17...........there/shall be holiness and/the 7965/9838
Oba_1:17...........Jacob/shall possess their possessions/And 7966/9838
Oba_1:18...........Jacob/shall be a fire/and. 7967/9838
Oba_1:18............they/shall kindle in them/and 7968/9838
Oba_1:18...........there/shall not be any remaining/of 7969/9838
Oba_1:19...........south/shall possess the mount/of 7970/9838
Oba_1:19............they/shall possess the fields/of 7971/9838
Oba_1:19........Benjamin/shall possess Gilead/And 7972/9838
Oba_1:20..........Israel/shall possess that/of 7973/9838
Oba_1:20........Sepharad/shall possess the cities/of 7974/9838
Oba_1:21........saviours/shall come up on mount/Zion 7975/9838
Oba_1:21.........kingdom/shall be the LORD's Now/the 7976/9838
Jon_1:11............What/shall we do unto thee/that 7977/9838 the sea/be.... 7978/9838
Jon_3:4..........Nineveh/shall be overthrown So/the 7979/9838
Mic_1:4........mountains/shall be molten/under 7980/9838
Mic_1:4..........valleys/shall be cleft/as... 7981/9838
Mic_1:7..........thereof/shall be beaten to/pieces 7982/9838
Mic_1:7..........thereof/shall be burned with the/fire 7983/9838
Mic_1:7.............they/shall return to the hire/of 7984/9838
Mic_1:11..............he/shall receive of you/his 7985/9838
Mic_1:14..........Achzib/shall be a lie/to... 7986/9838
Mic_1:15..............he/shall come unto Adullam/the 7987/9838 not remove/your 7988/9838
Mic_2:3..........neither/shall ye go/haughtily 7989/9838 one take up a parable/against 7990/9838
Mic_2:5.............that/shall cast a cord/by 7991/9838
Mic_2:6.............they/shall not prophesy/to 7992/9838
Mic_2:6.............they/shall not take shame/O 7993/9838 destroy you/even 7994/9838
Mic_2:11..............he/shall even be the/prophet 7995/9838
Mic_2:12............they/shall make great/noise 7996/9838
Mic_2:13............king/shall pass before them/and 7997/9838
Mic_3:4.............Then/shall they cry unto/the 7998/9838
Mic_3:6............night/shall be unto you that/ye 7999/9838 not have a vision/and 8000/9838 be dark unto/you 8001/9838 not divine/and 8002/9838
Mic_3:6..............sun/shall go down over/the 8003/9838 be dark over/them 8004/9838
Mic_3:7.............Then/shall the seers/be.. 8005/9838
Mic_3:7.............they/shall all cover/their 8006/9838
Mic_3:12.......Therefore/shall Zion/for...... 8007/9838
Mic_3:12.......Jerusalem/shall become heaps and the mountain of the house as the high places of the/forest 8008/9838 come to pass that the mountain/of 8009/9838
Mic_4:1.............LORD/shall be established in the top of the mountains and it/shall 8010/9838 be exalted above the hills and people/shall 8011/9838
Mic_4:1...........people/shall flow unto it And many nations/shall 8012/9838
Mic_4:2..........nations/shall come and say/Come 8013/9838 go forth of Zion/and 8014/9838
Mic_4:3...............he/shall judge among many/people 8015/9838
Mic_4:3.............they/shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruninghooks nation shall not lift up a/sword 8016/9838
Mic_4:3...........nation/shall not lift up a/sword 8017/9838
Mic_4:3..........neither/shall they learn war any more But/they 8018/9838
Mic_4:4.............they/shall sit every/man. 8019/9838
Mic_4:4.............none/shall make them afraid for/the 8020/9838
Mic_4:7.............LORD/shall reign over them in/mount 8021/9838
Mic_4:8.............thee/shall it come even/the 8022/9838
Mic_4:8..........kingdom/shall come to the daughter/of 8023/9838
Mic_4:10............LORD/shall redeem thee from the/hand 8024/9838
Mic_4:12..............he/shall gather them as/the 8025/9838
Mic_5:1.............they/shall smite the judge/of 8026/9838
Mic_5:2.............thee/shall he come forth/unto 8027/9838
Mic_5:3.........brethren/shall return unto the children/of 8028/9838
Mic_5:4...............he/shall stand and feed in/the 8029/9838
Mic_5:4.............they/shall abide for/now. 8030/9838 he be great/unto 8031/9838 be the peace when/the 8032/9838
Mic_5:5.........Assyrian/shall come into our/land 8033/9838
Mic_5:5...............he/shall tread in/our.. 8034/9838
Mic_5:5.............then/shall we raise/against 8035/9838
Mic_5:6.............they/shall waste/the..... 8036/9838
Mic_5:6.............thus/shall he deliver us/from 8037/9838
Mic_5:7............Jacob/shall be in the midst of many/people 8038/9838
Mic_5:8............Jacob/shall be among the/Gentiles 8039/9838
Mic_5:9.............hand/shall be lifted up upon/thine 8040/9838
Mic_5:9..........enemies/shall be cut off And it/shall 8041/9838 come to pass in that day saith the LORD that I/will 8042/9838
Mic_6:6........Wherewith/shall I come before the/LORD 8043/9838
Mic_6:6..............God/shall I come before him/with 8044/9838
Mic_6:7..............oil/shall I give my/firstborn 8045/9838
Mic_6:9...........wisdom/shall see thy name/hear 8046/9838
Mic_6:11......abominable/Shall I count/them.. 8047/9838
Mic_6:14............down/shall be in the midst of thee and thou/shalt 8048/9838 bear the reproach/of 8049/9838 be their perplexity/Trust 8050/9838
Mic_7:8................I/shall arise when/I.. 8051/9838
Mic_7:8.............LORD/shall be a light/unto 8052/9838
Mic_7:9................I/shall behold his righteousness/Then 8053/9838
Mic_7:10...........enemy/shall see it and shame/shall 8054/9838
Mic_7:10...........shame/shall cover her which/said 8055/9838
Mic_7:10............eyes/shall behold her/now 8056/9838 she be trodden/down 8057/9838 the decree/be. 8058/9838
Mic_7:12..............he/shall come even to thee/from 8059/9838 be desolate because/of 8060/9838
Mic_7:16.........nations/shall see and be confounded/at 8061/9838
Mic_7:16............they/shall lay their hand upon their/mouth 8062/9838
Mic_7:16............ears/shall be deaf/They.. 8063/9838
Mic_7:17............They/shall lick the dust like/a 8064/9838
Mic_7:17............they/shall move/out...... 8065/9838
Mic_7:17............they/shall be afraid of the LORD/our 8066/9838
Mic_7:17.............and/shall fear because of thee/Who 8067/9838
Nah_1:8.........darkness/shall pursue his/enemies 8068/9838
Nah_1:9.......affliction/shall not rise up the/second 8069/9838
Nah_1:10............they/shall be devoured as/stubble 8070/9838
Nah_1:12............thus/shall they be cut/down 8071/9838
Nah_1:12..............he/shall pass through Though/I 8072/9838
Nah_1:15..........wicked/shall no more pass/through 8073/9838
Nah_2:3.........chariots/shall be with flaming/torches 8074/9838
Nah_2:3............trees/shall be terribly/shaken 8075/9838
Nah_2:4.........chariots/shall rage/in....... 8076/9838
Nah_2:4.............they/shall justle/one.... 8077/9838
Nah_2:4.............they/shall seem like/torches 8078/9838
Nah_2:4.............they/shall run like the/lightnings 8079/9838
Nah_2:5...............He/shall recount/his... 8080/9838
Nah_2:5.............they/shall stumble in/their 8081/9838
Nah_2:5.............they/shall make haste to/the 8082/9838
Nah_2:5..........defence/shall be prepared/The 8083/9838
Nah_2:6...........rivers/shall be opened and the palace/shall 8084/9838
Nah_2:6...........palace/shall be dissolved And Huzzab/shall 8085/9838
Nah_2:7...........Huzzab/shall be led away captive she/shall 8086/9838
Nah_2:7..............she/shall be brought up/and 8087/9838
Nah_2:7............maids/shall lead her/as... 8088/9838
Nah_2:8.............they/shall flee away Stand/stand 8089/9838
Nah_2:8............stand/shall they cry but/none 8090/9838
Nah_2:8.............none/shall look back/Take 8091/9838
Nah_2:13...........sword/shall devour thy young/lions 8092/9838
Nah_2:13......messengers/shall no more be heard Woe/to 8093/9838 come to pass that all/they 8094/9838
Nah_3:7.............thee/shall flee from thee/and 8095/9838
Nah_3:7...........whence/shall I seek/comforters 8096/9838
Nah_3:12...........holds/shall be like fig/trees 8097/9838
Nah_3:12............they/shall even fall/into 8098/9838 be set wide/open 8099/9838 devour thy bars/Draw 8100/9838
Nah_3:15...........There/shall the fire/devour 8101/9838
Nah_3:15...........sword/shall cut thee/off.. 8102/9838 eat thee/up... 8103/9838
Nah_3:18..........nobles/shall dwell in the dust/thy 8104/9838
Nah_3:19............thee/shall clap the/hands 8105/9838
Hab_1:2.............long/shall I cry and/thou 8106/9838
Hab_1:6............which/shall march through/the 8107/9838
Hab_1:7..........dignity/shall proceed of/themselves 8108/9838
Hab_1:8.........horsemen/shall spread themselves/and 8109/9838
Hab_1:8.........horsemen/shall come from far they/shall 8110/9838
Hab_1:8.............they/shall fly as the/eagle 8111/9838
Hab_1:9.............They/shall come all/for.. 8112/9838
Hab_1:9............faces/shall sup/up........ 8113/9838
Hab_1:9.............they/shall gather the captivity/as 8114/9838
Hab_1:10............they/shall scoff/at...... 8115/9838
Hab_1:10.........princes/shall be a scorn/unto 8116/9838
Hab_1:10............they/shall deride/every.. 8117/9838
Hab_1:10............they/shall heap/dust..... 8118/9838
Hab_1:11............Then/shall his mind/change 8119/9838
Hab_1:11..............he/shall pass over and/offend 8120/9838
Hab_1:12..............we/shall not die O/LORD 8121/9838
Hab_1:17.......plenteous/Shall they therefore/empty 8122/9838
Hab_2:1................I/shall answer when/I. 8123/9838 speak and not/lie 8124/9838
Hab_2:4.............just/shall live by his/faith 8125/9838
Hab_2:6...........people/Shall not all these/take 8126/9838
Hab_2:7.............clay/Shall they not rise/up 8127/9838
Hab_2:7.............that/shall bite thee/and. 8128/9838
Hab_2:7.............that/shall vex thee/and.. 8129/9838
Hab_2:8...........people/shall spoil thee/because 8130/9838
Hab_2:11...........stone/shall cry out of/the 8131/9838
Hab_2:11..........timber/shall answer it/Woe. 8132/9838
Hab_2:13..........people/shall labour in the/very 8133/9838
Hab_2:13..........people/shall weary/themselves 8134/9838 be filled with the knowledge/of 8135/9838
Hab_2:16............hand/shall be turned unto thee/and 8136/9838
Hab_2:16.........spewing/shall be on thy/glory 8137/9838
Hab_2:17.........Lebanon/shall cover thee and the/spoil 8138/9838 teach Behold/it 8139/9838
Hab_3:17............tree/shall not blossom/neither 8140/9838
Hab_3:17.........neither/shall fruit/be...... 8141/9838
Hab_3:17...........olive/shall fail and the fields/shall 8142/9838
Hab_3:17..........fields/shall yield no meat/the 8143/9838
Hab_3:17...........flock/shall be cut off from the fold/and 8144/9838
Hab_3:17...........there/shall be no herd/in. 8145/9838 come to pass in the day of/the 8146/9838 come to pass in that day saith the LORD that there/shall 8147/9838
Zep_1:10...........there/shall be the noise/of 8148/9838 come to pass at that time/that 8149/9838
Zep_1:13...........goods/shall become a booty/and 8150/9838
Zep_1:13............they/shall also build/houses 8151/9838
Zep_1:13............they/shall plant vineyards but/not 8152/9838 cry there/bitterly 8153/9838
Zep_1:17............they/shall walk like/blind 8154/9838
Zep_1:17...........blood/shall be poured out as/dust 8155/9838 be able to deliver/them 8156/9838 be devoured by the fire of/his 8157/9838
Zep_1:18..............he/shall make even/a... 8158/9838 be hid in the/day 8159/9838
Zep_2:4.............Gaza/shall be forsaken and Ashkelon/a 8160/9838
Zep_2:4.............they/shall drive out Ashdod/at 8161/9838
Zep_2:4............Ekron/shall be rooted up Woe/unto 8162/9838
Zep_2:5............there/shall be no inhabitant/And 8163/9838
Zep_2:6............coast/shall be dwellings/and 8164/9838
Zep_2:7............coast/shall be for the remnant/of 8165/9838
Zep_2:7.............they/shall feed thereupon/in 8166/9838
Zep_2:7.........Ashkelon/shall they lie down/in 8167/9838
Zep_2:7..............God/shall visit them/and 8168/9838
Zep_2:9.............Moab/shall be as Sodom/and 8169/9838
Zep_2:9...........people/shall spoil them and the/remnant 8170/9838
Zep_2:9...........people/shall possess them This/shall 8171/9838
Zep_2:10............This/shall they have for/their 8172/9838 worship him every/one 8173/9838 be slain by my/sword 8174/9838
Zep_2:14..........flocks/shall lie down in the/midst 8175/9838
Zep_2:14.........bittern/shall lodge in/the.. 8176/9838
Zep_2:14...........voice/shall sing in the windows/desolation 8177/9838
Zep_2:14......desolation/shall be in the thresholds/for 8178/9838
Zep_2:14..............he/shall uncover the/cedar 8179/9838
Zep_2:15.............her/shall hiss and wag/his 8180/9838 be devoured with the fire/of 8181/9838
Zep_3:10.......dispersed/shall bring mine/offering 8182/9838
Zep_3:12............they/shall trust in the name/of 8183/9838
Zep_3:13..........Israel/shall not do iniquity/nor 8184/9838
Zep_3:13.........neither/shall a deceitful/tongue 8185/9838
Zep_3:13............they/shall feed and lie/down 8186/9838
Zep_3:13............none/shall make them afraid Sing/O 8187/9838 be said to/Jerusalem 8188/9838
Hag_2:7..........nations/shall come and I/will 8189/9838 be greater than of/the 8190/9838
Hag_2:12............meat/shall it be holy/And 8191/9838
Hag_2:13...........these/shall it be unclean/And 8192/9838
Hag_2:13..............It/shall be unclean Then/answered 8193/9838
Hag_2:22..........riders/shall come down every/one 8194/9838 be built in/it 8195/9838
Zec_1:16............line/shall be stretched/forth 8196/9838
Zec_1:17......prosperity/shall yet be/spread. 8197/9838
Zec_1:17............LORD/shall yet comfort/Zion 8198/9838
Zec_1:17.............and/shall yet choose/Jerusalem 8199/9838
Zec_2:4........Jerusalem/shall be inhabited as towns/without 8200/9838
Zec_2:9.............they/shall be a spoil to/their 8201/9838 know that the LORD of hosts hath sent me Sing/and 8202/9838
Zec_2:11.........nations/shall be joined to/the 8203/9838
Zec_2:11.............and/shall be my people and I will dwell/in 8204/9838
Zec_2:12............LORD/shall inherit Judah/his 8205/9838
Zec_2:12.............and/shall choose Jerusalem/again 8206/9838
Zec_3:9............stone/shall be seven eyes/behold 8207/9838
Zec_3:10...........hosts/shall ye call every/man 8208/9838
Zec_4:7...............he/shall bring forth the/headstone 8209/9838
Zec_4:9............hands/shall also finish/it 8210/9838
Zec_4:10............they/shall rejoice and shall/see 8211/9838
Zec_4:10.............and/shall see the plummet/in 8212/9838
Zec_5:3.........stealeth/shall be cut off as on this/side 8213/9838
Zec_5:3.........sweareth/shall be cut off as on that/side 8214/9838 enter into the house/of 8215/9838 remain in the midst/of 8216/9838
Zec_5:4..............and/shall consume it with/the 8217/9838 be established and/set 8218/9838
Zec_6:12..............he/shall grow up out/of 8219/9838
Zec_6:12..............he/shall build the temple of the LORD Even/he 8220/9838
Zec_6:13..............he/shall build the temple of the LORD and/he 8221/9838
Zec_6:13..............he/shall bear the glory/and 8222/9838
Zec_6:13.............and/shall sit and rule/upon 8223/9838
Zec_6:13..............he/shall be a priest/upon 8224/9838
Zec_6:13...........peace/shall be between/them 8225/9838
Zec_6:14..........crowns/shall be to Helem/and 8226/9838 come and build/in 8227/9838 know that the LORD of hosts hath sent me unto/you 8228/9838
Zec_6:15............this/shall come to pass if ye will/diligently 8229/9838
Zec_8:3........Jerusalem/shall be called a city/of 8230/9838
Zec_8:4............There/shall yet old/men... 8231/9838 be full of boys/and 8232/9838
Zec_8:8.............they/shall dwell in the midst/of 8233/9838
Zec_8:8.............they/shall be my people and I will be their God in/truth 8234/9838
Zec_8:12............seed/shall be prosperous the/vine 8235/9838
Zec_8:12............vine/shall give her fruit/and 8236/9838
Zec_8:12..........ground/shall give her increase/and 8237/9838
Zec_8:12.........heavens/shall give their dew/and 8238/9838 come to pass that as ye/were 8239/9838 be a blessing/fear 8240/9838 do Speak/ye... 8241/9838
Zec_8:19...........tenth/shall be to the house/of 8242/9838
Zec_8:20..............It/shall yet come/to... 8243/9838
Zec_8:20...........there/shall come people/and 8244/9838 go to another/saying 8245/9838
Zec_8:22.........nations/shall come to seek/the 8246/9838 come to pass that ten/men 8247/9838 take hold out/of 8248/9838
Zec_8:23............even/shall take hold of the/skirt 8249/9838
Zec_9:1.........Damascus/shall be the rest/thereof 8250/9838
Zec_9:1...........Israel/shall be toward the LORD/And 8251/9838
Zec_9:2.............also/shall border/thereby 8252/9838
Zec_9:4..............she/shall be devoured with fire/Ashkelon 8253/9838
Zec_9:5.........Ashkelon/shall see it and fear Gaza/also 8254/9838
Zec_9:5.............also/shall see it and be very/sorrowful 8255/9838
Zec_9:5......expectation/shall be ashamed and the king/shall 8256/9838
Zec_9:5.............king/shall perish from Gaza/and 8257/9838
Zec_9:5.........Ashkelon/shall not be inhabited And/a 8258/9838
Zec_9:6..........bastard/shall dwell in Ashdod/and 8259/9838
Zec_9:7...............he/shall be for our/God 8260/9838
Zec_9:7...............he/shall be as a governor/in 8261/9838
Zec_9:8........oppressor/shall pass through them/any 8262/9838
Zec_9:10.............bow/shall be cut off and he/shall 8263/9838
Zec_9:10..............he/shall speak peace/unto 8264/9838
Zec_9:10........dominion/shall be from sea/even 8265/9838
Zec_9:14............LORD/shall be seen over/them 8266/9838
Zec_9:14...........arrow/shall go forth as the/lightning 8267/9838
Zec_9:14.............God/shall blow the/trumpet 8268/9838
Zec_9:14.............and/shall go with whirlwinds/of 8269/9838
Zec_9:15...........hosts/shall defend/them... 8270/9838
Zec_9:15............they/shall devour and subdue/with 8271/9838
Zec_9:15............they/shall drink and make/a 8272/9838
Zec_9:15............they/shall be filled like/bowls 8273/9838
Zec_9:16.............God/shall save them/in.. 8274/9838
Zec_9:16............they/shall be as the stones/of 8275/9838
Zec_9:17............corn/shall make the young/men 8276/9838
Zec_10:1............LORD/shall make bright/clouds 8277/9838
Zec_10:5............they/shall be as mighty/men 8278/9838
Zec_10:5............they/shall fight because/the 8279/9838
Zec_10:5..........horses/shall be confounded And I/will 8280/9838
Zec_10:6............they/shall be as though I/had 8281/9838
Zec_10:7.........Ephraim/shall be like a mighty/man 8282/9838
Zec_10:7...........heart/shall rejoice as/through 8283/9838
Zec_10:7........children/shall see it and be glad/their 8284/9838
Zec_10:7...........heart/shall rejoice in the LORD/I 8285/9838
Zec_10:8............they/shall increase as/they 8286/9838
Zec_10:9............they/shall remember me in/far 8287/9838
Zec_10:9............they/shall live with their/children 8288/9838 not be found for them/And 8289/9838
Zec_10:11.............he/shall pass through the/sea 8290/9838
Zec_10:11............and/shall smite the waves/in 8291/9838
Zec_10:11..........river/shall dry up and/the 8292/9838
Zec_10:11........Assyria/shall be brought down and the sceptre/of 8293/9838
Zec_10:11..........Egypt/shall depart away/And 8294/9838
Zec_10:12...........they/shall walk up/and... 8295/9838
Zec_11:6............they/shall smite the land and/out 8296/9838
Zec_11:16..........which/shall not visit/those 8297/9838
Zec_11:16........neither/shall seek the/young 8298/9838
Zec_11:16.............he/shall eat the flesh of the fat/and 8299/9838
Zec_11:17..........sword/shall be upon his arm/and 8300/9838
Zec_11:17............arm/shall be clean dried/up 8301/9838
Zec_11:17............eye/shall be utterly darkened/The 8302/9838
Zec_12:2............they/shall be in the siege/both 8303/9838 be cut in pieces though/all 8304/9838
Zec_12:5...........Judah/shall say in their/heart 8305/9838
Zec_12:5.......Jerusalem/shall be my strength in/the 8306/9838
Zec_12:6............they/shall devour all the/people 8307/9838
Zec_12:6.......Jerusalem/shall be inhabited again/in 8308/9838
Zec_12:7............also/shall save the tents/of 8309/9838 the LORD defend/the 8310/9838 be as David/and 8311/9838
Zec_12:8...........David/shall be as God/as.. 8312/9838 come to pass in that day that I will seek/to 8313/9838
Zec_12:10...........they/shall look upon me/whom 8314/9838
Zec_12:10...........they/shall mourn for him as/one 8315/9838
Zec_12:10............and/shall be in bitterness/for 8316/9838 there be a great/mourning 8317/9838 mourn every/family 8318/9838
Zec_13:1...........there/shall be a fountain/opened 8319/9838 come to pass in that day saith the LORD of hosts that I will cut/off 8320/9838
Zec_13:2............they/shall no more be remembered and/also 8321/9838 come to pass that when any/shall 8322/9838
Zec_13:3.............any/shall yet prophesy/then 8323/9838
Zec_13:3.............him/shall say unto him Thou/shalt 8324/9838
Zec_13:3.............him/shall thrust him/through 8325/9838 come to pass in that day that the prophets/shall 8326/9838
Zec_13:4........prophets/shall be ashamed every/one 8327/9838
Zec_13:4.........neither/shall they wear/a... 8328/9838
Zec_13:5..............he/shall say I am no/prophet 8329/9838 say unto him What/are 8330/9838
Zec_13:6..............he/shall answer Those/with 8331/9838
Zec_13:7...........sheep/shall be scattered and/I 8332/9838 come to pass that in all/the 8333/9838
Zec_13:8.........therein/shall be cut off and die/but 8334/9838
Zec_13:8...........third/shall be left therein/And 8335/9838
Zec_13:9............they/shall call on my/name 8336/9838
Zec_13:9............they/shall say The LORD is/my 8337/9838
Zec_14:1...........spoil/shall be divided in/the 8338/9838 be taken and the houses/rifled 8339/9838 go forth into captivity and/the 8340/9838
Zec_14:2..........people/shall not be cut off from/the 8341/9838
Zec_14:3............Then/shall the LORD go forth/and 8342/9838
Zec_14:4............feet/shall stand in that/day 8343/9838
Zec_14:4..........Olives/shall cleave in/the. 8344/9838
Zec_14:4...........there/shall be a very great valley/and 8345/9838
Zec_14:4........mountain/shall remove toward/the 8346/9838 flee to the valley/of 8347/9838
Zec_14:5.......mountains/shall reach unto Azal/yea 8348/9838 flee like/as.. 8349/9838
Zec_14:5.............God/shall come and all/the 8350/9838 come to pass in that day that the light/shall 8351/9838
Zec_14:6...........light/shall not be clear/nor 8352/9838 be one day/which 8353/9838
Zec_14:7...........which/shall be known to the/LORD 8354/9838 come to pass that at/evening 8355/9838 be light And/it 8356/9838 be in that/day 8357/9838
Zec_14:8..........waters/shall go out from Jerusalem/half 8358/9838
Zec_14:8..........winter/shall it be And the/LORD 8359/9838
Zec_14:9............LORD/shall be king over all/the 8360/9838 there be one/LORD 8361/9838 be turned as/a 8362/9838 be lifted up and inhabited/in 8363/9838 dwell in it and there/shall 8364/9838
Zec_14:11..........there/shall be no more utter/destruction 8365/9838
Zec_14:11......Jerusalem/shall be safely/inhabited 8366/9838
Zec_14:12...........this/shall be the plague wherewith the LORD will smite all/the 8367/9838
Zec_14:12..........flesh/shall consume away while/they 8368/9838
Zec_14:12...........eyes/shall consume away in their holes/and 8369/9838
Zec_14:12.........tongue/shall consume away in their mouth/And 8370/9838 come to pass in that day that a great/tumult 8371/9838
Zec_14:13...........LORD/shall be among them/and 8372/9838
Zec_14:13...........they/shall lay hold every/one 8373/9838
Zec_14:13...........hand/shall rise up against the/hand 8374/9838
Zec_14:14...........also/shall fight at/Jerusalem 8375/9838
Zec_14:14..........about/shall be gathered together gold/and 8376/9838 be the plague of/the 8377/9838
Zec_14:15...........that/shall be in these/tents 8378/9838 come to pass that every one that is left of/all 8379/9838
Zec_14:16......Jerusalem/shall even go/up.... 8380/9838 be that whoso/will 8381/9838
Zec_14:17...........them/shall be no rain/And 8382/9838
Zec_14:18..........there/shall be the plague wherewith the LORD will smite the/heathen 8383/9838
Zec_14:19...........This/shall be the punishment/of 8384/9838 there be upon/the 8385/9838 be like the bowls/before 8386/9838
Zec_14:21..........Judah/shall be holiness unto/the 8387/9838
Zec_14:21......sacrifice/shall come and take of/them 8388/9838
Zec_14:21..........there/shall be no more the Canaanite/in 8389/9838
Mal_1:4.............They/shall build but/I... 8390/9838
Mal_1:4.............they/shall call them The border/of 8391/9838
Mal_1:5.............eyes/shall see and ye/shall 8392/9838 say The LORD will/be 8393/9838 be great among the Gentiles/and 8394/9838
Mal_1:11.........incense/shall be offered unto/my 8395/9838 be great among the heathen/saith 8396/9838 take you away/with 8397/9838 know that I have sent/this 8398/9838
Mal_3:1...............he/shall prepare the way/before 8399/9838 suddenly come to/his 8400/9838
Mal_3:1...............he/shall come saith/the 8401/9838
Mal_3:2..............who/shall stand when/he. 8402/9838
Mal_3:3...............he/shall sit as/a...... 8403/9838
Mal_3:3...............he/shall purify the/sons 8404/9838
Mal_3:4.............Then/shall the offering/of 8405/9838
Mal_3:7..........Wherein/shall we return/Will 8406/9838
Mal_3:10...........there/shall not be room/enough 8407/9838
Mal_3:11..............he/shall not destroy/the 8408/9838
Mal_3:11.........neither/shall your vine/cast 8409/9838
Mal_3:12.........nations/shall call you blessed/for 8410/9838 be a delightsome/land 8411/9838
Mal_3:17............they/shall be mine saith/the 8412/9838
Mal_3:18............Then/shall ye return and/discern 8413/9838
Mal_4:1.............that/shall burn as/an.... 8414/9838
Mal_4:1.........wickedly/shall be stubble/and 8415/9838
Mal_4:1...........cometh/shall burn them up/saith 8416/9838 leave them neither/root 8417/9838 the Sun of/righteousness 8418/9838 go forth and grow/up 8419/9838 tread down the/wicked 8420/9838
Mal_4:3.............they/shall be ashes/under 8421/9838
Mal_4:3................I/shall do this saith/the 8422/9838
Mal_4:6...............he/shall turn the heart/of 8423/9838
Mat_1:21.............she/shall bring forth a son and thou/shalt 8424/9838
Mat_1:21..............he/shall save his people/from 8425/9838 be with child/and 8426/9838
Mat_1:23.............and/shall bring forth a son and they/shall 8427/9838
Mat_1:23............they/shall call his name Emmanuel/which 8428/9838
Mat_2:6.............thee/shall come a Governor/that 8429/9838
Mat_2:6.............that/shall rule my/people 8430/9838
Mat_2:23..............He/shall be called a Nazarene/In 8431/9838
Mat_3:11..............he/shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire Whose fan is in his hand and he will throughly purge his floor and gather/his 8432/9838
Mat_4:4..............Man/shall not live by bread alone but by every word that/proceedeth 8433/9838
Mat_4:6...............He/shall give his angels charge concerning/thee 8434/9838
