Gen_5:4......begat/sons and daughters And all the days that/Adam 1/1116
Gen_5:7......begat/sons and daughters And all the days of Seth/were 2/1116
Gen_5:10.....begat/sons and daughters And all the days of Enos/were 3/1116
Gen_5:13.....begat/sons and daughters And all the days of Cainan/were 4/1116
Gen_5:16.....begat/sons and daughters And all the days of Mahalaleel/were 5/1116
Gen_5:19.....begat/sons and daughters And all the days of Jared/were 6/1116
Gen_5:22.....begat/sons and daughters And all the days of Enoch/were 7/1116
Gen_5:26.....begat/sons and daughters And all the days of Methuselah/were 8/1116
Gen_5:30.....begat/sons and daughters And all the days of Lamech/were 9/1116
Gen_6:2........the/sons of God saw/the... 10/1116
Gen_6:4........the/sons of God came in/unto 11/1116
Gen_6:10.....three/sons Shem/Ham......... 12/1116
Gen_6:18.......thy/sons and thy wife/and. 13/1116
Gen_6:18.......thy/sons' wives with thee And/of 14/1116
Gen_7:7........his/sons and his wife and his sons' wives with him into/the 15/1116
Gen_7:7........his/sons' wives with him into/the 16/1116
Gen_7:13.......the/sons of Noah and Noah's/wife 17/1116
Gen_7:13.......his/sons with them/into... 18/1116
Gen_8:16.......thy/sons and thy sons' wives/with 19/1116
Gen_8:16.......thy/sons' wives with thee Bring/forth 20/1116
Gen_8:18.......his/sons and his wife and his sons' wives with him Every/beast 21/1116
Gen_8:18.......his/sons' wives with him Every/beast 22/1116
Gen_9:1........his/sons and said unto/them 23/1116
Gen_9:8........his/sons with him saying/And 24/1116
Gen_9:18.......the/sons of Noah that/went 25/1116
Gen_9:19.....three/sons of Noah and of/them 26/1116
Gen_10:1.......the/sons of Noah Shem/Ham. 27/1116
Gen_10:1......were/sons born after/the... 28/1116
Gen_10:2.......The/sons of Japheth Gomer and Magog and Madai and Javan and Tubal and Meshech and Tiras And the sons of Gomer Ashkenaz/and 29/1116
Gen_10:3.......the/sons of Gomer Ashkenaz/and 30/1116
Gen_10:4.......the/sons of Javan Elishah and Tarshish Kittim and Dodanim By/these 31/1116
Gen_10:6.......the/sons of Ham Cush and Mizraim and/Phut 32/1116
Gen_10:7.......the/sons of Cush Seba and Havilah and Sabtah/and 33/1116
Gen_10:7.......the/sons of Raamah Sheba and Dedan And Cush begat Nimrod he began to be a/mighty 34/1116
Gen_10:20......the/sons of Ham after/their 35/1116
Gen_10:25......two/sons the name of one/was 36/1116
Gen_10:29......the/sons of Joktan And/their 37/1116
Gen_10:31......the/sons of Shem after/their 38/1116
Gen_10:32......the/sons of Noah after/their 39/1116
Gen_11:11....begat/sons and daughters And Arphaxad/lived 40/1116
Gen_11:13....begat/sons and daughters And Salah/lived 41/1116
Gen_11:15....begat/sons and daughters And Eber/lived 42/1116
Gen_11:17....begat/sons and daughters And Peleg/lived 43/1116
Gen_11:19....begat/sons and daughters And Reu/lived 44/1116
Gen_11:21....begat/sons and daughters And Serug/lived 45/1116
Gen_11:23....begat/sons and daughters And Nahor/lived 46/1116
Gen_11:25....begat/sons and daughters And Terah/lived 47/1116
Gen_11:31......his/son's son and/Sarai... 48/1116
Gen_16:15......his/son's name which/Hagar 49/1116
Gen_19:12......thy/sons and thy daughters and whatsoever/thou 50/1116
Gen_19:14......his/sons in law which/married 51/1116
Gen_19:14......his/sons in law And/when.. 52/1116's son but/according 53/1116
Gen_23:3.......the/sons of Heth saying/I. 54/1116
Gen_23:11......the/sons of my people/give 55/1116
Gen_23:16......the/sons of Heth four/hundred 56/1116
Gen_23:20......the/sons of Heth And/Abraham 57/1116
Gen_24:51.master's/son's wife as/the..... 58/1116
Gen_25:3.......the/sons of Dedan/were.... 59/1116
Gen_25:4.......the/sons of Midian Ephah and Epher and Hanoch/and 60/1116
Gen_25:6.......the/sons of the concubines which/Abraham 61/1116
Gen_25:9.......his/sons Isaac/and........ 62/1116
Gen_25:10......the/sons of Heth there/was 63/1116
Gen_25:13......the/sons of Ishmael by/their 64/1116
Gen_25:16......the/sons of Ishmael and/these 65/1116's venison that my/soul 66/1116
Gen_27:29.mother's/sons bow/down......... 67/1116
Gen_27:31......his/son's venison that thy/soul 68/1116
Gen_29:34....three/sons therefore was/his 69/1116
Gen_30:14......thy/son's mandrakes And she/said 70/1116's mandrakes also/And 71/1116
Gen_30:15......thy/son's mandrakes And Jacob/came 72/1116's mandrakes And he/lay 73/1116
Gen_30:20......six/sons and she/called... 74/1116
Gen_30:35......his/sons And he set/three. 75/1116
Gen_31:1...Laban's/sons saying Jacob/hath 76/1116
Gen_31:17......his/sons and his wives/upon 77/1116 and my/daughters. 78/1116
Gen_31:55......his/sons and his daughters and blessed/them 79/1116
Gen_32:22...eleven/sons and passed/over.. 80/1116
Gen_34:5.......his/sons were with/his.... 81/1116
Gen_34:7.......the/sons of Jacob came out/of 82/1116
Gen_34:13......the/sons of Jacob answered/Shechem 83/1116
Gen_34:25......the/sons of Jacob Simeon/and 84/1116
Gen_34:27......The/sons of Jacob came upon/the 85/1116
Gen_35:5.......the/sons of Jacob So/Jacob 86/1116
Gen_35:22......the/sons of Jacob were/twelve 87/1116
Gen_35:23......The/sons of Leah Reuben/Jacob's 88/1116
Gen_35:24......The/sons of Rachel Joseph/and 89/1116
Gen_35:25......the/sons of Bilhah Rachel's/handmaid 90/1116
Gen_35:26......the/sons of Zilpah Leah's/handmaid 91/1116
Gen_35:26......the/sons of Jacob which/were 92/1116
Gen_35:29......his/sons Esau/and......... 93/1116
Gen_36:5.......the/sons of Esau which/were 94/1116
Gen_36:6.......his/sons and his daughters and all/the 95/1116
Gen_36:10...Esau's/sons Eliphaz/the...... 96/1116
Gen_36:11......the/sons of Eliphaz were/Teman 97/1116
Gen_36:12......the/sons of Adah Esau's/wife 98/1116
Gen_36:13......the/sons of Reuel Nahath and/Zerah 99/1116
Gen_36:13......the/sons of Bashemath Esau's wife And these were/the 100/1116
Gen_36:14......the/sons of Aholibamah the/daughter 101/1116
Gen_36:15......the/sons of Esau the/sons 102/1116
Gen_36:15......the/sons of Eliphaz the/firstborn 103/1116
Gen_36:16......the/sons of Adah And/these 104/1116
Gen_36:17......the/sons of Reuel Esau's/son 105/1116
Gen_36:17......the/sons of Bashemath Esau's wife And these are/the 106/1116
Gen_36:18......the/sons of Aholibamah Esau's/wife 107/1116
Gen_36:19......the/sons of Esau who/is.. 108/1116
Gen_36:20......the/sons of Seir the/Horite 109/1116
Gen_37:2.......the/sons of Bilhah and/with 110/1116
Gen_37:2.......the/sons of Zilpah his/father's 111/1116
Gen_37:32......thy/son's coat or/no..... 112/1116's coat an/evil... 113/1116
Gen_37:35......his/sons and all his daughters/rose 114/1116
Gen_41:50......two/sons before/the...... 115/1116
Gen_42:1.......his/sons Why do/ye....... 116/1116
Gen_42:5.......the/sons of Israel came/to 117/1116's/sons we/are.......... 118/1116
Gen_42:13......the/sons of one man/in... 119/1116
Gen_42:32.brethren/sons of our/father... 120/1116
Gen_42:37......two/sons if/I............ 121/1116
Gen_44:27......two/sons And the one/went 122/1116
Gen_46:5.......the/sons of Israel carried/Jacob 123/1116
Gen_46:7.......His/sons and his sons' sons with/him 124/1116
Gen_46:7.......his/sons' sons with/him.. 125/1116
Gen_46:7.....sons'/sons with him his/daughters 126/1116
Gen_46:7.......his/sons' daughters/and.. 127/1116
Gen_46:8.......his/sons Reuben/Jacob's.. 128/1116
Gen_46:9.......the/sons of Reuben Hanoch/and 129/1116
Gen_46:10......the/sons of Simeon Jemuel and Jamin and Ohad and Jachin and Zohar and Shaul the son of a Canaanitish woman And/the 130/1116
Gen_46:11......the/sons of Levi Gershon Kohath and Merari And the sons of Judah/Er 131/1116
Gen_46:12......the/sons of Judah Er and Onan and Shelah and/Pharez 132/1116
Gen_46:12......the/sons of Pharez were Hezron/and 133/1116
Gen_46:13......the/sons of Issachar Tola/and 134/1116
Gen_46:14......the/sons of Zebulun Sered/and 135/1116
Gen_46:15......the/sons of Leah which/she 136/1116
Gen_46:15......his/sons and his daughters were thirty/and 137/1116
Gen_46:16......the/sons of Gad Ziphion/and 138/1116
