2Sa_5:14.........and/Solomon Ibhar/also...... 1/279
2Sa_12:24.......name/Solomon and the LORD/loved 2/279
1Ki_1:10.........and/Solomon his brother/he.. 3/279
1Ki_1:11..........of/Solomon saying Hast/thou 4/279
1Ki_1:12.........son/Solomon Go/and.......... 5/279
1Ki_1:13...Assuredly/Solomon thy son shall reign after me and he shall sit upon my throne why/then 6/279
1Ki_1:17...Assuredly/Solomon thy son shall reign after me and he shall sit upon my throne And/now 7/279
1Ki_1:19.........but/Solomon thy servant/hath 8/279
1Ki_1:21.........son/Solomon shall be counted/offenders 9/279
1Ki_1:26.....servant/Solomon hath/he........ 10/279
1Ki_1:30...Assuredly/Solomon thy son shall reign after me and he shall sit upon my throne in/my 11/279
1Ki_1:33.......cause/Solomon my son to ride/upon 12/279
1Ki_1:34........king/Solomon Then/ye........ 13/279
1Ki_1:37........with/Solomon and make/his... 14/279
1Ki_1:38......caused/Solomon to ride/upon... 15/279
1Ki_1:39....anointed/Solomon And they blew/the 16/279
1Ki_1:39........king/Solomon And all the people/came 17/279
1Ki_1:43........made/Solomon king And/the... 18/279
1Ki_1:46........also/Solomon sitteth/on..... 19/279
1Ki_1:47..........of/Solomon better/than.... 20/279
1Ki_1:50..........of/Solomon and arose/and.. 21/279
1Ki_1:51........told/Solomon saying Behold/Adonijah 22/279
1Ki_1:51........king/Solomon for lo/he...... 23/279
1Ki_1:51........king/Solomon swear/unto..... 24/279
1Ki_1:52.........And/Solomon said If/he..... 25/279
1Ki_1:53........king/Solomon sent and they/brought 26/279
1Ki_1:53........king/Solomon and Solomon said/unto 27/279
1Ki_1:53.........and/Solomon said unto him/Go 28/279
1Ki_2:1......charged/Solomon his son saying I/go 29/279
1Ki_2:12.........sat/Solomon upon/the....... 30/279
1Ki_2:13..........of/Solomon And she/said... 31/279
1Ki_2:17........unto/Solomon the king for/he 32/279
1Ki_2:19........king/Solomon to speak/unto.. 33/279
1Ki_2:22........king/Solomon answered/and... 34/279
1Ki_2:23........king/Solomon sware/by....... 35/279
1Ki_2:25........king/Solomon sent by/the.... 36/279
1Ki_2:27..........So/Solomon thrust/out..... 37/279
1Ki_2:29........king/Solomon that Joab/was.. 38/279
1Ki_2:29........Then/Solomon sent Benaiah/the 39/279
1Ki_2:41........told/Solomon that Shimei/had 40/279
1Ki_2:45........king/Solomon shall be blessed/and 41/279
1Ki_2:46..........of/Solomon And Solomon made/affinity 42/279
1Ki_3:1..........And/Solomon made affinity/with 43/279
1Ki_3:3..........And/Solomon loved the/LORD. 44/279
1Ki_3:4..........did/Solomon offer upon/that 45/279
1Ki_3:5...........to/Solomon in a/dream..... 46/279
1Ki_3:6..........And/Solomon said Thou/hast. 47/279
1Ki_3:10........that/Solomon had asked/this. 48/279
1Ki_3:15.........And/Solomon awoke/and...... 49/279
1Ki_4:1.........king/Solomon was king/over.. 50/279
1Ki_4:7..........And/Solomon had twelve/officers 51/279
1Ki_4:11..........of/Solomon to wife Baana/the 52/279
1Ki_4:15..........of/Solomon to wife Baanah/the 53/279
1Ki_4:21.........And/Solomon reigned over/all 54/279
1Ki_4:21......served/Solomon all/the........ 55/279
1Ki_4:25..........of/Solomon And Solomon had/forty 56/279
1Ki_4:26.........And/Solomon had forty/thousand 57/279
1Ki_4:27........king/Solomon and for/all.... 58/279
1Ki_4:29........gave/Solomon wisdom and/understanding 59/279
1Ki_4:34..........of/Solomon from/all....... 60/279
1Ki_5:1.........unto/Solomon for he/had..... 61/279
1Ki_5:2..........And/Solomon sent to Hiram/saying 62/279
1Ki_5:7...........of/Solomon that he/rejoiced 63/279
1Ki_5:8...........to/Solomon saying I/have.. 64/279
1Ki_5:10........gave/Solomon cedar/trees.... 65/279
1Ki_5:11.........And/Solomon gave Hiram twenty thousand/measures 66/279
1Ki_5:11........gave/Solomon to Hiram/year.. 67/279
