Act_23:7......there/arose a dissension/between 168/173
Act_23:9......there/arose a great cry/and. 169/173
Act_23:10.....there/arose a great dissension/the 171/173
Mar_4:37......there/arose a great storm/of 135/173
Mat_8:24......there/arose a great tempest/in 124/173
Luk_15:14.....there/arose a mighty/famine. 150/173
Jdg_5:7...........I/arose a mother/in...... 19/173
Act_6:1.......there/arose a murmuring/of.. 158/173
Joh_3:25......there/arose a question/between 154/173
Luk_9:46......there/arose a reasoning/among 149/173
Rev_9:2.......there/arose a smoke/out..... 173/173
Act_11:19......that/arose about/Stephen... 166/173
1Sa_24:8.......also/arose afterward/and.... 52/173
2Ch_36:16......LORD/arose against his/people 105/173
Act_27:14.....there/arose against it/a.... 172/173
1Sa_17:35........he/arose against me/I..... 39/173
1Ch_10:12......They/arose all/the.......... 99/173
1Sa_20:25..Jonathan/arose and Abner/sat.... 43/173
Jos_8:3......Joshua/arose and all the people of/war 11/173
2Sa_17:22.....David/arose and all the people that/were 71/173
Gen_37:7......sheaf/arose and also/stood.... 7/173
2Ch_30:27...Levites/arose and blessed/the. 104/173
1Sa_25:41.......she/arose and bowed/herself 54/173
1Sa_17:48Philistine/arose and came and/drew 40/173
Mat_27:52.....slept/arose And came out/of. 132/173
2Sa_14:31......Joab/arose and came to Absalom/unto 69/173
2Ki_25:26....armies/arose and came to Egypt/for 98/173
Luk_15:20........he/arose and came to his/father 151/173
1Sa_26:5......David/arose and came to the/place 57/173
1Sa_24:4......David/arose and cut/off...... 51/173
2Ki_10:12........he/arose and departed and came to Samaria/And 93/173
1Ki_14:17......wife/arose and departed and came to Tirzah/and 82/173
1Sa_20:42........he/arose and departed and Jonathan/went 46/173
1Sa_23:13...hundred/arose and departed out/of 48/173
Mat_9:7..........he/arose and departed to/his 126/173
2Ki_11:1........she/arose and destroyed all the seed royal But/Jehosheba 94/173
2Ch_22:10.......she/arose and destroyed all the seed royal of/the 101/173
2Ki_8:2.......woman/arose and did after/the 91/173
1Ki_19:8.........he/arose and did eat/and.. 85/173
2Sa_13:29......sons/arose and every/man.... 66/173
2Ki_7:7........they/arose and fled in/the.. 89/173
1Ki_11:40..Jeroboam/arose and fled into/Egypt 80/173
1Sa_21:10.....David/arose and fled that/day 47/173
2Ki_4:30.........he/arose and followed her/And 88/173
Mat_9:9..........he/arose and followed him And it came to pass as/Jesus 127/173
Mar_2:14.........he/arose and followed him And it came to pass that/as 134/173
Mat_9:19......Jesus/arose and followed him and so/did 128/173
2Sa_17:23.......and/arose and gat him home/to 72/173
1Sa_13:15....Samuel/arose and gat him up/from 38/173
1Sa_27:2......David/arose and he/passed.... 58/173
Gen_24:61...Rebekah/arose and her/damsels... 6/173
Gen_19:33.......she/arose And it/came....... 2/173
Gen_19:35...younger/arose and lay/with...... 3/173
Luk_23:1.......them/arose and led/him..... 152/173
2Ki_12:20..servants/arose and made/a....... 95/173
Luk_4:39........she/arose and ministered unto them Now/when 144/173
Mat_8:15........she/arose and ministered unto them When/the 123/173
Mar_4:39.........he/arose and rebuked the wind and said/unto 136/173
Luk_8:24.........he/arose and rebuked the wind and the/raging 147/173
Mat_8:26.........he/arose and rebuked the winds/and 125/173
Job_1:20........Job/arose and rent/his.... 110/173
