Luk_2:13........the/angel a/multitude..... 123/201
Dan_3:28........his/angel and delivered/his 82/201 and hath brought/us 18/201
Act_12:11.......his/angel and hath delivered/me 142/201
Dan_6:22........his/angel and hath shut/the 83/201
Zec_3:3.........the/angel And he answered/and 94/201
1Ch_21:27.......the/angel and he put/up.... 73/201
1Ch_21:20.......the/angel and his/four..... 72/201
Hos_12:4........the/angel and prevailed/he. 84/201
Rev_10:9........the/angel and said/unto... 176/201
Rev_21:17.......the/angel And the/building 198/201
Luk_1:35........the/angel answered and said unto her/The 119/201
Zec_6:5.........the/angel answered and said unto me/These 103/201
Mat_28:5........the/angel answered and said unto the/women 110/201
Luk_1:19........the/angel answering/said.. 114/201
Rev_7:2.....another/angel ascending/from.. 160/201
Luk_2:21........the/angel before he/was... 124/201 before thee and I/will 17/201
Gen_24:7........his/angel before thee and thou/shalt 8/201 before thee to/keep 14/201
Act_12:15.......his/angel But Peter/continued 143/201
Act_12:9........the/angel but thought/he.. 140/201
Rev_8:3.....another/angel came and/stood.. 161/201
Luk_1:28........the/angel came in/unto.... 116/201
Rev_14:18...another/angel came out from/the 184/201
Rev_14:15...another/angel came out of the temple crying/with 182/201
Rev_14:17...another/angel came out of the temple which/is 183/201
Rev_10:1.....mighty/angel come down from heaven clothed/with 172/201
Rev_18:1....another/angel come down from heaven having great/power 194/201 come down from heaven having the/key 197/201
Luk_1:38........the/angel departed from her/And 120/201
Act_12:10.......the/angel departed from him/And 141/201
Jdg_13:19.......the/angel did/wonderously.. 48/201
Rev_14:6....another/angel fly/in.......... 179/201 flying/through.. 167/201
Rev_14:9......third/angel followed/them... 181/201 from/heaven..... 149/201
Luk_1:26........the/angel Gabriel/was..... 115/201 hath/spoken..... 146/201
Luk_1:34........the/angel How/shall....... 118/201 in/his.......... 137/201
Act_23:8....neither/angel nor/spirit...... 145/201
Gen_21:17.......the/angel of God called/to.. 5/201
Jdg_13:9........the/angel of God came/again 41/201 of God coming/in 134/201 of God do/therefore 55/201 of God even/as.. 150/201 of God notwithstanding/the 52/201
Jdg_6:20........the/angel of God said/unto. 34/201 of God so/is..... 53/201
Gen_31:11.......the/angel of God spake/unto 10/201 of God to/know... 54/201 of God very/terrible 40/201
Exo_14:19.......the/angel of God which/went 13/201
Act_27:23.......the/angel of God whose/I.. 147/201
Isa_63:9........the/angel of his/presence.. 81/201 of light/Therefore 148/201
Rev_9:11........the/angel of the bottomless/pit 169/201
Rev_2:12........the/angel of the church in Pergamos/write 154/201
Rev_3:7.........the/angel of the church in Philadelphia/write 157/201
Rev_3:1.........the/angel of the church in Sardis/write 156/201
Rev_2:8.........the/angel of the church in Smyrna/write 153/201
Rev_2:18........the/angel of the church in Thyatira/write 155/201
Rev_2:1.........the/angel of the church of Ephesus/write 152/201
Rev_3:14........the/angel of the church of the/Laodiceans 158/201 of the LORD And Manoah said unto his/wife 51/201 of the LORD And Manoah said unto the/angel 45/201 of the LORD and sat/under 32/201
Zec_3:1.........the/angel of the LORD and Satan/standing 93/201
Zec_1:12........the/angel of the LORD answered/and 87/201
