Job_14:17.............up/in a bag/and....... 5645/12667
Isa_40:12..........hills/in a balance/Who... 7415/12667
1Ki_17:12...........meal/in a barrel/and.... 3875/12667
Jdg_6:19.............put/in a basket and he/put 2620/12667 a basket and shalt/go 2174/12667
Act_9:25............wall/in a basket And when/Saul 10963/12667
2Co_11:33.........window/in a basket was/I. 11652/12667
Luk_5:18.........brought/in a bed/a........ 10339/12667
2Ch_22:11..........nurse/in a bedchamber/So. 4957/12667
Luk_3:22.......descended/in a bodily/shape. 10317/12667
Jer_51:60..........wrote/in a book all/the.. 8288/12667 a book and came/again 2476/12667
Num_5:23..........curses/in a book and he/shall 1523/12667 a book and laid/it 2966/12667 a book and rehearse/it 811/12667
Rev_1:11...........write/in a book and send/it 12507/12667
Jer_45:1...........words/in a book at/the... 8174/12667
Jer_30:2............thee/in a book For/lo... 7937/12667 a book out/of... 2080/12667 a book that it/may 7321/12667
Job_19:23........printed/in a book That they/were 5676/12667 a book until/they 2272/12667
Lev_6:28..........sodden/in a brasen/pot.... 1137/12667 a bush/When.... 10926/12667
Exo_23:2...........speak/in a cause/to....... 861/12667
1Ki_18:4...........fifty/in a cave and fed them with bread and water And Ahab/said 3882/12667
1Ki_18:13..........fifty/in a cave and fed them with bread and water And now/thou 3884/12667
Jos_10:16.....themselves/in a cave at Makkedah And it/was 2404/12667
Jos_10:17............hid/in a cave at Makkedah And Joshua/said 2405/12667
Gen_19:30..........dwelt/in a cave he/and.... 184/12667
Luk_5:12.............was/in a certain city/behold 10338/12667
Heb_4:4............spake/in a certain place of/the 12227/12667 a certain place testified/saying 12203/12667
Luk_11:1.........praying/in a certain place when/he 10405/12667
Mar_6:28............head/in a charger and gave/it 10137/12667
Mat_14:11........brought/in a charger and given/to 9935/12667
Mat_14:8............head/in a charger And the/king 9933/12667 a charger the/head 10135/12667
2Ki_9:16............rode/in a chariot and/went 4078/12667
2Ki_23:30............him/in a chariot dead/from 4383/12667
2Ki_9:28.............him/in a chariot to/Jerusalem 4086/12667
Luk_18:2.............was/in a city a/judge. 10505/12667
Amo_3:6.............evil/in a city and/the.. 9383/12667
Mat_2:23...........dwelt/in a city called/Nazareth 9786/12667 a city of/merchants 8566/12667 a clean linen/cloth 10066/12667 a clean place and/it 1660/12667 a clean place thou/and 1163/12667
Isa_66:20.......offering/in a clean vessel/into 7609/12667
Exo_33:22...........thee/in a clift/of....... 998/12667
1Sa_21:9.........wrapped/in a cloth behind/the 3112/12667
Num_4:12............them/in a cloth of/blue. 1498/12667
Num_11:25...........down/in a cloud and spake/unto 1574/12667
Rev_11:12.........heaven/in a cloud and their/enemies 12578/12667
Deu_1:33.............and/in a cloud by/day.. 1870/12667
Luk_21:27.........coming/in a cloud with/power 10551/12667
1Sa_6:8.........offering/in a coffer/by..... 2942/12667
Gen_50:26............put/in a coffin/in...... 599/12667
Luk_9:14.........fifties/in a company/And.. 10385/12667
Act_26:26...........done/in a corner King/Agrippa 11146/12667
Pro_21:9...........dwell/in a corner of/the. 6833/12667
Amo_3:12........Damascus/in a couch/Hear.... 9393/12667
1Ki_17:12............oil/in a cruse/and..... 3876/12667
1Ki_7:24.............ten/in a cubit compassing the sea round about the/knops 3635/12667
2Ch_4:3..............ten/in a cubit compassing the sea round about Two/rows 4724/12667
Gen_6:16.............and/in a cubit shalt/thou 47/12667
Isa_45:19.........secret/in a dark place of/the 7462/12667
2Pe_1:19.........shineth/in a dark place until/the 12376/12667
Luk_17:4...........times/in a day and/seven 10490/12667
Isa_49:8.............and/in a day of salvation/have 7489/12667 a day of slaughter/Ye 12319/12667
Luk_17:4...........times/in a day turn/again 10491/12667
Luk_12:46...........come/in a day when he looketh not for him and at/an 10437/12667
Mat_24:50...........come/in a day when he looketh not for him and in/an 10030/12667
Neh_4:2..............end/in a day will/they. 5336/12667
Dan_10:9...............I/in a deep sleep on my face and/my 9225/12667
Dan_8:18.............was/in a deep sleep on my face toward/the 9198/12667
Deu_32:10............him/in a desert land/and 2278/12667 a desert place/But 10384/12667
Gen_31:10............saw/in a dream and/behold 312/12667 a dream because/of 10060/12667
1Ki_3:5..........Solomon/in a dream by night and God/said 3555/12667
Gen_20:3.......Abimelech/in a dream by night and said to/him 190/12667
Gen_31:24.........Syrian/in a dream by night and said unto/him 319/12667
Mat_2:22.............God/in a dream he/turned 9785/12667
Job_33:15............not/In a dream in/a.... 5770/12667
Num_12:6.............him/in a dream My/servant 1581/12667
Mat_2:13..........Joseph/in a dream saying Arise/and 9777/12667 a dream saying Jacob/And 313/12667
Mat_1:20.............him/in a dream saying Joseph/thou 9768/12667
Mat_2:12.............God/in a dream that/they 9776/12667
Mat_2:19.......appeareth/in a dream to/Joseph 9781/12667
Gen_20:6.............him/in a dream Yea/I.... 192/12667
Eze_19:13.....wilderness/in a dry and thirsty ground/And 8596/12667
Psa_63:1............thee/in a dry and thirsty land/where 6206/12667
Psa_68:6...........dwell/in a dry land/O.... 6230/12667
Isa_32:2...........water/in a dry place as/the 7346/12667
Isa_25:5............heat/in a dry place even/the 7255/12667
Jer_8:19...........dwell/in a far/country... 7713/12667
Eze_34:14............and/in a fat/pasture... 8882/12667
Gal_6:1........overtaken/in a fault/ye..... 11729/12667
Mat_13:44............hid/in a field/the..... 9926/12667
Heb_11:19............him/in a figure By/faith 12273/12667
1Co_4:6.............have/in a figure transferred/to 11356/12667
Act_7:30............Lord/in a flame of fire in/a 10925/12667
Exo_3:2..............him/in a flame of fire out/of 614/12667
