Deu_22:29.......his/days A man shall/not.. 209/877
Pro_28:16.......his/days A man that/doeth. 502/877
Act_13:41......your/days a work/which..... 822/877
Exo_16:29.......two/days abide/ye.......... 77/877
Ezr_10:8......three/days according to the counsel/of 393/877 according to the days/of 100/877 according to the set/time 263/877 according to the sin/offering 636/877
Est_9:27........two/days according to their/writing 428/877
Deu_1:46.......many/days according unto/the 173/877
Act_15:36......some/days after Paul/said.. 823/877
1Sa_25:38.......ten/days after that the/LORD 273/877 after that thou/hast 201/877
Mar_13:24.....those/days after that tribulation/the 747/877
Luk_15:13......many/days after the/younger 776/877
Luk_9:28......eight/days after these/sayings 773/877
Jos_9:16......three/days after they/had... 230/877
Dan_8:27....certain/days afterward/I...... 653/877
Joh_20:26.....eight/days again/his........ 798/877
Act_10:30......Four/days ago I/was........ 816/877
1Sa_9:20......three/days ago set/not...... 260/877
1Sa_30:13.....three/days agone/I.......... 277/877 all/that......... 135/877
Joh_11:17......four/days already/Now...... 795/877
Ecc_5:17........his/days also he/eateth... 507/877
Job_7:1.........his/days also like/the.... 435/877
Neh_13:23.....those/days also saw/I....... 413/877
Act_24:1.......five/days Ananias/the...... 838/877 and a/kid........ 635/877 and after that let/her 157/877 and after that she/shall 124/877 and again/he...... 24/877
Gen_37:34......many/days And all his/sons.. 48/877 and all Israel/with 361/877 and all the/bed.. 119/877
Gen_6:4.......those/days and also/after.... 15/877
Rev_11:9......three/days and an half and/shall 875/877
Rev_11:11.....three/days and an half the/spirit 876/877
Jer_17:11.......his/days and at his/end... 562/877
Jer_33:15.....those/days and at that/time. 581/877
Dan_1:14........ten/days And at the/end... 639/877
1Ki_15:16.....their/days And Baasha/king.. 310/877
2Sa_20:4......three/days and be/thou...... 282/877
Job_38:12.......thy/days and caused/the... 462/877
Deu_17:9......those/days and enquire/and.. 203/877 And every/open... 163/877
Neh_1:4.....certain/days and fasted/and... 395/877 And for/an....... 164/877
Gen_7:4.......forty/days and forty nights and every/living 17/877
Deu_10:10.....forty/days and forty nights and the LORD hearkened/unto 191/877
Exo_24:18.....forty/days and forty nights And the LORD spake/unto 86/877
Deu_9:25......forty/days and forty nights as/I 190/877
Exo_34:28.....forty/days and forty nights he did/neither 94/877
Mat_4:2.......forty/days and forty nights he was/afterward 711/877
Deu_9:18......forty/days and forty nights I did/neither 189/877
Deu_9:9.......forty/days and forty nights I neither/did 187/877
Gen_7:12......forty/days and forty nights In/the 19/877
Deu_9:11......forty/days and forty nights that/the 188/877
1Ki_19:8......forty/days and forty nights unto/Horeb 317/877
Act_28:12.....three/days And from/thence.. 848/877
Job_14:1........few/days and full/of...... 446/877
Gen_7:24......fifty/days And God/remembered 21/877
Mat_15:32.....three/days and have nothing to eat and I/will 719/877
Mar_8:2.......three/days and have nothing to eat And if/I 740/877
1Ki_15:14.......his/days And he brought in/the 309/877
2Ch_15:17.......his/days And he brought into/the 368/877
Luk_24:18.....these/days And he said/unto. 788/877 And he shall/look 113/877
Luk_5:35......those/days And he spake/also 769/877
Num_24:14....latter/days And he took/up... 166/877
1Ch_7:22.......many/days and his brethren/came 349/877
Gen_35:29........of/days and his sons/Esau. 47/877
Neh_2:11......three/days And I arose/in... 396/877
Dan_8:26.......many/days And I Daniel/fainted 652/877
Ezr_8:15......three/days and I viewed/the. 390/877
Eze_38:16....latter/days and I will bring/thee 627/877 and I will cause/it 16/877
Amo_5:21......feast/days and I will not/smell 684/877 And if it/spread. 108/877
1Ki_3:13........thy/days And if thou/wilt. 292/877
Jer_50:4......those/days and in that time saith the LORD the children/of 595/877
Jer_50:20.....those/days and in that time saith the LORD the iniquity/of 596/877
Joe_3:1.......those/days and in that time when/I 680/877
Num_10:10....solemn/days and in the beginnings/of 147/877 And in the day/that 632/877 And in the seventh/day 110/877
2Ch_29:17.....eight/days and in the sixteenth/day 375/877
Gen_21:34......many/days And it came to pass after/these 32/877 And it came to pass at the end of seven/days 606/877
1Ki_2:38.......many/days And it came to pass at the end of three/years 290/877
Jos_6:14........six/days And it came to pass on/the 229/877
Neh_6:15........two/days And it came to pass that/when 398/877
Mar_2:1........some/days and it was/noised 734/877
2Ki_13:3......their/days And Jehoahaz/besought 327/877
1Sa_17:16.....forty/days And Jesse/said... 267/877
Luk_6:2.....sabbath/days And Jesus/answering 770/877
2Sa_24:8.....twenty/days And Joab/gave.... 286/877
Gen_42:17.....three/days And Joseph/said... 53/877 and keep/the...... 99/877
Dan_1:12........ten/days and let/them..... 638/877
Pro_3:2..........of/days and long/life.... 497/877
Joh_4:40........two/days And many/more.... 792/877
Gal_4:10....observe/days and months/and... 852/877
Jon_3:4.......forty/days and Nineveh/shall 691/877
Act_7:41......those/days and offered/sacrifice 809/877 and on the eighth/day 401/877
Act_16:12...certain/days And on the sabbath/we 824/877 And on the three/and 363/877
Jdg_20:27.....those/days And Phinehas/the. 251/877
Mar_13:17.....those/days And pray/ye...... 743/877
1Ki_14:30.....their/days And Rehoboam/slept 306/877
Deu_26:3......those/days and say/unto..... 212/877
Act_27:7.......many/days and scarce/were.. 845/877 and sent/forth.... 25/877 and seven days/even 297/877 and seven nights/and 433/877
