abhorring/unto... 1137/1699 abominable/branch 1072/1699 abomination and/the 222/1699
Deu_7:26.........bring/an abomination into/thine 443/1699
Mal_2:11...........and/an abomination is committed/in 1382/1699
Isa_41:24.......nought/an abomination is he/that 1104/1699 abomination it/shall 238/1699
Isa_44:19......thereof/an abomination shall/I 1107/1699
Lev_11:13..........are/an abomination the eagle/and 235/1699
Jer_2:7.......heritage/an abomination The priests/said 1141/1699
Lev_20:13....committed/an abomination they/shall 284/1699 abomination to kings/to 991/1699 abomination to men/If 1014/1699 abomination to my/lips 982/1699 abomination to the just/and 1029/1699 abomination to the LORD but the prayer/of 986/1699
Pro_15:26..........are/an abomination to the LORD but the words/of 989/1699 abomination to the LORD though/hand 990/1699 abomination to the LORD thy/God 442/1699
Pro_6:16...........are/an abomination unto him/A 976/1699 abomination unto me/the 1058/1699 abomination unto the Egyptians And/they 64/1699 abomination unto the Egyptians Then/Joseph 66/1699
Pro_20:23..........are/an abomination unto the LORD and a/false 1005/1699
Deu_18:12..........are/an abomination unto the LORD and because/of 457/1699 abomination unto the LORD but/he 987/1699
Deu_27:15........image/an abomination unto the LORD the/work 485/1699 abomination unto the LORD thy God If/there 454/1699
Deu_25:16..........are/an abomination unto the LORD thy God Remember/what 477/1699 abomination unto them/I 950/1699 abomination unto you And for/these 237/1699 abomination unto you And these/are 234/1699 abomination unto you They/shall 232/1699
Lev_11:11.........even/an abomination unto you ye/shall 233/1699 abomination unto you Yet/these 236/1699
Lev_11:42..........are/an abomination Ye/shall 239/1699
Isa_58:5...........and/an acceptable day/to 1118/1699
Isa_49:8............In/an acceptable time have/I 1110/1699 acceptable time O/God 943/1699
Act_19:40.........give/an account of this/concourse 1523/1699
Luk_16:2..........give/an account of thy/stewardship 1480/1699 accursed/thing.... 504/1699
Luk_6:7...........find/an accusation against him/But 1460/1699
Ezr_4:6............him/an accusation against the/inhabitants 852/1699
1Ti_5:19...........not/an accusation but/before 1616/1699
Eze_3:9.............As/an adamant harder/than 1220/1699 adamant stone/lest 1374/1699
Gen_49:17..........way/an adder in/the....... 72/1699 adder Thine/eyes. 1012/1699
Hos_3:1............yet/an adulteress according/to 1327/1699
Rom_7:3.........called/an adulteress but/if 1542/1699
Pro_30:20...........of/an adulterous/woman. 1031/1699
2Co_2:11...........get/an advantage/of..... 1573/1699
Num_22:22..........for/an adversary against/him 400/1699 adversary and/slew 1211/1699
Amo_3:11...........GOD/An adversary there/shall 1344/1699
1Ki_11:25..........was/an adversary to Israel/all 698/1699 adversary to us/for 624/1699
1Ki_11:14...........up/an adversary unto Solomon/Hadad 696/1699
Exo_23:22..........and/an adversary unto thine/adversaries 127/1699
1Jn_2:1...........have/an advocate/with.... 1668/1699
Zep_3:12..........thee/an afflicted/and.... 1370/1699
Exo_39:12.......ligure/an agate and an amethyst And the fourth row a beryl an/onyx 187/1699
Exo_28:19.......ligure/an agate and an amethyst And the fourth row a beryl and/an 141/1699 agony/he......... 1488/1699
Dan_11:6..........make/an agreement but/she 1324/1699
Isa_36:16.........Make/an agreement with me by a present and come out to me and eat/ye 1100/1699
2Ki_18:31.........Make/an agreement with me by a present and come out to me and then/eat 738/1699
1Ch_27:4.........Dodai/an Ahohite/and....... 778/1699
Luk_7:37.......brought/an alabaster box of ointment And/stood 1464/1699
Mar_14:3........having/an alabaster box of ointment of/spikenard 1449/1699
Mat_26:7........having/an alabaster box of very/precious 1425/1699
Num_10:7.........sound/an alarm And/the..... 366/1699
Num_10:6..........blow/an alarm for/their... 365/1699
Joe_2:1..........sound/an alarm in/my...... 1342/1699
Jer_49:2.........cause/an alarm of/war..... 1197/1699
Num_10:6..........blow/an alarm the/second.. 364/1699
Num_10:5..........blow/an alarm then/the.... 363/1699
Num_10:9..........blow/an alarm with/the.... 368/1699
Deu_14:21.........unto/an alien for/thou.... 448/1699
Exo_18:3..........been/an alien in a/strange 107/1699 alien in their/sight 903/1699
Psa_69:8...........and/an alien unto/my..... 942/1699
Gal_4:24...........are/an allegory/for..... 1589/1699
Jer_1:11............of/an almond/tree...... 1138/1699
Act_3:3..........asked/an alms/And......... 1507/1699
2Ki_16:11........built/an altar according/to 737/1699
Gen_33:20........there/an altar and called it/EleloheIsrael 46/1699
Exo_17:15........built/an altar and called the name/of 106/1699
Gen_35:7.........there/an altar and called the place/Elbethel 50/1699
Jdg_21:4.........there/an altar and offered/burnt 579/1699
Exo_32:5.........built/an altar before/it... 169/1699 altar beside/the.. 527/1699
Jos_22:10........there/an altar by/Jordan... 523/1699
1Ki_16:32...........up/an altar for Baal/in. 708/1699 altar for burnt/offerings 530/1699
1Ki_18:32........built/an altar in/the...... 713/1699 altar most holy And/thou 192/1699 altar most holy whatsoever/toucheth 152/1699 altar not/for..... 529/1699
2Ch_4:1...........made/an altar of brass/twenty 798/1699 altar of earth/thou 110/1699
Exo_27:1..........make/an altar of shittim/wood 133/1699 altar of stone/thou 111/1699
Deu_27:5...........God/an altar of stones/thou 484/1699
Jos_8:31.........Moses/an altar of whole/stones 509/1699
Jos_22:11........built/an altar over/against 524/1699
2Ki_16:10..........saw/an altar that was/at. 736/1699 altar that ye/might 526/1699
Gen_26:25......builded/an altar there and called/upon 39/1699
Gen_22:9.........built/an altar there and laid/the 32/1699
Jdg_6:24.........built/an altar there unto/the 547/1699 altar therein/unto 771/1699
Exo_30:1..........make/an altar to burn/incense 156/1699 altar to the/LORD 1080/1699 altar to turn/from 528/1699
Exo_24:4.......builded/an altar under/the... 128/1699
Gen_35:1.........there/an altar unto God that/appeared 48/1699
Gen_35:3.........there/an altar unto God who/answered 49/1699
Gen_12:8.......builded/an altar unto the LORD and called/upon 19/1699
Gen_13:18........there/an altar unto the LORD And it came to pass in/the 20/1699
1Sa_7:17.........built/an altar unto the LORD And it came to pass when/Samuel 591/1699
1Ch_21:26........there/an altar unto the LORD and offered burnt offerings and peace offerings and/called 772/1699
2Sa_24:25........there/an altar unto the LORD and offered burnt offerings and peace offerings So/the 664/1699
Gen_8:20.......builded/an altar unto the LORD and took/of 14/1699
Jos_8:30.........built/an altar unto the LORD God/of 508/1699
2Sa_24:18.........rear/an altar unto the LORD in the threshingfloor of Araunah/the 662/1699
1Ch_21:18...........up/an altar unto the LORD in the threshingfloor of Ornan/the 770/1699 altar unto the LORD that/the 663/1699
1Sa_14:35........built/an altar unto the LORD the/same 599/1699 altar unto the LORD thy God an/altar 483/1699 altar unto the LORD thy God upon/the 548/1699
Gen_12:7............he/an altar unto the LORD who/appeared 18/1699
Heb_13:10.........have/an altar whereof/they 1652/1699
Act_17:23........found/an altar with/this.. 1521/1699
2Sa_1:13......stranger/an Amalekite And David/said 631/1699 Amalekite and my/master 627/1699 Amalekite He/said. 630/1699 ambassador in/bonds 1599/1699
Oba_1:1............and/an ambassador is sent among/the 1354/1699
Jer_49:14..........and/an ambassador is sent unto/the 1198/1699
Luk_14:32......sendeth/an ambassage/and.... 1478/1699
Jos_8:2...........thee/an ambush/for........ 505/1699
2Ch_13:13.......caused/an ambushment/to..... 816/1699
Exo_39:12..........and/an amethyst And the fourth row a beryl an/onyx 188/1699
Exo_28:19..........and/an amethyst And the fourth row a beryl and/an 142/1699
Rev_21:20......twelfth/an amethyst And the twelve/gates 1699/1699
Deu_23:3..........LORD/An Ammonite/or....... 471/1699
1Ki_14:31.......Naamah/an Ammonitess And Abijam/his 706/1699
2Ch_12:13.......Naamah/an Ammonitess And he/did 814/1699
2Ch_24:26.....Shimeath/an Ammonitess and Jehozabad/the 826/1699
1Ki_14:21.......Naamah/an Ammonitess And Judah/did 705/1699
Eze_16:45.......father/an Amorite And thine/elder 1241/1699
Eze_16:3...........was/an Amorite and thy/mother 1234/1699 anchor/of........ 1633/1699 ancient/nation... 1145/1699
Num_20:16.........sent/an angel and/hath.... 399/1699
Exo_33:2..........send/an angel before thee and/I 171/1699
Exo_23:20.........send/an Angel before thee to/keep 125/1699
Rev_20:1...........saw/an angel come/down.. 1696/1699
Rev_8:13.........heard/an angel flying/through 1686/1699
Gal_1:8.............or/an angel from/heaven 1585/1699
Act_23:9............or/an angel hath/spoken 1530/1699
Act_11:13.........seen/an angel in/his..... 1516/1699 angel of God coming/in 1513/1699 angel of God do/therefore 655/1699 angel of God even/as 1588/1699 angel of God notwithstanding/the 625/1699 angel of God so/is 647/1699
2Sa_14:20...........of/an angel of God to/know 648/1699
Jdg_13:6............of/an angel of God very/terrible 556/1699
2Co_11:14.........into/an angel of light/Therefore 1579/1699
Jdg_13:21..........was/an angel of the LORD And Manoah said unto his/wife 558/1699
Jdg_13:16..........was/an angel of the LORD And Manoah said unto the/angel 557/1699
Jdg_6:11..........came/an angel of the LORD and sat/under 542/1699
Mat_2:19........behold/an angel of the Lord appeareth/in 1386/1699
Jdg_2:1............And/an angel of the LORD came/up 537/1699
Jdg_6:22..........seen/an angel of the LORD face/to 546/1699
Jdg_6:22...........was/an angel of the LORD Gideon/said 545/1699
Act_7:30..........Sina/an angel of the Lord in/a 1509/1699
Luk_1:11...........him/an angel of the Lord standing/on 1452/1699
Joh_12:29.........said/An angel spake to/him 1499/1699
1Ki_13:18..........and/an angel spake unto/me 704/1699
Rev_19:17..........saw/an angel standing/in 1695/1699
Act_6:15............of/an angel Then/said.. 1508/1699
1Ki_19:5..........then/an angel touched/him. 714/1699
Luk_22:43.....appeared/an angel unto him/from 1487/1699
1Ch_21:15.........sent/an angel unto Jerusalem/to 769/1699
Joh_5:4............For/an angel went/down.. 1493/1699
2Ch_32:21.........sent/an angel which/cut... 838/1699
Pro_25:23.........doth/an angry countenance/a 1021/1699
Pro_22:24.........with/an angry man and/with 1008/1699
Pro_29:22.......length/An angry man stirreth/up 1027/1699
Pro_21:19..........and/an angry woman/There 1007/1699
Gen_41:16......Pharaoh/an answer of/peace.... 61/1699
1Pe_3:15..........give/an answer to every/man 1660/1699
Joh_1:22..........give/an answer to them/that 1490/1699
Ezr_4:17..........king/an answer unto/Rehum. 853/1699
2Jn_1:7............and/an antichrist/Look.. 1672/1699
1Co_9:1............not/an apostle am/I..... 1557/1699
2Ti_1:11...........and/an apostle and/a.... 1619/1699
1Co_15:9........called/an apostle because/I 1569/1699
1Ti_2:7............and/an apostle I/speak.. 1611/1699
Gal_1:1...........Paul/an apostle not/of... 1584/1699
Tit_1:1............and/an apostle of Jesus Christ according/to 1622/1699
1Ti_1:1...........Paul/an apostle of Jesus Christ by the commandment/of 1610/1699
2Ti_1:1...........Paul/an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God according/to 1617/1699
Col_1:1...........Paul/an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God and Timotheus/our 1604/1699
2Co_1:1...........Paul/an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God and Timothy/our 1572/1699
Eph_1:1...........Paul/an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God to/the 1593/1699 apostle of Jesus Christ through/the 1546/1699
1Pe_1:1..........Peter/an apostle of Jesus Christ to the/strangers 1655/1699
2Pe_1:1............and/an apostle of Jesus Christ to them/that 1663/1699 apostle separated/unto 1536/1699
1Co_9:2............not/an apostle unto/others 1558/1699
2Co_12:12...........of/an apostle were/wrought 1582/1699
Jdg_20:38..........was/an appointed sign/between 578/1699
Hab_2:3............for/an appointed time but/at 1367/1699