1Ki_5:12........gave/Solomon wisdom as/he... 68/279
1Ki_5:12.........and/Solomon and they two/made 69/279
1Ki_5:13........king/Solomon raised a/levy.. 70/279
1Ki_5:15.........And/Solomon had threescore/and 71/279
1Ki_6:2.........king/Solomon built for/the.. 72/279
1Ki_6:11..........to/Solomon saying Concerning/this 73/279
1Ki_6:14..........So/Solomon built the/house 74/279
1Ki_6:21..........So/Solomon overlaid/the... 75/279
1Ki_7:1..........But/Solomon was building/his 76/279
1Ki_7:8.........work/Solomon made also/an... 77/279
1Ki_7:13........king/Solomon sent and fetched/Hiram 78/279
1Ki_7:14........king/Solomon and wrought/all 79/279
1Ki_7:40........king/Solomon for the house of the LORD The/two 80/279
1Ki_7:45........king/Solomon for the house of the LORD were/of 81/279
1Ki_7:47.........And/Solomon left/all....... 82/279
1Ki_7:48.........And/Solomon made all the vessels that pertained/unto 83/279
1Ki_7:51........king/Solomon made for the house of the LORD And/Solomon 84/279
1Ki_7:51.........And/Solomon brought in the/things 85/279
1Ki_8:1.........Then/Solomon assembled the elders of Israel and all the heads of the tribes the chief of the fathers of the children of Israel unto king/Solomon 86/279
1Ki_8:1.........king/Solomon in Jerusalem/that 87/279
1Ki_8:2.........king/Solomon at/the......... 88/279
1Ki_8:5.........king/Solomon and all the congregation of Israel that were assembled unto him were/with 89/279
1Ki_8:12.......spake/Solomon The LORD said/that 90/279
1Ki_8:22.........And/Solomon stood/before... 91/279
1Ki_8:54........when/Solomon had made an end of praying all/this 92/279
1Ki_8:63.........And/Solomon offered a sacrifice of peace/offerings 93/279
1Ki_8:65........time/Solomon held/a......... 94/279
1Ki_9:1.........when/Solomon had finished/the 95/279
1Ki_9:2...........to/Solomon the second/time 96/279
1Ki_9:10........when/Solomon had built the two/houses 97/279
1Ki_9:11...furnished/Solomon with cedar/trees 98/279
1Ki_9:11........king/Solomon gave Hiram twenty cities/in 99/279
1Ki_9:12.......which/Solomon had given/him. 100/279
1Ki_9:15........king/Solomon raised for/to. 101/279
1Ki_9:17.........And/Solomon built Gezer/and 102/279
1Ki_9:19........that/Solomon had and cities/for 103/279
1Ki_9:19.......which/Solomon desired to build in Jerusalem and in Lebanon and in/all 104/279
1Ki_9:21.........did/Solomon levy/a........ 105/279
1Ki_9:22.........did/Solomon make no bondmen/but 106/279
1Ki_9:24.......which/Solomon had built for/her 107/279
1Ki_9:25.........did/Solomon offer burnt/offerings 108/279
1Ki_9:26........king/Solomon made a/navy... 109/279
1Ki_9:27..........of/Solomon And they came/to 110/279
1Ki_9:28........king/Solomon And when the queen of Sheba heard of the fame of Solomon concerning/the 111/279
1Ki_10:1..........of/Solomon concerning/the 112/279
1Ki_10:2..........to/Solomon she communed with him of all that was in her heart And Solomon told her all her questions there/was 113/279
1Ki_10:3.........And/Solomon told her all her questions there/was 114/279
1Ki_10:10.......king/Solomon And the navy/also 115/279
1Ki_10:13.......king/Solomon gave unto/the. 116/279
1Ki_10:13......which/Solomon gave her/of... 117/279
1Ki_10:14.........to/Solomon in one year was six hundred threescore/and 118/279
1Ki_10:16.......king/Solomon made two hundred targets of beaten gold six hundred shekels of gold/went 119/279
1Ki_10:21.........of/Solomon For the king/had 120/279
1Ki_10:23.......king/Solomon exceeded/all.. 121/279
1Ki_10:24.........to/Solomon to hear his wisdom which/God 122/279
1Ki_10:26........And/Solomon gathered together/chariots 123/279
1Ki_10:28........And/Solomon had horses brought out of Egypt and linen yarn the king's merchants received the linen yarn at a price And a/chariot 124/279
