Lev_22:27........saying/When a bullock/or.... 261/2834
Mar_6:21............And/when a convenient/day 2076/2834
Job_16:22.....neighbour/When a few/years.... 1208/2834
Isa_30:29.........night/when a holy/solemnity 1501/2834
Rev_10:3.............as/when a lion/roareth. 2822/2834
Num_19:14...........law/when a man dieth/in.. 328/2834
Deu_19:5.............As/when a man goeth/into 410/2834
Mat_13:44.........which/when a man hath found/he 1936/2834
Deu_24:5....inheritance/When a man hath taken a new/wife 434/2834
Deu_24:1...........corn/When a man hath taken a wife/and 432/2834
Num_5:6..........Israel/When a man or/woman.. 288/2834
Deu_22:26............as/when a man riseth/against 423/2834
Lev_13:2.........saying/When a man shall have/in 239/2834
Lev_27:2...........them/When a man shall make/a 278/2834
Lev_27:14...........And/when a man shall sanctify/his 279/2834
Isa_3:6......honourable/When a man shall take/hold 1463/2834
1Sa_9:9..........Israel/when a man went/to... 653/2834
Pro_16:7...........evil/When a man's/ways... 1408/2834
Isa_31:4...........prey/when a multitude/of. 1504/2834
Deu_18:22........spoken/When a prophet/speaketh 408/2834
Eze_3:20..........Again/When a righteous man doth/turn 1638/2834
Eze_18:26.......unequal/When a righteous man turneth/away 1682/2834
Lev_4:22...congregation/When a ruler/hath.... 225/2834
Isa_10:18............as/when a standard-bearer/fainteth 1472/2834
Exo_12:48...........And/when a stranger/shall 157/2834
Luk_11:21...........you/When a strong/man... 2235/2834
Luk_11:22...........But/when a stronger/than 2236/2834
Isa_29:8.............as/when a thirsty/man.. 1495/2834
Pro_11:7....naughtiness/When a wicked/man... 1403/2834
Num_5:29.....jealousies/when a wife/goeth.... 291/2834
Exo_34:30...........And/when Aaron and all/the 217/2834
Num_4:15............And/when Aaron and his/sons 285/2834
Exo_30:8............And/when Aaron lighteth/the 199/2834
Exo_32:5............And/when Aaron saw/it.... 208/2834
1Sa_23:6...........pass/when Abiathar/the.... 718/2834
1Sa_25:23...........And/when Abigail/saw..... 726/2834
Jdg_9:22........brother/When Abimelech/had... 562/2834
2Sa_3:27............And/when Abner/was....... 755/2834
Gen_24:52..........that/when Abraham's/servant 43/2834
Gen_14:14...........And/when Abram heard/that. 14/2834
Gen_12:14..........that/when Abram was come/into 13/2834
Gen_17:1............And/when Abram was ninety/years 22/2834
2Sa_17:20...........And/when Absalom's/servants 816/2834
Jos_10:1...........pass/when Adonizedec/king. 507/2834
Mar_4:17......afterward/when affliction/or.. 2057/2834
Act_25:23........morrow/when Agrippa/was.... 2616/2834
1Ki_21:16..........pass/when Ahab heard that/Naboth 902/2834
1Ki_21:27..........pass/when Ahab heard those/words 903/2834
1Ki_18:17..........pass/when Ahab saw/Elijah. 894/2834
2Ki_3:5............pass/when Ahab was/dead... 916/2834
2Ki_9:27............But/when Ahaziah/the..... 963/2834
1Ki_14:6.............so/when Ahijah/heard.... 880/2834
2Sa_17:23...........And/when Ahithophel/saw.. 818/2834
Luk_8:45.............me/When all denied/Peter 2213/2834
Eze_30:8............and/when all her/helpers 1723/2834
1Ki_12:20..........pass/when all Israel heard/that 873/2834
Deu_31:11...tabernacles/When all Israel is/come 461/2834
1Ki_12:16............So/when all Israel saw that the king hearkened/not 872/2834
2Ch_10:16...........And/when all Israel saw that the king would/not 1057/2834
1Ch_10:11...........And/when all Jabeshgilead/heard 1015/2834
Luk_6:26............you/when all men/shall.. 2189/2834
Neh_6:16...........that/when all our/enemies 1158/2834
1Sa_10:11..........pass/when all that/knew... 662/2834
2Ki_25:23...........And/when all the captains of the armies/they 998/2834
Jer_40:7............Now/when all the captains of the forces/which 1598/2834
2Ch_7:3.............And/when all the children/of 1051/2834
Num_20:29...........And/when all the congregation/saw 331/2834
Jer_40:11......Likewise/when all the Jews/that 1599/2834
Jos_5:1............pass/when all the kings of/the 484/2834
2Sa_10:19...........And/when all the kings that/were 784/2834
Jos_9:1............pass/when all the kings which/were 504/2834
Gen_41:55...........And/when all the land/of.. 96/2834
1Ch_10:7............And/when all the men of Israel/that 1012/2834
Jdg_9:46............And/when all the men of the/tower 566/2834
Deu_2:16...........pass/when all the men of war/were 364/2834
2Ki_3:21............And/when all the Moabites/heard 919/2834
2Sa_3:35............And/when all the people came/to 757/2834
Dan_3:7............time/when all the people heard/the 1781/2834
1Ki_18:39...........And/when all the people saw it/they 896/2834
Lev_9:24..........which/when all the people saw they/shouted 233/2834
Luk_3:21............Now/when all the people were baptized/it 2166/2834
Jos_4:1............pass/when all the people were clean passed over Jordan/that 478/2834
Jos_4:11...........pass/when all the people were clean passed over that/the 481/2834
Jer_41:13..........that/when all the people which/were 1602/2834
Jer_34:10...........Now/when all the princes/and 1581/2834
Psa_92:7............and/when all the workers/of 1336/2834
Jos_11:5............And/when all these kings/were 512/2834
Deu_30:1...........pass/when all these things are/come 460/2834
Mar_13:4...........sign/when all these things shall/be 2123/2834
1Co_15:28...........And/when all things/shall 2693/2834
2Ch_31:1............Now/when all this/was... 1115/2834
2Sa_13:28...........now/when Amnon's/heart... 801/2834
Isa_29:8.............as/when an/hungry...... 1494/2834
2Sa_15:5...........that/when any man came/nigh 808/2834
Jdg_4:20.............be/when any man doth/come 540/2834
Lev_15:2...........them/When any man hath/a.. 247/2834
1Sa_2:13...........that/when any man offered/sacrifice 627/2834
2Sa_15:2...........that/when any man that/had 807/2834
Mat_13:19.........sower/When any one/heareth 1932/2834
Eze_39:15..........land/when any seeth/a.... 1757/2834
Zec_13:3...........that/when any shall/yet.. 1856/2834
Lev_2:1.............And/when any will/offer.. 222/2834
Act_18:26..........whom/when Aquila/and..... 2550/2834
Mat_1:18...........wise/When as his/mother.. 1863/2834
Act_7:5.............him/when as yet he/had.. 2458/2834
Psa_139:16....fashioned/when as yet there/was 1370/2834
2Ch_15:8............And/when Asa/heard...... 1067/2834
Isa_9:1........vexation/when at/the......... 1469/2834
2Ki_11:13...........And/when Athaliah heard the noise of the guard/and 971/2834
2Ch_23:12...........Now/when Athaliah heard the noise of the people/running 1095/2834
2Ki_11:1............And/when Athaliah the mother of Ahaziah saw that her son was dead she arose and destroyed all the seed royal But/Jehosheba 970/2834
2Ch_22:10...........But/when Athaliah the mother of Ahaziah saw that her son was dead she arose and destroyed all the seed royal of/the 1092/2834
1Ch_2:19............And/when Azubah/was..... 1006/2834
1Ch_1:50............And/when Baalhanan/was.. 1005/2834
2Ch_16:5...........pass/when Baasha heard it/that 1069/2834
1Ki_15:21..........pass/when Baasha heard thereof/that 885/2834
Num_24:1............And/when Balaam/saw...... 339/2834
Num_22:36...........And/when Balak/heard..... 337/2834
Jer_36:13.........heard/when Baruch/read.... 1586/2834
1Ch_1:44............And/when Bela/was........ 999/2834
1Ki_20:12..........pass/when Ben-hadad/heard. 900/2834
Rut_3:7.............And/when Boaz/had........ 619/2834
Gen_42:35...........and/when both/they........ 99/2834
Job_29:3............and/when by/his......... 1221/2834
Joh_6:25..........Rabbi/when camest/thou.... 2364/2834
Joh_7:27............but/when Christ cometh no/man 2369/2834
Joh_7:31...........said/When Christ cometh will/he 2370/2834
Col_3:4.............God/When Christ who/is.. 2734/2834
Jud_1:9.......archangel/when contending/with 2807/2834
Luk_2:2............made/when Cyrenius/was... 2156/2834
Dan_6:10............Now/when Daniel/knew.... 1783/2834
1Sa_30:1...........pass/when David and/his... 737/2834
1Sa_30:21...........and/when David came near/to 740/2834
1Sa_30:26...........And/when David came to/Ziklag 741/2834
2Sa_5:23............And/when David enquired/of 766/2834
2Sa_11:13...........And/when David had called/him 788/2834
1Ch_16:2............And/when David had made an end of offering/the 1024/2834
1Sa_24:16..........pass/when David had made an end of speaking/these 722/2834
1Ch_19:17............So/when David had put/the 1035/2834
2Sa_3:28......afterward/when David heard it/he 756/2834
2Sa_10:7............And/when David heard of it he sent Joab and all the host of the mighty men And the children of Ammon came out and put the battle in array at/the 779/2834
1Ch_19:8............And/when David heard of it he sent Joab and all the host of the mighty men And the children of Ammon came out and put the battle in array before/the 1031/2834
1Sa_25:39...........And/when David heard that/Nabal 730/2834
2Ch_7:6............ever/when David praised/by 1052/2834
2Sa_12:19...........But/when David saw that his/servants 794/2834
1Ch_21:28..........time/when David saw that the/LORD 1038/2834
1Ki_11:24..........band/when David slew/them. 869/2834
2Sa_16:1............And/when David was a/little 810/2834
2Sa_17:27..........pass/when David was come to Mahanaim/that 819/2834
2Sa_15:32..........that/when David was come to the/top 809/2834
1Ki_11:15..........pass/when David was in/Edom 867/2834
1Ch_23:1.............So/when David was old/and 1039/2834
2Sa_1:1............Saul/when David was returned from the slaughter of the Amalekites/and 746/2834
1Sa_18:6...........came/when David was returned from the slaughter of the Philistine/that 699/2834
2Sa_24:11...........For/when David was up/in. 836/2834
1Sa_25:9............And/when David's/young... 724/2834
Job_4:13..........night/when deep sleep falleth on/men 1200/2834
Job_33:15.........night/when deep sleep falleth upon/men 1240/2834
Jdg_16:18...........And/when Delilah/saw..... 588/2834
Pro_1:27......whirlwind/when distress/and... 1378/2834
Act_19:9............But/when divers/were.... 2555/2834
1Sa_22:22...........day/when Doeg/the........ 717/2834
Jer_38:7............Now/when Ebedmelech/the. 1593/2834
Jdg_4:1............LORD/when Ehud/was........ 538/2834
Luk_2:21............And/when eight/days..... 2158/2834
Num_6:2............them/When either/man...... 293/2834
1Sa_4:14............And/when Eli heard/the... 639/2834
1Sa_3:2............time/when Eli was/laid.... 630/2834
Job_32:5.............he/When Elihu/saw...... 1238/2834
1Ki_19:13............so/when Elijah/heard.... 898/2834
Luk_1:41...........that/when Elisabeth/heard 2155/2834
2Ki_5:8..............so/when Elisha the/man.. 935/2834
2Ki_4:32............And/when Elisha was/come. 931/2834
Hos_5:13.....rottenness/When Ephraim saw/his 1805/2834
Hos_13:1............him/When Ephraim spake/trembling 1814/2834
Gen_27:34...........And/when Esau heard/the... 52/2834
Gen_32:17........saying/When Esau my/brother.. 68/2834
Gen_28:6.........mother/When Esau saw/that.... 54/2834
Est_9:25............But/when Esther/came.... 1191/2834
Mar_11:19...........And/when even was come he/went 2115/2834
Mat_20:8.............So/when even was come the lord/of 1973/2834
Mar_6:47............And/when even was come the ship/was 2084/2834
Joh_6:16............And/when even was now/come 2359/2834
Deu_23:11............be/when evening/cometh.. 426/2834
Est_2:12............Now/when every maid's/turn 1179/2834
2Ch_6:29.........Israel/when every one/shall 1049/2834
2Ch_20:9.............If/when evil cometh/upon 1075/2834
Job_31:29........myself/when evil found/him. 1237/2834
Ezr_10:1............Now/when Ezra/had....... 1144/2834
Act_24:24..........days/when Felix came/with 2605/2834
Act_24:22...........And/when Felix heard/these 2603/2834
Act_25:1............Now/when Festus/was..... 2607/2834
Jer_3:8.............saw/when for all/the.... 1543/2834
Heb_5:12............For/when for the/time... 2760/2834
Act_7:30............And/when forty/years.... 2463/2834
Jdg_9:36............And/when Gaal/saw........ 565/2834
Act_18:12...........And/when Gallio/was..... 2546/2834
Jdg_7:15.............so/when Gideon heard/the 553/2834
Jdg_6:22............And/when Gideon perceived/that 549/2834
Jdg_7:13............And/when Gideon was/come. 552/2834
Psa_76:9..........still/When God arose/to... 1327/2834
Psa_53:6...........Zion/When God bringeth/back 1303/2834
Gen_20:13..........pass/when God caused/me.... 35/2834
Gen_19:29..........pass/when God destroyed/the 29/2834
Job_37:15..........know/when God disposed/them 1246/2834
Num_24:23..........live/when God doeth/this.. 341/2834
Psa_78:59........images/When God heard/this. 1330/2834
1Ch_15:26..........pass/when God helped/the. 1023/2834
Heb_6:13............For/when God made/promise 2761/2834
Isa_13:19............as/when God overthrew/Sodom 1473/2834
Job_29:2...........days/when God preserved/me 1219/2834
Job_31:14............do/when God riseth/up.. 1233/2834
Rom_2:16............day/when God shall/judge 2657/2834
Job_27:8.........gained/when God taketh/away 1216/2834
Eze_38:18..........time/when Gog/shall...... 1756/2834
Jer_17:6............see/when good/cometh.... 1561/2834
Ecc_5:11.........vanity/When goods/increase. 1444/2834
Luk_4:25.........months/when great/famine... 2171/2834
1Ki_11:21...........And/when Hadad heard/in.. 868/2834
1Ch_1:47............And/when Hadad was/dead. 1002/2834
Gen_16:16...........old/when Hagar/bare....... 21/2834
Est_5:9.............but/when Haman saw Mordecai/in 1188/2834
Est_3:5.............And/when Haman saw that/Mordecai 1185/2834
2Ki_2:14............and/when he also/had..... 912/2834
Jdg_9:33.........behold/when he and/the...... 564/2834
Mal_3:2...........stand/when he appeareth/for 1861/2834
Pro_8:29....commandment/when he appointed/the 1401/2834
Isa_2:21........majesty/when he ariseth to shake terribly the earth Cease/ye 1462/2834
Isa_2:19........majesty/when he ariseth to shake terribly the earth In/that 1461/2834
1Sa_17:35...........and/when he arose against/me 693/2834
Mat_2:14............him/When he arose he/took 1874/2834
Eph_4:8...........saith/When he ascended/up. 2730/2834
Joh_4:52...........hour/when he began to amend/And 2349/2834
2Ki_8:17.............he/when he began to reign and he reigned eight years in Jerusalem And he walked in the way of the kings of Israel as/did 955/2834
2Ch_21:5............old/when he began to reign and he reigned eight years in Jerusalem And he walked in the way of the kings of Israel like/as 1085/2834
2Ch_36:5............old/when he began to reign and he reigned eleven years in Jerusalem and he/did 1131/2834
Jer_52:1............old/when he began to reign and he reigned eleven years in Jerusalem And his mother's name was Hamutal the daughter of Jeremiah of Libnah And he did that which was evil in the eyes/of 1615/2834
2Ki_24:18...........old/when he began to reign and he reigned eleven years in Jerusalem And his mother's name was Hamutal the daughter of Jeremiah of Libnah And he did that which was evil in the sight/of 997/2834
2Ki_23:36...........old/when he began to reign and he reigned eleven years in Jerusalem And his mother's name was Zebudah/the 995/2834
2Ch_33:1............old/when he began to reign and he reigned fifty and five/years 1119/2834
2Ch_26:3.........Uzziah/when he began to reign and he reigned fifty and two/years 1106/2834
2Sa_5:4.............old/when he began to reign and he reigned forty years In Hebron/he 764/2834
2Ch_24:1............old/when he began to reign and he reigned forty years in Jerusalem/His 1097/2834
2Ch_21:20............he/when he began to reign and he reigned in Jerusalem eight/years 1086/2834
2Ch_34:1............old/when he began to reign and he reigned in Jerusalem one/and 1122/2834
2Ki_24:8............old/when he began to reign and he reigned in Jerusalem three/months 996/2834
2Ki_8:26........Ahaziah/when he began to reign and he reigned one year in Jerusalem And/his 956/2834
2Ch_22:2........Ahaziah/when he began to reign and he reigned one year in Jerusalem His/mother's 1087/2834
1Ki_14:21...........old/when he began to reign and he reigned seventeen years in Jerusalem the city which the LORD did/choose 883/2834
2Ch_12:13...........old/when he began to reign and he reigned seventeen years in Jerusalem the city which the LORD had/chosen 1063/2834
2Ki_15:33............he/when he began to reign and he reigned sixteen years in Jerusalem And/his 978/2834
2Ch_28:1............old/when he began to reign and he reigned sixteen years in Jerusalem but/he 1110/2834
2Ch_27:1............old/when he began to reign and he reigned sixteen years in Jerusalem His/mother's 1108/2834
2Ki_22:1............old/when he began to reign and he reigned thirty/and 990/2834
2Ch_36:9............old/when he began to reign and he reigned three months and/ten 1132/2834
2Ki_23:31...........old/when he began to reign and he reigned three months in Jerusalem And his/mother's 994/2834
2Ch_36:2............old/when he began to reign and he reigned three months in Jerusalem And the/king 1130/2834
1Ki_22:42...........old/when he began to reign and he reigned twenty and five years in Jerusalem And his mother's name was Azubah the daughter of Shilhi And he walked in all/the 907/2834
2Ch_20:31...........old/when he began to reign and he reigned twenty and five years in Jerusalem And his mother's name was Azubah the daughter of Shilhi And he walked in the/way 1083/2834
2Ch_25:1............old/when he began to reign and he reigned twenty and nine years in Jerusalem And/his 1104/2834
2Ki_18:2.............he/when he began to reign and he reigned twenty and nine years in Jerusalem His/mother's 981/2834
2Ki_15:2.............he/when he began to reign and he reigned two and/fifty 977/2834
2Ki_21:19...........old/when he began to reign and he reigned two years/in 989/2834
2Ch_36:11...........old/when he began to reign and reigned eleven/years 1134/2834
2Ki_21:1............old/when he began to reign and reigned fifty/and 988/2834
2Ki_16:2...........Ahaz/when he began to reign and reigned sixteen years in Jerusalem and did/not 979/2834
2Ch_27:8............old/when he began to reign and reigned sixteen years in Jerusalem And Jotham/slept 1109/2834
2Ki_14:2............old/when he began to reign and reigned twenty/and 976/2834
2Ch_33:21...........old/when he began to reign and reigned two/years 1121/2834
1Ki_16:11..........pass/when he began to reign as/soon 887/2834
2Ki_11:21.......Jehoash/when he began to reign In/the 973/2834
2Sa_2:10............old/when he began to reign over/Israel 749/2834
Num_21:9............man/when he beheld/the... 334/2834
Psa_58:7....continually/when he bendeth/his. 1306/2834
Gen_42:21..........soul/when he besought/us... 98/2834
Job_36:13...........not/when he bindeth/them 1243/2834
Lev_24:16..........land/when he blasphemeth/the 269/2834
Isa_18:3............and/when he bloweth/a... 1477/2834
Heb_1:6...........again/when he bringeth in/the 2756/2834
Pro_21:27..........more/when he bringeth it/with 1415/2834
Deu_29:25..........them/when he brought them forth/out 459/2834
1Ki_8:21........fathers/when he brought them out/of 852/2834
Joh_12:17...........him/when he called/Lazarus 2393/2834
Luk_20:37..........bush/when he calleth/the. 2302/2834
Act_11:23...........Who/when he came and/had 2490/2834
2Ki_9:5.............And/when he came behold/the 959/2834
Exo_34:29..........hand/when he came down/from 216/2834
Gen_33:18........Canaan/when he came from/Padanaram 71/2834
Est_5:10............and/when he came home/he 1189/2834
Dan_8:17............and/when he came I/was.. 1789/2834
Jdg_4:22............And/when he came into her/tent 541/2834
Luk_8:51............And/when he came into the/house 2216/2834
1Sa_4:13............And/when he came lo/Eli.. 637/2834
Luk_7:12............Now/when he came nigh/to 2197/2834
Luk_1:22............And/when he came out he/could 2153/2834
Gen_35:9..........again/when he came out of/Padanaram 77/2834
Mar_6:34..........Jesus/when he came out saw/much 2079/2834
Ezr_10:6............and/when he came thither/he 1146/2834
2Sa_1:2.............was/when he came to David/that 747/2834
Num_23:17...........And/when he came to him/behold 338/2834
Luk_15:17...........And/when he came to himself/he 2273/2834
Mar_9:14............And/when he came to his/disciples 2101/2834
Mar_11:13...........and/when he came to it/he 2114/2834
2Ki_10:17...........And/when he came to Samaria/he 968/2834
Dan_6:20............And/when he came to the den/he 1785/2834
1Ki_17:10...........And/when he came to the gate/of 889/2834
2Ki_5:24............And/when he came to the tower/he 940/2834
Jdg_15:14...........And/when he came unto/Lehi 581/2834
1Sa_15:2............way/when he came up/from. 682/2834
Act_21:35...........And/when he came upon/the 2583/2834
1Ch_12:19.........David/when he came with/the 1018/2834
Jer_27:20...........not/when he carried/away 1572/2834
Luk_11:1..........place/when he ceased/one.. 2232/2834
Luk_12:36..........that/when he cometh and/knocketh 2248/2834
Luk_11:25...........And/when he cometh he findeth/it 2238/2834
Rev_17:10...........and/when he cometh he must/continue 2830/2834
Jer_43:11...........And/when he cometh he shall/smite 1607/2834
Luk_15:6............And/when he cometh home/he 2270/2834
2Ch_23:7...........king/when he cometh in and/when 1093/2834
Mar_8:38........ashamed/when he cometh in the/glory 2099/2834
Mic_5:6........Assyrian/when he cometh into our/land 1830/2834
Exo_29:30..........days/when he cometh into the tabernacle/of 196/2834
Heb_10:5......Wherefore/when he cometh into the world/he 2769/2834
Num_12:12......consumed/when he cometh out of/his 317/2834
Exo_28:35...........and/when he cometh out that/he 193/2834
Luk_12:43..........lord/when he cometh shall find so doing Of/a 2251/2834
Mat_24:46..........lord/when he cometh shall find so doing Verily/I 2002/2834
Luk_12:37..........lord/when he cometh shall find watching/verily 2249/2834
Act_10:32...........who/when he cometh shall speak/unto 2485/2834
2Ki_4:10.............be/when he cometh to/us. 924/2834
Hab_3:16........trouble/when he cometh up/unto 1840/2834
Act_21:34...........and/when he could/not... 2582/2834
Psa_22:24...........but/when he cried/unto.. 1275/2834
Psa_72:12.........needy/when he crieth the/poor 1320/2834
Exo_22:27..........pass/when he crieth unto/me 188/2834
2Sa_16:7.........Shimei/when he cursed/Come.. 812/2834
1Ch_20:7............But/when he defied Israel Jonathan the son of Shimea/David's 1037/2834
2Sa_21:21...........And/when he defied Israel Jonathan the son of Shimeah/the 831/2834
Psa_78:42...........day/when he delivered/them 1329/2834
Luk_10:35........morrow/when he departed he/took 2230/2834
Gen_12:4............old/when he departed out/of 10/2834
Deu_2:22...........Seir/when he destroyed/the 366/2834
2Ch_24:15..........days/when he died an/hundred 1100/2834
2Ch_24:15............he/when he died And/they 1101/2834
2Ch_24:22...........And/when he died he/said 1102/2834
Deu_34:7............old/when he died his/eye. 470/2834
Num_33:39...........old/when he died in/mount 353/2834
Heb_11:22........Joseph/when he died made/mention 2775/2834
