Mar_14:68....the/cock crew And a/maid..... 5/12
Mar_14:72....the/cock crew And Peter called/to 6/12
Mat_26:74....the/cock crew And Peter remembered/the 2/12
Luk_22:60....the/cock crew And the/Lord... 9/12
Joh_18:27....the/cock crew Then/led...... 12/12
Mat_26:75....the/cock crow thou shalt deny me thrice And he/went 3/12
Luk_22:61....the/cock crow thou shalt deny me thrice And Peter/went 10/12
Mat_26:34....the/cock crow thou shalt deny me thrice Peter/said 1/12
Mar_14:72....the/cock crow twice thou shalt deny me thrice And/when 7/12
Mar_14:30....the/cock crow twice thou shalt deny me thrice But/he 4/12
Luk_22:34....the/cock shall not crow this/day 8/12
Joh_13:38....The/cock shall not crow till/thou 11/12
Isa_14:29......a/cockatrice and/his........ 2/3
Isa_11:8.....the/cockatrice' den/They...... 1/3
Isa_59:5...hatch/cockatrice' eggs/and...... 3/3
Jer_8:17serpents/cockatrices/among......... 1/1
Mar_13:35....the/cockcrowing/or............ 1/1
Job_31:40....and/cockle/instead............ 1/1