Num_15:3..............or/in a freewill/offering 1621/12667
Mic_7:5..............not/in a friend/put.... 9511/12667 a fruitful/field 8567/12667
Job_5:26...........grave/in a full/age...... 5604/12667
Rev_1:15..........burned/in a furnace and/his 12510/12667
Psa_12:6...........tried/in a furnace of/earth 5909/12667
Isa_1:8............lodge/in a garden/of..... 7052/12667
Lev_13:59........leprosy/in a garment of/woollen 1267/12667
Pro_30:4..........waters/in a garment who/hath 6910/12667
Jam_1:23............face/in a glass For/he. 12296/12667 a glass the/glory 11532/12667
1Sa_25:8............come/in a good day/give. 3169/12667
Eze_34:14............lie/in a good fold/and. 8881/12667
Gen_25:8............died/in a good old age an/old 252/12667
Jdg_8:32............died/in a good old age and/was 2654/12667
Gen_15:15.........buried/in a good old age But/in 130/12667
1Ch_29:28...........died/in a good old age full/of 4676/12667
Eze_34:14...........them/in a good pasture/and 8880/12667 a good place/and 12302/12667
Eze_17:8.........planted/in a good soil/by.. 8568/12667
Gal_4:18..........always/in a good thing/and 11714/12667
Luk_23:11............him/in a gorgeous/robe 10570/12667
Exo_11:8.........Pharaoh/in a great anger/And 712/12667
2Ti_2:20.............But/in a great house/there 12152/12667
2Sa_3:22.........brought/in a great spoil/with 3276/12667 a great strait let me/fall 4594/12667 a great strait let us/fall 3512/12667
Ezr_9:7.............been/in a great trespass/unto 5305/12667
2Co_8:2.............that/in a great trial/of 11590/12667
Luk_23:31.........things/in a green/tree... 10575/12667
2Ch_15:16...........idol/in a grove and Asa cut/down 4857/12667
1Ki_15:13...........idol/in a grove and Asa destroyed/her 3803/12667
Mic_7:5.......confidence/in a guide/keep.... 9512/12667
Isa_30:13............out/in a high/wall..... 7323/12667
Jos_24:33............him/in a hill/that..... 2548/12667
Jer_13:4...........there/in a hole/of....... 7756/12667
Lev_14:34........leprosy/in a house/of...... 1285/12667 a journey afar/off 1542/12667
Num_9:13.............not/in a journey and/forbeareth 1543/12667 a journey or/peradventure 3887/12667
Gen_15:13.......stranger/in a land that is not their's/and 128/12667
Jer_5:19.......strangers/in a land that is not your's/Declare 7664/12667
Jer_2:2.......wilderness/in a land that was/not 7620/12667
Hos_4:16............lamb/in a large place Ephraim/is 9274/12667 a large place The/LORD 6536/12667
Psa_31:8............feet/in a large room/Have 6014/12667
Act_19:39.....determined/in a lawful/assembly 11088/12667 a lie Therefore thus saith the LORD Behold I will cast/thee 7914/12667 a lie Therefore thus saith the LORD Behold I will punish/Shemaiah 7936/12667
Joh_21:8............came/in a little ship/for 10829/12667
Isa_54:8............thee/In a little wrath/I 7516/12667
Mar_16:5.........clothed/in a long/white... 10241/12667
Jdg_5:25..........butter/in a lordly/dish... 2608/12667
Isa_32:19............low/in a low/place..... 7354/12667
Lev_24:20........blemish/in a man so/shall.. 1416/12667 a man then/he... 1198/12667
Luk_2:12...........lying/in a manger And suddenly/there 10286/12667
Luk_2:16...........lying/in a manger And when/they 10288/12667
Luk_2:7..............him/in a manger because/there 10280/12667 a manner/common. 3108/12667
Pro_19:21........devices/in a man's/heart... 6824/12667
Gen_41:2.............fed/in a meadow And behold seven other kine came up after them out/of 442/12667
Gen_41:18............fed/in a meadow And behold seven other kine came up after them poor/and 450/12667 a measure/and... 7413/12667
Exo_33:5............thee/in a moment and consume/thee 990/12667 a moment and no/hands 8373/12667 a moment And they fell upon their faces And Moses/said 1642/12667
Num_16:21...........them/in a moment And they fell upon their faces and said/O 1639/12667
Job_21:13............and/in a moment go/down 5692/12667
Jer_4:20........curtains/in a moment How/long 7653/12667
Isa_47:9............thee/in a moment in one/day 7472/12667
1Co_15:52........changed/In a moment in the/twinkling 11480/12667 a moment of/time 10320/12667
Job_34:20..........hands/In a moment shall/they 5774/12667 a moment they/are 6273/12667
Hos_10:15.....wickedness/in a morning/shall. 9318/12667
Pro_27:22...........fool/in a mortar among/wheat 6892/12667 a mortar and/baked 1565/12667
1Sa_23:14.......remained/in a mountain/in... 3136/12667
1Co_2:7..............God/in a mystery/even. 11347/12667
Luk_19:20.............up/in a napkin/For... 10514/12667
Num_22:26..........stood/in a narrow/place.. 1702/12667
Isa_51:20...........bull/in a net/they...... 7509/12667
1Ch_13:7.............God/in a new/cart...... 4544/12667
Jon_4:10..............up/in a night and perished/in 9466/12667
Jon_4:10........perished/in a night And should/not 9467/12667
Dan_2:19..........Daniel/in a night vision/Then 9084/12667
Lev_6:21...........night/In a pan it shall be made/with 1130/12667
Lev_2:5............baken/in a pan it shall be of/fine 1098/12667
Psa_78:2...........mouth/in a parable/I..... 6298/12667
Jos_24:32........Shechem/in a parcel/of..... 2547/12667
Num_22:24..........stood/in a path/of....... 1701/12667
Psa_31:20.......secretly/in a pavilion/from. 6021/12667
Isa_32:18..........dwell/in a peaceable/habitation 7351/12667
Psa_101:6........walketh/in a perfect way he/shall 6434/12667
Psa_101:2.........wisely/in a perfect way O/when 6433/12667
Jer_50:5............LORD/in a perpetual/covenant 8237/12667
Num_14:14...........time/in a pillar of a cloud and in/a 1604/12667
Deu_31:15.....tabernacle/in a pillar of a cloud and the/pillar 2266/12667 a pillar of a cloud to/lead 758/12667
Num_14:14............and/in a pillar of fire by/night 1605/12667
Exo_13:21..........night/in a pillar of fire to/give 759/12667
1Ch_11:22...........lion/in a pit in/a...... 4529/12667 a pit which/without 6046/12667
Joh_20:7........together/in a place by/itself 10820/12667
