Jer_30:10.....from/afar and thy/seed....... 29/51
Job_36:3......from/afar and will/ascribe... 15/51
1Sa_26:13.....hill/afar off a/great......... 9/51
Mar_15:40.......on/afar off among/whom..... 39/51 off And Abraham/said 1/51
Neh_12:43.....even/afar off And at/that.... 13/51
Rev_18:17....stood/afar off And cried/when. 51/51
2Pe_1:9........see/afar off and hath/forgotten 48/51
Job_2:12......eyes/afar off and knew/him... 14/51
Luk_16:23..Abraham/afar off and Lazarus/in. 40/51
Jer_51:50.....LORD/afar off and let/Jerusalem 32/51 off And Moses alone/shall 6/51
Exo_20:21....stood/afar off and Moses drew/near 5/51
Jer_31:10....isles/afar off and say/He..... 30/51
Luk_17:12....stood/afar off And they lifted/up 41/51
Exo_20:18....stood/afar off And they said/unto 4/51
Mic_4:3....nations/afar off and they shall/beat 33/51
2Ki_2:7.......view/afar off and they two/stood 10/51
Jer_46:27.....from/afar off and thy/seed... 31/51
Eph_2:17......were/afar off and to/them.... 46/51
Heb_11:13.....them/afar off and were/persuaded 47/51
Luk_22:54.followed/afar off And when/they.. 43/51 off Behold/God..... 16/51
Luk_23:49....stood/afar off beholding/these 44/51
Jer_23:23......God/afar off Can/any........ 28/51
Act_2:39.......are/afar off even as/many... 45/51
Gen_37:18......him/afar off even before/he.. 2/51
Mar_14:54......him/afar off even into/the.. 38/51
Rev_18:10.Standing/afar off for the fear of her torment saying/Alas 49/51
Rev_18:15....stand/afar off for the fear of her torment weeping/and 50/51
Isa_59:14.standeth/afar off for truth/is... 26/51 off from/the........ 7/51
Mar_11:13.....tree/afar off having/leaves.. 37/51
Mar_5:6......Jesus/afar off he/ran......... 36/51
Job_39:29...behold/afar off Her/young...... 18/51
Ezr_3:13.....heard/afar off Now/when....... 12/51
Psa_10:1......thou/afar off O/LORD......... 19/51
Isa_66:19....isles/afar off that have/not.. 27/51
2Ki_4:25.......her/afar off that he/said... 11/51
Job_39:25...battle/afar off the/thunder.... 17/51
Psa_38:11....stand/afar off They/also...... 20/51
Psa_139:2..thought/afar off Thou/compassest 23/51
Psa_138:6..knoweth/afar off Though/I....... 22/51
Isa_23:7.......her/afar off to sojourn/Who. 25/51
Exo_2:4......stood/afar off to wit/what..... 3/51
Mat_26:58......him/afar off unto/the....... 34/51
Psa_65:5.......are/afar off upon/the....... 21/51
Mat_27:55beholding/afar off which/followed. 35/51
Luk_18:13.standing/afar off would/not...... 42/51
Num_9:10...journey/afar off yet/he.......... 8/51
Pro_31:14.....from/afar She/riseth......... 24/51
