2Co_5:11.........I/trust also are/made... 119/134
Psa_37:5......LORD/trust also in/him...... 38/134
1Ti_1:11........my/trust And I/thank..... 126/134
Isa_12:2......will/trust and not/be....... 75/134
Psa_40:4.......his/trust and respecteth/not 41/134
Jer_7:14........ye/trust and unto/the..... 94/134
1Ti_6:20.......thy/trust avoiding/profane 129/134
Psa_143:8........I/trust cause/me......... 66/134
Joh_5:45........ye/trust For/had......... 111/134
Psa_71:5........my/trust from/my.......... 54/134
2Co_3:4.......such/trust have/we......... 118/134
2Sa_22:3.........I/trust he/is............. 3/134
Job_39:11.....thou/trust him/because...... 18/134
Psa_91:4......thou/trust his/truth........ 57/134
Psa_11:1........my/trust how/say.......... 24/134
3Jn_1:14.........I/trust I shall/shortly. 134/134
Psa_56:11.......my/trust I will not be/afraid 48/134
Psa_56:4........my/trust I will not fear/what 47/134
Jer_28:15.......to/trust in a lie Therefore thus saith the LORD Behold I will cast/thee 96/134
Jer_29:31.......to/trust in a lie Therefore thus saith the LORD Behold I will punish/Shemaiah 97/134
Psa_20:7......Some/trust in chariots and/some 29/134
Isa_31:1.......and/trust in chariots because/they 81/134
Isa_42:17.....that/trust in graven/images. 87/134
Pro_31:11...safely/trust in her/so........ 74/134
Pro_30:5.....their/trust in him Add/thou.. 73/134
Heb_2:13........my/trust in him And again/Behold 131/134
Psa_64:10....shall/trust in him and all/the 52/134
Jer_46:25.....that/trust in him And I/will 99/134
1Ch_5:20.....their/trust in him And they/took 10/134
Psa_62:8.......God/Trust in him at/all.... 50/134
Job_13:15........I/trust in him but I/will 14/134
Isa_36:6......that/trust in him But if/thou 83/134
Nah_1:7.......that/trust in him But with/an 106/134
2Sa_22:31.....that/trust in him For who is God save the LORD and/who 4/134
Psa_18:30.....that/trust in him For who is God save the LORD or/who 28/134
Psa_2:12.....their/trust in him Lord/how.. 19/134
Psa_37:40.....they/trust in him O/lord.... 39/134
Psa_34:22.....that/trust in him shall/be.. 35/134
Job_15:15.......no/trust in his saints/yea 15/134
Job_4:18........no/trust in his servants/and 12/134
Isa_14:32....shall/trust in it/The........ 76/134
Jer_7:8.........ye/trust in lying/words... 93/134
Jer_49:11...widows/trust in me For/thus.. 100/134
Jer_39:18......thy/trust in me saith/the.. 98/134
Isa_57:13......his/trust in me shall/possess 90/134
Psa_44:6.......not/trust in my bow/neither 42/134
Jdg_9:15......your/trust in my shadow/and.. 1/134
Isa_30:12......and/trust in oppression/and 80/134
2Co_1:9........not/trust in ourselves/but 115/134
Psa_146:3.....your/trust in princes/nor... 68/134
Mar_10:24.....that/trust in riches/to.... 109/134
Psa_61:4......will/trust in the covert/of. 49/134
Php_3:4......might/trust in the flesh/I.. 124/134
1Ti_4:10........we/trust in the living/God 127/134
Psa_37:3......herb/Trust in the LORD and/do 37/134
Psa_40:3.....shall/trust in the LORD Blessed/is 40/134
Psa_73:28.......my/trust in the Lord GOD/that 55/134
Psa_115:11....LORD/trust in the LORD he is their help and their shield The/LORD 60/134
Psa_115:10...Aaron/trust in the LORD he is their help and their shield Ye/that 59/134
Psa_31:6.........I/trust in the LORD I/will 33/134
Php_2:19.........I/trust in the Lord Jesus/to 122/134
Isa_36:7........We/trust in the LORD our God is it/not 84/134
2Ki_18:22.......We/trust in the LORD our God is not/that 7/134
