Gen_4:20..........of/such as dwell/in........ 1/249
Gen_4:20..........of/such as have cattle/And. 2/249
Gen_4:21.........all/such as handle/the...... 3/249
Gen_27:4........meat/such as I love/and...... 4/249
Gen_27:9......father/such as he loveth/And... 5/249
Gen_27:14.......meat/such as his/father...... 6/249
Gen_27:46.......Heth/such as these/which..... 7/249
Gen_30:32.........of/such shall be my/hire... 8/249
Gen_41:19leanfleshed/such as I never/saw..... 9/249
Gen_41:38.......find/such a one as/this..... 10/249
Gen_44:15.......that/such a man as I can/certainly 11/249
Exo_9:18........hail/such as hath/not....... 12/249
Exo_9:24....grievous/such as there was none like it in/all 13/249 locusts/as........ 14/249 For/they.......... 15/249
Exo_11:6.......Egypt/such as there was none like it nor/shall 16/249
Exo_12:36.......them/such things as they required/And 17/249 as fear/God....... 18/249 over/them......... 19/249
Exo_34:10....marvels/such as have not/been.. 20/249
Lev_10:19........and/such things have/befallen 21/249
Lev_11:34......which/such water/cometh...... 22/249
Lev_11:34......every/such vessel/shall...... 23/249
Lev_14:22....pigeons/such as he is able to get and/the 24/249
Lev_14:30....pigeons/such as he can/get..... 25/249
Lev_14:31.......Even/such as he is able to get the/one 26/249
Lev_20:6.......after/such as have familiar/spirits 27/249
Lev_22:6.........any/such shall be unclean/until 28/249
Lev_27:9..........of/such unto/the.......... 29/249
Num_8:16..........of/such as open/every..... 30/249
Deu_4:32.........any/such thing as/this..... 31/249
Deu_5:29........were/such an heart/in....... 32/249
Deu_13:11........any/such wickedness/as..... 33/249
Deu_13:14.......that/such abomination is wrought among/you 34/249
Deu_16:9........from/such time/as........... 35/249
Deu_17:4........that/such abomination is wrought in/Israel 36/249
Deu_19:20........any/such evil among/you.... 37/249 things and all/that 38/249
Jdg_3:2........least/such as before/knew.... 39/249 things as these And/the 40/249
Jdg_18:23.......with/such a company/And..... 41/249 deed/done......... 42/249
Rut_4:1...........Ho/such a one turn/aside.. 43/249 things for/I...... 44/249
1Sa_4:7.........been/such a thing heretofore/Woe 45/249 and such a place Now/therefore 46/249
1Sa_21:2.........and/such a place Now/therefore 47/249 a son/of.......... 48/249
2Sa_9:8.........upon/such a dead/dog........ 49/249
2Sa_12:8........thee/such and such things/Wherefore 50/249
2Sa_12:8.........and/such things Wherefore/hast 51/249 thing ought/to.... 52/249
2Sa_13:18.......with/such robes/were........ 53/249
2Sa_14:13....thought/such a thing against/the 54/249
2Sa_16:2........that/such as be faint/in.... 55/249
2Sa_19:36.......with/such a reward/Let...... 56/249
1Ki_10:10.......more/such abundance/of...... 57/249 almug/trees....... 58/249
2Ki_6:8...........In/such and such a place shall/be 59/249
2Ki_6:8..........and/such a place shall/be.. 60/249
2Ki_6:9..........not/such a place for/thither 61/249
2Ki_7:19.......might/such a thing be/And.... 62/249
2Ki_19:29.......year/such things as grow/of. 63/249
2Ki_21:12...bringing/such evil upon/Jerusalem 64/249
2Ki_23:22.....holden/such a passover from/the 65/249
2Ki_25:15........and/such things as were of/gold 66/249
1Ch_12:33....Zebulun/such as went forth to battle expert in war with/all 67/249
1Ch_12:36......Asher/such as went forth to battle expert in war forty/thousand 68/249
1Ch_29:25........him/such royal/majesty..... 69/249
2Ch_1:12......honour/such as none/of........ 70/249
2Ch_4:6.........them/such things as they offered/for 71/249
2Ch_9:9..........any/such spice/as.......... 72/249
2Ch_9:11........none/such seen/before....... 73/249
2Ch_11:16.....Israel/such as set/their...... 74/249
2Ch_23:13........and/such as taught/to...... 75/249 as did/the........ 76/249
2Ch_24:12.......also/such as wrought/iron... 77/249 sort/as........... 78/249
2Ch_35:18.......keep/such a passover as/Josiah 79/249 a time This/is.... 80/249 a time Be/it...... 81/249 a time The/letter. 82/249
Ezr_6:21.........all/such as had separated/themselves 83/249 a time I/make..... 84/249
Ezr_7:25.........all/such as know/the....... 85/249
Ezr_7:27.........put/such a thing as/this... 86/249
Ezr_8:31..........of/such as lay/in......... 87/249 deliverance/as.... 88/249
