2Sa_12:14........the/child also/that........ 54/201
Gen_17:10........man/child among/you......... 3/201
Luk_2:17........this/child And all/they.... 170/201
Exo_2:6..........the/child and behold/the... 20/201
1Ki_17:23........the/child and brought/him.. 83/201
2Sa_12:16........the/child and David fasted/and 56/201
2Sa_11:5........with/child And David sent/to 53/201
Luk_9:42.........the/child and delivered/him 177/201
Act_7:5...........no/child And God/spake... 186/201
2Ki_8:12........with/child And Hazael/said.. 98/201
2Ki_5:14......little/child and he/was....... 97/201
2Ki_4:14..........no/child and her husband/is 84/201
Jer_31:8........with/child and her that/travaileth 134/201
Mat_2:21.......young/child and his mother and came/into 151/201
Mat_2:13.......young/child and his mother and flee/into 147/201
Mat_2:20.......young/child and his mother and go/into 150/201
Mat_2:14.......young/child and his mother by/night 149/201
Jdg_13:12........the/child and how/shall.... 36/201
1Ki_3:26......living/child and in no wise slay it But/the 74/201
1Ki_3:27......living/child and in no wise slay it she/is 75/201
Lev_22:13.........no/child and is/returned.. 29/201
1Ki_14:3.........the/child And Jeroboam's/wife 78/201
Rut_4:16.........the/child and laid/it...... 38/201
Luk_9:38........only/child And lo/a........ 176/201
Exo_2:9..........the/child and nursed/it.... 23/201
Mar_9:21...........a/child And ofttimes/it. 159/201
2Ki_4:34.........the/child and put/his...... 92/201
Gen_21:14........the/child and sent/her..... 10/201
Luk_9:47...........a/child and set him by/him 178/201
Mar_9:36...........a/child and set him in/the 161/201
Mat_1:23........with/child and shall/bring. 143/201
Gen_16:11.......with/child and shalt/bear.... 2/201
2Ki_4:26.........the/child And she answered/It 86/201
Gen_38:25.......with/child and she said/Discern 15/201
Gen_21:16........the/child And she sat/over. 12/201
Luk_2:5.........with/child And so/it....... 169/201
Jer_44:7.......woman/child and suckling/out 137/201
Gen_11:30.........no/child And Terah/took.... 1/201
Mat_10:21........the/child and the children/shall 152/201
2Ki_4:34.........the/child and the flesh/of. 93/201
2Ki_4:29.........the/child And the mother/of 87/201
1Ki_11:17.....little/child And they arose/out 76/201
Luk_1:59.........the/child and they called/him 165/201
1Th_5:3.........with/child and they shall/not 193/201
Heb_11:23.....proper/child and they were/not 196/201
Ecc_10:16..........a/child and thy/princes. 113/201
Rev_12:13........man/child And to the/woman 201/201
Mar_13:17.......with/child and to them that give suck in those days And/pray 163/201
Mat_24:19.......with/child and to them that give suck in those days But/pray 158/201
Luk_21:23.......with/child and to them that give suck in those days for/there 181/201
Mat_2:8........young/child and when/ye..... 144/201
Gen_42:22........the/child and ye/would..... 16/201
Rev_12:4.........her/child as/soon......... 198/201
Exo_2:9.........this/child away/and......... 22/201
Gen_17:17..........a/child be born/unto...... 6/201
1Sa_1:22.........the/child be weaned/and.... 40/201
Luk_1:7...........no/child because/that.... 164/201
Jdg_11:34.......only/child beside/her....... 32/201
Jer_1:6............a/child But the LORD/said 129/201
Pro_22:15..........a/child but the rod/of.. 105/201
2Ki_4:31.........the/child but there/was.... 89/201
1Co_13:11..........a/child but when/I...... 191/201
Gen_19:36.......with/child by their/father... 8/201
Gen_38:24.......with/child by whoredom/And.. 14/201
1Ki_17:22........the/child came/into........ 82/201
Lam_4:4......sucking/child cleaveth/to..... 138/201
Job_3:3..........man/child conceived/Let... 100/201
Mar_9:24.........the/child cried out/and... 160/201
Rev_12:2........with/child cried travailing/in 197/201
2Sa_12:19........the/child dead/And......... 62/201
1Sa_2:11.........the/child did/minister..... 44/201
Joh_4:49..........my/child die/Jesus....... 182/201
2Sa_12:18........the/child died And the/servants 57/201
1Ki_14:17........the/child died And they/buried 80/201
1Ki_3:19.....woman's/child died in/the...... 69/201
Gal_4:1............a/child differeth/nothing 192/201
Ecc_11:5........with/child even/so......... 114/201
Pro_23:13........the/child for if/thou..... 106/201
Isa_54:1........with/child for more/are.... 126/201
Jer_31:20...pleasant/child for since/I..... 136/201
Exo_2:7..........the/child for thee/And..... 21/201
Jer_1:7............a/child for thou/shalt.. 130/201
1Sa_2:18...........a/child girded/with...... 45/201
Exo_2:10.........the/child grew and she/brought 24/201
Jdg_13:24........the/child grew and the/LORD 37/201
Gen_21:8.........the/child grew and was/weaned 9/201
Luk_1:80.........the/child grew and waxed strong in spirit and/was 168/201
Luk_2:40.........the/child grew and waxed strong in spirit filled/with 174/201
2Ki_15:16.......with/child he ripped/up..... 99/201
Mar_10:15.....little/child he shall/not.... 162/201
Luk_2:21.........the/child his/name........ 171/201
1Ki_3:7.......little/child I know/not....... 67/201
1Sa_1:27........this/child I prayed/and..... 43/201
1Co_13:11..........a/child I spake/as...... 188/201
1Co_13:11..........a/child I thought/as.... 190/201
1Co_13:11..........a/child I understood/as. 189/201
1Sa_4:21.........the/child Ichabod/saying... 51/201
Exo_22:22.fatherless/child If/thou.......... 26/201
1Ki_3:20........dead/child in my bosom/And.. 70/201
Luk_9:48........this/child in my name receiveth me and/whosoever 179/201
Mat_18:5......little/child in my name receiveth me But/whoso 156/201
Pro_22:6...........a/child in the/way...... 104/201
1Ki_3:25......living/child in two/and....... 72/201
Gen_17:12........man/child in your/generations 4/201
Jer_20:15........man/child is born unto thee/making 132/201
Isa_9:6............a/child is born unto us/a 118/201
2Sa_12:18........the/child is dead/But...... 60/201
Pro_20:11..........a/child is known/by..... 103/201
Gen_37:30........The/child is not and/I..... 13/201
2Ki_4:31.........The/child is not awaked/And 90/201
Luk_2:34........this/child is set/for...... 173/201
Act_4:30........holy/child Jesus And/when.. 185/201
Luk_2:43.........the/child Jesus tarried/behind 175/201
Luk_2:27.........the/child Jesus to/do..... 172/201
Act_4:27........holy/child Jesus whom/thou. 184/201
Pro_29:15..........a/child left/to......... 108/201
Psa_131:2.....weaned/child Let/Israel...... 102/201
2Sa_12:22........the/child may live/But..... 66/201
Isa_10:19..........a/child may write/them.. 119/201
1Sa_4:19........with/child near/to.......... 50/201
Ecc_4:8......neither/child nor/brother..... 110/201
Amo_1:13........with/child of Gilead/that.. 141/201
Mat_23:15........the/child of hell/than.... 157/201
Gen_44:20..........a/child of his/old....... 17/201
Act_13:10.......thou/child of the devil/thou 187/201
Mat_1:18........with/child of the Holy/Ghost 142/201
2Ki_4:35.........the/child opened/his....... 96/201
2Ki_4:30.........the/child said/As.......... 88/201
1Sa_2:21.........the/child Samuel grew before/the 46/201
1Sa_2:26.........the/child Samuel grew on/and 47/201
1Sa_3:1..........the/child Samuel ministered/unto 48/201
Jdg_13:7.........the/child shall be a Nazarite to/God 34/201
Jdg_13:5.........the/child shall be a Nazarite unto/God 33/201
1Ki_13:2...........a/child shall be born/unto 77/201
Hos_13:16.......with/child shall be ripped/up 140/201
Isa_3:5..........the/child shall behave/himself 115/201
Isa_65:20........the/child shall die an/hundred 127/201
1Ki_14:12........the/child shall die And/all 79/201
Pro_29:21..........a/child shall have him/become 109/201
Pro_23:24.......wise/child shall have joy/of 107/201
Isa_8:4..........the/child shall have knowledge/to 117/201
Luk_18:17.....little/child shall in/no..... 180/201
Isa_7:16.........the/child shall know/to... 116/201
Isa_11:6......little/child shall lead/them. 120/201
Isa_11:8.....sucking/child shall play/on... 121/201
Isa_11:8......weaned/child shall put/his... 122/201
Luk_1:66..........of/child shall this/be... 166/201
Luk_1:76........thou/child shalt/be........ 167/201
Exo_2:2.......goodly/child she hid/him...... 18/201
Joh_16:21........the/child she remembereth/no 183/201
2Ki_4:35.........the/child sneezed/seven.... 95/201
Exo_21:22.......with/child so/that.......... 25/201
1Ki_3:21..........my/child suck/behold...... 71/201
Ecc_4:13........wise/child than/an......... 111/201
Isa_26:17.......with/child that draweth/near 123/201
Psa_131:2..........a/child that is/weaned.. 101/201
Jdg_13:8.........the/child that shall be/born 35/201
Ecc_4:15......second/child that shall stand/up 112/201
Isa_49:15....sucking/child that she/should. 125/201
2Sa_12:15........the/child that Uriah's/wife 55/201
Mat_18:4......little/child the same/is..... 155/201
Jer_4:31.......first/child the voice/of.... 131/201
Deu_25:5..........no/child the wife/of...... 31/201
Hos_11:1...........a/child then I loved/him 139/201
1Sa_1:11.........man/child then I will/give. 39/201
Lev_12:2.........man/child then she shall be unclean seven/days 27/201
Lev_12:5........maid/child then she shall be unclean two/weeks 28/201
1Sa_3:8..........the/child Therefore/Eli.... 49/201
Exo_2:3..........the/child therein/and...... 19/201
2Ti_3:15...........a/child thou/hast....... 194/201
1Ki_17:21........the/child three/times...... 81/201
Mat_2:13.......young/child to destroy/him.. 148/201
1Sa_1:25.........the/child to Eli/And....... 42/201
Jer_31:8........with/child together/a...... 135/201
Gen_21:15........the/child under/one........ 11/201
Mat_18:2......little/child unto him/and.... 154/201
2Sa_6:23..........no/child unto the day/of.. 52/201
Num_11:12....sucking/child unto the land/which 30/201
Rev_12:5.........her/child was caught/up... 200/201
Mat_17:18........the/child was cured/from.. 153/201
2Ki_4:32.........the/child was dead and/laid 91/201
2Sa_12:18........the/child was dead for/they 58/201
2Sa_12:19........the/child was dead therefore/David 61/201
2Sa_12:21........the/child was dead thou/didst 64/201
2Ki_4:18.........the/child was grown/it..... 85/201
1Ki_3:26......living/child was unto/the..... 73/201
Mat_2:9........young/child was When/they... 145/201
2Sa_12:22........the/child was yet alive I/fasted 65/201
2Sa_12:18........the/child was yet alive we/spake 59/201
1Sa_1:24.........the/child was young/And.... 41/201
2Ki_4:34.........the/child waxed/warm....... 94/201
Isa_26:18.......with/child we/have......... 124/201
Heb_11:11..........a/child when/she........ 195/201
Jer_30:6........with/child wherefore/do.... 133/201
Gen_18:13..........a/child which/am.......... 7/201
2Sa_12:21........the/child while/it......... 63/201
Isa_66:7.........man/child Who hath/heard.. 128/201
Rev_12:5.........man/child who was/to...... 199/201
Gen_17:14........man/child whose/flesh....... 5/201
1Ki_3:17...........a/child with her/in...... 68/201
Mat_2:11.......young/child with Mary/his... 146/201
1Ti_2:15..........in/childbearing/if........... 1/1
Ecc_11:10........for/childhood and/youth....... 2/2
1Sa_12:2..........my/childhood unto/this....... 1/2
1Co_13:11.......away/childish/things........... 1/1
Jer_22:30........man/childless a/man........... 6/7
1Sa_15:33.........be/childless among/women..... 5/7
Lev_20:20........die/childless And if/a........ 2/7
Gen_15:2..........go/childless and the steward/of 1/7
Luk_20:30.......died/childless And the third/took 7/7
1Sa_15:33......women/childless so/shall........ 4/7
Lev_20:21.........be/childless Ye/shall........ 3/7
1Jn_2:28......little/children abide/in... 1787/1802
Jer_6:11.........the/children abroad/and. 1508/1802
Gen_33:2.........her/children after and/Rachel 33/1802
Deu_4:40.........thy/children after thee and/that 543/1802
Deu_12:28........thy/children after thee for/ever 558/1802
Deu_12:25........thy/children after thee when/thou 557/1802
Jer_32:39......their/children after them And/I 1533/1802
Jer_32:18......their/children after them the/Great 1527/1802
1Ch_28:8........your/children after you for/ever 1099/1802
Lev_25:46.......your/children after you to/inherit 252/1802
Exo_1:17.........men/children alive And the king/of 67/1802
Exo_1:18.........men/children alive And the midwives/said 68/1802
Neh_9:23.......Their/children also multipliedst/thou 1363/1802
Neh_11:31........The/children also of Benjamin/from 1374/1802
Joe_3:6..........The/children also of Judah/and 1621/1802
Gen_50:23........the/children also of Machir/the 60/1802
Jer_30:20......Their/children also shall be as/aforetime 1523/1802
Isa_13:16......Their/children also shall be dashed/to 1467/1802
Nah_3:10.......young/children also were/dashed 1638/1802
Eze_47:22......beget/children among/you.. 1581/1802
Exo_12:37.....beside/children And a/mixed. 108/1802
Zep_1:8.......king's/children and all such/as 1639/1802
Mat_18:25........and/children and all that/he 1665/1802
Est_5:11.........his/children and all the/things 1381/1802
Isa_49:21.........my/children and am/desolate 1487/1802
Pro_7:24..........ye/children and attend/to 1449/1802
Isa_13:18......spare/children And Babylon/the 1468/1802
Jer_18:21......their/children and be/widows 1520/1802
Luk_14:26........and/children and brethren/and 1697/1802
Deu_4:25.......beget/children and children's/children 541/1802
Eze_16:21.........my/children and delivered/them 1560/1802
Pro_5:7...........ye/children and depart/not 1448/1802
Lev_26:22.......your/children and destroy/your 256/1802
Luk_20:31.........no/children and died/Last 1705/1802
Num_3:4...........no/children and Eleazar/and 293/1802
1Ki_20:7..........my/children and for/my.. 992/1802
Mat_19:14.....little/children and forbid/them 1667/1802
Jer_3:19.........the/children and give/thee 1502/1802
1Jn_4:4.......little/children and have/overcome 1792/1802
1Sa_16:11........thy/children And he said/There 932/1802
Mat_15:38........and/children And he sent/away 1661/1802
Joh_4:12.........his/children and his cattle/Jesus 1710/1802
Gen_18:19........his/children and his household/after 10/1802
Isa_49:25........thy/children And I will feed/them 1488/1802
Jer_3:22.backsliding/children and I will heal/your 1504/1802
2Co_12:14........the/children And I will very/gladly 1745/1802
Mar_10:30........and/children and lands/with 1684/1802
Psa_17:14.........of/children and leave/the 1398/1802
Psa_90:16......their/children And let/the 1418/1802
Ecc_6:3......hundred/children and live/many 1458/1802
Neh_5:5........their/children and lo/we.. 1270/1802
Num_16:27.....little/children And Moses/said 390/1802
Jer_40:7.........and/children and of/the. 1535/1802
Luk_7:35.........her/children And one/of. 1693/1802
Exo_17:3.........our/children and our/cattle 141/1802
Psa_128:6.children's/children and peace/upon 1437/1802
2Ki_8:12.......their/children and rip/up. 1003/1802
Gen_33:5.........the/children and said/Who. 34/1802
Deu_6:7..........thy/children and shalt/talk 549/1802
Gen_16:1..........no/children and she/had... 8/1802
Eze_2:4.....impudent/children and stiffhearted/I 1555/1802
Mat_14:21........and/children And straightway/Jesus 1660/1802
1Sa_22:19......women/children and sucklings/and 934/1802
Luk_1:17.........the/children and the disobedient/to 1688/1802
Jer_41:16........the/children and the eunuchs/whom 1536/1802
Mal_4:6..........the/children and the heart/of 1644/1802
Jer_43:6.........and/children and the king's/daughters 1537/1802
Luk_20:29....without/children And the second/took 1704/1802
1Ch_2:30.....without/children And the sons of Appaim/Ishi 1037/1802
1Ch_2:32.....without/children And the sons of Jonathan/Peleth 1039/1802
Lam_2:11.........the/children and the sucklings/swoon 1547/1802
Pro_13:22.children's/children and the wealth/of 1451/1802
Joe_1:3........their/children and their children/another 1617/1802
2Ki_17:41......their/children and their children's children as/did 1023/1802
Eze_37:25......their/children and their children's children for/ever 1576/1802
1Ti_3:12.......their/children and their own/houses 1771/1802
Dan_6:24.......their/children and their wives/and 1594/1802
Gen_31:43.........my/children and these/cattle 27/1802
Gen_33:6.......their/children and they bowed/themselves 36/1802
Jer_4:22.....sottish/children and they have none/understanding 1505/1802
Isa_1:2...........up/children and they have rebelled/against 1460/1802
Jdg_21:10........the/children And this is/the 909/1802
1Sa_1:2...........no/children And this man/went 916/1802
Joe_2:16.........the/children and those/that 1619/1802
Eze_16:45........her/children and thou art/the 1562/1802
Gen_32:11........the/children And thou saidst/I 29/1802
Gen_45:10........thy/children and thy children's/children 53/1802
Gen_3:16.......forth/children and thy desire/shall 1/1802
Gen_45:10.children's/children and thy flocks/and 54/1802
Deu_31:12........and/children and thy stranger/that 574/1802
2Ch_21:14........thy/children and thy wives/and 1127/1802
Act_2:39........your/children and to/all. 1716/1802
Zec_10:9.......their/children and turn/again 1643/1802
Exo_34:7.........the/children and upon/the 181/1802
Eph_5:1.........dear/children And walk/in 1758/1802
Isa_47:9..........of/children and widowhood/they 1484/1802
1Ki_9:6.........your/children and will/not 975/1802
Eze_9:6.......little/children and women but/come 1559/1802
Est_3:13......little/children and women in/one 1380/1802
Mat_2:18.........her/children and would/not 1647/1802
Deu_4:10.......their/children And ye came/near 540/1802
Deu_4:25..children's/children and ye shall/have 542/1802
Joe_1:3........their/children another/generation 1618/1802
