Pro_19:23.......with/evil A/slothful....... 273/613
Eze_6:11.........the/evil abominations/of.. 437/613
1Ki_14:9........done/evil above/all........ 112/613
2Sa_3:39..........of/evil according/to...... 99/613
Act_14:2.......minds/evil affected/against. 532/613
Neh_9:28.........did/evil again before/thee 181/613
2Ch_18:17........but/evil Again he/said.... 165/613
Jdg_10:6.........did/evil again in the sight of the LORD and served/Baalim 70/613
Jdg_13:1.........did/evil again in the sight of the LORD and the LORD delivered/them 71/613
Jdg_3:12.........did/evil again in the sight of the LORD and the LORD strengthened/Eglon 64/613 Again the/word... 384/613
Zec_7:10.....imagine/evil against his/brother 477/613
Jer_48:2.....devised/evil against it/come.. 426/613
Gen_50:20....thought/evil against me/but.... 18/613
Psa_109:20.....speak/evil against my/soul.. 233/613
Jer_26:19......great/evil against our/souls 396/613
Nah_1:11...imagineth/evil against the/LORD. 469/613
Jer_11:17.pronounced/evil against thee for/the 354/613
2Sa_12:11.........up/evil against thee out/of 101/613
2Ch_18:22.....spoken/evil against thee Then/Zedekiah 166/613
Psa_21:11...intended/evil against thee they/imagined 205/613
Pro_3:29.........not/evil against thy neighbour/seeing 246/613
Exo_32:12.......this/evil against thy people/Remember 24/613 against thy poor/brother 40/613
Jer_16:10......great/evil against us/or.... 361/613
Jer_18:11......frame/evil against you and/devise 368/613
Mat_5:11..........of/evil against you falsely/for 482/613
Jer_44:7.......great/evil against your/souls 418/613
Pro_31:12........not/evil all/the.......... 290/613 among all/things. 304/613
Deu_19:20.......such/evil among you/And..... 44/613 an hundred/times. 303/613
Eze_7:5...........An/evil an only/evil..... 438/613
Gen_2:9..........and/evil And a/river........ 1/613
Mat_12:39.........An/evil and adulterous/generation 497/613
Dan_9:14.........the/evil and brought/it... 447/613
Hab_1:13......behold/evil and canst/not.... 470/613
Isa_7:15.........the/evil and choose the good For/before 319/613
Isa_7:16.........the/evil and choose the good the/land 320/613 and delight/in... 244/613
Jer_17:18.........of/evil and destroy/them. 364/613
Psa_37:27.......from/evil and do good and/dwell 216/613
1Pe_3:11......eschew/evil and do good let/him 598/613
Psa_34:14.......from/evil and do good seek/peace 209/613
Lam_3:38.........not/evil and good/Wherefore 433/613
1Ki_22:18........but/evil And he said Hear/thou 127/613
Luk_11:4........from/evil And he said unto/them 516/613
Pro_22:3.........the/evil and hideth himself but the simple pass on and are punished By/humility 278/613
Pro_27:12........the/evil and hideth himself but the simple pass on and are punished Take/his 284/613
1Jn_3:12........were/evil and his brother's/righteous 607/613
1Pe_3:10........from/evil and his lips/that 597/613 And I/will....... 399/613
Mal_1:8..........not/evil and if/ye........ 479/613
Pro_16:27.........up/evil and in his/lips.. 268/613
Jer_15:11.........of/evil and in the/time.. 360/613
1Ki_9:9.........this/evil And it/came...... 109/613
1Ki_22:8.........but/evil And Jehoshaphat/said 126/613
Amo_5:15.........the/evil and love/the..... 452/613
Ecc_9:3...........of/evil and madness/is... 305/613 and make/haste... 241/613
Jer_44:27........for/evil and not for good and all/the 423/613
Amo_9:4..........for/evil and not for good And the/Lord 454/613
Jer_39:16........for/evil and not for good and they/shall 411/613
Jer_21:10........for/evil and not for good saith/the 374/613
Gen_3:22.........and/evil and now lest/he.... 4/613
Gen_50:17.......thee/evil and now we/pray... 17/613
Jer_28:8..........of/evil and of/pestilence 397/613
Mat_5:45.........the/evil and on/the....... 485/613
1Ch_21:15........the/evil and said to the angel that destroyed It/is 160/613
2Sa_24:16........the/evil and said to the angel that destroyed the/people 107/613
Job_2:3....escheweth/evil and still/he..... 190/613
Rom_16:19.concerning/evil And the God/of... 557/613
Pro_15:3.........the/evil and the good/A... 262/613
1Th_5:22..........of/evil And the very/God. 572/613
Isa_13:11......their/evil and the wicked/for 321/613 and their/force.. 377/613
