Dan_7:25.........hand/until a/time.......... 302/366
Jdg_19:8......tarried/until afternoon/and... 163/366
Jer_37:21......street/until all the bread/in 293/366
Gen_29:8.......cannot/until all the flocks/be. 9/366
Deu_2:14........years/until all the generation of/the 103/366
Num_32:13.......years/until all the generation that/had 94/366
2Sa_15:24..........up/until all the people had/done 199/366
Jos_3:17.......ground/until all the people were/passed 133/366
Jer_36:23......hearth/until all the roll/was 292/366
2Ki_6:25...........it/until an/ass's........ 220/366
Ezr_4:21......builded/until another/commandment 252/366
Num_24:22......wasted/until Asshur/shall..... 93/366
Gal_4:19........again/until Christ/be....... 353/366
1Sa_20:41.....another/until David/exceeded.. 192/366
Jdg_20:23........LORD/until even and asked/counsel 165/366
Rut_2:17........field/until even and beat/out 169/366
Jdg_20:26.........day/until even and offered/burnt 166/366
Lev_22:6......unclean/until even and shall/not 71/366
Num_19:21.....unclean/until even And whatsoever/the 87/366
2Sa_1:12.......fasted/until even for/Saul... 195/366
Num_19:22.....unclean/until even Then/came... 88/366
1Sa_14:24........food/until evening/that.... 184/366
Jos_8:29.........tree/until eventide/and.... 143/366
Jos_4:10.......Jordan/until everything/was.. 134/366
Num_4:3..........even/until fifty years old all/that 77/366
Num_4:23.......upward/until fifty years old shalt/thou 78/366
Lev_22:4.......things/until he be clean/And.. 70/366
2Th_2:7...........let/until he be taken/out. 357/366
Gen_26:13........grew/until he became/very.... 5/366
Gen_33:3........times/until he came near/to.. 12/366
Exo_34:34.........off/until he came out/And.. 36/366
Eze_33:22.......mouth/until he came to me/in 298/366
1Sa_19:23..prophesied/until he came to Naioth/in 191/366
1Sa_9:13..........eat/until he come because/he 181/366
Lev_16:17.......place/until he come out/and.. 66/366
Eze_21:27........more/until he come whose/right 297/366
Num_23:24........down/until he eat/of........ 92/366
Luk_15:4.........lost/until he find/it...... 327/366
2Ki_24:20.......Judah/until he had cast them out from/his 229/366
2Ki_17:20....spoilers/until he had cast them out of/his 226/366
1Ki_11:16......Israel/until he had cut/off.. 212/366
1Ki_15:29....breathed/until he had destroyed/him 214/366
1Ki_6:22.........gold/until he had finished/all 210/366
Jos_10:33......people/until he had left/him. 147/366
1Ki_3:1.........David/until he had made/an.. 207/366
Jos_8:26........spear/until he had utterly/destroyed 142/366
Jer_30:24......return/until he hath done/it. 289/366
Num_32:21........LORD/until he hath driven/out 97/366
Deu_28:21........thee/until he have consumed/thee 120/366
Deu_28:51.......sheep/until he have destroyed thee And/he 125/366
Deu_28:48........neck/until he have destroyed thee The/LORD 123/366
Jos_23:15......things/until he have destroyed you/from 156/366
Jer_23:20......return/until he have executed/and 285/366
Rut_3:18.........rest/until he have finished/the 175/366
Jer_30:24.........and/until he have performed/the 290/366
2Ki_10:11.....priests/until he left him/none 225/366
Gen_41:49........much/until he left numbering/for 16/366
Mic_7:9...........him/until he plead/my..... 306/366
Son_8:4..........love/until he please/Who... 277/366
Jam_5:7............it/until he receive/the.. 361/366
Psa_112:8......afraid/until he see/his...... 270/366
Rut_3:3...........man/until he shall/have... 171/366
Jos_20:6.........city/until he stand before the congregation for/judgment 151/366
Num_35:12.........not/until he stand before the congregation in/judgment 98/366