2Sa_7:10...........dwell/in a place of/their 3323/12667 a place that is/called 10810/12667
2Sa_15:17........tarried/in a place that was/far 3387/12667
Mar_11:4.........without/in a place where/two 10173/12667
Jdg_21:19.........yearly/in a place which/is 2833/12667 a plain/path.... 5999/12667
Hos_9:13.........planted/in a pleasant/place 9305/12667
Amo_7:17.............die/in a polluted/land. 9424/12667
Deu_33:21..........there/in a portion/of.... 2300/12667
Jdg_6:19...........broth/in a pot/and....... 2621/12667
2Ch_16:10............him/in a prison/house.. 4861/12667
Ecc_5:8..........justice/in a province/marvel 6964/12667 a pure/conscience 12096/12667 a race/run..... 11404/12667
2Ki_5:12............away/in a rage And/his.. 4016/12667
2Ch_28:9............them/in a rage that/reacheth 5046/12667
2Ch_16:10............was/in a rage with/him. 4862/12667
2Co_10:6..........having/in a readiness/to. 11612/12667
Eze_47:5............swim/in a river/that.... 9043/12667
Isa_22:16........himself/in a rock Behold/the 7234/12667
Num_24:21...........nest/in a rock Nevertheless/the 1718/12667
1Ki_7:3..........fifteen/in a row/And....... 3626/12667
Jer_17:6......wilderness/in a salt/land..... 7796/12667
1Sa_17:40...........even/in a scrip/and..... 3047/12667 a secret place And all/the 2184/12667
1Sa_19:2...........abide/in a secret place and hide/thyself 3075/12667 a secret place neither/under 10415/12667
Act_13:29............him/in a sepulchre But/God 11015/12667 a sepulchre that/was 10582/12667
Mar_15:46............him/in a sepulchre which/was 10239/12667
1Ki_8:13...........dwell/in a settled/place. 3648/12667
2Ki_15:5...........dwelt/in a several house And/Jotham 4189/12667
2Ch_26:21..........dwelt/in a several house being/a 5027/12667 a sheaf/and..... 9703/12667
1Sa_17:40...........them/in a shepherd's/bag 3046/12667
Act_28:11.......departed/in a ship of/Alexandria 11159/12667 a ship with/Zebedee 9798/12667
Amo_9:9...........sifted/in a sieve/yet..... 9436/12667
Lev_13:48........whether/in a skin or in any thing/made 1243/12667
Lev_13:51.............or/in a skin or in any work/that 1253/12667
Pro_26:8...........stone/in a sling/so...... 6879/12667
Amo_3:5.............fall/in a snare/upon.... 9381/12667
1Ch_11:22............pit/in a snowy/day..... 4530/12667 a solemn/day.... 8353/12667
Psa_107:4.....wilderness/in a solitary/way.. 6486/12667
Jer_31:9..........waters/in a straight/way.. 7945/12667 a strait betwixt/two 11866/12667
1Sa_13:6............were/in a strait for/the 2988/12667 a strange country/dwelling 12268/12667
Exo_2:22........stranger/in a strange land And it/came 611/12667
Act_7:6..........sojourn/in a strange land and that/they 10911/12667
Exo_18:3...........alien/in a strange land And the/name 815/12667 a strange land If/I 6622/12667
Jdg_19:15...........down/in a street/of..... 2792/12667
Psa_31:21.......kindness/in a strong/city... 6022/12667
Jdg_3:20.........sitting/in a summer/parlour 2577/12667
Isa_22:23...........nail/in a sure/place.... 7236/12667 a surety/with... 5661/12667 a swine's/snout. 6766/12667
2Sa_7:6..............and/in a tabernacle/In. 3320/12667
Isa_30:8............them/in a table/and..... 7320/12667
Num_19:14..........dieth/in a tent all/that. 1661/12667
2Sa_7:6...........walked/in a tent and/in... 3319/12667
Exo_19:9............thee/in a thick/cloud.... 831/12667
Gen_22:13.........caught/in a thicket/by..... 215/12667
Amo_6:13.........rejoice/in a thing of/nought 9417/12667
Lev_6:2...............or/in a thing taken/away 1117/12667
2Co_6:2.............thee/in a time accepted/and 11558/12667
Psa_32:6............thee/in a time when/thou 6026/12667 a tomb/And..... 10138/12667
Act_22:17............was/in a trance And/saw 11113/12667
Act_11:5.............and/in a trance I/saw. 10994/12667
Psa_39:6.........walketh/in a vain/shew..... 6084/12667
Deu_34:6.............him/in a valley/in..... 2306/12667
Isa_5:1.........vineyard/in a very fruitful/hill 7076/12667
Luk_19:17.......faithful/in a very little/have 10513/12667
Pro_27:15.......dropping/in a very rainy/day 6890/12667
Num_19:17........thereto/in a vessel And/a.. 1664/12667
1Ki_17:10..........water/in a vessel that/I. 3873/12667
Isa_1:8..........cottage/in a vineyard/as... 7051/12667
Act_9:12............seen/in a vision a/man. 10957/12667
Act_9:10............Lord/in a vision Ananias/And 10955/12667
Dan_8:2..............saw/in a vision and I/was 9195/12667
Dan_8:2..............saw/in a vision and it/came 9192/12667
Num_12:6.............him/in a vision and will/speak 1580/12667 a vision by/the. 8491/12667
Act_10:3.............saw/in a vision evidently/about 10975/12667
Job_33:15..........dream/in a vision of/the. 5771/12667
Gen_15:1...........Abram/in a vision saying/Fear 124/12667
2Ch_18:9.............sat/in a void place at/the 4891/12667
1Ki_22:10..........robes/in a void place in/the 3942/12667
Col_2:18..........reward/in a voluntary/humility 11972/12667 a walled/city... 1434/12667
Jer_18:15..........paths/in a way not/cast.. 7817/12667
Psa_36:4.........himself/in a way that is/not 6056/12667
Isa_65:2.........walketh/in a way that was/not 7584/12667
Isa_32:2............rock/in a weary/land.... 7347/12667
Pro_25:24............and/in a wide house As/cold 6874/12667
Pro_21:9...........woman/in a wide house The/soul 6834/12667
Job_12:24.........wander/in a wilderness/where 5636/12667
Act_20:9.............sat/in a window/a..... 11093/12667 a winepress/For. 8331/12667
1Sa_23:15...........Ziph/in a wood/And...... 3139/12667
Luk_7:7..............say/in a word/and..... 10359/12667
Jdg_11:40...........days/in a year And/the.. 2707/12667
1Ki_9:25...........times/in a year did/Solomon 3688/12667
1Ki_4:7............month/in a year made/provision 3575/12667
Deu_16:16..........times/in a year shall/all 2068/12667
Exo_30:10...........once/in a year with/the.. 960/12667
2Co_11:7.........offence/in abasing/myself. 11624/12667
2Sa_20:15............him/in Abel/of......... 3458/12667 Abimelech/and... 2664/12667
1Ki_16:34........thereof/in Abiram/his...... 3868/12667