Job_7:1............not/an appointed time to/man 894/1699
Job_2:11..........made/an appointment/together 890/1699
Gen_21:20.......became/an archer/And......... 31/1699
Exo_2:3............him/an ark of bulrushes/and 77/1699
Gen_6:14..........thee/an ark of gopher/wood. 11/1699
Deu_10:3..........made/an ark of shittim wood and/hewed 445/1699
Exo_25:10.........make/an ark of shittim wood two/cubits 130/1699
Deu_10:1..........thee/an ark of wood/And... 444/1699
Heb_11:7......prepared/an ark to/the....... 1648/1699
Job_40:9..........thou/an arm like/God...... 913/1699 arm of/flesh...... 837/1699 armed man A/naughty 975/1699 armed man These/are 1015/1699
Son_4:4............for/an armoury/whereon.. 1053/1699
Jer_46:22.........with/an army and come/against 1193/1699
Act_23:27.........with/an army and rescued/him 1532/1699
Dan_11:7..........with/an army and shall/enter 1325/1699
1Ki_20:25.........thee/an army like/the..... 717/1699
2Ch_14:8...........had/an army of men/that.. 817/1699
2Ch_13:3..........with/an army of valiant/men 815/1699
2Ch_26:13..........was/an army three/hundred 830/1699 army with banners I/went 1056/1699 army with banners Turn/away 1055/1699
1Sa_20:36.........shot/an arrow beyond/him.. 615/1699 arrow shot/out... 1149/1699
Psa_64:7..........with/an arrow suddenly/shall 939/1699
2Ki_19:32........shoot/an arrow there nor come before it with shield/nor 739/1699
Isa_37:33........shoot/an arrow there nor come before it with shields/nor 1101/1699
Isa_44:14.....planteth/an ash/and.......... 1106/1699
Mat_21:5..........upon/an ass and a/colt... 1415/1699
Exo_4:20..........upon/an ass and he/returned 81/1699
Zec_9:9.............of/an ass And I/will... 1376/1699
Jdg_15:15...........of/an ass and put/forth. 560/1699
2Ki_4:24.......saddled/an ass and said/to... 727/1699
Mat_21:5............of/an ass And the disciples/went 1416/1699
Jdg_19:28.........upon/an ass and the man/rose 573/1699
Zec_9:9...........upon/an ass and upon/a... 1375/1699
Jer_22:19...........of/an ass drawn/and.... 1157/1699
Exo_21:33...........or/an ass fall/therein.. 116/1699
Jdg_15:16...........of/an ass have/I........ 562/1699
Jdg_15:16...........of/an ass heaps/upon.... 561/1699
1Sa_16:20.........took/an ass laden/with.... 605/1699
Luk_14:5..........have/an ass or an ox fallen/into 1476/1699
Exo_22:10....neighbour/an ass or an ox or/a. 119/1699 ass that/I........ 654/1699
Exo_34:20...........of/an ass thou shalt redeem with a lamb and if thou redeem/him 172/1699
Exo_13:13...........of/an ass thou shalt redeem with a lamb and if thou wilt/not 95/1699
Mat_21:2..........find/an ass tied/and..... 1414/1699
Deu_22:10..........and/an ass together/Thou. 465/1699
1Sa_25:42.........upon/an ass with/five..... 620/1699
Act_14:5...........was/an assault/made..... 1519/1699
Lam_1:15........called/an assembly against/me 1209/1699
Jer_50:9.......Babylon/an assembly of great/nations 1199/1699
Eze_23:24.........with/an assembly of people/which 1248/1699
Jer_9:2.....adulterers/an assembly of treacherous/men 1148/1699
Joh_12:15...........on/an ass's colt/These. 1498/1699
2Ki_6:25.........until/an ass's head/was.... 730/1699
Deu_28:37.......become/an astonishment a/proverb 491/1699
Jer_51:41.......become/an astonishment among/the 1205/1699
Jer_25:18...desolation/an astonishment an/hissing 1164/1699
Jer_42:18..........and/an astonishment and a curse and a reproach and/ye 1185/1699
Jer_44:12..........and/an astonishment and a curse and a reproach For/I 1188/1699
Jer_44:22..........and/an astonishment and a curse without/an 1189/1699
Jer_29:18..........and/an astonishment and an hissing and a/reproach 1170/1699
Jer_25:9..........them/an astonishment and an hissing and perpetual/desolations 1161/1699
Jer_51:37......dragons/an astonishment and an hissing without/an 1202/1699
Jer_25:11..........and/an astonishment and these/nations 1163/1699 astonishment to/every 811/1699
Eze_5:15...........and/an astonishment unto/the 1224/1699
2Ch_29:24.........make/an atonement for all Israel/for 834/1699
Num_15:25.........make/an atonement for all the/congregation 386/1699
Lev_12:8..........make/an atonement for her and she shall be clean/And 241/1699
Lev_12:7..........make/an atonement for her and she shall be cleansed/from 240/1699
Lev_15:30.........make/an atonement for her before/the 260/1699
Lev_14:20.........make/an atonement for him and he/shall 247/1699
Lev_4:31..........make/an atonement for him and it shall be forgiven him And/if 208/1699
Num_15:28.........make/an atonement for him and it shall be forgiven him Ye/shall 388/1699
Lev_14:21.........make/an atonement for him and one/tenth 248/1699
Lev_4:26..........make/an atonement for him as concerning/his 207/1699
Lev_5:13..........make/an atonement for him as touching/his 215/1699
Lev_14:29.........make/an atonement for him before the LORD And he/shall 249/1699
Lev_6:7...........make/an atonement for him before the LORD and it/shall 218/1699
Lev_14:18.........make/an atonement for him before the LORD And the/priest 245/1699
Lev_15:15.........make/an atonement for him before the LORD for/his 257/1699
Lev_5:18..........make/an atonement for him concerning his ignorance/wherein 217/1699
Lev_5:6...........make/an atonement for him concerning his sin/And 212/1699
Lev_5:10..........make/an atonement for him for his/sin 213/1699
Num_6:11..........make/an atonement for him for that/he 339/1699
Lev_14:31.........make/an atonement for him that is to be cleansed before/the 250/1699
Lev_14:19.........make/an atonement for him that is to be cleansed from/his 246/1699
Lev_5:16..........make/an atonement for him with the ram of the trespass offering and/it 216/1699
Lev_19:22.........make/an atonement for him with the ram of the trespass offering before/the 283/1699
Lev_16:6..........make/an atonement for himself and for his house And he/shall 263/1699
Lev_16:11.........make/an atonement for himself and for his house and shall/kill 265/1699
Lev_16:17.........made/an atonement for himself and for his household/and 268/1699
Lev_16:24.........make/an atonement for himself and for the/people 271/1699
Lev_4:35..........make/an atonement for his/sin 209/1699
1Ch_6:49..........make/an atonement for Israel according/to 745/1699
Neh_10:33.........make/an atonement for Israel and/for 881/1699
Lev_16:18.........make/an atonement for it and shall/take 269/1699
Exo_29:36.........made/an atonement for it and thou/shalt 150/1699
Num_31:50.........make/an atonement for our/souls 428/1699
Exo_29:37.........make/an atonement for the altar/and 151/1699
Lev_16:34.........make/an atonement for the children of Israel for/all 277/1699
Num_25:13.........made/an atonement for the children of Israel Now/the 405/1699
Num_8:19..........make/an atonement for the children of Israel that/there 359/1699
Lev_16:16.........make/an atonement for the holy place/because 266/1699
Lev_16:33.........make/an atonement for the holy sanctuary/and 273/1699
Lev_14:53.........make/an atonement for the house/and 255/1699
Num_8:12..........make/an atonement for the Levites/And 356/1699
Num_16:47.........made/an atonement for the people/And 391/1699
Lev_16:33.........make/an atonement for the priests/and 275/1699
Num_15:28.........make/an atonement for the soul that/sinneth 387/1699
Lev_17:11.......maketh/an atonement for the soul Therefore/I 281/1699
Lev_16:33.........make/an atonement for the tabernacle/of 274/1699
Lev_4:20..........make/an atonement for them and/it 206/1699
Lev_9:7...........make/an atonement for them as/the 230/1699
Num_16:46.........make/an atonement for them for/there 390/1699
Num_8:21..........made/an atonement for them to/cleanse 361/1699
Lev_9:7...........make/an atonement for thyself/and 229/1699
Lev_23:28.........make/an atonement for you before/the 305/1699
Num_29:5..........make/an atonement for you Beside/the 420/1699
Lev_8:34..........make/an atonement for you Therefore/shall 228/1699
Lev_16:30.........make/an atonement for you to/cleanse 272/1699
Num_28:30.........make/an atonement for you Ye shall offer them/beside 418/1699
Num_28:22.........make/an atonement for you Ye shall offer these/beside 415/1699
Exo_32:30.........make/an atonement for your sin/And 170/1699
Exo_30:16.........make/an atonement for your souls And the/LORD 162/1699
Exo_30:15.........make/an atonement for your souls And thou/shalt 161/1699
Lev_17:11.........make/an atonement for your souls for/it 280/1699
Lev_16:17.........make/an atonement in/the.. 267/1699
Num_5:8........whereby/an atonement shall/be 330/1699
Exo_30:10.........make/an atonement upon/the 157/1699
Lev_16:10.........make/an atonement with/him 264/1699
Exo_21:6..........with/an aul and he/shall.. 113/1699
Deu_15:17.........take/an aul and thrust/it. 453/1699
Luk_19:22..........was/an austere man taking/up 1484/1699 austere man thou/takest 1483/1699
Deu_20:19......forcing/an axe against/them.. 461/1699
Jdg_9:48..........took/an axe in/his........ 553/1699 eagle against/the 1337/1699 eagle and shall/spread 1196/1699
Eze_10:14...........of/an eagle And the/cherubims 1230/1699
Pro_30:19...........of/an eagle in/the..... 1030/1699
Deu_32:11...........As/an eagle stirreth/up. 496/1699
Eze_1:10............of/an eagle Thus/were.. 1215/1699 eagle toward/heaven 1009/1699
Rev_13:9..........have/an ear let him hear He/that 1691/1699
Rev_3:22..........hath/an ear let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches After/this 1681/1699
Rev_3:6...........hath/an ear let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches And to/the 1678/1699
Rev_2:29..........hath/an ear let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches And unto the angel of the church in/Sardis 1677/1699
Rev_3:13..........hath/an ear let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches And unto the angel of the church of/the 1680/1699
Rev_2:11..........hath/an ear let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches He/that 1675/1699
Rev_2:17..........hath/an ear let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden/manna 1676/1699
Rev_2:7...........hath/an ear let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree/of 1674/1699
Amo_3:12............of/an ear so/shall..... 1345/1699
Pro_25:12...........As/an earring of gold and/an 1016/1699 earring of gold So/the 917/1699 earthen vessel and/of 334/1699 earthen vessel over running water And/he 254/1699 earthen vessel over running water As/for 244/1699 earthen vessel that/they 1176/1699
Rev_11:19..........and/an earthquake and great/hail 1690/1699
Rev_16:18.......mighty/an earthquake and so/great 1694/1699
Rev_8:5............and/an earthquake And the/seven 1685/1699
1Ki_19:11.........wind/an earthquake but/the 715/1699
Psa_48:7..........with/an east wind As/we... 935/1699
Jer_18:17.........with/an east wind before/the 1154/1699
Hos_13:15.....brethren/an east wind shall/come 1341/1699
Psa_78:26.......caused/an east wind to/blow. 947/1699
Exo_10:13......brought/an east wind upon/the. 86/1699
Deu_23:7.........abhor/an Edomite for/he.... 472/1699
1Sa_21:7..........Doeg/an Edomite the/chiefest 616/1699
Job_6:6.............of/an egg The/things.... 893/1699
Luk_11:12..........ask/an egg will/he...... 1471/1699
2Sa_23:21.........slew/an Egyptian a goodly/man 658/1699
1Ch_11:23.........slew/an Egyptian a man/of. 748/1699
Deu_23:7.........abhor/an Egyptian because/thou 473/1699
Gen_39:1.........guard/an Egyptian bought/him 58/1699
Exo_2:19..........said/An Egyptian delivered/us 80/1699
1Sa_30:11........found/an Egyptian in/the... 626/1699
Exo_2:11.........spied/an Egyptian smiting/an 78/1699
Lev_24:10..........was/an Egyptian went/out. 314/1699
Gen_16:1......handmaid/an Egyptian whose name was Hagar/And 24/1699
1Ch_2:34.......servant/an Egyptian whose name was Jarha/And 743/1699
Luk_9:28.........about/an eight/days....... 1469/1699
1Pe_5:1...........also/an elder and/a...... 1662/1699
1Ti_5:1............not/an elder but/intreat 1613/1699
1Ti_5:19.......Against/an elder receive/not 1615/1699
Act_18:24...Alexandria/an eloquent/man..... 1522/1699
Exo_38:23..........and/an embroiderer/in.... 183/1699