Jdg_6:12........the/angel of the LORD appeared unto him and/said 33/201
Mat_1:20........the/angel of the LORD appeared unto him in a dream/saying 105/201
Exo_3:2.........the/angel of the LORD appeared unto him in a flame/of 12/201
Jdg_13:3........the/angel of the LORD appeared unto the/woman 39/201 of the Lord appeareth in/a 108/201
Mat_2:13........the/angel of the Lord appeareth to/Joseph 107/201
Jdg_13:20.......the/angel of the LORD ascended/in 49/201
Zec_12:8........the/angel of the LORD before/them 104/201
Act_5:19........the/angel of the Lord by/night 128/201
Gen_22:15.......the/angel of the LORD called unto Abraham/out 7/201
Gen_22:11.......the/angel of the LORD called unto him/out 6/201
1Ki_19:7........the/angel of the LORD came again/the 62/201 of the LORD came up/from 29/201
Act_12:7........the/angel of the Lord came upon him/and 138/201
Luk_2:9.........the/angel of the Lord came upon them/and 121/201
Psa_35:5........the/angel of the LORD chase/them 77/201
1Ch_21:18.......the/angel of the LORD commanded/Gad 71/201
Jdg_5:23........the/angel of the LORD curse/ye 31/201
Jdg_6:21........the/angel of the LORD departed/out 36/201
Mat_28:2........the/angel of the Lord descended/from 109/201
1Ch_21:12.......the/angel of the LORD destroying/throughout 66/201
Jdg_13:21.......the/angel of the LORD did/no 50/201
Psa_34:7........The/angel of the LORD encampeth/round 76/201 of the LORD face/to 38/201
Gen_16:7........the/angel of the LORD found/her 1/201 of the LORD Gideon/said 37/201
Mat_1:24........the/angel of the Lord had/bidden 106/201
Num_22:34.......the/angel of the LORD I have/sinned 27/201
Jdg_13:15.......the/angel of the LORD I pray/thee 43/201 of the Lord in/a 130/201
Psa_35:6........the/angel of the LORD persecute/them 78/201
Zec_3:6.........the/angel of the LORD protested/unto 96/201
Jdg_6:21........the/angel of the LORD put/forth 35/201
2Ki_1:3.........the/angel of the LORD said to/Elijah 63/201
Num_22:35.......the/angel of the LORD said unto Balaam/Go 28/201
2Ki_1:15........the/angel of the LORD said unto Elijah/Go 64/201
Gen_16:11.......the/angel of the LORD said unto her Behold/thou 4/201
Gen_16:10.......the/angel of the LORD said unto her I/will 3/201
Gen_16:9........the/angel of the LORD said unto her Return/to 2/201
Num_22:32.......the/angel of the LORD said unto him Wherefore/hast 26/201
Jdg_13:18.......the/angel of the LORD said unto him Why/askest 47/201
Jdg_13:13.......the/angel of the LORD said unto Manoah Of/all 42/201
Jdg_13:16.......the/angel of the LORD said unto Manoah Though/thou 44/201
Num_22:27.......the/angel of the LORD she fell/down 24/201
Num_22:25.......the/angel of the LORD she thrust/herself 22/201
Act_12:23.......the/angel of the Lord smote/him 144/201
Jdg_2:4.........the/angel of the LORD spake these/words 30/201
Act_8:26........the/angel of the Lord spake unto/Philip 133/201
1Ch_21:16.......the/angel of the LORD stand/between 70/201
Num_22:31.......the/angel of the LORD standing in the way and his sword drawn in his hand and he/bowed 25/201
Num_22:23.......the/angel of the LORD standing in the way and his sword drawn in his hand and the/ass 20/201 of the Lord standing on/the 111/201
Zec_3:5.........the/angel of the LORD stood by And/the 95/201
1Ch_21:15.......the/angel of the LORD stood by the/threshingfloor 69/201
Num_22:24.......the/angel of the LORD stood in a/path 21/201
Num_22:22.......the/angel of the LORD stood in the/way 19/201
Zec_1:11........the/angel of the LORD that/stood 86/201
