Psa_44:14.....makest/us a byword/among.... 634/1448
Isa_9:6.........unto/us a child/is........ 758/1448 a city/and.......... 6/1448
Col_4:3.........unto/us a door/of........ 1306/1448
2Co_4:17.........for/us a far/more....... 1240/1448 a father/and...... 341/1448
Gen_24:55.......with/us a few/days......... 20/1448
Dan_9:12........upon/us a great/evil...... 921/1448
1Sa_12:19........ask/us a king And/Samuel. 406/1448
1Sa_8:6.........Give/us a king to judge us And/Samuel 380/1448
1Sa_8:5.........make/us a king to judge us like/all 378/1448
Jos_5:6.........give/us a land that/floweth 258/1448 a land which/floweth 165/1448
Deu_33:4...commanded/us a law/even........ 248/1448 a little food And Judah/spake 75/1448 a little food And we/said 83/1448
Ezr_9:8.........give/us a little reviving/in 560/1448
Joh_16:17.......unto/us A little while/and 1093/1448
Ezr_8:18.....brought/us a man/of.......... 552/1448 a measure/to..... 1266/1448
Ezr_9:8.........give/us a nail/in......... 559/1448
Gen_11:4........make/us a name/lest......... 8/1448
Isa_33:21.......unto/us a place of/broad.. 779/1448
2Ki_6:2.........make/us a place there/where 490/1448
Ezr_9:8........leave/us a remnant/to...... 558/1448
Psa_44:13.....makest/us a reproach/to..... 632/1448
Ezr_9:9.........give/us a reviving/to..... 563/1448
Rom_9:29........left/us a seed/we........ 1185/1448
Isa_9:6.........unto/us a son/is.......... 759/1448
Psa_137:3.........of/us a song/and........ 726/1448
Psa_80:6......makest/us a strife/unto..... 674/1448
Luk_7:5........built/us a synagogue/Then. 1031/1448
Isa_1:9.........unto/us a very/small...... 747/1448
Ezr_9:9.........give/us a wall/in......... 564/1448
Gen_41:12.......with/us a young/man........ 65/1448
2Co_3:6.........made/us able/ministers... 1235/1448
1Sa_21:5........from/us about/these....... 421/1448
Tit_3:6...........on/us abundantly/through 1348/1448
Eph_1:6.........made/us accepted/in...... 1282/1448
Psa_33:22.......upon/us according as/we... 621/1448
Jer_21:2........with/us according to all/his 844/1448
Psa_103:10..rewarded/us according to our iniquities/For 700/1448
Zec_1:6.........unto/us according to our ways/and 956/1448
Neh_6:9.........made/us afraid/saying..... 591/1448
Psa_103:10......with/us after our/sins.... 699/1448
Gen_19:31.......unto/us after the/manner... 12/1448
Heb_12:10..chastened/us after their/own.. 1376/1448
Psa_80:3........Turn/us again O God and/cause 673/1448
Psa_80:7........Turn/us again O God of/hosts 675/1448
Psa_80:19.......Turn/us again O LORD/God.. 677/1448
Psa_85:6......revive/us again that/thy.... 683/1448 again Thou/hast... 646/1448
1Pe_1:3.....begotten/us again unto/a..... 1384/1448
Jdg_1:1..........for/us against the Canaanites/first 301/1448 against the enemy/in 554/1448
Deu_6:24....preserve/us alive as/it....... 223/1448 alive we/shall.... 494/1448
Rom_4:16..........of/us all As/it........ 1167/1448
Gal_4:26..........of/us all For/it....... 1273/1448
Pro_1:14.........let/us all have/one...... 736/1448
Isa_53:6..........of/us all He/was........ 791/1448
Act_27:20.........on/us all hope/that.... 1157/1448
Rom_8:32.........for/us all how/shall.... 1178/1448
1Sa_11:10.......with/us all that seemeth/good 399/1448
Deu_5:27........unto/us all that the/LORD. 217/1448
Gen_50:15....requite/us all the evil/which. 94/1448
Jos_24:18.....before/us all the people/even 298/1448
Act_1:21........with/us all the time/that 1098/1448
Jdg_13:23.....shewed/us all these/things.. 329/1448
Joh_4:25........tell/us all things Jesus/saith 1077/1448
2Pe_1:3.........unto/us all things that/pertain 1395/1448
Rom_8:32........give/us all things Who/shall 1179/1448
Exo_14:12........Let/us alone that/we..... 121/1448
Luk_4:34.........Let/us alone what have we to do with thee thou Jesus of Nazareth art thou come to destroy us I know thee who thou art the Holy One of God And Jesus rebuked him saying Hold thy peace and come out of him And when the devil/had 1029/1448
Mar_1:24.........Let/us alone what have we to do with thee thou Jesus of Nazareth art thou come to destroy us I know thee who thou art the Holy One of God And Jesus rebuked him saying Hold thy peace and come out of him And when the unclean/spirit 998/1448
Luk_11:45reproachest/us also And/he...... 1048/1448
2Co_4:14..........up/us also by/Jesus.... 1238/1448
Act_21:16.......with/us also certain/of.. 1147/1448
Joh_11:16........Let/us also go/that..... 1086/1448
Exo_10:25.......give/us also sacrifices/and 112/1448
Rom_4:24.........for/us also to/whom..... 1168/1448
Gal_5:25.........let/us also walk/in..... 1275/1448
1Th_3:6...........of/us always/desiring.. 1317/1448
Psa_44:11..scattered/us among/the......... 631/1448 an altar not/for.. 289/1448
Jos_22:23......built/us an altar to/turn.. 286/1448
1Pe_2:21.....leaving/us an example/that.. 1387/1448
Jos_17:4........give/us an inheritance/among 279/1448
Eph_5:2..........for/us an offering/and.. 1294/1448
1Jn_5:20.......given/us an understanding/that 1436/1448
Gen_26:10.......upon/us And Abimelech/charged 23/1448
Deu_26:6...entreated/us and afflicted/us.. 231/1448 And after/he..... 1129/1448
Dan_9:12.....against/us and against/our... 919/1448
Act_6:14...delivered/us And all that/sat. 1107/1448
Jos_17:16........for/us and all the Canaanites/that 280/1448
Psa_67:7.......bless/us and all the ends/of 660/1448
Isa_59:12.......with/us and as/for........ 796/1448
Num_22:14.......with/us And Balak/sent.... 183/1448
Jdg_18:19.......with/us and be/to......... 340/1448
Psa_67:1........unto/us and bless/us...... 656/1448
1Sa_14:10.......unto/us And both/of....... 412/1448
Deu_30:13........for/us and bring/it...... 244/1448
1Th_3:6.........unto/us and brought us good/tidings 1315/1448
Deu_1:25........unto/us and brought us word/again 195/1448
2Ti_1:9........saved/us and called/us.... 1339/1448
2Sa_11:23....against/us and came/out...... 439/1448
Psa_67:1.......bless/us and cause/his..... 657/1448
Act_16:17........and/us and cried/saying. 1135/1448
1Sa_30:23..preserved/us and delivered the/company 434/1448
Jdg_6:13....forsaken/us and delivered us/into 307/1448
Psa_90:17.......upon/us and establish/thou 691/1448
Gen_43:18....against/us and fall/upon...... 80/1448
Jdg_11:8........with/us and fight against/the 320/1448
1Sa_8:20......before/us and fight our/battles 384/1448
Ezr_8:21.........for/us and for/our....... 553/1448
Gen_34:9........with/us and give/your...... 40/1448
2Co_1:22......sealed/us and given/the.... 1230/1448
1Sa_8:20.......judge/us and go/out........ 383/1448
Neh_4:15........unto/us and God/had....... 579/1448
Act_1:17........with/us and had/obtained. 1097/1448
Isa_64:7........from/us and hast/consumed. 802/1448
Eph_5:2........loved/us and hath given himself/for 1293/1448
2Th_2:16.......loved/us and hath given us/everlasting 1330/1448
Gen_31:15.......sold/us and hath quite/devoured 31/1448
Ezr_8:31........upon/us and he delivered/us 556/1448
Act_3:4...........on/us And he gave/heed. 1103/1448
Exo_14:5.....serving/us And he made/ready. 117/1448
1Sa_9:27......before/us and he passed/on.. 392/1448
2Ki_9:5..........all/us And he said To/thee 501/1448
1Sa_9:5..........for/us And he said unto him/Behold 386/1448
Jdg_15:11.......unto/us And he said unto them As/they 336/1448
Luk_22:67.......tell/us And he said unto them If/I 1062/1448
Luk_13:25.......unto/us and he shall/answer 1050/1448 and help us for/all 276/1448
Mar_9:22..........on/us and help us Jesus/said 1006/1448
Rev_6:16..........on/us and hide/us...... 1446/1448
Mar_14:15........for/us And his disciples/went 1016/1448 and his love/is.. 1427/1448
Jos_9:7........among/us and how/shall..... 268/1448
Deu_31:17......among/us And I will/surely. 247/1448
1Co_4:8......without/us and I would/to... 1205/1448
1Jn_5:14.....heareth/us And if/we........ 1434/1448
Isa_63:16.........of/us and Israel/acknowledge 798/1448
Act_16:15constrained/us And it came to pass as/we 1133/1448
Luk_19:14.......over/us And it came to pass that/when 1055/1448
Luk_9:50.........for/us And it came to pass when the/time 1039/1448
Jdg_16:24.........of/us And it came to pass when their/hearts 338/1448
Jer_4:8.........from/us And it shall/come. 810/1448
Gen_31:53....betwixt/us And Jacob/sware.... 35/1448
Luk_9:49........with/us And Jesus/said... 1037/1448
2Sa_2:14......before/us And Joab/said..... 436/1448
Jos_2:24..........of/us And Joshua/rose... 256/1448 and labour/on..... 583/1448
1Co_16:16.......with/us and laboureth/I.. 1217/1448
Deu_26:6...afflicted/us and laid/upon..... 232/1448 And lead/us...... 1045/1448
1Ch_13:2........unto/us And let us bring/again 512/1448
Heb_12:1.......beset/us and let us run/with 1372/1448
Act_28:7....received/us and lodged/us.... 1160/1448
Num_21:7........from/us And Moses prayed/for 181/1448
Exo_5:21........slay/us And Moses returned/unto 108/1448
Exo_16:7.....against/us And Moses said/This 125/1448
Job_34:37......among/us and multiplieth/his 610/1448
Joh_14:22.......unto/us and not unto/the. 1091/1448
Psa_100:3.......made/us and not we/ourselves 698/1448
Exo_3:18........with/us and now/let....... 100/1448
1Th_1:6...........of/us and of/the....... 1307/1448
Mat_27:25.........on/us and on/our........ 996/1448
Exo_17:3........kill/us and our children/and 129/1448
Num_20:15......vexed/us and our fathers/And 177/1448 and our land/for... 90/1448
1Sa_5:10........slay/us and our people/So. 368/1448
Jer_6:24..........of/us and pain/as....... 820/1448
Exo_8:27.....command/us And Pharaoh/said.. 110/1448
Psa_79:9.....deliver/us and purge/away.... 671/1448
Act_15:8........unto/us And put/no....... 1123/1448
Gen_42:21.......upon/us And Reuben/answered 70/1448 and said unto/us.. 480/1448
Neh_2:19....despised/us and said What/is.. 575/1448