Exo_39:11..........row/an emerald a sapphire and a diamond And the third row a ligure an agate and an amethyst And the fourth row a beryl an/onyx 186/1699 emerald a sapphire and a diamond And the third row a ligure an agate and an amethyst And the fourth row a beryl and/an 140/1699
Rev_4:3...........unto/an emerald And/round 1682/1699
Rev_21:19.......fourth/an emerald The/fifth 1698/1699
Eze_16:24.........thee/an eminent/place.... 1236/1699 empty vessel/he.. 1201/1699 empty vine/he.... 1338/1699
Deu_18:10...........or/an enchanter/or...... 456/1699
Luk_22:37.........have/an end And they/said 1486/1699 end and thine/expectation 1011/1699 end but/establish. 920/1699
1Sa_3:12..........make/an end For I/have.... 589/1699 end for seven/days 227/1699
Neh_4:2...........make/an end in/a.......... 867/1699
Eze_7:6...........come/An end is/come...... 1228/1699 end lodge/here.... 571/1699
Mar_3:26..........hath/an end No/man....... 1432/1699
2Ch_24:10.........made/an end Now/it........ 824/1699
Psa_119:96........seen/an end of all perfection/but 959/1699
Heb_6:16..........them/an end of all strife/Wherein 1631/1699
Gen_27:30.........made/an end of blessing/Jacob 41/1699
1Ki_3:1...........made/an end of building/his 671/1699
Eze_43:23.........made/an end of cleansing/it 1276/1699
Gen_49:33.........made/an end of commanding his sons/he 73/1699
Mat_11:1..........made/an end of commanding his twelve/disciples 1396/1699
Exo_31:18.........made/an end of communing/with 168/1699
Num_4:15..........made/an end of covering/the 328/1699
Jos_19:51.........made/an end of dividing the country/The 522/1699
Jos_19:49.........made/an end of dividing the land/for 519/1699
1Ki_7:40..........made/an end of doing/all.. 682/1699
1Ki_1:41..........made/an end of eating And/when 666/1699
Amo_7:2...........made/an end of eating the/grass 1350/1699
Isa_38:12.........make/an end of me I/reckoned 1102/1699
Isa_38:13.........make/an end of me Like/a. 1103/1699
Eze_42:15.........made/an end of measuring/the 1274/1699
2Sa_6:18..........made/an end of offering burnt/offerings 636/1699
1Sa_13:10.........made/an end of offering the burnt offering behold/Samuel 594/1699
2Ki_10:25.........made/an end of offering the burnt offering that/Jehu 734/1699
1Ch_16:2..........made/an end of offering the burnt offerings/and 756/1699
2Ch_29:29.........made/an end of offering the king/and 835/1699
1Ki_8:54..........made/an end of praying all/this 690/1699
2Ch_7:1...........made/an end of praying the/fire 808/1699
1Sa_10:13.........made/an end of prophesying/he 593/1699
Jer_51:63.........made/an end of reading/this 1206/1699
Lev_16:20.........made/an end of reconciling/the 270/1699
Dan_9:24..........make/an end of sins/and.. 1322/1699
Jos_8:24..........made/an end of slaying all/the 506/1699
Jos_10:20.........made/an end of slaying them/with 510/1699
Jer_26:8..........made/an end of speaking all that/the 1167/1699
Num_16:31.........made/an end of speaking all these words that/the 389/1699
Deu_32:45.........made/an end of speaking all these words to/all 497/1699
2Sa_13:36.........made/an end of speaking that behold/the 646/1699
Jdg_15:17.........made/an end of speaking that he/cast 563/1699
1Sa_24:16.........made/an end of speaking these/words 618/1699
Jer_43:1..........made/an end of speaking unto all/the 1186/1699
1Sa_18:1..........made/an end of speaking unto Saul/that 611/1699
Deu_20:9..........made/an end of speaking unto the/people 459/1699
2Sa_11:19.........made/an end of telling/the 645/1699
2Ch_20:23.........made/an end of the/inhabitants 822/1699
Eze_20:17.........make/an end of them in/the 1245/1699 end of them Yet/a 1191/1699
Deu_26:12.........made/an end of tithing/all 481/1699
Job_18:2..........make/an end of words/mark. 902/1699
Deu_31:24.........made/an end of writing/the 495/1699
Job_16:3..........have/an end or/what....... 901/1699
Amo_3:15..........have/an end saith/the.... 1346/1699
Eze_21:29.........have/an end Shall/I...... 1247/1699
Eze_7:2.........Israel/An end the end/is... 1225/1699 end The pillars/of 906/1699 end the spoiler/ceaseth 1074/1699
2Ch_29:17.........made/an end Then/they..... 833/1699
Eze_35:5...........had/an end Therefore/as. 1251/1699
Eze_21:25.........have/an end Thus/saith... 1246/1699
Job_28:3.......setteth/an end to darkness/and 907/1699
Isa_33:1..........make/an end to deal/treacherously 1096/1699
Jdg_3:18..........made/an end to offer/the.. 539/1699
Ezr_10:17.........made/an end with/all...... 866/1699
Heb_7:16............of/an endless/life..... 1635/1699
Heb_10:34..........and/an enduring/substance 1647/1699
Pro_27:6............of/an enemy are/deceitful 1022/1699 enemy but/admonish 1609/1699
Mat_13:28.........them/An enemy hath/done.. 1403/1699 enemy he hath/swallowed 1212/1699 enemy he stood/with 1210/1699
1Sa_2:32...........see/an enemy in/my....... 587/1699
Psa_55:12..........not/an enemy that/reproached 937/1699 enemy unto/thine.. 126/1699
Jer_30:14...........of/an enemy with/the... 1172/1699 enemy ye/pull.... 1362/1699
Exo_38:23..........Dan/an engraver and/a.... 182/1699
Exo_28:11...........of/an engraver in/stone. 139/1699
Eze_41:7...........was/an enlarging/and.... 1267/1699
Php_3:17...........for/an ensample For/many 1602/1699
2Pe_2:6...........them/an ensample unto those/that 1666/1699
2Th_3:9......ourselves/an ensample unto you/to 1608/1699
Isa_11:12...........up/an ensign for/the... 1070/1699
Isa_11:10..........for/an ensign of/the.... 1069/1699 ensign on an/hill 1092/1699
Isa_18:3............up/an ensign on the/mountains 1079/1699
Isa_5:26............up/an ensign to/the.... 1064/1699 ensign upon/his.. 1377/1699 entrance/shall... 1664/1699
Exo_16:36...........of/an ephah And all/the. 105/1699 ephah And in/the. 1295/1699
Eze_46:14...........of/an ephah and the/third 1304/1699 ephah And when/the 1299/1699
Eze_45:24...........of/an ephah for a bullock and an ephah for a ram and an/hin 1289/1699
Eze_46:7......offering/an ephah for a bullock and an ephah for a ram and for/the 1296/1699
Eze_45:24..........and/an ephah for a ram and an/hin 1290/1699
Eze_46:7...........and/an ephah for a ram and for/the 1297/1699 ephah for a ram and the/meat 1293/1699
Eze_45:24..........for/an ephah In/the..... 1292/1699 ephah Now/when... 1303/1699
Eze_45:13...........of/an ephah of an homer of barley/Concerning 1285/1699
Eze_45:13...........of/an ephah of an homer of wheat/and 1283/1699
Rut_2:17.........about/an ephah of barley And/she 583/1699
Num_5:15............of/an ephah of barley meal/he 331/1699
Lev_6:20............of/an ephah of fine flour for a meat/offering 219/1699
Lev_5:11............of/an ephah of fine flour for a sin/offering 214/1699
Num_28:5............of/an ephah of flour for/a 408/1699
Jdg_6:19............of/an ephah of flour the/flesh 544/1699
1Sa_17:17.....brethren/an ephah of this/parched 609/1699 ephah that/goeth. 1372/1699 ephah to a bullock/and 1300/1699
Eze_46:11..........and/an ephah to a ram/and 1301/1699
Isa_5:10.........yield/an ephah Woe/unto... 1063/1699
Act_21:29....Trophimus/an Ephesian/whom.... 1527/1699
Exo_28:4...........and/an ephod and a/robe.. 138/1699
Jdg_18:14.......houses/an ephod and teraphim and a/graven 570/1699
Jdg_17:5..........made/an ephod and teraphim and consecrated/one 568/1699
1Sa_14:3.......wearing/an ephod And the/people 595/1699
Hos_3:4........without/an ephod and without/teraphim 1331/1699
1Sa_2:28..........wear/an ephod before/me... 585/1699
1Sa_23:6..........with/an ephod in/his...... 617/1699
1Ch_15:27..........him/an ephod of/linen.... 755/1699
Jdg_8:27..........made/an ephod thereof/and. 550/1699
Jdg_12:5..........thou/an Ephraimite/If..... 555/1699
1Sa_1:1...........Zuph/an Ephrathite And/he. 584/1699
1Ki_11:26........Nebat/an Ephrathite of/Zereda 699/1699 epistle/not...... 1548/1699 equality/that.... 1576/1699
2Ki_9:5...........have/an errand/to......... 732/1699
Ecc_5:6............was/an error wherefore/should 1037/1699 error which/proceedeth 1051/1699
Isa_60:15.........thee/an eternal/excellency 1120/1699
Num_12:1.......married/an Ethiopian/woman... 369/1699
Act_8:27......Ethiopia/an eunuch of/great.. 1511/1699 eunuch which/had. 1208/1699
2Ti_4:5.............of/an evangelist/make.. 1621/1699 even balance/that. 908/1699 even place/in..... 923/1699 eveningtide/that.. 644/1699 everlasting covenant And it/shall 312/1699
Gen_17:13..........for/an everlasting covenant And the/uncircumcised 27/1699
Gen_17:19..........for/an everlasting covenant and with/his 29/1699 everlasting covenant ordered/in 656/1699
Psa_105:10.........for/an everlasting covenant Saying Unto thee will I give the land of Canaan the lot of your inheritance When they/were 957/1699
1Ch_16:17..........for/an everlasting covenant Saying Unto thee will I give the land of Canaan the lot of your inheritance When ye/were 757/1699
Eze_16:60.........thee/an everlasting covenant Then/thou 1242/1699
Gen_17:7...........for/an everlasting covenant to/be 25/1699 everlasting covenant with them and I/will 1255/1699
Isa_61:8..........make/an everlasting covenant with them And their/seed 1122/1699
Jer_32:40.........make/an everlasting covenant with them that/I 1177/1699
Isa_55:3..........make/an everlasting covenant with you/even 1114/1699 everlasting dominion and/his 1314/1699 everlasting dominion which/shall 1318/1699 everlasting foundation/As 983/1699
Jer_10:10..........and/an everlasting king/at 1151/1699 everlasting kingdom and all/dominions 1319/1699 everlasting kingdom and his/dominion 1311/1699 everlasting kingdom and thy/dominion 971/1699
Isa_60:19.........thee/an everlasting light/and 1121/1699
Jer_31:3..........with/an everlasting love/therefore 1174/1699
Isa_63:12......himself/an everlasting name That led/them 1123/1699
Isa_56:5..........them/an everlasting name that shall/not 1116/1699
Gen_17:8...........for/an everlasting possession and I/will 26/1699
Gen_48:4...........for/an everlasting possession And now/thy 69/1699
Num_25:13...........of/an everlasting priesthood because/he 404/1699 everlasting priesthood throughout/their 193/1699
Jer_23:40........bring/an everlasting reproach/upon 1159/1699 everlasting righteousness/and 961/1699
Isa_45:17.........with/an everlasting salvation/ye 1108/1699
Isa_55:13..........for/an everlasting sign/that 1115/1699 everlasting statute/unto 276/1699
Php_1:28..........them/an evident/token.... 1600/1699 evil among/all... 1047/1699
Eze_7:5............GOD/An evil an/only..... 1226/1699
Mat_12:39.........them/An evil and/adulterous 1400/1699
Gen_37:33.........coat/an evil beast/hath.... 53/1699
Heb_10:22.........from/an evil conscience/and 1645/1699
Hab_2:9.......coveteth/an evil covetousness/to 1368/1699 evil disease If/a 1039/1699
Psa_41:8..........hurt/An evil disease say/they 933/1699 evil doer/even... 1620/1699
Pro_28:22.........hath/an evil eye and/considereth 1025/1699
Mar_7:22lasciviousness/an evil eye blasphemy/pride 1441/1699
Pro_23:6..........hath/an evil eye neither/desire 1010/1699
Mic_2:3.........devise/an evil from/which.. 1361/1699 evil generation/they 1472/1699 evil heart/of.... 1625/1699
Mat_12:35..........and/an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth/forth 1399/1699
Luk_6:45...........and/an evil man out of the evil treasure of/his 1461/1699
Pro_17:11.........fool/An evil man seeketh/only 998/1699
Pro_29:6............of/an evil man there/is 1026/1699 evil matter/they.. 938/1699
Deu_22:19...........up/an evil name upon a/virgin 468/1699
Deu_22:14...........up/an evil name upon her/and 466/1699 evil net/and..... 1048/1699
Num_13:32...........up/an evil report of/the 370/1699
Neh_6:13...........for/an evil report that/they 871/1699
Jer_1:14.........north/an evil shall/break. 1139/1699
Psa_140:11.........not/an evil speaker/be... 968/1699
Jdg_9:23..........sent/an evil spirit between/Abimelech 551/1699 evil spirit from God/troubleth 603/1699
1Sa_16:14..........and/an evil spirit from the/LORD 602/1699 evil thing and/bitter 1142/1699 evil thing for/he 1043/1699
Eze_38:10........think/an evil thought/And. 1256/1699 evil time Seek/good 1349/1699 evil time when/it 1049/1699 evil way/he...... 1024/1699 evil which I have seen under the sun and/it 1038/1699 evil which I have seen under the sun as/an 1050/1699
Ecc_8:11.......against/an evil work/is..... 1044/1699