Jdg_2:21...........left/when he died That/through 531/2834
Psa_49:17...........For/when he dieth/he.... 1298/2834
Psa_10:9...........poor/when he draweth/him. 1267/2834
Exo_30:7........morning/when he dresseth/the. 198/2834
Pro_8:28..........depth/When he established/the 1398/2834
Ecc_4:10..........alone/when he falleth/for. 1441/2834
1Sa_22:17..........knew/when he fled and/did. 716/2834
Gen_35:7............him/when he fled from/the. 76/2834
2Ki_8:29..........Ramah/when he fought against/Hazael 957/2834
Zec_14:3.............as/when he fought in/the 1859/2834
2Ch_22:6..........Ramah/when he fought with Hazael king of Syria And Azariah/the 1088/2834
2Ki_9:15............him/when he fought with Hazael king of Syria And Jehu/said 960/2834
Pro_8:29...........deep/When he gave/to..... 1400/2834
Lev_20:4............man/when he giveth of/his 258/2834
Job_34:29.....afflicted/When he giveth quietness/who 1241/2834
Deu_12:10...........and/when he giveth you/rest 393/2834
Psa_41:6.........itself/when he goeth abroad/he 1292/2834
Jdg_5:31............sun/when he goeth forth/in 546/2834
Exo_28:30.........heart/when he goeth in before/the 191/2834
Lev_16:17..congregation/when he goeth in to/make 252/2834
Exo_28:35.........heard/when he goeth in unto the holy place before/the 192/2834
Exo_28:29.........heart/when he goeth in unto the holy place for/a 190/2834
2Ch_23:7............and/when he goeth out/So 1094/2834
Mat_20:2............And/when he had agreed/with 1972/2834
Act_12:4............And/when he had apprehended/him 2492/2834
Isa_38:9..........Judah/when he had been sick/and 1512/2834
Gen_26:8...........pass/when he had been there/a 48/2834
Mat_18:24...........And/when he had begun/to 1966/2834
2Ch_34:7............And/when he had broken down/the 1123/2834
Act_27:35...........and/when he had broken it/he 2636/2834
1Sa_30:16...........And/when he had brought him/down 739/2834
Act_16:34...........And/when he had brought them/into 2533/2834
Heb_1:3...........power/when he had by/himself 2755/2834
Mar_7:14............And/when he had called all/the 2090/2834
2Sa_14:33...........and/when he had called for/Absalom 806/2834
2Ki_4:12............And/when he had called her she stood before/him 925/2834
2Ki_4:15............And/when he had called her she stood in/the 926/2834
Mar_8:34............And/when he had called the people/unto 2098/2834
Act_9:41............and/when he had called the saints/and 2481/2834
Luk_23:13........Pilate/when he had called together/the 2323/2834
Mat_10:1............And/when he had called unto/him 1916/2834
Exo_15:25.........which/when he had cast/into 169/2834
1Sa_10:21.........taken/When he had caused/the 666/2834
Eze_10:6...........that/when he had commanded/the 1651/2834
Act_25:12........Festus/when he had conferred/with 2610/2834
Ezr_10:1............and/when he had confessed/weeping 1145/2834
Act_12:12...........And/when he had considered/the 2496/2834
2Ch_20:21...........And/when he had consulted/with 1077/2834
Mat_27:50.........Jesus/when he had cried again/with 2029/2834
Rev_10:3............and/when he had cried seven/thunders 2823/2834
Act_10:8............And/when he had declared/all 2484/2834
Act_13:19...........And/when he had destroyed/seven 2508/2834
Joh_13:26...........And/when he had dipped/the 2399/2834
Jdg_15:19...........and/when he had drunk/his 583/2834
1Sa_30:12...........and/when he had eaten/his 738/2834
Luk_7:1.............Now/when he had ended/all 2192/2834
Mat_4:2.............And/when he had fasted/forty 1880/2834
Joh_12:14.........Jesus/when he had found a/young 2391/2834
Act_11:26...........And/when he had found him he brought/him 2491/2834
Joh_9:35............and/when he had found him he said/unto 2380/2834
Mat_13:46...........Who/when he had found one/pearl 1937/2834
Mat_2:4.............And/when he had gathered all the chief/priests 1866/2834
2Sa_2:30............and/when he had gathered all the people/together 751/2834
Act_21:40...........And/when he had given him/licence 2584/2834
1Co_11:24...........And/when he had given thanks he brake/it 2680/2834
Joh_6:11............and/when he had given thanks he distributed/to 2355/2834
Mar_14:23...........and/when he had given thanks he gave/it 2133/2834
Mar_1:19............And/when he had gone a/little 2036/2834
Act_20:2............And/when he had gone over/those 2562/2834
Joh_11:6........Lazarus/When he had heard/therefore 2383/2834
Act_18:22...........And/when he had landed/at 2549/2834
Luk_5:4.............Now/when he had left/speaking 2176/2834
Jdg_19:17...........And/when he had lifted/up 605/2834
Mar_3:5.............And/when he had looked round about on/them 2049/2834
Mar_11:11...........and/when he had looked round about upon/all 2112/2834
Joh_2:15............And/when he had made a/scourge 2337/2834
Exo_31:18.........Moses/when he had made an end of communing/with 206/2834
Eze_42:15...........Now/when he had made an end of measuring/the 1761/2834
1Sa_10:13...........And/when he had made an end of prophesying/he 663/2834
Jdg_15:17..........pass/when he had made an end of speaking that/he 582/2834
1Sa_18:1...........pass/when he had made an end of speaking unto/Saul 698/2834
Jdg_3:18............And/when he had made an end to/offer 534/2834
Mat_22:25.........first/when he had married/a 1994/2834
Mar_2:25............did/when he had need/and 2048/2834
Jam_2:21..........works/when he had offered Isaac/his 2787/2834
Heb_5:7...........flesh/when he had offered up/prayers 2759/2834
Luk_4:17............And/when he had opened the book/he 2169/2834
Rev_6:9.............And/when he had opened the fifth/seal 2816/2834
Rev_6:7.............And/when he had opened the fourth/seal 2815/2834
Rev_6:3.............And/when he had opened the second/seal 2813/2834
Rev_8:1.............And/when he had opened the seventh/seal 2820/2834
Rev_6:12.........beheld/when he had opened the sixth/seal 2817/2834
Rev_6:5.............And/when he had opened the third/seal 2814/2834
Act_19:21........spirit/when he had passed/through 2556/2834
Mat_2:7...........Herod/when he had privily/called 1867/2834
2Ch_34:8..........reign/when he had purged/the 1124/2834
Mar_5:40............But/when he had put/them 2071/2834
Act_9:19............And/when he had received/meat 2475/2834
1Sa_13:1............and/when he had reigned/two 675/2834
Act_13:22...........And/when he had removed/him 2509/2834
Jdg_17:3............And/when he had restored/the 591/2834
Jdg_8:3.............him/when he had said that/And 557/2834
Luk_13:17...........And/when he had said these things all/his 2258/2834
Luk_8:8.............And/when he had said these things he/cried 2205/2834
Act_28:29...........And/when he had said these words the/Jews 2654/2834
Joh_7:9............come/When he had said these words unto/them 2367/2834
Joh_20:22...........And/when he had said this he breathed/on 2423/2834
Act_7:60............And/when he had said this he fell/asleep 2466/2834
Joh_18:38...........And/when he had said this he went/out 2410/2834
Act_21:19...........And/when he had saluted/them 2577/2834
Mar_15:15.........Jesus/when he had scourged him/to 2138/2834
Mat_27:26...........and/when he had scourged Jesus/he 2024/2834
2Ki_23:29.......Megiddo/when he had seen/him. 993/2834
Mat_14:23...........And/when he had sent the/multitudes 1946/2834
Mar_6:46............And/when he had sent them/away 2083/2834
Jdg_15:5............And/when he had set/the.. 580/2834
Joh_20:20...........And/when he had so said he/shewed 2421/2834
Act_23:7............And/when he had so said there/arose 2592/2834
Luk_15:14...........And/when he had spent/all 2272/2834
Mar_8:23............and/when he had spit/on. 2096/2834
Dan_10:15...........And/when he had spoken such/words 1793/2834
Act_1:9.............And/when he had spoken these/things 2432/2834
Joh_21:19...........And/when he had spoken this he/saith 2430/2834
Dan_10:11...........And/when he had spoken this word/unto 1792/2834
Dan_10:19...........And/when he had spoken unto/me 1794/2834
1Co_11:25...........cup/when he had supped/saying 2681/2834
2Ki_4:20............And/when he had taken him and/brought 928/2834
Jer_40:1..........Ramah/when he had taken him being/bound 1597/2834
Mar_9:36............and/when he had taken him in/his 2106/2834
Rev_5:8.............And/when he had taken the book/the 2811/2834
Mar_6:41............And/when he had taken the five/loaves 2082/2834
Act_25:6............And/when he had tarried/among 2608/2834
Mat_27:34...........and/when he had tasted/thereof 2027/2834
Act_19:41...........And/when he had thus spoken he dismissed/the 2561/2834
Act_20:36...........And/when he had thus spoken he kneeled/down 2568/2834
Luk_24:40...........And/when he had thus spoken he shewed/them 2330/2834
Joh_9:6...........world/When he had thus spoken he spat/on 2378/2834
Act_27:35...........And/when he had thus spoken he took/bread 2635/2834
Luk_19:28...........And/when he had thus spoken he went/before 2295/2834
Joh_18:22...........And/when he had thus spoken one/of 2409/2834
Act_26:30...........And/when he had thus spoken the/king 2620/2834
Mar_8:33............But/when he had turned about/and 2097/2834
1Sa_10:9...........that/when he had turned his/back 660/2834
Jdg_4:18............And/when he had turned in/unto 539/2834
Jer_45:1.........Neriah/when he had written/these 1609/2834
1Sa_6:6..........hearts/when he had wrought/wonderfully 646/2834
Luk_15:5............And/when he hath found/it 2269/2834
Job_6:5............bray/when he hath grass/or 1202/2834
Luk_8:16............man/when he hath lighted a candle covereth/it 2208/2834
Luk_11:33...........man/when he hath lighted a candle putteth/it 2240/2834
Lev_16:20...........And/when he hath made an/end 253/2834
Num_5:27............And/when he hath made her/to 290/2834
Isa_28:25........ground/When he hath made plain/the 1493/2834
Amo_3:4..........forest/when he hath no/prey 1818/2834
Zec_13:4.........vision/when he hath prophesied/neither 1858/2834
Jer_34:14...........and/when he hath served/thee 1582/2834
Eze_14:9.......deceived/when he hath spoken/a 1662/2834
Dan_11:12...........And/when he hath taken/away 1797/2834
Job_23:10..........take/when he hath tried/me 1214/2834
Mar_6:20............and/when he heard him/he 2075/2834
Isa_37:9............And/when he heard it/he. 1510/2834
Luk_7:3.............And/when he heard of/Jesus 2193/2834
2Ki_19:9............And/when he heard say/of. 986/2834
Mat_2:22............But/when he heard that Archelaus/did 1877/2834
Gen_39:15..........pass/when he heard that I/lifted 89/2834
Mar_10:47...........And/when he heard that it/was 2110/2834
Joh_4:47......Capernaum/When he heard that Jesus/was 2348/2834
Gen_24:30...........and/when he heard the/words 39/2834
Psa_106:44...affliction/when he heard their/cry 1348/2834
Dan_6:14...........king/when he heard these/words 1784/2834
Luk_18:23...........And/when he heard this/he 2288/2834
1Sa_11:6...........Saul/when he heard those/tidings 669/2834
Deu_29:19..........pass/when he heareth/the.. 457/2834
Dan_12:7..........river/when he held/up..... 1799/2834
Job_34:29...........and/when he hideth/his.. 1242/2834
Pro_17:28..........fool/when he holdeth/his. 1410/2834
2Ch_12:12...........And/when he humbled/himself 1062/2834
Job_20:23...........him/When he is about/to. 1210/2834
Lev_6:20............day/when he is anointed/the 229/2834
Luk_17:7.............by/when he is come from/the 2277/2834
Mat_12:44...........and/when he is come he findeth/it 1929/2834
Joh_16:8............And/when he is come he will reprove/the 2404/2834
Joh_4:25.........Christ/when he is come he will tell/us 2345/2834
Jam_1:14........tempted/when he is drawn/away 2784/2834
Pro_30:22..........fool/when he is filled/with 1438/2834
Jer_2:26........ashamed/when he is found/so. 1542/2834
Pro_20:14...........but/when he is gone/his. 1412/2834
Pro_6:30...........soul/when he is hungry/But 1393/2834
Psa_37:33...........him/when he is judged/Wait 1287/2834
Mat_23:15...........and/when he is made/ye.. 1997/2834
Luk_12:46..........hour/when he is not/aware 2253/2834
Gal_6:3.......something/when he is nothing/he 2726/2834
Joh_3:4............born/when he is old can/he 2341/2834
Pro_22:6............and/when he is old he/will 1416/2834
Jam_1:13............say/when he is tempted/I 2783/2834
Jam_1:12............for/when he is tried/he. 2782/2834
Mar_15:45...........And/when he knew/it..... 2146/2834
Lev_5:4.............him/when he knoweth of it then he shall be guilty in/one 227/2834
Lev_5:3.............him/when he knoweth of it then he shall be guilty Or/if 226/2834
Jer_2:17............God/when he led thee/by. 1540/2834
Isa_48:21...........not/when he led them/through 1520/2834
Exo_17:11...........and/when he let/down..... 179/2834
Rut_3:4..............be/when he lieth/down... 618/2834
Isa_18:3.............ye/when he lifteth/up.. 1476/2834
2Sa_1:7.............And/when he looked behind/him 748/2834
Num_24:20...........And/when he looked on Amalek/he 340/2834
Act_10:4............And/when he looked on him/he 2482/2834
Luk_12:46...........day/when he looketh not for him and at/an 2252/2834
Mat_24:50...........day/when he looketh not for him and in/an 2003/2834
Num_21:8.........bitten/when he looketh upon/it 333/2834
Job_28:26.......measure/When he made a/decree 1218/2834
1Sa_4:18...........pass/when he made mention/of 640/2834
Isa_27:9............sin/when he maketh all/the 1488/2834
Deu_21:16............be/when he maketh his/sons 419/2834
Psa_9:12.........doings/When he maketh inquisition/for 1266/2834
Luk_14:7.........bidden/when he marked/how.. 2262/2834
Num_35:21......murderer/when he meeteth him But/if 358/2834
Num_35:19......murderer/when he meeteth him he/shall 357/2834
Act_20:14...........And/when he met/with.... 2566/2834
1Sa_11:8............And/when he numbered/them 670/2834
Hos_13:1............but/when he offended/in. 1815/2834
Heb_7:27...........once/when he offered/up.. 2763/2834
Neh_8:5.............and/when he opened/it... 1161/2834
Gen_19:29.....overthrow/when he overthrew/the. 30/2834
2Ki_18:32......Hezekiah/when he persuadeth/you 984/2834
2Sa_14:26...........And/when he polled/his... 804/2834
Job_42:10...........Job/when he prayed/for.. 1259/2834
Pro_8:27..........world/When he prepared/the 1396/2834
Lev_7:35............day/when he presented/them 232/2834
Zec_13:3........through/when he prophesieth/And 1857/2834
Joh_10:4............And/when he putteth/forth 2381/2834
Job_37:17..........warm/when he quieteth/the 1247/2834
Eph_1:20.........Christ/when he raised/him.. 2727/2834
Job_41:25.....millstone/When he raiseth/up.. 1258/2834
1Ki_15:29..........pass/when he reigned/that. 886/2834
Pro_30:22.......servant/when he reigneth/and 1437/2834
2Sa_12:20...........and/when he required/they 795/2834
2Sa_8:13...........name/when he returned from/smiting 774/2834
Mar_14:40...........And/when he returned he/found 2135/2834
Luk_22:45...........And/when he rose/up..... 2316/2834
Heb_10:8..........Above/when he said/Sacrifice 2770/2834
1Co_15:27...........But/when he saith all/things 2692/2834
2Ki_5:13...........then/when he saith to/thee 936/2834
Mat_21:19...........And/when he saw a/fig... 1982/2834
Mat_9:22............and/when he saw her he/said 1908/2834
Jdg_11:35..........pass/when he saw her that/he 573/2834
Mar_5:22............and/when he saw him he fell/at 2068/2834
Luk_10:33...........and/when he saw him he had/compassion 2229/2834
Luk_10:31...........and/when he saw him he passed/by 2227/2834
Mar_9:20............and/when he saw him straightway/the 2103/2834
Joh_12:41........Esaias/when he saw his/glory 2394/2834
Mar_5:6.............But/when he saw Jesus afar/off 2065/2834
Luk_8:28..........tombs/When he saw Jesus he/cried 2210/2834
Mat_3:7.............But/when he saw many/of. 1878/2834
2Sa_20:12...........him/when he saw that every/one 827/2834
1Ki_19:3............And/when he saw that he arose/and 897/2834
Gen_32:25...........And/when he saw that he prevailed/not 70/2834
Mat_27:3............him/when he saw that he was condemned/repented 2019/2834
Luk_17:15..........them/when he saw that he was healed/turned 2280/2834
Mat_2:16..........Herod/when he saw that he was mocked/of 1875/2834
Exo_2:12............and/when he saw that there/was 128/2834
2Sa_24:17..........LORD/when he saw the angel/that 838/2834
Act_17:16...........him/when he saw the city/wholly 2542/2834
Gen_24:30..........pass/when he saw the earring/and 38/2834
Mat_9:36............But/when he saw the multitudes/he 1915/2834
Gen_45:27...........and/when he saw the wagons/which 109/2834
Mat_14:30...........But/when he saw the wind/boisterous 1950/2834
Luk_5:20............And/when he saw their/faith 2182/2834
Gen_18:2............and/when he saw them he ran/to 25/2834
Luk_17:14...........And/when he saw them he said/unto 2279/2834
2Ki_6:21.........Elisha/when he saw them My/father 946/2834
Act_13:12........deputy/when he saw what/was 2504/2834
Isa_29:23...........But/when he seeth his/children 1496/2834
Gen_44:31..........pass/when he seeth that the/lad 108/2834
Deu_32:36......servants/when he seeth that their/power 468/2834
Exo_12:23...........and/when he seeth the blood/upon 152/2834
Eze_33:3.............If/when he seeth the sword/come 1735/2834
Psa_58:10.......rejoice/when he seeth the vengeance/he 1307/2834
Exo_4:14............and/when he seeth thee/he 137/2834
2Sa_14:29...........and/when he sent/again... 805/2834
Deu_32:8....inheritance/when he separated/the 466/2834
Pro_8:27..........there/when he set/a....... 1397/2834
1Jn_2:28...........that/when he shall appear we may/have 2802/2834
1Jn_3:2............that/when he shall appear we shall/be 2803/2834
Lev_5:5..............be/when he shall be guilty/in 228/2834
Psa_109:7..........hand/When he shall be judged/let 1349/2834
Rev_10:7..........angel/when he shall begin/to 2825/2834
1Ki_8:42............arm/when he shall come and/pray 858/2834
Luk_9:26........ashamed/when he shall come in/his 2221/2834
2Th_1:10..........power/When he shall come to/be 2745/2834
Eze_26:10......chariots/when he shall enter/into 1707/2834
Dan_12:7............and/when he shall have accomplished/to 1800/2834
1Co_16:12..........come/when he shall have convenient/time 2698/2834
1Co_15:24...........end/when he shall have delivered/up 2690/2834
1Co_15:24........Father/when he shall have put/down 2691/2834
Isa_30:19...........cry/when he shall hear/it 1497/2834
Exo_11:1..........hence/when he shall let/you 149/2834
Nah_1:12...........down/when he shall pass/through 1835/2834
Jer_13:21...........say/when he shall punish/thee 1556/2834
Hos_11:10..........lion/when he shall roar/then 1813/2834
Dan_11:4............And/when he shall stand/up 1796/2834
Mic_5:5.............and/when he shall tread/in 1829/2834
Est_1:4.............him/When he shewed the/riches 1170/2834
Jdg_1:25............And/when he shewed them/the 525/2834
Eze_31:5.........waters/when he shot/forth.. 1726/2834
Act_28:6.........looked/when he should/have. 2643/2834
Num_15:28....ignorantly/when he sinneth/by... 322/2834
Pro_31:23.........gates/when he sitteth among/the 1440/2834
Deu_17:18............be/when he sitteth upon/the 406/2834
Psa_78:34.......trouble/When he slew/them... 1328/2834
Exo_12:27.........Egypt/when he smote/the.... 155/2834
Mat_13:4............And/when he sowed/some.. 1930/2834
Son_5:6..........failed/when he spake I/sought 1455/2834
Eze_2:2..............me/when he spake unto me/and 1635/2834
1Sa_17:28.........heard/when he spake unto the/men 691/2834
Joh_8:44............him/When he speaketh a/lie 2376/2834
Eze_10:5............God/when he speaketh And/it 1650/2834
Pro_26:25...........him/When he speaketh fair/believe 1428/2834
1Sa_10:23...........and/when he stood among/the 668/2834
Gen_41:46...........old/when he stood before/Pharaoh 95/2834
Pro_8:28..........above/when he strengthened/the 1399/2834
Rev_9:5........scorpion/when he striketh/a.. 2821/2834
Pro_24:17..........glad/when he stumbleth/Lest 1426/2834
1Pe_2:23..........again/when he suffered/he. 2793/2834
Luk_14:10..........that/when he that bade/thee 2265/2834
Jos_20:4............And/when he that doth/flee 516/2834
Lev_15:13...........And/when he that hath/an. 248/2834
Ecc_10:3...........also/when he that is/a... 1448/2834
Isa_28:4..........which/when he that looketh/upon 1490/2834
Joh_16:13.......Howbeit/when he the/Spirit.. 2405/2834
Act_20:11...........him/When he therefore/was 2565/2834
Mar_14:72...........And/when he thought/thereon 2137/2834
Joh_11:43...........And/when he thus/had.... 2389/2834
2Co_7:7.............you/when he told/us..... 2705/2834
Exo_4:6.............and/when he took it/out.. 136/2834
Gen_25:20...........old/when he took Rebekah/to 45/2834
Gen_26:34...........old/when he took to/wife.. 49/2834
Lev_15:23.......sitteth/when he toucheth/it.. 249/2834
Deu_25:4.............ox/when he treadeth out/the 440/2834
Mic_5:6.............and/when he treadeth within/our 1831/2834
Act_23:34...........And/when he understood/that 2600/2834
Jer_51:16.understanding/When he uttereth his voice there is a multitude of waters in the heavens and he causeth the vapours to ascend from the ends of the earth he maketh lightnings with rain and bringeth forth the wind out of his treasures Every man is brutish by/his 1610/2834
Jer_10:13....discretion/When he uttereth his voice there is a multitude of waters in the heavens and he causeth the vapours to ascend from the ends of the earth he maketh lightnings with rain and bringeth forth the wind out of his treasures Every man is brutish in/his 1553/2834
Job_31:14...........and/when he visiteth/what 1234/2834
Heb_11:21.........Jacob/when he was a/dying. 2774/2834
Rom_4:19...........dead/when he was about an/hundred 2660/2834
Heb_8:5.............God/when he was about to/make 2764/2834
Mat_27:12...........And/when he was accused/of 2020/2834
Mar_4:10............And/when he was alone/they 2054/2834
Mat_12:3............did/when he was an/hungred 1924/2834
Luk_10:32........Levite/when he was at the place came/and 2228/2834
Luk_22:40...........And/when he was at the place he/said 2315/2834
Act_8:13............and/when he was baptized he/continued 2468/2834
Mat_3:16..........Jesus/when he was baptized went/up 1879/2834
Heb_11:23.........Moses/when he was born/was 2776/2834
Act_24:2............And/when he was called forth/Tertullus 2602/2834
Heb_11:8........Abraham/when he was called to/go 2771/2834
Act_7:21............And/when he was cast/out 2461/2834
Gen_17:24..........nine/when he was circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin And/Ishmael 23/2834
Gen_17:25...........old/when he was circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin In/the 24/2834
Mat_8:1.........scribes/When he was come down/from 1894/2834
2Ch_22:7............for/when he was come he/went 1089/2834
Act_18:27...........who/when he was come helped/them 2552/2834
1Ki_1:23............And/when he was come in before/the 840/2834
2Ki_9:34............And/when he was come in he did/eat 965/2834
Mar_5:39............And/when he was come in he saith/unto 2070/2834
Joh_4:45...........Then/when he was come into Galilee/the 2347/2834
Jdg_19:29...........And/when he was come into his house/he 607/2834