Jos_6:3.........six/days And seven priests/shall 228/877 And so it/was.... 318/877 and so we/went... 849/877
1Ki_3:14........thy/days And Solomon awoke/and 293/877
1Ki_3:2.......those/days And Solomon loved/the 291/877
Act_1:3.......forty/days and speaking/of.. 799/877
Act_10:48...certain/days And the apostles/and 817/877
1Ki_17:15......many/days And the barrel/of 314/877 and the feast/seven 362/877
Mat_26:61.....three/days And the high/priest 729/877
Joh_2:12.......many/days And the Jews'/passover 789/877
Deu_19:17.....those/days And the judges/shall 206/877
Deu_2:1........many/days And the LORD/spake 175/877
Job_15:20.......his/days and the number/of 449/877
2Ch_10:5......three/days And the people departed/And 365/877 and the people journeyed/not 158/877
Isa_53:10.......his/days and the pleasure/of 541/877 And the priest shall come/again 116/877 And the priest shall look on/him 106/877 And the priest shall look upon/him 109/877 And the rest/of.. 336/877
Exo_24:16.......six/days and the seventh/day 85/877
Jer_6:11.........of/days And their/houses. 556/877
Mar_13:20.......the/days And then/if...... 746/877 and there shall/no 74/877 And there was no/passover 383/877
Rev_12:6.threescore/days And there was war/in 877/877
Dan_7:13.........of/days and they brought/him 649/877 and they kept/other 378/877
Est_4:11.....thirty/days And they told/to. 422/877
Num_13:25.....forty/days And they went/and 159/877
Luk_4:31....sabbath/days And they were/astonished 767/877
1Sa_30:12.....three/days and three nights And/David 276/877
Mat_12:40.....three/days and three nights in the heart/of 718/877
Mat_12:40.....three/days and three nights in the whale's/belly 717/877
Jon_1:17......three/days and three nights Then/Jonah 688/877 And upon/the..... 830/877
Luk_1:39......those/days and went/into.... 755/877
Dan_10:14......many/days And when he/had.. 657/877
Lev_12:5........six/days And when the days of her/purifying 104/877
Gen_50:3........ten/days And when the days of his/mourning 61/877 And when the inhabitants/of 63/877
Est_1:4...fourscore/days And when these/days 417/877 and whosoever/toucheth 118/877 And ye shall keep/it 133/877 And ye shall offer a burnt/offering 169/877
Lev_23:16.....fifty/days and ye shall offer a new/meat 129/877
Gen_1:14........for/days and years And/let.. 1/877
Isa_32:10......Many/days and years shall/ye 533/877
Luk_9:36......those/days any/of........... 774/877
Act_27:20......many/days appeared/and..... 846/877
1Sa_13:11.......the/days appointed/and.... 264/877
Deu_31:14.......thy/days approach/that.... 215/877
Psa_144:4.......his/days are as a/shadow.. 496/877
Psa_103:15......his/days are as grass/as.. 491/877
Eze_12:23.......The/days are at/hand...... 617/877
Luk_23:29.......the/days are coming/in.... 787/877 are consumed/like 487/877
Job_14:5........his/days are determined/the 447/877
Eph_5:16........the/days are evil/Wherefore 853/877
Eze_43:27.....these/days are expired/it... 631/877 are extinct/the.. 450/877
Lam_4:18........our/days are fulfilled for/our 604/877 are fulfilled that/I 42/877
Psa_102:11.......My/days are like/a....... 488/877
Psa_90:9........our/days are passed/away.. 481/877
Job_17:11........My/days are past/my...... 451/877
Eze_12:22.......The/days are prolonged/and 616/877
Ecc_2:23........his/days are sorrows/and.. 506/877 are swifter than a post/they 440/877
Job_7:6..........My/days are swifter than a weaver's/shuttle 437/877 are vanity/What.. 438/877 as an/handbreadth 472/877
Luk_20:1......those/days as he/taught..... 783/877 as I/commanded.... 83/877
Lam_5:21........our/days as of/old........ 605/877
Job_10:5........thy/days as the days/of... 441/877 as the sand/My... 456/877
Luk_2:43........the/days as they/returned. 761/877
Gen_24:55.......few/days at/the............ 33/877
1Ch_17:11.......thy/days be expired/that.. 355/877
Psa_109:8.......his/days be few/and....... 492/877
2Sa_7:12........thy/days be fulfilled and/thou 280/877
Num_6:5.........the/days be fulfilled in/the 138/877
Ecc_8:12........his/days be prolonged/yet. 514/877
Rev_2:10........ten/days be thou/faithful. 869/877
Deu_31:29....latter/days because/ye....... 216/877
Joh_12:1........six/days before/the....... 797/877
Jam_5:3........last/days Behold/the....... 865/877
Dan_12:11....ninety/days Blessed is he/that 660/877
Job_42:17........of/days Blessed is the/man 464/877
Exo_10:23.....three/days but all/the....... 70/877
Num_11:19....twenty/days But even/a....... 153/877
2Ki_2:17......three/days but found/him.... 322/877
Dan_12:12....thirty/days But go/thou...... 661/877
Joh_2:20......three/days But he/spake..... 791/877
Psa_55:23.....their/days but I/will....... 475/877
Deu_22:19.......his/days But if/this...... 208/877
1Ki_21:29.......his/days but in/his....... 319/877 But it/shall..... 115/877
Dan_10:13....twenty/days but lo/Michael... 655/877
Eze_46:1....working/days but on/the....... 637/877
Gal_1:18....fifteen/days But other/of..... 851/877
Act_16:18......many/days But Paul/being... 825/877
Mat_24:19.....those/days But pray/ye...... 722/877
Pro_10:27prolongeth/days but the/years.... 500/877 By/faith......... 863/877
Dan_7:22.........of/days came and/judgment 650/877
Mat_3:1.......those/days came John/the.... 710/877
Act_11:27.....these/days came prophets/from 818/877
Heb_12:10.......few/days chastened/us..... 864/877
Rev_11:3.threescore/days clothed/in....... 873/877
Ecc_12:1.......evil/days come not/nor..... 523/877
Amo_8:11........the/days come saith the Lord GOD/that 685/877
Jer_30:3........the/days come saith the LORD that I will bring/again 572/877
Jer_49:2........the/days come saith the LORD that I will cause/an 593/877
Jer_51:52.......the/days come saith the LORD that I will do/judgment 598/877
Jer_31:31.......the/days come saith the LORD that I will make/a 576/877
Jer_33:14.......the/days come saith the LORD that I will perform/that 580/877