Job_1:1.....eschewed/evil And there/were... 188/613 and they know/not 349/613 and they make/haste 330/613
1Sa_24:17.......thee/evil And thou hast shewed/this 90/613
Rev_2:2..........are/evil and thou hast tried/them 613/613
Psa_34:13.......from/evil and thy lips/from 208/613 and thy tongue/frameth 222/613
Jer_44:11........for/evil and to/cut....... 419/613
2Th_3:3.........from/evil And we/have...... 573/613
Gen_3:5..........and/evil And when/the....... 3/613 And who/is....... 599/613
Isa_31:2.......bring/evil and will/not..... 322/613
Psa_78:49....sending/evil angels/among..... 228/613
Zep_3:15.........see/evil any/more......... 474/613
Jer_6:1..........for/evil appeareth/out.... 343/613
Eze_5:16.........the/evil arrows/of........ 434/613
Jdg_2:15.........for/evil as/the............ 62/613
Deu_21:21........put/evil away from among you and all/Israel 45/613
Deu_19:19........the/evil away from among you And those/which 43/613
Deu_22:21........put/evil away from among you If a/man 48/613
Deu_17:7.........the/evil away from among you If there/arise 41/613
Deu_24:7.........put/evil away from among you Take/heed 51/613
Deu_13:5.........the/evil away from the/midst 39/613 be afraid/for.... 553/613 Be not/rash...... 293/613
Jer_18:20......Shall/evil be recompensed/for 371/613
Luk_6:35.........the/evil Be ye/therefore.. 510/613
Joh_18:23.....spoken/evil bear/witness..... 527/613
Gen_37:20.......Some/evil beast hath devoured him and/we 9/613 beast hath devoured him Joseph/is 10/613
Eze_5:17.........and/evil beasts and/they.. 435/613
Lev_26:6.........rid/evil beasts out/of..... 28/613
Tit_1:12.......liars/evil beasts slow/bellies 580/613
Eze_34:25........the/evil beasts to/cease.. 442/613
2Ch_12:14........did/evil because he/prepared 163/613
Mat_20:15........eye/evil because I/am..... 499/613 befall/thee...... 230/613
Jer_32:30.......done/evil before me/from... 401/613
Isa_66:4.........did/evil before mine eyes and chose/that 333/613
Isa_65:12........did/evil before mine eyes and did/choose 332/613
Eze_7:5.........only/evil behold/is........ 439/613
Gen_48:16........all/evil bless/the......... 15/613
Pro_14:19........The/evil bow/before....... 260/613
Pro_15:15........are/evil but he/that...... 263/613
1Sa_6:9........great/evil but if not/then... 76/613
Joh_18:23........the/evil but if well/why.. 528/613
Pro_14:22.....devise/evil but mercy/and.... 261/613
Rom_12:21.........of/evil but overcome/evil 550/613 But since/we..... 420/613 but that/which... 609/613
Pro_14:16.......from/evil but the/fool..... 259/613 but to do/good... 341/613
Pro_12:20....imagine/evil but to the/counsellors 255/613
Pro_20:22.recompense/evil but wait/on...... 275/613
Mat_5:39.........not/evil but whosoever/shall 484/613
Mic_1:12.........but/evil came down/from... 462/613
Job_30:26.......then/evil came unto/me..... 197/613
Mic_3:11........none/evil can come/upon.... 467/613
2Sa_19:35........and/evil can thy/servant.. 106/613 case/after........ 19/613 cleave/to........ 547/613
Isa_47:11......shall/evil come upon thee/thou 327/613
Jer_5:12.......shall/evil come upon us/neither 342/613
2Ch_20:9........when/evil cometh/upon...... 167/613
1Co_15:33...deceived/evil communications/corrupt 561/613
1Ki_22:23.....spoken/evil concerning/thee.. 128/613
Col_3:5....affection/evil concupiscence/and 569/613
Num_14:35.......this/evil congregation that/are 31/613
Num_14:27.......this/evil congregation which/murmur 30/613 conscience/and... 585/613
Gen_6:5.........only/evil continually/And.... 5/613
Isa_7:5........taken/evil counsel/against.. 318/613 covetousness/to.. 471/613
Amo_6:3..........the/evil day and cause/the 453/613
Eph_6:13.........the/evil day and having/done 567/613
Ecc_12:1.........the/evil days/come........ 311/613
1Sa_2:23........your/evil dealings/by....... 75/613
Ezr_9:13.........our/evil deeds and/for.... 179/613
2Jn_1:11.........his/evil deeds Having/many 608/613
Est_7:7..........was/evil determined/against 186/613 disease If/a..... 298/613
Psa_41:8..........An/evil disease say/they. 220/613
Deu_7:15.........the/evil diseases/of....... 38/613 doer/even........ 576/613
Psa_26:5..........of/evil doers and/will... 207/613
Job_8:20.........the/evil doers Till/he.... 194/613
1Pe_3:17.........for/evil doing For/Christ. 601/613