Mat_13:54...........And/when he was come into his own/country 1940/2834
Mat_21:10...........And/when he was come into Jerusalem/all 1980/2834
Mar_9:28............And/when he was come into the house his/disciples 2105/2834
Mat_17:25...........And/when he was come into the house Jesus/prevented 1964/2834
2Ch_32:21...........And/when he was come into the house of/his 1118/2834
Mat_9:28............And/when he was come into the house the/blind 1912/2834
Mar_5:18............And/when he was come into the ship/he 2066/2834
Mat_21:23...........And/when he was come into the temple/the 1984/2834
Luk_18:40...........and/when he was come near he asked/him 2290/2834
Luk_19:41...........And/when he was come near he beheld/the 2298/2834
Gen_12:11..........pass/when he was come near to/enter 11/2834
2Sa_20:17...........And/when he was come near unto/her 829/2834
Luk_19:37...........And/when he was come nigh even/now 2297/2834
Luk_19:29..........pass/when he was come nigh to/Bethphage 2296/2834
Joh_4:54............did/when he was come out of Judaea/into 2350/2834
Mar_5:2.............And/when he was come out of the/ship 2064/2834
Jdg_3:27...........pass/when he was come that/he 537/2834
Act_25:7............And/when he was come the/Jews 2609/2834
Act_9:39...........them/When he was come they/brought 2479/2834
2Sa_19:25..........pass/when he was come to Jerusalem/to 823/2834
2Ch_18:14...........And/when he was come to the king/the 1070/2834
Mat_8:28............And/when he was come to the other/side 1901/2834
Heb_11:24.........Moses/when he was come to years/refused 2777/2834
Act_21:11...........And/when he was come unto/us 2573/2834
Luk_17:20...........And/when he was demanded/of 2281/2834
2Ki_10:15...........And/when he was departed thence he lighted/on 967/2834
Mat_12:9............And/when he was departed thence he went/into 1925/2834
Act_3:13.........Pilate/when he was determined/to 2438/2834
Act_18:27...........And/when he was disposed/to 2551/2834
Mat_8:23............And/when he was entered into a/ship 1900/2834
Mar_7:17............And/when he was entered into the/house 2091/2834
2Ch_29:1..........reign/when he was five/and 1111/2834
Act_7:23............And/when he was full/forty 2462/2834
1Ki_13:24...........And/when he was gone a/lion 876/2834
Mar_10:17...........And/when he was gone forth/into 2108/2834
Jdg_3:24...........them/When he was gone out his/servants 535/2834
Mat_26:71...........And/when he was gone out into/the 2016/2834
Joh_13:31.....Therefore/when he was gone out Jesus/said 2400/2834
Luk_5:12...........pass/when he was in a/certain 2180/2834
2Ch_33:12...........And/when he was in affliction/he 1120/2834
Rom_4:10.......reckoned/when he was in circumcision/or 2659/2834
Mar_15:41..........also/when he was in Galilee/followed 2144/2834
Joh_2:23............Now/when he was in Jerusalem/at 2339/2834
Act_7:2.........Abraham/when he was in Mesopotamia/before 2456/2834
2Ti_1:17............But/when he was in Rome/he 2751/2834
Jer_37:13...........And/when he was in the/gate 1591/2834
Luk_7:6.............And/when he was now/not. 2195/2834
2Sa_20:13.........still/When he was removed/out 828/2834
Luk_19:15..........that/when he was returned/having 2294/2834
1Pe_2:23............Who/when he was reviled/reviled 2792/2834
Mat_27:19...........him/When he was set down/on 2022/2834
Mat_5:1.............and/when he was set his/disciples 1883/2834
2Ch_26:16...........But/when he was strong his/heart 1107/2834
Dan_8:8.............and/when he was strong the/great 1787/2834
1Ch_2:21........married/when he was threescore/years 1007/2834
Heb_11:17.......Abraham/when he was tried/offered 2773/2834
Luk_2:42............And/when he was twelve/years 2162/2834
Luk_15:20...........But/when he was yet a/great 2274/2834
Luk_24:6............you/when he was yet in/Galilee 2328/2834
Eze_31:15...........day/when he went down/to 1727/2834
Luk_8:27............And/when he went forth/to 2209/2834
Jdg_19:15...........and/when he went in he/sat 604/2834
1Ch_7:23............And/when he went in to/his 1010/2834
Rut_4:13............and/when he went in unto her/the 622/2834
Gen_38:9...........pass/when he went in unto his/brother's 84/2834
Lev_16:23............on/when he went into the holy/place 254/2834
Luk_1:9.........incense/when he went into the temple/of 2151/2834
Exo_2:13............And/when he went out the/second 129/2834
Psa_81:5......testimony/when he went out through/the 1331/2834
Jer_51:59......Maaseiah/when he went with/Zedekiah 1612/2834
Luk_12:36..........lord/when he will/return. 2247/2834
Heb_12:17.....afterward/when he would have inherited/the 2780/2834
Mat_14:5............And/when he would have put/him 1941/2834
Act_21:14...........And/when he would not/be 2575/2834
Psa_87:6..........count/when he writeth/up.. 1332/2834
Jer_17:8............see/when heat/cometh.... 1562/2834
1Ki_8:35........fathers/When heaven/is....... 856/2834
Mar_13:28..........tree/When her branch/is.. 2127/2834
Gen_25:24...........And/when her days/to...... 46/2834
Est_2:7........Mordecai/when her father/and. 1176/2834
Act_16:19...........And/when her masters/saw 2531/2834
Lam_1:7.............old/when her people/fell 1616/2834
Eze_23:11...........And/when her sister/Aholibah 1698/2834
Jer_51:55.........voice/when her waves/do... 1611/2834
Act_12:19...........And/when Herod had/sought 2499/2834
Mar_6:16............But/when Herod heard/thereof 2074/2834
Luk_23:8............And/when Herod saw/Jesus 2322/2834
Mat_2:3.............him/When Herod the/king. 1865/2834
Mat_2:19............But/when Herod was/dead. 1876/2834
Act_12:6............And/when Herod would/have 2493/2834
Mat_14:6............But/when Herod's/birthday 1942/2834
2Ch_31:8............And/when Hezekiah and/the 1116/2834
2Ch_32:2............And/when Hezekiah saw/that 1117/2834
Luk_6:3.............did/when himself/was.... 2185/2834
1Ki_5:7............pass/when Hiram/heard..... 846/2834
1Ch_10:5............And/when his armourbearer saw that Saul was dead he fell likewise on/the 1011/2834
1Sa_31:5............And/when his armourbearer saw that Saul was dead he fell likewise upon/his 742/2834
Mat_24:32..........tree/When his branch/is.. 2000/2834
1Sa_22:1............and/when his brethren and/all 714/2834
Gen_37:4............And/when his brethren saw/that 80/2834
Joh_7:10............But/when his brethren were/gone 2368/2834
Job_29:3.............me/When his candle/shined 1220/2834
Mat_19:25...........God/When his disciples heard it/they 1970/2834
Mar_6:29............And/when his disciples heard of/it 2078/2834
Luk_9:54............And/when his disciples James/and 2226/2834
Mat_26:8............But/when his disciples saw it they had/indignation 2011/2834
Luk_18:15...........but/when his disciples saw it they rebuked/them 2286/2834
Mat_16:5............And/when his disciples were/come 1957/2834
Act_9:8.............and/when his eyes/were.. 2474/2834
1Sa_14:27...........not/when his father charged/the 680/2834
Act_7:4..........thence/when his father was/dead 2457/2834
Mat_18:31............So/when his fellowservants/saw 1967/2834
Mar_3:21............And/when his friends/heard 2052/2834
1Pe_4:13...........that/when his glory/shall 2796/2834
Dan_5:20............But/when his heart/was.. 1782/2834
Gen_39:19..........pass/when his master/heard. 90/2834
1Sa_18:26...........And/when his servants/told 702/2834
Gen_21:5............old/when his son/Isaac.... 36/2834
Job_1:13............day/when his sons/and... 1194/2834
Job_37:4...........them/when his voice/is... 1245/2834
Act_5:7...........after/when his wife/not... 2446/2834
Psa_2:12............way/when his wrath/is... 1260/2834
Job_38:41..........food/when his young/ones. 1254/2834
2Sa_16:16..........pass/when Hushai the/Archite 813/2834
2Sa_17:6............And/when Hushai was/come. 814/2834
1Ch_1:46............And/when Husham/was..... 1001/2834
1Ki_13:31........saying/When I am dead/then.. 878/2834
Dan_10:20...........and/when I am gone/forth 1795/2834
Psa_102:2...........day/when I am in/trouble 1341/2834
Psa_13:4........rejoice/when I am moved/But. 1269/2834
Psa_71:18..........also/when I am old/and... 1318/2834
Eze_16:63.........shame/when I am pacified/toward 1677/2834
2Co_10:2...........bold/when I am present with that/confidence 2706/2834
Gal_4:18...........only/when I am present with you/My 2725/2834
Luk_16:4...........that/when I am put/out... 2275/2834
Hab_2:1..........answer/when I am reproved/And 1838/2834
2Ki_2:10.............me/when I am taken/from. 911/2834
2Co_12:10...........for/when I am weak/then. 2712/2834
2Ki_9:25...........that/when I and/thou...... 962/2834
Ecc_8:16............sun/When I applied/mine. 1446/2834
Isa_41:28..........that/when I asked/of..... 1514/2834
Psa_139:18.........sand/when I awake I/am... 1371/2834
Psa_17:15.....satisfied/when I awake with/thy 1271/2834
1Co_13:11...........but/when I became/a..... 2687/2834
1Sa_3:12..........house/when I begin/I....... 631/2834
Eze_37:8............And/when I beheld/lo.... 1750/2834
Jdg_7:18.............do/When I blow/with..... 555/2834
2Ki_5:18.........Rimmon/when I bow/down...... 938/2834
Mar_8:19.......remember/When I brake/the.... 2094/2834
Gen_9:14...........pass/when I bring a/cloud... 9/2834
Eze_33:2...........them/When I bring the/sword 1734/2834
Eze_20:41........savour/when I bring you/out 1690/2834
Lev_23:43........booths/when I brought them/out 268/2834
Exo_16:32....wilderness/when I brought you/forth 177/2834
Psa_102:2...........day/when I call answer/me 1342/2834
Psa_4:1..............me/when I call O/God... 1261/2834
2Ti_1:5.............joy/When I call to/remembrance 2750/2834
Psa_4:3............hear/when I call unto him/Stand 1263/2834
Isa_48:13.......heavens/when I call unto them/they 1519/2834
Isa_66:4........because/when I called none/did 1535/2834
Isa_50:2............man/when I called was/there 1522/2834
Isa_65:12.......because/when I called ye/did 1533/2834
Jdg_12:2............and/when I called you/ye. 574/2834
Exo_13:8.............me/when I came forth/out 159/2834
Gen_48:7.............me/when I came from/Padan 113/2834
2Co_2:3............lest/when I came I/should 2700/2834
Job_3:11..........ghost/when I came out/of.. 1198/2834
Eze_43:3............saw/when I came to destroy/the 1762/2834
Deu_22:14...........and/when I came to her/I. 422/2834
2Co_2:12....Furthermore/when I came to Troas/to 2701/2834
1Co_2:1........brethren/when I came to you/came 2673/2834
Isa_50:2......Wherefore/when I came was/there 1521/2834
Eze_31:16..........fall/when I cast/him..... 1728/2834
Eze_20:5............day/when I chose/Israel. 1685/2834
Luk_10:35..........more/when I come again I/will 2231/2834
Jdg_8:9..........saying/When I come again in/peace 559/2834
2Co_12:21..........lest/when I come again my/God 2714/2834
1Ki_18:12............so/when I come and tell/Ahab 892/2834
1Co_16:2.....gatherings/when I come And when/I 2695/2834
2Co_12:20..........lest/when I come I/shall. 2713/2834
1Co_11:34.........order/when I come Now/concerning 2684/2834
Jdg_7:17.........behold/when I come to the/outside 554/2834
Gen_44:30.....therefore/when I come to thy/servant 107/2834
Exo_3:13.........Behold/when I come unto the/children 134/2834
Rom_15:29..........that/when I come unto you/I 2672/2834
1Co_16:3............And/when I come whomsoever/ye 2696/2834
Job_23:15......presence/when I consider I/am 1215/2834
Psa_8:3.........avenger/When I consider thy/heavens 1264/2834
1Th_3:5...........cause/when I could no/longer 2741/2834
Act_22:11...........And/when I could not/see 2587/2834
Psa_138:3...........day/when I cried thou/answeredst 1367/2834
Psa_31:22.supplications/when I cried unto/thee 1283/2834
Lam_3:8............Also/when I cry and/shout 1619/2834
Psa_141:1.........voice/when I cry unto thee Let/my 1372/2834
Psa_56:9...........book/When I cry unto thee then/shall 1305/2834
Psa_28:2..supplications/when I cry unto thee when/I 1280/2834
Psa_27:7...........LORD/when I cry with/my.. 1277/2834
Hos_9:12...........them/when I depart/from.. 1810/2834
Php_4:15.........gospel/when I departed/from 2733/2834
Mat_26:29...........day/when I drink/it..... 2014/2834
Dan_8:15...........pass/when I even/I....... 1788/2834
Mic_7:8...........enemy/when I fall/I....... 1833/2834
1Ki_2:7..............me/when I fled/because.. 842/2834
Act_25:25...........But/when I found/that... 2617/2834
Jud_1:3.........Beloved/when I gave/all..... 2806/2834
Psa_30:9..........blood/when I go/down...... 1282/2834
Eze_20:28...........For/when I had brought/them 1687/2834
1Ki_3:21............but/when I had considered/it 845/2834
Jer_32:16...........Now/when I had delivered/the 1578/2834
Eze_8:8.............and/when I had digged/in 1648/2834
Act_11:6..........which/when I had fastened/mine 2487/2834
Jer_5:7............gods/when I had fed/them. 1546/2834
Rev_22:8............And/when I had heard/and 2834/2834
Eze_47:7............Now/when I had returned/behold 1779/2834
Job_32:16......speaking/When I had waited/for 1239/2834
Act_24:25..........time/when I have a/convenient 2606/2834
Eze_5:13...........zeal/when I have accomplished/my 1642/2834
Zec_9:13...........thee/When I have bent/Judah 1854/2834
Eze_34:27..........LORD/when I have broken the bands/of 1743/2834
Lev_26:26...........And/when I have broken the staff/of 273/2834
Eze_39:27........afraid/When I have brought/them 1759/2834
Joh_13:26...........sop/when I have dipped/it 2398/2834
Eze_28:26....confidence/when I have executed/judgments 1717/2834
Exo_14:18..........LORD/when I have gotten/me 166/2834
Eze_35:11..........them/when I have judged/thee 1744/2834
Eze_33:29..........LORD/when I have laid/the 1740/2834
Eze_37:13..........LORD/when I have opened/your 1751/2834
1Co_9:27..........means/when I have preached/to 2677/2834
Psa_119:6.......ashamed/when I have respect/unto 1354/2834
Eze_30:8...........LORD/when I have set/a... 1722/2834
1Sa_20:12........Israel/when I have sounded/my 707/2834
Eze_20:44..........LORD/when I have wrought/with 1692/2834
Hab_3:16.........waters/When I heard my/belly 1839/2834
Dan_10:9............and/when I heard the/voice 1791/2834
Neh_5:6...........angry/when I heard their/cry 1156/2834
Neh_1:4............pass/when I heard these/words 1147/2834
Ezr_9:3.............And/when I heard this/thing 1143/2834
Psa_32:3..........guile/When I kept/silence. 1284/2834
Php_2:19........comfort/when I know/your.... 2731/2834
Job_38:4...........thou/when I laid/the..... 1248/2834
Job_7:4..............me/When I lie/down..... 1204/2834
Psa_28:2...........thee/when I lift/up...... 1281/2834
Eze_20:5..........Egypt/when I lifted/up.... 1686/2834
Eze_8:7.............and/when I looked behold a/hole 1647/2834
Eze_2:9.............And/when I looked behold an/hand 1636/2834
Eze_10:9............And/when I looked behold the/four 1652/2834
Job_30:26..........poor/When I looked for/good 1230/2834
Isa_5:4.......wherefore/when I looked that/it 1465/2834
Job_38:9...........womb/When I made/the..... 1251/2834
Mal_3:17............day/when I make/up...... 1862/2834
Eze_16:8............Now/when I passed by thee and looked/upon 1672/2834
Eze_16:6............And/when I passed by thee and saw/thee 1669/2834
Jer_12:1...........LORD/when I plead/with... 1555/2834
1Co_9:18...........that/when I preach/the... 2676/2834
Job_29:7...........city/when I prepared/my.. 1227/2834
Eze_11:13..........pass/when I prophesied/that 1659/2834
Job_21:6...........Even/when I remember I/am 1211/2834
Psa_63:6...........lips/When I remember thee/upon 1309/2834
Psa_42:4............God/When I remember these/things 1294/2834
Jdg_11:31............me/when I return/in..... 572/2834
Hos_6:11...........thee/when I returned/the. 1806/2834
1Ki_3:21............And/when I rose/in....... 844/2834
Psa_94:18.......silence/When I said/My...... 1338/2834
Jos_7:21...........done/When I saw among/the. 495/2834
Rev_17:6............and/when I saw her/I.... 2828/2834
Rev_1:17............And/when I saw him/I.... 2809/2834
Eze_1:28............And/when I saw it/I..... 1634/2834
Job_31:21....fatherless/when I saw my/help.. 1235/2834
Dan_8:2............pass/when I saw that I/was 1786/2834
Gal_2:14............But/when I saw that they/walked 2721/2834
Jdg_12:3............And/when I saw that ye/delivered 575/2834
Psa_73:3........foolish/when I saw the/prosperity 1321/2834
Job_7:13.............me/When I say My/bed... 1206/2834
Eze_33:8.............me/When I say unto the wicked O/wicked 1736/2834
Eze_3:18.............me/When I say unto the wicked Thou shalt surely die and/thou 1637/2834
Eze_33:14.........Again/when I say unto the wicked Thou shalt surely die if/he 1738/2834
2Sa_13:28...........and/when I say unto you/Smite 802/2834
Exo_12:13...........and/when I see/the....... 150/2834
Eze_14:21..........more/when I send/my...... 1664/2834
Num_32:8........fathers/when I sent them/from 351/2834
Luk_22:35..........them/When I sent you/without 2314/2834
Eze_15:7...........LORD/when I set/my....... 1668/2834
Eze_38:16............me/when I shall be sanctified in thee/O 1755/2834
Eze_36:23...........GOD/when I shall be sanctified in you/before 1749/2834
Eze_32:10..........thee/when I shall brandish/my 1731/2834
Eze_30:18......darkened/when I shall break/there 1724/2834
Joe_3:1............time/when I shall bring again the/captivity 1817/2834
Eze_16:53.......sisters/When I shall bring again their captivity the captivity/of 1674/2834
Jer_31:23.......thereof/when I shall bring again their captivity The LORD/bless 1576/2834
Eze_26:20..........thee/When I shall bring thee/down 1712/2834
Eze_32:9.........people/when I shall bring thy/destruction 1730/2834
Eze_26:19.....inhabited/when I shall bring up/the 1711/2834
Eze_20:42..........LORD/when I shall bring you/into 1691/2834
Eze_5:15...........thee/when I shall execute/judgments 1643/2834
Deu_31:20...........For/when I shall have brought/them 462/2834
Eze_28:22..........LORD/when I shall have executed/judgments 1715/2834
Eze_28:25...........GOD/When I shall have gathered/the 1716/2834
Psa_119:7.........heart/when I shall have learned/thy 1355/2834
Eze_25:17..........LORD/when I shall lay/my. 1706/2834
Eze_32:15...........GOD/When I shall make the/land 1732/2834
Eze_26:19...........GOD/When I shall make thee/a 1710/2834
Joh_16:25........cometh/when I shall no/more 2407/2834
1Co_16:5............you/when I shall pass/through 2697/2834
Eze_30:25..........LORD/when I shall put my/sword 1725/2834
Eze_32:7............And/when I shall put thee/out 1729/2834
Psa_75:2........declare/When I shall receive/the 1325/2834
Eze_33:13.......sinneth/When I shall say/to. 1737/2834
Eze_12:15..........LORD/when I shall scatter/them 1660/2834
Tit_3:12........himself/When I shall send Artemas/unto 2754/2834
Eze_5:16.............it/When I shall send upon/them 1644/2834
Eze_32:15..........full/when I shall smite/all 1733/2834
Rom_11:27..........them/when I shall take/away 2669/2834
Son_8:1..........mother/when I should/find.. 1456/2834
Psa_71:23.......rejoice/when I sing/unto.... 1319/2834
Mic_7:8...........arise/when I sit/in....... 1834/2834
Exo_12:13...........you/when I smite/the..... 151/2834
Isa_66:4.........answer/when I spake they/did 1536/2834
Isa_65:12........answer/when I spake ye/did. 1534/2834
Psa_120:7...........but/when I speak they/are 1361/2834
Exo_19:9...........hear/when I speak with thee and/believe 184/2834
Eze_3:27............But/when I speak with thee I/will 1639/2834
Exo_7:5............LORD/when I stretch/forth. 142/2834
Eze_24:25...........day/when I take/from.... 1702/2834
2Co_1:17.........Judaea/When I therefore/was 2699/2834
Psa_73:16......children/When I thought/to... 1322/2834
Heb_8:9.............day/when I took/them.... 2766/2834
Zep_3:20..........earth/when I turn/back.... 1841/2834
Exo_32:34...........day/when I visit/I....... 211/2834
Job_30:26...........and/when I waited/for... 1231/2834
1Co_13:11..........away/When I was a/child.. 2686/2834
Act_25:15..........whom/when I was at/Jerusalem 2612/2834
Act_22:17..........that/when I was come/again 2588/2834
Luk_22:53........staves/When I was daily/with 2318/2834
Deu_9:9.............you/When I was gone/up... 385/2834
Psa_4:1..............me/when I was in distress/have 1262/2834
Psa_66:14........spoken/when I was in trouble/I 1311/2834
Psa_139:15.........thee/when I was made/in.. 1369/2834
2Co_11:9............And/when I was present/with 2711/2834
Psa_22:9...........hope/when I was upon/my.. 1274/2834
Jon_4:2..........saying/when I was yet in/my 1824/2834
2Th_2:5............that/when I was yet with/you 2746/2834
Job_29:6.............me/When I washed/my.... 1225/2834
1Ti_1:3.........Ephesus/when I went into/Macedonia 2748/2834
Job_29:7............oil/When I went out/to.. 1226/2834
Jer_31:2.........Israel/when I went to cause/him 1575/2834
1Ki_2:8.............day/when I went to Mahanaim/but 843/2834
Psa_69:10............me/When I wept/and..... 1316/2834
Heb_8:8............Lord/when I will/make.... 2765/2834
Jer_8:18...........LORD/When I would comfort/myself 1552/2834
Rom_7:21...........that/when I would do/good 2667/2834
Hos_7:1..........people/When I would have healed/Israel 1807/2834
Act_23:28...........And/when I would have known/the 2596/2834
Eze_21:25..........come/when iniquity/shall. 1694/2834
Est_2:23............And/when inquisition/was 1183/2834
Gen_27:5..........heard/when Isaac spake/to... 51/2834
Gen_27:1...........that/when Isaac was/old.... 50/2834
Jdg_11:16...........But/when Israel came/up.. 571/2834
Gen_35:22..........pass/when Israel dwelt/in.. 79/2834
Jos_8:24...........pass/when Israel had made/an 502/2834
Jdg_6:3.............was/when Israel had sown/that 547/2834
Jos_7:8.............say/when Israel turneth/their 494/2834
Hos_11:1............off/When Israel was a/child 1812/2834
Jdg_1:28...........pass/when Israel was strong/that 526/2834
Eze_44:10............me/when Israel went astray/which 1767/2834
Psa_114:1..........LORD/When Israel went out/of 1353/2834
Job_38:8..........doors/when it brake/forth. 1250/2834
Isa_57:20...........sea/when it cannot/rest. 1528/2834
1Sa_4:3............that/when it cometh among/us 634/2834
Job_5:21....destruction/when it cometh At/destruction 1201/2834
Pro_3:25.........wicked/when it cometh For/the 1381/2834
Psa_109:23.......shadow/when it declineth/I. 1350/2834
Ecc_9:12...........time/when it falleth/suddenly 1447/2834
Pro_23:31...........red/when it giveth/his.. 1421/2834
Lev_27:21.........field/when it goeth out/in. 280/2834
Pro_11:10.....delivered/When it goeth well/with 1404/2834
1Ch_12:15.........month/when it had/overflown 1017/2834
Lev_6:21............and/when it is baken/thou 230/2834
Lev_14:57...........and/when it is clean/this 246/2834
Joh_13:19..........that/when it is come to pass ye may/believe 2396/2834
Joh_14:29..........that/when it is come to pass ye might/believe 2401/2834
Jdg_16:2........morning/when it is day/we.... 584/2834
Mat_16:2...........them/When it is evening/ye 1956/2834
Jam_1:15............sin/when it is finished/bringeth 2786/2834
Mat_13:32...........but/when it is grown/it. 1935/2834
Job_6:17.........vanish/when it is hot/they. 1203/2834
Pro_3:27............due/when it is in/the... 1382/2834
