Pro_4:9........of/grace a/crown.......... 34/170
2Co_9:8.......all/grace abound/toward.... 96/170
Eph_4:7.....given/grace according/to.... 116/170
2Co_8:7......this/grace also I/speak..... 93/170
2Co_8:6......same/grace also Therefore/as 92/170
Rom_1:5..received/grace and apostleship/for 55/170
Est_2:17.obtained/grace and favour/in.... 28/170
Psa_84:11....give/grace and glory/no..... 30/170
Act_14:3......his/grace and granted/signs 48/170
Rom_11:5.......of/grace And if/by........ 69/170 and in/the...... 166/170
Zec_12:10......of/grace and of supplications/and 39/170
Rom_5:17.......of/grace and of the/gift.. 63/170
2Pe_1:2....Christ/Grace and peace/be.... 165/170
Rut_2:2......find/grace And she/said..... 20/170
Joh_1:17......but/grace and truth came/by 44/170
Joh_1:14.......of/grace and truth John/bare 41/170 are/ye.......... 112/170 be a/partaker.... 82/170
2Co_1:2....Achaia/Grace be to you and peace from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ Blessed be God/even 87/170
Eph_1:2.....Jesus/Grace be to you and peace from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ Blessed be the/God 107/170
Gal_1:3...Galatia/Grace be to you and peace from God the/Father 100/170
1Co_1:3.....our's/Grace be unto you and peace from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ I thank my God always/on 79/170
Php_1:2...deacons/Grace be unto you and peace from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ I thank my God upon/every 119/170
1Th_1:1....Christ/Grace be unto you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ We give thanks to God always/for 127/170
Col_1:2...Colosse/Grace be unto you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ We give thanks to God and/the 122/170
Rev_1:4......Asia/Grace be unto you and peace from him/which 169/170
Eph_6:24...Christ/Grace be with all/them 118/170 be with thee/Amen 135/170 be with you all Amen James/a 153/170 be with you all Amen Paul/a 143/170
2Ti_4:22...spirit/Grace be with you Amen Paul a/servant 139/170
Col_4:18....bonds/Grace be with you Amen Paul and/Silvanus 126/170
2Jn_1:3......ever/Grace be with you mercy/and 167/170
Rom_11:6.....more/grace But if/it........ 72/170
Rom_4:4........of/grace but of/debt...... 58/170
2Th_2:16..through/grace Comfort/your.... 131/170
Rom_5:20.abounded/grace did/much......... 64/170 For God/is...... 120/170
Joh_1:16......and/grace for grace/For.... 42/170
Act_18:27.through/grace For he/mightily.. 52/170
Joh_1:16......for/grace For the/law...... 43/170
Heb_10:29......of/grace For we know/him. 149/170
Gal_5:4......from/grace For we through/the 105/170
Eph_3:8......this/grace given that/I.... 115/170
Rom_12:3......the/grace given unto/me.... 74/170
Rom_6:15....under/grace God/forbid....... 68/170
Zec_4:7....crying/Grace grace/unto....... 37/170 hath/been........ 27/170
Eph_2:7.......his/grace in his kindness/toward 111/170
Gen_39:4....found/grace in his sight/and.. 8/170
Exo_33:17...found/grace in my sight and/I 16/170
Exo_33:12...found/grace in my sight Now/therefore 12/170
Gen_6:8.....found/grace in the eyes/of.... 1/170
Gen_33:8.....find/grace in the sight of my lord And Esau/said 4/170
Gen_47:25....find/grace in the sight of my lord and we/will 9/170
Gen_33:15....find/grace in the sight of my lord So/Esau 6/170
Jer_31:2....found/grace in the wilderness/even 36/170
1Sa_20:3....found/grace in thine eyes and/he 23/170
1Sa_27:5....found/grace in thine eyes let/them 24/170
Rut_2:10....found/grace in thine eyes that/thou 21/170
Exo_33:13....find/grace in thy sight and consider/that 14/170
Gen_32:5.....find/grace in thy sight And the/messengers 3/170
Gen_19:19...found/grace in thy sight and thou/hast 2/170
