Gen_1:21....winged/fowl after his kind and/God 2/31
Gen_7:14.....every/fowl after his kind every/bird 9/31
Gen_7:21........of/fowl and of cattle and of beast/and 10/31
Gen_8:17........of/fowl and of cattle and of every/creeping 12/31
1Ki_4:33........of/fowl and of creeping/things 23/31
Lev_11:46......the/fowl and of every/living 18/31
Gen_8:20.....clean/fowl and offered/burnt.. 14/31
Eze_39:17feathered/fowl and to/every....... 29/31
Gen_8:19.....every/fowl and whatsoever/creepeth 13/31
1Ki_4:23....fatted/fowl For/he............. 22/31
Psa_148:10..flying/fowl Kings/of........... 26/31 knoweth/and........ 24/31
Gen_1:22.......let/fowl multiply/in......... 3/31
Eze_17:23......all/fowl of every/wing...... 28/31
Gen_2:19.....every/fowl of the air and brought/them 7/31
Gen_1:28.......the/fowl of the air and over every/living 5/31
Gen_1:26.......the/fowl of the air and over the/cattle 4/31
Psa_8:8........The/fowl of the air and the/fish 25/31
Gen_2:20.......the/fowl of the air and to every beast/of 8/31
Gen_1:30.....every/fowl of the air and to every thing/that 6/31
Gen_9:2......every/fowl of the air upon/all 15/31
Gen_9:10.......the/fowl of the cattle/and.. 16/31
Gen_7:23.......the/fowl of the heaven/and.. 11/31
Jer_9:10.......the/fowl of the heavens/and. 27/31 or beast/Moreover.. 30/31 or by/any.......... 20/31
Lev_7:26........of/fowl or of/beast........ 17/31
Deu_4:17....winged/fowl that flieth/in..... 21/31
Lev_17:13.......or/fowl that may be/eaten.. 19/31
Gen_1:20.......and/fowl that may fly/above.. 1/31
Dan_7:6..........a/fowl the/beast.......... 31/31
Psa_91:3.......the/fowler and/from........... 1/3
Pro_6:5........the/fowler Go/to.............. 2/3
Hos_9:8..........a/fowler in/all............. 3/3
Psa_124:7......the/fowlers/the............... 1/1
Gen_6:20........Of/fowls after/their........ 2/55
Gen_7:3.........Of/fowls also/of............ 3/55
Lev_20:25..unclean/fowls and clean/and...... 9/55
Gen_7:8.........of/fowls and of/every....... 4/55
Luk_12:24......the/fowls And which/of...... 50/55
Mat_13:4.......the/fowls came and/devoured. 46/55
Gen_15:11......the/fowls came down/upon..... 5/55
Dan_4:14.......the/fowls from/his.......... 39/55
Psa_78:27feathered/fowls like/as........... 22/55
Jer_16:4.......the/fowls of heaven and for/the 29/55
Hos_2:18.......the/fowls of heaven and with/the 41/55
Eze_31:6.......the/fowls of heaven made/their 33/55
Job_35:11......the/fowls of heaven There/they 20/55
Hos_4:3........the/fowls of heaven yea/the. 42/55
Act_11:6.......and/fowls of the air And I/heard 53/55
Act_10:12......and/fowls of the air And there/came 52/55
Job_12:7.......the/fowls of the air and they/shall 18/55
1Sa_17:44......the/fowls of the air and to the beasts/of 12/55
1Sa_17:46......the/fowls of the air and to the wild/beasts 13/55
Deu_28:26......all/fowls of the air and unto/the 11/55
Mar_4:4........the/fowls of the air came/and 47/55
Job_28:21......the/fowls of the air Destruction/and 19/55
Luk_8:5........the/fowls of the air devoured/it 49/55
1Ki_21:24......the/fowls of the air eat But/there 16/55
1Ki_14:11......the/fowls of the air eat for/the 14/55
1Ki_16:4.......the/fowls of the air eat Now/the 15/55
Gen_6:7........the/fowls of the air for it/repenteth 1/55
Mat_6:26.......the/fowls of the air for they/sow 45/55
Luk_13:19......the/fowls of the air lodged/in 51/55
Mar_4:32.......the/fowls of the air may/lodge 48/55
Eze_29:5.......the/fowls of the heaven And all/the 32/55
Jer_19:7.......the/fowls of the heaven and for the beasts of the earth And I/will 30/55
Jer_7:33.......the/fowls of the heaven and for the beasts of the earth and none/shall 27/55
Jer_15:3.......the/fowls of the heaven and the beasts of the earth/to 28/55
Eze_38:20......the/fowls of the heaven and the beasts of the field/and 36/55
Zep_1:3........the/fowls of the heaven and the fishes/of 44/55
Jer_34:20......the/fowls of the heaven and to/the 31/55
Dan_4:12.......the/fowls of the heaven dwelt/in 38/55
Dan_4:21.......the/fowls of the heaven had/their 40/55
Dan_2:38.......the/fowls of the heaven hath/he 37/55
Psa_104:12.....the/fowls of the heaven have/their 24/55
Hos_7:12.......the/fowls of the heaven I/will 43/55
Eze_31:13......the/fowls of the heaven remain/and 34/55
Psa_79:2.......the/fowls of the heaven the/flesh 23/55
Eze_32:4.......the/fowls of the heaven to/remain 35/55
Psa_50:11......the/fowls of the mountains and the/wild 21/55
Isa_18:6.......the/fowls of the mountains and to/the 25/55
Isa_18:6.......the/fowls shall/summer...... 26/55
Lev_11:20......All/fowls that creep/going... 8/55
Rev_19:17......the/fowls that fly/in....... 54/55
Lev_1:14........of/fowls then/he............ 6/55
Lev_11:13......the/fowls they/shall......... 7/55
Rev_19:21......the/fowls were filled/with.. 55/55
Neh_5:18......also/fowls were prepared/for. 17/55
Deu_14:20....clean/fowls ye/may............ 10/55