Mat_4:6.............they/shall bear thee up lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone Jesus/said 8435/9838
Mat_5:4.............they/shall be comforted Blessed/are 8436/9838
Mat_5:5.............they/shall inherit the earth Blessed/are 8437/9838
Mat_5:6.............they/shall be filled Blessed are the/merciful 8438/9838
Mat_5:7.............they/shall obtain mercy/Blessed 8439/9838
Mat_5:8.............they/shall see God/Blessed 8440/9838
Mat_5:9.............they/shall be called the children/of 8441/9838 revile/you.... 8442/9838
Mat_5:11.............and/shall say all/manner 8443/9838
Mat_5:13.......wherewith/shall it be salted/it 8444/9838
Mat_5:18..........tittle/shall in no wise pass/from 8445/9838
Mat_5:19.......therefore/shall break one/of.. 8446/9838
Mat_5:19.............and/shall teach men/so.. 8447/9838
Mat_5:19..............he/shall be called the least/in 8448/9838
Mat_5:19.......whosoever/shall do and teach/them 8449/9838
Mat_5:19............same/shall be called great/in 8450/9838
Mat_5:20...righteousness/shall exceed/the.... 8451/9838 in no case/enter 8452/9838
Mat_5:21.......whosoever/shall kill shall/be. 8453/9838
Mat_5:21............kill/shall be in danger of the judgment But/I 8454/9838
Mat_5:22...........cause/shall be in danger of the judgment and/whosoever 8455/9838
Mat_5:22.......whosoever/shall say to his brother/Raca 8456/9838
Mat_5:22............Raca/shall be in danger of the council/but 8457/9838
Mat_5:22.......whosoever/shall say Thou fool/shall 8458/9838
Mat_5:22............fool/shall be in danger of hell/fire 8459/9838
Mat_5:31.......Whosoever/shall put away his wife let/him 8460/9838
Mat_5:32.......whosoever/shall put away his wife saving/for 8461/9838
Mat_5:32.......whosoever/shall marry her/that 8462/9838
Mat_5:39.......whosoever/shall smite thee on/thy 8463/9838
Mat_5:41.......whosoever/shall compel/thee... 8464/9838
Mat_6:4..........himself/shall reward thee openly And/when 8465/9838
Mat_6:6...........secret/shall reward thee openly But/when 8466/9838
Mat_6:7.............they/shall be heard for their/much 8467/9838
Mat_6:18..........secret/shall reward thee openly Lay/not 8468/9838
Mat_6:22............body/shall be full of light But/if 8469/9838
Mat_6:23............body/shall be full of darkness/If 8470/9838 eat or what ye shall drink nor/yet 8471/9838 drink nor/yet. 8472/9838 put on Is/not. 8473/9838
Mat_6:30............oven/shall he not much/more 8474/9838
Mat_6:31............What/shall we eat or/What 8475/9838
Mat_6:31............What/shall we drink or/Wherewithal 8476/9838
Mat_6:31.....Wherewithal/shall we be clothed/For 8477/9838
Mat_6:33..........things/shall be added unto you Take/therefore 8478/9838
Mat_6:34..........morrow/shall take thought/for 8479/9838 be judged and/with 8480/9838 be measured to you again And why/beholdest 8481/9838 be given you seek and ye shall find knock and it shall be opened unto you For every one that asketh receiveth and he that seeketh findeth and to him that knocketh it shall be opened Or/what 8482/9838 find knock and it shall be opened unto you For every one that asketh receiveth and he that seeketh findeth and to him that knocketh it shall be opened Or/what 8483/9838 be opened unto you For every one that asketh receiveth and he that seeketh findeth and to him that knocketh it shall be opened Or/what 8484/9838 be opened Or/what 8485/9838
Mat_7:11............more/shall your Father/which 8486/9838
Mat_7:16..............Ye/shall know them by/their 8487/9838 know them Not/every 8488/9838
Mat_7:21............Lord/shall enter into the kingdom/of 8489/9838
Mat_7:26.............not/shall be likened/unto 8490/9838
Mat_8:8..........servant/shall be healed For I am/a 8491/9838
Mat_8:11............many/shall come from the east and west/and 8492/9838
Mat_8:11.............and/shall sit down with/Abraham 8493/9838
Mat_8:12.........kingdom/shall be cast out into/outer 8494/9838
Mat_8:12...........there/shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth And/Jesus 8495/9838
Mat_9:15......bridegroom/shall be taken from them/and 8496/9838
Mat_9:15............then/shall they fast No/man 8497/9838
Mat_9:18.............she/shall live And Jesus arose/and 8498/9838
Mat_9:21...............I/shall be whole But/Jesus 8499/9838 enter enquire/who 8500/9838
Mat_10:14......whosoever/shall not receive you nor hear your/words 8501/9838
Mat_10:15.............It/shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and/Gomorrha 8502/9838 be brought before governors/and 8503/9838 speak for it shall/be 8504/9838 be given you in that same/hour 8505/9838 speak For it is/not 8506/9838 deliver up/the 8507/9838
Mat_10:21.......children/shall rise up against their parents and cause/them 8508/9838 be hated of all men for my name's sake but he that endureth/to 8509/9838
Mat_10:22............end/shall be saved But when they/persecute 8510/9838
Mat_10:23.............Ye/shall not have gone/over 8511/9838
Mat_10:25...........more/shall they call them/of 8512/9838
Mat_10:26...........that/shall not be revealed and/hid 8513/9838
Mat_10:26...........that/shall not be known What/I 8514/9838
Mat_10:29...........them/shall not fall on/the 8515/9838
Mat_10:32......therefore/shall confess me before men him will/I 8516/9838
Mat_10:33......whosoever/shall deny me/before 8517/9838
Mat_10:36...........foes/shall be they/of.... 8518/9838 lose it and he that loseth/his 8519/9838
Mat_10:39...........sake/shall find it He/that 8520/9838
Mat_10:41........prophet/shall receive a prophet's/reward 8521/9838 receive a righteous/man's 8522/9838
Mat_10:42......whosoever/shall give to drink/unto 8523/9838
Mat_10:42.............he/shall in no wise lose/his 8524/9838
Mat_11:6.......whosoever/shall not be offended in me And as/they 8525/9838
Mat_11:10..........which/shall prepare thy way before thee Verily/I 8526/9838
Mat_11:16......whereunto/shall I liken this/generation 8527/9838
Mat_11:22.............It/shall be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon at the day/of 8528/9838 be more tolerable for the land of Sodom in/the 8529/9838 find rest unto/your 8530/9838 there be among/you 8531/9838
Mat_12:11...........that/shall have one sheep/and 8532/9838
Mat_12:18.............he/shall shew judgment/to 8533/9838
Mat_12:19.............He/shall not strive/nor 8534/9838
Mat_12:19........neither/shall any man hear/his 8535/9838
Mat_12:20...........reed/shall he not break and smoking/flax 8536/9838
Mat_12:20...........flax/shall he not quench till/he 8537/9838 the Gentiles trust Then/was 8538/9838
Mat_12:25.........itself/shall not stand And/if 8539/9838 then his/kingdom 8540/9838
Mat_12:27...........they/shall be your judges/But 8541/9838
Mat_12:31......blasphemy/shall be forgiven unto men/but 8542/9838
Mat_12:31..........Ghost/shall not be forgiven unto/men 8543/9838 be forgiven him but whosoever/speaketh 8544/9838 not be forgiven him/neither 8545/9838 speak they/shall 8546/9838
Mat_12:36...........they/shall give account thereof/in 8547/9838
Mat_12:39..........there/shall no sign be given to/it 8548/9838 the Son of man be three/days 8549/9838
Mat_12:41........Nineveh/shall rise in/judgment 8550/9838
Mat_12:41............and/shall condemn it because/they 8551/9838
Mat_12:42..........south/shall rise up in the judgment with this generation and shall condemn it for she/came 8552/9838
Mat_12:42............and/shall condemn it for she/came 8553/9838 it be also unto/this 8554/9838
Mat_12:50......whosoever/shall do the will of my/Father 8555/9838
Mat_13:12............him/shall be given and he shall have more/abundance 8556/9838
Mat_13:12.............he/shall have more/abundance 8557/9838
Mat_13:12............him/shall be taken away even that he/hath 8558/9838 hear and shall not understand and seeing ye shall see and shall/not 8559/9838
Mat_13:14............and/shall not understand and seeing ye shall see and shall/not 8560/9838 see and shall/not 8561/9838
Mat_13:14............and/shall not perceive/For 8562/9838 it be in the end/of 8563/9838 send forth his angels/and 8564/9838
Mat_13:41...........they/shall gather out/of. 8565/9838
Mat_13:42............And/shall cast them into a/furnace 8566/9838
Mat_13:42..........there/shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth Then/shall 8567/9838
Mat_13:43...........Then/shall the righteous shine/forth 8568/9838
Mat_13:49.............So/shall it be at/the.. 8569/9838
Mat_13:49.........angels/shall come forth and sever/the 8570/9838
Mat_13:50............And/shall cast them into the furnace/of 8571/9838
Mat_13:50..........there/shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth Jesus/saith 8572/9838
Mat_15:5.......Whosoever/shall say to his father or his/mother 8573/9838
Mat_15:6..............he/shall be free Thus/have 8574/9838
Mat_15:13........planted/shall be rooted up Let/them 8575/9838
Mat_15:14...........both/shall fall into the ditch/Then 8576/9838
Mat_16:4...........there/shall no sign be given unto it/but 8577/9838
Mat_16:18...........hell/shall not prevail against it/And 8578/9838 be bound in heaven and whatsoever thou/shalt 8579/9838 be loosed in heaven Then/charged 8580/9838
Mat_16:22...........this/shall not be unto/thee 8581/9838 lose it and whosoever will/lose 8582/9838
Mat_16:25...........sake/shall find it For/what 8583/9838
Mat_16:26.............he/shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul For/the 8584/9838
Mat_16:26...........what/shall a man give in exchange for his soul For/the 8585/9838 come in the glory/of 8586/9838
Mat_16:27.............he/shall reward every/man 8587/9838
Mat_16:28..........which/shall not taste of death till they see the Son/of 8588/9838
Mat_17:11..........truly/shall first come/and 8589/9838
Mat_17:12.......Likewise/shall also the Son of man suffer/of 8590/9838
Mat_17:17...........long/shall I be with you how long shall I suffer you bring him hither/to 8591/9838
Mat_17:17...........long/shall I suffer you bring him hither/to 8592/9838 say unto this mountain Remove/hence 8593/9838 remove and nothing/shall 8594/9838
Mat_17:20........nothing/shall be impossible unto/you 8595/9838 be betrayed into/the 8596/9838
Mat_17:23...........they/shall kill him and the third day he shall be/raised 8597/9838
Mat_17:23.............he/shall be raised again/And 8598/9838 not enter into the kingdom/of 8599/9838
Mat_18:4.......therefore/shall humble himself as/this 8600/9838
Mat_18:5...........whoso/shall receive one such/little 8601/9838
Mat_18:6...........whoso/shall offend one of these little ones which/believe 8602/9838 trespass/against 8603/9838
Mat_18:15.............he/shall hear thee thou/hast 8604/9838
Mat_18:17.............he/shall neglect/to.... 8605/9838 bind on/earth. 8606/9838 be bound in heaven and whatsoever ye/shall 8607/9838 loose/on...... 8608/9838 be loosed in heaven Again/I 8609/9838 agree/on...... 8610/9838
Mat_18:19...........they/shall ask it/shall.. 8611/9838 be done for/them 8612/9838
Mat_18:21............oft/shall my brother/sin 8613/9838
Mat_18:35.......likewise/shall my heavenly/Father 8614/9838
Mat_19:5...........cause/shall a man leave father/and 8615/9838
Mat_19:5.............and/shall cleave to his/wife 8616/9838
Mat_19:5...........twain/shall be one flesh Wherefore/they 8617/9838
Mat_19:9.......Whosoever/shall put away his wife except/it 8618/9838
Mat_19:9.............and/shall marry another/committeth 8619/9838
Mat_19:16..........thing/shall I do that I may have/eternal 8620/9838 hardly/enter.. 8621/9838
Mat_19:27...........what/shall we have/therefore 8622/9838 sit in the/throne 8623/9838
Mat_19:28...........also/shall sit upon twelve/thrones 8624/9838
Mat_19:29...........sake/shall receive an hundredfold and/shall 8625/9838
Mat_19:29............and/shall inherit everlasting/life 8626/9838
Mat_19:30..........first/shall be last and the last shall/be 8627/9838
Mat_19:30...........last/shall be first For/the 8628/9838
Mat_20:7............that/shall ye receive/So. 8629/9838
Mat_20:16...........last/shall be first and the/first 8630/9838 be betrayed unto/the 8631/9838
Mat_20:18...........they/shall condemn him to death And shall deliver him to the Gentiles to/mock 8632/9838
Mat_20:19............And/shall deliver him to the Gentiles to/mock 8633/9838
Mat_20:19.............he/shall rise again Then/came 8634/9838
Mat_20:22..............I/shall drink of and/to 8635/9838
Mat_20:23.............Ye/shall drink indeed/of 8636/9838 be given to them for whom it is prepared of/my 8637/9838 not be so among/you 8638/9838
Mat_20:32..............I/shall do unto you They/say 8639/9838 find an/ass... 8640/9838 say The Lord hath/need 8641/9838 be called the house/of 8642/9838 not only/do... 8643/9838 say unto this mountain Be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea it/shall 8644/9838 be done And all/things 8645/9838 ask in prayer/believing 8646/9838 receive And/when 8647/9838
Mat_21:25.............we/shall say From heaven he will say unto/us 8648/9838
Mat_21:26.............we/shall say Of men we/fear 8649/9838
Mat_21:41..........which/shall render him/the 8650/9838
Mat_21:43............God/shall be taken from you/and 8651/9838
Mat_21:44......whosoever/shall fall on/this.. 8652/9838
Mat_21:44..........stone/shall be broken but on whomsoever it shall fall it will grind him to powder And when/the 8653/9838 fall it will grind him to powder And when/the 8654/9838 find bid/to... 8655/9838
Mat_22:13..........there/shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth For/many 8656/9838 marry his/wife 8657/9838
Mat_22:28...........wife/shall she be of the/seven 8658/9838 be your servant/And 8659/9838
Mat_23:12......whosoever/shall exalt himself shall/be 8660/9838
Mat_23:12........himself/shall be abased and he that shall/humble 8661/9838
Mat_23:12...........that/shall humble himself shall/be 8662/9838
Mat_23:12........himself/shall be exalted But/woe 8663/9838 receive the greater damnation/Woe 8664/9838
Mat_23:16......Whosoever/shall swear by the temple it/is 8665/9838
Mat_23:16......whosoever/shall swear by the gold/of 8666/9838
Mat_23:18......Whosoever/shall swear by the altar it/is 8667/9838
Mat_23:20......therefore/shall swear by the altar sweareth/by 8668/9838
Mat_23:21..........whoso/shall swear by the temple sweareth/by 8669/9838
Mat_23:22...........that/shall swear by heaven/sweareth 8670/9838 kill and/crucify 8671/9838
Mat_23:34...........them/shall ye scourge/in. 8672/9838
Mat_23:36.........things/shall come upon this/generation 8673/9838
Mat_23:39.............Ye/shall not see me henceforth/till 8674/9838 say Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord And Jesus/went 8675/9838
Mat_24:2...........There/shall not be left here/one 8676/9838
Mat_24:2............that/shall not be thrown down And as he sat upon the mount of Olives the/disciples 8677/9838
Mat_24:3............when/shall these things be and what shall be the sign of/thy 8678/9838
Mat_24:3............what/shall be the sign of/thy 8679/9838
Mat_24:5............many/shall come in my name saying I am Christ and shall deceive many And ye/shall 8680/9838
Mat_24:5.............and/shall deceive many And ye/shall 8681/9838 hear of wars and rumours of wars see/that 8682/9838
Mat_24:7..........nation/shall rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom and there shall be famines/and 8683/9838
Mat_24:7...........there/shall be famines and pestilences/and 8684/9838
Mat_24:9............Then/shall they deliver/you 8685/9838
Mat_24:9.............and/shall kill you/and.. 8686/9838 be hated of all nations/for 8687/9838
Mat_24:10...........then/shall many be offended/and 8688/9838
Mat_24:10............and/shall betray one/another 8689/9838
Mat_24:10............and/shall hate one/another 8690/9838
Mat_24:11.......prophets/shall rise and shall deceive/many 8691/9838
Mat_24:11............and/shall deceive many And because/iniquity 8692/9838
Mat_24:12.......iniquity/shall abound the/love 8693/9838
Mat_24:12...........many/shall wax cold/But.. 8694/9838
Mat_24:13...........that/shall endure unto the end the same shall be saved And/this 8695/9838
Mat_24:13...........same/shall be saved And this/gospel 8696/9838
Mat_24:14........kingdom/shall be preached in all/the 8697/9838
Mat_24:14...........then/shall the end come/When 8698/9838
Mat_24:15......therefore/shall see the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet stand/in 8699/9838
Mat_24:21...........then/shall be great tribulation/such 8700/9838
Mat_24:21...........ever/shall be And except those/days 8701/9838
Mat_24:22...........days/shall be shortened Then/if 8702/9838 say unto you Lo/here 8703/9838
Mat_24:24..........there/shall arise false/Christs 8704/9838
Mat_24:24............and/shall shew great/signs 8705/9838
Mat_24:24...........they/shall deceive the/very 8706/9838
Mat_24:26...........they/shall say unto you Behold/he 8707/9838 also the coming of the Son of man be For wheresoever/the 8708/9838
Mat_24:29...........days/shall the sun be/darkened 8709/9838
Mat_24:29...........moon/shall not give her light and the stars shall/fall 8710/9838
Mat_24:29..........stars/shall fall from/heaven 8711/9838
Mat_24:29........heavens/shall be shaken And then shall appear/the 8712/9838
Mat_24:30...........then/shall appear the/sign 8713/9838
Mat_24:30...........then/shall all the tribes/of 8714/9838
Mat_24:30...........they/shall see the Son of man coming/in 8715/9838
Mat_24:31.............he/shall send his angels/with 8716/9838
Mat_24:31...........they/shall gather together his elect from the four winds from one/end 8717/9838 see all/these. 8718/9838
Mat_24:34.....generation/shall not pass till all these things be fulfilled/Heaven 8719/9838 pass away but my words shall not pass away But of that day and hour/knoweth 8720/9838
Mat_24:35..........words/shall not pass away But of that day and hour/knoweth 8721/9838 also the coming of the Son of man be For as/in 8722/9838 also the coming of the Son of man be Then/shall 8723/9838
Mat_24:40...........Then/shall two/be........ 8724/9838 be taken and the other left Two women/shall 8725/9838
Mat_24:41..........women/shall be grinding at/the 8726/9838 be taken and the other left Watch/therefore 8727/9838
Mat_24:46.........cometh/shall find so doing Verily/I 8728/9838
Mat_24:47.............he/shall make him ruler/over 8729/9838
Mat_24:48........servant/shall say in his/heart 8730/9838
Mat_24:49............And/shall begin to smite/his 8731/9838
Mat_24:50........servant/shall come in a/day. 8732/9838
Mat_24:51............And/shall cut him/asunder 8733/9838
Mat_24:51..........there/shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth Then/shall 8734/9838
Mat_25:1............Then/shall the kingdom of/heaven 8735/9838
Mat_25:29...........hath/shall be given and he shall have abundance/but 8736/9838
Mat_25:29.............he/shall have abundance/but 8737/9838
Mat_25:29............not/shall be taken away even that which/he 8738/9838
Mat_25:30..........there/shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth When the/Son 8739/9838 come in his glory/and 8740/9838
Mat_25:31...........then/shall he sit/upon... 8741/9838
Mat_25:32............him/shall be gathered all/nations 8742/9838
Mat_25:32.............he/shall separate them/one 8743/9838
Mat_25:33.............he/shall set the sheep/on 8744/9838
Mat_25:34...........Then/shall the King say/unto 8745/9838
Mat_25:37...........Then/shall the righteous answer/him 8746/9838
Mat_25:40...........King/shall answer and say unto them/Verily 8747/9838
Mat_25:41...........Then/shall he say also/unto 8748/9838
Mat_25:44...........Then/shall they also/answer 8749/9838
Mat_25:45...........Then/shall he answer/them 8750/9838
Mat_25:46..........these/shall go away/into.. 8751/9838
Mat_26:13.........gospel/shall be preached in the/whole 8752/9838
Mat_26:13..........there/shall also this/that 8753/9838 betray me And they were/exceeding 8754/9838
Mat_26:23...........same/shall betray me The/Son 8755/9838 be offended because of me this night for it is written I will smite the shepherd and the sheep of/the 8756/9838
Mat_26:31..........flock/shall be scattered abroad/But 8757/9838 be offended because of thee/yet 8758/9838
Mat_26:48..............I/shall kiss that same is he hold/him 8759/9838
Mat_26:52..........sword/shall perish with/the 8760/9838
Mat_26:53.............he/shall presently/give 8761/9838
Mat_26:54...........then/shall the scriptures/be 8762/9838
Mat_26:64......Hereafter/shall ye see the/Son 8763/9838
Mat_27:22...........What/shall I do then/with 8764/9838
Mat_27:64..........error/shall be worse/than. 8765/9838
Mat_28:7...........there/shall ye see him lo/I 8766/9838
Mat_28:10..........there/shall they see me/Now 8767/9838
Mar_1:2............which/shall prepare thy way before thee The/voice 8768/9838
Mar_1:8...............he/shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost And it/came 8769/9838
Mar_2:20......bridegroom/shall be taken away from them and then shall they fast in those days No/man 8770/9838
Mar_2:20............then/shall they fast in those days No/man 8771/9838
Mar_3:28............sins/shall be forgiven unto the/sons 8772/9838
Mar_3:28............they/shall blaspheme But/he 8773/9838
Mar_3:29............that/shall blaspheme against/the 8774/9838
Mar_3:35.......whosoever/shall do the will of God/the 8775/9838
Mar_4:22...........which/shall not be manifested/neither 8776/9838 be measured to you and/unto 8777/9838
Mar_4:24............hear/shall more/be....... 8778/9838
Mar_4:25.............him/shall be given and he that/hath 8779/9838
Mar_4:25.............him/shall be taken even that which he hath/And 8780/9838
Mar_4:30.......Whereunto/shall we liken/the.. 8781/9838
Mar_4:30......comparison/shall we compare/it. 8782/9838
Mar_5:23.............she/shall live And Jesus went/with 8783/9838
Mar_5:28...............I/shall be whole And/straightway 8784/9838
Mar_6:11.......whosoever/shall not receive you nor hear you/when 8785/9838
Mar_6:11..............It/shall be more tolerable for Sodom/and 8786/9838
Mar_6:24............What/shall I ask/And..... 8787/9838
Mar_6:37.............him/Shall we go and/buy. 8788/9838 say to his father or mother/It 8789/9838
Mar_7:11..............he/shall be free And ye/suffer 8790/9838
Mar_8:12...........There/shall no sign be given unto this/generation 8791/9838 lose it but whosoever shall/lose 8792/9838
Mar_8:35.......whosoever/shall lose his life for/my 8793/9838
Mar_8:35............same/shall save it For what shall/it 8794/9838
Mar_8:36............what/shall it profit/a... 8795/9838
Mar_8:36..............he/shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul Whosoever/therefore 8796/9838
Mar_8:37............what/shall a man give in exchange for his soul Whosoever/therefore 8797/9838
Mar_8:38.......therefore/shall be ashamed of me and of my words in/this 8798/9838
Mar_8:38............also/shall the Son of man be ashamed when he cometh/in 8799/9838
Mar_9:1............which/shall not taste of death till they have/seen 8800/9838
Mar_9:19............long/shall I be with you how long shall I suffer you bring him unto/me 8801/9838
Mar_9:19............long/shall I suffer you bring him unto/me 8802/9838
Mar_9:31............they/shall kill him and after/that 8803/9838
Mar_9:31..............he/shall rise the/third 8804/9838
Mar_9:35............same/shall be last of/all 8805/9838
Mar_9:37.......Whosoever/shall receive one of/such 8806/9838
Mar_9:37.......whosoever/shall receive me receiveth not/me 8807/9838
Mar_9:39...........which/shall do a miracle/in 8808/9838
Mar_9:41.......whosoever/shall give you a cup/of 8809/9838
Mar_9:41..............he/shall not lose/his.. 8810/9838
Mar_9:42.......whosoever/shall offend one of these little ones that/believe 8811/9838
Mar_9:43...........never/shall be quenched Where their worm dieth not and the fire is not quenched And if thy/foot 8812/9838
Mar_9:45...........never/shall be quenched Where their worm dieth not and the fire is not quenched And if thine/eye 8813/9838 be salted with fire/and 8814/9838
Mar_9:49.......sacrifice/shall be salted with salt/Salt 8815/9838
Mar_10:7...........cause/shall a man leave his father and mother and cleave/to 8816/9838
Mar_10:8...........twain/shall be one flesh so/then 8817/9838
Mar_10:11......Whosoever/shall put away his wife and/marry 8818/9838
Mar_10:12..........woman/shall put away her/husband 8819/9838
Mar_10:15......Whosoever/shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child he/shall 8820/9838
Mar_10:15.............he/shall not enter therein/And 8821/9838
Mar_10:17...........what/shall I do that I may inherit/eternal 8822/9838
Mar_10:23.........hardly/shall they that have riches enter into the kingdom of God And/the 8823/9838
Mar_10:30.............he/shall receive an hundredfold now/in 8824/9838
Mar_10:31..........first/shall be last and the last first/And 8825/9838 be delivered unto the chief/priests 8826/9838
Mar_10:33...........they/shall condemn him to death and shall deliver him to the Gentiles And/they 8827/9838
Mar_10:33............and/shall deliver him to the Gentiles And/they 8828/9838
Mar_10:34...........they/shall mock him/and.. 8829/9838
Mar_10:34............and/shall scourge him and shall/spit 8830/9838
Mar_10:34............and/shall spit/upon..... 8831/9838
Mar_10:34............and/shall kill him and the third day he shall rise/again 8832/9838
Mar_10:34.............he/shall rise again And James/and 8833/9838
Mar_10:35.............we/shall desire And/he. 8834/9838
Mar_10:39.............Ye/shall indeed/drink.. 8835/9838
Mar_10:39.........withal/shall ye be baptized/But 8836/9838 be given to them for whom it is prepared And/when 8837/9838 it not be among/you 8838/9838 be your minister/And 8839/9838
Mar_10:44.......chiefest/shall be servant of/all 8840/9838 find a colt tied whereon never/man 8841/9838 be called of/all 8842/9838
Mar_11:23......whosoever/shall say unto this mountain Be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea and/shall 8843/9838
Mar_11:23............and/shall not doubt/in.. 8844/9838
Mar_11:23............but/shall believe that/those 8845/9838
Mar_11:23..........saith/shall come to pass he/shall 8846/9838
Mar_11:23.............he/shall have whatsoever/he 8847/9838 have them And/when 8848/9838
Mar_11:31.............we/shall say From heaven he will say Why then did/ye 8849/9838
Mar_11:32.............we/shall say Of men they/feared 8850/9838
Mar_12:7.....inheritance/shall be our's/And.. 8851/9838
Mar_12:9............What/shall therefore the/lord 8852/9838
Mar_12:15............not/Shall we give/or.... 8853/9838
Mar_12:15.............or/shall we not give/But 8854/9838
Mar_12:23...........they/shall rise whose/wife 8855/9838
Mar_12:23...........wife/shall she be of them/for 8856/9838
Mar_12:25...........they/shall rise from/the. 8857/9838
Mar_12:40..........these/shall receive greater damnation And Jesus/sat 8858/9838