Gen_46:17......the/sons of Asher Jimnah/and 139/1116
Gen_46:17......the/sons of Beriah Heber and Malchiel These/are 140/1116
Gen_46:18......the/sons of Zilpah whom/Laban 141/1116
Gen_46:19......The/sons of Rachel Jacob's/wife 142/1116
Gen_46:21......the/sons of Benjamin were/Belah 143/1116
Gen_46:22......the/sons of Rachel which/were 144/1116
Gen_46:23......the/sons of Dan Hushim/And 145/1116
Gen_46:24......the/sons of Naphtali Jahzeel/and 146/1116
Gen_46:25......the/sons of Bilhah which/Laban 147/1116
Gen_46:26..Jacob's/sons' wives all/the.. 148/1116
Gen_46:27......the/sons of Joseph which/were 149/1116
Gen_48:1.......two/sons Manasseh/and.... 150/1116
Gen_48:5.......two/sons Ephraim/and..... 151/1116
Gen_48:8..Joseph's/sons and said Who/are 152/1116 whom God/hath... 153/1116
Gen_49:1.......his/sons and said Gather/yourselves 154/1116 of Jacob and hearken/unto 155/1116
Gen_49:33......his/sons he gathered/up.. 156/1116
Gen_50:12......his/sons did unto him/according 157/1116
Gen_50:13......his/sons carried/him..... 158/1116
Exo_3:22......your/sons and upon your/daughters 159/1116
Exo_4:20.......his/sons and set them/upon 160/1116
Exo_6:14.......The/sons of Reuben the firstborn of Israel Hanoch/and 161/1116
Exo_6:15.......the/sons of Simeon Jemuel and Jamin and Ohad and Jachin and Zohar and Shaul the son of a Canaanitish woman these/are 162/1116
Exo_6:16.......the/sons of Levi according/to 163/1116
Exo_6:17.......The/sons of Gershon Libni/and 164/1116
Exo_6:18.......the/sons of Kohath Amram and/Izhar 165/1116
Exo_6:19.......the/sons of Merari Mahali/and 166/1116
Exo_6:21.......the/sons of Izhar Korah/and 167/1116
Exo_6:22.......the/sons of Uzziel Mishael/and 168/1116
Exo_6:24.......the/sons of Korah/Assir.. 169/1116
Exo_10:2.......thy/son's son what/things 170/1116
Exo_10:9.......our/sons and with/our.... 171/1116
Exo_12:24......thy/sons for ever And it/shall 172/1116
Exo_18:3.......two/sons of which/the.... 173/1116
Exo_18:5.......his/sons and his wife unto/Moses 174/1116
Exo_18:6.......two/sons with her/And.... 175/1116
Exo_21:4.......him/sons or daughters the/wife 176/1116
Exo_22:29......thy/sons shalt/thou...... 177/1116
Exo_27:21......his/sons shall order/it.. 178/1116
Exo_28:1.......his/sons with him from/among 179/1116
Exo_28:1...Aaron's/sons And thou shalt make/holy 180/1116
Exo_28:4.......his/sons that he/may..... 181/1116
Exo_28:40..Aaron's/sons thou shalt make/coats 182/1116
Exo_28:41......his/sons with him and shalt/anoint 183/1116
Exo_28:43......his/sons when/they....... 184/1116
Exo_29:4.......his/sons thou shalt bring/unto 185/1116
Exo_29:8.......his/sons and put coats upon them And thou/shalt 186/1116
Exo_29:9.......his/sons and put the/bonnets 187/1116
Exo_29:9.......his/sons And thou shalt cause/a 188/1116
Exo_29:10......his/sons shall put their hands upon the head of the bullock/And 189/1116
Exo_29:15......his/sons shall put their hands upon the head of the ram And/thou 190/1116
Exo_29:19......his/sons shall put their hands upon the head of the ram Then/shalt 191/1116
Exo_29:20......his/sons and upon the thumb/of 192/1116
Exo_29:21......his/sons and upon the garments/of 193/1116
Exo_29:21......his/sons with him and he/shall 194/1116
Exo_29:21......his/sons and his sons' garments with him Also/thou 195/1116
Exo_29:21......his/sons' garments with him Also/thou 196/1116
Exo_29:24......his/sons and shalt wave/them 197/1116
Exo_29:27......his/sons And it/shall.... 198/1116
Exo_29:28......his/sons' by a statute for ever from the/children 199/1116
Exo_29:29......his/sons' after/him...... 200/1116
Exo_29:32......his/sons shall eat the/flesh 201/1116
Exo_29:35......his/sons according to all/things 202/1116
Exo_29:44......his/sons to minister to/me 203/1116
Exo_30:19......his/sons shall wash/their 204/1116
Exo_30:30......his/sons and consecrate/them 205/1116
Exo_31:10......his/sons to minister in the priest's office And the/anointing 206/1116
Exo_32:2......your/sons and of your/daughters 207/1116
Exo_32:26......the/sons of Levi gathered/themselves 208/1116
Exo_34:16......thy/sons and their daughters go/a 209/1116
Exo_34:16......thy/sons go a/whoring.... 210/1116
Exo_34:20......thy/sons thou shalt redeem/And 211/1116
Exo_35:19......his/sons to minister in the priest's office And all/the 212/1116
Exo_39:27......his/sons And a/mitre..... 213/1116
Exo_39:41......his/sons' garments to/minister 214/1116
Exo_40:12......his/sons unto the/door... 215/1116
Exo_40:14......his/sons and clothe/them. 216/1116
Exo_40:31......his/sons washed/their.... 217/1116
Lev_1:5....Aaron's/sons shall bring/the. 218/1116
Lev_1:7........the/sons of Aaron the priest/shall 219/1116
Lev_1:8....Aaron's/sons shall lay/the... 220/1116
Lev_1:11...Aaron's/sons shall sprinkle his/blood 221/1116
Lev_2:2....Aaron's/sons the priests and he/shall 222/1116
Lev_2:3........his/sons' it is a thing most holy of the offerings of the LORD made by fire And/if 223/1116
Lev_2:10.......his/sons' it is a thing most holy of the offerings of the LORD made by fire No/meat 224/1116
Lev_3:2....Aaron's/sons the priests shall/sprinkle 225/1116
Lev_3:5....Aaron's/sons shall burn/it... 226/1116
Lev_3:8....Aaron's/sons shall sprinkle the/blood 227/1116
Lev_3:13.......the/sons of Aaron shall sprinkle/the 228/1116
Lev_6:9........his/sons saying This is the law of the burnt/offering 229/1116
Lev_6:14.......the/sons of Aaron shall offer/it 230/1116
Lev_6:16.......his/sons eat/with........ 231/1116
Lev_6:20.......his/sons which they/shall 232/1116
Lev_6:22.......his/sons that is/anointed 233/1116
Lev_6:25.......his/sons saying This is the law of the sin/offering 234/1116
Lev_7:10.......the/sons of Aaron have/one 235/1116
Lev_7:31.......his/sons' And the right/shoulder 236/1116
Lev_7:33.......the/sons of Aaron that offereth/the 237/1116
Lev_7:34.......his/sons by a statute for ever from among/the 238/1116
Lev_7:35.......his/sons out/of.......... 239/1116
Lev_8:2........his/sons with him and the/garments 240/1116
Lev_8:6........his/sons and washed/them. 241/1116
Lev_8:13...Aaron's/sons and put coats upon them and girded/them 242/1116
Lev_8:14.......his/sons laid their hands upon the head of the bullock/for 243/1116
Lev_8:18.......his/sons laid their hands upon the head of the ram And he killed/it 244/1116
Lev_8:22.......his/sons laid their hands upon the head of the ram And he slew/it 245/1116
Lev_8:24...Aaron's/sons and Moses put/of 246/1116
Lev_8:27.......his/sons' hands/and...... 247/1116
Lev_8:30.......his/sons and upon his/sons' 248/1116
Lev_8:30.......his/sons' garments with him and sanctified/Aaron 249/1116
Lev_8:30.......his/sons and his sons' garments with him And/Moses 250/1116
Lev_8:30.......his/sons' garments with him And Moses/said 251/1116
Lev_8:31.......his/sons Boil/the........ 252/1116
Lev_8:31.......his/sons shall eat it/And 253/1116
Lev_8:36.......his/sons did all/things.. 254/1116
Lev_9:1........his/sons and the elders/of 255/1116
Lev_9:9........the/sons of Aaron brought/the 256/1116
Lev_9:12...Aaron's/sons presented unto him the blood which he sprinkled round/about 257/1116
Lev_9:18...Aaron's/sons presented unto him the blood which he sprinkled upon/the 258/1116
Lev_10:1.......the/sons of Aaron took/either 259/1116
Lev_10:4.......the/sons of Uzziel the/uncle 260/1116
Lev_10:6.......his/sons Uncover/not..... 261/1116
Lev_10:9.......thy/sons with thee when/ye 262/1116
Lev_10:12......his/sons that were left/Take 263/1116
Lev_10:13......thy/sons' due of/the..... 264/1116
Lev_10:14......thy/sons and thy daughters with thee for/they 265/1116
Lev_10:14......thy/sons' due which/are.. 266/1116
Lev_10:15......thy/sons' with thee by/a. 267/1116
Lev_10:16......the/sons of Aaron which/were 268/1116
Lev_13:2.......his/sons the priests And the/priest 269/1116
Lev_16:1.......two/sons of Aaron when/they 270/1116
Lev_17:2.......his/sons and unto all the children of Israel and say unto them This/is 271/1116
