Isa_28:10......line/here a little and there a little For/with 97/162
Isa_28:13......line/here a little and there a little that/they 98/162
2Ch_18:6........not/here a prophet of the LORD besides that we might enquire of him And the king of Israel said unto Jehoshaphat There is yet one man by/whom 88/162
1Ki_22:7........not/here a prophet of the LORD besides that we might enquire of him And the king of Israel said unto Jehoshaphat There is yet one man Micaiah/the 78/162
2Ki_3:11........not/here a prophet of the LORD that/we 82/162 alive/this........ 32/162 all the/day...... 112/162
1Sa_16:11.......Are/here all thy/children.. 58/162
Gen_40:15.......and/here also/have......... 15/162
1Sa_3:4....answered/Here am I And he ran/unto 49/162
Gen_27:1.....Behold/here am I And he said Behold/now 10/162
Exo_3:4........said/Here am I And he said Draw/not 19/162
Gen_46:2.......said/Here am I And he said I/am 17/162
Gen_22:11......said/Here am I And he said Lay/not 8/162
Gen_31:11......said/Here am I And he said Lift/up 12/162
Gen_37:13.......him/Here am I And he said to/him 14/162
2Sa_1:7....answered/Here am I And he said unto/me 65/162
1Sa_3:16...answered/Here am I And he said What/is 53/162
1Sa_3:5........said/Here am I for thou calledst/me 50/162
1Sa_3:8........said/Here am I for thou didst call me And Eli/perceived 52/162
1Sa_3:6........said/Here am I for thou didst call me And he/answered 51/162
2Sa_15:26....behold/here am I let/him...... 67/162
Gen_22:7.......said/Here am I my/son........ 7/162
Isa_6:8...........I/Here am I send/me...... 92/162
Gen_27:18......said/Here am I who/art...... 11/162
1Sa_29:3....Hebrews/here And Achish/said... 64/162
1Ki_2:30........die/here And Benaiah/brought 71/162
1Sa_21:9.......that/here And David/said.... 61/162
1Sa_14:34......them/here and eat/and....... 57/162
Jdg_18:3.......thou/here And he said unto/them 41/162 And he said What/have 72/162 and he shall/slay. 74/162
Rut_4:1........down/here And he turned aside and sat/down 46/162
2Sa_18:30.....stand/here And he turned aside and stood/still 68/162 And it/shall...... 73/162
Mar_13:1........are/here And Jesus/answering 122/162 and let us make three tabernacles one for thee and one for Moses and one for Elias For/he 121/162 and let us make three tabernacles one for thee and one for Moses and one for Elias not/knowing 130/162
1Ki_20:40......busy/here and there he/was.. 77/162
Hos_7:9.........are/here and there upon/him 104/162
1Sa_9:11.......seer/here And they answered/them 55/162
Rut_4:2........down/here And they sat/down. 47/162 and watch And/he. 125/162 and watch with/me 116/162
Num_32:6........sit/here And wherefore/discourage 30/162
Isa_22:16......thou/here and whom/hast..... 94/162 and will/go....... 22/162
Gen_19:12......thou/here any besides/son.... 2/162 any meat/And..... 138/162
Rev_14:12....saints/here are they/that.... 161/162
Luk_22:38....behold/here are two/swords... 136/162
Col_4:9........done/here Aristarchus/my... 152/162
Isa_22:16.sepulchre/here as/he............. 96/162
1Sa_9:8........have/here at/hand........... 54/162
2Sa_24:22....behold/here be/oxen........... 70/162 before my/brethren 13/162 before the/LORD... 37/162
Act_24:19......been/here before thee/and.. 148/162
Act_4:10......stand/here before you/whole. 142/162
Mar_16:6........not/here behold/the....... 126/162
Mat_14:17......have/here but five/loaves.. 108/162
Luk_24:6........not/here but is/risen..... 137/162 by God/that........ 4/162
Deu_5:31.......thou/here by me/and......... 33/162
Gen_24:13.....stand/here by the/well........ 9/162
Num_23:15.....Stand/here by thy/burnt...... 27/162
