2Pe_3:14..without/spot and blameless/And.. 25/25
Lev_13:2...bright/spot and it be in/the.... 1/25
Lev_13:26..bright/spot and it be no/lower.. 7/25
Num_29:26.without/spot And their meat offering and their drink offerings for the bullocks for the rams and for the lambs shall be according to their number after the manner And one goat/for 16/25
Num_29:17.without/spot And their meat offering and their drink offerings for the bullocks for the rams and for the lambs shall be according to their number after the manner And one kid/of 15/25
Num_28:11.without/spot And three/tenth.... 14/25
Num_28:9..without/spot and two/tenth...... 13/25
Lev_13:25..bright/spot be turned/white..... 6/25
Lev_13:4...bright/spot be white/in......... 2/25
Num_28:3..without/spot day/by............. 12/25
Son_4:7........no/spot in/thee............ 20/25
Deu_32:5....their/spot is/not............. 17/25
Deu_32:5......the/spot of/his............. 18/25
Eph_5:27...having/spot or/wrinkle......... 21/25
Lev_13:24..bright/spot somewhat/reddish.... 5/25
Lev_13:28..bright/spot stay in his place and spread not in/the 8/25
Lev_13:23..bright/spot stay in his place and spread not it/is 4/25
Lev_13:39freckled/spot that/groweth........ 9/25
Heb_9:14..without/spot to God/purge....... 23/25
Lev_14:56..bright/spot To teach/when...... 10/25
1Ti_6:14..without/spot unrebukable/until.. 22/25
Num_19:2..without/spot wherein/is......... 11/25
Lev_13:19..bright/spot white/and........... 3/25
1Pe_1:19..without/spot Who/verily......... 24/25
Job_11:15.without/spot yea/thou........... 19/25
Lev_13:38..bright/spots even/white.......... 1/6
Lev_13:39..bright/spots in the/skin......... 3/6
Jud_1:12......are/spots in your/feasts...... 6/6
Jer_13:23.....his/spots then may/ye......... 4/6
Lev_13:38..bright/spots Then the/priest..... 2/6
2Pe_2:13.....time/Spots they/are............ 5/6
Gen_30:33.....and/spotted among/the......... 3/7
Gen_30:35.....and/spotted and all/the....... 4/7
Gen_30:35.....and/spotted and every/one..... 5/7
Gen_30:39.....and/spotted And Jacob/did..... 6/7
Gen_30:32.....the/spotted and speckled/among 2/7
Jud_1:23..garment/spotted by/the............ 7/7
Gen_30:32.....and/spotted cattle/and........ 1/7