Psa_90:4......yesterday/when it is past/and. 1334/2834
Lev_2:8.............and/when it is presented/unto 223/2834
Pro_23:31..........wine/when it is red/when. 1420/2834
Rev_6:14.........scroll/when it is rolled/together 2819/2834
Isa_16:12..........pass/when it is seen/that 1474/2834
Mar_4:31..........which/when it is sown in/the 2059/2834
Mar_4:32............But/when it is sown it/groweth 2060/2834
Lev_14:57.........teach/when it is unclean/and 245/2834
Pro_23:31...........cup/when it moveth/itself 1422/2834
Jos_4:7............LORD/when it passed/over.. 480/2834
Gal_1:15............But/when it pleased/God. 2716/2834
Num_10:36...........And/when it rested/he.... 312/2834
Est_1:17...........eyes/when it shall be reported/The 1173/2834
Ecc_8:7.............him/when it shall be There/is 1445/2834
Gen_40:14............me/when it shall be well/with 92/2834
Gen_30:33..........come/when it shall come/for 62/2834
Isa_32:19........places/When it shall hail/coming 1506/2834
2Co_3:16...Nevertheless/when it shall turn/to 2703/2834
Job_31:26...........sun/when it shined/or... 1236/2834
Isa_27:8........measure/when it shooteth/forth 1487/2834
1Pe_1:11........signify/when it testified/beforehand 2789/2834
Jdg_16:9.........broken/when it toucheth/the. 585/2834
Num_7:84............day/when it was anointed/by 296/2834
1Ki_7:24...........rows/when it was cast It stood upon twelve oxen three looking toward the north and three looking toward the west and three looking toward the south and three looking toward the east and the sea was set above upon them and all their hinder parts were inward And it/was 848/2834
2Ch_4:3............cast/when it was cast It stood upon twelve oxen three looking toward the north and three looking toward the west and three looking toward the south and three looking toward the east and the sea was set above upon them and all their hinder parts were inward And the/thickness 1040/2834
Jos_2:5............gate/when it was dark/that 471/2834
Act_23:12...........And/when it was day certain/of 2594/2834
Luk_6:13............And/when it was day he called/unto 2186/2834
Luk_4:42............And/when it was day he departed/and 2175/2834
Act_16:35...........And/when it was day the/magistrates 2534/2834
Act_27:39...........And/when it was day they/knew 2638/2834
Eze_25:3.........Israel/when it was desolate/and 1704/2834
Act_27:1............And/when it was determined/that 2622/2834
Mat_14:15...........And/when it was evening/his 1945/2834
Mat_13:48.........Which/when it was full/they 1938/2834
1Ki_6:7...........house/when it was in/building 847/2834
Exo_10:13...........and/when it was morning/the 148/2834
Eze_25:3......sanctuary/when it was profaned/and 1703/2834
1Sa_21:6............day/when it was taken away/Now 713/2834
Num_9:22............but/when it was taken up/they 304/2834
2Sa_10:17...........And/when it was told David/he 783/2834
Act_23:30...........And/when it was told me/how 2597/2834
1Sa_19:21...........And/when it was told Saul/he 706/2834
Psa_68:9....inheritance/when it was weary/Thy 1314/2834
Eze_15:5.........Behold/when it was whole/it 1666/2834
Joh_20:1..........early/when it was yet/dark 2418/2834
Jos_11:1...........pass/when Jabin/king...... 511/2834
Gen_49:33...........And/when Jacob had/made.. 116/2834
Act_7:12............But/when Jacob heard/that 2459/2834
Gen_29:10..........pass/when Jacob saw Rachel/the 55/2834
Gen_42:1............Now/when Jacob saw that/there 97/2834
Gen_32:2............And/when Jacob saw them/he 67/2834
1Sa_12:8........fathers/When Jacob was/come.. 671/2834
Gal_2:9.............And/when James/Cephas... 2718/2834
Jer_26:21...........And/when Jehoiakim/the.. 1570/2834
2Ch_21:4............Now/when Jehoram/was.... 1084/2834
2Ch_20:25...........And/when Jehoshaphat/and 1081/2834
2Ki_9:30............And/when Jehu was come/to 964/2834
2Ch_22:8...........that/when Jehu was executing/judgment 1090/2834
Jer_36:23..........that/when Jehudi/had..... 1588/2834
Jer_26:8...........pass/when Jeremiah had made an end of speaking all/that 1568/2834
Jer_43:1...........that/when Jeremiah had made an end of speaking unto/all 1606/2834
Jer_37:16........prison/When Jeremiah was/entered 1592/2834
2Ch_10:2...........pass/when Jeroboam the son of Nebat who was in/Egypt 1056/2834
1Ki_12:2...........pass/when Jeroboam the son of Nebat who was yet/in 871/2834
1Ki_11:29..........time/when Jeroboam went/out 870/2834
Zec_7:7........prophets/when Jerusalem was inhabited/and 1850/2834
Jer_38:28.........there/when Jerusalem was taken/In 1594/2834
Joh_1:42............And/when Jesus beheld/him 2332/2834
Joh_11:17..........Then/when Jesus came he/found 2384/2834
Mat_16:13.....Sadducees/When Jesus came into the coasts/of 1959/2834
Mat_9:23............And/when Jesus came into the ruler's/house 1909/2834
Joh_20:24..........them/when Jesus came The/other 2424/2834
Luk_19:5............And/when Jesus came to/the 2292/2834
Mat_9:27............And/when Jesus departed/thence 1911/2834
Luk_23:46...........And/when Jesus had cried/with 2326/2834
Mat_7:28...........pass/when Jesus had ended/these 1893/2834
Mat_26:1...........pass/when Jesus had finished all/these 2009/2834
Mat_13:53..........that/when Jesus had finished these parables/he 1939/2834
Mat_19:1...........that/when Jesus had finished these sayings/he 1968/2834
Mat_4:12............Now/when Jesus had heard/that 1882/2834
Joh_8:10..........midst/When Jesus had lifted/up 2374/2834
Mat_11:1...........pass/when Jesus had made/an 1921/2834
Joh_18:1...........them/When Jesus had spoken/these 2408/2834
Joh_13:21............me/When Jesus had thus/said 2397/2834
Luk_8:50............But/when Jesus heard it he answered/him 2215/2834
Mat_8:10.............it/When Jesus heard it he marvelled/and 1896/2834
Mar_2:17........sinners/When Jesus heard it he saith/unto 2046/2834
Mat_14:13.........Jesus/When Jesus heard of/it 1943/2834
Joh_11:4...........sick/When Jesus heard that he said This/sickness 2382/2834
Mat_9:12............But/when Jesus heard that he said unto/them 1906/2834
Luk_7:9..............it/When Jesus heard these things he marvelled/at 2196/2834
Luk_18:22...........Now/when Jesus heard these things he said/unto 2287/2834
Joh_6:61.............it/When Jesus knew in/himself 2366/2834
Mar_8:17............And/when Jesus knew it he saith/unto 2093/2834
Mat_12:15...........But/when Jesus knew it he withdrew/himself 1926/2834
Joh_13:1.......passover/when Jesus knew that/his 2395/2834
Joh_9:14............day/when Jesus made/the. 2379/2834
Mat_16:8..........Which/when Jesus perceived he/said 1958/2834
Mar_2:8.....immediately/when Jesus perceived in/his 2044/2834
Luk_5:22............But/when Jesus perceived their/thoughts 2183/2834
Mat_8:18............Now/when Jesus saw great/multitudes 1899/2834
Luk_13:12...........And/when Jesus saw her/he 2257/2834
Joh_5:6...........years/When Jesus saw him/lie 2351/2834
Mar_10:14...........But/when Jesus saw it/he 2107/2834
Mar_12:34...........And/when Jesus saw that he answered/discreetly 2121/2834
Luk_18:24...........And/when Jesus saw that he was/very 2289/2834
Mar_9:25.......unbelief/When Jesus saw that the/people 2104/2834
Mar_2:5.............lay/When Jesus saw their/faith 2043/2834
Joh_6:5............nigh/When Jesus then/lifted 2354/2834
Joh_19:30.........mouth/When Jesus therefore had/received 2416/2834
Joh_6:15..........world/When Jesus therefore perceived/that 2358/2834
Joh_11:33..........died/When Jesus therefore saw her/weeping 2388/2834
Joh_19:26.....Magdalene/When Jesus therefore saw his/mother 2415/2834
Mat_26:10..........poor/When Jesus understood/it 2012/2834
Mat_2:1.............Now/when Jesus was born/in 1864/2834
Mat_8:14............And/when Jesus was come/into 1897/2834
Mat_8:5.............And/when Jesus was entered/into 1895/2834
Joh_12:16...........but/when Jesus was glorified/then 2392/2834
Mat_26:6............Now/when Jesus was in/Bethany 2010/2834
Mar_5:21............And/when Jesus was passed/over 2067/2834
Luk_8:40...........that/when Jesus was returned/the 2212/2834
Mar_16:9............Now/when Jesus was risen/early 2149/2834
Exo_18:1.....generation/When Jethro/the...... 180/2834
1Ki_18:4.............so/when Jezebel cut/off. 890/2834
1Ki_21:15..........pass/when Jezebel heard/that 901/2834
1Ki_18:13...........did/when Jezebel slew/the 893/2834
2Sa_3:23..........peace/When Joab and/all.... 753/2834
1Ki_1:41............And/when Joab heard/the.. 841/2834
2Sa_11:16..........pass/when Joab observed/the 789/2834
1Ch_19:10...........Now/when Joab saw that the battle/was 1032/2834
2Sa_10:9..........field/When Joab saw that the front/of 780/2834
2Sa_18:29......answered/When Joab sent/the... 821/2834
2Sa_3:26............And/when Joab was/come... 754/2834
1Ch_1:45............And/when Jobab/was...... 1000/2834
Job_2:11............Now/when Job's/three.... 1196/2834
Jer_41:11...........But/when Johanan/the.... 1601/2834
Act_13:24.........Jesus/When John had first/preached 2510/2834
Mat_11:2............Now/when John had heard/in 1922/2834
2Ki_9:22...........pass/when Joram/saw....... 961/2834
Gen_43:26...........And/when Joseph came/home 103/2834
Mat_27:59...........And/when Joseph had/taken 2032/2834
Gen_43:16...........And/when Joseph saw Benjamin/with 101/2834
Gen_48:17...........And/when Joseph saw that/his 115/2834
Gen_37:23..........pass/when Joseph was/come.. 82/2834
Gen_50:15...........And/when Joseph's/brethren 119/2834
Jos_8:21............And/when Joshua and all/Israel 501/2834
Jos_10:20..........pass/when Joshua and the/children 509/2834
Jdg_2:6.............And/when Joshua had let/the 528/2834
Jos_6:8............pass/when Joshua had spoken/unto 489/2834
Exo_32:17...........And/when Joshua heard/the 209/2834
Jos_22:7............And/when Joshua sent/them 517/2834
Jos_5:13...........pass/when Joshua was/by... 486/2834
2Ch_35:20..........this/when Josiah/had..... 1129/2834
2Ch_20:24...........And/when Judah came/toward 1080/2834
2Ch_13:14...........And/when Judah looked/back 1065/2834
Gen_38:15..........wife/When Judah saw/her.... 85/2834
Num_21:1............And/when king Arad/the... 332/2834
2Sa_16:5............And/when king David came/to 811/2834
2Sa_13:21...........But/when king David heard/of 800/2834
2Ki_19:1...........pass/when king Hezekiah heard it that he rent his clothes and covered himself with sackcloth and went into the house of the LORD And he sent Eliakim which/was 985/2834
Isa_37:1...........pass/when king Hezekiah heard it that he rent his clothes and covered himself with sackcloth and went into the house of the LORD And he sent Eliakim who/was 1509/2834
1Ki_13:4...........pass/when king Jeroboam/heard 875/2834
Jer_21:1...........LORD/when king Zedekiah/sent 1564/2834
2Sa_11:1...........time/when kings/go........ 785/2834
Gen_29:13..........pass/when Laban/heard...... 56/2834
Gen_30:9.......Naphtali/When Leah/saw......... 59/2834
Eze_17:18......covenant/when lo/he.......... 1679/2834
Gen_19:23.........earth/when Lot/entered...... 28/2834
Jam_1:15...........Then/when lust/hath...... 2785/2834
Act_24:22..........said/When Lysias/the..... 2604/2834
Deu_31:21..........pass/when many evils/and.. 463/2834
Est_2:8.............and/when many maidens/were 1178/2834
Joh_11:32..........Then/when Mary/was....... 2387/2834
Heb_7:10.........father/when Melchisedec/met 2762/2834
Job_22:29..........ways/When men are/cast... 1213/2834
Gen_6:1............pass/when men began/to...... 6/2834
Joh_2:10............and/when men have/well.. 2336/2834
Zec_7:7.............her/when men inhabited/the 1851/2834
Psa_124:2..........side/when men rose/up.... 1363/2834
Luk_6:22.............ye/when men shall hate/you 2187/2834
Mat_5:11.............ye/when men shall revile/you 1884/2834
Deu_25:11........loosed/When men strive/together 441/2834
2Sa_9:6.............Now/when Mephibosheth/the 776/2834
1Sa_18:19..........time/when Merab/Saul's.... 701/2834
Jdg_18:26...........and/when Micah/saw....... 596/2834
Jer_36:11........people/When Michaiah/the... 1585/2834
1Ki_18:29..........pass/when midday/was...... 895/2834
Psa_9:3............High/When mine/enemies... 1265/2834
Gen_47:15...........And/when money/failed.... 111/2834
Est_4:1.......perplexed/When Mordecai/perceived 1186/2834
Exo_34:29..........pass/when Moses came/down. 215/2834
Exo_18:14...........And/when Moses' father/in 181/2834
Deu_31:24..........pass/when Moses had made/an 464/2834
Heb_9:19............For/when Moses had spoken/every 2768/2834
Num_16:4............And/when Moses heard it/he 323/2834
Lev_10:20...........And/when Moses heard that/he 235/2834
Exo_17:11..........pass/when Moses held/up... 178/2834
2Co_3:15............day/when Moses is/read.. 2702/2834
Num_11:2............and/when Moses prayed/unto 314/2834
Act_7:31...........bush/When Moses saw it/he 2464/2834
Exo_32:25...........And/when Moses saw that/the 210/2834
Jos_14:7..............I/when Moses the/servant 513/2834
Num_7:89............And/when Moses was gone/into 297/2834
Exo_2:11...........days/when Moses was grown/that 127/2834
Exo_34:34...........But/when Moses went in/before 218/2834
Exo_33:8...........pass/when Moses went out/unto 213/2834
Luk_8:4.............And/when much people/were 2204/2834
Act_27:9............Now/when much time/was.. 2626/2834
Job_29:5.............me/when my children/were 1224/2834
Psa_27:10.....salvation/When my father/and.. 1279/2834
Psa_38:16............me/when my foot/slippeth 1289/2834
Psa_61:2...........thee/when my heart/is.... 1308/2834
1Ki_1:21...........pass/when my lord/the..... 839/2834
2Ki_5:18...........that/when my master/goeth. 937/2834
Eze_38:14...........day/when my people/of... 1754/2834
Eze_37:28........Israel/when my sanctuary/shall 1753/2834
Jon_2:7.............God/When my soul/fainted 1823/2834
Psa_142:3.......trouble/When my spirit/was.. 1375/2834
Psa_71:9............not/when my strength/faileth 1317/2834
2Ki_5:21............And/when Naaman/saw...... 939/2834
Jer_34:1...........LORD/when Nebuchadnezzar/king 1579/2834
Jer_35:11..........pass/when Nebuchadrezzar/king 1584/2834
Act_27:20...........And/when neither/sun.... 2631/2834
Joh_9:4..........cometh/when no man can/work 2377/2834
Pro_28:1...........flee/when no man pursueth/but 1429/2834
Lev_26:36..........fall/when none pursueth And they/shall 275/2834
Lev_26:37.........sword/when none pursueth and ye/shall 276/2834
Lev_26:17..........flee/when none pursueth you/And 271/2834
1Pe_3:20....disobedient/when once the longsuffering/of 2794/2834
Luk_13:25..........able/When once the master/of 2259/2834
Psa_76:7..........sight/when once thou/art.. 1326/2834
Psa_73:20.........dream/when one awaketh/so. 1323/2834
Hag_2:16...........were/when one came to an/heap 1844/2834
Hag_2:16............ten/when one came to the/pressfat 1845/2834
Psa_141:7............as/when one cutteth/and 1374/2834
1Sa_26:20............as/when one doth/hunt... 732/2834
Isa_30:29............as/when one goeth/with. 1502/2834
Psa_49:16........afraid/when one is/made.... 1296/2834
Pro_17:14............as/when one letteth/out 1409/2834
Luk_14:15...........And/when one of/them.... 2268/2834
2Sa_4:10......adversity/When one told/me..... 761/2834
Num_20:3...........died/when our brethren/died 329/2834
Neh_4:15...........pass/when our enemies/heard 1155/2834
Job_17:16...........pit/when our rest/together 1209/2834
Jer_22:23............be/when pangs/come..... 1565/2834
Act_13:13...........Now/when Paul and/his... 2505/2834
Act_25:21...........But/when Paul had appealed/to 2615/2834
Act_28:3............And/when Paul had gathered/a 2641/2834
Act_19:6............And/when Paul had laid/his 2554/2834
Act_23:6............But/when Paul perceived/that 2591/2834
Act_28:15..........whom/when Paul saw/he.... 2647/2834
Act_18:14...........And/when Paul was/now... 2547/2834
Act_19:30...........And/when Paul would/have 2558/2834
Act_23:16...........And/when Paul's/sister's 2595/2834
Job_36:20.........night/when people/are..... 1244/2834
Act_3:12............And/when Peter saw/it... 2437/2834
Mat_14:29...........And/when Peter was come down/out 1949/2834
Gal_2:11............But/when Peter was come to Antioch/I 2719/2834
Act_12:11...........And/when Peter was come to himself/he 2495/2834
Act_11:2............And/when Peter was come up/to 2486/2834
Exo_14:10...........And/when Pharaoh drew/nigh 165/2834
Exo_13:17..........pass/when Pharaoh had/let. 163/2834
Exo_2:15............Now/when Pharaoh heard/this 130/2834
Exo_9:34............And/when Pharaoh saw that the/rain 147/2834
Exo_8:15............But/when Pharaoh saw that there/was 146/2834
Gen_46:33..........pass/when Pharaoh shall call/you 110/2834
Exo_7:9..........saying/When Pharaoh shall speak/unto 144/2834
Exo_13:15..........pass/when Pharaoh would/hardly 162/2834
Jos_22:30...........And/when Phinehas the priest/and 521/2834
Num_25:7............And/when Phinehas the son/of 342/2834
Luk_23:6..........place/When Pilate heard/of 2321/2834
Mat_27:24.....crucified/When Pilate saw/that 2023/2834
Joh_19:13........Caesar/When Pilate therefore heard that saying he brought/Jesus 2413/2834
Joh_19:8............God/When Pilate therefore heard that saying he was/the 2412/2834
Pro_11:2........delight/When pride/cometh... 1402/2834
Gen_30:25..........pass/when Rachel had/born.. 60/2834
Gen_30:1............And/when Rachel saw/that.. 58/2834
Lev_13:14...........But/when raw/flesh....... 242/2834
Rom_9:10............but/when Rebecca/also... 2668/2834
2Ch_12:1...........pass/when Rehoboam had/established 1059/2834
1Ki_12:21...........And/when Rehoboam was come to Jerusalem he assembled/all 874/2834
2Ch_11:1............And/when Rehoboam was come to Jerusalem he gathered/of 1058/2834
2Ch_13:7........Solomon/when Rehoboam was young/and 1064/2834
Pro_28:12...........out/When righteous/men.. 1430/2834
Act_27:9............and/when sailing/was.... 2627/2834
1Ch_1:48............And/when Samlah/was..... 1003/2834
1Sa_10:20...........And/when Samuel had/caused 665/2834
1Sa_15:12...........And/when Samuel rose/early 684/2834
1Sa_9:17............And/when Samuel saw/Saul. 655/2834
1Sa_8:1............pass/when Samuel was/old.. 650/2834
Neh_6:1............pass/when Sanballat and Tobiah and Geshem/the 1157/2834
Neh_4:7............that/when Sanballat and Tobiah and the/Arabians 1153/2834
Neh_4:1............that/when Sanballat heard/that 1152/2834
Neh_2:19............But/when Sanballat the Horonite and Tobiah the servant the Ammonite and/Geshem 1151/2834
Neh_2:10.............me/When Sanballat the Horonite and Tobiah the servant the Ammonite heard/of 1150/2834
Gen_16:6............And/when Sarai/dealt...... 20/2834
Isa_20:1.........Ashdod/when Sargon/the..... 1479/2834
1Sa_17:11......together/When Saul and/all.... 689/2834
1Sa_28:6............And/when Saul enquired/of 734/2834
1Sa_22:6.........Hareth/When Saul heard that David/was 715/2834
1Sa_23:25...........And/when Saul heard that he/pursued 719/2834
1Sa_24:8............And/when Saul looked/behind 721/2834
1Sa_14:52...........and/when Saul saw any/strong 681/2834
1Sa_17:55...........And/when Saul saw David/go 697/2834
1Sa_18:15.....Wherefore/when Saul saw that/he 700/2834
1Sa_28:5............And/when Saul saw the/host 733/2834
1Sa_19:14...........And/when Saul sent/messengers 703/2834
Act_9:26............And/when Saul was come/to 2476/2834
2Sa_5:2............past/when Saul was king over/us 763/2834
1Ch_11:2...........even/when Saul was king thou/wast 1016/2834
1Sa_24:1...........pass/when Saul was returned/from 720/2834
2Sa_4:1.............And/when Saul's/son...... 758/2834
Mat_25:38.........drink/When saw we thee a/stranger 2006/2834
Mat_25:37..........Lord/when saw we thee an hungred and/fed 2005/2834
Mat_25:44..........Lord/when saw we thee an hungred or/athirst 2008/2834
Mat_25:39............Or/when saw we thee sick/or 2007/2834
Jer_25:12..........pass/when seventy/years.. 1567/2834
Psa_41:5.............me/When shall he/die... 1291/2834
Job_7:4.............say/When shall I arise/and 1205/2834
Pro_23:35...........not/when shall I awake/I 1423/2834
Psa_42:2............God/when shall I come/and 1293/2834
Exo_8:9..............me/when shall I intreat/for 145/2834
Gen_30:30...........now/when shall I provide/for 61/2834
Jer_13:27.........clean/when shall it/once.. 1557/2834
Mat_24:3.............us/when shall these things be and what shall be the sign of/thy 1998/2834
Mar_13:4.............us/when shall these things be and what shall be the sign when/all 2122/2834
Luk_21:7............but/when shall these things be and what sign/will 2303/2834
1Ch_1:49............And/when Shaul/was...... 1004/2834
Gen_19:33...........nor/when she arose And/it. 32/2834
Gen_19:35...........nor/when she arose Thus/were 34/2834
Gen_38:5.........Chezib/when she bare him/And. 83/2834
Gen_25:26...........old/when she bare them/And 47/2834
Rut_3:16............And/when she came to her/mother 621/2834
Jdg_1:14...........pass/when she came to him/that 524/2834
2Ki_4:27............And/when she came to the man/of 930/2834
1Ki_14:17...........and/when she came to the threshold/of 882/2834
Hos_2:15............day/when she came up out/of 1802/2834
1Sa_2:19...........year/when she came up with/her 628/2834
1Ki_14:5.............be/when she cometh/in... 879/2834
Exo_2:3.............And/when she could/not... 124/2834
2Sa_13:11...........And/when she had brought/them 799/2834
Gen_24:19...........And/when she had done/giving 37/2834
Mar_5:27..........worse/When she had heard/of 2069/2834
Exo_2:6.............And/when she had opened/it 126/2834
Jdg_5:26...........head/when she had pierced/and 545/2834
Jam_2:25..........works/when she had received the messengers/and 2788/2834
Heb_11:31...........not/when she had received the spies/with 2778/2834
Joh_11:28...........And/when she had so/said 2385/2834
Joh_20:14...........And/when she had thus/said 2419/2834
1Sa_1:24............And/when she had weaned him/she 626/2834
Hos_1:8.............Now/when she had weaned Loruhamah/she 1801/2834
Luk_15:9............And/when she hath/found. 2271/2834
1Sa_4:19............and/when she heard/the... 641/2834
Rut_3:15............And/when she held/it..... 620/2834
Deu_24:2............And/when she is departed/out 433/2834
Joh_16:21.........woman/when she is in/travail 2406/2834
Pro_30:23.........woman/when she is married/and 1439/2834
Pro_23:22........mother/when she is old/Buy. 1419/2834
Rev_6:13...........figs/when she is shaken/of 2818/2834
Act_12:14...........And/when she knew Peter's/voice 2497/2834
Luk_7:37.........sinner/when she knew that/Jesus 2201/2834
Gen_19:33...........not/when she lay down nor when she arose And/it 31/2834
Gen_19:35...........not/when she lay down nor when she arose Thus/were 33/2834
2Ki_11:14...........And/when she looked/behold 972/2834
Jdg_16:16..........pass/when she pressed/him. 587/2834
Luk_1:29............And/when she saw him she/was 2154/2834
Exo_2:2.............and/when she saw him that/he 123/2834
Gen_24:64...........and/when she saw Isaac/she 44/2834
Eze_23:14...........for/when she saw men/pourtrayed 1699/2834
Act_9:40............and/when she saw Peter she/sat 2480/2834
Mar_14:67...........And/when she saw Peter warming/himself 2136/2834
