Gen_1:16........made/two great lights/the.... 1/835
Gen_4:19.........him/two wives the name of the one was Adah/and 2/835
Gen_5:18.........and/two years and he begat/Enoch 3/835
Gen_5:20.........and/two years and he died/And 4/835
Gen_5:26.........and/two years and begat sons/and 5/835
Gen_5:28.........and/two years and begat a/son 6/835
Gen_6:19.......flesh/two of every sort shalt/thou 7/835
Gen_6:20........kind/two of every sort shall/come 8/835 the male/and........ 9/835 and two unto/Noah.. 10/835
Gen_7:9..........and/two unto/Noah.......... 11/835
Gen_7:15.........ark/two and two of/all..... 12/835
Gen_7:15.........and/two of all/flesh....... 13/835
Gen_9:22.........his/two brethren without/And 14/835
Gen_10:25.......born/two sons the name of one/was 15/835
Gen_11:10...Arphaxad/two years after/the.... 16/835
Gen_11:19........Reu/two hundred and nine/years 17/835
Gen_11:20......lived/two and thirty/years... 18/835
Gen_11:21......Serug/two hundred and seven/years 19/835
Gen_11:23......Nahor/two hundred years/and.. 20/835
Gen_11:32.......were/two hundred and five/years 21/835
Gen_19:1........came/two angels to/Sodom.... 22/835
Gen_19:8........have/two daughters which have/not 23/835
Gen_19:15........thy/two daughters which are/here 24/835
Gen_19:16........his/two daughters the LORD/being 25/835
Gen_19:30........his/two daughters with/him. 26/835
Gen_19:30........his/two daughters And the firstborn/said 27/835
Gen_22:3........took/two of his young/men... 28/835
Gen_24:22........and/two bracelets/for...... 29/835
Gen_25:23........her/Two nations are/in..... 30/835
Gen_25:23........and/two manner/of.......... 31/835
Gen_27:9......thence/two good/kids.......... 32/835
Gen_27:36......these/two times/he........... 33/835
Gen_29:16........had/two daughters the name/of 34/835
Gen_31:33........the/two maidservants'/tents 35/835
Gen_31:41........thy/two daughters and six/years 36/835
Gen_32:7........into/two bands And/said..... 37/835
Gen_32:10.....become/two bands Deliver/me... 38/835 hundred she/goats.. 39/835
Gen_32:14......goats/two hundred ewes/and... 40/835
Gen_32:22........his/two wives and his/two.. 41/835
Gen_32:22........his/two womenservants/and.. 42/835
Gen_33:1.........the/two handmaids/And...... 43/835
Gen_34:25.......that/two of the sons/of..... 44/835
Gen_40:2.....against/two of his officers/against 45/835
Gen_41:1..........of/two full years that Pharaoh/dreamed 46/835
Gen_41:50.......born/two sons before/the.... 47/835 sons if/I.......... 48/835 sons And the one/went 49/835
Gen_45:6.......these/two years hath/the..... 50/835
Gen_46:27.......were/two souls/all.......... 51/835
Gen_48:1.........his/two sons Manasseh/and.. 52/835
Gen_48:5.........thy/two sons Ephraim/and... 53/835
Gen_49:14....between/two burdens/And........ 54/835
Exo_2:13......behold/two men of/the......... 55/835
Exo_4:9........these/two signs/neither...... 56/835
Exo_12:7.........the/two side posts and/on.. 57/835
Exo_12:22........the/two side posts with/the 58/835
Exo_12:23........the/two side posts the/LORD 59/835
Exo_16:22......bread/two omers/for.......... 60/835
Exo_16:29.........of/two days abide/ye...... 61/835
Exo_18:3.........her/two sons of which/the.. 62/835
Exo_18:6.........her/two sons with her/And.. 63/835
Exo_21:21.........or/two he shall/not....... 64/835
Exo_25:10.......wood/two cubits and a half shall be the length thereof and a cubit and a half the breadth thereof and a/cubit 65/835
Exo_25:12........and/two rings shall/be..... 66/835
Exo_25:12........and/two rings in the other/side 67/835 cubits and a half shall be the length thereof and a cubit and a half the breadth thereof And thou/shalt 68/835
Exo_25:18.......make/two cherubims of gold of/beaten 69/835
Exo_25:18........the/two ends of the mercy seat And/make 70/835
Exo_25:19........the/two ends thereof And the cherubims shall/stretch 71/835
Exo_25:22........the/two cherubims which/are 72/835
Exo_25:23.......wood/two cubits shall be the length/thereof 73/835
Exo_25:35......under/two branches of the same and a knop under two branches of the same and a knop under two branches of the same according to the six branches that/proceed 74/835
Exo_25:35......under/two branches of the same and a knop under two branches of the same according to the six branches that/proceed 75/835
Exo_25:35......under/two branches of the same according to the six branches that/proceed 76/835
Exo_26:17......board/Two tenons shall/there. 77/835
Exo_26:19.....boards/two sockets under one board for his two tenons and two sockets under another board for his two tenons And for the second/side 78/835
Exo_26:19........his/two tenons and two sockets under another board for his two tenons And for the second/side 79/835
Exo_26:19........and/two sockets under another board for his two tenons And for the second/side 80/835
Exo_26:19........his/two tenons And for the second/side 81/835
Exo_26:21.....silver/two sockets under one board and two sockets under another board And for the sides of the tabernacle westward thou/shalt 82/835
Exo_26:21........and/two sockets under another board And for the sides of the tabernacle westward thou/shalt 83/835
Exo_26:23........And/two boards shalt/thou.. 84/835
Exo_26:23........the/two sides And they shall/be 85/835
Exo_26:24........the/two corners And/they... 86/835
Exo_26:25....sockets/two sockets under one board and two sockets under another board And thou/shalt 87/835
Exo_26:25........and/two sockets under another board And thou/shalt 88/835
Exo_26:27........the/two sides westward And/the 89/835
Exo_27:7.........the/two sides of the altar/to 90/835
Exo_28:7.........the/two shoulderpieces/thereof 91/835
Exo_28:7.........the/two edges thereof/and.. 92/835
Exo_28:9........take/two onyx/stones........ 93/835
Exo_28:11........the/two stones with/the.... 94/835
Exo_28:12........the/two stones upon/the.... 95/835
Exo_28:12........his/two shoulders/for...... 96/835
Exo_28:14........And/two chains of/pure..... 97/835
Exo_28:23breastplate/two rings of gold and shalt/put 98/835
Exo_28:23........the/two rings on the two/ends 99/835
Exo_28:23........the/two ends of the breastplate And thou/shalt 100/835
Exo_28:24........the/two wreathen chains of gold in the two rings which/are 101/835
Exo_28:24........the/two rings which/are... 102/835
Exo_28:25......other/two ends of the two wreathen chains thou/shalt 103/835
Exo_28:25........the/two wreathen chains thou/shalt 104/835
Exo_28:25........the/two ouches and put them on the shoulderpieces of the ephod before it And thou/shalt 105/835
Exo_28:26.......make/two rings of gold and thou/shalt 106/835
