Jer_9:1.......mine/eyes a fountain/of.... 341/503
Psa_15:4.....whose/eyes a vile/person.... 214/503
Job_2:12.....their/eyes afar/off......... 184/503
Num_15:39......own/eyes after/which....... 54/503
Zec_2:1.......mine/eyes again/and........ 415/503
Jer_39:6.......his/eyes also/the......... 359/503
Dan_7:20.......had/eyes and a mouth/that. 399/503
Gen_3:6........the/eyes and a tree/to...... 2/503
Gen_13:10......his/eyes and beheld/all..... 5/503
Dan_9:18.....thine/eyes and behold our/desolations 403/503
Exo_14:10....their/eyes and behold the/Egyptians 45/503
Jer_13:20.....your/eyes and behold them/that 343/503
Jer_39:7Zedekiah's/eyes and bound/him.... 360/503
Jdg_16:21......his/eyes and brought/him.. 100/503
Lev_26:16......the/eyes and cause/sorrow.. 50/503
Isa_66:4......mine/eyes and chose/that... 336/503
Eze_23:40......thy/eyes and deckedst/thyself 385/503
Eze_20:7.......his/eyes and defile/not... 378/503
Isa_65:12.....mine/eyes and did/choose... 334/503
Jer_16:17.....mine/eyes And first/I...... 348/503
2Sa_12:11....thine/eyes and give them/unto 125/503
Ezr_9:8........our/eyes and give us/a.... 179/503
Joh_12:40....their/eyes and hardened/their 471/503
2Ki_10:30.....mine/eyes and hast/done.... 156/503
Gal_4:15.......own/eyes and have/given... 487/503
Deu_6:22.......our/eyes And he brought/us. 75/503
2Ki_4:35.......his/eyes And he called/Gehazi 148/503
Dan_8:5........his/eyes And he came/to... 401/503
Job_27:19......his/eyes and he is/not.... 199/503
1Sa_20:3.....thine/eyes and he saith/Let. 116/503
Num_24:2.......his/eyes and he saw/Israel. 59/503
Jer_32:4.......his/eyes And he shall/lead 355/503
Mat_13:15....their/eyes and hear with their ears and should/understand 432/503
Isa_6:10.....their/eyes and hear with their ears and understand with their heart and convert/and 308/503
Act_28:27....their/eyes and hear with their ears and understand with their heart and should/be 482/503
Eze_44:5.....thine/eyes and hear with thine ears all/that 395/503
Eze_40:4.....thine/eyes and hear with thine ears and/set 394/503
2Ki_4:34.......his/eyes and his/hands.... 147/503
Deu_9:17......your/eyes And I fell/down... 77/503
Psa_26:3......mine/eyes and I have/walked 219/503
Joh_9:15......mine/eyes and I washed/and. 462/503
Job_31:7......mine/eyes and if/any....... 203/503
Mat_20:34....their/eyes and immediately/their 437/503
Deu_1:30......your/eyes And in the/wilderness 66/503
Jer_16:9......your/eyes and in your/days. 346/503
Num_10:31.......of/eyes And it shall be if/thou 52/503
Eze_21:6.....their/eyes And it shall be when/they 381/503
Num_20:8.....their/eyes and it shall give/forth 56/503
Gen_46:4.....thine/eyes And Jacob/rose.... 35/503
1Sa_11:2.....right/eyes and lay/it....... 111/503
Gen_13:14....thine/eyes and look from/the.. 6/503
Joh_4:35......your/eyes and look on/the.. 456/503
Dan_10:5......mine/eyes and looked and behold a certain/man 404/503
Gen_37:25....their/eyes and looked and behold a company/of 26/503
Zec_5:1.......mine/eyes and looked and behold a flying/roll 418/503
2Sa_18:24......his/eyes and looked and behold a man/running 128/503
Gen_22:13......his/eyes and looked and behold behind/him 14/503
Gen_33:1.......his/eyes and looked and behold Esau/came 23/503
Zec_6:1.......mine/eyes and looked and behold there came four/chariots 421/503
2Sa_13:34......his/eyes and looked and behold there came much/people 126/503
