Act_12:8.......thy/garment about/thee...... 83/86
Lev_13:47......The/garment also/that....... 11/86
Heb_1:11.........a/garment And as a/vesture 84/86
Mar_6:56.......his/garment and as many as touched him/were 76/86
Mat_14:36......his/garment and as many as touched were/made 71/86
Luk_22:36......his/garment and buy/one..... 82/86
Jdg_8:25.........a/garment and did/cast.... 29/86
Lev_15:17....every/garment and every/skin.. 23/86
Job_38:14........a/garment And from/the.... 42/86 And he saith/unto 72/86
Jer_43:12......his/garment and he shall/go. 59/86 And he was/speechless 73/86
Lev_6:10.....linen/garment and his/linen.... 9/86 and I/became.... 44/86
Luk_8:44.......his/garment and immediately/her 81/86
Gen_9:23.........a/garment and laid/it...... 1/86 and my mantle and/plucked 36/86 and my mantle I/fell 37/86
Lev_14:55........a/garment and of/a........ 22/86
2Ki_9:13.......his/garment and put/it...... 35/86
Mat_9:16.......the/garment and the rent/is. 68/86
Jos_7:24.......the/garment and the wedge/of 28/86
Isa_51:8.........a/garment and the worm/shall 57/86
Gen_25:25....hairy/garment and they called/his 2/86
Isa_51:6.........a/garment and they that/dwell 56/86 and they two/were 33/86
Mar_16:5.....white/garment and they were/affrighted 79/86
Jos_7:21Babylonish/garment and two/hundred. 27/86
Hag_2:12.......his/garment and with/his.... 64/86
Psa_102:26.......a/garment as/a............ 46/86
Mar_13:16......his/garment But/woe......... 78/86
Gen_39:16......his/garment by/her........... 7/86 changed/it...... 40/86
Rev_1:13.........a/garment down/to......... 86/86
Lev_13:51......the/garment either in the warp or in the woof or in a/skin 15/86
Lev_13:57......the/garment either in the warp or in the woof or in any thing of skin it/is 19/86
Lev_13:53......the/garment either in the warp or in the woof or in any thing of skin Then/the 17/86
Lev_13:58......the/garment either warp/or.. 20/86
Mar_2:21.......old/garment else/the........ 74/86
Deu_22:5...woman's/garment for all/that.... 25/86
Mar_5:27.......his/garment For she said If/I 75/86
Mat_9:20.......his/garment For she said within/herself 69/86
Mat_9:16.......old/garment for that/which.. 67/86
Mic_2:8........the/garment from/them....... 63/86
Eze_18:7.........a/garment He/that......... 60/86
Mat_9:21.......his/garment I/shall......... 70/86
Pro_25:20........a/garment in cold/weather. 52/86
Gen_39:12......his/garment in her hand and fled/and 4/86
Gen_39:13......his/garment in her hand and was/fled 5/86
Lev_19:19........a/garment mingled/of...... 24/86
2Sa_13:19......her/garment of divers colours that/was 31/86
2Sa_13:18........a/garment of divers colours upon/her 30/86
Deu_22:11........a/garment of divers sorts/as 26/86
Est_8:15.........a/garment of fine/linen... 38/86
Isa_61:3.......the/garment of praise/for... 58/86
Lev_13:59........a/garment of woollen/or... 21/86
Lev_13:47..woollen/garment or a/linen...... 12/86
Lev_13:49......the/garment or in/the....... 14/86
Lev_13:56......the/garment or out/of....... 18/86
Job_41:13......his/garment or who/can...... 43/86
Mar_10:50......his/garment rose/and........ 77/86
Mal_2:16.......his/garment saith/the....... 66/86
Gen_39:12......his/garment saying/Lie....... 3/86
Psa_109:18.....his/garment so/let.......... 49/86
Jud_1:23.......the/garment spotted/by...... 85/86
Eze_18:16........a/garment That hath/taken. 61/86
2Sa_20:8....Joab's/garment that he/had..... 32/86
Job_13:28........a/garment that is moth/eaten 39/86
