Gen_13:17........Arise/walk through the land in/the 1/212
Gen_17:1...........God/walk before me and/be... 2/212
Gen_24:40............I/walk will/send.......... 3/212
Gen_48:15..........did/walk the God which/fed.. 4/212
Exo_16:4..........will/walk in my law or/no.... 5/212
Exo_18:20.........must/walk and the work/that.. 6/212
Exo_21:19..........and/walk abroad/upon........ 7/212 in their ordinances/Ye 8/212 therein I am/the... 9/212
Lev_20:23..........not/walk in the manners/of. 10/212 in my statutes and keep my commandments/and 11/212
Lev_26:12.........will/walk among you and/will 12/212 contrary unto me and/will 13/212
Lev_26:23.........will/walk contrary unto me Then will/I 14/212
Lev_26:24.........also/walk contrary unto you and/will 15/212
Lev_26:27..........but/walk contrary unto me Then I/will 16/212
Lev_26:28.........will/walk contrary unto you also/in 17/212
Deu_5:33.........shall/walk in all the/ways... 18/212 in his ways and to fear/him 19/212
Deu_8:19...........and/walk after other gods and/serve 20/212 in all his ways and to love/him 21/212 in all his ways and to cleave/unto 22/212
Deu_13:4.........shall/walk after the LORD your/God 23/212 in So/shalt....... 24/212 ever/in........... 25/212 in his ways and to keep his statutes/and 26/212
Deu_28:9...........and/walk in his ways And all/people 27/212
Deu_29:19............I/walk in the imagination of mine/heart 28/212 in his ways and to keep his commandments/and 29/212
Jos_18:8...........and/walk through the land and/describe 30/212 in all his ways and to keep his commandments and to/cleave 31/212 therein as/their.. 32/212
Jdg_5:10...........and/walk by the way They/that 33/212
1Sa_2:30........should/walk before me for/ever 34/212
1Sa_2:35.........shall/walk before mine/anointed 35/212
1Sa_8:5...........sons/walk not in thy/ways... 36/212 in his ways to/keep 37/212 before me in/truth 38/212
1Ki_3:14..........wilt/walk in my ways to/keep 39/212
1Ki_3:14...........did/walk then I/will....... 40/212
1Ki_6:12..........wilt/walk in my statutes and execute/my 41/212 in them then/will. 42/212
1Ki_8:23..........that/walk before thee with all their heart/Who 43/212
1Ki_8:25..........they/walk before me as thou/hast 44/212
1Ki_8:36........should/walk and give/rain..... 45/212 in all his ways and to keep his commandments and his/statutes 46/212 in his statutes/and 47/212
1Ki_9:4...........wilt/walk before me as David thy father walked in/integrity 48/212
1Ki_11:38.........wilt/walk in my ways and do/that 49/212 in the sins/of.... 50/212 in the law of the LORD God/of 51/212 after the LORD and to keep his commandments and his testimonies and his statutes with all their/heart 52/212
2Ch_6:14..........that/walk before thee with all their hearts/Thou 53/212 in my law as/thou. 54/212
2Ch_6:27........should/walk and send/rain..... 55/212 in thy ways/so.... 56/212
2Ch_7:17..........wilt/walk before me as David thy father walked and/do 57/212 after the LORD and to keep his commandments and his testimonies and his statutes with all his/heart 58/212 in the fear/of.... 59/212 in God's/law...... 60/212
Psa_12:8........wicked/walk on every/side..... 61/212
Psa_23:4.............I/walk through the valley/of 62/212
Psa_26:11.........will/walk in mine/integrity. 63/212
Psa_48:12....judgments/Walk about/Zion........ 64/212
Psa_56:13..........may/walk before God/in..... 65/212 in his law/And.... 66/212
Psa_82:5..........they/walk on in/darkness.... 67/212
Psa_84:11.........that/walk uprightly O/LORD.. 68/212
Psa_86:11.........will/walk in thy truth/unite 69/212
Psa_89:15........shall/walk O/LORD............ 70/212
Psa_89:30..........and/walk not in my/judgments 71/212
Psa_101:2.........will/walk within/my......... 72/212
Psa_115:7.........they/walk not neither/speak. 73/212
Psa_116:9.........will/walk before the LORD/in 74/212