1Sa_8:6........judge/us And Samuel/prayed. 381/1448
1Jn_4:10.......loved/us and sent/his..... 1425/1448
Isa_7:6..........for/us and set/a......... 756/1448 and shall/be..... 1437/1448
2Sa_15:14.......upon/us and smite/the..... 445/1448
Gen_32:18.....behind/us And so commanded/he 36/1448
Exo_1:10.....against/us and so get/them.... 96/1448
Num_13:27....sentest/us and surely/it..... 157/1448
Gen_34:9........unto/us and take our/daughters 41/1448
Gen_43:18.......upon/us and take us/for.... 81/1448
Jdg_13:8........unto/us and teach/us...... 325/1448
Jos_2:9.........upon/us and that all/the.. 251/1448
2Sa_21:5....consumed/us and that devised/against 463/1448
Luk_7:16.......among/us and That God/hath 1032/1448
Jdg_9:14........over/us And the bramble/said 317/1448
Isa_63:7..........on/us and the great/goodness 797/1448
2Sa_13:26.......with/us And the king/said. 442/1448
Gen_34:10.......with/us and the land/shall. 42/1448 And the LORD/heard 155/1448
Isa_17:14......spoil/us and the lot/of.... 762/1448 And the men did/so 373/1448
Jos_9:6.........with/us And the men of/Israel 267/1448
Psa_47:3.......under/us and the nations/under 642/1448
Act_27:2........with/us And the next/day. 1154/1448
Dan_9:11........upon/us and the oath/that. 918/1448
1Sa_17:9.......serve/us And the Philistine/said 418/1448
Deu_26:3........give/us And the priest/shall 230/1448 And the servant/had 21/1448
Psa_117:2.....toward/us and the truth/of.. 710/1448
Jdg_9:12........over/us And the vine/said. 316/1448
Psa_90:15..afflicted/us and the years/wherein 690/1448
2Ch_10:9........upon/us And the young/men. 521/1448
Gen_26:28....betwixt/us and thee/and....... 27/1448
Act_15:9.....between/us and them/purifying 1124/1448
Jer_14:19....smitten/us and there is/no... 834/1448
2Sa_20:6......escape/us And there went/out 461/1448
Jdg_15:10....against/us And they answered/To 333/1448
Gen_42:28.......unto/us And they came unto/Jacob 71/1448
Luk_2:15........unto/us And they came with/haste 1027/1448
Joh_9:34.......teach/us And they cast/him 1081/1448 And they despised/him 395/1448
Gen_37:8........over/us And they hated/him. 57/1448
1Th_2:15..persecuted/us and they please/not 1312/1448
1Sa_6:20........from/us And they sent/messengers 374/1448
Deu_1:22......before/us and they shall/search 192/1448
Mar_6:3.........with/us And they were/offended 1003/1448
2Ki_18:30....deliver/us and this/city..... 506/1448
Gen_44:26.......with/us And thy/servant.... 85/1448 and to fight/our.. 538/1448
Deu_29:29.......unto/us and to our/children 241/1448
Luk_23:30.........on/us and to the hills Cover/us 1064/1448
Hos_10:8.......Cover/us and to the hills Fall/on 932/1448 and took it/out.. 1304/1448 and took us/for.... 72/1448
1Jn_1:3.........with/us and truly/our.... 1400/1448
Gen_34:23.......with/us And unto/Hamor..... 54/1448
1Sa_5:7.........upon/us and upon Dagon/our 366/1448
Neh_13:18.......upon/us and upon this/city 599/1448
Rev_1:5........loved/us and washed/us.... 1441/1448
Exo_2:19.........for/us and watered/the.... 99/1448
Jer_14:9..........of/us and we are/called. 832/1448
Joh_1:14.......among/us and we beheld/his 1073/1448
Deu_1:19...commanded/us and we came/to.... 190/1448
Mar_9:38.........not/us and we forbad/him 1008/1448
Heb_12:9...corrected/us and we gave/them. 1375/1448
1Jn_3:16.........for/us and we ought/to.. 1414/1448
Eze_33:10.......upon/us and we pine/away.. 907/1448
Gen_26:22........for/us and we shall/be.... 25/1448
Deu_2:33......before/us and we smote/him.. 206/1448
Jam_3:3.........obey/us and we turn/about 1382/1448
1Sa_25:15.......unto/us and we were/not... 424/1448
Psa_80:18....quicken/us and we will call/upon 676/1448
Jer_42:20.......unto/us and we will do it/And 871/1448
Num_10:29.......with/us and we will do thee/good 146/1448 and we will dwell/with 44/1448
2Sa_21:6........unto/us and we will hang/them 465/1448
Exo_20:19.......with/us and we will hear/but 133/1448
Jer_38:25.......from/us and we will not/put 861/1448
2Ch_10:4........upon/us and we will serve thee And he/said 520/1448
1Sa_11:1........with/us and we will serve thee And Nahash/the 396/1448 and we will shew/you 413/1448
Gen_42:21...besought/us and we would/not... 69/1448
Job_22:17.......from/us and what can/the.. 605/1448
Gen_20:9........unto/us and what have/I.... 15/1448
Luk_17:13.........on/us And when he saw/them 1054/1448
Mat_9:27..........on/us And when he was/come 972/1448
1Sa_14:17.......from/us And when they/had. 414/1448
Deu_1:41...commanded/us And when ye/had... 202/1448
Jdg_6:13....befallen/us and where/be...... 304/1448
Isa_29:15......seeth/us and who/knoweth... 770/1448
Gen_50:15.......hate/us and will/certainly. 93/1448
Act_24:7........upon/us and with/great... 1152/1448
Jos_22:27....between/us and you and/our... 290/1448
Mat_25:9.........for/us and you but/go.... 990/1448
Jos_22:28....between/us and you God/forbid 293/1448
Luk_16:26....between/us and you there/is. 1052/1448
Jos_22:25....between/us and you ye/children 287/1448
Ezr_5:11....returned/us answer/saying..... 548/1448
2Sa_19:42......given/us any gift/And...... 458/1448
Psa_4:6.........shew/us any good/LORD..... 616/1448
1Ki_5:6........among/us any that can/skill 469/1448
Psa_74:9.......among/us any that knoweth/how 665/1448
Job_15:10.......With/us are both/the...... 603/1448 are come/unto..... 545/1448
2Ki_6:16........with/us are more/than..... 492/1448
Jer_14:21.......with/us Are there/any..... 837/1448
Gen_35:3.........let/us arise/and.......... 55/1448
Psa_124:6......given/us as a/prey......... 721/1448
Jdg_20:32.....before/us as at the first But/the 351/1448
Jos_8:5......against/us as at the first that/we 264/1448
Jos_8:6.......before/us as at the first therefore/we 266/1448 as far/as........ 1165/1448
1Ki_8:57........with/us as he/was......... 470/1448
2Co_10:2..........of/us as if/we......... 1264/1448
Jdg_20:39.....before/us as in/the......... 353/1448
1Co_4:1...........of/us as of/the........ 1203/1448
Psa_66:10......tried/us as silver/is...... 653/1448
2Th_2:2.........from/us as that/the...... 1329/1448
Lam_3:45........made/us as the offscouring/and 885/1448
Num_22:4.......about/us as the ox/licketh. 182/1448
Hos_6:3.........unto/us as the rain/as.... 930/1448
2Ch_20:9........upon/us as the sword/judgment 529/1448
Deu_26:15......given/us as thou/swarest... 237/1448
Act_3:12..........on/us as though/by..... 1104/1448
1Th_3:6..........see/us as we/also....... 1318/1448
Rom_6:3...........of/us as were/baptized. 1172/1448
Luk_24:22.......made/us astonished/which. 1067/1448
Act_20:14.......with/us at Assos/we...... 1144/1448
Act_11:15.........on/us at the/beginning. 1116/1448
Act_20:5.........for/us at Troas/And..... 1143/1448
Isa_64:6.......taken/us away And/there.... 801/1448
Psa_137:3....carried/us away captive/required 725/1448
Jer_43:3.......carry/us away captives/into 875/1448
Mar_16:3........roll/us away the/stone... 1019/1448
Exo_14:11......taken/us away to/die....... 118/1448
Luk_23:18.......unto/us Barabbas/Who..... 1063/1448
Isa_4:1..........let/us be called/by...... 752/1448
Gen_34:22......among/us be circumcised/as.. 52/1448
Rev_19:7.........Let/us be glad/and...... 1448/1448
Mat_26:46........let/us be going behold/he 992/1448
Jdg_19:28........let/us be going But/none. 345/1448
Jer_8:14.........let/us be silent/there... 824/1448
1Ti_6:8..........let/us be therewith/content 1336/1448 because he/hath.. 1429/1448
Isa_64:7....consumed/us because of our iniquities/But 803/1448
Neh_9:37........over/us because of our sins/also 597/1448
Jos_9:20........upon/us because of the/oath 271/1448
Psa_68:28........for/us Because of thy/temple 662/1448
2Ki_22:13....against/us because our fathers have not hearkened/unto 509/1448
2Ch_34:21.......upon/us because our fathers have not kept/the 540/1448
Deu_31:17.......upon/us because our God/is 246/1448
1Jn_4:9.......toward/us because that/God. 1424/1448
2Ch_14:7......before/us because we have/sought 526/1448
2Co_5:14constraineth/us because we thus/judge 1243/1448
Jos_22:31......among/us because ye/have... 294/1448
Mat_8:29.....torment/us before/the........ 969/1448
Act_1:21.......among/us Beginning/from... 1099/1448
1Ch_19:13........let/us behave/ourselves.. 519/1448
Deu_1:20........unto/us Behold the/LORD... 191/1448
Luk_2:48........with/us behold thy/father 1028/1448
Act_15:25.......unto/us being/assembled.. 1126/1448 belongeth/confusion 916/1448
1Jn_3:24.......given/us Beloved/believe.. 1420/1448
1Sa_25:16.......unto/us both by/night..... 425/1448
Job_9:33........upon/us both Let/him...... 601/1448
Gen_31:37....betwixt/us both This/twenty... 32/1448
Jdg_8:22........over/us both thou/and..... 312/1448
Gen_47:15.......Give/us bread/for.......... 89/1448
Psa_2:3..........Let/us break/their....... 614/1448
1Ch_13:3.........let/us bring again/the... 513/1448
1Sa_11:12.......over/us bring the/men..... 400/1448
Eze_11:3.........let/us build houses/this. 903/1448
2Ch_14:7.........Let/us build these/cities 525/1448
Neh_2:17.........let/us build up/the...... 572/1448
Gen_11:4.........let/us build us/a.......... 5/1448
Ezr_4:2..........Let/us build with/you.... 541/1448
Exo_16:8.....against/us but against/the... 126/1448
Isa_26:13.......over/us but by/thee....... 768/1448
Mat_15:23......after/us But he answered and said I/am 976/1448 But he answered and said Verily/I 991/1448
Gen_34:14.......unto/us But in/this........ 43/1448
Jer_35:10..commanded/us But it/came....... 854/1448
Mar_9:38.........not/us But Jesus/said... 1009/1448 but life/in...... 1237/1448
2Sa_18:3.........for/us but now/thou...... 451/1448
Jos_22:19......among/us but rebel/not..... 283/1448
Deu_2:29......giveth/us But Sihon/king.... 203/1448
Jdg_9:10........over/us But the fig/tree.. 315/1448