Jer_9:25........the/days come saith the LORD that I will punish/all 558/877
Jer_23:5........the/days come saith the LORD that I will raise/unto 566/877
Jer_48:12.......the/days come saith the LORD that I will send/unto 591/877
Jer_31:27.......the/days come saith the LORD that I will sow/the 574/877
Jer_7:32........the/days come saith the LORD that it shall no more be called/Tophet 557/877
Jer_16:14.......the/days come saith the LORD that it shall no more be said/The 561/877
Jer_31:38.......the/days come saith the LORD that the city/shall 578/877
Amo_9:13........the/days come saith the LORD that the plowman/shall 687/877
Jer_23:7........the/days come saith the LORD that they/shall 568/877
Jer_19:6........the/days come saith the LORD that this/place 563/877
Heb_8:8.........the/days come saith the Lord when/I 859/877
Isa_39:6........the/days come that all that is in thine house and that which thy fathers have laid up in store until/this 538/877
2Ki_20:17.......the/days come that all that is in thine house and that which thy fathers have laid up in store unto/this 335/877
1Sa_2:31........the/days come that I will cut/off 256/877
Jer_51:47.......the/days come that I will do/judgment 597/877 Comfort/ye....... 539/877
Act_28:7......three/days courteously/And.. 847/877
Est_9:13.......this/day's decree/and...... 424/877
Psa_78:33.....their/days did he/consume... 478/877
1Ki_16:34.......his/days did Hiel/the..... 313/877
Dan_7:9..........of/days did sit/whose.... 648/877
Num_14:34.....forty/days each/day......... 161/877
1Ch_12:39.....three/days eating/and....... 352/877
2Ki_8:20........his/days Edom/revolted.... 324/877
Num_20:29....thirty/days even all/the..... 165/877
Est_1:4........many/days even an/hundred.. 416/877 even fourteen/days 298/877
Jdg_14:14.....three/days expound/the...... 243/877
Act_25:14......many/days Festus/declared.. 844/877 few/cease........ 444/877
Isa_38:5........thy/days fifteen years And I will deliver thee and this city out of the hand of the king of Assyria and I will defend this city And/this 535/877
2Ki_20:6........thy/days fifteen years and I will deliver thee and this city out of the hand of the king of Assyria and I will defend this city for/mine 334/877
Psa_21:4.........of/days for ever and/ever 465/877
Deu_23:6........thy/days for ever Thou/shalt 210/877 for his/cleansing 117/877
Jer_22:30.......his/days for no/man....... 565/877
Isa_65:20.......his/days for the child/shall 546/877
Gen_29:20.......few/days for the love/he... 41/877
Luk_21:23.....those/days for there/shall.. 786/877
Jer_32:14......many/days For thus/saith... 579/877
Dan_10:14....latter/days for yet/the...... 656/877
2Ki_15:18.......his/days from the/sins.... 329/877 from time/to..... 350/877
Gen_49:1.......last/days Gather/yourselves. 58/877
Ecc_11:1.......many/days Give/a........... 519/877
Act_25:1......three/days he ascended/from. 841/877
Joh_4:43........two/days he departed/thence 793/877
Luk_4:2.......those/days he did/eat....... 765/877
1Ch_23:1.........of/days he made/Solomon.. 358/877
Dan_11:20.......few/days he shall be/destroyed 658/877
1Ch_22:9........his/days He shall build/an 357/877 He shall purify/himself 162/877
Act_25:6........ten/days he went/down..... 842/877
Hos_3:5......latter/days Hear/the......... 670/877
Act_1:5........many/days hence/When....... 800/877
Hos_2:11......feast/days her new/moons.... 665/877
Isa_23:7....ancient/days her own/feet..... 529/877
2Ch_32:24.....those/days Hezekiah/was..... 380/877
Luk_1:24......those/days his/wife......... 753/877
Dan_10:2......those/days I Daniel/was..... 654/877
Eze_4:6.......forty/days I have/appointed. 611/877
Dan_4:34........the/days I Nebuchadnezzar/lifted 644/877 I said/O......... 489/877 I shall/go....... 536/877
Mar_14:58.....three/days I will build/another 749/877
Exo_23:26.......thy/days I will fulfil/I... 84/877
1Ki_11:12.......thy/days I will not/do.... 301/877
Joh_2:19......three/days I will raise/it.. 790/877
Mat_27:63.....three/days I will rise/again 731/877
Deu_4:30.....latter/days if/thou.......... 179/877
Jdg_11:40......four/days in a/year........ 241/877
2Ch_20:25.....three/days in gathering/of.. 369/877
Deu_17:20.......his/days in his/kingdom... 205/877
2Ch_36:9........ten/days in Jerusalem/and. 385/877
Act_9:43.......many/days in Joppa/with.... 815/877
Job_36:11.....their/days in prosperity/and 461/877
2Sa_21:9......first/days in the beginning/of 285/877 in the court/of.. 419/877 in the day/that.. 532/877
Isa_51:9....ancient/days in the generations/of 540/877
Jer_35:7.......many/days in the land where/ye 585/877
Deu_11:9.......your/days in the land which the/LORD 192/877
Deu_5:33.......your/days in the land which ye/shall 184/877
Deu_32:47......your/days in the land whither/ye 218/877 in the seventh/day 128/877
1Ki_15:32.....their/days In the third/year 311/877
Psa_44:1......their/days in the times/of.. 473/877
Exo_15:22.....three/days in the wilderness/and 75/877 in the year/It... 134/877 in Tirzah/And.... 312/877
Job_21:13.....their/days in wealth/and.... 452/877
Heb_10:32....former/days in which after/ye 862/877
Luk_13:14.......six/days in which men/ought 775/877
Num_14:34.......the/days in which ye/searched 160/877
2Sa_1:1.........two/days in Ziklag/It..... 279/877
Job_38:21.......thy/days is great/Hast.... 463/877
Pro_3:16.........of/days is in/her........ 498/877
Mat_26:2........two/days is the/feast..... 728/877 it shall be/with.. 81/877
Zec_8:23......those/days it shall come to pass that ten/men 705/877
Mic_4:1........last/days it shall come to pass that the/mountain 693/877
Ezr_10:9......three/days It was/the....... 394/877
Joh_11:39......four/days Jesus saith/unto. 796/877
Mat_17:1........six/days Jesus taketh Peter/James 720/877
Mar_9:2.........six/days Jesus taketh with/him 742/877
Jon_3:4...........a/day's journey and he/cried 690/877
