Gen_11:4.whose/top may/reach............ 1/91
Gen_28:12..the/top of it reached/to..... 2/91
Gen_28:18..the/top of it And he/called.. 3/91
Exo_17:9...the/top of the hill with/the. 4/91
Exo_17:10..the/top of the hill And/it... 5/91
Exo_19:20..the/top of the mount and the/LORD 6/91
Exo_19:20..the/top of the mount and Moses went/up 7/91
Exo_24:17..the/top of the mount in/the.. 8/91
Exo_28:32..the/top of it in/the......... 9/91
Exo_30:3...the/top thereof and the/sides 10/91
Exo_34:2...the/top of the mount And no/man 11/91
Exo_37:26..the/top of it and the/sides. 12/91
Num_14:40..the/top of the mountain saying/Lo 13/91
Num_14:44.hill/top nevertheless/the.... 14/91
Num_20:28..the/top of the mount and Moses and/Eleazar 15/91
Num_21:20..the/top of Pisgah which/looketh 16/91
Num_23:9...the/top of the rocks/I...... 17/91
Num_23:14..the/top of Pisgah and built/seven 18/91
Num_23:28..the/top of Peor/that........ 19/91
Deu_3:27...the/top of Pisgah and lift/up 20/91
Deu_28:35..the/top of thy/head......... 21/91
Deu_33:16..the/top of the head/of...... 22/91
Deu_34:1...the/top of Pisgah that/is... 23/91
Jos_15:8...the/top of the mountain that/lieth 24/91
Jos_15:9...the/top of the hill unto/the 25/91
Jdg_6:26...the/top of this/rock........ 26/91
Jdg_9:7....the/top of mount/Gerizim.... 27/91
Jdg_9:25...the/top of the mountains and they/robbed 28/91
Jdg_9:36...the/top of the mountains And Zebul/said 29/91
Jdg_9:51...the/top of the tower/And.... 30/91
Jdg_15:8...the/top of the rock Etam Then/the 31/91
Jdg_15:11..the/top of the rock Etam and/said 32/91
Jdg_16:3...the/top of an hill that/is.. 33/91
1Sa_9:25...the/top of the house And they/arose 34/91
1Sa_9:26...the/top of the house saying/Up 35/91
1Sa_26:13..the/top of an hill afar/off. 36/91
2Sa_2:25...the/top of an hill Then/Abner 37/91
2Sa_15:32..the/top of the mount where/he 38/91
2Sa_16:1...the/top of the hill behold/Ziba 39/91
2Sa_16:22..the/top of the house and Absalom/went 40/91
1Ki_7:17...the/top of the pillars seven/for 41/91
1Ki_7:18...the/top with/pomegranates... 42/91
1Ki_7:19...the/top of the pillars were/of 43/91
1Ki_7:22...the/top of the pillars was/lily 44/91
1Ki_7:35...the/top of the base was/there 45/91
1Ki_7:35...the/top of the base the/ledges 46/91
1Ki_7:41...the/top of the two pillars and the two networks/to 47/91
1Ki_7:41...the/top of the pillars And four hundred pomegranates for/the 48/91
1Ki_10:19..the/top of the throne/was... 49/91
1Ki_18:42..the/top of Carmel and/he.... 50/91
2Ki_1:9....the/top of an hill And/he... 51/91
2Ki_9:13...the/top of the stairs/and... 52/91
2Ki_23:12..the/top of the upper/chamber 53/91
2Ch_3:15...the/top of each/of.......... 54/91
2Ch_4:12...the/top of the two pillars and the two wreaths/to 55/91
2Ch_4:12...the/top of the pillars And four hundred pomegranates on/the 56/91
2Ch_25:12..the/top of the rock and/cast 57/91
2Ch_25:12..the/top of the rock that/they 58/91
Est_5:2....the/top of the sceptre/Then. 59/91
Psa_72:16..the/top of the mountains the/fruit 60/91
Psa_102:7house/top Mine/enemies........ 61/91
Pro_8:2....the/top of high/places...... 62/91
Pro_23:34..the/top of a mast/They...... 63/91
Son_4:8....the/top of Amana/from....... 64/91
Son_4:8....the/top of Shenir/and....... 65/91
Isa_2:2....the/top of the mountains and shall/be 66/91
Isa_17:6...the/top of the uppermost/bough 67/91
Isa_30:17..the/top of a mountain/and... 68/91
Isa_42:11..the/top of the mountains Let/them 69/91
Lam_2:19...the/top of every street Behold/O 70/91
Lam_4:1....the/top of every street The/precious 71/91
Eze_17:4...the/top of his young twigs and/carried 72/91
Eze_17:22..the/top of his young twigs a/tender 73/91
Eze_24:7...the/top of a rock she/poured 74/91
Eze_24:8...the/top of a rock that/it... 75/91
Eze_26:4...the/top of a rock It/shall.. 76/91
Eze_26:14..the/top of a rock thou/shalt 77/91
Eze_31:3...his/top was/among........... 78/91
Eze_31:10..his/top among the thick boughs and/his 79/91
Eze_31:14their/top among the thick boughs neither/their 80/91
Eze_43:12..the/top of the mountain the/whole 81/91
Amo_1:2....the/top of Carmel shall/wither 82/91
Amo_9:3....the/top of Carmel I/will.... 83/91
Mic_4:1....the/top of the mountains and it/shall 84/91
Nah_3:10...the/top of all/the.......... 85/91
Zec_4:2....the/top of it and his/seven. 86/91
Zec_4:2....the/top thereof And two/olive 87/91
Mat_27:51..the/top to the bottom and the/earth 88/91
Mar_15:38..the/top to the bottom And when/the 89/91
Joh_19:23..the/top throughout/They..... 90/91
Heb_11:21..the/top of his staff/By..... 91/91