Exo_28:26........the/two ends of the breastplate in/the 107/835
Exo_28:27........And/two other rings/of.... 108/835
Exo_28:27........the/two sides of the ephod underneath toward the forepart thereof/over 109/835
Exo_29:1.........and/two rams without/blemish 110/835
Exo_29:3.........the/two rams And Aaron/and 111/835
Exo_29:13........the/two kidneys and the fat that is upon them and burn/them 112/835
Exo_29:22........the/two kidneys and the fat that is upon them and the/right 113/835
Exo_29:38......altar/two lambs of the first year day/by 114/835
Exo_30:2.........and/two cubits shall be the height/thereof 115/835
Exo_30:4.........And/two golden rings/shalt 116/835
Exo_30:4.........the/two corners thereof/upon 117/835
Exo_30:4.........the/two sides of it/shalt. 118/835
Exo_30:23.......even/two hundred and fifty shekels and of sweet/calamus 119/835
Exo_30:23....calamus/two hundred and fifty shekels And of cassia/five 120/835
Exo_31:18......Sinai/two tables of testimony tables/of 121/835
Exo_32:15........the/two tables of the testimony/were 122/835
Exo_34:1........thee/two tables of stone like unto the first and I/will 123/835
Exo_34:4.......hewed/two tables of stone like unto the first and Moses/rose 124/835
Exo_34:4.........the/two tables of stone And the LORD descended/in 125/835
Exo_34:29........the/two tables of testimony in/Moses' 126/835
Exo_36:22........had/two tenons equally/distant 127/835
Exo_36:24.....boards/two sockets under one board for his two tenons and two sockets under another board for his two tenons And for the other/side 128/835
Exo_36:24........his/two tenons and two sockets under another board for his two tenons And for the other/side 129/835
Exo_36:24........and/two sockets under another board for his two tenons And for the other/side 130/835
Exo_36:24........his/two tenons And for the other/side 131/835
Exo_36:26.....silver/two sockets under one board and two sockets under another board And for the sides of the tabernacle westward he/made 132/835
Exo_36:26........and/two sockets under another board And for the sides of the tabernacle westward he/made 133/835
Exo_36:28........And/two boards made/he.... 134/835
Exo_36:28........the/two sides And they were/coupled 135/835
Exo_36:30......board/two sockets And/he.... 136/835
Exo_37:1........wood/two cubits and a half was the length of/it 137/835
Exo_37:3........even/two rings upon the one/side 138/835
Exo_37:3.........and/two rings upon the other/side 139/835 cubits and a half was the length thereof/and 140/835
Exo_37:7........made/two cherubims of gold beaten/out 141/835
Exo_37:7.........the/two ends of the mercy seat One/cherub 142/835
Exo_37:8.........the/two ends thereof And the cherubims spread/out 143/835
Exo_37:10.......wood/two cubits was the length/thereof 144/835
Exo_37:21......under/two branches of the same and a knop under two branches of the same and a knop under two branches of the same according to the six branches going/out 145/835
Exo_37:21......under/two branches of the same and a knop under two branches of the same according to the six branches going/out 146/835
Exo_37:21......under/two branches of the same according to the six branches going/out 147/835
Exo_37:25........and/two cubits was the height/of 148/835
Exo_37:27.......made/two rings of gold for/it 149/835
Exo_37:27........the/two corners of/it..... 150/835
Exo_37:27........the/two sides thereof/to.. 151/835
Exo_38:29........and/two thousand and four hundred shekels And/therewith 152/835
Exo_39:4.........the/two edges was/it...... 153/835
Exo_39:16.......made/two ouches of/gold.... 154/835
Exo_39:16........and/two gold/rings........ 155/835
Exo_39:16........the/two rings in the two/ends 156/835
Exo_39:16........the/two ends of the breastplate And they/put 157/835
Exo_39:17........the/two wreathen chains of gold in the two rings on/the 158/835
Exo_39:17........the/two rings on the ends/of 159/835
Exo_39:18........the/two ends of the two wreathen chains they/fastened 160/835
Exo_39:18........the/two wreathen chains they/fastened 161/835
Exo_39:18........the/two ouches and put them on the shoulderpieces of the ephod before it And they/made 162/835
Exo_39:19.......made/two rings of gold and put/them 163/835
Exo_39:19........the/two ends of the breastplate upon/the 164/835
Exo_39:20.......made/two other golden/rings 165/835
Exo_39:20........the/two sides of the ephod underneath toward the forepart of/it 166/835
Lev_3:4..........the/two kidneys and the fat that is on them which is by the flanks and the caul above/the 167/835
Lev_3:10.........the/two kidneys and the fat that is upon them which is by the flanks and the caul above the liver with the kidneys it shall he take away And the priest shall burn it/upon 168/835
Lev_3:15.........the/two kidneys and the fat that is upon them which is by the flanks and the caul above the liver with the kidneys it shall he take away And the priest shall burn them/upon 169/835
Lev_4:9..........the/two kidneys and the fat that is upon them which is by the flanks and the caul above the liver with the kidneys it shall he take away As/it 170/835
Lev_5:7....committed/two turtledoves or two young pigeons unto/the 171/835
Lev_5:7...........or/two young pigeons unto/the 172/835
Lev_5:11.......bring/two turtledoves or two young pigeons then/he 173/835
Lev_5:11..........or/two young pigeons then/he 174/835
Lev_7:4..........the/two kidneys and the fat that is on them which is by the flanks and the caul that/is 175/835
Lev_8:2..........and/two rams and a basket/of 176/835
Lev_8:16.........the/two kidneys and their fat and Moses/burned 177/835
Lev_8:25.........the/two kidneys and their fat and the/right 178/835
Lev_12:5.....unclean/two weeks as/in....... 179/835
Lev_12:8.......bring/two turtles or two young pigeons the/one 180/835
Lev_12:8..........or/two young pigeons the/one 181/835
Lev_14:4....cleansed/two birds alive/and... 182/835
Lev_14:10.......take/two he lambs/without.. 183/835
Lev_14:22........And/two turtledoves or two young pigeons such/as 184/835
Lev_14:22.........or/two young pigeons such/as 185/835 birds and/cedar... 186/835
Lev_15:14........him/two turtledoves or two young pigeons and/come 187/835
Lev_15:14.........or/two young pigeons and come/before 188/835
Lev_15:29........her/two turtles or two young pigeons and/bring 189/835
Lev_15:29.........or/two young pigeons and bring/them 190/835
Lev_16:1.........the/two sons of Aaron/when 191/835
Lev_16:5......Israel/two kids/of........... 192/835
Lev_16:7.........the/two goats and/present. 193/835
Lev_16:8.........the/two goats one/lot..... 194/835 tenth deals of fine/flour 195/835