Jon_3:3.......three/days' journey And Jonah/began 689/877
Num_10:33.....three/days' journey and the/ark 148/877' journey and there/was 323/877' journey and they overtook/him 45/877
Luk_2:44..........a/day's journey and they sought/him 762/877
Act_1:12....sabbath/day's journey And when/they 801/877
Gen_30:36.....three/days' journey betwixt/himself 44/877
Deu_1:2......eleven/days' journey from/Horeb 172/877
Num_33:8......three/days' journey in/the.. 171/877
Exo_5:3.......three/days' journey into the desert/and 66/877
1Ki_19:4..........a/day's journey into the wilderness and came/and 316/877
Exo_8:27......three/days' journey into the wilderness and sacrifice/to 68/877
Exo_3:18......three/days' journey into the wilderness that/we 65/877
Num_11:31.........a/day's journey on the/other 155/877
Num_11:31.........a/day's journey on this/side 154/877
Num_10:33.....three/days' journey to/search 149/877
Jer_23:6........his/days Judah/shall...... 567/877
Act_25:13...certain/days king/Agrippa..... 843/877 let her/be....... 156/877
1Pe_3:10.......good/days let him/refrain.. 866/877
Act_21:38.....these/days madest/an........ 837/877
Psa_90:14.......our/days Make/us.......... 484/877
Eze_38:17.....those/days many/years....... 628/877
Deu_25:15.......thy/days may be lengthened/in 211/877
Exo_20:12.......thy/days may be long/upon.. 80/877
Deu_11:21......your/days may be multiplied/and 193/877
Deu_5:16........thy/days may be prolonged and/that 183/877
Deu_6:2.........thy/days may be prolonged Hear/therefore 186/877
Exo_31:15.......Six/days may work/be....... 90/877 more And in/the.. 111/877 more And the priest shall look on him/again 107/877 more And the priest shall look on the/plague 114/877
2Ki_24:1........his/days Nebuchadnezzar/king 340/877 neither shall/there 199/877
Num_11:19......five/days neither ten/days. 151/877
Est_4:16......three/days night/or......... 423/877
Mar_13:20.....those/days no flesh/should.. 745/877
Mar_2:20......those/days No man/also...... 736/877
Isa_65:20........of/days nor an/old....... 545/877
Heb_7:3..........of/days nor end/of....... 858/877
Num_11:19.......two/days nor five/days.... 150/877
Num_11:19.......ten/days nor twenty/days.. 152/877 Now it/came...... 278/877
Ezr_8:32......three/days Now on/the....... 391/877
Dan_11:33......many/days Now when/they.... 659/877
Eze_12:25......your/days O/rebellious..... 618/877
Neh_13:6....certain/days obtained/I....... 411/877
Isa_65:22.......the/days of a/tree........ 547/877
Mar_2:26........the/days of Abiathar/the.. 737/877
2Ch_13:20.......the/days of Abijah/and.... 366/877
Gen_26:1........the/days of Abraham And/Isaac 36/877
Gen_26:18.......the/days of Abraham his father for/the 38/877
Gen_26:15.......the/days of Abraham his father the/Philistines 37/877
Gen_5:4.........the/days of Adam/after...... 4/877
Psa_94:13.......the/days of adversity/until 486/877
Job_30:16.......the/days of affliction have/taken 457/877
Job_30:27.......the/days of affliction prevented/me 458/877
Est_1:1.........the/days of Ahasuerus/this 414/877
Isa_7:1.........the/days of Ahaz/the...... 526/877
Gen_14:1........the/days of Amraphel/king.. 29/877
Job_7:1.........the/days of an/hireling... 436/877
Ezr_4:7.........the/days of Artaxerxes/wrote 388/877
Hos_2:13........the/days of Baalim/wherein 666/877
Gen_5:14........the/days of Cainan/were..... 8/877
Act_11:28.......the/days of Claudius/Caesar 819/877
Ezr_4:5.........the/days of Cyrus/king.... 387/877
Ecc_11:8........the/days of darkness/for.. 520/877
Neh_12:46.......the/days of David and/Asaph 408/877
1Ki_2:1.........the/days of David drew/nigh 288/877
2Sa_21:1........the/days of David three/years 283/877
1Ch_7:2.........the/days of David two/and. 348/877
Act_7:45........the/days of David Who/found 810/877
Luk_4:25........the/days of Elias/when.... 766/877
Neh_12:22.......the/days of Eliashib/Joiada 404/877
Gen_5:23........the/days of Enoch/were..... 11/877
Gen_5:11........the/days of Enos/were....... 7/877
Ezr_4:2.........the/days of Esarhaddon/king 386/877
Psa_49:5........the/days of evil/when..... 474/877
Psa_37:19.......the/days of famine/they... 470/877
Est_9:22.......them/days of feasting/and.. 426/877
Hos_10:9........the/days of Gibeah there/they 675/877
Hos_9:9.........the/days of Gibeah therefore/he 674/877
Jdg_8:28........the/days of Gideon/And.... 240/877
2Sa_21:9........the/days of harvest/in.... 284/877
Psa_89:29.......the/days of heaven If/his. 479/877
Deu_11:21.......the/days of heaven upon/the 195/877
Lam_1:7.........the/days of her affliction/and 601/877
Lev_15:26.......the/days of her issue/shall 123/877
Pro_31:12.......the/days of her life/She.. 503/877
Luk_2:22........the/days of her purification/according 760/877
Lev_12:6........the/days of her purifying are/fulfilled 105/877
Lev_12:4........the/days of her purifying be/fulfilled 103/877
Lev_15:25.......the/days of her separation/she 122/877
Hos_2:15........the/days of her youth and/as 667/877
Eze_23:19.......the/days of her youth wherein/she 625/877
Mat_2:1.........the/days of Herod the king behold/there 709/877
Luk_1:5.........the/days of Herod the king of/Judaea 751/877
2Ch_32:26.......the/days of Hezekiah And/Hezekiah 381/877
1Ch_4:41........the/days of Hezekiah king of Judah and smote/their 344/877
Jer_26:18.......the/days of Hezekiah king of Judah and spake/to 571/877
1Ki_22:46.......the/days of his father/Asa 321/877
Heb_5:7.........the/days of his flesh/when 857/877
2Ki_25:30.......the/days of his life Adam/Sheth 342/877
Jer_52:33.......the/days of his life And for/his 599/877
1Sa_7:15........the/days of his life And he/went 259/877
2Ki_25:29.......the/days of his life And his/allowance 341/877
1Ki_4:21........the/days of his life And Solomon's/provision 294/877
Jos_4:14........the/days of his life And the/LORD 227/877
1Sa_1:11........the/days of his life and there/shall 255/877
