Gen_43:7.........our/state and of/our......... 1/14
2Ch_24:13........his/state and strengthened/it 2/14
Php_2:20........your/state For all/seek...... 12/14
Php_2:19........your/state For I/have........ 11/14
Php_4:11..whatsoever/state I/am.............. 13/14 is/altogether...... 5/14
Luk_11:26.......last/state of that man is worse than the first And/it 10/14
Mat_12:45.......last/state of that man is worse than the first Even/so 9/14
Est_1:7..........the/state of the king And the/drinking 3/14
Est_2:18.........the/state of the king And when/the 4/14
Pro_27:23........the/state of thy/flocks...... 6/14
Isa_22:19........thy/state shall he/pull...... 8/14 shall Tychicus/declare 14/14
Pro_28:2.........the/state thereof/shall...... 7/14
Eze_23:41..........a/stately/bed............... 1/1
Isa_22:19........thy/station/and............... 1/1
Luk_19:3..........of/stature And he/ran...... 16/17
Eze_31:3........high/stature and his/top..... 12/17
Luk_2:52.........and/stature and in/favour... 14/17
Num_13:32......great/stature And there/we..... 1/17
Mat_6:27.........his/stature And why/take.... 13/17
1Sa_16:7.........his/stature because/I........ 2/17
1Ch_11:23......great/stature five/cubits...... 4/17
Son_7:7..........thy/stature is/like.......... 6/17
Eph_4:13.........the/stature of/the.......... 17/17
Luk_12:25........his/stature one/cubit....... 15/17
Isa_10:33.........of/stature shall be/hewn.... 7/17
Isa_45:14.........of/stature shall come/over.. 8/17
2Sa_21:20......great/stature that/had......... 3/17
Eze_13:18......every/stature to/hunt.......... 9/17
Eze_19:11........her/stature was/exalted..... 11/17
Eze_17:6.........low/stature whose branches/turned 10/17
1Ch_20:6.......great/stature whose fingers/and 5/17
Exo_15:25..........a/statute and an ordinance and/there 1/35
1Sa_30:25..........a/statute and an ordinance for/Israel 32/35
Jos_24:25..........a/statute and an ordinance in/Shechem 31/35
Lev_24:9...perpetual/statute And the/son..... 23/35
Exo_29:9...perpetual/statute and thou/shalt... 4/35
Dan_6:7........royal/statute and to/make..... 34/35
Lev_16:31..........a/statute for ever And/the 15/35
Lev_10:15..........a/statute for ever as/the. 13/35
Num_18:11..........a/statute for ever every/one 24/35
Lev_7:34...........a/statute for ever from among/the 10/35
Exo_29:28..........a/statute for ever from the/children 5/35
Num_19:10..........a/statute for ever He/that 27/35
Lev_23:21..........a/statute for ever in all/your 19/35
Lev_6:18...........a/statute for ever in your generations concerning/the 8/35
Lev_24:3...........a/statute for ever in your generations He/shall 22/35
Lev_23:41..........a/statute for ever in your generations ye/shall 21/35
Num_18:19..........a/statute for ever it/is.. 25/35
Lev_7:36...........a/statute for ever throughout their/generations 11/35
Lev_10:9...........a/statute for ever throughout your generations And/that 12/35
Lev_23:14..........a/statute for ever throughout your generations in all your dwellings And/ye 18/35
Lev_23:31..........a/statute for ever throughout your generations in all your dwellings It/shall 20/35
Num_18:23..........a/statute for ever throughout your generations that/among 26/35
Exo_30:21..........a/statute for ever to/them. 6/35
Exo_28:43..........a/statute for ever unto him/and 3/35
Lev_6:22...........a/statute for ever unto the/LORD 9/35
Exo_27:21..........a/statute for ever unto their/generations 2/35
Lev_17:7...........a/statute for ever unto them/throughout 17/35
