Gen_14:17....the/valley of Shaveh/which.. 1/139
Gen_26:17....the/valley of Gerar/and..... 2/139
Gen_26:19....the/valley and found/there.. 3/139
Num_14:25....the/valley Tomorrow/turn.... 4/139
Num_21:12....the/valley of Zared/From.... 5/139
Num_21:20....the/valley that is/in....... 6/139
Num_32:9.....the/valley of Eshcol and saw/the 7/139
Deu_1:24.....the/valley of Eshcol and searched/it 8/139
Deu_3:16.....the/valley and the border/even 9/139
Deu_3:29.....the/valley over against Bethpeor Now/therefore 10/139
Deu_4:46.....the/valley over against Bethpeor in/the 11/139
Deu_21:4...rough/valley which is/neither 12/139
Deu_21:4.....the/valley And the priests/the 13/139
Deu_21:6.....the/valley And they shall/answer 14/139
Deu_34:3.....the/valley of Jericho/the.. 15/139
Deu_34:6.......a/valley in/the.......... 16/139
Jos_7:24.....the/valley of Achor And Joshua/said 17/139
Jos_7:26.....The/valley of Achor unto/this 18/139
Jos_8:11.......a/valley between them and Ai/And 19/139
Jos_8:13.....the/valley And it came to pass when/the 20/139
Jos_10:12....the/valley of Ajalon/And... 21/139
Jos_11:2.....the/valley and in the borders/of 22/139
Jos_11:8.....the/valley of Mizpeh/eastward 23/139
Jos_11:16....the/valley and the plain/and 24/139
Jos_11:16....the/valley of the same/Even 25/139
Jos_11:17....the/valley of Lebanon under/mount 26/139
Jos_12:7.....the/valley of Lebanon even/unto 27/139
Jos_13:19....the/valley And Bethpeor/and 28/139
Jos_13:27....the/valley Betharam/and.... 29/139
Jos_15:7.....the/valley of Achor and so/northward 30/139
Jos_15:8.....the/valley of the son of Hinnom unto/the 31/139
Jos_15:8.....the/valley of Hinnom westward/which 32/139
Jos_15:8.....the/valley of the giants northward/And 33/139
Jos_15:33....the/valley Eshtaol/and..... 34/139
Jos_17:16....the/valley have/chariots... 35/139
Jos_17:16....the/valley of Jezreel And Joshua/spake 36/139
Jos_18:16....the/valley of the son of Hinnom and which/is 37/139
Jos_18:16....the/valley of the giants on/the 38/139
Jos_18:16....the/valley of Hinnom to/the 39/139
Jos_18:21....the/valley of Keziz/And.... 40/139
Jos_19:14....the/valley of Jiphthahel And/Kattath 41/139
Jos_19:27....the/valley of Jiphthahel toward/the 42/139
Jdg_1:9......the/valley And Judah/went.. 43/139
Jdg_1:19.....the/valley because/they.... 44/139
Jdg_1:34.....the/valley But/the......... 45/139
Jdg_5:15.....the/valley For/the......... 46/139
Jdg_6:33.....the/valley of Jezreel But/the 47/139
Jdg_7:1......the/valley And the LORD/said 48/139
Jdg_7:8......the/valley And it came to pass the/same 49/139
Jdg_7:12.....the/valley like/grasshoppers 50/139
Jdg_16:4.....the/valley of Sorek/whose.. 51/139
Jdg_18:28....the/valley that lieth/by... 52/139
1Sa_6:13.....the/valley and they lifted/up 53/139
1Sa_13:18....the/valley of Zeboim/toward 54/139
1Sa_15:5.....the/valley And Saul/said... 55/139
1Sa_17:2.....the/valley of Elah and/set. 56/139
1Sa_17:3.......a/valley between them And there/went 57/139
1Sa_17:19....the/valley of Elah fighting/with 58/139
1Sa_17:52....the/valley and to the/gates 59/139
1Sa_21:9.....the/valley of Elah behold/it 60/139
1Sa_31:7.....the/valley and they that/were 61/139
2Sa_5:18.....the/valley of Rephaim And David enquired of the/LORD 62/139
2Sa_5:22.....the/valley of Rephaim And when/David 63/139
2Sa_8:13.....the/valley of salt being/eighteen 64/139
2Sa_23:13....the/valley of Rephaim And David was then in an/hold 65/139
2Ki_2:16....some/valley And he/said..... 66/139
2Ki_3:16....this/valley full/of......... 67/139
2Ki_3:17....that/valley shall be filled with/water 68/139
2Ki_14:7.....the/valley of salt ten/thousand 69/139
2Ki_23:10....the/valley of the children/of 70/139
1Ch_4:14.....the/valley of Charashim/for 71/139
1Ch_4:39.....the/valley to/seek......... 72/139
1Ch_10:7.....the/valley saw/that........ 73/139
1Ch_11:15....the/valley of Rephaim And David was then in the/hold 74/139
1Ch_14:9.....the/valley of Rephaim And David enquired of God/saying 75/139
1Ch_14:13....the/valley Therefore/David. 76/139
1Ch_18:12....the/valley of salt eighteen/thousand 77/139
2Ch_14:10....the/valley of Zephathah/at. 78/139
2Ch_20:26....the/valley of Berachah for/there 79/139
2Ch_20:26....The/valley of Berachah unto/this 80/139
2Ch_25:11....the/valley of salt and/smote 81/139
2Ch_26:9.....the/valley gate and/at..... 82/139
2Ch_28:3.....the/valley of the son of Hinnom and burnt/his 83/139