Ecc_5:20........the/days of his life because/God 509/877
1Ki_11:34.......the/days of his life for/David 303/877
Jer_52:34.......the/days of his life How/doth 600/877
1Ki_15:6........the/days of his life Now/the 308/877
1Ki_15:5........the/days of his life save/only 307/877
Deu_17:19.......the/days of his life that/he 204/877
Ecc_5:18........the/days of his life which God giveth him for/it 508/877
Ecc_8:15........the/days of his life which God giveth him under/the 516/877
Luk_1:23........the/days of his ministration/were 752/877
Gen_50:4........the/days of his mourning/were 62/877
Num_6:12........the/days of his separation and/shall 141/877
Num_6:13........the/days of his separation are/fulfilled 143/877
Num_6:8.........the/days of his separation he/is 140/877
Num_6:4.........the/days of his separation shall/he 136/877
Ecc_6:12........the/days of his vain/life. 511/877
Ecc_6:3.........the/days of his years/be.. 510/877
Psa_89:45.......The/days of his youth hast/thou 480/877
Job_33:25.......the/days of his youth He/shall 460/877
Gen_35:28.......the/days of Isaac/were..... 46/877
Jdg_5:6.........the/days of Jael/the...... 239/877
Gen_5:20........the/days of Jared/were..... 10/877
2Ki_13:22.......the/days of Jehoahaz/And.. 328/877
2Ch_24:14.......the/days of Jehoiada But/Jehoiada 372/877
2Ch_24:2........the/days of Jehoiada the/priest 371/877
Jer_35:1........the/days of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah king of Judah saying/Go 583/877
Jer_1:3.........the/days of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah king of Judah unto/the 550/877
1Ch_5:17........the/days of Jeroboam king/of 347/877
Hos_1:1.........the/days of Jeroboam the son of Joash king of Israel The/beginning 664/877
Amo_1:1.........the/days of Jeroboam the son of Joash king of Israel two/years 682/877
Neh_12:7........the/days of Jeshua Moreover/the 402/877
Neh_8:17........the/days of Jeshua the/son 400/877
Neh_12:23.......the/days of Johanan/the... 405/877
Mat_11:12.......the/days of John/the...... 713/877
Neh_12:26.......the/days of Joiakim the/son 406/877
Neh_12:12.......the/days of Joiakim were/priests 403/877
Jdg_2:7.........the/days of Joshua and all the days of the elders that outlived/Joshua 235/877
Jos_24:31.......the/days of Joshua and all the days of the elders that overlived/Joshua 233/877
Jer_36:2........the/days of Josiah even/unto 587/877
Jer_3:6.........the/days of Josiah the king/Hast 552/877
Zep_1:1.........the/days of Josiah the son of Amon king of Judah I/will 698/877
Jer_1:2.........the/days of Josiah the son of Amon king of Judah in/the 549/877
Mic_1:1.........the/days of Jotham Ahaz/and 692/877
1Ch_5:17........the/days of Jotham king/of 346/877
Gen_5:31........the/days of Lamech/were.... 13/877
Luk_17:28.......the/days of Lot/they...... 781/877
Gen_5:17........the/days of Mahalaleel/were. 9/877
Job_10:5........the/days of man/are....... 442/877
Gen_5:27........the/days of Methuselah/were 12/877
Gen_27:41.......The/days of mourning/for... 39/877
Job_14:14.......the/days of my appointed/time 448/877
Psa_23:6........the/days of my life and/I. 466/877
Psa_27:4........the/days of my life to/behold 467/877
Isa_65:22.......the/days of my people/and. 548/877
Act_2:18......those/days of my Spirit/and. 804/877
Ecc_7:15........the/days of my vanity/there 513/877
Job_29:4........the/days of my youth/when. 455/877
Neh_12:47.......the/days of Nehemiah gave/the 410/877
Neh_12:26.......the/days of Nehemiah the/governor 407/877
Gen_9:29........the/days of Noah were/nine. 26/877
1Pe_3:20........the/days of Noah while/the 867/877
Luk_17:26.......the/days of Noe so/shall.. 779/877
Mat_24:37.......the/days of Noe were/so... 726/877
Mic_7:14........the/days of old According/to 694/877
Mal_3:4.........the/days of old and/as.... 707/877
Isa_63:9........the/days of old But/they.. 543/877
Deu_32:7........the/days of old consider/the 217/877
Lam_2:17........the/days of old he/hath... 603/877
Psa_143:5.......the/days of old I/meditate 495/877
Isa_63:11.......the/days of old Moses/and. 544/877
Jer_46:26.......the/days of old saith/the. 590/877
Amo_9:11........the/days of old That/they. 686/877
Mic_7:20........the/days of old The burden/of 696/877
Psa_77:5........the/days of old the years/of 477/877
Lam_1:7.........the/days of old when/her.. 602/877
Isa_23:15.......the/days of one/king...... 530/877
Ezr_9:7.........the/days of our fathers have/we 392/877
Mat_23:30.......the/days of our fathers we/would 721/877
Luk_1:75........the/days of our life And/thou 756/877
Isa_38:20.......the/days of our life in/the 537/877
Psa_90:10.......The/days of our years/are. 482/877
2Ki_15:29.......the/days of Pekah/king.... 330/877
Act_21:26.......the/days of purification/until 835/877
Est_9:31......these/days of Purim in/their 431/877
Est_9:28......these/days of Purim should/not 430/877
Hos_9:7.........the/days of recompence/are 673/877
1Sa_7:13........the/days of Samuel And/the 258/877
2Ch_35:18.......the/days of Samuel the/prophet 384/877
1Ch_13:3........the/days of Saul And all/the 353/877
1Sa_17:12.......the/days of Saul And the/three 266/877
1Sa_14:52.......the/days of Saul and when/Saul 265/877
1Ch_5:10........the/days of Saul they/made 345/877
Gen_5:8.........the/days of Seth/were....... 6/877
Jdg_5:6.........the/days of Shamgar/the... 238/877
1Ki_4:25........the/days of Solomon And/Solomon 295/877
1Ki_11:25.......the/days of Solomon beside/the 302/877
1Ki_10:21.......the/days of Solomon For the king/had 300/877
2Ch_9:20........the/days of Solomon For the king's/ships 364/877
Gen_11:32.......the/days of Terah/were..... 28/877
Pro_15:15.......the/days of the afflicted/are 501/877
Jdg_2:7.........the/days of the elders that outlived/Joshua 236/877
Jos_24:31.......the/days of the elders that overlived/Joshua 234/877 of the feast and/find 242/877 of the feast he/shall 634/877
