Rev_21:20........the/twelfth an/amethyst..... 23/23
1Ki_19:19........the/twelfth and/Elijah....... 2/23
1Ch_27:15........The/twelfth captain/for...... 8/23
Num_7:78.........the/twelfth day Ahira/the.... 1/23
Ezr_8:31.........the/twelfth day of the first/month 11/23
Eze_29:1.........the/twelfth day of the month/the 18/23
Eze_32:1.........the/twelfth month in the first/day 20/23
Jer_52:31........the/twelfth month in the five/and 17/23
2Ki_25:27........the/twelfth month on/the..... 5/23
Est_3:7..........the/twelfth month that is the month Adar And/Haman 13/23
Est_9:1..........the/twelfth month that is the month Adar on/the 16/23
1Ch_27:15........the/twelfth month was/Heldai. 9/23
Est_3:13.........the/twelfth month which is the month Adar and/to 14/23
Est_8:12.........the/twelfth month which is the month Adar The/copy 15/23
1Ch_25:19........The/twelfth to Hashabiah/he.. 7/23
1Ch_24:12........the/twelfth to Jakim/The..... 6/23
2Ch_34:3.........the/twelfth year he/began... 10/23
Eze_32:17........the/twelfth year in the fifteenth/day 21/23
Eze_32:1.........the/twelfth year in the twelfth/month 19/23
2Ki_17:1.........the/twelfth year of Ahaz/king 4/23
2Ki_8:25.........the/twelfth year of Joram/the 3/23
Est_3:7..........the/twelfth year of king/Ahasuerus 12/23
Eze_33:21........the/twelfth year of our/captivity 22/23
Exo_39:14.....Israel/twelve according to their names like the engravings of a signet every one with his name according/to 14/188
Exo_28:21.....Israel/twelve according to their names like the engravings of a signet every one with his name shall/they 12/188
1Co_15:5.........the/twelve After that/he.. 165/188
Joh_6:71.........the/twelve After these/things 157/188
Num_7:87....offering/twelve And all/the..... 26/188
Mat_26:20........the/twelve And as they did/eat 124/188
Mar_14:17........the/twelve And as they sat/and 138/188
Mar_6:7..........the/twelve and began to send/them 131/188
Mar_10:32........the/twelve and began to tell/them 135/188
1Ch_15:10........and/twelve And David/called 68/188
Luk_22:3.........the/twelve And he went his/way 150/188
Act_19:7.......about/twelve And he went into/the 162/188
Mar_11:11........the/twelve And on/the..... 136/188 and one/of..... 156/188
Luk_9:12.........the/twelve and said unto him/Send 147/188
Luk_18:31........the/twelve and said unto them/Behold 149/188
Mar_9:35.........the/twelve and saith/unto. 134/188
Num_31:38........and/twelve And the/asses... 32/188
Mar_8:19.........him/Twelve And when/the... 133/188
Mar_14:43........the/twelve and with/him... 140/188
Rev_21:12......gates/twelve angels/and..... 181/188
Mat_10:2.........the/twelve apostles are/these 116/188
Rev_21:14........the/twelve apostles of/the 184/188
Luk_22:14........the/twelve apostles with/him 151/188
Mar_4:10.........the/twelve asked/of....... 128/188
Luk_9:17........them/twelve baskets And/it. 148/188
Mat_14:20...remained/twelve baskets full And/they 119/188
Mar_6:43..........up/twelve baskets full of/the 132/188
Joh_6:13......filled/twelve baskets with/the 154/188
Jer_52:20........and/twelve brasen/bulls... 108/188 brethren sons/of. 7/188
Gen_42:13........are/twelve brethren the/sons 6/188
Eze_43:16.......long/twelve broad/square... 111/188
Ezr_8:35......Israel/twelve bullocks for/all 103/188
Num_7:87........were/twelve bullocks the/rams 23/188
Lev_24:5........bake/twelve cakes/thereof... 16/188
Joh_20:24........the/twelve called Didymus/was 159/188
Mat_26:14........the/twelve called Judas/Iscariot 123/188
Act_6:2..........the/twelve called the/multitude 160/188
Mat_26:47........the/twelve came/and....... 125/188
Num_7:84......Israel/twelve chargers/of..... 19/188
Jos_21:40........lot/twelve cities All/the.. 46/188
Jos_21:7.....Zebulun/twelve cities And the children of Israel gave by/lot 45/188
1Ch_6:63.....Zebulun/twelve cities And the children of Israel gave to/the 66/188
Jos_18:24.......Gaba/twelve cities with their villages Gibeon/and 43/188
Jos_19:15..Bethlehem/twelve cities with their villages This/is 44/188
1Ch_25:31.......were/twelve Concerning/the.. 91/188
1Ki_7:15..........of/twelve cubits did compass either/of 55/188
Jer_52:21.........of/twelve cubits did compass it/and 109/188 cubits long/twelve 110/188