Mar_13:2...........there/shall not be left one stone upon another that shall not be thrown down And as/he 8859/9838
Mar_13:2............that/shall not be thrown down And as he sat upon the mount of Olives over/against 8860/9838
Mar_13:4............when/shall these things be and what shall be the sign when/all 8861/9838
Mar_13:4............what/shall be the sign when/all 8862/9838
Mar_13:4..........things/shall be fulfilled And Jesus/answering 8863/9838
Mar_13:6............many/shall come in my name saying I am Christ and shall deceive many And when/ye 8864/9838
Mar_13:6.............and/shall deceive many And when/ye 8865/9838 hear of wars and rumours of wars be/ye 8866/9838
Mar_13:7.............end/shall not be yet/For 8867/9838
Mar_13:8..........nation/shall rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom and there shall be earthquakes/in 8868/9838
Mar_13:8...........there/shall be earthquakes/in 8869/9838
Mar_13:8...........there/shall be famines and troubles/these 8870/9838
Mar_13:9............they/shall deliver you up/to 8871/9838 be beaten and/ye 8872/9838 be brought before rulers/and 8873/9838
Mar_13:11...........they/shall lead you and deliver/you 8874/9838 speak neither/do 8875/9838
Mar_13:11.....whatsoever/shall be given you in that hour/that 8876/9838 betray the/brother 8877/9838
Mar_13:12.......children/shall rise up against their parents and shall/cause 8878/9838
Mar_13:12............and/shall cause them to be/put 8879/9838 be hated of all men for my name's sake but he that shall/endure 8880/9838
Mar_13:13...........that/shall endure unto the end the same shall be saved But/when 8881/9838
Mar_13:13...........same/shall be saved But when ye/shall 8882/9838 see the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet standing/where 8883/9838
Mar_13:19...........days/shall be affliction/such 8884/9838
Mar_13:19........neither/shall be And except that/the 8885/9838 say to you Lo/here 8886/9838
Mar_13:22.......prophets/shall rise and shall shew/signs 8887/9838
Mar_13:22............and/shall shew signs/and 8888/9838
Mar_13:24............sun/shall be darkened and the moon/shall 8889/9838
Mar_13:24...........moon/shall not give her light And the stars of/heaven 8890/9838
Mar_13:25.........heaven/shall fall and the powers/that 8891/9838
Mar_13:25.........heaven/shall be shaken And then shall they see the Son of man coming in the/clouds 8892/9838
Mar_13:26...........then/shall they see the Son of man coming in the/clouds 8893/9838
Mar_13:27...........then/shall he send/his... 8894/9838
Mar_13:27............and/shall gather together his elect from the four winds from the/uttermost 8895/9838 see these/things 8896/9838
Mar_13:30.....generation/shall not pass till all these things be done/Heaven 8897/9838 pass away but my words shall not pass away But of that day and that/hour 8898/9838
Mar_13:31..........words/shall not pass away But of that day and that/hour 8899/9838
Mar_14:9..........gospel/shall be preached throughout/the 8900/9838
Mar_14:9............done/shall be spoken of/for 8901/9838
Mar_14:13..........there/shall meet you/a.... 8902/9838
Mar_14:14.............he/shall go in say/ye.. 8903/9838
Mar_14:14..............I/shall eat the passover with my disciples And he will/shew 8904/9838 betray me And they began/to 8905/9838 be offended because of me this night for it is written I will smite the shepherd and the sheep shall/be 8906/9838
Mar_14:27..........sheep/shall be scattered But after/that 8907/9838
Mar_14:29............all/shall be offended yet/will 8908/9838
Mar_14:32..............I/shall pray And/he... 8909/9838
Mar_14:44..............I/shall kiss that same is he take/him 8910/9838 see the Son of man sitting/on 8911/9838
Mar_15:12..............I/shall do unto him/whom 8912/9838
Mar_16:3.............Who/shall roll/us....... 8913/9838
Mar_16:7...........there/shall ye see him as/he 8914/9838
Mar_16:16.......baptized/shall be saved but he that believeth/not 8915/9838
Mar_16:16............not/shall be damned/And. 8916/9838
Mar_16:17..........signs/shall follow them that/believe 8917/9838 they cast/out. 8918/9838
Mar_16:17...........they/shall speak with new/tongues 8919/9838
Mar_16:18...........They/shall take up serpents/and 8920/9838 not hurt them/they 8921/9838
Mar_16:18...........they/shall lay hands/on.. 8922/9838
Mar_16:18...........they/shall recover So/then 8923/9838
Luk_1:13.......Elisabeth/shall bear thee a son and/thou 8924/9838
Luk_1:14............many/shall rejoice at/his 8925/9838
Luk_1:15..............he/shall be great in/the 8926/9838
Luk_1:15.............and/shall drink neither wine/nor 8927/9838
Luk_1:15..............he/shall be filled with the Holy/Ghost 8928/9838
Luk_1:16..........Israel/shall he turn to/the 8929/9838
Luk_1:17..............he/shall go before him in/the 8930/9838
Luk_1:18.........Whereby/shall I know this/for 8931/9838
Luk_1:20..........things/shall be performed because/thou 8932/9838
Luk_1:20...........which/shall be fulfilled in/their 8933/9838
Luk_1:32..............He/shall be great and shall/be 8934/9838
Luk_1:32.............and/shall be called the Son of the/Highest 8935/9838
Luk_1:32.............God/shall give unto him/the 8936/9838
Luk_1:33..............he/shall reign over the/house 8937/9838
Luk_1:33...........there/shall be no end Then/said 8938/9838
Luk_1:34.............How/shall this be seeing/I 8939/9838
Luk_1:35...........Ghost/shall come upon thee and the/power 8940/9838
Luk_1:35.........Highest/shall overshadow/thee 8941/9838
Luk_1:35...........which/shall be born of/thee 8942/9838
Luk_1:35............thee/shall be called the Son of God/And 8943/9838
Luk_1:37.........nothing/shall be impossible And/Mary 8944/9838
Luk_1:45...........there/shall be a performance/of 8945/9838
Luk_1:48.....generations/shall call me/blessed 8946/9838
Luk_1:60..............he/shall be called John/And 8947/9838
Luk_1:66...........child/shall this be And/the 8948/9838
Luk_2:10...........which/shall be to all/people 8949/9838
Luk_2:12............this/shall be a sign unto you Ye/shall 8950/9838
Luk_2:12..............Ye/shall find the/babe. 8951/9838
Luk_2:23............womb/shall be called holy to/the 8952/9838
Luk_2:34...........which/shall be spoken against/Yea 8953/9838
Luk_2:35...........sword/shall pierce/through 8954/9838
Luk_3:5...........valley/shall be filled and/every 8955/9838
Luk_3:5.............hill/shall be brought low and the/crooked 8956/9838
Luk_3:5..........crooked/shall be made straight and the rough ways/shall 8957/9838
Luk_3:5.............ways/shall be made smooth/And 8958/9838
Luk_3:6............flesh/shall see the salvation of God/Then 8959/9838
Luk_3:10............What/shall we do then He/answereth 8960/9838
Luk_3:12............what/shall we do And he said unto them Exact/no 8961/9838
Luk_3:14............what/shall we do And he said unto them Do/violence 8962/9838
Luk_3:16..............he/shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire Whose fan is in his hand and he will throughly purge his floor and will/gather 8963/9838 not live by bread alone but by every word of/God 8964/9838
Luk_4:7..............all/shall be thine And Jesus/answered 8965/9838
Luk_4:10..............He/shall give his angels charge over thee to keep thee And/in 8966/9838
Luk_4:11............they/shall bear thee up lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone And/Jesus 8967/9838
Luk_5:35......bridegroom/shall be taken away from them and then shall they fast in those days And/he 8968/9838
Luk_5:35............then/shall they fast in those days And/he 8969/9838
Luk_5:37.........bottles/shall perish But new/wine 8970/9838 be filled Blessed are ye/that 8971/9838 laugh Blessed/are 8972/9838 hate you/and.. 8973/9838
Luk_6:22............they/shall separate you/from 8974/9838
Luk_6:22.............and/shall reproach/you.. 8975/9838 hunger Woe/unto 8976/9838 mourn and weep/Woe 8977/9838 speak well/of. 8978/9838
Luk_6:35..........reward/shall be great and ye/shall 8979/9838 be the children/of 8980/9838 not be judged/condemn 8981/9838 not be condemned/forgive 8982/9838 be forgiven Give/and 8983/9838 be given unto you good/measure 8984/9838
Luk_6:38............over/shall men give into/your 8985/9838 be measured to you again And he/spake 8986/9838
Luk_6:39...........blind/shall they not both/fall 8987/9838
Luk_6:40.........perfect/shall be as his/master 8988/9838
Luk_7:7..........servant/shall be healed For I also/am 8989/9838
Luk_7:23.......whosoever/shall not be offended in me And when/the 8990/9838
Luk_7:27...........which/shall prepare thy way before thee For/I 8991/9838
Luk_7:31............then/shall I liken the men/of 8992/9838
Luk_8:17............that/shall not be made/manifest 8993/9838
Luk_8:17............that/shall not be known and/come 8994/9838
Luk_8:18.............him/shall be given and whosoever/hath 8995/9838
Luk_8:18.............him/shall be taken even that which he seemeth/to 8996/9838
Luk_8:50.............she/shall be made whole/And 8997/9838 lose it but whosoever will/lose 8998/9838
Luk_9:24............same/shall save it For what is/a 8999/9838
Luk_9:26.......whosoever/shall be ashamed of me and of my words of/him 9000/9838
Luk_9:26.............him/shall the Son of man be ashamed when he shall/come 9001/9838
Luk_9:26..............he/shall come in his own glory/and 9002/9838
Luk_9:27...........which/shall not taste of death till they see the kingdom/of 9003/9838
Luk_9:41............long/shall I be with you and/suffer 9004/9838 be delivered into the hands/of 9005/9838
Luk_9:48.......Whosoever/shall receive this/child 9006/9838
Luk_9:48.......whosoever/shall receive me receiveth him/that 9007/9838
Luk_9:48............same/shall be great And John/answered 9008/9838
Luk_10:6...........peace/shall rest upon it/if 9009/9838 turn to you again/And 9010/9838 be more tolerable in/that 9011/9838 be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon at the judgment/than 9012/9838
Luk_10:19........nothing/shall by/any........ 9013/9838
Luk_10:25...........what/shall I do to inherit eternal life He/said 9014/9838
Luk_10:42..........which/shall not be taken away/from 9015/9838 have a friend/and 9016/9838
Luk_11:5.............and/shall go unto/him... 9017/9838
Luk_11:7..........within/shall answer and say Trouble/me 9018/9838 be given you seek and ye shall find knock and it shall be opened unto you For every one that asketh receiveth and he that seeketh findeth and to him that knocketh it shall be opened If/a 9019/9838 find knock and it shall be opened unto you For every one that asketh receiveth and he that seeketh findeth and to him that knocketh it shall be opened If/a 9020/9838 be opened unto you For every one that asketh receiveth and he that seeketh findeth and to him that knocketh it shall be opened If/a 9021/9838 be opened If/a 9022/9838
Luk_11:11............son/shall ask bread/of.. 9023/9838
Luk_11:12.............he/shall ask an/egg.... 9024/9838
Luk_11:13...........more/shall your heavenly/Father 9025/9838 his kingdom/stand 9026/9838
Luk_11:19......therefore/shall they be your/judges 9027/9838
Luk_11:22.............he/shall come upon him and/overcome 9028/9838
Luk_11:29..........there/shall no sign be given it/but 9029/9838 also the Son of man be to/this 9030/9838
Luk_11:31..........south/shall rise up in the judgment with the/men 9031/9838
Luk_11:32.........Nineve/shall rise up in the judgment with this generation and shall condemn it for they/repented 9032/9838
Luk_11:32............and/shall condemn it for they/repented 9033/9838
Luk_11:36..........whole/shall be full of light as/when 9034/9838
Luk_11:49...........they/shall slay and/persecute 9035/9838
Luk_11:51.............It/shall be required of this/generation 9036/9838
Luk_12:2............that/shall not be revealed neither/hid 9037/9838
Luk_12:2............that/shall not be known Therefore/whatsoever 9038/9838
Luk_12:3........darkness/shall be heard in the light/and 9039/9838
Luk_12:3.........closets/shall be proclaimed/upon 9040/9838 fear Fear/him. 9041/9838
Luk_12:8.......Whosoever/shall confess me before men him shall/the 9042/9838
Luk_12:8.............him/shall the Son of man also/confess 9043/9838 be denied/before 9044/9838
Luk_12:10......whosoever/shall speak a/word.. 9045/9838 be forgiven him but unto/him 9046/9838 not be forgiven And/when 9047/9838 answer or/what 9048/9838 say For/the... 9049/9838
Luk_12:12..........Ghost/shall teach you in/the 9050/9838
Luk_12:17...........What/shall I do because/I 9051/9838
Luk_12:20...........soul/shall be required of thee/then 9052/9838
Luk_12:20..........whose/shall those things/be 9053/9838 eat neither for/the 9054/9838 put on The life/is 9055/9838 eat or what ye shall drink neither/be 9056/9838 drink neither be/ye 9057/9838
Luk_12:31.........things/shall be added unto you Fear/not 9058/9838
Luk_12:37.........cometh/shall find watching/verily 9059/9838
Luk_12:37.............he/shall gird himself/and 9060/9838
Luk_12:38.............he/shall come in the second/watch 9061/9838
Luk_12:42...........lord/shall make ruler/over 9062/9838
Luk_12:43.........cometh/shall find so doing Of/a 9063/9838
Luk_12:45............and/shall begin to beat/the 9064/9838
Luk_12:47...........will/shall be beaten with many/stripes 9065/9838
Luk_12:48........stripes/shall be beaten with few/stripes 9066/9838
Luk_12:48............him/shall be much required/and 9067/9838
Luk_12:52..........there/shall be five in/one 9068/9838
Luk_12:53.........father/shall be divided against/the 9069/9838 all likewise perish Or/those 9070/9838 all likewise perish He/spake 9071/9838
Luk_13:8...............I/shall dig about/it.. 9072/9838
Luk_13:18......whereunto/shall I resemble/it. 9073/9838
Luk_13:20......Whereunto/shall I liken the kingdom/of 9074/9838
Luk_13:24............and/shall not be able When/once 9075/9838
Luk_13:25.............he/shall answer and say unto you/I 9076/9838
Luk_13:26...........Then/shall ye begin/to... 9077/9838
Luk_13:27.............he/shall say I tell/you 9078/9838
Luk_13:28..........There/shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth when ye/shall 9079/9838 see Abraham/and 9080/9838
Luk_13:29...........they/shall come from the east and from/the 9081/9838
Luk_13:29............and/shall sit down in/the 9082/9838
Luk_13:30..........which/shall be first and there/are 9083/9838
Luk_13:30..........which/shall be last The/same 9084/9838
Luk_13:32..............I/shall be perfected/Nevertheless 9085/9838
Luk_13:35.............Ye/shall not see me until/the 9086/9838 say Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord And it/came 9087/9838 have an ass/or 9088/9838
Luk_14:11........himself/shall be abased and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted Then/said 9089/9838
Luk_14:11........himself/shall be exalted Then/said 9090/9838
Luk_14:15...........that/shall eat bread in/the 9091/9838
Luk_14:24.........bidden/shall taste/of...... 9092/9838
Luk_14:34......wherewith/shall it be seasoned/It 9093/9838 be in heaven/over 9094/9838
Luk_16:3............What/shall I do for my lord/taketh 9095/9838
Luk_16:12............who/shall give you that/which 9096/9838 have done all/those 9097/9838
Luk_17:21........Neither/shall they say/Lo... 9098/9838 desire to see/one 9099/9838 not see it/And 9100/9838
Luk_17:23...........they/shall say to you See/here 9101/9838 also the Son of man be in/his 9102/9838 it be also in/the 9103/9838
Luk_17:30...........thus/shall it be in the day/when 9104/9838
Luk_17:31..........which/shall be upon the housetop/and 9105/9838
Luk_17:33......Whosoever/shall seek to save/his 9106/9838 lose it and whosoever shall/lose 9107/9838
Luk_17:33......whosoever/shall lose his life shall/preserve 9108/9838 preserve it/I. 9109/9838
Luk_17:34..........there/shall be two men/in. 9110/9838 be taken and the other shall/be 9111/9838
Luk_17:34..........other/shall be left Two/women 9112/9838
Luk_17:35..........women/shall be grinding together/the 9113/9838 be taken and the other left Two men/shall 9114/9838 be in the field/the 9115/9838 be taken and the other left And/they 9116/9838
Luk_18:7.............And/shall not God avenge/his 9117/9838
Luk_18:8..........cometh/shall he find/faith. 9118/9838
Luk_18:14........himself/shall be abased and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted And/they 9119/9838
Luk_18:14........himself/shall be exalted And they/brought 9120/9838
Luk_18:17......Whosoever/shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall/in 9121/9838
Luk_18:17..........child/shall in no wise enter therein/And 9122/9838
Luk_18:18...........what/shall I do to inherit eternal life And/Jesus 9123/9838
Luk_18:24.........hardly/shall they that have riches enter into the kingdom of God For/it 9124/9838
Luk_18:30............Who/shall not receive manifold/more 9125/9838 be accomplished For/he 9126/9838
Luk_18:32.............he/shall be delivered unto the Gentiles/and 9127/9838
Luk_18:32............and/shall be mocked/and. 9128/9838
Luk_18:33...........they/shall scourge him and put/him 9129/9838
Luk_18:33.............he/shall rise again And they/understood 9130/9838
Luk_18:41..............I/shall do unto thee/And 9131/9838
Luk_19:26...........hath/shall be given and from/him 9132/9838
Luk_19:26...........hath/shall be taken away from him/But 9133/9838 find a colt tied whereon yet/never 9134/9838
Luk_19:31...........thus/shall ye say unto him Because/the 9135/9838
Luk_19:43...........days/shall come upon thee that/thine 9136/9838
Luk_19:43........enemies/shall cast a trench/about 9137/9838
Luk_19:44............And/shall lay thee/even. 9138/9838
Luk_19:44...........they/shall not leave in/thee 9139/9838
Luk_20:5..............we/shall say From heaven he will say Why then believed/ye 9140/9838
Luk_20:13...........What/shall I do I/will... 9141/9838
Luk_20:15......therefore/shall the lord of the/vineyard 9142/9838
Luk_20:16.............He/shall come and destroy/these 9143/9838
Luk_20:16............and/shall give the vineyard/to 9144/9838
Luk_20:18......Whosoever/shall fall upon that/stone 9145/9838
Luk_20:18..........stone/shall be broken but on whomsoever it shall fall it will grind him to powder And the/chief 9146/9838 fall it will grind him to powder And the/chief 9147/9838
Luk_20:35..........which/shall be accounted worthy/to 9148/9838
Luk_20:47...........same/shall receive greater damnation And he/looked 9149/9838
Luk_21:6...........there/shall not be left one stone upon another that shall not be thrown down And they/asked 9150/9838
Luk_21:6............that/shall not be thrown down And they/asked 9151/9838
Luk_21:7............when/shall these things be and what sign/will 9152/9838
Luk_21:7..........things/shall come to pass And he/said 9153/9838
Luk_21:8............many/shall come in my name saying I am Christ and the/time 9154/9838 hear of wars and commotions/be 9155/9838
Luk_21:10.........Nation/shall rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom And great/earthquakes 9156/9838
Luk_21:11....earthquakes/shall be in divers/places 9157/9838
Luk_21:11..........signs/shall there be from/heaven 9158/9838
Luk_21:12...........they/shall lay their hands on/you 9159/9838 turn to you for/a 9160/9838 answer For I/will 9161/9838
Luk_21:15....adversaries/shall not be able to gainsay/nor 9162/9838 be betrayed both/by 9163/9838 they cause/to. 9164/9838 be hated of all men for my name's sake But there/shall 9165/9838
Luk_21:18..........there/shall not an hair of your/head 9166/9838 see Jerusalem compassed/with 9167/9838
Luk_21:23..........there/shall be great distress/in 9168/9838
Luk_21:24...........they/shall fall by the edge/of 9169/9838
Luk_21:24............and/shall be led away captive into/all 9170/9838
Luk_21:24......Jerusalem/shall be trodden down of/the 9171/9838
Luk_21:25..........there/shall be signs/in... 9172/9838
Luk_21:26.........heaven/shall be shaken And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a/cloud 9173/9838
Luk_21:27...........then/shall they see the Son of man coming in a/cloud 9174/9838
Luk_21:32.....generation/shall not pass away till/all 9175/9838 pass away but my words shall not pass away And/take 9176/9838
Luk_21:33..........words/shall not pass away And take/heed 9177/9838
Luk_21:35..........snare/shall it come on/all 9178/9838
Luk_21:36...........that/shall come to pass and to/stand 9179/9838
Luk_22:10..........there/shall a man meet/you 9180/9838 say unto the goodman/of 9181/9838
Luk_22:11..............I/shall eat the passover with my disciples And he shall/shew 9182/9838
Luk_22:12.............he/shall shew you a/large 9183/9838
Luk_22:18............God/shall come And he/took 9184/9838 not be so but/he 9185/9838
Luk_22:34...........cock/shall not crow this/day 9186/9838
Luk_22:49...........Lord/shall we smite/with. 9187/9838
Luk_22:69......Hereafter/shall the Son of man sit/on 9188/9838
Luk_23:29...........they/shall say Blessed are/the 9189/9838
Luk_23:30...........Then/shall they begin/to. 9190/9838
Luk_23:31...........what/shall be done in the/dry 9191/9838 see heaven/open 9192/9838 ye believe if/I 9193/9838
Joh_3:36.............Son/shall not see life/but 9194/9838
Joh_4:13...........water/shall thirst/again.. 9195/9838
Joh_4:14...............I/shall give him shall never/thirst 9196/9838
Joh_4:14.............him/shall never thirst but the/water 9197/9838
Joh_4:14...............I/shall give him shall be/in 9198/9838
Joh_4:14.............him/shall be in him a/well 9199/9838 neither in/this 9200/9838
Joh_4:23.....worshippers/shall worship the Father/in 9201/9838
Joh_5:24.............and/shall not come into condemnation/but 9202/9838
Joh_5:25............dead/shall hear the voice/of 9203/9838
Joh_5:25............hear/shall live For as the/Father 9204/9838
Joh_5:28..........graves/shall hear his/voice 9205/9838
Joh_5:29.............And/shall come forth they/that 9206/9838
Joh_5:43.........another/shall come in his own name/him 9207/9838 ye believe my/words 9208/9838
Joh_6:5...........Whence/shall we buy/bread.. 9209/9838 give unto you/for 9210/9838
Joh_6:28............What/shall we do that/we. 9211/9838 never hunger/and 9212/9838 never thirst But I/said 9213/9838 come to me/and 9214/9838
Joh_6:45............they/shall be all taught/of 9215/9838
Joh_6:51..............he/shall live for ever and/the 9216/9838
Joh_6:57..............he/shall live by me/This 9217/9838
Joh_6:58...........bread/shall live for ever These/things 9218/9838 see the Son of man ascend/up 9219/9838
Joh_6:68............whom/shall we go thou/hast 9220/9838
Joh_7:17..............he/shall know of/the... 9221/9838
Joh_7:34..............Ye/shall seek me and shall not find me and where I am thither ye cannot come Then/said 9222/9838
Joh_7:34.............and/shall not find me and where I am thither ye cannot come Then/said 9223/9838
Joh_7:35..............we/shall not find him will/he 9224/9838
Joh_7:36..............Ye/shall seek me and shall not find me and where I am thither ye cannot come In/the 9225/9838
Joh_7:36.............and/shall not find me and where I am thither ye cannot come In/the 9226/9838
Joh_7:38...........belly/shall flow rivers/of 9227/9838
Joh_7:41............said/Shall Christ/come... 9228/9838 not walk in darkness/but 9229/9838
Joh_8:12.............but/shall have the light/of 9230/9838 seek me and shall die/in 9231/9838
Joh_8:21.............and/shall die in your sins whither/I 9232/9838 die in your sins for/if 9233/9838 die in your sins Then/said 9234/9838
Joh_8:28............then/shall ye know that I am he/and 9235/9838 know the truth/and 9236/9838
Joh_8:32...........truth/shall make you free They/answered 9237/9838
Joh_8:33..............Ye/shall be made free/Jesus 9238/9838
Joh_8:36.......therefore/shall make you free ye/shall 9239/9838 be free indeed/I 9240/9838
Joh_8:51..............he/shall never see death/Then 9241/9838
Joh_8:52..............he/shall never taste/of 9242/9838
Joh_8:55...............I/shall be a liar/like 9243/9838
Joh_9:21..............he/shall speak for himself/These 9244/9838
Joh_10:9..............he/shall be saved and shall/go 9245/9838
Joh_10:9.............and/shall go in and out/and 9246/9838
Joh_10:16...........they/shall hear my voice and/there 9247/9838
Joh_10:16..........there/shall be one fold/and 9248/9838
Joh_10:28...........they/shall never perish/neither 9249/9838
Joh_10:28........neither/shall any man pluck/them 9250/9838
Joh_11:12.............he/shall do well Howbeit/Jesus 9251/9838 rise again Martha/saith 9252/9838
Joh_11:24.............he/shall rise again in/the 9253/9838
Joh_11:25............yet/shall he live And/whosoever 9254/9838 never die/Believest 9255/9838
Joh_11:48.........Romans/shall come and take away/both 9256/9838 lose it and he that hateth/his 9257/9838 keep it unto life/eternal 9258/9838
Joh_12:26..........there/shall also my/servant 9259/9838
Joh_12:27...........what/shall I say Father/save 9260/9838 the prince of/this 9261/9838
Joh_12:48...........same/shall judge him in/the 9262/9838 betray me Then/the 9263/9838
Joh_13:26..............I/shall give a sop/when 9264/9838
Joh_13:32............God/shall also glorify/him 9265/9838
Joh_13:32............and/shall straightway glorify/him 9266/9838
Joh_13:33.............Ye/shall seek me and as/I 9267/9838
Joh_13:35...........this/shall all men/know.. 9268/9838
Joh_13:38...........cock/shall not crow till/thou 9269/9838 he do also/and 9270/9838
Joh_14:12..........these/shall he do because/I 9271/9838 ask in my name that/will 9272/9838 ask any/thing. 9273/9838
Joh_14:16.............he/shall give you another/Comforter 9274/9838
Joh_14:17............and/shall be in you/I... 9275/9838 live also/At.. 9276/9838 know that I am in my/Father 9277/9838 be loved/of... 9278/9838
Joh_14:26.............he/shall teach you all/things 9279/9838 ask what/ye... 9280/9838 be done unto you/Herein 9281/9838 ye be my disciples/As 9282/9838 abide in my/love 9283/9838 ask of/the.... 9284/9838
Joh_15:26.............he/shall testify of/me. 9285/9838
Joh_15:27...........also/shall bear witness/because 9286/9838
Joh_16:2............They/shall put you/out... 9287/9838
Joh_16:4............time/shall come ye/may... 9288/9838
Joh_16:13.............he/shall not speak of/himself 9289/9838
Joh_16:13.............he/shall hear that shall/he 9290/9838
Joh_16:13...........that/shall he speak and/he 9291/9838
Joh_16:14.............He/shall glorify me/for 9292/9838
Joh_16:14.............he/shall receive of mine/and 9293/9838
Joh_16:14............and/shall shew it unto you All/things 9294/9838
Joh_16:15.............he/shall take of mine/and 9295/9838
Joh_16:15............and/shall shew it unto you A/little 9296/9838 not see me and again a little while and ye shall see me because/I 9297/9838 see me because/I 9298/9838 not see me and again a little while and ye shall see me and/Because 9299/9838 see me and Because/I 9300/9838 not see me and again a little while and ye shall see me Verily/verily 9301/9838 see me Verily/verily 9302/9838 weep and lament/but 9303/9838 rejoice and ye/shall 9304/9838 be sorrowful/but 9305/9838