Psa_127:3.........Lo/children are an/heritage 1434/1802
Pro_20:7.........his/children are blessed/after 1456/1802
2Ki_19:3.........the/children are come to the birth and there is not strength to bring forth It may be the LORD thy God will hear all/the 1026/1802
Isa_37:3.........the/children are come to the birth and there is not strength to bring forth It may be the LORD thy God will hear the/words 1480/1802
Lam_1:16..........my/children are desolate/because 1546/1802
Job_5:4..........His/children are far/from 1382/1802
Jer_10:20.........my/children are gone forth/of 1513/1802
Lam_1:5..........her/children are gone into/captivity 1545/1802
Gen_31:43......these/children are my/children 26/1802
Heb_2:14.........the/children are partakers/of 1778/1802
Gen_33:13........the/children are tender/and 38/1802
Pro_17:6..Children's/children are the/crown 1454/1802
Pro_17:6..........of/children are their fathers/Excellent 1455/1802
Isa_3:12......people/children are their oppressors/and 1464/1802
Luk_11:7..........my/children are with/me 1694/1802
Pro_31:28........Her/children arise/up... 1457/1802
2Ki_17:41.children's/children as did/their 1024/1802
Neh_5:5..........our/children as their/children 1269/1802
Hos_4:6..........thy/children As they/were 1607/1802
Lam_4:4........young/children ask bread/and 1551/1802
Jos_4:6.........your/children ask their/fathers 599/1802
Gen_33:14........the/children be able/to... 39/1802
Psa_109:10.......his/children be continually/vagabonds 1429/1802
Psa_109:9........his/children be fatherless/and 1428/1802
Job_27:14........his/children be multiplied/it 1390/1802
2Ki_14:6.........the/children be put to death for the fathers but/every 1014/1802
Deu_24:16........the/children be put to death for the fathers every/man 566/1802
2Co_6:13..........my/children be ye/also. 1743/1802
Deu_1:36.........his/children because he hath/wholly 524/1802
Gen_37:3.........his/children because he was/the 50/1802
Jer_31:15........her/children because they/were 1525/1802
1Jn_2:13......little/children because ye/have 1785/1802
1Jn_2:12......little/children because your/sins 1784/1802
Rom_9:11.........the/children being/not.. 1735/1802
Gen_10:21.......were/children born/The...... 4/1802
Deu_21:15........him/children both/the.... 562/1802
2Ch_25:4.......their/children but did/as. 1128/1802
1Sa_1:2..........had/children but Hannah/had 915/1802
Rom_9:7..........all/children but In Isaac/shall 1731/1802
1Co_14:20.........ye/children but in understanding/be 1740/1802
Gal_4:25.........her/children But Jerusalem/which 1750/1802
Isa_47:8..........of/children But these/two 1483/1802
Gen_16:2......obtain/children by her And Abram/hearkened 9/1802
Gen_30:3........have/children by her And she/gave 24/1802
Eph_1:5...........of/children by Jesus/Christ 1754/1802
Gen_33:7.........her/children came/near.... 37/1802
Mat_12:27.......your/children cast/them.. 1657/1802
Jos_22:25........our/children cease/from.. 763/1802
Isa_30:9.......lying/children children/that 1477/1802
Mat_21:15........the/children crying/in.. 1670/1802
Job_21:11......their/children dance/They. 1387/1802
Job_19:18......young/children despised/me 1385/1802
2Ch_25:4.........the/children die/for.... 1130/1802
Mic_1:16....delicate/children enlarge/thy 1635/1802
1Ki_20:3.........thy/children even/the.... 990/1802
Exo_22:24.......your/children fatherless/If 150/1802
Lam_5:13.........the/children fell/under. 1553/1802
Mar_7:27.........the/children first/be... 1678/1802
Luk_23:28.......your/children For behold/the 1709/1802
Pro_8:32..........ye/children for blessed/are 1450/1802
Ezr_9:12........your/children for ever And after/all 1261/1802
Eze_37:25.children's/children for ever and my/servant 1577/1802
Deu_5:29.......their/children for ever Go/say 548/1802
Deu_29:29........our/children for ever that/we 572/1802
Jer_47:3.......their/children for feebleness/of 1538/1802
Isa_14:21........his/children for the iniquity/of 1469/1802
Luk_18:29.........or/children for the kingdom/of 1701/1802
Gen_20:17.......bare/children For the LORD/had 12/1802
Ezr_10:1.........and/children for the people/wept 1262/1802
Psa_69:8....mother's/children For the zeal/of 1406/1802
Hos_2:4..........her/children for they be/the 1601/1802
Deu_33:9.........own/children for they have/observed 589/1802
Gen_30:26.........my/children for whom/I... 25/1802
Gen_33:2.......their/children foremost/and. 32/1802
Psa_89:30........his/children forsake/my. 1416/1802
Mat_17:26........the/children free/Notwithstanding 1663/1802
Jer_9:21.........the/children from/without 1511/1802
Jer_7:18.........The/children gather/wood 1509/1802
Dan_1:17........four/children God/gave... 1590/1802
1Ti_5:14........bear/children guide/the.. 1774/1802
1Ch_9:23.......their/children had/the.... 1063/1802
Jer_5:7..........thy/children have forsaken/me 1506/1802
Job_8:4..........thy/children have sinned/against 1383/1802
Joh_21:5........them/Children have ye any/meat 1715/1802
Mic_2:9........their/children have ye taken/away 1636/1802
Job_21:19........his/children he/rewardeth 1388/1802
Psa_34:11.........ye/children hearken/unto 1400/1802
Mat_22:24.........no/children his/brother 1671/1802
Mar_10:24.......them/Children how hard/is 1682/1802
Mat_7:11........your/children how much more shall your Father/which 1651/1802
Luk_11:13.......your/children how much more shall your heavenly/Father 1695/1802
Gen_43:14.........my/children I am/bereaved 52/1802
Exo_13:15.........my/children I redeem/And 115/1802
Jer_15:7..........of/children I will destroy/my 1514/1802
Exo_21:5..........my/children I will not/go 149/1802
Jer_49:11.fatherless/children I will preserve/them 1540/1802
Hos_13:13.........of/children I will ransom/them 1614/1802
1Ti_5:10..........up/children if/she..... 1773/1802
2Ki_17:31......their/children in fire/to. 1021/1802
2Ki_8:19.........his/children In his/days 1004/1802
Mar_9:37........such/children in my/name. 1679/1802
Isa_54:13........thy/children In righteousness/shalt 1492/1802
1Ti_3:4..........his/children in subjection/with 1770/1802
Act_13:33......their/children in that/he. 1725/1802
1Ch_8:8........begat/children in the country/of 1057/1802
2Ch_28:3.........his/children in the fire/after 1137/1802
Deu_11:21.......your/children in the land/which 556/1802
Deu_17:20........his/children in the midst/of 561/1802
Isa_57:5.........the/children in the valleys/under 1494/1802
Eze_20:18......their/children in the wilderness/Walk 1564/1802
Jos_22:27........our/children in time/to.. 765/1802
1Co_14:20........not/children in understanding/howbeit 1739/1802
Deu_32:20.generation/children in whom is/no 582/1802
Dan_1:4......princes/Children in whom was/no 1585/1802
1Sa_2:5.........many/children is/waxed.... 917/1802
2Sa_12:3.........his/children it did/eat.. 957/1802
1Jn_2:18......Little/children it is/the.. 1786/1802
2Ch_11:19........him/children Jeush/and.. 1112/1802
Gen_42:36.........my/children Joseph/is.... 51/1802
1Jn_5:21......Little/children keep/yourselves 1794/1802
Jos_4:22........your/children know/saying. 608/1802
Deu_33:24.......with/children let him/be.. 590/1802
Psa_109:12fatherless/children Let his/posterity 1430/1802
1Jn_3:7.......Little/children let no/man. 1788/1802
Psa_148:12.......and/children Let them/praise 1444/1802
1Jn_3:18......little/children let us/not. 1791/1802
Psa_128:3........thy/children like/olive. 1436/1802
Jos_22:25.......your/children make/our.... 762/1802
Jos_22:27.......your/children may/not..... 764/1802
Jos_22:24.......your/children might/speak. 758/1802
Heb_12:5........unto/children My/son..... 1780/1802
1Ch_4:27........many/children neither did/all 1040/1802
Isa_23:4.......forth/children neither do/I 1473/1802
Deu_24:16........the/children neither shall the children be/put 565/1802
2Ch_25:4.........the/children neither shall the children die/for 1129/1802
Act_21:21......their/children neither to/walk 1727/1802
2Ki_14:6.........the/children nor/the.... 1013/1802
Tit_1:6.....faithful/children not accused/of 1775/1802
1Pe_1:14....obedient/children not fashioning/yourselves 1781/1802
Hos_5:7......strange/children now/shall.. 1608/1802
Col_3:20........them/Children obey your parents in all/things 1764/1802
Eph_6:1......husband/Children obey your parents in the/Lord 1761/1802
Jdg_8:18.........the/children of a king/And 825/1802
Lam_2:20.........and/children of a span/long 1549/1802
1Ch_15:4.........the/children of Aaron and/the 1073/1802
Jos_21:10........the/children of Aaron being/of 729/1802
Neh_12:47........the/children of Aaron On/that 1376/1802
Lev_6:18.........the/children of Aaron shall/eat 201/1802
Jos_21:13........the/children of Aaron the priest Hebron/with 731/1802
Jos_21:4.........the/children of Aaron the priest which/were 722/1802
Jos_21:19........the/children of Aaron the priests/were 732/1802
Jos_17:2.........the/children of Abiezer/and 673/1802
1Ch_5:14.........the/children of Abihail/the 1043/1802
Gal_3:7..........the/children of Abraham/And 1746/1802
Ezr_2:15.........The/children of Adin four/hundred 1167/1802
Neh_7:20.........The/children of Adin six/hundred 1285/1802
Ezr_2:13.........The/children of Adonikam six hundred sixty/and 1165/1802
Neh_7:18.........The/children of Adonikam six hundred threescore/and 1283/1802
Ezr_2:45.........the/children of Akkub The children of Hagab/the 1206/1802
Neh_7:45.........the/children of Akkub the children of Hatita the children of Shobai an/hundred 1306/1802
Ezr_2:42.........the/children of Akkub the children of Hatita the children of Shobai in/all 1195/1802
Ezr_2:57.........the/children of Ami/All. 1243/1802
1Sa_14:47........the/children of Ammon and against/Edom 930/1802
Jer_25:21........the/children of Ammon And all/the 1522/1802
Jdg_3:13.........the/children of Ammon and Amalek/and 802/1802
Jdg_11:8.........the/children of Ammon and be/our 845/1802
2Sa_11:1.........the/children of Ammon and besieged/Rabbah 956/1802
1Ch_20:1.........the/children of Ammon and came and/besieged 1089/1802
2Sa_10:14........the/children of Ammon and came to/Jerusalem 954/1802
1Ch_20:3.........the/children of Ammon And David/and 1090/1802
Jdg_12:1.........the/children of Ammon and didst/not 861/1802
Amo_1:13.........the/children of Ammon and for/four 1626/1802
1Ch_18:11........the/children of Ammon and from the Philistines and/from 1077/1802
Jdg_10:11........the/children of Ammon and from the Philistines The/Zidonians 837/1802
Jos_12:2.........the/children of Ammon And from the plain/to 636/1802
Jos_13:10........the/children of Ammon And Gilead/and 640/1802
1Ki_11:33........the/children of Ammon and have/not 982/1802
2Sa_10:10........the/children of Ammon And he said If the Syrians be too strong for me then thou shalt help me but if the children of Ammon be too strong for thee then I will come/and 951/1802
1Ch_19:11........the/children of Ammon And he said If the Syrians be too strong for me then thou shalt help me but if the children of Ammon be too strong for thee then I will help/thee 1085/1802
Jdg_11:6.........the/children of Ammon And Jephthah said/unto 844/1802
Jdg_11:29........the/children of Ammon And Jephthah vowed/a 854/1802
1Ki_11:7.........the/children of Ammon And likewise/did 981/1802
2Sa_17:27........the/children of Ammon and Machir/the 961/1802
Jer_9:26.........the/children of Ammon and Moab and all/that 1512/1802
2Ch_20:10........the/children of Ammon and Moab and mount/Seir 1121/1802
2Ch_20:23........the/children of Ammon and Moab stood/up 1126/1802
2Sa_8:12.........the/children of Ammon and of/the 944/1802
Jdg_11:14........the/children of Ammon And said/unto 849/1802
2Ki_24:2.........the/children of Ammon and sent/them 1033/1802
Jdg_11:36........the/children of Ammon And she/said 860/1802
Jdg_10:7.........the/children of Ammon And that/year 831/1802
Jdg_10:6.........the/children of Ammon and the gods/of 830/1802
Jdg_11:9.........the/children of Ammon and the LORD deliver/them 846/1802
Jdg_12:3.........the/children of Ammon and the LORD delivered/them 863/1802
2Sa_10:2.........the/children of Ammon And the princes/of 946/1802
2Sa_12:26........the/children of Ammon and took/the 959/1802
Jdg_12:2.........the/children of Ammon and when/I 862/1802
2Ch_20:1.........the/children of Ammon and with/them 1120/1802
Jdg_11:13........the/children of Ammon answered/unto 848/1802
2Sa_10:19........the/children of Ammon any more And it came to pass after/the 955/1802
1Ch_19:19........the/children of Ammon any more And it came to pass that/after 1088/1802
Deu_2:19.........the/children of Ammon any possession/because 531/1802
Zep_2:9..........the/children of Ammon as/Gomorrah 1641/1802
2Sa_10:11........the/children of Ammon be too strong for thee then I will come/and 952/1802
1Ch_19:12........the/children of Ammon be too strong for thee then I will help/thee 1086/1802
Jdg_11:15........the/children of Ammon But/when 850/1802
1Sa_12:12........the/children of Ammon came against/you 928/1802
2Sa_10:8.........the/children of Ammon came out and put the battle in array at/the 950/1802
1Ch_19:9.........the/children of Ammon came out and put the battle in array before/the 1084/1802
2Ki_23:13........the/children of Ammon did/the 1032/1802
2Sa_10:1.........the/children of Ammon died and Hanun/his 945/1802
1Ch_19:1.........the/children of Ammon died and his/son 1078/1802
Deu_2:19.........the/children of Ammon distress/them 530/1802
Num_21:24........the/children of Ammon for/the 423/1802
1Ch_19:7.........the/children of Ammon gathered/themselves 1083/1802
2Ch_27:5.........the/children of Ammon gave/him 1135/1802
Jdg_10:18........the/children of Ammon he shall be/head 841/1802
Dan_11:41........the/children of Ammon He shall stretch/forth 1595/1802
Jdg_11:28........the/children of Ammon hearkened/not 853/1802
Jdg_11:27........the/children of Ammon Howbeit/the 852/1802
Jdg_11:30........the/children of Ammon into/mine 855/1802
Jdg_11:4.........the/children of Ammon made war against Israel And/it 842/1802
Jdg_11:5.........the/children of Ammon made war against Israel the/elders 843/1802
2Ch_20:22........the/children of Ammon Moab/and 1125/1802
Deu_3:11.........the/children of Ammon nine/cubits 537/1802
2Sa_12:9.........the/children of Ammon Now/therefore 958/1802
Jdg_10:9.........the/children of Ammon passed/over 834/1802
2Ch_27:5.........the/children of Ammon pay/unto 1136/1802
1Ch_19:3.........the/children of Ammon said to/Hanun 1080/1802
2Sa_10:3.........the/children of Ammon said unto/Hanun 947/1802
Jer_49:6.........the/children of Ammon saith/the 1539/1802
2Sa_10:14........the/children of Ammon saw that the Syrians were fled then/fled 953/1802
1Ch_19:15........the/children of Ammon saw that the Syrians were fled they/likewise 1087/1802
1Ch_19:6.........the/children of Ammon saw that they had/made 1081/1802
2Sa_10:6.........the/children of Ammon saw that they stank/before 948/1802
Jdg_11:12........the/children of Ammon saying/What 847/1802
1Ch_19:6.........the/children of Ammon sent a/thousand 1082/1802
2Sa_10:6.........the/children of Ammon sent and/hired 949/1802
Isa_11:14........the/children of Ammon shall obey/them 1466/1802
Jdg_11:31........the/children of Ammon shall surely/be 856/1802
2Sa_12:31........the/children of Ammon So/David 960/1802
Deu_3:16.........the/children of Ammon The/plain 538/1802
Deu_2:37.........the/children of Ammon thou/camest 535/1802
Jdg_11:32........the/children of Ammon to fight/against 857/1802
1Ch_19:2.........the/children of Ammon to Hanun/to 1079/1802
Jos_13:25........the/children of Ammon unto Aroer/that 647/1802
Gen_19:38........the/children of Ammon unto this/day 11/1802
Num_21:24........the/children of Ammon was/strong 424/1802
Jdg_10:17........the/children of Ammon were gathered/together 839/1802
Jdg_11:33........the/children of Ammon were subdued/before 858/1802
Zep_2:8..........the/children of Ammon whereby/they 1640/1802
Neh_7:59.........the/children of Amon/All 1351/1802
1Ch_6:3..........the/children of Amram/Aaron 1045/1802
Gen_36:25........the/children of Anah/were. 45/1802
Jos_15:14........the/children of Anak And/he 661/1802
Num_13:28........the/children of Anak there/The 371/1802
Deu_9:2..........the/children of Anak Understand/therefore 551/1802
Num_13:22........the/children of Anak were/Now 368/1802
Ezr_2:5..........The/children of Arah seven/hundred 1156/1802
Neh_7:10.........The/children of Arah six/hundred 1274/1802
Gen_10:23........the/children of Aram/Uz.... 6/1802
Neh_7:44.........the/children of Asaph an hundred forty/and 1302/1802
Ezr_2:41.........the/children of Asaph an hundred twenty/and 1190/1802
Jos_19:24........the/children of Asher according to their families And/their 707/1802
Jos_19:31........the/children of Asher according to their families these/cities 708/1802
Num_26:44........the/children of Asher after/their 441/1802
Num_34:27........the/children of Asher Ahihud/the 503/1802
Num_1:40.........the/children of Asher by/their 273/1802
1Ch_7:40.........the/children of Asher heads/of 1056/1802
Num_7:72.........the/children of Asher offered/His 324/1802
Num_2:27.........the/children of Asher shall/be 288/1802
Num_10:26........the/children of Asher was/Pagiel 362/1802
Ezr_2:50.........The/children of Asnah/the 1219/1802
Jos_17:2.........the/children of Asriel/and 675/1802
Ezr_2:16.........The/children of Ater of Hezekiah ninety and eight The children of Bezai/three 1168/1802
Neh_7:21.........The/children of Ater of Hezekiah ninety and eight The children of Hashum/three 1286/1802
