2Ki_8:15......thick/cloth and dipped/it..... 12/18
Mar_14:52.....linen/cloth and fled/from..... 18/18
Mat_27:59.....linen/cloth And laid/it....... 15/18
1Sa_19:13.........a/cloth And when/Saul...... 9/18
Deu_22:17.......the/cloth before/the......... 8/18
1Sa_21:9..........a/cloth behind/the........ 10/18
Mar_14:51.....linen/cloth cast/about........ 17/18
Num_4:11..........a/cloth of blue and cover it/with 5/18
Num_4:9...........a/cloth of blue and cover the/candlestick 4/18
Num_4:12..........a/cloth of blue and cover them/with 6/18
Num_4:7...........a/cloth of blue and put/thereon 2/18
Num_4:8...........a/cloth of scarlet/and..... 3/18
Mar_2:21........new/cloth on/an............. 16/18
Num_4:13.....purple/cloth thereon/And........ 7/18
Isa_30:22menstruous/cloth thou/shalt........ 13/18
Mat_9:16........new/cloth unto/an........... 14/18
2Sa_20:12.........a/cloth upon/him.......... 11/18
Num_4:6...........a/cloth wholly/of.......... 1/18
Pro_23:21.....shall/clothe a/man............. 5/16
Psa_132:16.....also/clothe her/priests....... 3/16
Isa_22:21......will/clothe him/with.......... 6/16
Est_4:4..........to/clothe Mordecai/and...... 2/16
Mat_6:30.........so/clothe the grass of/the. 13/16
Luk_12:28........so/clothe the grass which/is 15/16
Isa_50:3..........I/clothe the heavens/with.. 8/16
Zec_3:4........will/clothe thee with change/of 12/16
Isa_49:18....surely/clothe thee with them/all 7/16
Exo_40:14.......and/clothe them/with......... 1/16
Eze_26:16.....shall/clothe themselves/with... 9/16
Psa_132:18........I/clothe with/shame........ 4/16
Hag_1:6..........ye/clothe you but/there.... 11/16
Luk_12:28........he/clothe you O ye of little faith And/seek 16/16
Mat_6:30.......more/clothe you O ye of little faith Therefore/take 14/16
Eze_34:3.........ye/clothe you with/the..... 10/16
2Ch_28:15.....spoil/clothed all/that......... 8/73
Mar_5:15........and/clothed and in his right mind and they were afraid And/they 52/73
Luk_8:35......Jesus/clothed and in his right mind and they were afraid They/also 56/73
Rev_3:18.........be/clothed and that/the.... 64/73
Dan_5:29.......they/clothed Daniel/with..... 39/73
Mat_6:31.........be/clothed For/after....... 46/73
Zec_3:5.........and/clothed him with garments/And 45/73
Mar_15:17......they/clothed him with purple/and 53/73
Lev_8:7.........and/clothed him with the/robe 2/73
Psa_109:18.......he/clothed himself/with.... 20/73
Job_39:19......thou/clothed his/neck........ 14/73
Mar_16:5.......side/clothed in a/long....... 54/73
Rev_18:16.......was/clothed in fine linen and/purple 71/73
Rev_19:14....horses/clothed in fine linen white/and 73/73
Dan_12:6........man/clothed in linen which was upon the waters of the river How/long 41/73
Dan_12:7........man/clothed in linen which was upon the waters of the river when/he 42/73
Dan_10:5........man/clothed in linen whose/loins 40/73
Rev_15:6....plagues/clothed in pure/and..... 70/73
Luk_16:19.......was/clothed in purple/and... 57/73
1Ch_21:16......were/clothed in sackcloth fell/upon 5/73
Rev_11:3.......days/clothed in sackcloth These/are 68/73
Mat_11:8........man/clothed in soft raiment behold they that/wear 47/73
Luk_7:25........man/clothed in soft raiment Behold they which/are 55/73
2Ch_18:9.....throne/clothed in their/robes... 7/73
Rev_3:5..........be/clothed in white raiment and I/will 63/73
Rev_4:4.....sitting/clothed in white raiment and they/had 65/73
Mat_25:36........ye/clothed me I/was........ 48/73
Job_29:14........it/clothed me my/judgment.. 13/73
Mat_25:43........ye/clothed me not/sick..... 50/73