Lev_23:17habitations/two wave/loaves....... 196/835
Lev_23:17.........of/two tenth deals they/shall 197/835
Lev_23:18........and/two rams they/shall... 198/835
Lev_23:19........and/two lambs of the first year for/a 199/835
Lev_23:20........the/two lambs they/shall.. 200/835
Lev_24:5.....thereof/two tenth deals shall/be 201/835 rows six/on....... 202/835
Num_1:35.........and/two thousand and two hundred Of/the 203/835
Num_1:35.........and/two hundred Of the children/of 204/835
Num_1:39.........and/two thousand and seven hundred Of/the 205/835
Num_2:21.........and/two thousand and two hundred Then/the 206/835
Num_2:21.........and/two hundred Then/the.. 207/835
Num_2:26.........and/two thousand and seven hundred And/those 208/835
Num_3:34.........and/two hundred And the/chief 209/835
Num_3:39.........and/two thousand And the/LORD 210/835
Num_3:43.........and/two thousand two/hundred 211/835
Num_3:43....thousand/two hundred and threescore and thirteen And/the 212/835
Num_3:46.........the/two hundred and threescore and thirteen of/the 213/835
Num_4:36........were/two thousand seven/hundred 214/835
Num_4:40........were/two thousand and six hundred and thirty/These 215/835
Num_4:44.........and/two hundred These/be.. 216/835
Num_6:10.......bring/two turtles or two young pigeons to/the 217/835
Num_6:10..........or/two young pigeons to/the 218/835
Num_7:3..........for/two of the princes/and 219/835
Num_7:7......Levites/Two wagons/and........ 220/835
Num_7:17...offerings/two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Nahshon/the 221/835
Num_7:23...offerings/two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Nethaneel/the 222/835
Num_7:29...offerings/two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Eliab/the 223/835
Num_7:35...offerings/two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Elizur/the 224/835
Num_7:41...offerings/two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Shelumiel/the 225/835
Num_7:47...offerings/two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Eliasaph/the 226/835
Num_7:53...offerings/two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Elishama/the 227/835
Num_7:59...offerings/two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Gamaliel/the 228/835
Num_7:65...offerings/two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Abidan/the 229/835
Num_7:71...offerings/two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Ahiezer/the 230/835
Num_7:77...offerings/two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Pagiel/the 231/835
Num_7:83...offerings/two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Ahira/the 232/835
Num_7:85.....weighed/two thousand and four hundred shekels after/the 233/835
Num_7:89.........the/two cherubims and/he.. 234/835
Num_9:22........were/two days or/a......... 235/835
Num_10:2........thee/two trumpets/of....... 236/835
Num_11:19........nor/two days nor/five..... 237/835
Num_11:26...remained/two of the men/in..... 238/835
Num_11:31.......were/two cubits high/upon.. 239/835
Num_13:23....between/two upon/a............ 240/835
Num_15:6....offering/two tenth deals of flour mingled/with 241/835
Num_16:2......Israel/two hundred and fifty princes/of 242/835
Num_16:17.....censer/two hundred and fifty censers/thou 243/835
Num_16:35........the/two hundred and fifty men that/offered 244/835
Num_22:22........his/two servants/were..... 245/835
Num_26:10...devoured/two hundred and fifty men and/they 246/835
Num_26:14........and/two thousand and two hundred The/children 247/835
Num_26:14........and/two hundred The children/of 248/835
Num_26:34........and/two thousand and seven hundred These/are 249/835
Num_26:37........and/two thousand and five/hundred 250/835
Num_28:3........LORD/two lambs of the first year without spot day/by 251/835 lambs of the first year without spot and/two 252/835
Num_28:9.........and/two tenth deals of flour for a meat offering mingled with oil and/the 253/835
Num_28:11.......LORD/two young bullocks and one ram seven/lambs 254/835
Num_28:12........and/two tenth deals of flour for a meat offering mingled with oil for/one 255/835
Num_28:19.......LORD/two young bullocks and one ram and/seven 256/835
Num_28:20........and/two tenth deals for a ram A/several 257/835
Num_28:27.......LORD/two young bullocks one/ram 258/835
Num_28:28....bullock/two tenth deals unto/one 259/835
Num_29:3.........and/two tenth deals for a ram And/one 260/835
Num_29:9.........and/two tenth deals to one/ram 261/835
Num_29:13...bullocks/two rams and fourteen lambs of the first year they/shall 262/835
Num_29:14...bullocks/two tenth deals to each/ram 263/835
Num_29:14........the/two rams And a several/tenth 264/835
Num_29:17...bullocks/two rams fourteen lambs of the first year without spot/And 265/835
Num_29:20...bullocks/two rams fourteen lambs of the first year without blemish/And 266/835
Num_29:23...bullocks/two rams and fourteen lambs of the first year without blemish Their/meat 267/835
Num_29:26...bullocks/two rams and fourteen lambs of the first year without spot/And 268/835
Num_29:29...bullocks/two rams and fourteen lambs of the first year without blemish And their meat offering and their drink offerings for the bullocks for the rams and for the lambs shall be according to their number after the manner And one goat for a sin offering beside the continual burnt offering his meat offering and his drink offering And/on 269/835
Num_29:32...bullocks/two rams and fourteen lambs of the first year without blemish And their meat offering and their drink offerings for the bullocks for the rams and for the lambs shall be according to their number after the manner And one goat for a sin offering beside the continual burnt offering his meat offering and his drink offering On/the 270/835
Num_31:27.......into/two parts between/them 271/835
Num_31:35........and/two thousand persons/in 272/835
Num_31:40........and/two persons And/Moses. 273/835
Num_34:15........The/two tribes and the/half 274/835
Num_35:5........side/two thousand cubits and on the south/side 275/835
Num_35:5........side/two thousand cubits and on the west/side 276/835
Num_35:5........side/two thousand cubits and on the north/side 277/835
Num_35:5........side/two thousand cubits and the/city 278/835
Num_35:6.........and/two cities So/all..... 279/835
Deu_3:8..........the/two kings of the Amorites the/land 280/835
Deu_3:21.......these/two kings so/shall.... 281/835
Deu_4:13........upon/two tables of stone And the LORD commanded/me 282/835
Deu_4:47......Bashan/two kings of the Amorites which/were 283/835 tables of stone and delivered/them 284/835 tables of stone written/with 285/835
