Eze_48:27.....side/Gad a portion/And....... 69/72
Gen_49:19.....LORD/Gad a troop/shall........ 4/72
Num_34:14.......of/Gad according to the/house 24/72
Jos_13:24.......of/Gad according to their/families 30/72
Num_26:18.......of/Gad according to those/that 15/72
Num_26:15.......of/Gad after their families of/Zephon 14/72
Jos_13:28.......of/Gad after their families the/cities 31/72
Exo_1:4...Naphtali/Gad and Asher And all/the 5/72
Deu_27:13...Reuben/Gad and Asher and Zebulun/Dan 25/72
1Ch_2:2...Naphtali/Gad and Asher The/sons.. 56/72
Gen_35:26.handmaid/Gad and Asher these/are.. 2/72
1Sa_13:7........of/Gad and Gilead/As....... 48/72
Jos_20:8........of/Gad and Golan/in........ 33/72
Jos_4:12........of/Gad and half/the........ 28/72
Jer_49:1...inherit/Gad and his/people...... 68/72
Jos_21:7........of/Gad and out of the tribe of Zebulun twelve cities And the children of Israel gave by/lot 34/72
1Ch_6:63........of/Gad and out of the tribe of Zebulun twelve cities And the children of Israel gave to/the 58/72
Jos_18:7.......and/Gad and Reuben/and...... 32/72
Num_2:14........of/Gad and the captain/of... 9/72
Jos_22:30.......of/Gad and the children of Manasseh/spake 43/72
Num_32:31.......of/Gad and the children of Reuben answered/saying 21/72
Num_32:2........of/Gad and the children of Reuben came/and 17/72
Num_32:25.......of/Gad and the children of Reuben spake/unto 19/72
Num_32:29.......of/Gad and the children of Reuben will/pass 20/72
Jos_22:21.......of/Gad and the half tribe of Manasseh answered/and 41/72
Jos_22:10.......of/Gad and the half tribe of Manasseh built/there 37/72
Jos_22:11.......of/Gad and the half tribe of Manasseh have/built 38/72
Jos_22:9........of/Gad and the half tribe of Manasseh returned/and 36/72
Jos_22:31.......of/Gad and to the children of Manasseh/This 44/72
Num_32:33.......of/Gad and to the children of Reuben and/unto 22/72
Num_32:6........of/Gad and to the children of Reuben Shall/your 18/72
Jos_22:13.......of/Gad and to the half tribe of Manasseh into/the 39/72
Jos_22:15.......of/Gad and to the half tribe of Manasseh unto/the 40/72
2Sa_24:5........of/Gad and toward/Jazer.... 50/72
Gen_30:11.....name/Gad And Zilpah/Leah's.... 1/72
Eze_48:28.......of/Gad at/the.............. 70/72
Num_32:34.......of/Gad built/Dibon......... 23/72
Num_1:24........of/Gad by/their............. 7/72
Jos_22:34.......of/Gad called/the.......... 47/72
2Sa_24:18......And/Gad came that/day....... 54/72
1Ch_21:11.......So/Gad came to David and said/unto 62/72
2Sa_24:13.......So/Gad came to David and told/him 52/72
1Ch_12:14.......of/Gad captains/of......... 60/72
2Sa_24:11..prophet/Gad David's seer saying Go and say/unto 51/72
1Ch_21:9......unto/Gad David's seer saying Go and tell/David 61/72
Jos_22:33......and/Gad dwelt And/the....... 46/72
1Ch_5:11........of/Gad dwelt over/against.. 57/72
Num_1:14........Of/Gad Eliasaph/the......... 6/72
Jos_13:24.......of/Gad even/unto........... 29/72
Num_13:15.......of/Gad Geuel/the........... 13/72
Num_32:1........of/Gad had/a............... 16/72
Deu_33:20enlargeth/Gad he dwelleth/as...... 27/72
Deu_33:20.......of/Gad he said/Blessed..... 26/72
1Ch_21:13.....unto/Gad I am in a great strait let me/fall 63/72
2Sa_24:14.....unto/Gad I am in a great strait let us/fall 53/72
Num_7:42........of/Gad offered/His......... 11/72
Eze_48:34.......of/Gad one/gate............ 71/72
Jos_22:32.......of/Gad out/of.............. 45/72
1Ch_6:80........of/Gad Ramoth in Gilead with her suburbs and/Mahanaim 59/72
Jos_21:38.......of/Gad Ramoth in Gilead with her suburbs to/be 35/72
1Sa_22:5...prophet/Gad said/unto........... 49/72
Num_2:14........of/Gad shall/be............ 10/72
2Ch_29:25.......of/Gad the king's/seer..... 67/72
1Ch_29:29.......of/Gad the seer/With....... 66/72
1Ch_21:18commanded/Gad to/say.............. 64/72
Num_10:20.......of/Gad was/Eliasaph........ 12/72
2Sa_24:19.......of/Gad went/up............. 55/72
Num_1:25........of/Gad were forty/and....... 8/72
Rev_7:5.........of/Gad were sealed/twelve.. 72/72
1Ch_21:19.......of/Gad which/he............ 65/72
Jos_22:25.......of/Gad ye/have............. 42/72
Gen_46:16.......of/Gad Ziphion/and.......... 3/72
