Neh_7:59............of/Amon All/the............ 14/19
Mat_1:10.........begat/Amon and Amon/begat..... 18/19
2Ch_33:25.........king/Amon and the people of the land made Josiah his son king in his stead Josiah/was 13/19
2Ki_21:24.........king/Amon and the people of the land made Josiah his son king in his stead Now/the 5/19
Mat_1:10...........and/Amon begat/Josias....... 19/19
2Ki_21:23...........of/Amon conspired/against... 4/19
1Ch_3:14...........son/Amon his son Josiah/his.. 7/19
2Ki_21:18..........and/Amon his son reigned in his stead Amon was twenty/and 2/19
2Ch_33:20..........and/Amon his son reigned in his stead Amon was two/and 9/19
Jer_25:3............of/Amon king of Judah even/unto 16/19
Zep_1:1.............of/Amon king of Judah I/will 17/19
Jer_1:2.............of/Amon king of Judah in/the 15/19
2Ch_33:22..........for/Amon sacrificed/unto.... 11/19
1Ki_22:26.........unto/Amon the governor of the city and to Joash the king's son And say Thus saith the king Put this fellow in the prison and feed him with bread of affliction and with water of affliction until I come/in 1/19 the governor of the city and to Joash the king's son And say Thus saith the king Put this fellow in the prison and feed him with bread of affliction and with water of affliction until I return/in 8/19
2Ch_33:23..........but/Amon trespassed/more.... 12/19
2Ki_21:19........stead/Amon was twenty/and...... 3/19
2Ch_33:21........stead/Amon was two/and........ 10/19
2Ki_21:25...........of/Amon which/he............ 6/19 a thousand have/I 492/916 a thousand to/shew 414/916
Lev_11:42.........feet/among all creeping/things 57/916
Lam_1:2.........cheeks/among all her/lovers.. 581/916
1Ch_18:14......justice/among all his/people.. 353/916
Lev_11:27.........paws/among all manner/of.... 54/916
Psa_31:11.....reproach/among all mine/enemies 427/916
Jdg_14:3............or/among all my/people... 276/916
2Ch_7:20........byword/among all nations And/this 371/916 all nations beginning/at 779/916
Mar_13:10....published/among all nations But/when 748/916 all nations For great/is 351/916 all nations for his/name 843/916 all nations Let/the 441/916
Amo_9:9.........Israel/among all nations like/as 682/916
Deu_28:37.......byword/among all nations whither/the 205/916
1Ki_9:7.........byword/among all people And/at 328/916
Psa_96:3.......wonders/among all people For/the 459/916
Deu_28:64.........thee/among all people from/the 208/916
Zep_3:20........praise/among all people of/the 695/916 all that creep/whosoever 56/916
Jer_40:1........chains/among all that were/carried 563/916 all the beasts/that 51/916
1Ch_7:5.......brethren/among all the families/of 343/916
2Ki_18:35.........they/among all the gods of the/countries 339/916
Isa_36:20.........they/among all the gods of these/lands 521/916
2Ch_32:14........there/among all the gods of those/nations 381/916
Act_24:5......sedition/among all the Jews/throughout 832/916
2Ki_18:5...........him/among all the kings/of 338/916 all the nation/of 814/916
Jer_44:8......reproach/among all the nations of/the 569/916
Jer_29:18.....reproach/among all the nations whither I/have 556/916
Deu_30:1..........mind/among all the nations whither the/LORD 213/916
Zec_7:14.....whirlwind/among all the nations whom/they 702/916
2Ch_35:13.....speedily/among all the people And afterward/they 384/916
1Sa_10:24..........him/among all the people And all/the 299/916
Act_5:34....reputation/among all the people and commanded/to 811/916
2Sa_6:19.........dealt/among all the people even/among 312/916
1Ki_8:53..........from/among all the people of/the 327/916 all the people that/answered 303/916
1Sa_14:15..........and/among all the people the/garrison 300/916
Jos_24:17..........and/among all the people through/whom 259/916
Isa_51:18..........her/among all the sons/whom 531/916
Jdg_21:5.........there/among all the tribes of Israel that/came 281/916 all the tribes of Israel to/build 369/916 all the wise/men 547/916
Act_20:32..inheritance/among all them/which.. 827/916
Ecc_9:3...........evil/among all things/that. 494/916 all this/people. 280/916
Ecc_7:28.........woman/among all those/have.. 493/916
1Sa_22:14.....faithful/among all thy/servants 310/916
Pro_30:30....strongest/among beasts/and...... 489/916
Pro_6:19.......discord/among brethren/My..... 478/916
2Co_11:26.......perils/among false/brethren.. 875/916
Mar_8:19........loaves/among five/thousand... 740/916
Ecc_9:17........ruleth/among fools/Wisdom.... 495/916
Jdg_5:8...........seen/among forty/thousand.. 267/916 four/thousand... 741/916
Num_5:27.........curse/among her/people...... 107/916
Mat_13:32.....greatest/among herbs/and....... 720/916
Hos_13:15.....fruitful/among his brethren an/east 673/916
Neh_11:17.......second/among his brethren and Abda/the 397/916
2Ki_9:2...........from/among his brethren and carry/him 334/916
Rut_4:10..........from/among his brethren and from/the 285/916
2Ch_11:22........ruler/among his brethren for/he 372/916
Lev_21:10.......priest/among his brethren upon/whose 80/916
Num_27:4..........from/among his family/because 155/916
Isa_10:16.........send/among his fat/ones.... 514/916
Mar_6:4............and/among his own/kin..... 737/916
Lev_17:9..........from/among his people And whatsoever man/there 63/916
Lev_23:29.........from/among his people And whatsoever soul/it 84/916
Lev_19:8..........from/among his people And when/ye 70/916
Num_9:13..........from/among his people because he brought/not 114/916
Num_15:30.........from/among his people Because he hath despised/the 132/916
Lev_20:3..........from/among his people because he hath given/of 73/916
Lev_21:1..........dead/among his people But/for 78/916
Lev_21:15.........seed/among his people for I/the 81/916
Lev_17:10.........from/among his people For the/life 65/916
Eze_18:18.........good/among his people lo/even 611/916
Job_18:19.......nephew/among his people nor/any 410/916
Lev_20:6..........from/among his people Sanctify/yourselves 75/916
Exo_31:14.........from/among his people Six/days 38/916 his people to profane/himself 79/916
Lev_17:4..........from/among his people To the/end 61/916
Lev_23:30.........from/among his people Ye/shall 85/916
Psa_99:6.........Aaron/among his priests/and. 461/916
Gen_40:20........baker/among his servants/And. 18/916 his sheep/that.. 641/916
1Sa_16:1..........king/among his sons And Samuel/said 307/916
Jos_17:6...inheritance/among his sons and the/rest 243/916 lions and/I..... 437/916
Eze_19:2..........down/among lions she/nourished 612/916
Rom_8:29.....firstborn/among many brethren/Moreover 848/916
Neh_13:26..........yet/among many nations/was 398/916
Mic_4:3..........judge/among many people/and. 687/916 many witnesses/the 897/916
Ecc_6:1.........common/among men A/man....... 491/916