Zec_5:9.......mine/eyes and looked and behold there came out/two 420/503
Jos_5:13.......his/eyes and looked and behold there stood/a 97/503
Gen_18:2.......his/eyes and looked and lo/three 9/503
Mar_8:25.......his/eyes and made/him..... 443/503
2Ch_7:16......mine/eyes and mine heart shall be there perpetually And as/for 169/503
1Ki_9:3.......mine/eyes and mine heart shall be there perpetually And if/thou 136/503
Jer_29:21.....your/eyes And of/them...... 352/503
Isa_5:21.......own/eyes and prudent/in... 305/503
Mar_8:23.......his/eyes and put his/hands 442/503
2Ki_25:7.......his/eyes and put out/the.. 160/503
Joh_11:41......his/eyes and said Father/I 470/503
Joh_9:11......mine/eyes and said unto/me. 460/503
Jdg_16:28......two/eyes And Samson/took.. 101/503
Gen_16:4.......her/eyes And Sarai/said..... 7/503
Joh_6:5........his/eyes and saw a/great.. 457/503
Zec_1:18......mine/eyes and saw and behold four/horns 414/503
Gen_24:63......his/eyes and saw and behold the/camels 15/503
Dan_8:3.......mine/eyes and saw and behold there/stood 400/503
Gen_43:29......his/eyes and saw his/brother 31/503
Gen_31:10.....mine/eyes and saw in/a...... 20/503
1Ch_21:16......his/eyes and saw the angel/of 164/503
1Sa_6:13.....their/eyes and saw the ark/and 110/503
Gen_22:4.......his/eyes and saw the place/afar 13/503
Gen_33:5.......his/eyes and saw the women/and 24/503
Eze_37:20....their/eyes And say/unto..... 391/503
Gen_31:12....thine/eyes and see all/the... 21/503
2Ki_19:16....thine/eyes and see and/hear. 157/503
Jer_5:21......have/eyes and see not/which 339/503
Zec_5:5......thine/eyes and see what/is.. 419/503
Gen_21:19......her/eyes and she/saw....... 12/503
Deu_28:65.......of/eyes and sorrow/of..... 91/503
Eze_24:25....their/eyes and that whereupon/they 388/503
Eze_24:21.....your/eyes and that which/your 387/503
Isa_43:8......have/eyes and the deaf/that 326/503
Num_11:6.......our/eyes And the manna/was. 53/503
1Jn_2:16.......the/eyes and the pride/of. 494/503
Pro_30:13....their/eyes and their/eyelids 284/503
Rev_21:4.....their/eyes and there shall/be 503/503
Jdg_17:6.......own/eyes And there was/a.. 102/503
2Ki_6:20.....their/eyes and they saw/and. 152/503
Mar_12:11......our/eyes And they sought/to 445/503
Jer_22:17....thine/eyes and thine/heart.. 350/503
Num_33:55.....your/eyes and thorns/in..... 65/503
Pro_20:13....thine/eyes and thou shalt be/satisfied 271/503
Deu_28:31....thine/eyes and thou shalt not/eat 88/503
Deu_6:8......thine/eyes And thou shalt write/them 74/503
1Sa_2:33.....thine/eyes and to grieve/thine 107/503
1Ki_11:33.....mine/eyes and to keep/my... 138/503
Act_26:18....their/eyes and to turn/them. 480/503
Gen_34:11.....your/eyes and what/ye....... 25/503
Rev_7:17.....their/eyes And when he/had.. 501/503
Gen_24:64......her/eyes and when she saw Isaac/she 16/503
Act_9:40.......her/eyes and when she saw Peter/she 477/503
Exo_8:26.....their/eyes and will/they..... 42/503
Deu_11:18.....your/eyes And ye/shall...... 81/503
Pro_30:12......own/eyes and yet/is....... 283/503
Son_5:12.......His/eyes are as/the....... 295/503
Lam_5:17.......our/eyes are dim/Because.. 367/503
Psa_25:15.....Mine/eyes are ever/toward.. 218/503's/eyes are in/his....... 286/503
Job_41:18......his/eyes are like/the..... 210/503
Num_24:15....whose/eyes are open hath said He hath said which heard the words of God and/knew 62/503
Num_24:3.....whose/eyes are open hath said He hath said which heard the words of God which/saw 60/503