Psa_119:1..........who/walk in the law of the LORD Blessed/are 75/212
Psa_119:3.........they/walk in his ways Thou/hast 76/212
Psa_119:45........will/walk at/liberty........ 77/212
Psa_138:7............I/walk in the midst/of... 78/212
Psa_143:8.......should/walk for/I............. 79/212
Pro_1:15...........son/walk not thou/in....... 80/212
Pro_2:7...........that/walk uprightly He/keepeth 81/212 in the ways of darkness/Who 82/212
Pro_2:20........mayest/walk in the way of good/men 83/212
Pro_3:23..........thou/walk in thy way/safely. 84/212
Ecc_4:15.........which/walk under/the......... 85/212 before the living/Better 86/212
Ecc_11:9...........and/walk in the ways of thine/heart 87/212
Isa_2:3...........will/walk in his paths for out/of 88/212 in the light of the/LORD 89/212
Isa_3:16...........and/walk with stretched/forth 90/212
Isa_8:11...........not/walk in the way of this/people 91/212
Isa_30:2..........That/walk to go/down........ 92/212
Isa_30:21..........way/walk ye in it/when..... 93/212
Isa_35:9.........shall/walk there/And......... 94/212
Isa_40:31........shall/walk and not/faint..... 95/212
Isa_42:5..........that/walk therein I the/LORD 96/212
Isa_42:24..........not/walk in his ways neither/were 97/212
Isa_50:11.......sparks/walk in the light of your/fire 98/212
Isa_59:9............we/walk in darkness We grope/for 99/212
Jer_3:17..........they/walk any/more......... 100/212
Jer_3:18.........shall/walk with the/house... 101/212
Jer_6:16...........and/walk therein and/ye... 102/212
Jer_6:16...........not/walk therein Also/I... 103/212
Jer_6:25...........nor/walk by the way for/the 104/212
Jer_7:6........neither/walk after other gods to your/hurt 105/212
Jer_7:9............and/walk after other gods whom/ye 106/212
Jer_7:23...........and/walk ye in all/the.... 107/212
Jer_9:4...........will/walk with slanders/And 108/212
Jer_13:10........which/walk in the imagination of their/heart 109/212
Jer_13:10..........and/walk after other gods to serve/them 110/212 every one after/the 111/212
Jer_18:12.........will/walk after our/own.... 112/212 in paths/in...... 113/212
Jer_23:14..........and/walk in lies/they..... 114/212 in my law which/I 115/212 by the rivers/of. 116/212
Jer_42:3...........may/walk and the thing/that 117/212
Lam_5:18.........foxes/walk upon it/Thou..... 118/212
Eze_11:20..........may/walk in my statutes and keep mine/ordinances 119/212
Eze_20:18...wilderness/Walk ye not/in........ 120/212
Eze_20:19..........God/walk in my statutes and keep my judgments/and 121/212
Eze_33:15.......robbed/walk in the statutes/of 122/212 upon you/even.... 123/212 in my statutes and ye/shall 124/212
Eze_37:24.........also/walk in my judgments/and 125/212
Eze_42:4.............a/walk to ten/cubits.... 126/212
Dan_4:37..........that/walk in pride/he...... 127/212 in his laws/which 128/212
Hos_11:10........shall/walk after the LORD he/shall 129/212
Hos_14:9.........shall/walk in them but/the.. 130/212
Joe_2:8..........shall/walk every one in his/path 131/212
Amo_3:3............two/walk together/except.. 132/212
Mic_4:2...........will/walk in his paths for the/law 133/212
Mic_4:5...........will/walk every one in the/name 134/212
Mic_4:5...........will/walk in the name/of... 135/212 humbly/with...... 136/212 in their counsels/that 137/212
Nah_2:5..........their/walk they/shall....... 138/212
Hab_3:15.........didst/walk through the sea/with 139/212 upon mine/high... 140/212
Zep_1:17.........shall/walk like/blind....... 141/212 to and fro through the earth And they/answered 142/212
Zec_3:7...........wilt/walk in my ways and if/thou 143/212 among these/that. 144/212
Zec_6:7..........might/walk to and fro through the earth and he/said 145/212
Zec_6:7..........hence/walk to and fro through the earth So/they 146/212
Zec_10:12........shall/walk up/and........... 147/212
Mat_9:5............and/walk But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins then/saith 148/212