Joh_16:20.........sorrow/shall be turned into joy/A 9306/9838
Joh_16:22..........heart/shall rejoice and your joy/no 9307/9838 ask me/nothing 9308/9838 ask the Father/in 9309/9838 receive that/your 9310/9838
Joh_16:25..............I/shall no more speak/unto 9311/9838
Joh_16:25..............I/shall shew you plainly/of 9312/9838 ask in my name and/I 9313/9838 be scattered every/man 9314/9838
Joh_16:32............and/shall leave me/alone 9315/9838 have tribulation but/be 9316/9838
Joh_17:20..........which/shall believe on/me. 9317/9838 I not drink/it 9318/9838
Joh_19:15...........them/Shall I crucify/your 9319/9838 be that the scripture/might 9320/9838
Joh_19:36............him/shall not be broken/And 9321/9838
Joh_19:37...........They/shall look on him whom/they 9322/9838
Joh_20:25..............I/shall see in/his.... 9323/9838 find They/cast 9324/9838
Joh_21:18........another/shall gird thee/and. 9325/9838
Joh_21:21...........what/shall this man do/Jesus 9326/9838
Joh_21:23.............He/shall not die but If/I 9327/9838 be baptized with the Holy Ghost not/many 9328/9838 receive power/after 9329/9838 be witnesses/unto 9330/9838
Act_1:11..........heaven/shall so/come....... 9331/9838 come to pass in the last days saith/God 9332/9838
Act_2:17.......daughters/shall prophesy and your/young 9333/9838 see visions and your/old 9334/9838 dream dreams And/on 9335/9838
Act_2:18............they/shall prophesy And I/will 9336/9838
Act_2:20.............sun/shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood before the great and notable/day 9337/9838 come to pass that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved/Ye 9338/9838
Act_2:21.......whosoever/shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved/Ye 9339/9838
Act_2:21............Lord/shall be saved Ye/men 9340/9838
Act_2:26...........flesh/shall rest in hope Because/thou 9341/9838
Act_2:37............what/shall we do Then Peter/said 9342/9838 receive the gift/of 9343/9838
Act_2:39.............God/shall call And with/many 9344/9838
Act_3:19......refreshing/shall come from the presence/of 9345/9838
Act_3:20..............he/shall send Jesus/Christ 9346/9838
Act_3:22.........prophet/shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your brethren like unto me him shall ye hear in/all 9347/9838
Act_3:22.............him/shall ye hear in/all 9348/9838
Act_3:22..............he/shall say unto you And/it 9349/9838 come to pass that every soul/which 9350/9838
Act_3:23.........prophet/shall be destroyed from among/the 9351/9838
Act_3:25............seed/shall all the kindreds/of 9352/9838
Act_4:16............What/shall we do to these/men 9353/9838
Act_5:9..............and/shall carry thee out/Then 9354/9838
Act_6:14........Nazareth/shall destroy this/place 9355/9838
Act_6:14.............and/shall change the/customs 9356/9838
Act_7:3................I/shall shew thee Then/came 9357/9838
Act_7:7.............they/shall be in bondage/will 9358/9838
Act_7:7.............that/shall they come forth/and 9359/9838
Act_7:37.........prophet/shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your brethren like unto me him shall ye hear This/is 9360/9838
Act_7:37.............him/shall ye hear This/is 9361/9838
Act_8:33.............who/shall declare his generation for his/life 9362/9838 be told thee what/thou 9363/9838
Act_10:6..............he/shall tell thee what thou/oughtest 9364/9838
Act_10:32.........cometh/shall speak unto thee Immediately/therefore 9365/9838
Act_10:43............him/shall receive remission/of 9366/9838
Act_11:14............Who/shall tell thee words/whereby 9367/9838 be saved And as/I 9368/9838 be baptized with the Holy Ghost Forasmuch/then 9369/9838
Act_13:22..........which/shall fulfil/all.... 9370/9838 in no wise believe/though 9371/9838
Act_15:11.............we/shall be saved even/as 9372/9838
Act_15:27............who/shall also tell/you. 9373/9838 do well Fare/ye 9374/9838 set on thee/to 9375/9838 be determined/in 9376/9838
Act_20:22...........that/shall befall me/there 9377/9838
Act_20:25............God/shall see my face no more Wherefore/I 9378/9838
Act_20:29......departing/shall grievous/wolves 9379/9838
Act_20:30.........selves/shall men arise/speaking 9380/9838
Act_21:11.............So/shall the Jews/at... 9381/9838
Act_21:11............and/shall deliver him into/the 9382/9838
Act_22:10...........What/shall I do LORD/And. 9383/9838 be told thee of/all 9384/9838
Act_23:3.............God/shall smite thee thou/whited 9385/9838
Act_24:15..........there/shall be a resurrection/of 9386/9838
Act_24:22........captain/shall come down I/will 9387/9838
Act_26:2...............I/shall answer for myself/this 9388/9838
Act_27:22..........there/shall be no loss/of. 9389/9838 be even as it/was 9390/9838
Act_27:34..........there/shall not an hair fall/from 9391/9838 hear and shall not understand and seeing ye shall see and not/perceive 9392/9838
Act_28:26............and/shall not understand and seeing ye shall see and not/perceive 9393/9838 see and not/perceive 9394/9838
Rom_1:17............just/shall live by faith For/the 9395/9838 also perish/without 9396/9838 be judged by the law For/not 9397/9838 be justified For/when 9398/9838
Rom_2:16.............God/shall judge the secrets/of 9399/9838 not his uncircumcision/be 9400/9838
Rom_2:27.............And/shall not uncircumcision/which 9401/9838
Rom_3:3..........believe/shall their unbelief/make 9402/9838
Rom_3:5.............what/shall we say Is/God. 9403/9838 God judge/the. 9404/9838
Rom_3:20...........there/shall no flesh be justified in/his 9405/9838
Rom_3:30...........which/shall justify the circumcision/by 9406/9838
Rom_4:1.............What/shall we say then that Abraham/our 9407/9838
Rom_4:18..............So/shall thy seed be And being/not 9408/9838 be imputed if/we 9409/9838
Rom_5:9...............we/shall be saved from wrath/through 9410/9838
Rom_5:10..............we/shall be saved by/his 9411/9838
Rom_5:17...righteousness/shall reign in life/by 9412/9838 many be made/righteous 9413/9838
Rom_6:1.............What/shall we say then Shall/we 9414/9838
Rom_6:1.............then/Shall we continue/in 9415/9838
Rom_6:2..............How/shall we that/are... 9416/9838
Rom_6:5...............we/shall be also in/the 9417/9838
Rom_6:8...............we/shall also live with him Knowing/that 9418/9838
Rom_6:14.............sin/shall not have dominion/over 9419/9838
Rom_6:15............then/shall we sin/because 9420/9838
Rom_7:3..............she/shall be called an adulteress/but 9421/9838
Rom_7:7.............What/shall we say then Is the/law 9422/9838
Rom_7:24.............who/shall deliver me from the/body 9423/9838
Rom_8:11............dead/shall also quicken/your 9424/9838 die but if ye/through 9425/9838 live For as many/as 9426/9838
Rom_8:18...........which/shall be revealed in/us 9427/9838
Rom_8:21............also/shall be delivered from/the 9428/9838
Rom_8:31............What/shall we then say/to 9429/9838 he not with/him 9430/9838
Rom_8:33.............Who/shall lay any/thing. 9431/9838
Rom_8:35.............Who/shall separate us/from 9432/9838
Rom_8:35..........Christ/shall tribulation/or 9433/9838
Rom_8:39........creature/shall be able to separate/us 9434/9838
Rom_9:7............Isaac/shall thy seed be called That/is 9435/9838
Rom_9:9............Sarah/shall have a son And not/only 9436/9838
Rom_9:12...........elder/shall serve the younger As/it 9437/9838
Rom_9:14............What/shall we say then Is there/unrighteousness 9438/9838
Rom_9:20.............God/Shall the thing formed/say 9439/9838 come to pass that in the place where it was said unto them Ye are not my people there shall/they 9440/9838
Rom_9:26...........there/shall they be called/the 9441/9838
Rom_9:27.........remnant/shall be saved For he/will 9442/9838
Rom_9:30............What/shall we say then That the/Gentiles 9443/9838
Rom_9:33.............him/shall not be ashamed Brethren/my 9444/9838
Rom_10:5..........things/shall live by them/But 9445/9838
Rom_10:6.............Who/shall ascend into heaven/that 9446/9838
Rom_10:7.............Who/shall descend into the/deep 9447/9838
Rom_10:11............him/shall not be ashamed For/there 9448/9838
Rom_10:13......whosoever/shall call upon the/name 9449/9838
Rom_10:13...........Lord/shall be saved How/then 9450/9838
Rom_10:14...........then/shall they call on/him 9451/9838 they believe/in 9452/9838 they hear/without 9453/9838 they preach/except 9454/9838
Rom_11:15...........what/shall the receiving/of 9455/9838
Rom_11:23.......unbelief/shall be graffed/in. 9456/9838
Rom_11:24...........more/shall these which/be 9457/9838
Rom_11:26.........Israel/shall be saved as/it 9458/9838
Rom_11:26..........There/shall come out of Sion/the 9459/9838
Rom_11:26............and/shall turn away ungodliness/from 9460/9838
Rom_11:27..............I/shall take away their/sins 9461/9838 be recompensed unto/him 9462/9838
Rom_13:2..........resist/shall receive to/themselves 9463/9838
Rom_14:4..............he/shall be holden up/for 9464/9838
Rom_14:10.............we/shall all stand/before 9465/9838
Rom_14:11...........knee/shall bow to/me..... 9466/9838
Rom_14:11.........tongue/shall confess to/God 9467/9838 give account of/himself 9468/9838
Rom_15:12..........There/shall be a root of Jesse and/he 9469/9838
Rom_15:12...........that/shall rise to/reign. 9470/9838
Rom_15:12............him/shall the Gentiles trust Now/the 9471/9838
Rom_15:21...........they/shall see and they/that 9472/9838
Rom_15:21..........heard/shall understand For/which 9473/9838
Rom_15:29..............I/shall come in the fulness/of 9474/9838
Rom_16:20..........peace/shall bruise Satan/under 9475/9838
1Co_1:8..............Who/shall also confirm/you 9476/9838 receive his/own 9477/9838 be made manifest/for 9478/9838 declare it because/it 9479/9838 be revealed by/fire 9480/9838 try/every..... 9481/9838
1Co_3:14..............he/shall receive a reward/If 9482/9838 be burned he/shall 9483/9838
1Co_3:15..............he/shall suffer loss/but 9484/9838
1Co_3:15.........himself/shall be saved yet/so 9485/9838
1Co_3:17.............him/shall God destroy/for 9486/9838
1Co_4:5.............then/shall every man have/praise 9487/9838
1Co_4:17.............who/shall bring you into remembrance/of 9488/9838 I come unto/you 9489/9838
1Co_6:2...........saints/shall judge the world and/if 9490/9838 be judged by you/are 9491/9838
1Co_6:3...............we/shall judge angels/how 9492/9838
1Co_6:5.............that/shall be able to judge/between 9493/9838
1Co_6:9......unrighteous/shall not inherit the kingdom of God Be/not 9494/9838
1Co_6:10....extortioners/shall inherit the kingdom/of 9495/9838
1Co_6:13.............God/shall destroy both it/and 9496/9838
1Co_6:15..........Christ/shall I then take the/members 9497/9838
1Co_6:16..............he/shall be one flesh But/he 9498/9838
1Co_7:28............such/shall have trouble/in 9499/9838
1Co_8:10..........temple/shall not the conscience/of 9500/9838
1Co_8:11.......knowledge/shall the weak/brother 9501/9838
1Co_9:11..............we/shall reap your/carnal 9502/9838
1Co_11:22...........What/shall I say to/you.. 9503/9838 I praise/you.. 9504/9838
1Co_11:27......whosoever/shall eat this bread/and 9505/9838
1Co_11:27.....unworthily/shall be guilty of/the 9506/9838
1Co_12:15...........foot/shall say Because I am not the hand/I 9507/9838
1Co_12:16............ear/shall say Because I am not the eye/I 9508/9838
1Co_13:8............they/shall fail whether/there 9509/9838
1Co_13:8............they/shall cease whether/there 9510/9838 vanish away For/we 9511/9838
1Co_13:10...........part/shall be done away/When 9512/9838
1Co_13:12...........then/shall I know even/as 9513/9838
1Co_14:6............what/shall I profit/you.. 9514/9838
1Co_14:6...............I/shall speak to you/either 9515/9838 it be known what is piped/or 9516/9838
1Co_14:8.............who/shall prepare himself/to 9517/9838 it be known what is spoken/for 9518/9838 speak into/the 9519/9838
1Co_14:11..............I/shall be unto him that/speaketh 9520/9838
1Co_14:11.......speaketh/shall be a barbarian/unto 9521/9838 he that occupieth/the 9522/9838
1Co_15:22.........Christ/shall all be made/alive 9523/9838
1Co_15:24.............he/shall have delivered/up 9524/9838
1Co_15:24.............he/shall have put down/all 9525/9838
1Co_15:26...........that/shall be destroyed is/death 9526/9838
1Co_15:28.........things/shall be subdued unto/him 9527/9838
1Co_15:28...........then/shall the Son also/himself 9528/9838
1Co_15:29...........what/shall they do which/are 9529/9838
1Co_15:37...........that/shall be but bare/grain 9530/9838
1Co_15:49.............we/shall also bear/the. 9531/9838
1Co_15:51.............We/shall not all sleep/but 9532/9838
1Co_15:51.............we/shall all be changed/In 9533/9838
1Co_15:52........trumpet/shall sound and/the. 9534/9838
1Co_15:52...........dead/shall be raised incorruptible/and 9535/9838
1Co_15:52.............we/shall be changed For/this 9536/9838
1Co_15:54....corruptible/shall have put on incorruption/and 9537/9838
1Co_15:54.........mortal/shall have put on immortality/then 9538/9838
1Co_15:54...........then/shall be brought to pass the/saying 9539/9838 approve/by.... 9540/9838
1Co_16:4............they/shall go with me/Now 9541/9838
1Co_16:5...............I/shall pass through Macedonia/for 9542/9838
1Co_16:12.............he/shall have convenient/time 9543/9838 ye be also/of. 9544/9838 acknowledge even/to 9545/9838
2Co_3:8..............How/shall not the ministration/of 9546/9838 turn to the/Lord 9547/9838
2Co_3:16............vail/shall be taken away Now/the 9548/9838
2Co_4:14...........Jesus/shall raise up us/also 9549/9838
2Co_4:14.............and/shall present us/with 9550/9838
2Co_5:3...............we/shall not be found naked/For 9551/9838
2Co_6:16............they/shall be my people Wherefore/come 9552/9838 be my sons/and 9553/9838
2Co_9:6........sparingly/shall reap also sparingly/and 9554/9838
2Co_9:6......bountifully/shall reap also bountifully/Every 9555/9838
2Co_10:15.............we/shall be enlarged/by 9556/9838 stop me/of.... 9557/9838
2Co_11:15............end/shall be according to their works/I 9558/9838
2Co_12:6...............I/shall not be a fool/for 9559/9838
2Co_12:20..............I/shall not find you/such 9560/9838
2Co_12:20..............I/shall be found unto/you 9561/9838
2Co_12:21..............I/shall bewail many/which 9562/9838
2Co_13:1.......witnesses/shall every word/be. 9563/9838
2Co_13:4..............we/shall live with him/by 9564/9838 know that we/are 9565/9838
2Co_13:11..........peace/shall be with you Greet/one 9566/9838 no flesh be justified But/if 9567/9838
Gal_3:8.............thee/shall all nations/be 9568/9838
Gal_3:11............just/shall live by faith And/the 9569/9838
Gal_3:12............them/shall live in them Christ/hath 9570/9838
Gal_4:30.......bondwoman/shall not be heir with the/son 9571/9838
Gal_5:2...........Christ/shall profit/you.... 9572/9838 bear his judgment/whosoever 9573/9838 not fulfil/the 9574/9838
Gal_5:21..........things/shall not inherit the kingdom of God But/the 9575/9838
Gal_6:4.............then/shall he have rejoicing/in 9576/9838 bear his own/burden 9577/9838
Gal_6:7.............that/shall he also/reap.. 9578/9838
Gal_6:8............flesh/shall of the flesh/reap 9579/9838
Gal_6:8...........Spirit/shall of the Spirit/reap 9580/9838
Gal_6:9...............we/shall reap if/we.... 9581/9838
Eph_5:14..........Christ/shall give thee light/See 9582/9838
Eph_5:31...........cause/shall a man leave his father and mother and shall/be 9583/9838
Eph_5:31.............and/shall be joined unto his/wife 9584/9838
Eph_5:31.............two/shall be one flesh This/is 9585/9838
Eph_6:8.............same/shall he receive/of. 9586/9838 be able to quench/all 9587/9838
Eph_6:21............Lord/shall make known to/you 9588/9838
Php_1:19............this/shall turn to my/salvation 9589/9838
Php_1:20...............I/shall be ashamed but/that 9590/9838
Php_1:20..........Christ/shall be magnified/in 9591/9838
Php_1:22...............I/shall choose I/wot.. 9592/9838
Php_1:25...............I/shall abide and/continue 9593/9838
Php_2:23...............I/shall see how/it.... 9594/9838
Php_2:24..........myself/shall come shortly/Yet 9595/9838
Php_3:15.............God/shall reveal even/this 9596/9838
Php_3:21.............Who/shall change our/vile 9597/9838
Php_4:7....understanding/shall keep your hearts/and 9598/9838
Php_4:9............peace/shall be with you But/I 9599/9838
Php_4:19.............God/shall supply/all.... 9600/9838 appear then/shall 9601/9838
Col_3:4.............then/shall ye also/appear 9602/9838 receive the reward of the/inheritance 9603/9838
Col_3:25...........wrong/shall receive for/the 9604/9838
Col_4:7............state/shall Tychicus/declare 9605/9838
Col_4:9.............They/shall make known unto/you 9606/9838
1Th_4:15............Lord/shall not prevent/them 9607/9838
1Th_4:16.........himself/shall descend from/heaven 9608/9838
1Th_4:16..........Christ/shall rise first/Then 9609/9838
1Th_4:17..........remain/shall be caught/up.. 9610/9838 we ever/be.... 9611/9838
1Th_5:3.............they/shall say Peace/and. 9612/9838
1Th_5:3.............they/shall not escape But ye/brethren 9613/9838
2Th_1:7............Jesus/shall be revealed from/heaven 9614/9838
2Th_1:9..............Who/shall be punished/with 9615/9838
2Th_1:10..............he/shall come to be/glorified 9616/9838 not come except/there 9617/9838
2Th_2:8.............then/shall that Wicked/be 9618/9838
2Th_2:8.............Lord/shall consume with/the 9619/9838
2Th_2:8..............and/shall destroy with/the 9620/9838
2Th_2:11.............God/shall send them strong/delusion 9621/9838
2Th_3:3..............who/shall stablish/you.. 9622/9838
1Ti_2:15.............she/shall be saved in childbearing/if 9623/9838 he take care/of 9624/9838
1Ti_4:1.............some/shall depart from the/faith 9625/9838
1Ti_6:15..............he/shall shew who/is... 9626/9838
2Ti_2:2..............who/shall be able to teach/others 9627/9838
2Ti_2:11..............we/shall also live with him If/we 9628/9838
2Ti_2:12..............we/shall also reign/with 9629/9838
2Ti_2:21..............he/shall be a vessel/unto 9630/9838
2Ti_3:1............times/shall come For men/shall 9631/9838 be lovers/of.. 9632/9838
2Ti_3:9.............they/shall proceed no/further 9633/9838
2Ti_3:9............folly/shall be manifest/unto 9634/9838
2Ti_3:12...........Jesus/shall suffer persecution/But 9635/9838
2Ti_3:13........seducers/shall wax worse/and. 9636/9838
2Ti_4:1..............who/shall judge the quick/and 9637/9838
2Ti_4:3............lusts/shall they heap/to.. 9638/9838
2Ti_4:4.............they/shall turn away their/ears 9639/9838
2Ti_4:4..............and/shall be turned unto fables/But 9640/9838
2Ti_4:8............judge/shall give me/at.... 9641/9838
2Ti_4:18............Lord/shall deliver me from every/evil 9642/9838
Tit_3:12...............I/shall send Artemas/unto 9643/9838
Phl_1:22...............I/shall be given unto you There/salute 9644/9838
Heb_1:5...............he/shall be to me a Son/And 9645/9838
Heb_1:11............They/shall perish but thou remainest/and 9646/9838
Heb_1:11.............all/shall wax old as doth/a 9647/9838
Heb_1:12............they/shall be changed but thou art the same and thy years shall not/fail 9648/9838
Heb_1:12...........years/shall not fail But/to 9649/9838
Heb_1:14.............who/shall be heirs/of... 9650/9838
Heb_2:3..............How/shall we escape if/we 9651/9838
Heb_3:11............They/shall not enter into my/rest 9652/9838
Heb_4:3.............they/shall enter into my rest although/the 9653/9838
Heb_4:5.............they/shall enter into my rest Seeing/therefore 9654/9838
Heb_6:6.............they/shall fall away/to.. 9655/9838
Heb_8:10............they/shall be to me a people/And 9656/9838
Heb_8:11............they/shall not teach/every 9657/9838
Heb_8:11.............all/shall know me/from.. 9658/9838
Heb_9:14............more/shall the blood/of.. 9659/9838
Heb_9:28.............him/shall he appear/the. 9660/9838
Heb_10:27..........which/shall devour the adversaries/He 9661/9838 he be thought/worthy 9662/9838
Heb_10:30...........Lord/shall judge his people It/is 9663/9838
Heb_10:37...........that/shall come will/come 9664/9838
Heb_10:38...........just/shall live by faith but/if 9665/9838
Heb_10:38...........soul/shall have no pleasure/in 9666/9838
Heb_11:18..........Isaac/shall thy seed be called Accounting/that 9667/9838
Heb_11:32...........what/shall I more/say.... 9668/9838
Heb_12:9.......reverence/shall we not much/rather 9669/9838 see the Lord/Looking 9670/9838 be stoned or/thrust 9671/9838
Heb_12:25...........more/shall not we/escape. 9672/9838 do unto me/Remember 9673/9838 be given him But/let 9674/9838
Jam_1:7...............he/shall receive any/thing 9675/9838
Jam_1:10..............he/shall pass away For/the 9676/9838
Jam_1:11............also/shall the rich/man.. 9677/9838
Jam_1:12..............he/shall receive the crown/of 9678/9838 be blessed in his/deed 9679/9838
Jam_2:10.......whosoever/shall keep the whole/law 9680/9838
Jam_2:12............that/shall be judged by the law of/liberty 9681/9838
Jam_2:13..............he/shall have judgment/without 9682/9838
Jam_3:1...............we/shall receive the greater condemnation/For 9683/9838
Jam_4:10..............he/shall lift you/up... 9684/9838
Jam_4:14............what/shall be on the morrow/For 9685/9838
Jam_4:15..............we/shall live and do/this 9686/9838
Jam_5:1.............that/shall come upon you Your/riches 9687/9838
Jam_5:3.............them/shall be a witness against/you 9688/9838
Jam_5:3..............and/shall eat your flesh/as 9689/9838 save the sick/and 9690/9838
Jam_5:15............Lord/shall raise him up and if/he 9691/9838
Jam_5:15............they/shall be forgiven him Confess/your 9692/9838
Jam_5:20.............way/shall save a/soul... 9693/9838
Jam_5:20.............and/shall hide a/multitude 9694/9838
1Pe_2:6..............him/shall not be confounded/Unto 9695/9838
1Pe_2:12............they/shall behold glorify/God 9696/9838 take it patiently/but 9697/9838
1Pe_4:5..............Who/shall give account to/him 9698/9838 cover the multitude/of 9699/9838
1Pe_4:13...........glory/shall be revealed ye/may 9700/9838
1Pe_4:17............what/shall the end be/of. 9701/9838
1Pe_4:18...........where/shall the ungodly/and 9702/9838
1Pe_5:1.............that/shall be revealed Feed/the 9703/9838
1Pe_5:4.........Shepherd/shall appear ye/shall 9704/9838 receive a crown/of 9705/9838 neither be barren/nor 9706/9838 never fall/For 9707/9838
2Pe_1:11........entrance/shall be ministered/unto 9708/9838
2Pe_2:1............there/shall be false/teachers 9709/9838
2Pe_2:1..........privily/shall bring in/damnable 9710/9838
2Pe_2:2.............many/shall follow their/pernicious 9711/9838
2Pe_2:2............truth/shall be evil spoken/of 9712/9838
2Pe_2:3.....covetousness/shall they with/feigned 9713/9838
2Pe_2:12.............and/shall utterly perish/in 9714/9838
2Pe_2:13.............And/shall receive the reward of unrighteousness/as 9715/9838
2Pe_3:3............there/shall come in the last/days 9716/9838
2Pe_3:10.........heavens/shall pass away with/a 9717/9838
2Pe_3:10........elements/shall melt with fervent heat the/earth 9718/9838
2Pe_3:10.........therein/shall be burned up/Seeing 9719/9838
2Pe_3:11..........things/shall be dissolved what/manner 9720/9838 be dissolved and the elements/shall 9721/9838
2Pe_3:12........elements/shall melt with fervent heat Nevertheless/we 9722/9838
1Jn_2:18......antichrist/shall come even now/are 9723/9838
1Jn_2:24.......beginning/shall remain in you/ye 9724/9838
1Jn_2:24............also/shall continue in the Son/and 9725/9838 abide in him/And 9726/9838
1Jn_2:28..............he/shall appear we may/have 9727/9838
1Jn_3:2...............we/shall be but we/know 9728/9838
1Jn_3:2...............he/shall appear we shall/be 9729/9838
1Jn_3:2...............we/shall be like him/for 9730/9838
1Jn_3:2...............we/shall see him as/he. 9731/9838
1Jn_3:19.............and/shall assure/our.... 9732/9838
1Jn_4:15.......Whosoever/shall confess that Jesus/is 9733/9838
1Jn_5:16..............he/shall ask and/he.... 9734/9838
1Jn_5:16..............he/shall give him life/for 9735/9838
1Jn_5:16..............he/shall pray for it/All 9736/9838
2Jn_1:2..............and/shall be with us/for 9737/9838
3Jn_1:14...............I/shall shortly/see... 9738/9838
3Jn_1:14..............we/shall speak face/to. 9739/9838
Rev_1:7..............eye/shall see him and they/also 9740/9838 wail/because.. 9741/9838
Rev_1:19...........which/shall be hereafter/The 9742/9838
Rev_2:10...........devil/shall cast some/of.. 9743/9838 have tribulation ten/days 9744/9838
Rev_2:11......overcometh/shall not be hurt/of 9745/9838
Rev_2:23........churches/shall know that I am he/which 9746/9838
Rev_2:27..............he/shall rule them with a rod of iron as/the 9747/9838
Rev_2:27..........potter/shall they be broken/to 9748/9838
Rev_3:4.............they/shall walk with me/in 9749/9838
Rev_3:5.............same/shall be clothed in/white 9750/9838
Rev_3:10...........which/shall come upon all/the 9751/9838
Rev_3:12..............he/shall go no more/out 9752/9838
Rev_5:10..............we/shall reign on/the.. 9753/9838
Rev_6:17.............who/shall be able to stand/And 9754/9838
Rev_7:15..........throne/shall dwell among/them 9755/9838
Rev_7:16............They/shall hunger no/more 9756/9838
Rev_7:16.........neither/shall the sun light/on 9757/9838
Rev_7:17..........throne/shall feed them and shall/lead 9758/9838
Rev_7:17.............and/shall lead them unto/living 9759/9838
Rev_7:17.............God/shall wipe away all tears from their eyes And when/he 9760/9838
Rev_9:6.............days/shall men seek/death 9761/9838
Rev_9:6..............and/shall not find it and/shall 9762/9838
Rev_9:6..............and/shall desire to die/and 9763/9838
Rev_9:6............death/shall flee from them/And 9764/9838
Rev_10:7..............he/shall begin to sound/the 9765/9838 make thy/belly 9766/9838 be in thy/mouth 9767/9838 they tread/under 9768/9838
Rev_11:3............they/shall prophesy a/thousand 9769/9838
Rev_11:7............they/shall have finished/their 9770/9838
Rev_11:7.............pit/shall make war against/them 9771/9838
Rev_11:7.............and/shall overcome them and/kill 9772/9838
Rev_11:8..........bodies/shall lie in the/street 9773/9838
Rev_11:9.........nations/shall see their dead/bodies 9774/9838
Rev_11:9.............and/shall not suffer/their 9775/9838 rejoice over/them 9776/9838
Rev_11:10............and/shall send gifts/one 9777/9838