Act_24:11........but/twelve days/since..... 163/188
Mat_20:17........the/twelve disciples apart/in 122/188
Mat_11:1.........his/twelve disciples he departed/thence 118/188
Mat_10:1.........his/twelve disciples he gave/them 115/188
Luk_9:1..........his/twelve disciples together/and 146/188
Rev_21:14........had/twelve foundations/and 183/188
Num_33:9........were/twelve fountains/of.... 33/188
Num_7:86........were/twelve full/of......... 22/188
Rev_21:12........had/twelve gates and/at... 180/188
Rev_21:21........the/twelve gates were/twelve 186/188
Ezr_6:17......Israel/twelve he goats according/to 101/188
Ezr_8:35.......lambs/twelve he goats for/a. 104/188
Joh_11:9.........not/twelve hours/in....... 158/188
2Ch_12:3........With/twelve hundred/chariots 97/188
Mat_10:5.......These/twelve Jesus/sent..... 117/188
Mat_26:53.......than/twelve legions/of..... 126/188
1Ki_10:20........And/twelve lions stood there on the one side and on the other upon the six steps there was not the like made in any kingdom And all king/Solomon's 58/188
2Ch_9:19.........And/twelve lions stood there on the one side and on the other upon the six steps There was not the like made in any kingdom And all the/drinking 95/188
Rev_22:2........bare/twelve manner/of...... 188/188
Num_1:44.......being/twelve men each/one.... 17/188
Deu_1:23........took/twelve men of/you...... 34/188 men out of the people/out 36/188 men out of the tribes/of 35/188
Jos_4:4..........the/twelve men whom/he..... 38/188
Est_2:12........been/twelve months according/to 107/188
Dan_4:29..........of/twelve months he/walked 113/188
2Sa_2:15......number/twelve of Benjamin/which 49/188
Ezr_8:24...separated/twelve of the chief/of 102/188
2Sa_2:15.........and/twelve of the servants/of 50/188
1Ki_4:7..........had/twelve officers/over... 53/188
Num_7:3..........and/twelve oxen a/wagon.... 18/188
1Ki_7:25........upon/twelve oxen three looking toward the north and three looking toward the west and three looking toward the south and three looking toward the east and the sea was set above upon them and all their hinder parts were inward And it/was 56/188
2Ch_4:4.........upon/twelve oxen three looking toward the north and three looking toward the west and three looking toward the south and three looking toward the east and the sea was set above upon them and all their hinder parts were inward And the/thickness 93/188
2Ch_4:15.........and/twelve oxen under it/The 94/188
1Ki_7:44.........and/twelve oxen under the/sea 57/188
Act_7:8..........the/twelve patriarchs/And. 161/188
Rev_21:21.......were/twelve pearls/every... 187/188 pieces And he/said 60/188
Jdg_19:29.......into/twelve pieces and sent/her 47/188
Exo_24:4.........and/twelve pillars/according 10/188
Gen_25:16....castles/twelve princes according/to 4/188
Gen_17:20exceedingly/twelve princes shall/he. 3/188
Num_17:6........even/twelve rods and/the.... 28/188
Num_17:2.....fathers/twelve rods write/thou. 27/188
Num_7:84......silver/twelve silver/bowls.... 20/188
Num_7:84.......bowls/twelve spoons/of....... 21/188
Rev_12:1..........of/twelve stars/And...... 179/188
1Ki_18:31.......took/twelve stones according/to 62/188
Jos_4:3.........firm/twelve stones and/ye... 37/188
Jos_4:9...........up/twelve stones in/the... 40/188
Jos_4:8...........up/twelve stones out/of... 39/188
Jos_4:20.......those/twelve stones which/they 41/188
Mar_14:20........the/twelve that dippeth/with 139/188
Mar_3:14....ordained/twelve that they/should 127/188
Ezr_2:6..........and/twelve The children of Elam/a 99/188
Neh_7:24.........and/twelve The children of Gibeon/ninety 106/188
Ezr_2:18.........and/twelve The children of Hashum/two 100/188
1Ch_25:24.......were/twelve The eighteenth/to 84/188
1Ch_25:14.......were/twelve The eighth/to... 74/188
1Ch_25:17.......were/twelve The eleventh/to. 77/188
1Ch_25:21.......were/twelve The fifteenth/to 81/188
1Ch_25:11.......were/twelve The fifth/to.... 71/188
1Ch_25:30.......were/twelve The four/and.... 90/188
1Ch_25:20.......were/twelve The fourteenth/to 80/188
1Ch_25:10.......were/twelve The fourth/to... 70/188
Num_7:87........rams/twelve the lambs/of.... 24/188
1Ch_25:25.......were/twelve The nineteenth/to 85/188