1Ch_21:30.......the/angel of the LORD Then/David 74/201
2Sa_24:16.......the/angel of the LORD was/by 58/201
Isa_37:36.......the/angel of the LORD went forth/and 80/201
Num_22:26.......the/angel of the LORD went further/and 23/201
2Ki_19:35.......the/angel of the LORD went out/and 65/201
Jdg_13:17.......the/angel of the LORD What/is 46/201
Rev_16:5........the/angel of the waters/say 188/201
Rev_16:17...seventh/angel poured out his vial into/the 192/201
Rev_16:12.....sixth/angel poured out his vial upon the great/river 191/201
Rev_16:4......third/angel poured out his vial upon the rivers/and 187/201
Rev_16:3.....second/angel poured out his vial upon the sea/and 186/201
Rev_16:10.....fifth/angel poured out his vial upon the seat/of 190/201
Rev_16:8.....fourth/angel poured out his vial upon the sun/and 189/201
Rev_5:2......strong/angel proclaiming/with 159/201
Luk_1:30........the/angel said unto her/Fear 117/201
Luk_1:13........the/angel said unto him Fear/not 112/201
Act_12:8........the/angel said unto him Gird/thyself 139/201
Rev_17:7........the/angel said unto me/Wherefore 193/201
Luk_2:10........the/angel said unto them/Fear 122/201
Rev_14:8....another/angel saying/Babylon.. 180/201
Exo_23:23......mine/Angel shall go before thee and/bring 15/201
Exo_32:34......mine/Angel shall go before thee nevertheless/in 16/201
Rev_8:8......second/angel sounded and as/it 164/201
Rev_9:13......sixth/angel sounded and I heard/a 170/201
Rev_9:1.......fifth/angel sounded and I saw/a 168/201
Rev_8:12.....fourth/angel sounded and the/third 166/201
Rev_8:10......third/angel sounded and there fell/a 165/201
Rev_8:7.......first/angel sounded and there followed/hail 163/201
Rev_11:15...seventh/angel sounded and there were/great 178/201
Joh_12:29........An/angel spake to/him.... 127/201 spake unto/me.... 60/201 standing/in..... 196/201
Rev_11:1........the/angel stood/saying.... 177/201
2Sa_24:16.......the/angel stretched/out.... 56/201
Zec_1:14........the/angel that communed/with 89/201
1Ch_21:15.......the/angel that destroyed It/is 68/201
2Sa_24:16.......the/angel that destroyed the/people 57/201
Ecc_5:6.........the/angel that it/was...... 79/201
2Sa_24:17.......the/angel that smote/the... 59/201
Zec_4:5.........the/angel that talked with me answered/and 99/201
Zec_4:1.........the/angel that talked with me came/again 97/201
Zec_1:9.........the/angel that talked with me said/unto 85/201
Zec_4:4.........the/angel that talked with me saying/What 98/201
Zec_2:3.........the/angel that talked with me went forth and another/angel 91/201
Zec_5:5.........the/angel that talked with me went forth and said/unto 100/201
Zec_6:4.........the/angel that talked with me What are/these 102/201
Zec_1:19........the/angel that talked with me What be/these 90/201
Zec_5:10........the/angel that talked with me Whither/do 101/201
Zec_1:13........the/angel that talked with me with/good 88/201 Then/said....... 129/201
Rev_14:19.......the/angel thrust/in....... 185/201
Act_10:22......holy/angel to send/for..... 136/201
Rev_22:6........his/angel to shew/unto.... 199/201
Rev_22:16......mine/angel to testify/unto. 201/201
Rev_8:5.........the/angel took the/censer. 162/201
Rev_18:21....mighty/angel took up/a....... 195/201 touched/him...... 61/201 unto him/from... 125/201
Rev_1:1.........his/angel unto his/servant 151/201 unto Jerusalem/to 67/201 went down/at.... 126/201
Zec_2:3.....another/angel went out/to...... 92/201
Rev_10:7....seventh/angel when/he......... 174/201
Luk_1:18........the/angel Whereby/shall... 113/201
