Exo_22:27.....his/skin wherein shall/he.... 1/77
Exo_29:14.....his/skin and his/dung........ 2/77
Exo_34:29.....the/skin of his face shone while/he 3/77
Exo_34:30.....the/skin of his face shone and/they 4/77
Exo_34:35.....the/skin of Moses'/face...... 5/77
Lev_4:11......the/skin of the bullock/and.. 6/77
Lev_7:8.......the/skin of the burnt/offering 7/77
Lev_11:32......or/skin or sack/whatsoever.. 8/77
Lev_13:2......the/skin of his flesh a/rising 9/77
Lev_13:2......the/skin of his flesh like/the 10/77
Lev_13:3......the/skin of the flesh and/when 11/77
Lev_13:3......the/skin of his flesh it/is. 12/77
Lev_13:4......the/skin of his flesh and in/sight 13/77
Lev_13:4......the/skin and the hair thereof be not/turned 14/77
Lev_13:5......the/skin then the priest shall shut/him 15/77
Lev_13:6......the/skin the priest shall pronounce/him 16/77
Lev_13:7......the/skin after that/he...... 17/77
Lev_13:8......the/skin then the priest shall pronounce him unclean it is a leprosy/When 18/77
Lev_13:10.....the/skin and it/have........ 19/77
Lev_13:11.....the/skin of his flesh and the/priest 20/77
Lev_13:12.....the/skin and the leprosy/cover 21/77
Lev_13:12.....the/skin of him/that........ 22/77
Lev_13:18.....the/skin thereof/was........ 23/77
Lev_13:20.....the/skin and the hair thereof be turned/white 24/77
Lev_13:21.....the/skin but be somewhat dark then the priest shall shut him up seven days And if/it 25/77
Lev_13:22.....the/skin then the priest shall pronounce him unclean it is a plague/But 26/77
Lev_13:24.....the/skin whereof/there...... 27/77
Lev_13:25.....the/skin it is a leprosy/broken 28/77
Lev_13:26...other/skin but be somewhat dark then the priest shall shut him up seven days And the/priest 29/77
Lev_13:27.....the/skin then the priest shall pronounce him unclean it is the/plague 30/77
Lev_13:28.....the/skin but it/be.......... 31/77
Lev_13:30.....the/skin and there/be....... 32/77
Lev_13:31.....the/skin and that/there..... 33/77
Lev_13:32.....the/skin He shall/be........ 34/77
Lev_13:34.....the/skin nor/be............. 35/77
Lev_13:34.....the/skin then the priest shall pronounce him clean/and 36/77
Lev_13:35.....the/skin after his/cleansing 37/77
Lev_13:36.....the/skin the priest shall not/seek 38/77
Lev_13:38.....the/skin of their flesh bright/spots 39/77
Lev_13:39.....the/skin of their flesh be/darkish 40/77
Lev_13:39.....the/skin he is/clean........ 41/77
Lev_13:43.....the/skin of the flesh He/is. 42/77
Lev_13:48.......a/skin or in any thing/made 43/77
Lev_13:48......of/skin And if/the......... 44/77
Lev_13:49.....the/skin either/in.......... 45/77
Lev_13:49......of/skin it is a plague/of.. 46/77
Lev_13:51.......a/skin or in any work/that 47/77
Lev_13:51......of/skin the plague/is...... 48/77
Lev_13:52......of/skin wherein the/plague. 49/77
Lev_13:53......of/skin Then the priest shall command/that 50/77
Lev_13:56.....the/skin or out/of.......... 51/77
Lev_13:57......of/skin it is a spreading/plague 52/77
Lev_13:58......of/skin it be/which........ 53/77
Lev_15:17...every/skin whereon/is......... 54/77
Num_19:5......her/skin and her/flesh...... 55/77
Job_2:4......said/Skin for/skin........... 56/77
Job_2:4.......for/skin yea/all............ 57/77
Job_7:5........my/skin is broken/and...... 58/77
Job_10:11....with/skin and flesh/and...... 59/77
Job_16:15......my/skin and defiled/my..... 60/77
Job_18:13.....his/skin even/the........... 61/77
Job_19:20......my/skin and to/my.......... 62/77
Job_19:20.....the/skin of my/teeth........ 63/77
Job_19:26......my/skin worms/destroy...... 64/77
Job_30:30......My/skin is black/upon...... 65/77
Job_41:7......his/skin with/barbed........ 66/77
Psa_102:5......my/skin I/am............... 67/77
Jer_13:23.....his/skin or the/leopard..... 68/77
Lam_3:4........my/skin hath/he............ 69/77
Lam_4:8.....their/skin cleaveth/to........ 70/77
Lam_5:10......Our/skin was/black.......... 71/77
Eze_16:10badgers'/skin and I/girded....... 72/77
Eze_37:6.....with/skin and put/breath..... 73/77
Eze_37:8......the/skin covered/them....... 74/77
Mic_3:2.....their/skin from off them and their/flesh 75/77
Mic_3:3.....their/skin from off them and they/break 76/77
Mar_1:6.........a/skin about/his.......... 77/77
Gen_3:21.......of/skins and clothed/them... 1/24
Gen_27:16.....the/skins of the/kids........ 2/24
Exo_25:5....rams'/skins dyed red and badgers' skins and shittim wood Oil/for 3/24
Exo_25:5.badgers'/skins and shittim wood Oil/for 4/24
Exo_26:14...rams'/skins dyed red and a covering above/of 5/24
Exo_26:14badgers'/skins And thou/shalt..... 6/24
Exo_35:7....rams'/skins dyed red and badgers' skins and shittim wood And/oil 7/24
Exo_35:7.badgers'/skins and shittim wood And/oil 8/24
Exo_35:23.....red/skins of rams/and........ 9/24
Exo_35:23badgers'/skins brought/them...... 10/24
Exo_36:19...rams'/skins dyed red and a covering of/badgers' 11/24
Exo_36:19badgers'/skins above/that........ 12/24
Exo_39:34...rams'/skins dyed red and the/covering 13/24
Exo_39:34badgers'/skins and the/vail...... 14/24
Lev_13:59......of/skins to/pronounce...... 15/24
Lev_16:27...their/skins and their/flesh... 16/24
Num_4:6..badgers'/skins and shall spread/over 17/24
Num_4:8..badgers'/skins and shall put in/the 18/24
Num_4:10.badgers'/skins and shall put it/upon 19/24
Num_4:11.badgers'/skins and shall put to/the 20/24
Num_4:12.badgers'/skins and shall put them/on 21/24
Num_4:14.badgers'/skins and put/to........ 22/24
Num_4:25.badgers'/skins that/is........... 23/24
Num_31:20......of/skins and all/work...... 24/24