Gen_3:11.......Who/told thee that/thou..... 1/282
Gen_9:22.......and/told his two/brethren... 2/282
Gen_14:13......and/told Abram/the.......... 3/282
Gen_20:8.......and/told all these things in/their 4/282
Gen_22:3.......had/told him Then/on........ 5/282
Gen_22:9.......had/told him of and/Abraham. 6/282
Gen_22:20......was/told Abraham/saying..... 7/282
Gen_24:28......and/told them of her/mother's 8/282
Gen_24:33.....have/told mine/errand........ 9/282
Gen_24:66..servant/told Isaac/all......... 10/282
Gen_26:32......and/told him concerning/the 11/282
Gen_27:42.....were/told to Rebekah/and.... 12/282
Gen_29:12....Jacob/told Rachel/that....... 13/282
Gen_29:12......and/told her father/And.... 14/282
Gen_29:13.......he/told Laban all/these... 15/282
Gen_31:20.......he/told him not that/he... 16/282
Gen_31:22......was/told Laban on/the...... 17/282
Gen_37:5........he/told it his brethren and they/hated 18/282
Gen_37:9.......and/told it his brethren and said/Behold 19/282
Gen_37:10.......he/told it to his/father.. 20/282
Gen_38:13......was/told Tamar/saying...... 21/282
Gen_38:24......was/told Judah/saying...... 22/282
Gen_40:9....butler/told his dream/to...... 23/282
Gen_41:8...Pharaoh/told them his/dream.... 24/282
Gen_41:12.......we/told him and he interpreted/to 25/282
Gen_41:24........I/told this unto/the..... 26/282
Gen_42:29......and/told him all that befell/unto 27/282
Gen_43:7........we/told him according/to.. 28/282
Gen_44:24.......we/told him the words of my/lord 29/282
Gen_45:26......And/told him saying Joseph/is 30/282
Gen_45:27.....they/told him all the words/of 31/282
Gen_47:1.......and/told Pharaoh and/said.. 32/282 Joseph/Behold..... 33/282 Jacob/and......... 34/282
Exo_4:28.....Moses/told Aaron/all......... 35/282
Exo_5:1........and/told Pharaoh Thus/saith 36/282
Exo_14:5.......was/told the king of Egypt/that 37/282
Exo_16:22......and/told Moses And he/said. 38/282
Exo_18:8.....Moses/told his father in/law. 39/282
Exo_19:9.....Moses/told the words/of...... 40/282
Exo_24:3.......and/told the people all/the 41/282
Lev_21:24....Moses/told it unto Aaron/and. 42/282
Num_11:24......and/told the people the words/of 43/282
Num_11:27......and/told Moses and said/Eldad 44/282
Num_13:27.....they/told him and said We/came 45/282
Num_14:39....Moses/told these sayings/unto 46/282
Num_23:26....Balak/Told not I/thee........ 47/282
Num_29:40....Moses/told the children/of... 48/282 thee and/thou..... 49/282
Jos_2:2........was/told the king of Jericho/saying 50/282
Jos_2:23.......and/told him all things that/befell 51/282
Jos_9:24.certainly/told thy servants/how.. 52/282
Jos_10:17......was/told Joshua/saying..... 53/282
Jdg_6:13...fathers/told us of/saying...... 54/282
Jdg_7:13......that/told a/dream........... 55/282
Jdg_9:7.......they/told it to Jotham/he... 56/282
Jdg_9:25.......was/told Abimelech And Gaal/the 57/282
Jdg_9:42......they/told Abimelech And he/took 58/282
Jdg_9:47.......was/told Abimelech that/all 59/282
Jdg_13:6.......and/told her husband/saying 60/282
Jdg_13:6...neither/told he/me............. 61/282
Jdg_13:23.....have/told us such/things.... 62/282
Jdg_14:2.......and/told his father and/his 63/282
Jdg_14:6........he/told not his father or/his 64/282
Jdg_14:9........he/told not them/that..... 65/282
Jdg_14:16......not/told it me/And......... 66/282
Jdg_14:16......not/told it my/father...... 67/282
Jdg_14:17.......he/told her because/she... 68/282
Jdg_14:17......she/told the riddle/to..... 69/282
Jdg_16:2.......was/told the Gazites/saying 70/282
Jdg_16:10......and/told me lies now/tell.. 71/282
Jdg_16:13......and/told me lies tell/me... 72/282
Jdg_16:15......not/told me wherein/thy.... 73/282
Jdg_16:17.......he/told her all his heart and/said 74/282