Jos_20:9........blood/until he stood/before. 153/366
2Ki_8:11...stedfastly/until he was ashamed/and 223/366
Exo_33:8........Moses/until he was gone/into. 35/366
Exo_34:35.......again/until he went/in....... 37/366
Lev_25:22........year/until her/fruits....... 75/366
2Ch_16:12........feet/until his disease/was. 238/366
2Sa_23:10.Philistines/until his hand/was.... 206/366
Psa_36:2.........eyes/until his iniquity/be. 262/366
Gen_39:16.........her/until his lord/came.... 15/366
Mat_2:13........there/until I bring/thee.... 309/366
1Ki_10:7........words/until I came and mine eyes had seen it and behold the half/was 211/366
2Ch_9:6.........words/until I came and mine eyes had seen it and behold the one/half 237/366
2Ki_18:32.....cistern/Until I come and take you away to a land like your own land a land of corn and wine a land of bread and vineyards a/land 228/366
Isa_36:17.....cistern/Until I come and take you away to a land like your own land a land of corn and wine a land of bread and vineyards Beware/lest 282/366
1Ki_22:27..affliction/until I come in/peace. 219/366
Gen_33:14......endure/until I come unto my/lord 13/366
Jdg_6:18.........thee/until I come unto thee/and 159/366
Psa_132:5.....eyelids/Until I find/out...... 272/366
Son_3:4............go/until I had brought/him 275/366
2Sa_22:38.......again/until I had consumed/them 205/366
Jer_27:8...pestilence/until I have consumed/them 287/366
Gen_28:15........thee/until I have done/that.. 8/366
Psa_71:18.........not/until I have shewed/thy 264/366
Gen_24:33.........eat/until I have told/mine.. 4/366
Heb_1:13.........hand/until I make thine enemies thy footstool Are/they 359/366
Psa_110:1........hand/until I make thine enemies thy footstool The/LORD 269/366
Act_2:35.........hand/Until I make thy/foes. 338/366
2Ch_18:26..affliction/until I return/in..... 240/366
Deu_2:29...........me/until I shall/pass.... 105/366
Jer_32:5...........be/until I visit/him..... 291/366
Psa_73:17..........me/Until I went/into..... 265/366
Luk_22:16.....thereof/until it be fulfilled/in 331/366
Hos_7:4.........dough/until it be leavened/In 304/366
Deu_20:20........thee/until it be subdued/If 116/366
Num_11:20.......month/until it come/out...... 81/366
1Ch_12:22.........him/until it was a/great.. 232/366
Deu_9:21.........even/until it was as/small. 113/366
2Ch_8:16..........and/until it was finished/So 236/366
Mat_11:13..prophesied/until John And/if..... 312/366
Luk_16:16........were/until John since/that. 328/366
Neh_8:3.......morning/until midday/before... 258/366
Act_20:7.......speech/until midnight/And.... 342/366
2Ch_35:14.........fat/until night therefore/the 247/366
Isa_5:11.....continue/until night till/wine. 278/366
Deu_3:3...........him/until none/was........ 106/366
1Ki_18:26........even/until noon/saying..... 216/366
2Ki_8:6..........even/until now And Elisha/came 222/366
Gen_32:4........there/until now And I/have... 10/366
Rom_8:22.....together/until now And not/only 347/366
Num_14:19........even/until now And the/LORD. 82/366
Php_1:5...........day/until now Being/confident 355/366
Gen_46:34........even/until now both/we...... 17/366
Ezr_5:16.........even/until now hath/it..... 253/366
1Jn_2:9..........even/until now He/that..... 363/366
Exo_9:18.........even/until now Send/therefore 19/366
Rut_2:7.......morning/until now that/she.... 168/366
Mat_11:12.....Baptist/until now the/kingdom. 311/366
2Sa_19:7........youth/until now Then/the.... 202/366
Joh_2:10.........wine/until now This/beginning 335/366
1Co_16:8......Ephesus/until Pentecost/For... 350/366
Act_13:20.......years/until Samuel/the...... 341/366