Job_10:11......hast/clothed me with skin/and 12/73
Isa_61:10......hath/clothed me with the/garments 24/73
Eze_23:12....rulers/clothed most/gorgeously. 34/73
Eze_16:10.........I/clothed thee also/with.. 32/73
Mat_25:38.......and/clothed thee Or/when.... 49/73
Gen_3:21........and/clothed them/And......... 1/73
2Co_5:4.........but/clothed upon that/mortality 60/73
2Co_5:2..........be/clothed upon with/our... 58/73
2Co_5:3.......being/clothed we/shall........ 59/73
Rev_10:1.....heaven/clothed with a cloud/and 67/73
Rev_1:13........man/clothed with a garment/down 62/73
1Ch_15:27.......was/clothed with a robe/of... 4/73
Rev_19:13.......was/clothed with a vesture/dipped 72/73
Eze_38:4.......them/clothed with all/sorts.. 35/73
Eze_23:6.......were/clothed with blue/captains 33/73
Mar_1:6.........was/clothed with camel's/hair 51/73
Eze_7:27.........be/clothed with desolation/and 25/73
Zec_3:3.........was/clothed with filthy/garments 44/73
Psa_65:13.......are/clothed with flocks/the. 16/73
Psa_104:1.......art/clothed with honour/and. 19/73
1Pe_5:5..........be/clothed with humility/for 61/73
Eze_10:2........man/clothed with linen and/said 29/73
Eze_44:17........be/clothed with linen garments/and 36/73
Eze_10:6........man/clothed with linen saying/Take 30/73
Eze_9:11........man/clothed with linen which had the inkhorn/by 28/73
Eze_9:3.........man/clothed with linen which had the writer's/inkhorn 27/73
Eze_10:7........was/clothed with linen who/took 31/73
Eze_9:2.........was/clothed with linen with/a 26/73
Psa_93:1.........is/clothed with majesty/the 17/73
Psa_132:9........be/clothed with righteousness/and 22/73
Est_4:2........gate/clothed with sackcloth/And 9/73
2Ch_6:41.........be/clothed with salvation/and 6/73
Dan_5:7..........be/clothed with scarlet and have a chain of gold about his/neck 37/73
Dan_5:16.........be/clothed with scarlet and have a chain of gold about thy/neck 38/73
Pro_31:21.......are/clothed with scarlet She/maketh 23/73
Psa_35:26........be/clothed with shame and dishonour/that 15/73
Psa_109:29.......be/clothed with shame and let/them 21/73
Job_8:22.........be/clothed with shame and the/dwelling 11/73
Zep_1:8.........are/clothed with strange/apparel 43/73
Psa_93:1.........is/clothed with strength/wherewith 18/73
Rev_12:1......woman/clothed with the/sun.... 69/73
Rev_7:9........Lamb/clothed with white/robes 66/73
Job_7:5..........is/clothed with worms/and.. 10/73
2Sa_1:24........who/clothed you/in........... 3/73
1Sa_19:24.......his/clothes also and/prophesied 48/101
Lev_14:9........his/clothes also he/shall.. 17/101
Num_8:21......their/clothes and Aaron/offered 36/101
Lev_15:5........his/clothes and bathe himself in water and be unclean until the even And he that sitteth/on 20/101
Lev_15:6........his/clothes and bathe himself in water and be unclean until the even And he that toucheth/the 21/101
Lev_15:7........his/clothes and bathe himself in water and be unclean until the even And if he/that 22/101
Lev_15:22.......his/clothes and bathe himself in water and be unclean until the even And if it/be 28/101
Lev_15:11.......his/clothes and bathe himself in water and be unclean until the even And the/vessel 25/101
Lev_15:8........his/clothes and bathe himself in water and be unclean until the even And what/saddle 23/101
Lev_15:10.......his/clothes and bathe himself in water and be unclean until the even And whomsoever/he 24/101
Lev_15:21.......his/clothes and bathe himself in water and be unclean until the even And whosoever/toucheth 27/101
