Eze_43:17...the/border about/it....... 115/158
Isa_37:24...his/border and the/forest. 108/158
Jos_17:10...his/border and they met/together 73/158
2Ki_3:21....the/border And they rose/up 103/158
Num_34:6...west/border And this/shall.. 25/158
Eze_48:21..east/border and westward/over 138/158
Num_34:9..north/border And ye/shall.... 30/158
Deu_12:20...thy/border as/he........... 37/158
2Sa_8:3.....his/border at/the......... 101/158
Jos_19:46...the/border before/Japho.... 91/158
Joe_3:6...their/border Behold/I....... 148/158
Jos_22:25.....a/border between/us...... 92/158
Amo_1:13..their/border But I/will..... 149/158
Num_21:23...his/border but Sihon/gathered 16/158
Jos_18:16...the/border came/down....... 80/158
Jos_15:10...the/border compassed/from.. 60/158
Jos_19:14...the/border compasseth/it... 87/158
Jos_18:13...the/border descended/to.... 77/158
Jos_13:27...his/border even unto the edge/of 47/158
Deu_3:16....the/border even unto the river/Jabbok 35/158
Num_34:10..east/border from Hazarenan/to 31/158
Num_34:7..north/border from the great/sea 26/158
Eze_47:17...the/border from the sea/shall 123/158
Amo_6:2...their/border greater/than... 150/158
Jer_31:17...own/border I/have......... 109/158
Eze_45:7...east/border In the land/shall 118/158
Jos_15:5..their/border in the north/quarter 51/158
Num_20:16...thy/border Let/us.......... 12/158
Jdg_7:22....the/border of Abelmeholah/unto 95/158
Exo_25:25.....a/border of an hand/breadth 4/158
Exo_37:12.....a/border of an handbreadth/round 8/158
Num_22:36...the/border of Arnon/which.. 18/158
Eze_48:3....the/border of Asher/from.. 130/158
1Sa_10:2....the/border of Benjamin at/Zelzah 99/158
Eze_48:24...the/border of Benjamin from/the 142/158
Eze_48:22...the/border of Benjamin shall/be 141/158
1Sa_6:12....the/border of Bethshemesh/And 98/158
Jos_19:12...the/border of Chislothtabor/and 86/158
Eze_47:16...the/border of Damascus and the border/of 121/158
Eze_47:17...the/border of Damascus and the north/northward 124/158
Eze_48:1....the/border of Damascus northward/to 128/158
Eze_48:2....the/border of Dan/from.... 129/158
Jos_13:26...the/border of Debir/And.... 46/158
Jos_15:1....the/border of Edom/the..... 48/158
2Ch_9:26....the/border of Egypt And/the 104/158
1Ki_4:21....the/border of Egypt they/brought 102/158
Eze_48:6....the/border of Ephraim/from 133/158
Eze_29:10...the/border of Ethiopia/No. 113/158
Eze_48:28...the/border of Gad/at...... 146/158
Eze_47:17...the/border of Hamath And/this 125/158
Eze_47:16...the/border of Hamath Hazarhatticon/which 122/158
Mar_6:56....the/border of his garment and as/many 157/158
Luk_8:44....the/border of his garment and immediately/her 158/158
Jdg_2:9.....the/border of his inheritance in Timnathheres/in 94/158
Jos_24:30...the/border of his inheritance in Timnathserah/which 93/158
Psa_78:54...the/border of his sanctuary/even 105/158
Mal_1:5.....the/border of Israel A/son 156/158
Eze_11:11...the/border of Israel And ye shall know that I am the LORD for/ye 112/158
Eze_11:10...the/border of Israel and ye shall know that I am the LORD This/city 111/158
Eze_48:26...the/border of Issachar/from 144/158
Jos_18:20...the/border of it on/the.... 83/158
Exo_39:19...the/border of it which/was. 11/158
Exo_19:12...the/border of it whosoever/toucheth 3/158
Jos_4:19...east/border of Jericho/And.. 38/158
Eze_48:22...the/border of Judah and/the 140/158
Eze_48:8....the/border of Judah from/the 135/158