Lev_11:13...........have/in abomination among/the 1178/12667
Lev_11:11.......carcases/in abomination Whatsoever/hath 1176/12667
1Sa_13:4.............had/in abomination with/the 2985/12667
Heb_7:9...........tithes/in Abraham/For.... 12242/12667
Gen_21:11.......grievous/in Abraham's/sight.. 199/12667 abundance according/to 5475/12667
2Ch_18:2.............him/in abundance and for/the 4888/12667
1Ki_1:25...........sheep/in abundance and hath called all the king's/sons 3523/12667
1Ki_1:19...........sheep/in abundance and hath called all the sons/of 3520/12667
2Ch_11:23........victual/in abundance And he desired/many 4822/12667
2Ch_32:5.........shields/in abundance And he set/captains 5115/12667
2Ch_17:5..........honour/in abundance And his/heart 4878/12667
2Ch_18:1..........honour/in abundance and joined/affinity 4887/12667 abundance and precious/stones 4787/12667
2Ch_14:15.........camels/in abundance and returned/to 4850/12667 abundance And the/king 4982/12667
2Ch_9:27..........plains/in abundance And they/brought 4802/12667
2Ch_20:25...........them/in abundance both/riches 4923/12667
1Ch_29:21.....sacrifices/in abundance for all/Israel 4671/12667
2Ch_32:29..........herds/in abundance for God/had 5124/12667
2Ch_2:9...........timber/in abundance for the house/which 4700/12667
1Ch_22:3............iron/in abundance for the nails/for 4604/12667
1Ch_22:4...........trees/in abundance for the Zidonians/and 4606/12667
1Ch_22:15...........thee/in abundance hewers/and 4612/12667
Psa_105:30.........frogs/in abundance in/the 6462/12667
1Ch_29:2..........stones/in abundance Moreover/because 4663/12667
Neh_9:25...........trees/in abundance so/they 5398/12667
2Ch_31:5.........brought/in abundance the/firstfruits 5094/12667 abundance timber/also 4611/12667
2Ch_15:9..........Israel/in abundance when/they 4854/12667
Job_36:31...........meat/in abundance With clouds/he 5795/12667
2Ch_29:35...........were/in abundance with the/fat 5074/12667
1Ch_22:3...........brass/in abundance without/weight 4605/12667
2Ch_31:5............they/in abundantly/And.. 5095/12667 Adam/all....... 11467/12667
Jud_1:16.........persons/in admiration/because 12497/12667
Act_27:27...........down/in Adria/about.... 11150/12667
Eze_23:43............old/in adulteries/Will. 8692/12667
Joh_8:3............taken/in adultery and/when 10682/12667
Joh_8:4............taken/in adultery in/the 10684/12667
Psa_31:7............soul/in adversities/And. 6013/12667 adversity/His... 5896/12667
Joh_3:23.......baptizing/in Aenon/near..... 10630/12667
Ezr_9:14............join/in affinity/with... 5312/12667
Psa_107:10.........bound/in affliction and iron/Because 6492/12667
Hab_3:7...........Cushan/in affliction and the/curtains 9557/12667
2Ch_33:12............was/in affliction he/besought 5143/12667
2Co_6:4.........patience/in afflictions/in. 11563/12667
2Ch_26:17...........went/in after him/and... 5022/12667
Jdg_3:22............went/in after the/blade. 2578/12667
1Ki_1:14............come/in after thee/and.. 3518/12667
Exo_14:23...........went/in after them/to.... 766/12667
Num_12:15........brought/in again And afterward/the 1586/12667
Num_12:14.......received/in again And Miriam/was 1585/12667
Rom_11:23...........them/in again For/if... 11270/12667 again to/him.... 3753/12667
Gen_18:11.......stricken/in age and it/ceased 162/12667
Jos_23:1........stricken/in age And Joshua/called 2521/12667
Gen_24:1........stricken/in age and the/LORD. 237/12667
Jos_23:2........stricken/in age And ye/have. 2522/12667
1Ki_21:8.........letters/in Ahab's/name..... 3921/12667
Jos_8:17............left/in Ai or/Bethel.... 2381/12667
Jos_8:16............were/in Ai were/called.. 2380/12667
Jdg_1:35...........Heres/in Aijalon and/in.. 2563/12667
Jdg_12:12.........buried/in Aijalon in/the.. 2711/12667
2Co_1:1..............are/in all Achaia/Grace 11492/12667
Ezr_2:42..........Shobai/in all an/hundred.. 5237/12667 all And again/the 3503/12667
Heb_13:4......honourable/in all and the bed/undefiled 12285/12667
1Ch_2:6.............them/in all And the sons/of 4441/12667
Eph_1:23.............all/in all And you/hath 11768/12667
Jos_12:5.............and/in all Bashan/unto. 2425/12667
1Co_12:6.............all/in all But/the.... 11427/12667
1Ch_7:5.........reckoned/in all by/their.... 4486/12667
1Co_7:17...............I/in all churches Is/any 11379/12667 all churches of/the 11456/12667 all customs/and 11137/12667
2Co_8:7..............and/in all diligence/and 11594/12667
1Co_15:28............all/in all Else/what.. 11470/12667
Pro_5:14..........almost/in all evil/in..... 6719/12667
Num_18:15.........matrix/in all flesh/which. 1651/12667 all generations Before/the 6393/12667
Psa_45:17.....remembered/in all generations therefore/shall 6117/12667 all godliness/and 12083/12667
Act_23:1...........lived/in all good conscience/before 11115/12667
Gal_6:6.........teacheth/in all good things/Be 11734/12667 all goodness/and 11827/12667 all high/places. 7492/12667
2Ki_20:13............nor/in all his dominion that Hezekiah shewed them not Then came Isaiah the prophet unto king Hezekiah and said unto him What said these men and from whence came they unto thee And Hezekiah said They are come from a far country even/from 4309/12667
Isa_39:2.............nor/in all his dominion that Hezekiah shewed them not Then came Isaiah the prophet unto king Hezekiah and said unto him What said these men and from whence came they unto thee And Hezekiah said They are come from a far country unto/me 7402/12667
2Pe_3:16............also/in all his epistles/speaking 12397/12667
Luk_12:27........Solomon/in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these If/then 10430/12667
Mat_6:29.........Solomon/in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these Wherefore/if 9833/12667
Heb_3:5.........faithful/in all his house as/a 12214/12667
Heb_3:2.........faithful/in all his house For/this 12213/12667
Dan_1:20............were/in all his realm/And 9079/12667
Psa_10:4.............not/in all his thoughts/His 5894/12667