Act_7:35........the/angel which appeared/to 131/201 which cut/off.... 75/201
Rev_9:14......sixth/angel which had/the... 171/201
Rev_10:5........the/angel which I/saw..... 173/201
Gen_48:16.......The/Angel which redeemed/me 11/201
Rev_22:8........the/angel which shewed/me. 200/201
Act_7:38........the/angel which spake to/him 132/201
Act_10:7........the/angel which spake unto/Cornelius 135/201
Rev_10:8........the/angel which standeth/upon 175/201
Gen_24:40.......his/angel with/thee......... 9/201
Psa_78:49......evil/angels among/them........ 9/96
Luk_20:36.......the/angels and are/the...... 39/96
1Pe_3:22........God/angels and authorities/and 68/96
Psa_8:5.........the/angels and hast/crowned.. 6/96
1Co_13:1.........of/angels and have not charity/I 48/96
Act_7:53.........of/angels and have not kept/it 43/96
Mar_8:38.......holy/angels And he/said...... 28/96
Rev_14:10......holy/angels and in/the....... 88/96
Rev_21:12....twelve/angels and names/written 96/96
Rev_12:7........his/angels And prevailed/not 86/96
Mar_13:27.......his/angels and shall/gather. 30/96
Mat_16:27.......his/angels and then/he...... 19/96
Mat_13:41.......his/angels and they/shall... 17/96 and to/men....... 45/96
Heb_1:4.........the/angels as he/hath....... 54/96
Mat_13:39.......the/angels As therefore/the. 16/96
Heb_2:16.........of/angels but he/took...... 64/96
Mat_26:53........of/angels But how/then..... 26/96
Luk_9:26.......holy/angels But I/tell....... 34/96
Mat_4:11.....behold/angels came and/ministered 15/96 came out/of...... 90/96
Mat_4:6.........his/angels charge concerning/thee 14/96
Luk_4:10........his/angels charge over thee to keep thee And/in 33/96
Psa_91:11.......his/angels charge over thee to keep thee in/all 10/96
1Pe_1:12........the/angels desire/to........ 67/96
Mat_18:10.....their/angels do/always........ 20/96' food/he.......... 8/96
Mat_25:41.......his/angels For I/was........ 25/96
Heb_2:9.........the/angels for the/suffering 63/96
Rev_12:7........his/angels fought/against... 85/96 Go/your.......... 93/96
Rev_10:10.......the/angel's hand and ate/it. 84/96
Rev_8:4.........the/angel's hand And the/angel 79/96
Gen_19:15.......the/angels hastened/Lot...... 2/96
Heb_2:5.........the/angels hath/he.......... 61/96 having/the....... 89/96
Job_4:18........his/angels he charged/with... 5/96
Heb_1:7.........the/angels he saith/Who..... 57/96
Rev_3:5.........his/angels He that/hath..... 73/96
1Co_6:3.......judge/angels how/much......... 46/96
2Th_1:7......mighty/angels In flaming/fire.. 51/96 in the/hand...... 49/96
Joh_20:12.......two/angels in white/sitting. 42/96
Luk_16:22.......the/angels into/Abraham's... 38/96
Col_2:18.........of/angels intruding/into... 50/96
Mar_1:13........the/angels ministered/unto.. 27/96
1Co_11:10.......the/angels Nevertheless/neither 47/96
Rom_8:38........nor/angels nor/principalities 44/96
Luk_12:9........the/angels of God And/whosoever 36/96
Gen_28:12.......the/angels of God ascending and descending on/it 3/96
Joh_1:51........the/angels of God ascending and descending upon/the 41/96
Luk_12:8........the/angels of God But/he.... 35/96
Mat_22:30.......the/angels of God in/heaven. 21/96
Gen_32:1........the/angels of God met/him.... 4/96
Luk_15:10.......the/angels of God over/one.. 37/96
Heb_1:6.........the/angels of God worship/him 56/96
Mat_24:36.......the/angels of heaven/but.... 23/96
Rev_1:20........the/angels of the/seven..... 72/96
Psa_148:2.......his/angels praise/ye........ 13/96