Isa_9:17...........and/an evildoer and/every 1067/1699 evildoer or/as... 1661/1699
Jam_5:10...........for/an example of suffering/affliction 1654/1699
1Ti_4:12..........thou/an example of the/believers 1612/1699
Jud_1:7............for/an example suffering/the 1673/1699 example that ye should do/as 1500/1699 example that ye should follow/his 1659/1699 exceeding good/land 371/1699
Eze_37:10.........feet/an exceeding great army/Then 1254/1699
Jon_3:3............was/an exceeding great city/of 1356/1699
Mat_4:8...........into/an exceeding high/mountain 1388/1699 excellent oil/which 969/1699 excellent spirit and/knowledge 1315/1699
Pro_17:27...........of/an excellent spirit Even/a 999/1699
Dan_6:3........because/an excellent spirit was/in 1317/1699 execration and an astonishment and a curse and a reproach and/ye 1184/1699 execration and an astonishment and a curse and a reproach For/I 1187/1699
Mar_6:27..........sent/an executioner/and.. 1440/1699
2Sa_15:19.........also/an exile/Whereas..... 649/1699 expected/end..... 1169/1699
1Co_5:11............or/an extortioner/with. 1550/1699
Deu_28:22.........with/an extreme/burning... 489/1699
Mat_5:38...........for/an eye and/a........ 1391/1699
1Co_15:52...........of/an eye at/the....... 1570/1699
Mat_5:38..........said/An eye for/an....... 1390/1699
1Co_12:17.........were/an eye where/were... 1560/1699
Exo_28:32...........of/an habergeon that/it. 145/1699
Exo_39:23...........of/an habergeon with/a.. 191/1699
Isa_22:16......graveth/an habitation for himself/in 1082/1699
Psa_132:5.........LORD/an habitation for the/mighty 963/1699
Exo_15:2...........him/an habitation my/father's 97/1699 habitation of dragons/and 1097/1699
Eph_2:22...........for/an habitation of God/through 1596/1699 habitation of shepherds/causing 1179/1699
1Ch_11:11....Jashobeam/an Hachmonite/the.... 747/1699 hair breadth/and.. 576/1699
Act_27:34..........not/an hair fall/from... 1535/1699
1Ki_1:52...........not/an hair of him/fall.. 668/1699
Dan_3:27...........was/an hair of their/head 1310/1699
Luk_21:18..........not/an hair of your/head 1485/1699 hairy garment/and.. 37/1699
2Ki_1:8............was/an hairy man/and..... 722/1699
1Sa_14:14.........were/an half acre/of...... 596/1699
1Ki_7:31...........and/an half and also/upon 681/1699
Rev_11:9...........and/an half and shall/not 1688/1699
Dan_12:7...........and/an half and when/he. 1326/1699
Eze_40:42..........and/an half broad/and... 1263/1699
Hos_3:2............and/an half homer/of.... 1329/1699
Eze_40:42..........and/an half long/and.... 1262/1699
Exo_30:13.......gerahs/an half shekel/shall. 158/1699
Rev_11:11..........and/an half the/spirit.. 1689/1699
Jos_14:3...........and/an half tribe/on..... 514/1699
Jdg_4:21..........took/an hammer/in......... 541/1699
Eze_8:3.............of/an hand and/took.... 1229/1699
Eze_43:13..........and/an hand breadth even/the 1275/1699
Exo_25:25...........of/an hand breadth round/about 131/1699
Eze_40:5...........and/an hand breadth so/he 1258/1699
1Ki_7:26...........was/an hand breadth thick/and 680/1699
Eze_40:43........hooks/an hand broad/fastened 1264/1699
Exo_19:13..........not/an hand touch/it..... 109/1699
Dan_10:10.......behold/an hand touched/me.. 1323/1699
Eze_2:9.........behold/an hand was/sent.... 1217/1699
Num_35:18.........with/an hand weapon/of.... 435/1699 handbreadth and mine/age 931/1699
2Ch_4:5............was/an handbreadth and the/brim 799/1699
Exo_37:12...........of/an handbreadth round/about 179/1699 handful of corn/in 945/1699
1Ki_17:12..........but/an handful of meal/in 709/1699
Num_5:26..........take/an handful of the/offering 338/1699
Lev_9:17..........took/an handful thereof/and 231/1699 handful with/quietness 1035/1699
Gen_16:1...........had/an handmaid an/Egyptian 23/1699
Gen_29:24..........for/an handmaid And/it.... 42/1699
Pro_30:23..........and/an handmaid that/is. 1033/1699
Exo_26:36.........make/an hanging for the door/of 132/1699
Exo_36:37.........made/an hanging for the tabernacle/door 178/1699 hanging of/twenty. 136/1699
Eze_3:5.............of/an hard language but/to 1218/1699
Eze_3:6.............of/an hard language whose/words 1219/1699 hard man/reaping. 1419/1699 hard saying/who.. 1495/1699
Jdg_11:1............of/an harlot and Gilead/begat 554/1699
Gen_34:31.........with/an harlot And God/said 47/1699
Joe_3:3............for/an harlot and sold/a 1343/1699
Pro_7:10............of/an harlot and subtil/of 978/1699
Mic_1:7.............of/an harlot and they/shall 1358/1699
Jdg_16:1.........there/an harlot and went/in 565/1699 harlot because/she. 56/1699
1Co_6:15............of/an harlot God/forbid 1552/1699 harlot in that/thou 1239/1699 harlot in the/city 1352/1699 harlot is/one.... 1553/1699
Isa_1:21........become/an harlot it/was.... 1059/1699 harlot Take/an... 1083/1699
Mic_1:7.............of/an harlot Therefore/I 1359/1699
Lev_21:14...........or/an harlot these/shall 286/1699
Jos_2:1...........into/an harlot's/house.... 501/1699
1Sa_16:16...........on/an harp and it/shall. 604/1699
1Sa_16:23.........took/an harp and played/with 606/1699 harp for/Moab.... 1075/1699
Isa_23:16.........Take/an harp go/about.... 1084/1699 hart/and......... 1098/1699
Hos_6:11...........set/an harvest/for...... 1333/1699
Pro_16:18..........and/an haughty/spirit.... 992/1699 haven of Crete/and 1534/1699
Gen_49:13..........for/an haven of ships/and. 71/1699
Pro_30:31....greyhound/an he goat also/and. 1034/1699
Dan_8:5.........behold/an he goat came/from 1320/1699
Lev_23:12........sheaf/an he lamb/without... 295/1699
Jos_22:14..........was/an head/of........... 525/1699 healer/for....... 1061/1699
Jos_3:13..........upon/an heap And it/came.. 502/1699 heap and the/depths 98/1699
Gen_31:46.........made/an heap and they/did.. 43/1699 heap for ever even/a 507/1699 heap for ever it/shall 446/1699 heap he/layeth.... 927/1699 heap In/the....... 946/1699 heap of a/defenced 1086/1699 heap of the/field 1357/1699 heap of twenty/measures 1371/1699 heap of wheat/set 1057/1699
Jos_3:16..........upon/an heap very/far..... 503/1699
Deu_5:29..........such/an heart in/them..... 440/1699 heart of flesh And/I 1253/1699
Eze_11:19.........them/an heart of flesh That/they 1231/1699
Pro_6:18.........blood/An heart that/deviseth 977/1699
2Pe_2:14.........souls/an heart they/have.. 1667/1699
Jer_24:7..........them/an heart to know/me. 1160/1699 heart to perceive/and 492/1699 hearth My/heart... 955/1699 hearth of/fire... 1378/1699 heathen/man...... 1410/1699 heave offering and/it 148/1699
Num_15:20..........for/an heave offering as/ye 384/1699 heave offering from/the 149/1699
Num_15:21.........LORD/an heave offering in/your 385/1699
Num_18:26...........up/an heave offering of it/for 396/1699
Num_31:29..........for/an heave offering of the LORD/And 426/1699
Lev_7:32...........for/an heave offering of the sacrifices/of 224/1699
Lev_7:14...........for/an heave offering unto the LORD and/it 221/1699 heave offering unto the LORD I/have 395/1699
Num_18:28........offer/an heave offering unto the LORD of/all 397/1699
Num_15:19...........up/an heave offering unto the LORD Ye/shall 383/1699 heavenly/wherefore 1650/1699 heavy burden/they. 930/1699 heavy heart/If... 1020/1699 Hebrew and/I..... 1355/1699 Hebrew man/or..... 451/1699
Php_3:5.......Benjamin/an Hebrew of/the.... 1601/1699
Exo_2:11.......smiting/an Hebrew one/of...... 79/1699
Jer_34:9.........being/an Hebrew or/an..... 1180/1699 Hebrew servant six/years 112/1699 Hebrew servant to/the 60/1699 Hebrew unto/us..... 59/1699 Hebrew which/hath 1182/1699
Deu_15:12...........or/an Hebrew woman/be... 452/1699
Jer_34:9............or/an Hebrewess/go..... 1181/1699
Ecc_10:8......breaketh/an hedge a/serpent.. 1052/1699
Job_1:10..........made/an hedge about him/and 888/1699
Mar_12:1...........set/an hedge about it/and 1447/1699 hedge of/thorns... 988/1699 heifer of three years old and/a 21/1699
Isa_15:5..........Zoar/an heifer of three years old for by/the 1073/1699 heifer of three years old for the/waters 1195/1699
Heb_9:13............of/an heifer sprinkling/the 1643/1699 heifer that/is... 1339/1699
Deu_21:3..........take/an heifer which/hath. 462/1699
1Sa_16:2..........Take/an heifer with/thee.. 601/1699 heinous/crime..... 909/1699
Gal_4:7...........then/an heir of/God...... 1587/1699
Mic_1:15.........bring/an heir unto/thee... 1360/1699
1Sa_17:38..........put/an helmet of brass upon his head also/he 610/1699
1Sa_17:5...........had/an helmet of brass upon his head and/he 607/1699
Isa_59:17..........and/an helmet of salvation/upon 1119/1699
1Th_5:8............for/an helmet the/hope.. 1606/1699
Gen_2:18...........him/an help meet for him And out/of 1/1699
Gen_2:20.........found/an help meet for him And the/LORD 2/1699 help nor/profit.. 1090/1699
Deu_33:7..........thou/an help to/him....... 498/1699
Dan_3:4...........Then/an herald/cried..... 1309/1699 herb/and......... 1134/1699
Luk_8:32.........there/an herd of many swine feeding on/the 1467/1699
Mat_8:30..........them/an herd of many swine feeding So/the 1392/1699
Amo_7:14...........was/an herdman/and...... 1351/1699 heretick/after... 1623/1699
Psa_135:12.........for/an heritage an/heritage 964/1699 heritage for ever/for 960/1699
Psa_136:21.........for/an heritage for his/mercy 966/1699
Exo_6:8............for/an heritage I/am...... 82/1699
Psa_127:3..........are/an heritage of/the... 962/1699
Psa_135:12....heritage/an heritage unto Israel his people/Thy 965/1699
Psa_136:22........Even/an heritage unto Israel his servant/for 967/1699 hidden/untimely... 891/1699 hiding/place..... 1095/1699
Act_13:17.........with/an high arm/brought. 1518/1699
Joh_19:31..........was/an high day/besought 1501/1699
Exo_14:8..........with/an high hand But/the.. 96/1699
Num_33:3..........with/an high hand in/the.. 430/1699
Psa_68:15.......Bashan/an high hill/as...... 940/1699
Pro_21:4.....sacrifice/An high look and a proud heart and/the 1006/1699
Psa_101:5.........hath/an high look and a proud heart will/not 954/1699
Eze_17:22.........upon/an high mountain and/eminent 1244/1699
Mat_17:1..........into/an high mountain apart And/was 1407/1699
Mar_9:2...........into/an high mountain apart by/themselves 1445/1699
Luk_4:5...........into/an high mountain shewed/unto 1456/1699 high place And/God 401/1699 high place for/Chemosh 695/1699
Eze_16:24.........thee/an high place in/every 1237/1699
Heb_5:10...........God/an high priest after/the 1628/1699
Heb_7:26..........such/an high priest became/us 1640/1699
Heb_5:5...........made/an high priest but/he 1627/1699
Heb_6:20..........made/an high priest for/ever 1634/1699
Heb_9:11..........come/an high priest of/good 1642/1699
Heb_10:21.......having/an high priest over/the 1644/1699
Heb_4:15...........not/an high priest which/cannot 1626/1699
Heb_8:1...........such/an high priest who/is 1641/1699
Eze_31:3............of/an high stature/and. 1249/1699 high wall/in..... 1000/1699 highway for/the.. 1071/1699
Isa_35:8...........And/an highway shall/be. 1099/1699
1Sa_26:13...........of/an hill afar/off..... 621/1699
2Ki_1:9.............of/an hill And he/spake. 723/1699
Isa_30:17...........on/an hill And therefore/will 1093/1699
Mat_5:14............on/an hill cannot/be... 1389/1699
Jdg_16:3............of/an hill that/is...... 566/1699
2Sa_2:25............of/an hill Then/Abner... 632/1699
Exo_30:24........olive/an hin And thou/shalt 163/1699
Lev_23:13...........of/an hin And ye/shall.. 297/1699
Num_28:7............of/an hin for/the....... 410/1699
Eze_4:11............of/an hin from/time.... 1222/1699
Exo_29:40...........of/an hin of beaten oil and/the 153/1699
Num_28:5............of/an hin of beaten oil It/is 409/1699
Num_15:6............of/an hin of oil And for/a 375/1699
Num_15:4............of/an hin of oil And the/fourth 373/1699
Num_15:9..........half/an hin of oil And thou/shalt 377/1699
Eze_45:24..........and/an hin of oil for/an 1291/1699
Eze_46:5...........and/an hin of oil to an ephah And in/the 1294/1699
Eze_46:7...........and/an hin of oil to an ephah And when/the 1298/1699
Eze_46:11..........and/an hin of oil to an ephah Now/when 1302/1699
Eze_46:14...........of/an hin of oil to temper/with 1305/1699
Exo_29:40...........of/an hin of wine for a drink offering And/the 154/1699