Exo_33:16...found/grace in thy sight is/it 15/170
Num_32:5....found/grace in thy sight let/this 18/170
2Sa_16:4.....find/grace in thy sight my lord O king And/when 26/170
2Sa_14:22...found/grace in thy sight my lord O king in/that 25/170
Exo_34:9....found/grace in thy sight O/LORD 17/170
Gen_47:29...found/grace in thy sight put/I 10/170
Exo_33:13...found/grace in thy sight shew/me 13/170
1Sa_1:18.....find/grace in thy sight So/the 22/170
Gen_33:10...found/grace in thy sight then receive/my 5/170
Jdg_6:17....found/grace in thy sight then shew/me 19/170
Gen_34:11....find/grace in your eyes and/what 7/170
Gen_50:4....found/grace in your eyes speak/I 11/170
Col_3:16.....with/grace in your hearts/to 124/170
Rom_11:6otherwise/grace is no/more....... 71/170 is poured/into... 29/170
2Co_12:9.......My/grace is sufficient/for 98/170
Rom_6:1......that/grace may/abound....... 66/170 mercy and peace from God our/Father 133/170
2Ti_1:2.......son/Grace mercy and peace from God the Father and Christ/Jesus 136/170 mercy and peace from God the Father and the/Lord 140/170
2Co_4:15.abundant/grace might/through.... 89/170
Heb_13:9.....with/grace not/with........ 152/170
Gal_1:6.......the/grace of Christ/unto.. 101/170
Act_15:40.....the/grace of God And he/went 51/170
Act_20:24.....the/grace of God And now/behold 53/170
Rom_5:15......the/grace of God and the gift/by 61/170
Act_13:43.....the/grace of God And the next/sabbath 47/170
2Co_8:1.......the/grace of God bestowed/on 91/170
Gal_2:21......the/grace of God for if/righteousness 104/170
Act_14:26.....the/grace of God for the/work 49/170
Eph_3:7.......the/grace of God given/unto 114/170
1Co_15:10.....the/grace of God I/am...... 83/170
1Pe_4:10.manifold/grace of God If/any... 161/170
Col_1:6.......the/grace of God in truth/As 123/170
2Co_6:1.......the/grace of God in vain/For 90/170
2Co_9:14exceeding/grace of God in you/Thanks 97/170
Heb_12:15.....the/grace of God lest/any. 150/170
Heb_2:9.......the/grace of God should/taste 146/170
Tit_2:11......the/grace of God that/bringeth 141/170
Act_11:23.....the/grace of God was glad/and 46/170
Luk_2:40......the/grace of God was upon/him 40/170
2Co_1:12......the/grace of God we/have... 88/170
1Pe_5:12.....true/grace of God wherein/ye 164/170
Eph_3:2.......the/grace of God which is given me/to 113/170
1Co_3:10......the/grace of God which is given unto/me 81/170
1Co_1:4.......the/grace of God which is given you/by 80/170
1Co_15:10.....the/grace of God which was/with 85/170
Pro_22:11.....the/grace of his/lips...... 35/170
1Pe_3:7.......the/grace of life/that.... 160/170
2Th_1:12......the/grace of our God and/the 130/170
Jud_1:4.......the/grace of our God into/lasciviousness 168/170
Rev_22:21.....The/grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all Amen /the 170/170
Rom_16:24.....The/grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all Amen Now/to 78/170
2Th_3:18......The/grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all Amen Paul an apostle of Jesus Christ by the commandment/of 132/170
Php_4:23......The/grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all Amen Paul an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will/of 121/170
1Th_5:28......The/grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you Amen Paul/and 128/170
Rom_16:20.....The/grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you Amen Timotheus/my 77/170
1Co_16:23.....The/grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you My/love 86/170
Phl_1:25......The/grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit Amen God/who 145/170
Gal_6:18......the/grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit Amen Paul/an 106/170
2Co_8:9.......the/grace of our Lord Jesus Christ that/though 94/170