1Ti_3:16.........of/angels preached/unto.... 52/96
Rev_5:11.......many/angels round/about...... 74/96
Heb_1:13........the/angels said he at any time Sit/on 59/96
Heb_1:5.........the/angels said he at any time Thou/art 55/96 seven/golden..... 91/96
Mat_13:49.......the/angels shall/come....... 18/96
Heb_1:7.........his/angels spirits and/his.. 58/96
Psa_104:4.......his/angels spirits his/ministers 12/96
Rev_7:1........four/angels standing/on...... 75/96
Rev_7:11........the/angels stood/round...... 77/96
Psa_103:20......his/angels that excel/in.... 11/96
2Pe_2:4.........the/angels that sinned/but.. 69/96
1Ti_5:21......elect/angels that thou/observe 53/96
Psa_68:17........of/angels the/Lord.......... 7/96
Heb_2:7.........the/angels thou/crownedst... 62/96
Gen_19:1........two/angels to Sodom/at....... 1/96
Heb_12:22........of/angels To the/general... 65/96
Rev_7:2........four/angels to whom/it....... 76/96
Heb_13:2entertained/angels unawares/Remember 66/96 was/stedfast..... 60/96
Rev_12:9........his/angels were cast/out.... 87/96 were fulfilled/And 92/96
Luk_2:15........the/angels were gone/away... 32/96
Rev_9:15.......four/angels were loosed/which 83/96
Rev_9:14.......four/angels which are bound/in 82/96
2Pe_2:11....Whereas/angels which are greater/in 70/96
Mar_12:25.......the/angels which are in heaven And/as 29/96
Mar_13:32.......the/angels which are in heaven neither/the 31/96
Rev_8:13......three/angels which are yet/to. 81/96 which had the seven trumpets/prepared 80/96 which had the seven vials and/talked 94/96 which had the seven vials full/of 95/96
Jud_1:6.........the/angels which kept/not... 71/96
Luk_24:23........of/angels which said/that.. 40/96 which stood/before 78/96
Mat_24:31.......his/angels with a/great..... 22/96
Mat_25:31......holy/angels with him/then.... 24/96
Hab_3:8.......thine/anger against the/rivers 223/234 against them in the midst/of 202/234 against them in the wilderness/Nevertheless 203/234
Lam_2:3......fierce/anger all/the......... 187/234
Psa_78:21.......and/anger also/came....... 102/234
Pro_21:14.pacifieth/anger and a/reward.... 121/234
Eze_25:14......mine/anger and according to my/fury 205/234
Eze_35:11.....thine/anger and according to thine/envy 206/234
2Ch_25:10.....great/anger And Amaziah/strengthened 78/234
Psa_90:7......thine/anger and by/thy...... 110/234
Lam_2:1.........his/anger and cast/down... 185/234
Eph_4:31........and/anger and clamour/and. 232/234
1Sa_20:34....fierce/anger and did/eat...... 53/234
Isa_48:9.......mine/anger and for/my...... 143/234
Psa_37:8.......from/anger and forsake/wrath 96/234 and fury/upon... 219/234
Eze_13:13......mine/anger and great hailstones/in 200/234 and great in/power 221/234 and hast/cast.... 57/234
Lam_4:11.....fierce/anger and hath/kindled 193/234 And he set a carved/image 81/234 And he set a graven/image 70/234 And he shall/give 58/234
Deu_9:19........the/anger and hot/displeasure 25/234 and in fury and in furious/rebukes 196/234 and in fury and in great/wrath 164/234
Deu_29:23.......his/anger and in his/wrath. 28/234
Jer_33:5.......mine/anger and in my fury and for/all 176/234
Eze_22:20......mine/anger and in my fury and I/will 204/234
Jer_32:37......mine/anger and in my fury and in/great 175/234 and in wrath/and. 31/234
Pro_19:11.......his/anger and it is/his... 119/234
Isa_13:13....fierce/anger And it shall/be. 138/234 and lo/they..... 199/234 and made/Israel.. 65/234
Isa_63:6.......mine/anger and make/them... 145/234
Jer_42:18......mine/anger and my fury hath/been 178/234