Lev_15:25.......the/days of the issue/of.. 121/877
Jdg_2:18........the/days of the judge/for. 237/877
2Ki_23:22.......the/days of the judges/that 337/877
2Ki_23:22.......the/days of the kings/of.. 338/877
Ecc_9:9.........the/days of the life/of... 517/877
Jdg_15:20.......the/days of the Philistines/twenty 245/877
Lev_12:2........the/days of the separation/for 101/877
Eze_5:2.........the/days of the siege/are. 615/877
Hos_12:9........the/days of the solemn/feast 676/877
Luk_17:22.......the/days of the Son of man and/ye 778/877
Luk_17:26.......the/days of the Son of man They/did 780/877
Act_5:37........the/days of the taxing/and 807/877
Psa_37:18.......the/days of the upright/and 469/877
Rev_10:7........the/days of the voice/of.. 872/877
Num_6:5.........the/days of the vow/of.... 137/877
Job_3:6.........the/days of the year/let.. 434/877
Gen_25:7........the/days of the years of Abraham's/life 34/877
Gen_47:9........the/days of the years of my life/been 55/877
Gen_47:9........The/days of the years of my pilgrimage/are 54/877
Gen_47:9........the/days of the years of the/life 56/877
Job_1:5.........the/days of their feasting/were 432/877
Ecc_2:3.........the/days of their life/I.. 504/877
Gen_47:9........the/days of their pilgrimage/And 57/877
Rev_11:6........the/days of their prophecy/and 874/877
Est_2:12........the/days of their purifications/accomplished 420/877
Act_13:31......many/days of them/which.... 821/877
Dan_2:44........the/days of these/kings... 643/877
Gen_50:3........the/days of those/which.... 60/877
Mic_7:15........the/days of thy coming/out 695/877
Dan_5:11........the/days of thy father/light 645/877
Gen_3:14........the/days of thy life And I/will 2/877
Deu_6:2.........the/days of thy life and that/thy 185/877
Deu_16:3........the/days of thy life And there/shall 198/877
Jos_1:5.........the/days of thy life as/I. 222/877
Deu_4:9.........the/days of thy life but/teach 176/877
Gen_3:17........the/days of thy life Thorns/also 3/877
Psa_128:5.......the/days of thy life Yea/thou 494/877
Isa_60:20.......the/days of thy mourning/shall 542/877
Psa_119:84......the/days of thy servant/when 493/877
Eze_4:8.........the/days of thy siege/Take 612/877
Ecc_9:9.........the/days of thy vanity/for 518/877
Eze_16:60.......the/days of thy youth and I/will 622/877
Ecc_11:9........the/days of thy youth and walk/in 521/877
Eze_16:43.......the/days of thy youth but/hast 621/877
Eze_16:22.......the/days of thy youth when/thou 620/877
Ecc_12:1........the/days of thy youth while/the 522/877
Act_20:6........the/days of unleavened bread and came/unto 828/877
Act_12:3........the/days of unleavened bread And when/he 820/877
Hos_1:1.........the/days of Uzziah Jotham Ahaz and Hezekiah kings of Judah and/in 663/877
Isa_1:1.........the/days of Uzziah Jotham Ahaz and Hezekiah kings of Judah Hear/O 524/877
Amo_1:1.........the/days of Uzziah king of Judah and in/the 681/877
Zec_14:5........the/days of Uzziah king of Judah and the/LORD 706/877
Luk_21:22.......the/days of vengeance/that 785/877
Hos_9:7.........The/days of visitation/are 672/877
Deu_34:8........the/days of weeping/and... 221/877
Gen_30:14.......the/days of wheat/harvest.. 43/877
Deu_11:21.......the/days of your children/in 194/877
Lev_8:33........the/days of your consecration/be 97/877
Joe_1:2.........the/days of your fathers Tell/ye 678/877
Mal_3:7.........the/days of your fathers ye/are 708/877
Jer_25:34.......the/days of your slaughter/and 570/877
2Ch_26:5........the/days of Zechariah/who. 374/877
Neh_12:47.......the/days of Zerubbabel/and 409/877 offering/peace... 377/877
Gen_21:4......eight/days old as/God........ 31/877
Gen_17:12.....eight/days old shall/be...... 30/877
1Ch_29:15.......our/days on the earth/are. 359/877
1Ki_8:65...fourteen/days On the eighth/day 299/877 on the first/day. 132/877
Num_9:22........two/days or a/month....... 146/877
Joe_1:2........your/days or even/in....... 677/877
1Sa_29:3......these/days or these/years... 275/877
Mar_3:4.....sabbath/days or to/do......... 738/877
Lev_15:25......many/days out/of........... 120/877
Act_28:17.....three/days Paul/called...... 850/877
2Ti_3:1........last/days perilous/times... 855/877
2Sa_24:13.....three/days' pestilence/in... 287/877
Act_1:15......those/days Peter/stood...... 802/877
2Ki_23:29.......his/days Pharaohnechoh/king 339/877
Est_9:26......these/days Purim/after...... 427/877
Act_17:2....sabbath/days reasoned/with.... 826/877' respite/that.... 262/877
1Ch_29:28........of/days riches/and....... 360/877
Mar_8:31......three/days rise/again....... 741/877
Act_5:36......these/days rose/up.......... 806/877
Act_2:17.......last/days saith God/I...... 803/877
Jer_5:18......those/days saith the LORD I will not/make 555/877
Jer_31:33.....those/days saith the LORD I will put my law/in 577/877
Heb_10:16.....those/days saith the Lord I will put my laws into their hearts/and 861/877
Heb_8:10......those/days saith the Lord I will put my laws into their mind/and 860/877
Zec_8:11.....former/days saith the LORD of/hosts 703/877
Jer_3:16......those/days saith the LORD they/shall 553/877
Jer_48:47....latter/days saith the LORD Thus/far 592/877
Dan_6:7......thirty/days save of thee O king he/shall 646/877
Dan_6:12.....thirty/days save of thee O king shall/be 647/877
Mar_15:29.....three/days Save thyself and/come 750/877
Mat_27:40.....three/days save thyself If/thou 730/877
Neh_13:15.....those/days saw/I............ 412/877
Jdg_20:28.....those/days saying/Shall..... 252/877
2Pe_3:3........last/days scoffers/walking. 868/877
Mar_13:19.....those/days shall be affliction/such 744/877
Gen_6:3.........his/days shall be an/hundred 14/877
Pro_9:11........thy/days shall be multiplied/and 499/877
Mat_24:22.....those/days shall be shortened/Then 724/877
Luk_19:43.......the/days shall come upon thee/that 782/877