Mat_18:22........thee/Until seven/times..... 316/366
Mat_18:22.........but/Until seventy/times... 317/366
1Sa_1:23.........suck/until she/weaned...... 178/366
Gen_49:10........feet/until Shiloh/come...... 18/366
1Ch_6:32......singing/until Solomon/had..... 231/366
Act_21:26purification/until that an/offering 343/366
Mar_14:25........vine/until that day that/I. 323/366
Mat_26:29........vine/until that day when/I. 320/366
Psa_123:2.........God/until that he/have.... 271/366
Jdg_5:7........Israel/until that I/Deborah.. 158/366
Dan_7:22.........them/Until the Ancient/of.. 301/366
1Ti_6:14..unrebukable/until the appearing/of 358/366
Gen_32:24.........him/until the breaking/of.. 11/366
2Ch_29:28...continued/until the burnt/offering 244/366
1Ch_5:22.......steads/until the captivity/And 230/366
Mat_1:17........David/until the carrying/away 308/366
1Sa_1:22...........up/until the child/be.... 176/366
Num_32:18......houses/until the children/of.. 96/366
Isa_6:11.....answered/Until the cities/be... 279/366
Dan_9:27.........even/until the consummation/and 303/366
Job_26:10......bounds/until the day and/night 261/366
Son_4:6........lilies/Until the day break and the shadows flee away I/will 276/366
Son_2:17.......lilies/Until the day break and the shadows flee away turn/my 274/366
2Pe_1:19........place/until the day dawn/and 362/366
2Sa_19:24....departed/until the day he/came. 203/366
Jos_6:10........mouth/until the day I/bid... 138/366
Act_1:2.........teach/Until the day in/which 337/366
Jer_52:34.....portion/until the day of his death all/the 296/366
1Sa_15:35........Saul/until the day of his death nevertheless/Samuel 188/366
Php_1:6............it/until the day of Jesus/Christ 356/366
Jdg_18:30.........Dan/until the day of the/captivity 162/366
Zep_3:8..........LORD/until the day that I rise/up 307/366
Jer_27:22..........be/until the day that I visit/them 288/366
Jer_38:28......prison/until the day that Jerusalem/was 294/366
Mat_24:38....marriage/until the day that Noe entered into the ark And knew/not 318/366
Luk_17:27....marriage/until the day that Noe entered into the ark and the/flood 329/366
1Ki_17:14........fail/until the day that the/LORD 215/366
Luk_1:20........speak/until the day that these/things 325/366
Num_6:5..........head/until the days be/fulfilled 79/366
Lev_12:4....sanctuary/until the days of her/purifying 49/366
Neh_12:23........even/until the days of Johanan/the 259/366
Lev_8:33.........days/until the days of your/consecration 39/366
Mat_2:15........there/until the death of Herod/that 310/366
1Ki_11:40.......Egypt/until the death of Solomon/And 213/366
Num_35:28......refuge/until the death of the high priest but/after 99/366
Jos_20:6..........and/until the death of the high priest that/shall 152/366
Num_35:32........land/until the death of the priest/So 100/366
Num_19:8......unclean/until the even And a/man 85/366
2Ch_18:34.....Syrians/until the even and about/the 241/366
Lev_11:40.....unclean/until the even And every creeping/thing 48/366
Lev_15:16.....unclean/until the even And every garment/and 58/366
Lev_15:19.....unclean/until the even And every thing/that 61/366
Lev_15:10.....unclean/until the even and he that beareth any/of 55/366
Lev_11:27.....unclean/until the even And he that beareth the/carcase 42/366
Num_19:7......unclean/until the even And he that burneth/her 84/366
Lev_11:39.....unclean/until the even And he that eateth/of 46/366
Lev_14:46.....unclean/until the even And he that lieth/in 50/366
Lev_15:5......unclean/until the even And he that sitteth/on 51/366
Lev_15:6......unclean/until the even And he that toucheth/the 52/366