Jer_7:20.......mine/anger and my fury shall/be 156/234 and of great kindness and forsookest/them 84/234 and of great kindness and repentest/thee 218/234 and of great kindness and repenteth/him 215/234 and of great mercy/The 115/234
Jer_32:31......mine/anger and of my/fury.. 173/234
Lam_3:43.......with/anger and persecuted/us 191/234 and plenteous/in 112/234
Deu_32:22......mine/anger and shall/burn... 37/234
Deu_13:17.......his/anger and shew/thee.... 26/234
Isa_30:27.......his/anger and the burden/thereof 140/234
Jer_36:7........the/anger and the fury/that 177/234
Exo_11:8......great/anger And the LORD/said. 7/234
Isa_10:5.......mine/anger and the staff/in 133/234
Isa_42:25.......his/anger and the strength/of 142/234 And they/forsook. 41/234
Dan_9:16......thine/anger and thy/fury.... 208/234
Hos_13:11......mine/anger and took/him.... 213/234
Isa_63:3.......mine/anger and trample/them 144/234
Isa_30:30.......his/anger and with/the.... 141/234 appeaseth/strife 117/234
Psa_78:38.......his/anger away/and........ 103/234
Eze_5:13.......mine/anger be accomplished/and 195/234
Jdg_6:39......thine/anger be hot/against... 45/234 before/the....... 83/234 Behold/therefore 201/234
Mar_3:5........with/anger being/grieved... 230/234
Gen_44:18.....thine/anger burn/against...... 3/234
Est_1:12........his/anger burned/in........ 85/234
Psa_56:7......thine/anger cast/down........ 98/234
Zep_2:2......LORD's/anger come/upon....... 226/234 continually/to.. 146/234
Amo_1:11........his/anger did/tear........ 216/234 Do/they......... 154/234
Psa_30:5........his/anger endureth/but..... 95/234
Psa_90:11.....thine/anger even according/to 111/234
Isa_13:3.......mine/anger even them/that.. 136/234
Zep_3:8......fierce/anger for all/the..... 228/234
Mic_7:18........his/anger for ever because/he 220/234
Psa_103:9.......his/anger for ever He/hath 113/234
Jer_3:12.......keep/anger for ever Only/acknowledge 151/234
Jer_3:5.........his/anger for ever will/he 149/234
Zep_2:3......LORD's/anger For Gaza/shall.. 227/234 For I/was........ 24/234
Gen_49:7......their/anger for it/was........ 5/234 For the/children 171/234 For they/served.. 68/234
Jer_4:26.....fierce/anger For thus/hath... 153/234
Lam_1:12.....fierce/anger From above/hath. 184/234 from under/the.. 192/234
Psa_78:50.......his/anger he/spared....... 105/234
Nah_1:6.........his/anger his/fury........ 222/234 I call/heaven.... 21/234
Hos_11:9.......mine/anger I will/not...... 211/234 in offering/incense 159/234 in that/they.... 179/234
Jer_25:38....fierce/anger In the/beginning 169/234
Isa_10:25......mine/anger in their/destruction 134/234 is better/than.. 118/234
Hos_8:5........mine/anger is kindled/against 210/234
Isa_5:25........his/anger is not turned away but his hand is stretched out still And/he 127/234
Isa_9:12........his/anger is not turned away but his hand is stretched out still For the/people 129/234
Isa_9:17........his/anger is not turned away but his hand is stretched out still For wickedness/burneth 130/234
Isa_10:4........his/anger is not turned away but his hand is stretched out still O/Assyrian 132/234
Isa_9:21........his/anger is not turned away but his hand is stretched out still Woe/unto 131/234
Pro_27:4........and/anger is outrageous/but 123/234 is persecuted/and 139/234
Isa_12:1......thine/anger is turned away and/thou 135/234
Hos_14:4.......mine/anger is turned away from/him 214/234 Josiah/took...... 73/234 lest they/be.... 234/234
Jer_10:24.....thine/anger lest thou/bring. 158/234