Jos_18:8........may/here cast/lots......... 38/162
Isa_21:9.....behold/here cometh/a.......... 93/162
Act_25:24......also/here crying/that...... 151/162
1Ki_19:13......thou/here Elijah And he said I have been very jealous for the LORD God of hosts because/the 76/162
1Ki_19:9.......thou/here Elijah And he said I have been very jealous for the LORD God of hosts for/the 75/162
Rut_2:8.......abide/here fast/by........... 45/162
Mat_28:6........not/here for he/is........ 117/162
Num_32:16sheepfolds/here for our/cattle.... 31/162
2Ki_2:6........thee/here for the/LORD...... 81/162
Eze_8:17.....commit/here for they/have.... 103/162 for us/until...... 20/162
Heb_13:14.......For/here have/we.......... 154/162
Act_9:14........And/here he/hath.......... 145/162
Gen_22:1.....Behold/here I am And/he........ 5/162
Isa_58:9........say/Here I am If/thou..... 100/162
1Sa_22:12..answered/Here I am my/lord...... 62/162
1Sa_12:3.....Behold/here I am witness/against 56/162
2Ki_2:2.......Tarry/here I pray thee for the LORD hath sent me to Bethel/And 79/162
2Ki_2:4.......tarry/here I pray thee for the LORD hath sent me to Jericho/And 80/162 if/thou.......... 110/162
Luk_9:12........are/here in a desert/place 128/162
Jam_2:3........thou/here in a good/place.. 155/162
1Pe_1:17.sojourning/here in fear/Forasmuch 157/162
1Sa_23:3.....afraid/here in Judah/how...... 63/162
Mar_8:4.......bread/here in the/wilderness 119/162
Luk_4:23.......also/here in thy/country... 127/162
Mar_13:21........Lo/here is Christ or lo/he 123/162
Mat_24:23........Lo/here is Christ or there/believe 114/162
2Ki_3:11.......said/Here is Elisha/the..... 83/162
Jdg_19:24....Behold/here is my/daughter.... 43/162
Gen_47:23........lo/here is seed/for....... 18/162
Rev_17:9........And/here is the mind/which 162/162
Rev_13:10.....sword/Here is the patience and/the 158/162 is the patience of/the 160/162
Luk_19:20....behold/here is thy/pound..... 135/162
Act_8:36........See/here is water/what.... 143/162 is wisdom/Let.... 159/162 John/Baptist's... 107/162
Gen_19:15.......are/here lest/thou.......... 3/162
Gen_16:13......also/here looked/after....... 1/162 Lord/And......... 144/162
Heb_7:8.........And/here men/that......... 153/162
Jos_21:9........are/here mentioned/by...... 39/162
Joh_11:21......been/here my brother had not died But/I 140/162
Joh_11:32......been/here my brother had not died When/Jesus 141/162 No/man........... 132/162
Mat_24:2.......left/here one/stone........ 113/162
Luk_17:21........Lo/here or lo/there...... 133/162
Luk_17:23.......See/here or see/there..... 134/162
1Sa_1:26.......thee/here praying/unto...... 48/162
Act_10:33.......all/here present before/God 146/162
2Sa_20:4.......thou/here present So/Amasa.. 69/162
Act_25:24.......are/here present with/us.. 150/162
Isa_52:5..........I/here saith/the......... 99/162
Act_24:20......same/here say/if........... 149/162 seven altars and prepare me here seven bullocks/and 28/162 seven altars and prepare me here seven oxen/and 25/162 seven bullocks/and 29/162 seven oxen/and.... 26/162
Job_38:11.......and/here shall/thy......... 89/162 So/I............. 102/162
Exo_33:16.....known/here that I and/thy.... 21/162
Eze_8:6..committeth/here that I should/go. 101/162
Jdg_19:9......lodge/here that thine/heart.. 42/162
Isa_22:16......thou/here that thou hast/hewed 95/162 that thou shalt/say 40/162 The men/of....... 131/162 The queen/of..... 105/162
Act_16:28.......all/here Then/he.......... 147/162 this day/every.... 34/162
Num_22:8......Lodge/here this night and/I.. 23/162
Num_22:19......also/here this night that/I. 24/162
Mat_17:4.......make/here three/tabernacles 111/162