Hos_9:8...........fowler/in all his ways and hatred/in 9300/12667
Psa_145:17.....righteous/in all his ways and holy/in 6662/12667
1Sa_18:14.........wisely/in all his ways and the/LORD 3061/12667
Deu_11:22...........walk/in all his ways and to cleave/unto 2012/12667
1Ki_8:58............walk/in all his ways and to keep his commandments and his/statutes 3674/12667
Jos_22:5............walk/in all his ways and to keep his commandments and to/cleave 2503/12667
Deu_10:12...........walk/in all his ways and to love/him 1994/12667
Jam_1:8.........unstable/in all his ways Let/the 12292/12667
2Ch_32:30......prospered/in all his works Howbeit/in 5125/12667
Psa_145:17..........holy/in all his works The/LORD 6663/12667
Dan_9:14.......righteous/in all his works which/he 9211/12667 all holy/conversation 12395/12667
Act_27:37...........were/in all in/the..... 11153/12667
2Ch_11:13...........were/in all Israel resorted/to 4820/12667
2Ch_1:2.........governor/in all Israel the/chief 4682/12667
2Sa_14:25............But/in all Israel there/was 3377/12667
Act_1:8..............and/in all Judaea/and. 10833/12667
Php_1:9..............and/in all judgment/That 11856/12667
1Co_1:5..............and/in all knowledge/Even 11329/12667
Pro_14:23...........good/In all labour/there 6785/12667
Gen_41:54............was/in all lands but/in. 472/12667
Gen_41:57...........sore/in all lands Now/when 475/12667
Dan_1:17...........skill/in all learning/and 9074/12667 all loins/and... 9538/12667
1Th_4:10.............are/in all Macedonia/but 12044/12667
1Pe_1:15............holy/in all manner of conversation/Because 12328/12667
Exo_1:14.............and/in all manner of service/in 604/12667 all manner of workmanship And I/behold 973/12667
Exo_35:31............and/in all manner of workmanship And to/devise 1030/12667
Exo_31:3.............and/in all manner of workmanship To/devise 967/12667
Neh_11:24...........hand/in all matters concerning/the 5426/12667 all matters of the/LORD 4909/12667
Dan_1:20.............And/in all matters of wisdom/and 9078/12667
Eze_44:24.......statutes/in all mine assemblies/and 9001/12667
Num_12:7........faithful/in all mine house/With 1582/12667
Isa_11:9.........destroy/in all my holy mountain for/the 7142/12667
Isa_65:25........destroy/in all my holy mountain saith/the 7600/12667
Ecc_2:10........rejoiced/in all my labour/and 6937/12667
Hos_12:8.......substance/in all my labours/they 9324/12667
1Ki_4:31.............was/in all nations/round 3594/12667
Num_31:35........persons/in all of/women.... 1773/12667
Php_1:13.............and/in all other/places 11859/12667 all our affliction/and 12036/12667
2Co_7:4...........joyful/in all our tribulation For/when 11579/12667 all our tribulation that/we 11493/12667 all patience/in 11667/12667
Act_24:3.............and/in all places most/noble 11124/12667 all places of/his 6448/12667
Exo_20:24...........oxen/in all places where/I 844/12667
Jer_24:9...........curse/in all places whither I/shall 7875/12667
Gen_28:15...........thee/in all places whither thou goest and/will 282/12667
Jer_45:5............prey/in all places whither thou goest The/word 8177/12667
Ecc_5:16............that/in all points as/he 6967/12667
Heb_4:15.............was/in all points tempted/like 12232/12667
Col_3:11.............and/in all Put/on..... 11981/12667 all riches/I.... 6553/12667
Jos_21:39.........cities/in all So/all...... 2501/12667
Eze_45:17.......sabbaths/in all solemnities/of 9017/12667
Eze_27:24......merchants/in all sorts/of.... 8747/12667 all streets/and. 9407/12667
Mat_9:31............fame/in all that country/As 9855/12667
Jer_35:8..........father/in all that he/hath 8023/12667
Jos_22:2...........voice/in all that I/commanded 2502/12667
Neh_9:33............just/in all that is/brought 5404/12667
Deu_34:12............And/in all that mighty/hand 2312/12667
Gen_21:12......bondwoman/in all that Sarah/hath 201/12667
Mar_12:44...........cast/in all that she/had 10204/12667
1Ki_8:52............them/in all that they call/for 3673/12667
Jer_38:9............evil/in all that they have/done 8083/12667
1Sa_8:7...........people/in all that they say/unto 2953/12667
Jos_1:18...........words/in all that thou commandest/him 2318/12667
Deu_15:18...........thee/in all that thou doest All/the 2052/12667
1Ki_2:3..........prosper/in all that thou doest and/whithersoever 3532/12667
Gen_21:22...........thee/in all that thou doest Now/therefore 209/12667
Eze_16:54.....confounded/in all that thou hast/done 8561/12667
Deu_15:10............and/in all that thou puttest thine hand/unto 2047/12667
Deu_12:18............God/in all that thou puttest thine hands/unto 2027/12667
Deu_23:20...........thee/in all that thou settest thine hand to/in 2145/12667
Deu_28:8.............and/in all that thou settest thine hand unto and/he 2190/12667
Deu_28:20.........rebuke/in all that thou settest thine hand unto for/to 2202/12667
Deu_29:9.........prosper/in all that ye do/Ye 2231/12667
Deu_12:7.........rejoice/in all that ye put/your 2018/12667
1Sa_12:1...........voice/in all that ye said/unto 2974/12667
Gen_23:17...........were/in all the borders round/about 232/12667
Eze_45:1............holy/in all the borders thereof/round 9007/12667
1Ch_26:30.......westward/in all the business/of 4631/12667
Neh_11:20...........were/in all the cities of Judah/every 5423/12667
Neh_10:37.........tithes/in all the cities of our/tillage 5414/12667
Num_21:25..........dwelt/in all the cities of the/Amorites 1689/12667
Jdg_11:26............and/in all the cities that/be 2704/12667
Jer_33:12............and/in all the cities thereof shall/be 8001/12667
Jer_31:24............and/in all the cities thereof together/husbandmen 7955/12667
Act_8:40........preached/in all the cities till/he 10954/12667
Exo_10:19.........locust/in all the coasts of Egypt But/the 702/12667
Exo_10:14.........rested/in all the coasts of Egypt very/grievous 698/12667
2Ki_10:32...........them/in all the coasts of Israel/From 4114/12667
Jos_9:1..............and/in all the coasts of the/great 2393/12667