Pro_20:16......his/garment that is surety for a stranger and take a pledge of him for a strange woman Bread/of 51/86
Pro_27:13......his/garment that is surety for a stranger and take a pledge of him for a strange woman He/that 53/86 that was/on..... 34/86
Isa_50:9.........a/garment the moth/shall.. 55/86
Psa_104:6........a/garment the waters/stood 48/86
Psa_73:6.........a/garment Their/eyes...... 45/86
Job_38:9.......the/garment thereof/and..... 41/86
Lev_6:27.......any/garment thou/shalt...... 10/86
Zec_13:4.....rough/garment to/deceive...... 65/86 upon/an......... 80/86
Dan_7:9......whose/garment was/white....... 62/86
Lev_13:47....linen/garment Whether it/be... 13/86
Lev_13:52.....that/garment whether warp/or. 16/86
Psa_109:19.....the/garment which/covereth.. 50/86
Pro_30:4.........a/garment who hath/established 54/86
Psa_104:2........a/garment who stretchest/out 47/86
Gen_39:15......his/garment with me and fled and/got 6/86
Gen_39:18......his/garment with me and fled out/And 8/86 among them and cast/lots 58/103 among them and upon/my 91/103
Exo_40:13.....holy/garments and anoint/him 23/103
1Ki_10:25......and/garments and armour/and 47/103
Luk_24:4...shining/garments And as/they... 96/103
Lev_6:11.....other/garments and carry/forth 25/103
Lev_16:24......his/garments and come/forth 33/103
Eze_16:18broidered/garments and coveredst/them 75/103
Jer_52:33...prison/garments and he did continually/eat 72/103
2Ki_25:29...prison/garments and he did eat/bread 52/103
Lev_16:32.....holy/garments And he shall/make 34/103
Exo_29:21......his/garments and his sons and his sons' garments with him Also/thou 12/103
Lev_8:30.......his/garments and his sons and his sons' garments with him And/Moses 29/103 and I/will.... 70/103
2Ki_5:23........of/garments and laid/them. 49/103
2Sa_13:31......his/garments and lay/on.... 46/103
Gen_35:2......your/garments And let/us..... 1/103
Mat_23:5.....their/garments And love/the.. 89/103
Joh_19:23......his/garments and made/four. 99/103
2Ki_5:22........of/garments And Naaman/said 48/103
Eze_44:17....linen/garments and no/wool... 79/103
2Ki_5:26...receive/garments and oliveyards/and 50/103
Jos_9:13.......our/garments and our/shoes. 40/103
Lev_6:11.......his/garments and put on/other 24/103
Num_20:28......his/garments and put them upon Eleazar his son and Aaron died/there 38/103
Num_20:26......his/garments and put them upon Eleazar his son and Aaron shall/be 37/103
Exo_29:5.......the/garments and put upon/Aaron 9/103
Eze_42:14....other/garments and shall/approach 78/103
Neh_7:70..priests'/garments And some/of... 55/103
Zec_3:3.....filthy/garments and stood/before 85/103
Zec_3:5.......with/garments And the angel/of 87/103
Lev_8:2........the/garments and the anointing/oil 26/103
Exo_35:21.....holy/garments And they came/both 19/103
Jdg_14:13.......of/garments And they said/unto 42/103
Eze_44:19....other/garments and they shall not/sanctify 81/103
Rev_3:4......their/garments and they shall walk/with 102/103
Joh_13:4.......his/garments and took/a.... 97/103
Joe_2:13......your/garments and turn/unto. 84/103
Lev_8:30.......his/garments and upon his sons and upon his/sons' 27/103
Exo_29:21......his/garments and upon his sons and upon the/garments 10/103
2Ki_7:15........of/garments and vessels/which 51/103
Joh_13:12......his/garments and was/set... 98/103
Dan_3:21.....other/garments and were/cast. 83/103
Jam_5:2.......your/garments are motheaten/Your 101/103
Job_37:17......thy/garments are warm/when. 57/103