Num_15:5............of/an hin of wine for a drink offering shalt/thou 374/1699
Num_15:7............of/an hin of wine for a sweet/savour 376/1699
Num_15:10.........half/an hin of wine for an/offering 378/1699
Num_28:14.........half/an hin of wine unto/a 411/1699
Num_28:14...........of/an hin unto a lamb/this 413/1699
Num_28:14...........of/an hin unto a ram/and 412/1699 hired servant and/as 315/1699
Lev_25:50...........of/an hired servant shall it/be 317/1699
Lev_22:10...........or/an hired servant shall not eat of/the 287/1699
Exo_12:45..........and/an hired servant shall not eat thereof/In 94/1699
Deu_24:14......oppress/an hired servant that/is 475/1699 hired thing/it.... 122/1699
Isa_21:16...........of/an hireling and all/the 1081/1699 hireling and careth/not 1497/1699 hireling and not/the 1496/1699
Isa_16:14...........of/an hireling and the/glory 1076/1699
Job_7:1.............of/an hireling As/a..... 895/1699 hireling his/day.. 900/1699 hireling looketh/for 896/1699
Jer_25:18.astonishment/an hissing and a curse/as 1165/1699
Jer_29:18..........and/an hissing and a reproach/among 1171/1699
Jer_25:9...........and/an hissing and perpetual/desolations 1162/1699
Jer_19:8...........and/an hissing every/one 1155/1699
Mic_6:16.......thereof/an hissing therefore/ye 1363/1699
Jer_51:37..........and/an hissing without/an 1203/1699
Eze_16:3........mother/an Hittite And as/for 1235/1699
Eze_16:45..........was/an Hittite and your/father 1240/1699 hold and/the...... 657/1699
Jdg_9:46..........into/an hold of/the....... 552/1699
Exo_39:23..........was/an hole in the midst/of 190/1699 hole in the top/of 144/1699
Jdg_15:19........clave/an hollow/place...... 564/1699
Mar_6:20...........and/an holy and/observed 1439/1699 holy angel/to.... 1514/1699 holy anointing oil And/thou 166/1699 holy anointing oil unto/me 167/1699
2Ti_1:9...........with/an holy calling/not. 1618/1699 holy convocation and in/the 90/1699
Num_29:7.........month/an holy convocation and ye/shall 421/1699 holy convocation to/you 91/1699 holy convocation unto you and ye shall afflict/your 303/1699 holy convocation unto you and ye shall offer/an 308/1699 holy convocation unto you ye/shall 300/1699 holy convocation ye shall do no manner/of 414/1699
Num_28:25.........have/an holy convocation ye shall do no servile work Also/in 416/1699
Num_29:12.........have/an holy convocation ye shall do no servile work and/ye 422/1699
Num_28:26.........have/an holy convocation ye shall do no servile work But/ye 417/1699
Num_29:1..........have/an holy convocation ye shall do no servile work it/is 419/1699 holy convocation ye shall do no servile work therein And/the 294/1699
Lev_23:24.....trumpets/an holy convocation Ye shall do no servile work therein but ye shall offer an offering made by fire unto the LORD And/the 301/1699
Lev_23:7..........have/an holy convocation ye shall do no servile work therein But ye shall offer an offering made by fire unto the LORD seven/days 292/1699 holy convocation ye shall do no servile work therein Seven/days 306/1699 holy convocation ye shall do no work/therein 291/1699 holy day/a........ 173/1699 holy God/he....... 532/1699
2Co_13:12.........with/an holy kiss All/the 1583/1699
1Th_5:26..........with/an holy kiss I/charge 1607/1699
Rom_16:16.........with/an holy kiss The churches/of 1545/1699
1Co_16:20.........with/an holy kiss The salutation/of 1571/1699 holy man/of....... 726/1699
1Pe_2:9.....priesthood/an holy nation a/peculiar 1658/1699
Exo_19:6...........and/an holy nation These/are 108/1699
Dan_4:13...........and/an holy one came/down 1312/1699
Dan_4:23...........and/an holy one coming/down 1313/1699
Deu_28:9..........thee/an holy people unto himself/as 487/1699 holy people unto the LORD thy God and/the 447/1699 holy people unto the LORD thy God as/he 482/1699 holy people unto the LORD thy God the/LORD 441/1699 holy people unto the LORD thy God Thou/shalt 449/1699
Eze_45:4...........and/an holy place/for... 1280/1699
Eze_45:1..........LORD/an holy portion/of.. 1279/1699 holy priesthood/to 1657/1699
Eph_2:21..........unto/an holy temple/in... 1595/1699
Col_2:16............of/an holyday/or....... 1605/1699
Eze_45:14..........are/an homer And one/lamb 1288/1699
Eze_45:11...........of/an homer and the/ephah 1281/1699
Hos_3:2............for/an homer of barley and/an 1328/1699
Eze_45:13...........of/an homer of barley Concerning/the 1286/1699
Lev_27:16......thereof/an homer of barley seed/shall 321/1699 homer of ten/baths 1287/1699
Eze_45:13...........of/an homer of wheat/and 1284/1699
Isa_5:10............of/an homer shall/yield 1062/1699
Eze_45:11...........of/an homer the/measure 1282/1699 honest/and....... 1466/1699
Luk_24:42...........of/an honeycomb And he/took 1489/1699 honeycomb and her/mouth 974/1699 honeycomb and put/his 597/1699
Pro_27:7......loatheth/an honeycomb but/to. 1023/1699 honeycomb sweet/to 994/1699
Jer_33:9...........and/an honour before/all 1178/1699 honour for/a..... 1003/1699
Mar_15:43...Arimathaea/an honourable counsellor/which 1451/1699 honourable man/all 592/1699
Exo_10:26..........not/an hoof/be............ 87/1699
Mat_17:27.........cast/an hook and/take.... 1408/1699
Job_41:2...........put/an hook into/his..... 916/1699
Job_41:1..........with/an hook or/his....... 915/1699
1Ki_1:39..........took/an horn of oil/out... 665/1699
Luk_1:69............up/an horn of salvation/for 1454/1699
Psa_40:2............of/an horrible pit/out.. 932/1699
Psa_11:6...........and/an horrible tempest/this 921/1699
Hos_6:10..........seen/an horrible thing in/the 1332/1699
Jer_23:14....Jerusalem/an horrible thing they/commit 1158/1699
Gen_15:12...........lo/an horror/of.......... 22/1699
2Ch_1:17...........and/an horse for an hundred and fifty and so brought/they 784/1699
1Ki_10:29..........and/an horse for an hundred and fifty and so for/all 693/1699 horse in/the..... 1124/1699
Psa_33:17.....strength/An horse is/a........ 929/1699
1Ki_20:20...........on/an horse with/the.... 716/1699
2Ki_9:17..........Take/an horseman/and...... 733/1699
Psa_33:16...........of/an host a/mighty..... 928/1699
1Sa_14:48.....gathered/an host and/smote.... 600/1699
2Ki_6:15........behold/an host compassed/the 729/1699
2Ch_14:9..........with/an host of a/thousand 818/1699
2Ch_26:11..........had/an host of fighting/men 829/1699
Psa_27:3........Though/an host should/encamp 924/1699
Dan_8:12...........And/an host was/given... 1321/1699
Eze_1:24............of/an host when/they... 1216/1699
Rev_9:15...........for/an hour and a/day... 1687/1699
Rev_8:1...........half/an hour And I/saw... 1684/1699
Mat_24:44.........such/an hour as/ye....... 1417/1699 hour that he/is.. 1418/1699
Gal_2:5............for/an hour that the/truth 1586/1699 hour when he/is.. 1475/1699 hour when ye/think 1474/1699
1Ki_11:18..........him/an house and appointed/him 697/1699
1Ch_14:1...........him/an house And David perceived that the LORD had confirmed/him 751/1699
2Sa_5:11.........David/an house And David perceived that the LORD had established/him 635/1699
Luk_6:48.........built/an house and digged/deep 1462/1699 house and I/will.. 764/1699
Exo_12:3...........for/an house And if/the... 88/1699
1Ch_17:10.........thee/an house And it/shall 763/1699
Gen_33:17..........him/an house and made/booths 44/1699
Mar_3:19..........into/an house And the multitude/cometh 1431/1699
Psa_84:3.........found/an house and the swallow/a 949/1699 house and thou/shalt 490/1699
2Sa_7:11..........thee/an house And when/thy 640/1699
Mar_7:24..........into/an house and would/have 1442/1699 house as/he....... 669/1699
Ezr_1:2............him/an house at/Jerusalem 842/1699 house builded/and 1013/1699
2Ch_2:12...........and/an house for his kingdom And now/I 794/1699
2Ch_2:1............and/an house for his kingdom And Solomon/told 787/1699 house for me/to... 638/1699 house for my name and he/shall 776/1699 house for my name and I/will 641/1699 house for my name because/thou 780/1699 house for my name thou/didst 805/1699
1Ki_7:8...........also/an house for Pharaoh's/daughter 679/1699 house for the LORD and/an 793/1699 house for the LORD God/of 773/1699 house for the name of the LORD and/an 786/1699
1Ki_8:20.........built/an house for the name of the LORD God of Israel And I/have 687/1699 house for the name of the LORD God of Israel And the/LORD 685/1699 house for the name of the LORD God of Israel But/the 804/1699 house for the sanctuary/be 782/1699
1Ch_29:16.........thee/an house for thine/holy 783/1699
Pro_17:1..........than/an house full/of..... 996/1699
Act_7:47...........him/an house Howbeit/the 1510/1699
1Ki_2:36..........thee/an house in Jerusalem and/dwell 670/1699
2Ch_36:23..........him/an house in Jerusalem which/is 841/1699 house in that/my.. 803/1699 house in the/land 1373/1699
2Co_5:1............God/an house not/made... 1574/1699 house of cedar but/the 637/1699 house of cedar Now/therefore 639/1699 house of cedars but/the 759/1699 house of cedars Now/therefore 762/1699
Psa_31:2...........for/an house of defence/to 925/1699
Jdg_17:5...........had/an house of gods/and. 567/1699
2Ch_6:2..........built/an house of habitation/for 802/1699
1Ki_12:31.........made/an house of high/places 701/1699 house of merchandise/And 1492/1699
Isa_56:7........called/an house of prayer/for 1117/1699 house of rest/for. 779/1699
2Ch_7:12...........for/an house of sacrifice/If 810/1699
Mat_10:12.........into/an house salute/it.. 1395/1699
2Ch_2:6............him/an house save/only... 792/1699
2Ch_2:6............him/an house seeing/the.. 791/1699 house since/the... 761/1699 house that/my..... 684/1699
Mar_6:10..........into/an house there/abide 1438/1699
2Sa_7:27..........thee/an house therefore hath/thy 642/1699
1Ch_17:25..........him/an house therefore thy/servant 765/1699
1Ki_8:13..........thee/an house to dwell in a/settled 683/1699 house to dwell in For/I 760/1699
2Ch_2:3............him/an house to dwell therein/even 788/1699 house to the/name. 789/1699 house unto my name because/thou 775/1699 house unto my name Now/therefore 677/1699 house unto my name thou/didst 686/1699 house unto our/God 851/1699 house unto the name of the LORD his/God 675/1699 house unto the name of the LORD my God as/the 676/1699 house unto the name of the LORD my God But/the 774/1699
Luk_6:49.........built/an house upon/the... 1463/1699
Job_20:19.........away/an house which/he.... 905/1699 householder which bringeth/forth 1404/1699 householder which went/out 1413/1699
Zep_1:10...........and/an howling from/the. 1369/1699
Jer_25:36..........and/an howling of/the... 1166/1699
Pro_16:19...........of/an humble/spirit..... 993/1699 hundred and an/hundred 318/1699
1Ch_8:40..........sons/an hundred and fifty All/these 746/1699
2Ch_1:17...........for/an hundred and fifty and so brought/they 785/1699
1Ki_10:29..........for/an hundred and fifty and so for/all 694/1699
Joh_21:11.......fishes/an hundred and fifty and three/and 1503/1699 hundred and fifty days/And 12/1699
Neh_5:17.........table/an hundred and fifty of the Jews/and 869/1699
Ezr_8:3..........males/an hundred and fifty Of the sons/of 859/1699
2Ch_2:17.........found/an hundred and fifty thousand/and 795/1699
Gen_5:6..........lived/an hundred and five/years 6/1699
Rev_21:17......thereof/an hundred and forty and four cubits/according 1697/1699
Rev_7:4.........sealed/an hundred and forty and four thousand/of 1683/1699
Job_42:16..........Job/an hundred and forty years/and 918/1699
Est_1:4...........even/an hundred and fourscore days/And 885/1699
2Ch_11:1......Benjamin/an hundred and fourscore thousand chosen men which were warriors to fight against Israel/that 813/1699
1Ki_12:21.....Benjamin/an hundred and fourscore thousand chosen men which were warriors to fight against the/house 700/1699
2Ch_17:18..........him/an hundred and fourscore thousand ready/prepared 820/1699
Gen_35:28.........were/an hundred and fourscore years/And 52/1699
Mar_4:8...........some/an hundred And he said unto them He/that 1434/1699
Mar_4:20..........some/an hundred And he said unto them Is/a 1435/1699
Gen_11:25........Terah/an hundred and nineteen/years 17/1699
Est_1:1...........over/an hundred and seven and twenty provinces/That 884/1699
Gen_23:1...........was/an hundred and seven and twenty years/old 33/1699