2Ki_18:30......you/trust in the LORD saying The LORD will surely deliver us and/this 9/134
Isa_36:15......you/trust in the LORD saying The LORD will surely deliver us this/city 86/134
Psa_125:1.....that/trust in the LORD shall be as/mount 64/134
Pro_28:25......his/trust in the LORD shall be made/fat 71/134
Pro_29:25......his/trust in the LORD shall be safe/Many 72/134
Psa_118:8.......to/trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man/It 61/134
Psa_118:9.......to/trust in the LORD than to put confidence in princes/All 62/134
Php_2:24.........I/trust in the Lord that/I 123/134
Psa_4:5.......your/trust in the LORD There/be 20/134
Pro_3:5........man/Trust in the LORD with/all 69/134
Psa_52:8.........I/trust in the mercy/of.. 44/134
Amo_6:1........and/trust in the mountain/of 104/134
Isa_50:10......him/trust in the name of the LORD and/stay 88/134
Zep_3:12.....shall/trust in the name of the LORD The/remnant 107/134
Isa_30:2........to/trust in the shadow of Egypt Therefore/shall 78/134
Isa_30:3.......the/trust in the shadow of Egypt your/confusion 79/134
Psa_55:23.....will/trust in thee Be/merciful 45/134
Psa_31:19.....that/trust in thee before/the 34/134
Psa_9:10.....their/trust in thee for/thou. 23/134
Psa_17:7.....their/trust in thee from/those 26/134
Psa_56:3......will/trust in thee In/God... 46/134
Psa_25:20.......my/trust in thee Let integrity/and 31/134
Psa_25:2.........I/trust in thee let me/not 30/134
Psa_5:11.....their/trust in thee rejoice/let 21/134
Psa_49:6......that/trust in their/wealth.. 43/134
Eze_16:15....didst/trust in thine/own.... 101/134
Hos_10:13....didst/trust in thy way/in... 103/134
Psa_119:42.......I/trust in thy word/And.. 63/134
1Ti_6:17.......nor/trust in uncertain/riches 128/134
Isa_59:4......they/trust in vanity and/speak 91/134
Job_15:31.deceived/trust in vanity for/vanity 16/134
Psa_141:8.......my/trust leave/not........ 65/134
Psa_31:1........my/trust let me never be ashamed/deliver 32/134
Psa_71:1........my/trust let me never be put/to 53/134
Isa_51:5......they/trust Lift/up.......... 89/134
Pro_22:19......thy/trust may/be........... 70/134
Psa_18:2......will/trust my/buckler....... 27/134
Psa_62:10...vanity/Trust not/in........... 51/134
Rom_15:12.Gentiles/trust Now/the......... 112/134
Psa_16:1........my/trust O/my............. 25/134
2Ki_18:24......thy/trust on Egypt for chariots and for horsemen Am/I 8/134
Isa_36:9.......thy/trust on Egypt for chariots and for horsemen And/am 85/134
2Ki_18:21.....that/trust on him/But........ 6/134
Psa_7:1.........my/trust save/me.......... 22/134
Job_8:14.....whose/trust shall/be......... 13/134
Psa_91:2.........I/trust Surely/he........ 56/134
2Co_1:10........we/trust that he/will.... 116/134
Isa_36:5......thou/trust that thou rebellest against me Lo/thou 82/134
2Ki_18:20.....thou/trust that thou rebellest against me Now/behold 5/134
Phl_1:22.........I/trust that through/your 130/134
2Ch_32:10.......ye/trust that ye abide/in. 11/134
2Co_13:6.........I/trust that ye shall/know 121/134
Luk_16:11.....your/trust the/true........ 110/134
Rut_2:12........to/trust Then she/said..... 2/134
Mat_12:21.Gentiles/trust Then was/brought 108/134
Job_35:14therefore/trust thou in him/But.. 17/134
Psa_115:9...Israel/trust thou in the/LORD. 58/134
2Jn_1:12.........I/trust to come/unto.... 133/134
2Co_10:7.......man/trust to himself/that. 120/134
Eze_33:13.......he/trust to his/own...... 102/134
Rom_15:24........I/trust to see/you...... 113/134
1Co_16:7.........I/trust to tarry/a...... 114/134