Lev_18:10......thy/son's daughter or of/thy 272/1116
Lev_18:15......thy/son's wife thou/shalt 273/1116
Lev_18:17......her/son's daughter or her/daughter's 274/1116
Lev_21:1.......the/sons of Aaron and say/unto 275/1116
Lev_21:24......his/sons and unto all the children of Israel And the/LORD 276/1116
Lev_22:2.......his/sons that they/separate 277/1116
Lev_22:18......his/sons and unto all the children of Israel and say unto them Whatsoever/he 278/1116
Lev_24:9.......his/sons' and they shall eat/it 279/1116
Lev_26:29.....your/sons and the flesh of your/daughters 280/1116
Num_2:14.......the/sons of Gad shall/be. 281/1116
Num_2:18.......the/sons of Ephraim shall/be 282/1116
Num_2:22.......the/sons of Benjamin shall/be 283/1116
Num_3:2........the/sons of Aaron Nadab the/firstborn 284/1116
Num_3:3........the/sons of Aaron the priests which were anointed/whom 285/1116
Num_3:9........his/sons they/are........ 286/1116
Num_3:10.......his/sons and they shall wait/on 287/1116
Num_3:17.......the/sons of Levi by/their 288/1116
Num_3:18.......the/sons of Gershon by/their 289/1116
Num_3:19.......the/sons of Kohath by/their 290/1116
Num_3:20.......the/sons of Merari by their/families 291/1116
Num_3:25.......the/sons of Gershon in the tabernacle of the congregation shall/be 292/1116
Num_3:29.......the/sons of Kohath shall pitch/on 293/1116
Num_3:36.......the/sons of Merari shall/be 294/1116
Num_3:38.......his/sons keeping/the..... 295/1116
Num_3:48.......his/sons And Moses took/the 296/1116
Num_3:51.......his/sons according to the/word 297/1116
Num_4:2........the/sons of Kohath from/among 298/1116
Num_4:2........the/sons of Levi after their/families 299/1116
Num_4:4........the/sons of Kohath in the tabernacle of the congregation about/the 300/1116
Num_4:5........his/sons and they shall take/down 301/1116
Num_4:15.......his/sons have made/an.... 302/1116
Num_4:15.......the/sons of Kohath shall come/to 303/1116
Num_4:15.......the/sons of Kohath in the tabernacle of the congregation And/to 304/1116
Num_4:19.......his/sons shall go/in..... 305/1116
Num_4:22.......the/sons of Gershon throughout the/houses 306/1116
Num_4:27.......his/sons shall be all/the 307/1116
Num_4:27.......the/sons of the Gershonites/in 308/1116
Num_4:28.......the/sons of Gershon in the tabernacle of the congregation and/their 309/1116
Num_4:29.......the/sons of Merari thou/shalt 310/1116
Num_4:33.......the/sons of Merari according to/all 311/1116
Num_4:34.......the/sons of the Kohathites after/their 312/1116
Num_4:38.......the/sons of Gershon throughout their/families 313/1116
Num_4:41.......the/sons of Gershon of/all 314/1116
Num_4:42.......the/sons of Merari throughout/their 315/1116
Num_4:45.......the/sons of Merari whom/Moses 316/1116
Num_6:23.......his/sons saying On/this.. 317/1116
Num_7:7........the/sons of Gershon according/to 318/1116
Num_7:8........the/sons of Merari according unto/their 319/1116
Num_7:9........the/sons of Kohath he/gave 320/1116
Num_8:13.......his/sons and offer/them.. 321/1116
Num_8:19.......his/sons from among/the.. 322/1116
Num_8:22.......his/sons as/the.......... 323/1116
Num_10:8.......the/sons of Aaron the priests shall/blow 324/1116
Num_10:17......the/sons of Gershon and/the 325/1116
Num_10:17......the/sons of Merari set/forward 326/1116
Num_13:33......the/sons of Anak which/come 327/1116
Num_16:1.......the/sons of Eliab and/On. 328/1116
Num_16:1....Peleth/sons of Reuben took/men 329/1116 of Levi And Moses/said 330/1116 of Levi Seemeth/it 331/1116
Num_16:10......the/sons of Levi with/thee 332/1116
Num_16:12......the/sons of Eliab which/said 333/1116
Num_16:27....their/sons and their little/children 334/1116
Num_18:1.......thy/sons and thy father's/house 335/1116
Num_18:1.......thy/sons with thee shall bear/the 336/1116
Num_18:2.......thy/sons with thee shall minister/before 337/1116
Num_18:7.......thy/sons with thee shall keep/your 338/1116
Num_18:8.......thy/sons by an/ordinance. 339/1116
Num_18:9.......thy/sons In the most/holy 340/1116
Num_18:11......thy/sons and to/thy...... 341/1116
Num_18:19......thy/sons and thy daughters with thee by/a 342/1116
Num_21:29......his/sons that escaped/and 343/1116
Num_21:35......his/sons and all his people until/there 344/1116
Num_26:8.......the/sons of Pallu/Eliab.. 345/1116
Num_26:9.......the/sons of Eliab Nemuel/and 346/1116
Num_26:12......The/sons of Simeon after/their 347/1116
Num_26:19......The/sons of Judah were Er/and 348/1116
Num_26:20......the/sons of Judah after/their 349/1116
Num_26:21......the/sons of Pharez were of/Hezron 350/1116
Num_26:23......the/sons of Issachar after/their 351/1116
Num_26:26......the/sons of Zebulun after/their 352/1116
Num_26:28......The/sons of Joseph after their families were/Manasseh 353/1116
Num_26:29......the/sons of Manasseh of/Machir 354/1116
Num_26:30......the/sons of Gilead of/Jeezer 355/1116 but daughters and the/names 356/1116
Num_26:35......the/sons of Ephraim after/their 357/1116
Num_26:36......the/sons of Shuthelah/of. 358/1116
Num_26:37......the/sons of Ephraim according/to 359/1116
Num_26:37......the/sons of Joseph after their families The/sons 360/1116
Num_26:38......The/sons of Benjamin after their families of/Bela 361/1116
Num_26:40......the/sons of Bela were Ard/and 362/1116
Num_26:41......the/sons of Benjamin after their families and/they 363/1116
Num_26:42......the/sons of Dan after/their 364/1116
Num_26:45......the/sons of Beriah of/Heber 365/1116
Num_26:47......the/sons of Asher according/to 366/1116
Num_26:48......the/sons of Naphtali after/their 367/1116 Why should/the.. 368/1116
Num_36:1.......the/sons of Joseph came/near 369/1116
Num_36:3.......the/sons of the other/tribes 370/1116
Num_36:5.......the/sons of Joseph hath/said 371/1116
Num_36:11brothers'/sons And they were/married 372/1116
Num_36:12......the/sons of Manasseh the/son 373/1116
Deu_1:28.......the/sons of the Anakims/there 374/1116
Deu_2:33.......his/sons and all his people And/we 375/1116
Deu_4:9........thy/sons and thy sons' sons/Specially 376/1116
Deu_4:9........thy/sons' sons Specially/the 377/1116
Deu_4:9......sons'/sons Specially/the... 378/1116
Deu_6:2........thy/son's son all/the.... 379/1116
Deu_11:6.......the/sons of Eliab the/son 380/1116
Deu_12:12.....your/sons and your daughters and/your 381/1116
Deu_12:31....their/sons and their daughters they/have 382/1116
Deu_18:5.......his/sons for ever And if/a 383/1116
Deu_21:5.......the/sons of Levi shall/come 384/1116
Deu_21:16......his/sons to inherit/that. 385/1116
Deu_23:17......the/sons of Israel Thou/shalt 386/1116
Deu_28:32......Thy/sons and thy daughters shall be/given 387/1116
Deu_28:41....beget/sons and daughters but/thou 388/1116
Deu_28:53......thy/sons and of thy daughters which/the 389/1116
Deu_31:9.......the/sons of Levi which bare/the 390/1116
Deu_32:8.......the/sons of Adam/he...... 391/1116
Deu_32:19......his/sons and of his/daughters 392/1116
Jos_7:24.......his/sons and his daughters and his/oxen 393/1116
Jos_15:14....three/sons of Anak Sheshai/and 394/1116 but daughters and these/are 395/1116
Jos_17:6.......his/sons and the rest/of. 396/1116
Jos_17:6Manasseh's/sons had the/land.... 397/1116
Jos_24:32......the/sons of Hamor/the.... 398/1116
Jdg_1:20.....three/sons of Anak And/the. 399/1116
Jdg_3:6......their/sons and served/their 400/1116
Jdg_8:19.......the/sons of my mother/as. 401/1116
Jdg_8:22.......thy/son's son also/for... 402/1116
Jdg_8:30.......ten/sons of his body/begotten 403/1116
Jdg_9:2........the/sons of Jerubbaal which/are 404/1116
Jdg_9:5........the/sons of Jerubbaal being/threescore 405/1116
Jdg_9:18.......his/sons threescore/and.. 406/1116
Jdg_9:24.......ten/sons of Jerubbaal might/come 407/1116
Jdg_10:4....thirty/sons that rode/on.... 408/1116
Jdg_11:2.......him/sons and his wife's/sons 409/1116
Jdg_11:2....wife's/sons grew/up......... 410/1116
Jdg_12:9....thirty/sons and thirty daughters/whom 411/1116
Jdg_12:9.......his/sons And he judged/Israel 412/1116