Amo_4:2.........the/days shall come upon you/that 683/877 shall he/consecrate 98/877
Jer_33:16.....those/days shall Judah/be... 582/877
Rev_9:6.......those/days shall men/seek... 871/877
Isa_13:22.......her/days shall not/be..... 528/877
Gen_40:13.....three/days shall Pharaoh lift up thine/head 50/877
Gen_40:19.....three/days shall Pharaoh lift up thy/head 52/877
Psa_72:7........his/days shall the righteous/flourish 476/877
Mat_24:29.....those/days shall the sun/be. 725/877
Exo_12:19.....Seven/days shall there/be.... 72/877
Isa_24:22......many/days shall they be/visited 531/877
Eze_43:26.....Seven/days shall they purge/the 630/877 shall unleavened/bread 167/877
Exo_35:2........Six/days shall work be done but on/the 95/877
Lev_23:3........Six/days shall work be done but the/seventh 126/877
Exo_12:15.....Seven/days shall ye/eat...... 71/877 shalt thou consecrate/them 88/877
Eze_4:9......ninety/days shalt thou eat thereof/And 614/877 shalt thou eat unleavened/bread 197/877
Deu_16:15.....Seven/days shalt thou keep/a 202/877
Exo_20:9........Six/days shalt thou labour/and 78/877
Eze_43:25.....Seven/days shalt thou prepare/every 629/877 shalt thou tarry/till 261/877
Lev_12:4.....thirty/days she/shall........ 102/877 should be consumed/with 564/877
Est_9:28......these/days should be remembered/and 429/877
Mat_24:22.....those/days should be shortened/there 723/877
Zec_8:6.......these/days should it/also... 700/877
Job_32:7.......said/Days should speak/and. 459/877
1Sa_21:5......three/days since I came/out. 270/877
Act_24:11....twelve/days since I went/up.. 839/877 So Saul/died..... 351/877
Deu_33:25.......thy/days so shall/thy..... 219/877
Eze_4:5......ninety/days so shalt/thou.... 610/877
Deu_34:8.....thirty/days so the/days...... 220/877
Jdg_19:4......three/days so they/did...... 250/877
Job_24:1........his/days Some/remove...... 453/877
Heb_1:2........last/days spoken/unto...... 856/877
Joh_11:6........two/days still/in......... 794/877
Neh_5:18........ten/days store/of......... 397/877
Mar_1:13......forty/days tempted of Satan/and 733/877
Luk_4:2.......forty/days tempted of the/devil 764/877
Gen_5:5.........the/days that Adam/lived.... 5/877
Deu_4:32........the/days that are/past.... 180/877
1Sa_25:10.........a/days that break/away.. 271/877
1Ki_2:11........the/days that David/reigned 289/877 that have/not.... 527/877
Psa_34:12......many/days that he may/see.. 468/877
Num_6:6.........the/days that he separateth/himself 139/877
Luk_6:12......those/days that he went/out. 772/877
Eze_22:14.......the/days that I shall/deal 624/877
Jer_49:39....latter/days that I will/bring 594/877
Mar_1:9.......those/days that Jesus/came.. 732/877
Gen_8:6.......forty/days that Noah/opened.. 23/877
Act_9:37......those/days that she/was..... 814/877
Dan_1:18........the/days that the king/had 641/877
Jer_13:6.......many/days that the LORD/said 559/877
Isa_2:2........last/days that the mountain/of 525/877
Jos_3:2.......three/days that the officers/went 226/877
1Sa_28:1......those/days that the Philistines/gathered 274/877 that the waters/of 18/877
1Ki_18:1.......many/days that the word of the LORD came to/Elijah 315/877
Jer_42:7........ten/days that the word of the LORD came unto Jeremiah/Then 589/877 that the word of the LORD came unto me/saying 607/877
Luk_2:1.......those/days that there/went.. 757/877
1Ki_8:40........the/days that they live/in 296/877
Mat_12:10...sabbath/days that they might/accuse 715/877
Deu_4:10........the/days that they shall/live 177/877's/days That thou enquirest/after 443/877
Deu_30:20.......thy/days that thou mayest/dwell 214/877
Eze_4:4.........the/days that thou shalt lie upon it/thou 608/877
Eze_4:9.........the/days that thou shalt lie upon thy/side 613/877
Psa_90:12.......our/days that we/may...... 483/877
Num_6:12........the/days that were before shall/be 142/877
Mat_24:38.......the/days that were before the/flood 727/877
Deu_1:46........the/days that ye abode/there 174/877
Deu_12:1........the/days that ye live/upon 196/877
2Ki_18:4......those/days the children/of.. 332/877
1Ch_1:19........his/days the earth/was.... 343/877
2Ch_21:8........his/days the Edomites/revolted 370/877
Jer_3:18......those/days the house/of..... 554/877
2Ch_14:1........his/days the land/was..... 367/877
2Ki_10:32.....those/days the LORD began to cut/Israel 325/877
2Ki_15:37.....those/days the LORD began to send/against 331/877
Exo_31:17.......six/days the LORD made heaven and earth and/on 91/877
Exo_20:11.......six/days the LORD made heaven and earth the/sea 79/877 the meat/of...... 168/877
Mar_8:1.......those/days the multitude/being 739/877
Neh_6:17......those/days the nobles/of.... 399/877
Mat_12:5....sabbath/days the priests/in... 714/877
1Ch_21:12.....three/days the sword/of..... 356/877
Jdg_18:1......those/days the tribe/of..... 248/877
Jer_16:9.......your/days the voice/of..... 560/877
Gen_8:3.......fifty/days the waters/were... 22/877
Dan_12:13.......the/days The word/of...... 662/877
Dan_1:15........ten/days their/countenances 640/877
1Ki_12:5......three/days then come/again.. 304/877
Mat_12:12...sabbath/days Then saith/he.... 716/877
Dan_8:14....hundred/days then shall the sanctuary/be 651/877
Jos_20:6......those/days then shall the slayer/return 231/877
Num_9:19.......many/days then the/children 144/877
1Sa_20:19.....three/days then thou/shalt.. 269/877
Jer_37:16......many/days Then Zedekiah/the 588/877
Act_21:10......many/days there came/down.. 833/877
Zec_8:10......these/days there was no hire/for 702/877
Jdg_18:1......those/days there was no king in Israel and/in 247/877
Jdg_17:6......those/days there was no king in Israel but/every 246/877
Jdg_21:25.....those/days there was no king in Israel every/man 253/877
1Sa_3:1.......those/days there was no open/vision 257/877
Zec_8:9.......these/days these/words...... 701/877
2Ch_34:33.......his/days they departed/not 382/877