Act_24:20........any/evil doing in/me...... 540/613
Zec_1:4.........your/evil doings/but....... 476/613
Psa_5:4........shall/evil dwell/with....... 201/613
Act_7:19.........and/evil entreated our/fathers 530/613 entreated this/people 20/613
Deu_26:6...Egyptians/evil entreated us/and.. 52/613
Job_24:21.........He/evil entreateth/the... 195/613
Pro_16:4..........of/evil Every/one........ 265/613 eye and/considereth 287/613 eye blasphemy/pride 504/613 eye neither/desire 279/613
Jer_8:3.........this/evil family/which..... 347/613
Jer_24:8.........the/evil figs/which....... 385/613
Joh_3:19........were/evil For every/one.... 522/613
1Pe_3:9....rendering/evil for evil or/railing 595/613 for evil Provide/things 548/613
1Th_5:15......render/evil for evil unto/any 570/613 For evildoers/shall 214/613 for good and/hatred 232/613
Psa_38:20.....render/evil for good are/mine 217/613
Pro_17:13..rewardeth/evil for good evil/shall 271/613
Gen_44:4....rewarded/evil for good Is/not... 11/613 for good So/and... 93/613 for good to/the.. 212/613 for of/the....... 513/613 for that/man..... 556/613
1Sa_25:39.......from/evil for the LORD/hath. 96/613 for the Son/of... 509/613
Mat_6:13........from/evil For thine/is..... 486/613 for thou/art..... 206/613
Dan_9:12.......great/evil for under/the.... 445/613
Ecc_2:21.......great/evil For what/hath.... 291/613
Job_31:29.......when/evil found/him........ 198/613
Act_7:6.........them/evil four/hundred..... 529/613
Deu_22:24.......away/evil from among/you.... 50/613 from his/youth..... 6/613
Deu_17:12........the/evil from Israel And/all 42/613
Jdg_20:13.......away/evil from Israel But/the 72/613
Deu_22:22.......away/evil from Israel If/a.. 49/613
Jer_4:6........bring/evil from the/north... 340/613
Ecc_11:10.......away/evil from thy/flesh... 310/613 from which/ye.... 464/613
Mat_7:17.......forth/evil fruit A/good..... 490/613
Mat_7:18.......forth/evil fruit neither/can 491/613
Jam_3:8.......unruly/evil full/of.......... 588/613
Deu_1:35........this/evil generation see/that 35/613 generation they/seek 518/613
Joh_7:7..........are/evil Go/ye............ 525/613 good/and......... 316/613 happen/to........ 256/613
Joh_3:20.......doeth/evil hateth/the....... 523/613
Mar_15:14.......what/evil hath he done And/they 507/613
Mat_27:23.......what/evil hath he done But/they 501/613
Luk_23:22.......what/evil hath he done I/have 521/613
1Sa_25:28........and/evil hath not been/found 95/613
3Jn_1:11.......doeth/evil hath not seen/God 610/613
Gen_47:9.........and/evil have/the.......... 14/613
Isa_32:7.........are/evil he deviseth/wicked 323/613
Act_9:13........much/evil he hath/done..... 531/613
Psa_97:10.......hate/evil he preserveth/the 231/613
Isa_33:15.....seeing/evil He shall dwell/on 324/613
Psa_121:7........all/evil he shall preserve/thy 236/613
Pro_16:17.......from/evil he that keepeth/his 267/613
Pro_13:19.......from/evil He that walketh/with 257/613
Jer_7:24.......their/evil heart and/went... 345/613
Jer_3:17.......their/evil heart In/those... 338/613 heart of/unbelief 583/613
Jer_16:12........his/evil heart that/they.. 362/613
Jer_11:8.......their/evil heart therefore I/will 351/613
Jer_18:12........his/evil heart Therefore thus/saith 370/613
Pro_21:10...desireth/evil his/neighbour.... 277/613
Isa_45:7......create/evil I the/LORD....... 326/613
Jer_18:8.......their/evil I will/repent.... 365/613 in a/city........ 449/613
Jer_38:9........done/evil in all that/they. 410/613
Job_2:10.....receive/evil In all this/did.. 191/613
1Ki_21:29........the/evil in his days/but.. 124/613
1Sa_25:3.........and/evil in his doings/and. 91/613 in his sight/thou 100/613
2Ki_21:15........was/evil in my sight and/have 148/613
Jer_7:30........done/evil in my sight saith/the 346/613 in my sight that/it 367/613
2Sa_13:16.......this/evil in sending/me.... 102/613
Gen_44:5........done/evil in so/doing....... 12/613 In that day/shall 465/613
Deu_30:15........and/evil In that I/command. 56/613
Jer_52:2.........was/evil in the eyes of the LORD according/to 432/613
1Ki_16:25....wrought/evil in the eyes of the LORD and/did 119/613
2Ch_21:6.........was/evil in the eyes of the LORD Howbeit/the 168/613
2Ch_29:6.........was/evil in the eyes of the LORD our/God 170/613