Jdg_12:14....forty/sons and thirty nephews/that 413/1116
Jdg_17:5.......his/sons who became/his.. 414/1116
Jdg_17:11......his/sons And Micah/consecrated 415/1116
Jdg_18:30......his/sons were priests/to. 416/1116
Jdg_19:22..certain/sons of Belial beset/the 417/1116
Rut_1:1........two/sons And the name/of. 418/1116
Rut_1:2........two/sons Mahlon/and...... 419/1116
Rut_1:3........two/sons And they took/them 420/1116
Rut_1:5........two/sons and her husband/Then 421/1116
Rut_1:11......more/sons in my/womb...... 422/1116
Rut_1:12......bear/sons Would/ye........ 423/1116 hath born/him... 424/1116
1Sa_1:3........two/sons of Eli Hophni and Phinehas the/priests 425/1116
1Sa_1:4........her/sons and her daughters portions/But 426/1116
1Sa_1:8........ten/sons So Hannah/rose.. 427/1116
1Sa_2:12.......the/sons of Eli were/sons 428/1116
1Sa_2:12......were/sons of Belial they/knew 429/1116
1Sa_2:21.....three/sons and two/daughters 430/1116
1Sa_2:22.......his/sons did unto all/Israel 431/1116 for it/is....... 432/1116
1Sa_2:29.......thy/sons above/me........ 433/1116
1Sa_2:34.......two/sons on/Hophni....... 434/1116
1Sa_3:13.......his/sons made/themselves. 435/1116
1Sa_4:4........two/sons of Eli Hophni and Phinehas were there/with 436/1116
1Sa_4:11.......two/sons of Eli Hophni and Phinehas were slain/And 437/1116
1Sa_4:17.......two/sons also Hophni/and. 438/1116
1Sa_8:1........his/sons judges/over..... 439/1116
1Sa_8:3........his/sons walked/not...... 440/1116
1Sa_8:5........thy/sons walk/not........ 441/1116
1Sa_8:11......your/sons and appoint/them 442/1116 are with you and I/have 443/1116
1Sa_14:49......the/sons of Saul were/Jonathan 444/1116
1Sa_16:1.......his/sons And Samuel/said. 445/1116
1Sa_16:5.......his/sons and called/them. 446/1116
1Sa_16:10......his/sons to pass before/Samuel 447/1116
1Sa_17:12....eight/sons and the man/went 448/1116
1Sa_17:13...eldest/sons of Jesse/went... 449/1116
1Sa_17:13....three/sons that went/to.... 450/1116
1Sa_22:20......the/sons of Ahimelech/the 451/1116
1Sa_28:19......thy/sons be with/me...... 452/1116
1Sa_30:3.....their/sons and their daughters were/taken 453/1116
1Sa_30:6.......his/sons and for/his..... 454/1116
1Sa_30:19..neither/sons nor daughters neither/spoil 455/1116
1Sa_31:2.......his/sons and the Philistines slew Jonathan and Abinadab and Melchishua/Saul's 456/1116
1Sa_31:2....Saul's/sons And the battle/went 457/1116
1Sa_31:6.....three/sons and his armourbearer/and 458/1116
1Sa_31:7.......his/sons were dead they/forsook 459/1116
1Sa_31:8.....three/sons fallen in mount Gilboa And they/cut 460/1116
1Sa_31:12......his/sons from the/wall... 461/1116
2Sa_2:18.....three/sons of Zeruiah there/Joab 462/1116
2Sa_3:2.......were/sons born in/Hebron.. 463/1116
2Sa_3:39.......the/sons of Zeruiah be/too 464/1116
2Sa_4:2........the/sons of Rimmon a/Beerothite 465/1116
2Sa_4:5........the/sons of Rimmon the Beerothite Rechab/and 466/1116
2Sa_4:9........the/sons of Rimmon the Beerothite and/said 467/1116
2Sa_5:13.......yet/sons and daughters born/to 468/1116
2Sa_6:3........the/sons of Abinadab/drave 469/1116
2Sa_8:18...David's/sons were chief/rulers 470/1116
2Sa_9:10.......thy/sons and thy servants/shall 471/1116
2Sa_9:10...fifteen/sons and twenty/servants 472/1116
2Sa_9:11....king's/sons And Mephibosheth/had 473/1116
2Sa_13:23...king's/sons And Absalom/came 474/1116
2Sa_13:27...king's/sons go with/him..... 475/1116
2Sa_13:29...king's/sons arose/and....... 476/1116
2Sa_13:30...king's/sons and there/is.... 477/1116
2Sa_13:32...king's/sons for Amnon/only.. 478/1116
2Sa_13:33...king's/sons are dead/for.... 479/1116
2Sa_13:35...king's/sons come as/thy..... 480/1116
2Sa_13:36...king's/sons came and lifted/up 481/1116
2Sa_14:6.......two/sons and they two/strove 482/1116
2Sa_14:27....three/sons and one/daughter 483/1116
2Sa_15:27......two/sons with you/Ahimaaz 484/1116
2Sa_15:36......two/sons Ahimaaz/Zadok's. 485/1116 of Zeruiah so/let 486/1116
2Sa_19:5.......thy/sons and of thy daughters and/the 487/1116
2Sa_19:17..fifteen/sons and his twenty/servants 488/1116 of Zeruiah that/ye 489/1116
2Sa_21:6.......his/sons be delivered/unto 490/1116
2Sa_21:8.......two/sons of Rizpah/the... 491/1116
2Sa_21:8......five/sons of Michal/the... 492/1116
2Sa_21:16......the/sons of the giant the/weight 493/1116
2Sa_21:18......the/sons of the giant And/there 494/1116
2Sa_23:6.......the/sons of Belial shall/be 495/1116
2Sa_23:32......the/sons of Jashen/Jonathan 496/1116
1Ki_1:9.....king's/sons and all the/men. 497/1116
1Ki_1:19.......the/sons of the king/and. 498/1116
1Ki_1:25....king's/sons and the captains/of 499/1116
1Ki_2:7........the/sons of Barzillai/the 500/1116
1Ki_4:3........the/sons of Shisha/scribes 501/1116
1Ki_4:31.......the/sons of Mahol/and.... 502/1116
1Ki_11:20......the/sons of Pharaoh/And.. 503/1116
1Ki_11:35......his/son's hand/and....... 504/1116
1Ki_12:31......the/sons of Levi And Jeroboam/ordained 505/1116
1Ki_13:11......his/sons came and told/him 506/1116
1Ki_13:12......his/sons had seen/what... 507/1116
1Ki_13:13......his/sons Saddle/me....... 508/1116
1Ki_13:27......his/sons saying Saddle/me 509/1116
1Ki_13:31......his/sons saying When/I... 510/1116
1Ki_18:31......the/sons of Jacob unto/whom 511/1116
1Ki_20:35......the/sons of the prophets said unto his/neighbour 512/1116 of Belial before/him 513/1116
1Ki_21:29......his/son's days/will...... 514/1116
2Ki_2:3........the/sons of the prophets that were at Bethel/came 515/1116
2Ki_2:5........the/sons of the prophets that were at Jericho/came 516/1116
2Ki_2:7........the/sons of the prophets went/and 517/1116
2Ki_2:15.......the/sons of the prophets which/were 518/1116
2Ki_4:1........the/sons of the prophets unto/Elisha 519/1116
2Ki_4:1........two/sons to be/bondmen... 520/1116
2Ki_4:4........thy/sons and shalt pour/out 521/1116
2Ki_4:5........her/sons who brought/the. 522/1116
2Ki_4:38.......the/sons of the prophets were/sitting 523/1116
2Ki_4:38.......the/sons of the prophets And/one 524/1116
2Ki_5:22.......the/sons of the prophets give/them 525/1116
2Ki_6:1........the/sons of the prophets said unto Elisha/Behold 526/1116
2Ki_9:26.......his/sons saith/the....... 527/1116
2Ki_10:1...seventy/sons in Samaria/And.. 528/1116
2Ki_10:2..master's/sons are with you and there/are 529/1116
2Ki_10:3..master's/sons and set him/on.. 530/1116
2Ki_10:6..master's/sons and come/to..... 531/1116
2Ki_10:6....king's/sons being/seventy... 532/1116
2Ki_10:7....king's/sons and slew/seventy 533/1116
2Ki_10:8....king's/sons And he said/Lay. 534/1116
2Ki_11:2....king's/sons which were/slain 535/1116
2Ki_15:12......Thy/sons shall sit/on.... 536/1116
2Ki_17:17....their/sons and their daughters to pass through the fire and/used 537/1116
2Ki_19:37......his/sons smote him with the sword and they escaped into the land of Armenia And Esarhaddon his son reigned in his stead In those days was Hezekiah sick unto death And the/prophet 538/1116
2Ki_20:18......thy/sons that shall issue from thee which thou shalt beget shall they take away and they shall be eunuchs in the palace of the king of Babylon Then said Hezekiah unto/Isaiah 539/1116
2Ki_25:7.......the/sons of Zedekiah before his eyes and/put 540/1116
1Ch_1:5........The/sons of Japheth Gomer and Magog and Madai and Javan and Tubal and Meshech and Tiras And the sons of Gomer Ashchenaz/and 541/1116
1Ch_1:6........the/sons of Gomer Ashchenaz/and 542/1116
1Ch_1:7........the/sons of Javan Elishah and Tarshish Kittim and Dodanim The/sons 543/1116
1Ch_1:8........The/sons of Ham Cush and Mizraim Put/and 544/1116
1Ch_1:9........the/sons of Cush Seba and Havilah and Sabta/and 545/1116
1Ch_1:9........the/sons of Raamah Sheba and Dedan And Cush begat Nimrod he began to be mighty/upon 546/1116
1Ch_1:17.......The/sons of Shem Elam/and 547/1116
1Ch_1:19.......two/sons the name of the/one 548/1116
1Ch_1:23.......the/sons of Joktan Shem/Arphaxad 549/1116
1Ch_1:28.......The/sons of Abraham/Isaac 550/1116
1Ch_1:31.......the/sons of Ishmael Now/the 551/1116