Rev_11:15.............he/shall reign for ever and ever And the/four 9778/9838 worship him whose/names 9779/9838
Rev_13:10......captivity/shall go into captivity he that/killeth 9780/9838
Rev_14:10...........same/shall drink of the wine/of 9781/9838
Rev_14:10.............he/shall be tormented with/fire 9782/9838
Rev_15:4.............Who/shall not fear thee/O 9783/9838
Rev_15:4.........nations/shall come and worship before thee for/thy 9784/9838
Rev_17:8.............and/shall ascend out/of. 9785/9838 wonder whose/names 9786/9838
Rev_17:13............and/shall give their power/and 9787/9838
Rev_17:14..........These/shall make war with/the 9788/9838
Rev_17:14...........Lamb/shall overcome them for/he 9789/9838
Rev_17:16..........these/shall hate the/whore 9790/9838
Rev_17:16............and/shall make her desolate/and 9791/9838
Rev_17:16............and/shall eat her/flesh. 9792/9838
Rev_17:17............God/shall be fulfilled And the/woman 9793/9838
Rev_18:7.............and/shall see no sorrow/Therefore 9794/9838
Rev_18:8.......Therefore/shall her plagues/come 9795/9838
Rev_18:8.............she/shall be utterly burned with fire for/strong 9796/9838
Rev_18:9.............her/shall bewail her/and 9797/9838
Rev_18:9............they/shall see the smoke/of 9798/9838 weep and mourn/over 9799/9838
Rev_18:15............her/shall stand afar/off 9800/9838
Rev_18:21.......violence/shall that great/city 9801/9838
Rev_18:21............and/shall be found no/more 9802/9838
Rev_18:22.....trumpeters/shall be heard no more at all in thee and no/craftsman 9803/9838 be found any/more 9804/9838
Rev_18:22......millstone/shall be heard no more at all in thee And the/light 9805/9838
Rev_18:23.........candle/shall shine no/more. 9806/9838
Rev_18:23..........bride/shall be heard no more at all in thee for/thy 9807/9838
Rev_19:15.............he/shall rule them with a rod of iron and/he 9808/9838
Rev_20:6............they/shall be priests/of. 9809/9838
Rev_20:6.............and/shall reign with/him 9810/9838
Rev_20:7...........Satan/shall be loosed out/of 9811/9838
Rev_20:8.............And/shall go out to/deceive 9812/9838
Rev_20:10............and/shall be tormented day/and 9813/9838
Rev_21:3............they/shall be his people/and 9814/9838
Rev_21:3.........himself/shall be with them and/be 9815/9838
Rev_21:4.............God/shall wipe away all tears from their eyes and there/shall 9816/9838
Rev_21:4...........there/shall be no more death/neither 9817/9838
Rev_21:4.........neither/shall there be any more pain/for 9818/9838
Rev_21:7......overcometh/shall inherit all/things 9819/9838
Rev_21:7..............he/shall be my son But/the 9820/9838
Rev_21:8...........liars/shall have their part/in 9821/9838
Rev_21:24..........saved/shall walk in the/light 9822/9838 not be shut at/all 9823/9838
Rev_21:25..........there/shall be no night there And they shall/bring 9824/9838
Rev_21:26...........they/shall bring the glory/and 9825/9838
Rev_21:27..........there/shall in no wise enter into/it 9826/9838
Rev_22:3...........there/shall be no more curse/but 9827/9838
Rev_22:3............Lamb/shall be in it and/his 9828/9838
Rev_22:3........servants/shall serve him And they/shall 9829/9838
Rev_22:4............they/shall see his face and/his 9830/9838 be in their foreheads/And 9831/9838
Rev_22:5...........there/shall be no night there and they need/no 9832/9838
Rev_22:5............they/shall reign for ever and ever And he/said 9833/9838 be I/am....... 9834/9838 add unto these/things 9835/9838
Rev_22:18............God/shall add unto him/the 9836/9838 take away from/the 9837/9838
Rev_22:19............God/shall take away his part/out 9838/9838
1Ch_26:16...........gate/Shallecheth/by............ 1/1
2Ki_15:10............And/Shallum the son of Jabesh conspired/against 1/27
2Ki_15:13...........pass/Shallum the son of Jabesh began/to 2/27
2Ki_15:14..........smote/Shallum the son of Jabesh in/Samaria 3/27
2Ki_15:15.............of/Shallum and his/conspiracy 4/27
2Ki_22:14.............of/Shallum the son of Tikvah/the 5/27
1Ch_2:40...........begat/Shallum And Shallum begat Jekamiah/and 6/27
1Ch_2:41.............And/Shallum begat Jekamiah/and 7/27
1Ch_3:15..........fourth/Shallum And the/sons..... 8/27
1Ch_4:25...........Shaul/Shallum his/son.......... 9/27
1Ch_6:12...........begat/Shallum And Shallum begat Hilkiah/and 10/27
1Ch_6:13.............And/Shallum begat Hilkiah/and 11/27
1Ch_7:13.............and/Shallum the sons/of..... 12/27
1Ch_9:17............were/Shallum and Akkub/and... 13/27
1Ch_9:17........brethren/Shallum was/the......... 14/27
1Ch_9:19.............And/Shallum the son of Kore/the 15/27
1Ch_9:31..............of/Shallum the Korahite/had 16/27
2Ch_28:12.............of/Shallum and Amasa/the... 17/27
2Ch_34:22.............of/Shallum the son of Tikvath/the 18/27
Ezr_2:42..............of/Shallum the children of Ater the children of Talmon the children of Akkub the children of Hatita the children of Shobai in/all 19/27
Ezr_7:2...............of/Shallum the son of Zadok/the 20/27
Ezr_10:24........porters/Shallum and Telem/and... 21/27
Ezr_10:42......Shemariah/Shallum Amariah/and..... 22/27
Neh_3:12........repaired/Shallum the son of Halohesh/the 23/27
Neh_7:45..............of/Shallum the children of Ater the children of Talmon the children of Akkub the children of Hatita the children of Shobai an/hundred 24/27
Jer_22:11.......touching/Shallum the son of Josiah/king 25/27
Jer_32:7..............of/Shallum thine/uncle..... 26/27
Jer_35:4..............of/Shallum the keeper/of... 27/27
Neh_3:15........repaired/Shallun/the............... 1/1
Ezr_2:46..............of/Shalmai the children of Hanan The children of Giddel the children of Gahar the children of Reaiah The children of Rezin the children of Nekoda the children of Gazzam The children of Uzza the children of Paseah/the 1/2
Neh_7:48..............of/Shalmai The children of Hanan the children of Giddel the children of Gahar The children of Reaiah the children of Rezin the children of Nekoda The children of Gazzam the children of Uzza the children of Phaseah/The 2/2 1/1
2Ki_17:3..............up/Shalmaneser king of Assyria and/Hoshea 1/2
2Ki_18:9............that/Shalmaneser king of Assyria came/up 2/2
Gen_2:17............thou/shalt not eat of it for/in 1/1616
Gen_2:17............thou/shalt surely die And the/LORD 2/1616
Gen_3:14...........belly/shalt thou go and dust/shalt 3/1616
Gen_3:14............dust/shalt thou eat all/the. 4/1616
Gen_3:15............thou/shalt bruise/his....... 5/1616
Gen_3:16............thou/shalt bring forth children/and 6/1616
Gen_3:17............Thou/shalt not eat of it cursed/is 7/1616
Gen_3:17..........sorrow/shalt thou eat of/it... 8/1616
Gen_3:18............thou/shalt eat the herb/of.. 9/1616
Gen_3:19............face/shalt thou eat bread/till 10/1616
Gen_3:19............dust/shalt thou return/And. 11/1616
Gen_4:7.............well/shalt thou not be accepted/and 12/1616
Gen_4:7.............thou/shalt rule/over....... 13/1616
Gen_4:12........vagabond/shalt thou be in the earth/And 14/1616
Gen_6:14...........rooms/shalt thou make in the ark/and 15/1616
Gen_6:14.............and/shalt pitch/it........ 16/1616
Gen_6:15............thou/shalt make it of The/length 17/1616
Gen_6:16..........window/shalt thou make to the/ark 18/1616
Gen_6:16...........cubit/shalt thou finish/it.. 19/1616
Gen_6:16.............ark/shalt thou set in/the. 20/1616
Gen_6:16.........stories/shalt thou make it And behold/I 21/1616
Gen_6:18............thou/shalt come into the ark/thou 22/1616
Gen_6:19............sort/shalt thou bring into/the 23/1616
Gen_6:21............thou/shalt gather it/to.... 24/1616
Gen_7:2.............thou/shalt take to/thee.... 25/1616
Gen_12:2............thou/shalt be a blessing/And 26/1616
Gen_15:15...........thou/shalt go to thy/fathers 27/1616
Gen_15:15...........thou/shalt be buried in/a.. 28/1616
Gen_16:11............and/shalt bear a/son...... 29/1616
Gen_16:11............and/shalt call his name Ishmael/because 30/1616
Gen_17:4............thou/shalt be a father/of.. 31/1616
Gen_17:9............Thou/shalt keep my/covenant 32/1616
Gen_17:15...........thou/shalt not call/her.... 33/1616
Gen_17:19...........thou/shalt call his name Isaac/and 34/1616
Gen_20:7............thou/shalt live and if/thou 35/1616
Gen_20:7............thou/shalt surely die thou/and 36/1616
Gen_20:13...........thou/shalt shew unto/me.... 37/1616
Gen_21:23...........thou/shalt do unto me/and.. 38/1616
Gen_21:30..........lambs/shalt thou take of/my. 39/1616
Gen_24:3............thou/shalt not take a wife unto/my 40/1616
Gen_24:4............thou/shalt go unto my country/and 41/1616
Gen_24:7............thou/shalt take a wife unto/my 42/1616
Gen_24:8............thou/shalt be clear from this/my 43/1616
Gen_24:37...........Thou/shalt not take a wife to/my 44/1616
Gen_24:38...........thou/shalt go unto my father's/house 45/1616
Gen_24:40...........thou/shalt take a wife for/my 46/1616
Gen_24:41...........Then/shalt thou be clear/from 47/1616
Gen_24:41...........thou/shalt be clear from my/oath 48/1616
Gen_27:10...........thou/shalt bring it to/thy. 49/1616
Gen_27:40..........sword/shalt thou live/and... 50/1616
Gen_27:40............and/shalt serve thy/brother 51/1616
Gen_27:40...........thou/shalt have the/dominion 52/1616
Gen_27:40...........thou/shalt break his yoke/from 53/1616
Gen_28:1............Thou/shalt not take a wife of the daughters/of 54/1616
Gen_28:6............Thou/shalt not take a wife of the daughers/of 55/1616
Gen_28:14...........thou/shalt spread/abroad... 56/1616
Gen_28:22...........thou/shalt give me/I....... 57/1616
Gen_29:27...........thou/shalt serve with/me... 58/1616
Gen_30:31...........Thou/shalt not give me/any. 59/1616
Gen_31:50...........thou/shalt afflict/my...... 60/1616
Gen_31:50...........thou/shalt take other/wives 61/1616
Gen_31:52...........thou/shalt not pass over/this 62/1616
Gen_32:18...........thou/shalt say They/be..... 63/1616
Gen_35:17...........thou/shalt have this/son... 64/1616
Gen_37:8.............him/Shalt thou indeed reign/over 65/1616
Gen_37:8..............or/shalt thou indeed have/dominion 66/1616
Gen_40:13...........thou/shalt deliver Pharaoh's/cup 67/1616
Gen_41:40...........Thou/shalt be over/my...... 68/1616
Gen_43:9............hand/shalt thou require/him 69/1616
Gen_45:10...........thou/shalt dwell in the land/of 70/1616
Gen_45:10...........thou/shalt be near/unto.... 71/1616
Gen_47:30...........thou/shalt carry me/out.... 72/1616
Gen_49:4............thou/shalt not excel/because 73/1616
Gen_50:5...........there/shalt thou bury/me.... 74/1616
Exo_3:14............Thus/shalt thou say unto the children of Israel I/AM 75/1616
Exo_3:15............Thus/shalt thou say unto the children of Israel the/LORD 76/1616
Exo_3:18............thou/shalt come thou/and... 77/1616
Exo_4:9.............thou/shalt take of the water/of 78/1616
Exo_4:12............thou/shalt say And/he...... 79/1616
Exo_4:15............thou/shalt speak unto him and/put 80/1616
Exo_4:16............thou/shalt be to/him....... 81/1616
Exo_4:17............thou/shalt take this/rod... 82/1616
Exo_4:17............thou/shalt do signs/And.... 83/1616
Exo_4:22............thou/shalt say unto Pharaoh/Thus 84/1616
Exo_6:1..............Now/shalt thou see what/I. 85/1616
Exo_7:2.............Thou/shalt speak all that/I 86/1616
Exo_7:9.............thou/shalt say unto Aaron/Take 87/1616
Exo_7:15............thou/shalt stand by/the.... 88/1616
Exo_7:15.........serpent/shalt thou take in/thine 89/1616
Exo_7:16............thou/shalt say unto him The/LORD 90/1616
Exo_7:17............thou/shalt know that I am the LORD behold/I 91/1616
Exo_9:15............thou/shalt be cut off from/the 92/1616
Exo_10:28...........thou/shalt die And Moses/said 93/1616
Exo_12:46...........thou/shalt not carry/forth. 94/1616
Exo_13:5............thou/shalt keep this/service 95/1616
Exo_13:6............thou/shalt eat unleavened bread and in/the 96/1616
Exo_13:8............thou/shalt shew thy/son.... 97/1616
Exo_13:10...........Thou/shalt therefore keep this/ordinance 98/1616
Exo_13:12...........thou/shalt set apart/unto.. 99/1616
Exo_13:13...........thou/shalt redeem with a lamb and if thou wilt/not 100/1616
Exo_13:13...........thou/shalt break his neck/and 101/1616
Exo_13:13.......children/shalt thou redeem And it/shall 102/1616
Exo_13:14...........thou/shalt say unto him By/strength 103/1616
Exo_15:17...........Thou/shalt bring them in/and 104/1616
Exo_17:6............thou/shalt smite the rock/and 105/1616
Exo_18:20...........thou/shalt teach them ordinances/and 106/1616
Exo_18:20............and/shalt shew them/the.. 107/1616
Exo_18:21...........thou/shalt provide/out.... 108/1616
Exo_18:23...........thou/shalt do this/thing.. 109/1616
Exo_18:23...........thou/shalt be able to endure/and 110/1616
Exo_19:3............Thus/shalt thou say to the house/of 111/1616
Exo_19:6............thou/shalt speak unto the children of Israel And/Moses 112/1616
Exo_19:12...........thou/shalt set bounds/unto 113/1616
Exo_19:24...........thou/shalt come up thou/and 114/1616
Exo_20:3............Thou/shalt have no other/gods 115/1616
Exo_20:4............Thou/shalt not make unto/thee 116/1616
Exo_20:5............Thou/shalt not bow down thyself to/them 117/1616
Exo_20:7............Thou/shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain Remember/the 118/1616
Exo_20:9............days/shalt thou labour/and 119/1616
Exo_20:10...........thou/shalt not do any work thou nor thy son nor thy daughter thy/manservant 120/1616
Exo_20:13...........Thou/shalt not kill Thou shalt not commit/adultery 121/1616
Exo_20:14...........Thou/shalt not commit adultery Thou shalt not steal Thou shalt not bear false witness against/thy 122/1616
Exo_20:15...........Thou/shalt not steal Thou shalt not bear false witness against/thy 123/1616
Exo_20:16...........Thou/shalt not bear false witness against/thy 124/1616
Exo_20:17...........Thou/shalt not covet thy neighbour's house/thou 125/1616
Exo_20:17...........thou/shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife/nor 126/1616
Exo_20:22...........thou/shalt say unto the/children 127/1616
Exo_20:24...........thou/shalt make unto me/and 128/1616
Exo_20:24............and/shalt sacrifice thereon/thy 129/1616
Exo_20:25...........thou/shalt not build it/of 130/1616
Exo_20:26........Neither/shalt thou go up/by.. 131/1616
Exo_21:1............thou/shalt set before/them 132/1616
Exo_21:14...........thou/shalt take him/from.. 133/1616
Exo_21:23...........thou/shalt give life/for.. 134/1616
Exo_22:18...........Thou/shalt not suffer a/witch 135/1616
Exo_22:21...........Thou/shalt neither vex/a.. 136/1616
Exo_22:25...........thou/shalt not be to him/as 137/1616
Exo_22:25........neither/shalt thou lay upon/him 138/1616
Exo_22:26...........thou/shalt deliver it/unto 139/1616
Exo_22:28...........Thou/shalt not revile/the. 140/1616
Exo_22:29...........Thou/shalt not delay/to... 141/1616
Exo_22:29...........sons/shalt thou give unto/me 142/1616
Exo_22:30.......Likewise/shalt thou do with thine/oxen 143/1616
Exo_22:30...........thou/shalt give it me And/ye 144/1616
Exo_23:1............Thou/shalt not raise/a.... 145/1616
Exo_23:2............Thou/shalt not follow/a... 146/1616
Exo_23:2.........neither/shalt thou speak in/a 147/1616
Exo_23:3.........Neither/shalt thou countenance/a 148/1616
Exo_23:4............thou/shalt surely bring/it 149/1616
Exo_23:5............thou/shalt surely help with/him 150/1616
Exo_23:6............Thou/shalt not wrest the/judgment 151/1616
Exo_23:8............thou/shalt take no/gift... 152/1616
Exo_23:9............thou/shalt not oppress a/stranger 153/1616
Exo_23:10...........thou/shalt sow thy land/and 154/1616
Exo_23:10............and/shalt gather in/the.. 155/1616
Exo_23:11...........thou/shalt let it/rest.... 156/1616
Exo_23:11...........thou/shalt deal with/thy.. 157/1616
Exo_23:12...........thou/shalt do thy/work.... 158/1616
Exo_23:12...........thou/shalt rest that/thine 159/1616
Exo_23:14...........thou/shalt keep a/feast... 160/1616
Exo_23:15...........Thou/shalt keep the feast of unleavened/bread 161/1616
Exo_23:15...........thou/shalt eat unleavened bread seven/days 162/1616
Exo_23:18...........Thou/shalt not offer the blood of my sacrifice with leavened/bread 163/1616
Exo_23:19...........thou/shalt bring into/the. 164/1616
Exo_23:19...........Thou/shalt not seethe a kid in his mother's milk Behold/I 165/1616
Exo_23:22...........thou/shalt indeed/obey.... 166/1616
Exo_23:24...........Thou/shalt not bow down to/their 167/1616
Exo_23:24...........thou/shalt utterly overthrow/them 168/1616
Exo_23:27...........thou/shalt come and I/will 169/1616
Exo_23:31...........thou/shalt drive them/out. 170/1616
Exo_23:32...........Thou/shalt make no covenant with them nor with/their 171/1616
Exo_25:11...........thou/shalt overlay it with pure gold within/and 172/1616
Exo_25:11........without/shalt thou overlay/it 173/1616
Exo_25:11............and/shalt make upon it/a. 174/1616
Exo_25:12...........thou/shalt cast four/rings 175/1616
Exo_25:13...........thou/shalt make staves of/shittim 176/1616
Exo_25:14...........thou/shalt put the staves/into 177/1616
Exo_25:16...........thou/shalt put into/the... 178/1616
Exo_25:17...........thou/shalt make a mercy/seat 179/1616
Exo_25:18...........thou/shalt make two cherubims/of 180/1616 thou make them in/the 181/1616
Exo_25:21...........thou/shalt put the mercy seat above/upon 182/1616
Exo_25:21...........thou/shalt put the testimony/that 183/1616
Exo_25:23...........Thou/shalt also make a table/of 184/1616
Exo_25:24...........thou/shalt overlay it with pure gold and/make 185/1616
Exo_25:25...........thou/shalt make unto it a border/of 186/1616
Exo_25:25...........thou/shalt make a golden/crown 187/1616
Exo_25:26...........thou/shalt make for it four/rings 188/1616
Exo_25:28...........thou/shalt make the staves of shittim wood and overlay them with gold that/the 189/1616
Exo_25:29...........thou/shalt make the dishes/thereof 190/1616 thou make them And thou shalt set/upon 191/1616
Exo_25:30...........thou/shalt set upon/the... 192/1616
Exo_25:31...........thou/shalt make a candlestick/of 193/1616
Exo_25:37...........thou/shalt make the seven/lamps 194/1616
Exo_26:1............thou/shalt make the tabernacle/with 195/1616 thou make them The/length 196/1616
Exo_26:4............thou/shalt make loops/of.. 197/1616
Exo_26:4........likewise/shalt thou make in the uttermost/edge 198/1616
Exo_26:5...........loops/shalt thou make in the one/curtain 199/1616
Exo_26:5...........loops/shalt thou make in the edge/of 200/1616
Exo_26:6............thou/shalt make fifty taches of gold/and 201/1616
Exo_26:7............thou/shalt make curtains/of 202/1616
Exo_26:7........curtains/shalt thou make The/length 203/1616
Exo_26:9............thou/shalt couple/five.... 204/1616
Exo_26:9.............and/shalt double/the..... 205/1616
Exo_26:10...........thou/shalt make fifty loops/on 206/1616
Exo_26:11...........thou/shalt make fifty taches of brass/and 207/1616
Exo_26:14...........thou/shalt make a covering/for 208/1616
Exo_26:15...........thou/shalt make boards/for 209/1616
Exo_26:17...........thus/shalt thou make for all/the 210/1616
Exo_26:18...........thou/shalt make the boards/for 211/1616
Exo_26:19...........thou/shalt make forty/sockets 212/1616
Exo_26:22...........thou/shalt make six/boards 213/1616
Exo_26:23.........boards/shalt thou make for the/corners 214/1616
Exo_26:26...........thou/shalt make bars/of... 215/1616
Exo_26:29...........thou/shalt overlay the boards/with 216/1616
Exo_26:29...........thou/shalt overlay the bars/with 217/1616
Exo_26:30...........thou/shalt rear/up........ 218/1616
Exo_26:31...........thou/shalt make a vail/of. 219/1616
Exo_26:32...........thou/shalt hang it/upon... 220/1616
Exo_26:33...........thou/shalt hang up/the.... 221/1616
Exo_26:34...........thou/shalt put the mercy seat upon/the 222/1616
Exo_26:35...........thou/shalt set the table/without 223/1616
Exo_26:35...........thou/shalt put the table/on 224/1616
Exo_26:36...........thou/shalt make an hanging/for 225/1616
Exo_26:37...........thou/shalt make for the/hanging 226/1616
Exo_26:37...........thou/shalt cast five/sockets 227/1616
Exo_27:1............thou/shalt make an altar of/shittim 228/1616
Exo_27:2............thou/shalt make the horns/of 229/1616
Exo_27:2............thou/shalt overlay it with brass/And 230/1616
Exo_27:3............thou/shalt make his pans/to 231/1616
Exo_27:3............thou/shalt make of/brass.. 232/1616
Exo_27:4............thou/shalt make for it a/grate 233/1616 thou make four/brasen 234/1616
Exo_27:5............thou/shalt put it under/the 235/1616
Exo_27:6............thou/shalt make staves for/the 236/1616
Exo_27:8..........boards/shalt thou make it as/it 237/1616
Exo_27:9............thou/shalt make the court/of 238/1616
Exo_27:20...........thou/shalt command the children/of 239/1616
Exo_28:2............thou/shalt make holy/garments 240/1616
Exo_28:3............thou/shalt speak unto all/that 241/1616
Exo_28:9............thou/shalt take two/onyx.. 242/1616
Exo_28:11.........signet/shalt thou engrave/the 243/1616
Exo_28:11...........thou/shalt make them to/be 244/1616
Exo_28:12...........thou/shalt put the two stones/upon 245/1616
Exo_28:13...........thou/shalt make ouches/of. 246/1616 thou make them and fasten/the 247/1616
Exo_28:15...........thou/shalt make the breastplate/of 248/1616
Exo_28:15...........thou/shalt make it of gold/of 249/1616
Exo_28:15..........linen/shalt thou make it Foursquare/it 250/1616
Exo_28:17...........thou/shalt set in/it...... 251/1616
Exo_28:22...........thou/shalt make upon the breastplate chains/at 252/1616
Exo_28:23...........thou/shalt make upon the breastplate two/rings 253/1616
Exo_28:23............and/shalt put the two rings/on 254/1616
Exo_28:24...........thou/shalt put the two wreathen/chains 255/1616
Exo_28:25...........thou/shalt fasten/in...... 256/1616
Exo_28:26...........thou/shalt make two rings/of 257/1616
Exo_28:26...........thou/shalt put them upon the/two 258/1616
Exo_28:27...........thou/shalt make and/shalt. 259/1616
Exo_28:27............and/shalt put them on/the 260/1616
Exo_28:30...........thou/shalt put in/the..... 261/1616
Exo_28:31...........thou/shalt make the robe/of 262/1616
Exo_28:33...........thou/shalt make pomegranates/of 263/1616
Exo_28:36...........thou/shalt make a plate/of 264/1616
Exo_28:37...........thou/shalt put it on/a.... 265/1616
Exo_28:39...........thou/shalt embroider/the.. 266/1616
Exo_28:39...........thou/shalt make the mitre/of 267/1616
Exo_28:39...........thou/shalt make the girdle/of 268/1616
Exo_28:40...........thou/shalt make coats/and. 269/1616
Exo_28:40...........thou/shalt make for them girdles/and 270/1616
Exo_28:40........bonnets/shalt thou make for them/for 271/1616
Exo_28:41...........thou/shalt put them upon Aaron/thy 272/1616
Exo_28:41............and/shalt anoint them and/consecrate 273/1616
Exo_28:42...........thou/shalt make them linen/breeches 274/1616
Exo_29:1............thou/shalt do unto them/to 275/1616
Exo_29:2...........flour/shalt thou make them And thou shalt put/them 276/1616
Exo_29:3............thou/shalt put them into/one 277/1616
Exo_29:4............thou/shalt bring unto the door/of 278/1616
Exo_29:4.............and/shalt wash them/with. 279/1616
Exo_29:5............thou/shalt take the garments/and 280/1616
Exo_29:6............thou/shalt put the mitre/upon 281/1616
Exo_29:7............Then/shalt thou take the/anointing 282/1616
Exo_29:8............thou/shalt bring his sons and put/coats 283/1616
Exo_29:9............thou/shalt gird/them...... 284/1616
Exo_29:9............thou/shalt consecrate/Aaron 285/1616
Exo_29:10...........thou/shalt cause a/bullock 286/1616
Exo_29:11...........thou/shalt kill the bullock/before 287/1616
Exo_29:12...........thou/shalt take of the blood of/the 288/1616
Exo_29:13...........thou/shalt take all/the... 289/1616
Exo_29:14...........dung/shalt thou burn/with. 290/1616
Exo_29:15...........Thou/shalt also take one/ram 291/1616
Exo_29:16...........thou/shalt slay/the....... 292/1616
Exo_29:16...........thou/shalt take his/blood. 293/1616
Exo_29:17...........thou/shalt cut the/ram.... 294/1616
Exo_29:18...........thou/shalt burn the whole/ram 295/1616
Exo_29:19...........thou/shalt take the other/ram 296/1616
Exo_29:20...........Then/shalt thou kill the/ram 297/1616
Exo_29:21...........thou/shalt take of the blood that/is 298/1616
Exo_29:22...........thou/shalt take of the ram/the 299/1616
Exo_29:24...........thou/shalt put all/in..... 300/1616
Exo_29:24............and/shalt wave/them...... 301/1616
Exo_29:25...........thou/shalt receive them of/their 302/1616
Exo_29:26...........thou/shalt take the breast/of 303/1616
Exo_29:27...........thou/shalt sanctify the/breast 304/1616
Exo_29:31...........thou/shalt take the ram/of 305/1616
Exo_29:34...........thou/shalt burn the remainder/with 306/1616
Exo_29:35...........thus/shalt thou do unto Aaron/and 307/1616
Exo_29:35...........days/shalt thou consecrate/them 308/1616
Exo_29:36...........thou/shalt offer every/day 309/1616
Exo_29:36...........thou/shalt cleanse the/altar 310/1616
Exo_29:36...........thou/shalt anoint it/to... 311/1616
Exo_29:37...........thou/shalt make an atonement/for 312/1616
Exo_29:38...........thou/shalt offer upon/the. 313/1616
Exo_29:39...........thou/shalt offer in/the... 314/1616
Exo_29:39...........thou/shalt offer at even And with/the 315/1616
Exo_29:41...........thou/shalt offer at even and shalt/do 316/1616
Exo_29:41............and/shalt do thereto/according 317/1616
Exo_30:1............thou/shalt make an altar to/burn 318/1616
Exo_30:1............wood/shalt thou make it A/cubit 319/1616
Exo_30:3............thou/shalt overlay it with pure gold the/top 320/1616
Exo_30:3............thou/shalt make unto it a crown/of 321/1616
Exo_30:4...........rings/shalt thou make to it/under 322/1616 thou make it and they/shall 323/1616
Exo_30:5............thou/shalt make the staves of shittim wood and overlay them with gold And/thou 324/1616
Exo_30:6............thou/shalt put it before/the 325/1616
Exo_30:16...........thou/shalt take the atonement/money 326/1616
Exo_30:16............and/shalt appoint it/for. 327/1616
Exo_30:18...........Thou/shalt also make a laver/of 328/1616
Exo_30:18...........thou/shalt put it between/the 329/1616
Exo_30:18...........thou/shalt put water therein For/Aaron 330/1616
Exo_30:25...........thou/shalt make it an/oil. 331/1616
Exo_30:26...........thou/shalt anoint the tabernacle/of 332/1616
Exo_30:29...........thou/shalt sanctify them/that 333/1616
Exo_30:30...........thou/shalt anoint Aaron/and 334/1616
Exo_30:31...........thou/shalt speak unto the children of Israel saying This/shall 335/1616
Exo_30:35...........thou/shalt make it a/perfume 336/1616