Ezr_8:12...........him/an hundred and ten males/And 861/1699
Gen_50:22........lived/an hundred and ten years And/Joseph 74/1699
Jdg_2:8..........being/an hundred and ten years old And they buried him in the border of his inheritance in Timnathheres/in 538/1699
Jos_24:29........being/an hundred and ten years old And they buried him in the border of his inheritance in Timnathserah/which 535/1699
Gen_50:26........being/an hundred and ten years old and they embalmed/him 76/1699
Amo_5:3..........leave/an hundred and that/which 1347/1699
1Ch_12:14.........over/an hundred and the/greatest 749/1699
Gen_25:17......Ishmael/an hundred and thirty and seven years and he/gave 36/1699
Exo_6:20..........were/an hundred and thirty and seven years And the/sons 85/1699
1Ch_15:7......brethren/an hundred and thirty Of/the 753/1699
Num_7:43............of/an hundred and thirty shekels a/silver 346/1699
Num_7:85......weighing/an hundred and thirty shekels each/bowl 353/1699
Num_7:61...........was/an hundred and thirty shekels one silver bowl of seventy shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Abidan/the 349/1699
Num_7:67...........was/an hundred and thirty shekels one silver bowl of seventy shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Ahiezer/the 350/1699
Num_7:79...........was/an hundred and thirty shekels one silver bowl of seventy shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Ahira/the 352/1699
Num_7:25...........was/an hundred and thirty shekels one silver bowl of seventy shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Eliab/the 343/1699
Num_7:49...........was/an hundred and thirty shekels one silver bowl of seventy shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Elishama/the 347/1699
Num_7:31............of/an hundred and thirty shekels one silver bowl of seventy shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Elizur/the 344/1699
Num_7:55............of/an hundred and thirty shekels one silver bowl of seventy shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Gamaliel/the 348/1699
Num_7:73...........was/an hundred and thirty shekels one silver bowl of seventy shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Pagiel/the 351/1699
Num_7:37...........was/an hundred and thirty shekels one silver bowl of seventy shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One golden spoon of ten shekels full of incense One young bullock one ram one lamb of the first year for a burnt offering One kid of the goats for a sin offering And for a sacrifice of peace offerings two oxen five rams five he goats five lambs of the first year this was the offering of Shelumiel/the 345/1699
Num_7:19...........was/an hundred and thirty shekels one silver bowl of seventy shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering One spoon/of 342/1699
Num_7:13...........was/an hundred and thirty shekels one silver bowl of seventy shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary both of them were/full 341/1699
Gen_5:3..........lived/an hundred and thirty years and/begat 5/1699
Gen_47:9...........are/an hundred and thirty years few/and 67/1699
2Ch_24:15.........died/an hundred and thirty years old/was 825/1699
Ezr_8:10...........him/an hundred and threescore/males 860/1699
1Ch_15:10.....brethren/an hundred and twelve And/David 754/1699
Neh_7:24........Hariph/an hundred and twelve The children of Gibeon/ninety 873/1699
Ezr_2:18.........Jorah/an hundred and twelve The children of Hashum/two 844/1699
2Ch_3:4............was/an hundred and twenty and he/overlaid 796/1699
Num_33:39..........was/an hundred and twenty and three/years 431/1699
Neh_7:31.......Michmas/an hundred and twenty and two/The 876/1699
Act_1:15.........about/an hundred and twenty Men/and 1505/1699
1Ch_15:5......brethren/an hundred and twenty Of/the 752/1699
2Ch_5:12..........them/an hundred and twenty priests/sounding 801/1699
Dan_6:1........kingdom/an hundred and twenty princes/which 1316/1699
Num_7:86...........was/an hundred and twenty shekels/All 354/1699
2Ch_9:9...........king/an hundred and twenty talents of gold and of spices great/abundance 812/1699
1Ki_10:10.........king/an hundred and twenty talents of gold and of spices very/great 692/1699
1Ch_12:37.......battle/an hundred and twenty thousand All/these 750/1699
2Ch_28:6.........Judah/an hundred and twenty thousand in/one 832/1699
Jdg_8:10..........fell/an hundred and twenty thousand men/that 549/1699
1Ki_8:63...........and/an hundred and twenty thousand sheep So the king and all the children/of 691/1699
2Ch_7:5............and/an hundred and twenty thousand sheep so the king and all the people/dedicated 809/1699 hundred and twenty years old this/day 494/1699
Deu_34:7...........was/an hundred and twenty years old when/he 499/1699 hundred and twenty years There/were 10/1699
2Ch_4:8...........made/an hundred basons/of. 800/1699 hundred baths of oil/and 858/1699 hundred baths of wine/and 857/1699
Ezr_6:17...........God/an hundred bullocks/two 854/1699
2Sa_16:1...........and/an hundred bunches/of 650/1699
1Ch_18:4..........them/an hundred chariots And when the Syrians of Damascus came to help/Hadarezer 766/1699
2Sa_8:4............for/an hundred chariots And when the Syrians of Damascus came to succour/Hadadezer 643/1699
Ecc_6:3..........beget/an hundred children/and 1040/1699
1Sa_25:18..........and/an hundred clusters/of 619/1699
Eze_40:23.........gate/an hundred cubits After/that 1260/1699
Eze_42:8..........were/an hundred cubits And from/under 1273/1699
Eze_40:27........south/an hundred cubits And he brought/me 1261/1699
Eze_41:14.........east/an hundred cubits And he measured/the 1270/1699 hundred cubits and the breadth fifty/every 137/1699
1Ki_7:2............was/an hundred cubits and the breadth thereof/fifty 678/1699
Eze_40:47..........and/an hundred cubits broad/foursquare 1266/1699
Eze_40:19......without/an hundred cubits eastward/and 1259/1699
Eze_41:13......thereof/an hundred cubits long Also/the 1269/1699
Eze_40:47........court/an hundred cubits long and an/hundred 1265/1699
Exo_27:11...........of/an hundred cubits long and his/twenty 135/1699 hundred cubits long and the/separate 1268/1699
Exo_27:9............of/an hundred cubits long for/one 134/1699
Exo_38:9.........linen/an hundred cubits Their pillars were twenty and their brasen/sockets 180/1699
Exo_38:11.........were/an hundred cubits their pillars were twenty and their sockets/of 181/1699
Eze_42:2............of/an hundred cubits was/the 1272/1699
Eze_41:15.........side/an hundred cubits with/the 1271/1699
Gen_5:25.........lived/an hundred eighty and seven/years 8/1699
Gen_5:28.........lived/an hundred eighty and two/years 9/1699
Ezr_2:30.......Magbish/an hundred fifty/and. 848/1699
2Sa_3:14...........for/an hundred foreskins of the Philistines And/Ishbosheth 633/1699
1Sa_18:25..........but/an hundred foreskins of the Philistines to/be 612/1699
Neh_7:44.........Asaph/an hundred forty and eight/The 878/1699
Rev_14:1...........him/an hundred forty and four/thousand 1693/1699
Gen_47:28..........was/an hundred forty and seven/years 68/1699
Neh_7:26......Netophah/an hundred fourscore and eight/The 874/1699
2Ki_19:35....Assyrians/an hundred fourscore and five/thousand 740/1699
Luk_16:6..........said/An hundred measures of oil/And 1481/1699
Luk_16:7..........said/An hundred measures of wheat And he/said 1482/1699 hundred measures of wheat and to/an 856/1699
Jdg_20:35..........and/an hundred men all/these 577/1699
2Ki_4:43........before/an hundred men He/said 728/1699
1Ki_18:13..........hid/an hundred men of/the 712/1699
Jdg_20:10..........and/an hundred of a/thousand 575/1699
2Sa_16:1...........and/an hundred of summer/fruits 651/1699
Lev_26:8...........and/an hundred of you/shall 319/1699
Mat_18:28..........him/an hundred pence/and 1411/1699
Gen_33:19..........for/an hundred pieces of money/And 45/1699
Jos_24:32..........for/an hundred pieces of silver/and 536/1699
2Ch_3:16..........made/an hundred pomegranates/and 797/1699
Joh_19:39........about/an hundred pound/weight 1502/1699
1Ki_18:4..........took/an hundred prophets/and 710/1699
2Ch_29:32.....bullocks/an hundred rams/and.. 836/1699
Jer_52:23.........were/an hundred round/about 1207/1699
Neh_11:19.........were/an hundred seventy and two And/the 883/1699
Ezr_2:3.......thousand/an hundred seventy and two The children of Shephatiah three hundred seventy and two The children of Arah seven/hundred 843/1699
Neh_7:8.......thousand/an hundred seventy and two The children of Shephatiah three hundred seventy and two The children of Arah six/hundred 872/1699 hundred shall/leave 1348/1699
Mat_18:12.........have/an hundred sheep and/one 1409/1699
1Ki_4:23...........and/an hundred sheep beside/harts 674/1699
Luk_15:4........having/an hundred sheep if/he 1479/1699 hundred shekels/of 467/1699
Gen_5:18.........lived/an hundred sixty/and... 7/1699
Exo_38:27.........vail/an hundred sockets/of 185/1699
Pro_17:10.........than/an hundred stripes/into 997/1699 hundred talents Also/twenty 863/1699
Exo_38:25..........was/an hundred talents and a/thousand 184/1699
Ezr_8:26.......vessels/an hundred talents and of/gold 862/1699
2Ki_23:33...........of/an hundred talents of silver and a talent of gold And Pharaohnechoh/made 741/1699 hundred talents of silver and a talent of gold And the/king 840/1699
2Ch_27:5..........year/an hundred talents of silver and ten/thousand 831/1699
Ezr_7:22..........Unto/an hundred talents of silver and to/an 855/1699
2Ch_25:6...........for/an hundred talents of silver But/there 828/1699
Neh_7:45........Shobai/an hundred thirty and eight/The 879/1699
Ezr_2:42...........all/an hundred thirty and nine/The 850/1699
Exo_6:16..........were/an hundred thirty and seven/years 83/1699
Exo_6:18..........were/an hundred thirty and three/years 84/1699
Num_2:24..........were/an hundred thousand and eight/thousand 325/1699
Num_2:16..........were/an hundred thousand and fifty and one/thousand 324/1699
Num_2:31..........were/an hundred thousand and fifty and seven/thousand 327/1699
Num_2:9...........were/an hundred thousand and fourscore/thousand 323/1699
1Ki_20:29......Syrians/an hundred thousand footmen/in 718/1699 hundred thousand For/there 744/1699
2Ki_3:4.........Israel/an hundred thousand lambs/and 724/1699
1Ch_21:5...........and/an hundred thousand men/that 768/1699
2Ch_25:6..........also/an hundred thousand mighty/men 827/1699
2Ki_3:4............and/an hundred thousand rams/with 725/1699
1Ch_22:14.........LORD/an hundred thousand talents/of 777/1699
Gen_25:7.........lived/an hundred threescore/and 34/1699
Jdg_20:10...........of/an hundred throughout all/the 574/1699
Num_2:24...........and/an hundred throughout their/armies 326/1699
Ecc_8:12..........evil/an hundred times and/his 1045/1699
1Ch_21:3........people/an hundred times so/many 767/1699
Neh_11:14.......valour/an hundred twenty and eight and/their 882/1699
Ezr_2:23......Anathoth/an hundred twenty and eight The children of Azmaveth/forty 846/1699
Ezr_2:41.........Asaph/an hundred twenty and eight The children of the/porters 849/1699
Neh_7:27......Anathoth/an hundred twenty and eight The men/of 875/1699
Est_8:9.......Ethiopia/an hundred twenty and seven/provinces 886/1699
Ezr_2:21.....Bethlehem/an hundred twenty and three The men of Netophah/fifty 845/1699
Neh_7:32............Ai/an hundred twenty and three The men of the/other 877/1699
Ezr_2:27.......Michmas/an hundred twenty and two/The 847/1699
Gen_11:10..........was/an hundred years old and begat/Arphaxad 16/1699 hundred years old and shall/Sarah 28/1699
Isa_65:20..........die/an hundred years old but/the 1129/1699
Rom_4:19.........about/an hundred years old neither/yet 1540/1699
Isa_65:20........being/an hundred years old shall/be 1130/1699
Gen_21:5...........was/an hundred years old when/his 30/1699
Mat_19:29......receive/an hundredfold and shall/inherit 1412/1699 hundredfold and that/the 661/1699
Gen_26:12.........year/an hundredfold and the/LORD 38/1699
Luk_8:8..........fruit/an hundredfold And when/he 1465/1699
Mar_10:30......receive/an hundredfold now/in 1446/1699
Mat_13:23.........some/an hundredfold some sixty/some 1402/1699
Mat_13:8..........some/an hundredfold some sixtyfold/some 1401/1699