1Ch_1:32.......the/sons of Keturah Abraham's/concubine 552/1116
1Ch_1:32.......the/sons of Jokshan/Sheba 553/1116
1Ch_1:33.......the/sons of Midian Ephah and Epher and Henoch/and 554/1116
1Ch_1:33.......the/sons of Keturah And/Abraham 555/1116
1Ch_1:34.......The/sons of Isaac/Esau... 556/1116
1Ch_1:35.......The/sons of Esau Eliphaz/Reuel 557/1116
1Ch_1:36.......The/sons of Eliphaz Teman/and 558/1116
1Ch_1:37.......The/sons of Reuel Nahath Zerah/Shammah 559/1116
1Ch_1:38.......the/sons of Seir Lotan/and 560/1116
1Ch_1:39.......the/sons of Lotan/Hori... 561/1116
1Ch_1:40.......The/sons of Shobal/Alian. 562/1116
1Ch_1:40.......the/sons of Zibeon/Aiah.. 563/1116
1Ch_1:41.......The/sons of Anah/Dishon.. 564/1116
1Ch_1:41.......the/sons of Dishon/Amram. 565/1116
1Ch_1:42.......The/sons of Ezer/Bilhan.. 566/1116
1Ch_1:42.......The/sons of Dishan/Uz.... 567/1116
1Ch_2:1........the/sons of Israel Reuben/Simeon 568/1116
1Ch_2:3........The/sons of Judah Er and Onan and Shelah which/three 569/1116
1Ch_2:4........the/sons of Judah were five/The 570/1116
1Ch_2:5........The/sons of Pharez Hezron/and 571/1116
1Ch_2:6........the/sons of Zerah Zimri/and 572/1116
1Ch_2:7........the/sons of Carmi/Achar.. 573/1116
1Ch_2:8........the/sons of Ethan/Azariah 574/1116
1Ch_2:9........The/sons also of Hezron/that 575/1116
1Ch_2:16.......the/sons of Zeruiah Abishai/and 576/1116
1Ch_2:18.......her/sons are these/Jesher 577/1116
1Ch_2:23.......the/sons of Machir/the... 578/1116
1Ch_2:25.......the/sons of Jerahmeel the/firstborn 579/1116
1Ch_2:27.......the/sons of Ram/the...... 580/1116
1Ch_2:28.......the/sons of Onam/were.... 581/1116
1Ch_2:28.......the/sons of Shammai/Nadab 582/1116
1Ch_2:30.......the/sons of Nadab/Seled.. 583/1116
1Ch_2:31.......the/sons of Appaim/Ishi.. 584/1116
1Ch_2:31.......the/sons of Ishi Sheshan/And 585/1116
1Ch_2:32.......the/sons of Jada/the..... 586/1116
1Ch_2:33.......the/sons of Jonathan/Peleth 587/1116
1Ch_2:33.......the/sons of Jerahmeel Now/Sheshan 588/1116 but daughters And Sheshan/had 589/1116
1Ch_2:42.......the/sons of Caleb the brother/of 590/1116
1Ch_2:42.......the/sons of Mareshah/the. 591/1116
1Ch_2:43.......the/sons of Hebron Korah/and 592/1116
1Ch_2:47.......the/sons of Jahdai/Regem. 593/1116
1Ch_2:50.......the/sons of Caleb the son of Hur/the 594/1116
1Ch_2:52.......had/sons Haroeh/and...... 595/1116
1Ch_2:54.......The/sons of Salma/Bethlehem 596/1116
1Ch_3:1........the/sons of David which/were 597/1116
1Ch_3:9........the/sons of David beside/the 598/1116
1Ch_3:9........the/sons of the concubines and/Tamar 599/1116
1Ch_3:15.......the/sons of Josiah/were.. 600/1116
1Ch_3:16.......the/sons of Jehoiakim/Jeconiah 601/1116
1Ch_3:17.......the/sons of Jeconiah/Assir 602/1116
1Ch_3:19.......the/sons of Pedaiah/were. 603/1116
1Ch_3:19.......the/sons of Zerubbabel/Meshullam 604/1116
1Ch_3:21.......the/sons of Hananiah/Pelatiah 605/1116
1Ch_3:21.......the/sons of Rephaiah/the. 606/1116
1Ch_3:21.......the/sons of Arnan/the.... 607/1116
1Ch_3:21.......the/sons of Obadiah/the.. 608/1116
1Ch_3:21.......the/sons of Shechaniah And/the 609/1116
1Ch_3:22.......the/sons of Shechaniah Shemaiah/and 610/1116
1Ch_3:22.......the/sons of Shemaiah Hattush/and 611/1116
1Ch_3:23.......the/sons of Neariah/Elioenai 612/1116
1Ch_3:24.......the/sons of Elioenai/were 613/1116
1Ch_4:1........The/sons of Judah Pharez/Hezron 614/1116
1Ch_4:4........the/sons of Hur/the...... 615/1116
1Ch_4:6........the/sons of Naarah/And... 616/1116
1Ch_4:7........the/sons of Helah/were... 617/1116
1Ch_4:13.......the/sons of Kenaz/Othniel 618/1116
1Ch_4:13.......the/sons of Othniel/Hathath 619/1116
1Ch_4:15.......the/sons of Caleb the son of Jephunneh/Iru 620/1116
1Ch_4:15.......the/sons of Elah/even.... 621/1116
1Ch_4:16.......the/sons of Jehaleleel/Ziph 622/1116
1Ch_4:17.......the/sons of Ezra/were.... 623/1116
1Ch_4:18.......the/sons of Bithiah/the.. 624/1116
1Ch_4:19.......the/sons of his wife/Hodiah 625/1116
1Ch_4:20.......the/sons of Shimon/were.. 626/1116
1Ch_4:20.......the/sons of Ishi were/Zoheth 627/1116
1Ch_4:21.......The/sons of Shelah/the... 628/1116
1Ch_4:24.......The/sons of Simeon were/Nemuel 629/1116
1Ch_4:26.......the/sons of Mishma/Hamuel 630/1116
1Ch_4:27...sixteen/sons and six/daughters 631/1116
1Ch_4:42.......the/sons of Simeon five/hundred 632/1116
1Ch_4:42.......the/sons of Ishi And/they 633/1116
1Ch_5:1........the/sons of Reuben the firstborn of Israel for/he 634/1116
1Ch_5:1........the/sons of Joseph the/son 635/1116
1Ch_5:3........The/sons I say/of........ 636/1116
1Ch_5:4........The/sons of Joel/Shemaiah 637/1116
1Ch_5:18.......The/sons of Reuben and/the 638/1116
1Ch_6:1........The/sons of Levi Gershon Kohath and Merari And the sons of Kohath/Amram 639/1116
1Ch_6:2........the/sons of Kohath Amram Izhar and/Hebron 640/1116
1Ch_6:3........The/sons also of Aaron/Nadab 641/1116
1Ch_6:16.......The/sons of Levi Gershom/Kohath 642/1116
1Ch_6:17.......the/sons of Gershom Libni/and 643/1116
1Ch_6:18.......the/sons of Kohath were/Amram 644/1116
1Ch_6:19.......The/sons of Merari Mahli and Mushi And/these 645/1116
1Ch_6:22.......The/sons of Kohath Amminadab/his 646/1116
1Ch_6:25.......the/sons of Elkanah Amasai/and 647/1116
1Ch_6:26.......the/sons of Elkanah Zophai/his 648/1116
1Ch_6:28.......the/sons of Samuel/the... 649/1116
1Ch_6:29.......The/sons of Merari Mahli Libni/his 650/1116
1Ch_6:33.......the/sons of the Kohathites Heman/a 651/1116
1Ch_6:44.......the/sons of Merari stood/on 652/1116
1Ch_6:49.......his/sons offered/upon.... 653/1116
1Ch_6:50.......the/sons of Aaron Eleazar/his 654/1116
1Ch_6:54.......the/sons of Aaron of/the. 655/1116
1Ch_6:57.......the/sons of Aaron they/gave 656/1116
1Ch_6:61.......the/sons of Kohath which/were 657/1116
1Ch_6:62.......the/sons of Gershom throughout/their 658/1116
1Ch_6:63.......the/sons of Merari were given/by 659/1116
1Ch_6:66.......the/sons of Kohath had/cities 660/1116
1Ch_6:70.......the/sons of Kohath Unto/the 661/1116
1Ch_6:71.......the/sons of Gershom were/given 662/1116
1Ch_7:1........the/sons of Issachar were/Tola 663/1116
1Ch_7:2........the/sons of Tola/Uzzi.... 664/1116
1Ch_7:3........the/sons of Uzzi/Izrahiah 665/1116
1Ch_7:3........the/sons of Izrahiah/Michael 666/1116
1Ch_7:4........and/sons And their brethren among/all 667/1116
1Ch_7:6........The/sons of Benjamin Bela/and 668/1116
1Ch_7:7........the/sons of Bela Ezbon/and 669/1116
1Ch_7:8........the/sons of Becher Zemira/and 670/1116
1Ch_7:8........the/sons of Becher And/the 671/1116
1Ch_7:10.......The/sons also of Jediael/Bilhan 672/1116
1Ch_7:10.......the/sons of Bilhan/Jeush. 673/1116
1Ch_7:11.......the/sons of Jediael/by... 674/1116
1Ch_7:12.......the/sons of Aher/The..... 675/1116
1Ch_7:13.......The/sons of Naphtali Jahziel/and 676/1116
1Ch_7:13.......the/sons of Bilhah The/sons 677/1116
1Ch_7:14.......The/sons of Manasseh Ashriel/whom 678/1116
1Ch_7:16.......his/sons were Ulam/and... 679/1116
1Ch_7:17.......the/sons of Ulam Bedan/These 680/1116
1Ch_7:17.......the/sons of Gilead the/son 681/1116
1Ch_7:19.......the/sons of Shemidah/were 682/1116
1Ch_7:20.......the/sons of Ephraim Shuthelah/and 683/1116
1Ch_7:30.......The/sons of Asher Imnah/and 684/1116
1Ch_7:31.......the/sons of Beriah Heber and Malchiel who/is 685/1116
1Ch_7:33.......the/sons of Japhlet/Pasach 686/1116
1Ch_7:34.......the/sons of Shamer/Ahi... 687/1116
1Ch_7:35.......the/sons of his brother/Helem 688/1116
1Ch_7:36.......The/sons of Zophah/Suah.. 689/1116
1Ch_7:38.......the/sons of Jether/Jephunneh 690/1116
1Ch_7:39.......the/sons of Ulla/Arah.... 691/1116
1Ch_8:3........the/sons of Bela were Addar/and 692/1116
1Ch_8:6........the/sons of Ehud/these... 693/1116
1Ch_8:10.......his/sons heads/of........ 694/1116
1Ch_8:12.......The/sons of Elpaal Eber/and 695/1116
1Ch_8:16.......the/sons of Beriah And/Zebadiah 696/1116
1Ch_8:18.......the/sons of Elpaal And/Jakim 697/1116
1Ch_8:21.......the/sons of Shimhi/And... 698/1116