Psa_133:2......his/garments As/the........ 60/103
Ecc_9:8........thy/garments be/always..... 61/103
Jdg_14:12.......of/garments But/if........ 41/103
Mat_27:35......his/garments casting lots that/it 90/103
Mar_15:24......his/garments casting lots upon/them 94/103
1Sa_18:4.......his/garments even/to....... 44/103
Exo_39:1......holy/garments for Aaron as/the 20/103
Exo_39:41.....holy/garments for Aaron the priest and his/sons' 21/103
Exo_35:19.....holy/garments for Aaron the priest and the garments of his sons to minister in the priest's office And all/the 17/103
Exo_31:10.....holy/garments for Aaron the priest and the garments of his sons to minister in the priest's office And the/anointing 15/103
Exo_28:4......holy/garments for Aaron thy brother and/his 8/103
Exo_28:2......holy/garments for Aaron thy brother for/glory 5/103
Isa_63:1......dyed/garments from Bozrah/this 68/103
Zec_3:4.....filthy/garments from him/And.. 86/103
2Sa_10:4.....their/garments in the middle/even 45/103
1Ch_19:4.....their/garments in the midst/hard 53/103
Mar_11:8.....their/garments in the way and/others 93/103
Mat_21:8.....their/garments in the way others/cut 88/103
Gen_49:11......his/garments in wine/and.... 4/103
Son_4:11.......thy/garments is/like....... 62/103
Rev_16:15......his/garments lest/he...... 103/103
Isa_63:2.......thy/garments like/him...... 69/103
Isa_59:6....become/garments neither shall they cover/themselves 65/103
Eze_44:19....their/garments Neither shall they shave/their 82/103
Jer_36:24....their/garments neither the/king 71/103
Isa_52:1.beautiful/garments O/Jerusalem... 64/103
Exo_29:29.....holy/garments of Aaron/shall 14/103
Gen_38:19......the/garments of her/widowhood 3/103
Exo_35:19......the/garments of his sons to minister in the priest's office And all/the 18/103
Exo_31:10......the/garments of his sons to minister in the priest's office And the/anointing 16/103
Exo_29:21......the/garments of his sons with/him 11/103
Isa_61:10......the/garments of salvation/he 67/103
Isa_59:17......the/garments of vengeance/for 66/103
Gen_38:14..widow's/garments off/from....... 2/103
Mar_11:7.....their/garments on/him........ 92/103
Isa_9:5........and/garments rolled/in..... 63/103
Lev_21:10......the/garments shall/not..... 35/103
Psa_45:8.......thy/garments smell/of...... 59/103
Ezr_2:69..priests'/garments So the priests and the Levites and some/of 54/103
Neh_7:72..priests'/garments So the priests and the Levites and the/porters 56/103
Lev_16:4......holy/garments therefore/shall 31/103
Lam_4:14.....their/garments They cried/unto 73/103
Eze_26:16broidered/garments they shall/clothe 76/103
Eze_16:16......thy/garments thou/didst.... 74/103
Num_15:38....their/garments throughout/their 36/103
Exo_28:3...Aaron's/garments to consecrate/him 6/103
Exo_39:41....sons'/garments to minister/in 22/103
Jdg_14:19.......of/garments unto/them..... 43/103
Luk_19:35....their/garments upon the/colt. 95/103
Jos_9:5........old/garments upon them/and. 39/103
Eze_42:14....their/garments wherein they minister/for 77/103
Eze_44:19....their/garments wherein they ministered/and 80/103
Act_9:39.......and/garments which Dorcas/made 100/103
Lev_16:23....linen/garments which he/put.. 32/103
Exo_28:4.......the/garments which they/shall 7/103
Exo_29:21....sons'/garments with him Also/thou 13/103
Lev_8:30.....sons'/garments with him And Moses/said 30/103
Lev_8:30.....sons'/garments with him and sanctified/Aaron 28/103
1Ch_4:19.......the/Garmite/and............... 1/1