Jer_32:19....thine/eyes are open upon/all 356/503
Psa_10:8.......his/eyes are privily/set.. 211/503
Psa_141:8.....mine/eyes are unto/thee.... 252/503
Jer_16:17.....mine/eyes are upon all/their 347/503
Job_7:8......thine/eyes are upon me/and.. 187/503
2Sa_22:28....thine/eyes are upon the haughty/that 130/503
Job_34:21......his/eyes are upon the ways/of 206/503
2Ch_20:12......our/eyes are upon thee/And 173/503
Job_24:23......his/eyes are upon their/ways 198/503
Act_9:18.......his/eyes as it/had........ 476/503
Dan_10:6.......his/eyes as lamps/of...... 405/503
Son_8:10.......his/eyes as one/that...... 299/503
Lam_4:17.......our/eyes as yet/failed.... 366/503
Rom_11:10....their/eyes be darkened that they may/not 485/503
Psa_69:23....their/eyes be darkened that they see/not 228/503
Rut_2:9......thine/eyes be on/the........ 105/503
2Ch_6:40.....thine/eyes be open/and...... 167/503
Deu_24:1.......his/eyes because he/hath... 87/503
Psa_119:136...mine/eyes because they/keep 241/503
Rev_4:6.........of/eyes before/and....... 498/503
1Sa_3:2........his/eyes began/to......... 108/503
Job_39:29......her/eyes behold afar/off.. 208/503
Jer_7:11......your/eyes Behold even/I.... 340/503
Psa_11:4.......his/eyes behold his/eyelids 212/503 behold I/will.... 416/503
Psa_66:7.......his/eyes behold the nations/let 226/503
Psa_17:2.....thine/eyes behold the things/that 215/503
Son_1:15....doves'/eyes Behold thou/art.. 292/503
Luk_16:23......his/eyes being/in......... 451/503
Gen_47:19....thine/eyes both/we........... 36/503
Psa_17:11....their/eyes bowing/down...... 216/503
1Ki_14:8......mine/eyes But hast/done.... 140/503
Pro_12:15......own/eyes but he/that...... 263/503
Ecc_11:9.....thine/eyes but know/thou.... 291/503
Job_11:4.....thine/eyes But oh/that...... 189/503
2Ki_7:19.....thine/eyes but shalt not eat thereof And so/it 154/503
2Ki_7:2......thine/eyes but shalt not eat thereof And there/were 153/503
Pro_21:2.......own/eyes but the LORD pondereth/the 272/503
Pro_16:2.......own/eyes but the LORD weigheth/the 266/503
Deu_34:4.....thine/eyes but thou/shalt.... 96/503
Isa_1:16......mine/eyes cease/to......... 301/503
Ecc_2:10......mine/eyes desired/I........ 285/503
Jer_14:6.....their/eyes did fail/because. 344/503
Psa_139:16...Thine/eyes did see/my....... 251/503
Jer_42:2.....thine/eyes do behold/us..... 361/503
Lam_2:11......Mine/eyes do fail/with..... 365/503
1Ki_1:48......mine/eyes even/seeing...... 133/503
Psa_119:123...Mine/eyes fail for thy salvation/and 240/503
Psa_119:82....Mine/eyes fail for thy word/saying 239/503
Psa_69:3......mine/eyes fail while/I..... 227/503
Isa_38:14.....mine/eyes fail with/looking 323/503
Pro_3:7........own/eyes fear/the......... 255/503
2Sa_19:27....thine/eyes For all/of....... 129/503
Isa_65:16.....mine/eyes For behold/I..... 335/503
Exo_13:16....thine/eyes for by/strength... 44/503
Psa_36:1.......his/eyes For he/flattereth 222/503
Eze_36:23....their/eyes For I/will....... 390/503
2Ch_29:8......your/eyes For lo/our....... 176/503
Luk_19:42....thine/eyes For the days/shall 453/503
Deu_14:1......your/eyes for the dead/For.. 84/503
Neh_6:16.......own/eyes for they perceived/that 181/503
Mat_13:16.....your/eyes for they see/and. 433/503
Deu_3:27.....thine/eyes for thou/shalt.... 69/503
1Sa_25:8.....thine/eyes for we/come...... 119/503
Deu_12:8.......own/eyes For ye/are........ 82/503