Jdg_9:8.........over/us But the olive/tree 314/1448
Luk_23:39........and/us But the other/answering 1066/1448
1Ki_18:26.......hear/us But there/was..... 477/1448
1Jn_2:19........with/us but they went/out 1409/1448
1Jn_2:19........from/us but they were/not 1406/1448
Psa_115:1.......unto/us but unto/thy...... 707/1448 But where/are..... 807/1448 but ye are/straitened 1249/1448
Jer_40:10.......unto/us but ye gather/ye.. 862/1448
1Jn_2:19..........of/us But ye have/an... 1410/1448
Dan_9:12......judged/us by bringing/upon.. 920/1448
1Co_6:14..........up/us by his own/power. 1209/1448
Dan_9:10......before/us by his servants/the 917/1448
Heb_1:2.........unto/us by his Son/whom.. 1350/1448
1Co_2:10........unto/us by his Spirit/for 1201/1448
2Co_7:6....comforted/us by the coming/of. 1252/1448
2Co_1:11........upon/us by the means/of.. 1224/1448 by the Spirit/which 1419/1448
Tit_3:5........saved/us by the washing/of 1347/1448
Luk_24:32.......with/us by the way/and... 1071/1448
2Co_8:5.........unto/us by the will/of... 1257/1448
Heb_2:3.........unto/us by them/that..... 1351/1448
Luk_20:2........Tell/us by what/authority 1056/1448
Gen_39:17.......unto/us came/in............ 64/1448
Jon_1:7..........let/us cast/lots......... 942/1448
Job_34:4.........Let/us choose/to......... 607/1448
Jos_21:2........give/us cities/to......... 281/1448
2Co_7:1..........let/us cleanse/ourselves 1250/1448
Psa_95:2.........Let/us come before/his... 695/1448
Isa_41:1.........let/us come near/together 785/1448
1Jn_3:23........gave/us commandment/And.. 1418/1448
1Co_10:8.........let/us commit/fornication 1213/1448
Gen_5:29.....comfort/us concerning our/work. 3/1448 concerning this/matter 549/1448
Dan_9:7.........unto/us confusion/of...... 915/1448
Gen_34:23........let/us consent/unto....... 53/1448
Lam_5:1.........upon/us consider and/behold 892/1448
Heb_10:24........let/us consider one/another 1368/1448 continually/Let... 482/1448
Jer_11:19........let/us cut him/off....... 830/1448
Jer_48:2.........let/us cut it/off........ 878/1448
Psa_83:4.........let/us cut them/off...... 678/1448
Luk_11:3........Give/us day/by........... 1043/1448
Exo_1:10.........let/us deal/wisely........ 95/1448
Jer_51:10........let/us declare/in........ 881/1448
Lam_3:47........upon/us desolation/and.... 887/1448
Jer_6:5..........let/us destroy her/palaces 819/1448
Jer_11:19........Let/us destroy the/tree.. 829/1448
Psa_74:8.........Let/us destroy them/together 664/1448
Jdg_13:15........let/us detain/thee....... 327/1448
Jer_18:18........let/us devise/devices.... 839/1448
2Sa_18:3..........of/us die/will.......... 450/1448
Jos_9:25........unto/us do And/so......... 274/1448
Rom_3:8..........Let/us do evil/that..... 1166/1448
Gal_6:10.........let/us do good/unto..... 1278/1448
Jer_14:7.....against/us do thou/it........ 831/1448
Jos_2:18.........let/us down/by........... 254/1448
1Sa_14:36........Let/us draw near hither/unto 417/1448
Jdg_19:13........let/us draw near to/one.. 344/1448
Heb_10:22........Let/us draw near with/a. 1366/1448
Amo_4:1..........let/us drink/The......... 937/1448
Psa_90:14....satisfy/us early/with........ 688/1448
Luk_15:23........let/us eat and be/merry. 1051/1448
1Co_15:32........let/us eat and drink for to morrow we die/Be 1215/1448
Isa_22:13........let/us eat and drink for to morrow we shall/die 764/1448
Jdg_16:5..........of/us eleven/hundred.... 337/1448
Jer_8:14.........let/us enter/into........ 823/1448
Heb_6:20.........for/us entered/even..... 1360/1448 eternal/life..... 1433/1448
Luk_1:1........among/us Even as/they..... 1020/1448
Gen_26:28....betwixt/us even betwixt/us.... 26/1448 even by/me....... 1226/1448
1Jn_2:25....promised/us even eternal/life 1411/1448
Hos_12:4........with/us Even the/LORD..... 934/1448
Deu_5:3.........with/us even us/who....... 212/1448
Eph_2:4........loved/us Even when/we..... 1285/1448
2Th_2:16.......given/us everlasting/consolation 1331/1448
Act_28:2....received/us every/one........ 1159/1448
Psa_34:3.........let/us exalt/his......... 622/1448
2Pe_1:4.........unto/us exceeding/great.. 1397/1448
2Sa_24:14........let/us fall now/into..... 467/1448
2Ki_7:4..........let/us fall unto/the..... 493/1448
Lam_3:46.....against/us Fear and/a........ 886/1448
Num_14:9........with/us fear them/not..... 167/1448
1Sa_4:3..........Let/us fetch/the......... 358/1448
1Ki_20:23........let/us fight/against..... 478/1448
Gen_47:25........let/us find/grace......... 92/1448
Jdg_20:32........Let/us flee and/draw..... 352/1448
2Sa_15:14........let/us flee for/we....... 443/1448
Exo_14:25........Let/us flee from/the..... 123/1448
Num_11:13.......Give/us flesh that/we..... 152/1448
Num_11:18.......give/us flesh to eat for/it 153/1448
Num_11:4........give/us flesh to eat We/remember 151/1448 for after/that... 1364/1448 for all/the....... 277/1448
Php_3:17........have/us for an/ensample.. 1298/1448
Exo_32:1......before/us for as for this Moses the man that brought us up out of the land of Egypt we wot not what is become of him And Aaron/said 137/1448
Exo_32:23.....before/us for as for this Moses the man that brought us up out of the land of Egypt we wot not what is become of him And I/said 140/1448
Act_7:40......before/us for as for this Moses which/brought 1111/1448
Jdg_8:21........upon/us for as the/man.... 311/1448
Gen_43:18.......take/us for bondmen/and.... 82/1448
2Co_10:8.......given/us for edification/and 1265/1448
2Th_3:9.......follow/us For even/when.... 1335/1448
Lam_5:20......forget/us for ever and/forsake 897/1448
2Jn_1:2.........with/us for ever Grace/be 1438/1448
Psa_85:5........with/us for ever wilt/thou 682/1448
Gen_32:20.....behind/us For he/said........ 37/1448
1Sa_5:7.........with/us for his/hand...... 365/1448
Rom_8:37.......loved/us For I am/persuaded 1182/1448
Psa_44:5.....against/us For I will/not.... 624/1448
Heb_9:12.........for/us For if the/blood. 1362/1448
Luk_23:30......Cover/us For if they do/these 1065/1448
1Jn_2:19..........of/us for if they had/been 1407/1448
Act_17:27.........of/us For in/him....... 1142/1448
Eze_33:24......given/us for inheritance/Wherefore 908/1448
Jos_24:27.......unto/us for it hath/heard. 299/1448
Exo_34:9.......among/us for it is a/stiffnecked 144/1448
Luk_24:29.......with/us for it is toward/evening 1069/1448
Gal_3:13.........for/us for it is written/Cursed 1271/1448
Jer_21:2.........for/us for Nebuchadrezzar/king 842/1448
2Ch_13:12.......with/us for our captain/and 524/1448
Ezr_9:13........upon/us for our evil/deeds 565/1448
Isa_59:11.......from/us For our transgressions are multiplied/before 794/1448
Isa_59:12....against/us for our transgressions are with/us 795/1448
Gen_42:30.......took/us for spies/of....... 73/1448
1Ch_15:13.......upon/us for that/we....... 515/1448
Jer_6:4.........unto/us for the day/goeth. 817/1448 For the earnest/expectation 1174/1448
Dan_9:14........upon/us for the LORD our/God 923/1448
Isa_8:10........with/us For the LORD spake/thus 757/1448
Psa_12:4........over/us For the oppression/of 618/1448
Jon_1:11........unto/us for the sea/wrought 946/1448
2Co_5:5......wrought/us for the selfsame/thing 1241/1448
1Sa_4:7.........unto/us for there hath/not 362/1448
1Sa_14:6.........for/us for there is/no... 409/1448
Luk_20:6.......stone/us for they be/persuaded 1057/1448
Jer_37:9........from/us for they shall/not 858/1448
Exo_34:9........take/us for thine/inheritance 145/1448
Isa_26:12........for/us for thou also/hast 766/1448
Gen_26:16.......from/us for thou art/much.. 24/1448
Neh_9:33........upon/us for thou hast/done 596/1448
Psa_44:26.....redeem/us for thy mercies'/sake 639/1448
Jer_14:21......abhor/us for thy name's/sake 836/1448
Jer_43:3.....against/us for to deliver/us. 872/1448
Gen_34:22.......unto/us for to dwell/with.. 50/1448
Act_16:10.....called/us for to preach/the 1130/1448
Psa_79:8.....prevent/us for we are brought/very 669/1448
Psa_123:3.......upon/us for we are exceedingly/filled 716/1448
2Co_2:11..........of/us for we are not/ignorant 1231/1448
Jer_4:13........unto/us for we are spoiled/O 811/1448
2Th_3:7.......follow/us for we behaved/not 1334/1448
Job_21:14.......from/us for we desire/not. 604/1448 for we enquired/not 514/1448
Isa_28:15.......unto/us for we have made/lies 769/1448
Jer_3:25....covereth/us for we have sinned/against 808/1448
Heb_13:18........for/us for we trust/we.. 1380/1448
1Th_2:18....hindered/us For what/is...... 1314/1448
Rom_5:5.........unto/us For when/we...... 1169/1448 for wherewith/should 430/1448 for wives/and...... 48/1448
1Th_2:8.........unto/us For ye/remember.. 1310/1448
2Th_3:6...........of/us For yourselves/know 1333/1448
Psa_79:8.....against/us former iniquities/let 668/1448
Isa_43:9........shew/us former things/let. 788/1448
Exo_16:3.....brought/us forth into/this... 124/1448
Num_20:16....brought/us forth out of Egypt and behold/we 178/1448
Exo_13:16....brought/us forth out of Egypt And it/came 116/1448
Exo_14:11......carry/us forth out of Egypt Is/not 120/1448
Deu_26:8.....brought/us forth out of Egypt with/a 234/1448
Deu_1:27.....brought/us forth out of the/land 199/1448
Gal_5:1.........made/us free/and......... 1274/1448
Tit_2:14......redeem/us from all iniquity/and 1346/1448
1Jn_1:7....cleanseth/us from all sin/If.. 1401/1448
1Jn_1:9......cleanse/us from all unrighteousness/If 1404/1448
Neh_5:17........unto/us from among the heathen that/are 587/1448
Psa_106:47....gather/us from among the heathen to/give 703/1448
Luk_11:4.....deliver/us from evil And/he. 1047/1448
Mat_6:13.....deliver/us from evil For/thine 967/1448 from his/hand..... 784/1448
Isa_32:15.......upon/us from on/high...... 775/1448
Psa_44:7.......saved/us from our enemies and/hast 625/1448