1Ki_11:1........king/Solomon loved many/strange 125/279
1Ki_11:2........gods/Solomon clave/unto.... 126/279
1Ki_11:4........when/Solomon was old/that.. 127/279
1Ki_11:5.........For/Solomon went after/Ashtoreth 128/279
1Ki_11:6.........And/Solomon did/evil...... 129/279
1Ki_11:7.........did/Solomon build/an...... 130/279
1Ki_11:9........with/Solomon because his/heart 131/279
1Ki_11:11.......unto/Solomon Forasmuch/as.. 132/279
1Ki_11:14.......unto/Solomon Hadad/the..... 133/279
1Ki_11:25.........of/Solomon beside/the.... 134/279
1Ki_11:27.......king/Solomon built Millo/and 135/279
1Ki_11:28........and/Solomon seeing/the.... 136/279
1Ki_11:31.........of/Solomon and will/give. 137/279
1Ki_11:40.......ever/Solomon sought/therefore 138/279
1Ki_11:40.........of/Solomon And the rest/of 139/279
1Ki_11:41.........of/Solomon and all that/he 140/279
1Ki_11:41.........of/Solomon And the time/that 141/279
1Ki_11:42.......that/Solomon reigned in Jerusalem over all Israel was/forty 142/279
1Ki_11:43........And/Solomon slept with his fathers and was/buried 143/279
1Ki_12:2........king/Solomon and Jeroboam/dwelt 144/279
1Ki_12:6......before/Solomon his father while he yet lived and/said 145/279
1Ki_12:21.........of/Solomon But/the....... 146/279
1Ki_12:23.........of/Solomon king of Judah and unto/all 147/279
1Ki_14:21.........of/Solomon reigned in Judah/Rehoboam 148/279
1Ki_14:26......which/Solomon had made And/king 149/279
2Ki_21:7..........to/Solomon his son In this house and in Jerusalem which I have chosen out/of 150/279
2Ki_23:13......which/Solomon the king of/Israel 151/279
2Ki_24:13......which/Solomon king of Israel had/made 152/279
2Ki_25:16......which/Solomon had made for/the 153/279
1Ch_3:5..........and/Solomon four/of....... 154/279
1Ch_6:10........that/Solomon built in/Jerusalem 155/279
1Ch_6:32.......until/Solomon had built the house of the LORD in/Jerusalem 156/279
1Ch_14:4.........and/Solomon And Ibhar/and. 157/279
1Ch_18:8...wherewith/Solomon made the/brasen 158/279
1Ch_22:5........said/Solomon my son is/young 159/279
1Ch_22:6.........for/Solomon his son and charged/him 160/279
1Ch_22:7..........to/Solomon My son as/for. 161/279
1Ch_22:9..........be/Solomon and I/will.... 162/279
1Ch_22:17.......help/Solomon his son saying Is/not 163/279
1Ch_23:1........made/Solomon his son king/over 164/279
1Ch_28:5......chosen/Solomon my son to sit/upon 165/279
1Ch_28:6..........me/Solomon thy son he/shall 166/279
1Ch_28:9........thou/Solomon my son know/thou 167/279
1Ch_28:11.........to/Solomon his son the/pattern 168/279
1Ch_28:20.........to/Solomon his son Be/strong 169/279
1Ch_29:1congregation/Solomon my son whom/alone 170/279
1Ch_29:19.......unto/Solomon my son a/perfect 171/279
1Ch_29:22.......made/Solomon the son of David king the/second 172/279
1Ch_29:23.......Then/Solomon sat/on........ 173/279
1Ch_29:24.......unto/Solomon the king And/the 174/279
1Ch_29:25..magnified/Solomon exceedingly/in 175/279
1Ch_29:28........and/Solomon his son reigned/in 176/279
2Ch_1:1..........And/Solomon the son of David was/strengthened 177/279
2Ch_1:2.........Then/Solomon spake/unto.... 178/279
2Ch_1:3...........So/Solomon and all the congregation with/him 179/279
2Ch_1:5..........and/Solomon and the congregation/sought 180/279
2Ch_1:6..........And/Solomon went up/thither 181/279
2Ch_1:7.........unto/Solomon and said/unto. 182/279
2Ch_1:8..........And/Solomon said unto God/Thou 183/279
2Ch_1:11..........to/Solomon Because this/was 184/279
2Ch_1:13........Then/Solomon came/from..... 185/279
2Ch_1:14.........And/Solomon gathered chariots/and 186/279
2Ch_1:16.........And/Solomon had horses brought out of Egypt and linen yarn the king's merchants received the linen yarn at a price And they/fetched 187/279
