Ecc_3:19....preeminence/above a beast/for..... 144/223
Phl_1:16............but/above a servant/a..... 215/223 all and through/all 207/223 all And what/he. 185/223
Neh_9:5.........exalted/above all blessing/and. 94/223
1Ch_29:11..........head/above all Both/riches.. 83/223
Dan_11:37.......himself/above all But/in...... 173/223
Gen_3:14.........cursed/above all cattle/and.... 3/223
2Ch_2:5.............God/above all gods But/who. 84/223
Psa_96:4.........feared/above all gods For all the gods of the nations/are 120/223
1Ch_16:25........feared/above all gods For all the gods of the people/are 79/223
Psa_95:3...........King/above all gods In/his. 119/223 all gods Whatsoever/the 133/223
Psa_97:9............far/above all gods Ye/that 122/223 all he/that..... 184/223
Eph_4:10............far/above all heavens/that 208/223
2Ch_11:21.......Absalom/above all his/wives.... 87/223
Luk_13:4........sinners/above all men/that.... 182/223
Psa_113:4..........high/above all nations and/his 129/223
Deu_28:1...........high/above all nations of/the 53/223
Deu_26:19..........high/above all nations which/he 52/223 all people as/it. 48/223 all people for/all 13/223
Deu_7:6.........himself/above all people that/are 46/223
Deu_7:14........blessed/above all people there/shall 47/223
Eph_1:21............Far/above all principality/and 205/223
Eph_6:16..........peace/Above all taking/the.. 209/223
Luk_3:20...........this/above all that he/shut 179/223
1Ch_29:3............and/above all that I/have.. 82/223
2Th_2:4.........himself/above all that is/called 214/223
2Ki_21:11......wickedly/above all that the/Amorites 76/223
1Ki_14:22.....committed/above all that their/fathers 74/223
Eph_3:20.....abundantly/above all that we/ask. 206/223
1Ki_16:30..........LORD/above all that were before him/And 75/223
1Ki_14:9...........evil/above all that were before thee/for 73/223
Ecc_2:7..........cattle/above all that were in/Jerusalem 143/223 all the earth Do/ye 117/223
Psa_108:5.........glory/above all the earth That/thy 128/223 all the earth They/have 115/223
Psa_97:9...........high/above all the earth thou/art 121/223
Luk_13:2........sinners/above all the Galilaeans/because 181/223
Num_12:3...........meek/above all the men/which 42/223
Deu_14:2........himself/above all the nations/that 49/223
Neh_8:5.............was/above all the people and/when 93/223
Psa_99:2...........high/above all the people Let/them 123/223 all the princes/that 100/223
Eze_31:5........exalted/above all the trees/of 166/223
Est_2:17.........Esther/above all the women/and 99/223
Col_3:14............And/above all these/things 213/223
Eze_16:43......lewdness/above all thine/abominations 164/223
Jer_17:9......deceitful/above all things and/desperately 153/223
1Pe_4:8.............And/above all things have/fervent 222/223
Jam_5:12............But/above all things my/brethren 221/223
3Jn_1:2............wish/above all things that/thou 223/223
Psa_138:2..........word/above all thy/name.... 136/223
1Ki_7:29...........base/above and beneath/the.. 69/223
Gen_27:39..........from/above And by/thy........ 7/223
Jam_1:17...........from/above and cometh/down. 218/223
2Ch_25:5............and/above and found/them... 89/223
Amo_2:9............from/above and his/roots... 174/223
Jos_2:11.........heaven/above and in/earth..... 57/223
Isa_45:8...........from/above and let/the..... 150/223
Psa_78:23..........from/above and opened/the.. 118/223
Act_2:19.........heaven/above and signs/in.... 189/223 and the door/of... 5/223
Eze_11:22..........them/above And the glory/of 163/223
2Ch_5:8.........thereof/above And they drew out the staves of/the 86/223
1Ki_8:7.........thereof/above And they drew out the staves that/the 71/223
Jos_3:13...........from/above and they shall/stand 58/223
Psa_50:4...........from/above and to/the...... 113/223
Eze_1:22..........heads/above And under/the... 158/223
Deu_4:39.........heaven/above and upon/the..... 44/223
Job_31:2...........from/above and what/inheritance 105/223 another/another. 193/223
Jer_4:28........heavens/above be/black........ 151/223
1Ch_23:27...........and/above Because/their.... 80/223
Gen_49:25........heaven/above blessings/of..... 10/223
Isa_7:11.........height/above But Ahaz/said... 147/223
Jam_3:15...........from/above but is/earthly.. 219/223
Eze_37:8...........them/above but there/was... 167/223