Mat_11:5..........lame/walk the lepers are cleansed and/the 149/212 and the blind/to. 150/212
Mar_2:9............and/walk But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins he/saith 151/212
Mar_7:5............Why/walk not thy/disciples 152/212
Luk_5:23...........and/walk But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power upon/earth 153/212
Luk_7:22..........lame/walk the lepers are cleansed the/deaf 154/212
Luk_11:44.........that/walk over/them........ 155/212
Luk_13:33.........must/walk to day/and....... 156/212 in long/robes.... 157/212 and are/sad...... 158/212
Joh_5:8............and/walk And immediately/the 159/212
Joh_5:11...........and/walk Then asked/they.. 160/212
Joh_5:12...........and/walk And he that/was.. 161/212
Joh_7:1............not/walk in Jewry/because. 162/212
Joh_8:12...........not/walk in darkness but/shall 163/212 in the day/he.... 164/212 in the night/he.. 165/212 while/ye......... 166/212
Act_3:6............and/walk And he took/him.. 167/212 The God of/Abraham 168/212 in their own/ways 169/212 after the customs/What 170/212
Rom_4:12..........also/walk in the steps/of.. 171/212
Rom_6:4.........should/walk in newness/of.... 172/212
Rom_8:1............who/walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit For the/law 173/212
Rom_8:4............who/walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit For they/that 174/212 honestly as/in... 175/212
1Co_3:3............and/walk as men/For....... 176/212
1Co_7:17...........him/walk And so/ordain.... 177/212
2Co_5:7.............we/walk by faith/not..... 178/212
2Co_6:16...........and/walk in them and/I.... 179/212
2Co_10:3............we/walk in the flesh/we.. 180/212
Gal_5:16..........then/Walk in the Spirit and/ye 181/212
Gal_5:25..........also/walk in the Spirit Let/us 182/212 according/to..... 183/212
Eph_2:10........should/walk in them Wherefore/remember 184/212 worthy of the vocation/wherewith 185/212
Eph_4:17....henceforth/walk not as/other..... 186/212
Eph_4:17......Gentiles/walk in the vanity/of. 187/212
Eph_5:2............And/walk in love/as....... 188/212
Eph_5:8...........Lord/walk as children/of... 189/212 circumspectly/not 190/212 by the same/rule. 191/212
Php_3:17.........which/walk so/as............ 192/212
Php_3:18..........many/walk of/whom.......... 193/212
Col_1:10.........might/walk worthy of the Lord/unto 194/212 ye in him/Rooted. 195/212
Col_4:5..........speak/Walk in wisdom/toward. 196/212
1Th_2:12.........would/walk worthy of God/who 197/212 and to/please.... 198/212
1Th_4:12...........may/walk honestly toward/them 199/212
2Th_3:11.........which/walk among you disorderly/working 200/212
2Pe_2:10..........that/walk after the flesh/in 201/212
1Jn_1:6............and/walk in darkness we lie/and 202/212
1Jn_1:7.............we/walk in the light as/he 203/212 even/as.......... 204/212
2Jn_1:6.............we/walk after his/commandments 205/212
2Jn_1:6.........should/walk in it/For........ 206/212
3Jn_1:4.......children/walk in truth/Beloved. 207/212
Jud_1:18........should/walk after their/own.. 208/212
Rev_3:4..........shall/walk with me/in....... 209/212
Rev_9:20...........nor/walk Neither/repented. 210/212
Rev_16:15...........he/walk naked/and........ 211/212
Rev_21:24........shall/walk in the light of it/and 212/212
Gen_5:22.........Enoch/walked with God after/he 1/122
Gen_5:24.........Enoch/walked with God and he/was 2/122
Gen_6:9...........Noah/walked with God And Noah/begat 3/122
Exo_2:5........maidens/walked along/by......... 4/122
Exo_14:29.......Israel/walked upon dry/land.... 5/122
Lev_26:40.........have/walked contrary unto me/And 6/122
Lev_26:41.........have/walked contrary unto them/and 7/122
Jos_5:6.........Israel/walked forty/years...... 8/122
Jdg_2:17.......fathers/walked in obeying/the... 9/122