Psa_119:37....mine/eyes from beholding/vanity 238/503
Son_6:5......thine/eyes from me/for...... 297/503
Eze_22:26....their/eyes from my/sabbaths. 382/503
Isa_33:15......his/eyes from seeing/evil. 317/503
Psa_116:8.....mine/eyes from tears and/my 235/503
Jer_31:16....thine/eyes from tears for/thy 353/503
Lev_20:4.....their/eyes from the man/when. 49/503
Job_36:7.......his/eyes from the righteous/but 207/503
Isa_1:15......mine/eyes from you/yea..... 300/503
2Pe_2:14....Having/eyes full/of.......... 491/503
1Ki_10:7......mine/eyes had seen it and behold the half/was 137/503
2Ch_9:6.......mine/eyes had seen it and behold the one/half 170/503
1Sa_14:29.....mine/eyes have been/enlightened 115/503
Deu_3:21.....Thine/eyes have seen all that/the 67/503
Deu_11:7......your/eyes have seen all the/great 79/503
Deu_4:9......thine/eyes have seen and/lest 71/503
Pro_25:7.....thine/eyes have seen Go/not. 279/503
1Sa_24:10....thine/eyes have seen how/that 118/503
Isa_6:5.......mine/eyes have seen the King/the 306/503
Deu_29:3.....thine/eyes have seen the signs/and 94/503
Deu_10:21....thine/eyes have seen Thy fathers/went 78/503
Luk_2:30......mine/eyes have seen thy salvation/Which 447/503
Jos_24:7......your/eyes have seen what I/have 99/503
Deu_4:3.......Your/eyes have seen what the/LORD 70/503
Psa_135:16.....not/eyes have they but they see not They have ears but they hear not neither/is 250/503
Psa_115:5......not/eyes have they but they see not They have ears but they hear not noses/have 234/503
Act_28:27....their/eyes have they closed/lest 481/503
Joh_9:26.....thine/eyes He answered/them. 465/503
Joh_9:17.....thine/eyes He said/He....... 463/503
Jdg_19:17......his/eyes he saw/a......... 103/503
Jer_52:10......his/eyes he slew/also..... 363/503
Pro_6:13.......his/eyes he speaketh/with. 261/503
Job_40:24......his/eyes his/nose......... 209/503
Act_11:6......mine/eyes I considered/and. 478/503
Psa_101:3.....mine/eyes I hate/the....... 232/503
1Jn_2:11.......his/eyes I write/unto..... 493/503
Hag_2:3.......your/eyes in comparison/of. 413/503
Deu_29:2......your/eyes in the/land....... 93/503
1Sa_12:16.....your/eyes Is it/not........ 113/503
Dan_8:21.......his/eyes is the/first..... 402/503
Psa_38:10.....mine/eyes it/also.......... 224/503
Gal_3:1......whose/eyes Jesus/Christ..... 486/503
Pro_3:21.....thine/eyes keep sound/wisdom 256/503
Pro_4:21.....thine/eyes keep them/in..... 257/503
Psa_13:3......mine/eyes lest I/sleep..... 213/503
Isa_6:10.....their/eyes lest they/see.... 307/503
Est_8:5........his/eyes let it/be........ 183/503
1Sa_20:29....thine/eyes let me/get....... 117/503
1Sa_27:5.....thine/eyes let them/give.... 123/503
Dan_7:8.......were/eyes like the eyes/of. 397/503
Son_7:4......thine/eyes like the fishpools/in 298/503
Rev_2:18.......his/eyes like unto/a...... 496/503
1Ch_21:23......his/eyes lo/I............. 165/503
Psa_131:1.....mine/eyes lofty/neither.... 248/503
Pro_4:25.....thine/eyes look/right....... 258/503
1Ki_8:29.....thine/eyes may be open toward/this 134/503
1Ki_8:52.....thine/eyes may be open unto/the 135/503
2Ch_6:20.....thine/eyes may be open upon/this 166/503
Mat_20:33......our/eyes may be opened/So. 436/503
Jer_9:18.......our/eyes may run/down..... 342/503
Eze_12:12......his/eyes My/net........... 374/503
Eze_20:8.....their/eyes neither did/they. 379/503
Isa_11:3.......his/eyes neither reprove/after 309/503