Luk_2:46......three/days they found/him... 763/877
Exo_10:22.....three/days They saw/not...... 69/877
Jer_31:29.....those/days they shall/say... 575/877
Eze_38:8.......many/days thou shalt be/visited 626/877
Exo_23:12.......Six/days thou shalt do/thy. 82/877
Exo_13:6......Seven/days thou shalt eat unleavened bread and in/the 73/877
Deu_16:8........Six/days thou shalt eat unleavened bread and on/the 200/877
Exo_34:18.....Seven/days thou shalt eat unleavened bread as/I 92/877
Deu_5:13........Six/days thou shalt labour/and 182/877
Exo_29:37.....Seven/days thou shalt make/an 89/877
Hos_3:3........many/days thou shalt not/play 668/877
Exo_34:21.......Six/days thou shalt work/but 93/877
Eze_4:5.........the/days three/hundred.... 609/877
Dan_2:28.....latter/days Thy dream/and.... 642/877 thy years/are.... 490/877
Gen_25:24.......her/days to be/delivered... 35/877
Eze_12:27......many/days to come and/he... 619/877
Ecc_2:16........the/days to come shall/all 505/877
Luk_6:9.....sabbath/days to do good/or.... 771/877
Zec_8:15......these/days to do well/unto.. 704/877
Eze_22:4........thy/days to draw/near..... 623/877 under/the........ 125/877
Job_12:12........of/days understanding/With 445/877 unleavened/bread. 633/877 until the days/of. 96/877
Jos_2:16......three/days until the pursuers be/returned 224/877
Jos_2:22......three/days until the pursuers were/returned 225/877
Gen_27:44.......few/days until thy/brother's 40/877 unto the/LORD.... 130/877
Jos_22:3.......many/days unto this/day.... 232/877
Job_8:9.........our/days upon earth/are... 439/877
Deu_4:26.......your/days upon it/but...... 178/877
Gen_7:17......forty/days upon the earth and/the 20/877
Deu_4:40........thy/days upon the earth which/the 181/877
Deu_30:18......your/days upon the land/whither 213/877
Num_9:20........few/days upon the tabernacle/according 145/877
Act_19:40......this/day's uproar/there.... 827/877
2Sa_16:23.....those/days was as/if........ 281/877
Isa_38:1......those/days was Hezekiah sick unto death And Isaiah/the 534/877
2Ki_20:1......those/days was Hezekiah sick unto death And the/prophet 333/877
Gen_10:25.......his/days was the earth/divided 27/877
Mar_14:1........two/days was the feast/of. 748/877
Act_21:5......those/days we departed/and.. 832/877
Jer_35:8........our/days we our/wives..... 586/877
Act_21:15.....those/days we took/up....... 834/877
Luk_2:21......eight/days were accomplished for/the 759/877
Luk_2:6.........the/days were accomplished that/she 758/877 were almost/ended 836/877
Ecc_7:10.....former/days were better/than. 512/877
Est_1:5.......these/days were expired/the. 418/877 were fulfilled after/that 67/877
Gen_50:3......forty/days were fulfilled for/him 59/877
Act_9:23.......many/days were fulfilled the/Jews 813/877
1Sa_18:26.......the/days were not/expired. 268/877
Hag_2:16......those/days were when/one.... 699/877 what/it.......... 471/877
Act_24:24...certain/days when Felix/came.. 840/877
Job_29:2........the/days when God/preserved 454/877 when he cometh/into 87/877
2Ch_24:15........of/days when he died/an.. 373/877
Exo_2:11......those/days when Moses/was.... 64/877
Rut_1:1.........the/days when the judges/ruled 254/877
Est_1:2.......those/days when the king/Ahasuerus 415/877
Act_6:1.......those/days when the number/of 808/877
Jdg_19:1......those/days when there/was... 249/877
Deu_22:7........thy/days When thou/buildest 207/877
Act_20:6.......five/days where/we......... 829/877
Rev_2:13......those/days wherein Antipas/was 870/877
Luk_1:25........the/days wherein he/looked 754/877
2Ki_12:2........his/days wherein Jehoiada/the 326/877
Est_9:22........the/days wherein the Jews/rested 425/877
Lev_13:46.......the/days wherein the plague/shall 112/877
Psa_90:15.......the/days wherein thou/hast 485/877
Col_2:16....sabbath/days Which are a/shadow 854/877
Ecc_8:13........his/days which are as/a... 515/877
1Ki_14:20.......the/days which Jeroboam/reigned 305/877
Hab_1:5........your/days which ye/will.... 697/877
Est_2:21......those/days while Mordecai/sat 421/877 while their/feast 244/877 who/said......... 831/877 whosoever/hath... 170/877
Luk_21:6........the/days will come in/the. 784/877
Luk_5:35........the/days will come when the bridegroom shall be taken away from them and then shall they fast in those days And/he 768/877
Mar_2:20........the/days will come when the bridegroom shall be taken away from them and then shall they fast in those days No/man 735/877
Mat_9:15........the/days will come when the bridegroom shall be taken from/them 712/877
Luk_17:22.......The/days will come when ye/shall 777/877
Hos_6:2.........two/days will he/revive... 671/877
1Ki_21:29.....son's/days will I bring/the. 320/877
Joe_2:29......those/days will I pour/out.. 679/877 with gladness/For 379/877 with great/gladness 376/877 with joy/for..... 389/877
Act_9:19....certain/days with the/disciples 812/877
Hos_3:4........many/days without a/king... 669/877 without number/Why 551/877
Act_9:9.......three/days without sight/and 811/877
1Ch_16:37.....every/day's work/required... 354/877
Act_3:24......these/days Ye are/the....... 805/877 ye must/eat...... 127/877
Jer_30:24....latter/days ye shall consider it At/the 573/877
Jer_23:20....latter/days ye shall consider it perfectly/I 569/877
Jer_35:7.......your/days ye shall dwell/in 584/877
Exo_16:26.......Six/days ye shall gather/it 76/877
Lev_23:36.....Seven/days ye shall offer/an 131/877
Jos_1:11......three/days ye shall pass/over 223/877
1Sa_25:28.......thy/days Yet a/man........ 272/877
Gen_40:12.....three/days Yet within three days shall Pharaoh lift up thine/head 49/877
Gen_40:18.....three/days Yet within three days shall Pharaoh lift up thy/head 51/877
Job_9:33........any/daysman/betwixt........... 1/1
Luk_1:78........the/dayspring from/on......... 2/2
Job_38:12.......the/dayspring to/know......... 1/2