Neh_7:45.........the/children of Ater the children of Talmon the children of Akkub the children of Hatita the children of Shobai an/hundred 1304/1802
Ezr_2:42.........the/children of Ater the children of Talmon the children of Akkub the children of Hatita the children of Shobai in/all 1193/1802
Ezr_2:12.........The/children of Azgad a/thousand 1164/1802
Neh_7:17.........The/children of Azgad two/thousand 1282/1802
Ezr_2:24.........The/children of Azmaveth/forty 1174/1802
1Ch_2:18.......begat/children of Azubah/his 1036/1802
Neh_7:53.........The/children of Bakbuk the children of Hakupha the children of Harhur The children of Bazlith/the 1330/1802
Ezr_2:51.........The/children of Bakbuk the children of Hakupha the children of Harhur The children of Bazluth/the 1222/1802
Ezr_2:10.........The/children of Bani/six 1162/1802
Neh_7:55.........The/children of Barkos the children of Sisera the children of Tamah/The 1336/1802
Ezr_2:53.........The/children of Barkos the children of Sisera the children of Thamah/The 1228/1802
Ezr_2:61.........the/children of Barzillai which took a/wife 1251/1802
Neh_7:63.........the/children of Barzillai which took one/of 1358/1802
Job_30:8.........yea/children of base/men 1393/1802
Neh_7:54.........The/children of Bazlith/the 1333/1802
Ezr_2:52.........The/children of Bazluth/the 1225/1802
Neh_7:16.........The/children of Bebai six hundred twenty and eight/The 1281/1802
Ezr_2:11.........The/children of Bebai six hundred twenty and three/The 1163/1802
2Ch_13:7.........the/children of Belial and have/strengthened 1114/1802
1Ki_21:13........men/children of Belial and sat/before 997/1802
Deu_13:13........the/children of Belial are/gone 559/1802
1Sa_10:27........the/children of Belial said/How 926/1802
Jdg_20:13........the/children of Belial which/are 881/1802
Jos_18:28........the/children of Benjamin according to their families And/the 695/1802
Jos_18:21........the/children of Benjamin according to their families were/Jericho 694/1802
1Ch_12:16........the/children of Benjamin and Judah/to 1065/1802
1Ch_9:3..........the/children of Benjamin and of/the 1059/1802
Jdg_20:48........the/children of Benjamin and smote/them 906/1802
Jdg_20:18........the/children of Benjamin And the/LORD 888/1802
2Sa_23:29........the/children of Benjamin Benaiah the Pirathonite Hiddai/of 965/1802
1Ch_11:31........the/children of Benjamin Benaiah the Pirathonite Hurai/of 1064/1802
Jos_18:20........the/children of Benjamin by the/coasts 693/1802
Num_1:36.........the/children of Benjamin by their/generations 271/1802
Jdg_20:21........the/children of Benjamin came forth/out 890/1802
Jos_18:11........the/children of Benjamin came up/according 689/1802
Jdg_1:21.........the/children of Benjamin did not/drive 789/1802
Jdg_21:23........the/children of Benjamin did so/and 913/1802
2Sa_4:2..........the/children of Benjamin for/Beeroth 939/1802
Jer_6:1...........ye/children of Benjamin gather/yourselves 1507/1802
2Sa_2:25.........the/children of Benjamin gathered themselves together after/Abner 938/1802
Jdg_20:14........the/children of Benjamin gathered themselves together out/of 884/1802
Jdg_20:3.........the/children of Benjamin heard/that 877/1802
Jdg_1:21.........the/children of Benjamin in/Jerusalem 790/1802
Jdg_20:23........the/children of Benjamin my brother And/the 892/1802
Jdg_20:28........the/children of Benjamin my brother or/shall 898/1802
Neh_11:4.........the/children of Benjamin Of/the 1369/1802
Num_7:60.........the/children of Benjamin offered/His 322/1802
Jdg_20:30........the/children of Benjamin on/the 900/1802
Jdg_20:32........the/children of Benjamin said/They 902/1802
Jdg_20:36........the/children of Benjamin saw/that 905/1802
Jdg_21:20........the/children of Benjamin saying/Go 912/1802
Jdg_21:13........the/children of Benjamin that/were 910/1802
1Ch_12:29........the/children of Benjamin the kindred/of 1069/1802
Jdg_20:24........the/children of Benjamin the second/day 894/1802
1Ch_6:65.........the/children of Benjamin these/cities 1050/1802
Num_10:24........the/children of Benjamin was/Abidan 360/1802
Jdg_20:31........the/children of Benjamin went/out 901/1802
Jdg_20:15........the/children of Benjamin were/numbered 886/1802
Jdg_20:13........the/children of Benjamin would/not 882/1802
Ezr_2:49.........the/children of Besai The children of Asnah/the 1218/1802
Neh_7:52.........The/children of Besai the children of Meunim/the 1327/1802
Ezr_2:21.........The/children of Bethlehem/an 1173/1802
Neh_7:23.........The/children of Bezai three hundred twenty and four/The 1288/1802
Ezr_2:17.........The/children of Bezai three hundred twenty and three/The 1169/1802
Ezr_2:14.........The/children of Bigvai two thousand fifty/and 1166/1802
Neh_7:19.........The/children of Bigvai two thousand threescore/and 1284/1802
Neh_7:15.........The/children of Binnui/six 1280/1802
Jos_19:40........the/children of Dan according to their families And/the 712/1802
Jos_19:48........the/children of Dan according to their families these/cities 715/1802
Jdg_18:22........the/children of Dan And they cried/unto 869/1802
Jdg_18:23........the/children of Dan And they turned/their 870/1802
Num_34:22........the/children of Dan Bukki/the 497/1802
Num_1:38.........the/children of Dan by/their 272/1802
Jdg_1:34.........the/children of Dan into/the 791/1802
Num_7:66.........the/children of Dan offered/His 323/1802
Jdg_18:25........the/children of Dan said/unto 871/1802
Jdg_18:2.........the/children of Dan sent/of 867/1802
Num_10:25........the/children of Dan set forward/which 361/1802
Jdg_18:30........the/children of Dan set up/the 873/1802
Num_2:25.........the/children of Dan shall/be 287/1802
Jdg_18:16........the/children of Dan stood/by 868/1802
Jos_19:47........the/children of Dan went out/too 713/1802
Jdg_18:26........the/children of Dan went their/way 872/1802
Jos_19:47........the/children of Dan went up/to 714/1802
Ezr_2:56.........the/children of Darkon the children of Giddel The children of Shephatiah the children of Hattil the children of Pochereth of Zebaim the children of Ami/All 1238/1802
Neh_7:58.........the/children of Darkon the children of Giddel The children of Shephatiah the children of Hattil the children of Pochereth of Zebaim the children of Amon/All 1346/1802
Ezr_2:60.........The/children of Delaiah the children of Tobiah the children of Nekoda six hundred fifty/and 1245/1802
Neh_7:62.........The/children of Delaiah the children of Tobiah the children of Nekoda six hundred forty/and 1353/1802
Gen_36:28........The/children of Dishan/are 48/1802
Gen_36:26........the/children of Dishon/Hemdan 46/1802
Eph_2:2..........the/children of disobedience Among/whom 1755/1802
Eph_5:6..........the/children of disobedience Be/not 1759/1802
Col_3:6..........the/children of disobedience In/the 1763/1802
Gen_10:21........the/children of Eber/the... 3/1802
Isa_37:12........the/children of Eden which were in Telassar/Where 1481/1802
2Ki_19:12........the/children of Eden which were in Thelasar/Where 1027/1802
Psa_137:7........the/children of Edom/in. 1440/1802
Neh_7:12.........The/children of Elam a thousand two hundred fifty and four The children of Zattu eight/hundred 1277/1802
Ezr_2:7..........The/children of Elam a thousand two hundred fifty and four The children of Zattu nine/hundred 1159/1802
Jos_16:5.........the/children of Ephraim according/to 668/1802
1Ch_27:10........the/children of Ephraim and in his course were twenty and four thousand The eighth/captain 1096/1802
1Ch_27:14........the/children of Ephraim and in his course were twenty and four thousand The twelfth/captain 1097/1802
1Ch_9:3..........the/children of Ephraim and Manasseh/Uthai 1060/1802
Jos_17:8.........the/children of Ephraim And the/coast 680/1802
2Ch_28:12........the/children of Ephraim Azariah/the 1141/1802
Psa_78:9.........The/children of Ephraim being/armed 1413/1802
2Ch_25:7.........the/children of Ephraim But/if 1131/1802
Jos_16:8.........the/children of Ephraim by their families/And 669/1802
Num_1:32.........the/children of Ephraim by their generations/after 269/1802
1Ch_27:20........the/children of Ephraim Hoshea/the 1098/1802
Num_34:24........the/children of Ephraim Kemuel/the 500/1802
Num_7:48.........the/children of Ephraim offered/His 320/1802
Num_10:22........the/children of Ephraim set/forward 358/1802
1Ch_12:30........the/children of Ephraim twenty/thousand 1070/1802
Jos_16:9.........the/children of Ephraim were/among 670/1802
Deu_2:12.........the/children of Esau succeeded/them 529/1802
Deu_2:29.........the/children of Esau which dwell in Seir and the/Moabites 534/1802
Deu_2:4..........the/children of Esau which dwell in Seir and they/shall 526/1802
Deu_2:8..........the/children of Esau which dwelt in Seir through/the 527/1802
Deu_2:22.........the/children of Esau which dwelt in Seir when/he 533/1802
Deu_3:6..........and/children of every/city 536/1802
Gen_36:27........The/children of Ezer/are.. 47/1802
Job_30:8........were/children of fools/yea 1392/1802
Num_34:14........the/children of Gad according to the/house 495/1802
Jos_13:24........the/children of Gad according to their/families 646/1802
Num_26:18........the/children of Gad according to those/that 440/1802
Num_26:15........The/children of Gad after their families of/Zephon 439/1802
Jos_13:28........the/children of Gad after their families the/cities 648/1802
Jos_4:12.........the/children of Gad and half/the 604/1802
Jos_22:30........the/children of Gad and the children of Manasseh/spake 767/1802
Num_32:31........the/children of Gad and the children of Reuben answered/saying 479/1802
Num_32:2.........The/children of Gad and the children of Reuben came/and 466/1802
Num_32:25........the/children of Gad and the children of Reuben spake/unto 474/1802
Num_32:29........the/children of Gad and the children of Reuben will/pass 477/1802
Jos_22:21........the/children of Gad and the half tribe of Manasseh answered/and 757/1802
Jos_22:10........the/children of Gad and the half tribe of Manasseh built/there 744/1802
Jos_22:11........the/children of Gad and the half tribe of Manasseh have/built 747/1802
Jos_22:9.........the/children of Gad and the half tribe of Manasseh returned/and 741/1802
Jos_22:31........the/children of Gad and to the children of Manasseh/This 770/1802
Num_32:33........the/children of Gad and to the children of Reuben and/unto 481/1802
Num_32:6.........the/children of Gad and to the children of Reuben Shall/your 468/1802
Jos_22:13........the/children of Gad and to the half tribe of Manasseh into/the 753/1802
Jos_22:15........the/children of Gad and to the half tribe of Manasseh unto/the 755/1802
Num_32:34........the/children of Gad built/Dibon 483/1802
Num_1:24.........the/children of Gad by/their 264/1802
Jos_22:34........the/children of Gad called/the 780/1802
1Ch_5:11.........the/children of Gad dwelt/over 1042/1802
Num_32:1.........the/children of Gad had/a 465/1802
Num_7:42.........the/children of Gad offered/His 319/1802
Jos_22:32........the/children of Gad out/of 774/1802
Num_10:20........the/children of Gad was/Eliasaph 357/1802
Jos_22:25........and/children of Gad ye/have 761/1802
Ezr_2:47.........the/children of Gahar the children of Reaiah The children of Rezin the children of Nekoda the children of Gazzam The children of Uzza the children of Paseah/the 1211/1802
Neh_7:49.........the/children of Gahar The children of Reaiah the children of Rezin the children of Nekoda The children of Gazzam the children of Uzza the children of Phaseah/The 1320/1802
Ezr_2:48.........the/children of Gazzam The children of Uzza the children of Paseah/the 1215/1802
Neh_7:51.........The/children of Gazzam the children of Uzza the children of Phaseah/The 1324/1802
Jos_21:6.........the/children of Gershon had/by 724/1802
Jos_21:27........the/children of Gershon of/the 736/1802
Ezr_2:20.........The/children of Gibbar/ninety 1172/1802
Neh_7:25.........The/children of Gibeon/ninety 1290/1802
Ezr_2:47.........The/children of Giddel the children of Gahar the children of Reaiah The children of Rezin the children of Nekoda the children of Gazzam The children of Uzza the children of Paseah/the 1210/1802
Neh_7:49.........the/children of Giddel the children of Gahar The children of Reaiah the children of Rezin the children of Nekoda The children of Gazzam the children of Uzza the children of Phaseah/The 1319/1802
Ezr_2:56.........the/children of Giddel The children of Shephatiah the children of Hattil the children of Pochereth of Zebaim the children of Ami/All 1239/1802
Neh_7:58.........the/children of Giddel The children of Shephatiah the children of Hattil the children of Pochereth of Zebaim the children of Amon/All 1347/1802
Num_36:1.........the/children of Gilead/the 511/1802
Rom_8:16.........the/children of God And/if 1728/1802
1Jn_3:10.........the/children of God are/manifest 1789/1802
Luk_20:36........the/children of God being/the 1707/1802
Mat_5:9..........the/children of God Blessed/are 1649/1802
Rom_9:8..........the/children of God but/the 1733/1802
Gal_3:26.........the/children of God by/faith 1747/1802
Rom_8:21.........the/children of God For/we 1730/1802
Joh_11:52........the/children of God that/were 1712/1802
1Jn_5:2..........the/children of God when/we 1793/1802
Ezr_2:61.........the/children of Habaiah the children of Koz the children of Barzillai which took a/wife 1249/1802
Neh_7:63.........the/children of Habaiah the children of Koz the children of Barzillai which took one/of 1356/1802
Ezr_2:46.........The/children of Hagab/the 1207/1802
Neh_7:48.........the/children of Hagaba/the 1316/1802
Ezr_2:45.........the/children of Hagabah/the 1205/1802
Neh_7:53.........the/children of Hakupha the children of Harhur The children of Bazlith/the 1331/1802
Ezr_2:51.........the/children of Hakupha the children of Harhur The children of Bazluth/the 1223/1802
Gen_33:19........the/children of Hamor/Shechem's 40/1802
Ezr_2:46.........the/children of Hanan The children of Giddel the children of Gahar the children of Reaiah The children of Rezin the children of Nekoda the children of Gazzam The children of Uzza the children of Paseah/the 1209/1802
Neh_7:49.........The/children of Hanan the children of Giddel the children of Gahar The children of Reaiah the children of Rezin the children of Nekoda The children of Gazzam the children of Uzza the children of Phaseah/The 1318/1802
Neh_7:53.........the/children of Harhur The children of Bazlith/the 1332/1802
Ezr_2:51.........the/children of Harhur The children of Bazluth/the 1224/1802
Ezr_2:39.........The/children of Harim a thousand and seventeen The Levites the children of Jeshua and/Kadmiel 1187/1802
Neh_7:42.........The/children of Harim a thousand and seventeen The Levites the children of Jeshua of/Kadmiel 1299/1802
Neh_7:35.........The/children of Harim three hundred and twenty The children of Jericho/three 1292/1802
Ezr_2:32.........The/children of Harim three hundred and twenty The children of Lod/Hadid 1180/1802
Neh_7:24.........The/children of Hariph/an 1289/1802
Neh_7:54.........the/children of Harsha The children of Barkos the children of Sisera the children of Tamah/The 1335/1802
Ezr_2:52.........the/children of Harsha The children of Barkos the children of Sisera the children of Thamah/The 1227/1802
Neh_7:22.........The/children of Hashum three/hundred 1287/1802
Ezr_2:19.........The/children of Hashum two/hundred 1171/1802
Neh_7:46.........the/children of Hashupha/the 1310/1802
Ezr_2:43.........the/children of Hasupha/the 1199/1802
Neh_7:56.........the/children of Hatipha The children of Solomon's servants the children of Sotai the children of Sophereth the children of Perida/The 1340/1802
Ezr_2:54.........the/children of Hatipha The children of Solomon's servants the children of Sotai the children of Sophereth the children of Peruda/The 1232/1802
Neh_7:45.........the/children of Hatita the children of Shobai an/hundred 1307/1802
Ezr_2:42.........the/children of Hatita the children of Shobai in/all 1196/1802
Ezr_2:57.........the/children of Hattil the children of Pochereth of Zebaim the children of Ami/All 1241/1802
Neh_7:59.........the/children of Hattil the children of Pochereth of Zebaim the children of Amon/All 1349/1802
Jos_17:2.........the/children of Helek/and 674/1802
Jos_17:2.........the/children of Hepher/and 677/1802
Jdg_14:17........the/children of her/people 866/1802
Gen_23:10........the/children of Heth and Ephron/the 17/1802
Gen_23:7.........the/children of Heth And he/communed 16/1802
Gen_49:32........the/children of Heth And when/Jacob 58/1802
Gen_23:5.........the/children of Heth answered/Abraham 15/1802
Gen_23:18........the/children of Heth before/all 19/1802
Gen_23:10........the/children of Heth even/of 18/1802
2Ki_23:10........the/children of Hinnom/that 1031/1802
Num_22:5.........the/children of his/people 427/1802
Jdg_4:11.........the/children of Hobab/the 813/1802
Ezr_2:40.........the/children of Hodaviah/seventy 1189/1802
Neh_7:43.........the/children of Hodevah/seventy 1301/1802
Ezr_2:37.........The/children of Immer a thousand fifty and two The children of Pashur a thousand two hundred forty and seven The children of Harim a thousand and seventeen The Levites the children of Jeshua and/Kadmiel 1185/1802
Neh_7:40.........The/children of Immer a thousand fifty and two The children of Pashur a thousand two hundred forty and seven The children of Harim a thousand and seventeen The Levites the children of Jeshua of/Kadmiel 1297/1802
Hos_10:9.........the/children of iniquity/did 1611/1802
