Lev_16:32.the/atonement and shall/put. 48/81
Num_29:11..of/atonement and the/continual 75/81
Exo_29:36.for/atonement and thou/shalt. 2/81
2Ch_29:24..an/atonement for all Israel/for 79/81
Num_15:25..an/atonement for all the/congregation 66/81
Lev_12:8...an/atonement for her and she shall be clean/And 28/81
Lev_12:7...an/atonement for her and she shall be cleansed/from 27/81
Lev_15:30..an/atonement for her before/the 37/81
Lev_14:20..an/atonement for him and he shall be/clean 31/81
Lev_1:4..make/atonement for him And he shall kill/the 11/81
Lev_4:31...an/atonement for him and it shall be forgiven him And/if 14/81
Num_15:28..an/atonement for him and it shall be forgiven him Ye/shall 68/81
Lev_14:21..an/atonement for him and one/tenth 32/81
Lev_4:26...an/atonement for him as concerning/his 13/81
Lev_5:13...an/atonement for him as touching/his 18/81
Lev_14:29..an/atonement for him before the LORD And he/shall 33/81
Lev_6:7....an/atonement for him before the LORD and it/shall 21/81
Lev_14:18..an/atonement for him before the LORD And the/priest 29/81
Lev_15:15..an/atonement for him before the LORD for/his 36/81
Lev_5:18...an/atonement for him concerning his ignorance/wherein 20/81
Lev_5:6....an/atonement for him concerning his sin/And 16/81
Lev_5:10...an/atonement for him for his/sin 17/81
Num_6:11...an/atonement for him for that/he 62/81
Lev_14:31..an/atonement for him that is to be cleansed before/the 34/81
Lev_14:19..an/atonement for him that is to be cleansed from/his 30/81
Lev_5:16...an/atonement for him with the ram of the trespass offering and/it 19/81
Lev_19:22..an/atonement for him with the ram of the trespass offering before/the 55/81
Lev_16:6...an/atonement for himself and for his house And he/shall 38/81
Lev_16:11..an/atonement for himself and for his house and shall/kill 40/81
Lev_16:17..an/atonement for himself and for his household/and 43/81
Lev_16:24..an/atonement for himself and for the/people 45/81
Lev_4:35...an/atonement for his/sin... 15/81
1Ch_6:49...an/atonement for Israel according/to 78/81
Neh_10:33..an/atonement for Israel and/for 80/81
Lev_16:18..an/atonement for it and shall/take 44/81
Exo_29:36..an/atonement for it and thou/shalt 3/81
Num_31:50..an/atonement for our/souls. 76/81
Exo_29:37..an/atonement for the altar/and 4/81
Lev_16:34..an/atonement for the children of Israel for/all 52/81
Num_25:13..an/atonement for the children of Israel Now/the 71/81
Num_8:19...an/atonement for the children of Israel that/there 64/81
Lev_16:16..an/atonement for the holy place/because 41/81
Lev_16:33..an/atonement for the holy sanctuary/and 49/81
Lev_14:53..an/atonement for the house/and 35/81
Num_8:12...an/atonement for the Levites/And 63/81
Num_16:47..an/atonement for the people/And 70/81
Lev_16:33..an/atonement for the priests/and 51/81
Num_15:28..an/atonement for the soul that/sinneth 67/81
Lev_17:11..an/atonement for the soul Therefore/I 54/81
Lev_16:33..an/atonement for the tabernacle/of 50/81
Lev_4:20...an/atonement for them and/it 12/81
Lev_9:7....an/atonement for them as/the 25/81
Lev_10:17make/atonement for them before/the 26/81
Num_16:46..an/atonement for them for/there 69/81
Num_8:21...an/atonement for them to/cleanse 65/81
Lev_9:7....an/atonement for thyself/and 24/81
Lev_23:28..an/atonement for you before/the 58/81
Num_29:5...an/atonement for you Beside/the 74/81
Lev_8:34...an/atonement for you Therefore/shall 23/81
Lev_16:30..an/atonement for you to/cleanse 47/81
Num_28:30..an/atonement for you Ye shall offer them/beside 73/81
Num_28:22..an/atonement for you Ye shall offer these/beside 72/81
Exo_32:30..an/atonement for your sin/And 10/81
Exo_30:16..an/atonement for your souls And the/LORD 9/81
Exo_30:15..an/atonement for your souls And thou/shalt 7/81
Lev_17:11..an/atonement for your souls for/it 53/81
Lev_16:27make/atonement in the holy place shall/one 46/81
Lev_16:17..an/atonement in the holy place until/he 42/81
Lev_23:27..of/atonement it/shall...... 56/81
Exo_30:16.the/atonement money/of....... 8/81
Num_5:8....an/atonement shall be/made. 61/81
Lev_25:9...of/atonement shall ye/make. 59/81
2Sa_21:3..the/atonement that/ye....... 77/81
Lev_7:7maketh/atonement therewith/shall 22/81
Lev_23:28..of/atonement to/make....... 57/81
Exo_30:10make/atonement upon it/throughout 6/81
Exo_30:10..an/atonement upon the/horns. 5/81
Exo_29:33.the/atonement was/made....... 1/81
Num_5:8...the/atonement whereby/an.... 60/81
Rom_5:11..the/atonement Wherefore/as.. 81/81
Lev_16:10..an/atonement with/him...... 39/81
Exo_30:10..of/atonements/once........... 1/1