Psa_136:24..redeemed/us from our enemies for/his 724/1448
Rev_1:5.......washed/us from our sins/in. 1442/1448
2Co_1:10...delivered/us from so/great.... 1221/1448
Mic_5:6......deliver/us from the Assyrian/when 954/1448
Dan_3:17.....deliver/us from the burning/fiery 913/1448
Gal_3:13....redeemed/us from the curse/of 1270/1448
Rev_6:16........hide/us from the face/of. 1447/1448
Jdg_8:22...delivered/us from the hand of Midian/And 313/1448
Ezr_8:31...delivered/us from the hand of the/enemy 557/1448
1Ch_16:35....deliver/us from the heathen/that 518/1448
Rom_8:35....separate/us from the love of Christ/shall 1181/1448
Rom_8:39....separate/us from the love of God/which 1183/1448
Col_1:13...delivered/us from the power/of 1301/1448
1Th_1:10...delivered/us from the wrath/to 1309/1448
Gen_42:2.........for/us from thence/that... 68/1448
Gal_1:4......deliver/us from this/present 1267/1448
Jos_22:17........for/us from which/we..... 282/1448
Son_7:12.........Let/us get/up............ 745/1448
Jdg_21:1..........of/us give his/daughter. 354/1448
Gen_34:21........let/us give them/our...... 49/1448
Psa_90:15.......Make/us glad/according.... 689/1448
Act_21:17...received/us gladly/And....... 1148/1448
Deu_13:2.........Let/us go after/other.... 226/1448
Act_15:36........Let/us go again and/visit 1128/1448
Jer_46:16........let/us go again to/our... 877/1448
Exo_5:17.........Let/us go and do/sacrifice 107/1448
Gen_33:12........let/us go and I/will...... 39/1448
Exo_5:8..........Let/us go and sacrifice/to 105/1448
Deu_13:6.........Let/us go and serve other gods which thou/hast 228/1448
Deu_13:13........Let/us go and serve other gods which ye/have 229/1448
Jer_6:5..........let/us go by/night....... 818/1448
1Sa_14:36........Let/us go down after/the. 415/1448
Gen_11:7.........let/us go down and/there... 9/1448
Jer_51:9.........let/us go every/one...... 880/1448
Son_7:11.........let/us go forth into/the. 743/1448
Heb_13:13........Let/us go forth therefore/unto 1378/1448
Joh_14:31........let/us go hence/I....... 1092/1448
Joh_11:7.........Let/us go into Judaea/again 1084/1448
Jer_4:5..........let/us go into the defenced/cities 809/1448
Psa_122:1........Let/us go into the house/of 713/1448
Mar_1:38.........Let/us go into the next/towns 1000/1448
Mar_14:42........let/us go lo/he......... 1017/1448
Heb_6:1..........let/us go on/unto....... 1358/1448
1Sa_20:11........let/us go out/into....... 419/1448
1Sa_14:1.........let/us go over to/the.... 407/1448
1Sa_14:6.........let/us go over unto the garrison/of 408/1448
Luk_8:22.........Let/us go over unto the other/side 1034/1448
1Sa_26:11........let/us go So David/took.. 427/1448
1Sa_9:10.........let/us go So they/went... 391/1448
Zec_8:21.........Let/us go speedily/to.... 958/1448
Exo_13:15........let/us go that/the....... 115/1448
1Sa_9:6..........let/us go thither/peradventure 387/1448
Gen_37:17........Let/us go to Dothan/And... 58/1448
1Sa_11:14........let/us go to Gilgal/and.. 401/1448
Jdg_20:8..........of/us go to his/tent.... 347/1448
Jer_35:11........let/us go to Jerusalem/for 855/1448
1Sa_9:9..........let/us go to the/seer.... 390/1448
2Ki_1:6.........unto/us Go turn/again..... 481/1448
Joh_11:15........let/us go unto/him...... 1085/1448
Isa_7:6..........Let/us go up against/Judah 754/1448
Jer_6:4..........let/us go up at noon/Woe. 816/1448
Num_13:30........Let/us go up at once/and. 158/1448
Mic_4:2..........let/us go up to the mountain of the LORD and/to 951/1448
Isa_2:3..........let/us go up to the mountain of the LORD to/the 749/1448
Jer_31:6.........let/us go up to Zion/unto 850/1448
Exo_3:18.........let/us go we beseech/thee 101/1448
Exo_5:3..........let/us go we pray thee three/days' 103/1448
2Ki_6:2..........Let/us go we pray thee unto/Jordan 488/1448
1Jn_3:20.....condemn/us God is greater/than 1416/1448 God is love/and.. 1431/1448
Psa_67:6.......bless/us God shall/bless... 659/1448
Act_7:40........Make/us gods to/go....... 1110/1448
Exo_32:1........make/us gods which shall go before us for as for this Moses the man that brought us up out of the land of Egypt we wot not what is become of him And Aaron/said 136/1448
Exo_32:23.......Make/us gods which shall go before us for as for this Moses the man that brought us up out of the land of Egypt we wot not what is become of him And I/said 139/1448
1Th_3:6......brought/us good/tidings..... 1316/1448
Hos_14:2.....receive/us graciously/so..... 935/1448
1Th_5:25.........for/us Greet/all........ 1327/1448
Psa_137:8.....served/us Happy/shall....... 730/1448
Deu_26:6........upon/us hard/bondage...... 233/1448
2Ki_18:32....deliver/us Hath any of the gods of the nations delivered at/all 507/1448
Isa_36:18....deliver/us Hath any of the gods of the nations delivered his/land 783/1448
Ezr_4:18........unto/us hath been/plainly. 547/1448
Heb_12:28........let/us have grace/whereby 1377/1448
Psa_123:2.......upon/us Have mercy/upon... 714/1448
Act_15:24.......from/us have troubled/you 1125/1448
Eph_2:14.....between/us Having/abolished. 1290/1448
Deu_3:1......against/us he and all his people to battle/at 210/1448
Deu_2:32.....against/us he and all his people to fight/at 205/1448
Gen_39:14.......mock/us he came/in......... 63/1448
Deu_1:27.......hated/us he hath brought/us 198/1448
Hos_6:1.........heal/us he hath smitten/and 926/1448
Mat_20:7.......hired/us He saith/unto..... 979/1448
1Jn_4:6......heareth/us he that is/not... 1421/1448
Psa_2:3.........from/us He that sitteth/in 615/1448
Rom_8:31.....against/us He that spared/not 1177/1448
Act_21:11.......unto/us he took/Paul's... 1146/1448
Psa_115:12.....bless/us he will bless the/house 709/1448
Psa_115:12........of/us he will bless us/he 708/1448
Mic_7:19........upon/us he will subdue/our 955/1448
Jdg_13:23.......kill/us he would/not...... 328/1448
2Sa_17:5.........let/us hear likewise/what 448/1448
Ecc_12:13........Let/us hear the/conclusion 740/1448
Isa_14:8.....against/us Hell/from......... 760/1448
Psa_60:11.......Give/us help from trouble for vain is the help of man Through God we shall do valiantly for he it is that shall tread down our enemies Hear/my 649/1448
Psa_108:12......Give/us help from trouble for vain is the help of man Through God we shall do valiantly for he it is that shall tread down our enemies Hold/not 705/1448
Deu_5:3...........of/us here/alive........ 214/1448 Hereby know we that/we 1428/1448
1Jn_4:6..........not/us Hereby know we the/spirit 1422/1448
Gen_42:33.......unto/us Hereby shall/I..... 74/1448
Joh_6:52........give/us his flesh/to..... 1079/1448
Deu_5:24......shewed/us his glory/and..... 215/1448
1Th_4:8.........unto/us his holy/Spirit.. 1321/1448
Heb_4:14.........let/us hold fast our/profession 1356/1448
Heb_10:23........Let/us hold fast the/profession 1367/1448 horns/by.......... 938/1448
Act_11:13.....shewed/us how he/had....... 1115/1448
Psa_79:4.......about/us How long/LORD..... 667/1448
Num_20:14...befallen/us How our/fathers... 176/1448
Jdg_20:3........Tell/us how was/this...... 346/1448
1Th_4:1...........of/us how ye/ought..... 1319/1448
Jer_6:26........upon/us I have/set........ 821/1448
Luk_4:34.....destroy/us I know thee who thou art the Holy One of God And Jesus rebuked him saying Hold thy peace and come out of him And when the devil/had 1030/1448
Mar_1:24.....destroy/us I know thee who thou art the Holy One of God And Jesus rebuked him saying Hold thy peace and come out of him And when the unclean/spirit 999/1448
1Ki_20:31........let/us I pray/thee....... 479/1448
1Jn_4:19.......loved/us If a man/say..... 1432/1448
Mar_12:19.......unto/us If a man's/brother 1014/1448
Luk_20:28.......unto/us If any/man's..... 1060/1448
Jer_21:2.....against/us if so/be.......... 843/1448
2Ti_2:12........deny/us If we believe/not 1343/1448 If we confess/our 1402/1448
Jer_42:5.....between/us if we do not even/according 867/1448
Jdg_11:10....between/us if we do not so/according 321/1448
Deu_5:25.....consume/us if we hear/the.... 216/1448
2Co_1:4...comforteth/us in all our/tribulation 1218/1448
Jos_24:17..preserved/us in all the/way.... 297/1448
Eph_1:8.......toward/us in all wisdom/and 1283/1448 in Asia/that..... 1220/1448
Jer_29:28.......unto/us in Babylon/saying. 849/1448
Jos_22:19....against/us in building/you... 284/1448
2Ti_1:9........given/us in Christ/Jesus.. 1341/1448
Num_11:18.......with/us in Egypt/therefore 154/1448 in every/place... 1233/1448
Psa_44:7.......hated/us In God/we......... 626/1448
Eph_1:4.......chosen/us in him/before.... 1280/1448
Deu_1:6.........unto/us in Horeb saying/Ye 188/1448
Deu_5:2.........with/us in Horeb The/LORD. 211/1448 in nothing/For... 1254/1448
Ezr_9:9.....forsaken/us in our bondage/but 561/1448
Gen_31:14........for/us in our father's/house 30/1448
Psa_136:23remembered/us in our low/estate. 723/1448
Psa_17:11..compassed/us in our steps/they. 619/1448
2Co_1:14acknowledged/us in part/that..... 1225/1448
1Sa_23:19.......with/us in strong/holds... 422/1448
Amo_9:10.....prevent/us In that day/will.. 939/1448
Rom_5:8.......toward/us in that while/we. 1170/1448
Gen_23:6.......among/us in the choice/of... 17/1448 in the faith/Grace 1349/1448
1Pe_4:1..........for/us in the flesh/arm. 1390/1448
Luk_1:69.........for/us in the house of/his 1022/1448
1Ki_3:18........with/us in the house save/we 468/1448 in the Jews' language in the ears of the people that are on the wall But Rabshakeh said Hath/my 781/1448
2Ki_18:26.......with/us in the Jews' language in the ears of the people that are on the wall But Rabshakeh said unto/them 505/1448 in the likeness/of 1120/1448 in the name of the LORD our/God 847/1448
1Sa_20:42.........of/us in the name of the LORD saying/The 420/1448
Jer_44:16.......unto/us in the name of the LORD we/will 876/1448