Ezr_10:3.........and/such as are born/of.... 89/249 things done/as.... 90/249
Neh_6:11......Should/such a man as I flee/and 91/249
Est_2:9.........with/such things as belonged/to 92/249
Est_4:11......except/such to whom/the....... 93/249
Est_4:14.........for/such a time as/this.... 94/249
Est_9:2...........on/such as sought/their... 95/249
Est_9:27.........all/such as joined/themselves 96/249
Job_12:3.........not/such things as these I/am 97/249
Job_14:3........upon/such an one and/bringest 98/249
Job_15:13....lettest/such words go/out...... 99/249
Job_16:2........many/such things miserable/comforters 100/249
Job_18:21.....Surely/such are the/dwellings 101/249
Job_23:14.......many/such things are with/him 102/249
Psa_25:10.......unto/such as keep his covenant and his/testimonies 103/249
Psa_27:12........and/such as breathe/out... 104/249
Psa_34:18.....saveth/such as be of a/contrite 105/249
Psa_37:14.......slay/such as be of upright/conversation 106/249
Psa_37:22........For/such as be blessed/of. 107/249
Psa_40:4.........nor/such as turn aside to/lies 108/249
Psa_40:16........let/such as love thy salvation say continually The/LORD 109/249
Psa_50:21.altogether/such an one as thyself/but 110/249
Psa_55:20....against/such as be at/peace... 111/249
Psa_68:21.........of/such an one as goeth/on 112/249
Psa_70:4.........let/such as love thy salvation say continually Let/God 113/249 as are of/a...... 114/249
Psa_103:18........To/such as keep his covenant and to/those 115/249
Psa_107:10..goodness/Such as sit/in........ 116/249
Psa_125:5........for/such as turn aside unto/their 117/249 knowledge/is..... 118/249 a case/yea....... 119/249
Pro_11:20........but/such as are upright/in 120/249
Pro_28:4.........but/such as keep the/law.. 121/249
Pro_30:20.......maid/Such is the way/of.... 122/249
Pro_31:8.........all/such as are appointed/to 123/249
Ecc_4:1...........of/such as were/oppressed 124/249 as was in/her.... 125/249
Isa_10:20........and/such as are escaped/of 126/249
Isa_20:6......Behold/such is our/expectation 127/249
Isa_37:30.......year/such as groweth/of.... 128/249 a fast/that...... 129/249
Isa_66:8.......heard/such a thing who/hath. 130/249
Isa_66:8........seen/such things Shall the/earth 131/249 a thing Hath/a... 132/249
Jer_5:9...........on/such a nation as this Go/ye 133/249
Jer_5:29..........on/such a nation as this A/wonderful 134/249
Jer_9:9...........on/such a nation as this For/the 135/249
Jer_15:2........LORD/Such as are for death to death and such as are for the/sword 136/249
Jer_15:2.........and/such as are for the sword to the sword and such/as 137/249
Jer_15:2.........and/such as are for the famine/to 138/249
Jer_15:2.........and/such as are for the captivity/to 139/249
Jer_18:13......heard/such things the/virgin 140/249
Jer_21:7.........and/such as are left/in... 141/249
Jer_38:4....speaking/such words unto them/for 142/249
Jer_43:11....deliver/such as are for death to death and such as are for captivity/to 143/249
Jer_43:11........and/such as are for captivity/to 144/249
Jer_43:11........and/such as are for the sword to the sword And I/will 145/249
Jer_44:14........but/such as shall/escape.. 146/249
Eze_17:15......doeth/such things or/shall.. 147/249
Eze_18:14........not/such like That/hath... 148/249
Dan_1:4..........and/such as had ability/in 149/249
Dan_2:10.......asked/such things at/any.... 150/249
Dan_10:15.....spoken/such words unto me/I.. 151/249
Dan_11:32........And/such as do/wickedly... 152/249
Dan_12:1.....trouble/such as never/was..... 153/249
Amo_5:16.........and/such as are skilful/of 154/249
Mic_5:15.....heathen/such as they/have..... 155/249
Zep_1:8..........all/such as are clothed/with 156/249
Mat_9:8........given/such power/unto....... 157/249 little/child..... 158/249
Mat_19:14.........of/such is the kingdom of heaven/And 159/249
Mat_24:21tribulation/such as was not since the/beginning 160/249 an hour/as....... 161/249 a man and/say.... 162/249
Mar_4:18......thorns/such as hear the word And the/cares 163/249
Mar_4:20......ground/such as hear the word and receive/it 164/249
Mar_4:33........many/such parables/spake... 165/249
Mar_6:2.........even/such mighty/works..... 166/249
Mar_7:8........other/such like things ye/do 167/249
