Act_8:2.......his/burial and/made........... 6/6 because/thou....... 3/6 I/say.............. 2/6
Jer_22:19.....the/burial of/an.............. 4/6 Verily/I........... 5/6
2Ch_26:23.....the/burial which/belonged..... 1/6
2Sa_3:32.....they/buried Abner/in........ 38/106
Gen_49:31....they/buried Abraham/and...... 9/106
Num_33:4Egyptians/buried all/their....... 16/106
Deu_10:6......was/buried and Eleazar/his. 17/106
Act_2:29......and/buried and his/sepulchre 100/106
Luk_16:22.....was/buried And in/hell..... 99/106
Gen_25:10.Abraham/buried and Sarah/his.... 4/106
1Co_15:4......was/buried and that/he.... 105/106
Jdg_12:10.....was/buried at Bethlehem/And 27/106
2Ki_14:20.....was/buried at Jerusalem/with 64/106
Gen_35:8......was/buried beneath/Bethel... 5/106 but/they........ 92/106 by/the.......... 41/106
Act_5:10....forth/buried her by/her..... 103/106
Gen_48:7........I/buried her there/in..... 8/106
1Ki_14:18....they/buried him and all/Israel 48/106
Act_5:6.......and/buried him And it/was. 101/106
2Sa_2:5......have/buried him And now/the. 36/106
2Ki_13:20....they/buried him And the/bands 62/106
2Ch_22:9.....they/buried him Because/said 78/106
Jdg_16:31.....and/buried him between/Zorah 30/106
Jos_24:33....they/buried him in a hill/that 21/106
Deu_34:6.......he/buried him in a valley/in 18/106
1Sa_25:1......and/buried him in his house/at 32/106
2Ch_33:20....they/buried him in his own house/and 87/106
2Ki_23:30.....and/buried him in his own sepulchre/And 70/106
2Ch_16:14....they/buried him in his own sepulchres/which 75/106
2Ki_9:28......and/buried him in his sepulchre/with 57/106
1Sa_28:3......and/buried him in Ramah/even 33/106
2Ki_10:35....they/buried him in Samaria And Jehoahaz/his 58/106
2Ki_13:9.....they/buried him in Samaria and Joash/his 60/106
Jdg_2:9......they/buried him in the border of his inheritance in Timnathheres/in 22/106
Jos_24:30....they/buried him in the border of his inheritance in Timnathserah/which 19/106
Gen_25:9..Ishmael/buried him in the cave of Machpelah/in 3/106
Gen_50:13.....and/buried him in the cave of the/field 12/106
2Ch_32:33....they/buried him in the chiefest/of 86/106
2Ch_28:27....they/buried him in the city even/in 85/106
2Ch_24:16....they/buried him in the city of David among/the 79/106
2Ch_27:9.....they/buried him in the city of David and Ahaz/his 84/106
1Ki_15:8.....they/buried him in the city of David and Asa his son reigned in his stead And/in 50/106
2Ch_14:1.....they/buried him in the city of David and Asa his son reigned in his stead In/his 74/106
2Ch_21:20....they/buried him in the city of David but not/in 77/106
2Ch_24:25....they/buried him in the city of David but they/buried 80/106
2Sa_2:32......and/buried him in the sepulchre/of 37/106
2Ch_24:25....they/buried him not/in...... 81/106
Gen_35:29...Jacob/buried him Now/these.... 7/106
1Ki_13:31.....had/buried him that/he..... 46/106
2Ki_12:21....they/buried him with his fathers in the city of David and Amaziah/his 59/106
2Ki_15:7.....they/buried him with his fathers in the city of David and Jotham/his 65/106
2Ch_25:28.....and/buried him with his fathers in the city of Judah/Then 82/106
2Ch_26:23....they/buried him with his fathers in the field/of 83/106
Gen_50:14.....had/buried his/father...... 13/106 in a/good........ 1/106
Jdg_12:12.....was/buried in Aijalon/in... 28/106
Jdg_10:5......was/buried in Camon/And.... 25/106 in death/and.... 89/106
1Ki_2:34......was/buried in his own/house 44/106
2Ki_21:26.....was/buried in his sepulchre/in 69/106
Jdg_12:7......was/buried in one of the cities/of 26/106
2Ch_35:24.....was/buried in one of the sepulchres/of 88/106
Jdg_12:15.....was/buried in Pirathon/in.. 29/106
1Ki_16:28.....was/buried in Samaria and/Ahab 53/106
2Ki_14:16.....was/buried in Samaria with the kings of Israel and/Jeroboam 63/106
2Ki_13:13.....was/buried in Samaria with the kings of Israel Now/Elisha 61/106
Jdg_10:2......was/buried in Shamir/And... 24/106
2Ch_12:16.....was/buried in the city of David and Abijah/his 73/106
1Ki_2:10......was/buried in the city of David And the/days 43/106
1Ki_11:43.....was/buried in the city of David his father and Rehoboam his son reigned in his stead And Rehoboam went to Shechem for all/Israel 45/106
2Ch_9:31......was/buried in the city of David his father and Rehoboam his son reigned in his stead And Rehoboam went to Shechem for to/Shechem 72/106
2Ki_21:18.....was/buried in the garden/of 68/106
2Sa_17:23.....was/buried in the sepulchre of his/father 40/106
Jdg_8:32......was/buried in the sepulchre of Joash/his 23/106
Gen_35:19.....was/buried in the way/to.... 6/106
1Ki_16:6......was/buried in Tirzah/and... 52/106
Gen_49:31....they/buried Isaac/and....... 10/106
Mat_14:12.....and/buried it and/went..... 98/106
2Sa_4:12......and/buried it in the sepulchre/of 39/106
Eze_39:15....have/buried it in the valley/of 97/106 lay/my.......... 47/106
Gen_49:31.......I/buried Leah/The........ 11/106 neither/shall... 93/106
Gen_23:19.Abraham/buried Sarah/his........ 2/106
2Sa_2:4......that/buried Saul/And........ 35/106
1Ki_22:37....they/buried the king/in..... 54/106 the LORD/do..... 31/106
Num_11:34....they/buried the people/that. 14/106
1Ch_10:12.....and/buried their/bones..... 71/106
1Sa_31:13.....and/buried them/under...... 34/106
Num_20:1......was/buried there And/there. 15/106 there thou/and.. 94/106
Jos_24:32...Egypt/buried they in Shechem/in 20/106
2Sa_21:14.....son/buried they in the/country 42/106
Jer_25:33.....nor/buried they shall be dung/upon 96/106 they shall be for/dung 91/106
Act_5:9......have/buried thy/husband.... 102/106
Ecc_8:10...wicked/buried who/had......... 90/106
Rom_6:4.......are/buried with him by/baptism 104/106
Col_2:12...Christ/Buried with him in/baptism 106/106
2Ki_8:24......was/buried with his fathers in the city of David and Ahaziah/his 56/106
2Ki_16:20.....was/buried with his fathers in the city of David and Hezekiah/his 67/106
1Ki_14:31.....was/buried with his fathers in the city of David And his/mother's 49/106
2Ch_21:1......was/buried with his fathers in the city of David And Jehoram/his 76/106
2Ki_15:38.....was/buried with his fathers in the city of David his father and Ahaz/his 66/106
1Ki_22:50.....was/buried with his fathers in the city of David his father and Jehoram/his 55/106
1Ki_15:24.....was/buried with his fathers in the city of David his father and Jehoshaphat/his 51/106 with the/burial. 95/106
Eze_39:15.....the/buriers/have.............. 1/1