Exo_30:36...........thou/shalt beat some/of... 337/1616
Exo_30:37...........thou/shalt make ye/shall.. 338/1616
Exo_33:21...........thou/shalt stand upon/a... 339/1616
Exo_33:23...........thou/shalt see my/back.... 340/1616
Exo_34:14...........thou/shalt worship no/other 341/1616
Exo_34:17...........Thou/shalt make thee no/molten 342/1616
Exo_34:18..........bread/shalt thou keep Seven/days 343/1616
Exo_34:18...........thou/shalt eat unleavened bread as/I 344/1616
Exo_34:20...........thou/shalt redeem with a lamb and if thou redeem/him 345/1616
Exo_34:20...........then/shalt thou break his/neck 346/1616
Exo_34:20...........thou/shalt redeem And/none 347/1616
Exo_34:21...........thou/shalt work/but....... 348/1616
Exo_34:21...........thou/shalt rest in/earing. 349/1616
Exo_34:21...........thou/shalt rest And thou/shalt 350/1616
Exo_34:22...........thou/shalt observe the feast of weeks/of 351/1616
Exo_34:24...........thou/shalt go up to/appear 352/1616
Exo_34:25...........Thou/shalt not offer the blood of my sacrifice with leaven/neither 353/1616
Exo_34:26...........thou/shalt bring unto the house/of 354/1616
Exo_34:26...........Thou/shalt not seethe a kid in his mother's milk And/the 355/1616
Exo_40:2...........month/shalt thou set up/the 356/1616
Exo_40:3............thou/shalt put therein/the 357/1616
Exo_40:4............thou/shalt bring in the table/and 358/1616
Exo_40:4............thou/shalt bring in the candlestick/and 359/1616
Exo_40:5............thou/shalt set the altar of gold/for 360/1616
Exo_40:6............thou/shalt set the altar of the/burnt 361/1616
Exo_40:7............thou/shalt set the laver/between 362/1616
Exo_40:7.............and/shalt put water therein And/thou 363/1616
Exo_40:8............thou/shalt set up/the..... 364/1616
Exo_40:9............thou/shalt take the anointing/oil 365/1616
Exo_40:9.............and/shalt hallow/it...... 366/1616
Exo_40:10...........thou/shalt anoint the altar/of 367/1616
Exo_40:11...........thou/shalt anoint the laver/and 368/1616
Exo_40:12...........thou/shalt bring Aaron/and 369/1616
Exo_40:13...........thou/shalt put upon/Aaron. 370/1616
Exo_40:14...........thou/shalt bring his sons and clothe/them 371/1616
Exo_40:15...........thou/shalt anoint them as/thou 372/1616
Lev_2:6.............Thou/shalt part/it........ 373/1616
Lev_2:8.............thou/shalt bring the meat/offering 374/1616
Lev_2:13........offering/shalt thou season/with 375/1616
Lev_2:13.........neither/shalt thou suffer/the 376/1616
Lev_2:13............thou/shalt offer salt/And. 377/1616
Lev_2:14............thou/shalt offer for/the.. 378/1616
Lev_2:15............thou/shalt put oil/upon... 379/1616
Lev_6:21............thou/shalt bring it in/and 380/1616
Lev_6:21........offering/shalt thou offer for a/sweet 381/1616
Lev_6:27............thou/shalt wash that/whereon 382/1616
Lev_9:3.............thou/shalt speak saying/Take 383/1616
Lev_13:55...........thou/shalt burn it/in..... 384/1616
Lev_13:57...........thou/shalt burn that/wherein 385/1616
Lev_13:58...........thou/shalt wash if/the.... 386/1616
Lev_17:8............thou/shalt say unto them Whatsoever/man 387/1616
Lev_18:7..........mother/shalt thou not uncover she/is 388/1616
Lev_18:7............thou/shalt not uncover her nakedness The/nakedness 389/1616
Lev_18:8............wife/shalt thou not uncover it/is 390/1616
Lev_18:9............thou/shalt not uncover The nakedness of thy son's/daughter 391/1616
Lev_18:10...........thou/shalt not uncover for/theirs 392/1616
Lev_18:11...........thou/shalt not uncover her nakedness Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy father's/sister 393/1616
Lev_18:12...........Thou/shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy father's sister/she 394/1616
Lev_18:13...........Thou/shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy mother's sister for/she 395/1616
Lev_18:14...........Thou/shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy father's brother/thou 396/1616
Lev_18:14...........thou/shalt not approach to/his 397/1616
Lev_18:15...........Thou/shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy daughter/in 398/1616
Lev_18:15...........thou/shalt not uncover her nakedness Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy brother's/wife 399/1616
Lev_18:16...........Thou/shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy brother's/wife 400/1616
Lev_18:17...........Thou/shalt not uncover the nakedness of a/woman 401/1616
Lev_18:17........neither/shalt thou take her/son's 402/1616
Lev_18:18........Neither/shalt thou take a/wife 403/1616
Lev_18:19...........thou/shalt not approach unto/a 404/1616
Lev_18:20...........thou/shalt not lie carnally/with 405/1616
Lev_18:21...........thou/shalt not let any/of. 406/1616
Lev_18:21........neither/shalt thou profane the name of thy God I am the LORD Thou shalt not lie/with 407/1616
Lev_18:22...........Thou/shalt not lie with/mankind 408/1616
Lev_18:23........Neither/shalt thou lie/with.. 409/1616
Lev_19:9............thou/shalt not wholly/reap 410/1616
Lev_19:9.........neither/shalt thou gather the/gleanings 411/1616
Lev_19:10...........thou/shalt not glean thy/vineyard 412/1616
Lev_19:10........neither/shalt thou gather every/grape 413/1616
Lev_19:10...........thou/shalt leave them for/the 414/1616
Lev_19:12........neither/shalt thou profane the name of thy God I am the LORD Thou shalt not defraud/thy 415/1616
Lev_19:13...........Thou/shalt not defraud/thy 416/1616
Lev_19:14...........Thou/shalt not curse the deaf/nor 417/1616
Lev_19:14............but/shalt fear thy God I/am 418/1616
Lev_19:15...........thou/shalt not respect the/person 419/1616
Lev_19:15..righteousness/shalt thou judge/thy. 420/1616
Lev_19:16...........Thou/shalt not go up and/down 421/1616
Lev_19:16........neither/shalt thou stand/against 422/1616
Lev_19:17...........Thou/shalt not hate/thy... 423/1616
Lev_19:17...........thou/shalt in any wise rebuke/thy 424/1616
Lev_19:18...........Thou/shalt not avenge/nor. 425/1616
Lev_19:18...........thou/shalt love thy neighbour as thyself I/am 426/1616
Lev_19:19...........Thou/shalt not let thy/cattle 427/1616
Lev_19:19...........thou/shalt not sow thy field/with 428/1616
Lev_19:27........neither/shalt thou mar/the... 429/1616
Lev_19:32...........Thou/shalt rise up/before. 430/1616
Lev_19:34...........thou/shalt love him/as.... 431/1616
Lev_20:2............thou/shalt say to the children/of 432/1616
Lev_20:16...........thou/shalt kill the woman/and 433/1616
Lev_20:19...........thou/shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy mother's sister nor/of 434/1616
Lev_21:8............Thou/shalt sanctify him/therefore 435/1616
Lev_23:22...........thou/shalt not make clean/riddance 436/1616
Lev_23:22........neither/shalt thou gather any/gleaning 437/1616
Lev_23:22...........thou/shalt leave them unto/the 438/1616
Lev_24:5............thou/shalt take fine/flour 439/1616
Lev_24:6............thou/shalt set them/in.... 440/1616
Lev_24:7............thou/shalt put pure/frankincense 441/1616
Lev_24:15...........thou/shalt speak unto the children of Israel saying Whosoever/curseth 442/1616
Lev_25:3............thou/shalt sow thy field/and 443/1616
Lev_25:3............thou/shalt prune/thy...... 444/1616
Lev_25:4............thou/shalt neither sow/thy 445/1616
Lev_25:5............thou/shalt not reap neither/gather 446/1616
Lev_25:8............thou/shalt number seven/sabbaths 447/1616
Lev_25:9............Then/shalt thou cause the trumpet/of 448/1616
Lev_25:15...........thou/shalt buy/of......... 449/1616
Lev_25:16...........thou/shalt increase the/price 450/1616
Lev_25:16...........thou/shalt diminish/the... 451/1616
Lev_25:17...........thou/shalt fear thy Godfor/I 452/1616
Lev_25:35...........thou/shalt relieve/him.... 453/1616
Lev_25:37...........Thou/shalt not give him/thy 454/1616
Lev_25:39...........thou/shalt not compel/him. 455/1616
Lev_25:43...........Thou/shalt not rule/over.. 456/1616
Lev_25:43............but/shalt fear thy God Both/thy 457/1616
Lev_25:44...........thou/shalt have shall/be.. 458/1616
Num_1:49............thou/shalt not number/the. 459/1616
Num_1:50............thou/shalt appoint the/Levites 460/1616
Num_3:9.............thou/shalt give the Levites/unto 461/1616
Num_3:10............thou/shalt appoint Aaron/and 462/1616
Num_3:15..........upward/shalt thou number them And/Moses 463/1616
Num_3:41............thou/shalt take the Levites/for 464/1616
Num_3:47............Thou/shalt even take/five. 465/1616
Num_3:47.......sanctuary/shalt thou take them/the 466/1616
Num_3:48............thou/shalt give the money/wherewith 467/1616
Num_4:23.............old/shalt thou number them all/that 468/1616
Num_4:29............thou/shalt number them/after 469/1616
Num_4:30.............old/shalt thou number them every/one 470/1616
Num_7:5.............thou/shalt give them/unto. 471/1616
Num_8:7.............thus/shalt thou do unto them/to 472/1616
Num_8:8..........bullock/shalt thou take for/a 473/1616
Num_8:9.............thou/shalt bring the Levites before the tabernacle/of 474/1616
Num_8:9.............thou/shalt gather the/whole 475/1616
Num_8:10............thou/shalt bring the Levites before the LORD/and 476/1616
Num_8:12............thou/shalt offer the one/for 477/1616
Num_8:13............thou/shalt set the Levites/before 478/1616
Num_8:14............Thus/shalt thou separate/the 479/1616
Num_8:15............thou/shalt cleanse them/and 480/1616
Num_8:26............Thus/shalt thou do unto the/Levites 481/1616
Num_10:2...........piece/shalt thou make them that/thou 482/1616
Num_11:23...........thou/shalt see now/whether 483/1616
Num_14:15...........thou/shalt kill all/this.. 484/1616
Num_15:5........offering/shalt thou prepare with/the 485/1616
Num_15:6............thou/shalt prepare for/a.. 486/1616
Num_15:7............thou/shalt offer the third/part 487/1616
Num_15:10...........thou/shalt bring for/a.... 488/1616
Num_17:3............thou/shalt write Aaron's/name 489/1616
Num_17:4............thou/shalt lay them/up.... 490/1616
Num_17:10...........thou/shalt quite/take..... 491/1616 thou eat it every/male 492/1616 thou surely/redeem 493/1616
Num_18:15.........beasts/shalt thou redeem And those/that 494/1616
Num_18:16............old/shalt thou redeem according/to 495/1616
Num_18:17...........thou/shalt not redeem/they 496/1616
Num_18:17...........thou/shalt sprinkle/their. 497/1616
Num_18:17............and/shalt burn their/fat. 498/1616
Num_18:20...........Thou/shalt have no inheritance/in 499/1616
Num_18:20........neither/shalt thou have any/part 500/1616
Num_18:30...........thou/shalt say unto them When/ye 501/1616
Num_20:8............thou/shalt bring forth to/them 502/1616
Num_20:8............thou/shalt give the congregation/and 503/1616
Num_20:18...........Thou/shalt not pass by/me. 504/1616
Num_20:20...........Thou/shalt not go through/And 505/1616
Num_21:34...........thou/shalt do to him/as... 506/1616
Num_22:12...........Thou/shalt not go with/them 507/1616
Num_22:12...........thou/shalt not curse the people/for 508/1616
Num_22:20...........that/shalt thou do And/Balaam 509/1616
Num_22:35...........thou/shalt speak So/Balaam 510/1616
Num_23:5............thou/shalt speak And he/returned 511/1616
Num_23:13...........thou/shalt see but/the.... 512/1616
Num_23:13............and/shalt not see them/all 513/1616
Num_26:54...........thou/shalt give the more/inheritance 514/1616
Num_26:54...........thou/shalt give the less/inheritance 515/1616
Num_27:7............thou/shalt surely give them/a 516/1616
Num_27:7............thou/shalt cause the/inheritance 517/1616
Num_27:8............thou/shalt speak unto the children of Israel saying If/a 518/1616
Num_27:13...........also/shalt be gathered unto/thy 519/1616
Num_27:20...........thou/shalt put some/of.... 520/1616
Num_28:3............thou/shalt say unto them This is the/offering 521/1616
Num_28:4............lamb/shalt thou offer in/the 522/1616
Num_28:4............lamb/shalt thou offer at even And/a 523/1616 thou cause the strong/wine 524/1616
Num_28:8............lamb/shalt thou offer at even as/the 525/1616
Num_28:8............thou/shalt offer it/a..... 526/1616 thou offer for every/lamb 527/1616
Num_31:2.......afterward/shalt thou be gathered/unto 528/1616
Num_31:30...........thou/shalt take one/portion 529/1616
Deu_1:37............also/shalt not go in/thither 530/1616
Deu_2:28............Thou/shalt sell/me........ 531/1616
Deu_3:2.............thou/shalt do unto him/as. 532/1616
Deu_3:27............thou/shalt not go over this Jordan But/charge 533/1616
Deu_3:28............thou/shalt see So/we...... 534/1616
Deu_4:25............thou/shalt beget children/and 535/1616
Deu_4:29............thou/shalt seek the/LORD.. 536/1616
Deu_4:29............thou/shalt find him/if.... 537/1616
Deu_4:30.............and/shalt be obedient/unto 538/1616
Deu_4:40............Thou/shalt keep therefore/his 539/1616
Deu_5:7.............Thou/shalt have none other/gods 540/1616
Deu_5:8.............Thou/shalt not make thee/any 541/1616
Deu_5:9.............Thou/shalt not bow down thyself unto/them 542/1616
Deu_5:11............Thou/shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain Keep/the 543/1616
Deu_5:13............thou/shalt labour/and..... 544/1616
Deu_5:14............thou/shalt not do any work thou nor thy son nor thy daughter nor/thy 545/1616
Deu_5:17............Thou/shalt not kill Neither/shalt 546/1616
Deu_5:18.........Neither/shalt thou commit/adultery 547/1616
Deu_5:19.........Neither/shalt thou steal/Neither 548/1616
Deu_5:20.........Neither/shalt thou bear false/witness 549/1616
Deu_5:21.........Neither/shalt thou desire/thy 550/1616
Deu_5:21.........neither/shalt thou covet/thy. 551/1616
Deu_5:31............thou/shalt teach them that/they 552/1616
Deu_6:5.............thou/shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine/heart 553/1616
Deu_6:7.............thou/shalt teach them diligently/unto 554/1616
Deu_6:7..............and/shalt talk/of........ 555/1616
Deu_6:8.............thou/shalt bind them/for.. 556/1616
Deu_6:9.............thou/shalt write them upon the posts/of 557/1616
Deu_6:11............thou/shalt have eaten/and. 558/1616
Deu_6:13............Thou/shalt fear the LORD thy God and/serve 559/1616
Deu_6:13.............and/shalt swear by/his... 560/1616
Deu_6:18............thou/shalt do that which is right and/good 561/1616
Deu_6:21............thou/shalt say unto thy/son 562/1616
Deu_7:2.............thou/shalt smite them/and. 563/1616
Deu_7:2.............thou/shalt make no covenant with them nor shew/mercy 564/1616
Deu_7:3..........Neither/shalt thou make marriages/with 565/1616
Deu_7:3.............thou/shalt not give unto/his 566/1616
Deu_7:3.........daughter/shalt thou take unto thy/son 567/1616
Deu_7:11............Thou/shalt therefore keep the/commandments 568/1616
Deu_7:14............Thou/shalt be blessed above/all 569/1616
Deu_7:16............thou/shalt consume/all.... 570/1616
Deu_7:16.........neither/shalt thou serve their/gods 571/1616
Deu_7:17............thou/shalt say in/thine... 572/1616
Deu_7:18............Thou/shalt not be afraid of them/but 573/1616
Deu_7:18.............but/shalt well/remember.. 574/1616
Deu_7:21............Thou/shalt not be affrighted/at 575/1616
Deu_7:24............thou/shalt destroy their/name 576/1616
Deu_7:25............thou/shalt not desire/the. 577/1616
Deu_7:26.........Neither/shalt thou bring an/abomination 578/1616
Deu_7:26............thou/shalt utterly detest/it 579/1616
Deu_7:26............thou/shalt utterly abhor/it 580/1616
Deu_8:2.............thou/shalt remember all/the 581/1616
Deu_8:5.............Thou/shalt also consider/in 582/1616
Deu_8:6.............thou/shalt keep the commandments of the LORD thy God to/walk 583/1616
Deu_8:9.............thou/shalt eat bread without/scarceness 584/1616
Deu_8:9.............thou/shalt not lack/any... 585/1616
Deu_8:10............thou/shalt bless the/LORD. 586/1616
Deu_8:18............thou/shalt remember the/LORD 587/1616 thou drive/them 588/1616
Deu_10:2............thou/shalt put them in/the 589/1616
Deu_10:20...........Thou/shalt fear the LORD thy God him/shalt 590/1616
Deu_10:20............him/shalt thou serve and to/him 591/1616
Deu_10:20............him/shalt thou cleave/and 592/1616
Deu_11:1............thou/shalt love the LORD thy God and/keep 593/1616
Deu_11:20...........thou/shalt write them upon the door/posts 594/1616
Deu_11:29...........thou/shalt put the blessing/upon 595/1616
Deu_12:5............thou/shalt come And thither/ye 596/1616
Deu_12:14...........thou/shalt offer thy burnt offerings and/there 597/1616
Deu_12:14...........thou/shalt do all/that.... 598/1616
Deu_12:18...........thou/shalt rejoice before the LORD thy God in/all 599/1616
Deu_12:20...........thou/shalt say I will eat/flesh 600/1616
Deu_12:21...........thou/shalt kill of/thy.... 601/1616
Deu_12:21...........thou/shalt eat in/thy..... 602/1616
Deu_12:22...........thou/shalt eat them/the... 603/1616
Deu_12:24...........Thou/shalt not eat it thou/shalt 604/1616
Deu_12:24...........thou/shalt pour it upon the earth/as 605/1616
Deu_12:25...........Thou/shalt not eat it that/it 606/1616
Deu_12:25...........thou/shalt do that which is right in the sight of the LORD Only/thy 607/1616
Deu_12:26...........thou/shalt take and/go.... 608/1616
Deu_12:27...........thou/shalt offer thy burnt offerings the/flesh 609/1616
Deu_12:27...........thou/shalt eat the flesh/Observe 610/1616
Deu_12:31...........Thou/shalt not do so/unto. 611/1616
Deu_12:32...........thou/shalt not add/thereto 612/1616
Deu_13:3............Thou/shalt not hearken/unto 613/1616
Deu_13:5..............So/shalt thou put the evil away from the/midst 614/1616
Deu_13:8............Thou/shalt not consent/unto 615/1616
Deu_13:8.........neither/shalt thou spare/neither 616/1616
Deu_13:8.........neither/shalt thou conceal/him 617/1616
Deu_13:9............thou/shalt surely kill/him 618/1616
Deu_13:10...........thou/shalt stone him/with. 619/1616
Deu_13:12...........thou/shalt hear say/in.... 620/1616
Deu_13:14...........Then/shalt thou enquire/and 621/1616
Deu_13:15...........Thou/shalt surely smite/the 622/1616
Deu_13:16...........thou/shalt gather all/the. 623/1616
Deu_13:16............and/shalt burn with fire the/city 624/1616
Deu_13:18...........thou/shalt hearken to/the. 625/1616
Deu_14:3............Thou/shalt not eat any/abominable 626/1616
Deu_14:21...........thou/shalt give it unto/the 627/1616
Deu_14:21...........Thou/shalt not seethe a kid in his mother's milk Thou/shalt 628/1616
Deu_14:22...........Thou/shalt truly/tithe.... 629/1616
Deu_14:23...........thou/shalt eat before/the. 630/1616
Deu_14:25...........Then/shalt thou turn/it... 631/1616
Deu_14:25............and/shalt go unto the place which the LORD thy God shall choose And/thou 632/1616
Deu_14:26...........thou/shalt bestow/that.... 633/1616
Deu_14:26...........thou/shalt eat there before/the 634/1616
Deu_14:26...........thou/shalt rejoice thou/and 635/1616
Deu_14:27...........thou/shalt not forsake/him 636/1616
Deu_14:28...........thou/shalt bring forth all/the 637/1616
Deu_14:28............and/shalt lay it/up...... 638/1616
Deu_15:1............thou/shalt make a release/And 639/1616
Deu_15:6............thou/shalt lend unto many nations but/thou 640/1616
Deu_15:6............thou/shalt not borrow and thou/shalt 641/1616
Deu_15:6............thou/shalt reign over/many 642/1616
Deu_15:7............thou/shalt not harden/thine 643/1616
Deu_15:8............thou/shalt open thine hand wide unto him/and 644/1616
Deu_15:8.............and/shalt surely lend/him 645/1616
Deu_15:10...........Thou/shalt surely give him/and 646/1616
Deu_15:11...........Thou/shalt open thine hand wide unto thy/brother 647/1616
Deu_15:12...........thou/shalt let him go free from thee And/when 648/1616
Deu_15:13...........thou/shalt not let him/go. 649/1616
Deu_15:14...........Thou/shalt furnish/him.... 650/1616
Deu_15:14...........thou/shalt give unto him/And 651/1616
Deu_15:15...........thou/shalt remember that thou wast a bondman in the land of Egypt and/the 652/1616
Deu_15:17...........thou/shalt take an/aul.... 653/1616
Deu_15:17...........thou/shalt do likewise/It. 654/1616
Deu_15:19...........thou/shalt sanctify unto/the 655/1616
Deu_15:19...........thou/shalt do no work with/the 656/1616
Deu_15:20...........Thou/shalt eat it before/the 657/1616
Deu_15:21...........thou/shalt not sacrifice it/unto 658/1616
Deu_15:22...........Thou/shalt eat it within/thy 659/1616
Deu_15:23...........thou/shalt not eat the/blood 660/1616
Deu_15:23...........thou/shalt pour it upon the ground/as 661/1616
Deu_16:2............Thou/shalt therefore sacrifice/the 662/1616
Deu_16:3............Thou/shalt eat no leavened/bread 663/1616
Deu_16:3............days/shalt thou eat unleavened/bread 664/1616
Deu_16:6............thou/shalt sacrifice the/passover 665/1616
Deu_16:7............thou/shalt roast/and...... 666/1616
Deu_16:7............thou/shalt turn in/the.... 667/1616
Deu_16:8............thou/shalt eat unleavened bread and on/the 668/1616
Deu_16:8............thou/shalt do no work therein/Seven 669/1616
Deu_16:9...........weeks/shalt thou number unto/thee 670/1616
Deu_16:10...........thou/shalt keep the feast of weeks/unto 671/1616
Deu_16:10...........thou/shalt give unto the/LORD 672/1616
Deu_16:11...........thou/shalt rejoice before the LORD thy God thou/and 673/1616
Deu_16:12...........thou/shalt remember that thou wast a bondman in Egypt and thou/shalt 674/1616
Deu_16:12...........thou/shalt observe and/do. 675/1616
Deu_16:13...........Thou/shalt observe the feast of tabernacles/seven 676/1616
Deu_16:14...........thou/shalt rejoice in thy/feast 677/1616
Deu_16:15...........days/shalt thou keep a/solemn 678/1616
Deu_16:15...........thou/shalt surely rejoice/Three 679/1616
Deu_16:18.......officers/shalt thou make thee/in 680/1616
Deu_16:19...........Thou/shalt not wrest judgment/thou 681/1616
Deu_16:19...........thou/shalt not respect persons/neither 682/1616
Deu_16:20...........just/shalt thou follow/that 683/1616
Deu_16:21...........Thou/shalt not plant/thee. 684/1616
Deu_16:21...........thou/shalt make thee Neither/shalt 685/1616
Deu_16:22........Neither/shalt thou set thee/up 686/1616
Deu_17:1............Thou/shalt not sacrifice unto/the 687/1616
Deu_17:5............Then/shalt thou bring forth that/man 688/1616
Deu_17:5.............and/shalt stone them/with 689/1616
Deu_17:7............thou/shalt put the evil/away 690/1616
Deu_17:8............then/shalt thou arise/and. 691/1616
Deu_17:9............thou/shalt come unto/the.. 692/1616
Deu_17:10...........thou/shalt do according/to 693/1616
Deu_17:10...........thou/shalt observe to/do.. 694/1616
Deu_17:11...........thou/shalt do thou/shalt.. 695/1616
Deu_17:11...........thou/shalt not decline/from 696/1616
Deu_17:12...........thou/shalt put away the evil/from 697/1616
Deu_17:14............and/shalt possess it and shalt/dwell 698/1616
Deu_17:14............and/shalt dwell therein/and 699/1616
Deu_17:14............and/shalt say I will set/a 700/1616
Deu_17:15...........Thou/shalt in any wise set/him 701/1616
Deu_17:15.......brethren/shalt thou set king/over 702/1616
Deu_18:4...........sheep/shalt thou give him/For 703/1616
Deu_18:9............thou/shalt not learn/to... 704/1616
Deu_18:13...........Thou/shalt be perfect/with 705/1616
Deu_18:14...........thou/shalt possess hearkened/unto 706/1616
Deu_18:22...........thou/shalt not be afraid of him/When 707/1616
Deu_19:2............Thou/shalt separate three cities for thee in/the 708/1616
Deu_19:3............Thou/shalt prepare thee/a. 709/1616
Deu_19:7............Thou/shalt separate three cities for thee And/if 710/1616
Deu_19:9............thou/shalt keep all/these. 711/1616
Deu_19:9............then/shalt thou add/three. 712/1616
Deu_19:13...........thou/shalt put away the guilt/of 713/1616
Deu_19:14...........Thou/shalt not remove/thy. 714/1616
Deu_19:14...........thou/shalt inherit in/the. 715/1616 thou put the evil away from among/you 716/1616
Deu_20:12...........thou/shalt besiege it/And. 717/1616
Deu_20:13...........thou/shalt smite every/male 718/1616
Deu_20:14........thereof/shalt thou take unto thyself/and 719/1616
Deu_20:14...........thou/shalt eat the spoil/of 720/1616
Deu_20:15...........Thus/shalt thou do unto all/the 721/1616
Deu_20:16...........thou/shalt save alive/nothing 722/1616
Deu_20:17...........thou/shalt utterly destroy/them 723/1616
Deu_20:19...........thou/shalt besiege a/city. 724/1616
Deu_20:19...........thou/shalt not destroy/the 725/1616
Deu_20:19...........thou/shalt not cut them/down 726/1616
Deu_20:20...........thou/shalt destroy and/cut 727/1616
Deu_20:20...........thou/shalt build bulwarks/against 728/1616
Deu_21:9..............So/shalt thou put away the/guilt 729/1616
Deu_21:9............thou/shalt do that which is right in the sight of the LORD When/thou 730/1616
Deu_21:12...........thou/shalt bring her/home. 731/1616
Deu_21:13...........thou/shalt go in unto/her. 732/1616
Deu_21:14...........thou/shalt let her/go..... 733/1616
Deu_21:14...........thou/shalt not sell/her... 734/1616
Deu_21:14...........thou/shalt not make merchandise/of 735/1616 thou put evil away from among you and/all 736/1616
Deu_21:23...........thou/shalt in any wise bury/him 737/1616
Deu_22:1............Thou/shalt not see thy brother's ox/or 738/1616
Deu_22:1............thou/shalt in any case/bring 739/1616
Deu_22:2............thou/shalt bring it unto/thine 740/1616
Deu_22:2............thou/shalt restore/it..... 741/1616
Deu_22:3..........manner/shalt thou do with his ass/and 742/1616 thou do with his raiment/and 743/1616
Deu_22:3...........found/shalt thou do likewise/thou 744/1616
Deu_22:4............Thou/shalt not see thy brother's ass/or 745/1616
Deu_22:4............thou/shalt surely help him/to 746/1616
Deu_22:6............thou/shalt not take the dam/with 747/1616
Deu_22:7............thou/shalt in any wise let/the 748/1616
Deu_22:8............thou/shalt make a battlement/for 749/1616
Deu_22:9............Thou/shalt not sow thy vineyard/with 750/1616
Deu_22:10...........Thou/shalt not plow/with.. 751/1616
Deu_22:11...........Thou/shalt not wear/a..... 752/1616
Deu_22:12...........Thou/shalt make thee fringes/upon 753/1616 thou put evil away from among you If/a 754/1616 thou put away evil/from 755/1616
Deu_22:24...........thou/shalt put away evil/from 756/1616
Deu_22:26...........thou/shalt do nothing/there 757/1616
Deu_23:6............Thou/shalt not seek/their. 758/1616
Deu_23:7............Thou/shalt not abhor an Edomite/for 759/1616
Deu_23:7............thou/shalt not abhor an Egyptian/because 760/1616
Deu_23:12...........Thou/shalt have a place/also 761/1616
Deu_23:12...........thou/shalt go forth abroad/And 762/1616
Deu_23:13...........thou/shalt have a paddle/upon 763/1616
Deu_23:13...........thou/shalt dig therewith/and 764/1616