Lev_16:29..........a/statute for ever unto you/that 14/35
Psa_81:4...........a/statute for Israel/and.. 33/35
Lev_3:17...perpetual/statute for your/generations 7/35
Num_27:11..........a/statute of judgment as/the 29/35
Num_35:29..........a/statute of judgment unto/you 30/35
Num_19:21..perpetual/statute unto them/that.. 28/35
Lev_16:34everlasting/statute unto you/to..... 16/35
Dan_6:15.........nor/statute which/the....... 35/35 according/to.. 60/132
Psa_119:112......thy/statutes alway/even.... 98/132 and all my judgments and do them I/am 8/132 and all my judgments and do them that/the 10/132
Neh_9:13........good/statutes and commandments/And 76/132 and do that/which 117/132 and do them And/they 128/132 and do them I/am 9/132 and execute/my 50/132 and had/polluted 124/132 and hath done/them 116/132 and hath kept/my 114/132
1Ki_2:3..........his/statutes and his commandments and his judgments and his/testimonies 47/132
Deu_26:17........his/statutes and his commandments and his judgments and to/hearken 40/132
Deu_4:40.........his/statutes and his commandments which I command thee this/day 22/132
Deu_6:2..........his/statutes and his commandments which I command thee thou/and 27/132
2Ki_17:15........his/statutes and his covenant/that 61/132
Deu_11:1.........his/statutes and his judgments and/his 34/132
Deu_30:16........his/statutes and his judgments that/thou 45/132
Psa_147:19.......his/statutes and his judgments unto/Israel 106/132
1Ki_8:58.........his/statutes and his judgments which/he 51/132
Psa_119:33.......thy/statutes and I/shall... 90/132
Lev_26:46........the/statutes and judgments and/laws 15/132
Mal_4:4..........the/statutes and judgments Behold/I 132/132 and judgments even/as 18/132
Ezr_7:10......Israel/statutes and judgments Now/this 73/132
Deu_4:8.........hath/statutes and judgments so/righteous 20/132 and judgments that/ye 21/132
Deu_26:16......these/statutes and judgments thou/shalt 39/132
Deu_11:32........the/statutes and judgments which I set/before 35/132
Deu_5:1..........the/statutes and judgments which I speak/in 24/132
1Ch_22:13........the/statutes and judgments which the/LORD 66/132
Deu_12:1.........the/statutes and judgments which ye/shall 36/132
2Ch_19:10commandment/statutes and judgments ye/shall 70/132
Psa_105:45.......his/statutes and keep his/laws 83/132 and keep mine/ordinances 113/132 and keep my commandments/and 12/132 and keep my judgments and do them And hallow/my 122/132 and keep my judgments and do them and ye/shall 11/132 and keep not/my 82/132
Neh_9:14....precepts/statutes and laws/by... 77/132 and my commandments as David/my 58/132 and my commandments as thy/father 49/132 and my commandments which/I 69/132 and my judgments and/shall 6/132 and my judgments as/did 56/132 and my judgments Then I/will 53/132 and my judgments Then will/I 68/132 and my judgments which/if 5/132 and my laws/And 1/132
Deu_4:6........these/statutes and say/Surely 19/132 and shewed/them 118/132
Neh_10:29........his/statutes And that/we... 78/132
Deu_7:11.........the/statutes and the judgments which I/command 31/132
Deu_4:45.........the/statutes and the judgments which Moses/spake 23/132
Deu_6:20.........the/statutes and the judgments which the LORD our/God 29/132
Deu_6:1..........the/statutes and the judgments which the LORD your/God 26/132
Deu_5:31.........the/statutes and the judgments which thou/shalt 25/132
2Ki_17:37........the/statutes and the ordinances and/the 64/132