Lev_15:18.....unclean/until the even And if a/woman 60/366
Lev_15:23.....unclean/until the even And if any/man 64/366
Lev_15:7......unclean/until the even And if he/that 53/366
Lev_15:22.....unclean/until the even And if it/be 63/366
Num_19:10.....unclean/until the even and it/shall 86/366
Lev_15:11.....unclean/until the even And the/vessel 57/366
Lev_11:31.....unclean/until the even And upon/whatsoever 44/366
Lev_15:8......unclean/until the even And what/saddle 54/366
Lev_15:10.....unclean/until the even And whomsoever/he 56/366
Lev_11:24.....unclean/until the even And whosoever beareth/ought 40/366
Lev_15:21.....unclean/until the even And whosoever toucheth/any 62/366
Lev_15:27.....unclean/until the even But/if.. 65/366
Lev_11:40.....unclean/until the even he/also. 47/366
Lev_11:32.....unclean/until the even so/it... 45/366
Lev_11:25.....unclean/until the even The carcases/of 41/366
Lev_15:17.....unclean/until the even The woman/also 59/366
Lev_17:15.....unclean/until the even then/shall 67/366
Lev_11:28.....unclean/until the even they/are 43/366
Jos_10:26.......trees/until the evening And/it 145/366
Eze_46:2.........shut/until the evening Likewise/the 299/366
Psa_104:23.....labour/until the evening O/LORD 267/366
Ezr_9:4......astonied/until the evening sacrifice/And 255/366
Jos_7:6..........LORD/until the eventide/he. 139/366
Ezr_10:14.....thereof/until the fierce/wrath 256/366
Mat_24:39.........not/until the flood/came.. 319/366
Exo_12:6...........up/until the fourteenth/day 21/366
Rom_11:25......Israel/until the fulness/of.. 348/366
Exo_17:12......steady/until the going/down... 31/366
Mat_13:30....together/until the harvest/and. 314/366
1Sa_11:11...Ammonites/until the heat/of..... 182/366
Isa_26:20......moment/until the indignation/be 280/366
Luk_22:18........vine/until the kingdom/of.. 332/366
2Ch_36:21....Jeremiah/until the land/had.... 250/366
Rom_5:13..........For/until the law/sin..... 346/366
1Co_4:5..........time/until the Lord come/who 349/366
Deu_3:20..........you/Until the LORD have given rest/unto 107/366
Jos_1:15.........them/Until the LORD have given your/brethren 130/366
1Ki_5:3..........side/until the LORD put/them 209/366
2Ki_17:23........them/Until the LORD removed/Israel 227/366
1Sa_19:2......thyself/until the morning and abide/in 190/366
Exo_16:20..........it/until the morning and it bred/worms 27/366
2Ki_10:8.........gate/until the morning And it came/to 224/366
1Sa_3:15..........lay/until the morning and opened/the 179/366
Rut_3:13.........down/until the morning And she lay/at 172/366
Rut_3:14.........feet/until the morning and she rose/up 173/366
Exo_12:10......remain/until the morning and that/which 22/366
Exo_16:23........kept/until the morning And they/laid 28/366
Jdg_19:25.......night/until the morning and when/the 164/366
Lev_7:15...........it/until the morning But/if 38/366
Exo_12:22.......house/until the morning For/the 26/366
Pro_7:18.........love/until the morning let/us 273/366
1Sa_14:36........them/until the morning light and/let 185/366
1Sa_25:36........more/until the morning light But/it 193/366
Num_9:15.........fire/until the morning So/it 80/366
Exo_23:18......remain/until the morning The/first 32/366
Deu_16:4........night/until the morning Thou mayest/not 115/366
Lev_19:13.......night/until the morning Thou shalt/not 69/366
Exo_12:10..........it/until the morning ye/shall 23/366
Lev_22:30..........it/until the morrow/I..... 72/366
Mar_15:33........land/until the ninth hour And at/the 324/366
Luk_23:44.......earth/until the ninth hour And the/sun 333/366