Pro_5:14.........all/evil in the midst/of.. 249/613
1Ki_16:30........did/evil in the sight of the LORD above/all 120/613
2Ki_24:9.........was/evil in the sight of the LORD according to all that his father/had 155/613
2Ki_23:32........was/evil in the sight of the LORD according to all that his fathers had done And/Pharaohnechoh 153/613
2Ki_23:37........was/evil in the sight of the LORD according to all that his fathers had done In/his 154/613
2Ki_24:19........was/evil in the sight of the LORD according to all that Jehoiakim/had 156/613
2Ki_21:2.........was/evil in the sight of the LORD after/the 145/613
2Ki_13:2.........was/evil in the sight of the LORD and followed/the 135/613
Jdg_3:7..........did/evil in the sight of the LORD and forgat/the 63/613
Jdg_3:12........done/evil in the sight of the LORD And he gathered/unto 65/613
1Ch_2:3..........was/evil in the sight of the LORD and he slew/him 157/613
1Sa_15:19......didst/evil in the sight of the LORD And Saul/said 78/613
Jdg_2:11.........did/evil in the sight of the LORD and served/Baalim 61/613
Jdg_6:1..........did/evil in the sight of the LORD and the/LORD 67/613
1Ki_14:22........did/evil in the sight of the LORD and they/provoked 114/613
1Ki_15:26........did/evil in the sight of the LORD and walked in the way of his father and in his/sin 115/613
1Ki_22:52........did/evil in the sight of the LORD and walked in the way of his father and in the/way 129/613
1Ki_15:34........did/evil in the sight of the LORD and walked in the way of Jeroboam/and 116/613
1Ki_11:6.........did/evil in the sight of the LORD and went/not 110/613
2Ch_36:9.........was/evil in the sight of the LORD And when/the 177/613
2Ch_33:22........was/evil in the sight of the LORD as did Manasseh/his 173/613
2Ki_8:27.........did/evil in the sight of the LORD as did the/house 134/613
2Ki_21:20........was/evil in the sight of the LORD as his father/Manasseh 150/613
2Ki_15:9.........was/evil in the sight of the LORD as his fathers/had 138/613 in the sight of the LORD Behold/I 122/613
2Ki_17:2.........was/evil in the sight of the LORD but not as/the 142/613
2Ki_3:2......wrought/evil in the sight of the LORD but not like/his 130/613
2Ki_15:18........was/evil in the sight of the LORD he departed not all/his 139/613
2Ki_13:11........was/evil in the sight of the LORD he departed not from all the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat who made Israel sin/but 136/613
2Ki_14:24........was/evil in the sight of the LORD he departed not from all the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat who made Israel to/sin 137/613
2Ki_15:24........was/evil in the sight of the LORD he departed not from the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat who made Israel to sin But/Pekah 140/613
2Ki_15:28........was/evil in the sight of the LORD he departed not from the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat who made Israel to sin In/the 141/613
2Ch_36:5.........was/evil in the sight of the LORD his God Against/him 176/613
2Ch_36:12........was/evil in the sight of the LORD his God and/humbled 178/613
1Ki_16:19......doing/evil in the sight of the LORD in/walking 118/613
2Ch_22:4.........did/evil in the sight of the LORD like the/house 169/613
2Ch_33:2.........was/evil in the sight of the LORD like unto/the 171/613
2Ki_21:16........was/evil in the sight of the LORD Now/the 149/613 in the sight of the LORD thy/God 37/613
2Ch_33:6........much/evil in the sight of the LORD to provoke him to anger And/he 172/613 in the sight of the LORD to provoke him to anger Therefore/the 144/613 in the sight of the LORD to provoke him to anger through/the 58/613
Num_32:13.......done/evil in the sight of the LORD was/consumed 34/613
Jdg_4:1..........did/evil in the sight of the LORD when/Ehud 66/613
2Ki_8:18.........did/evil in the sight of the LORD Yet/the 133/613
1Sa_29:6.......found/evil in thee/since..... 98/613 in this/man...... 539/613
Psa_51:4........this/evil in thy/sight..... 223/613
Zec_8:17.....imagine/evil in your hearts against/his 478/613 in your hearts For/whether 492/613
1Ch_21:17.......done/evil indeed/but....... 161/613
Exo_10:10........for/evil is before/you..... 22/613
Dan_9:13........this/evil is come/upon..... 446/613