Mar_7:13........many/such like things do/ye 168/249
Mar_9:37..........of/such children/in...... 169/249
Mar_10:14.........of/such is the kingdom of God Verily I say unto you Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child he/shall 170/249
Mar_13:7.........for/such things must/needs 171/249
Mar_13:19.affliction/such as was not from/the 172/249
Luk_9:9.........hear/such things And he/desired 173/249
Luk_10:7....drinking/such things as they give/for 174/249 things as are/set 175/249
Luk_11:41.........of/such things as ye have and/behold 176/249
Luk_13:2....suffered/such things I/tell.... 177/249
Luk_18:16.........of/such is the kingdom of God Verily I say unto you Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall/in 178/249
Joh_4:23.....seeketh/such to worship/him... 179/249
Joh_7:32....murmured/such things concerning/him 180/249
Joh_8:5.........that/such should/be........ 181/249 miracles/And..... 182/249
Act_2:47.......daily/such as should/be..... 183/249
Act_3:6..........but/such as I have/give... 184/249 commandment/It... 185/249
Act_16:24...received/such a charge/thrust.. 186/249
Act_18:15.........of/such matters/And...... 187/249 thing save/only.. 188/249
Act_22:22.......with/such a fellow/from.... 189/249
Act_25:18.........of/such things as I/supposed 190/249
Act_25:20.........of/such manner/of........ 191/249
Act_26:29.altogether/such as I am/except... 192/249
Act_28:10.......with/such things as were necessary/And 193/249
Rom_1:32......commit/such things are worthy/of 194/249
Rom_2:2.......commit/such things And thinkest/thou 195/249 things and doest/the 196/249
Rom_16:18........are/such serve/not........ 197/249
1Co_5:1..........and/such fornication/as... 198/249
1Co_5:5......deliver/such an one unto/Satan 199/249
1Co_5:11........with/such an one no/not.... 200/249
1Co_6:11.........And/such were/some........ 201/249 cases/but........ 202/249
1Co_7:28Nevertheless/such shall have/trouble 203/249
1Co_10:13........but/such as is/common..... 204/249 custom/neither... 205/249
1Co_15:48.....earthy/such are they also that are earthy/and 206/249
1Co_15:48...heavenly/such are they also that are heavenly/And 207/249
1Co_16:16.......unto/such and to/every..... 208/249
1Co_16:18........are/such The churches/of.. 209/249 a man is/this.... 210/249
2Co_2:7......perhaps/such a one should/be.. 211/249
2Co_3:4..........And/such trust/have....... 212/249
2Co_3:12........have/such hope/we.......... 213/249
2Co_10:11........Let/such an one think/this 214/249
2Co_10:11.......that/such as we are/in..... 215/249
2Co_10:11.....absent/such will/we.......... 216/249
2Co_11:13........For/such are false/apostles 217/249
2Co_12:2.....knoweth/such an one caught/up. 218/249
2Co_12:3........knew/such a man whether/in. 219/249
2Co_12:5..........Of/such an one will/I.... 220/249 as I would/and... 221/249 as ye/would...... 222/249
Gal_5:21.........and/such like of/the...... 223/249 things shall not/inherit 224/249
Gal_5:23.....against/such there/is......... 225/249
Gal_6:1......restore/such an one in/the.... 226/249
Eph_5:27.........any/such thing but/that... 227/249
Php_2:29........hold/such in/reputation.... 228/249
1Th_4:6..........all/such as we also/have.. 229/249
2Th_3:12.........are/such we/command....... 230/249
1Ti_6:5.........from/such withdraw/thyself. 231/249
2Ti_3:5.........from/such turn/away........ 232/249 is subverted/and. 233/249
Phl_1:9........being/such an one as Paul/the 234/249
Heb_5:12......become/such as have need/of.. 235/249
Heb_7:26.........For/such an high priest became/us 236/249
Heb_8:1.........have/such an high priest who/is 237/249
Heb_11:14........say/such things declare/plainly 238/249
Heb_12:3.....endured/such contradiction/of. 239/249
Heb_13:5........with/such things as ye have for/he 240/249
Heb_13:16.......with/such sacrifices/God... 241/249
Jam_4:13........into/such a city/and....... 242/249
Jam_4:16.........all/such rejoicing/is..... 243/249
2Pe_1:17........came/such a voice/to....... 244/249
2Pe_3:14.........for/such things be/diligent 245/249
3Jn_1:8......receive/such that/we.......... 246/249
Rev_5:13.........and/such as are in/the.... 247/249
Rev_16:18.earthquake/such as was not since men/were 248/249
Rev_20:6..........on/such the second/death. 249/249
1Ch_2:55.........and/Suchathites/These......... 1/1