2Ch_2:1..........And/Solomon determined/to. 188/279
2Ch_2:2..........And/Solomon told out/threescore 189/279
2Ch_2:3..........And/Solomon sent to Huram/the 190/279
2Ch_2:11..........to/Solomon Because the/LORD 191/279
2Ch_2:17.........And/Solomon numbered/all.. 192/279
2Ch_3:1.........Then/Solomon began/to...... 193/279
2Ch_3:3......wherein/Solomon was instructed/for 194/279
2Ch_4:11........king/Solomon for the house of God/To 195/279
2Ch_4:16........king/Solomon for the house of the LORD of/bright 196/279
2Ch_4:18........Thus/Solomon made all these/vessels 197/279
2Ch_4:19.........And/Solomon made all the vessels that were/for 198/279
2Ch_5:1.........that/Solomon made for the house of the LORD was/finished 199/279
2Ch_5:1..........and/Solomon brought in all/the 200/279
2Ch_5:2.........Then/Solomon assembled the elders of Israel and all the heads of the tribes the chief of the fathers of the children of Israel unto Jerusalem/to 201/279
2Ch_5:6.........king/Solomon and all the congregation of Israel that were assembled unto him before/the 202/279
2Ch_6:1.........said/Solomon The LORD hath/said 203/279
2Ch_6:13.........For/Solomon had made a/brasen 204/279
2Ch_7:1.........when/Solomon had made an end of praying the/fire 205/279
2Ch_7:5.........king/Solomon offered a sacrifice of twenty/and 206/279
2Ch_7:7.....Moreover/Solomon hallowed/the.. 207/279
2Ch_7:7........which/Solomon had made was/not 208/279
2Ch_7:8.........time/Solomon kept/the...... 209/279
2Ch_7:10..........to/Solomon and to/Israel. 210/279
2Ch_7:11........Thus/Solomon finished/the.. 211/279
2Ch_7:12..........to/Solomon by/night...... 212/279
2Ch_8:1......wherein/Solomon had built the house of the LORD and/his 213/279
2Ch_8:2...........to/Solomon Solomon/built. 214/279
2Ch_8:2......Solomon/Solomon built them/and 215/279
2Ch_8:3..........And/Solomon went to/Hamathzobah 216/279
2Ch_8:6.........that/Solomon had and all/the 217/279
2Ch_8:6.........that/Solomon desired to build in Jerusalem and in Lebanon and throughout/all 218/279
2Ch_8:8..........did/Solomon make to/pay... 219/279
2Ch_8:9..........did/Solomon make no servants/for 220/279
2Ch_8:11.........And/Solomon brought up/the 221/279
2Ch_8:12........Then/Solomon offered burnt/offerings 222/279
2Ch_8:16..........of/Solomon was prepared/unto 223/279
2Ch_8:17........went/Solomon to Eziongeber/and 224/279
2Ch_8:18..........of/Solomon to Ophir/and.. 225/279
2Ch_8:18........king/Solomon And when the queen of Sheba heard of the fame of Solomon she/came 226/279
2Ch_9:1...........of/Solomon she came/to... 227/279
2Ch_9:1........prove/Solomon with hard/questions 228/279
2Ch_9:1...........to/Solomon she communed with him of all that was in her heart And Solomon told her all her questions and/there 229/279
2Ch_9:2..........And/Solomon told her all her questions and/there 230/279
2Ch_9:2.........from/Solomon which he/told. 231/279
2Ch_9:3...........of/Solomon and the house/that 232/279
2Ch_9:9.........king/Solomon And the servants/also 233/279
2Ch_9:10..........of/Solomon which brought/gold 234/279
2Ch_9:12........king/Solomon gave to/the... 235/279
2Ch_9:13..........to/Solomon in one year was six hundred and/threescore 236/279
2Ch_9:14..........to/Solomon And king/Solomon 237/279
2Ch_9:15........king/Solomon made two hundred targets of beaten gold six hundred shekels of beaten/gold 238/279
2Ch_9:20........king/Solomon were/of....... 239/279
2Ch_9:20..........of/Solomon For the king's/ships 240/279
2Ch_9:22........king/Solomon passed/all.... 241/279
2Ch_9:23..........of/Solomon to hear his wisdom that/God 242/279
2Ch_9:25.........And/Solomon had four/thousand 243/279
2Ch_9:28........unto/Solomon horses/out.... 244/279
2Ch_9:29..........of/Solomon first/and..... 245/279