2Ch_33:8.........the/statutes and the ordinances by/the 71/132 and they/despised 119/132
1Ch_29:19........thy/statutes and to do/all. 67/132
1Ki_8:61.........his/statutes and to keep/his 52/132
Deu_4:1..........the/statutes and unto/the.. 17/132 and ye/shall. 127/132 And yet/for... 14/132 But I/will.... 57/132 but polluted/my 120/132
Psa_119:117......thy/statutes continually/Thou 99/132
Psa_119:118......thy/statutes for/their.... 100/132
Psa_18:22........his/statutes from/me....... 79/132
Psa_119:155......thy/statutes Great/are.... 104/132
Psa_119:54.......Thy/statutes have/been..... 92/132 he/shall..... 115/132
Psa_119:83.......thy/statutes How/many...... 97/132
Psa_119:124......thy/statutes I am/thy..... 101/132
Psa_119:145......thy/statutes I cried/unto. 103/132
2Sa_22:23........his/statutes I did/not..... 46/132
Psa_119:16.......thy/statutes I will not/forget 87/132
Exo_15:26........his/statutes I will put/none 2/132 in/all....... 129/132
Psa_119:26.......thy/statutes Make/me....... 89/132 more/than.... 109/132
Psa_119:171......thy/statutes My/tongue.... 105/132 neither executed/my 112/132 neither have/kept 111/132 neither kept/my 123/132
Jer_44:23........his/statutes nor in/his... 108/132
Neh_1:7..........the/statutes nor the/judgments 75/132
Psa_119:8........thy/statutes O/forsake..... 85/132
1Ki_3:3..........the/statutes of David/his.. 48/132
Exo_18:16........the/statutes of God/and..... 3/132
2Ki_17:19........the/statutes of Israel/which 62/132
Eze_33:15........the/statutes of life/without 126/132
Mic_6:16.........the/statutes of Omri/are.. 130/132
2Ki_17:8.........the/statutes of the heathen/whom 59/132
Psa_19:8.........The/statutes of the LORD/are 80/132
Eze_20:18........the/statutes of your/fathers 121/132
2Ki_17:34......their/statutes or after/their 63/132 or if/your.... 13/132 or that/thou.. 81/132
Psa_119:48.......thy/statutes Remember/the.. 91/132
Psa_119:135......thy/statutes Rivers/of.... 102/132
Psa_119:80.......thy/statutes that I be/not. 96/132 that I set/before 107/132
Eze_20:25.......also/statutes that were/not 125/132
Psa_119:71.......thy/statutes The law/of.... 95/132
Psa_119:68.......thy/statutes The proud/have 94/132
Psa_119:5........thy/statutes Then/shall.... 84/132 they/have.... 110/132
Psa_119:64.......thy/statutes Thou hast/dealt 93/132 Thou shalt not/let 7/132
Deu_16:12......these/statutes Thou shalt observe/the 37/132
Psa_119:23.......thy/statutes Thy/testimonies 88/132
Deu_17:19......these/statutes to do/them.... 38/132
Deu_6:24.......these/statutes to fear/the... 30/132
Ezr_7:11.........his/statutes to Israel/Artaxerxes 74/132
Deu_30:10........his/statutes which are/written 44/132
Deu_28:45........his/statutes which he commanded/thee 43/132
Deu_6:17.........his/statutes which he hath/commanded 28/132
Deu_27:10........his/statutes which I command thee this day And/Moses 41/132
Deu_10:13........his/statutes which I command thee this day for/thy 33/132
Deu_8:11.........his/statutes which I command thee this day Lest/when 32/132
Deu_28:15........his/statutes which I command thee this day that/all 42/132 which I commanded/my 131/132 which I have commanded/thee 55/132 which I have set/before 54/132
Num_30:16........the/statutes which the LORD commanded/Moses 16/132
Lev_10:11........the/statutes which the LORD hath/spoken 4/132
2Ch_34:31........his/statutes with all his/heart 72/132
2Ki_23:3.........his/statutes with all their/heart 65/132
Psa_119:12.......thy/statutes With my/lips.. 86/132