Jer_31:37........heaven/above can/be.......... 154/223
Gen_3:14............and/above every beast/of.... 4/223
Dan_11:36.......himself/above every god/and... 172/223 every name/That. 210/223
Psa_119:127.........yea/above fine/gold....... 132/223
1Co_15:6.............of/above five/hundred.... 196/223
Act_4:22............was/above forty/years..... 190/223
2Co_12:2.........Christ/above fourteen/years.. 199/223
Psa_119:127commandments/above gold/yea........ 131/223
Lam_1:13...........From/above hath/he......... 157/223
2Sa_22:17..........from/above he took me he drew me out of many waters He delivered me from my strong enemy and from them that/hated 63/223
Psa_18:16..........from/above he took me he drew me out of many waters He delivered me from my strong enemy and from them which/hated 109/223
Dan_11:5.........strong/above him/and......... 171/223
1Ch_5:2.......prevailed/above his brethren and of/him 78/223
Deu_17:20............up/above his brethren and that/he 50/223
Mat_10:24.......servant/above his lord/It..... 178/223
Luk_6:40............not/above his master but/every 180/223
Mat_10:24...........not/above his master nor/the 177/223 If I/rejoice.... 106/223
Lev_27:7............and/above if it/be......... 39/223
Joh_3:31...........from/above is above/all.... 183/223
Jam_3:17...........from/above is first/pure... 220/223 is free/which... 204/223
Gen_28:13.........stood/above it and/said....... 8/223
Isa_6:2..........temple/Above it stood/the.... 146/223
Neh_7:2.............God/above many And/I....... 92/223
Gal_1:14.......religion/above many my/equals.. 203/223
1Sa_2:29...........sons/above me/to............ 62/223
2Co_12:7........exalted/above measure For/this 202/223
2Co_11:23.......stripes/above measure in/prisons 198/223
2Co_12:7........exalted/above measure through/the 201/223
Psa_27:6.............up/above mine/enemies.... 111/223
Psa_137:6.....Jerusalem/above my/chief........ 135/223
Job_3:4............from/above neither/let..... 102/223
Col_3:2..........things/above not/on.......... 212/223
Exo_26:14......covering/above of/badgers'...... 17/223 only/and......... 54/223
1Ki_8:23.........heaven/above or on/earth...... 72/223
Exo_20:4.........heaven/above or that is in the earth beneath or that is in the water/under 14/223
Deu_5:8..........heaven/above or that is in the earth beneath or that is in the waters/beneath 45/223
Rom_10:6...........from/above Or Who/shall.... 192/223
Psa_10:5............far/above out/of.......... 108/223
1Ki_7:20...........also/above over/against..... 67/223
Psa_144:7..........from/above rid/me.......... 137/223
Pro_31:10...........far/above rubies The heart/of 142/223 rubies The topaz/of 104/223
Exo_30:14...........and/above shall give/an.... 23/223
Job_18:16...........and/above shall his/branch 103/223
Jos_3:16...........from/above stood/and........ 59/223
2Co_1:8.........measure/above strength/insomuch 197/223
Exo_36:19.........skins/above that And/he...... 24/223 that which he/seeth 200/223 that which is/written 194/223
1Co_10:13.......tempted/above that ye/are..... 195/223
Gen_49:26.....prevailed/above the blessings/of. 11/223
Act_26:13........heaven/above the brightness/of 191/223
Jer_35:4............was/above the chamber/of.. 155/223
Num_16:3.....yourselves/above the congregation/of 43/223 the curious girdle of the ephod and that the breastplate be/not 20/223 the curious girdle of the ephod and that the breastplate might/not 26/223
Exo_39:20.......thereof/above the curious girdle of the ephod And they did/bind 25/223
Exo_28:27.......thereof/above the curious girdle of the ephod And they shall/bind 19/223
Eze_41:17..........that/above the door even/unto 168/223
Eze_41:20..........unto/above the door were/cherubims 169/223 the earth and heaven/He 139/223
Gen_7:17.............up/above the earth And the/waters 6/223 the earth in/the.. 2/223
Psa_103:11.........high/above the earth so/great 124/223
Gen_1:7............were/above the firmament and/it 1/223
Eze_1:26............And/above the firmament that/was 159/223
Neh_12:39...........and/above the fish/gate.... 98/223
Neh_12:39..........from/above the gate/of...... 96/223
Exo_26:24......together/above the head of it/unto 18/223
Eze_10:1............was/above the head of the/cherubims 161/223
Psa_108:5...........God/above the heavens and thy glory/above 127/223
