Gen_31:51....this/heap and behold/this..... 4/38
Jer_49:2.desolate/heap and her/daughters.. 31/38 And it/came........ 11/38
Gen_31:46.....the/heap And Laban/called.... 2/38
Job_8:17......the/heap and seeth/the...... 18/38 and the depths/were. 8/38
Jer_30:18.....own/heap and the palace/shall 30/38 and they/did........ 1/38
Gen_31:52....this/heap and this/pillar..... 7/38
Gen_31:52....This/heap be/witness.......... 5/38
Rom_12:20...shalt/heap coals of fire on/his 37/38
Pro_25:22...shalt/heap coals of fire upon/his 24/38
Hab_1:10....shall/heap dust/and........... 34/38 for ever even/a.... 14/38 for ever it/shall... 9/38 he/layeth.......... 22/38
Isa_17:11.......a/heap in the day/of...... 28/38 In the daytime/also 23/38
Gen_31:48....This/heap is/a................ 3/38
Deu_32:23....will/heap mischiefs/upon..... 10/38 of a/defenced...... 29/38
Rut_3:7.......the/heap of corn/and........ 16/38
Hab_3:15......the/heap of great/waters.... 35/38
Jos_8:29....great/heap of stones that/remaineth 15/38
Jos_7:26....great/heap of stones unto/this 13/38
2Sa_18:17...great/heap of stones upon/him. 17/38 of the/field....... 33/38 of twenty/measures. 36/38 of wheat/set....... 26/38
Eze_24:10...great/Heap on/wood............ 32/38
Isa_17:1..ruinous/heap The/cities......... 27/38
Gen_31:52....this/heap to thee/and......... 6/38
2Ti_4:3......they/heap to themselves/teachers 38/38
Job_27:16......he/heap up silver/as....... 20/38 up that/he......... 25/38
Job_16:4....could/heap up words/against... 19/38
Job_36:13...heart/heap up wrath/they...... 21/38 very/far........... 12/38
Jam_5:3......have/heaped treasure/together.. 2/2
Zec_9:3.......and/heaped up/silver.......... 1/2
Hab_2:5.......and/heapeth unto/him.......... 2/2
Psa_39:6.......he/heapeth up/riches......... 1/2
Jer_51:37..become/heaps a/dwellingplace... 18/20
Jer_9:11Jerusalem/heaps and a/den......... 14/20
2Ch_31:9......the/heaps And Azariah/the.... 9/20 and destroy/her... 17/20
2Ch_31:7......the/heaps and finished/them.. 7/20
Exo_8:14.....upon/heaps and the land/stank. 1/20
Jer_26:18..become/heaps and the mountain of the house as the high places of a/forest 15/20
Mic_3:12...become/heaps and the mountain of the house as the high places of the/forest 20/20
2Ki_10:8......two/heaps at/the............. 4/20
Job_15:28..become/heaps He/shall.......... 11/20 in the furrows/of. 19/20 In the third/month. 6/20
Neh_4:2.......the/heaps of/the............ 10/20
Jer_31:21....high/heaps set/thine......... 16/20
Psa_79:1.......on/heaps The/dead.......... 12/20
2Ki_19:25.ruinous/heaps Therefore their inhabitants were of small power they were dismayed and confounded they were as the grass of the field and as the green herb as the grass on the house/tops 5/20
Isa_37:26.ruinous/heaps Therefore their inhabitants were of small power they were dismayed and confounded they were as the grass of the field and as the green herb as the grass on the housetops/and 13/20
2Ch_31:8......the/heaps they/blessed....... 8/20
Jdg_15:16.....ass/heaps upon/heaps......... 2/20
Jdg_15:16....upon/heaps with/the........... 3/20