Mat_2:16.............and/in all the coasts thereof/from 9779/12667
Luk_1:6..........walking/in all the commandments/and 10248/12667
Jer_40:11...........were/in all the countries/heard 8115/12667
2Ki_23:22............nor/in all the days/of. 4374/12667
1Ch_16:14............are/in all the earth Be/ye 4556/12667
2Ki_5:15.............God/in all the earth but/in 4018/12667
Isa_12:5...........known/in all the earth Cry/out 7149/12667 all the earth For/now 682/12667
Psa_105:7............are/in all the earth He/hath 6456/12667
Psa_45:16........princes/in all the earth I will make/thy 6116/12667 all the earth I will praise/thee 5876/12667
Exo_34:10...........done/in all the earth nor/in 1008/12667
Dan_6:25...........dwell/in all the earth Peace be multiplied unto you I make/a 9171/12667
Dan_4:1............dwell/in all the earth Peace be multiplied unto you I thought/it 9111/12667 all the earth who/hast 5875/12667
2Ch_33:14............war/in all the fenced cities of Judah And he/took 5146/12667
2Ch_17:2..........forces/in all the fenced cities of Judah and set/garrisons 4872/12667
Jer_17:19............and/in all the gates/of 7804/12667
Deu_34:12............and/in all the great/terror 2313/12667
2Ki_17:11........incense/in all the high/places 4255/12667
Amo_5:16.............say/in all the highways/Alas 9408/12667
Eze_34:13............and/in all the inhabited/places 8879/12667
Est_8:5..............are/in all the king's provinces/For 5537/12667
Dan_5:8.............came/in all the king's wise/men 9144/12667
Hag_2:17............hail/in all the labours/of 9616/12667
Gen_47:13..........bread/in all the land for/the 546/12667
Gen_41:44...........foot/in all the land of Egypt And Pharaoh/called 465/12667
Exo_9:9.............dust/in all the land of Egypt and shall/be 680/12667
Gen_41:19............saw/in all the land of Egypt for/badness 451/12667
Jer_44:26..........Judah/in all the land of Egypt saying/The 8171/12667 all the land of Egypt since/it 690/12667
Gen_41:54............but/in all the land of Egypt there/was 473/12667
Exo_10:22.......darkness/in all the land of Egypt three/days 703/12667
Exo_9:22............hail/in all the land of Egypt upon/man 689/12667
1Ki_9:19.............and/in all the land of his/dominion 3685/12667
1Ch_13:2............left/in all the land of Israel/and 4540/12667
Lev_25:24............And/in all the land of your/possession 1431/12667
Zec_13:8............that/in all the land saith/the 9719/12667
Job_42:15............And/in all the land were/no 5830/12667
Eze_17:9..........wither/in all the leaves/of 8569/12667
Luk_21:4............cast/in all the living/that 10537/12667
Php_1:13........manifest/in all the palace/and 11858/12667
2Sa_7:7.......tabernacle/In all the places wherein/I 3321/12667
Jer_8:3...........remain/in all the places whither/I 7705/12667
Gen_19:17...........thou/in all the plain/escape 177/12667
Ezr_7:16............find/in all the province/of 5292/12667
Est_2:3.........officers/in all the provinces of his/kingdom 5484/12667 all the provinces of king/Ahasuerus 5543/12667
Est_9:20............were/in all the provinces of the king Ahasuerus both/nigh 5561/12667
Est_1:16.............are/in all the provinces of the king Ahasuerus For/this 5480/12667
Est_3:8...........people/in all the provinces of thy/kingdom 5504/12667
1Ki_4:11........Abinadab/in all the region/of 3580/12667
Luk_24:27...........them/in all the scriptures/the 10592/12667
Exo_27:19.....tabernacle/in all the service/thereof 923/12667
Deu_34:11...........face/In all the signs/and 2310/12667
1Ki_15:3..........walked/in all the sins of his/father 3793/12667
2Ki_17:22.........walked/in all the sins of Jeroboam/which 4259/12667
1Ch_5:16.............and/in all the suburbs/of 4464/12667
2Ch_5:1..........brought/in all the things/that 4733/12667
Eze_6:13............hill/in all the tops/of. 8433/12667
Eze_31:12............and/in all the valleys/his 8828/12667
Num_21:25............and/in all the villages/thereof 1691/12667
2Ki_22:2..........walked/in all the way of David/his 4347/12667
1Ki_16:26.........walked/in all the way of Jeroboam/the 3856/12667
2Ki_21:21.........walked/in all the way that his/father 4336/12667
Deu_1:31.............son/in all the way that ye/went 1865/12667 all the way wherein/we 2539/12667
1Ki_22:43.........walked/in all the ways of/Asa 3959/12667 all the ways that/I 7697/12667
Deu_5:33............walk/in all the ways which/the 1947/12667
1Sa_2:32......habitation/in all the wealth/which 2913/12667
Col_4:12........complete/in all the will/of 12001/12667
Act_7:22.........learned/in all the wisdom/of 10920/12667
Dan_4:6............bring/in all the wise/men 9114/12667 all the work of the/holy 1060/12667
Deu_14:29...........thee/in all the work of thine hand/which 2041/12667
Deu_24:19...........thee/in all the work of thine hands/When 2161/12667
Deu_16:15............and/in all the works of thine/hands 2067/12667
Deu_2:7.............thee/in all the works of thy/hand 1879/12667 all the world and/bringeth 11928/12667
Mat_24:14.......preached/in all the world for/a 10013/12667
Eze_6:9........committed/in all their abominations/And 8431/12667
Isa_63:9.........Saviour/In all their affliction/he 7578/12667
Num_4:27.....Gershonites/in all their burdens/and 1506/12667
Neh_8:15........proclaim/in all their cities and/in 5376/12667
2Ki_17:9..........places/in all their cities from/the 4253/12667
Psa_105:31..........lice/in all their coasts/He 6464/12667
Eze_6:14.........Diblath/in all their habitations/and 8434/12667
Exo_28:38.........hallow/in all their holy/gifts 944/12667
Exo_40:36.........onward/in all their journeys/But 1091/12667
Jer_10:7.............and/in all their kingdoms/there 7732/12667
Num_4:27.............and/in all their service/and 1507/12667
Lev_16:16.transgressions/in all their sins and/so 1324/12667
Lev_16:21.transgressions/in all their sins putting/them 1329/12667
Num_16:26.......consumed/in all their sins So/they 1640/12667