1Sa_25:42.......and/arose and rode/upon.... 55/173
1Ki_2:40.....Shimei/arose and saddled/his.. 76/173
Mat_26:62....priest/arose and said/unto... 131/173
2Sa_19:8.......king/arose and sat/in....... 73/173
1Sa_17:52.....Judah/arose and shouted/and.. 41/173
Jdg_8:21.....Gideon/arose and slew/Zebah... 21/173
2Sa_23:10........He/arose and smote/the.... 74/173
Est_8:4......Esther/arose and stood before/the 109/173
Luk_6:8..........he/arose and stood forth/Then 145/173
Job_29:8.......aged/arose and stood up/The 112/173
Act_23:9.......part/arose and strove/saying 170/173
2Sa_13:31......king/arose and tare/his..... 67/173
Mat_9:25.......maid/arose And the/fame.... 129/173
Job_19:18.........I/arose and they spake/against 111/173
1Sa_9:26.......Saul/arose and they went/out 37/173
2Ch_30:14......they/arose and took away/the 103/173
Mat_2:21.........he/arose and took the/young 122/173
Mat_25:7....virgins/arose and trimmed/their 130/173
Mar_5:42.....damsel/arose and walked/for.. 137/173
Jos_24:9.......Moab/arose and warred/against 14/173
Act_9:18........and/arose and was/baptized 163/173
1Ki_19:21........he/arose and went after Elijah/and 86/173
Jdg_19:3....husband/arose and went after her/to 26/173
Jdg_13:11....Manoah/arose and went after his/wife 24/173 and went all/night 60/173
Act_8:27.........he/arose and went and behold/a 161/173
1Ki_1:50........and/arose and went and caught/hold 75/173 and went away and Joshua/charged 13/173
Gen_38:19.......she/arose and went away and laid/by 8/173
1Sa_25:1......David/arose and went down to the wilderness of Paran/And 53/173
1Sa_26:2.......Saul/arose and went down to the wilderness of Ziph/having 56/173
2Ki_1:15.........he/arose and went down with/him 87/173
1Ki_19:3.........he/arose and went for/his. 84/173
Eze_3:23..........I/arose and went forth/into 117/173
1Sa_18:27.....David/arose and went he/and.. 42/173
Mar_7:24.........he/arose and went into the borders/of 138/173
2Ki_9:6..........he/arose and went into the house/and 92/173
2Sa_2:15......there/arose and went over/by. 61/173
1Sa_23:16.......son/arose and went to David/into 49/173
1Sa_3:8..........he/arose and went to Eli and said Here am I for thou didst call me And Eli/perceived 33/173
1Sa_3:6......Samuel/arose and went to Eli and said Here am I for thou didst call me And he/answered 32/173
2Sa_14:23......Joab/arose and went to Geshur/and 68/173
2Sa_15:9.........he/arose and went to Hebron/But 70/173 and went to him/to 64/173
Gen_24:10........he/arose and went to Mesopotamia/unto 5/173
1Ki_14:4........and/arose and went to Shiloh/and 81/173
1Ki_17:10........he/arose and went to Zarephath/And 83/173
1Sa_23:24......they/arose and went to Ziph/before 50/173
Jon_3:3.......Jonah/arose and went unto/Nineveh 119/173
Jdg_20:18....Israel/arose and went up/to... 30/173
2Sa_6:2.......David/arose and went with all/the 62/173
Jdg_4:9.....Deborah/arose and went with Barak/to 17/173
Act_9:39......Peter/arose and went with them/When 165/173
Mar_9:27.........he/arose And when/he..... 139/173
Jdg_2:10......there/arose another/generation 15/173
Jdg_20:8.....people/arose as/one........... 29/173
1Ki_3:20........she/arose at midnight and took my/son 77/173
Jdg_16:3........and/arose at midnight and took the/doors 25/173
Joh_6:18........sea/arose by/reason....... 155/173
Mar_14:57.....there/arose certain and/bare 141/173
Act_6:9.......there/arose certain of/the.. 159/173