Deu_9:11.........the/two tables of stone even/the 286/835
Deu_9:15.........the/two tables of the covenant/were 287/835 hands And I/looked 288/835
Deu_9:17.........the/two tables and cast/them 289/835 hands and brake/them 290/835
Deu_10:1........thee/two tables of stone like unto the first and come/up 291/835
Deu_10:3.......hewed/two tables of stone like unto the first and went/up 292/835
Deu_10:3.........the/two tables in/mine.... 293/835
Deu_14:6........into/two claws/and......... 294/835
Deu_17:6..........of/two witnesses or three/witnesses 295/835
Deu_18:3.........the/two cheeks/and........ 296/835
Deu_19:15.........of/two witnesses or at/the 297/835
Deu_21:15.......have/two wives one/beloved. 298/835
Deu_32:30........and/two put/ten........... 299/835
Jos_2:1......Shittim/two men to/spy........ 300/835
Jos_2:4..........the/two men and/hid....... 301/835
Jos_2:10.........the/two kings of the Amorites that were on/the 302/835
Jos_2:23.........the/two men returned/and.. 303/835
Jos_3:4........about/two thousand cubits by/measure 304/835
Jos_6:22.........the/two men that had/spied 305/835
Jos_7:3........about/two or three thousand/men 306/835
Jos_7:21.........and/two hundred shekels of silver and a/wedge 307/835
Jos_9:10.........the/two kings of the Amorites that were beyond/Jordan 308/835
Jos_14:3..........of/two tribes and an/half 309/835
Jos_14:4........were/two tribes Manasseh/and 310/835
Jos_15:60.....Rabbah/two cities with their villages In/the 311/835
Jos_19:30........and/two cities with their villages This/is 312/835
Jos_21:16......those/two tribes And out/of. 313/835
Jos_21:25....suburbs/two cities All/the.... 314/835
Jos_21:27....suburbs/two cities And/out.... 315/835
Jos_24:12........the/two kings of the Amorites but/not 316/835
Jdg_3:16.........had/two edges of/a........ 317/835
Jdg_5:30..........or/two to/Sisera......... 318/835
Jdg_7:3..........and/two thousand and there/remained 319/835
Jdg_7:25........took/two princes/of........ 320/835
Jdg_8:12.........the/two kings of Midian/Zebah 321/835
Jdg_9:44.........the/two other companies/ran 322/835
Jdg_10:3.........and/two years And he had/thirty 323/835
Jdg_11:37......alone/two months that I/may. 324/835
Jdg_11:38........for/two months and she/went 325/835
Jdg_11:39.........of/two months that she/returned 326/835
Jdg_12:6.........and/two thousand And Jephthah/judged 327/835
Jdg_15:4.....between/two tails And/when.... 328/835
Jdg_15:13.......with/two new/cords......... 329/835
Jdg_16:3.........the/two posts/and......... 330/835 eyes And/Samson... 331/835
Jdg_16:29........the/two middle/pillars.... 332/835
Jdg_17:4........took/two hundred shekels of silver and gave/them 333/835
Jdg_19:10........him/two asses/saddled..... 334/835
Jdg_20:21........and/two thousand men And/the 335/835
Jdg_20:45.......slew/two thousand men of/them 336/835
Rut_1:1..........his/two sons And the name/of 337/835
Rut_1:2..........his/two sons Mahlon/and... 338/835
Rut_1:3..........her/two sons And they took/them 339/835
Rut_1:5..........her/two sons and her/husband 340/835
Rut_1:7..........her/two daughters in law with/her 341/835
Rut_1:8..........her/two daughters in law Go/return 342/835
Rut_1:19........they/two went until/they... 343/835
Rut_4:11.......which/two did/build......... 344/835
1Sa_1:2..........had/two wives the name of the one was Hannah/and 345/835
1Sa_1:3..........the/two sons of Eli Hophni and Phinehas the/priests 346/835
1Sa_2:21.........and/two daughters And the child/Samuel 347/835
1Sa_2:34.........thy/two sons on/Hophni.... 348/835
1Sa_4:4..........the/two sons of Eli Hophni and Phinehas were there/with 349/835
1Sa_4:11.........the/two sons of Eli Hophni and Phinehas were slain/And 350/835
1Sa_4:17.........thy/two sons also/Hophni.. 351/835
1Sa_6:7.........take/two milch kine on/which 352/835
1Sa_6:10........took/two milch kine and/tied 353/835
1Sa_10:2........find/two men by/Rachel's... 354/835
1Sa_10:4........thee/two loaves/of......... 355/835
1Sa_11:11.......that/two of them were/not.. 356/835
1Sa_13:1.....reigned/two years over Israel Saul/chose 357/835
1Sa_13:2.....whereof/two thousand were/with 358/835
1Sa_14:49........his/two daughters were/these 359/835
1Sa_15:4......Telaim/two hundred thousand footmen/and 360/835
1Sa_18:27Philistines/two hundred men and/David 361/835
1Sa_23:18.......they/two made a covenant/before 362/835
1Sa_25:13........and/two hundred abode by/the 363/835
1Sa_25:18.......took/two hundred loaves and/two 364/835
1Sa_25:18........and/two bottles/of........ 365/835
1Sa_25:18........and/two hundred cakes/of.. 366/835
1Sa_27:3.........his/two wives Ahinoam/the. 367/835
1Sa_28:8.........and/two men with/him...... 368/835
1Sa_30:5.....David's/two wives were/taken.. 369/835
1Sa_30:10........for/two hundred abode behind/which 370/835
1Sa_30:12........and/two clusters/of....... 371/835
1Sa_30:18........his/two wives And there/was 372/835
1Sa_30:21........the/two hundred men which/were 373/835
2Sa_1:1........abode/two days in/Ziklag.... 374/835
2Sa_2:2..........his/two wives also/Ahinoam 375/835
2Sa_2:10.....reigned/two years But/the..... 376/835
2Sa_4:2..........had/two men that were/captains 377/835
2Sa_8:2.........with/two lines/measured.... 378/835
2Sa_8:5......Syrians/two and twenty thousand men Then David put garrisons in Syria/of 379/835
2Sa_12:1........were/two men in one city/the 380/835
2Sa_13:23......after/two full years that Absalom/had 381/835
2Sa_14:6.........had/two sons and they two/strove 382/835
2Sa_14:6........they/two strove/together... 383/835 hundred shekels after/the 384/835
2Sa_14:28......dwelt/two full years in/Jerusalem 385/835
2Sa_15:11.......went/two hundred men out/of 386/835
2Sa_15:27.......your/two sons with you/Ahimaaz 387/835
2Sa_15:36......their/two sons Ahimaaz/Zadok's 388/835
2Sa_16:1........them/two hundred loaves of/bread 389/835
2Sa_18:24........the/two gates/and......... 390/835
2Sa_21:8.........the/two sons of Rizpah/the 391/835
2Sa_23:20.......slew/two lionlike men of Moab he/went 392/835
1Ki_2:5..........the/two captains of the hosts/of 393/835
1Ki_2:32........upon/two men more/righteous 394/835
1Ki_2:39........that/two of the servants/of 395/835
1Ki_3:16.......there/two women that/were... 396/835
1Ki_3:18..........we/two in/the............ 397/835 and give/half..... 398/835
1Ki_5:12........they/two made a league/together 399/835
1Ki_5:14.........and/two months at/home.... 400/835
1Ki_6:23........made/two cherubims of olive/tree 401/835
1Ki_6:32.........The/two doors also/were... 402/835