Lev_15:27.......his/clothes and bathe himself in water and be unclean until the even But/if 29/101
Lev_17:15.......his/clothes and bathe himself in water and be unclean until the even then/shall 33/101
Num_19:19.......his/clothes and bathe himself in water and shall/be 41/101
Lev_15:13.......his/clothes and bathe his flesh in running/water 26/101
Lev_16:26.......his/clothes and bathe his flesh in water and afterward come/into 30/101
Lev_16:28.......his/clothes and bathe his flesh in water and afterward he/shall 31/101
Lev_13:6........his/clothes and be clean But if the scab/spread 13/101
Lev_13:34.......his/clothes and be clean But if the scall/spread 14/101
Exo_19:10.....their/clothes And be ready/against 6/101
Lev_11:40.......his/clothes and be unclean until the even And every/creeping 12/101
Num_19:10.......his/clothes and be unclean until the even and it/shall 40/101
Lev_11:40.......his/clothes and be unclean until the even he/also 11/101
Lev_11:25.......his/clothes and be unclean until the even The/carcases 9/101
Lev_11:28.......his/clothes and be unclean until the even they/are 10/101
Eze_27:24......blue/clothes and broidered/work 80/101
Act_16:22.....their/clothes and commanded/to 100/101
2Ki_19:1........his/clothes and covered himself with sackcloth and went into the house of the LORD And he sent Eliakim which/was 63/101
Isa_37:1........his/clothes and covered himself with sackcloth and went into the house of the LORD And he sent Eliakim who/was 75/101
2Ki_11:14.......her/clothes and cried/Treason 61/101
Jos_7:6.........his/clothes and fell/to.... 45/101
2Sa_3:31.......your/clothes and gird/you... 51/101
2Ki_6:30........his/clothes and he passed/by 60/101
Gen_37:29.......his/clothes And he returned/unto 1/101
Exo_19:14.....their/clothes And he said/unto 7/101
Num_19:7........his/clothes and he shall/bathe 38/101
Lev_14:47.......his/clothes and he that eateth/in 18/101
Num_19:21.......his/clothes and he that toucheth/the 42/101
Mar_5:30.........my/clothes And his/disciples 86/101
Lev_14:47.......his/clothes And if/the..... 19/101
Gen_44:13.....their/clothes and laded/every. 3/101
Luk_2:7...swaddling/clothes and laid/him... 89/101
Est_4:1.........his/clothes and put on/sackcloth 71/101
1Ki_21:27.......his/clothes and put sackcloth upon his flesh/and 55/101
Gen_37:34.......his/clothes and put sackcloth upon his loins/and 2/101
Act_14:14.....their/clothes and ran/in..... 99/101
2Sa_1:11........his/clothes and rent them and/likewise 50/101
2Ki_2:12........own/clothes and rent them in/two 56/101
Jdg_11:35.......his/clothes and said Alas/my 46/101
2Ki_5:7.........his/clothes and said Am/I.. 57/101
2Ch_23:13.......her/clothes and said Treason/Treason 66/101
Mar_14:63.......his/clothes and saith/What. 87/101
Eze_16:39.......thy/clothes and shall/take. 77/101
Lev_14:8........his/clothes and shave/off.. 16/101
Num_8:7.......their/clothes and so/make.... 35/101
Eze_23:26.......thy/clothes and take/away.. 78/101
2Ch_34:19.......his/clothes And the king commanded Hilkiah and/Ahikam 67/101
2Ki_22:11.......his/clothes And the king commanded Hilkiah the/priest 64/101
Mat_21:7......their/clothes and they set/him 82/101
Num_14:6......their/clothes And they spake/unto 37/101
Act_22:23.....their/clothes and threw/dust 101/101
2Ch_34:27.......thy/clothes and weep/before 68/101
2Ki_22:19.......thy/clothes and wept/before 65/101
Mat_24:18.......his/clothes And woe/unto... 83/101
Deu_29:5.......your/clothes are/not........ 44/101
Act_7:58......their/clothes at/a........... 98/101