1Ch_7:12.........the/children of Ir/and.. 1052/1802
1Sa_9:2..........the/children of Israel a goodlier/person 924/1802
Psa_148:14.......the/children of Israel a people/near 1445/1802
Act_7:37.........the/children of Israel A prophet/shall 1721/1802
Num_27:11........the/children of Israel a statute/of 448/1802
Num_9:22.........the/children of Israel abode/in 351/1802
Num_29:40........the/children of Israel according to all/that 453/1802
Num_36:5.........the/children of Israel according to the/word 516/1802
Num_10:28........the/children of Israel according to their armies/when 364/1802
Jos_18:10........the/children of Israel according to their divisions/And 688/1802
Deu_1:3..........the/children of Israel according unto/all 523/1802
Num_1:2..........the/children of Israel after their families/by 260/1802
Exo_30:12........the/children of Israel after their number then/shall 170/1802
1Ch_27:1.........the/children of Israel after their number to/wit 1094/1802
Deu_4:45.........the/children of Israel after they/came 545/1802
Jdg_4:1..........the/children of Israel again did/evil 807/1802
Jdg_20:25........the/children of Israel again eighteen/thousand 895/1802
Amo_3:1............O/children of Israel against/the 1628/1802
Deu_3:18.........the/children of Israel all that/are 539/1802
Lev_10:11........the/children of Israel all the/statutes 209/1802
Num_9:2..........the/children of Israel also keep/the 342/1802
Num_11:4.........the/children of Israel also wept/again 365/1802
1Ki_9:21.........the/children of Israel also were/not 978/1802
Exo_28:12........the/children of Israel and Aaron shall/bear 161/1802
Exo_4:29.........the/children of Israel And Aaron spake/all 78/1802
Jos_8:32.........the/children of Israel And all Israel/and 623/1802
Num_3:42.........the/children of Israel And all the firstborn/males 303/1802
Jdg_20:26........the/children of Israel and all the people/went 896/1802
Lev_16:21........the/children of Israel and all their/transgressions 218/1802
Lev_16:16........the/children of Israel and because of/their 216/1802
Exo_17:7.........the/children of Israel and because they/tempted 142/1802
Num_18:20........the/children of Israel And behold/I 404/1802
Gen_36:31........the/children of Israel And Bela/the 49/1802
Num_15:38........the/children of Israel and bid/them 388/1802
Jos_22:32........the/children of Israel and brought/them 775/1802
Jos_4:8..........the/children of Israel and carried/them 602/1802
Num_8:6..........the/children of Israel and cleanse/them 326/1802
Jdg_4:3..........the/children of Israel And Deborah/a 809/1802
Num_16:38........the/children of Israel And Eleazar/the 391/1802
Num_17:6.........the/children of Israel and every/one 396/1802
Num_35:15........the/children of Israel and for the stranger and/for 509/1802
Num_15:29........the/children of Israel and for the stranger that sojourneth among them But/the 386/1802
Jos_20:9.........the/children of Israel and for the stranger that sojourneth among them that/whosoever 719/1802
1Ki_18:20........the/children of Israel and gathered/the 987/1802
Heb_11:22........the/children of Israel and gave/commandment 1779/1802
Exo_12:31........the/children of Israel and go/serve 105/1802
Exo_2:25.........the/children of Israel and God/had 71/1802
Deu_31:22........the/children of Israel And he gave/Joshua 578/1802
1Ki_12:33........the/children of Israel and he offered/upon 985/1802
Exo_39:6.........the/children of Israel And he put/them 193/1802
2Ki_16:3.........the/children of Israel And he sacrificed/and 1015/1802
Jos_10:12........the/children of Israel and he said/in 629/1802
Mic_5:3..........the/children of Israel And he shall/stand 1637/1802
2Ch_6:11.........the/children of Israel And he stood/before 1102/1802
Num_18:5.........the/children of Israel And I behold/I 399/1802
Num_8:18.........the/children of Israel And I have/given 334/1802
Num_6:27.........the/children of Israel and I will/bless 315/1802
1Ki_14:24........the/children of Israel And it came to pass in/the 986/1802
1Ki_21:26........the/children of Israel And it came to pass when/Ahab 998/1802
1Sa_14:18........the/children of Israel And it came to pass while/Saul 929/1802
Num_15:25........the/children of Israel and it shall be/forgiven 384/1802
Isa_27:12.........ye/children of Israel And it shall come/to 1474/1802
Jdg_11:33........the/children of Israel And Jephthah/came 859/1802
Jos_7:1..........the/children of Israel And Joshua sent/men 619/1802
Num_14:5.........the/children of Israel And Joshua the/son 375/1802
2Ch_31:6.........the/children of Israel and Judah that/dwelt 1147/1802
2Sa_21:2.........the/children of Israel and Judah Wherefore/David 964/1802
Jos_7:23.........the/children of Israel and laid/them 621/1802
Jos_3:1..........the/children of Israel and lodged/there 595/1802
2Ch_34:33........the/children of Israel and made/all 1151/1802
Deu_24:7.........the/children of Israel and maketh/merchandise 564/1802
Num_22:3.........the/children of Israel And Moab/said 426/1802
Exo_19:6.........the/children of Israel And Moses came/and 145/1802
Num_3:41.........the/children of Israel And Moses numbered/as 302/1802
Num_32:28........the/children of Israel And Moses said unto them If/the 476/1802
Num_9:7..........the/children of Israel And Moses said unto them Stand/still 345/1802
Exo_24:17........the/children of Israel And Moses went/into 153/1802
Num_36:2.........the/children of Israel and my/lord 513/1802
Jer_32:32........the/children of Israel and of the children/of 1531/1802
2Ki_17:8.........the/children of Israel and of the kings of/Israel 1017/1802
Dan_1:3..........the/children of Israel and of the king's seed/and 1584/1802
Ezr_7:7..........the/children of Israel and of the priests/and 1259/1802
Lev_23:2.........the/children of Israel and say unto them Concerning/the 236/1802
Lev_18:2.........the/children of Israel and say unto them I/am 225/1802
Lev_1:2..........the/children of Israel and say unto them If any man/of 199/1802
Num_5:12.........the/children of Israel and say unto them If any man's/wife 312/1802
Num_28:2.........the/children of Israel and say unto them My/offering 452/1802
Lev_17:2.........the/children of Israel and say unto them This/is 220/1802
Lev_22:18........the/children of Israel and say unto them Whatsoever/he 234/1802
Lev_27:2.........the/children of Israel and say unto them When a/man 258/1802
Lev_15:2.........the/children of Israel and say unto them When any/man 213/1802
Num_6:2..........the/children of Israel and say unto them When either/man 313/1802
Num_33:51........the/children of Israel and say unto them When ye are/passed 491/1802
Num_15:2.........the/children of Israel and say unto them When ye be come into the land of/your 382/1802
Lev_23:10........the/children of Israel and say unto them When ye be come into the land which/I 237/1802
Num_35:10........the/children of Israel and say unto them When ye be come over/Jordan 508/1802
Num_34:2.........the/children of Israel and say unto them When ye come into the land of/Canaan 492/1802
Lev_25:2.........the/children of Israel and say unto them When ye come into the land which/I 248/1802
Num_15:18........the/children of Israel and say unto them When ye come into the land whither/I 383/1802
Lev_19:2.........the/children of Israel and say unto them Ye/shall 226/1802
Act_7:23.........the/children of Israel And seeing/one 1720/1802
Act_5:21.........the/children of Israel and sent/to 1718/1802
Exo_3:13.........the/children of Israel and shall/say 75/1802
Exo_30:16........the/children of Israel and shalt/appoint 171/1802
Num_17:2.........the/children of Israel and take of/every 394/1802
Exo_27:21........the/children of Israel And take thou/unto 157/1802
Exo_4:31.........the/children of Israel and that he/had 79/1802
Lev_22:2.........the/children of Israel and that they/profane 231/1802
Num_3:41.........the/children of Israel and the cattle of the Levites instead of all/the 301/1802
Num_3:45.........the/children of Israel and the cattle of the Levites instead of their/cattle 304/1802
Num_35:34........the/children of Israel And the chief/fathers 510/1802
Jdg_11:27........the/children of Israel and the children of Ammon/Howbeit 851/1802
Jdg_20:14........the/children of Israel And the children of Benjamin/were 885/1802
Jos_22:33........the/children of Israel and the children of Israel blessed/God 776/1802
Exo_14:8.........the/children of Israel and the children of Israel went/out 120/1802
Jer_32:30........the/children of Israel and the children of Judah have/only 1528/1802
Jer_50:33........The/children of Israel and the children of Judah were/oppressed 1543/1802
Neh_10:39........the/children of Israel and the children of Levi/shall 1365/1802
Exo_1:12.........the/children of Israel And the Egyptians/made 65/1802
Jdg_4:23.........the/children of Israel And the hand/of 814/1802
Num_8:14.........the/children of Israel and the Levites shall be/mine 330/1802
Num_1:53.........the/children of Israel and the Levites shall keep/the 278/1802
Eze_44:9.........the/children of Israel And the Levites that/are 1579/1802
Num_14:10........the/children of Israel And the LORD said/unto 377/1802
2Ki_21:9.........the/children of Israel And the LORD spake by/his 1029/1802
2Ch_33:9.........the/children of Israel And the LORD spake to/Manasseh 1150/1802
Lev_21:24........the/children of Israel And the LORD spake unto Moses saying Speak unto Aaron/and 230/1802
Num_5:4..........the/children of Israel And the LORD spake unto Moses saying Speak unto the/children 309/1802
Num_14:39........the/children of Israel and the people/mourned 381/1802
Num_3:38.........the/children of Israel and the stranger that cometh/nigh 299/1802
Num_15:26........the/children of Israel and the stranger that sojourneth/among 385/1802
Exo_29:43........the/children of Israel and the tabernacle/shall 168/1802
Isa_17:9.........the/children of Israel and there shall/be 1471/1802
Num_9:5..........the/children of Israel And there were/certain 344/1802
Num_13:3.........the/children of Israel And these/were 367/1802
Num_33:40........the/children of Israel And they departed/from 490/1802
Num_17:9.........the/children of Israel and they looked/and 397/1802
2Ki_17:24........the/children of Israel and they possessed/Samaria 1020/1802
Num_36:1.........the/children of Israel And they said/The 512/1802
Jos_21:1.........the/children of Israel And they spake/unto 720/1802
Deu_32:52........the/children of Israel And this is/the 587/1802
Lev_24:10........the/children of Israel and this son/of 244/1802
Num_25:8.........the/children of Israel And those/that 431/1802
Num_3:9..........the/children of Israel And thou/shalt 295/1802
Exo_6:13.........the/children of Israel and unto Pharaoh/king 88/1802
Num_19:10........the/children of Israel and unto the/stranger 415/1802
Lev_16:19........the/children of Israel And when he/hath 217/1802
Jos_22:11........the/children of Israel And when the/children 748/1802
Num_27:12........the/children of Israel And when thou/hast 449/1802
Exo_29:45........the/children of Israel and will be/their 169/1802
1Ki_6:13.........the/children of Israel and will not/forsake 969/1802
Num_18:28........the/children of Israel and ye/shall 411/1802
Num_8:17.........the/children of Israel are mine/both 333/1802
Exo_1:9..........the/children of Israel are more/and 64/1802
Lev_25:55........the/children of Israel are servants/they 255/1802
Jdg_20:18........the/children of Israel arose/and 887/1802
Jos_8:31.........the/children of Israel as it/is 622/1802
Jos_4:12.........the/children of Israel as Moses/spake 605/1802
Exo_12:50........the/children of Israel as the LORD commanded Moses and Aaron/so 111/1802
Exo_39:7.........the/children of Israel as the LORD commanded Moses And he/made 194/1802
Num_2:33.........the/children of Israel as the LORD commanded Moses And the/children 291/1802
Jdg_1:1..........the/children of Israel asked/the 784/1802
Jdg_10:17........the/children of Israel assembled themselves/together 840/1802
Jos_18:1.........the/children of Israel assembled together/at 685/1802
Exo_16:6.........the/children of Israel At even/then 133/1802
Jos_5:1..........the/children of Israel At that/time 610/1802
Jos_5:3..........the/children of Israel at the hill/of 612/1802
Deu_32:51........the/children of Israel at the waters/of 585/1802
Rom_9:27.........the/children of Israel be as/the 1737/1802
Hos_1:11.........the/children of Israel be gathered/together 1600/1802
Amo_3:12.........the/children of Israel be taken/out 1629/1802
Num_26:62........the/children of Israel because there/was 443/1802
Num_20:24........the/children of Israel because ye/rebelled 421/1802
Deu_33:1.........the/children of Israel before his/death 588/1802
Num_31:54........the/children of Israel before the LORD Now/the 463/1802
Exo_30:16........the/children of Israel before the LORD to/make 172/1802
Eze_6:5..........the/children of Israel before their/idols 1558/1802
1Ki_20:15........the/children of Israel being/seven 993/1802
1Ch_1:43.........the/children of Israel Bela/the 1034/1802
Jos_22:33........the/children of Israel blessed/God 777/1802
Exo_13:2.........the/children of Israel both/of 113/1802
Isa_66:20........the/children of Israel bring/an 1497/1802
Exo_35:29........The/children of Israel brought a/willing 190/1802
2Ch_31:5.........the/children of Israel brought in/abundance 1146/1802
Jos_24:32........the/children of Israel brought up/out 782/1802
2Sa_21:2.........the/children of Israel but of/the 962/1802
Jdg_20:13........the/children of Israel But the children/of 883/1802
Lev_25:33........the/children of Israel But the field/of 249/1802
Exo_6:9..........the/children of Israel but they/hearkened 85/1802
Num_1:49.........the/children of Israel But thou/shalt 276/1802
Lev_24:8.........the/children of Israel by an/everlasting 243/1802
Eze_35:5.........the/children of Israel by the force/of 1572/1802
Num_2:32.........the/children of Israel by the house of their fathers all/those 290/1802
Num_1:45.........the/children of Israel by the house of their fathers from/twenty 275/1802
Num_25:6.........the/children of Israel came and brought/unto 429/1802
Exo_5:15.........the/children of Israel came and cried/unto 81/1802
Jdg_20:24........the/children of Israel came near/against 893/1802
Exo_34:32........the/children of Israel came nigh/and 184/1802
Exo_16:1.........the/children of Israel came unto/the 130/1802
Jdg_19:30........the/children of Israel came up out/of 875/1802
Jdg_4:5..........the/children of Israel came up to/her 810/1802
2Ch_28:8.........the/children of Israel carried/away 1139/1802
Jos_3:9..........the/children of Israel Come hither/and 596/1802
Exo_16:9.........the/children of Israel Come near/before 134/1802
Num_8:19.........the/children of Israel come nigh/unto 339/1802
Jos_7:1..........the/children of Israel committed/a 618/1802
2Ch_8:8..........the/children of Israel consumed/not 1108/1802
Jos_7:12.........the/children of Israel could not stand/before 620/1802
2Co_3:7..........the/children of Israel could not stedfastly behold/the 1741/1802
2Co_3:13.........the/children of Israel could not stedfastly look/to 1742/1802
Exo_14:10........the/children of Israel cried out/unto 123/1802
Jdg_6:6..........the/children of Israel cried unto the LORD And/it 819/1802
Jdg_6:7..........the/children of Israel cried unto the LORD because/of 820/1802
Jdg_4:3..........the/children of Israel cried unto the LORD for/he 808/1802
Jdg_10:10........the/children of Israel cried unto the LORD saying/We 835/1802
Jdg_3:15.........the/children of Israel cried unto the LORD the LORD raised them/up 804/1802
Jdg_3:9..........the/children of Israel cried unto the LORD the LORD raised up/a 799/1802
Num_13:24........the/children of Israel cut/down 369/1802
1Ki_8:63.........the/children of Israel dedicated/the 974/1802
Exo_35:20........the/children of Israel departed from/the 189/1802
Jdg_21:24........the/children of Israel departed thence/at 914/1802
Jdg_20:35........the/children of Israel destroyed/of 904/1802
Num_1:54.........the/children of Israel did according to all that the LORD commanded Moses so did they And the/LORD 279/1802
Exo_39:32........the/children of Israel did according to all that the LORD commanded Moses so did they And they/brought 196/1802
Num_2:34.........the/children of Israel did according to all that the LORD commanded Moses so they/pitched 292/1802
Exo_12:35........the/children of Israel did according to the/word 106/1802
Jos_14:5.........the/children of Israel did and/they 655/1802
Lev_24:23........the/children of Israel did as/the 247/1802
2Ki_18:4.........the/children of Israel did burn/incense 1025/1802
Exo_16:35........the/children of Israel did eat/manna 139/1802
Jdg_10:6.........the/children of Israel did evil again in the sight of the LORD and served/Baalim 829/1802
Jdg_13:1.........the/children of Israel did evil again in the sight of the LORD and the LORD delivered/them 864/1802
Jdg_3:12.........the/children of Israel did evil again in the sight of the LORD and the LORD strengthened/Eglon 801/1802
Jdg_3:7..........the/children of Israel did evil in the sight of the LORD and forgat/the 797/1802
Jdg_2:11.........the/children of Israel did evil in the sight of the LORD and served/Baalim 794/1802
Jdg_6:1..........the/children of Israel did evil in the sight of the LORD and the/LORD 816/1802
Jdg_10:11........the/children of Israel Did not/I 836/1802
1Sa_7:4..........the/children of Israel did put/away 919/1802