Mat_12:1..........were/an hungred and began/to 1397/1699
Mat_25:37.........thee/an hungred and fed/thee 1421/1699
Mat_12:3...........was/an hungred and they that/were 1398/1699
Luk_6:3............was/an hungred and they which/were 1459/1699
Mat_4:2......afterward/an hungred And when/the 1387/1699
Mat_25:35..........was/an hungred and ye gave me meat/I 1420/1699
Mat_25:42..........was/an hungred and ye gave me no/meat 1422/1699
Mar_2:25...........was/an hungred he/and... 1430/1699
Mat_25:44.........thee/an hungred or/athirst 1423/1699
Isa_29:8..........when/an hungry/man....... 1088/1699
Rut_1:12..........have/an husband also/to... 582/1699
Deu_22:23.........unto/an husband and a/man. 470/1699 husband and not/at 282/1699
Rut_1:12..........have/an husband If/I...... 581/1699
Rom_7:2...........hath/an husband is/bound. 1541/1699
Gal_4:27..........hath/an husband Now/we... 1590/1699
Luk_2:36..........with/an husband seven/years 1455/1699
1Co_7:13..........hath/an husband that/believeth 1554/1699 husband then/they. 469/1699
Jer_31:32..........was/an husband unto/them 1175/1699
Num_30:6...........all/an husband when/she.. 424/1699 husbandman and/he.. 15/1699 husbandman for/man 1379/1699
Deu_25:5............of/an husband's/brother. 476/1699
Mar_14:26.........sung/an hymn they went out into the mount of Olives And/Jesus 1450/1699
Mat_26:30.........sung/an hymn they went out into the mount of Olives Then/saith 1426/1699 hypocrite and/an. 1066/1699
Job_13:16..........for/an hypocrite shall/not 897/1699
Pro_11:9.........stead/An hypocrite with/his 984/1699
Isa_10:6.......against/an hypocritical/nation 1068/1699
Pro_19:15..........and/an idle/soul........ 1001/1699
1Co_8:7...........unto/an idol and/their... 1556/1699
2Ch_15:16.........made/an idol in a grove and Asa cut/down 819/1699
1Ki_15:13.........made/an idol in a grove and Asa destroyed/her 707/1699
1Co_8:4...........that/an idol is/nothing.. 1555/1699
Isa_66:3.......blessed/an idol Yea/they.... 1133/1699 idolater hath/any 1598/1699
1Co_5:11............or/an idolater or/a.... 1549/1699
1Sa_19:13.........took/an image and laid/it. 613/1699
Hos_3:4........without/an image and without/an 1330/1699
1Sa_19:16..........was/an image in/the...... 614/1699
Rom_1:23..........into/an image made/like.. 1537/1699
Dan_3:1...........made/an image of/gold.... 1308/1699
Rev_13:14.........make/an image to/the..... 1692/1699
Job_4:16.......thereof/an image was/before.. 892/1699
Mar_7:32...........had/an impediment/in.... 1444/1699
Eze_16:30...........of/an imperious/whorish 1238/1699
Pro_7:13..........with/an impudent/face..... 979/1699
1Co_9:25............we/an incorruptible/I.. 1559/1699
Num_32:14........stead/an increase/of....... 429/1699
2Ch_21:18.........with/an incurable/disease. 823/1699
Eze_36:3...........are/an infamy/of........ 1252/1699
Isa_65:20.......thence/an infant/of........ 1127/1699
2Co_6:15..........with/an infidel And/what. 1575/1699
1Ti_5:8...........than/an infidel Let/not.. 1614/1699
Joh_5:5............had/an infirmity/thirty. 1494/1699
Deu_28:22.........with/an inflammation and/with 488/1699 inflammation of/the 243/1699
Jer_26:9.......without/an inhabitant And/all 1168/1699
Jer_44:22......without/an inhabitant as/at. 1190/1699
Jer_46:19......without/an inhabitant Egypt/is 1192/1699
Jer_4:7........without/an inhabitant For/this 1144/1699
Jer_51:29......without/an inhabitant The mighty/men 1200/1699
Jer_34:22......without/an inhabitant The word/which 1183/1699
Jer_51:37......without/an inhabitant They/shall 1204/1699
Jer_9:11.......without/an inhabitant Who/is 1150/1699
Num_26:53..........for/an inheritance according/to 406/1699 inheritance among all/them 1524/1699
Jos_17:6...........had/an inheritance among his/sons 518/1699 inheritance among our/brethren 516/1699
Jos_17:4..........them/an inheritance among the/brethren 517/1699
Num_27:7............of/an inheritance among their/father's 407/1699
Num_33:54..........for/an inheritance among your/families 432/1699
Ecc_7:11..........with/an inheritance and by/it 1042/1699
Deu_26:1...........for/an inheritance and possessest/it 479/1699
Deu_19:10..........for/an inheritance and so/blood 458/1699
Jos_13:6...........for/an inheritance as I/have 512/1699
Deu_4:38...........for/an inheritance as it/is 439/1699
Eph_1:11......obtained/an inheritance being/predestinated 1594/1699
Deu_4:21...........for/an inheritance But/I. 438/1699
Psa_78:55.........them/an inheritance by line/and 948/1699
Jos_19:51..........for/an inheritance by lot in/Shiloh 521/1699
Num_36:2...........for/an inheritance by lot to/the 436/1699
Num_34:2...........for/an inheritance even/the 433/1699
Num_18:21..........for/an inheritance for their/service 394/1699 inheritance for them/that 580/1699
1Ch_28:8...........for/an inheritance for your children after you for/ever 781/1699 inheritance for your children after you to/inherit 316/1699 inheritance for your tribes/from 531/1699
Jos_14:13..........for/an inheritance Hebron/therefore 515/1699
Eze_44:28..........for/an inheritance I/am. 1277/1699
2Ch_6:27...........for/an inheritance If there be dearth/in 807/1699
1Ki_8:36...........for/an inheritance If there be in/the 689/1699
Num_36:8....possesseth/an inheritance in/any 437/1699
1Pe_1:4.............To/an inheritance incorruptible/and 1656/1699
Pro_20:21.....darkness/An inheritance may/be 1004/1699
Heb_11:8...........for/an inheritance obeyed/and 1649/1699
Jos_1:6............for/an inheritance the/land 500/1699
Deu_21:23..........for/an inheritance Thou shalt not/see 463/1699
Deu_20:16..........for/an inheritance thou shalt save/alive 460/1699
Jdg_18:1..........them/an inheritance to dwell/in 569/1699
Pro_13:22......leaveth/an inheritance to his/children's 985/1699
Jos_19:49.........gave/an inheritance to Joshua/the 520/1699
Deu_15:4...........for/an inheritance to possess it Only/if 450/1699
Deu_25:19..........for/an inheritance to possess it that/thou 478/1699
Ezr_9:12...........for/an inheritance to your/children 865/1699
Jos_11:23..........for/an inheritance unto Israel/according 511/1699
Jos_13:7...........for/an inheritance unto the nine/tribes 513/1699
Deu_29:8...........for/an inheritance unto the Reubenites/and 493/1699
Eze_47:22..........for/an inheritance unto you/and 1306/1699
Jer_3:18...........for/an inheritance unto your/fathers 1143/1699
Deu_24:4...........for/an inheritance When/a 474/1699
Isa_65:9.........Judah/an inheritor/of..... 1126/1699
Job_31:28.........were/an iniquity to be punished by the judge/for 911/1699 iniquity to be punished by the judges/For 910/1699 inn/and.......... 1470/1699
1Ki_20:30.........into/an inner chamber And/his 719/1699 inner chamber Then/take 731/1699
1Ki_22:25.........into/an inner chamber to hide thyself And/the 721/1699
2Ch_18:24.........into/an inner chamber to hide thyself Then/the 821/1699
Deu_27:25.........slay/an innocent/person... 486/1699 innumerable company/of 1651/1699
Luk_12:1......together/an innumerable multitude/of 1473/1699 instant And/he... 1091/1699 instant suddenly/Thou 1087/1699
Gen_4:22.....Tubalcain/an instructer/of....... 4/1699
Eze_5:15.........taunt/an instruction/and.. 1223/1699
Rom_2:20......darkness/An instructor/of.... 1538/1699
Isa_54:16........forth/an instrument for his/work 1113/1699
Eze_33:32...........on/an instrument for they/hear 1250/1699
Num_35:16.........with/an instrument of iron/so 434/1699
Psa_92:3..........Upon/an instrument of ten strings and/upon 951/1699
Psa_33:2...........and/an instrument of ten strings Sing/unto 926/1699
Psa_144:9..........and/an instrument of ten strings will/I 970/1699
1Co_14:26.........hath/an interpretation/Let 1567/1699 interpreter And/he. 62/1699
Job_33:23..........him/an interpreter one/among 912/1699
1Sa_30:14.........made/an invasion/upon..... 628/1699
Eze_4:3...........thee/an iron pan/and..... 1221/1699
Job_19:24.........with/an iron pen/and...... 904/1699
Jer_1:18...........and/an iron pillar/and.. 1140/1699 iron sinew/and... 1109/1699
Joh_1:47........Behold/an Israelite indeed/in 1491/1699 Israelite of/the. 1543/1699
2Sa_17:25........Ithra/an Israelite that/went 652/1699
Lev_24:10...........of/an Israelitish/woman. 313/1699
Lev_15:19.........have/an issue and her/issue 258/1699
Lev_15:32.........hath/an issue and of/him.. 261/1699
Num_5:2...........hath/an issue and whosoever/is 329/1699
Lev_15:13.........hath/an issue is/cleansed. 256/1699
Mar_5:25...........had/an issue of blood twelve years And/had 1437/1699
Mat_9:20..........with/an issue of blood twelve years came/behind 1394/1699
Luk_8:43........having/an issue of blood twelve years which/had 1468/1699
Lev_15:25.........have/an issue of her/blood 259/1699
Lev_15:33.........hath/an issue of the/man.. 262/1699
2Sa_3:29..........hath/an issue or/that..... 634/1699
2Sa_23:38..........Ira/an Ithrite Gareb/an.. 659/1699
2Sa_23:38........Gareb/an Ithrite Uriah/the. 660/1699
1Ki_13:14........under/an oak and he/said... 703/1699 oak And Joab/said. 653/1699
Gen_35:8.........under/an oak and the/name... 51/1699
Jos_24:26........under/an oak that/was...... 534/1699
Jdg_6:11.........under/an oak which/was..... 543/1699 oak whose leaf/fadeth 1060/1699 oak whose substance/is 1065/1699
Num_5:21...........and/an oath among/thy.... 337/1699
Num_30:10.........with/an oath And her/husband 425/1699
Lev_5:4...........with/an oath and it/be.... 211/1699 oath and say/unto. 335/1699
1Ki_8:31...........and/an oath be laid upon him to cause/him 688/1699
2Ch_6:22...........and/an oath be laid upon him to make/him 806/1699 oath betwixt/us.... 40/1699
Heb_7:21.......without/an oath but/this.... 1637/1699
Heb_7:21..........with/an oath by/him...... 1638/1699
Heb_6:16...........and/an oath for/confirmation 1630/1699
Heb_7:20.......without/an oath he/was...... 1636/1699
Mat_26:72.........with/an oath I/do........ 1427/1699
Num_5:21..........with/an oath of cursing/and 336/1699
Eze_17:13........taken/an oath of him/he... 1243/1699
Gen_50:25.........took/an oath of the children/of 75/1699
1Ki_18:10.........took/an oath of the kingdom/and 711/1699
Exo_22:11........shall/an oath of the LORD/be 121/1699
2Ki_11:4..........took/an oath of them in/the 735/1699
Neh_5:12..........took/an oath of them that/they 868/1699
1Sa_14:28.........with/an oath saying/Cursed 598/1699 oath That by/two. 1632/1699
Act_23:21.........with/an oath that they/will 1531/1699
Ecc_9:2........feareth/an oath This/is..... 1046/1699
Num_30:2.........swear/an oath to bind/his.. 423/1699
Mat_14:7..........with/an oath to give/her. 1405/1699
Act_2:30..........with/an oath to him/that. 1506/1699
Neh_10:29.........into/an oath to walk/in... 880/1699
Pro_25:12.........upon/an obedient/ear..... 1018/1699
Dan_2:46.........offer/an oblation and/sweet 1307/1699
Isa_66:3......offereth/an oblation as/if... 1132/1699
Num_31:50......brought/an oblation for/the.. 427/1699
Jer_14:12..........and/an oblation I/will.. 1153/1699
Lev_2:4..........bring/an oblation of/a..... 199/1699
Eze_45:1.........offer/an oblation unto/the 1278/1699
Deu_18:10...........or/an observer/of....... 455/1699
Jdg_14:4........sought/an occasion against/the 559/1699
Rom_14:13...........or/an occasion to fall/in 1544/1699
Gal_5:13...........for/an occasion to the/flesh 1591/1699
Pro_30:23..........For/an odious/woman..... 1032/1699 odour/of......... 1603/1699
2Co_11:7.....committed/an offence in/abasing 1578/1699 offence unto/me.. 1406/1699 offender for/a... 1089/1699 offender or/have. 1533/1699 offering and a/sacrifice 1597/1699
1Ch_16:29........bring/an offering and come before/him 758/1699
Psa_96:8.........bring/an offering and come into/his 953/1699
Mal_1:10........accept/an offering at/your. 1380/1699 offering before/the 360/1699
1Sa_26:19.......accept/an offering but/if... 622/1699
Lev_22:22.........make/an offering by fire of/them 289/1699
Num_15:3..........make/an offering by fire unto/the 372/1699
Isa_53:10.........soul/an offering for sin/he 1112/1699
Num_8:15...........for/an offering For they/are 358/1699
Isa_66:20........bring/an offering in a/clean 1136/1699
Mal_3:3...........LORD/an offering in righteousness/Then 1384/1699
Num_18:17..........for/an offering made by fire for/a 393/1699