Psa_31:22....thine/eyes nevertheless/thou 220/503
Pro_6:4......thine/eyes nor slumber/to... 260/503
Joh_12:40....their/eyes nor understand/with 472/503
Psa_50:21....thine/eyes Now consider/this 225/503
Jdg_21:25......own/eyes Now it/came...... 104/503
Eze_8:5......thine/eyes now the/way...... 370/503
Joh_9:30......mine/eyes Now we know that God/heareth 466/503
Rom_3:18.....their/eyes Now we know that what/things 483/503
1Ch_17:17....thine/eyes O God/for........ 163/503
Isa_37:17....thine/eyes O LORD/and....... 321/503
Psa_123:1.....mine/eyes O thou/that...... 244/503
Pro_23:26....thine/eyes observe/my....... 276/503
Pro_17:24......the/eyes of a fool/are.... 269/503
Psa_123:2......the/eyes of a maiden/unto. 246/503
Gen_41:37......the/eyes of all his/servants 29/503
1Ki_1:20.......the/eyes of all Israel/are 132/503
Job_28:21......the/eyes of all living/and 200/503
Isa_52:10......the/eyes of all the nations/and 331/503
1Ch_13:4.......the/eyes of all the people/So 162/503
Luk_4:20.......the/eyes of all them/that. 448/503
Psa_145:15.....The/eyes of all wait/upon. 253/503
Num_22:31......the/eyes of Balaam/and..... 58/503
Son_5:12.......the/eyes of doves/by...... 296/503
Job_10:4......thou/eyes of flesh/or...... 188/503
Num_5:13.......the/eyes of her/husband.... 51/503
Pro_17:8.......the/eyes of him that/hath. 268/503
Heb_4:13.......the/eyes of him with/whom. 489/503
Job_17:5.......the/eyes of his children/shall 194/503
Isa_3:8........the/eyes of his glory/The. 302/503
Exo_5:21.......the/eyes of his servants/to 41/503
Gen_48:10......the/eyes of Israel/were.... 37/503
Dan_7:8........the/eyes of man and/a..... 398/503
Pro_27:20......the/eyes of man are/never. 280/503
Zec_9:1........the/eyes of man as/of..... 424/503
Eze_38:23......the/eyes of many/nations.. 393/503
Gen_45:12......the/eyes of my brother/Benjamin 34/503
2Sa_24:3.......the/eyes of my lord/the... 131/503
Joh_9:32.......the/eyes of one/that...... 467/503
Gen_41:37......the/eyes of Pharaoh and in the eyes of all/his 28/503
Exo_5:21.......the/eyes of Pharaoh and in the eyes of his/servants 40/503
Psa_123:2......the/eyes of servants/look. 245/503
Lev_4:13.......the/eyes of the assembly/and 48/503
Joh_10:21......the/eyes of the blind And/it 468/503
Joh_11:37......the/eyes of the blind have/caused 469/503
Joh_9:6........the/eyes of the blind man/with 458/503
Isa_35:5.......the/eyes of the blind shall be/opened 320/503
Isa_29:18......the/eyes of the blind shall see/out 314/503
Psa_146:8......the/eyes of the blind the/LORD 254/503
Gen_30:41......the/eyes of the cattle/in.. 19/503
Exo_24:17......the/eyes of the children of Israel And/Moses 47/503
Num_20:12......the/eyes of the children of Israel therefore/ye 57/503
2Sa_6:20.......the/eyes of the handmaids/of 124/503
Jer_34:3.......the/eyes of the king/of... 358/503
Isa_5:15.......the/eyes of the lofty/shall 304/503
Jer_52:2.......the/eyes of the LORD according/to 362/503
1Ki_16:25......the/eyes of the LORD and did/worse 143/503
Pro_5:21.......the/eyes of the LORD and he/pondereth 259/503
1Sa_26:24......the/eyes of the LORD and let/him 122/503
Isa_49:5.......the/eyes of the LORD and my/God 328/503
1Ki_15:5.......the/eyes of the LORD and turned/not 141/503
Pro_15:3.......The/eyes of the LORD are in/every 264/503
1Pe_3:12.......the/eyes of the Lord are over/the 490/503
Psa_34:15......The/eyes of the LORD are upon/the 221/503