Psa_36:7.....their/trust under/the........ 36/134
Heb_13:18.......we/trust we/have......... 132/134
Psa_144:2........I/trust who/subdueth..... 67/134
1Th_2:4.........in/trust with/the........ 125/134
Isa_26:4......thee/Trust ye in/the........ 77/134
Mic_7:5.perplexity/Trust ye not in a/friend 105/134
Jer_9:4........and/trust ye not in any/brother 95/134
Jer_7:4......place/Trust ye not in lying/words 92/134
2Co_1:13.........I/trust ye shall/acknowledge 117/134
Eph_1:13......also/trusted after/that...... 28/29
Psa_26:1......have/trusted also/in......... 10/29
Luk_11:22.......he/trusted and divideth/his 24/29
Psa_22:4......they/trusted and thou/didst... 7/29
Eph_1:12.....first/trusted in Christ/In.... 27/29
Jer_13:25......and/trusted in falsehood/Therefore 18/29
1Pe_3:5........who/trusted in God adorned/themselves 29/29
Mat_27:43.......He/trusted in God let/him.. 23/29
Jer_49:4......that/trusted in her/treasures 20/29
Dan_3:28......that/trusted in him and have/changed 21/29
Psa_28:7.....heart/trusted in him and I/am. 11/29
Psa_33:21.....have/trusted in his/holy..... 13/29
Psa_52:7.......but/trusted in the abundance/of 15/29
2Ki_18:5........He/trusted in the LORD/God.. 4/29
Psa_22:5......they/trusted in thee and/were. 8/29
Psa_31:14........I/trusted in thee O/LORD.. 12/29
Psa_22:4...fathers/trusted in thee they/trusted 6/29
Luk_18:9.....which/trusted in themselves/that 25/29
Psa_13:5......have/trusted in thy mercy/my.. 5/29
Isa_47:10.....hast/trusted in thy wickedness/thou 17/29
Jer_48:7......hast/trusted in thy works/and 19/29
Psa_78:22......and/trusted not in his/salvation 16/29
Zep_3:2........she/trusted not in the/LORD. 22/29
Jdg_11:20....Sihon/trusted not Israel/to.... 2/29
Psa_22:8........He/trusted on/the........... 9/29
Luk_24:21.......we/trusted that/it......... 26/29
Jdg_20:36.....they/trusted unto/the......... 3/29
Psa_41:9.........I/trusted which did eat of/my 14/29
Deu_32:37.....they/trusted Which did eat the/fat 1/29
Jer_12:5......thou/trustedst they/wearied.... 3/3
Deu_28:52.....thou/trustedst throughout/all.. 1/3
Jer_5:17......thou/trustedst with/the........ 2/3
2Ki_19:10.....thou/trustest deceive thee saying Jerusalem shall not be delivered/into 3/6
Isa_37:10.....thou/trustest deceive thee saying Jerusalem shall not be given/into 6/6
Isa_36:4......thou/trustest I/say............ 4/6
Isa_36:6......thou/trustest in/the........... 5/6
2Ki_18:19.....thou/trustest Thou/sayest...... 1/6
2Ki_18:21.....thou/trustest upon/the......... 2/6
1Ti_5:5...desolate/trusteth in God/and..... 17/17
Psa_34:8......that/trusteth in him/O........ 4/17
Pro_28:26.....that/trusteth in his own/heart 12/17
Pro_11:28.....that/trusteth in his riches/shall 10/17
Jer_17:5......that/trusteth in man/and..... 14/17
Psa_21:7......king/trusteth in the LORD and through/the 2/17
Jer_17:7......that/trusteth in the LORD and whose/hope 15/17
Pro_16:20....whoso/trusteth in the LORD happy/is 11/17
Psa_32:10.....that/trusteth in the LORD mercy/shall 3/17
Psa_86:2......that/trusteth in thee Be/merciful 7/17
Psa_84:12.....that/trusteth in thee Lord/thou 6/17
Isa_26:3........he/trusteth in thee Trust/ye 13/17
Psa_57:1......soul/trusteth in thee yea/in.. 5/17
Psa_135:18....that/trusteth in them Bless/the 9/17
Psa_115:8.....that/trusteth in them O/Israel 8/17
Job_40:23.......he/trusteth that/he......... 1/17
Hab_2:18......work/trusteth therein/to..... 16/17
Psa_112:7....fixed/trusting/in............... 1/1
Job_12:20......the/trusty/and................ 1/1