Gen_39:13..........pass/when she saw that he/had 88/2834
Gen_16:4............and/when she saw that she had conceived her/mistress 18/2834
Gen_16:5............and/when she saw that she had conceived I/was 19/2834
Eze_19:5............Now/when she saw that she had waited/and 1684/2834
Rut_1:18.............me/When she saw that she was/stedfastly 614/2834
Exo_2:5.............and/when she saw the/ark. 125/2834
Son_8:8.............day/when she shall/be... 1457/2834
Gen_38:28..........pass/when she travailed/that 87/2834
Num_30:6........husband/when she vowed/or.... 349/2834
Act_16:15...........And/when she was baptized/and 2530/2834
Gen_38:25.........burnt/When she was brought forth/she 86/2834
Est_2:20.............as/when she was brought up/with 1182/2834
2Ki_4:36............And/when she was come in/unto 932/2834
Mar_7:30............And/when she was come to her/house 2092/2834
2Ch_9:1.............and/when she was come to Solomon she communed with him of all that was in her heart And Solomon told her all her questions and/there 1054/2834
1Ki_10:2............and/when she was come to Solomon she communed with him of all that was in her heart And Solomon told her all her questions there/was 864/2834
2Ch_23:15...........and/when she was come to the/entering 1096/2834
Gen_35:17..........pass/when she was in/hard.. 78/2834
Eze_23:5.........harlot/when she was mine/and 1697/2834
Gen_24:36........master/when she was old/and.. 40/2834
Heb_11:11.........child/when she was past/age 2772/2834
Rut_2:15............And/when she was risen/up 617/2834
1Sa_1:7............year/when she went/up..... 624/2834
Gen_34:2............And/when Shechem/the...... 72/2834
Act_18:5............And/when Silas/and...... 2544/2834
Joh_21:7............Now/when Simon Peter heard/that 2426/2834
Luk_5:8............sink/When Simon Peter saw/it 2178/2834
Act_8:18............And/when Simon saw/that. 2471/2834
1Ki_9:10..........years/when Solomon had built/the 862/2834
1Ki_9:1............pass/when Solomon had finished/the 861/2834
1Ki_8:54...........that/when Solomon had made an end of praying all/this 860/2834
2Ch_7:1.............Now/when Solomon had made an end of praying the/fire 1050/2834
1Ki_11:4...........pass/when Solomon was/old. 866/2834
2Sa_17:9...........pass/when some/of......... 815/2834
Num_26:10.........Korah/when that company/died 344/2834
1Co_13:10...........But/when that which/is.. 2685/2834
Gen_47:18..........year/When that year/was... 112/2834
Act_25:18..........whom/when the accusers/stood 2614/2834
Ezr_4:1.............Now/when the adversaries/of 1140/2834
Psa_68:14..........gold/When the Almighty scattered/kings 1315/2834
Job_29:5.....tabernacle/When the Almighty was/yet 1223/2834
Jdg_2:4............pass/when the angel of/the 527/2834
2Sa_24:16...........And/when the angel stretched/out 837/2834
Act_10:7............And/when the angel which/spake 2483/2834
Act_14:14.........Which/when the apostles Barnabas/and 2518/2834
Act_8:14............Now/when the apostles which/were 2469/2834
1Sa_4:5.............And/when the ark of/the.. 635/2834
Num_10:35..........pass/when the ark set/forward 311/2834
Jer_37:11..........that/when the army/of.... 1590/2834
Num_22:27...........And/when the ass saw the angel of the LORD she fell/down 336/2834
Num_22:25...........And/when the ass saw the angel of the LORD she thrust/herself 335/2834
Mic_5:5...........peace/when the Assyrian/shall 1828/2834
Act_28:4............And/when the barbarians/saw 2642/2834
Mat_13:26...........But/when the blade/was.. 1934/2834
Isa_25:4...........heat/when the blast/of... 1483/2834
Act_22:20...........And/when the blood/of... 2589/2834
Isa_27:11.......thereof/When the boughs/thereof 1489/2834
3Jn_1:3.........greatly/when the brethren came/and 2805/2834
Act_28:15........thence/when the brethren heard/of 2646/2834
Act_9:30..........Which/when the brethren knew/they 2477/2834
Luk_5:35...........come/when the bridegroom shall be taken away from them and then shall they fast in those days And/he 2184/2834
Mar_2:20...........come/when the bridegroom shall be taken away from them and then shall they fast in those days No/man 2047/2834
Mat_9:15...........come/when the bridegroom shall be taken from/them 1907/2834
Luk_11:36............as/when the bright/shining 2243/2834
Isa_18:5........harvest/when the bud/is..... 1478/2834
Ezr_3:10............And/when the builders/laid 1137/2834
2Ch_29:27...........And/when the burnt/offering 1113/2834
1Sa_20:19.......thyself/when the business/was 710/2834
Num_4:5.............And/when the camp/setteth 284/2834
1Ki_22:33..........pass/when the captains of the chariots perceived that it was not the king of Israel that/they 906/2834
2Ch_18:32..........that/when the captains of the chariots perceived that it was not the king of Israel they/turned 1073/2834
2Ch_18:31..........pass/when the captains of the chariots saw Jehoshaphat that they said It/is 1072/2834
1Ki_22:32..........pass/when the captains of the chariots saw Jehoshaphat that they said Surely/it 905/2834
Gen_30:42...........But/when the cattle/were.. 65/2834
Mat_27:54...........Now/when the centurion and/they 2030/2834
Act_22:26...uncondemned/When the centurion heard/that 2590/2834
Luk_23:47...........Now/when the centurion saw/what 2327/2834
Mar_15:39...........And/when the centurion which/stood 2143/2834
Jer_37:5............and/when the Chaldeans/that 1589/2834
Eze_10:16...........and/when the cherubims lifted/up 1655/2834
Eze_10:16...........And/when the cherubims went/the 1654/2834
Gen_40:16.......dungeon/When the chief baker/saw 93/2834
Mat_21:45...........And/when the chief priests and Pharisees/had 1989/2834
Mat_21:15...........And/when the chief priests and scribes/saw 1981/2834
Joh_19:6............man/When the chief priests therefore/and 2411/2834
1Pe_5:4.............And/when the chief Shepherd/shall 2797/2834
2Sa_12:21...........but/when the child was dead/thou 796/2834
2Ki_4:18............And/when the child was grown/it 927/2834
Jdg_11:5...........that/when the children of Ammon made/war 568/2834
2Sa_10:14...........And/when the children of Ammon saw that the Syrians were fled then/fled 781/2834
1Ch_19:15...........And/when the children of Ammon saw that the Syrians were fled they/likewise 1033/2834
1Ch_19:6............And/when the children of Ammon saw that they had/made 1030/2834
2Sa_10:6............And/when the children of Ammon saw that they stank/before 778/2834
Num_8:19.........Israel/when the children of Israel come/nigh 299/2834
Jdg_6:7............pass/when the children of Israel cried unto the LORD because/of 548/2834
Jdg_3:15............But/when the children of Israel cried unto the LORD the LORD raised them/up 533/2834
Jdg_3:9.............And/when the children of Israel cried unto the LORD the LORD raised up/a 532/2834
1Sa_7:7.............And/when the children of Israel heard it/they 649/2834
Jos_22:12...........And/when the children of Israel heard of/it 519/2834
Exo_16:15...........And/when the children of Israel saw/it 174/2834
Eze_48:11........astray/when the children of Israel went astray as/the 1780/2834
Eze_44:15.....sanctuary/when the children of Israel went astray from/me 1768/2834
Exo_19:1..........month/when the children of Israel were gone/forth 183/2834
Jos_17:13..........pass/when the children of Israel were waxen/strong 514/2834
Eze_37:18...........And/when the children of thy/people 1752/2834
Neh_2:3.............sad/when the city/the... 1148/2834
Num_9:21............was/when the cloud abode/from 303/2834
Num_9:19............And/when the cloud tarried/long 301/2834
Num_9:20............was/when the cloud was a/few 302/2834
Exo_40:36...........And/when the cloud was taken up from over/the 221/2834
Num_9:17............And/when the cloud was taken up from the/tabernacle 300/2834
Joh_15:26...........But/when the Comforter/is 2402/2834
Rom_7:9.............but/when the commandment/came 2666/2834
Num_10:7............But/when the congregation is/to 308/2834
Act_13:43...........Now/when the congregation was broken/up 2513/2834
Num_16:42..........pass/when the congregation was gathered/against 324/2834
Ezr_4:23............Now/when the copy/of.... 1141/2834
Mar_6:22............And/when the daughter/of 2077/2834
Jdg_19:25...........and/when the day began to spring/they 606/2834
Luk_9:12............And/when the day began to wear/away 2220/2834
Act_2:1.............And/when the day of/Pentecost 2434/2834
Mar_6:35............And/when the day was/now 2080/2834
Luk_2:22............And/when the days of her purification/according 2159/2834
Lev_12:6............And/when the days of her purifying/are 238/2834
Gen_50:4............And/when the days of his mourning/were 117/2834
Num_6:13.......Nazarite/when the days of his separation/are 295/2834
Eze_5:2............city/when the days of the/siege 1641/2834
Job_1:5..............so/when the days of their/feasting 1192/2834
Joh_5:25.............is/when the dead/shall. 2353/2834
Pro_13:12...........but/when the desire/cometh 1406/2834
Luk_4:13............And/when the devil had ended/all 2168/2834
Luk_4:35............And/when the devil had thrown/him 2173/2834
Mat_9:33............And/when the devil was cast/out 1914/2834
Luk_11:14..........pass/when the devil was gone/out 2234/2834
Num_11:9............And/when the dew fell/upon 315/2834
Exo_16:14...........And/when the dew that/lay 173/2834
Act_20:7...........week/when the disciples came/together 2564/2834
Mat_17:6............And/when the disciples heard/it 1960/2834
Mat_14:26...........And/when the disciples saw him/walking 1948/2834
Mat_21:20...........And/when the disciples saw it/they 1983/2834
Joh_20:19..........week/when the doors/were. 2420/2834
Rev_12:13...........And/when the dragon/saw. 2827/2834
Job_38:38........heaven/When the dust/groweth 1252/2834
Job_29:11.........mouth/When the ear/heard.. 1228/2834
Eze_17:10........wither/when the east/wind.. 1678/2834
Gen_12:12..........pass/when the Egyptians/shall 12/2834
Isa_59:19...........sun/When the enemy/shall 1530/2834
Mar_15:42...........now/when the even was come because/it 2145/2834
Mar_4:35............day/when the even was come he saith/unto 2062/2834
Mat_26:20...........Now/when the even was come he sat/down 2013/2834
Mat_27:57......children/When the even was come there/came 2031/2834
Mat_8:16...........them/When the even was come they/brought 1898/2834
Mat_14:23...........and/when the evening/was 1947/2834
1Sa_16:16..........pass/when the evil spirit from God is/upon 687/2834
1Sa_16:23..........pass/when the evil spirit from God was/upon 688/2834
Job_29:11...........and/when the eye/saw.... 1229/2834
Zec_9:1.........thereof/when the eyes/of.... 1853/2834
Jdg_19:3............and/when the father/of... 598/2834
Eze_15:5...........work/when the fire/hath.. 1667/2834
Mat_20:10...........But/when the first/came. 1975/2834
1Sa_6:16............And/when the five/lords.. 647/2834
Jdg_20:40...........But/when the flame began/to 610/2834
Jdg_13:20..........pass/when the flame went/up 578/2834
Gen_30:38.......troughs/when the flocks/came.. 63/2834
Luk_6:48............and/when the flood arose/the 2191/2834
Gen_7:6.............old/when the flood of/waters 8/2834
Ezr_3:12..........house/when the foundation/of 1139/2834
Act_27:27...........But/when the fourteenth/night 2632/2834
Gen_15:11...........And/when the fowls/came... 15/2834
Mar_4:29............But/when the fruit/is... 2058/2834
Gal_4:4.............But/when the fulness/of. 2723/2834
Neh_13:19..........that/when the gates/of... 1168/2834
1Ch_5:7........families/when the genealogy/of 1008/2834
Act_13:48...........And/when the Gentiles heard/this 2515/2834
Rom_2:14............For/when the Gentiles which/have 2656/2834
Psa_49:16..........rich/when the glory/of... 1297/2834
Act_23:34...........And/when the governor/had 2599/2834
Lev_13:3............and/when the hair/in..... 240/2834
Isa_17:5.............as/when the harvestman/gathereth 1475/2834
Deu_33:5.......Jeshurun/when the heads/of.... 469/2834
Est_1:10............day/when the heart/of... 1172/2834
2Ch_6:26........fathers/When the heaven is/shut 1046/2834
Luk_4:25..........Elias/when the heaven was/shut 2170/2834
Act_5:24............Now/when the high/priest 2450/2834
Job_39:1...........mark/when the hinds/do... 1256/2834
Num_4:20............see/when the holy/things. 287/2834
Deu_23:9.....generation/When the host/goeth.. 425/2834
Luk_22:14...........And/when the hour/was... 2312/2834
Eze_36:17...........man/when the house/of... 1746/2834
Luk_20:14...........But/when the husbandmen saw him/they 2300/2834
Mat_21:38...........But/when the husbandmen saw the/son 1987/2834
Jos_9:3.............And/when the inhabitants of Gibeon/heard 505/2834
1Sa_31:11...........And/when the inhabitants of Jabeshgilead/heard 745/2834
Gen_50:11...........And/when the inhabitants of the/land 118/2834
Psa_49:5...........evil/when the iniquity/of 1295/2834
Act_20:3............And/when the Jews laid/wait 2563/2834
Act_17:13...........But/when the Jews of/Thessalonica 2541/2834
Act_13:45...........But/when the Jews saw/the 2514/2834
Joh_1:19...........John/when the Jews sent/priests 2331/2834
Act_28:19...........But/when the Jews spake/against 2651/2834
Act_13:42...........And/when the Jews were/gone 2512/2834
Neh_4:12...........that/when the Jews which/dwelt 1154/2834
Num_36:4............And/when the jubile/of... 359/2834
Jdg_2:19...........pass/when the judge/was... 530/2834
Rut_1:1............days/when the judges/ruled 613/2834
Ecc_12:3............day/when the keepers/of. 1452/2834
Est_1:2............days/when the king Ahasuerus/sat 1169/2834
2Ki_8:6.............And/when the king asked/the 954/2834
2Ki_7:17..........spake/when the king came down/to 953/2834
Mat_22:11...........And/when the king came in/to 1992/2834
2Ch_12:11...........And/when the king entered/into 1061/2834
2Sa_18:5..........heard/when the king gave/all 820/2834
2Ki_22:11..........pass/when the king had heard the words of the book/of 991/2834
2Ch_34:19..........pass/when the king had heard the words of the law/that 1127/2834
2Ki_6:30...........pass/when the king heard the/words 948/2834
Mat_22:7............But/when the king heard thereof/he 1991/2834
Jos_8:14...........pass/when the king of Ai/saw 499/2834
Jer_34:7......Jerusalem/When the king of Babylon's/army 1580/2834
2Ki_5:7............pass/when the king of Israel/had 934/2834
2Ki_3:26............And/when the king of Moab/saw 921/2834
2Sa_7:1............pass/when the king sat/in. 770/2834
Est_5:2..............so/when the king saw/Esther 1187/2834
2Ki_16:12...........And/when the king was come from/Damascus 980/2834
2Sa_19:39...........And/when the king was come over/the 824/2834
2Sa_13:6............and/when the king was come to/see 798/2834
1Ki_14:28............so/when the king went/into 884/2834
Luk_17:20.....Pharisees/when the kingdom of/God 2282/2834
2Ch_25:3...........pass/when the kingdom was/established 1105/2834
Est_9:1............same/when the king's commandment and his decree drew/near 1190/2834
Est_2:8............pass/when the king's commandment and his decree was/heard 1177/2834
Est_1:20............And/when the king's decree/which 1174/2834
1Sa_20:37...........And/when the lad/was..... 712/2834
Rev_6:1.............saw/when the Lamb/opened 2812/2834
Eze_14:13...........man/when the land/sinneth 1663/2834
2Ki_10:7...........pass/when the letter/came. 966/2834
Neh_10:38.......Levites/when the Levites/take 1166/2834
Eze_1:19............And/when the living creatures went/the 1626/2834
Eze_1:19............and/when the living creatures were/lifted 1627/2834
Psa_14:7...........Zion/when the LORD bringeth/back 1270/2834
1Ch_6:15......captivity/when the LORD carried/away 1009/2834
Lam_3:37...........pass/when the Lord commandeth/it 1620/2834
Jos_10:12...........day/when the LORD delivered/up 508/2834
Num_5:21.........people/when the LORD doth/make 289/2834
1Sa_24:18............as/when the LORD had/delivered 723/2834
1Sa_20:15...........not/when the LORD hath cut/off 708/2834
Jdg_8:7.......Therefore/when the LORD hath delivered/Zebah 558/2834
Jos_2:14.............be/when the LORD hath given/us 473/2834
Eze_22:28...........GOD/when the LORD hath not/spoken 1696/2834
Isa_10:12..........that/when the Lord hath performed/his 1471/2834
2Th_1:7..............us/when the Lord Jesus/shall 2744/2834
2Ch_5:10..........Horeb/when the LORD made a covenant with the children of Israel when they came out of Egypt/And 1041/2834
1Ki_8:9...........Horeb/when the LORD made a covenant with the children of Israel when they came out of the/land 849/2834
Isa_24:23.......ashamed/when the LORD of/hosts 1482/2834
Jdg_2:18............And/when the LORD raised/them 529/2834
Deu_4:10..........Horeb/when the LORD said/unto 367/2834
Luk_7:13............And/when the Lord saw her/he 2198/2834
Deu_32:19...........And/when the LORD saw it/he 467/2834
Exo_3:4.............And/when the LORD saw that he/turned 132/2834
Gen_29:31...........And/when the LORD saw that Leah/was 57/2834
2Ch_12:7............And/when the LORD saw that they/humbled 1060/2834
Deu_9:23.......Likewise/when the LORD sent/you 386/2834
Isa_52:8............eye/when the LORD shall bring again/Zion 1523/2834
Exo_13:5.............be/when the LORD shall bring thee into the land of the Canaanites and/the 158/2834
Exo_13:11............be/when the LORD shall bring thee into the land of the Canaanites as/he 160/2834
Psa_102:16........glory/When the LORD shall build/up 1343/2834
Exo_16:8.............be/when the LORD shall give/you 172/2834
1Sa_25:31...........but/when the LORD shall have dealt/well 728/2834
1Sa_25:30..........pass/when the LORD shall have done/to 727/2834
Isa_4:4.......Jerusalem/When the Lord shall have washed/away 1464/2834
Isa_31:3.........spirit/When the LORD shall stretch/out 1503/2834
Exo_6:28............day/when the LORD spake/unto 141/2834
Mat_21:40...........him/When the lord therefore/of 1988/2834
Deu_14:24.........there/when the LORD thy God hath blessed/thee 399/2834
Deu_11:29..........pass/when the LORD thy God hath brought/thee 391/2834
Deu_19:1............him/When the LORD thy God hath cut/off 409/2834
Deu_20:13...........And/when the LORD thy God hath delivered/it 415/2834
Deu_25:19............be/when the LORD thy God hath given/thee 444/2834
Deu_7:1..............us/When the LORD thy God shall bring/thee 380/2834
Deu_12:29...........God/When the LORD thy God shall cut/off 397/2834
Deu_7:2.............And/when the LORD thy God shall deliver/them 381/2834
Deu_12:20.........earth/When the LORD thy God shall enlarge/thy 394/2834
Deu_6:10.............be/when the LORD thy God shall have/brought 377/2834
Psa_126:1........Israel/When the LORD turned/again 1365/2834
2Ki_2:1............pass/when the LORD would/take 909/2834
1Sa_12:12............us/when the LORD your/God 674/2834
1Sa_4:13............And/when the man came/into 638/2834
2Ki_4:25...........pass/when the man of/God.. 929/2834
Jdg_19:9............And/when the man rose up to depart he/and 601/2834
Jdg_19:7............And/when the man rose up to depart his/father 600/2834
2Sa_20:12...........And/when the man saw/that 826/2834
Eze_47:3............And/when the man that/had 1778/2834
2Ki_5:26...........thee/when the man turned/again 941/2834
2Ki_13:21...........and/when the man was/let. 975/2834
Eze_10:3..........house/when the man went/in 1649/2834
Mar_13:35...........not/when the master/of.. 2130/2834
2Ki_3:20........morning/when the meat/offering 918/2834
Isa_64:2.............As/when the melting/fire 1531/2834
Jos_8:20............And/when the men of Ai/looked 500/2834
1Sa_5:7.............And/when the men of Ashdod/saw 645/2834
Jdg_20:39...........And/when the men of Israel retired/in 609/2834
Jdg_9:55............And/when the men of Israel saw that Abimelech/was 567/2834
1Sa_13:6.......Bethaven/When the men of Israel saw that they/were 676/2834
1Sa_31:7............And/when the men of Israel that/were 743/2834
Jdg_20:41...........And/when the men of Israel turned/again 611/2834
Mat_14:35...........And/when the men of that/place 1953/2834
Jdg_6:28............And/when the men of the/city 550/2834
Luk_7:20........another/When the men were/come 2199/2834
2Ki_6:32...........look/when the messenger/cometh 949/2834
Luk_7:24............And/when the messengers of/John 2200/2834
2Ki_1:5.............And/when the messengers turned/back 908/2834
1Sa_19:16...........And/when the messengers were/come 704/2834
2Ki_3:15...........pass/when the minstrel/played 917/2834
Exo_14:27......strength/when the morning appeared/and 167/2834
Gen_19:15...........And/when the morning arose/then 26/2834
Mic_2:1............beds/when the morning is/light 1827/2834
Jon_4:7............worm/when the morning rose/the 1825/2834
Job_38:7........thereof/When the morning stars/sang 1249/2834
Mat_27:1.......bitterly/When the morning was come/all 2017/2834
Joh_21:4............But/when the morning was now/come 2425/2834
Deu_32:8...........thee/When the Most/High... 465/2834
2Sa_11:27...........And/when the mourning/was 793/2834
Mat_22:33...........And/when the multitude/heard 1995/2834
Mat_9:8.............But/when the multitudes/saw 1904/2834
Isa_32:7...........even/when the needy/speaketh 1505/2834
1Sa_20:24...........and/when the new/moon.... 711/2834
Job_21:21...........him/when the number of his/months 1212/2834
Act_6:1............days/when the number of the/disciples 2454/2834
Act_5:22............But/when the officers came/and 2448/2834
Deu_20:9.............be/when the officers have/made 413/2834
Isa_28:15.....agreement/when the overflowing scourge shall pass through it/shall 1491/2834
Isa_28:18.........stand/when the overflowing scourge shall pass through then/ye 1492/2834
Luk_2:27............and/when the parents/brought 2160/2834
Luk_22:7..........bread/when the passover/must 2310/2834
Psa_102:22....Jerusalem/When the people are/gathered 1344/2834
Num_11:1............And/when the people complained/it 313/2834
Mat_14:13...........and/when the people had/heard 1944/2834
Jos_6:20...........pass/when the people heard the/sound 493/2834
Exo_33:4............And/when the people heard these/evil 212/2834
Eze_46:9............But/when the people of/the 1774/2834
Jos_3:14...........pass/when the people removed/from 477/2834
Jdg_16:24...........And/when the people saw him/they 589/2834
Exo_20:18...........and/when the people saw it/they 187/2834
Exo_32:1............And/when the people saw that/Moses 207/2834
Act_14:11...........And/when the people saw what/Paul 2517/2834
Joh_6:24.........thanks/When the people therefore/saw 2362/2834
1Sa_4:3.............And/when the people were come into the camp/the 633/2834
1Sa_14:26...........And/when the people were come into the wood/behold 679/2834
Luk_11:29...........And/when the people were gathered/thick 2239/2834
Mat_9:25............But/when the people were put/forth 1910/2834
Joh_6:22......following/when the people which/stood 2361/2834
Jdg_5:2..........Israel/when the people willingly/offered 542/2834
Luk_11:38...........And/when the Pharisee saw/it 2244/2834
Luk_7:39............Now/when the Pharisee which/had 2202/2834