Psa_44:19.....broken/us in the place/of... 636/1448
Ezr_9:9.........unto/us in the sight/of... 562/1448
Hos_6:2.......revive/us in the third/day.. 928/1448
Psa_85:13........set/us in the way/of..... 686/1448
Num_16:13.......kill/us in the wilderness except/thou 169/1448
Lam_4:19.........for/us in the wilderness The/breath 891/1448 in the womb/If.... 606/1448
2Co_8:20.......blame/us in this/abundance 1261/1448
Gal_1:23..persecuted/us in times/past.... 1268/1448
Deu_6:23.......bring/us in to/give........ 220/1448
Num_20:5.......bring/us in unto/this...... 175/1448
Num_16:14......given/us inheritance/of.... 172/1448
Jon_1:14........upon/us innocent/blood.... 948/1448 instead/of........ 148/1448
Exo_2:14........over/us intendest/thou..... 97/1448
Num_16:14....brought/us into a/land....... 171/1448
Gal_2:4........bring/us into bondage/To.. 1269/1448
1Sa_30:23....against/us into our/hand..... 435/1448
Act_16:37.......cast/us into prison/and.. 1139/1448
2Sa_11:23.......unto/us into the field/and 440/1448
Deu_1:27.....deliver/us into the hand of the Amorites to destroy us Whither/shall 200/1448
Jos_7:7......deliver/us into the hand of the Amorites to destroy us would/to 260/1448
Jer_43:3.....deliver/us into the hand of the Chaldeans/that 873/1448
Jdg_6:13...delivered/us into the hands/of. 308/1448
Col_1:13..translated/us into the kingdom/of 1302/1448
Psa_66:11.broughtest/us into the net/thou. 654/1448
Mar_5:12........Send/us into the swine/that 1002/1448
Num_14:8.......bring/us into this land/and 164/1448
Deu_26:9.....brought/us into this place/and 235/1448
2Sa_19:10.......over/us is dead/in........ 456/1448
2Ki_6:11..........of/us is for the/king... 491/1448
Luk_9:50.....against/us is for us/And.... 1038/1448
Eph_4:7...........of/us is given/grace... 1292/1448
2Co_1:21....anointed/us is God/Who....... 1229/1448
Mar_9:40.....against/us is on/our........ 1010/1448
2Ch_32:8........with/us is the/LORD....... 537/1448
Eze_11:15.......unto/us is this/land...... 904/1448
1Sa_4:3........among/us it may/save....... 360/1448
Jos_24:27.......unto/us it shall/be....... 300/1448
1Sa_6:9........smote/us it was/a.......... 372/1448 Jesus said/unto.. 1007/1448
Joh_14:8...sufficeth/us Jesus saith/unto. 1089/1448
Jer_50:5.........let/us join/ourselves.... 879/1448 judgment/let...... 608/1448
1Co_5:8..........let/us keep/the......... 1208/1448
Mat_21:38........let/us kill him and let/us 984/1448
Mar_12:7.........let/us kill him and the/inheritance 1013/1448
Luk_20:14........let/us kill him that/the 1058/1448
Rev_1:6.........made/us kings/and........ 1443/1448
Psa_95:6.........let/us kneel/before...... 697/1448
Job_34:4.........let/us know/among........ 609/1448
Heb_4:11.........Let/us labour/therefore. 1355/1448
Heb_12:1.........let/us lay aside/every.. 1371/1448
Pro_1:11.........let/us lay wait/for...... 732/1448
Neh_5:10.........let/us leave/off......... 586/1448
1Pe_2:21.........for/us leaving/us....... 1386/1448
Ezr_9:13....punished/us less/than......... 566/1448
Jdg_18:25......among/us lest angry/fellows 342/1448
Exo_20:19.......with/us lest we/die....... 134/1448
Exo_10:7........unto/us let the/men....... 111/1448
Pro_1:14.......among/us let us all/have... 735/1448
Exo_5:3.........with/us let us go we pray thee three/days' 102/1448
2Ki_6:1..........for/us Let us go we pray thee unto/Jordan 487/1448
Pro_1:11........with/us let us lay/wait... 731/1448
Lam_3:41.........Let/us lift/up........... 883/1448
Psa_118:27....shewed/us light/bind........ 711/1448
1Ki_12:9........upon/us lighter And the/young 474/1448
1Ki_12:4........upon/us lighter and we/will 473/1448
1Sa_8:5........judge/us like all/the...... 379/1448
Psa_103:12......from/us Like as/a......... 701/1448
Psa_44:11......given/us like sheep/appointed 630/1448
Rom_14:7..........of/us liveth/to........ 1192/1448
Jer_8:8.........with/us Lo/certainly...... 822/1448
Son_7:11.........let/us lodge/in.......... 744/1448
2Ki_14:8.........let/us look/one.......... 504/1448
Heb_12:1......before/us Looking/unto..... 1374/1448
1Jn_4:7..........let/us love/one......... 1423/1448
Pro_1:11.........let/us lurk/privily...... 733/1448 lusteth/to....... 1383/1448
Isa_7:6..........let/us make a breach/therein 755/1448
Num_14:4.........Let/us make a captain/and 161/1448
Gen_31:44........let/us make a covenant I/and 33/1448
Ezr_10:3.........let/us make a covenant with our/God 570/1448
Gen_26:28........let/us make a covenant with thee/That 28/1448
Psa_95:1.........let/us make a joyful/noise 694/1448
2Ki_4:10.........Let/us make a little/chamber 483/1448 Make brick and behold/thy 106/1448
Gen_11:3.........let/us make brick and burn/them 4/1448
Mat_17:4.........let/us make here/three... 978/1448
Gen_19:34........let/us make him/drink..... 14/1448
Gen_1:26.........Let/us make man/in......... 1/1448
Gen_19:32........let/us make our/father.... 13/1448
Mar_9:5..........let/us make three tabernacles one for thee and one for Moses and one for Elias For/he 1005/1448
Luk_9:33.........let/us make three tabernacles one for thee and one for Moses and one for Elias not/knowing 1036/1448
Gen_11:4.........let/us make us a name/lest. 7/1448
2Ki_6:2..........let/us make us a place/there 489/1448
Col_1:12........made/us meet to/be....... 1300/1448
Neh_6:2..........let/us meet together in some/one 589/1448
Neh_6:10.........Let/us meet together in the/house 592/1448
Php_3:16.........let/us mind/the......... 1297/1448
Ezr_8:17........unto/us ministers/for..... 550/1448
Psa_137:3.........of/us mirth/saying...... 728/1448 more harm/than.... 460/1448
Job_35:11...teacheth/us more than/the..... 611/1448
Num_16:13.......over/us Moreover/thou..... 170/1448
Rom_5:8..........for/us Much/more........ 1171/1448
Act_1:22........from/us must/one......... 1100/1448
Son_5:9.......charge/us My beloved/is..... 742/1448 My little/children 1405/1448
Gen_23:6........Hear/us my lord/thou....... 16/1448
2Ch_29:10.......from/us My sons/be........ 535/1448
Isa_59:9........from/us neither doth/justice 792/1448
1Sa_12:4...oppressed/us neither hast/thou. 403/1448
2Sa_18:3.........for/us neither if/half... 449/1448
2Ch_20:12....against/us neither know/we... 533/1448
Jer_5:12........upon/us neither shall/we.. 812/1448 no hurt/as......... 29/1448
Act_28:2......shewed/us no little/kindness 1158/1448
Mic_3:11.......among/us none/evil......... 949/1448
1Ki_8:57.......leave/us nor forsake/us.... 471/1448
1Sa_12:4...defrauded/us nor oppressed/us.. 402/1448
Heb_9:24.........for/us Nor yet/that..... 1363/1448
2Sa_13:25........let/us not all/now....... 441/1448
1Sa_5:11........slay/us not and/our....... 369/1448
Gal_5:26.........Let/us not be desirous/of 1276/1448
Gal_6:9..........let/us not be weary/in.. 1277/1448
1Jn_3:1......knoweth/us not because/it... 1413/1448
Act_23:9.........let/us not fight/against 1150/1448
Jer_41:8........Slay/us not for/we........ 863/1448
Jer_18:18........let/us not give/heed..... 841/1448
Num_10:31......Leave/us not I/pray........ 147/1448
Luk_11:4........lead/us not into temptation but deliver us from evil And/he 1046/1448
Mat_6:13........lead/us not into temptation but deliver us from evil For/thine 966/1448
Gen_37:21........Let/us not kill/him....... 60/1448
1Sa_14:36........let/us not leave/a....... 416/1448
1Jn_3:18.........let/us not love/in...... 1415/1448
Psa_44:23.......cast/us not off/for....... 638/1448
Num_32:5.......bring/us not over/Jordan... 186/1448
Jon_1:14.........let/us not perish/for.... 947/1448
Joh_19:24........Let/us not rend/it...... 1096/1448
1Th_5:6..........let/us not sleep/as..... 1322/1448
Eze_8:12.......seeth/us not the LORD/hath. 902/1448 not the putting/away 1389/1448
1Jn_3:21.....condemn/us not then/have.... 1417/1448
Rom_14:13........Let/us not therefore/judge 1194/1448 not this/day...... 285/1448
Isa_63:16acknowledge/us not thou/O........ 799/1448
Jer_14:9.......leave/us not Thus/saith.... 833/1448
1Co_8:8...commendeth/us not to God/for... 1212/1448 not to think/of.. 1204/1448
Exo_33:15......carry/us not up/hence...... 142/1448
Jdg_8:1.....calledst/us not when/thou..... 310/1448
3Jn_1:9....receiveth/us not Wherefore/if. 1439/1448
Deu_1:25........give/us Notwithstanding/ye 197/1448
2Ki_9:12........tell/us now And/he........ 502/1448
Jer_5:24.........Let/us now fear/the...... 814/1448
Luk_2:15.........Let/us now go/even...... 1026/1448 Now he/which..... 1227/1448
Jer_36:17.......Tell/us now How/didst..... 856/1448
Lam_5:22.....against/us Now it/came....... 901/1448
Jer_37:3.........for/us Now Jeremiah/came. 857/1448
Jos_22:26........Let/us now prepare/to.... 288/1448
Neh_5:17.......about/us Now that/which.... 588/1448
2Ki_7:9.........upon/us now therefore come/that 498/1448
Dan_9:16.......about/us Now therefore O/our 924/1448
1Sa_10:19.......over/us Now therefore present/yourselves 394/1448
Jos_9:22.......among/us Now therefore ye/are 273/1448
Jer_38:25.......unto/us now what/thou..... 860/1448
Psa_85:4........Turn/us O God of our salvation and cause/thine 680/1448
1Ch_16:35.......Save/us O God of our salvation and gather/us 516/1448
Psa_79:9........Help/us O God of our salvation for/the 670/1448
Psa_65:5......answer/us O God of our salvation who/art 651/1448
Hos_10:8..........on/us O Israel/thou..... 933/1448
Psa_123:3.......upon/us O LORD have/mercy. 715/1448
Psa_115:1.......unto/us O LORD not/unto... 706/1448
Psa_106:47......Save/us O LORD our God and/gather 702/1448 O LORD our God for/we 528/1448 O LORD our God other/lords 767/1448
Mat_20:31.........on/us O Lord thou son of David And Jesus/stood 982/1448
Mat_20:30.........on/us O Lord thou son of David And the/multitude 981/1448
Heb_4:1.........left/us of entering/into. 1353/1448 of God/Which..... 1202/1448