Jdg_16:18......had/told her all his heart she/sent 75/282
Rut_3:16.......she/told her all that/the.. 76/282
1Sa_3:13......have/told him that I will/judge 77/282
1Sa_3:18....Samuel/told him every/whit.... 78/282
1Sa_4:13.......and/told it all/the........ 79/282
1Sa_4:14.......and/told Eli/Now........... 80/282
1Sa_8:10....Samuel/told all the words of/the 81/282
1Sa_9:15.......had/told Samuel in/his..... 82/282
1Sa_10:16.......He/told us plainly/that... 83/282
1Sa_10:16.......he/told him not And/Samuel 84/282
1Sa_10:25...Samuel/told the people the manner/of 85/282
1Sa_11:4.......and/told the tidings/in.... 86/282
1Sa_11:5......they/told him the tidings/of 87/282
1Sa_14:1........he/told not his father And/Saul 88/282
1Sa_14:33.....they/told Saul saying Behold the/people 89/282
1Sa_14:43.Jonathan/told him and said I/did 90/282
1Sa_15:12......was/told Samuel saying/Saul 91/282
1Sa_18:20.....they/told Saul and/the...... 92/282
1Sa_18:24.....Saul/told him saying On/this 93/282
1Sa_18:26.servants/told David these/words. 94/282
1Sa_19:2..Jonathan/told David saying Saul/my 95/282
1Sa_19:11.....wife/told him saying If/thou 96/282
1Sa_19:18......and/told him all that Saul/had 97/282
1Sa_19:19......was/told Saul saying Behold David/is 98/282
1Sa_19:21......was/told Saul he/sent...... 99/282
1Sa_23:1......they/told David saying Behold/the 100/282
1Sa_23:7.......was/told Saul that David was come/to 101/282
1Sa_23:13......was/told Saul that David was escaped/from 102/282 me that he/dealeth 103/282
1Sa_23:25.....they/told David wherefore/he 104/282
1Sa_24:1.......was/told him saying Behold David/is 105/282
1Sa_25:12......and/told him all those/sayings 106/282 Abigail/Nabal's.. 107/282
1Sa_25:19......she/told not her/husband.. 108/282
1Sa_25:36......she/told him nothing/less. 109/282
1Sa_25:37......had/told him these/things. 110/282
1Sa_27:4.......was/told Saul that David was fled/to 111/282
2Sa_1:5.......that/told him How/knowest.. 112/282
2Sa_1:6.......that/told him said/As...... 113/282
2Sa_1:13......that/told him Whence/art... 114/282
2Sa_2:4.......they/told David saying That/the 115/282
2Sa_3:23......they/told Joab saying/Abner 116/282 me saying/Behold. 117/282
2Sa_6:12.......was/told king David saying/The 118/282
2Sa_10:5......they/told it unto David/he. 119/282
2Sa_10:17......was/told David he/gathered 120/282
2Sa_11:5.......and/told David and said/I. 121/282
2Sa_11:10......had/told David saying Uriah/went 122/282
2Sa_11:18......and/told David all/the.... 123/282
2Sa_14:33......and/told him and when/he.. 124/282 David saying Ahithophel/is 125/282
2Sa_17:17......and/told them and/they.... 126/282
2Sa_17:17......and/told king David Nevertheless/a 127/282
2Sa_17:18......and/told Absalom/but...... 128/282
2Sa_17:21......and/told king David and/said 129/282
2Sa_18:10......and/told Joab and/said.... 130/282
2Sa_18:11.....that/told him And behold/thou 131/282
2Sa_18:25......and/told the king And the king/said 132/282
2Sa_19:1.......was/told Joab Behold/the.. 133/282
2Sa_19:8......they/told unto all/the..... 134/282
2Sa_21:11......was/told David what/Rizpah 135/282
2Sa_24:13......and/told him and said unto/him 136/282
1Ki_1:23......they/told the king saying Behold/Nathan 137/282
1Ki_1:51.......was/told Solomon saying/Behold 138/282
1Ki_2:29.......was/told king Solomon/that 139/282
1Ki_2:39......they/told Shimei/saying.... 140/282
1Ki_2:41.......was/told Solomon that/Shimei 141/282 nor numbered for multitude And the priests brought in the ark of the covenant of the LORD unto his place into/the 142/282
1Ki_10:3...Solomon/told her all her questions there/was 143/282
1Ki_10:3........he/told her not And when the queen of Sheba had seen all/Solomon's 144/282