Psa_78:60.......placed/among men And delivered/his 450/916
Luk_1:25......reproach/among men And in/the.. 753/916
Rev_14:4..........from/among men being/the... 916/916
1Sa_17:12.........went/among men for/an...... 308/916
Luk_16:15.....esteemed/among men is abomination/in 767/916
Heb_5:1...........from/among men is ordained/for 898/916
Isa_29:19.........poor/among men shall/rejoice 518/916
Pro_30:14.........from/among men The/horseleach 488/916
Mic_7:2........upright/among men they all/lie 692/916
Job_30:5..........from/among men they cried/after 412/916
Jer_49:15.....despised/among men Thy/terribleness 573/916
Deu_32:26.........from/among men Were/it..... 216/916
Act_4:12.........given/among men whereby/we.. 806/916
Pro_23:28transgressors/among men Who/hath.... 486/916
Act_26:4.........first/among mine own nation/at 837/916
2Ki_4:13.........dwell/among mine own people/And 333/916
Psa_35:18.........thee/among much/people..... 429/916 my disciples/And 513/916
Psa_31:11...especially/among my neighbours/and 428/916
Jer_5:26...........For/among my people are/found 540/916
Exo_12:31.........from/among my people both/ye 25/916 my people for/handfuls 607/916
2Ch_7:13....pestilence/among my people If/my. 370/916
Jer_6:27......fortress/among my people that/thou 543/916
2Ki_20:15......nothing/among my treasures that I have not shewed them And/Isaiah 340/916
Isa_39:4.......nothing/among my treasures that I have not shewed them Then/said 522/916
Deu_32:34...........up/among my treasures To/me 217/916 other Gentiles/I 846/916
Jer_32:20..........and/among other men/and... 559/916
Jos_17:4...inheritance/among our brethren/Therefore 241/916
Jam_3:6.........tongue/among our members/that 900/916
Job_34:4..........know/among ourselves/what.. 415/916
1Ch_4:23.........dwelt/among plants/and...... 342/916
1Sa_2:8...........them/among princes/and..... 286/916
Pro_23:20..winebibbers/among riotous/eaters.. 485/916
Eze_2:6..........dwell/among scorpions/be.... 590/916
Joh_6:9...........they/among so/many......... 782/916
Son_5:10......chiefest/among ten/thousand.... 505/916
1Sa_15:6..........from/among the Amalekites And/Saul 305/916
1Sa_15:6..........from/among the Amalekites lest/I 304/916
Jer_40:11..........and/among the Ammonites/and 566/916 the Anakims/And. 237/916
Rom_16:7..........note/among the apostles/who 852/916
Job_2:8...........down/among the ashes/Then.. 407/916
Mic_5:8...........lion/among the beasts of/the 690/916
Lev_11:3...........cud/among the beasts that shall/ye 52/916
Deu_14:6...........cud/among the beasts that ye/shall 184/916
Psa_104:12........sing/among the branches/He. 464/916 the brethren And/they 821/916
Num_27:4....possession/among the brethren of our/father 156/916
Jos_17:4...inheritance/among the brethren of their/father 242/916
Joh_21:23.......abroad/among the brethren that/that 802/916
Pro_17:2...inheritance/among the brethren The/fining 483/916 the bushes/they. 413/916 the Canaanites and/the 15/916
Jdg_3:5..........dwelt/among the Canaanites Hittites/and 266/916
Jdg_1:32.........dwelt/among the Canaanites the inhabitants of the land for/they 264/916
Jdg_1:33.........dwelt/among the Canaanites the inhabitants of the land nevertheless/the 265/916
2Sa_23:8.........chief/among the captains/the 319/916
Deu_21:11........seest/among the captives a/beautiful 197/916
Eze_1:1............was/among the captives by/the 587/916
Num_3:41....firstlings/among the cattle/of... 101/916
1Ch_26:12.........even/among the chief men/having 359/916
Jer_31:7.........shout/among the chief of/the 558/916
Joh_12:42.Nevertheless/among the chief rulers/also 796/916
Jer_3:19..........thee/among the children and/give 538/916
Lev_6:18.........males/among the children of Aaron/shall 46/916
Gen_23:10........dwelt/among the children of Heth/and 5/916
1Sa_9:2............not/among the children of Israel a/goodlier 291/916
Num_3:42.....firstborn/among the children of Israel And all/the 102/916
Num_18:20..inheritance/among the children of Israel And behold/I 141/916
Num_8:6...........from/among the children of Israel and cleanse/them 108/916
Num_15:29.........born/among the children of Israel and for/the 130/916
Num_9:7.........season/among the children of Israel And Moses/said 113/916
Num_3:41.....firstborn/among the children of Israel and the cattle of the Levites instead of all/the 100/916
Num_3:45.....firstborn/among the children of Israel and the cattle of the Levites instead of their/cattle 103/916
Num_35:34........dwell/among the children of Israel And the chief/fathers 165/916
Num_8:14..........from/among the children of Israel and the Levites shall/be 109/916 the children of Israel And the Levites that/are 655/916
Lev_24:10..........out/among the children of Israel and this/son 86/916
Exo_29:45........dwell/among the children of Israel and will be/their 33/916
1Ki_6:13.........dwell/among the children of Israel and will not/forsake 325/916
Num_2:33......numbered/among the children of Israel as/the 97/916 the children of Israel at/the 219/916
Num_26:62.....numbered/among the children of Israel because/there 152/916
Exo_13:2..........womb/among the children of Israel both/of 27/916
Lev_25:33...possession/among the children of Israel But the/field 87/916
Num_1:49..........them/among the children of Israel But thou/shalt 96/916
Lev_22:32.....hallowed/among the children of Israel I/am 83/916
Num_3:12..........from/among the children of Israel instead of all/the 98/916
Num_8:16..........from/among the children of Israel instead of such/as 110/916
Jos_18:2......remained/among the children of Israel seven/tribes 245/916
Exo_28:1..........from/among the children of Israel that/he 32/916
Num_3:12........matrix/among the children of Israel therefore/the 99/916
Num_26:62.........them/among the children of Israel These/are 153/916
Num_18:23.........that/among the children of Israel they have/no 142/916 the children of Israel they shall have inheritance/with 658/916
Num_18:24.........them/Among the children of Israel they shall have no/inheritance 143/916
Lev_7:34..........from/among the children of Israel This/is 50/916
Num_8:19..........from/among the children of Israel to do/the 111/916
Num_18:6..........from/among the children of Israel to you/they 139/916
Num_8:19........plague/among the children of Israel when/the 112/916
Jos_15:13.........part/among the children of Judah/according 238/916
Psa_21:10.........from/among the children of men For/they 424/916
Psa_12:1..........from/among the children of men They/speak 422/916
Jos_17:9...........are/among the cities of/Manasseh 244/916
Eze_29:12.......cities/among the cities that/are 628/916
Num_35:6...........And/among the cities which/ye 163/916