1Ch_8:25.......the/sons of Shashak/And.. 699/1116
1Ch_8:27.......the/sons of Jeroham These/were 700/1116
1Ch_8:35.......the/sons of Micah were Pithon and Melech and Tarea/and 701/1116
1Ch_8:38.......six/sons whose names are these Azrikam Bocheru and Ishmael and Sheariah and Obadiah and Hanan All/these 702/1116
1Ch_8:38.......the/sons of Azel And/the. 703/1116
1Ch_8:39.......the/sons of Eshek/his.... 704/1116
1Ch_8:40.......the/sons of Ulam were/mighty 705/1116
1Ch_8:40......many/sons and sons'/sons.. 706/1116
1Ch_8:40.......and/sons' sons an/hundred 707/1116
1Ch_8:40.....sons'/sons an/hundred...... 708/1116
1Ch_8:40.......the/sons of Benjamin So/all 709/1116
1Ch_9:5........his/sons And of the/sons. 710/1116
1Ch_9:6........the/sons of Zerah Jeuel/and 711/1116
1Ch_9:7........the/sons of Benjamin Sallu the son of Meshullam the son of Hodaviah/the 712/1116
1Ch_9:14.......the/sons of Merari And Bakbakkar/Heresh 713/1116
1Ch_9:30.......the/sons of the priests made/the 714/1116
1Ch_9:32.......the/sons of the Kohathites were/over 715/1116
1Ch_9:41.......the/sons of Micah were Pithon and Melech and Tahrea/and 716/1116
1Ch_9:44.......six/sons whose names are these Azrikam Bocheru and Ishmael and Sheariah and Obadiah and Hanan these/were 717/1116
1Ch_9:44.......the/sons of Azel Now/the. 718/1116
1Ch_10:2.......his/sons and the Philistines slew Jonathan and Abinadab and Malchishua/the 719/1116
1Ch_10:2.......the/sons of Saul And/the. 720/1116
1Ch_10:6.....three/sons and all his house/died 721/1116
1Ch_10:7.......his/sons were dead then/they 722/1116
1Ch_10:8.......his/sons fallen in mount Gilboa And when/they 723/1116
1Ch_10:12......his/sons and brought/them 724/1116
1Ch_11:34......The/sons of Hashem/the... 725/1116
1Ch_11:44......the/sons of Hothan/the... 726/1116
1Ch_11:46......the/sons of Elnaam/and... 727/1116
1Ch_12:3.......the/sons of Shemaah/the.. 728/1116
1Ch_12:3.......the/sons of Azmaveth/and. 729/1116
1Ch_12:7.......the/sons of Jeroham of/Gedor 730/1116
1Ch_12:14......the/sons of Gad captains/of 731/1116
1Ch_14:3......more/sons and daughters Now/these 732/1116
1Ch_15:5.......the/sons of Kohath Uriel/the 733/1116
1Ch_15:6.......the/sons of Merari Asaiah/the 734/1116
1Ch_15:7.......the/sons of Gershom Joel/the 735/1116
1Ch_15:8.......the/sons of Elizaphan Shemaiah/the 736/1116
1Ch_15:9.......the/sons of Hebron Eliel/the 737/1116
1Ch_15:10......the/sons of Uzziel Amminadab/the 738/1116
1Ch_15:17......the/sons of Merari their/brethren 739/1116
1Ch_16:42......the/sons of Jeduthun were/porters 740/1116
1Ch_17:11......thy/sons and I/will...... 741/1116
1Ch_18:17......the/sons of David were/chief 742/1116
1Ch_21:20.....four/sons with him hid/themselves 743/1116
1Ch_23:6.......the/sons of Levi namely/Gershon 744/1116
1Ch_23:8.......The/sons of Laadan the chief/was 745/1116
1Ch_23:9.......The/sons of Shimei Shelomith/and 746/1116
1Ch_23:10......the/sons of Shimei were/Jahath 747/1116
1Ch_23:10......the/sons of Shimei And/Jahath 748/1116
1Ch_23:11.....many/sons therefore they/were 749/1116
1Ch_23:12......The/sons of Kohath Amram Izhar Hebron/and 750/1116
1Ch_23:13......The/sons of Amram Aaron/and 751/1116
1Ch_23:13......his/sons for ever to/burn 752/1116
1Ch_23:14......his/sons were named/of... 753/1116
1Ch_23:15......The/sons of Moses/were... 754/1116
1Ch_23:16......the/sons of Gershom Shebuel/was 755/1116
1Ch_23:17......the/sons of Eliezer/were. 756/1116
1Ch_23:17....other/sons but the/sons.... 757/1116
1Ch_23:17......the/sons of Rehabiah were/very 758/1116
1Ch_23:18......the/sons of Izhar Shelomith/the 759/1116
1Ch_23:19......the/sons of Hebron Jeriah the first Amariah the second Jahaziel the third and/Jekameam 760/1116
1Ch_23:20......the/sons of Uzziel Micah/the 761/1116
1Ch_23:21......The/sons of Merari Mahli and Mushi The/sons 762/1116
1Ch_23:21......The/sons of Mahli Eleazar/and 763/1116 but daughters and their/brethren 764/1116
1Ch_23:22......the/sons of Kish/took.... 765/1116
1Ch_23:23......The/sons of Mushi/Mahli.. 766/1116
1Ch_23:24......the/sons of Levi after the/house 767/1116
1Ch_23:28......the/sons of Aaron for/the 768/1116
1Ch_23:32......the/sons of Aaron their/brethren 769/1116
1Ch_24:1.......the/sons of Aaron The sons/of 770/1116
1Ch_24:1.......The/sons of Aaron Nadab and/Abihu 771/1116
1Ch_24:3.......the/sons of Eleazar and Ahimelech/of 772/1116
1Ch_24:3.......the/sons of Ithamar according to their/offices 773/1116
1Ch_24:4.......the/sons of Eleazar than/of 774/1116
1Ch_24:4.......the/sons of Ithamar and thus/were 775/1116
1Ch_24:4.......the/sons of Eleazar there/were 776/1116
1Ch_24:4.......the/sons of Ithamar according to the/house 777/1116
1Ch_24:5.......the/sons of Eleazar and of/the 778/1116
1Ch_24:5.......the/sons of Ithamar And Shemaiah/the 779/1116
1Ch_24:20......the/sons of Levi were/these 780/1116
1Ch_24:20......the/sons of Amram Shubael/of 781/1116
1Ch_24:20......the/sons of Shubael/Jehdeiah 782/1116
1Ch_24:21......the/sons of Rehabiah the/first 783/1116
1Ch_24:22......the/sons of Shelomoth/Jahath 784/1116
1Ch_24:23......the/sons of Hebron Jeriah the first Amariah the second Jahaziel the third Jekameam/the 785/1116
1Ch_24:24......the/sons of Uzziel Michah/of 786/1116
1Ch_24:24......the/sons of Michah/Shamir 787/1116
1Ch_24:25......the/sons of Isshiah/Zechariah 788/1116
1Ch_24:26......The/sons of Merari were Mahli/and 789/1116
1Ch_24:26......the/sons of Jaaziah/Beno. 790/1116
1Ch_24:27......The/sons of Merari by Jaaziah/Beno 791/1116 Concerning/Kish. 792/1116
1Ch_24:30......The/sons also of Mushi/Mahli 793/1116
1Ch_24:30......the/sons of the Levites/after 794/1116
1Ch_24:31......the/sons of Aaron in/the. 795/1116
1Ch_25:1.......the/sons of Asaph and of/Heman 796/1116
1Ch_25:2.......the/sons of Asaph Zaccur/and 797/1116
1Ch_25:2.......the/sons of Asaph under/the 798/1116
1Ch_25:3.......the/sons of Jeduthun Gedaliah/and 799/1116
1Ch_25:4.......the/sons of Heman Bukkiah/Mattaniah 800/1116
1Ch_25:5.......the/sons of Heman the/king's 801/1116
1Ch_25:5..fourteen/sons and three daughters All/these 802/1116
1Ch_25:9.......and/sons were twelve/The. 803/1116
1Ch_25:10......his/sons and his brethren were twelve The fourth/to 804/1116
1Ch_25:11......his/sons and his brethren were twelve The fifth/to 805/1116
1Ch_25:12......his/sons and his brethren were twelve The sixth/to 806/1116
1Ch_25:13......his/sons and his brethren were twelve The seventh/to 807/1116
1Ch_25:14......his/sons and his brethren were twelve The eighth/to 808/1116
1Ch_25:15......his/sons and his brethren were twelve The ninth/to 809/1116
1Ch_25:16......his/sons and his brethren were twelve The tenth/to 810/1116
1Ch_25:17......his/sons and his brethren were twelve The eleventh/to 811/1116
1Ch_25:18......his/sons and his brethren were twelve The twelfth/to 812/1116
1Ch_25:19......his/sons and his brethren were twelve The thirteenth/to 813/1116
1Ch_25:20......his/sons and his brethren were twelve The fourteenth/to 814/1116
1Ch_25:21......his/sons and his brethren were twelve The fifteenth/to 815/1116
1Ch_25:22......his/sons and his brethren were twelve The sixteenth/to 816/1116
1Ch_25:23......his/sons and his brethren were twelve The seventeenth/to 817/1116
1Ch_25:24......his/sons and his brethren were twelve The eighteenth/to 818/1116
1Ch_25:25......his/sons and his brethren were twelve The nineteenth/to 819/1116
1Ch_25:26......his/sons and his brethren were twelve The twentieth/to 820/1116
1Ch_25:27......his/sons and his brethren were twelve The one/and 821/1116
1Ch_25:28......his/sons and his brethren were twelve The two/and 822/1116
1Ch_25:29......his/sons and his brethren were twelve The three/and 823/1116
1Ch_25:30......his/sons and his brethren were twelve The four/and 824/1116
1Ch_25:31......his/sons and his brethren were twelve Concerning/the 825/1116
1Ch_26:1.......the/sons of Asaph And the/sons 826/1116
1Ch_26:2.......the/sons of Meshelemiah/were 827/1116
1Ch_26:4.......the/sons of Obededom were/Shemaiah 828/1116
