Jdg_8:14....And/caught a/young........... 6/37
Act_27:15...was/caught and could/not.... 32/37
Jdg_21:23..they/caught and they/went..... 8/37
Act_8:39...Lord/caught away/Philip...... 28/37
Jer_50:24..also/caught because/thou..... 20/37
2Sa_2:16...they/caught every/one........ 10/37
Act_19:29having/caught Gaius/and........ 30/37
Mar_12:3...they/caught him and beat/him. 23/37
Act_6:12....and/caught him and brought/him 27/37
Mat_21:39..they/caught him and cast/him. 22/37
Jdg_1:6.....and/caught him and cut/off... 5/37
Luk_8:29....had/caught him and he/was... 24/37
Pro_7:13....she/caught him and kissed/him 18/37
Mat_14:31...and/caught him and said/unto 21/37
1Sa_17:35.....I/caught him by his beard/and 9/37
Gen_39:12...she/caught him by his garment/saying 2/37
2Ki_4:27....she/caught him by the/feet.. 16/37
2Ch_22:9...they/caught him for/he....... 17/37
2Sa_18:9...head/caught hold of/the...... 11/37
1Ki_2:28....and/caught hold on the horns of the altar And it was told king/Solomon 14/37
1Ki_1:50....and/caught hold on the horns of the altar And it was told Solomon/saying 12/37
1Ki_1:51...hath/caught hold on the horns of the altar saying/Let 13/37
Gen_22:13...ram/caught in a/thicket...... 1/37
Ecc_9:12....are/caught in the/snare..... 19/37
Exo_4:4.....and/caught it/and............ 3/37
Act_26:21..Jews/caught me/in............ 31/37
Joh_21:3...they/caught nothing/But...... 25/37
Act_16:19..they/caught Paul/and......... 29/37
Joh_21:10...now/caught Simon/Peter...... 26/37
1Ki_11:30Ahijah/caught the/new.......... 15/37
Jdg_15:4....and/caught three/hundred..... 7/37
2Co_12:4....was/caught up into/paradise. 34/37
2Co_12:2....one/caught up to/the........ 33/37
1Th_4:17.....be/caught up together/with. 36/37
Rev_12:5....was/caught up unto/God...... 37/37
Num_31:32...had/caught was/six........... 4/37
2Co_12:16.....I/caught you/with......... 35/37