Num_16:33.........from/among the congregation And all/Israel 135/916
Num_25:7..........from/among the congregation and took/a 149/916
Num_19:20.........from/among the congregation because/he 145/916
Num_31:16.......plague/among the congregation of/the 158/916 the conspirators/with 314/916
Eze_30:26.........them/among the countries and/they 632/916
Eze_11:16.........them/among the countries yet/will 602/916 the creeping/things 55/916 the daughters As/the 498/916
Jdg_14:3.........woman/among the daughters of/thy 275/916 the dead He/is.. 778/916
Psa_88:5..........Free/among the dead like/the 455/916
Pro_31:23......sitteth/among the elders/of... 490/916
Jdg_12:4.......Ephraim/among the Ephraimites and/among 273/916
Jos_16:10........dwell/among the Ephraimites unto/this 240/916
Exo_2:5............ark/among the flags/she.... 21/916
Mic_5:8...........lion/among the flocks/of... 691/916
Lev_11:13..abomination/among the fowls/they... 53/916
Mal_1:11.........great/among the Gentiles and in/every 709/916
Rom_15:9..........thee/among the Gentiles and sing/unto 851/916
Joh_7:35.....dispersed/among the Gentiles and teach/the 787/916
Isa_61:9.........known/among the Gentiles and their/offspring 533/916
Isa_66:19........glory/among the Gentiles And they/shall 537/916
Act_15:19.........from/among the Gentiles are/turned 820/916 the Gentiles as/a 669/916
Gal_2:2.........preach/among the Gentiles but/privately 879/916
Act_21:19......wrought/among the Gentiles by his/ministry 828/916
Act_15:12......wrought/among the Gentiles by them/And 819/916 the Gentiles in/the 689/916
Joe_3:9...........this/among the Gentiles Prepare/war 678/916
1Co_5:1..........named/among the Gentiles that one/should 860/916
1Pe_2:12........honest/among the Gentiles that whereas/they 905/916
Lam_2:9............are/among the Gentiles the law/is 584/916
Eph_3:8.........preach/among the Gentiles the unsearchable/riches 883/916
Rom_2:24....blasphemed/among the Gentiles through/you 847/916
Act_21:21..........are/among the Gentiles to/forsake 829/916
Col_1:27.......mystery/among the Gentiles which/is 886/916
Eze_4:13.........bread/among the Gentiles whither/I 593/916
Gen_30:33......spotted/among the goats and brown/among 9/916
Gen_30:32.....speckled/among the goats and of/such 8/916
Psa_82:1.......judgeth/among the gods How/long 453/916 the gods there/is 454/916
Exo_15:11.........LORD/among the gods who/is.. 29/916 the grass/as.... 527/916
Isa_65:4........remain/among the graves/and.. 535/916
Psa_44:14.......byword/among the heathen a/shaking 431/916
Eze_39:21........glory/among the heathen and all/the 652/916 the heathen and although/I 601/916
Jer_49:15........small/among the heathen and despised/among 572/916
Eze_22:15.........thee/among the heathen and disperse thee/in 619/916
Eze_20:23.........them/among the heathen and disperse them/through 617/916
Neh_6:6.......reported/among the heathen and Gashmu/saith 393/916
Eze_36:24.........from/among the heathen and gather/you 648/916
2Sa_22:50.........LORD/among the heathen and I/will 318/916
Psa_106:35.....mingled/among the heathen and learned/their 469/916
Mal_1:14......dreadful/among the heathen And now/O 711/916 the heathen and regard/and 694/916
Psa_18:49.........LORD/among the heathen and sing/praises 423/916
Lev_26:38.......perish/among the heathen and the/land 94/916
Eze_36:19.........them/among the heathen and they/were 644/916 the heathen and will/draw 93/916
Oba_1:1...........sent/among the heathen Arise/ye 683/916
Eze_39:28....captivity/among the heathen but I have/gathered 653/916
Joe_2:19......reproach/among the heathen But I will/remove 675/916
Eze_16:14........forth/among the heathen for/thy 610/916
Psa_110:6........judge/among the heathen he/shall 474/916
1Ch_16:24........glory/among the heathen his marvellous/works 350/916
Psa_96:3.........glory/among the heathen his wonders/among 458/916
Psa_46:10......exalted/among the heathen I/will 435/916
Gal_1:16...........him/among the heathen immediately/I 878/916
Psa_79:10........known/among the heathen in/our 451/916
Zec_8:13.........curse/among the heathen O/house 703/916 the heathen Rejoice/and 586/916
Mal_1:11.........great/among the heathen saith/the 710/916
Lam_1:3.......dwelleth/among the heathen she/findeth 582/916
Neh_5:17..........from/among the heathen that are/about 392/916
Psa_96:10..........Say/among the heathen that the/LORD 460/916
Psa_126:2.........they/among the heathen The/LORD 475/916
Eze_36:30.......famine/among the heathen Then/shall 649/916
Lam_4:15..........said/among the heathen They/shall 585/916
Oba_1:2..........small/among the heathen thou art/greatly 684/916 the heathen Thou sellest/thy 430/916
Psa_106:47........from/among the heathen to/give 470/916
Eze_36:23.....profaned/among the heathen which/ye 647/916
Deu_4:27........number/among the heathen whither the/LORD 174/916
Eze_37:21.........from/among the heathen whither they be/gone 650/916
Eze_12:16.abominations/among the heathen whither they come/and 606/916
Eze_36:21.....profaned/among the heathen whither they went/Therefore 645/916
Eze_36:22.....profaned/among the heathen whither ye/went 646/916 the heathen who/hath 552/916
Jer_9:16..........also/among the heathen whom/neither 546/916
1Ch_26:31.........even/among the Hebronites according/to 364/916
1Ch_26:31.........king/Among the Hebronites was/Jerijah 363/916
Amo_1:1............was/among the herdmen/of.. 679/916 the hills/They.. 463/916
Deu_2:14..........from/among the host as/the. 169/916
Deu_2:15..........from/among the host until/they 170/916
Jdg_21:12........found/among the inhabitants of Jabeshgilead/four 282/916
Jer_11:9...........and/among the inhabitants of Jerusalem/They 549/916
Dan_4:35...........and/among the inhabitants of the earth/and 662/916
Gen_34:30........stink/among the inhabitants of the land/among 14/916
Jos_16:9..........were/among the inheritance/of 239/916
Jos_13:13........dwell/among the Israelites/until 234/916
Est_10:3.........great/among the Jews and accepted/of 404/916
Est_4:3.......mourning/among the Jews and fasting/and 401/916
Joh_11:54.......openly/among the Jews but/went 792/916
Joh_10:19........again/among the Jews for/these 791/916
Est_9:28..........from/among the Jews nor/the 403/916
Mat_28:15.....reported/among the Jews until/this 732/916
Act_26:3...........are/among the Jews wherefore/I 836/916
Mat_13:49.........from/among the just/And.... 721/916
2Ch_24:16........David/among the kings because/he 375/916
1Ki_3:13...........any/among the kings like/unto 323/916
2Ch_22:11.........from/among the king's sons that/were 374/916
2Ki_11:2..........from/among the king's sons which/were 335/916
Est_1:19.......written/among the laws/of..... 399/916
2Ch_31:19..genealogies/among the Levites And/thus 380/916