2Ki_17:9.........the/children of Israel did secretly/those 1018/1802
Exo_5:19.........the/children of Israel did see/that 82/1802
Exo_16:17........the/children of Israel did so and gathered/some 138/1802
Gen_45:21........the/children of Israel did so and Joseph/gave 55/1802
Num_5:4..........the/children of Israel did so and put/them 308/1802
Jos_4:8..........the/children of Israel did so as/Joshua 601/1802
1Ki_9:22.........the/children of Israel did Solomon make no bondmen/but 979/1802
2Ch_8:9..........the/children of Israel did Solomon make no servants/for 1109/1802
Num_8:20.........the/children of Israel did to/the 340/1802
Mat_27:9.........the/children of Israel did value/And 1674/1802
Exo_9:6..........the/children of Israel died/not 95/1802
Jos_14:1.........the/children of Israel distributed/for 653/1802
Jos_19:51........the/children of Israel divided/for 717/1802
Neh_8:17.........the/children of Israel done/so 1361/1802
Exo_32:20........the/children of Israel drink/of 177/1802
Jdg_3:5..........the/children of Israel dwelt among/the 796/1802
2Ki_13:5.........the/children of Israel dwelt in/their 1011/1802
Gen_32:32........the/children of Israel eat not/of 30/1802
Eze_4:13.........the/children of Israel eat their/defiled 1557/1802
Jdg_10:8.........the/children of Israel eighteen/years 832/1802
Jos_5:10.........the/children of Israel encamped/in 615/1802
Jdg_20:27........the/children of Israel enquired/of 897/1802
Num_20:1.........the/children of Israel even the whole congregation into/the 416/1802
Num_20:22........the/children of Israel even the whole congregation journeyed/from 420/1802
Jos_1:2..........the/children of Israel Every/place 593/1802
Jos_13:13........the/children of Israel expelled/not 641/1802
2Ch_13:12..........O/children of Israel fight/ye 1115/1802
2Ch_13:16........the/children of Israel fled/before 1116/1802
Deu_32:49........the/children of Israel for a possession/And 584/1802
Num_19:9.........the/children of Israel for a water/of 414/1802
Lev_16:34........the/children of Israel for all/their 219/1802
Eze_43:7.........the/children of Israel for ever and my/holy 1578/1802
Jos_4:7..........the/children of Israel for ever And the/children 600/1802
Exo_31:17........the/children of Israel for ever for/in 176/1802
2Ch_33:2.........the/children of Israel For he built again/the 1148/1802
2Ki_21:2.........the/children of Israel For he built up/again 1028/1802
Act_9:15.........the/children of Israel For I/will 1722/1802
Exo_29:28........the/children of Israel for it/is 166/1802
Hos_4:1...........ye/children of Israel for the LORD/hath 1606/1802
Deu_32:8.........the/children of Israel For the LORD's/portion 581/1802
Jer_3:21.........the/children of Israel for they/have 1503/1802
Deu_31:19........the/children of Israel For when/I 577/1802
Num_3:40.........the/children of Israel from a/month 300/1802
Eze_37:21........the/children of Israel from among the/heathen 1575/1802
Exo_7:5..........the/children of Israel from among them/And 94/1802
Exo_6:27.........the/children of Israel from Egypt/these 91/1802
Num_32:7.........the/children of Israel from going/over 470/1802
Lev_7:34.........the/children of Israel from off/the 204/1802
Exo_6:26.........the/children of Israel from the land of Egypt/according 90/1802
Jer_16:15........the/children of Israel from the land of the/north 1516/1802
Lev_15:31........the/children of Israel from their/uncleanness 214/1802
Num_35:8.........the/children of Israel from them/that 507/1802
Num_26:2.........the/children of Israel from twenty/years 435/1802
Jos_22:12........the/children of Israel gathered/themselves 750/1802
Jos_19:49........the/children of Israel gave an/inheritance 716/1802
Jos_21:8.........the/children of Israel gave by/lot 726/1802
1Ch_6:64.........the/children of Israel gave to/the 1047/1802
Jos_21:3.........the/children of Israel gave unto/the 721/1802
Jdg_20:7.........all/children of Israel give/here 880/1802
Exo_10:20........the/children of Israel go And/the 98/1802
Exo_9:35.........the/children of Israel go as/the 97/1802
Exo_6:11.........the/children of Israel go out of his land And Moses/spake 86/1802
Exo_11:10........the/children of Israel go out of his land And the/LORD 101/1802
Exo_36:3.........the/children of Israel had brought/for 192/1802
Exo_10:23........the/children of Israel had light/in 99/1802
Jos_10:20........the/children of Israel had made/an 630/1802
2Ki_17:7.........the/children of Israel had sinned/against 1016/1802
2Sa_21:2.........the/children of Israel had sworn/unto 963/1802
Lev_22:3.........the/children of Israel hallow/unto 232/1802
Isa_31:6.........the/children of Israel have deeply/revolted 1479/1802
1Ki_19:10........the/children of Israel have forsaken thy covenant thrown down thine altars and slain thy prophets with the sword and I even I only am left and they seek my life to take it away And he/said 988/1802
1Ki_19:14........the/children of Israel have forsaken thy covenant thrown down thine altars and slain thy prophets with the sword and I even I only am left and they seek my life to take it away And the/LORD 989/1802
Num_8:16.........the/children of Israel have I/taken 332/1802
Num_32:18........the/children of Israel have inherited/every 473/1802
Exo_6:12.........the/children of Israel have not/hearkened 87/1802
Jer_32:30........the/children of Israel have only/provoked 1530/1802
Jdg_21:18........the/children of Israel have sworn/saying 911/1802
Exo_24:11........the/children of Israel he laid/not 152/1802
2Ch_28:3.........the/children of Israel He sacrificed/also 1138/1802
1Sa_7:7..........the/children of Israel heard it/they 922/1802
Jos_22:12........the/children of Israel heard of/it 749/1802
Jos_22:11........the/children of Israel heard say/Behold 745/1802
Deu_34:9.........the/children of Israel hearkened/unto 592/1802
Num_18:22........the/children of Israel henceforth/come 406/1802
Eze_37:16........the/children of Israel his/companions 1573/1802
Jos_18:3.........the/children of Israel How/long 687/1802
Exo_3:14.........the/children of Israel I AM hath/sent 76/1802
Exo_6:6..........the/children of Israel I am the LORD and/I 84/1802
Lev_22:32........the/children of Israel I am the LORD which/hallow 235/1802
Num_18:11........the/children of Israel I have/given 402/1802
Exo_12:27........the/children of Israel in Egypt/when 103/1802
1Sa_7:6..........the/children of Israel in Mizpeh/And 920/1802
Lev_27:34........the/children of Israel in mount Sinai And/the 259/1802
Lev_26:46........the/children of Israel in mount Sinai by/the 257/1802
Num_25:11........the/children of Israel in my/jealousy 433/1802
Exo_28:29........the/children of Israel in the breastplate/of 163/1802
Lev_7:36.........the/children of Israel in the day/that 206/1802
Num_34:29........the/children of Israel in the land of Canaan/And 505/1802
Deu_29:1.........the/children of Israel in the land of Moab/beside 570/1802
Num_26:63........the/children of Israel in the plains of Moab by Jordan near Jericho But/among 445/1802
Num_36:13........the/children of Israel in the plains of Moab by Jordan near Jericho These/be 522/1802
Num_8:19.........the/children of Israel in the tabernacle/of 336/1802
Num_26:64........the/children of Israel in the wilderness/of 446/1802
Exo_12:42........the/children of Israel in their/generations 110/1802
Jos_14:1.........the/children of Israel inherited/in 652/1802
Num_3:12.........the/children of Israel instead of all/the 296/1802
Num_8:16.........the/children of Israel instead of such/as 331/1802
Deu_31:23........the/children of Israel into/the 579/1802
Exo_3:9..........the/children of Israel is/come 72/1802
Num_9:18.........the/children of Israel journeyed and at/the 349/1802
Jos_9:17.........the/children of Israel journeyed and came/unto 624/1802
Num_9:17.........the/children of Israel journeyed and in/the 347/1802
Exo_12:37........the/children of Israel journeyed from Rameses/to 107/1802
Exo_17:1.........the/children of Israel journeyed from the/wilderness 140/1802
Num_9:19.........the/children of Israel kept/the 350/1802
Num_18:32........the/children of Israel lest/ye 412/1802
Exo_14:10........the/children of Israel lifted/up 122/1802
Exo_39:42........the/children of Israel made all/the 197/1802
Jdg_6:2..........the/children of Israel made them/the 817/1802
Jos_5:12.........the/children of Israel manna/any 616/1802
Num_27:20........the/children of Israel may be/obedient 450/1802
Lev_17:5.........the/children of Israel may bring/their 221/1802
Num_36:8.........the/children of Israel may enjoy/every 520/1802
Jdg_3:2..........the/children of Israel might/know 795/1802
Exo_16:2.........the/children of Israel murmured against Moses and Aaron/in 131/1802
Num_14:2.........the/children of Israel murmured against Moses and against Aaron and/the 373/1802
Num_16:41........the/children of Israel murmured against Moses and against Aaron saying/Ye 393/1802
Lev_17:12........the/children of Israel No/soul 222/1802
Jos_6:1..........the/children of Israel none/went 617/1802
Num_25:13........the/children of Israel Now/the 434/1802
Num_13:2.........the/children of Israel of every/tribe 366/1802
Num_31:2.........the/children of Israel of the Midianites/afterward 455/1802
Exo_29:28........the/children of Israel of the sacrifice/of 167/1802
Rev_7:4..........the/children of Israel Of the tribe/of 1801/1802
Num_18:19........the/children of Israel offer/unto 403/1802
Rev_21:12........the/children of Israel On/the 1802/1802
Jos_13:6.........the/children of Israel only divide/thou 639/1802
Jos_11:22........the/children of Israel only in/Gaza 634/1802
Lev_17:13........the/children of Israel or of the strangers that sojourn among/you 223/1802
Lev_20:2.........the/children of Israel or of the strangers that sojourn in/Israel 229/1802
Exo_3:11.........the/children of Israel out of Egypt And he/said 74/1802
Exo_3:10.........the/children of Israel out of Egypt And Moses/said 73/1802
2Sa_7:6..........the/children of Israel out of Egypt even/to 940/1802
Jos_4:4..........the/children of Israel out of every/tribe 597/1802
Exo_7:2..........the/children of Israel out of his/land 92/1802
Jos_22:9.........the/children of Israel out of Shiloh/which 742/1802
Jos_22:31........the/children of Israel out of the hand/of 772/1802
Jer_16:14........the/children of Israel out of the land of Egypt But The LORD liveth that/brought 1515/1802
Jer_23:7.........the/children of Israel out of the land of Egypt But The LORD liveth which/brought 1521/1802
Exo_7:4..........the/children of Israel out of the land of Egypt by great/judgments 93/1802
Exo_12:51........the/children of Israel out of the land of Egypt by their/armies 112/1802
Exo_6:13.........the/children of Israel out of the land of Egypt These/be 89/1802
1Ki_20:27........the/children of Israel pitched before/them 995/1802
Num_9:17.........the/children of Israel pitched their/tents 348/1802
Act_10:36........the/children of Israel preaching/peace 1723/1802
Jdg_4:24.........the/children of Israel prospered/and 815/1802
Deu_31:19........the/children of Israel put/it 576/1802
Jdg_8:34.........the/children of Israel remembered/not 828/1802
Num_36:7.........the/children of Israel remove/from 517/1802
Num_33:5.........the/children of Israel removed/from 488/1802
Jdg_21:6.........the/children of Israel repented/them 908/1802
Hos_3:5..........the/children of Israel return and/seek 1605/1802
1Ki_12:24........the/children of Israel return every/man 984/1802
2Ch_31:1.........the/children of Israel returned every/man 1145/1802
1Sa_17:53........the/children of Israel returned from/chasing 933/1802
Jdg_20:19........the/children of Israel rose/up 889/1802
Jdg_20:32........the/children of Israel said Let/us 903/1802
1Sa_7:8..........the/children of Israel said to/Samuel 923/1802
Num_20:19........the/children of Israel said unto him/We 419/1802
Jdg_10:15........the/children of Israel said unto the/LORD 838/1802
Exo_16:3.........the/children of Israel said unto them/Would 132/1802
Jdg_21:5.........the/children of Israel said Who/is 907/1802
Amo_2:11..........ye/children of Israel saith the LORD But/ye 1627/1802
Amo_4:5...........ye/children of Israel saith the Lord GOD/And 1630/1802
Amo_9:7............O/children of Israel saith the LORD Have/not 1632/1802
Isa_17:3.........the/children of Israel saith the LORD of/hosts 1470/1802
Jos_11:19........the/children of Israel save/the 633/1802
2Ch_7:3..........the/children of Israel saw how/the 1105/1802
Exo_16:15........the/children of Israel saw it/they 137/1802
Exo_34:30........the/children of Israel saw Moses/behold 183/1802
Exo_34:35........the/children of Israel saw the/face 186/1802
Jos_20:2.........the/children of Israel saying Appoint/out 718/1802
Exo_13:19........the/children of Israel saying God will surely visit you and ye shall carry up my bones away/hence 117/1802
Gen_50:25........the/children of Israel saying God will surely visit you and ye shall carry up my bones from/hence 61/1802
Lev_7:29.........the/children of Israel saying He/that 203/1802
Num_27:8.........the/children of Israel saying If a man/die 447/1802
Lev_4:2..........the/children of Israel saying If a soul/shall 200/1802
Lev_12:2.........the/children of Israel saying If a woman/have 212/1802
Num_9:10.........the/children of Israel saying If any/man 346/1802
Lev_23:24........the/children of Israel saying In/the 238/1802
Lev_23:34........the/children of Israel saying The fifteenth/day 239/1802
Num_13:32........the/children of Israel saying The land through/which 372/1802
Num_14:7.........the/children of Israel saying The land which/we 376/1802
Lev_11:2.........the/children of Israel saying These/are 211/1802
Num_34:13........the/children of Israel saying This is the land/which 493/1802
Exo_35:4.........the/children of Israel saying This is the thing which the LORD commanded/saying 188/1802
Num_30:1.........the/children of Israel saying This is the thing which the LORD hath/commanded 454/1802
Exo_30:31........the/children of Israel saying This shall/be 173/1802
Num_6:23.........the/children of Israel saying unto/them 314/1802
Exo_31:13........the/children of Israel saying Verily/my 174/1802
Jos_4:21.........the/children of Israel saying When/your 606/1802
Lev_24:15........the/children of Israel saying Whosoever/curseth 245/1802
Lev_7:23.........the/children of Israel saying Ye/shall 202/1802
Exo_35:30........the/children of Israel See/the 191/1802
Jdg_3:15.........the/children of Israel sent a/present 805/1802
Jos_22:13........the/children of Israel sent unto/the 751/1802
Jdg_3:8..........the/children of Israel served Chushanrishathaim/eight 798/1802
Jdg_3:14.........the/children of Israel served Eglon/the 803/1802
Num_21:10........the/children of Israel set forward and pitched in Oboth/And 422/1802
Num_22:1.........the/children of Israel set forward and pitched in the/plains 425/1802
Jos_18:2.........the/children of Israel seven/tribes 686/1802
Hos_3:4..........the/children of Israel shall abide/many 1604/1802
Hos_1:10.........the/children of Israel shall be as/the 1598/1802
Num_36:4.........the/children of Israel shall be then/shall 515/1802
Num_36:8.........the/children of Israel shall be wife/unto 519/1802
Jer_50:4.........the/children of Israel shall come/they 1541/1802
Exo_14:16........the/children of Israel shall go/on 125/1802
Exo_28:38........the/children of Israel shall hallow/in 165/1802
Luk_1:16.........the/children of Israel shall he/turn 1687/1802
Num_36:9.........the/children of Israel shall keep himself to his/own 521/1802
Num_36:7.........the/children of Israel shall keep himself to the/inheritance 518/1802
Exo_31:16........the/children of Israel shall keep the/sabbath 175/1802
Exo_11:7.........the/children of Israel shall not/a 100/1802
Num_2:2..........the/children of Israel shall pitch by/his 280/1802
Num_1:52.........the/children of Israel shall pitch their/tents 277/1802
Oba_1:20.........the/children of Israel shall possess/that 1634/1802
Num_8:10.........the/children of Israel shall put/their 328/1802
Neh_8:14.........the/children of Israel should/dwell 1360/1802
Exo_2:23.........the/children of Israel sighed/by 70/1802
Num_26:51........the/children of Israel six hundred/thousand 442/1802
Exo_28:9.........the/children of Israel Six of/their 159/1802
Jos_13:22........the/children of Israel slay/with 643/1802
1Ki_20:29........the/children of Israel slew of/the 996/1802
Jos_10:11........the/children of Israel slew with/the 628/1802
Jos_12:6.........the/children of Israel smite/and 637/1802
Deu_4:46.........the/children of Israel smote after/they 546/1802
Jos_12:1.........the/children of Israel smote and/possessed 635/1802
Jos_12:7.........the/children of Israel smote on/this 638/1802
Jos_9:18.........the/children of Israel smote them/not 625/1802
Neh_2:10.........the/children of Israel So I/came 1268/1802
Joe_3:16.........the/children of Israel So shall/ye 1624/1802
Jdg_8:28.........the/children of Israel so that/they 826/1802
2Sa_7:7..........the/children of Israel spake I/a 941/1802
Num_17:12........the/children of Israel spake unto/Moses 398/1802
Exo_16:12........the/children of Israel speak/unto 136/1802
2Ch_10:18........the/children of Israel stoned/him 1111/1802
Exo_33:6.........the/children of Israel stripped/themselves 180/1802
Num_20:13........the/children of Israel strove/with 418/1802
Jdg_20:3.........the/children of Israel Tell/us 879/1802
2Ch_10:17........the/children of Israel that dwelt/in 1110/1802
