after/another...... 45/94
Act_3:1....ninth/hour And a certain/man.. 72/94 and a day/and...... 88/94
Mat_27:45..ninth/hour And about/the...... 25/94
Act_10:30...this/hour and at the ninth hour I/prayed 75/94
Mar_15:33..ninth/hour And at the ninth hour Jesus/cried 34/94
Mat_20:5...ninth/hour and did/likewise... 12/94
Act_10:9...sixth/hour And he became/very. 74/94
Joh_19:14..sixth/hour and he saith/unto.. 68/94 and his/thoughts.... 3/94 And I/saw.......... 87/94
Mat_15:28...very/hour And Jesus/departed.. 9/94
Luk_24:33...same/hour and returned/to.... 48/94
Mat_20:3...third/hour and saw/others..... 11/94
Luk_22:53...your/hour and the power/of... 44/94
Luk_23:44..ninth/hour And the sun/was.... 47/94
Luk_23:44..sixth/hour and there/was...... 46/94
Mar_15:25..third/hour and they/crucified. 32/94 and thou/hast...... 15/94
Act_16:18...same/hour And when her/masters 77/94
Mat_9:22....that/hour And when Jesus came/into 7/94
Mat_8:13selfsame/hour And when Jesus was/come 6/94 as/ye.............. 18/94
Dan_3:6.....same/hour be/cast............. 1/94
Joh_12:27...this/hour but/for............ 62/94
Dan_5:5.....same/hour came/forth.......... 5/94
Joh_4:23.....the/hour cometh and/now..... 53/94
Joh_4:21.....the/hour cometh when/ye..... 52/94
Joh_16:32....the/hour cometh yea/is...... 66/94
1Co_8:7.....this/hour eat/it............. 82/94
Joh_12:27...this/hour Father/glorify..... 63/94
Luk_7:21....same/hour he cured/many...... 36/94
Mat_20:6eleventh/hour he went/out........ 13/94
Act_22:13...same/hour I looked/up........ 79/94
Act_10:30..ninth/hour I prayed/in........ 76/94
1Co_15:30..every/hour I protest/by....... 83/94
Rev_3:3.....what/hour I will/come........ 85/94
Joh_4:53....same/hour in/the............. 56/94
Dan_3:15....same/hour into/the............ 2/94
Mat_26:45....the/hour is at/hand......... 22/94
Mar_14:41....the/hour is come behold/the. 31/94
Joh_16:21....her/hour is come but/as..... 65/94
Joh_17:1.....the/hour is come glorify/thy 67/94
Joh_12:23....The/hour is come that/the... 61/94
Joh_5:25.....The/hour is coming and/now.. 57/94
Joh_5:28.....the/hour is coming in/the... 58/94
Joh_2:4.....mine/hour is not/yet......... 50/94 is she/made........ 94/94 is thy/judgment.... 92/94
Mat_27:46..ninth/hour Jesus cried with a loud voice saying Eli/Eli 26/94
Mar_15:34..ninth/hour Jesus cried with a loud voice saying Eloi/Eloi 35/94
Luk_10:21...that/hour Jesus rejoiced/in.. 37/94
Mat_24:36....and/hour knoweth no man no not the angels of/heaven 16/94
Mar_13:32...that/hour knoweth no man no not the angels which/are 28/94
Mar_14:35....the/hour might/pass......... 29/94
Rev_14:7.....the/hour of his/judgment.... 90/94
Act_3:1......the/hour of prayer/being.... 71/94
Rev_3:10.....the/hour of temptation/which 86/94
Act_10:3...ninth/hour of the day an/angel 73/94
Act_2:15...third/hour of the day But/this 70/94
Act_23:23..third/hour of the night And provide/them 80/94
Act_16:33...same/hour of the night and washed/their 78/94
Joh_1:39...tenth/hour One/of............. 49/94
Mat_26:55...same/hour said/Jesus......... 23/94 so/great........... 93/94
Luk_20:19...same/hour sought/to.......... 42/94
Joh_19:27...that/hour that disciple/took. 69/94 that he/is......... 19/94
Mar_13:11...that/hour that speak/ye...... 27/94 that the/truth..... 84/94
Joh_4:52.seventh/hour the fever/left..... 55/94
Luk_12:39...what/hour the thief/would.... 39/94
Mat_17:18...very/hour Then/came.......... 10/94
Joh_4:6....sixth/hour There cometh/a..... 51/94
Mat_27:45..sixth/hour there was/darkness. 24/94
Mat_20:9eleventh/hour they/received...... 14/94
Luk_22:14....the/hour was come he/sat.... 43/94
Joh_13:1.....his/hour was come that/he... 64/94
Mar_15:33..sixth/hour was come there/was. 33/94
Joh_7:30.....his/hour was not yet come And/many 59/94
Joh_8:20.....his/hour was not yet come Then/said 60/94
Dan_4:33....same/hour was the/thing....... 4/94
Rev_11:13...same/hour was there/a........ 89/94 Watch and/pray..... 21/94 Watch ye/and....... 30/94
1Co_4:11.present/hour we/both............ 81/94
Luk_12:12...same/hour what ye ought/to... 38/94
Mat_10:19...same/hour what ye shall/speak. 8/94
Joh_4:52.....the/hour when he began/to... 54/94 when he is/not..... 41/94 when ye/think...... 40/94
Mat_25:13....the/hour wherein/the........ 20/94 with/the........... 91/94
Mat_24:42...what/hour your/Lord.......... 17/94
Act_5:7....three/hours after/when.......... 2/3
Act_19:34....two/hours cried/out........... 3/3
Joh_11:9..twelve/hours in/the.............. 1/3
