Deu_23:13.....thy/weapon and it/shall....... 2/8
Job_20:24....iron/weapon and the/bow........ 5/8
Neh_4:17........a/weapon For/the............ 4/8
Eze_9:1destroying/weapon in his hand And behold/six 7/8
Eze_9:2.slaughter/weapon in his hand and one/man 8/8
2Ch_23:10.....his/weapon in his hand from/the 3/8
Num_35:18....hand/weapon of/wood............ 1/8
Isa_54:17......No/weapon that/is............ 6/8
Jer_22:7......his/weapons and/they........ 14/21
Eze_39:9......the/weapons both/the........ 18/21
2Ki_11:8......his/weapons in his hand and he/that 8/21
2Ch_23:7......his/weapons in his hand and whosoever/else 10/21
2Ki_11:11.....his/weapons in his hand round/about 9/21
Joh_18:3......and/weapons Jesus/therefore. 20/21
Jer_50:25.....the/weapons of his indignation for/this 15/21
Isa_13:5......the/weapons of his indignation to/destroy 12/21
2Co_10:4......the/weapons of our/warfare.. 21/21
Jdg_18:17....with/weapons of war And these/went 5/21
Eze_32:27...their/weapons of war and they have/laid 17/21
Jdg_18:11....with/weapons of war And they went/up 3/21
Ecc_9:18.....than/weapons of war but/one.. 11/21
Jer_51:20.....and/weapons of war for/with. 16/21
2Sa_1:27......the/weapons of war perished/And 7/21
Jer_21:4......the/weapons of war that/are. 13/21
Jdg_18:16...their/weapons of war which/were 4/21
Deu_1:41......his/weapons of war ye/were... 2/21
Gen_27:3......thy/weapons thy/quiver....... 1/21
Eze_39:10.....the/weapons with fire/and... 19/21 with me/because.. 6/21