Exo_28:1.........the/children of Israel that he/may 158/1802
Num_16:40........the/children of Israel that no/stranger 392/1802
Jdg_2:4..........the/children of Israel that the/people 792/1802
Num_8:19.........the/children of Israel that there/be 337/1802
Exo_25:2.........the/children of Israel that they bring me/an 154/1802
Num_19:2.........the/children of Israel that they bring thee a/red 413/1802
Exo_27:20........the/children of Israel that they bring thee pure/oil 156/1802
Lev_24:2.........the/children of Israel that they bring unto/thee 242/1802
Num_35:2.........the/children of Israel that they give/unto 506/1802
Exo_14:15........the/children of Israel that they go/forward 124/1802
Exo_16:10........the/children of Israel that they looked/toward 135/1802
Num_8:11.........the/children of Israel that they may/execute 329/1802
Num_5:2..........the/children of Israel that they put/out 307/1802
Lev_24:23........the/children of Israel that they should bring/forth 246/1802
Num_9:4..........the/children of Israel that they should keep/the 343/1802
Num_32:9.........the/children of Israel that they should not/go 471/1802
Jos_9:26.........the/children of Israel that they slew/them 626/1802
Exo_14:2.........the/children of Israel that they turn/and 118/1802
Jos_4:5..........the/children of Israel That this/may 598/1802
Jdg_10:8.........the/children of Israel that were on/the 833/1802
2Ch_30:21........the/children of Israel that were present at/Jerusalem 1144/1802
2Ch_35:17........the/children of Israel that were present kept/the 1152/1802
Exo_34:34........the/children of Israel that which/he 185/1802
Lev_23:44........the/children of Israel the feasts/of 241/1802
Lev_10:14........the/children of Israel The heave/shoulder 210/1802
Exo_3:15.........the/children of Israel the LORD God/of 77/1802
Psa_103:7........the/children of Israel The LORD is/merciful 1420/1802
Ezr_6:16.........the/children of Israel the priests/and 1254/1802
Jos_5:2..........the/children of Israel the second/time 611/1802
Num_18:26........the/children of Israel the tithes/which 410/1802
1Ki_9:20.........the/children of Israel Their children/that 976/1802
2Ki_8:12.........the/children of Israel their strong/holds 1002/1802
Jos_10:21........the/children of Israel Then said/Joshua 631/1802
Num_36:3.........the/children of Israel then shall/their 514/1802
Jos_10:4.........the/children of Israel Therefore the five/kings 627/1802
Num_3:12.........the/children of Israel therefore the Levites/shall 297/1802
Num_20:12........the/children of Israel therefore ye/shall 417/1802
Deu_4:44.........the/children of Israel These are the/testimonies 544/1802
Num_26:62........the/children of Israel These are they/that 444/1802
Exo_14:3.........the/children of Israel They are/entangled 119/1802
Num_18:23........the/children of Israel they have/no 407/1802
Eze_47:22........the/children of Israel they shall have inheritance/with 1582/1802
Num_18:24........the/children of Israel they shall have no/inheritance 409/1802
Lev_7:34.........the/children of Israel This is/the 205/1802
Exo_15:1.........the/children of Israel this song/unto 128/1802
Exo_25:22........the/children of Israel Thou shalt also/make 155/1802
Exo_28:11........the/children of Israel thou shalt make/them 160/1802
Lev_9:3..........the/children of Israel thou shalt speak/saying 208/1802
Num_31:16........the/children of Israel through/the 458/1802
1Sa_10:18........the/children of Israel Thus/saith 925/1802
Neh_1:6..........the/children of Israel thy/servants 1266/1802
Eze_2:3..........the/children of Israel to a/rebellious 1554/1802
Num_8:19.........the/children of Israel to do the service of the children/of 335/1802
Num_3:8..........the/children of Israel to do the service of the tabernacle/And 294/1802
Lev_23:43........the/children of Israel to dwell in/booths 240/1802
2Ch_8:2..........the/children of Israel to dwell there/And 1106/1802
Rev_2:14.........the/children of Israel to eat/things 1799/1802
Lev_7:38.........the/children of Israel to offer/their 207/1802
Jos_2:2..........the/children of Israel to search/out 594/1802
Exo_1:13.........the/children of Israel to serve/with 66/1802
Num_18:6.........the/children of Israel to you/they 400/1802
Exo_35:1.........the/children of Israel together and said/unto 187/1802
Num_8:9..........the/children of Israel together And thou/shalt 327/1802
Num_31:9.........the/children of Israel took all/the 456/1802
Jos_11:14........the/children of Israel took for/a 632/1802
Num_3:50.........the/children of Israel took he/the 306/1802
Deu_10:6.........the/children of Israel took their journey/from 552/1802
Num_10:12........the/children of Israel took their journeys/out 352/1802
2Ch_30:6..........Ye/children of Israel turn/again 1142/1802
Jdg_8:33.........the/children of Israel turned/again 827/1802
Exo_39:14........the/children of Israel twelve according to their names like the engravings of a signet every one with his name according/to 195/1802
Exo_28:21........the/children of Israel twelve according to their names like the engravings of a signet every one with his name shall/they 162/1802
Num_16:2.........the/children of Israel two hundred/and 389/1802
Lev_16:5.........the/children of Israel two kids/of 215/1802
Num_32:17........the/children of Israel until we have/brought 472/1802
Jos_5:1..........the/children of Israel until we were/passed 609/1802
2Ch_5:2..........the/children of Israel unto Jerusalem/to 1100/1802
1Ki_8:1..........the/children of Israel unto king/Solomon 970/1802
Num_31:12........the/children of Israel unto the camp/at 457/1802
Num_13:26........the/children of Israel unto the wilderness/of 370/1802
Num_18:8.........the/children of Israel unto thee/have 401/1802
Num_8:20.........the/children of Israel unto them/And 341/1802
Exo_28:30........the/children of Israel upon/his 164/1802
Jos_5:6..........the/children of Israel walked forty/years 613/1802
2Ki_17:22........the/children of Israel walked in/all 1019/1802
Exo_14:29........the/children of Israel walked upon/dry 127/1802
Jos_14:10........the/children of Israel wandered/in 657/1802
Jdg_19:12........the/children of Israel we/will 874/1802
Eze_48:11........the/children of Israel went astray as/the 1583/1802
Eze_44:15........the/children of Israel went astray from/me 1580/1802
Exo_12:28........the/children of Israel went away/and 104/1802
Jdg_3:27.........the/children of Israel went down/with 806/1802
Jdg_2:6..........the/children of Israel went every/man 793/1802
Exo_14:22........the/children of Israel went into/the 126/1802
Exo_15:19........the/children of Israel went on/dry 129/1802
Exo_40:36........the/children of Israel went onward/in 198/1802
Jdg_20:1.........the/children of Israel went out and/the 876/1802
Exo_14:8.........the/children of Israel went out with an high hand But/the 121/1802
Num_33:3.........the/children of Israel went out with an high hand in/the 487/1802
Jdg_20:30........the/children of Israel went up against/the 899/1802
Jdg_20:23........the/children of Israel went up and/wept 891/1802
Exo_13:18........the/children of Israel went up harnessed/out 116/1802
Deu_34:8.........the/children of Israel wept/for 591/1802
Neh_9:1..........the/children of Israel were assembled/with 1362/1802
2Ch_13:18........the/children of Israel were brought/under 1117/1802
Num_33:38........the/children of Israel were come out of the land of Egypt in the first/day 489/1802
1Ki_6:1..........the/children of Israel were come out of the land of Egypt in the fourth/year 968/1802
Jos_21:41........the/children of Israel were forty/and 739/1802
Exo_1:7..........the/children of Israel were fruitful/and 63/1802
1Sa_7:7..........the/children of Israel were gathered/together 921/1802
Exo_19:1.........the/children of Israel were gone forth/out 143/1802
Jdg_20:3.........the/children of Israel were gone up/to 878/1802
Ezr_3:1..........the/children of Israel were in the cities/the 1252/1802
Num_15:32........the/children of Israel were in the wilderness/they 387/1802
Neh_7:73.........the/children of Israel were in their/cities 1359/1802
1Ki_20:27........the/children of Israel were numbered/and 994/1802
1Sa_11:8.........the/children of Israel were three/hundred 927/1802
Exo_9:26.........the/children of Israel were was/there 96/1802
Jos_17:13........the/children of Israel were waxen/strong 682/1802
Num_5:6..........the/children of Israel When a/man 310/1802
Num_8:19.........the/children of Israel when the/children 338/1802
2Ch_5:10.........the/children of Israel when they came out of Egypt/And 1101/1802
1Ki_8:9..........the/children of Israel when they came out of the/land 971/1802
1Sa_15:6.........the/children of Israel when they came up/out 931/1802
Num_17:5.........the/children of Israel whereby/they 395/1802
1Sa_2:28.........the/children of Israel Wherefore/kick 918/1802
Num_3:46.........the/children of Israel which are/more 305/1802
Exo_1:1..........the/children of Israel which came into Egypt every/man 62/1802
Gen_46:8.........the/children of Israel which came into Egypt Jacob/and 56/1802
1Ki_12:17........the/children of Israel which dwelt/in 983/1802
Exo_24:5.........the/children of Israel which offered/burnt 151/1802
Exo_5:14.........the/children of Israel which Pharaoh's/taskmasters 80/1802
Jdg_6:8..........the/children of Israel which said/unto 821/1802
Num_5:9..........the/children of Israel which they bring/unto 311/1802
Num_14:27........the/children of Israel which they murmur/against 379/1802
Num_18:24........the/children of Israel which they offer as/an 408/1802
Lev_22:15........the/children of Israel which they offer unto/the 233/1802
Neh_1:6..........the/children of Israel which we/have 1267/1802
Num_26:4.........the/children of Israel which went forth out of the land of Egypt Reuben/the 436/1802
Num_33:1.........the/children of Israel which went forth out of the land of Egypt with/their 486/1802
Ezr_6:21.........the/children of Israel which were/come 1258/1802
Num_25:11........the/children of Israel while/he 432/1802
Jdg_3:9..........the/children of Israel who delivered/them 800/1802
Exo_12:40........the/children of Israel who dwelt/in 109/1802
Hos_3:1..........the/children of Israel who look/to 1603/1802
Num_25:6.........the/children of Israel who were/weeping 430/1802
Exo_6:5..........the/children of Israel whom/the 83/1802
Lev_20:2.........the/children of Israel Whosoever/he 228/1802
Neh_13:2.........the/children of Israel with bread/and 1377/1802
Num_27:21........the/children of Israel with him/even 451/1802
Exo_33:5.........the/children of Israel Ye are/a 179/1802
Exo_20:22........the/children of Israel Ye have seen that/I 147/1802
Exo_19:3.........the/children of Israel Ye have seen what/I 144/1802
Lev_17:14........the/children of Israel Ye shall eat/the 224/1802
1Ki_11:2.........the/children of Israel Ye shall not go/in 980/1802
Lev_25:46........the/children of Israel ye shall not rule/one 253/1802
Deu_32:51........the/children of Israel Yet/thou 586/1802
Num_31:47........the/children of Israel's half Moses/took 462/1802
Num_31:30........the/children of Israel's half thou/shalt 460/1802
Num_31:42........the/children of Israel's half which/Moses 461/1802
Jos_19:17........the/children of Issachar according to their families And/their 705/1802
Jos_19:23........the/children of Issachar according to their families the/cities 706/1802
Num_2:5..........the/children of Issachar And/his 282/1802
Num_1:28.........the/children of Issachar by/their 266/1802
Num_34:26........the/children of Issachar Paltiel/the 502/1802
Num_10:15........the/children of Issachar was/Nethaneel 354/1802
1Ch_12:32........the/children of Issachar which/were 1071/1802
Joe_1:3.........your/children of it/and.. 1615/1802
Deu_10:6.........the/children of Jaakan/to 553/1802
Neh_7:58.........The/children of Jaala/the 1345/1802
Ezr_2:56.........The/children of Jaalah/the 1237/1802
Psa_105:6.........ye/children of Jacob his chosen He/is 1423/1802
1Ch_16:13.........ye/children of Jacob his chosen ones/He 1075/1802
2Ki_17:34........the/children of Jacob whom/he 1022/1802
1Ch_7:33.........the/children of Japhlet/And 1055/1802
Ezr_2:36.........the/children of Jedaiah of the house of Jeshua nine hundred seventy and three The children of Immer a thousand fifty and two The children of Pashur a thousand two hundred forty and seven The children of Harim a thousand and seventeen The Levites the children of Jeshua and/Kadmiel 1184/1802
Neh_7:39.........the/children of Jedaiah of the house of Jeshua nine hundred seventy and three The children of Immer a thousand fifty and two The children of Pashur a thousand two hundred forty and seven The children of Harim a thousand and seventeen The Levites the children of Jeshua of/Kadmiel 1296/1802
Neh_7:36.........The/children of Jericho three hundred forty and five The children of Lod/Hadid 1293/1802
Ezr_2:34.........The/children of Jericho three hundred forty and five The children of Senaah/three 1182/1802
Joe_3:6..........the/children of Jerusalem/have 1622/1802
Neh_7:11.........the/children of Jeshua and Joab two thousand and/eight 1276/1802
Ezr_2:6..........the/children of Jeshua and Joab two thousand eight/hundred 1158/1802
Ezr_2:40.........the/children of Jeshua and Kadmiel/of 1188/1802
Neh_7:43.........the/children of Jeshua of/Kadmiel 1300/1802
Ezr_2:18.........The/children of Jorah/an 1170/1802
Jos_24:32........the/children of Joseph And Eleazar/the 783/1802
Jos_18:11........the/children of Joseph And their/border 691/1802
Jos_16:1.........the/children of Joseph fell/from 666/1802
Num_34:23........the/children of Joseph for/the 498/1802
Jos_16:4.........the/children of Joseph Manasseh/and 667/1802
Num_1:32.........the/children of Joseph namely/of 268/1802
Num_1:10.........the/children of Joseph of/Ephraim 261/1802
Jos_17:16........the/children of Joseph said/The 684/1802
Jos_17:14........the/children of Joseph spake/unto 683/1802
1Ch_7:29.........the/children of Joseph the/son 1054/1802
Jos_14:4.........the/children of Joseph were/two 654/1802
Jos_15:13........the/children of Judah according to the/commandment 660/1802
Num_10:14........the/children of Judah according to their armies/and 353/1802
Jos_15:20........the/children of Judah according to their families/And 662/1802
Num_2:3..........the/children of Judah And his/host 281/1802
Neh_13:16........the/children of Judah and in/Jerusalem 1378/1802
2Ch_28:10........the/children of Judah and Jerusalem/for 1140/1802
1Ch_2:10.........the/children of Judah And Nahshon/begat 1035/1802
1Ch_9:3..........the/children of Judah and of the children of Benjamin and/of 1058/1802
Neh_11:4.........the/children of Judah and of the children of Benjamin Of/the 1368/1802
1Ch_6:65.........the/children of Judah and out of the tribe of the children of Simeon and/out 1048/1802
Jos_21:9.........the/children of Judah and out of the tribe of the children of Simeon these/cities 727/1802
Hos_1:11.........the/children of Judah and the children of Israel/be 1599/1802
Jos_18:11........the/children of Judah and the children of Joseph/And 690/1802
1Ch_4:27.........the/children of Judah And they dwelt/at 1041/1802
Jos_19:1.........the/children of Judah And they had/in 697/1802
Joe_3:8..........the/children of Judah and they shall/sell 1623/1802
Jos_15:63........the/children of Judah at/Jerusalem 665/1802
Neh_11:4.........the/children of Judah Athaiah/the 1370/1802
Joe_3:19.........the/children of Judah because/they 1625/1802
Jos_15:1.........the/children of Judah by their families/even 658/1802
Num_1:26.........the/children of Judah by their generations/after 265/1802
Jos_14:6.........the/children of Judah came/unto 656/1802
2Ch_25:12........the/children of Judah carry/away 1133/1802
Jos_15:63........the/children of Judah could/not 664/1802
Dan_1:6..........the/children of Judah Daniel/Hananiah 1586/1802
Neh_11:25........the/children of Judah dwelt/at 1373/1802
Jdg_1:8..........the/children of Judah had/fought 785/1802
Jer_7:30.........the/children of Judah have done/evil 1510/1802
Jer_32:30........the/children of Judah have only/done 1529/1802
Oba_1:12.........the/children of Judah in/the 1633/1802
Jdg_1:16.........the/children of Judah into/the 788/1802
2Ch_13:18........the/children of Judah prevailed/because 1118/1802
Jos_15:12........the/children of Judah round/about 659/1802
1Ch_12:24........The/children of Judah that/bare 1066/1802
2Sa_1:18.........the/children of Judah the/use 937/1802
Jos_18:14........the/children of Judah this/was 692/1802
Jer_50:4.........the/children of Judah together/going 1542/1802
Jos_15:21........the/children of Judah toward/the 663/1802
Jos_19:9.........the/children of Judah was the/inheritance 699/1802
Jos_19:9.........the/children of Judah was too/much 701/1802
Jdg_1:9..........the/children of Judah went/down 786/1802
Jer_50:33........the/children of Judah were/oppressed 1544/1802
Jer_32:32........the/children of Judah which/they 1532/1802
Isa_21:17........the/children of Kedar/shall 1472/1802
Neh_7:47.........The/children of Keros the children of Sia/the 1312/1802
Ezr_2:44.........The/children of Keros the children of Siaha/the 1201/1802
Gen_25:4.........the/children of Keturah/And 20/1802
Ezr_2:25.........The/children of Kirjatharim/Chephirah 1175/1802
Jos_21:20........the/children of Kohath even/they 734/1802
Jos_21:5.........the/children of Kohath had/by 723/1802
Jos_21:26........the/children of Kohath that/remained 735/1802
Jos_21:20........the/children of Kohath the/Levites 733/1802