Jdg_5:6.....travellers/walked through byways/The 10/122
Jdg_11:16..........and/walked through the/wilderness 11/122
1Sa_8:3...........sons/walked not in his/ways. 12/122
1Sa_12:2..........have/walked before you/from. 13/122 all/that........ 14/122
2Sa_7:6...........have/walked in a/tent....... 15/122
2Sa_7:7...........have/walked with all the/children 16/122
2Sa_11:2...........and/walked upon the/roof... 17/122
1Ki_3:6.............he/walked before thee in truth and in/righteousness 18/122
1Ki_8:25..........hast/walked before me And/now 19/122
1Ki_9:4.........father/walked in integrity/of. 20/122
1Ki_11:33..........not/walked in my ways to/do 21/122
1Ki_15:3............he/walked in all the sins of his/father 22/122
1Ki_15:26..........and/walked in the way of his father and in his/sin 23/122
1Ki_15:34..........and/walked in the way of Jeroboam and in/his 24/122
1Ki_16:2..........hast/walked in the way of Jeroboam and hast/made 25/122
1Ki_16:26...........he/walked in all the way of Jeroboam/the 26/122
1Ki_22:43...........he/walked in all the ways/of 27/122
1Ki_22:52..........and/walked in the way of his father and in the/way 28/122
2Ki_4:35...........and/walked in the house/to. 29/122
2Ki_8:18............he/walked in the way of the kings of Israel as/did 30/122
2Ki_8:27............he/walked in the way of the house/of 31/122
2Ki_13:6...........but/walked therein and there/remained 32/122
2Ki_13:11...........he/walked therein And the/rest 33/122
2Ki_16:3............he/walked in the way of the kings of Israel yea/and 34/122
2Ki_17:8...........And/walked in the statutes of the/heathen 35/122
2Ki_17:19..........but/walked in the statutes of Israel/which 36/122
2Ki_17:22.......Israel/walked in all the sins of Jeroboam/which 37/122
2Ki_20:3..........have/walked before thee in truth and with a perfect heart and have done that which is good in thy sight And Hezekiah wept sore And/it 38/122
2Ki_21:21...........he/walked in all the way that/his 39/122
2Ki_21:21.......father/walked in and/served... 40/122
2Ki_21:22..........and/walked not in the/way.. 41/122
2Ki_22:2...........and/walked in all the way of David/his 42/122
1Ch_17:6..........have/walked with all Israel/spake 43/122
1Ch_17:8..........hast/walked and have/cut.... 44/122
2Ch_6:16..........hast/walked before me Now/then 45/122
2Ch_7:17........father/walked and do/according 46/122
2Ch_11:17.........they/walked in the way of David/and 47/122
2Ch_17:3............he/walked in the first/ways 48/122
2Ch_17:4...........and/walked in his commandments/and 49/122
2Ch_20:32...........he/walked in the way of Asa/his 50/122
2Ch_21:6............he/walked in the way of the kings of Israel like/as 51/122
2Ch_21:12..........not/walked in the ways of Jehoshaphat/thy 52/122
2Ch_21:13.........hast/walked in the way of the kings of Israel and/hast 53/122
2Ch_22:3..........also/walked in the ways of the house/of 54/122
2Ch_22:5............He/walked also/after...... 55/122
2Ch_28:2............he/walked in the ways of the kings/of 56/122
2Ch_34:2...........and/walked in the ways of David/his 57/122
Est_2:11......Mordecai/walked every day/before 58/122
Job_29:3.............I/walked through darkness/As 59/122
Job_31:5..........have/walked with vanity/or.. 60/122
Job_31:7.........heart/walked after mine/eyes. 61/122
Job_38:16.........thou/walked in the search/of 62/122
Psa_26:1..........have/walked in mine/integrity 63/122
Psa_26:3..........have/walked in thy truth/I.. 64/122
Psa_55:14..........and/walked unto/the........ 65/122
Psa_81:12.........they/walked in their/own.... 66/122
Psa_81:13..........had/walked in my ways I/should 67/122
Psa_142:3............I/walked have/they....... 68/122
Isa_9:2...........that/walked in darkness/have 69/122
Isa_20:3..........hath/walked naked/and....... 70/122