Num_4:18..........from/among the Levites But/thus 105/916
Son_6:3........feedeth/among the lilies Thou/art 507/916
Son_4:5...........feed/among the lilies Until the day break and the shadows flee away I/will 503/916
Son_2:16.......feedeth/among the lilies Until the day break and the shadows flee away turn/my 501/916
Eze_19:6..........down/among the lions/he.... 614/916
Num_31:17.........male/among the little/ones. 159/916
Eze_1:13..........down/among the living creatures/and 588/916
Isa_4:3........written/among the living in/Jerusalem 510/916
Jdg_12:4...........and/among the Manassites/And 274/916
Gen_17:23.........male/among the men of Abraham's/house 3/916
Jer_11:9.........found/among the men of Judah/and 548/916
Job_41:6...........him/among the merchants/Canst 419/916
1Ch_12:1..........were/among the mighty men/helpers 347/916
Amo_2:16....courageous/among the mighty shall flee/away 680/916
Eze_32:21.......strong/among the mighty shall speak/to 638/916 the mountains/and 570/916
Act_21:34......another/among the multitude and/when 830/916
Psa_109:30.........him/among the multitude For/he 473/916
Luk_19:39.........from/among the multitude said/unto 769/916
Zec_1:11.........stood/among the myrtle trees and/said 700/916
Zec_1:10.........stood/among the myrtle trees answered/and 699/916
Zec_1:8..........stood/among the myrtle trees that/were 698/916
Psa_22:28.....governor/among the nations All/they 426/916
Eze_30:26....Egyptians/among the nations and disperse them among/the 631/916
Eze_12:15.........them/among the nations and disperse them in/the 605/916
Eze_25:10...remembered/among the nations And I/will 623/916
Joe_3:2......scattered/among the nations and parted/my 677/916
Lam_1:1..........great/among the nations and princess/among 579/916 the nations and publish/and 574/916
Isa_2:4..........judge/among the nations and shall/rebuke 509/916
Psa_106:27........also/among the nations and to/scatter 468/916
Eze_30:23....Egyptians/among the nations and will disperse them through the countries And/I 630/916
Eze_29:12....Egyptians/among the nations and will disperse them through the countries Yet/thus 629/916 the nations and ye/shall 173/916
Neh_1:8.........abroad/among the nations But/if 390/916
Psa_108:3.........thee/among the nations For thy mercy is great above/the 472/916
Psa_57:9..........thee/among the nations For thy mercy is great unto/the 440/916
Jer_50:23...desolation/among the nations I/have 575/916
Eze_32:9...destruction/among the nations into/the 637/916
Hos_9:17.....wanderers/among the nations Israel/is 671/916
Hos_8:10.........hired/among the nations now/will 670/916
Jer_51:27......trumpet/among the nations prepare/the 577/916
Eze_5:14......reproach/among the nations that/are 594/916
1Ch_16:31..........say/among the nations The LORD/reigneth 352/916
Jer_51:41.astonishment/among the nations The sea/is 578/916
Jer_50:46........heard/among the nations Thus/saith 576/916
Eze_6:8..........sword/among the nations when/ye 595/916 the nations whither/they 596/916
Num_23:9......reckoned/among the nations Who/can 147/916
Isa_61:9.....offspring/among the people all/that 534/916
Num_16:47........begun/among the people and he/put 137/916
Mat_4:23.......disease/among the people And his/fame 713/916
Psa_108:3.........LORD/among the people and I/will 471/916
Jos_8:9..........night/among the people And Joshua/rose 227/916
Jdg_1:16.........dwelt/among the people And Judah/went 261/916
1Ki_14:7..........from/among the people and made/thee 330/916
1Sa_14:34...yourselves/among the people and say/unto 302/916
2Ch_24:23.........from/among the people and sent/all 376/916
1Ki_21:9..........high/among the people And set/two 331/916
1Ki_21:12.........high/among the people And there/came 332/916
Num_21:6......serpents/among the people and they bit/the 146/916
1Sa_31:9...........and/among the people And they put/his 311/916
Zec_10:9..........them/among the people and they shall/remember 704/916
Act_5:12.......wrought/among the people and they were/all 810/916
1Sa_4:17.....slaughter/among the people and thy/two 288/916
Psa_94:8.......brutish/among the people and ye/fools 457/916
Joh_7:43......division/among the people because/of 788/916
Jdg_5:9......willingly/among the people Bless/ye 268/916
Mat_9:35.......disease/among the people But/when 714/916
Joh_7:12.....murmuring/among the people concerning/him 785/916 the people crying/out 817/916
Hos_7:8........himself/among the people Ephraim/is 668/916
2Pe_2:1...........also/among the people even/as 909/916
Jer_37:4...........out/among the people for/they 560/916
1Sa_10:23........stood/among the people he/was 298/916
Psa_9:11.......declare/among the people his/doings 421/916
Psa_57:9..........Lord/among the people I/will 439/916
Est_3:8......dispersed/among the people in/all 400/916
Act_4:17.......further/among the people let/us 808/916
Isa_12:4........doings/among the people make/mention 515/916
Psa_44:14.........head/among the people My/confusion 432/916
Jer_39:14........dwelt/among the people Now the/word 562/916
Mat_26:5........uproar/among the people Now when/Jesus 729/916
Jer_40:5...........him/among the people or/go 564/916
Eze_28:19.........thee/among the people shall be/astonished 626/916
Eze_27:36....merchants/among the people shall hiss/at 625/916
Dan_11:33...understand/among the people shall instruct/many 665/916 the people shall intreat/thy 434/916
1Ch_16:8.........deeds/among the people Sing unto him sing psalms unto him talk ye of all his wondrous works Glory ye in his holy name let the heart of them rejoice that seek the LORD Seek the LORD and his strength seek his face continually/Remember 349/916
Psa_105:1........deeds/among the people Sing unto him sing psalms unto him talk ye of all his wondrous works Glory ye in his holy name let the heart of them rejoice that seek the LORD Seek the LORD and his strength seek his face evermore/Remember 465/916
2Sa_17:9.....slaughter/among the people that follow/Absalom 316/916
Deu_2:16..........from/among the people That the/LORD 171/916
Jer_40:6...........him/among the people that were/left 565/916
Jdg_5:13........nobles/among the people the/LORD 269/916
Act_6:8.......miracles/among the people Then/there 813/916 the people there/shall 516/916
Psa_77:14.....strength/among the people Thou/hast 447/916
Joe_2:17...........say/among the people Where/is 674/916
Act_3:23..........from/among the people Yea/and 805/916
2Ch_26:6...........and/among the Philistines And God/helped 377/916
1Sa_14:30....slaughter/among the Philistines And they/smote 301/916
Psa_68:13.........lien/among the pots/yet.... 442/916
2Ch_31:19........males/among the priests and/to 379/916
Lev_6:29.........males/among the priests shall eat thereof it is/most 47/916