1Ki_15:11......the/eyes of the LORD as/did 142/503
Amo_9:8........the/eyes of the Lord GOD/are 409/503
2Sa_15:25......the/eyes of the LORD he/will 127/503
2Ch_14:2.......the/eyes of the LORD his/God 171/503
2Ch_21:6.......the/eyes of the LORD Howbeit/the 174/503
1Ki_22:43......the/eyes of the LORD nevertheless/the 145/503
2Ch_29:6.......the/eyes of the LORD our/God 175/503
Pro_22:12......The/eyes of the LORD preserve/knowledge 274/503
2Ch_16:9.......the/eyes of the LORD run/to 172/503
Gen_6:8........the/eyes of the LORD These/are 4/503
Deu_11:12......the/eyes of the LORD thy God are/always 80/503
Deu_13:18......the/eyes of the LORD thy God Ye/are 83/503
Zec_4:10.......the/eyes of the LORD which/run 417/503
Zec_8:6........the/eyes of the remnant/of 422/503
Job_11:20......the/eyes of the wicked/shall 190/503
Job_31:16......the/eyes of the widow/to.. 204/503
Deu_16:19......the/eyes of the wise/and... 85/503
2Ki_6:17.......the/eyes of the young/man. 150/503
Gen_3:7........the/eyes of them both/were.. 3/503
Isa_32:3.......the/eyes of them that/see. 316/503
2Ki_6:20.......the/eyes of these men that/they 151/503
Num_16:14......the/eyes of these men we/will 55/503
Eph_1:18.......The/eyes of your/understanding 488/503
2Ki_25:7.......the/eyes of Zedekiah and bound/him 161/503
Jer_52:11......the/eyes of Zedekiah and the/king 364/503
Isa_40:26.....your/eyes on high and/behold 324/503
2Ki_19:22....thine/eyes on high even against the Holy One of Israel By thy messengers/thou 158/503
Isa_37:23....thine/eyes on high even against the Holy One of Israel By thy servants/hast 322/503
Act_13:9.......his/eyes on him/And....... 479/503
Luk_6:20.......his/eyes on his/disciples. 449/503
Gen_19:8......your/eyes only/unto......... 10/503
Num_24:4.......his/eyes open How/goodly... 61/503
Num_24:16......his/eyes open I/shall...... 63/503
Neh_1:6......thine/eyes open that/thou... 180/503
Joh_9:10.....thine/eyes opened/He........ 459/503
Psa_132:4.....mine/eyes or/slumber....... 249/503
Psa_119:148...Mine/eyes prevent/the...... 242/503
Mat_20:34....their/eyes received/sight... 438/503
Zec_9:8.......mine/eyes Rejoice/greatly.. 425/503
Pro_15:30......the/eyes rejoiceth/the.... 265/503
Isa_49:18....thine/eyes round about and behold/all 329/503
Isa_60:4.....thine/eyes round about and see/all 333/503
Eze_10:12.......of/eyes round about even/the 372/503
Eze_1:18........of/eyes round about them/four 368/503
Jer_14:17.....mine/eyes run/down......... 345/503
Zep_3:20......your/eyes saith the LORD In/the 412/503
Zec_8:6.......mine/eyes saith the LORD of/hosts 423/503
Exo_21:26......his/eye's sake/And......... 46/503
Deu_7:19.....thine/eyes saw/and........... 76/503
Mat_9:29.....their/eyes saying/According. 429/503
2Ch_34:28....thine/eyes see all/the...... 177/503
Gen_45:12.....your/eyes see and/the....... 33/503
Mar_8:18....Having/eyes see ye/not....... 441/503
Deu_21:7.......our/eyes seen/it........... 86/503
2Ch_7:15......mine/eyes shall be open/and 168/503
Gen_3:5.......your/eyes shall be opened/and 1/503
Gen_49:12......His/eyes shall be red/with. 38/503
Psa_101:6.....Mine/eyes shall be upon/the 233/503
Job_19:27.....mine/eyes shall behold and/not 195/503
Mic_7:10......mine/eyes shall behold her/now 410/503
Jer_32:4.......his/eyes shall behold his/eyes 354/503
Jer_20:4.....thine/eyes shall behold it/and 349/503
Pro_23:33....Thine/eyes shall behold strange/women 278/503