Mat_22:34...........But/when the Pharisees had/heard 1996/2834
Mat_12:24...........But/when the Pharisees heard/it 1927/2834
Mat_12:2............But/when the Pharisees saw it they said unto him/Behold 1923/2834
Mat_9:11............And/when the Pharisees saw it they said unto his/disciples 1905/2834
1Sa_17:48..........pass/when the Philistine arose/and 695/2834
1Sa_17:42...........And/when the Philistine looked/about 694/2834
1Ch_10:8.........morrow/when the Philistines came to strip the slain that they found Saul and his sons/fallen 1013/2834
1Sa_31:8.........morrow/when the Philistines came to strip the slain that they found Saul and his three/sons 744/2834
2Sa_21:12..........them/when the Philistines had/slain 830/2834
1Ch_14:8............And/when the Philistines heard that David/was 1020/2834
1Sa_7:7.............And/when the Philistines heard that the/children 648/2834
2Sa_5:17............But/when the Philistines heard that they/had 765/2834
1Sa_4:6.............And/when the Philistines heard the/noise 636/2834
1Sa_17:51...........And/when the Philistines saw/their 696/2834
1Sa_5:2..........Ashdod/When the Philistines took/the 642/2834
Lev_13:9........leprosy/When the plague/of... 241/2834
Isa_41:17........Israel/When the poor/and... 1513/2834
Lev_13:20............if/when the priest/seeth 243/2834
Jos_6:20........shouted/when the priests blew with the trumpets and/it 492/2834
Jos_6:16...........time/when the priests blew with the trumpets Joshua/said 490/2834
Eze_42:14..........holy/When the priests enter/therein 1760/2834
Jos_4:18...........pass/when the priests that/bare 482/2834
2Ch_5:11...........pass/when the priests were come out of the holy place for/all 1043/2834
1Ki_8:10...........pass/when the priests were come out of the holy place that/the 851/2834
Eze_46:8............And/when the prince shall enter/he 1773/2834
Eze_46:12...........Now/when the prince shall prepare/a 1777/2834
Jer_26:10..........LORD/When the princes/of. 1569/2834
1Ki_13:26...........And/when the prophet/that 877/2834
1Ki_10:4............And/when the queen of Sheba had seen all/Solomon's 865/2834
2Ch_9:3.............And/when the queen of Sheba had seen the/wisdom 1055/2834
1Ki_10:1............And/when the queen of Sheba heard of the fame of Solomon concerning/the 863/2834
2Ch_9:1.............And/when the queen of Sheba heard of the fame of Solomon she/came 1053/2834
Pro_29:2.........remedy/When the righteous are/in 1434/2834
Eze_18:24...........But/when the righteous turneth away/from 1681/2834
Eze_33:18.........equal/When the righteous turneth from/his 1739/2834
Joh_2:9..............it/When the ruler/of... 2335/2834
Mar_6:2.............And/when the sabbath day/was 2072/2834
Mar_16:1............And/when the sabbath was/past 2147/2834
Joh_4:40.............So/when the Samaritans/were 2346/2834
Pro_21:11..........eyes/When the scorner/is. 1413/2834
Mar_2:16............And/when the scribes/and 2045/2834
Job_29:4..........youth/when the secret/of.. 1222/2834
2Ki_6:15............And/when the servant/of.. 943/2834
1Sa_25:40...........And/when the servants of David/were 731/2834
1Ch_19:19...........And/when the servants of Hadarezer/saw 1036/2834
Mar_8:20............And/when the seven among/four 2095/2834
Act_21:27...........And/when the seven days/were 2579/2834
Rev_10:4............And/when the seven thunders/had 2824/2834
Neh_7:73............and/when the seventh month came/the 1160/2834
Ezr_3:1.............And/when the seventh month was/come 1136/2834
Act_27:15...........And/when the ship/was... 2629/2834
Lev_4:14.........guilty/When the sin/which... 224/2834
Mar_15:33...........And/when the sixth/hour. 2141/2834
Eze_30:4.......Ethiopia/when the slain/shall 1721/2834
Eze_26:15...........cry/when the slaughter/is 1709/2834
Eze_18:19........father/When the son hath/done 1680/2834
Luk_18:8...Nevertheless/when the Son of man cometh/shall 2285/2834
Luk_17:30...........day/when the Son of man is/revealed 2284/2834
Mat_25:31.........teeth/When the Son of man shall come/in 2004/2834
Mat_19:28..regeneration/when the Son of man shall sit/in 1971/2834
Gen_6:4............that/when the sons of God came in/unto 7/2834
Job_1:6.............day/when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD and Satan came also among them And/the 1193/2834
Job_2:1.............day/when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD and Satan came also among them to/present 1195/2834
2Ki_2:15............And/when the sons of the/prophets 913/2834
Ecc_12:4........streets/when the sound/of... 1453/2834
Act_27:13...........And/when the south/wind. 2628/2834
Num_5:30.............Or/when the spirit of/jealousy 292/2834
Num_11:25..........that/when the spirit rested/upon 316/2834
Nah_3:17............but/when the sun ariseth/they 1836/2834
Jon_4:8............pass/when the sun did arise/that 1826/2834
Mar_1:32...........even/when the sun did set/they 2039/2834
Deu_24:13.........again/when the sun goeth/down 436/2834
Lev_22:7............And/when the sun is down he shall be/clean 259/2834
Deu_23:11...........and/when the sun is down he shall come/into 427/2834
2Sa_23:4........morning/when the sun riseth/even 833/2834
Gen_15:12...........And/when the sun was going/down 16/2834
Luk_4:40............Now/when the sun was setting/all 2174/2834
Mar_4:6.............But/when the sun was up it/was 2053/2834
Mat_13:6............And/when the sun was up they/were 1931/2834
Exo_16:21...........and/when the sun waxed/hot 176/2834
Gen_15:17..........that/when the sun went/down 17/2834
1Ch_18:5............And/when the Syrians of Damascus came to help/Hadarezer 1028/2834
2Sa_8:5.............And/when the Syrians of Damascus came to succour/Hadadezer 772/2834
1Ch_19:16...........And/when the Syrians saw that they were put/to 1034/2834
2Sa_10:15...........And/when the Syrians saw that they were smitten/before 782/2834
Num_1:51............and/when the tabernacle is/to 282/2834
Num_1:51............And/when the tabernacle setteth/forward 281/2834
Mat_4:3.............And/when the tempter/came 1881/2834
Mar_10:41...........And/when the ten heard it they began/to 2109/2834
Mat_20:24...........And/when the ten heard it they were/moved 1977/2834
Rev_20:7............And/when the thousand/years 2833/2834
2Sa_4:4.............old/when the tidings/came 759/2834
Mar_13:33...........not/when the time is/For 2129/2834
Mat_21:34...........And/when the time of the fruit/drew 1986/2834
Act_7:17............But/when the time of the promise/drew 2460/2834
Joh_16:4...........that/when the time shall/come 2403/2834
1Sa_1:20...........pass/when the time was come about/after 625/2834
Luk_9:51...........pass/when the time was come that/he 2225/2834
1Sa_1:4.............And/when the time was that/Elkanah 623/2834
Act_3:19............out/when the times/of... 2439/2834
Isa_30:25.....slaughter/when the towers/fall 1500/2834
Act_19:35...........And/when the townclerk/had 2560/2834
Dan_8:23........kingdom/when the transgressors/are 1790/2834
Joh_4:23.............is/when the true/worshippers 2344/2834
Exo_19:13..........live/when the trumpet/soundeth 185/2834
Est_2:15............Now/when the turn/of.... 1180/2834
Mar_1:26............And/when the unclean spirit had/torn 2037/2834
Mat_12:43..........here/When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man he walketh through dry places seeking rest and findeth/none 1928/2834
Luk_11:24....scattereth/When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man he walketh through dry places seeking rest and finding/none 2237/2834
2Ki_4:6............pass/when the vessels/were 923/2834
Psa_12:8...........side/when the vilest/men. 1268/2834
Isa_24:13........grapes/when the vintage/is. 1481/2834
Gen_24:43..........that/when the virgin/cometh 42/2834
Est_2:19............And/when the virgins/were 1181/2834
Exo_19:19...........And/when the voice of/the 186/2834
Luk_9:36............And/when the voice was/past 2223/2834
Eze_13:12............Lo/when the wall is/fallen 1661/2834
Neh_7:1............pass/when the wall was/built 1159/2834
Joh_5:7.............man/when the water/is... 2352/2834
2Sa_22:5........enemies/When the waves of/death 832/2834
Psa_89:9............sea/when the waves thereof arise/thou 1333/2834
Jer_31:35...........sea/when the waves thereof roar/The 1577/2834
Eze_35:14...........GOD/When the whole/earth 1745/2834
Psa_37:34..........land/when the wicked are cut/off 1288/2834
Pro_29:16.........shame/When the wicked are multiplied/transgression 1436/2834
Pro_29:2............but/when the wicked beareth/rule 1435/2834
Pro_18:3.........itself/When the wicked cometh/then 1411/2834
Hab_1:13.........tongue/when the wicked devoureth/the 1837/2834
Psa_27:2.........afraid/When the wicked even/mine 1276/2834
Eze_18:27.........Again/when the wicked man/turneth 1683/2834
Pro_11:10...........and/when the wicked perish/there 1405/2834
Pro_28:12...........but/when the wicked rise a/man 1431/2834
Pro_28:28.........curse/When the wicked rise men/hide 1432/2834
Psa_92:7...........this/When the wicked spring/as 1335/2834
2Sa_11:26...........And/when the wife/of..... 792/2834
Job_39:1...........time/when the wild/goats. 1255/2834
1Sa_25:37.......morning/when the wine/was.... 729/2834
Pro_21:11...........and/when the wise/is.... 1414/2834
2Sa_14:4............And/when the woman of/Tekoah 803/2834
1Sa_28:12...........And/when the woman saw Samuel/she 735/2834
Luk_8:47............And/when the woman saw that she/was 2214/2834
Gen_3:6.............And/when the woman saw that the/tree 2/2834
Jer_28:9..........peace/when the word/of.... 1573/2834
1Sa_17:31...........And/when the words/were.. 692/2834
Eze_26:15..........fall/when the wounded/cry 1708/2834
Est_2:1..........things/when the wrath/of... 1175/2834
2Ch_36:10...........And/when the year/was... 1133/2834
Mat_19:22...........But/when the young/man.. 1969/2834
Jdg_21:22............be/when their fathers/or 612/2834
Jdg_16:25..........pass/when their hearts/were 590/2834
Eze_21:29..........come/when their iniquity/shall 1695/2834
Psa_141:6....calamities/When their judges/are 1373/2834
Eze_6:13...........LORD/when their slain/men 1646/2834
Lam_2:12...........city/when their soul/was. 1618/2834
Psa_124:3.........quick/when their wrath/was 1364/2834
Act_23:10...........And/when there arose/a.. 2593/2834
2Pe_1:17..........glory/when there came/such 2799/2834
Exo_1:10...........that/when there falleth/out 121/2834
Act_15:7............And/when there had/been. 2525/2834
Rom_5:13........imputed/when there is no law/Nevertheless 2663/2834
Jer_8:11..........peace/when there is no peace Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination nay they were not at all ashamed neither could they blush therefore shall/they 1550/2834
Jer_6:14..........peace/when there is no peace Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination nay they were not at all ashamed neither could they blush therefore they/shall 1548/2834
Lev_6:27............and/when there is sprinkled/of 231/2834
Deu_15:4...........Save/when there shall/be.. 400/2834
Act_14:5............And/when there was an/assault 2516/2834
Act_21:40...........And/when there was made/a 2585/2834
Jdg_19:1...........days/when there was no king/in 597/2834
Isa_43:12........shewed/when there was no strange/god 1517/2834
Exo_5:13.............as/when there was straw/And 140/2834
Luk_12:1...........time/when there were gathered/together 2245/2834
Pro_8:24............was/When there were no depths/I 1394/2834
Pro_8:24..........forth/when there were no fountains/abounding 1395/2834
Amo_4:7.............you/when there were yet/three 1819/2834
Joh_2:22...........body/When therefore he/was 2338/2834
Rom_15:28........things/When therefore I/have 2671/2834
Act_15:2..........saved/When therefore Paul/and 2523/2834
Joh_4:1.............him/When therefore the/LORD 2342/2834
Eze_43:27...........And/when these days are/expired 1765/2834
Est_1:5.............And/when these days were/expired 1171/2834
2Ki_7:8.............And/when these lepers/came 951/2834
1Sa_10:7.............be/when these signs/are. 659/2834
Luk_21:28...........And/when these things begin/to 2307/2834
Luk_21:7.............be/when these things shall/come 2304/2834
Ezr_9:1.............Now/when these things were done/the 1142/2834
Heb_9:6.............Now/when these things were thus/ordained 2767/2834
Act_28:25...........And/when they agreed/not 2653/2834
Num_4:19............die/when they approach/unto 286/2834
Lev_11:32..........them/when they are/dead... 237/2834
Psa_109:28.........thou/when they arise/let. 1352/2834
Isa_37:36...........and/when they arose early in the morning behold they were all dead corpses So Sennacherib king of Assyria departed and went and returned and dwelt at Nineveh And it came to pass as he was worshipping in the house of Nisroch his god that Adrammelech and Sharezer his sons smote him with the sword and they escaped into the land of Armenia and Esarhaddon his son reigned in his stead In those days was Hezekiah sick unto death And Isaiah/the 1511/2834
2Ki_19:35...........and/when they arose early in the morning behold they were all dead corpses So Sennacherib king of Assyria departed and went and returned and dwelt at Nineveh And it came to pass as he was worshipping in the house of Nisroch his god that Adrammelech and Sharezer his sons smote him with the sword and they escaped into the land of Armenia And Esarhaddon his son reigned in his stead In those days was Hezekiah sick unto death And the/prophet 987/2834
Jdg_19:5............day/when they arose early in the morning that/he 599/2834
1Sa_5:4.............And/when they arose early on/the 644/2834
Lev_11:31..........them/when they be dead/shall 236/2834
Lev_26:44..........that/when they be in/the.. 277/2834
2Ch_20:22...........And/when they began/to.. 1078/2834
Mar_9:15.........people/when they beheld/him 2102/2834
Rev_17:8..........world/when they behold/the 2829/2834
Act_8:12............But/when they believed/Philip 2467/2834
Job_39:2...........time/when they bring forth/They 1257/2834
Luk_12:11...........And/when they bring you/unto 2246/2834
2Ch_34:14...........And/when they brought out the/money 1126/2834
Jos_10:24..........pass/when they brought out those/kings 510/2834
2Ki_2:18............And/when they came again/to 915/2834
2Ki_6:18............And/when they came down/to 944/2834
2Sa_4:7.............For/when they came into the house/he 760/2834
Jer_41:7.............so/when they came into the midst/of 1600/2834
Exo_40:32...........and/when they came near/unto 220/2834
Mar_11:1............And/when they came nigh/to 2111/2834
2Ch_5:10.........Israel/when they came out of Egypt/And 1042/2834
1Ki_8:9..........Israel/when they came out of the land of Egypt And/it 850/2834
2Ch_20:10........invade/when they came out of the land of Egypt but/they 1076/2834
Mat_20:9............And/when they came that/were 1974/2834
1Sa_10:10...........And/when they came thither/to 661/2834
Act_23:33...........Who/when they came to Caesarea/and 2598/2834
Gen_30:38......conceive/when they came to drink/And 64/2834
2Ch_34:9............And/when they came to Hilkiah/the 1125/2834
Joh_19:33...........But/when they came to Jesus and/saw 2417/2834
Luk_7:4.............And/when they came to Jesus they/besought 2194/2834
2Ki_6:4.............And/when they came to Jordan/they 942/2834
Exo_15:23...........And/when they came to Marah/they 168/2834
Jdg_18:2............who/when they came to mount/Ephraim 592/2834
2Sa_6:6.............And/when they came to Nachon's/threshingfloor 768/2834
Exo_2:18............And/when they came to Reuel/their 131/2834
2Ki_3:24............And/when they came to the camp/of 920/2834
Ezr_2:68........fathers/when they came to the house/of 1135/2834
Jos_22:10...........And/when they came unto the borders/of 518/2834
1Ch_13:9............And/when they came unto the threshingfloor/of 1019/2834
Jdg_11:13..........land/when they came up out of Egypt from/Arnon 570/2834
1Sa_15:6.........Israel/when they came up out of Egypt So/the 683/2834
Job_3:22...........glad/when they can/find.. 1199/2834
Isa_6:13...........them/when they cast/their 1466/2834
Mar_7:4.............And/when they come from/the 2089/2834
Exo_28:43..........sons/when they come in/unto 194/2834
Exo_30:20............or/when they come near to/the 205/2834
Exo_28:43............or/when they come near unto/the 195/2834
Jos_8:5............pass/when they come out against/us 496/2834
2Ki_7:12.........saying/When they come out of/the 952/2834
Jdg_20:10............do/when they come to/Gibeah 608/2834
Hos_4:14........spouses/when they commit adultery/for 1804/2834
Hos_4:14......daughters/when they commit whoredom/nor 1803/2834
Job_31:13...maidservant/when they contended/with 1232/2834
Joh_8:7..............So/when they continued/asking 2373/2834
Job_38:40.........lions/When they couch/in.. 1253/2834
Mar_2:4.............And/when they could not come/nigh 2041/2834
Luk_5:19............And/when they could not find/by 2181/2834
Jos_24:7............And/when they cried unto the/LORD 523/2834
Neh_9:27........trouble/when they cried unto thee/thou 1164/2834
Jer_34:18............me/when they cut/the... 1583/2834
2Sa_23:9..........David/when they defied/the. 834/2834
Lev_15:31...uncleanness/when they defile/my.. 250/2834
Mat_10:19...........But/when they deliver/you 1919/2834
Psa_105:38.........glad/when they departed for/the 1347/2834
Act_13:14...........But/when they departed from/Perga 2506/2834
Act_18:20..........Jews/When they desired/him 2548/2834
Exo_16:18...........And/when they did/mete... 175/2834
Num_6:7..........sister/when they die/because 294/2834
Isa_9:3.........rejoice/when they divide/the 1470/2834
Mat_21:1............And/when they drew/nigh. 1979/2834
Act_13:17........people/when they dwelt as/strangers 2507/2834
Eze_39:26............me/when they dwelt safely/in 1758/2834
Mat_15:2..........hands/when they eat bread/But 1954/2834
Lev_22:16......trespass/when they eat their/holy 260/2834
Jdg_6:29............And/when they enquired/and 551/2834
Eze_44:17..........that/when they enter in/at 1769/2834
Eze_44:21..........wine/when they enter into/the 1771/2834
Eze_36:20...........And/when they entered/unto 1747/2834
Joe_2:8.............and/when they fall/upon. 1816/2834
Jer_14:12..........good/When they fast/I.... 1558/2834
Jud_1:12........charity/when they feast/with 2808/2834
Lam_4:15............not/when they fled/away. 1621/2834
2Sa_19:3...........away/when they flee/in.... 822/2834
1Sa_12:9............And/when they forgat/the. 672/2834
Luk_2:45............And/when they found him/not 2164/2834
Luk_24:23...........And/when they found not/his 2329/2834
Act_17:6............And/when they found them/not 2538/2834
Exo_30:15........shekel/when they give/an.... 203/2834
Eze_44:19...........And/when they go forth into/the 1770/2834
Eze_46:10...........and/when they go forth shall/go 1776/2834
Eze_46:10..........them/when they go in/shall 1775/2834
Exo_30:20.......thereat/When they go into/the 204/2834
Act_28:23...........And/when they had appointed/him 2652/2834
Act_25:14...........And/when they had been/there 2611/2834
Luk_22:64...........And/when they had blindfolded/him 2320/2834
Mat_27:2............And/when they had bound/him 2018/2834
Mar_2:4.............and/when they had broken/it 2042/2834
Luk_5:11............And/when they had brought their/ships 2179/2834
Gen_19:17..........pass/when they had brought them forth/abroad 27/2834
Act_5:27............And/when they had brought them they/set 2451/2834
2Sa_9:2.............And/when they had called him/unto 775/2834
Act_5:40............and/when they had called the/apostles 2453/2834
2Ki_18:18...........And/when they had called to/the 983/2834
Act_4:15............But/when they had commanded/them 2442/2834
Jer_8:12........ashamed/when they had committed abomination nay they were not at all ashamed neither could they blush therefore shall/they 1551/2834
Jer_6:15........ashamed/when they had committed abomination nay they were not at all ashamed neither could they blush therefore they/shall 1549/2834
Mar_15:24...........And/when they had crucified him/they 2140/2834
Joh_19:23......soldiers/when they had crucified Jesus/took 2414/2834
Deu_2:12...........them/when they had destroyed/them 363/2834
Joh_21:15............So/when they had dined/Jesus 2427/2834
Jos_5:8............pass/when they had done/circumcising 485/2834
2Ki_6:23............and/when they had eaten and/drunk 947/2834
Act_27:38...........And/when they had eaten enough/they 2637/2834
Gen_41:21...........And/when they had eaten them/up 94/2834
Gen_43:2...........pass/when they had eaten up/the 100/2834
Act_28:18...........Who/when they had examined/me 2650/2834
Act_13:3............And/when they had fasted/and 2501/2834
2Ch_24:14...........And/when they had finished/it 1099/2834
Joh_6:25............And/when they had found him on/the 2363/2834
Mar_1:37............And/when they had found him they/said 2040/2834
Act_13:29...........And/when they had fulfilled all/that 2511/2834
Luk_2:43............And/when they had fulfilled the/days 2163/2834
Act_12:25.....Jerusalem/when they had fulfilled their/ministry 2500/2834
Act_4:21.............So/when they had further/threatened 2443/2834
Act_15:30...........and/when they had gathered/the 2527/2834
Act_27:28...........and/when they had gone a/little 2633/2834
2Sa_24:8.............So/when they had gone through all/the 835/2834
Act_13:6............And/when they had gone through the/isle 2503/2834
Act_16:6............Now/when they had gone throughout/Phrygia 2529/2834
Jer_36:16..........pass/when they had heard all/the 1587/2834
Heb_3:16...........some/when they had heard did/provoke 2758/2834
Mar_16:11..........they/when they had heard that he/was 2150/2834
2Ch_20:29.....countries/when they had heard that the/LORD 1082/2834
Mat_2:9............also/When they had heard the king/they 1869/2834
Neh_13:3...........pass/when they had heard the law/that 1167/2834
Mat_22:22.........God's/When they had heard these/words 1993/2834
Joh_6:60......disciples/when they had heard this/said 2365/2834
Mar_3:8.......multitude/when they had heard what/great 2050/2834
2Ch_29:22......likewise/when they had killed/the 1112/2834
Luk_22:55...........And/when they had kindled/a 2319/2834
Act_16:23...........And/when they had laid/many 2532/2834
1Ch_14:12...........And/when they had left/their 1021/2834
Act_27:30..........ship/when they had let/down 2634/2834
Mat_17:8............And/when they had lifted/up 1961/2834
Mar_9:8........suddenly/when they had looked/round 2100/2834
Jos_19:49......villages/When they had made an end of dividing/the 515/2834
Amo_7:2............that/when they had made an end of eating/the 1821/2834
2Ch_29:29...........And/when they had made an end of offering/the 1114/2834
2Ch_20:23...........and/when they had made an end of the/inhabitants 1079/2834
Neh_9:18............Yea/when they had made them/a 1163/2834
Mar_15:20...........And/when they had mocked/him 2139/2834
Luk_7:42............And/when they had nothing/to 2203/2834
1Sa_14:17...........And/when they had numbered/behold 677/2834
Act_12:16...........and/when they had opened the/door 2498/2834