1Ki_6:34.........the/two doors were/of..... 403/835
1Ki_6:34.........the/two leaves of the one/door 404/835
1Ki_6:34.........the/two leaves of the other/door 405/835
1Ki_7:15........cast/two pillars of brass/of 406/835
1Ki_7:16........made/two chapiters/of...... 407/835
1Ki_7:18.........and/two rows round/about.. 408/835
1Ki_7:20.........the/two pillars had/pomegranates 409/835
1Ki_7:20........were/two hundred in/rows... 410/835 rows when/it...... 411/835
1Ki_7:26...contained/two thousand baths/And 412/835
1Ki_7:41.........The/two pillars and the two bowls/of 413/835
1Ki_7:41.........the/two bowls of the chapiters that were on/the 414/835
1Ki_7:41.........the/two pillars and the two networks/to 415/835
1Ki_7:41.........the/two networks to/cover. 416/835
1Ki_7:41.........the/two bowls of the chapiters which/were 417/835
1Ki_7:42.........the/two networks even/two. 418/835
1Ki_7:42........even/two rows of pomegranates for/one 419/835
1Ki_7:42.........the/two bowls of the chapiters that were upon/the 420/835
1Ki_8:7........their/two wings over/the.... 421/835
1Ki_8:9..........the/two tables of stone which/Moses 422/835
1Ki_8:63........LORD/two and twenty thousand oxen/and 423/835
1Ki_9:10.........the/two houses/the........ 424/835
1Ki_10:16.......made/two hundred targets of beaten gold six hundred shekels of gold/went 425/835
1Ki_10:19........and/two lions stood/beside 426/835
1Ki_11:29.......they/two were/alone........ 427/835
1Ki_12:28.......made/two calves of/gold.... 428/835
1Ki_14:20.......were/two and twenty years and/he 429/835
1Ki_15:25.....Israel/two years And he did evil/in 430/835
1Ki_16:8......Tirzah/two years And his/servant 431/835
1Ki_16:21.......into/two parts half/of..... 432/835
1Ki_16:24........for/two talents of silver and/built 433/835
1Ki_16:29........and/two years And Ahab/the 434/835
1Ki_17:12..gathering/two sticks/that....... 435/835
1Ki_18:21....between/two opinions/if....... 436/835 bullocks/and...... 437/835
1Ki_18:32....contain/two measures of seed/And 438/835
1Ki_20:1.........and/two kings with/him.... 439/835
1Ki_20:15.......were/two hundred and thirty/two 440/835
1Ki_20:15.....thirty/two and after/them.... 441/835
1Ki_20:16........and/two kings that/helped. 442/835 little/flocks..... 443/835
1Ki_21:10........set/two men sons/of....... 444/835 men children/of... 445/835
1Ki_22:31........and/two captains that/had. 446/835
1Ki_22:51....reigned/two years over Israel And/he 447/835
2Ki_1:14.........the/two captains of the former/fifties 448/835
2Ki_2:6.........they/two went on/And....... 449/835
2Ki_2:7.........they/two stood/by.......... 450/835
2Ki_2:8.........they/two went over/on...... 451/835 pieces/He......... 452/835
2Ki_2:24.......forth/two she/bears......... 453/835
2Ki_2:24.........and/two children/of....... 454/835 sons to/be........ 455/835
2Ki_5:17.....servant/two mules'/burden..... 456/835
2Ki_5:22.....Ephraim/two young men/of...... 457/835
2Ki_5:22.........and/two changes of garments And Naaman/said 458/835
2Ki_5:23........take/two talents And/he.... 459/835
2Ki_5:23.......bound/two talents of silver in/two 460/835 bags/with......... 461/835
2Ki_5:23........with/two changes of garments and laid/them 462/835
2Ki_5:23........upon/two of his servants/and 463/835
2Ki_7:1..........and/two measures of barley for a shekel in/the 464/835
2Ki_7:14...therefore/two chariot/horses.... 465/835
2Ki_7:16.........and/two measures of barley for a shekel according/to 466/835
2Ki_7:18......saying/Two measures of barley for a shekel and/a 467/835
2Ki_8:17.........and/two years old was he when he began to reign and he reigned eight/years 468/835
2Ki_8:26.......reign/Two and twenty years old was/Ahaziah 469/835
2Ki_9:32.........him/two or three eunuchs/And 470/835
2Ki_10:4......Behold/two kings stood/not... 471/835 heaps/at.......... 472/835
2Ki_10:14.......even/two and forty/men..... 473/835
2Ki_11:7.........And/two parts of/all...... 474/835
2Ki_15:2.....reigned/two and fifty/years... 475/835
2Ki_15:23....reigned/two years And he did that/which 476/835
2Ki_15:27........the/two and fiftieth/year. 477/835
2Ki_17:16.......even/two calves and/made... 478/835
2Ki_18:23.......thee/two thousand horses if thou be able on thy part to set riders upon them How then wilt thou turn away the face of one captain of the least of my master's servants and put thy trust on Egypt for chariots and for horsemen Am/I 479/835
2Ki_21:5.........the/two courts of the house of the LORD And he made/his 480/835
2Ki_21:19........and/two years old when he began to reign and he reigned two/years 481/835
2Ki_21:19....reigned/two years in Jerusalem And/his 482/835
2Ki_23:12........the/two courts of the house of the LORD did/the 483/835
2Ki_25:4.....between/two walls which is/by. 484/835
2Ki_25:16........The/two pillars one sea and the/bases 485/835
1Ch_1:19........born/two sons the name of the/one 486/835
1Ch_4:5..........had/two wives Helah/and... 487/835
1Ch_5:21.......sheep/two hundred and fifty thousand/and 488/835
1Ch_5:21.......asses/two thousand and of/men 489/835
1Ch_7:2........David/two and twenty thousand and/six 490/835
1Ch_7:7..........and/two thousand and thirty/and 491/835
1Ch_7:9..........and/two hundred The sons/also 492/835
1Ch_7:11.........and/two hundred soldiers fit/to 493/835
1Ch_9:22........were/two hundred and twelve/These 494/835
1Ch_11:21........the/two for he/was........ 495/835
1Ch_11:22.......slew/two lionlike men of Moab also/he 496/835
1Ch_12:28........and/two captains And/of... 497/835
1Ch_12:32.......were/two hundred and all/their 498/835
1Ch_15:6....brethren/two hundred and twenty Of/the 499/835
1Ch_15:8....brethren/two hundred Of the sons/of 500/835
1Ch_18:5.....Syrians/two and twenty thousand men Then David put garrisons in Syriadamascus/and 501/835
1Ch_19:7.........and/two thousand chariots/and 502/835
1Ch_24:17........the/two and twentieth to Gamul/The 503/835
1Ch_25:7.........was/two hundred fourscore and eight/And 504/835
1Ch_25:29........The/two and twentieth to Giddalti/he 505/835
1Ch_26:8.........and/two of Obededom/And... 506/835
1Ch_26:17....Asuppim/two and two At/Parbar. 507/835
1Ch_26:17........and/two At Parbar westward/four 508/835
1Ch_26:18........and/two at Parbar These/are 509/835
1Ch_26:32.......were/two thousand and seven hundred chief/fathers 510/835
2Ch_3:10........made/two cherubims of image/work 511/835 pillars of thirty/and 512/835
2Ch_4:3........about/Two rows of oxen/were. 513/835
2Ch_4:12.........the/two pillars and the pommels/and 514/835
2Ch_4:12.........the/two pillars and the two wreaths/to 515/835
2Ch_4:12.........the/two wreaths to/cover.. 516/835