1Ch_25:15.......were/twelve The ninth/to.... 75/188
1Ch_25:27.......were/twelve The one/and..... 87/188
1Ch_25:23.......were/twelve The seventeenth/to 83/188
1Ch_25:13.......were/twelve The seventh/to.. 73/188
1Ch_25:22.......were/twelve The sixteenth/to 82/188
1Ch_25:12.......were/twelve The sixth/to.... 72/188
Gen_35:22.......were/twelve The sons/of...... 5/188
1Ch_25:16.......were/twelve The tenth/to.... 76/188
1Ch_25:9........were/twelve The third/to.... 69/188
1Ch_25:19.......were/twelve The thirteenth/to 79/188
1Ch_25:29.......were/twelve The three/and... 89/188
1Ch_25:18.......were/twelve The twelfth/to.. 78/188
1Ch_25:26.......were/twelve The twentieth/to 86/188
1Ch_25:28.......were/twelve The two/and..... 88/188
1Ch_9:22.........and/twelve These/were...... 67/188
Rev_7:8.......sealed/twelve thousand After/this 178/188
Num_31:5.......tribe/twelve thousand armed/for 30/188
Num_31:33........and/twelve thousand beeves/And 31/188
Jos_8:25........were/twelve thousand even/all 42/188
Rev_21:16.......reed/twelve thousand furlongs/The 185/188
1Ki_4:26.........and/twelve thousand horsemen And/those 54/188
2Ch_1:14.........and/twelve thousand horsemen which/he 92/188
2Ch_9:25.........and/twelve thousand horsemen whom he bestowed in the chariot/cities 96/188
1Ki_10:26........and/twelve thousand horsemen whom he bestowed in the cities/for 59/188
2Sa_17:1.........out/twelve thousand men and I/will 52/188
2Sa_10:6......Ishtob/twelve thousand men And when/David 51/188
Jdg_21:10....thither/twelve thousand men of/the 48/188
Rev_7:5.......sealed/twelve thousand Of the tribe of Aser/were 169/188
Rev_7:8.......sealed/twelve thousand Of the tribe of Benjamin/were 177/188
Rev_7:5.......sealed/twelve thousand Of the tribe of Gad/were 168/188
Rev_7:7.......sealed/twelve thousand Of the tribe of Issachar/were 174/188
Rev_7:8.......sealed/twelve thousand Of the tribe of Joseph/were 176/188
Rev_7:7.......sealed/twelve thousand Of the tribe of Levi/were 173/188
Rev_7:6.......sealed/twelve thousand Of the tribe of Manasses/were 171/188
Rev_7:6.......sealed/twelve thousand Of the tribe of Nephthalim/were 170/188
Rev_7:5.......sealed/twelve thousand Of the tribe of Reuben/were 167/188
Rev_7:6.......sealed/twelve thousand Of the tribe of Simeon/were 172/188
Rev_7:7.......sealed/twelve thousand Of the tribe of Zabulon/were 175/188
Mat_19:28.......upon/twelve thrones/judging 120/188
Exo_39:14........the/twelve tribes And they/made 15/188
Exo_28:21........the/twelve tribes And thou/shalt 13/188
Act_26:7.........our/twelve tribes instantly/serving 164/188
Mat_19:28........the/twelve tribes of Israel And every/one 121/188
Exo_24:4.........the/twelve tribes of Israel And he/sent 11/188
Luk_22:30........the/twelve tribes of Israel And the/Lord 152/188
Gen_49:28........the/twelve tribes of Israel and this/is 8/188
Eze_47:13........the/twelve tribes of Israel Joseph/shall 112/188
Rev_21:12........the/twelve tribes of the/children 182/188
Jam_1:1..........the/twelve tribes which/are 166/188
Exo_15:27.......were/twelve wells/of......... 9/188
Luk_22:47........the/twelve went before/them 153/188
Mar_14:10........the/twelve went unto/the.. 137/188
Luk_8:1..........the/twelve were/with...... 143/188
Luk_6:13.......chose/twelve whom/also...... 142/188
Joh_6:67.........the/twelve Will/ye........ 155/188
Num_7:87........year/twelve with/their...... 25/188
Mar_5:25.......blood/twelve years And had/suffered 129/188
Gen_5:8..........and/twelve years and he died/And 1/188
2Ki_3:1......reigned/twelve years And he wrought/evil 64/188
Mar_5:42..........of/twelve years And they/were 130/188
Mat_9:20.......blood/twelve years came/behind 114/188 years I/and.... 105/188
Luk_8:42.......about/twelve years of/age... 144/188
Luk_2:42.........was/twelve years old they/went 141/188
2Ch_33:1.........was/twelve years old when he began to reign and he/reigned 98/188
2Ki_21:1.........was/twelve years old when he began to reign and reigned/fifty 65/188
1Ki_16:23.....Israel/twelve years six/years. 61/188
Gen_14:4.........sea/Twelve years they/served 2/188
Luk_8:43.......blood/twelve years which/had 145/188
1Ki_19:19.......with/twelve yoke/of......... 63/188
Num_29:17......offer/twelve young/bullocks.. 29/188