Lev_7:6...........male/among the priests shall eat thereof it shall/be 48/916
Neh_10:34.........lots/among the priests the/Levites 396/916
Mat_2:6..........least/among the princes/of.. 712/916
1Sa_19:24.........also/among the prophets And David/fled 309/916
1Sa_10:11.........also/among the prophets And one/of 295/916
1Sa_10:12.........also/among the prophets And when/he 296/916
1Sa_10:11...prophesied/among the prophets then/the 294/916
Lam_1:1.......princess/among the provinces/how 580/916
Luk_19:2.........chief/among the publicans/and 768/916
Pro_14:9...........but/among the righteous/there 481/916
Nah_3:8........situate/among the rivers/that. 693/916
Job_28:10.......rivers/among the rocks/and... 411/916
Gen_30:41.....conceive/among the rods/But..... 12/916
2Ch_33:19......written/among the sayings/of.. 383/916
Exo_9:20..........LORD/among the servants/of.. 23/916
Rut_2:15..........even/among the sheaves and/reproach 284/916
Rut_2:7........reapers/among the sheaves so/she 283/916
Gen_30:35........brown/among the sheep and gave/them 11/916
Gen_30:32.......cattle/among the sheep and the/spotted 7/916
Gen_30:33........brown/among the sheep that/shall 10/916
Jdg_5:16..........thou/among the sheepfolds/to 271/916 the Simeonites/And 151/916
Pro_7:7.........beheld/among the simple/ones. 479/916 the smooth/stones 532/916
Act_12:18.........stir/among the soldiers/what 815/916
Son_2:3........beloved/among the sons I/sat.. 500/916
Lev_7:33............He/among the sons of Aaron/that 49/916
1Ch_24:4.......divided/Among the sons of Eleazar/there 356/916
1Ch_24:4.........eight/among the sons of Ithamar/according 357/916
1Ch_26:19......porters/among the sons of Kore/and 360/916
Num_4:2...........from/among the sons of Levi after/their 104/916 the sons of Levi namely/Gershon 355/916
Eze_40:46........Zadok/among the sons of Levi which/come 654/916
1Ch_26:19..........and/among the sons of Merari/And 361/916
1Ch_28:4...........and/among the sons of my/father 367/916
1Ki_11:20....household/among the sons of Pharaoh/And 329/916
Psa_89:6...........who/among the sons of the mighty/can 456/916
Ezr_10:18..........And/among the sons of the priests/there 389/916
Jos_7:21...........saw/among the spoils/a.... 226/916
Oba_1:4...........nest/among the stars/thence 685/916
1Sa_10:22......himself/among the stuff/And... 297/916 the thick boughs and/his 634/916 the thick boughs neither/their 635/916
Eze_31:3...........was/among the thick boughs The/waters 633/916
Eze_19:11......exalted/among the thick branches/and 615/916
Luk_10:36.........fell/among the thieves/And. 766/916
1Ch_27:6........mighty/among the thirty and above/the 366/916 the thirty and over/the 348/916
1Ch_11:25...honourable/among the thirty but/attained 346/916
2Ch_33:11.....Manasseh/among the thorns and/bound 382/916
Mat_13:22.........seed/among the thorns is/he 718/916
Jos_22:14......fathers/among the thousands of Israel/And 252/916
Mic_5:2.........little/among the thousands of Judah/yet 688/916 the three mighties/Behold 345/916 the three Of/the 344/916
Mar_5:3.......dwelling/among the tombs/and... 736/916
Luk_22:37.....reckoned/among the transgressors/for 776/916
2Ch_5:1.............he/among the treasures of the house of God/Then 368/916
1Ki_7:51...........put/among the treasures of the house of the/LORD 326/916
Eze_31:18....greatness/among the trees of Eden/yet 636/916
Isa_44:14......himself/among the trees of the forest he/planteth 528/916 the trees of the forest Shall/wood 608/916
Eze_15:6..........tree/among the trees of the forest which/I 609/916
Son_2:3...........tree/among the trees of the wood/so 499/916 the tribes of Israel And it/shall 659/916
Jdg_18:1..........them/among the tribes of Israel And the/children 277/916
Hos_5:9.........rebuke/among the tribes of Israel have/I 666/916
Job_39:25........saith/among the trumpets/Ha. 418/916 the unclean/He.. 417/916
Jer_14:22..........any/among the vanities/of. 551/916
Mat_13:25........tares/among the wheat/and... 719/916
Act_17:34.....believed/among the which/was... 823/916
2Sa_6:19..........even/among the whole/multitude 313/916
Pro_15:31......abideth/among the wise/He..... 482/916 the wood/and.... 705/916
Pro_7:7......discerned/among the youths/a.... 480/916
Job_42:15..inheritance/among their brethren After/this 420/916
2Ki_23:9.........bread/among their brethren And/he 341/916
Deu_18:18.........from/among their brethren like/unto 193/916
Jer_41:8...........not/among their brethren Now/the 568/916
Jos_22:7........Joshua/among their brethren on/this 251/916
Deu_18:2...inheritance/among their brethren the/LORD 191/916
Gen_36:30.........Hori/among their dukes/in... 17/916
Exo_32:25........shame/among their enemies/Then 39/916
Num_27:7...inheritance/among their father's/brethren 157/916 their idols/round 597/916
Luk_2:44...........him/among their kinsfolk/and 756/916
Jos_7:11..........even/among their own/stuff. 223/916
Lev_20:5..........from/among their people And the/soul 74/916
Lev_20:18.........from/among their people And thou/shalt 77/916
Lev_18:29.........from/among their people Therefore/shall 69/916
Num_17:6...........was/among their rods/And.. 138/916
Psa_105:37......person/among their tribes/Egypt 467/916
Exo_25:8.........dwell/among them According to all/that 31/916
Jos_19:49..........Nun/among them According to the/word 248/916
Mar_6:41............he/among them all And/they 738/916
Dan_1:19...........and/among them all was/found 661/916
Jos_24:5...........did/among them and afterward/I 258/916
2Ch_28:15........naked/among them and arrayed/them 378/916
2Co_6:17..........from/among them and be/ye.. 871/916
Jdg_1:30.........dwelt/among them and became/tributaries 263/916
2Ki_17:26........lions/among them and behold/they 337/916
Psa_22:18.....garments/among them and cast/lots 425/916
Num_11:1.........burnt/among them and consumed/them 116/916
Joh_19:24......raiment/among them and for/my. 801/916
Eze_3:25...........out/among them And I will make/thy 592/916
Isa_66:19.........sign/among them and I will send/those 536/916
Jos_20:4.........dwell/among them And if/the. 249/916
1Sa_10:10...prophesied/among them And it came to pass when all that/knew 293/916
Jos_8:35....conversant/among them And it came to pass when all the/kings 229/916
Jer_12:14.........from/among them And it shall/come 550/916
Exo_7:5...........from/among them And Moses and/Aaron 22/916
Num_13:2.........ruler/among them And Moses by/the 122/916
Jdg_10:16.........from/among them and served/the 272/916
Neh_4:11.........midst/among them and slay/them 391/916
Jos_9:16.........dwelt/among them And the children/of 231/916
Job_1:6...........also/among them And the LORD/said 405/916
Num_11:3.........burnt/among them And the mixt/multitude 117/916