2Sa_11:12.....Tarry/here to day/also....... 66/162
1Ch_29:17...present/here to offer/willingly 87/162
Jam_2:3.........sit/here under my/footstool 156/162
1Sa_21:8........not/here under thine/hand.. 59/162
2Ki_7:3..........we/here until/we.......... 84/162
Job_38:35......thee/Here we are/Who........ 90/162
2Ki_7:4.......still/here we die/also....... 85/162 When/the......... 106/162
Joh_6:9.........lad/here which hath/five.. 139/162
Mar_9:1.......stand/here which shall not taste of death till they have/seen 120/162
Luk_9:27...standing/here which shall not taste of death till they see the kingdom/of 129/162
Mat_16:28..standing/here which shall not taste of death till they see the Son/of 109/162 while I go/and... 115/162 while I shall/pray 124/162
Psa_132:14.....ever/here will/I............ 91/162
Gen_42:33..brethren/here with me/and....... 16/162 with the/ass....... 6/162
Mar_6:3.....sisters/here with us And/they. 118/162
Deu_29:15..standeth/here with us this day before/the 35/162
Deu_29:15.......not/here with us this day For/ye 36/162 with you/none..... 86/162 wrapped/in........ 60/162
Jdg_20:7.......give/here your/advice....... 44/162
Eze_20:39.......and/hereafter also/if........ 2/14
Dan_2:29.......pass/hereafter and he/that.... 3/14 And immediately/I 13/14
Dan_2:45.......pass/hereafter and the dream/is 4/14
Rev_9:12.......more/hereafter And the sixth/angel 14/14
1Ti_1:16.....should/hereafter believe/on.... 11/14
Mar_11:14......thee/hereafter for/ever....... 6/14
Joh_14:30...believe/Hereafter I/will........ 10/14
Joh_13:7.......know/hereafter Peter/saith.... 9/14
Luk_22:69........go/Hereafter shall the/Son.. 7/14 shall ye/see... 5/14
Isa_41:23......come/hereafter that/we........ 1/14 The/mystery... 12/14 ye/shall....... 8/14
1Co_4:4.........not/hereby justified/but..... 5/13
1Jn_2:5...perfected/hereby know we that we are/in 7/13 know we that we dwell/in 13/13 know we the/spirit 12/13 know ye/the...... 11/13
1Jn_3:16........him/Hereby perceive/we....... 8/13 shall/I........... 2/13
1Jn_2:3.........And/hereby we do/know........ 6/13
1Jn_3:24........And/hereby we know that he/abideth 10/13
1Jn_3:19........And/hereby we know that we/are 9/13
Gen_42:15.....spies/Hereby ye shall be/proved 1/13
Jos_3:10.......said/Hereby ye shall know that the living/God 4/13
Num_16:28......said/Hereby ye shall know that the LORD/hath 3/13
Act_24:16.......And/herein do/I............... 6/9
2Co_8:10........And/herein I/give............. 7/9
Joh_9:30........Why/herein is a/marvellous.... 4/9
1Jn_4:10........him/Herein is love/not........ 8/9 is my/Father....... 5/9
1Jn_4:17........him/Herein is our/love........ 9/9
Joh_4:37........And/herein is that/saying..... 3/9
2Ch_16:9........him/Herein thou/hast.......... 2/9
Gen_34:22......Only/herein will/the........... 1/9
Heb_5:3......reason/hereof he/ought........... 2/2
Mat_9:26.......fame/hereof went/abroad........ 1/2
Jdg_1:35......mount/Heres/in.................. 1/1
1Ch_9:15..Bakbakkar/Heresh/and................ 1/1
1Co_11:19......also/heresies among/you........ 1/3
Gal_5:20..seditions/heresies Envyings/murders. 2/3
2Pe_2:1....damnable/heresies even/denying..... 3/3 1/1 1/1
Jos_3:4.........way/heretofore And/Joshua..... 5/8
2Co_13:2......which/heretofore have/sinned.... 8/8 let/them....... 2/8
Exo_4:10....neither/heretofore nor/since...... 1/8
Rut_2:11........not/heretofore The/LORD....... 6/8 Then/the....... 4/8
1Sa_4:7.......thing/heretofore Woe/unto....... 7/8
Exo_5:8........make/heretofore ye/shall....... 3/8
Ecc_2:25.....hasten/hereunto more/than........ 1/2
1Pe_2:21.......even/hereunto were/ye.......... 2/2 1/1