Act_1:22........with/us of his resurrection/And 1101/1448
1Jn_4:13.......given/us of his Spirit/And 1430/1448
Isa_2:3........teach/us of his ways and we will walk in his paths for out/of 750/1448
Mic_4:2........teach/us of his ways and we will walk in his paths for the/law 952/1448
Jdg_6:13........told/us of saying/Did..... 305/1448
Act_24:4........hear/us of thy/clemency.. 1151/1448
Mat_25:8........Give/us of your/oil....... 989/1448
Psa_60:10.......cast/us off and thou/O.... 648/1448
Psa_108:11......cast/us off and wilt/not.. 704/1448
Psa_74:1........cast/us off for/ever...... 663/1448
Psa_60:1........cast/us off thou/hast..... 644/1448
Heb_13:15........let/us offer/the........ 1379/1448
Neh_9:32........upon/us on our kings/on... 595/1448
Act_21:5.....brought/us on our way/with.. 1145/1448 on this/side...... 187/1448
Rut_2:20........unto/us one of our/next... 356/1448
Gen_26:10.......unto/us one of the people/might 22/1448
Psa_137:3.......Sing/us one of the songs/of 729/1448
Ezr_10:14.......from/us Only Jonathan/the. 571/1448
Deu_2:36........unto/us Only unto/the..... 208/1448
Jdg_10:15....deliver/us only we/pray...... 319/1448
Act_16:37.....beaten/us openly/uncondemned 1138/1448
Luk_12:41.......unto/us or even/to....... 1049/1448
Jos_5:13.........for/us or for/our........ 259/1448
Exo_17:7.......among/us or not/Then....... 130/1448
Gen_37:8........over/us or shalt/thou...... 56/1448 or to/our......... 292/1448
Jer_16:10....against/us or what/is........ 838/1448
Jer_21:13....against/us or who/shall...... 846/1448
Mat_6:12.....forgive/us our debts/as...... 965/1448 our dreams/to...... 66/1448
Lam_4:17.........for/us our eyes/as....... 888/1448
Neh_4:20........unto/us our God/shall..... 581/1448
Lam_5:4.........unto/us Our necks/are..... 893/1448
1Jn_1:9......forgive/us our sins and/to.. 1403/1448
Luk_11:4.....forgive/us our sins for/we.. 1044/1448
1Sa_9:8.........tell/us our way Beforetime/in 389/1448
1Sa_9:6.........shew/us our way that/we... 388/1448
Act_16:37......fetch/us out And/the...... 1141/1448
Exo_13:14....brought/us out from Egypt/from 114/1448
Deu_6:23.....brought/us out from thence/that 219/1448
Psa_66:12.broughtest/us out into/a........ 655/1448
Exo_17:9......Choose/us out men/and....... 131/1448
Deu_6:21.....brought/us out of Egypt/with. 218/1448
2Ki_19:19.......thou/us out of his/hand... 508/1448
2Sa_18:3.....succour/us out of the city/And 453/1448
2Sa_19:9.......saved/us out of the hand of our enemies and he/delivered 454/1448
1Sa_12:10....deliver/us out of the hand of our enemies and we/will 404/1448 out of the hand of our enemies So/the 361/1448
2Ch_32:11....deliver/us out of the hand of the king/of 539/1448
2Sa_19:9...delivered/us out of the hand of the Philistines and now/he 455/1448 out of the hand of the Philistines And Samuel/took 376/1448
Exo_2:19...delivered/us out of the hand of the shepherds/and 98/1448
1Sa_4:8......deliver/us out of the hand of these/mighty 364/1448
Act_7:40.....brought/us out of the land/of 1112/1448
Lam_5:8......deliver/us out of their/hand. 895/1448
Dan_3:17.....deliver/us out of thine/hand. 914/1448
2Ch_20:11.......cast/us out of thy/possession 531/1448
Act_16:37.....thrust/us out privily/nay.. 1140/1448
Deu_9:28..broughtest/us out say/Because... 225/1448
Mat_8:31........cast/us out suffer/us..... 970/1448 out the/land...... 193/1448
Jer_9:19........cast/us out Yet/hear...... 828/1448
Deu_2:30.........let/us pass by/him....... 204/1448
Num_20:17........Let/us pass I/pray....... 179/1448
Mar_4:35.........Let/us pass over/unto... 1001/1448
Jdg_11:19........Let/us pass we/pray...... 322/1448
Joh_10:24.......tell/us plainly Jesus/answered 1083/1448
1Sa_10:16.......told/us plainly that/the.. 393/1448
2Sa_10:12........let/us play/the.......... 438/1448
Isa_43:26........let/us plead/together.... 789/1448
Rom_15:2..........of/us please/his....... 1196/1448
Rom_12:6.........let/us prophesy/according 1187/1448 Providing/for.... 1262/1448
Dan_1:12........give/us pulse/to.......... 911/1448
Neh_4:23..........of/us put off/our....... 584/1448
Rom_13:12........let/us put on/the....... 1190/1448 quickly/and....... 275/1448
Act_14:17.......gave/us rain/from........ 1121/1448
Isa_1:18.........let/us reason/together... 748/1448
Psa_137:3.....wasted/us required/of....... 727/1448
2Ch_14:7.......given/us rest/on........... 527/1448
Num_14:4.........let/us return into/Egypt. 162/1448
1Sa_9:5..........let/us return lest/my.... 385/1448
2Sa_15:19.......with/us return to/thy..... 446/1448
Hos_6:1..........let/us return unto/the... 925/1448
1Ti_6:17......giveth/us richly/all....... 1337/1448
Isa_30:10.......unto/us right/things...... 772/1448
Oba_1:1..........let/us rise up against/her 940/1448
Neh_2:18.........Let/us rise up and/build. 573/1448
Jos_7:9......environ/us round/and......... 262/1448
Heb_12:1.........let/us run/with......... 1373/1448
Rom_16:6..........on/us Salute/Andronicus 1198/1448
Neh_6:16.......about/us saw/these......... 594/1448
Act_13:47..commanded/us saying I/have.... 1119/1448
Act_16:15...besought/us saying If/ye..... 1132/1448
Exo_19:23..chargedst/us saying Set/bounds. 132/1448
1Sa_27:11.........on/us saying So/did..... 428/1448 saying Take/victuals 269/1448
Jos_9:22....beguiled/us saying We/are..... 272/1448
Jer_35:6...commanded/us saying Ye shall drink/no 851/1448
Gen_43:3........unto/us saying Ye shall not/see 76/1448
Lam_3:40.........Let/us search/and........ 882/1448
Gen_31:50.......with/us see God/is......... 34/1448
Son_7:12.........let/us see if/the........ 746/1448
2Ch_25:17........let/us see one/another... 534/1448 see that/ye...... 1258/1448 see thou/to....... 995/1448
Mat_27:49........let/us see whether Elias will come to save/him 997/1448
Mar_15:36........let/us see whether Elias will come to take/him 1018/1448
Gen_47:19.......give/us seed/that.......... 91/1448
2Sa_15:20.......with/us seeing I/go....... 447/1448
Gen_44:30.......with/us seeing that his/life 87/1448
Joh_2:18........unto/us seeing that thou/doest 1075/1448
Mat_21:38........let/us seize/on.......... 985/1448
Psa_62:8.........for/us Selah Surely/men.. 650/1448
Psa_67:1........upon/us Selah That/thy.... 658/1448
Gen_37:27........let/us sell/him........... 61/1448
1Ch_13:2.........let/us send abroad/unto.. 511/1448
2Ki_7:13.........let/us send and/see...... 500/1448
Deu_13:2.........let/us serve/them........ 227/1448
2Ki_4:10.........let/us set/for........... 484/1448
Mat_22:25.......with/us seven brethren/and 987/1448
1Sa_11:3........Give/us seven days'/respite 397/1448
Isa_33:14......among/us shall dwell with everlasting/burnings 778/1448
Isa_33:14......among/us shall dwell with the/devouring 777/1448
Rom_14:12.........of/us shall give/account 1193/1448
Jdg_20:18.........of/us shall go/up....... 350/1448
Gen_23:6..........of/us shall withhold/from 18/1448
2Sa_21:4.........for/us shalt/thou........ 462/1448
Heb_11:40....without/us should/not....... 1370/1448
Neh_6:10.........let/us shut/the.......... 593/1448
Psa_95:1.........let/us sing/unto......... 693/1448
Eph_2:6.........made/us sit/together..... 1288/1448
Gen_37:20........let/us slay/him........... 59/1448
Jer_18:18........let/us smite/him......... 840/1448
Isa_30:10.......unto/us smooth/things..... 773/1448
2Ki_22:13.concerning/us So Hilkiah/the.... 510/1448 so it/was.......... 67/1448
Jos_10:6.....against/us So Joshua/ascended 278/1448
Lam_5:20.....forsake/us so long/time...... 898/1448 so our/consolation 1219/1448
Exo_33:16.......with/us so shall/we....... 143/1448
Ezr_9:14....consumed/us so that/there..... 569/1448
1Sa_7:12......helped/us So the/Philistines 377/1448
Jon_1:7.........upon/us So they/cast...... 943/1448
Neh_4:20.........for/us So we/laboured.... 582/1448
Pro_7:18.........let/us solace/ourselves.. 738/1448
Psa_44:10.......hate/us spoil/for......... 629/1448
Jdg_16:25.......make/us sport/And......... 339/1448
Isa_50:8.........let/us stand/together.... 790/1448
Gen_43:7.......asked/us straitly of/our.... 79/1448
Act_4:17.........let/us straitly threaten/them 1105/1448
Ezr_9:13.......given/us such deliverance/as 567/1448
Jdg_13:23.......told/us such things/as.... 330/1448
2Sa_15:14...overtake/us suddenly/and...... 444/1448
Isa_29:15....knoweth/us Surely/your....... 771/1448
Pro_1:12.........Let/us swallow/them...... 734/1448
Jos_2:17........made/us swear/Behold...... 253/1448
Neh_6:7..........let/us take counsel/together 590/1448
Pro_7:18.........let/us take our fill/of.. 737/1448
Gen_33:12........Let/us take our journey/and 38/1448
Gen_34:21........let/us take their/daughters 47/1448
Psa_83:12........Let/us take to/ourselves. 679/1448
1Sa_14:9........unto/us Tarry/until....... 410/1448
1Co_10:9.........let/us tempt/Christ..... 1214/1448
Neh_4:12........unto/us ten/times......... 577/1448
2Ch_32:7........with/us than/with......... 536/1448
2Co_9:11.....through/us thanksgiving/to.. 1263/1448
Tit_2:12....Teaching/us that denying/ungodliness 1344/1448
2Co_1:11.........for/us that for/the..... 1223/1448
Col_4:3..........for/us that God/would... 1305/1448
1Ki_8:57.....forsake/us That he may/incline 472/1448
Tit_2:14.........for/us that he might/redeem 1345/1448 that he shall/turn 485/1448
Gen_44:31.......with/us that he will die/and 88/1448
1Sa_7:8..........for/us that he will save/us 375/1448
Job_9:33.....betwixt/us that might/lay.... 600/1448
Joh_11:50........for/us that one/man..... 1087/1448
2Sa_19:43....despise/us that our advice/should 459/1448
Jer_9:18.........for/us that our eyes/may. 827/1448
Joh_8:5....commanded/us that such/should. 1080/1448
Act_15:7.......among/us that the Gentiles/by 1122/1448
Jos_22:34....between/us that the LORD is/God 295/1448
