1Ch_2:35....him/Attai And Attai/begat..... 1/4
2Ch_11:20...and/Attai and Ziza/and........ 4/4
1Ch_2:36....And/Attai begat/Nathan........ 2/4
1Ch_12:11.fifth/Attai the/sixth........... 3/4
Hos_8:5....they/attain to innocency/For... 4/6
Act_27:12.might/attain to Phenice/and..... 5/6
Eze_46:7..shall/attain unto and/an........ 3/6
Psa_139:6cannot/attain unto it/Whither.... 1/6
Php_3:11..might/attain unto the/resurrection 6/6
Pro_1:5...shall/attain unto wise/counsels. 2/6
1Ti_4:6....hast/attained But/refuse..... 10/10
Php_3:12already/attained either/were..... 8/10
Php_3:16already/attained let/us.......... 9/10
1Ch_11:25...but/attained not to the first three and David set him over his guard Also/the 5/10
2Sa_23:23....he/attained not to the first three And David set him over his guard Asahel/the 3/10
1Ch_11:21....he/attained not to the first three Benaiah/the 4/10
2Sa_23:19....he/attained not unto/the.... 2/10
Rom_9:30...have/attained to righteousness/even 6/10
Rom_9:31....not/attained to the/law...... 7/10
Gen_47:9....not/attained unto/the........ 1/10
Act_14:25..into/Attalia/And............... 1/1