Eze_33:33.........been/among them And the word/of 640/916
Isa_41:28.........even/among them and there/was 523/916 them and they shall/lay 707/916
Num_14:13.........from/among them And they will/tell 124/916
Eze_2:5........prophet/among them And thou/son 589/916
Act_23:10.........from/among them and to/bring 831/916
Mat_27:35.....garments/among them and upon/my 730/916
Act_18:11..........God/among them And when/Gallio 824/916 them and will/forsake 214/916 them and with/them 849/916
Psa_105:27.......signs/among them and wonders/in 466/916
Dan_7:8.............up/among them another/little 663/916
Son_6:6.........barren/among them As a/piece. 508/916
Psa_55:15..........and/among them As for/me.. 436/916 them as in/Sinai 443/916
Zec_12:8........feeble/among them at/that.... 706/916
Psa_68:18........dwell/among them Blessed/be. 444/916
Luk_22:55.........down/among them But a/certain 777/916
Neh_9:17.........didst/among them but hardened/their 395/916
Num_15:29...sojourneth/among them But the/soul 131/916
Isa_43:9...........who/among them can/declare 525/916
1Sa_6:6....wonderfully/among them did/they... 289/916
Num_11:4...........was/among them fell/a..... 118/916
Num_19:10...sojourneth/among them for a/statute 144/916
Psa_136:11........from/among them for his/mercy 476/916
Jos_14:3...inheritance/among them For the children/of 236/916
1Ch_21:6...........not/among them for the king's/word 354/916
Num_1:47......numbered/among them For the LORD/had 95/916 them God/brought 148/916
Jos_8:33..........born/among them half/of.... 228/916
Isa_48:14........which/among them hath/declared 529/916
Eze_33:6..........from/among them he is/taken 639/916
Psa_78:49.......angels/among them He made/a.. 449/916 them Hear/O..... 542/916
Eze_22:26.....profaned/among them Her/princes 620/916
Act_17:33.........from/among them Howbeit/certain 822/916
Exo_29:46........dwell/among them I am the/LORD 34/916
Num_18:20.........part/among them I am thy/part 140/916
Eze_34:24.......prince/among them I the/LORD. 642/916
Num_14:11.......shewed/among them I will/smite 123/916
2Ch_20:25........found/among them in abundance/both 373/916
2Pe_2:8.......dwelling/among them in seeing/and 911/916
Lev_16:16....remaineth/among them in the/midst 59/916
Deu_29:17.........were/among them Lest/there. 210/916
1Ch_26:31........found/among them mighty/men. 365/916
Act_25:6.......tarried/among them more/than.. 835/916
Jdg_1:29.........Gezer/among them Neither/did 262/916
Isa_5:27.......stumble/among them none/shall. 511/916
Jud_1:15.......ungodly/among them of all/their 913/916
1Ch_26:30.....officers/among them of Israel/on 362/916
3Jn_1:9....preeminence/among them receiveth/us 912/916
Eze_12:10..........are/among them Say/I...... 603/916
Num_15:26...sojourneth/among them seeing/all. 129/916
Eze_3:15....astonished/among them seven/days. 591/916 them shall bear/upon 604/916
Isa_8:15..........many/among them shall stumble/and 512/916 them that are born/of 715/916
Exo_30:14......passeth/among them that are numbered from/twenty 37/916
Exo_30:13......passeth/among them that are numbered half/a 36/916
1Co_2:6.........wisdom/among them that are perfect/yet 856/916
Psa_57:4..........even/among them that are set/on 438/916
Psa_99:6........Samuel/among them that call/upon 462/916
Hos_7:7...........none/among them that calleth/unto 667/916
Joh_12:20.......Greeks/among them that came/up 795/916
2Sa_19:28......servant/among them that did/eat 317/916
Eze_39:6...........and/among them that dwell/carelessly 651/916
Num_35:15....sojourner/among them that every/one 164/916
Jer_6:15..........fall/among them that fall at/the 541/916
Jer_8:12..........fall/among them that fall in/the 544/916
Num_25:11.........sake/among them that I/consumed 150/916
Act_4:34...........any/among them that lacked/for 809/916
Jer_41:8.........found/among them that said/unto 567/916 them that should/make 621/916
Jos_10:1..........were/among them That they feared/greatly 233/916
Est_9:21..........this/among them that they should/keep 402/916 them that were bidden/which 292/916
Jos_13:22........sword/among them that were slain/by 235/916
Jos_20:9....sojourneth/among them that whosoever/killeth 250/916 them that wrought/the 45/916
Exo_10:2..........done/among them that ye/may. 24/916
Lam_1:17.........woman/among them The LORD/is 583/916
Dan_11:24......scatter/among them the prey/and 664/916
Job_15:19.......passed/among them The wicked/man 408/916
Joh_15:24.........done/among them the works/which 797/916
Gen_47:6......activity/among them then make/them 20/916
Jer_25:16.........send/among them Then took/I 554/916
Joh_9:16......division/among them They say/unto 790/916
Rev_7:15.........dwell/among them They shall/hunger 915/916 them This/is..... 58/916
Son_4:2.........barren/among them Thy/lips... 502/916
Jer_24:10...pestilence/among them till/they.. 553/916
Job_2:1...........also/among them to/present. 406/916
Act_24:21.....standing/among them Touching/the 833/916
Ezr_2:65..........were/among them two/hundred 388/916
Deu_7:20........hornet/among them until/they. 178/916
Num_33:4.......smitten/among them upon/their. 161/916 them was/clothed 598/916
Psa_68:25........after/among them were/the... 445/916
Eze_35:11........known/among them when I/have 643/916
Exo_30:12.......plague/among them when thou/numberest 35/916 them wherefore/then 133/916
Act_26:18..inheritance/among them which are/sanctified 838/916
Psa_78:45........flies/among them which devoured/them 448/916
Luk_22:24.......strife/among them which of them should be accounted/the 773/916
Luk_9:46.....reasoning/among them which of them should be greatest/And 762/916
2Ki_17:25........lions/among them which slew/some 336/916 them yet/should. 561/916
Act_28:29....reasoning/among themselves And/Paul 842/916
2Co_10:12...themselves/among themselves are/not 873/916
Joh_11:56........spake/among themselves as/they 793/916
Joh_19:24....therefore/among themselves Let/us 800/916
Act_28:4..........said/among themselves No/doubt 840/916
Joh_12:19.........said/among themselves Perceive/ye 794/916
Joh_6:52........strove/among themselves saying How/can 784/916
Mar_8:16......reasoned/among themselves saying It is because we have no/bread 739/916
Mat_16:7......reasoned/among themselves saying It is because we have taken/no 722/916
Luk_20:14.....reasoned/among themselves saying This/is 770/916
Luk_4:36.........spake/among themselves saying What a/word 757/916
Act_4:15.....conferred/among themselves Saying What shall/we 807/916
Mar_1:27....questioned/among themselves saying What thing/is 733/916
Act_28:25..........not/among themselves they/departed 841/916
Mat_21:38.........said/among themselves This is the heir come let us kill him and let/us 727/916