2Ch_4:12.........the/two pommels of the chapiters which were on/the 517/835
2Ch_4:13.........the/two wreaths two/rows.. 518/835
2Ch_4:13.....wreaths/two rows of pomegranates on/each 519/835
2Ch_4:13.........the/two pommels of the chapiters which were upon/the 520/835
2Ch_5:10.........the/two tables which/Moses 521/835
2Ch_7:5..........and/two thousand oxen/and. 522/835
2Ch_8:10........even/two hundred and fifty that/bare 523/835
2Ch_9:15........made/two hundred targets of beaten gold six hundred shekels of beaten/gold 524/835
2Ch_9:18.........and/two lions standing/by. 525/835
2Ch_13:21........and/two sons and sixteen/daughters 526/835
2Ch_14:8........bows/two hundred and fourscore thousand all/these 527/835
2Ch_17:15........him/two hundred and fourscore thousand And/next 528/835
2Ch_17:16........him/two hundred thousand mighty/men 529/835
2Ch_17:17.....shield/two hundred thousand And/next 530/835
2Ch_21:5.........and/two years old when he began to reign and he reigned eight/years 531/835
2Ch_21:19.........of/two years his/bowels.. 532/835
2Ch_21:20........and/two years old was he when he began to reign and he reigned in/Jerusalem 533/835
2Ch_22:2.........and/two years old was Ahaziah/when 534/835
2Ch_24:3.........him/two wives and he/begat 535/835
2Ch_26:3.........and/two years in Jerusalem His/mother's 536/835
2Ch_26:12.......were/two thousand and six hundred And under/their 537/835
2Ch_28:8....brethren/two hundred thousand women/sons 538/835
2Ch_29:32........and/two hundred lambs/all. 539/835
2Ch_33:5.........the/two courts of the house of the LORD And he caused/his 540/835
2Ch_33:21........was/two and twenty years old when/he 541/835
2Ch_33:21....reigned/two years in Jerusalem But/he 542/835
2Ch_35:8...offerings/two thousand and six hundred small/cattle 543/835
Ezr_2:3.......Parosh/two thousand an hundred seventy and two The children of Shephatiah three hundred seventy and two The children of Arah seven/hundred 544/835
Ezr_2:3..........and/two The children of Shephatiah three hundred seventy and two The children of Arah seven/hundred 545/835
Ezr_2:4..........and/two The children of Arah seven/hundred 546/835
Ezr_2:6.........Joab/two thousand eight/hundred 547/835
Ezr_2:7.....thousand/two hundred fifty and four The children of Zattu nine/hundred 548/835
Ezr_2:10.........and/two The children of Bebai/six 549/835
Ezr_2:12....thousand/two hundred twenty and two/The 550/835
Ezr_2:12.........and/two The children of Adonikam six hundred sixty/and 551/835
Ezr_2:14......Bigvai/two thousand fifty/and 552/835
Ezr_2:19......Hashum/two hundred twenty and three The children of Gibbar/ninety 553/835
Ezr_2:24.........and/two The children of Kirjatharim/Chephirah 554/835
Ezr_2:27.........and/two The men of Bethel and Ai two/hundred 555/835
Ezr_2:28..........Ai/two hundred twenty and three The children of Nebo/fifty 556/835
Ezr_2:29.........and/two The children of Magbish/an 557/835
Ezr_2:31....thousand/two hundred fifty and four The children of Harim three hundred and twenty The children of Lod/Hadid 558/835
Ezr_2:37.........and/two The children of Pashur a thousand two hundred forty and seven The children of Harim a thousand and seventeen The Levites the children of Jeshua and/Kadmiel 559/835
Ezr_2:38....thousand/two hundred forty and seven The children of Harim a thousand and seventeen The Levites the children of Jeshua and/Kadmiel 560/835
Ezr_2:58.........and/two And these were they which went up from/Telmelah 561/835
Ezr_2:60.........and/two And of the children/of 562/835
Ezr_2:64.........and/two thousand three hundred and threescore Beside their servants/and 563/835
Ezr_2:65........them/two hundred singing/men 564/835
Ezr_2:66.......mules/two hundred forty and five Their camels four hundred thirty and five their/asses 565/835
Ezr_6:17....bullocks/two hundred rams/four. 566/835
Ezr_8:4..........him/two hundred males/Of.. 567/835
Ezr_8:9..........him/two hundred and eighteen/males 568/835
Ezr_8:20.....Levites/two hundred and twenty Nethinims/all 569/835
Ezr_8:27.........and/two vessels/of........ 570/835
Ezr_10:13.........or/two for we/are........ 571/835
Neh_5:14.........the/two and thirtieth year of Artaxerxes the/king 572/835
Neh_6:15.........and/two days And it/came.. 573/835
Neh_7:8.......Parosh/two thousand an hundred seventy and two The children of Shephatiah three hundred seventy and two The children of Arah six/hundred 574/835
Neh_7:8..........and/two The children of Shephatiah three hundred seventy and two The children of Arah six/hundred 575/835
Neh_7:9..........and/two The children of Arah six/hundred 576/835
Neh_7:10.........and/two The children of Pahathmoab/of 577/835
Neh_7:11........Joab/two thousand and eight/hundred 578/835
Neh_7:12....thousand/two hundred fifty and four The children of Zattu eight/hundred 579/835
Neh_7:17.......Azgad/two thousand three hundred twenty/and 580/835
Neh_7:17.........and/two The children of Adonikam six hundred threescore/and 581/835
Neh_7:19......Bigvai/two thousand threescore/and 582/835
Neh_7:28.........and/two The men of Kirjathjearim/Chephirah 583/835
Neh_7:31.........and/two The men of Bethel and Ai an/hundred 584/835
Neh_7:33.........and/two The children of the/other 585/835
Neh_7:34....thousand/two hundred fifty and four The children of Harim three hundred and twenty The children of Jericho/three 586/835
Neh_7:40.........and/two The children of Pashur a thousand two hundred forty and seven The children of Harim a thousand and seventeen The Levites the children of Jeshua of/Kadmiel 587/835
Neh_7:41....thousand/two hundred forty and seven The children of Harim a thousand and seventeen The Levites the children of Jeshua of/Kadmiel 588/835
Neh_7:60.........and/two And these were they which went up also/from 589/835
Neh_7:62.........and/two And of the priests/the 590/835
Neh_7:66.........and/two thousand three hundred and threescore Beside their manservants/and 591/835
Neh_7:67.........had/two hundred forty and five singing/men 592/835
Neh_7:68.......mules/two hundred forty and five Their camels four hundred thirty and five six/thousand 593/835
Neh_7:71.........and/two thousand and two hundred pound/of 594/835
Neh_7:71.........and/two hundred pound/of.. 595/835
Neh_7:72.........and/two thousand pound/of. 596/835
Neh_11:12........and/two and Adaiah/the.... 597/835
Neh_11:13....fathers/two hundred forty and two/and 598/835
Neh_11:13........and/two and Amashai/the... 599/835
Neh_11:18.......were/two hundred fourscore and four/Moreover 600/835
Neh_11:19........and/two And the/residue... 601/835
Neh_12:31..appointed/two great companies/of 602/835