1Ch_26:6......were/sons born that/ruled. 829/1116
1Ch_26:7.......The/sons of Shemaiah Othni/and 830/1116
1Ch_26:8.......the/sons of Obededom they/and 831/1116
1Ch_26:8.....their/sons and their brethren able/men 832/1116
1Ch_26:9.......had/sons and brethren strong/men 833/1116
1Ch_26:10......had/sons Simri/the....... 834/1116
1Ch_26:11......the/sons and brethren of/Hosah 835/1116
1Ch_26:15......his/sons the house/of.... 836/1116
1Ch_26:19......the/sons of Kore/and..... 837/1116
1Ch_26:19......the/sons of Merari And of/the 838/1116
1Ch_26:21......the/sons of Laadan the sons/of 839/1116
1Ch_26:21......the/sons of the Gershonite/Laadan 840/1116
1Ch_26:22......The/sons of Jehieli/Zetham 841/1116
1Ch_26:29......his/sons were for/the.... 842/1116
1Ch_27:32...king's/sons And Ahithophel/was 843/1116
1Ch_28:1.......his/sons with the/officers 844/1116
1Ch_28:4.......the/sons of my father/he. 845/1116 for the LORD/hath 846/1116
1Ch_28:5......many/sons he hath/chosen.. 847/1116
1Ch_29:24......the/sons likewise/of..... 848/1116
2Ch_5:12.....their/sons and their brethren being/arrayed 849/1116
2Ch_11:14......his/sons had cast/them... 850/1116
2Ch_11:21....eight/sons and threescore/daughters 851/1116
2Ch_13:5.......his/sons by a covenant/of 852/1116
2Ch_13:8.......the/sons of David and ye/be 853/1116
2Ch_13:9.......the/sons of Aaron and the Levites and/have 854/1116
2Ch_13:10......the/sons of Aaron and the Levites wait/upon 855/1116
2Ch_13:21......two/sons and sixteen/daughters 856/1116
2Ch_20:14......the/sons of Asaph came/the 857/1116
2Ch_21:2.......the/sons of Jehoshaphat Azariah/and 858/1116
2Ch_21:2.......the/sons of Jehoshaphat king/of 859/1116
2Ch_21:7.......his/sons for ever In/his. 860/1116
2Ch_21:17......his/sons also and/his.... 861/1116
2Ch_21:17......his/sons And after/all... 862/1116
2Ch_22:8.......the/sons of the brethren/of 863/1116
2Ch_22:11...king's/sons that were slain/and 864/1116
2Ch_23:3.......the/sons of David This/is 865/1116
2Ch_23:11......his/sons anointed/him.... 866/1116
2Ch_24:3.....begat/sons and daughters And it/came 867/1116
2Ch_24:7.......the/sons of Athaliah/that 868/1116
2Ch_24:25......the/sons of Jehoiada/the. 869/1116
2Ch_24:27......his/sons and the greatness/of 870/1116
2Ch_26:18......the/sons of Aaron that are/consecrated 871/1116
2Ch_28:8.....women/sons and daughters and took/also 872/1116
2Ch_29:9.......our/sons and our daughters and/our 873/1116
2Ch_29:11.......My/sons be not/now...... 874/1116
2Ch_29:12......the/sons of the Kohathites and/of 875/1116
2Ch_29:12......the/sons of Merari Kish/the 876/1116
2Ch_29:13......the/sons of Elizaphan Shimri/and 877/1116
2Ch_29:13......the/sons of Asaph Zechariah/and 878/1116
2Ch_29:14......the/sons of Heman Jehiel/and 879/1116
2Ch_29:14......the/sons of Jeduthun Shemaiah/and 880/1116
2Ch_29:21......the/sons of Aaron to/offer 881/1116
2Ch_31:18....their/sons and their daughters through/all 882/1116
2Ch_31:19......the/sons of Aaron the priests which were in/the 883/1116
2Ch_32:33......the/sons of David and all/Judah 884/1116
2Ch_34:12......the/sons of Merari and Zechariah/and 885/1116
2Ch_34:12......the/sons of the Kohathites to/set 886/1116
2Ch_35:14......the/sons of Aaron were/busied 887/1116
2Ch_35:14......the/sons of Aaron And the singers/the 888/1116
2Ch_35:15......the/sons of Asaph were/in 889/1116
2Ch_36:20......his/sons until/the....... 890/1116
Ezr_3:9........his/sons and his brethren Kadmiel/and 891/1116
Ezr_3:9........his/sons the sons/of..... 892/1116
Ezr_3:9........the/sons of Judah together/to 893/1116
Ezr_3:9........the/sons of Henadad with/their 894/1116
Ezr_3:9......their/sons and their brethren the/Levites 895/1116
Ezr_3:10.......the/sons of Asaph with/cymbals 896/1116
Ezr_6:10.......his/sons Also I/have..... 897/1116
Ezr_7:23.......his/sons Also we/certify. 898/1116
Ezr_8:2........the/sons of Phinehas/Gershom 899/1116
Ezr_8:2........the/sons of Ithamar Daniel/of 900/1116
Ezr_8:2........the/sons of David Hattush/Of 901/1116
Ezr_8:3........the/sons of Shechaniah of/the 902/1116
Ezr_8:3........the/sons of Pharosh/Zechariah 903/1116
Ezr_8:4........the/sons of Pahathmoab Elihoenai/the 904/1116
Ezr_8:5........the/sons of Shechaniah the/son 905/1116
Ezr_8:6........the/sons also of Adin/Ebed 906/1116
Ezr_8:7........the/sons of Elam Jeshaiah/the 907/1116
Ezr_8:8........the/sons of Shephatiah/Zebadiah 908/1116
Ezr_8:9........the/sons of Joab/Obadiah. 909/1116
Ezr_8:10.......the/sons of Shelomith/the 910/1116
Ezr_8:11.......the/sons of Bebai/Zechariah 911/1116
Ezr_8:12.......the/sons of Azgad/Johanan 912/1116
Ezr_8:13......last/sons of Adonikam/whose 913/1116
Ezr_8:14.......the/sons also of Bigvai/Uthai 914/1116
Ezr_8:15.......the/sons of Levi Then/sent 915/1116
Ezr_8:18.......the/sons of Mahli the/son 916/1116
Ezr_8:18.......his/sons and his brethren eighteen/And 917/1116
Ezr_8:19.......the/sons of Merari his/brethren 918/1116
Ezr_8:19.....their/sons twenty/Also..... 919/1116
Ezr_9:2......their/sons so that/the..... 920/1116
Ezr_9:12.....their/sons neither/take.... 921/1116
Ezr_9:12......your/sons nor seek/their.. 922/1116
Ezr_10:2.......the/sons of Elam answered/and 923/1116
Ezr_10:18......the/sons of the priests there/were 924/1116
Ezr_10:18......the/sons of Jeshua/the... 925/1116
Ezr_10:20......the/sons of Immer/Hanani. 926/1116
Ezr_10:21......the/sons of Harim Maaseiah/and 927/1116
Ezr_10:22......the/sons of Pashur/Elioenai 928/1116
Ezr_10:25......the/sons of Parosh/Ramiah 929/1116
Ezr_10:26......the/sons of Elam Mattaniah/Zechariah 930/1116
Ezr_10:27......the/sons of Zattu/Elioenai 931/1116
Ezr_10:28......the/sons also of Bebai/Jehohanan 932/1116
Ezr_10:29......the/sons of Bani Meshullam/Malluch 933/1116
Ezr_10:30......the/sons of Pahathmoab Adna/and 934/1116
Ezr_10:31......the/sons of Harim Eliezer/Ishijah 935/1116
Ezr_10:33......the/sons of Hashum/Mattenai 936/1116
Ezr_10:34......the/sons of Bani Maadai/Amram 937/1116
Ezr_10:43......the/sons of Nebo/Jeiel... 938/1116
Neh_3:3........the/sons of Hassenaah/build 939/1116
Neh_4:14......your/sons and your daughters your/wives 940/1116
Neh_5:2........our/sons and our daughters are/many 941/1116
Neh_5:5........our/sons and our daughters to/be 942/1116
Neh_10:9.......the/sons of Henadad Kadmiel/And 943/1116
Neh_10:28....their/sons and their daughters every/one 944/1116
Neh_10:30......our/sons And if/the...... 945/1116
Neh_10:36......our/sons and of our/cattle 946/1116
Neh_11:6.......the/sons of Perez/that... 947/1116
Neh_11:7.......the/sons of Benjamin Sallu the son of Meshullam the son of Joed/the 948/1116
Neh_11:22......the/sons of Asaph the/singers 949/1116
Neh_12:23......The/sons of Levi the/chief 950/1116
Neh_12:28......the/sons of the singers/gathered 951/1116
Neh_12:35.priests'/sons with trumpets/namely 952/1116
Neh_13:25....their/sons nor take/their.. 953/1116
Neh_13:25.....your/sons or for/yourselves 954/1116
Neh_13:28......the/sons of Joiada/the... 955/1116
Est_9:10.......ten/sons of Haman the/son 956/1116
Est_9:12.......ten/sons of Haman what/have 957/1116
Est_9:13.......ten/sons be hanged/upon.. 958/1116
Est_9:14.......ten/sons For the Jews/that 959/1116
Est_9:25.......his/sons should/be....... 960/1116 and three daughters His/substance 961/1116
Job_1:4........his/sons went/and........ 962/1116 have sinned/and. 963/1116
Job_1:6........the/sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD and Satan came also among them And/the 964/1116
Job_1:13.......his/sons and his daughters were eating/and 965/1116
Job_1:18.......Thy/sons and thy daughters were/eating 966/1116
Job_2:1........the/sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD and Satan came also among them to/present 967/1116
Job_14:21......His/sons come to/honour.. 968/1116
Job_38:7.......the/sons of God shouted/for 969/1116
Job_38:32......his/sons Knowest/thou.... 970/1116 and three daughters And/he 971/1116
Job_42:16......his/sons and his sons' sons even/four 972/1116
Job_42:16......his/sons' sons even/four. 973/1116