1Sa_25:17........for/evil is determined against/our 92/613
1Sa_20:7........that/evil is determined by/him 86/613
Mal_2:17.......doeth/evil is good/in....... 481/613
Jer_44:23.......this/evil is happened/unto. 422/613
1Sa_26:18.......what/evil is in/mine........ 97/613
2Ki_6:33........this/evil is of/the........ 131/613
Rom_7:21........good/evil is present/with.. 545/613
Job_28:28.......from/evil is understanding/Moreover 196/613
Jon_1:7.........this/evil is upon us So/they 456/613
Jon_1:8.........this/evil is upon us What/is 457/613
Pro_3:7.........from/evil It/shall......... 245/613
Mat_7:11.......being/evil know how to give good gifts unto your children how much more shall your Father/which 489/613
Luk_11:13......being/evil know how to give good gifts unto your children how much more shall your heavenly/Father 517/613
Pro_30:32....thought/evil lay/thine........ 289/613 Learn/to......... 314/613
Jer_17:17.........of/evil Let them be confounded/that 363/613 Let them be desolate/for 218/613
Psa_90:15.......seen/evil Let thy/work..... 229/613
Isa_59:15.......from/evil maketh/himself... 331/613
Pro_2:12.........the/evil man from/the..... 243/613 man out of the evil treasure bringeth/forth 494/613 man out of the evil treasure of/his 511/613
Psa_140:1........the/evil man preserve/me.. 237/613
Psa_10:15........the/evil man seek/out..... 203/613
Pro_17:11.........An/evil man seeketh/only. 270/613
Pro_24:20........the/evil man the/candle... 283/613 man there/is..... 288/613 matter/they...... 227/613
2Ti_3:13.........But/evil men and/seducers. 577/613
Pro_4:14..........of/evil men Avoid/it..... 247/613
Pro_12:12.........of/evil men but/the...... 254/613
Pro_24:19.........of/evil men neither be/thou 282/613
Pro_24:1.....against/evil men neither desire/to 280/613
Job_35:12.........of/evil men Surely/God... 199/613
Pro_28:5........them/Evil men understand/not 285/613
Psa_52:3......lovest/evil more/than........ 224/613
Pro_4:27........from/evil My son attend/unto 248/613
Pro_1:33..........of/evil My son if/thou... 242/613 name upon a/virgin 47/613 name upon her/and. 46/613
Jer_12:14.......mine/evil neighbours/that.. 357/613 neither also/is.. 350/613
Isa_56:2.........any/evil Neither let/the.. 328/613 neither shalt/thou 23/613
Jam_1:13........with/evil neither tempteth/he 586/613 net/and.......... 306/613
1Sa_24:11....neither/evil nor/transgression. 89/613 not/that......... 563/613
1Ki_5:4..........nor/evil occurrent/And.... 108/613
2Pe_2:10.......speak/evil of dignities Whereas/angels 605/613
Jud_1:8........speak/evil of dignities Yet/Michael 611/613
Jam_4:11....speaketh/evil of his/brother... 591/613
Mar_9:39.......speak/evil of me For/he..... 506/613
Psa_41:5.......speak/evil of me When/shall. 219/613
Tit_3:2........speak/evil of no/man........ 582/613
Act_19:9.......spake/evil of that/way...... 533/613
Jer_32:32........the/evil of the children/of 402/613
Jer_11:17........the/evil of the house/of.. 355/613
Rom_2:9........doeth/evil of the Jew/first. 542/613
Jam_4:11....speaketh/evil of the law/and... 592/613
Jdg_9:57.........the/evil of the men/of..... 69/613
Act_23:5.......speak/evil of the ruler/of.. 538/613
2Pe_2:12.......speak/evil of the things/that 606/613
Jer_23:22........the/evil of their doings Am/I 381/613
Jer_26:3.........the/evil of their doings And/thou 393/613
Jud_1:10.......speak/evil of those/things.. 612/613
1Pe_3:16.......speak/evil of you as/of..... 600/613
1Pe_4:4.....speaking/evil of you Who/shall. 602/613
Jer_44:22........the/evil of your doings and because/of 421/613
Jer_25:5.........the/evil of your doings and dwell/in 388/613
Jer_21:12........the/evil of your doings Behold/I 375/613
Jer_4:4..........the/evil of your doings Declare/ye 339/613
Isa_1:16.........the/evil of your doings from/before 313/613
Jer_23:2.........the/evil of your doings saith/the 376/613
Mal_1:8..........not/evil offer/it......... 480/613
Jer_25:29......bring/evil on/the........... 389/613
Jam_4:11.........not/evil one/of........... 590/613
1Pe_3:9..........for/evil or railing/for... 596/613 or to/do.......... 27/613
Deu_29:21.......unto/evil out/of............ 55/613
Jer_13:10.......This/evil people/which..... 358/613