Lev_25:22.......fruit/until the ninth year/until 74/366
Exo_12:18.......bread/until the one/and...... 25/366
2Ch_29:34.........and/until the other/priests 245/366
Jos_10:13......stayed/until the people/had.. 144/366
Psa_94:13...adversity/until the pit/be...... 266/366
Jos_2:16.........days/until the pursuers be/returned 131/366
Jos_2:22.........days/until the pursuers were/returned 132/366
Eph_1:14..inheritance/until the redemption/of 354/366
Ezr_4:5..........even/until the reign of Darius/king 251/366
2Ch_36:20........sons/until the reign of the/kingdom 249/366
Isa_62:1.........rest/until the righteousness/thereof 284/366
Lev_23:14........ears/until the selfsame/day. 73/366
Exo_12:15.........day/until the seventh/day.. 24/366
Mat_17:9..........man/until the Son/of...... 315/366
Isa_32:15......flocks/Until the spirit/be... 281/366
Neh_7:3........opened/until the sun/be...... 257/366
Gen_8:5...continually/until the tenth/month... 1/366
Lev_19:6.......remain/until the third day it/shall 68/366
Mat_27:64........sure/until the third day lest/his 321/366
Rev_20:5........again/until the thousand/years 366/366
Gal_4:2.....governors/until the time appointed/of 352/366
Luk_13:35..........me/until the time come/when 326/366
Heb_9:10.........them/until the time of reformation/But 360/366
1Ki_18:29..prophesied/until the time of the/offering 217/366
Psa_105:19.......iron/Until the time that his/word 268/366
Mic_5:3............up/until the time that she/which 305/366
Act_3:21......receive/until the times of restitution/of 339/366
Luk_21:24....Gentiles/until the times of the/Gentiles 330/366
Jer_27:7..........son/until the very/time... 286/366
Gen_8:7...........fro/until the waters/were... 2/366
Rev_17:17.......beast/until the words/of.... 365/366
2Ch_36:16....prophets/until the wrath/of.... 248/366
Lev_25:28..........it/until the year/of...... 76/366
Rev_6:11.......season/until their/fellowservants 364/366
Jer_44:27......famine/until there be an/end. 295/366
2Sa_17:13.......river/until there be not/one 201/366
2Sa_15:28..wilderness/until there come/word. 200/366
Num_21:35......people/until there was/none... 91/366
Psa_57:1.......refuge/until these/calamities 263/366
Deu_3:20..........and/until they also/possess 108/366
2Ch_18:10.......Syria/until they be consumed And/all 239/366
1Sa_15:18........them/until they be consumed Wherefore/then 187/366
Deu_7:23..destruction/until they be destroyed/And 110/366
Joh_9:18........sight/until they called/the. 336/366
Exo_16:35.......years/until they came to a/land 29/366
Rut_1:19.........went/until they came to Bethlehem/And 167/366
1Sa_7:11.........them/until they came under/Bethcar 180/366
Exo_16:35.......manna/until they came unto/the 30/366
Jdg_4:24.......Canaan/until they had destroyed Jabin/king 157/366
Jos_11:14.......sword/until they had destroyed them/neither 149/366
2Ch_24:10.......chest/until they had made/an 243/366
1Sa_30:4.........wept/until they had no/more 194/366
2Ch_31:1.....Manasseh/until they had utterly/destroyed 246/366
Gen_24:19........also/until they have done/drinking 3/366
Rut_2:21..........men/until they have ended/all 170/366
Jos_11:8.........them/until they left/them.. 148/366
Deu_7:20.........them/until they that/are... 109/366
Gen_34:5........peace/until they were come/And 14/366
Deu_2:15.........host/until they were consumed So/it 104/366
Jos_8:24........sword/until they were consumed that/all 141/366
Deu_31:30........song/until they were ended/Give 129/366
Deu_31:24........book/until they were finished/That 128/366
Jos_22:17....cleansed/until this day although/there 154/366