1Ki_1:1........with/clothes but he/gat..... 54/101
Joh_20:7......linen/clothes but wrapped/together 97/101
Lev_16:32.....linen/clothes even/the....... 32/101
Eze_27:20..precious/clothes for/chariots... 79/101
2Sa_19:24.......his/clothes from/the....... 53/101
Mar_5:28........his/clothes I/shall........ 85/101
Gen_49:11.......his/clothes in the blood/of. 4/101
Luk_19:36.....their/clothes in the way/And. 92/101
Num_19:8........his/clothes in water/and... 39/101
Luk_24:12.....linen/clothes laid by/themselves 93/101
Amo_2:8........upon/clothes laid to/pledge. 81/101
Lev_10:6.......your/clothes lest/ye......... 8/101
2Ki_5:8.........thy/clothes let/him........ 59/101
Joh_20:6......linen/clothes lie/And........ 96/101
Luk_2:12..swaddling/clothes lying in/a..... 90/101
Joh_20:5......linen/clothes lying yet/went. 95/101
Luk_8:27.........no/clothes neither abode/in 91/101
Lev_21:10.......his/clothes Neither shall/he 34/101
Pro_6:27........his/clothes not/be......... 73/101
Mar_15:20.......own/clothes on him/and..... 88/101
Num_31:24......your/clothes on the/seventh. 43/101
2Sa_1:2.........his/clothes rent and earth/upon 49/101
Jer_41:5......their/clothes rent and having/cut 76/101
2Sa_13:31.....their/clothes rent And Jonadab/the 52/101
2Ki_18:37.....their/clothes rent and told him the words of Rabshakeh And it came to pass when king Hezekiah heard it that he rent his clothes and covered himself with sackcloth and went into the house of the LORD And he sent Eliakim which/was 62/101
Isa_36:22.....their/clothes rent and told him the words of Rabshakeh And it came to pass when king Hezekiah heard it that he rent his clothes and covered himself with sackcloth and went into the house of the LORD And he sent Eliakim who/was 74/101
1Sa_4:12........his/clothes rent and with/earth 47/101
Neh_4:23........our/clothes saving/that.... 69/101
Mat_26:65.......his/clothes saying/He...... 84/101
Job_9:31........own/clothes shall abhor/me. 72/101
Lev_13:45.......his/clothes shall be/rent.. 15/101
2Ki_5:8.........his/clothes that/he........ 58/101
Exo_12:34.....their/clothes upon/their...... 5/101
Neh_9:21......their/clothes waxed/not...... 70/101
Joh_19:40.....linen/clothes with/the....... 94/101
Jer_4:30.......thou/clothest/thyself.......... 1/1
Mar_12:38......long/clothing and love/salutations 17/19
Act_10:30....bright/clothing And said/Cornelius 18/19
Jam_2:3.........gay/clothing and say/unto... 19/19
Pro_31:25.......her/clothing and she/shall... 9/19
Pro_27:26.......thy/clothing and the/goats... 7/19
Job_24:10...without/clothing and they/take... 3/19
Isa_59:17.......for/clothing and was/clad... 13/19
Mat_11:8.......soft/clothing are/in......... 16/19
Isa_3:6........hast/clothing be/thou........ 10/19
Isa_23:18...durable/clothing Behold/the..... 12/19
Mat_7:15....sheep's/clothing but/inwardly... 15/19
Psa_45:13.......her/clothing is of/wrought... 6/19
Pro_31:22.......her/clothing is silk/and..... 8/19
Isa_3:7.........nor/clothing make/me........ 11/19
Job_31:19........of/clothing or/any.......... 4/19
Job_24:7....without/clothing that/they....... 2/19
Jer_10:9......their/clothing they/are....... 14/19
Job_22:6......their/clothing Thou/hast....... 1/19
Psa_35:13........my/clothing was/sackcloth... 5/19
Exo_31:10.......the/cloths of service and/the. 1/4
Exo_39:1.......made/cloths of service to do service in the holy place and made/the 3/4
Exo_39:41.......The/cloths of service to do service in the holy place and the/holy 4/4
Exo_35:19.......The/cloths of service to do service in the holy place the/holy 2/4