Isa_38:3..........have/walked before thee in truth and with a perfect heart and have done that which is good in thy sight And Hezekiah wept sore Then/came 71/122
Jer_2:5...........have/walked after vanity/and 72/122
Jer_2:8............and/walked after things/that 73/122
Jer_7:24...........but/walked in the counsels/and 74/122
Jer_8:2...........have/walked and whom/they... 75/122
Jer_9:13.......neither/walked therein But/have 76/122
Jer_9:14..........have/walked after the imagination/of 77/122
Jer_11:8...........but/walked every one/in.... 78/122
Jer_16:11.........have/walked after other/gods 79/122
Jer_32:23......neither/walked in thy law/they. 80/122
Jer_44:10..........nor/walked in my law/nor... 81/122
Jer_44:23..........nor/walked in his law/nor.. 82/122
Eze_5:6............not/walked in them/Therefore 83/122
Eze_5:7............not/walked in my statutes neither have/kept 84/122
Eze_11:12..........not/walked in my statutes neither executed/my 85/122
Eze_16:47..........not/walked after their/ways 86/122
Eze_18:9..........Hath/walked in my statutes and/hath 87/122
Eze_18:17.........hath/walked in my statutes he/shall 88/122
Eze_20:13.........they/walked not in my statutes and/they 89/122
Eze_20:16..........and/walked not in my statutes but/polluted 90/122
Eze_20:21.........they/walked not in my statutes neither/kept 91/122
Eze_23:31.........hast/walked in the way of thy/sister 92/122
Eze_28:14.........hast/walked up/and.......... 93/122
Dan_4:29............he/walked in the palace/of 94/122
Hos_5:11.....willingly/walked after the commandment/Therefore 95/122
Amo_2:4...........have/walked But/I........... 96/122
Nah_2:11..........lion/walked and the/lion's.. 97/122
Zec_1:11..........have/walked to and fro through the earth and/behold 98/122
Zec_6:7...........they/walked to and fro through the earth Then/cried 99/122
Mal_2:6.............he/walked with me/in..... 100/122
Mal_3:14..........have/walked mournfully/before 101/122
Mat_14:29...........he/walked on/the......... 102/122
Mar_1:16............he/walked by/the......... 103/122
Mar_5:42...........and/walked for/she........ 104/122
Mar_16:12.........they/walked and went/into.. 105/122
Joh_1:36............he/walked he/saith....... 106/122
Joh_5:9............and/walked and on/the..... 107/122
Joh_6:66...........and/walked no more with/him 108/122
Joh_7:1..........Jesus/walked in Galilee/for. 109/122
Joh_10:23........Jesus/walked in the temple/in 110/122
Joh_11:54....therefore/walked no more openly/among 111/122
Act_3:8............and/walked and entered/with 112/122
Act_14:8...........had/walked The/same....... 113/122
Act_14:10..........and/walked And when/the... 114/122
2Co_10:2............we/walked according to the flesh/For 115/122 we not in the same spirit/walked 116/122
2Co_12:18.......spirit/walked we not in the same steps/Again 117/122
Gal_2:14..........they/walked not uprightly/according 118/122 according to the course/of 119/122
Col_3:7...........also/walked some/time...... 120/122
1Pe_4:3.............we/walked in lasciviousness/lusts 121/122
1Jn_2:6.............he/walked Brethren/I..... 122/122
Joh_21:18..........and/walkedst/whither.......... 1/1
Deu_6:7...........thou/walkest by the way and/when 1/7
Deu_11:19.........thou/walkest by the way when/thou 2/7
1Ki_2:42...........and/walkest abroad/any........ 3/7
Isa_43:2..........thou/walkest through/the....... 4/7
Act_21:24.........also/walkest orderly/and....... 5/7 thou/not.......... 6/7
3Jn_1:3...........thou/walkest in/the............ 7/7
Gen_24:65.........that/walketh in the field/to.. 1/41
Deu_23:14..........God/walketh in the midst of thy/camp 2/41
1Sa_12:2..........king/walketh before/you....... 3/41
Job_18:8............he/walketh upon a/snare..... 4/41
Job_22:14...........he/walketh in the circuit/of 5/41
Job_34:8...........and/walketh with wicked/men.. 6/41
Psa_1:1...........that/walketh not/in........... 7/41