Num_20:5........this/evil place/it.......... 33/613
Pro_8:13........hate/evil pride/and........ 251/613
Rom_12:17........for/evil Provide/things... 549/613
Pro_11:19...pursueth/evil pursueth it/to... 253/613
Pro_13:21..destroyed/Evil pursueth sinners/but 258/613 Rejoiceth/not.... 560/613 report and/good.. 562/613
Gen_37:2.......their/evil report Now/Israel.. 8/613 report of/the..... 29/613 report that/they. 180/613
Num_14:37........the/evil report upon/the... 32/613
Mat_24:48.......that/evil servant/shall.... 500/613 shall be called/a 281/613
Ecc_11:2........what/evil shall be upon/the 309/613 shall break/forth 334/613
Jer_2:3.......offend/evil shall come upon them/saith 335/613
Jer_23:17.........No/evil shall come upon you/For 379/613
Jer_25:32.....Behold/evil shall go/forth... 390/613 shall hunt/the... 239/613
Pro_17:13.......good/evil shall not depart/from 272/613
Amo_9:10.........The/evil shall not overtake/nor 455/613
Psa_34:21.....broken/Evil shall slay/the... 211/613
Pro_20:30.......away/evil so/do............ 276/613
Mat_12:34......being/evil speak/good....... 493/613 speaker/be....... 238/613
Eph_4:31.........and/evil speaking/be...... 565/613
1Pe_2:1..........all/evil speakings/As..... 594/613
Act_19:15........the/evil spirit answered/and 536/613 spirit between/Abimelech 68/613
1Sa_16:23........the/evil spirit departed/from 83/613
1Sa_18:10........the/evil spirit from God came/upon 84/613
1Sa_16:16........the/evil spirit from God is/upon 81/613 spirit from God troubleth/thee 80/613
1Sa_16:23........the/evil spirit from God was/upon 82/613 spirit from the LORD troubled/him 79/613
1Sa_19:9.........the/evil spirit from the LORD was/upon 85/613
Act_19:16........the/evil spirit was/leaped 537/613
Luk_8:2...........of/evil spirits and infirmities/Mary 515/613
Luk_7:21..........of/evil spirits and unto/many 514/613
Act_19:13........had/evil spirits the/name. 535/613
Act_19:12........the/evil spirits went/out. 534/613 spoken of And/through 604/613 spoken of but/on. 603/613
1Co_10:30..........I/evil spoken of for that/for 559/613 spoken of For the/kingdom 555/613 surely/thus...... 386/613
1Ti_6:4.....railings/evil surmisings/Perverse 574/613
Gen_19:19.......some/evil take/me............ 7/613
2Ki_21:9........more/evil than/did......... 146/613
2Sa_19:7.........the/evil that befell/thee. 105/613
Jer_24:3........very/evil that cannot/be... 383/613
Neh_13:7.........the/evil that Eliashib/did 182/613 that good/may.... 543/613
1Ki_16:7.........the/evil that he did/in... 117/613
Jon_3:10.........the/evil that he had/said. 460/613
Jer_26:13........the/evil that he hath/pronounced 394/613
Jer_44:2.........the/evil that I have brought upon Jerusalem and/upon 417/613
Eze_14:22........the/evil that I have brought upon Jerusalem even/concerning 440/613
Jer_42:10........the/evil that I have done/unto 415/613
Jer_19:15........the/evil that I have pronounced against it/because 373/613
Jer_35:17........the/evil that I have pronounced against them because/I 405/613
Jer_36:31........the/evil that I have pronounced against them but/they 409/613
Jer_18:8.........the/evil that I thought/to 366/613
Jer_51:64........the/evil that I will bring upon her/and 431/613
Jer_42:17........the/evil that I will bring upon them/For 416/613
2Ch_34:28........the/evil that I will bring upon this/place 175/613
Ecc_5:16........sore/evil that in/all...... 296/613
Jer_41:11........the/evil that Ishmael/the. 413/613
1Ch_4:10........from/evil that it/may...... 158/613
Isa_5:20........good/evil that put/darkness 317/613
Gen_44:34........the/evil that shall come on/my 13/613
Est_8:6..........the/evil that shall come unto/my 187/613
Jer_51:60........the/evil that should/come. 430/613
Job_42:11........the/evil that the LORD/had 200/613
Rom_9:11..........or/evil that the purpose/of 546/613
Jer_51:24......their/evil that they/have... 429/613
2Ki_8:12.........the/evil that thou/wilt... 132/613
Job_2:11........this/evil that was/come.... 192/613 that we/may...... 325/613
Amo_5:14.........not/evil that ye/may...... 451/613
2Ti_4:14........much/evil the Lord/reward.. 578/613
2Ch_18:7......always/evil the same/is...... 164/613 The song/of...... 312/613
1Sa_20:13.......thee/evil then I/will....... 88/613