1Sa_9:26.......they/arose early and/it..... 36/173 early in the morning behold the/altar 20/173
Isa_37:36......they/arose early in the morning behold they were all dead corpses So Sennacherib king of Assyria departed and went and returned and dwelt at Nineveh And it came to pass as he was worshipping in the house of Nisroch his god that Adrammelech and Sharezer his sons smote him with the sword and they escaped into the land of Armenia and Esarhaddon his son reigned in his stead In those days was Hezekiah sick unto death And Isaiah/the 115/173
2Ki_19:35......they/arose early in the morning behold they were all dead corpses So Sennacherib king of Assyria departed and went and returned and dwelt at Nineveh And it came to pass as he was worshipping in the house of Nisroch his god that Adrammelech and Sharezer his sons smote him with the sword and they escaped into the land of Armenia And Esarhaddon his son reigned in his stead In those days was Hezekiah sick unto death And the/prophet 96/173
Jdg_19:8.........he/arose early in the morning on/the 28/173
Jdg_19:5.......they/arose early in the morning that/he 27/173
1Sa_5:3......Ashdod/arose early on the morrow behold/Dagon 34/173
1Sa_5:4........they/arose early on the morrow morning/behold 35/173
Ezr_10:5.......Then/arose Ezra/and........ 107/173
1Ki_8:54.........he/arose from before/the.. 78/173
Jon_3:6..........he/arose from his/throne. 120/173
2Sa_11:2......David/arose from off/his..... 63/173
1Sa_28:23........he/arose from the earth and sat/upon 59/173
2Sa_12:20.....David/arose from the earth and washed/and 65/173
Act_9:8........Saul/arose from the earth and when/his 162/173
1Sa_20:34..Jonathan/arose from the table/in 44/173
Mar_10:1.........he/arose from thence/and. 140/173
Mat_2:14.........he/arose he/took......... 121/173
Act_9:34.........he/arose immediately/And. 164/173
2Ki_7:12.......king/arose in the night and/said 90/173
Neh_2:12..........I/arose in the night I/and 108/173
Luk_1:39.......Mary/arose in those/days... 142/173
Jer_41:2.......Then/arose Ishmael/the..... 116/173
Jdg_10:3........him/arose Jair/a........... 23/173
2Ch_29:12...Levites/arose Mahath/the...... 102/173
Act_19:23.....there/arose no/small........ 167/173
Deu_34:10.....there/arose not/a............ 10/173
1Sa_20:41.....David/arose out of a/place... 45/173
Jdg_3:20.........he/arose out of his/seat.. 16/173
1Ki_11:18......they/arose out of Midian/and 79/173
Luk_4:38.........he/arose out of the/synagogue 143/173
Luk_24:12......Then/arose Peter/and....... 153/173
Joh_11:29.......she/arose quickly and/came 156/173
Jos_8:19.....ambush/arose quickly out/of... 12/173
Luk_8:55........she/arose straightway/and. 148/173
Jdg_5:7.....Deborah/arose that/I........... 18/173
Luk_6:48......flood/arose the stream/beat. 146/173
Ecc_1:5..........he/arose The wind/goeth.. 114/173
Gen_19:15...morning/arose then/the.......... 1/173
2Ki_23:25.......him/arose there/any........ 97/173
Gen_19:35.......she/arose Thus/were......... 4/173
Jdg_10:1......there/arose to defend/Israel. 22/173
Psa_76:9........God/arose to judgment/to.. 113/173
Mar_2:12.........he/arose took/up......... 133/173
Exo_1:8.......there/arose up a/new.......... 9/173
Ezr_9:5...........I/arose up from/my...... 106/173
Dan_6:19.......king/arose very/early...... 118/173
1Ch_20:4......there/arose war/at.......... 100/173
Act_7:18.......king/arose which/knew...... 160/173
Rut_1:6.........she/arose with/her......... 31/173 wound/him....... 157/173