2Ch_9:30.........And/Solomon reigned in Jerusalem over all Israel forty/years 246/279
2Ch_9:31.........And/Solomon slept with his fathers and he/was 247/279
2Ch_10:2..........of/Solomon the king heard/it 248/279
2Ch_10:6......before/Solomon his father while he yet lived saying/What 249/279
2Ch_11:3..........of/Solomon king of Judah and to/all 250/279
2Ch_11:17.........of/Solomon strong/three.. 251/279
2Ch_11:17........and/Solomon And Rehoboam/took 252/279
2Ch_12:9.......which/Solomon had made Instead/of 253/279
2Ch_13:6..........of/Solomon the son of David is/risen 254/279
2Ch_13:7..........of/Solomon when/Rehoboam. 255/279
2Ch_30:26.........of/Solomon the son of David king of Israel there/was 256/279
2Ch_33:7..........to/Solomon his son In this house and in Jerusalem which I have chosen before/all 257/279
2Ch_35:3.......which/Solomon the son of David king of Israel did/build 258/279
2Ch_35:4..........of/Solomon his son And stand/in 259/279
Neh_12:45.........of/Solomon his son For/in 260/279
Neh_13:26........not/Solomon king of Israel sin/by 261/279
Pro_1:1...........of/Solomon the son of David king of Israel To/know 262/279
Pro_10:1..........of/Solomon A/wise........ 263/279
Pro_25:1..........of/Solomon which the/men. 264/279
Son_1:5...........of/Solomon Look/not...... 265/279
Son_3:9.........King/Solomon made himself/a 266/279
Son_3:11........king/Solomon with the/crown 267/279
Son_8:11......favour/Solomon had a/vineyard 268/279
Son_8:12...........O/Solomon must/have..... 269/279
Jer_52:20.......king/Solomon had made in/the 270/279
Mat_1:6........begat/Solomon of/her........ 271/279
Mat_1:7..........And/Solomon begat/Roboam.. 272/279
Mat_6:29........even/Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these Wherefore/if 273/279
Mat_12:42.........of/Solomon and behold a greater than Solomon is here When/the 274/279
Mat_12:42.......than/Solomon is here When/the 275/279
Luk_11:31.........of/Solomon and behold a greater than Solomon is here The/men 276/279
Luk_11:31.......than/Solomon is here The/men 277/279
Luk_12:27.......that/Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these If/then 278/279
Act_7:47.........But/Solomon built him/an.. 279/279
1Ki_4:22.........And/Solomon's provision/for.. 1/25
1Ki_4:27........king/Solomon's table/every.... 2/25
1Ki_4:30.........And/Solomon's wisdom excelled/the 3/25
1Ki_5:16..........of/Solomon's officers which/were 4/25
1Ki_5:18.........And/Solomon's builders/and... 5/25
1Ki_6:1...........of/Solomon's reign/over..... 6/25
1Ki_9:1..........all/Solomon's desire/which... 7/25
1Ki_9:16....daughter/Solomon's wife/And....... 8/25
1Ki_9:23........over/Solomon's work/five...... 9/25
1Ki_10:4.........all/Solomon's wisdom and/the 10/25
1Ki_10:21.......king/Solomon's drinking/vessels 11/25
1Ki_11:26.....Zereda/Solomon's servant/whose. 12/25
1Ch_3:10.........And/Solomon's son/was....... 13/25
2Ch_7:11........into/Solomon's heart/to...... 14/25
2Ch_8:10........king/Solomon's officers even/two 15/25
Ezr_2:55..........of/Solomon's servants the children of Sotai the children of Sophereth the children of Peruda/The 16/25
Ezr_2:58..........of/Solomon's servants were three hundred ninety and two And these were they which went up from/Telmelah 17/25
Neh_7:57..........of/Solomon's servants the children of Sotai the children of Sophereth the children of Perida/The 18/25
Neh_7:60..........of/Solomon's servants were three hundred ninety and two And these were they which went up also/from 19/25
Neh_11:3..........of/Solomon's servants And/at 20/25
Son_1:1...........is/Solomon's Let/him....... 21/25
Son_3:7...........is/Solomon's threescore/valiant 22/25
Joh_10:23.........in/Solomon's porch Then/came 23/25
Act_3:11......called/Solomon's greatly/wondering 24/25
Act_5:12..........in/Solomon's porch And/of.. 25/25