Psa_15:2..........that/walketh uprightly and/worketh 8/41 in a vain/shew... 9/41
Psa_73:9........tongue/walketh through the/earth 10/41
Psa_91:6..........that/walketh in darkness nor/for 11/41
Psa_101:6.........that/walketh in a perfect/way 12/41
Psa_104:3..........who/walketh upon the/wings.. 13/41
Psa_128:1.........that/walketh in his ways/For. 14/41 with a/froward.. 15/41
Pro_10:9..........that/walketh uprightly walketh/surely 16/41
Pro_10:9.....uprightly/walketh surely/but...... 17/41
Pro_13:20.........that/walketh with wise/men... 18/41
Pro_14:2..........that/walketh in his uprightness feareth/the 19/41
Pro_15:21understanding/walketh uprightly Without/counsel 20/41
Pro_19:1..........that/walketh in his integrity than/he 21/41 in his integrity his/children 22/41
Pro_28:6..........that/walketh in his uprightness than/he 23/41
Pro_28:18........Whoso/walketh uprightly shall/be 24/41
Pro_28:26........whoso/walketh wisely/he....... 25/41
Ecc_2:14..........fool/walketh in darkness and I/myself 26/41
Ecc_10:3..........fool/walketh by/the.......... 27/41
Isa_33:15.........that/walketh righteously/and. 28/41
Isa_50:10.........that/walketh in darkness and hath/no 29/41
Isa_65:2.........which/walketh in a way/that... 30/41
Jer_10:23.........that/walketh to/direct....... 31/41
Jer_23:17.........that/walketh after the imagination/of 32/41
Eze_11:21........heart/walketh after the heart/of 33/41
Mic_2:7...........that/walketh uprightly Even/of 34/41
Mat_12:43...........he/walketh through dry places seeking rest and findeth/none 35/41
Luk_11:24...........he/walketh through dry places seeking rest and finding/none 36/41
Joh_12:35.........that/walketh in darkness knoweth/not 37/41
2Th_3:6...........that/walketh disorderly/and.. 38/41
1Pe_5:8...........lion/walketh about/seeking... 39/41
1Jn_2:11...........and/walketh in darkness and knoweth/not 40/41
Rev_2:1............who/walketh in the midst of the/seven 41/41
Gen_3:8............God/walking in the garden/in. 1/30
Deu_2:7............thy/walking through/this..... 2/30
1Ki_3:3...........LORD/walking in the statutes/of 3/30 in the way/of.... 4/30
Job_1:7...........from/walking up and down in it And the LORD said unto Satan Hast thou considered my servant Job that there is none like him in the earth a perfect and an upright man one that feareth God and escheweth evil Then/Satan 5/30
Job_2:2...........from/walking up and down in it And the LORD said unto Satan Hast thou considered my servant Job that there is none like him in the earth a perfect and an upright man one that feareth God and escheweth evil and/still 6/30
Job_31:26.........moon/walking in brightness/And 7/30
Ecc_10:7.......princes/walking as/servants...... 8/30
Isa_3:16..........eyes/walking and mincing/as... 9/30 naked/and....... 10/30 in his/uprightness 11/30
Jer_6:28.....revolters/walking with/slanders... 12/30
Dan_3:25.........loose/walking in the midst/of. 13/30 in the spirit/and 14/30
Mat_4:18.........Jesus/walking by/the.......... 15/30
Mat_14:25.........them/walking on the sea And when/the 16/30
Mat_14:26..........him/walking on the sea they/were 17/30
Mar_6:48..........them/walking upon the sea and/would 18/30
Mar_6:49...........him/walking upon the sea they/supposed 19/30
Mar_8:24.........trees/walking After that/he... 20/30
Mar_11:27..........was/walking in the temple/there 21/30
Luk_1:6............God/walking in all/the...... 22/30
Joh_6:19.........Jesus/walking on the sea and drawing/nigh 23/30
Act_3:8.........temple/walking and leaping/and. 24/30
Act_3:9............him/walking and praising/God 25/30
Act_9:31...........and/walking in the fear/of.. 26/30
2Co_4:2............not/walking in craftiness/nor 27/30
2Pe_3:3.......scoffers/walking after their own lusts And saying/Where 28/30
2Jn_1:4.......children/walking in truth/as..... 29/30
Jud_1:16...complainers/walking after their own lusts and their/mouth 30/30