Mat_2:11............and/when they had opened their/treasures 1872/2834
Act_14:23...........And/when they had ordained/them 2520/2834
Mar_6:53............And/when they had passed over/they 2086/2834
Act_17:1............Now/when they had passed through/Amphipolis 2537/2834
Luk_2:39............And/when they had performed/all 2161/2834
Mat_27:29...........And/when they had platted/a 2025/2834
Act_4:31............And/when they had prayed the/place 2445/2834
Act_6:6.............and/when they had prayed they/laid 2455/2834
Act_14:21...........And/when they had preached the gospel/to 2519/2834
Act_14:25...........And/when they had preached the word/in 2521/2834
Act_15:31.........Which/when they had read/they 2528/2834
Mat_20:11...........And/when they had received/it 1976/2834
Joh_6:19.............So/when they had rowed/about 2360/2834
Luk_2:17............And/when they had seen it/they 2157/2834
Act_16:40...........and/when they had seen the brethren/they 2536/2834
Joh_6:14............men/when they had seen the miracle/that 2357/2834
Mar_4:36............And/when they had sent away/the 2063/2834
Zec_7:2.........Chisleu/When they had sent unto/the 1846/2834
Joh_8:3.............and/when they had set her/in 2372/2834
Jos_8:13............And/when they had set the/people 498/2834
Act_4:7.............And/when they had set them/in 2440/2834
2Ch_22:9............and/when they had slain him/they 1091/2834
Eze_23:39...........For/when they had slain their/children 1700/2834
2Sa_17:20...........And/when they had sought/and 817/2834
1Ch_10:9............And/when they had stripped/him 1014/2834
Mar_14:26...........And/when they had sung an hymn they went out into the mount of Olives And/Jesus 2134/2834
Mat_26:30...........And/when they had sung an hymn they went out into the mount of Olives Then/saith 2015/2834
Jer_39:5............and/when they had taken him/they 1596/2834
Act_17:9............And/when they had taken security/of 2540/2834
Act_27:40...........And/when they had taken up the/anchors 2639/2834
Act_27:17.........Which/when they had taken up they/used 2630/2834
Act_8:25...........they/when they had testified/and 2472/2834
Luk_5:6.............And/when they had this/done 2177/2834
2Sa_11:10...........And/when they had told/David 787/2834
Act_9:37...........whom/when they had washed/they 2478/2834
Exo_18:16...........God/When they have a/matter 182/2834
1Ti_5:11............for/when they have begun/to 2749/2834
Deu_21:18..........that/when they have chastened/him 420/2834
Mic_7:1..............as/when they have gathered/the 1832/2834
Luk_8:14..........which/when they have heard go/forth 2207/2834
Mar_4:15............but/when they have heard Satan/cometh 2055/2834
Mar_4:16............who/when they have heard the/word 2056/2834
Luk_8:13..........which/when they hear receive/the 2206/2834
Psa_138:4..........LORD/when they hear the/words 1368/2834
Gen_34:7..........field/when they heard it and/the 73/2834
Mar_15:35............by/when they heard it said/Behold 2142/2834
Act_21:20...........And/when they heard it they glorified/the 2578/2834
Luk_20:16...........And/when they heard it they said/God 2301/2834
Mar_14:11...........And/when they heard it they were/glad 2131/2834
Act_17:32...........And/when they heard of/the 2543/2834
Act_22:2............And/when they heard that he/spake 2586/2834
Mat_20:30..........side/when they heard that Jesus passed/by 1978/2834
Joh_12:12.........feast/when they heard that Jesus was/coming 2390/2834
Mat_27:47.........there/when they heard that said/This 2028/2834
Exo_4:31............and/when they heard that the LORD/had 139/2834
1Sa_14:22.......Ephraim/when they heard that the Philistines/fled 678/2834
Act_5:21............And/when they heard that they entered/into 2447/2834
Act_4:24............And/when they heard that they lifted/up 2444/2834
Act_5:33............him/When they heard that they were cut/to 2452/2834
Act_16:38........feared/when they heard that they were Romans/And 2535/2834
Neh_8:9............wept/when they heard the/words 1162/2834
Act_19:28...........And/when they heard these sayings/they 2557/2834
Act_17:8...........city/when they heard these things And/when 2539/2834
Act_11:18...........God/When they heard these things they held/their 2488/2834
Act_7:54.............it/When they heard these things they were/cut 2465/2834
Luk_4:28......synagogue/when they heard these things were/filled 2172/2834
Joh_7:40......therefore/when they heard this saying/said 2371/2834
Act_19:5..........Jesus/When they heard this they were baptized/in 2553/2834
Act_2:37............Now/when they heard this they were pricked/in 2436/2834
Hos_7:14..........heart/when they howled/upon 1809/2834
2Ch_15:4............But/when they in/their.. 1066/2834
1Sa_4:2.............and/when they joined/battle 632/2834
Mar_14:12.........bread/when they killed/the 2132/2834
Rom_1:21...........that/when they knew God/they 2655/2834
Luk_9:11.........people/when they knew it/followed 2219/2834
Act_19:34...........But/when they knew that/he 2559/2834
Mar_6:38............And/when they knew they/say 2081/2834
Eze_29:7............and/when they leaned/upon 1719/2834
Job_2:12............And/when they lifted up their eyes/afar 1197/2834
2Ch_5:13............and/when they lifted up their voice/with 1044/2834
Mar_16:4............And/when they looked they/saw 2148/2834
Psa_109:25.........them/when they looked upon/me 1351/2834
Jos_6:5............that/when they make/a..... 487/2834
Luk_21:30.........trees/When they now/shoot. 2308/2834
Num_26:64......numbered/when they numbered/the 346/2834
1Sa_5:3.............And/when they of/Ashdod.. 643/2834
Jer_14:12...........and/when they offer/burnt 1559/2834
Lev_16:1..........Aaron/when they offered before/the 251/2834
Num_26:61..........died/when they offered strange fire before the LORD And/those 345/2834
Num_3:4............LORD/when they offered strange fire before the LORD in/the 283/2834
Act_18:6............And/when they opposed/themselves 2545/2834
Pro_28:28...........but/when they perish/the 1433/2834
Mat_10:23...........But/when they persecute/you 1920/2834
Ezr_3:11..........shout/when they praised/the 1138/2834
Neh_9:28............yet/when they returned and/cried 1165/2834
2Ch_19:8..controversies/when they returned to/Jerusalem 1074/2834
1Sa_8:6..........Samuel/when they said Give/us 651/2834
1Ki_18:10...........and/when they said He/is. 891/2834
Eze_36:20..........name/when they said to/them 1748/2834
Psa_122:1..........glad/when they said unto/me 1362/2834
Gen_37:18...........And/when they saw him afar/off 81/2834
Mar_3:11........spirits/when they saw him fell/down 2051/2834
Act_21:27..........Asia/when they saw him in/the 2580/2834
Jdg_14:11..........pass/when they saw him that/they 579/2834
Mat_8:34............and/when they saw him they besought/him 1903/2834
Luk_2:48............And/when they saw him they were/amazed 2165/2834
Mat_28:17...........And/when they saw him they worshipped/him 2035/2834
Mar_6:49............But/when they saw him walking/upon 2085/2834
Luk_18:43........people/when they saw it gave/praise 2291/2834
Luk_19:7............And/when they saw it they/all 2293/2834
Joh_11:31...........her/when they saw Mary/that 2386/2834
Mar_7:2.............And/when they saw some/of 2088/2834
Jdg_3:24............and/when they saw that behold/the 536/2834
Gal_2:7....contrariwise/when they saw that the gospel/of 2717/2834
2Ch_15:9......abundance/when they saw that the LORD/his 1068/2834
2Ki_12:10............so/when they saw that there was much money in/the 974/2834
2Ch_24:11...........and/when they saw that there was much money the/king's 1098/2834
Act_4:13............Now/when they saw the boldness/of 2441/2834
Act_21:32...........and/when they saw the chief/captain 2581/2834
1Sa_19:20...........and/when they saw the company/of 705/2834
Mat_15:31......wondered/when they saw the dumb/to 1955/2834
Num_32:1............and/when they saw the land/of 350/2834
Joh_20:20..........glad/when they saw the LORD/Then 2422/2834
1Sa_17:24........Israel/when they saw the man/fled 690/2834
Joh_2:23...........name/when they saw the miracles/which 2340/2834
Rev_18:18.........cried/when they saw the smoke/of 2832/2834
Mat_2:10............was/When they saw the star/they 1870/2834
Eze_21:7.............be/when they say/unto.. 1693/2834
Luk_20:13...........him/when they see him/But 2299/2834
Psa_119:74.........glad/when they see me/because 1357/2834
Deu_29:22...........say/when they see the/plagues 458/2834
Exo_13:17........repent/when they see war/and 164/2834
Num_10:28........armies/when they set/forward 309/2834
Ecc_12:5...........Also/when they shall be afraid/of 1454/2834
Isa_8:21...........that/when they shall be hungry/they 1468/2834
Zec_12:2..........about/when they shall be in/the 1855/2834
Hos_10:10..........them/when they shall bind/themselves 1811/2834
Num_10:3............And/when they shall blow/with 305/2834
Dan_11:34...........Now/when they shall fall/they 1798/2834
Hos_7:12........Assyria/When they shall go/I 1808/2834
Rev_11:7............And/when they shall have/finished 2826/2834
Mar_13:11...........But/when they shall lead/you 2125/2834
Eze_29:16...remembrance/when they shall look/after 1720/2834
Eze_43:18...........day/when they shall make/it 1763/2834
1Ki_8:30.........Israel/when they shall pray/toward 853/2834
Mar_12:25...........For/when they shall rise from/the 2120/2834
Mar_12:23.....therefore/when they shall rise whose/wife 2119/2834
1Th_5:3.............For/when they shall say Peace/and 2743/2834
Isa_8:19............And/when they shall say unto/you 1467/2834
Rev_18:9............her/when they shall see/the 2831/2834
Luk_6:22............and/when they shall separate/you 2188/2834
Jos_22:28............be/when they should/so.. 520/2834
1Sa_10:21...........and/when they sought him/he 667/2834
Mat_21:46...........But/when they sought to/lay 1990/2834
Est_3:4............pass/when they spake daily/unto 1184/2834
Gen_50:17..........wept/when they spake unto him/And 120/2834
Exo_7:7.............old/when they spake unto Pharaoh/And 143/2834
2Pe_2:18............For/when they speak/great 2801/2834
Eze_1:25..........heads/when they stood and/had 1633/2834
Eze_10:17..........them/When they stood these/stood 1656/2834
Eze_1:24...........host/when they stood they/let 1632/2834
Num_26:9..........Korah/when they strove/against 343/2834
Lam_2:12...........wine/when they swooned/as 1617/2834
2Sa_6:13...........that/when they that bare/the 769/2834
Luk_8:34.........choked/When they that fed/them 2211/2834
Act_1:6...........hence/When they therefore/were 2431/2834
Jdg_9:7.............And/when they told it to/Jotham 561/2834
2Sa_10:5...........away/When they told it unto/David 777/2834
Eze_29:7.........Israel/When they took/hold. 1718/2834
2Ki_2:17............And/when they urged/him.. 914/2834
Psa_56:6..........steps/when they wait/for.. 1304/2834
Joh_2:3.............And/when they wanted/wine 2334/2834
Eze_1:12............not/when they went As for the/likeness 1623/2834
Eze_1:17............not/when they went As for their/rings 1625/2834
1Ch_16:20...........And/when they went from nation/to 1026/2834
Psa_105:13...........it/When they went from one/nation 1346/2834
Eze_1:24............And/when they went I/heard 1631/2834
2Ki_10:24...........And/when they went in/to. 969/2834
Eze_25:3..........Judah/when they went into captivity/Behold 1705/2834
Exo_40:32.......thereat/When they went into the/tent 219/2834
Num_10:34...........day/when they went out of/the 310/2834
Eze_10:19.........sight/when they went out the/wheels 1658/2834
Eze_1:9.............not/when they went they went every/one 1622/2834
Eze_1:17..........wheel/When they went they went upon their four sides and/they 1624/2834
Eze_10:11.........wheel/When they went they went upon their four sides they/turned 1653/2834
Num_32:9............For/when they went up/unto 352/2834
Jdg_18:22...........And/when they were a/good 595/2834
Jos_8:24............and/when they were all/fallen 503/2834
Mar_4:34............and/when they were alone/he 2061/2834
Mat_28:12...........And/when they were assembled/with 2034/2834
Act_13:5............And/when they were at Salamis/they 2502/2834
2Sa_20:8.........Bichri/When they were at the/great 825/2834
Luk_9:32............and/when they were awake/they 2222/2834
Psa_105:12..inheritance/When they were but/a 1345/2834
Jdg_19:14..........them/when they were by Gibeah/which 603/2834
Jdg_19:11...........And/when they were by Jebus/the 602/2834
Jdg_18:3..........there/When they were by the/house 593/2834
Act_14:27...........And/when they were come and/had 2522/2834
1Sa_9:25............And/when they were come down from the high/place 656/2834
Luk_9:37............day/when they were come down from the hill/much 2224/2834
Act_8:15............Who/when they were come down prayed/for 2470/2834
Mar_11:12........morrow/when they were come from/Bethany 2113/2834
Gal_2:12............but/when they were come he/withdrew 2720/2834
Act_25:17.....Therefore/when they were come hither/without 2613/2834
Act_1:13............And/when they were come in/they 2433/2834
2Ki_6:20...........pass/when they were come into Samaria/that 945/2834
1Sa_9:14............and/when they were come into the city/behold 654/2834
Mat_2:11............And/when they were come into the house/they 1871/2834
Mat_14:32...........And/when they were come into the ship/the 1951/2834
Mar_6:54............And/when they were come out of the ship/straightway 2087/2834
Mar_1:29......forthwith/when they were come out of the synagogue/they 2038/2834
Mat_8:32............And/when they were come out they/went 1902/2834
1Sa_16:6...........pass/when they were come that/he 686/2834
Mar_12:14...........And/when they were come they/say 2118/2834
Act_11:20.........which/when they were come to Antioch/spake 2489/2834
Rut_1:19...........pass/when they were come to Bethlehem/that 615/2834
Mat_17:24...........And/when they were come to Capernaum/they 1963/2834
Act_20:18...........And/when they were come to him/he 2567/2834
Act_15:4............And/when they were come to Jerusalem/they 2524/2834
2Sa_2:24...........down/when they were come to the hill/of 750/2834
1Sa_9:5.............And/when they were come to the land/of 652/2834
Mat_17:14...........And/when they were come to the multitude/there 1962/2834
Luk_23:33...........And/when they were come to the place/which 2324/2834
2Ki_7:5.............and/when they were come to the uttermost/part 950/2834
Act_28:17...........and/when they were come together/he 2649/2834
Mat_27:33...........And/when they were come unto/a 2026/2834
Act_8:39............And/when they were come up out/of 2473/2834
2Ki_18:17...........And/when they were come up they/came 982/2834
Gen_5:2.............day/when they were created And/Adam 5/2834
Gen_2:4...........earth/when they were created in/the 1/2834
Mat_2:13............And/when they were departed behold/the 1873/2834
2Ch_24:25...........And/when they were departed from/him 1103/2834
Mat_9:31...........they/when they were departed spread/abroad 1913/2834
Act_15:30............So/when they were dismissed/they 2526/2834
Luk_4:2.............and/when they were ended/he 2167/2834
Act_28:1............And/when they were escaped/then 2640/2834
Joh_6:12..........would/When they were filled/he 2356/2834
Mat_27:17.....Therefore/when they were gathered/together 2021/2834
Mat_28:11...........Now/when they were going/behold 2033/2834
Act_26:31...........And/when they were gone aside/they 2621/2834
Gen_44:4............And/when they were gone out/of 104/2834
2Ki_2:9............pass/when they were gone over that/Elijah 910/2834
Mat_14:34...........And/when they were gone over they/came 1952/2834
1Sa_2:27.........father/when they were in Egypt/in 629/2834
Gen_4:8............pass/when they were in the/field 3/2834
Eze_10:17...........and/when they were lifted/up 1657/2834
Act_12:10........vision/When they were past/the 2494/2834
Act_26:10...........and/when they were put/to 2618/2834
Luk_9:10.......apostles/when they were returned/told 2218/2834
Eze_34:5..........field/when they were scattered/My 1742/2834
Psa_35:13............me/when they were sick/my 1286/2834
Gen_34:25...........day/when they were sore/that 74/2834
Luk_22:49..........kiss/When they which/were 2317/2834
2Ti_4:3............come/when they will/not.. 2752/2834
Act_23:35............he/when thine accusers/are 2601/2834
Pro_24:17...........not/when thine enemy/falleth 1425/2834
Luk_11:34...........but/when thine eye is evil/thy 2242/2834
Luk_11:34.....therefore/when thine eye is single/thy 2241/2834
Jdg_16:15..........thee/when thine heart/is.. 586/2834
Eze_33:33...........And/when this cometh to/pass 1741/2834
Eze_24:24...........and/when this cometh ye/shall 1701/2834
1Co_15:54............So/when this corruptible/shall 2694/2834
Col_4:16............And/when this epistle/is 2736/2834
2Ki_5:6.............Now/when this letter/is.. 933/2834
Jer_23:33...........And/when this people/or. 1566/2834
Act_28:9.............So/when this was done/others 2644/2834
Act_2:6.............Now/when this was noised/abroad 2435/2834
Rev_4:9.............And/when those beasts/give 2810/2834
Jdg_12:5...........that/when those Ephraimites/which 576/2834
Eze_1:21............and/when those stood/these 1629/2834
Eze_1:21.........wheels/When those went/these 1628/2834
Eze_1:21............and/when those were/lifted 1630/2834
1Ki_8:35............sin/when thou afflictest/them 857/2834
Rut_2:9.............and/when thou art athirst/go 616/2834
Luk_14:10...........But/when thou art bidden go/and 2264/2834
Luk_14:8...........them/When thou art bidden of/any 2263/2834
2Ki_4:4.............And/when thou art come in thou/shalt 922/2834
Deu_26:1.............be/when thou art come in unto/the 445/2834
Pro_6:3.........thyself/when thou art come into the hand/of 1388/2834
Deu_18:9......patrimony/When thou art come into the land/which 407/2834
1Sa_10:5...........pass/when thou art come thither/to 658/2834
Deu_17:14presumptuously/When thou art come unto/the 405/2834
Luk_22:32...........and/when thou art converted/strengthen 2313/2834
1Sa_10:2....inheritance/When thou art departed/from 657/2834
Deu_4:30...........soul/When thou art in/tribulation 370/2834
Rom_3:4........overcome/when thou art judged/But 2658/2834
Deu_27:3............law/when thou art passed/over 449/2834
Heb_12:5..........faint/when thou art rebuked/of 2779/2834
Jer_4:30............And/when thou art spoiled/what 1545/2834
Pro_6:22............and/when thou awakest it/shall 1392/2834
Psa_73:20..........Lord/when thou awakest thou/shalt 1324/2834
Deu_24:20.........hands/When thou beatest/thine 438/2834
1Ki_8:53........servant/when thou broughtest/our 859/2834
Deu_22:8...........days/When thou buildest/a. 421/2834
Deu_16:3............day/when thou camest/forth 404/2834
1Ki_19:15...........and/when thou comest anoint/Hazael 899/2834
2Ti_4:13.........Carpus/when thou comest bring/with 2753/2834
Deu_28:6.............be/when thou comest in and blessed/shalt 452/2834
Deu_28:19............be/when thou comest in and cursed/shalt 454/2834
Deu_23:25........vessel/When thou comest into the/standing 431/2834
Luk_23:42............me/when thou comest into thy kingdom/And 2325/2834
Deu_23:24.........mouth/When thou comest into thy neighbour's/vineyard 430/2834
Deu_2:19............And/when thou comest nigh over/against 365/2834
Deu_20:10........people/When thou comest nigh unto/a 414/2834
2Ki_9:2.............And/when thou comest thither/look 958/2834
Jer_51:61.......Seraiah/When thou comest to Babylon/and 1613/2834
Gen_24:41..........oath/when thou comest to my/kindred 41/2834
2Sa_3:13.......daughter/when thou comest to see/my 752/2834
Isa_57:13..........thee/When thou criest/let 1527/2834
Deu_24:19.........thing/When thou cuttest/down 437/2834
Psa_68:7.........people/when thou didst march/through 1313/2834
Isa_64:3.......presence/When thou didst terrible/things 1532/2834
Mat_6:3.............But/when thou doest alms/let 1886/2834
Jer_11:15..........thee/when thou doest evil/then 1554/2834
Deu_12:28..........ever/when thou doest that/which 396/2834
Mat_6:2.......Therefore/when thou doest thine/alms 1885/2834
Psa_49:18..........thee/when thou doest well/to 1299/2834
2Ch_6:26............sin/when thou dost afflict/them 1047/2834
Pro_4:8..........honour/when thou dost embrace/her 1384/2834
Deu_24:10.........Egypt/When thou dost lend/thy 435/2834
Gen_44:4............and/when thou dost overtake/them 105/2834
Mat_6:17...........thou/when thou fastest/anoint 1892/2834
Gen_35:1...........thee/when thou fleddest/from 75/2834
Deu_24:21.........widow/When thou gatherest/the 439/2834
Deu_15:10.......grieved/when thou givest/unto 401/2834
Deu_21:10..........LORD/When thou goest forth/to 418/2834
Pro_6:22...........neck/When thou goest it/shall 1390/2834
1Sa_28:22......strength/when thou goest on/thy 736/2834
Deu_28:6.............be/when thou goest out The LORD shall cause/thine 453/2834
Deu_28:19............be/when thou goest out The LORD shall send/upon 455/2834
Deu_20:1...........foot/When thou goest out to/battle 411/2834
Pro_4:12..........paths/When thou goest thy/steps 1385/2834
Exo_4:21..........Moses/When thou goest to return/into 138/2834
Ecc_5:1............foot/when thou goest to the/house 1442/2834
Luk_12:58.........right/When thou goest with/thine 2256/2834
Eze_4:6.............And/when thou hast accomplished/them 1640/2834
Exo_3:12...........thee/When thou hast brought/forth 133/2834
Exo_12:44.........money/when thou hast circumcised/him 156/2834
Deu_8:12...........Lest/when thou hast eaten and art full and/hast 383/2834
Deu_8:10..........brass/When thou hast eaten and art full then/thou 382/2834
Pro_24:14..........soul/when thou hast found/it 1424/2834
Exo_23:16..........year/when thou hast gathered/in 189/2834
Pro_3:28...........give/when thou hast it/by 1383/2834
Exo_29:36.........altar/when thou hast made an atonement/for 197/2834
Eze_43:23.......bullock/When thou hast made an end of cleansing/it 1764/2834
Jer_51:63............be/when thou hast made an end of reading/this 1614/2834
2Sa_11:19........saying/When thou hast made an end of telling/the 790/2834
Deu_26:12...........you/When thou hast made an end of tithing/all 447/2834
Mat_17:27...........and/when thou hast opened/his 1965/2834
Num_27:13...........And/when thou hast seen/it 347/2834
Mat_6:6.............and/when thou hast shut/thy 1889/2834
Psa_65:9...........corn/when thou hast so/provided 1310/2834
1Sa_20:19...........And/when thou hast stayed/three 709/2834
Psa_119:171......praise/when thou hast taught me/thy 1360/2834
2Ch_6:27.........Israel/when thou hast taught them/the 1048/2834
2Ch_34:27...........God/when thou heardest his/words 1128/2834
Isa_48:7............day/when thou heardest them/not 1518/2834
2Ki_22:19..........LORD/when thou heardest what/I 992/2834
2Ch_6:21............and/when thou hearest forgive If a/man 1045/2834
1Ki_8:30............and/when thou hearest forgive If any/man 854/2834
2Sa_5:24.............be/when thou hearest the/sound 767/2834
Psa_51:4..........clear/when thou judgest/Behold 1302/2834