Jos_17:8....the/border of Manasseh belonged/to 72/158
Eze_48:5....the/border of Manasseh from/the 132/158
Num_21:15...the/border of Moab And from/thence 15/158
Jdg_11:18...the/border of Moab And Israel/sent 97/158
Num_33:44...the/border of Moab And they/departed 19/158
Num_21:13...the/border of Moab between/Moab 14/158
Jdg_11:18...the/border of Moab for/Arnon 96/158
Eze_48:4....the/border of Naphtali/from 131/158
Eze_48:7....the/border of Reuben/from. 134/158
Jos_12:5....the/border of Sihon/king... 41/158
Eze_48:25...the/border of Simeon/from. 143/158
Gen_10:19...the/border of the Canaanites/was 1/158
Jos_12:2....the/border of the children of Ammon And from/the 39/158
Jos_13:10...the/border of the children of Ammon And Gilead/and 42/158
Deu_3:16....the/border of the children of Ammon The/plain 36/158
Num_21:24...the/border of the children of Ammon was/strong 17/158
Jos_16:5....the/border of the children of Ephraim/according 66/158
Jos_13:23...the/border of the children of Reuben/was 44/158
Num_35:26...the/border of the city/of.. 34/158
Jos_13:11...the/border of the Geshurites and Maachathites/and 43/158
Jos_12:5....the/border of the Geshurites and the/Maachathites 40/158
Eze_47:15...the/border of the land/toward 120/158
Eze_48:12...the/border of the Levites/And 136/158
Eze_48:13...the/border of the priests/the 137/158
Pro_15:25...the/border of the widow/The 106/158
Jos_16:5....the/border of their inheritance on/the 67/158
Jos_19:10...the/border of their inheritance was/unto 84/158
Mal_1:4.....The/border of wickedness/and 155/158
Eze_48:27...the/border of Zebulun/from 145/158
Jos_18:12.their/border on/the.......... 74/158
Jer_50:26utmost/border open/her....... 110/158
Eze_48:21..west/border over/against... 139/158
Jos_18:19...the/border passed along/to. 81/158
Jos_15:7....the/border passed toward/the 55/158
Eze_43:20...the/border round/about.... 116/158
Eze_48:28...the/border shall be even/from 147/158
Num_34:3..south/border shall be the/outmost 20/158
Num_34:8....the/border shall be to/Zedad 28/158
Gen_49:13...his/border shall be unto/Zidon 2/158
Num_34:11...the/border shall descend/and 32/158
Num_34:5....the/border shall fetch/a... 22/158
Num_34:12...the/border shall go down/to 33/158
Num_34:9....the/border shall go on/to.. 29/158
Exo_25:27...the/border shall the/rings.. 6/158
Num_34:4...your/border shall turn/from. 21/158
1Sa_13:18...the/border that/looketh... 100/158
Oba_1:7.....the/border the/men........ 152/158
Zec_9:2...shall/border thereby/Tyrus.. 154/158
Zep_2:8...their/border Therefore/as... 153/158
Jos_15:47...the/border thereof And/in.. 65/158
Eze_43:13...the/border thereof by/the. 114/158
Exo_37:12...the/border thereof round about And he/cast 9/158
Exo_25:25...the/border thereof round about And thou/shalt 5/158
Jos_13:23...the/border thereof This/was 45/158
Isa_19:19...the/border thereof to/the. 107/158
Exo_28:26...the/border thereof which/is. 7/158
Num_34:6......a/border this/shall...... 24/158
Eze_47:20...the/border till/a......... 127/158
Eze_45:7...west/border unto the east border/In 117/158
Eze_47:18...the/border unto the east sea/And 126/158
Num_34:8...your/border unto the entrance/of 27/158
Jos_15:9....the/border was drawn from/the 58/158
Jos_18:14...the/border was drawn thence/and 78/158
Jos_15:9....the/border was drawn to Baalah/which 59/158
Jos_15:11...the/border was drawn to Shicron/and 62/158