Jer_42:2......behold/us That the LORD thy/God 865/1448
2Th_3:1..........for/us that the word/of. 1332/1448 that the world/may 1094/1448
Heb_11:40........for/us that they/without 1369/1448 that thou/doest... 906/1448
1Sa_8:19........over/us That we also/may.. 382/1448
Luk_1:74........unto/us that we being/delivered 1024/1448
Lam_5:16........unto/us that we have/sinned 896/1448
Deu_30:13.......unto/us that we may hear it and do it But/the 245/1448
Deu_30:12.......unto/us that we may hear it and do it Neither/is 243/1448
Gen_19:5........unto/us that we may know/them 10/1448
Mar_10:37.......unto/us that we may sit/one 1012/1448
Jos_22:27......after/us that we might/do.. 291/1448
Jon_1:6.........upon/us that we perish/not 941/1448
1Jn_3:1.........upon/us that we should be called/the 1412/1448
2Sa_21:5.....against/us that we should be destroyed/from 464/1448
1Sa_4:3.........unto/us that when/it...... 359/1448
1Th_5:10.........for/us that whether/we.. 1326/1448
1Jn_1:2.........unto/us That which/we.... 1399/1448 that would/come.. 1053/1448
1Co_4:9........forth/us the apostles last/as 1206/1448
2Pe_3:2...........of/us the apostles of/the 1398/1448
Jer_5:24........unto/us the appointed/weeks 815/1448
2Co_5:5.........unto/us the earnest/of... 1242/1448
Psa_47:4.........for/us the excellency/of. 643/1448
Joh_14:8........shew/us the Father and/it 1088/1448
Joh_14:9........Shew/us the Father Believest/thou 1090/1448
2Co_8:4.........upon/us the fellowship/of 1256/1448
Son_2:15........Take/us the foxes/the..... 741/1448
Psa_46:7........with/us the God of Jacob is our refuge Selah Come/behold 640/1448
Psa_46:11.......with/us the God of Jacob is our refuge Selah O/clap 641/1448
Dan_2:23........unto/us the king's matter/Therefore 912/1448
2Ki_7:6......against/us the kings of/the.. 496/1448
Jos_2:14.......given/us the land that/we.. 252/1448
Deu_6:23........give/us the land which/he. 221/1448
2Ch_13:10........for/us the LORD is/our... 523/1448
Deu_2:36.........for/us the LORD our/God.. 207/1448
Jos_7:25....troubled/us the LORD shall/trouble 263/1448
Jdg_20:13....deliver/us the men/the....... 349/1448 the ministry/of.. 1245/1448
Eph_1:9.........unto/us the mystery/of... 1284/1448
Mat_13:36.......unto/us the parable/of.... 973/1448
Luk_22:8.....prepare/us the passover/that 1061/1448
Jdg_14:15.......unto/us the riddle/lest... 331/1448
Num_10:32.......unto/us the same/will..... 150/1448 the scriptures/And 1072/1448
2Ti_1:7........given/us the spirit/of.... 1338/1448
Psa_124:4overwhelmed/us the stream/had.... 720/1448
1Co_15:57.....giveth/us the victory/through 1216/1448
Act_16:17.......unto/us the way of/salvation 1136/1448
Jer_42:3........shew/us the way wherein/we 866/1448
Joh_4:12........gave/us the well/and..... 1076/1448
2Co_5:19........unto/us the word/of...... 1246/1448
Act_13:33.......unto/us their children/in 1118/1448
Num_14:9.........for/us their defence/is.. 166/1448
Jdg_11:24.....before/us them/will......... 323/1448 then he/will...... 163/1448
Neh_5:8.........unto/us Then held/they.... 585/1448
Ezr_8:23..........of/us Then I/separated.. 555/1448
Mat_1:23........with/us Then Joseph/being. 962/1448
Act_5:28........upon/us Then Peter/and... 1106/1448
Isa_6:8..........for/us Then said I/Here.. 753/1448
Jer_21:2........from/us Then said Jeremiah/unto 845/1448
Jer_5:19........unto/us then shalt/thou... 813/1448
Ezr_4:3....commanded/us Then the people/of 544/1448
Psa_124:3....against/us Then the waters/had 719/1448
Psa_124:2....against/us Then they/had..... 717/1448 Then three/thousand 334/1448
Deu_2:37......forbad/us Then we turned/and 209/1448
1Sa_14:10.......unto/us then we will/go... 411/1448
Gen_44:26.......with/us then will/we....... 84/1448 there is but/one. 1211/1448
Ecc_1:10......before/us There is no/remembrance 739/1448
Lam_5:8.........over/us there is none/that 894/1448
Exo_10:26.......with/us there shall/not... 113/1448
Num_27:4........unto/us therefore a/possession 184/1448
Php_3:15.........Let/us therefore as/many 1295/1448
Rom_13:12........let/us therefore cast/off 1189/1448
Heb_4:16.........Let/us therefore come/boldly 1357/1448
Heb_4:1..........Let/us therefore fear/lest 1352/1448
Rom_14:19........Let/us therefore follow/after 1195/1448
Gen_34:21.......with/us therefore let them/dwell 46/1448
1Co_5:7..........for/us Therefore let us/keep 1207/1448
2Sa_18:3..........of/us therefore now/it.. 452/1448
Mic_3:11........upon/us Therefore shall/Zion 950/1448
Neh_2:20.....prosper/us therefore we/his.. 576/1448
Mat_22:17.......Tell/us therefore What/thinkest 986/1448
Act_27:6.........put/us therein/And...... 1155/1448
Ezr_8:18........upon/us they brought/us... 551/1448
Act_28:15.........of/us they came/to..... 1164/1448
1Pe_1:12........unto/us they did/minister 1385/1448 They have/spoken.. 931/1448 They hunt/our..... 889/1448 They know/that.... 499/1448
Mic_5:1......against/us they shall/smite.. 953/1448
Neh_4:12........unto/us they will/be...... 578/1448
1Jn_2:19..........of/us they would/no.... 1408/1448
Isa_41:22....declare/us things/for........ 787/1448
Joh_6:34........give/us this bread/And... 1078/1448
Isa_36:15....deliver/us this city/shall... 782/1448
Deu_29:15.......with/us this day before/the 239/1448
Deu_29:15.......with/us this day For/ye... 240/1448
Mat_6:11........Give/us this day our/daily 964/1448
1Sa_6:9.........done/us this great/evil... 371/1448
Mal_1:9.........unto/us this hath/been.... 960/1448 this is/the....... 765/1448
Deu_26:9.......given/us this land/even.... 236/1448
Jos_9:11........with/us This our/bread.... 270/1448
Mat_15:15.......unto/us this parable/And.. 975/1448
Jer_38:16.......made/us this soul/I....... 859/1448 This thou/knowest 1342/1448
Lam_5:22....rejected/us thou art/very..... 900/1448
Mat_26:68.......unto/us thou Christ/Who... 994/1448
Psa_60:1...scattered/us thou hast been/displeased 645/1448
Psa_4:6.........upon/us Thou hast put/gladness 617/1448
Lam_3:43..persecuted/us thou hast slain/thou 884/1448
Psa_66:10.....proved/us thou hast tried/us 652/1448
Psa_44:13......about/us Thou makest/us.... 633/1448
2Sa_5:2.........over/us thou wast/he...... 437/1448
Act_28:7......lodged/us three/days....... 1161/1448
Eph_2:7.......toward/us through Christ/Jesus 1289/1448
2Pe_1:1.........with/us through the righteousness/of 1394/1448
Heb_10:20........for/us through the veil/that 1365/1448
Jer_2:6..........led/us through the wilderness/through 806/1448
Luk_10:17.......unto/us through thy/name. 1041/1448
1Ki_12:10.......unto/us thus shalt thou say unto them My little finger shall be thicker than my father's loins And/now 475/1448
2Ch_10:10........for/us thus shalt thou say unto them My little finger shall be thicker than my father's loins For/whereas 522/1448
Jdg_8:1.......served/us thus that/thou.... 309/1448
Psa_85:7........Shew/us thy mercy/O....... 684/1448
Isa_14:10.......unto/us Thy pomp/is....... 761/1448
Psa_85:7.......grant/us thy salvation/I... 685/1448 Thy tacklings/are. 780/1448
Ezr_9:14........with/us till thou/hadst... 568/1448
Jos_8:6........after/us till we/have...... 265/1448
1Sa_29:4........with/us to battle lest/in. 429/1448
2Sa_21:17.......with/us to battle that/thou 466/1448
Gen_34:17.......unto/us to be circumcised/then 45/1448
Mar_9:5..........for/us to be here and let us make three tabernacles one for thee and one for Moses and one for Elias For/he 1004/1448
Luk_9:33.........for/us to be here and let us make three tabernacles one for thee and one for Moses and one for Elias not/knowing 1035/1448
Mat_17:4.........for/us to be here if/thou 977/1448
Gen_34:22.......with/us to be one/people... 51/1448
Ezr_4:3.........with/us to build/an....... 543/1448
Exo_14:11.......with/us to carry/us....... 119/1448
Psa_85:4......toward/us to cease/Wilt..... 681/1448
Neh_10:32........for/us to charge/ourselves 598/1448
2Ch_20:11.....reward/us to come to/cast... 530/1448
Num_20:5........made/us to come up/out.... 174/1448
Jdg_21:22.......unto/us to complain/that.. 355/1448
Eze_35:12......given/us to consume/Thus... 909/1448
1Sa_4:3......smitten/us to day/before..... 357/1448
Jer_43:3.........put/us to death/and...... 874/1448
Gen_19:13.......sent/us to destroy/it...... 11/1448
Deu_6:24...commanded/us to do all/these... 222/1448
Deu_1:14.........for/us to do So/I........ 189/1448
Joh_10:24.......make/us to doubt/If...... 1082/1448
Jer_35:8.....charged/us to drink no/wine.. 852/1448
Psa_60:3........made/us to drink the/wine. 647/1448
Jer_35:9.........for/us to dwell/in....... 853/1448
Isa_63:17.......made/us to err/from....... 800/1448
Mat_3:15....becometh/us to fulfil/all..... 963/1448
Luk_1:78.....visited/us To give light/to. 1025/1448
Luk_20:22........for/us to give tribute/unto 1059/1448
2Pe_1:3.......called/us to glory/and..... 1396/1448
Mat_8:31......suffer/us to go away/into... 971/1448 to go with/thee... 324/1448
1Pe_3:18.......bring/us to God being/put. 1388/1448
Rev_5:9.....redeemed/us to God by/thy.... 1444/1448
1Pe_4:3......suffice/us to have/wrought.. 1391/1448
Deu_30:12........for/us to heaven/and..... 242/1448
2Co_5:18..reconciled/us to himself/by.... 1244/1448
2Ch_20:11......given/us to inherit/O...... 532/1448
Psa_119:4..commanded/us to keep/thy....... 712/1448
Gen_3:22..........of/us to know/good........ 2/1448 to lay/upon...... 1127/1448
Gen_24:23........for/us to lodge/in........ 19/1448
Gen_39:14.......unto/us to mock/us......... 62/1448
Psa_90:12......teach/us to number/our..... 687/1448
1Co_7:15......called/us to peace/For..... 1210/1448
Luk_1:71........hate/us To perform/the... 1023/1448
Luk_11:1.......teach/us to pray/as....... 1042/1448
Act_10:42..commanded/us to preach/unto... 1114/1448