Psa_7:6.......thine/anger lift/up.......... 92/234 most/bitterly... 212/234
Psa_6:1.......thine/anger neither chasten/me 91/234
Psa_38:3......thine/anger neither is/there. 97/234
Lam_2:22.....LORD's/anger none/escaped.... 190/234 nor/in.......... 209/234
Eze_43:8.......mine/anger Now let/them.... 207/234 Now the/rest..... 59/234
Exo_32:22.......the/anger of my/lord........ 9/234
Isa_7:4......fierce/anger of Rezin/with... 128/234
Deu_29:20.......the/anger of the LORD and his/jealousy 27/234
Jer_51:45....fierce/anger of the LORD And lest/your 182/234
Deu_7:4.........the/anger of the LORD be kindled against you and destroy/thee 23/234
Jos_23:16.......the/anger of the LORD be kindled against you and ye/shall 40/234
Zep_2:2......fierce/anger of the LORD come/upon 225/234
Lam_4:16........The/anger of the LORD hath/divided 194/234
Jer_25:37....fierce/anger of the LORD He/hath 168/234
Jer_4:8......fierce/anger of the LORD is/not 152/234
Jer_52:3........the/anger of the LORD it came to pass in Jerusalem and Judah till/he 183/234
2Ki_24:20.......the/anger of the LORD it came to pass in Jerusalem and Judah until/he 75/234
Isa_5:25........the/anger of the LORD kindled/against 126/234
Num_25:4.....fierce/anger of the LORD may/be 17/234
Jer_30:24....fierce/anger of the LORD shall not return until he hath/done 170/234
Jer_23:20.......The/anger of the LORD shall not return until he have/executed 165/234
Jer_12:13....fierce/anger of the LORD Thus/saith 160/234
Deu_6:15........the/anger of the LORD thy/God 22/234
Num_32:14....fierce/anger of the LORD toward/Israel 20/234
Jdg_2:14........the/anger of the LORD was hot against Israel and he delivered/them 42/234
Jdg_2:20........the/anger of the LORD was hot against Israel and he said/Because 43/234
Jdg_3:8.........the/anger of the LORD was hot against Israel and he sold them into the hand/of 44/234
Jdg_10:7........the/anger of the LORD was hot against Israel and he sold them into the hands/of 48/234
2Ch_25:15.......the/anger of the LORD was kindled against Amaziah/and 79/234
2Ki_13:3........the/anger of the LORD was kindled against Israel and he delivered/them 67/234
2Sa_24:1........the/anger of the LORD was kindled against Israel and he moved/David 56/234
Num_25:3........the/anger of the LORD was kindled against Israel And the/LORD 16/234
Exo_4:14........the/anger of the LORD was kindled against Moses/and 6/234
Jos_7:1.........the/anger of the LORD was kindled against the/children 38/234
Num_12:9........the/anger of the LORD was kindled against them/and 12/234
Deu_29:27.......the/anger of the LORD was kindled against this/land 30/234
1Ch_13:10.......the/anger of the LORD was kindled against Uzza/and 76/234
2Sa_6:7.........the/anger of the LORD was kindled against Uzzah/and 54/234
Num_11:10.......the/anger of the LORD was kindled greatly/Moses 11/234
Ecc_7:9.........for/anger resteth/in...... 124/234
Jer_49:37....fierce/anger saith the LORD and/I 181/234 saith the LORD do/they 155/234 shall be/kindled. 32/234
Pro_22:8........his/anger shall fail/He... 122/234
Job_18:4........his/anger shall the/earth.. 88/234
Jer_2:35........his/anger shall turn/from. 148/234 shut/up......... 101/234 since/the........ 71/234 sinneth/against. 120/234
Psa_74:1......thine/anger smoke/against... 100/234
Psa_69:24..wrathful/anger take/hold........ 99/234 than/all......... 64/234
Jon_3:9......fierce/anger that/we......... 217/234
Lam_2:6.........his/anger the king/and.... 188/234 the LORD God of his/fathers 80/234 the LORD God of Israel/according 66/234