2Th_1:10.........admired/in all them/that.. 12063/12667
Job_12:9.............not/in all these that/the 5633/12667
Lev_18:24............for/in all these the/nations 1349/12667 all these things behold/therefore 8554/12667
Isa_38:16............and/in all these things is/the 7397/12667
Rom_8:37.............Nay/in all these things we/are 11248/12667
Eze_16:22............And/in all thine abominations and/thy 8541/12667
Eze_16:51........sisters/in all thine abominations which/thou 8558/12667
Deu_16:15...........thee/in all thine increase/and 2066/12667
Gen_24:1.........Abraham/in all things And Abraham/said 238/12667 all things and keep/the 11414/12667
2Sa_23:5.........ordered/in all things and sure/for 3491/12667
2Co_6:4..............But/in all things approving/ourselves 11561/12667
2Ti_4:5.............thou/in all things endure/afflictions 12160/12667
Tit_2:10.........Saviour/in all things For the/grace 12175/12667
Col_3:20.........parents/in all things for this/is 11991/12667 all things Have/I 11623/12667
Col_1:18............that/in all things he/might 11939/12667
Php_4:12.............and/in all things I am/instructed 11919/12667
2Co_11:9.............and/in all things I have/kept 11625/12667
Heb_2:17.......Wherefore/in all things it/behoved 12210/12667
1Ti_3:11........faithful/in all things Let/the 12097/12667
2Co_9:8......sufficiency/in all things may abound/to 11607/12667
1Pe_4:11.............God/in all things may be/glorified 12358/12667 all things Moreover/brethren 11589/12667
Tit_2:9.............well/in all things not answering/again 12174/12667 all things not seeking/mine 11413/12667
1Co_9:25.......temperate/in all things Now/they 11405/12667
2Ti_2:7....understanding/in all things Remember/that 12149/12667
Tit_2:7...........minded/In all things shewing/thyself 12172/12667
Jos_1:17...........Moses/in all things so/will 2317/12667
Exo_23:13............And/in all things that I/have 867/12667 all things that we/call 1907/12667
2Co_2:9.........obedient/in all things To/whom 11515/12667
Act_3:22............hear/in all things whatsoever/he 10874/12667
Gal_3:10.............not/in all things which are/written 11702/12667
Eph_4:15.............him/in all things which is/the 11815/12667
Heb_13:18.....conscience/in all things willing/to 12286/12667
Act_17:22...........that/in all things ye are/too 11061/12667
2Co_7:11.........revenge/In all things ye have/approved 11583/12667
Col_3:22............obey/in all things your/masters 11992/12667
2Sa_14:19...........thee/in all this And/the 3372/12667
Job_2:10............evil/In all this did/not 5581/12667
Job_1:22............LORD/In all this Job/sinned 5576/12667
Neh_13:6.............But/in all this time/was 5451/12667
1Sa_7:16..........Israel/in all those/places 2949/12667
Jer_15:13...........even/in all thy borders/And 7778/12667
Hos_13:10...........thee/in all thy cities/and 9336/12667
Deu_16:4............thee/in all thy coast/seven 2057/12667
Eze_27:27............and/in all thy company/which 8754/12667
Deu_28:55...........thee/in all thy gates The/tender 2219/12667
Deu_28:52...........thee/in all thy gates throughout/all 2214/12667
Deu_28:52...........thee/in all thy gates until/thy 2213/12667
Deu_12:15..........flesh/in all thy gates whatsoever/thy 2025/12667
Deu_16:18...........thee/in all thy gates which/the 2073/12667
Exo_13:7............thee/in all thy quarters/And 750/12667
Eze_35:8.............and/in all thy rivers/shall 8892/12667
Pro_3:6....understanding/In all thy ways acknowledge/him 6705/12667
Eze_16:47...........they/in all thy ways As/I 8555/12667
Psa_91:11...........thee/in all thy ways They/shall 6404/12667
Deu_15:10...........thee/in all thy works/and 2046/12667
1Co_1:5..............him/in all utterance/and 11328/12667
Amo_5:17.............And/in all vineyards/shall 9409/12667
Dan_1:17...understanding/in all visions/and. 9075/12667
1Ki_2:26.......afflicted/in all wherein/my.. 3541/12667
Dan_1:4..........skilful/in all wisdom and cunning/in 9067/12667 all wisdom and prudence/Having 11749/12667
Col_1:9.............will/in all wisdom and spiritual/understanding 11932/12667
Col_3:16..........richly/in all wisdom teaching/and 11985/12667 all wisdom that/we 11950/12667
Amo_4:6............teeth/in all your cities/and 9397/12667
Eze_21:24...........that/in all your doings/your 8640/12667
Eze_6:6...........altars/In all your dwellingplaces/the 8429/12667
Lev_23:14....generations/in all your dwellings And/ye 1389/12667
Lev_23:31....generations/in all your dwellings It/shall 1396/12667
Lev_23:3............LORD/in all your dwellings These/are 1384/12667
Lev_23:21...........ever/in all your dwellings throughout/your 1390/12667
Num_35:29....generations/in all your dwellings Whoso/killeth 1840/12667
Exo_12:20.......leavened/in all your habitations/shall 729/12667
Jos_23:14...........know/in all your hearts/and 2528/12667 all your persecutions/and 12060/12667
Amo_4:6............bread/in all your places/yet 9398/12667
Jos_23:14............and/in all your souls/that 2529/12667
Num_33:46.......encamped/in Almondiblathaim/And 1821/12667
1Ki_4:16.............and/in Aloth/Jehoshaphat 3586/12667
Jam_2:2.............come/in also a/poor.... 12300/12667
Joh_20:8............went/in also that/other 10821/12667
Deu_31:2............come/in also the/LORD... 2256/12667
Gen_29:30...........went/in also unto/Rachel. 294/12667
Num_33:13.......encamped/in Alush/And....... 1795/12667
Jos_8:14...........liers/in ambush against/him 2379/12667
Jos_8:9..............lie/in ambush and/abode 2375/12667
Jos_8:12.............lie/in ambush between/Bethel 2377/12667
Act_14:14............ran/in among the/people 11028/12667
Rom_11:17........graffed/in among them/and. 11265/12667
Act_20:29..........enter/in among you/not.. 11101/12667
Isa_49:8............LORD/In an acceptable time have/I 7488/12667
Psa_69:13...........LORD/in an acceptable time O/God 6247/12667
Luk_22:44..........being/in an agony/he.... 10565/12667
Num_5:17...........water/in an earthen vessel and/of 1519/12667