Neh_12:40........the/two companies/of...... 603/835
Neh_13:6.........the/two and thirtieth year of Artaxerxes king/of 604/835
Est_2:21........gate/two of the king's chamberlains Bigthan/and 605/835
Est_6:2.......Teresh/two of the king's chamberlains the/keepers 606/835
Est_9:27.......these/two days according/to. 607/835
Job_13:20........not/two things unto/me.... 608/835
Job_42:7.........thy/two friends/for....... 609/835
Pro_30:7........liar/Two things have/I..... 610/835
Pro_30:15.......hath/two daughters crying/Give 611/835
Ecc_4:9......travail/Two are/better........ 612/835
Ecc_4:11..........if/two lie/together...... 613/835
Ecc_4:12.........him/two shall withstand/him 614/835
Son_4:5..........Thy/two breasts are like two young roes that are twins which/feed 615/835 young roes that are twins which/feed 616/835
Son_6:13..........of/two armies/How........ 617/835
Son_7:3..........Thy/two breasts are like two young roes that are twins Thy/neck 618/835 young roes that are twins Thy/neck 619/835
Son_8:12.....thereof/two hundred Thou/that. 620/835
Isa_7:4..........the/two tails of/these.... 621/835
Isa_7:21.........and/two sheep/And......... 622/835
Isa_17:6........tree/two or three berries/in 623/835
Isa_22:11........the/two walls for/the..... 624/835
Isa_36:8........thee/two thousand horses if thou be able on thy part to set riders upon them How then wilt thou turn away the face of one captain of the least of my master's servants and put thy trust on Egypt for chariots and for horsemen And/am 625/835
Isa_45:1.........the/two leaved/gates...... 626/835
Isa_47:9.......these/two things shall/come. 627/835
Isa_51:19......These/two things are/come... 628/835
Jer_2:13...committed/two evils/they........ 629/835
Jer_3:14.........and/two of a/family....... 630/835
Jer_24:1......behold/two baskets/of........ 631/835
Jer_28:3......Within/two full years will/I. 632/835
Jer_28:11.........of/two full years And/the 633/835
Jer_33:24........The/two families/which.... 634/835
Jer_39:4.........the/two walls and/he...... 635/835
Jer_52:7.........the/two walls which was/by 636/835
Jer_52:20........The/two pillars one sea and twelve/brasen 637/835
Jer_52:29........and/two persons In/the.... 638/835
Eze_1:11......upward/two wings of every/one 639/835
Eze_1:11.........and/two covered/their..... 640/835
Eze_1:23.........had/two which covered on this/side 641/835
Eze_1:23.........had/two which covered on that/side 642/835
Eze_21:19.......thee/two ways that/the..... 643/835
Eze_21:21........the/two ways to/use....... 644/835
Eze_23:2........were/two women the/daughters 645/835
Eze_35:10......These/two nations and/these. 646/835
Eze_35:10......these/two countries/shall... 647/835
Eze_37:22.......more/two nations neither/shall 648/835
Eze_37:22.......into/two kingdoms/any...... 649/835
Eze_40:9.....thereof/two cubits and the porch/of 650/835
Eze_40:39.......were/two tables on this/side 651/835
Eze_40:39........and/two tables on that/side 652/835
Eze_40:40.......were/two tables and on/the. 653/835
Eze_40:40.......were/two tables Four/tables 654/835
Eze_41:3........door/two cubits and the door/six 655/835
Eze_41:18........had/two faces/So.......... 656/835
Eze_41:22....thereof/two cubits and the corners/thereof 657/835
Eze_41:23........had/two doors And/the..... 658/835
Eze_41:24........had/two leaves apiece/two. 659/835
Eze_41:24.....apiece/two turning/leaves.... 660/835
Eze_41:24.....leaves/two leaves for the one/door 661/835
Eze_41:24........and/two leaves for the other/door 662/835 cubits and the breadth/one 663/835
Eze_45:15.........of/two hundred out/of.... 664/835
Eze_46:19........the/two sides westward Then/said 665/835
Eze_47:13.......have/two portions/And...... 666/835
Eze_48:17......north/two hundred and fifty and toward the south/two 667/835
Eze_48:17......south/two hundred and fifty and toward the east/two 668/835
Eze_48:17.......east/two hundred and fifty and toward the west/two 669/835
Eze_48:17.......west/two hundred and fifty And the/residue 670/835
Dan_5:31.........and/two years old It/pleased 671/835
Dan_8:3..........had/two horns and the/two. 672/835
Dan_8:3..........the/two horns were/high... 673/835
Dan_8:6..........had/two horns which/I..... 674/835
Dan_8:7..........his/two horns and there/was 675/835
Dan_8:14........Unto/two thousand and three/hundred 676/835
Dan_8:20......having/two horns are/the..... 677/835
Dan_9:25.........and/two weeks the/street.. 678/835
Dan_9:26.........and/two weeks shall/Messiah 679/835
Dan_12:5.......other/two the one/on........ 680/835
Dan_12:11...thousand/two hundred and ninety/days 681/835
Hos_6:2........After/two days will/he...... 682/835
Hos_10:10......their/two furrows/And....... 683/835
Amo_1:1.......Israel/two years before/the.. 684/835
Amo_3:3..........Can/two walk/together..... 685/835
Amo_3:12........lion/two legs/or........... 686/835
Amo_4:8...........So/two or three cities/wandered 687/835
Zec_4:3..........And/two olive trees by/it. 688/835
Zec_4:11.......these/two olive trees upon/the 689/835
Zec_4:12.......these/two olive branches/which 690/835
Zec_4:12.........the/two golden pipes/empty 691/835
Zec_4:14.........the/two anointed/ones..... 692/835
Zec_5:9..........out/two women and/the..... 693/835
Zec_6:1......between/two mountains/and..... 694/835 staves/the........ 695/835
Zec_13:8........LORD/two parts therein/shall 696/835
Mat_2:16........from/two years old and/under 697/835
Mat_4:18.........saw/two brethren Simon/called 698/835
Mat_4:21.......other/two brethren James/the 699/835
Mat_6:24.......serve/two masters for either he will hate the one and love the other or else he will hold to the one and despise the other Ye cannot serve God and mammon Therefore/I 700/835
Mat_8:28.........him/two possessed/with.... 701/835
Mat_9:27......thence/two blind men followed/him 702/835
Mat_10:10....neither/two coats neither/shoes 703/835
Mat_10:29........not/two sparrows/sold..... 704/835
Mat_11:2........sent/two of his disciples And said/unto 705/835
Mat_14:17........and/two fishes He said/Bring 706/835
Mat_14:19........the/two fishes and looking up to heaven he blessed and/brake 707/835
Mat_18:8......having/two hands or/two...... 708/835
Mat_18:8..........or/two feet to be cast into everlasting/fire 709/835
Mat_18:9......having/two eyes to be cast into hell fire Take/heed 710/835
Mat_18:16.........or/two more/that......... 711/835
Mat_18:16.........of/two or three witnesses every/word 712/835
Mat_18:19.........if/two of you/shall...... 713/835
Mat_18:20......where/two or three are/gathered 714/835 sons may/sit...... 715/835