Lam_2:1.........his/anger The LORD hath/swallowed 186/234
Psa_21:9......thine/anger the LORD shall/swallow 93/234
Job_9:13........his/anger the proud/helpers 87/234
Pro_15:1.........up/anger The tongue/of... 116/234
Deu_29:24.....great/anger Then/men......... 29/234 Therefore/the.... 69/234
Job_21:17.......his/anger They are as/stubble 89/234
Isa_1:4........unto/anger they are gone/away 125/234 They sacrificed/unto 34/234
Gen_49:6......their/anger they slew/a....... 4/234 they their/kings 174/234 thou hast been/my 94/234
Lam_2:21......thine/anger thou hast killed/and 189/234 Thou wentest/forth 224/234 through/the...... 33/234
Jer_18:23.....thine/anger Thus/saith...... 163/234
Psa_85:5......thine/anger to all/generations 109/234
Jer_3:12.......mine/anger to fall/upon.... 150/234
Isa_13:9.....fierce/anger to lay/the...... 137/234
Psa_85:4......thine/anger toward/us....... 108/234's/anger turn away/from.... 1/234
Psa_85:3......thine/anger Turn us/O....... 107/234
Eze_7:8........mine/anger upon thee and I/will 198/234
Eze_7:3........mine/anger upon thee and will/judge 197/234
Jdg_8:3.......their/anger was abated/toward 46/234
2Ch_25:10.....their/anger was greatly kindled against Judah/and 77/234
2Sa_12:5....David's/anger was greatly kindled against the/man 55/234
Num_24:10...Balak's/anger was kindled against Balaam/and 15/234
1Sa_17:28...Eliab's/anger was kindled against David/and 51/234
Num_32:13....LORD's/anger was kindled against Israel/and 19/234
1Sa_20:30....Saul's/anger was kindled against Jonathan/and 52/234
2Ki_23:26.......his/anger was kindled against Judah/because 74/234
Gen_30:2....Jacob's/anger was kindled against Rachel/and 2/234
Zec_10:3.......Mine/anger was kindled against the/shepherds 229/234
Jdg_9:30........his/anger was kindled And he sent/messengers 47/234
Num_22:27..Balaam's/anger was kindled and he smote/the 14/234
Jdg_14:19.......his/anger was kindled and he went/up 49/234
Num_11:1........his/anger was kindled and the/fire 10/234
Num_22:22.....God's/anger was kindled because/he 13/234
1Sa_11:6........his/anger was kindled greatly/And 50/234
Num_32:10....LORD's/anger was kindled the/same 18/234
Jer_44:6.......mine/anger was poured/forth 180/234
Exo_32:19....Moses'/anger waxed/hot......... 8/234
Jos_7:26........his/anger Wherefore/the.... 39/234
Job_9:5.........his/anger Which shaketh/the 86/234
Jer_17:4.......mine/anger which shall burn for/ever 162/234
Jer_15:14......mine/anger which shall burn upon/you 161/234 with a/foolish... 36/234 with all the works of their hands therefore my wrath shall be kindled/against 72/234 with all the works of their hands therefore my wrath shall be poured/out 82/234
Isa_66:15.......his/anger with fury/and... 147/234 with the work of his/hands 61/234 with the work of their/hands 172/234 with the works of your hands and/I 166/234 with the works of your hands to/your 167/234 with their graven/images 157/234 with their high/places 106/234 with their inventions/and 114/234 with their sins/Behold 60/234 with their vanities and/I 35/234 with their vanities Now the rest of the acts of Elah/and 62/234 with their vanities Now the rest of the acts of Omri/which 63/234
Psa_78:49.......his/anger wrath and/indignation 104/234
Col_3:8.......these/anger wrath malice/blasphemy 233/234
Job_35:15.......his/anger yet/he........... 90/234
Rom_10:19......will/anger you/But......... 231/234
Psa_106:32.....They/angered/him............... 1/1