Deu_6:7.............and/when thou liest down and when thou risest up And thou shalt bind/them 375/2834
Deu_11:19...........way/when thou liest down and when thou risest up And thou shalt write/them 389/2834
Pro_3:24........stumble/When thou liest down thou/shalt 1380/2834
Num_8:2.............him/When thou lightest/the 298/2834
Luk_14:12...........him/When thou makest a dinner/or 2266/2834
Luk_14:13...........But/when thou makest a feast/call 2267/2834
Jdg_5:4............Seir/when thou marchedst/out 544/2834
Psa_32:6...........time/when thou mayest/be. 1285/2834
Job_11:3............and/when thou mockest/shall 1207/2834
Exo_30:12..........LORD/when thou numberest them that/there 201/2834
Exo_30:12..........them/when thou numberest them This/they 202/2834
Isa_43:2...........mine/When thou passest/through 1515/2834
Pro_14:7............man/when thou perceivest/not 1407/2834
Mat_6:6............thou/when thou prayest enter/into 1888/2834
Mat_6:5.............And/when thou prayest thou/shalt 1887/2834
Num_15:8............And/when thou preparest/a 319/2834
Lev_23:22.........field/when thou reapest/neither 266/2834
Deu_6:7.............and/when thou risest up And thou shalt bind/them 376/2834
Deu_11:19...........and/when thou risest up And thou shalt write/them 390/2834
Pro_4:12............and/when thou runnest/thou 1386/2834
Psa_27:8.............me/When thou saidst/Seek 1278/2834
Psa_50:18..........thee/When thou sawest/a.. 1300/2834
Isa_58:7..........house/when thou seest the naked/that 1529/2834
Deu_4:19............and/when thou seest the sun/and 368/2834
Deu_15:18..........thee/when thou sendest him away/free 403/2834
Deu_15:13...........And/when thou sendest him out/free 402/2834
Eze_27:34..........time/when thou shalt be broken/by 1714/2834
Joh_21:18...........but/when thou shalt be old/thou 2429/2834
Deu_4:25............God/When thou shalt beget/children 369/2834
Deu_20:19...........God/When thou shalt besiege/a 416/2834
1Co_14:16..........Else/when thou shalt bless/with 2688/2834
Jer_18:22........houses/when thou shalt bring/a 1563/2834
Isa_33:1...........thee/when thou shalt cease/to 1507/2834
Deu_12:25..........thee/when thou shalt do that which is right in the sight of the LORD Only/thy 395/2834
Deu_21:9............you/when thou shalt do that which is right in the sight of the LORD When/thou 417/2834
Psa_119:32.commandments/when thou shalt enlarge/my 1356/2834
1Ki_22:25...........day/when thou shalt go into an inner chamber to hide thyself And/the 904/2834
2Ch_18:24...........day/when thou shalt go into an inner chamber to hide thyself Then/the 1071/2834
Exo_34:24..........land/when thou shalt go up/to 214/2834
Deu_6:11............not/when thou shalt have eaten/and 378/2834
Gen_27:40..........pass/when thou shalt have the/dominion 53/2834
1Ch_14:15............be/when thou shalt hear/a 1022/2834
Deu_13:18.......fathers/When thou shalt hearken/to 398/2834
Isa_33:1............and/when thou shalt make an/end 1508/2834
Isa_53:10.........grief/when thou shalt make his/soul 1525/2834
Psa_21:12..........back/when thou shalt make ready/thine 1273/2834
Eze_16:61.......ashamed/when thou shalt receive/thy 1676/2834
Ecc_12:1...........nigh/when thou shalt say/I 1451/2834
Jer_16:10..........pass/when thou shalt shew/this 1560/2834
Deu_23:21............it/When thou shalt vow/a 429/2834
Deu_6:7............them/when thou sittest in thine house and when thou walkest by the way and/when 373/2834
Deu_11:19..........them/when thou sittest in thine house and when thou walkest by the way when/thou 387/2834
Pro_23:1............men/When thou sittest to/eat 1417/2834
Pro_6:22...........thee/when thou sleepest/it 1391/2834
Psa_51:4......justified/when thou speakest/and 1301/2834
Exo_30:12........saying/When thou takest/the. 200/2834
Luk_6:42............eye/when thou thyself/beholdest 2190/2834
Gen_4:12...........hand/When thou tillest/the.. 4/2834
Ecc_5:4...........words/When thou vowest/a.. 1443/2834
Deu_6:7.............and/when thou walkest by the way and/when 374/2834
Deu_11:19...........and/when thou walkest by the way when/thou 388/2834
Isa_43:2...........thee/when thou walkest through/the 1516/2834
Deu_25:18..........thee/when thou wast faint/and 443/2834
Gen_40:13........manner/when thou wast his/butler 91/2834
Eze_16:6...........thee/when thou wast in thy blood Live I/have 1671/2834
Eze_16:6...........thee/when thou wast in thy blood Live yea/I 1670/2834
1Sa_15:17..........said/When thou wast little/in 685/2834
Eze_16:22.........youth/when thou wast naked/and 1673/2834
Isa_54:6..........youth/when thou wast refused/saith 1526/2834
Joh_1:48...........thee/when thou wast under/the 2333/2834
Joh_21:18..........thee/When thou wast young/thou 2428/2834
Jer_2:2.......espousals/when thou wentest after/me 1538/2834
Psa_68:7............God/when thou wentest forth/before 1312/2834
Jdg_5:4............LORD/when thou wentest out/of 543/2834
Jdg_8:1.............not/when thou wentest to/fight 556/2834
Deu_23:13............be/when thou wilt/ease.. 428/2834
Psa_39:11..........hand/When thou with/rebukes 1290/2834
Isa_24:13...destruction/When thus/it........ 1480/2834
Isa_26:16........prayer/when thy chastening/was 1486/2834
1Ch_17:11..........pass/when thy days be expired/that 1027/2834
2Sa_7:12............And/when thy days be fulfilled/and 771/2834
2Sa_13:5............and/when thy father/cometh 797/2834
1Ki_14:12...........and/when thy feet/enter.. 881/2834
Pro_5:11...........last/when thy flesh/and.. 1387/2834
Isa_26:11..........LORD/when thy hand/is.... 1485/2834
Deu_8:13............And/when thy herds/and... 384/2834
Isa_26:9............for/when thy judgments/are 1484/2834
Ecc_10:16..........land/when thy king is a/child 1449/2834
Ecc_10:17..........land/when thy king is the/son 1450/2834
Pro_23:16.......rejoice/when thy lips/speak. 1418/2834
Pro_25:8........thereof/when thy neighbour/hath 1427/2834
1Ki_8:33..righteousness/When thy people/Israel 855/2834
Jdg_13:17..........that/when thy sayings/come 577/2834
Eze_16:55..........them/When thy sisters/Sodom 1675/2834
Exo_13:14............be/when thy son asketh thee in time to come saying What is/this 161/2834
Deu_6:20............And/when thy son asketh thee in time to come saying What mean/the 379/2834
Eze_27:33...........sea/When thy wares/went. 1713/2834
1Th_3:6.............now/when Timotheus/came. 2742/2834
2Sa_8:9...........brass/When Toi/king........ 773/2834
1Ch_18:9............Now/when Tou/king....... 1029/2834
Mat_13:21...........for/when tribulation/or. 1933/2834
Job_27:9............cry/when trouble/cometh. 1217/2834
Jer_2:20.....transgress/when upon/every..... 1541/2834
2Sa_11:7............And/when Uriah/was....... 786/2834
Jer_26:21...........but/when Urijah/heard... 1571/2834
Gen_31:49..........thee/when we are absent one/from 66/2834
2Co_10:11.......letters/when we are absent such/will 2708/2834
1Co_11:32...........But/when we are judged/we 2682/2834
2Co_10:11..........deed/when we are present/For 2709/2834
2Co_13:9...........glad/when we are weak/and 2715/2834
Rom_13:11..........than/when we believed/The 2670/2834
Jer_44:19...........And/when we burned/incense 1608/2834
Psa_20:9.............us/when we call/The.... 1272/2834
Act_28:16...........And/when we came to Rome/the 2648/2834
Gen_43:21..........pass/when we came to the/inn 102/2834
Gen_44:24..........pass/when we came up/unto. 106/2834
Jos_2:18.........Behold/when we come/into.... 474/2834
1Th_3:1.......Wherefore/when we could/no.... 2739/2834
Deu_26:7............And/when we cried unto the LORD God/of 446/2834
Num_20:16...........And/when we cried unto the LORD he/heard 330/2834
Deu_1:19............And/when we departed from/Horeb 360/2834
Act_28:10...........and/when we departed they/laded 2645/2834
Exo_16:3............and/when we did/eat...... 171/2834
Act_21:5............And/when we had accomplished/those 2570/2834
Act_21:3............Now/when we had discovered/Cyprus 2569/2834
Act_21:7............And/when we had finished/our 2572/2834
Act_27:4............And/when we had launched/from 2623/2834
Act_5:23............but/when we had opened/we 2449/2834
Act_27:5............And/when we had sailed over/the 2624/2834
Act_27:7............And/when we had sailed slowly/many 2625/2834
Act_21:6............And/when we had taken/our 2571/2834
Act_21:12...........And/when we heard/these. 2574/2834
1Jn_5:2.............God/when we love/God.... 2804/2834
2Pe_1:16.........fables/when we made/known.. 2798/2834
1Th_2:6..........others/when we might/have.. 2737/2834
Jer_42:6.............us/when we obey/the.... 1603/2834
Deu_2:8.............And/when we passed/by.... 362/2834
Psa_137:1..........wept/when we remembered/Zion 1366/2834
Exo_16:3..........Egypt/when we sat/by....... 170/2834
1Sa_10:14...........and/when we saw/that..... 664/2834
Isa_53:2............and/when we shall/see... 1524/2834
1Pe_4:3........Gentiles/when we walked/in... 2795/2834
Act_26:14...........And/when we were all/fallen 2619/2834
Gal_4:3..............we/when we were children/were 2722/2834
2Co_7:5.............For/when we were come into/Macedonia 2704/2834
Act_21:17...........And/when we were come to/Jerusalem 2576/2834
Eph_2:5............Even/when we were dead/in 2728/2834
Rom_5:10.............if/when we were enemies/we 2662/2834
1Sa_25:15..........them/when we were in the fields/They 725/2834
Rom_7:5.............For/when we were in the flesh/the 2665/2834
2Pe_1:18..........heard/when we were with him/in 2800/2834
2Th_3:10...........even/when we were with you this/we 2747/2834
1Th_3:4..........verily/when we were with you we/told 2740/2834
Rom_5:6.............For/when we were yet/without 2661/2834
2Sa_4:11...........more/when wicked/men...... 762/2834
Amo_8:5..........Saying/When will the/new... 1822/2834
Psa_94:8..........fools/when will ye/be..... 1337/2834
Pro_6:9........sluggard/when wilt thou arise/out 1389/2834
Psa_101:2.............O/when wilt thou come/unto 1340/2834
Psa_119:82.......saying/When wilt thou comfort/me 1358/2834
Psa_119:84......servant/when wilt thou execute/judgment 1359/2834
Neh_2:6.............and/when wilt thou return/So 1149/2834
Pro_2:10...........path/When wisdom/entereth 1379/2834
Deu_20:2.............be/when ye are come nigh/unto 412/2834
Deu_27:12........people/when ye are come over/Jordan 451/2834
Jos_3:8..........saying/When ye are come to/the 476/2834
Luk_22:10........Behold/when ye are entered/into 2311/2834
1Co_5:4..........Christ/when ye are gathered together and/my 2674/2834
Lev_26:25...........and/when ye are gathered together within/your 272/2834
Jdg_11:7............now/when ye are in/distress 569/2834
Num_33:51..........them/When ye are passed/over 354/2834
1Pe_2:20.............if/when ye be buffeted/for 2790/2834
Lev_14:34........saying/When ye be come into the land of Canaan/which 244/2834
Num_15:2...........them/When ye be come into the land of your/habitations 318/2834
Lev_23:10..........them/When ye be come into the land which/I 263/2834
Num_35:10..........them/When ye be come over/Jordan 356/2834
Exo_12:25..........pass/when ye be come to/the 153/2834
Deu_27:4.............be/when ye be gone/over. 450/2834
Jer_3:16...........pass/when ye be multiplied/and 1544/2834
Num_10:6........forward/When ye blow an alarm the/second 307/2834
Num_10:5...........thee/When ye blow an alarm then/the 306/2834
Num_28:26...firstfruits/when ye bring/a...... 348/2834
Hag_1:9.............and/when ye brought/it.. 1842/2834
Deu_23:4............way/when ye came forth/out 424/2834
Jos_2:10............you/when ye came out of Egypt and/what 472/2834
Hag_2:5.............you/when ye came out of Egypt so/my 1843/2834
Deu_29:7............And/when ye came unto/this 456/2834
Mat_10:12...........And/when ye come into an/house 1917/2834
Num_34:2...........them/When ye come into the land of/Canaan 355/2834
Lev_25:2...........them/When ye come into the land which/I 270/2834
Num_15:18..........them/When ye come into the land whither/I 320/2834
Isa_1:12..........goats/When ye come to/appear 1458/2834
1Co_14:26......brethren/when ye come together every/one 2689/2834
1Co_11:18...........all/when ye come together in/the 2678/2834
1Co_11:20...........you/When ye come together therefore/into 2679/2834
1Co_11:33......brethren/when ye come together to/eat 2683/2834
Lev_18:28..........also/when ye defile/it.... 255/2834
Mat_10:14.........words/when ye depart out/of 1918/2834
Mar_6:11............you/when ye depart thence/shake 2073/2834
Zec_7:6.............and/when ye did drink/did 1849/2834
Zec_7:6.............And/when ye did eat/and. 1848/2834
2Sa_11:20..........city/when ye did fight/knew 791/2834
Exo_1:16...........said/When ye do the/office 122/2834
1Pe_2:20.............if/when ye do well/and. 2791/2834
Jos_9:22............you/when ye dwell/among.. 506/2834
Lev_26:35......sabbaths/when ye dwelt/upon... 274/2834
Num_15:19..........that/when ye eat/of....... 321/2834
Jer_2:7.............but/when ye entered/ye.. 1539/2834
Luk_16:9...........that/when ye fail/they... 2276/2834
Jam_1:2.............joy/when ye fall/into... 2781/2834
Mat_6:16.......Moreover/when ye fast/be..... 1891/2834
Zec_7:5..........saying/When ye fasted/and.. 1847/2834
Gen_32:19..........Esau/when ye find/him...... 69/2834
Lev_10:9...........thee/when ye go into/the.. 234/2834
Luk_9:5.............you/when ye go out/of... 2217/2834
Deu_12:10...........But/when ye go over/Jordan 392/2834
Jdg_18:10..........land/When ye go ye shall come/unto 594/2834
Exo_3:21...........that/when ye go ye shall not/go 135/2834
Deu_1:41............And/when ye had girded/on 361/2834
Mat_21:32............ye/when ye had seen/it. 1985/2834
Mat_2:8.............and/when ye have found/him 1868/2834
Lev_23:39.........month/when ye have gathered/in 267/2834
Num_18:32............it/when ye have heaved from/it 327/2834
Num_18:30..........them/When ye have heaved the/best 326/2834
Joh_8:28...........them/When ye have lifted/up 2375/2834
Jos_8:8..............be/when ye have taken/the 497/2834
Jos_23:16...........you/When ye have transgressed/the 522/2834
Jos_6:5.............and/when ye hear/the..... 488/2834
Deu_5:23...........pass/when ye heard/the.... 371/2834
Gal_4:8............then/when ye knew/not.... 2724/2834
Col_3:7............time/when ye lived/in.... 2735/2834
Isa_1:15............yea/when ye make many/prayers 1460/2834
Eze_20:31.........gifts/when ye make your/sons 1689/2834
Eze_44:7..........house/when ye offer my/bread 1766/2834
Eze_20:31...........For/when ye offer your/gifts 1688/2834
Mar_11:24........desire/when ye pray believe/that 2116/2834
Luk_11:2...........them/When ye pray say/Our 2233/2834
Mat_6:7.............But/when ye pray use/not 1890/2834
Eph_3:4.........Whereby/when ye read/ye..... 2729/2834
Lev_23:22...........And/when ye reap the harvest of your land thou shalt not make/clean 265/2834
Lev_19:9............And/when ye reap the harvest of your land thou shalt not wholly/reap 256/2834
1Th_2:13........because/when ye received/the 2738/2834
1Sa_12:12...........And/when ye saw/that..... 673/2834
Mal_2:17............him/When ye say/Every... 1860/2834
Luk_12:54........people/When ye see a/cloud. 2254/2834
Php_2:28...........that/when ye see him/again 2732/2834
Jos_3:3..........saying/When ye see the ark/of 475/2834
Luk_12:55...........And/when ye see the south/wind 2255/2834
Eze_14:23...........you/when ye see their/ways 1665/2834
Luk_21:31............ye/when ye see these/things 2309/2834
Isa_66:14...........And/when ye see this/your 1537/2834
Jer_42:20........hearts/when ye sent/me..... 1605/2834
Eze_6:8.........nations/when ye shall be/scattered 1645/2834
Lev_19:23...........And/when ye shall come/into 257/2834
Luk_17:22..........come/when ye shall desire/to 2283/2834
Eze_45:1.......Moreover/when ye shall divide/by 1772/2834
Jer_42:18...........you/when ye shall enter/into 1604/2834
Luk_17:10............ye/when ye shall have/done 2278/2834
Luk_21:9............But/when ye shall hear of wars and commotions/be 2305/2834
Mar_13:7............And/when ye shall hear of wars and rumours/of 2124/2834
Joh_4:21.........cometh/when ye shall neither/in 2343/2834
Deu_27:2............day/when ye shall pass/over 448/2834
Luk_13:35..........come/when ye shall say Blessed/is 2261/2834
Jer_5:19...........pass/when ye shall say Wherefore/doeth 1547/2834
Jer_29:13............me/when ye shall search/for 1574/2834
Luk_13:28.........teeth/when ye shall see Abraham/and 2260/2834
Mat_24:33............ye/when ye shall see all/these 2001/2834
Luk_21:20...........And/when ye shall see Jerusalem/compassed 2306/2834
Mar_13:14...........But/when ye shall see the/abomination 2126/2834
Mar_13:29........manner/when ye shall see these/things 2128/2834
1Co_8:12............But/when ye sin/so...... 2675/2834
Deu_5:28..........words/when ye spake/unto... 372/2834
Isa_1:15............And/when ye spread/forth 1459/2834
Mar_11:25...........And/when ye stand/praying 2117/2834
Jos_6:18.......accursed/when ye take of the accursed/thing 491/2834
Num_18:26..........them/When ye take of the children/of 325/2834
Mat_24:15..........come/When ye therefore/shall 1999/2834
Luk_12:40..........hour/when ye think/not... 2250/2834
Isa_30:21...........and/when ye turn to the left/Ye 1499/2834
Isa_30:21............it/when ye turn to the right/hand 1498/2834
Lev_23:12...........day/when ye wave/the..... 264/2834
1Ch_16:19...inheritance/When ye were but/few 1025/2834
Deu_25:17...........way/when ye were come/forth 442/2834
Rom_6:20............For/when ye were the/servants 2664/2834
Lev_22:29...........And/when ye will/offer... 262/2834
Gen_48:7............way/when yet/there....... 114/2834
Jos_4:6............that/when your children ask/their 479/2834
Jos_4:21.........saying/When your children shall ask/their 483/2834
Exo_12:26..........pass/when your children shall say/unto 154/2834
2Co_10:15..........hope/when your faith/is.. 2710/2834
Zec_8:14............you/when your fathers provoked/me 1852/2834
Psa_95:9.....wilderness/When your fathers tempted me proved me and saw my work/Forty 1339/2834
Heb_3:9......wilderness/When your fathers tempted me proved me and saw my works/forty 2757/2834
Pro_1:27.........cometh/When your fear cometh as/desolation 1377/2834
Pro_1:26...........mock/when your fear cometh When/your 1376/2834
Amo_4:9..........mildew/when your gardens/and 1820/2834
2Co_10:6...disobedience/when your obedience/is 2707/2834
Luk_1:12............And/when Zacharias/saw.. 2152/2834
Jdg_8:12............And/when Zebah/and....... 560/2834
Jdg_9:30............And/when Zebul/the....... 563/2834
Jer_39:4...........that/when Zedekiah/the... 1595/2834
1Ki_16:18..........pass/when Zimri/saw....... 888/2834
Heb_11:19..........from/whence also he/received. 69/72
Php_3:20...........from/whence also we/look..... 67/72
2Sa_1:13............him/Whence art thou And he answered/I 19/72
1Sa_30:13...........and/whence art thou And he said/I 17/72
Joh_19:9..........Jesus/Whence art thou But/Jesus 65/72
Gen_29:4.......brethren/whence be/ye............. 4/72
Rev_7:13............and/whence came they And/I.. 72/72
2Ki_20:14..........from/whence came they unto thee And Hezekiah said They are come from a far country even/from 22/72
Isa_39:3...........from/whence came they unto thee And Hezekiah said They are come from a far country unto/me 32/72
Gen_16:8...........maid/whence camest/thou....... 2/72
Mar_8:4............From/whence can/a............ 46/72
Isa_30:6...........from/whence come the/young... 31/72
Jam_4:1............From/whence come wars/and.... 70/72
Gen_42:7...........them/Whence come ye And they said From/the 5/72
Jos_9:8............from/whence come ye And they said unto/him 11/72
Jdg_17:9............him/Whence comest thou And he said unto him I/am 14/72
2Sa_1:3............From/whence comest thou And he said unto him Out/of 18/72
Jdg_19:17...........and/whence comest thou And he said unto him We/are 15/72
Job_2:2............From/whence comest thou And Satan/answered 25/72
2Ki_5:25............him/Whence comest thou Gehazi/And 20/72
Job_1:7...........Satan/Whence comest thou Then/Satan 24/72
Jon_1:8.............and/whence comest thou what/is 37/72
Psa_121:1..........from/whence cometh/my........ 29/72
Mar_6:2............From/whence hath this man these/things 45/72
Mat_13:54..........said/Whence hath this man this/wisdom 41/72
Jos_20:6...........from/whence he fled/And...... 12/72
Joh_9:30...........from/whence he is and/yet.... 64/72
Joh_7:27............man/whence he is but/when... 58/72
Joh_9:29...........from/whence he is The/man.... 63/72
Joh_7:27........knoweth/whence he is Then/cried. 59/72
Jdg_13:6............not/whence he was neither/told 13/72
Gen_3:23...........from/whence he was taken/So... 1/72
Joh_7:28...........know/whence I am/and......... 60/72
Joh_8:14...........know/whence I came and/whither 61/72
Luk_11:24.........house/whence I came out And when he cometh/he 49/72
Mat_12:44..........from/whence I came out and when he is/come 39/72
Jer_29:14.........place/whence I caused/you..... 36/72
Joh_8:14...........tell/whence I come/and....... 62/72
Job_10:21............go/whence I shall not return even/to 26/72
Job_16:22...........way/whence I shall not return My/breath 27/72
Mar_12:37...........and/whence is he/then....... 47/72
Luk_1:43............And/whence is this/to....... 48/72
Joh_3:8............tell/whence it cometh/and.... 55/72
Isa_47:11..........from/whence it riseth/and.... 33/72
Luk_20:7...........tell/whence it was And/Jesus. 52/72
Joh_2:9.............not/whence it was but/the... 54/72
Joh_1:48............him/Whence knowest/thou..... 53/72
2Ki_6:27...........thee/whence shall I help/thee 21/72
Nah_3:7.............her/whence shall I seek/comforters 38/72
Joh_6:5..........Philip/Whence shall we/buy..... 57/72
Num_11:13.......fathers/Whence should I/have..... 6/72
Mat_15:33...........him/Whence should we/have... 43/72
Ecc_1:7............from/whence the/rivers....... 30/72
Job_28:20..........gold/Whence then cometh/wisdom 28/72
Joh_4:11...........from/whence then hast/thou... 56/72
Mat_13:27..........from/whence then hath it/tares 40/72
Mat_13:56............us/Whence then hath this/man 42/72
1Sa_25:11...........not/whence they be/So....... 16/72
Heb_11:15..........from/whence they came/out.... 68/72
Act_14:26..........from/whence they had/been.... 66/72
Jos_2:4.............not/whence they were/And.... 10/72
Rev_2:5............from/whence thou art/fallen.. 71/72
Deu_9:28...........land/whence thou broughtest/us 8/72
Gen_24:5...........from/whence thou camest/And... 3/72
Num_23:13..........from/whence thou mayest/see... 7/72
Mat_21:25..........John/whence was/it........... 44/72
Luk_13:27...........not/whence ye are depart/from 51/72
Isa_51:1............pit/whence ye are digged/Look 35/72
Isa_51:1...........rock/whence ye are hewn/and.. 34/72
Luk_13:25...........not/whence ye are Then/shall 50/72
Deu_11:10..........from/whence ye came/out....... 9/72
Neh_4:12.........places/whence ye shall/return.. 23/72
Rom_15:24...........you/Whensoever I/take......... 3/3
Gen_30:41..........pass/whensoever the/stronger... 1/3
Mar_14:7............and/whensoever ye/will........ 2/3