1Ti_1:14......the/grace of our Lord was/exceeding 134/170
Jam_1:11......the/grace of the fashion/of 154/170
2Co_13:14.....The/grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and/the 99/170
Act_15:11.....the/grace of the LORD Jesus Christ we/shall 50/170
Rom_11:6.....more/grace otherwise/work... 73/170
Rom_5:21....might/grace reign/through.... 65/170
Col_4:6......with/grace seasoned/with... 125/170
Rom_15:15.....the/grace that is given to me/of 76/170
Rom_12:6......the/grace that is given to us/whether 75/170
2Ti_2:1.......the/grace that is in/Christ 138/170
1Pe_1:13......the/grace that is to/be... 159/170
1Pe_1:10......the/grace that should/come 158/170
Gal_2:9.......the/grace that was/given.. 103/170
Heb_4:16.......of/grace that we/may..... 147/170 then/is.......... 70/170
Rom_3:24......his/grace through/the...... 57/170
Heb_4:16.....find/grace to help/in...... 148/170
Gal_1:15......his/grace To reveal/his... 102/170 to the end/the... 59/170
1Pe_5:5....giveth/grace to the humble/Humble 162/170
Pro_3:22......and/grace to thy/neck...... 32/170
Rom_1:7....saints/Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ First/I 56/170 to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ I/thank 144/170
Zec_4:7.....Grace/grace unto it/Moreover. 38/170
Eph_4:29.minister/grace unto the hearers/And 117/170
Jam_4:6....giveth/grace unto the humble/Submit 156/170
Pro_3:34...giveth/grace unto the lowly/The 33/170
Pro_1:9........of/grace unto thy/head.... 31/170
1Pe_1:2....Christ/Grace unto you and peace be/multiplied 157/170
2Th_1:2....Christ/Grace unto you and peace from/God 129/170
Act_4:33....great/grace was/upon......... 45/170
Tit_3:7.......his/grace we/should....... 142/170
Rom_6:14....under/grace What/then........ 67/170
Heb_12:28....have/grace whereby/we...... 151/170
Jam_4:6......more/grace Wherefore/he.... 155/170
Eph_1:7.......his/grace Wherein he hath abounded/toward 109/170
Eph_1:6.......his/grace wherein he hath made/us 108/170
Rom_5:2......this/grace wherein we/stand. 60/170
Act_20:32.....his/grace which is able/to. 54/170
2Co_8:19.....this/grace which is administered/by 95/170 which is by/one.. 62/170
1Co_15:10.....his/grace which was bestowed/upon 84/170
2Ti_1:9.......and/grace which was given/us 137/170
1Pe_5:10......all/grace who/hath........ 163/170 ye/are.......... 110/170 and full of compassion and/righteous 17/31 and full of compassion He/hath 16/31 and full of compassion slow/to 19/31 and merciful and/will 9/31
Neh_9:31........a/gracious and merciful God/Now 11/31
Neh_9:17...pardon/gracious and merciful slow to anger and of great kindness and forsookest/them 10/31 and merciful slow to anger and of great kindness and repenteth/him 26/31 and will/shew... 4/31
Ecc_10:12.....are/gracious but/the........ 21/31
Jon_4:2.........a/gracious God/and........ 28/31 hath/he........ 13/31
Psa_116:5....soul/Gracious is/the......... 18/31
Exo_34:6......and/gracious longsuffering and abundant/in 5/31
Psa_86:15.....and/gracious longsuffering and plenteous/in 14/31 shalt/thou..... 25/31
Psa_103:8.....and/gracious slow/to........ 15/31 Thou/shalt...... 2/31 to me/that...... 7/31 To whom coming/as 31/31 to whom I/will.. 3/31 unto him/and... 12/31 unto the/remnant 27/31
Isa_30:19....very/gracious unto thee at/the 23/31 unto thee my/son 1/31 unto thee The/LORD 6/31
2Ki_13:23.....was/gracious unto them/and... 8/31 unto us this/hath 29/31 unto us we/have 24/31 unto you/and... 22/31
Pro_11:16.......A/gracious woman/retaineth 20/31
Luk_4:22......the/gracious words/which.... 30/31
Gen_33:5.....hath/graciously given/thy...... 1/4 I/have......... 3/4 so/will........ 4/4
Gen_33:11...dealt/graciously with/me........ 2/4