Job_1:8....escheweth/evil Then Satan/answered 189/613
Jer_11:15......doest/evil then thou/rejoicest 353/613
Heb_5:14.........and/evil Therefore leaving/the 584/613
Jon_4:2..........the/evil Therefore now/O.. 461/613 Therefore their/goods 473/613 Therefore to/him. 593/613 Therefore will/I. 359/613
Mat_6:34.........the/evil thereof/Judge.... 488/613
Joh_17:15........the/evil They are/not..... 526/613
Psa_56:5.........for/evil They gather/themselves 226/613
Deu_1:39.........and/evil they shall/go..... 36/613 thing and a/wise. 300/613 thing and bitter/that 336/613 thing for/he..... 299/613
Neh_13:17.......What/evil thing is/this.... 183/613
Psa_141:4........any/evil thing to practise/wicked 240/613 thing to say/of.. 581/613
1Co_10:6.......after/evil things as they/also 558/613
Jer_3:5.........done/evil things as thou/couldest 337/613
Mat_12:35......forth/evil things But I/say. 496/613
Luk_16:25....Lazarus/evil things but now/he 520/613
Mar_7:23.......these/evil things come/from. 505/613
Rom_1:30..........of/evil things disobedient/to 541/613
Pro_15:28........out/evil things The/LORD.. 264/613
Jos_23:15........all/evil things until/he... 59/613
Hab_2:9...........of/evil Thou hast/consulted 472/613
Gen_2:17.........and/evil thou shalt/not..... 2/613 Though/a......... 302/613 thought/And...... 444/613
Mar_7:21.....proceed/evil thoughts adulteries/fornications 503/613
Jam_2:4...........of/evil thoughts Hearken/my 587/613
Mat_15:19....proceed/evil thoughts murders/adulteries 498/613
Jer_44:29........for/evil Thus/saith....... 424/613 thy body/also.... 519/613
Psa_36:4.........not/evil Thy mercy/O...... 213/613 thy whole/body... 487/613
Psa_112:7.........of/evil tidings his/heart 234/613
Jer_49:23......heard/evil tidings they are/fainthearted 427/613
Exo_33:4.......these/evil tidings they mourned/and 26/613
Psa_37:19........the/evil time and/in...... 215/613 time Seek/good... 450/613 time when/it..... 307/613
1Sa_12:19.......this/evil to ask/us......... 77/613
Isa_57:1.........the/evil to come He/shall. 329/613
Jer_32:23.......this/evil to come upon/them 400/613 to cut/off....... 210/613
Jer_9:3.........from/evil to evil/and...... 348/613
Jer_29:11.........of/evil to give/you...... 398/613
Psa_15:3.......doeth/evil to his/neighbour. 204/613 to my/lord........ 94/613
Pro_16:30...bringeth/evil to pass/The...... 269/613 to save life or to destroy/it 508/613 to save life or to kill/But 502/613
Exo_5:23........done/evil to this/people.... 21/613
Neh_13:27......great/evil to transgress/against 185/613 touch/thee....... 193/613 toward his/brother 53/613 toward the/husband 54/613 travail/and...... 295/613
Mat_12:35........the/evil treasure bringeth/forth 495/613
Luk_6:45.........the/evil treasure of/his.. 512/613
1Th_5:15.........for/evil unto any/man..... 571/613
Psa_7:4.....rewarded/evil unto him/that.... 202/613
Psa_54:5......reward/evil unto mine/enemies 225/613
Joh_5:29........done/evil unto the/resurrection 524/613
Eze_6:10........this/evil unto them/Thus... 436/613
Isa_3:9.....rewarded/evil unto themselves/Say 315/613
Jos_24:15.......seem/evil unto you/to....... 60/613
2Sa_17:14......bring/evil upon Absalom/Then 104/613
Jer_45:5.......bring/evil upon all/flesh... 425/613
1Ki_21:29........the/evil upon his/house... 125/613
2Ki_21:12.......such/evil upon Jerusalem/and 147/613
1Ki_14:10......bring/evil upon the house/of 113/613
Jer_11:23......bring/evil upon the men/of.. 356/613
1Ki_17:20....brought/evil upon the widow/with 121/613
1Ki_21:21......bring/evil upon thee/and.... 123/613 upon their/beds.. 463/613
2Ch_7:22........this/evil upon them And/it. 162/613
Jer_49:37......bring/evil upon them even my/fierce 428/613
Jer_23:12......bring/evil upon them even the/year 378/613
Jer_11:11......bring/evil upon them which/they 352/613
Jer_6:19.......bring/evil upon this people even/the 344/613
Jer_32:42......great/evil upon this people so/will 403/613
2Ch_34:24......bring/evil upon this place and upon the inhabitants thereof even all the curses/that 174/613
2Ki_22:16......bring/evil upon this place and upon the inhabitants thereof even all the words/of 151/613
Jer_40:2........this/evil upon this place Now/the 412/613
Jer_19:3.......bring/evil upon this place the/which 372/613