1Ki_10:7.......not/told me thy/wisdom.... 145/282
1Ki_13:11......and/told him all the works/that 146/282
1Ki_13:11.....they/told also/to.......... 147/282
1Ki_13:25......and/told it in the city where/the 148/282
1Ki_14:2.....which/told me that I/should. 149/282
1Ki_18:13......not/told my/lord.......... 150/282
1Ki_18:16......and/told him and Ahab/went 151/282
1Ki_19:1......Ahab/told Jezebel/all...... 152/282
1Ki_20:17.....they/told him saying There/are 153/282
2Ki_1:7........and/told you these words/And 154/282
2Ki_4:7........and/told the man/of....... 155/282
2Ki_4:27.......not/told me Then/she...... 156/282
2Ki_4:31.......and/told him saying The child/is 157/282
2Ki_5:4........and/told his lord/saying.. 158/282
2Ki_6:10.......God/told him and warned/him 159/282
2Ki_6:13.......was/told him saying Behold he/is 160/282
2Ki_7:10......they/told them saying We/came 161/282
2Ki_7:11......they/told it to the king's/house 162/282
2Ki_7:15.......and/told the king And the people/went 163/282
2Ki_8:6........she/told him So/the....... 164/282
2Ki_8:7........was/told him saying The man/of 165/282
2Ki_8:14........He/told me that thou/shouldest 166/282
2Ki_9:18..watchman/told saying The messenger/came 167/282
2Ki_9:20..watchman/told saying He/came... 168/282
2Ki_9:36.......and/told him And he said/This 169/282
2Ki_10:8.......and/told him saying They/have 170/282
2Ki_12:10......and/told the money/that... 171/282
2Ki_12:11....being/told into/the......... 172/282
2Ki_18:37......and/told him the words of Rabshakeh And it came to pass when king Hezekiah heard it that he rent his clothes and covered himself with sackcloth and went into the house of the LORD And he sent Eliakim which/was 173/282 him It/is........ 174/282
1Ch_17:25.....hast/told thy servant/that. 175/282
1Ch_19:5.......and/told David how/the.... 176/282
1Ch_19:17......was/told David and he/gathered 177/282
2Ch_2:2....Solomon/told out/threescore... 178/282 nor numbered for multitude And the priests brought in the ark of the covenant of the LORD unto his place to/the 179/282
2Ch_9:2....Solomon/told her all her questions and/there 180/282
2Ch_9:2.........he/told her not And when the queen of Sheba had seen the/wisdom 181/282
2Ch_9:6........not/told me for/thou...... 182/282
2Ch_20:2......that/told Jehoshaphat/saying 183/282
2Ch_34:18...scribe/told the king saying Hilkiah/the 184/282
Ezr_8:17.........I/told them what they/should 185/282
Neh_2:12...neither/told I/any............ 186/282
Neh_2:16.......yet/told it to the Jews/nor 187/282
Neh_2:18.........I/told them of the hand/of 188/282
Est_2:22.......who/told it unto Esther/the 189/282
Est_3:4.......they/told Haman/to......... 190/282
Est_3:4........had/told them that he/was. 191/282
Est_4:4........and/told it her/Then...... 192/282
Est_4:7...Mordecai/told him of all/that.. 193/282
Est_4:9........and/told Esther/the....... 194/282
Est_4:12......they/told to Mordecai/Esther's 195/282
Est_5:11.....Haman/told them of the glory/of 196/282
Est_6:2........had/told of/Bigthana...... 197/282
Est_6:13.....Haman/told Zeresh/his....... 198/282
Est_8:1........had/told what he/was...... 199/282
Job_15:18.....have/told from/their....... 200/282 him that I speak/if 201/282
Psa_44:1......have/told us what/work..... 202/282
Psa_78:3......have/told us We/will....... 203/282 The days/of...... 204/282
Ecc_6:6......twice/told yet/hath......... 205/282
Isa_7:2........was/told the house/of..... 206/282
Isa_36:22......and/told him the words of Rabshakeh And it came to pass when king Hezekiah heard it that he rent his clothes and covered himself with sackcloth and went into the house of the LORD And he sent Eliakim who/was 207/282
Isa_40:21.....been/told you from/the..... 208/282