Mar_12:7..........said/among themselves This is the heir come let us kill him and the/inheritance 747/916
Psa_80:6.........laugh/among themselves Turn/us 452/916
Joh_16:17....disciples/among themselves What/is 798/916
Luk_22:23......enquire/among themselves which/of 772/916
Joh_7:35..........Jews/among themselves Whither/will 786/916
Mar_16:3..........said/among themselves Who shall/roll 751/916
Mar_9:34......disputed/among themselves who should/be 743/916
Mar_10:26.......saying/among themselves Who then/can 744/916
Mar_15:31.........said/among themselves with/the 749/916
Deu_28:65..........And/among these nations shalt/thou 209/916
Jos_23:7...........not/among these nations these/that 255/916
Zec_3:7...........walk/among these that/stand 701/916
Num_26:64..........But/among these there/was. 154/916
Dan_1:6............Now/among these were of/the 660/916
1Ch_26:12.....thirteen/Among these were the/divisions 358/916
Jer_48:27........found/among thieves for/since 571/916
Luk_10:30.........fell/among thieves which/stripped 765/916
Num_16:45.........from/among this congregation that I may consume them as/in 136/916
Num_16:21.........from/among this congregation that I may consume them in/a 134/916 this people even/a 517/916
Jer_29:32........dwell/among this people neither/shall 557/916 this people that/thou 125/916
Mar_4:7...........fell/among thorns and the thorns grew/up 734/916
Luk_8:7...........fell/among thorns and the thorns sprang/up 760/916
Mat_13:7..........fell/among thorns and the thorns sprung/up 717/916
Luk_8:14..........fell/among thorns are/they. 761/916
Jer_4:3............not/among thorns Circumcise/yourselves 539/916
Son_2:2...........lily/among thorns so/is.... 497/916
Mar_4:18..........sown/among thorns such/as.. 735/916 those that are/born 759/916
Gen_42:5..........corn/among those that came/for 19/916
Neh_7:64......register/among those that were reckoned by genealogy but it/was 394/916
Ezr_2:62......register/among those that were reckoned by genealogy but they/were 387/916
2Sa_23:18........chief/among three And/he.... 320/916 three mighty/men 322/916 three Was/he.... 321/916
Deu_17:15.........from/among thy brethren/shalt 190/916
Exo_34:19....firstling/among thy cattle/whether 42/916 thy children/shalt 28/916
Psa_45:9..........were/among thy honourable/women 433/916
Eze_27:24........cedar/among thy merchandise/The 624/916
Hos_10:14........arise/among thy people and/all 672/916
Lev_19:16...talebearer/among thy people neither/shalt 71/916
Jdg_5:14......Benjamin/among thy people out/of 270/916
Num_5:21..........oath/among thy people when/the 106/916
Jos_9:7..........dwell/among us and how/shall 230/916
Deu_31:17..........not/among us And I/will... 215/916
Job_34:37........hands/among us and multiplieth/his 416/916
Luk_7:16............up/among us and That/God. 758/916
Joh_1:14.........dwelt/among us and we/beheld 780/916
1Ki_5:6............not/among us any that can/skill 324/916
Psa_74:9.........there/among us any that knoweth/how 446/916
Gen_34:22.........male/among us be/circumcised 13/916 us because/ye... 254/916
Act_1:21...........out/among us Beginning/from 803/916
Jos_22:19...possession/among us but/rebel.... 253/916
Luk_1:1.......believed/among us Even/as...... 752/916
Exo_34:9............go/among us for/it........ 40/916
Gen_23:6........prince/among us in/the......... 4/916
1Sa_4:3.........cometh/among us it/may....... 287/916
Jdg_18:25........heard/among us lest/angry... 278/916
Pro_1:14...........lot/among us let/us....... 477/916
Mic_3:11..........LORD/among us none/evil.... 686/916
Jos_9:22.........dwell/among us Now/therefore 232/916
Exo_17:7..........LORD/among us or/not........ 30/916
Isa_33:14..........who/among us shall dwell with everlasting/burnings 520/916
Isa_33:14..........Who/among us shall dwell with the/devouring 519/916
Act_15:7........choice/among us that/the..... 818/916
Pro_27:22.......mortar/among wheat/with...... 487/916
Exo_34:10.......people/among which thou/art... 41/916
Mat_27:56..........him/Among which was/Mary.. 731/916
Eph_2:3...disobedience/Among whom also/we.... 882/916 whom are/ye..... 844/916
Num_11:21.......people/among whom I am/are... 120/916
Gen_24:3....Canaanites/among whom I dwell/But.. 6/916
Act_20:25..........all/among whom I have/gone 825/916 whom I saw/Jaazaniah 599/916
Eze_28:25.......people/among whom they are/scattered 627/916
Eze_20:9.......heathen/among whom they were/in 616/916 whom was/Mary... 750/916
Php_2:15........nation/among whom ye/shine... 885/916
Pro_23:20..........not/among winebibbers/among 484/916
Luk_10:3.........lambs/among wolves/Carry.... 764/916
Luk_1:42..........thou/among women and blessed/is 755/916
1Sa_15:33....childless/among women And Samuel/hewed 306/916
Luk_1:28..........thou/among women And when/she 754/916
Eze_23:10.......famous/among women for/they.. 622/916
Son_1:8........fairest/among women go/thy.... 496/916
Son_5:9........fairest/among women what/is... 504/916
Son_6:1........fairest/among women whither/is 506/916 you a mighty/God 179/916 you a poor/man.. 186/916
Deu_13:1.........arise/among you a prophet/or 180/916 you a root/that. 212/916
Jam_5:13...........any/among you afflicted/let 903/916
Luk_9:48.........least/among you all/the..... 763/916
Rom_1:13.........fruit/among you also/even... 845/916
Exo_35:5..........from/among you an/offering.. 43/916
Deu_21:21.........from/among you and all/Israel 198/916
1Th_5:12........labour/among you and are/over 891/916
Gen_35:2...........are/among you and be/clean. 16/916 you and have wept/before 119/916
Deu_13:13.........from/among you and have withdrawn/the 182/916
1Co_11:18....divisions/among you and I/partly 865/916
Lev_20:14...wickedness/among you And if/a..... 76/916
Jos_24:23..........are/among you and incline/your 260/916
Jer_25:27.........send/among you And it/shall 555/916
Jos_3:5........wonders/among you And Joshua/spake 220/916
1Co_11:30.......sickly/among you and many/sleep 868/916
Lev_26:11...tabernacle/among you and my/soul.. 89/916
1Sa_7:3...........from/among you and prepare/your 290/916
Jos_23:12.......remain/among you and shall/make 257/916
1Co_5:1....fornication/among you and such/fornication 859/916 you and that he/will 221/916 you and that I/shall 877/916
Eze_47:22.....children/among you and they/shall 657/916
Deu_19:20.........evil/among you And thine/eye 195/916
Deu_19:19.........from/among you And those/which 194/916
Lev_19:34.........born/among you and thou/shalt 72/916
Deu_28:54.......tender/among you and very/delicate 206/916
Lev_26:12.........walk/among you and will be/your 90/916
Num_9:14.......sojourn/among you and will keep/the 115/916
Lev_26:25...pestilence/among you and ye shall be/delivered 92/916