Num_26:11........the/children of Korah/died 438/1802
Ezr_2:61.........the/children of Koz the children of Barzillai which took a/wife 1250/1802
Neh_7:63.........the/children of Koz the children of Barzillai which took one/of 1357/1802
Neh_7:48.........The/children of Lebana/the 1315/1802
Ezr_2:45.........The/children of Lebanah/the 1204/1802
Num_3:15.........the/children of Levi after/the 298/1802
Num_18:21........the/children of Levi all/the 405/1802
1Ch_9:18.........the/children of Levi And/Shallum 1062/1802
Exo_32:28........the/children of Levi did/according 178/1802
1Ch_12:26........the/children of Levi four/thousand 1068/1802
Jos_21:10........the/children of Levi had/for 730/1802
Neh_10:39........the/children of Levi shall/bring 1366/1802
Luk_16:8.........the/children of light And I/say 1699/1802
1Th_5:5..........the/children of light and the/children 1768/1802
Eph_5:8...........as/children of light For/the 1760/1802
Joh_12:36........the/children of light These/things 1713/1802
Ezr_2:33.........The/children of Lod Hadid and Ono seven hundred twenty and five/The 1181/1802
Neh_7:37.........The/children of Lod Hadid and Ono seven hundred twenty and one/The 1294/1802
Deu_2:19.........the/children of Lot for a possession That/also 532/1802
Deu_2:9..........the/children of Lot for a possession The/Emims 528/1802
Psa_83:8.........the/children of Lot Selah/Do 1415/1802
Gen_36:22........the/children of Lotan/were 42/1802
Jos_13:31........the/children of Machir by/their 651/1802
Jos_13:31........the/children of Machir the son of Manasseh even/to 650/1802
Num_32:39........the/children of Machir the son of Manasseh went/to 485/1802
Ezr_2:30.........The/children of Magbish/an 1178/1802
Jos_16:9.........the/children of Manasseh all/the 671/1802
1Ch_7:29.........the/children of Manasseh Bethshean/and 1053/1802
Jos_13:29........the/children of Manasseh by their families And/their 649/1802
Jos_17:2.........the/children of Manasseh by their families for/the 672/1802
Num_1:34.........the/children of Manasseh by their generations/after 270/1802
Jos_17:12........the/children of Manasseh could/not 681/1802
Num_34:23........the/children of Manasseh Hanniel/the 499/1802
Num_7:54.........the/children of Manasseh His/offering 321/1802
Num_2:20.........the/children of Manasseh shall/be 286/1802
Jos_22:30........the/children of Manasseh spake/it 768/1802
Jos_17:2........male/children of Manasseh the/son 679/1802
Jos_22:31........the/children of Manasseh This/day 771/1802
Num_10:23........the/children of Manasseh was/Gamaliel 359/1802
Neh_7:54.........the/children of Mehida the children of Harsha The children of Barkos the children of Sisera the children of Tamah/The 1334/1802
Ezr_2:52.........the/children of Mehida the children of Harsha The children of Barkos the children of Sisera the children of Thamah/The 1226/1802
Ezr_2:50.........the/children of Mehunim/the 1220/1802
Pro_15:11........the/children of men A/scorner 1453/1802
Psa_107:21.......the/children of men And/let 1426/1802
Gen_11:5.........the/children of men builded/And 7/1802
2Sa_7:14.........the/children of men But/my 943/1802
1Sa_26:19........the/children of men cursed/be 935/1802
Dan_2:38.........the/children of men dwell/the 1591/1802
Psa_90:3..........ye/children of men For a/thousand 1417/1802
Psa_107:15.......the/children of men For he hath/broken 1425/1802
Psa_107:8........the/children of men For he satisfieth/the 1424/1802
Psa_21:10........the/children of men For they/intended 1399/1802
Psa_45:2.........the/children of men grace/is 1402/1802
Psa_66:5.........the/children of men He/turned 1405/1802
Psa_107:31.......the/children of men Let/them 1427/1802
Psa_36:7.........the/children of men put/their 1401/1802
1Ki_8:39.........the/children of men That they may fear thee all/the 973/1802
2Ch_6:30.........the/children of men That they may fear thee to/walk 1104/1802
Psa_115:16.......the/children of men The dead/praise 1433/1802
Psa_11:4.........the/children of men The LORD/trieth 1395/1802
Psa_12:1.........the/children of men They/speak 1396/1802
Lam_3:33.........the/children of men To crush/under 1550/1802
Psa_14:2.........the/children of men to see if there were any that did understand and/seek 1397/1802
Psa_53:2.........the/children of men to see if there were any that did understand that/did 1404/1802
Eze_31:14........the/children of men with/them 1567/1802
Jos_21:7.........The/children of Merari by their families had/out 725/1802
Jos_21:40........the/children of Merari by their families which/were 738/1802
1Ch_26:10........the/children of Merari had/sons 1093/1802
Jos_21:34........the/children of Merari the/rest 737/1802
1Ch_6:77.........the/children of Merari were/given 1051/1802
Neh_7:52.........the/children of Meunim/the 1328/1802
2Ch_20:1.........the/children of Moab/and 1119/1802
Jdg_14:16........the/children of my/people 865/1802
Jos_19:32........the/children of Naphtali according to their families And/their 710/1802
Jos_19:39........the/children of Naphtali according to their families the/cities 711/1802
Jdg_4:6..........the/children of Naphtali and/of 811/1802
Jos_19:32........the/children of Naphtali even/for 709/1802
Num_7:78.........the/children of Naphtali offered/His 325/1802
Num_34:28........the/children of Naphtali Pedahel/the 504/1802
Num_2:29.........the/children of Naphtali shall/be 289/1802
Num_1:42.........the/children of Naphtali throughout/their 274/1802
Num_10:27........the/children of Naphtali was/Ahira 363/1802
Ezr_2:29.........The/children of Nebo/fifty 1177/1802
Ezr_2:60.........the/children of Nekoda six hundred fifty/and 1247/1802
Neh_7:62.........the/children of Nekoda six hundred forty/and 1355/1802
Ezr_2:48.........the/children of Nekoda the children of Gazzam The children of Uzza the children of Paseah/the 1214/1802
Neh_7:50.........the/children of Nekoda The children of Gazzam the children of Uzza the children of Phaseah/The 1323/1802
Neh_7:52.........the/children of Nephishesim/The 1329/1802
Ezr_2:50.........the/children of Nephusim/The 1221/1802
Neh_7:56.........The/children of Neziah the children of Hatipha The children of Solomon's servants the children of Sotai the children of Sophereth the children of Perida/The 1339/1802
Ezr_2:54.........The/children of Neziah the children of Hatipha The children of Solomon's servants the children of Sotai the children of Sophereth the children of Peruda/The 1231/1802
Jer_2:16.........the/children of Noph/and 1499/1802
Neh_7:47.........the/children of Padon The children of Lebana/the 1314/1802
Ezr_2:44.........the/children of Padon The children of Lebanah/the 1203/1802
Neh_7:11.........The/children of Pahathmoab of the children of Jeshua and Joab two thousand and/eight 1275/1802
Ezr_2:6..........The/children of Pahathmoab of the children of Jeshua and Joab two thousand eight/hundred 1157/1802
Ezr_2:3..........The/children of Parosh two thousand an hundred seventy and two The children of Shephatiah three hundred seventy and two The children of Arah seven/hundred 1154/1802
Neh_7:8..........The/children of Parosh two thousand an hundred seventy and two The children of Shephatiah three hundred seventy and two The children of Arah six/hundred 1272/1802
Ezr_2:49.........the/children of Paseah/the 1217/1802
Ezr_2:38.........The/children of Pashur a thousand two hundred forty and seven The children of Harim a thousand and seventeen The Levites the children of Jeshua and/Kadmiel 1186/1802
Neh_7:41.........The/children of Pashur a thousand two hundred forty and seven The children of Harim a thousand and seventeen The Levites the children of Jeshua of/Kadmiel 1298/1802
Neh_11:4.........the/children of Perez And/Maaseiah 1371/1802
1Ch_27:3.........the/children of Perez was/the 1095/1802
Neh_7:57.........the/children of Perida/The 1344/1802
Ezr_2:55.........the/children of Peruda/The 1236/1802
1Ch_9:4..........the/children of Pharez/the 1061/1802
Neh_7:51.........the/children of Phaseah/The 1326/1802
Ezr_2:57.........the/children of Pochereth of Zebaim the children of Ami/All 1242/1802
Neh_7:59.........the/children of Pochereth of Zebaim the children of Amon/All 1350/1802
Job_41:34........the/children of pride/Then 1394/1802
Gal_4:28.........the/children of promise/But 1752/1802
Ezr_2:26.........The/children of Ramah/and 1176/1802
Ezr_2:47.........the/children of Reaiah The children of Rezin the children of Nekoda the children of Gazzam The children of Uzza the children of Paseah/the 1212/1802
Neh_7:50.........The/children of Reaiah the children of Rezin the children of Nekoda The children of Gazzam the children of Uzza the children of Phaseah/The 1321/1802
Num_34:14........the/children of Reuben according/to 494/1802
Jos_13:23........the/children of Reuben after/their 645/1802
Jos_22:25.........ye/children of Reuben and children/of 760/1802
Jos_22:32........the/children of Reuben and from/the 773/1802
Jos_22:33........the/children of Reuben and Gad/dwelt 778/1802
Jos_4:12.........the/children of Reuben and the children of Gad and half/the 603/1802
Jos_22:30........the/children of Reuben and the children of Gad and the children/of 766/1802
Jos_22:21........the/children of Reuben and the children of Gad and the half tribe of Manasseh answered/and 756/1802
Jos_22:10........the/children of Reuben and the children of Gad and the half tribe of Manasseh built/there 743/1802
Jos_22:11........the/children of Reuben and the children of Gad and the half tribe of Manasseh have/built 746/1802
Jos_22:9.........the/children of Reuben and the children of Gad and the half tribe of Manasseh returned/and 740/1802
Jos_22:34........the/children of Reuben and the children of Gad called/the 779/1802
Num_32:1.........the/children of Reuben and the children of Gad had/a 464/1802
Jos_22:31........the/children of Reuben and to the children of Gad and to the children/of 769/1802
Jos_22:13........the/children of Reuben and to the children of Gad and to the half tribe of Manasseh into/the 752/1802
Jos_22:15........the/children of Reuben and to the children of Gad and to the half tribe of Manasseh unto/the 754/1802
Num_32:33........the/children of Reuben and unto/half 482/1802
Num_32:31........the/children of Reuben answered/saying 480/1802
Num_32:37........the/children of Reuben built/Heshbon 484/1802
Num_32:2.........the/children of Reuben came/and 467/1802
Num_7:30.........the/children of Reuben did/offer 317/1802
Num_26:5.........the/children of Reuben Hanoch/of 437/1802
Jos_13:15........the/children of Reuben inheritance/according 642/1802
Num_1:20.........the/children of Reuben Israel's/eldest 262/1802
Num_2:10.........the/children of Reuben shall be/Elizur 284/1802
Num_32:6.........the/children of Reuben Shall your/brethren 469/1802
Num_32:25........the/children of Reuben spake/unto 475/1802
Jos_13:23........the/children of Reuben was/Jordan 644/1802
Num_32:29........the/children of Reuben will/pass 478/1802
Ezr_2:48.........The/children of Rezin the children of Nekoda the children of Gazzam The children of Uzza the children of Paseah/the 1213/1802
Neh_7:50.........the/children of Rezin the children of Nekoda The children of Gazzam the children of Uzza the children of Phaseah/The 1322/1802
2Ch_25:14........the/children of Seir and/set 1134/1802
Gen_36:21........the/children of Seir in/the 41/1802
2Ch_25:11........the/children of Seir ten/thousand 1132/1802
Ezr_2:35.........The/children of Senaah three thousand and/six 1183/1802
Neh_7:38.........The/children of Senaah three thousand nine/hundred 1295/1802
Neh_7:45.........the/children of Shallum the children of Ater the children of Talmon the children of Akkub the children of Hatita the children of Shobai an/hundred 1303/1802
Ezr_2:42.........the/children of Shallum the children of Ater the children of Talmon the children of Akkub the children of Hatita the children of Shobai in/all 1192/1802
Ezr_2:46.........the/children of Shalmai the children of Hanan The children of Giddel the children of Gahar the children of Reaiah The children of Rezin the children of Nekoda the children of Gazzam The children of Uzza the children of Paseah/the 1208/1802
Neh_7:48.........the/children of Shalmai The children of Hanan the children of Giddel the children of Gahar The children of Reaiah the children of Rezin the children of Nekoda The children of Gazzam the children of Uzza the children of Phaseah/The 1317/1802
Jos_17:2.........the/children of Shechem/and 676/1802
Gen_10:22........The/children of Shem/Elam.. 5/1802
Jos_17:2.........the/children of Shemida/these 678/1802
Ezr_2:57.........The/children of Shephatiah the children of Hattil the children of Pochereth of Zebaim the children of Ami/All 1240/1802
Neh_7:59.........The/children of Shephatiah the children of Hattil the children of Pochereth of Zebaim the children of Amon/All 1348/1802
Ezr_2:4..........The/children of Shephatiah three hundred seventy and two The children of Arah seven/hundred 1155/1802
Neh_7:9..........The/children of Shephatiah three hundred seventy and two The children of Arah six/hundred 1273/1802
1Ch_2:31.........the/children of Sheshan/Ahlai 1038/1802
Num_24:17........the/children of Sheth/And 428/1802
Neh_7:45.........the/children of Shobai an/hundred 1308/1802
Ezr_2:42.........the/children of Shobai in/all 1197/1802
Gen_36:23........the/children of Shobal/were 43/1802
Neh_7:47.........the/children of Sia/the. 1313/1802
Ezr_2:44.........the/children of Siaha/the 1202/1802
Jos_19:1.........the/children of Simeon according to their families and/their 696/1802
Jos_19:8.........the/children of Simeon according to their families Out/of 698/1802
1Ch_6:65.........the/children of Simeon and/out 1049/1802
Num_1:22.........the/children of Simeon by/their 263/1802
Num_7:36.........the/children of Simeon did/offer 318/1802
Jos_19:9.........the/children of Simeon for/the 700/1802
Jos_19:9.........the/children of Simeon had/their 702/1802
1Ch_12:25........the/children of Simeon mighty/men 1067/1802
Num_2:12.........the/children of Simeon shall/be 285/1802
Num_34:20........the/children of Simeon Shemuel/the 496/1802
Jos_21:9.........the/children of Simeon these/cities 728/1802
Num_10:19........the/children of Simeon was/Shelumiel 356/1802
Neh_7:55.........the/children of Sisera the children of Tamah/The 1337/1802
Ezr_2:53.........the/children of Sisera the children of Thamah/The 1229/1802
Neh_11:3.........the/children of Solomon's servants And/at 1367/1802
Neh_7:57.........The/children of Solomon's servants the children of Sotai the children of Sophereth the children of Perida/The 1341/1802
Ezr_2:55.........The/children of Solomon's servants the children of Sotai the children of Sophereth the children of Peruda/The 1233/1802
Neh_7:60.........the/children of Solomon's servants were three hundred ninety and two And these were they which went up also/from 1352/1802
Ezr_2:58.........the/children of Solomon's servants were three hundred ninety and two And these were they which went up from/Telmelah 1244/1802
Neh_7:57.........the/children of Sophereth the children of Perida/The 1343/1802
Ezr_2:55.........the/children of Sophereth the children of Peruda/The 1235/1802
Neh_7:57.........the/children of Sotai the children of Sophereth the children of Perida/The 1342/1802
Ezr_2:55.........the/children of Sotai the children of Sophereth the children of Peruda/The 1234/1802
Isa_2:6..........the/children of strangers/Their 1462/1802
Neh_7:46.........the/children of Tabbaoth The children of Keros the children of Sia/the 1311/1802
Ezr_2:43.........the/children of Tabbaoth The children of Keros the children of Siaha/the 1200/1802
Neh_7:45.........the/children of Talmon the children of Akkub the children of Hatita the children of Shobai an/hundred 1305/1802
Ezr_2:42.........the/children of Talmon the children of Akkub the children of Hatita the children of Shobai in/all 1194/1802
Neh_7:55.........the/children of Tamah/The 1338/1802
Ezr_2:53.........the/children of Thamah/The 1230/1802
Deu_9:2..........the/children of the Anakims/whom 550/1802
Gal_4:31.........not/children of the bondwoman/but 1753/1802
Mar_2:19.........the/children of the bridechamber fast while the bridegroom is with them as/long 1677/1802
Luk_5:34.........the/children of the bridechamber fast while the bridegroom is with them But/the 1690/1802
Mat_9:15.........the/children of the bridechamber mourn/as 1653/1802
Ezr_6:20.........the/children of the captivity and/for 1257/1802
Ezr_4:1..........the/children of the captivity builded/the 1253/1802
Ezr_10:16........the/children of the captivity did/so 1264/1802
Ezr_6:16.........the/children of the captivity kept the dedication/of 1255/1802
Ezr_6:19.........the/children of the captivity kept the passover/upon 1256/1802
Dan_6:13.........the/children of the captivity of Judah regardeth/not 1593/1802
Dan_5:13.........the/children of the captivity of Judah whom/the 1592/1802
Ezr_10:7.........the/children of the captivity that/they 1263/1802
1Th_5:5..........the/children of the day/we 1769/1802
Isa_54:1.........the/children of the desolate/than 1489/1802
1Jn_3:10.........the/children of the devil/whosoever 1790/1802
1Ki_4:30.........the/children of the east country/and 967/1802
Jdg_6:3..........the/children of the east even/they 818/1802
Jdg_8:10.........the/children of the east for/there 824/1802
Jdg_7:12.........the/children of the east lay/along 823/1802
Jdg_6:33.........the/children of the east were/gathered 822/1802