Deu_23:13............and/shalt turn back/and.. 765/1616
Deu_23:15...........Thou/shalt not deliver unto/his 766/1616
Deu_23:16...........thou/shalt not oppress him/There 767/1616
Deu_23:18...........Thou/shalt not bring/the.. 768/1616
Deu_23:19...........Thou/shalt not lend upon usury to/thy 769/1616
Deu_23:20...........thou/shalt not lend upon usury that/the 770/1616
Deu_23:21...........thou/shalt vow/a.......... 771/1616
Deu_23:21...........thou/shalt not slack/to... 772/1616
Deu_23:22...........thou/shalt forbear/to..... 773/1616
Deu_23:23...........thou/shalt keep and/perform 774/1616
Deu_23:24...........thou/shalt not put/any.... 775/1616
Deu_23:25...........thou/shalt not move/a..... 776/1616
Deu_24:4............thou/shalt not cause/the.. 777/1616
Deu_24:7............thou/shalt put evil/away.. 778/1616
Deu_24:10...........thou/shalt not go into/his 779/1616
Deu_24:11...........Thou/shalt stand abroad/and 780/1616
Deu_24:12...........thou/shalt not sleep/with. 781/1616
Deu_24:13...........thou/shalt deliver him/the 782/1616
Deu_24:14...........Thou/shalt not oppress an/hired 783/1616
Deu_24:15...........thou/shalt give him/his... 784/1616
Deu_24:17...........Thou/shalt not pervert/the 785/1616
Deu_24:18...........thou/shalt remember that thou wast a bondman in Egypt and the/LORD 786/1616
Deu_24:19...........thou/shalt not go again/to 787/1616
Deu_24:20...........thou/shalt not go over the/boughs 788/1616
Deu_24:21...........thou/shalt not glean it/afterward 789/1616
Deu_24:22...........thou/shalt remember that thou wast a bondman in the land of Egypt therefore/I 790/1616
Deu_25:4............Thou/shalt not muzzle the ox when/he 791/1616
Deu_25:12...........thou/shalt cut off/her.... 792/1616
Deu_25:13...........Thou/shalt not have in thy/bag 793/1616
Deu_25:14...........Thou/shalt not have in thine/house 794/1616
Deu_25:15...........thou/shalt have a perfect/and 795/1616
Deu_25:15........measure/shalt thou have that/thy 796/1616
Deu_25:19...........thou/shalt blot/out....... 797/1616
Deu_25:19...........thou/shalt not forget/it.. 798/1616
Deu_26:2............thou/shalt take of the first/of 799/1616
Deu_26:2............thou/shalt bring of/thy... 800/1616
Deu_26:2.............and/shalt put it in/a.... 801/1616
Deu_26:2.............and/shalt go unto the place which the LORD thy God shall choose to/place 802/1616
Deu_26:3............thou/shalt go unto the priest/that 803/1616
Deu_26:5............thou/shalt speak and say/before 804/1616
Deu_26:10...........thou/shalt set it before/the 805/1616
Deu_26:11...........thou/shalt rejoice in every/good 806/1616
Deu_26:13...........thou/shalt say before/the. 807/1616
Deu_26:16...........thou/shalt therefore keep and/do 808/1616
Deu_27:2............thou/shalt set thee/up.... 809/1616
Deu_27:3............thou/shalt write upon them/all 810/1616
Deu_27:4............thou/shalt plaister/them.. 811/1616
Deu_27:5...........there/shalt thou build an/altar 812/1616
Deu_27:5............thou/shalt not lift up any/iron 813/1616
Deu_27:6............Thou/shalt build the/altar 814/1616
Deu_27:6............thou/shalt offer burnt/offerings 815/1616
Deu_27:7............thou/shalt offer peace/offerings 816/1616
Deu_27:7.............and/shalt eat there and/rejoice 817/1616
Deu_27:8............thou/shalt write upon the/stones 818/1616
Deu_27:10...........Thou/shalt therefore obey/the 819/1616
Deu_28:1............thou/shalt hearken diligently/unto 820/1616
Deu_28:2............thou/shalt hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God Blessed/shalt 821/1616
Deu_28:3.........Blessed/shalt thou be in the city and blessed/shalt 822/1616
Deu_28:3.........blessed/shalt thou be in the field Blessed/shall 823/1616
Deu_28:6.........Blessed/shalt thou be when thou comest in and blessed/shalt 824/1616
Deu_28:6.........blessed/shalt thou be when thou goest out The LORD shall cause/thine 825/1616
Deu_28:9............thou/shalt keep the commandments of the LORD thy God and/walk 826/1616
Deu_28:12...........thou/shalt lend unto many nations and/thou 827/1616
Deu_28:12...........thou/shalt not borrow And the/LORD 828/1616
Deu_28:13...........thou/shalt be above/only.. 829/1616
Deu_28:13...........thou/shalt not be beneath/if 830/1616
Deu_28:14...........thou/shalt not go aside/from 831/1616
Deu_28:16.........Cursed/shalt thou be in the city and cursed/shalt 832/1616
Deu_28:16.........cursed/shalt thou be in the field Cursed/shall 833/1616
Deu_28:19.........Cursed/shalt thou be when thou comest in and cursed/shalt 834/1616
Deu_28:19.........cursed/shalt thou be when thou goest out The LORD shall send/upon 835/1616
Deu_28:25...........thou/shalt go out one/way. 836/1616
Deu_28:25............and/shalt be removed/into 837/1616
Deu_28:29...........thou/shalt grope/at....... 838/1616
Deu_28:29...........thou/shalt not prosper in thy/ways 839/1616
Deu_28:29...........thou/shalt be only oppressed and spoiled/evermore 840/1616
Deu_28:30...........Thou/shalt betroth/a...... 841/1616
Deu_28:30...........thou/shalt build an/house. 842/1616
Deu_28:30...........thou/shalt not dwell/therein 843/1616
Deu_28:30...........thou/shalt plant a/vineyard 844/1616
Deu_28:30............and/shalt not gather/the. 845/1616
Deu_28:31...........thou/shalt not eat thereof thine/ass 846/1616
Deu_28:31...........thou/shalt have none to/rescue 847/1616
Deu_28:33...........thou/shalt be only oppressed and crushed/alway 848/1616
Deu_28:34...........thou/shalt be mad/for..... 849/1616
Deu_28:34...........thou/shalt see The LORD/shall 850/1616
Deu_28:36...........thou/shalt set over/thee.. 851/1616
Deu_28:36..........there/shalt thou serve other/gods 852/1616
Deu_28:37...........thou/shalt become an/astonishment 853/1616
Deu_28:38...........Thou/shalt carry much/seed 854/1616
Deu_28:38............and/shalt gather but/little 855/1616
Deu_28:39...........Thou/shalt plant vineyards/and 856/1616
Deu_28:39............but/shalt neither drink/of 857/1616
Deu_28:40...........Thou/shalt have olive/trees 858/1616
Deu_28:40...........thou/shalt not anoint thyself/with 859/1616
Deu_28:41...........Thou/shalt beget sons/and. 860/1616
Deu_28:41...........thou/shalt not enjoy/them. 861/1616
Deu_28:43...........thou/shalt come down/very. 862/1616
Deu_28:44...........thou/shalt not lend to/him 863/1616
Deu_28:44...........thou/shalt be the tail/Moreover 864/1616
Deu_28:48......Therefore/shalt thou serve thine/enemies 865/1616
Deu_28:49...........thou/shalt not understand/A 866/1616
Deu_28:53...........thou/shalt eat the fruit/of 867/1616
Deu_28:64...........thou/shalt serve other/gods 868/1616
Deu_28:65........nations/shalt thou find no/ease 869/1616
Deu_28:66...........thou/shalt fear day/and... 870/1616
Deu_28:66............and/shalt have none assurance/of 871/1616
Deu_28:67...........thou/shalt say Would God it were even/and 872/1616
Deu_28:67...........thou/shalt say Would God it were morning/for 873/1616
Deu_28:67...........thou/shalt fear and/for... 874/1616
Deu_28:67...........thou/shalt see And the/LORD 875/1616
Deu_28:68...........Thou/shalt see it no/more. 876/1616
Deu_30:1............thou/shalt call them/to... 877/1616
Deu_30:2.............And/shalt return unto/the 878/1616
Deu_30:2.............and/shalt obey/his....... 879/1616
Deu_30:5............thou/shalt possess it and he/will 880/1616
Deu_30:8............thou/shalt return and/obey 881/1616
Deu_30:10...........thou/shalt hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God to/keep 882/1616
Deu_30:17............but/shalt be drawn/away.. 883/1616
Deu_31:2............Thou/shalt not go over this Jordan The/LORD 884/1616
Deu_31:3............thou/shalt possess them/and 885/1616
Deu_31:7............thou/shalt cause them/to.. 886/1616
Deu_31:11...........thou/shalt read this/law.. 887/1616
Deu_31:16...........thou/shalt sleep with thy fathers and/this 888/1616
Deu_31:23...........thou/shalt bring the children/of 889/1616
Deu_32:52...........thou/shalt see the land/before 890/1616
Deu_32:52...........thou/shalt not go thither/unto 891/1616
Deu_33:29...........thou/shalt tread upon their/high 892/1616
Deu_34:4............thou/shalt not go over thither/So 893/1616
Jos_1:6...........people/shalt thou divide/for 894/1616
Jos_1:8.............thou/shalt meditate/therein 895/1616
Jos_1:8.............thou/shalt make thy way/prosperous 896/1616
Jos_1:8.............thou/shalt have good/success 897/1616
Jos_2:18............thou/shalt bind this/line. 898/1616
Jos_2:18............thou/shalt bring thy/father 899/1616
Jos_3:8.............thou/shalt command the priests/that 900/1616
Jos_6:3.............Thus/shalt thou do six/days 901/1616
Jos_8:2.............thou/shalt do to Ai/and... 902/1616
Jos_11:6............thou/shalt hough/their.... 903/1616
Jos_17:17...........thou/shalt not have one/lot 904/1616
Jos_17:18...........thou/shalt cut it down and the/outgoings 905/1616
Jos_17:18...........thou/shalt drive out/the.. 906/1616
Jdg_4:20............thou/shalt say No/Then.... 907/1616
Jdg_6:14............thou/shalt save Israel/from 908/1616
Jdg_6:16............thou/shalt smite the Midianites/as 909/1616
Jdg_6:23............thou/shalt not die Then/Gideon 910/1616
Jdg_6:26............thou/shalt cut down/Then.. 911/1616
Jdg_7:5..............him/shalt thou set by/himself 912/1616
Jdg_7:11............thou/shalt hear what/they. 913/1616
Jdg_9:33............thou/shalt rise early/and. 914/1616
Jdg_9:33............thou/shalt find occasion/And 915/1616
Jdg_11:2............Thou/shalt not inherit/in. 916/1616
Jdg_11:30...........thou/shalt without/fail... 917/1616
Jdg_13:3............thou/shalt conceive and bear a son Now/therefore 918/1616
Jdg_13:5............thou/shalt conceive and bear a son and no/razor 919/1616
Jdg_13:7............thou/shalt conceive and bear a son and now/drink 920/1616
Rut_2:21............Thou/shalt keep fast/by... 921/1616
Rut_3:4.............thou/shalt mark/the....... 922/1616
Rut_3:4.............thou/shalt go in and/uncover 923/1616
Rut_3:4.............thou/shalt do And she/said 924/1616
1Sa_2:16............thou/shalt give it me now/and 925/1616
1Sa_2:32............thou/shalt see an/enemy... 926/1616
1Sa_3:9.............thou/shalt say Speak/LORD. 927/1616
1Sa_9:16............thou/shalt anoint him/to.. 928/1616
1Sa_10:2............thou/shalt find two/men... 929/1616
1Sa_10:3............Then/shalt thou go on/forward 930/1616
1Sa_10:3............thou/shalt come to the plain/of 931/1616
1Sa_10:4............thou/shalt receive of/their 932/1616
1Sa_10:5............thou/shalt come to the hill/of 933/1616
1Sa_10:5............thou/shalt meet/a......... 934/1616
1Sa_10:6............thou/shalt prophesy with/them 935/1616
1Sa_10:6.............and/shalt be turned/into. 936/1616
1Sa_10:8............thou/shalt go down before/me 937/1616
1Sa_10:8............days/shalt thou tarry/till 938/1616
1Sa_10:8............thou/shalt do And it/was.. 939/1616
1Sa_14:44...........thou/shalt surely die Jonathan/And 940/1616
1Sa_16:3............thou/shalt do and thou/shalt 941/1616
1Sa_16:3............thou/shalt anoint unto/me. 942/1616
1Sa_16:16...........thou/shalt be well/And.... 943/1616
1Sa_18:21...........Thou/shalt this/day....... 944/1616
1Sa_19:11...........thou/shalt be slain/So.... 945/1616
1Sa_20:2............thou/shalt not die behold/my 946/1616
1Sa_20:8............thou/shalt deal kindly/with 947/1616
1Sa_20:14...........thou/shalt not only/while. 948/1616
1Sa_20:15...........thou/shalt not cut off/thy 949/1616
1Sa_20:18...........thou/shalt be missed/because 950/1616
1Sa_20:19...........thou/shalt go down quickly/and 951/1616
1Sa_20:19............and/shalt remain/by...... 952/1616
1Sa_20:31...........thou/shalt not be established/nor 953/1616
1Sa_22:16...........Thou/shalt surely die Ahimelech/thou 954/1616
1Sa_22:23...........thou/shalt be in safeguard/Then 955/1616
1Sa_23:17...........thou/shalt be king over Israel and I/shall 956/1616
1Sa_24:20...........thou/shalt surely be king/and 957/1616
1Sa_26:25...........thou/shalt both do/great.. 958/1616
1Sa_26:25...........also/shalt still/prevail.. 959/1616
1Sa_28:1............thou/shalt go out with/me. 960/1616
1Sa_28:2............thou/shalt know what/thy.. 961/1616
1Sa_28:19.........morrow/shalt thou and/thy... 962/1616
1Sa_30:8............thou/shalt surely overtake/them 963/1616
2Sa_3:13............Thou/shalt not see my/face 964/1616
2Sa_5:2.............Thou/shalt feed my people Israel and thou shalt be a/captain 965/1616
2Sa_5:2.............thou/shalt be a captain/over 966/1616
2Sa_5:6.............thou/shalt not come in/hither 967/1616
2Sa_5:23............Thou/shalt not go up but/fetch 968/1616
2Sa_5:24............thou/shalt bestir/thyself. 969/1616
2Sa_7:5.............LORD/Shalt thou build me/an 970/1616 thou say unto my servant David Thus saith the LORD of hosts I took thee from the sheepcote from/following 971/1616
2Sa_7:12............thou/shalt sleep with thy fathers I/will 972/1616
2Sa_9:7.............thou/shalt eat bread at/my 973/1616
2Sa_9:10............thou/shalt bring in the fruits/that 974/1616
2Sa_10:11...........thou/shalt help me but if the children of Ammon be too strong for thee then I will come/and 975/1616
2Sa_11:25...........Thus/shalt thou say unto Joab/Let 976/1616
2Sa_12:13...........thou/shalt not die Howbeit/because 977/1616
2Sa_13:13...........thou/shalt be as one/of... 978/1616
2Sa_15:33...........thou/shalt be a burden/unto 979/1616
2Sa_15:35...........thou/shalt hear out/of.... 980/1616
2Sa_15:35...........thou/shalt tell it/to..... 981/1616
2Sa_18:3............Thou/shalt not go forth/for 982/1616
2Sa_18:20...........Thou/shalt not bear tidings/this 983/1616
2Sa_18:20...........thou/shalt bear tidings/another 984/1616
2Sa_18:20...........thou/shalt bear no/tidings 985/1616
2Sa_19:23...........Thou/shalt not die And/the 986/1616
2Sa_19:38...........thou/shalt require/of..... 987/1616 thou kill any/man 988/1616
2Sa_21:17...........Thou/shalt go no/more..... 989/1616
1Ki_2:37............thou/shalt know for/certain 990/1616
1Ki_2:37............thou/shalt surely die thy/blood 991/1616
1Ki_2:42............thou/shalt surely die and thou saidst/unto 992/1616
1Ki_5:6.............thou/shalt appoint for/thou 993/1616
1Ki_5:9.............thou/shalt appoint me/and. 994/1616
1Ki_5:9.............thou/shalt receive them and/thou 995/1616
1Ki_5:9.............thou/shalt accomplish/my.. 996/1616
1Ki_8:19............thou/shalt not build the house but thy son that/shall 997/1616
1Ki_8:44............thou/shalt send them and shall/pray 998/1616
1Ki_11:37...........thou/shalt reign according/to 999/1616
1Ki_11:37............and/shalt be king over Israel And it/shall 1000/1616
1Ki_12:10...........Thus/shalt thou speak unto/this 1001/1616
1Ki_12:10...........thus/shalt thou say unto them My little finger shall be thicker than my father's loins And/now 1002/1616
1Ki_13:17...........Thou/shalt eat no bread/nor 1003/1616
1Ki_14:5............thus/shalt thou say unto her/for 1004/1616
1Ki_17:4............thou/shalt drink of the/brook 1005/1616
1Ki_19:16.........Nimshi/shalt thou anoint to be king/over 1006/1616
1Ki_19:16....Abelmeholah/shalt thou anoint to be prophet/in 1007/1616
1Ki_20:5............Thou/shalt deliver me/thy 1008/1616
1Ki_20:13...........thou/shalt know that I am the LORD And Ahab/said 1009/1616
1Ki_20:34...........thou/shalt make streets/for 1010/1616
1Ki_20:39...........thou/shalt pay a/talent.. 1011/1616
1Ki_21:19...........thou/shalt speak unto him saying Thus saith the LORD Hast/thou 1012/1616
1Ki_21:19...........thou/shalt speak unto him saying Thus saith the LORD In/the 1013/1616
1Ki_22:11..........these/shalt thou push/the. 1014/1616
1Ki_22:22...........Thou/shalt persude/him... 1015/1616
1Ki_22:25...........thou/shalt see in/that... 1016/1616
1Ki_22:25...........thou/shalt go into an inner chamber to hide thyself And/the 1017/1616
2Ki_1:4.............Thou/shalt not come down from that bed on which thou art gone up but shalt surely die And Elijah/departed 1018/1616
2Ki_1:4..............but/shalt surely die And Elijah/departed 1019/1616
2Ki_1:6.............thou/shalt not come down from that bed on which thou art gone up but shalt surely die And he/said 1020/1616
2Ki_1:6..............but/shalt surely die And he/said 1021/1616
2Ki_1:16............thou/shalt not come down off/that 1022/1616
2Ki_1:16.............but/shalt surely die So/he 1023/1616
2Ki_4:4.............thou/shalt shut/the...... 1024/1616
2Ki_4:4..............and/shalt pour out/into. 1025/1616
2Ki_4:4.............thou/shalt set aside/that 1026/1616
2Ki_4:16............thou/shalt embrace/a..... 1027/1616
2Ki_5:10............thou/shalt be clean/But.. 1028/1616
2Ki_6:22............Thou/shalt not smite/them 1029/1616
2Ki_7:2.............thou/shalt see it with thine eyes but shalt not eat thereof And there/were 1030/1616
2Ki_7:2..............but/shalt not eat thereof And there/were 1031/1616
2Ki_7:19............thou/shalt see it with thine eyes but shalt not eat thereof And so/it 1032/1616
2Ki_7:19.............but/shalt not eat thereof And so/it 1033/1616
2Ki_8:13............thou/shalt be king over Syria/So 1034/1616
2Ki_9:7.............thou/shalt smite the house/of 1035/1616
2Ki_10:5............thou/shalt bid/us........ 1036/1616
2Ki_13:17...........thou/shalt smite the Syrians/in 1037/1616
2Ki_13:19...........thou/shalt smite Syria/but 1038/1616
2Ki_19:11............and/shalt thou be delivered Have the gods of the nations delivered them which my fathers have destroyed as Gozan and Haran and Rezeph and the children of Eden which were in Thelasar/Where 1039/1616
2Ki_20:1............thou/shalt die and not live Then he/turned 1040/1616
2Ki_20:5............thou/shalt go up unto/the 1041/1616
2Ki_20:9............sign/shalt thou have of/the 1042/1616
2Ki_20:18...........thou/shalt beget shall they take away and they shall be eunuchs in the palace of the king of Babylon Then said Hezekiah unto/Isaiah 1043/1616
2Ki_22:20...........thou/shalt be gathered into/thy 1044/1616
1Ch_11:2............Thou/shalt feed my people Israel and thou shalt be ruler/over 1045/1616
1Ch_11:2............thou/shalt be ruler/over. 1046/1616
1Ch_11:5............Thou/shalt not come hither/Nevertheless 1047/1616
1Ch_14:15...........thou/shalt hear a/sound.. 1048/1616
1Ch_14:15...........thou/shalt go out to/battle 1049/1616
1Ch_17:4............Thou/shalt not build me/an 1050/1616
1Ch_17:7............thus/shalt thou say unto my servant David Thus saith the LORD of hosts I took thee from the sheepcote even/from 1051/1616
1Ch_19:12...........thou/shalt help me but if the children of Ammon be too strong for thee then I will help/thee 1052/1616
1Ch_21:22...........thou/shalt grant/it...... 1053/1616
1Ch_22:8............thou/shalt not build an house unto/my 1054/1616
1Ch_22:13...........Then/shalt thou prosper/if 1055/1616
1Ch_28:3............Thou/shalt not build an house for/my 1056/1616
2Ch_2:16............thou/shalt need/and...... 1057/1616
2Ch_2:16............thou/shalt carry it/up... 1058/1616
2Ch_6:9.............thou/shalt not build the house but thy son which/shall 1059/1616
2Ch_6:34............thou/shalt send them and they/pray 1060/1616
2Ch_7:17.............and/shalt observe my/statutes 1061/1616
2Ch_10:10...........Thus/shalt thou answer the/people 1062/1616
2Ch_10:10...........thus/shalt thou say unto them My little finger shall be thicker than my father's loins For/whereas 1063/1616
2Ch_16:9............thou/shalt have wars/Then 1064/1616
2Ch_18:10...........thou/shalt push/Syria.... 1065/1616
2Ch_18:21...........Thou/shalt entice/him.... 1066/1616
2Ch_18:21...........thou/shalt also prevail/go 1067/1616
2Ch_18:24...........thou/shalt see on/that... 1068/1616
2Ch_18:24...........thou/shalt go into an inner chamber to hide thyself Then/the 1069/1616
2Ch_21:15...........thou/shalt have great/sickness 1070/1616
2Ch_34:28...........thou/shalt be gathered to/thy 1071/1616
Ezr_4:13............thou/shalt endamage/the.. 1072/1616 thou find in/the 1073/1616
Ezr_4:16............thou/shalt have no portion/on 1074/1616
Ezr_7:20............thou/shalt have occasion/to 1075/1616
Est_4:13............thou/shalt escape in/the. 1076/1616
Est_6:13............thou/shalt not prevail/against 1077/1616
Est_6:13.............but/shalt surely fall/before 1078/1616
Job_5:21............Thou/shalt be hid from/the 1079/1616
Job_5:21.........neither/shalt thou be afraid of destruction/when 1080/1616
Job_5:22............thou/shalt laugh neither/shalt 1081/1616
Job_5:22.........neither/shalt thou be afraid of the/beasts 1082/1616
Job_5:23............thou/shalt be in league/with 1083/1616
Job_5:24............thou/shalt know that thy/tabernacle 1084/1616
Job_5:24............thou/shalt visit/thy..... 1085/1616
Job_5:24.............and/shalt not sin/Thou.. 1086/1616
Job_5:25............Thou/shalt know also/that 1087/1616
Job_5:26............Thou/shalt come to thy/grave 1088/1616
Job_7:21............thou/shalt seek me/in.... 1089/1616
Job_9:31.............Yet/shalt thou plunge/me 1090/1616
Job_11:15...........then/shalt thou lift/up.. 1091/1616
Job_11:15...........thou/shalt be stedfast/and 1092/1616
Job_11:15............and/shalt not fear Because/thou 1093/1616
Job_11:16...........thou/shalt forget thy/misery 1094/1616
Job_11:17...........thou/shalt shine/forth... 1095/1616
Job_11:17...........thou/shalt be as the/morning 1096/1616
Job_11:18...........thou/shalt be secure/because 1097/1616
Job_11:18...........thou/shalt dig about/thee 1098/1616
Job_11:18...........thou/shalt take thy/rest. 1099/1616
Job_11:19...........thou/shalt lie down and none/shall 1100/1616
Job_14:15...........Thou/shalt call and/I.... 1101/1616
Job_17:4.......therefore/shalt thou not exalt/them 1102/1616
Job_22:23...........thou/shalt be built up/thou 1103/1616
Job_22:23...........thou/shalt put away iniquity/far 1104/1616
Job_22:24...........Then/shalt thou lay up/gold 1105/1616
Job_22:25...........thou/shalt have plenty/of 1106/1616
Job_22:26...........then/shalt thou have thy/delight 1107/1616
Job_22:26............and/shalt lift/up....... 1108/1616
Job_22:27...........Thou/shalt make thy prayer/unto 1109/1616
Job_22:27...........thou/shalt pay thy/vows.. 1110/1616
Job_22:28...........Thou/shalt also decree/a. 1111/1616
Job_22:29...........thou/shalt say There/is.. 1112/1616
Job_35:14...........thou/shalt not see him/yet 1113/1616
Job_38:11.......Hitherto/shalt thou come/but. 1114/1616
Psa_2:9.............Thou/shalt break them/with 1115/1616
Psa_2:9.............thou/shalt dash/them..... 1116/1616
Psa_5:3............voice/shalt thou hear/in.. 1117/1616
Psa_5:6.............Thou/shalt destroy them/that 1118/1616
Psa_12:7............Thou/shalt keep them O/LORD 1119/1616
Psa_12:7............thou/shalt preserve them/from 1120/1616
Psa_17:3.............and/shalt find nothing/I 1121/1616
Psa_21:9............Thou/shalt make them as/a 1122/1616
Psa_21:10..........fruit/shalt thou destroy/from 1123/1616
Psa_21:12......Therefore/shalt thou make them turn/their 1124/1616
Psa_21:12...........thou/shalt make ready/thine 1125/1616
Psa_31:20...........Thou/shalt hide/them..... 1126/1616
Psa_31:20...........thou/shalt keep them secretly/in 1127/1616
Psa_32:7............thou/shalt preserve me/from 1128/1616
Psa_32:7............thou/shalt compass/me.... 1129/1616
Psa_32:8............thou/shalt go I/will..... 1130/1616
Psa_36:8............thou/shalt make them drink/of 1131/1616 thou dwell/in. 1132/1616
Psa_37:3............thou/shalt be fed/Delight 1133/1616
Psa_37:10...........thou/shalt diligently/consider 1134/1616
Psa_37:34...........thou/shalt see it I/have. 1135/1616
Psa_50:15...........thou/shalt glorify/me.... 1136/1616
Psa_51:6............thou/shalt make me to/know 1137/1616
Psa_51:19...........Then/shalt thou be pleased/with 1138/1616
Psa_55:23............God/shalt bring them down/into 1139/1616
Psa_59:8............LORD/shalt laugh at/them. 1140/1616
Psa_59:8............thou/shalt have all/the.. 1141/1616
Psa_65:3............thou/shalt purge/them.... 1142/1616
Psa_67:4............thou/shalt judge/the..... 1143/1616
Psa_71:20.......troubles/shalt quicken/me.... 1144/1616
Psa_71:20............and/shalt bring me/up... 1145/1616
Psa_71:21...........Thou/shalt increase my/greatness 1146/1616
Psa_73:20...........thou/shalt despise/their. 1147/1616
Psa_73:24...........Thou/shalt guide/me...... 1148/1616
Psa_76:10..........wrath/shalt thou restrain/Vow 1149/1616
Psa_81:9.........neither/shalt thou worship/any 1150/1616
Psa_82:8............thou/shalt inherit all/nations 1151/1616
Psa_89:2....faithfulness/shalt thou establish/in 1152/1616
Psa_91:4...........wings/shalt thou trust/his 1153/1616
Psa_91:5............Thou/shalt not be afraid for/the 1154/1616
Psa_91:8............eyes/shalt thou behold/and 1155/1616
Psa_91:13...........Thou/shalt tread upon the/lion 1156/1616
Psa_91:13.........dragon/shalt thou trample/under 1157/1616
Psa_92:10...........horn/shalt thou exalt/like 1158/1616
Psa_102:13..........Thou/shalt arise/and..... 1159/1616
Psa_102:26..........thou/shalt endure/yea.... 1160/1616
Psa_102:26.......vesture/shalt thou change/them 1161/1616
Psa_119:32..........thou/shalt enlarge/my.... 1162/1616
Psa_128:2...........thou/shalt eat the labour/of 1163/1616
Psa_128:2..........happy/shalt thou be and/it 1164/1616
Psa_128:5...........thou/shalt see the good/of 1165/1616
Psa_128:6...........thou/shalt see thy/children's 1166/1616
Psa_138:7...........thou/shalt stretch forth thine/hand 1167/1616
Psa_142:7...........thou/shalt deal bountifully/with 1168/1616
Pro_2:5.............Then/shalt thou understand the/fear 1169/1616
Pro_2:9.............Then/shalt thou understand righteousness/and 1170/1616
Pro_3:4...............So/shalt thou find favour/and 1171/1616
Pro_3:23............Then/shalt thou walk/in.. 1172/1616
Pro_3:24............thou/shalt not be afraid yea/thou 1173/1616
Pro_3:24............thou/shalt lie down and thy/sleep 1174/1616
Pro_4:12............thou/shalt not stumble/Take 1175/1616
Pro_9:12............thou/shalt be wise/for... 1176/1616
Pro_9:12...........alone/shalt bear it/A..... 1177/1616
Pro_20:13...........thou/shalt be satisfied/with 1178/1616
Pro_22:24...........thou/shalt not go Lest/thou 1179/1616
Pro_23:8...........eaten/shalt thou vomit/up. 1180/1616
Pro_23:14...........Thou/shalt beat him/with. 1181/1616
Pro_23:14............and/shalt deliver his/soul 1182/1616
Pro_23:34...........thou/shalt be as he/that. 1183/1616 thou say and/I 1184/1616
Pro_24:6............thou/shalt make thy war/and 1185/1616
Pro_25:22...........thou/shalt heap coals of fire upon/his 1186/1616
Pro_27:27...........thou/shalt have goats'/milk 1187/1616
Ecc_11:1............thou/shalt find it/after. 1188/1616
Ecc_12:1............thou/shalt say I have/no. 1189/1616
Isa_1:26............thou/shalt be called The city/of 1190/1616
Isa_12:1............thou/shalt say O/LORD.... 1191/1616