Psa_108:4.........great/above the heavens and thy truth/reacheth 126/223 the heavens Let them/praise 138/223
Psa_57:11...........God/above the heavens let thy glory be above all the earth Do/ye 116/223
Psa_57:5............God/above the heavens let thy glory be above all the earth They/have 114/223
Psa_8:1...........glory/above the heavens Out/of 107/223
Psa_113:4.........glory/above the heavens Who/is 130/223
Isa_14:14........ascend/above the heights/of.. 149/223
Isa_2:2.........exalted/above the hills and all/nations 145/223
Mic_4:1.........exalted/above the hills and people/shall 175/223
Neh_3:28...........From/above the horse/gate... 91/223
Neh_12:37..........wall/above the house/of..... 95/223 the liver and the two kidneys and the fat that is upon them and burn/them 21/223
Exo_29:22..........caul/above the liver and the two kidneys and the fat that is upon them and the/right 22/223
Lev_8:16...........caul/above the liver and the two kidneys and their fat and Moses/burned 34/223
Lev_8:25...........caul/above the liver and the two kidneys and their fat and the/right 35/223
Lev_9:19...........caul/above the liver And they/put 37/223
Lev_9:10...........caul/above the liver of/the. 36/223
Lev_3:4............caul/above the liver with the kidneys it shall he take away And Aaron's/sons 29/223
Lev_3:10...........caul/above the liver with the kidneys it shall he take away And the priest shall burn it/upon 30/223 the liver with the kidneys it shall he take away And the priest shall burn them upon the altar for/an 33/223
Lev_3:15...........caul/above the liver with the kidneys it shall he take away And the priest shall burn them upon the altar it/is 31/223
Lev_4:9............caul/above the liver with the kidneys it shall he take away As/it 32/223
Exo_25:22..........from/above the mercy/seat... 16/223
Psa_104:6.........stood/above the mountains/At 125/223
Eze_29:15..........more/above the nations/for. 165/223
Neh_12:39...........and/above the old/gate..... 97/223
2Ch_24:20.........stood/above the people/and... 88/223
Dan_6:3.......preferred/above the presidents/and 170/223
Est_5:11............him/above the princes/and. 101/223 the sand/of..... 152/223
Isa_14:13........throne/above the stars of God/I 148/223
Nah_3:16......merchants/above the stars of heaven/the 176/223
1Ch_27:6............and/above the thirty/and... 81/223
Jer_52:32........throne/above the throne of the kings that were with him in Babylon And changed his prison garments and he did continually/eat 156/223
2Ki_25:28........throne/above the throne of the kings that were with him in Babylon And changed his prison garments and he did eat/bread 77/223 the waters/for.. 134/223
Deu_28:43............up/above thee/very........ 55/223
Lev_11:21..........legs/above their/feet....... 38/223
Exo_18:11...........was/above them And/Jethro.. 12/223
2Ch_34:4...........high/above them he/cut...... 90/223
2Sa_22:49..........high/above them that rose/up 64/223
Num_3:49............and/above them that were/redeemed 40/223
Joh_19:11..........from/above therefore/he.... 188/223
Deu_25:3............him/above these/with....... 51/223
Eze_10:19..........them/above This/is......... 162/223
Psa_18:48............up/above those/that...... 110/223
Gen_48:22.......portion/above thy brethren/which 9/223
Deu_30:5...........thee/above thy fathers/And.. 56/223
Psa_45:7.......gladness/above thy fellows All/thy 112/223
Heb_1:9........gladness/above thy fellows And/Thou 216/223 to/the.......... 141/223
Joh_6:13............and/above unto/them....... 186/223 upon it And I/saw 160/223 upon it and the/hanging 41/223
Exo_40:19..........tent/above upon it as/the... 27/223 upon the ark And he/brought 28/223 upon the ark and in/the 15/223
1Ki_7:3...........cedar/above upon the beams/that 65/223
1Ki_7:25............set/above upon them and all their hinder parts were inward And it/was 68/223
2Ch_4:4.............set/above upon them and all their hinder parts were inward And the/thickness 85/223
1Ki_7:31............and/above was/a............ 70/223
1Ki_7:11............And/above were/costly...... 66/223
Heb_10:8............God/Above when he said/Sacrifice 217/223
Pro_8:28.........clouds/above when he strengthened/the 140/223
Col_3:1.............are/above where/Christ.... 211/223 women in/the..... 61/223
Jdg_5:24........Blessed/above women shall/Jael. 60/223
Joh_8:23...........from/above ye/are.......... 187/223