Jer_34:3.....thine/eyes shall behold the/eyes 357/503
Zec_14:12....their/eyes shall consume/away 427/503
Pro_28:27......his/eyes shall have many/a 281/503
Isa_17:7.......his/eyes shall have respect/to 312/503
Deu_28:32....thine/eyes shall look/and.... 89/503
2Ki_22:20....thine/eyes shall not see/all 159/503
Isa_13:18....their/eyes shall not spare/children 311/503
Mal_1:5.......your/eyes shall see and/ye. 428/503
Job_21:20......His/eyes shall see his/destruction 197/503
Isa_33:20....thine/eyes shall see Jerusalem/a 319/503
Isa_33:17....Thine/eyes shall see the/king 318/503
Isa_30:20....thine/eyes shall see thy/teachers 315/503
Psa_91:8.....thine/eyes shalt/thou....... 231/503
Eze_23:16......her/eyes she/doted........ 383/503
Pro_10:26......the/eyes so is/the........ 262/503
1Sa_26:24.....mine/eyes so let/my........ 121/503
Gen_50:4......your/eyes speak/I........... 39/503
Psa_73:7.....Their/eyes stand/out........ 229/503
Gen_30:27....thine/eyes tarry/for......... 18/503
Ecc_6:9........the/eyes than the/wandering 288/503
Hab_1:13.....purer/eyes than to/behold... 411/503
2Ki_6:17.......his/eyes that he/may...... 149/503
Psa_119:18....mine/eyes that I/may....... 237/503
Num_27:14....their/eyes that is/the....... 64/503
Exo_13:9.....thine/eyes that the/LORD's... 43/503
Isa_44:18....their/eyes that they cannot/see 327/503
Rom_11:8...slumber/eyes that they should/not 484/503
Rut_2:10.....thine/eyes that thou/shouldest 106/503
Psa_19:8.......the/eyes The fear/of...... 217/503
Pro_29:13....their/eyes The king/that.... 282/503
Gen_16:5.......her/eyes the LORD/judge..... 8/503
Isa_29:10.....your/eyes the prophets/and. 313/503
Ecc_5:11.....their/eyes The sleep/of..... 287/503
Eze_8:5.......mine/eyes the way/toward... 371/503
Job_21:8.....their/eyes Their houses are/safe 196/503
Isa_13:16....their/eyes their houses shall/be 310/503
Joh_9:14.......his/eyes Then again/the... 461/503
2Ki_10:5.....thine/eyes Then he/wrote.... 155/503
Ecc_8:16.......his/eyes Then I/beheld.... 289/503
Gen_42:24....their/eyes Then Joseph/commanded 30/503
Job_32:1.......own/eyes Then was/kindled. 205/503
Job_4:16......mine/eyes there/was........ 186/503
Mat_21:42......our/eyes Therefore/say.... 439/503
1Sa_12:3......mine/eyes therewith/and.... 112/503
Mat_13:15....their/eyes they have/closed. 431/503
Mat_17:8.....their/eyes they saw/no...... 434/503
1Ki_20:6.....thine/eyes they shall/put... 144/503
Pro_23:29.......of/eyes They that/tarry.. 277/503
1Sa_26:21....thine/eyes this day/behold.. 120/503
Psa_118:23.....our/eyes This is/the...... 236/503
Hos_13:14.....mine/eyes Though/he........ 406/503
Gen_31:40.....mine/eyes Thus have/I....... 22/503
Eze_38:16....their/eyes Thus saith/the... 392/503
Mat_18:9.......two/eyes to be cast into hell fire Take/heed 435/503
Mar_9:47.......two/eyes to be cast into hell fire Where/their 444/503
Ecc_11:7.......the/eyes to behold/the.... 290/503
Isa_42:7.....blind/eyes to bring/out..... 325/503
Pro_16:30......his/eyes to devise/froward 267/503
Joh_17:1.......his/eyes to heaven/and.... 473/503
Deu_29:4.......and/eyes to see and ears/to 95/503
Eze_12:2......have/eyes to see and see/not 373/503
Job_29:15......was/eyes to the blind/and. 201/503
Isa_51:6......your/eyes to the heavens/and 330/503
Eze_18:12......his/eyes to the idols hath/committed 376/503
Eze_18:15......his/eyes to the idols of the house of Israel hath/not 377/503