2Sa_15:14......bring/evil upon us and smite/the 103/613
Neh_13:18.......this/evil upon us and upon/this 184/613
Jer_24:3.........the/evil very/evil........ 382/613
Jdg_20:41.......that/evil was come/upon..... 74/613
Jdg_20:34.......that/evil was near/them..... 73/613
Jer_35:15........his/evil way and amend/your 404/613
Jer_23:22......their/evil way and from the evil of their/doings 380/613
Jer_25:5.........his/evil way and from the evil of your/doings 387/613
Jon_3:8..........his/evil way and from the violence/that 458/613
Jon_3:10.......their/evil way and God/repented 459/613
Jer_18:11........his/evil way and make/your 369/613
Pro_8:13.........the/evil way and the/froward 252/613
1Ki_13:33........his/evil way but/made..... 111/613
Jer_36:7.........his/evil way for/great.... 408/613 way he/shall..... 286/613
Jer_36:3.........his/evil way that I may forgive/their 407/613
Jer_26:3.........his/evil way that I may repent/me 391/613
Psa_119:101....every/evil way that I might/keep 235/613
Zec_1:4.........your/evil ways and from/your 475/613
2Ki_17:13.......your/evil ways and keep/my. 143/613
Eze_36:31........own/evil ways and your/doings 443/613
Eze_33:11.......your/evil ways for/why..... 441/613 we/will.......... 414/613
1Sa_20:9........that/evil were/determined... 87/613
Pro_16:6........from/evil When a/man's..... 266/613
Psa_49:5..........of/evil when the/iniquity 221/613
Eph_5:16.........are/evil Wherefore be/ye.. 566/613
Rom_13:4.......doeth/evil Wherefore ye/must 554/613
Jer_26:19........the/evil which he had/pronounced 395/613
Exo_32:14........the/evil which he thought/to 25/613 which I have seen under the sun and/it 297/613 which I have seen under the sun as/an 308/613
Ecc_5:13........sore/evil which I have seen under the sun namely/riches 294/613
Jer_26:3.........the/evil which I purpose to do unto them because/of 392/613
Jer_36:3.........the/evil which I purpose to do unto them that/they 406/613
2Ki_22:20........the/evil which I will/bring 152/613
Rom_7:19.........the/evil which I would/not 544/613
Gen_50:15........the/evil which we/did...... 16/613
1Ti_6:10.........all/evil which while/some. 575/613
Joe_2:13.........the/evil Who knoweth/if... 448/613
Mic_3:2..........the/evil who pluck/off.... 466/613
Deu_31:29........and/evil will/befall....... 57/613
Rom_13:3.........the/evil Wilt/thou........ 552/613 with both/hands.. 468/613
Rom_12:21...overcome/evil with good/Let.... 551/613
Pro_20:8.........all/evil with his eyes/Who 274/613
1Ch_7:23........went/evil with his house/And 159/613
Pro_6:24.........the/evil woman/from....... 250/613
2Ti_4:18.......every/evil work and/will.... 579/613
Jam_3:16.......every/evil work But/the..... 589/613 work is/not...... 301/613
Ecc_4:3..........the/evil work that/is..... 292/613
Php_3:2...........of/evil workers/beware... 568/613
Gal_1:4......present/evil world/according.. 564/613
Mat_5:37..........of/evil Ye/have.......... 483/613 and/every........ 1/2 or/as............ 2/2
Isa_31:2.........the/evildoers and against/the 7/12
1Pe_2:14..........of/evildoers and for/the... 11/12
Isa_1:4...........of/evildoers children/that.. 5/12
Jer_20:13.........of/evildoers Cursed/be...... 8/12 for/I.......... 4/12
Psa_37:1..........of/evildoers neither/be..... 1/12
Psa_94:16........the/evildoers or/who......... 3/12
Psa_37:9.........For/evildoers shall be/cut... 2/12
Isa_14:20.........of/evildoers shall never/be. 6/12
Jer_23:14.........of/evildoers that/none...... 9/12
1Pe_3:16..........of/evildoers they may be/ashamed 12/12 they may by/your 10/12
Deu_17:1.........any/evilfavouredness/for...... 1/1
Jer_52:31.......that/Evilmerodach king of Babylon in the first/year 2/2
2Ki_25:27.......that/Evilmerodach king of Babylon in the year/that 1/2
Deu_31:21.......many/evils and troubles are/befallen 4/9
Deu_31:17.......many/evils and troubles shall/befall 1/9
Deu_31:17......these/evils come/upon........... 2/9
Psa_40:12innumerable/evils have/compassed...... 5/9
Eze_20:43.......your/evils that/ye............. 8/9
Jer_2:13.........two/evils they/have........... 6/9
Luk_3:19.........the/evils which Herod/had..... 9/9
Eze_6:9..........the/evils which they have/committed 7/9
Deu_31:18........the/evils which they shall/have 3/9