Job_42:16....sons'/sons even/four....... 974/1116 of men how/long. 975/1116
Psa_31:19......the/sons of men Thou/shalt 976/1116
Psa_33:13......the/sons of men From/the. 977/1116
Psa_57:4.......the/sons of men whose/teeth 978/1116 of men Yea/in... 979/1116
Psa_77:15......the/sons of Jacob and Joseph/Selah 980/1116
Psa_89:6.......the/sons of the mighty/can 981/1116
Psa_106:37...their/sons and their daughters unto/devils 982/1116
Psa_106:38...their/sons and of their/daughters 983/1116
Psa_144:12.....our/sons may be/as....... 984/1116
Psa_145:12.....the/sons of men his/mighty 985/1116
Pro_8:4........the/sons of man O/ye..... 986/1116
Pro_8:31.......the/sons of men Now/therefore 987/1116
Pro_30:4.......his/son's name if/thou... 988/1116
Ecc_1:13.......the/sons of man to/be.... 989/1116
Ecc_2:3........the/sons of men which/they 990/1116
Ecc_2:8........the/sons of men as musical/instruments 991/1116
Ecc_3:10.......the/sons of men to be/exercised 992/1116
Ecc_3:18.......the/sons of men that/God. 993/1116
Ecc_3:19.......the/sons of men befalleth/beasts 994/1116
Ecc_8:11.......the/sons of men is fully/set 995/1116
Ecc_9:3........the/sons of men is full/of 996/1116
Ecc_9:12.......the/sons of men snared/in 997/1116
Son_2:3........the/sons I sat/down...... 998/1116
Isa_37:38......his/sons smote him with the sword and they escaped into the land of Armenia and Esarhaddon his son reigned in his stead In those days was Hezekiah sick unto death And Isaiah/the 999/1116
Isa_39:7.......thy/sons that shall issue from thee which thou shalt beget shall they take away and they shall be eunuchs in the palace of the king of Babylon Then said Hezekiah to/Isaiah 1000/1116 from far and/my 1001/1116 and concerning the work/of 1002/1116
Isa_49:22......thy/sons in their/arms.. 1003/1116
Isa_51:18......the/sons whom she/hath.. 1004/1116
Isa_51:18......the/sons that she/hath.. 1005/1116
Isa_51:20......Thy/sons have fainted/they 1006/1116
Isa_52:14......the/sons of men So/shall 1007/1116
Isa_56:5........of/sons and of daughters/I 1008/1116
Isa_56:6.......the/sons of the stranger that/join 1009/1116 of the sorceress/the 1010/1116
Isa_60:4.......thy/sons shall come/from 1011/1116
Isa_60:9.......thy/sons from far their/silver 1012/1116
Isa_60:10......the/sons of strangers/shall 1013/1116
Isa_60:14......The/sons also of them/that 1014/1116
Isa_61:5.......the/sons of the alien/shall 1015/1116
Isa_62:5.......thy/sons marry/thee..... 1016/1116
Isa_62:8.......the/sons of the stranger shall/not 1017/1116
Jer_3:24.....their/sons and their daughters We/lie 1018/1116
Jer_5:17.......thy/sons and thy daughters should/eat 1019/1116
Jer_6:21.......the/sons together shall/fall 1020/1116
Jer_7:31.....their/sons and their daughters in/the 1021/1116
Jer_11:22....their/sons and their daughters shall/die 1022/1116
Jer_13:14......the/sons together saith/the 1023/1116
Jer_14:16....their/sons nor their/daughters 1024/1116
Jer_16:2......have/sons or daughters in/this 1025/1116
Jer_16:3.......the/sons and concerning the daughters/that 1026/1116
Jer_19:5.....their/sons with fire/for.. 1027/1116
Jer_19:9.....their/sons and the flesh of their/daughters 1028/1116
Jer_27:7.......his/son's son until/the. 1029/1116
Jer_29:6.....beget/sons and daughters and take/wives 1030/1116
Jer_29:6......your/sons and give/your.. 1031/1116
Jer_29:6......bear/sons and daughters that/ye 1032/1116
Jer_32:19......the/sons of men to give/every 1033/1116
Jer_32:35....their/sons and their daughters to pass through the fire unto/Molech 1034/1116
Jer_35:3.......his/sons and the whole/house 1035/1116
Jer_35:4.......the/sons of Hanan/the... 1036/1116
Jer_35:5.......the/sons of the house/of 1037/1116
Jer_35:6......your/sons for ever Neither/shall 1038/1116
Jer_35:8.......our/sons nor our/daughters 1039/1116
Jer_35:14......his/sons not/to......... 1040/1116
Jer_35:16......the/sons of Jonadab/the. 1041/1116
Jer_39:6.......the/sons of Zedekiah in/Riblah 1042/1116
Jer_40:8.......the/sons of Kareah/and.. 1043/1116
Jer_40:8.......the/sons of Ephai/the... 1044/1116
Jer_48:46......thy/sons are taken/captives 1045/1116 hath he/no..... 1046/1116
Jer_52:10......the/sons of Zedekiah before his eyes he/slew 1047/1116
Lam_4:2...precious/sons of Zion/comparable 1048/1116
Eze_5:10.......the/sons in the midst/of 1049/1116
Eze_5:10.......the/sons shall eat their/fathers 1050/1116
Eze_14:16..neither/sons nor daughters they/only 1051/1116
Eze_14:18..neither/sons nor daughters but/they 1052/1116
Eze_14:22.....both/sons and daughters behold/they 1053/1116
Eze_16:20......thy/sons and thy daughters whom/thou 1054/1116
Eze_20:31.....your/sons to pass through/the 1055/1116
Eze_23:4......bare/sons and daughters Thus/were 1056/1116
Eze_23:10......her/sons and her daughters and/slew 1057/1116
Eze_23:25......thy/sons and thy daughters and thy/residue 1058/1116
Eze_23:37....their/sons whom they/bare. 1059/1116
Eze_23:47....their/sons and their daughters and/burn 1060/1116
Eze_24:21.....your/sons and your daughters whom/ye 1061/1116
Eze_24:25....their/sons and their daughters That/he 1062/1116
Eze_40:46......the/sons of Zadok among/the 1063/1116
Eze_40:46......the/sons of Levi which come/near 1064/1116
Eze_44:15......the/sons of Zadok that/kept 1065/1116
Eze_46:16......his/sons the inheritance/thereof 1066/1116
Eze_46:16......his/sons' it shall/be... 1067/1116
Eze_46:17......his/sons' for them/Moreover 1068/1116
Eze_46:18......his/sons inheritance/out 1069/1116
Eze_48:11......the/sons of Zadok which/have 1070/1116
Dan_5:21.......the/sons of men and his/heart 1071/1116
Dan_10:16......the/sons of men touched/my 1072/1116
Dan_11:10......his/sons shall be stirred/up 1073/1116
Hos_1:10.......the/sons of the living/God 1074/1116
Joe_1:12.......the/sons of men Gird/yourselves 1075/1116
Joe_2:28......your/sons and your daughters shall prophesy your/old 1076/1116
Joe_3:8.......your/sons and your daughters into/the 1077/1116
Amo_2:11......your/sons for prophets/and 1078/1116
Amo_7:17.......thy/sons and thy daughters shall fall/by 1079/1116
Mic_5:7........the/sons of men And the/remnant 1080/1116
Zec_9:13.......thy/sons O Zion/against. 1081/1116
Zec_9:13.......thy/sons O Greece/and... 1082/1116
Mal_3:3........the/sons of Levi and purge/them 1083/1116 of Jacob are/not 1084/1116
Mat_20:20......her/sons worshipping/him 1085/1116
Mat_20:21......two/sons may sit/the.... 1086/1116
Mat_21:28......two/sons and he came/to. 1087/1116
Mat_26:37......two/sons of Zebedee and began/to 1088/1116
Mar_3:17.......The/sons of thunder/And. 1089/1116
Mar_3:28.......the/sons of men and blasphemies/wherewith 1090/1116
Mar_10:35......the/sons of Zebedee come/unto 1091/1116
Luk_5:10.......the/sons of Zebedee which/were 1092/1116
Luk_11:19.....your/sons cast/them...... 1093/1116
Luk_15:11......two/sons And the younger/of 1094/1116
Joh_1:12.......the/sons of God even/to. 1095/1116
Joh_21:2.......the/sons of Zebedee and two/other 1096/1116
Act_2:17......your/sons and your daughters shall prophesy and/your 1097/1116
Act_7:16.......the/sons of Emmor/the... 1098/1116
Act_7:29.......two/sons And when/forty. 1099/1116 of one Sceva/a. 1100/1116
Rom_8:14.......the/sons of God For ye/have 1101/1116
Rom_8:19.......the/sons of God For the/creature 1102/1116
1Co_4:14...beloved/sons I warn/you..... 1103/1116 and daughters saith/the 1104/1116
Gal_4:5.........of/sons And because/ye. 1105/1116
Gal_4:6........are/sons God/hath....... 1106/1116
Gal_4:22.......two/sons the one/by..... 1107/1116
Eph_3:5........the/sons of men as it/is 1108/1116
Php_2:15.......the/sons of God without/rebuke 1109/1116
Heb_2:10......many/sons unto glory/to.. 1110/1116
Heb_7:5........the/sons of Levi who/receive 1111/1116
Heb_11:21......the/sons of Joseph and/worshipped 1112/1116
Heb_12:7......with/sons for what/son... 1113/1116
Heb_12:8.......not/sons Furthermore/we. 1114/1116
1Jn_3:1........the/sons of God therefore/the 1115/1116
1Jn_3:2........the/sons of God and/it.. 1116/1116