Amo_9:7...........as/children of the Ethiopians/unto 1631/1802
Rom_9:8..........the/children of the flesh/these 1732/1802
2Ki_10:30........thy/children of the fourth/generation 1010/1802
1Ch_20:4.........the/children of the giant/and 1091/1802
1Ch_5:23.........the/children of the half/tribe 1044/1802
Luk_6:35.........the/children of the Highest/for 1691/1802
Jdg_1:16.........the/children of the Kenite/Moses' 787/1802
2Ki_10:13........the/children of the king/and 1008/1802
Mat_13:38........the/children of the kingdom but/the 1658/1802
Mat_8:12.........the/children of the kingdom shall/be 1652/1802
2Ch_20:19........the/children of the Kohathites/and 1123/1802
2Ch_20:19........the/children of the Korhites/stood 1124/1802
1Ch_15:15........the/children of the Levites/bare 1074/1802
Rom_9:26.........the/children of the living/God 1736/1802
Deu_14:1.........the/children of the LORD/your 560/1802
Isa_54:1.........the/children of the married/wife 1490/1802
Psa_82:6.........are/children of the most/High 1414/1802
2Ki_14:6.........the/children of the murderers/he 1012/1802
Psa_72:4.........the/children of the needy/and 1407/1802
Neh_7:34.........The/children of the other Elam a thousand two hundred fifty and four The children of Harim three hundred and twenty The children of Jericho/three 1291/1802
Ezr_2:31.........The/children of the other Elam a thousand two hundred fifty and four The children of Harim three hundred and twenty The children of Lod/Hadid 1179/1802
2Ki_23:6.........the/children of the people And/he 1030/1802
Jer_17:19........the/children of the people whereby/the 1518/1802
Ezr_2:42.........The/children of the porters/the 1191/1802
Ezr_2:61.........the/children of the priests/the 1248/1802
Rom_9:8..........the/children of the promise/are 1734/1802
Act_3:25.........the/children of the prophets and of/the 1717/1802
2Ki_9:1..........the/children of the prophets and said/unto 1005/1802
Neh_7:6..........the/children of the province that went up out of the captivity of those that/had 1271/1802
Ezr_2:1..........the/children of the province that went up out of the captivity of those which/had 1153/1802
2Ki_10:13........the/children of the queen/And 1009/1802
2Ki_4:7..........thy/children of the rest/And 1001/1802
Luk_20:36........the/children of the resurrection/Now 1708/1802
1Ch_6:33.......their/children Of the sons/of 1046/1802
Act_13:26...brethren/children of the stock/of 1724/1802
Lev_25:45........the/children of the strangers/that 251/1802
Gen_50:23..Ephraim's/children of the third/generation 59/1802
Mat_13:38........the/children of the wicked/one 1659/1802
Psa_127:4........are/children of the youth/Happy 1435/1802
2Ki_2:24.........two/children of them And/he 1000/1802
Mat_23:31........the/children of them which/killed 1672/1802
Luk_16:8.........the/children of this world are/in 1698/1802
Luk_20:34........The/children of this world marry/and 1706/1802
Ezr_8:35.........the/children of those/that 1260/1802
2Jn_1:13.........The/children of thy elect/sister 1797/1802
Eze_33:2.........the/children of thy people and say/unto 1568/1802
Eze_3:11.........the/children of thy people and speak/unto 1556/1802
Dan_12:1.........the/children of thy people and there/shall 1596/1802
Lev_19:18........the/children of thy people but/thou 227/1802
Eze_33:17........the/children of thy people say/The 1570/1802
Eze_37:18........the/children of thy people shall/speak 1574/1802
Eze_33:30........the/children of thy people still/are 1571/1802
Eze_33:12........the/children of thy people The/righteousness 1569/1802
Psa_102:28.......The/children of thy servants/shall 1419/1802
Ezr_2:60.........the/children of Tobiah the children of Nekoda six hundred fifty/and 1246/1802
Neh_7:62.........the/children of Tobiah the children of Nekoda six hundred forty/and 1354/1802
Isa_57:4.........not/children of transgression/a 1493/1802
Ezr_2:49.........The/children of Uzza the children of Paseah/the 1216/1802
Neh_7:51.........the/children of Uzza the children of Phaseah/The 1325/1802
Gal_4:19......little/children of whom/I.. 1749/1802
Hos_1:2..........and/children of whoredoms for the/land 1597/1802
Hos_2:4..........the/children of whoredoms For their/mother 1602/1802
2Sa_7:10.........the/children of wickedness afflict/them 942/1802
1Ch_17:9.........the/children of wickedness waste/them 1076/1802
Eph_2:3..........the/children of wrath/even 1756/1802
Mat_5:45.........the/children of your/Father 1650/1802
Ezr_2:9..........The/children of Zaccai seven hundred and threescore The children of Bani/six 1161/1802
Neh_7:14.........The/children of Zaccai seven hundred and threescore The children of Binnui/six 1279/1802
Neh_7:13.........The/children of Zattu eight/hundred 1278/1802
Ezr_2:8..........The/children of Zattu nine/hundred 1160/1802
Jos_19:10........the/children of Zebulun according to their families and/the 703/1802
Jos_19:16........the/children of Zebulun according to their families these/cities 704/1802
Num_2:7..........the/children of Zebulun And his/host 283/1802
Jdg_4:6..........the/children of Zebulun And I/will 812/1802
Num_1:30.........the/children of Zebulun by/their 267/1802
Num_7:24.........the/children of Zebulun did/offer 316/1802
Num_34:25........the/children of Zebulun Elizaphan/the 501/1802
Num_10:16........the/children of Zebulun was/Eliab 355/1802
Neh_11:24........the/children of Zerah/the 1372/1802
Gen_36:24........the/children of Zibeon/both 44/1802
Neh_7:46.........the/children of Ziha the children of Hashupha/the 1309/1802
Ezr_2:43.........the/children of Ziha the children of Hasupha/the 1198/1802
Joe_2:23..........ye/children of Zion and/rejoice 1620/1802
Psa_149:2........the/children of Zion be/joyful 1446/1802
Gen_30:1..........me/children or else/I.... 23/1802
Mat_19:29.........or/children or lands for my name's/sake 1668/1802
Mar_10:29.........or/children or lands for my sake/and 1683/1802
1Ti_5:4.........have/children or nephews/let 1772/1802
Mat_17:25........own/children or of/strangers 1662/1802
2Co_12:14........the/children ought/not.. 1744/1802
2Ki_2:23......little/children out/of...... 999/1802
Psa_113:9.........of/children Praise/ye.. 1431/1802
Gen_30:1..........no/children Rachel/envied 22/1802
Eze_20:21........the/children rebelled/against 1565/1802
Jer_31:15........her/children refused/to. 1524/1802
Neh_12:43........the/children rejoiced/so 1375/1802
Jer_17:2.......their/children remember/their 1517/1802
Jer_3:14.backsliding/children saith the LORD for/I 1501/1802
Isa_30:1..rebellious/children saith the LORD that/take 1476/1802
2Ki_10:1......Ahab's/children saying Now/as 1006/1802
Jos_22:24........our/children saying What/have 759/1802
2Ki_10:5.........the/children sent/to.... 1007/1802
Psa_132:12.....their/children shall also/sit 1439/1802
Jos_4:21........your/children shall ask/their 607/1802
Exo_21:4.........her/children shall be her/master's 148/1802
Isa_54:13........thy/children shall be taught/of 1491/1802
Gen_49:8....father's/children shall bow/down 57/1802
Jer_31:17........thy/children shall come/again 1526/1802
Job_17:5.........his/children shall fail/He 1384/1802
2Ch_30:9........your/children shall find/compassion 1143/1802
Pro_14:26........his/children shall have/a 1452/1802
Isa_66:8.........her/children Shall I/bring 1496/1802
Isa_49:17........Thy/children shall make haste/thy 1485/1802
Isa_38:19........the/children shall make known/thy 1482/1802
Mat_10:21........the/children shall rise up against their parents and cause/them 1654/1802
Mar_13:12........and/children shall rise up against their parents and shall/cause 1686/1802
Exo_12:26.......your/children shall say/unto 102/1802
Zec_10:7.......their/children shall see/it 1642/1802
Job_20:10........His/children shall seek/to 1386/1802
Hos_11:10........the/children shall tremble/from 1613/1802
Num_14:33.......your/children shall wander/in 380/1802
Exo_13:13........thy/children shalt/thou.. 114/1802
Psa_78:4.......their/children shewing/to. 1409/1802
Num_14:3.........our/children should/be... 374/1802
Luk_7:32........unto/children sitting in the marketplace/and 1692/1802
Mat_11:16.......unto/children sitting in the markets/and 1655/1802
1Th_2:7..........her/children So being/affectionately 1766/1802
Hos_10:14........her/children So shall/Bethel 1612/1802
Psa_103:13.......his/children so the/LORD 1421/1802
Neh_13:24......their/children spake/half. 1379/1802
Deu_11:19.......your/children speaking/of. 555/1802
Gen_25:22........the/children struggled/together 21/1802
Gen_21:7.......given/children suck/for..... 13/1802
1Ki_8:25.........thy/children take heed to their way that/they 972/1802
1Ki_2:4..........thy/children take heed to their way to walk before/me 966/1802
2Ch_6:16.........thy/children take heed to their way to walk in/my 1103/1802
Joe_1:3.........your/children tell/their. 1616/1802
Gal_4:27........more/children than/she... 1751/1802
Deu_23:8.........The/children that are begotten/of 563/1802
Isa_1:4....evildoers/children that are corrupters/they 1461/1802
Dan_1:13.........the/children that eat/of 1588/1802
Lam_2:19.......young/children that faint/for 1548/1802
Num_31:18......women/children that have/not 459/1802
Mat_19:13.....little/children that he/should 1666/1802
Mar_12:19.........no/children that his brother should take his wife and raise up seed unto his brother Now/there 1685/1802
Luk_20:28....without/children that his brother should take his wife and raise up seed unto his brother There/were 1703/1802
Deu_29:22.......your/children that shall/rise 571/1802
Psa_78:5.......their/children That the/generation 1410/1802
1Sa_30:22........his/children that they may/lead 936/1802
Psa_78:6.......their/children That they might/set 1412/1802
Mat_2:16.........the/children that were in/Bethlehem 1646/1802
1Ki_9:21.......Their/children that were left/after 977/1802
Isa_30:9....children/children that will not hear/the 1478/1802
Isa_63:8......people/children that will not lie/so 1495/1802
1Th_2:11.........his/children That ye/would 1767/1802
Pro_4:1...........ye/children the instruction/of 1447/1802
Ezr_10:44........had/children The words/of 1265/1802
Isa_29:23........his/children the work/of 1475/1802
Mat_11:19........her/children Then began/he 1656/1802
Rom_8:17..........if/children then heirs/heirs 1729/1802
Mat_27:25........our/children Then released/he 1675/1802
Exo_2:6.....Hebrews'/children Then said/his 69/1802
2Ch_20:13......their/children Then upon/Jahaziel 1122/1802
1Ch_24:2..........no/children therefore/Eleazar 1092/1802
1Jn_2:1.......little/children these/things 1783/1802
Deu_32:5.........his/children they are/a.. 580/1802
Job_24:5.......their/children They reap/every 1389/1802
Jer_2:30........your/children they received/no 1500/1802
Lam_4:10.........own/children they were/their 1552/1802
2Ch_11:23........his/children throughout/all 1113/1802
Act_21:5.........and/children till/we.... 1726/1802
Col_3:21........your/children to anger/lest 1765/1802
Tit_2:4........their/children To be discreet/chaste 1776/1802
Isa_3:4.........give/children to be their/princes 1463/1802
Mar_10:14.....little/children to come unto me and forbid them not for of such is the kingdom of God Verily I say unto you Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child he/shall 1681/1802
Luk_18:16.....little/children to come unto me and forbid them not for of such is the kingdom of God Verily I say unto you Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall/in 1700/1802
Mar_10:13......young/children to him/that 1680/1802
Deu_32:46.......your/children to observe/to 583/1802
2Ch_33:6.........his/children to pass/through 1149/1802
Psa_103:17children's/children To such/as. 1422/1802
Jer_38:23........thy/children to the Chaldeans/and 1534/1802
Act_7:19.......young/children to the end/they 1719/1802
Jer_18:21......their/children to the famine/and 1519/1802
Hos_9:13.........his/children to the murderer/Give 1610/1802
Mal_4:6..........the/children to their fathers/lest 1645/1802
Eze_23:39......their/children to their idols/then 1566/1802
Gen_6:4.........bare/children to them/the... 2/1802
Eph_6:4.........your/children to wrath/but 1762/1802
Luk_13:34........thy/children together as/a 1696/1802
Mat_23:37........thy/children together even/as 1673/1802
Eph_4:14........more/children tossed/to.. 1757/1802
1Co_7:14........your/children unclean/but 1738/1802
Luk_3:8...........up/children unto Abraham And now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees every/tree 1689/1802
Mat_3:9...........up/children unto Abraham And now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees therefore/every 1648/1802
Gen_33:1.........the/children unto Leah/and 31/1802
Deu_5:9..........the/children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain Keep/the 547/1802
Exo_20:5.........the/children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain Remember/the 146/1802
Num_14:18........the/children unto the third and fourth generation Pardon/I 378/1802
Exo_34:7..children's/children unto the third and to/the 182/1802
Gen_22:20.......born/children unto thy/brother 14/1802
3Jn_1:4...........my/children walk/in.... 1798/1802
2Jn_1:4..........thy/children walking/in. 1796/1802
Jos_24:4.........his/children went down/into 781/1802
Neh_9:24.........the/children went in/and 1364/1802
Job_29:5..........my/children were about/me 1391/1802
Son_1:6.....mother's/children were angry/with 1459/1802
Gal_4:3.........were/children were in/bondage 1748/1802
Psa_73:15........thy/children When I/thought 1408/1802
Mat_27:56...Zebedees/children When the/even 1676/1802
Dan_1:10.........the/children which are/of 1587/1802
Dan_1:15.........the/children which did/eat 1589/1802
Heb_2:13.........the/children which God hath given/me 1777/1802
Gen_33:5.........The/children which God hath graciously/given 35/1802
2Pe_2:14......cursed/children Which have forsaken/the 1782/1802
Deu_11:2........your/children which have not known and/which 554/1802
Deu_31:13......their/children which have not known any/thing 575/1802
1Ch_14:4.........his/children which he had/in 1072/1802
Deu_28:54........his/children which he shall/leave 567/1802
Deu_1:39........your/children which in/that 525/1802
Deu_28:57........her/children which she/shall 569/1802
Psa_78:6.........the/children which should/be 1411/1802
Gen_31:43......their/children which they/have 28/1802
Eze_16:36........thy/children which thou didst/give 1561/1802
Isa_49:20........The/children which thou shalt/have 1486/1802
2Ch_8:8........their/children who/were... 1107/1802
Jos_5:7........their/children whom he raised/up 614/1802
Deu_28:55........his/children whom he shall/eat 568/1802
2Jn_1:1..........her/children whom I/love 1795/1802
Isa_8:18.........the/children whom the/LORD 1465/1802
Psa_45:16........thy/children whom thou/mayest 1403/1802
Psa_144:7....strange/children Whose mouth speaketh vanity and their right hand is a right hand of falsehood I/will 1441/1802
Psa_144:11...strange/children whose mouth speaketh vanity and their right hand is a right hand of falsehood That/our 1442/1802
Jer_2:9...children's/children will I/plead 1498/1802
Psa_132:12.......thy/children will keep/my 1438/1802
Deu_30:2.........thy/children with all/thine 573/1802
Rev_2:23.........her/children with death/and 1800/1802
Mat_20:20...Zebedees/children with her/sons 1669/1802
Lev_25:41........his/children with him and/shall 250/1802
Lev_25:54........his/children with him For/unto 254/1802
Luk_19:44........thy/children within thee and/they 1702/1802
Psa_147:13.......thy/children within thee He/maketh 1443/1802
Psa_115:14......your/children Ye are/blessed 1432/1802
Mat_18:3......little/children ye shall/not 1664/1802
Joh_8:39...Abraham's/children ye would/do 1711/1802
Joh_13:33.....Little/children yet a/little 1714/1802
1Ki_20:5.........thy/children Yet I/will.. 991/1802
Hos_9:12.......their/children yet will/I. 1609/1802
Eze_16:45......their/children your/mother 1563/1802
Mat_15:26........the/children's bread and to cast it to/dogs 17/19
Mar_7:27.........the/children's bread and to cast it unto/the 18/19
Psa_128:6........thy/children's children and peace/upon 10/19
Pro_13:22........his/children's children and the/wealth 11/19
Gen_45:10........thy/children's children and thy/flocks 2/19
Deu_4:25.........and/children's children and ye/shall 5/19
Pro_17:6..unpunished/Children's children are/the 12/19
2Ki_17:41......their/children's children as/did 7/19
Eze_37:25......their/children's children for/ever 16/19
Psa_103:17......unto/children's children To/such 9/19
Exo_34:7.........the/children's children unto/the 4/19
Jer_2:9.........your/children's children will/I 13/19
Mar_7:28.........the/children's crumbs/And... 19/19
Jos_14:9.........thy/children's for/ever...... 6/19
Gen_31:16........our/children's now/then...... 1/19
Exo_9:4..........the/children's of/Israel..... 3/19
Job_19:17........the/children's sake/of....... 8/19
Eze_18:2.........the/children's teeth are set on edge As/I 15/19
Jer_31:29........the/children's teeth are set on edge But/every 14/19
Job_33:25..........a/child's he/shall.......... 3/4
Mat_2:20.......young/child's life/And.......... 4/4
Exo_2:8..........the/child's mother/And........ 1/4
1Ki_17:21.......this/child's soul/come......... 2/4
2Sa_3:3.......second/Chileab/of................ 1/1
Rut_1:5..........and/Chilion died/also......... 2/2
Rut_1:2..........and/Chilion Ephrathites/of.... 1/2
Rut_4:9..........was/Chilion's/and............. 1/1
Eze_27:23........and/Chilmad/were.............. 1/1