Mat_20:24........the/two brethren But/Jesus 716/835
Mat_20:30.....behold/two blind men sitting/by 717/835
Mat_21:1.......Jesus/two disciples Saying/unto 718/835
Mat_21:28........had/two sons and he/came.. 719/835
Mat_22:40......these/two commandments/hang. 720/835
Mat_24:40......shall/two be/in............. 721/835
Mat_24:41.......left/Two women shall be grinding at/the 722/835
Mat_25:15....another/two and to/another.... 723/835
Mat_25:17...received/two he also/gained.... 724/835
Mat_25:17......other/two But/he............ 725/835
Mat_25:22...received/two talents came/and.. 726/835 talents behold/I.. 727/835
Mat_25:22.....gained/two other talents/beside 728/835
Mat_26:2.......after/two days is/the....... 729/835
Mat_26:37........the/two sons of Zebedee/and 730/835
Mat_26:60.......came/two false/witnesses... 731/835
Mat_27:38......there/two thieves crucified/with 732/835
Mar_5:13.......about/two thousand and were/choked 733/835 and two and/gave.. 734/835
Mar_6:7..........and/two and gave/them..... 735/835
Mar_6:9...........on/two coats And/he...... 736/835 hundred pennyworth of bread and/give 737/835
Mar_6:38.........and/two fishes And he/commanded 738/835
Mar_6:41.........the/two fishes he looked/up 739/835
Mar_6:41.........the/two fishes divided/he. 740/835
Mar_9:43......having/two hands to/go....... 741/835
Mar_9:45......having/two feet to be cast into hell/into 742/835
Mar_9:47......having/two eyes to be cast into hell fire Where/their 743/835
Mar_11:1.......forth/two of his disciples And saith unto them Go your/way 744/835
Mar_11:4.......where/two ways met/and...... 745/835 mites which/make.. 746/835
Mar_14:1.......After/two days was/the...... 747/835
Mar_14:13......forth/two of his disciples and saith unto them Go ye/into 748/835
Mar_15:27....crucify/two thieves the/one... 749/835
Mar_16:12.......unto/two of them as/they... 750/835
Luk_2:24..........or/two young pigeons And behold/there 751/835
Luk_3:11........hath/two coats let/him..... 752/835
Luk_5:2..........saw/two ships/standing.... 753/835
Luk_7:19.........him/two of his disciples sent/them 754/835
Luk_7:41.........had/two debtors/the....... 755/835
Luk_9:3.........have/two coats apiece/And.. 756/835
Luk_9:13.........and/two fishes except/we.. 757/835
Luk_9:16.........the/two fishes and looking up to heaven he blessed them/and 758/835
Luk_9:30.........him/two men which/were.... 759/835
Luk_9:32.........the/two men that stood/with 760/835
Luk_10:1........them/two and two before/his 761/835
Luk_10:1.........and/two before/his........ 762/835
Luk_10:35........out/two pence/and......... 763/835
Luk_12:6.........for/two farthings/and..... 764/835
Luk_12:52....against/two and two against/three 765/835
Luk_12:52........and/two against/three..... 766/835
Luk_15:11........had/two sons And the younger/of 767/835
Luk_16:13......serve/two masters for either he will hate the one and love the other or else he will hold to the one and despise the other Ye cannot serve God and mammon And/the 768/835 men in one bed/the 769/835
Luk_17:35.......left/Two women shall be grinding together/the 770/835
Luk_17:36.......left/Two men shall/be...... 771/835
Luk_18:10.....others/Two men went/up....... 772/835
Luk_19:29.......sent/two of his disciples Saying/Go 773/835
Luk_21:2.....thither/two mites And/he...... 774/835
Luk_22:38........are/two swords/And........ 775/835
Luk_23:32.......also/two other malefactors/led 776/835
Luk_24:4......behold/two men stood by them in shining/garments 777/835
Luk_24:13.....behold/two of them went/that. 778/835
Joh_1:35.........and/two of his disciples And looking/upon 779/835
Joh_1:37.........the/two disciples heard/him 780/835
Joh_1:40.........the/two which heard/John.. 781/835
Joh_2:6...containing/two or three firkins/apiece 782/835
Joh_4:40.......there/two days And many/more 783/835
Joh_4:43.......after/two days he/departed.. 784/835
Joh_6:7..........him/Two hundred pennyworth of bread is/not 785/835
Joh_6:9..........and/two small/fishes...... 786/835
Joh_8:17..........of/two men is/true....... 787/835
Joh_11:6.......abode/two days still/in..... 788/835
Joh_19:18........and/two other with/him.... 789/835
Joh_20:12......seeth/two angels in/white... 790/835
Joh_21:2.........and/two other of/his...... 791/835
Joh_21:8........were/two hundred cubits/dragging 792/835
Act_1:10......behold/two men stood by them in white/apparel 793/835
Act_1:23...appointed/two Joseph/called..... 794/835
Act_1:24.......these/two thou/hast......... 795/835
Act_7:29.......begat/two sons And when/forty 796/835
Act_9:38.........him/two men desiring/him.. 797/835
Act_10:7......called/two of his household/servants 798/835
Act_12:6.....between/two soldiers/bound.... 799/835
Act_12:6........with/two chains and the/keepers 800/835
Act_19:10.........of/two years so/that..... 801/835
Act_19:22..Macedonia/two of them that/ministered 802/835
Act_19:34.........of/two hours/cried....... 803/835
Act_21:33.......with/two chains and demanded/who 804/835
Act_23:23........him/two centurions/saying. 805/835
Act_23:23......ready/two hundred soldiers to/go 806/835
Act_23:23...spearmen/two hundred at/the.... 807/835
Act_24:27......after/two years Porcius/Festus 808/835
Act_27:37.......ship/two hundred threescore/and 809/835
Act_27:41......where/two seas/met.......... 810/835
Act_28:30......dwelt/two whole/years....... 811/835
1Co_6:16.........for/two saith/he.......... 812/835 or at/the......... 813/835
1Co_14:29......speak/two or three and/let.. 814/835
2Co_13:1..........of/two or three witnesses shall/every 815/835
Gal_4:22.........had/two sons the one/by... 816/835
Gal_4:24.........the/two covenants/the..... 817/835
Eph_5:31........they/two shall be/one...... 818/835
Php_1:23.....betwixt/two having/a.......... 819/835
1Ti_5:19......before/two or three witnesses Them/that 820/835 immutable/things.. 821/835
Heb_10:28......under/two or three witnesses Of/how 822/835
Rev_2:12........with/two edges I/know...... 823/835
Rev_9:12........come/two woes/more......... 824/835
Rev_9:16........were/two hundred thousand thousand/and 825/835
Rev_11:2.........and/two months And I/will. 826/835 witnesses and/they 827/835
Rev_11:3....thousand/two hundred and threescore days clothed/in 828/835
Rev_11:4.........the/two olive trees and/the 829/835
Rev_11:4.........the/two candlesticks/standing 830/835
Rev_11:10......these/two prophets/tormented 831/835
Rev_12:6....thousand/two hundred and threescore days And/there 832/835
Rev_12:14......given/two wings of a/great.. 833/835
Rev_13:5.........and/two months And he/opened 834/835
Rev_13:11........had/two horns like/a...... 835/835