Num_15:13.....offering/an offering made by fire of a sweet savour unto the LORD And if a/stranger 380/1699
Lev_1:9......sacrifice/an offering made by fire of a sweet savour unto the LORD And if his offering be/of 195/1699 offering made by fire of a sweet savour unto the LORD And if his offering for/a 203/1699
Lev_1:13.....sacrifice/an offering made by fire of a sweet savour unto the LORD And if the/burnt 196/1699 offering made by fire of a sweet savour unto the LORD And that/which 200/1699 offering made by fire of a sweet savour unto the LORD And the/remnant 198/1699
Lev_1:17.....sacrifice/an offering made by fire of a sweet savour unto the LORD And when/any 197/1699
Num_15:14........offer/an offering made by fire of a sweet savour unto the LORD as/ye 381/1699
Num_15:10..........for/an offering made by fire of a sweet savour unto the LORD Thus/shall 379/1699
Lev_23:18.........even/an offering made by fire of sweet/savour 299/1699
Lev_23:37........offer/an offering made by fire unto the LORD a/burnt 310/1699 offering made by fire unto the LORD And if/his 201/1699 offering made by fire unto the LORD And Moses/took 226/1699
Lev_23:25........offer/an offering made by fire unto the LORD And the/LORD 302/1699 offering made by fire unto the LORD And thou shalt take the breast/of 147/1699
Exo_29:18.......savour/an offering made by fire unto the LORD And thou shalt take the other/ram 146/1699
Lev_22:27..........for/an offering made by fire unto the LORD And whether/it 290/1699
Lev_23:27........offer/an offering made by fire unto the LORD And ye/shall 304/1699
Lev_8:21...........and/an offering made by fire unto the LORD as/the 225/1699
Lev_7:25.........offer/an offering made by fire unto the LORD even/the 223/1699
Lev_24:7..........even/an offering made by fire unto the LORD Every/sabbath 311/1699
Lev_23:13..........oil/an offering made by fire unto the LORD for/a 296/1699
Lev_23:36........offer/an offering made by fire unto the LORD it is a solemn/assembly 309/1699
Lev_7:5............for/an offering made by fire unto the LORD it is a trespass/offering 220/1699
Lev_23:36........offer/an offering made by fire unto the LORD on/the 307/1699
Lev_23:8.........offer/an offering made by fire unto the LORD seven/days 293/1699
Lev_3:3.......offering/an offering made by fire unto the LORD the fat that covereth the inwards and all the fat that is upon the inwards And the two kidneys and the fat that is on/them 202/1699
Lev_3:14..........even/an offering made by fire unto the LORD the fat that covereth the inwards and all the fat that is upon the inwards And the two kidneys and the fat that is upon/them 205/1699
Lev_3:9.......offering/an offering made by fire unto the LORD the fat thereof/and 204/1699
Exo_29:41.......savour/an offering made by fire unto the LORD This/shall 155/1699
Isa_43:23.........with/an offering nor/wearied 1105/1699 offering of every/man 129/1699
Exo_35:22......offered/an offering of gold/unto 176/1699 offering of jealousy/an 332/1699
Num_5:15......jealousy/an offering of memorial/bringing 333/1699
Exo_35:24........offer/an offering of silver/and 177/1699
Num_8:11...........for/an offering of the children/of 355/1699
Lev_22:12...........of/an offering of the holy/things 288/1699 offering of the LORD gold/and 175/1699
Num_9:7..........offer/an offering of the LORD in/his 362/1699
Act_21:26.........that/an offering should be/offered 1526/1699
Mal_1:13.......brought/an offering should I/accept 1381/1699
Lev_27:9.........bring/an offering unto the LORD all/that 320/1699
Gen_4:3.........ground/an offering unto the LORD And/Abel 3/1699
Lev_17:4.........offer/an offering unto the LORD before/the 279/1699
Mal_2:12......offereth/an offering unto the LORD of/hosts 1383/1699
Isa_66:20..........for/an offering unto the LORD out/of 1135/1699
Exo_30:14.........give/an offering unto the LORD The/rich 159/1699
Num_8:13...........for/an offering unto the LORD Thus/shalt 357/1699
Exo_30:15.........give/an offering unto the LORD to/make 160/1699 offering unto the LORD whosoever/is 174/1699
Lev_1:2..........bring/an offering unto the LORD ye/shall 194/1699
Lev_23:14......brought/an offering unto your/God 298/1699
1Ki_22:9........called/an officer and/said.. 720/1699
Gen_39:1......Potiphar/an officer of Pharaoh/captain 57/1699
Gen_37:36.....Potiphar/an officer of Pharaoh's/and 54/1699
2Ki_25:19.........took/an officer that/was.. 742/1699 oil/of............ 164/1699
Exo_30:25.....ointment/an ointment/compound. 165/1699
Ecc_4:13..........than/an old and/foolish.. 1036/1699
1Jn_2:7............but/an old commandment/which 1669/1699
Act_21:16.......Cyprus/an old disciple/with 1525/1699
Mar_2:21............on/an old garment else/the 1429/1699
Mat_9:16..........unto/an old garment for/that 1393/1699
Luk_5:36..........upon/an old if/otherwise. 1458/1699 old leprosy/in.... 242/1699 old lion/who....... 70/1699
Gen_44:20.......father/an old man and a/child 65/1699
Gen_25:8...........age/an old man and full/of 35/1699
1Sa_4:18...........was/an old man and heavy/And 590/1699 old man and my/wife 1453/1699
1Sa_28:14.........said/An old man cometh/up. 623/1699
Jdg_19:16.........came/an old man from/his.. 572/1699
1Sa_17:12..........for/an old man in the/days 608/1699 old man in thine house And/thou 586/1699 old man in thine house for/ever 588/1699
Isa_65:20..........nor/an old man that/hath 1128/1699
1Ki_13:11........dwelt/an old prophet/in.... 702/1699
Gen_8:11...........was/an olive leaf/pluckt.. 13/1699
Isa_24:13...........of/an olive tree and/as 1085/1699
Isa_17:6............of/an olive tree two/or 1077/1699
Exo_16:16.......eating/an omer for/every.... 100/1699
Exo_16:33..........put/an omer full/of...... 103/1699
Exo_16:18.........with/an omer he/that...... 101/1699
Exo_16:36..........Now/an omer is/the....... 104/1699
Exo_16:32.........Fill/an omer of/it........ 102/1699
Job_14:3..........such/an one and/bringest.. 898/1699
Psa_68:21.........such/an one as goeth/on... 941/1699
Phl_1:9...........such/an one as Paul/the.. 1624/1699
Psa_50:21.........such/an one as thyself/but 936/1699
2Co_12:2..........such/an one caught/up.... 1580/1699
Gal_6:1...........such/an one in/the....... 1592/1699
1Co_5:11..........such/an one no/not....... 1551/1699
2Co_10:11.........such/an one think/this... 1577/1699
1Co_5:5...........such/an one unto/Satan... 1547/1699
2Co_12:5..........such/an one will/I....... 1581/1699
Eze_7:5...........evil/an only evil/behold. 1227/1699
Amo_8:10............of/an only son and/the. 1353/1699
Jer_6:26...........for/an only son most/bitter 1147/1699
Exo_28:20..........and/an onyx and a jasper they shall/be 143/1699
Exo_39:13........beryl/an onyx and a jasper they were/inclosed 189/1699
Rev_3:8...........thee/an open door/and.... 1679/1699
Neh_6:5...........with/an open letter/in.... 870/1699 open place/which... 55/1699 open sepulchre they are/all 1146/1699 open sepulchre they flatter/with 919/1699 open sepulchre with/their 1539/1699 open shame/For... 1629/1699
Act_12:21.........made/an oration/unto..... 1517/1699
Son_4:13...........are/an orchard/of....... 1054/1699
Exo_15:25..........and/an ordinance and/there 99/1699 ordinance for ever In the/first 92/1699 ordinance for ever in your/generations 382/1699 ordinance for ever Seven/days 89/1699 ordinance for ever This/shall 392/1699
Num_10:8...........for/an ordinance for ever throughout/your 367/1699 ordinance for ever to/Israel 790/1699
1Sa_30:25..........and/an ordinance for Israel/unto 629/1699
2Ch_35:25.........them/an ordinance in Israel/and 839/1699
Jos_24:25..........and/an ordinance in Shechem/And 533/1699
Exo_12:24..........for/an ordinance to/thee.. 93/1699
Isa_49:18.........with/an ornament and/bind 1111/1699
Pro_25:12..........and/an ornament of fine/gold 1017/1699
Pro_4:9...........head/an ornament of grace a/crown 973/1699 ornament of grace unto/thy 972/1699
Jer_30:17.........thee/an Outcast/saying... 1173/1699
Deu_26:8..........with/an outstretched arm/and 480/1699
Jer_21:5..........with/an outstretched hand/and 1156/1699 oven and all/the. 1385/1699 oven and have/devoured 1336/1699 oven because/of.. 1213/1699 oven heated/by... 1334/1699 oven whiles/they. 1335/1699 overflowing flood/and 1194/1699
Eze_38:22..........him/an overflowing rain/and 1257/1699 overflowing shower and/ye 1232/1699 overflowing shower in/mine 1233/1699 overflowing stream/shall 1094/1699
Nah_1:8...........with/an overrunning/flood 1364/1699
Gen_43:12..........was/an oversight/Take..... 63/1699
2Pe_2:6...........with/an overthrow/making. 1665/1699 owl/of............ 956/1699
Deu_22:10.........with/an ox and an/ass..... 464/1699
Exo_22:1...........for/an ox and four/sheep. 118/1699 ox and they/brought 340/1699
Luk_14:5............or/an ox fallen/into... 1477/1699
Jdg_3:31..........with/an ox goad/and....... 540/1699 ox goeth/to....... 980/1699
Exo_21:28...........If/an ox gore/a......... 114/1699
Isa_66:3.......killeth/an ox is/as......... 1131/1699 ox Lo/now......... 914/1699
Eze_1:10............of/an ox on/the........ 1214/1699
Exo_22:1.........steal/an ox or a sheep and/kill 117/1699
Exo_22:10...........or/an ox or a sheep or/any 120/1699
Exo_21:33..........and/an ox or an/ass...... 115/1699
Psa_69:31.........than/an ox or bullock/that 944/1699
Lev_17:3.......killeth/an ox or lamb/or..... 278/1699
Psa_106:20..........of/an ox that eateth/grass 958/1699
Jer_11:19...........or/an ox that is/brought 1152/1699
1Co_14:8..........give/an uncertain/sound.. 1563/1699
Heb_7:24..........hath/an unchangeable/priesthood 1639/1699
Lev_5:2.............of/an unclean beast or/a 210/1699
Lev_27:27...........of/an unclean beast then/he 322/1699
Luk_4:33............of/an unclean devil/and 1457/1699 unclean land/with. 864/1699
Job_14:4............of/an unclean not/one... 899/1699
Num_19:17..........for/an unclean person/they 398/1699
Lev_14:41.........into/an unclean place And/they 252/1699
Lev_14:45.........into/an unclean place Moreover/he 253/1699
Lev_14:40.........into/an unclean place without/the 251/1699
Mar_1:23..........with/an unclean spirit and/he 1428/1699
Mar_7:25...........had/an unclean spirit heard/of 1443/1699
Mar_3:30..........hath/an unclean spirit There/came 1433/1699
Mar_5:2...........with/an unclean spirit Who/had 1436/1699 unclean thing and/all 1125/1699 unclean thing he/hath 285/1699
1Jn_2:20..........have/an unction/from..... 1670/1699
Pro_8:5.............of/an understanding heart Hear/for 981/1699
1Ki_3:12...........and/an understanding heart so/that 673/1699
1Ki_3:9........servant/an understanding heart to/judge 672/1699 understanding that/we 1671/1699 unfaithful/man... 1019/1699
Pro_16:27..........him/An ungodly man/diggeth 995/1699
Psa_43:1.......against/an ungodly nation/O.. 934/1699
Pro_19:28....knowledge/An ungodly witness/scorneth 1002/1699
Heb_10:29...sanctified/an unholy/thing..... 1646/1699
Num_24:8............of/an unicorn he/shall.. 403/1699
Psa_92:10...........of/an unicorn I/shall... 952/1699
Num_23:22...........of/an unicorn Surely/there 402/1699
Pro_29:27.........LORD/An unjust/man....... 1028/1699 unknown tongue Brethren/be 1566/1699 unknown tongue edifieth/himself 1562/1699 unknown tongue let/it 1568/1699 unknown tongue my/spirit 1565/1699 unknown tongue pray/that 1564/1699 unknown tongue speaketh/not 1561/1699 unlawful/thing... 1515/1699 unrighteous/witness 124/1699 unruly/evil...... 1653/1699
Ecc_6:3...........that/an untimely/birth... 1041/1699 unwise/son....... 1340/1699 upper chamber/And 1512/1699
Act_1:13..........into/an upper room/where. 1504/1699
Isa_17:9...........and/an uppermost/branch. 1078/1699
Job_2:3............and/an upright man one that feareth God and escheweth evil and/still 889/1699
Job_1:8............and/an upright man one that feareth God and escheweth evil Then/Satan 887/1699
Psa_18:25.........with/an upright man thou/wilt 922/1699 uproar among/the. 1424/1699
Act_17:5............on/an uproar and assaulted/the 1520/1699
Act_21:38.......madest/an uproar and leddest/out 1529/1699 uproar And while/he 667/1699 uproar of/the.... 1448/1699 uproar Who/immediately 1528/1699 usurer/neither.... 123/1699
Nah_1:9...........make/an utter end affliction/shall 1366/1699
Nah_1:8...........make/an utter end of/the. 1365/1699