Joh_18:31........for/us to put/any....... 1095/1448
Act_16:21........for/us to receive/neither 1137/1448
Num_14:3.........for/us to return/into.... 160/1448
Neh_2:19.....laughed/us to scorn/and...... 574/1448
Ezr_4:14.........for/us to see/the........ 546/1448
Exo_14:12........for/us to serve/the...... 122/1448
Psa_44:9.........put/us to shame/and...... 627/1448
Jer_8:14.........put/us to silence/and.... 825/1448 to slay/us........ 367/1448
1Th_2:16..Forbidding/us to speak/to...... 1313/1448
Jos_2:20........made/us to swear/And...... 255/1448
Jdg_14:15.....called/us to take/that...... 332/1448
1Sa_29:9........with/us to the battle/Wherefore 431/1448
Rom_15:7....received/us to the glory of God/Now 1197/1448 to the glory of the/same 1260/1448
Neh_4:15..........of/us to the wall/every. 580/1448
2Co_2:14.....causeth/us to triumph/in.... 1232/1448
Psa_44:10.....makest/us to turn/back...... 628/1448
Act_7:38........unto/us To whom/our...... 1109/1448
1Th_5:9....appointed/us to wrath/but..... 1325/1448
1Ch_16:35.....gather/us together and/deliver 517/1448
Eph_2:5....quickened/us together with/Christ 1286/1448
Jdg_19:11........let/us turn in/into...... 343/1448
Jdg_20:8..........of/us turn into/his..... 348/1448 Turn us/again..... 672/1448
1Ki_18:23.......give/us two/bullocks...... 476/1448
Exo_24:14........for/us until we come/again 135/1448
Jos_4:23......before/us until we were/gone 257/1448
Deu_29:7.....against/us unto battle/and... 238/1448
Gal_3:24.......bring/us unto Christ/that. 1272/1448 Unto him/be...... 1291/1448
1Pe_5:10......called/us unto his/eternal. 1393/1448
Act_21:18.......with/us unto James/and... 1149/1448
Rev_5:10........made/us unto our/God..... 1445/1448
Eph_1:5predestinated/us unto the adoption/of 1281/1448
Jer_42:20........for/us unto the LORD our/God 870/1448
Jer_42:2.........for/us unto the LORD thy/God 864/1448
Lam_5:21........thou/us unto thee O/LORD.. 899/1448
Luk_7:20........sent/us unto thee saying/Art 1033/1448
1Sa_25:40.......sent/us unto thee to/take. 426/1448
Act_2:29........with/us unto this day/Therefore 1102/1448
Num_14:3.....brought/us unto this land/to. 159/1448
1Th_4:7.......called/us unto uncleanness/but 1320/1448
Hos_6:1.........bind/us up After/two...... 927/1448
Num_16:34....swallow/us up also/And....... 173/1448
Jos_24:17....brought/us up and our/fathers 296/1448
Hos_6:2........raise/us up and we/shall... 929/1448
Jdg_6:13.......bring/us up from/Egypt..... 306/1448
Ezr_4:2......brought/us up hither/But..... 542/1448
Num_16:13....brought/us up out of a/land.. 168/1448
Num_21:5.....brought/us up out of Egypt to die/in 180/1448
Exo_17:3.....brought/us up out of Egypt to kill/us 128/1448
Jer_2:6......brought/us up out of the land of Egypt that/led 805/1448
Exo_32:1.....brought/us up out of the land of Egypt we wot not what is become of him And Aaron/said 138/1448
Exo_32:23....brought/us up out of the land of Egypt we wot not what is become of him And I/said 141/1448
Jer_29:15.....raised/us up prophets/in.... 848/1448
Psa_124:3..swallowed/us up quick/when..... 718/1448
Eph_2:6.......raised/us up together/and.. 1287/1448
Zec_1:6.........with/us Upon the four/and. 957/1448
Lam_4:19.....pursued/us upon the mountains/they 890/1448
Isa_64:12....afflict/us very/sore......... 804/1448
Rom_12:7.........let/us wait/on.......... 1188/1448
Php_3:16.........let/us walk by/the...... 1296/1448
Rom_13:13........Let/us walk honestly/as. 1191/1448
Isa_2:5..........let/us walk in/the....... 751/1448
Mal_1:2........loved/us Was not/Esau...... 959/1448
Heb_4:2.........unto/us was the/gospel... 1354/1448
1Th_5:6..........let/us watch/and........ 1323/1448
Jer_8:14.......given/us water of/gall..... 826/1448
Exo_17:2........Give/us water that/we..... 127/1448
2Co_4:7...........of/us We are/troubled.. 1236/1448
Luk_10:11.........on/us we do/wipe....... 1040/1448
Num_31:49.........of/us We have therefore/brought 185/1448
Isa_33:2........unto/us we have waited/for 776/1448
2Co_7:2......Receive/us we have wronged/no 1251/1448
1Sa_25:7........with/us we hurt/them...... 423/1448
Jer_14:19........for/us we looked/for..... 835/1448
1Jn_4:11.......loved/us we ought/also.... 1426/1448 we perish/And..... 968/1448
Jon_1:8.........Tell/us we pray thee for/whose 944/1448
Jdg_1:24........Shew/us we pray thee the/entrance 302/1448 we pray you/in... 1247/1448
Act_27:7...suffering/us we sailed/under.. 1156/1448
2Ki_7:4.........kill/us we shall/but...... 495/1448
Isa_59:9....overtake/us we wait/for....... 793/1448 we will come/out.. 398/1448
Jos_1:16..commandest/us we will do/and.... 249/1448
Jos_1:16.....sendest/us we will go According/as 250/1448
Gen_43:4........with/us we will go down/and 77/1448
Exo_8:26.......stone/us We will go three/days' 109/1448
1Sa_30:22.......with/us we will not give/them 432/1448
Psa_78:3........told/us We will not hide/them 666/1448 we will not make/any 503/1448 we will not ride/upon 936/1448
Luk_24:24.......with/us went/to.......... 1068/1448
Jon_1:8.........upon/us What is thine/occupation 945/1448
Jdg_15:11.......over/us what is this/that. 335/1448
1Th_1:9...........of/us what manner/of... 1308/1448
Joh_1:22........sent/us What sayest/thou. 1074/1448
Isa_41:22.......shew/us what shall happen/let 786/1448 what shall the/end 1392/1448
Eze_24:19.......tell/us what these/things. 905/1448
Eze_37:18.......shew/us what thou/meanest. 910/1448
Jdg_13:8.......teach/us what we shall do/unto 326/1448
Job_37:19......Teach/us what we shall say/unto 613/1448
Psa_44:1........told/us what work/thou.... 623/1448
Jdg_10:15.......unto/us whatsoever seemeth/good 318/1448
1Jn_5:15........hear/us whatsoever we ask/we 1435/1448
Mar_10:35........for/us whatsoever we shall/desire 1011/1448
Mat_24:3........Tell/us when shall these things be and what shall be the sign of/thy 988/1448
Mar_13:4........Tell/us when shall these things be and what shall be the sign when/all 1015/1448
2Th_1:7.........with/us when the Lord Jesus/shall 1328/1448
Deu_6:25...commanded/us When the LORD thy/God 224/1448
1Sa_12:12.......over/us when the LORD your/God 405/1448
Psa_20:9........hear/us when we call/The.. 620/1448
Jer_42:6........with/us when we obey/the.. 869/1448
Mat_13:56.......with/us Whence/then....... 974/1448 wherefore then/be. 457/1448
2Ki_7:6.........upon/us Wherefore they/arose 497/1448
Isa_30:11.....before/us Wherefore thus/saith 774/1448
Num_12:11.......upon/us wherein/we........ 156/1448
Psa_126:3........for/us whereof/we........ 722/1448
1Sa_6:2.........tell/us wherewith/we...... 370/1448 Whether it/be..... 868/1448 whether prophecy/let 1186/1448
Mat_26:63.......tell/us whether thou/be... 993/1448
1Co_1:18........unto/us which are/saved.. 1199/1448
Act_16:16........met/us which brought/her 1134/1448
Luk_1:2.........unto/us which from/the... 1021/1448
Mat_20:12.......unto/us which have/borne.. 980/1448
Heb_6:18......before/us Which hope/we.... 1359/1448
Col_2:14.....against/us which was/contrary 1303/1448
Luk_24:32.....within/us while/he......... 1070/1448
Deu_1:27.....destroy/us Whither/shall..... 201/1448
Deu_5:3.........even/us who are all/of.... 213/1448
1Th_5:8..........let/us who are of/the... 1324/1448
Act_11:17.......unto/us who believed/on.. 1117/1448
Rom_8:31.........for/us who can/be....... 1176/1448 who did/eat...... 1113/1448
1Sa_30:23......given/us who hath/preserved 433/1448
Heb_7:26......became/us who is/holy...... 1361/1448
2Co_5:21.........for/us who knew/no...... 1248/1448
1Sa_4:8.........unto/us who shall deliver/us 363/1448
Rom_8:34.........for/us Who shall separate/us 1180/1448 who walk/not..... 1173/1448
Rom_9:24........Even/us whom/he.......... 1184/1448
Act_16:14......heard/us whose/heart...... 1131/1448
Mat_21:25.......unto/us Why did/ye........ 983/1448
Mal_2:10.....created/us why do/we......... 961/1448
Jdg_6:13........with/us why then/is....... 303/1448
Act_7:27........over/us Wilt/thou........ 1108/1448
1Co_1:30........unto/us wisdom/and....... 1200/1448
Job_35:11.....maketh/us wiser/than........ 612/1448
Eph_1:3......blessed/us with all spiritual/blessings 1279/1448
2Ki_4:13.........for/us with all this/care 486/1448
2Ti_1:9.......called/us with an/holy..... 1340/1448
Psa_68:19....loadeth/us with benefits/even 661/1448
Rom_8:26.........for/us with groanings/which 1175/1448
3Jn_1:10.....against/us with malicious/words 1440/1448
Act_28:10...honoured/us with many/honours 1162/1448
2Co_8:4......Praying/us with much/intreaty 1255/1448
Exo_5:3.........upon/us with pestilence/or 104/1448
Act_28:10......laded/us with such/things. 1163/1448
Psa_44:19....covered/us with the shadow/of 637/1448
Jam_1:18..........he/us with the word/of. 1381/1448
2Co_8:19........with/us with this/grace.. 1259/1448 With us/are....... 602/1448
2Co_4:14.....present/us with you For/all. 1239/1448
2Co_1:21.stablisheth/us with you in/Christ 1228/1448
Isa_17:14........rob/us Woe/to............ 763/1448
Deu_1:25.....brought/us word again and/said 196/1448
Deu_1:22.......bring/us word again by/what 194/1448
Psa_95:6.........let/us worship/and....... 696/1448
Jos_7:7......destroy/us would/to.......... 261/1448 written/not...... 1234/1448
2Co_1:10.....deliver/us Ye also/helping.. 1222/1448
Gen_44:27.......unto/us Ye know/that....... 86/1448
1Th_2:13..........of/us ye received/it... 1311/1448
Act_25:24.......with/us ye see/this...... 1153/1448
Gen_43:5........unto/us Ye shall/not....... 78/1448
Num_10:32.......with/us yea it/shall...... 149/1448
Psa_90:17.......upon/us yea the/work...... 692/1448
Psa_44:17.......upon/us yet have/we....... 635/1448
Dan_9:13........upon/us yet made/we....... 922/1448
2Co_7:7.........told/us your earnest/desire 1253/1448
Col_1:8.........unto/us your love/in..... 1299/1448