Gen_10:19.....unto/Sodom and Gomorrah and Admah/and 1/48
Gen_13:10destroyed/Sodom and Gomorrah even/as 2/48
Gen_13:12...toward/Sodom But the/men........ 3/48
Gen_13:13.......of/Sodom were/wicked........ 4/48
Gen_14:2........of/Sodom and with/Birsha.... 5/48
Gen_14:8........of/Sodom and the king/of.... 6/48
Gen_14:10.......of/Sodom and Gomorrah fled/and 7/48
Gen_14:11.......of/Sodom and Gomorrah and all/their 8/48 and his/goods...... 9/48
Gen_14:17.......of/Sodom went/out.......... 10/48
Gen_14:21.......of/Sodom said/unto......... 11/48
Gen_14:22.......of/Sodom I/have............ 12/48
Gen_18:16...toward/Sodom and Abraham/went.. 13/48
Gen_18:20.......of/Sodom and Gomorrah is/great 14/48
Gen_18:22...toward/Sodom but Abraham/stood. 15/48 fifty/righteous... 16/48 at/even........... 17/48
Gen_19:1........of/Sodom and Lot/seeing.... 18/48
Gen_19:4........of/Sodom compassed/the..... 19/48
Gen_19:24.....upon/Sodom and upon/Gomorrah. 20/48
Gen_19:28...toward/Sodom and Gomorrah and toward/all 21/48
Deu_29:23.......of/Sodom and Gomorrah Admah/and 22/48
Deu_32:32.......of/Sodom and of/the........ 23/48 and we/should..... 24/48
Isa_1:10........of/Sodom give/ear.......... 25/48 they/hide......... 26/48
Isa_13:19overthrew/Sodom and Gomorrah It/shall 27/48 and the inhabitants/thereof 28/48
Jer_49:18.......of/Sodom and Gomorrah and the neighbour cities thereof saith the LORD no/man 29/48
Jer_50:40overthrew/Sodom and Gomorrah and the neighbour cities thereof saith the LORD so/shall 30/48
Lam_4:6.........of/Sodom that/was.......... 31/48 and her daughters Yet/hast 32/48
Eze_16:48......GOD/Sodom thy/sister........ 33/48
Eze_16:49...sister/Sodom pride/fulness..... 34/48
Eze_16:53.......of/Sodom and her daughters and/the 35/48
Eze_16:55..sisters/Sodom and her daughters shall/return 36/48
Eze_16:56...sister/Sodom was/not........... 37/48
Amo_4:11.overthrew/Sodom and Gomorrah and ye/were 38/48 and the children/of 39/48
Mat_10:15.......of/Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment than for that city Behold/I 40/48 it would/have..... 41/48
Mat_11:24.......of/Sodom in/the............ 42/48
Mar_6:11.......for/Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment than for that city And/they 43/48
Luk_10:12......for/Sodom than/for.......... 44/48
Luk_17:29.......of/Sodom it rained/fire.... 45/48
2Pe_2:6.........of/Sodom and Gomorrha into/ashes 46/48 and Gomorrha and/the 47/48
Rev_11:8....called/Sodom and Egypt/where... 48/48 1/1
Deu_23:17........a/sodomite/of............... 1/1
1Ki_14:24.....also/sodomites in/the.......... 1/4
1Ki_15:12......the/sodomites out/of.......... 2/4
1Ki_22:46......the/sodomites which/remained.. 3/4
2Ki_23:7.......the/sodomites that/were....... 4/4