Joe_2:25..........sent/among you And ye shall eat/in 676/916 you any man/that 201/916
Deu_18:10........found/among you any one/that 192/916
Act_25:5.........which/among you are/able.... 834/916
Eph_5:3..........named/among you as becometh/saints 884/916 you as he/that.. 775/916
1Co_6:7..........fault/among you because/ye.. 864/916
2Co_10:1..........base/among you but being/absent 872/916
Deu_22:24.........from/among you But if/a.... 200/916 you but of/the.. 839/916
1Co_1:10.....divisions/among you but that/ye. 853/916 you but whosoever will be great among you let/him 724/916 you but whosoever will be great among you shall/be 745/916
Deu_4:3...........from/among you But ye/that. 172/916
Act_2:22...........God/among you by miracles/and 804/916
2Co_1:19......preached/among you by us/even.. 870/916 you cause/that.. 887/916
Jam_4:1......fightings/among you come/they... 902/916
2Th_3:11..........walk/among you disorderly/working 896/916
Gal_3:5.......miracles/among you doeth/he.... 881/916
Lev_17:12...sojourneth/among you eat/blood.... 66/916 you envying/and. 857/916
1Th_2:7.........gentle/among you even/as..... 889/916
Gen_17:12..circumcised/among you every/man..... 2/916
Hag_2:5......remaineth/among you fear/ye..... 697/916
Act_13:26....whosoever/among you feareth/God. 816/916
Lev_18:26...sojourneth/among you For all/these 68/916
1Co_5:2...........from/among you For I/verily 861/916
Lev_16:29...sojourneth/among you For on/that.. 60/916
Deu_15:4..........poor/among you for the LORD/shall 185/916
Jos_18:7..........part/among you for the priesthood/of 247/916
1Th_1:5...........were/among you for your/sake 888/916
1Pe_5:1............are/among you I exhort/who 907/916
Num_12:6.......prophet/among you I the/LORD.. 121/916
Deu_22:21.........from/among you If a/man.... 199/916
Deu_17:7..........from/among you If there/arise 189/916 you If thou/shalt 181/916
2Co_12:12......wrought/among you in all patience/in 876/916
2Co_11:6......manifest/among you in all things/Have 874/916
Deu_23:16.........even/among you in that/place 202/916
Num_32:30..possessions/among you in the land/of 160/916
Jos_7:13..........from/among you In the morning/therefore 225/916
Deu_16:11..........are/among you in the place/which 187/916 you in your/generations 127/916
Deu_6:15...........God/among you lest the/anger 175/916
Deu_1:42...........not/among you lest ye/be.. 168/916
Luk_22:26.....greatest/among you let him be as/the 774/916
Mat_20:26........great/among you let him be your minister/And 725/916
Mat_20:27........chief/among you let him be your servant/Even 726/916
Jam_5:14..........sick/among you let him call/for 904/916
Joh_8:7............sin/among you let him first/cast 789/916
Jam_3:13.....knowledge/among you let him shew/out 901/916 you man/or...... 211/916 you My/days..... 409/916
2Th_3:7.....disorderly/among you Neither did/we 895/916
Jos_23:7........remain/among you neither make/mention 256/916 you no/not...... 863/916 you not sparing/the 826/916 you not to/think 850/916
Jdg_20:12.........done/among you Now therefore/deliver 279/916
1Co_1:11...contentions/among you Now this/I.. 854/916
Ezr_1:3..........there/among you of all his people his/God 386/916
2Ch_36:23........there/among you of all his people The/LORD 385/916
Lev_25:45......sojourn/among you of them/shall 88/916
Deu_7:14........barren/among you or/among.... 176/916
1Co_2:2..........thing/among you save/Jesus.. 855/916 you seem/to..... 899/916 you seemeth/to.. 858/916
Act_6:3............out/among you seven/men... 812/916
Gen_17:10........child/among you shall be circumcised/And 1/916
Mar_10:43........great/among you shall be your minister/And 746/916
Mat_23:11.....greatest/among you shall be your servant/And 728/916
Exo_35:10......hearted/among you shall come/and 44/916
Deu_24:7..........from/among you Take/heed... 203/916 you taking/the.. 908/916
1Th_2:10.....ourselves/among you that believe/As 890/916
Lev_17:10......sojourn/among you that eateth/any 64/916 you that feareth/the 530/916
Lev_17:8.......sojourn/among you that offereth/a 62/916
Hag_2:3...........left/among you that saw/this 696/916 you that shall/have 716/916
1Co_15:12.........some/among you that there/is 869/916
1Co_11:19.....heresies/among you that they/which 866/916
Jos_4:6...........sign/among you that when/your 222/916
Mal_1:10..........even/among you that would/shut 708/916
Num_14:42..........not/among you that ye/be.. 126/916
Amo_4:10..........sent/among you the pestilence/after 681/916
Eze_20:38.........from/among you the rebels/and 618/916
Isa_43:12..........god/among you therefore/ye 526/916
Deu_32:46......testify/among you this day/which 218/916
Gal_3:1......crucified/among you This only/would 880/916
Deu_13:14......wrought/among you Thou/shalt.. 183/916
Jos_18:4..........from/among you three/men... 246/916
Exo_12:49...sojourneth/among you Thus/did..... 26/916
Jos_7:12..........from/among you Up/sanctify. 224/916
2Th_1:10.....testimony/among you was/believed 894/916
2Sa_16:20......counsel/among you what/we..... 315/916 you When thou hast/made 204/916
Deu_21:9..........from/among you when thou shalt/do 196/916
1Co_11:19.....manifest/among you When ye/come 867/916
Rev_2:13.........slain/among you where/Satan. 914/916
Lev_17:13......sojourn/among you which hunteth/and 67/916
Eze_47:22......sojourn/among you which shall beget/children 656/916
Lev_26:22.......beasts/among you which shall rob/you 91/916
Jer_8:17...cockatrices/among you which will/not 545/916
Deu_28:56........woman/among you which would/not 207/916
2Pe_2:1.......teachers/among you who/privily. 910/916 you whom/ye..... 781/916
Isa_42:23..........Who/among you will/give... 524/916
Deu_17:2.........found/among you within/any.. 188/916
Eze_11:9.....judgments/among you Ye/shall.... 600/916
Eze_19:2........whelps/among young/lions..... 613/916
Deu_7:14............or/among your cattle/And. 177/916
Num_33:54..inheritance/among your families/and 162/916
Lev_22:3..........seed/among your generations that/goeth 82/916
Num_15:23.henceforward/among your generations Then/it 128/916
Deu_1:15......officers/among your tribes And I charged/your 167/916
Deu_1:13.........known/among your tribes and I will/make 166/916
1Th_5:15..........both/among yourselves and/to 893/916 yourselves because/ye 723/916
Mar_9:33......disputed/among yourselves by/the 742/916 yourselves for charity/shall 906/916 yourselves For I/say 771/916
Joh_6:43...........not/among yourselves No/man 783/916
1Th_5:13.........peace/among yourselves Now/we 892/916
Joh_16:19......enquire/among yourselves of/that 799/916
1Co_5:13..........from/among yourselves that/wicked 862/916
Gen_3:8............God/amongst the/trees......... 1/2
Gen_23:9..buryingplace/amongst you/And........... 2/2