Eze_18:6.......his/eyes to the idols of the house of Israel neither/hath 375/503
Eze_33:25.....your/eyes toward/your...... 389/503
Psa_36:2.......own/eyes until his/iniquity 223/503
Jos_23:13.....your/eyes until ye/perish... 98/503
Gen_20:16......the/eyes unto all/that..... 11/503
Dan_4:34......mine/eyes unto heaven and mine/understanding 396/503
Deu_4:19.....thine/eyes unto heaven and when/thou 72/503
Luk_18:13......his/eyes unto heaven but/smote 452/503
Jer_3:2......thine/eyes unto the high/places 337/503
Psa_121:1.....mine/eyes unto the hills/from 243/503
Deu_4:34......your/eyes Unto thee/it...... 73/503
Eze_23:27....thine/eyes unto them/nor.... 384/503
Gen_44:21.....mine/eyes upon him And/we... 32/503
Act_3:4........his/eyes upon him with/John 474/503
2Ki_4:34.......his/eyes upon his/eyes.... 146/503
Gen_39:7.......her/eyes upon Joseph/and... 27/503
Job_16:9.......his/eyes upon me/They..... 193/503
Job_14:3.....thine/eyes upon such/an..... 191/503
Pro_23:5.....thine/eyes upon that/which.. 275/503
Zec_12:4......mine/eyes upon the house/of 426/503
Jer_5:3......thine/eyes upon the truth/thou 338/503
Amo_9:4.......mine/eyes upon them for evil/and 408/503
Jer_24:6......mine/eyes upon them for good/and 351/503
Psa_123:2......our/eyes wait/upon........ 247/503
Psa_77:4......mine/eyes waking/I......... 230/503
Isa_3:16....wanton/eyes walking/and...... 303/503
Joh_9:21.......his/eyes we know/not...... 464/503 we stumble/at.... 332/503
Ezr_3:12.....their/eyes wept/with........ 178/503
Eze_20:24....their/eyes were after/their. 380/503
Rev_1:14.......his/eyes were as a flame of fire And his/feet 495/503
Rev_19:12......His/eyes were as a flame of fire and on/his 502/503
Gen_27:1.......his/eyes were dim so/that.. 17/503
1Sa_4:15.......his/eyes were dim that/he. 109/503
1Sa_14:27......his/eyes were enlightened/Then 114/503
Mat_26:43....their/eyes were heavy And/he 440/503
Mar_14:40....their/eyes were heavy neither/wist 446/503
Luk_24:16....their/eyes were holden/that. 454/503
Mat_9:30.....their/eyes were opened and Jesus/straitly 430/503
Luk_24:31....their/eyes were opened and they/knew 455/503
Act_9:8........his/eyes were opened he/saw 475/503
1Ki_14:4.......his/eyes were set/by...... 139/503
Deu_3:27.....thine/eyes westward/and...... 68/503
Est_1:17.....their/eyes when it/shall.... 182/503
Pro_21:10......his/eyes When the/scorner. 273/503 which are/the.... 500/503
Eze_6:9......their/eyes which go/a....... 369/503
Luk_10:23......the/eyes which see/the.... 450/503
Deu_28:67....thine/eyes which thou shalt see And/the 92/503
Deu_28:34....thine/eyes which thou shalt see The/LORD 90/503
1Jn_1:1........our/eyes which we/have.... 492/503
Pro_20:8.......his/eyes Who/can.......... 270/503
Job_3:10......mine/eyes Why died/I....... 185/503
Job_31:1......mine/eyes why then/should.. 202/503
Job_15:12......thy/eyes wink/at.......... 192/503
Eze_24:16....thine/eyes with a/stroke.... 386/503
Rev_3:18.....thine/eyes with eyesalve/that 497/503
Son_4:9......thine/eyes with one/chain... 294/503
Rev_4:8.........of/eyes within and/they.. 499/503
Son_4:1.....doves'/eyes within thy/locks. 293/503
Joe_1:16.......our/eyes yea/joy.......... 407/503
Rev_3:18......with/eyesalve/that............. 1/1
Eph_6:6.......with/eyeservice as menpleasers but as/the 1/2
Col_3:22......with/eyeservice as menpleasers but in/singleness 2/2
Psa_18:24......his/eyesight/With............. 1/1