Jos_15:2..south/border was from/the.... 49/158
Jos_19:25.their/border was Helkath/and. 90/158
Jos_15:5...east/border was the/salt.... 50/158
Jos_15:12..west/border was to/the...... 64/158
Jos_19:18.their/border was toward/Jezreel 88/158
Jos_16:6....the/border went about/eastward 69/158
Jos_17:7....the/border went along/on... 71/158
Jos_16:8....The/border went out from/Tappuah 70/158
Jos_18:15...the/border went out on/the. 79/158
Jos_16:6....the/border went out toward/the 68/158
Jos_15:11...the/border went out unto/the 61/158
Jos_18:13...the/border went over/from.. 76/158
Jos_15:8....the/border went up by/the.. 56/158
Jos_15:6....the/border went up to Bethhogla/and 52/158
Jos_18:12...the/border went up to the side/of 75/158
Jos_15:6....the/border went up to the stone/of 53/158
Jos_15:8....the/border went up to the top/of 57/158
Jos_15:7....the/border went up toward Debir/from 54/158
Jos_19:11.their/border went up toward the/sea 85/158
Jos_19:22.their/border were at Jordan/sixteen 89/158
Jos_18:19...the/border were at the north/bay 82/158
Jos_15:11...the/border were at the sea/And 63/158
Exo_37:14...the/border were the/rings.. 10/158
Eze_47:13...the/border whereby/ye..... 119/158
Num_20:21...his/border wherefore/Israel 13/158
Num_34:6western/border ye shall/even... 23/158
Amo_6:2....your/border Ye that/put.... 151/158
Num_15:38...the/borders a/ribband........ 7/43
1Ch_5:16..their/borders All/these....... 28/43
Num_20:17...thy/borders And Edom/said.... 8/43
Psa_147:14..thy/borders and filleth/thee 31/43
Jer_15:13...thy/borders And I/will...... 36/43
2Ki_19:23...his/borders and into/the.... 27/43
Num_21:22...thy/borders And Sihon/would.. 9/43
1Ki_7:28....had/borders and the borders/were 18/43
Mic_5:6.....our/borders And the remnant/of 40/43
Jer_17:3....thy/borders And thou/even... 37/43
Eze_27:4....Thy/borders are/in.......... 38/43
Isa_60:18...thy/borders but/thou........ 35/43
1Ki_7:31..their/borders foursquare/not.. 21/43
Exo_34:24...thy/borders neither/shall.... 5/43
Jos_16:2....the/borders of Archi/to..... 15/43
Jos_11:2....the/borders of Dor/on....... 11/43
Gen_47:21...the/borders of Egypt/even.... 2/43
Jos_13:3....the/borders of Ekron/northward 13/43
Son_1:11...thee/borders of gold/with.... 32/43
Jos_22:11...the/borders of Jordan at/the 17/43
Jos_22:10...the/borders of Jordan that/are 16/43
Isa_15:8....the/borders of Moab/the..... 33/43
Isa_54:12...thy/borders of pleasant/stones 34/43
Jos_13:4....the/borders of the Amorites/And 14/43
2Ki_16:17...the/borders of the bases/and 25/43
1Ch_7:29....the/borders of the children/of 29/43
Num_35:27...the/borders of the city/of.. 10/43
Psa_74:17...the/borders of the earth/thou 30/43
Exo_16:35...the/borders of the land/of... 4/43
Jos_13:2....the/borders of the Philistines/and 12/43
Mat_23:5....the/borders of their garments And/love 42/43
Num_15:38...the/borders of their garments throughout/their 6/43
Mar_7:24....the/borders of Tyre/and..... 43/43
Mat_4:13....the/borders of Zabulon/and.. 41/43
Gen_23:17...the/borders round/about...... 1/43
1Ki_7:29....the/borders that/were....... 20/43
2Ki_18:8....the/borders thereof from/the 26/43
1Ki_7:36....the/borders thereof he/graved 24/43
Eze_45:1....the/borders thereof round/about 39/43
1Ki_7:35....the/borders thereof were/of. 23/43
1Ki_7:28....the/borders were between/the 19/43
1Ki_7:32....the/borders were four/wheels 22/43
Exo_8:2.....thy/borders with/frogs....... 3/43