Isa_44:8.........I/told thee from/that... 209/282
Isa_45:21.....hath/told it from/that..... 210/282
Isa_52:15.....been/told them shall/they.. 211/282
Jer_36:20......and/told all the words in/the 212/282
Jer_38:27.......he/told them according/to 213/282
Dan_4:7..........I/told the dream before/them 214/282
Dan_4:8..........I/told the dream saying/O 215/282
Dan_7:1........and/told the sum/of....... 216/282
Dan_7:16........he/told me and/made...... 217/282
Dan_8:26.......was/told is/true.......... 218/282
Jon_1:10.......had/told them Then/said... 219/282 you For/lo....... 220/282
Zec_10:2......have/told false/dreams..... 221/282
Mat_8:33.......and/told every/thing...... 222/282
Mat_12:48.....that/told him Who/is....... 223/282
Mat_14:12......and/told Jesus/When....... 224/282
Mat_18:31......and/told unto their/lord.. 225/282
Mat_24:25.....have/told you before Wherefore/if 226/282 for/a............ 227/282
Mat_28:7......have/told you And they/departed 228/282
Mar_5:14.......and/told it in the city and in the country And/they 229/282 them how/it...... 230/282
Mar_5:33.......and/told him all the truth/And 231/282
Mar_6:30.......and/told him all things both/what 232/282
Mar_9:12.......and/told them Elias/verily 233/282
Mar_16:10......and/told them that had/been 234/282
Mar_16:13......and/told it unto the/residue 235/282
Luk_1:45......were/told her from/the..... 236/282
Luk_2:17.......was/told them concerning/this 237/282
Luk_2:18......were/told them by the/shepherds 238/282
Luk_2:20.......was/told unto them/And.... 239/282
Luk_8:20.......was/told him by/certain... 240/282
Luk_8:34.......and/told it in the city and in the country Then/they 241/282 them by what/means 242/282
Luk_9:10..returned/told him all that they/had 243/282
Luk_9:36.......and/told no/man........... 244/282
Luk_13:1......that/told him of the/Galilaeans 245/282
Luk_18:37.....they/told him that Jesus/of 246/282
Luk_24:9.......and/told all these things unto/the 247/282
Luk_24:10....which/told these things/unto 248/282
Luk_24:35.....they/told what things/were. 249/282
Joh_3:12......have/told you earthly/things 250/282
Joh_4:29.....which/told me all things/that 251/282
Joh_4:39........He/told me all that/ever. 252/282
Joh_4:51.......and/told him saying Thy/son 253/282
Joh_5:15.......and/told the Jews/that.... 254/282
Joh_8:40......hath/told you the/truth.... 255/282
Joh_9:27......have/told you already/and.. 256/282
Joh_10:25........I/told you and ye/believed 257/282
Joh_11:46......and/told them what things/Jesus 258/282
Joh_14:2......have/told you I/go......... 259/282
Joh_14:29.....have/told you before it/come 260/282
Joh_16:4.........I/told you that when/the 261/282
Joh_16:4.........I/told you of/them...... 262/282
Joh_18:8......have/told you that I/am.... 263/282
Joh_20:18......and/told the disciples/that 264/282
Act_5:22.......and/told Saying The prison/truly 265/282
Act_5:25.......and/told them saying Behold/the 266/282 thee what/thou... 267/282
Act_12:14......and/told how/Peter........ 268/282
Act_16:36...prison/told this saying/to... 269/282
Act_16:38serjeants/told these words/unto. 270/282 thee of/all...... 271/282
Act_22:26......and/told the chief/captain 272/282
Act_23:16......and/told Paul/Then........ 273/282
Act_23:30......was/told me how/that...... 274/282
Act_27:25......was/told me Howbeit/we.... 275/282
2Co_7:7.........he/told us your/earnest.. 276/282
2Co_13:2.........I/told you before and/foretell 277/282
Gal_5:21......also/told you in/time...... 278/282
Php_3:18......have/told you often/and.... 279/282
1Th_3:4.........we/told you before that/we 280/282
2Th_2:5..........I/told you these things/And 281/282
Jud_1:18......they/told you there/should. 282/282