Isa_14:4............thou/shalt take up/this.. 1192/1616
Isa_14:15...........thou/shalt be brought down to hell to/the 1193/1616
Isa_14:20...........Thou/shalt not be joined/with 1194/1616
Isa_17:10......therefore/shalt thou plant/pleasant 1195/1616
Isa_17:10............and/shalt set it with/strange 1196/1616 thou make thy plant/to 1197/1616
Isa_17:11........morning/shalt thou make thy seed/to 1198/1616
Isa_22:18..........there/shalt thou die/and.. 1199/1616
Isa_23:12...........Thou/shalt no more rejoice/O 1200/1616
Isa_23:12...........also/shalt thou have no/rest 1201/1616
Isa_25:5............Thou/shalt bring down/the 1202/1616
Isa_29:4............thou/shalt be brought down and/shalt 1203/1616
Isa_29:4.............and/shalt speak out/of.. 1204/1616
Isa_29:6............Thou/shalt be visited of/the 1205/1616
Isa_30:19...........thou/shalt weep/no....... 1206/1616
Isa_30:22...........thou/shalt cast them/away 1207/1616
Isa_30:22...........thou/shalt say unto it/Get 1208/1616
Isa_30:23...........thou/shalt sow the/ground 1209/1616
Isa_33:1............thou/shalt cease/to...... 1210/1616
Isa_33:1............thou/shalt be spoiled/and 1211/1616
Isa_33:1............thou/shalt make an end/to 1212/1616
Isa_33:19...........Thou/shalt not see a/fierce 1213/1616
Isa_37:11............and/shalt thou be delivered Have the gods of the nations delivered them which my fathers have destroyed as Gozan and Haran and Rezeph and the children of Eden which were in Telassar/Where 1214/1616
Isa_38:1............thou/shalt die and not live Then Hezekiah/turned 1215/1616
Isa_39:7............thou/shalt beget shall they take away and they shall be eunuchs in the palace of the king of Babylon Then said Hezekiah to/Isaiah 1216/1616
Isa_41:12...........Thou/shalt seek them/and. 1217/1616
Isa_41:12............and/shalt not find/them. 1218/1616
Isa_41:15...........thou/shalt thresh/the.... 1219/1616
Isa_41:15............and/shalt make the hills/as 1220/1616
Isa_41:16...........Thou/shalt fan/them...... 1221/1616
Isa_41:16...........thou/shalt rejoice in the/LORD 1222/1616
Isa_41:16............and/shalt glory/in...... 1223/1616
Isa_43:2............thou/shalt not be burned/neither 1224/1616
Isa_44:21...........thou/shalt not be forgotten/of 1225/1616
Isa_44:26...........Thou/shalt be inhabited/and 1226/1616
Isa_44:28...........Thou/shalt be built and/to 1227/1616
Isa_47:1............thou/shalt no more be called tender/and 1228/1616
Isa_47:5............thou/shalt no more be called The/lady 1229/1616
Isa_47:11...........thou/shalt not know from/whence 1230/1616
Isa_47:11...........thou/shalt not be able/to 1231/1616
Isa_47:11...........thou/shalt not know Stand/now 1232/1616
Isa_47:12...........thou/shalt be able to profit/if 1233/1616
Isa_49:18...........thou/shalt surely clothe/thee 1234/1616
Isa_49:20...........thou/shalt have after/thou 1235/1616
Isa_49:21...........Then/shalt thou say in/thine 1236/1616
Isa_49:23...........thou/shalt know that I am the LORD for/they 1237/1616
Isa_51:22...........thou/shalt no more drink/it 1238/1616
Isa_53:10...........thou/shalt make his soul/an 1239/1616
Isa_54:3............thou/shalt break forth/on 1240/1616
Isa_54:4............thou/shalt not be ashamed/neither 1241/1616
Isa_54:4............thou/shalt not be put/to. 1242/1616
Isa_54:4............thou/shalt forget the/shame 1243/1616
Isa_54:4.............and/shalt not remember/the 1244/1616
Isa_54:14..righteousness/shalt thou be established/thou 1245/1616
Isa_54:14...........thou/shalt be far/from... 1246/1616
Isa_54:14...........thou/shalt not fear and/from 1247/1616
Isa_54:17...........thou/shalt condemn/This.. 1248/1616
Isa_55:5............thou/shalt call a/nation. 1249/1616
Isa_58:9............Then/shalt thou call/and. 1250/1616
Isa_58:9............thou/shalt cry/and....... 1251/1616
Isa_58:11...........thou/shalt be like a watered/garden 1252/1616
Isa_58:12...........thou/shalt raise/up...... 1253/1616
Isa_58:12...........thou/shalt be called The repairer/of 1254/1616
Isa_58:13............and/shalt honour/him.... 1255/1616
Isa_58:14...........Then/shalt thou delight/thyself 1256/1616
Isa_60:5............thou/shalt see and flow/together 1257/1616
Isa_60:16...........Thou/shalt also suck/the. 1258/1616
Isa_60:16............and/shalt suck/the...... 1259/1616
Isa_60:16...........thou/shalt know that I the/LORD 1260/1616
Isa_60:18...........thou/shalt call thy/walls 1261/1616
Isa_62:2............thou/shalt be called by/a 1262/1616
Isa_62:3............Thou/shalt also be a/crown 1263/1616
Isa_62:4............Thou/shalt no more be termed/Forsaken 1264/1616
Isa_62:4............thou/shalt be called Hephzibah/and 1265/1616
Isa_62:12...........thou/shalt be called Sought/out 1266/1616
Jer_1:7.............thou/shalt go to all/that 1267/1616
Jer_1:7.............thou/shalt speak Be/not.. 1268/1616
Jer_2:36............also/shalt be ashamed/of. 1269/1616
Jer_2:37............thou/shalt go forth from/him 1270/1616
Jer_2:37............thou/shalt not prosper in them/They 1271/1616
Jer_3:19............Thou/shalt call me My/father 1272/1616
Jer_3:19.............and/shalt not turn away/from 1273/1616
Jer_4:1.............then/shalt thou not remove/And 1274/1616
Jer_4:2.............thou/shalt swear The/LORD 1275/1616
Jer_4:30............vain/shalt thou make thyself/fair 1276/1616
Jer_5:19............then/shalt thou answer them/Like 1277/1616
Jer_7:27............thou/shalt speak all these/words 1278/1616
Jer_7:27............thou/shalt also call/unto 1279/1616
Jer_7:28............thou/shalt say unto them This is a/nation 1280/1616
Jer_8:4.............thou/shalt say unto them Thus saith the LORD Shall/they 1281/1616
Jer_13:12...........thou/shalt speak unto them/this 1282/1616
Jer_13:13...........Then/shalt thou say unto them Thus saith the LORD Behold/I 1283/1616
Jer_14:17...........thou/shalt say this/word. 1284/1616
Jer_15:2............thou/shalt tell them/Thus 1285/1616
Jer_15:19...........thou/shalt stand before/me 1286/1616
Jer_15:19...........thou/shalt be as my/mouth 1287/1616
Jer_16:2............Thou/shalt not take thee/a 1288/1616
Jer_16:2.........neither/shalt thou have sons/or 1289/1616
Jer_16:8............Thou/shalt not also/go... 1290/1616
Jer_16:10...........thou/shalt shew this/people 1291/1616
Jer_16:11...........Then/shalt thou say unto them Because/your 1292/1616
Jer_17:4.........thyself/shalt discontinue/from 1293/1616
Jer_18:22...........thou/shalt bring a/troop. 1294/1616
Jer_19:10...........Then/shalt thou break the/bottle 1295/1616
Jer_19:11............And/shalt say unto them Thus saith the LORD of hosts Even/so 1296/1616
Jer_20:6............thou/shalt come to Babylon/and 1297/1616
Jer_20:6............thou/shalt die and shalt/be 1298/1616
Jer_20:6.............and/shalt be buried there/thou 1299/1616
Jer_21:8............thou/shalt say Thus saith/the 1300/1616
Jer_22:15......vermilion/Shalt thou reign/because 1301/1616
Jer_22:22...........then/shalt thou be ashamed/and 1302/1616
Jer_22:23.......gracious/shalt thou be when pangs/come 1303/1616
Jer_23:33...........thou/shalt then/say...... 1304/1616
Jer_23:37...........Thus/shalt thou say to the prophet/What 1305/1616
Jer_25:27...........thou/shalt say unto them Thus saith the LORD of hosts the/God 1306/1616
Jer_25:28...........then/shalt thou say unto them Thus saith the LORD of/hosts 1307/1616
Jer_26:4............thou/shalt say unto them Thus saith the LORD If/ye 1308/1616
Jer_26:8............Thou/shalt surely die Why/hast 1309/1616
Jer_28:13...........thou/shalt make for them yokes/of 1310/1616
Jer_28:16...........thou/shalt die because/thou 1311/1616
Jer_29:24...........Thus/shalt thou also/speak 1312/1616
Jer_31:4............thou/shalt be built O/virgin 1313/1616
Jer_31:4............thou/shalt again/be...... 1314/1616
Jer_31:4.............and/shalt go forth in/the 1315/1616
Jer_31:5............Thou/shalt yet/plant..... 1316/1616
Jer_34:3............thou/shalt not escape out of his/hand 1317/1616
Jer_34:3.............but/shalt surely be taken/and 1318/1616
Jer_34:3............thou/shalt go to Babylon/Yet 1319/1616
Jer_34:4............Thou/shalt not die by/the 1320/1616
Jer_34:5............thou/shalt die in peace/and 1321/1616
Jer_34:14...........thou/shalt let him go free from thee but/your 1322/1616
Jer_36:6............thou/shalt read them/in.. 1323/1616
Jer_36:29...........thou/shalt say to Jehoiakim/king 1324/1616
Jer_37:17...........thou/shalt be delivered/into 1325/1616
Jer_38:17...........thou/shalt live and thine/house 1326/1616
Jer_38:18...........thou/shalt not escape out of their hand And/Zedekiah 1327/1616
Jer_38:23...........thou/shalt not escape out of their hand but/shalt 1328/1616
Jer_38:23............but/shalt be taken/by... 1329/1616
Jer_38:23...........thou/shalt cause this/city 1330/1616
Jer_38:24...........thou/shalt not die But/if 1331/1616
Jer_38:26...........thou/shalt say unto them I/presented 1332/1616
Jer_39:17...........thou/shalt not be given/into 1333/1616
Jer_39:18...........thou/shalt not fall/by... 1334/1616
Jer_40:16...........Thou/shalt not do this/thing 1335/1616
Jer_45:4............Thus/shalt thou say unto him/The 1336/1616
Jer_46:11...........vain/shalt thou use/many. 1337/1616
Jer_46:11...........thou/shalt not be cured/The 1338/1616
Jer_48:2............thou/shalt be cut down/O. 1339/1616
Jer_48:7............thou/shalt also be taken/and 1340/1616
Jer_49:12...........thou/shalt not go unpunished/but 1341/1616
Jer_49:12...........thou/shalt surely drink/of 1342/1616
Jer_51:26...........thou/shalt be desolate for/ever 1343/1616
Jer_51:61............and/shalt see and shalt/read 1344/1616
Jer_51:61............and/shalt read all/these 1345/1616
Jer_51:62...........Then/shalt thou say O/LORD 1346/1616
Jer_51:63...........thou/shalt bind a/stone.. 1347/1616
Jer_51:64...........thou/shalt say Thus shall/Babylon 1348/1616
Lam_4:21............thou/shalt be drunken and/shalt 1349/1616
Lam_4:21.............and/shalt make thyself/naked 1350/1616
Eze_2:4.............thou/shalt say unto them Thus saith the Lord GOD And/they 1351/1616
Eze_2:7.............thou/shalt speak my/words 1352/1616
Eze_3:18............Thou/shalt surely die and thou givest/him 1353/1616
Eze_3:25............thou/shalt not go out/among 1354/1616
Eze_3:26............thou/shalt be dumb and shalt/not 1355/1616
Eze_3:26.............and/shalt not be to them/a 1356/1616
Eze_3:27............thou/shalt say unto them Thus saith the Lord GOD He/that 1357/1616
Eze_4:3.............thou/shalt lay siege/against 1358/1616
Eze_4:4.............thou/shalt lie upon it/thou 1359/1616
Eze_4:4.............thou/shalt bear their/iniquity 1360/1616 thou bear the iniquity/of 1361/1616
Eze_4:6.............thou/shalt bear the/iniquity 1362/1616
Eze_4:7.............thou/shalt set thy/face.. 1363/1616
Eze_4:7.............thou/shalt prophesy against/it 1364/1616
Eze_4:8.............thou/shalt not turn thee/from 1365/1616
Eze_4:9.............thou/shalt lie upon thy/side 1366/1616
Eze_4:9.............days/shalt thou eat thereof/And 1367/1616
Eze_4:10............thou/shalt eat shall/be.. 1368/1616
Eze_4:10............time/shalt thou eat it Thou/shalt 1369/1616
Eze_4:11............Thou/shalt drink also/water 1370/1616
Eze_4:11............time/shalt thou drink/And 1371/1616
Eze_4:12............thou/shalt eat it as/barley 1372/1616
Eze_4:12............thou/shalt bake/it....... 1373/1616
Eze_4:15............thou/shalt prepare thy/bread 1374/1616
Eze_5:2.............Thou/shalt burn with fire a/third 1375/1616
Eze_5:2.............thou/shalt take a third/part 1376/1616
Eze_5:2.............thou/shalt scatter/in.... 1377/1616
Eze_5:3.............Thou/shalt also take thereof/a 1378/1616
Eze_8:6.............thou/shalt see greater abominations And/he 1379/1616
Eze_8:13............thou/shalt see greater abominations that/they 1380/1616
Eze_8:15............thou/shalt see greater abominations than/these 1381/1616
Eze_12:3............thou/shalt remove/from... 1382/1616
Eze_12:4............Then/shalt thou bring forth thy/stuff 1383/1616
Eze_12:4............thou/shalt go forth at/even 1384/1616
Eze_12:6...........sight/shalt thou bear it/upon 1385/1616
Eze_12:6............thou/shalt cover/thy..... 1386/1616
Eze_16:41...........also/shalt give no/hire.. 1387/1616
Eze_16:43...........thou/shalt not commit this/lewdness 1388/1616
Eze_16:61...........thou/shalt remember thy/ways 1389/1616
Eze_16:61...........thou/shalt receive thy/sisters 1390/1616
Eze_16:62...........thou/shalt know that I am the LORD That/thou 1391/1616
Eze_21:7............thou/shalt answer/For.... 1392/1616
Eze_21:32...........Thou/shalt be for fuel/to 1393/1616
Eze_21:32...........thou/shalt be no more remembered/for 1394/1616
Eze_22:2............thou/shalt shew her/all.. 1395/1616
Eze_22:16...........thou/shalt take thine/inheritance 1396/1616
Eze_22:16...........thou/shalt know that I am the LORD And the/word 1397/1616
Eze_23:27...........thou/shalt not lift up thine/eyes 1398/1616
Eze_23:32...........Thou/shalt drink of thy/sister's 1399/1616
Eze_23:32...........thou/shalt be laughed/to. 1400/1616
Eze_23:33...........Thou/shalt be filled/with 1401/1616
Eze_23:34...........Thou/shalt even drink/it. 1402/1616
Eze_23:34...........thou/shalt break the/sherds 1403/1616
Eze_24:13...........thou/shalt not be purged/from 1404/1616
Eze_24:16........neither/shalt thou mourn/nor 1405/1616
Eze_24:27...........thou/shalt speak and be/no 1406/1616
Eze_24:27...........thou/shalt be a sign/unto 1407/1616
Eze_25:7............thou/shalt know that I am the LORD Thus/saith 1408/1616
Eze_26:14...........thou/shalt be a place/to. 1409/1616
Eze_26:14...........thou/shalt be built no/more 1410/1616
Eze_26:21...........thou/shalt be no more though/thou 1411/1616
Eze_26:21............yet/shalt thou never/be. 1412/1616
Eze_27:34...........thou/shalt be broken by/the 1413/1616
Eze_27:36...........thou/shalt be a terror and never shalt be/any 1414/1616
Eze_27:36..........never/shalt be any/more... 1415/1616
Eze_28:8............thou/shalt die the deaths of them/that 1416/1616
Eze_28:9............thou/shalt be a man/and.. 1417/1616
Eze_28:10...........Thou/shalt die the deaths of the/uncircumcised 1418/1616
Eze_28:19...........thou/shalt be a terror and never shalt thou/be 1419/1616
Eze_28:19..........never/shalt thou be any/more 1420/1616
Eze_29:5............thou/shalt fall upon the open fields/thou 1421/1616
Eze_29:5............thou/shalt not be brought/together 1422/1616
Eze_31:18............yet/shalt thou be brought/down 1423/1616
Eze_31:18...........thou/shalt lie in/the.... 1424/1616
Eze_32:28...........thou/shalt be broken in/the 1425/1616
Eze_32:28............and/shalt lie with/them. 1426/1616
Eze_33:7............thou/shalt hear the/word. 1427/1616
Eze_33:8............thou/shalt surely die if thou/dost 1428/1616
Eze_33:14...........Thou/shalt surely die if he/turn 1429/1616
Eze_35:4............thou/shalt be desolate and/thou 1430/1616
Eze_35:4............thou/shalt know that I am the LORD Because/thou 1431/1616
Eze_35:12...........thou/shalt know that I am the LORD and that/I 1432/1616
Eze_35:15...........thou/shalt be desolate O/mount 1433/1616
Eze_36:12...........thou/shalt be their/inheritance 1434/1616
Eze_36:12...........thou/shalt no more henceforth/bereave 1435/1616
Eze_36:14...........thou/shalt devour/men.... 1436/1616
Eze_36:15........neither/shalt thou bear the reproach/of 1437/1616
Eze_36:15........neither/shalt thou cause thy/nations 1438/1616
Eze_38:8............thou/shalt be visited in/the 1439/1616
Eze_38:8............thou/shalt come into the land/that 1440/1616
Eze_38:9............Thou/shalt ascend/and.... 1441/1616
Eze_38:9............thou/shalt be like a cloud/to 1442/1616
Eze_38:10...........thou/shalt think/an...... 1443/1616
Eze_38:11...........thou/shalt say I will go/up 1444/1616
Eze_38:14.........safely/shalt thou not know/it 1445/1616
Eze_38:15...........thou/shalt come from/thy. 1446/1616
Eze_38:16...........thou/shalt come up against/my 1447/1616
Eze_39:4............Thou/shalt fall upon the mountains/of 1448/1616
Eze_39:5............Thou/shalt fall upon the open field/for 1449/1616
Eze_43:19...........thou/shalt give to/the... 1450/1616
Eze_43:20...........thou/shalt take of the blood thereof/and 1451/1616
Eze_43:20...........thus/shalt thou cleanse/and 1452/1616
Eze_43:21...........Thou/shalt take the bullock/also 1453/1616
Eze_43:22...........thou/shalt offer a kid/of 1454/1616
Eze_43:23...........thou/shalt offer a young/bullock 1455/1616
Eze_43:24...........thou/shalt offer them/before 1456/1616
Eze_43:25...........days/shalt thou prepare every/day 1457/1616
Eze_44:6............thou/shalt say to the rebellious/even 1458/1616
Eze_45:3.........measure/shalt thou measure/the 1459/1616
Eze_45:18...........thou/shalt take a young/bullock 1460/1616
Eze_45:20...........thou/shalt do the/seventh 1461/1616
Eze_46:13...........Thou/shalt daily/prepare. 1462/1616
Eze_46:13...........thou/shalt prepare it/every 1463/1616
Eze_46:14...........thou/shalt prepare a/meat 1464/1616
Dan_4:26............thou/shalt have known/that 1465/1616
Dan_5:16............thou/shalt be clothed/with 1466/1616
Dan_5:16.............and/shalt be the third/ruler 1467/1616
Dan_12:13...........thou/shalt rest and stand/in 1468/1616
Hos_2:16............thou/shalt call me Ishi/and 1469/1616
Hos_2:16.............and/shalt call me no/more 1470/1616
Hos_2:20............thou/shalt know the/LORD. 1471/1616
Hos_3:3.............Thou/shalt abide/for..... 1472/1616
Hos_3:3.............thou/shalt not play/the.. 1473/1616
Hos_3:3.............thou/shalt not be for/another 1474/1616
Hos_4:5........Therefore/shalt thou fall/in.. 1475/1616
Hos_4:6.............thou/shalt be no priest/to 1476/1616
Hos_13:4............thou/shalt know no/god... 1477/1616
Amo_7:17............thou/shalt die in a/polluted 1478/1616
Oba_1:10............thou/shalt be cut off for/ever 1479/1616
Mic_1:14.......Therefore/shalt thou give presents/to 1480/1616
Mic_2:5.............thou/shalt have none that/shall 1481/1616 thou go forth/out 1482/1616
Mic_4:10............thou/shalt dwell in the field/and 1483/1616
Mic_4:10............thou/shalt go even/to.... 1484/1616
Mic_4:10...........there/shalt thou be delivered there/the 1485/1616
Mic_4:13............thou/shalt beat in/pieces 1486/1616
Mic_5:12............thou/shalt have no more/soothsayers 1487/1616
Mic_5:13............thou/shalt no more worship/the 1488/1616
Mic_6:14............Thou/shalt eat but/not... 1489/1616
Mic_6:14............thou/shalt take hold/but. 1490/1616
Mic_6:14.............but/shalt not deliver and/that 1491/1616
Mic_6:15............Thou/shalt sow but/thou.. 1492/1616
Mic_6:15............thou/shalt not reap thou/shalt 1493/1616
Mic_6:15............thou/shalt tread the/olives 1494/1616
Mic_6:15............thou/shalt not anoint thee/with 1495/1616
Mic_6:15.............but/shalt not drink/wine 1496/1616
Nah_3:11............also/shalt be drunken thou/shalt 1497/1616
Nah_3:11............thou/shalt be hid thou/also 1498/1616
Nah_3:11............also/shalt seek strength/because 1499/1616
Hab_2:7.............thou/shalt be for booties/unto 1500/1616 thou not be ashamed/for 1501/1616
Zep_3:11............thou/shalt no more be haughty/because 1502/1616
Zep_3:15............thou/shalt not see evil/any 1503/1616
Zec_2:11............thou/shalt know that the LORD of hosts hath sent me unto thee/And 1504/1616
Zec_3:7.............thou/shalt also judge/my. 1505/1616
Zec_3:7..............and/shalt also keep/my.. 1506/1616
Zec_4:7.............thou/shalt become a/plain 1507/1616
Zec_4:9.............thou/shalt know that the LORD of hosts hath sent me unto you/For 1508/1616
Zec_13:3............Thou/shalt not live/for.. 1509/1616
Mat_1:21............thou/shalt call his name JESUS for/he 1510/1616
Mat_4:7.............Thou/shalt not tempt the Lord thy God Again/the 1511/1616
Mat_4:10............Thou/shalt worship the Lord thy God and him only shalt thou serve Then/the 1512/1616
Mat_4:10............only/shalt thou serve Then/the 1513/1616
Mat_5:21............Thou/shalt not kill and/whosoever 1514/1616
Mat_5:26............Thou/shalt by/no......... 1515/1616
Mat_5:27............Thou/shalt not commit adultery But/I 1516/1616
Mat_5:33............Thou/shalt not forswear/thyself 1517/1616
Mat_5:33.............but/shalt perform/unto.. 1518/1616
Mat_5:36.........Neither/shalt thou swear/by. 1519/1616
Mat_5:43............Thou/shalt love thy neighbour and/hate 1520/1616
Mat_6:5.............thou/shalt not be as/the. 1521/1616
Mat_7:5.............then/shalt thou see clearly to cast/out 1522/1616
Mat_11:23.........heaven/shalt be brought down to hell for/if 1523/1616
Mat_12:37...........thou/shalt be justified/and 1524/1616
Mat_12:37...........thou/shalt be condemned/Then 1525/1616
Mat_16:19...........thou/shalt bind on/earth. 1526/1616
Mat_16:19...........thou/shalt loose/on...... 1527/1616
Mat_17:27...........thou/shalt find a/piece.. 1528/1616
Mat_19:18...........Thou/shalt do no murder/Thou 1529/1616
Mat_19:18...........Thou/shalt not commit adultery Thou shalt not steal Thou shalt not bear false witness Honour/thy 1530/1616
Mat_19:18...........Thou/shalt not steal Thou shalt not bear false witness Honour/thy 1531/1616
Mat_19:18...........Thou/shalt not bear false witness Honour/thy 1532/1616
Mat_19:19...........Thou/shalt love thy neighbour as thyself The/young 1533/1616
Mat_19:21...........thou/shalt have treasure in heaven and come and/follow 1534/1616
Mat_22:37...........Thou/shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy mind This/is 1535/1616
Mat_22:39...........Thou/shalt love thy neighbour as thyself On/these 1536/1616
Mat_26:34...........thou/shalt deny me thrice Peter/said 1537/1616
Mat_26:75...........thou/shalt deny me thrice And he/went 1538/1616
Mar_6:23............thou/shalt ask/of........ 1539/1616
Mar_10:21...........thou/shalt have treasure in heaven and come take/up 1540/1616
Mar_12:30...........thou/shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy mind and/with 1541/1616
Mar_12:31...........Thou/shalt love thy neighbour as thyself There/is 1542/1616
Mar_14:30...........thou/shalt deny me thrice But/he 1543/1616
Mar_14:72...........thou/shalt deny me thrice And when/he 1544/1616
Luk_1:13............thou/shalt call his name John/And 1545/1616
Luk_1:14............thou/shalt have joy/and.. 1546/1616
Luk_1:20............thou/shalt be dumb and not/able 1547/1616
Luk_1:31............thou/shalt conceive in/thy 1548/1616
Luk_1:31.............and/shalt call his name JESUS He/shall 1549/1616
Luk_1:76...........child/shalt be called the prophet/of 1550/1616
Luk_1:76............thou/shalt go before/the. 1551/1616
Luk_4:8.............Thou/shalt worship the Lord thy God and him only shalt thou serve And/he 1552/1616
Luk_4:8.............only/shalt thou serve And he/brought 1553/1616
Luk_4:12............Thou/shalt not tempt the Lord thy God And/when 1554/1616
Luk_5:10............thou/shalt catch/men..... 1555/1616
Luk_6:42............then/shalt thou see clearly to pull/out 1556/1616
Luk_10:15.........heaven/shalt be thrust/down 1557/1616
Luk_10:27...........Thou/shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy strength/and 1558/1616
Luk_10:28...........thou/shalt live But/he... 1559/1616
Luk_12:59...........thou/shalt not depart/thence 1560/1616
Luk_13:9............thou/shalt cut it down And he/was 1561/1616
Luk_14:10...........then/shalt thou have worship/in 1562/1616
Luk_14:14...........thou/shalt be blessed for/they 1563/1616
Luk_14:14...........thou/shalt be recompensed/at 1564/1616
Luk_17:4............thou/shalt forgive/him... 1565/1616
Luk_17:8............thou/shalt eat and/drink. 1566/1616
Luk_18:22...........thou/shalt have treasure in heaven and come follow/me 1567/1616
Luk_22:34...........thou/shalt thrice/deny... 1568/1616
Luk_22:61...........thou/shalt deny me thrice And Peter/went 1569/1616 thou be with/me 1570/1616
Joh_1:33............thou/shalt see the Spirit/descending 1571/1616
Joh_1:42............thou/shalt be called Cephas/which 1572/1616
Joh_1:50............thou/shalt see greater things/than 1573/1616
Joh_13:7............thou/shalt know hereafter/Peter 1574/1616
Joh_13:8............Thou/shalt never/wash.... 1575/1616
Joh_13:36...........thou/shalt follow/me..... 1576/1616
Joh_21:18...........thou/shalt be old/thou... 1577/1616
Joh_21:18...........thou/shalt stretch forth thy/hands 1578/1616
Act_2:28............thou/shalt make me full/of 1579/1616
Act_13:11...........thou/shalt be blind/not.. 1580/1616
Act_13:35...........Thou/shalt not suffer thine/Holy 1581/1616
Act_16:31...........thou/shalt be saved and/thy 1582/1616
Act_22:15...........thou/shalt be his/witness 1583/1616
Act_23:5............Thou/shalt not speak/evil 1584/1616
Act_25:12.........Caesar/shalt thou go And after/certain 1585/1616
Act_25:22...........thou/shalt hear him/And.. 1586/1616
Rom_2:3.............thou/shalt escape the/judgment 1587/1616
Rom_7:7.............Thou/shalt not covet But/sin 1588/1616
Rom_10:9............thou/shalt confess/with.. 1589/1616
Rom_10:9.............and/shalt believe/in.... 1590/1616
Rom_10:9............thou/shalt be saved For/with 1591/1616
Rom_11:22...........also/shalt be cut off And/they 1592/1616
Rom_12:20...........thou/shalt heap coals of fire on/his 1593/1616
Rom_13:3............thou/shalt have praise/of 1594/1616
Rom_13:9............Thou/shalt not commit adultery Thou shalt not kill/Thou 1595/1616
Rom_13:9............Thou/shalt not kill Thou shalt not steal/Thou 1596/1616
Rom_13:9............Thou/shalt not steal Thou shalt not bear false witness Thou/shalt 1597/1616
Rom_13:9............Thou/shalt not bear false witness Thou/shalt 1598/1616
Rom_13:9............Thou/shalt not covet and/if 1599/1616
Rom_13:9............Thou/shalt love thy neighbour as thyself Love/worketh 1600/1616
1Co_7:16............thou/shalt save thy husband/or 1601/1616
1Co_7:16............thou/shalt save thy wife/But 1602/1616
1Co_9:9.............Thou/shalt not muzzle the mouth/of 1603/1616
1Co_14:16...........thou/shalt bless with/the 1604/1616
Gal_5:14............Thou/shalt love thy neighbour as thyself But/if 1605/1616
1Ti_4:6.............thou/shalt be a good/minister 1606/1616
1Ti_4:16............thou/shalt both save/thyself 1607/1616
1Ti_5:18............Thou/shalt not muzzle the ox that/treadeth 1608/1616
Heb_1:12.........vesture/shalt thou fold/them 1609/1616
Jam_2:8.............Thou/shalt love thy neighbour as thyself ye/do 1610/1616
3Jn_1:6.............thou/shalt do well/Because 1611/1616
Rev_2:10............thou/shalt suffer/behold. 1612/1616
Rev_3:3.............thou/shalt not watch/I... 1613/1616
Rev_3:3.............thou/shalt not know what/hour 1614/1616
Rev_16:5.............and/shalt be because/thou 1615/1616
Rev_18:14...........thou/shalt find them/no.. 1616/1616