2Sa_4:3.........there/until this day And Jonathan/Saul's 196/366
Act_23:1..........God/until this day And the/high 344/366
Mat_11:23....remained/until this day But I/say 313/366
2Ch_8:8.......tribute/until this day But of/the 235/366
Jos_13:13..Israelites/until this day Only/unto 150/366
2Co_3:14..........for/until this day remaineth/the 351/366
Isa_39:6........store/until this day shall/be 283/366
Mat_28:15........Jews/until this day Then/the 322/366
Act_10:30.....fasting/until this hour/and... 340/366
Jos_10:27......remain/until this very/day... 146/366
1Ki_3:2..........LORD/until those/days...... 208/366
Deu_28:20..........do/until thou be destroyed and until/thou 118/366
Deu_28:61........thee/until thou be destroyed And ye/shall 127/366
Deu_28:24........thee/until thou be destroyed The/LORD 122/366
Deu_28:51........land/until thou be destroyed which/also 124/366
Exo_23:30........thee/until thou be increased/and 33/366
Jdg_6:18........tarry/until thou come again/And 160/366
2Sa_5:25.........Geba/until thou come to Gazer/Again 197/366
1Sa_17:52.Philistines/until thou come to the/valley 189/366
1Sa_15:7......Havilah/until thou comest/to.. 186/366
1Ch_28:20........thee/until thou hast/finished 234/366
1Ki_22:11.....Syrians/until thou have consumed/them 218/366
Deu_7:24.........thee/until thou have destroyed/them 111/366
1Sa_1:23........tarry/until thou have weaned/him 177/366
Rut_3:18.....daughter/until thou know how/the 174/366
Dan_4:32.........thee/until thou know that/the 300/366
Deu_28:22........thee/until thou perish And/thy 121/366
Deu_28:20.........and/until thou perish quickly/because 119/366
2Ch_21:15......bowels/until thy bowels/fall. 242/366
Deu_22:2.........thee/until thy brother/seek 117/366
Gen_27:45........away/Until thy brother's anger/turn 7/366
Gen_27:44........days/until thy brother's fury/turn 6/366
Deu_28:52.......gates/until thy high/and.... 126/366
Job_14:13......secret/until thy wrath/be.... 260/366
2Sa_21:10.....harvest/until water/dropped... 204/366
Num_21:22.........way/until we be/past....... 90/366
Exo_24:14..........us/until we come again/unto 34/366
Exo_10:26........LORD/until we come thither/But 20/366
1Sa_14:9........Tarry/until we come to/you.. 183/366
2Ki_7:3..........here/until we die/If....... 221/366
Num_32:17......Israel/until we have brought/them 95/366
Num_20:17........left/until we have passed/thy 89/366
Act_23:14.....nothing/until we have slain/Paul 345/366
Jdg_13:15........thee/until we shall/have... 161/366
Deu_2:14.Kadeshbarnea/until we were come/over 102/366
Jos_4:23...........us/until we were gone/over 136/366
Jos_5:1........Israel/until we were passed/over 137/366
Luk_24:49...Jerusalem/until ye be/endued.... 334/366
Deu_11:5...wilderness/until ye came into this place And/what 114/366
Deu_1:31.........went/until ye came into this place Yet/in 101/366
Deu_9:7.........Egypt/until ye came unto/this 112/366
Jos_23:13........eyes/until ye perish/from.. 155/366
Jos_7:13......enemies/until ye take/away.... 140/366
Ezr_8:29.........them/until ye weigh/them... 254/366
Jos_4:23..........you/until ye were/passed.. 135/366
1Ch_19:5......Jericho/until your beards be grown and then return And when the children of Ammon saw that they had/made 233/366
2Sa_10:5......Jericho/until your beards be grown and then return And when the children of Ammon saw that they stank/before 198/366
Num_14:33...whoredoms/until your carcases/be. 83/366
Job_3:16.......hidden/untimely birth I/had...... 1/4
Ecc_6:3............an/untimely birth is/better.. 3/4
Psa_58:8..........the/untimely birth of/a....... 2/4
Rev_6:13..........her/untimely figs/when........ 4/4