2Ch_33:6.....the/valley of the son of Hinnom also/he 84/139
2Ch_33:14....the/valley even to/the..... 85/139
2Ch_35:22....the/valley of Megiddo/And.. 86/139
Neh_2:13.....the/valley even before/the. 87/139
Neh_2:15.....the/valley and so/returned. 88/139
Neh_3:13.....The/valley gate repaired/Hanun 89/139
Neh_11:30....the/valley of Hinnom The/children 90/139
Neh_11:35....the/valley of craftsmen/And 91/139
Job_21:33....the/valley shall be sweet/unto 92/139
Job_39:21....the/valley and rejoiceth/in 93/139
Psa_23:4.....the/valley of the shadow/of 94/139
Psa_60:6.....the/valley of Succoth Gilead is mine and/Manasseh 95/139
Psa_84:6.....the/valley of Baca/make.... 96/139
Psa_108:7....the/valley of Succoth Gilead is mine Manasseh/is 97/139
Pro_30:17....the/valley shall pick/it... 98/139
Son_6:11.....the/valley and to see/whether 99/139
Isa_17:5.....the/valley of Rephaim Yet/gleaning 100/139
Isa_22:1.....the/valley of vision What/aileth 101/139
Isa_22:5.....the/valley of vision breaking/down 102/139
Isa_28:4.....fat/valley shall be a/fading 103/139
Isa_28:21....the/valley of Gibeon/that. 104/139
Isa_40:4...Every/valley shall be exalted/and 105/139
Isa_63:14....the/valley the/Spirit..... 106/139
Isa_65:10....the/valley of Achor a/place 107/139
Jer_2:23.....the/valley know/what...... 108/139
Jer_7:31.....the/valley of the son of Hinnom to burn/their 109/139
Jer_7:32.....the/valley of the son of Hinnom but the valley of slaughter for/they 110/139
Jer_7:32.....the/valley of slaughter for/they 111/139
Jer_19:2.....the/valley of the son of Hinnom which/is 112/139
Jer_19:6.....The/valley of the son of Hinnom but The valley of slaughter And/I 113/139
Jer_19:6.....The/valley of slaughter And/I 114/139
Jer_21:13....the/valley and rock/of.... 115/139
Jer_31:40..whole/valley of the dead/bodies 116/139
Jer_32:35....the/valley of the son of Hinnom to cause/their 117/139
Jer_32:44....the/valley and in the cities/of 118/139
Jer_47:5...their/valley how/long....... 119/139
Jer_48:8.....the/valley also/shall..... 120/139
Jer_49:4.flowing/valley O/backsliding.. 121/139
Eze_37:1.....the/valley which was/full. 122/139 and lo/they.... 123/139
Eze_39:11....the/valley of the passengers/on 124/139
Eze_39:11....The/valley of Hamongog And seven/months 125/139
Eze_39:15....the/valley of Hamongog And also/the 126/139
Hos_1:5......the/valley of Jezreel And she/conceived 127/139
Hos_2:15.....the/valley of Achor for/a. 128/139
Joe_3:2......the/valley of Jehoshaphat and/will 129/139
Joe_3:12.....the/valley of Jehoshaphat for/there 130/139
Joe_3:14.....the/valley of decision for/the 131/139
Joe_3:14.....the/valley of decision The/sun 132/139
Joe_3:18.....the/valley of Shittim/Egypt 133/139
Mic_1:6......the/valley and I/will..... 134/139
Zec_12:11....the/valley of Megiddon/And 135/139
Zec_14:4...great/valley and half/of.... 136/139
Zec_14:5.....the/valley of the mountains for/the 137/139
Zec_14:5.....the/valley of the mountains shall/reach 138/139
Luk_3:5....Every/valley shall be filled and/every 139/139
Num_24:6.....the/valleys are/they......... 1/28
Deu_8:7.......of/valleys and hills/A...... 2/28
Deu_11:11....and/valleys and drinketh/water 3/28
Jos_9:1......the/valleys and in all the/coasts 4/28
Jos_12:8.....the/valleys and in the plains/and 5/28
1Ki_20:28....the/valleys therefore/will... 6/28
1Ch_12:15....the/valleys both/toward...... 7/28
1Ch_27:29....the/valleys was/Shaphat...... 8/28
Job_30:6.....the/valleys in/caves......... 9/28
Job_39:10....the/valleys after/thee...... 10/28
Psa_65:13....the/valleys also/are........ 11/28
Psa_104:8....the/valleys unto/the........ 12/28
Psa_104:10...the/valleys which/run....... 13/28
Son_2:1......the/valleys As/the.......... 14/28
Isa_7:19desolate/valleys and in the holes/of 15/28
Isa_22:7choicest/valleys shall be full/of 16/28
Isa_28:1.....fat/valleys of/them......... 17/28
Isa_41:18....the/valleys I/will.......... 18/28
Isa_57:5.....the/valleys under/the....... 19/28
Jer_49:4.....the/valleys thy/flowing..... 20/28
Eze_6:3......the/valleys Behold/I........ 21/28
Eze_7:16.....the/valleys all/of.......... 22/28
Eze_31:12....the/valleys his/branches.... 23/28
Eze_32:5.....the/valleys with/thy........ 24/28
Eze_35:8.....thy/valleys and in all thy/rivers 25/28
Eze_36:4.....the/valleys to/the.......... 26/28
Eze_36:6.....the/valleys Thus/saith...... 27/28
Mic_1:4......the/valleys shall be cleft/as 28/28