Lev_14:50..........birds/in an earthen vessel over running water And/he 1301/12667
Lev_14:5..........killed/in an earthen vessel over running water As/for 1271/12667
Jer_32:14...........them/in an earthen vessel that/they 7972/12667 an epistle/not. 11372/12667
Job_31:6.........weighed/in an even balance/that 5752/12667
Psa_26:12.......standeth/in an even place/in 5989/12667
2Sa_11:2............pass/in an eveningtide/that 3344/12667
Psa_64:5......themselves/in an evil matter/they 6214/12667
Ecc_9:12...........taken/in an evil net/and. 6999/12667
Ecc_8:3..............not/in an evil thing/for 6987/12667
Ecc_9:12..........snared/in an evil time/when 7001/12667
Pro_28:10.........astray/in an evil way/he.. 6895/12667
Gen_39:14........brought/in an Hebrew/unto... 423/12667
2Sa_23:14...........then/in an hold/and..... 3497/12667
Luk_8:15...........which/in an honest/and.. 10373/12667 an honeycomb/and 3012/12667
Mat_24:50............and/in an hour/that... 10031/12667
2Sa_7:2............dwell/in an house of cedar/but 3315/12667
1Ch_17:1...........dwell/in an house of cedars/but 4565/12667
1Ch_17:5...........dwelt/in an house since/the 4568/12667
Deu_22:19............him/in an hundred shekels/of 2129/12667 an hundred talents/of 5210/12667
2Sa_18:10.........hanged/in an oak/And...... 3421/12667
Gen_38:14............sat/in an open/place.... 400/12667
Pro_25:19.....Confidence/in an unfaithful/man 6870/12667
1Co_14:19..........words/in an unknown tongue Brethren/be 11446/12667
1Co_14:4........speaketh/in an unknown tongue edifieth/himself 11440/12667
1Co_14:27..........speak/in an unknown tongue let/it 11454/12667
1Co_14:14...........pray/in an unknown tongue my/spirit 11444/12667
1Co_14:13.......speaketh/in an unknown tongue pray/that 11443/12667
1Co_14:2........speaketh/in an unknown tongue speaketh/not 11438/12667
Act_9:37.............her/in an upper/chamber 10971/12667
1Ki_1:41...........being/in an uproar And/while 3526/12667
Act_21:31............was/in an uproar Who/immediately 11105/12667
Jer_32:9.............was/in Anathoth and/weighed 7967/12667 Anathoth for/the 7963/12667
Jer_1:1.............were/in Anathoth in/the. 7610/12667 Anathoth which/is 7965/12667
Num_4:19..............go/in and appoint/them 1502/12667
Eze_8:9...............Go/in and behold/the.. 8454/12667
Deu_28:6..........comest/in and blessed/shalt 2188/12667
Jos_6:23............went/in and brought/out. 2361/12667
Jer_17:19...........come/in and by/the...... 7803/12667
Act_20:14............him/in and came to/Mitylene 11096/12667
Act_16:29.........sprang/in and came trembling/and 11049/12667
2Ch_24:10........brought/in and cast/into... 4981/12667
Deu_28:19.........comest/in and cursed/shalt 2201/12667
Mar_6:22............came/in and danced/and. 10133/12667
Dan_2:16............went/in and desired/of.. 9083/12667
1Ki_17:12.............go/in and dress/it.... 3877/12667
Luk_11:26..........enter/in and dwell there and the last state of that man is worse than the first And/it 10412/12667
Mat_12:45..........enter/in and dwell there and the last state of that man is worse than the first Even/so 9906/12667
2Ki_4:37............went/in and fell/at..... 4005/12667
Act_5:10............came/in and found her/dead 10888/12667
Act_10:27...........went/in and found many/that 10980/12667
Luk_24:3.........entered/in and found not/the 10585/12667
Act_9:28..........coming/in and going/out.. 10966/12667
2Ch_4:6.............wash/in And he made/ten. 4727/12667
2Ch_23:19..........enter/in And he took/the. 4975/12667
Jdg_15:1..............go/in And her/father.. 2728/12667
Gen_7:7.............went/in and his/sons...... 51/12667
Exo_14:3............them/in And I/will....... 761/12667
Exo_16:5...........bring/in and it/shall..... 793/12667
Jdg_16:2.............him/in and laid/wait... 2738/12667
2Sa_12:16...........went/in and lay all/night 3357/12667
Gen_19:33...........went/in and lay with/her. 187/12667
Gen_19:34...........thou/in and lie/with..... 188/12667
Neh_6:11..............go/in And lo/I........ 5357/12667
Act_10:23...........them/in and lodged/them 10978/12667
Lev_14:48...........come/in and look/upon... 1299/12667
Jdg_6:19............went/in and made/ready.. 2619/12667
2Ki_9:2...............go/in and make/him.... 4073/12667
Act_1:21............went/in and out among/us 10844/12667
Joh_10:9..............go/in and out and/find 10707/12667
1Ch_9:28............them/in and out by/tale. 4508/12667
Exo_32:27.............go/in and out from/gate 986/12667
Act_5:7.............came/in And Peter/answered 10887/12667
Exo_15:17...........them/in and plant/them... 780/12667
Deu_6:18..............go/in and possess the good/land 1955/12667
Deu_10:11.............go/in and possess the land which I/sware 1993/12667
Deu_4:1...............go/in and possess the land which the LORD God/of 1904/12667
Deu_1:8...............go/in and possess the land which the LORD sware unto your fathers Abraham/Isaac 1859/12667
Deu_8:1...............go/in and possess the land which the LORD sware unto your fathers And/thou 1962/12667
Deu_11:8..............go/in and possess the land whither/ye 2002/12667
Jer_32:23...........came/in and possessed it/but 7978/12667
Neh_9:24............went/in and possessed the/land 5397/12667
Act_28:8.........entered/in and prayed/and. 11157/12667
Act_9:12..........coming/in and putting/his 10958/12667
2Sa_7:18...........David/in and sat before/the 3324/12667
Luk_11:37...........went/in and sat down/to 10418/12667
Jer_39:3............came/in and sat in/the.. 8095/12667
Mat_26:58...........went/in and sat with/the 10052/12667
Eze_8:10............went/in and saw/and..... 8455/12667
2Ki_21:21.........walked/in and served/the.. 4337/12667
Luk_13:24..........enter/in and shall/not.. 10455/12667
Gen_24:23..........lodge/in And she/said..... 241/12667
2Ki_10:25.............Go/in and slay/them... 4106/12667
1Ki_16:10...........went/in and smote/him... 3839/12667
Rom_11:25...........come/in And so/all..... 11273/12667
2Ki_5:25............went/in and stood before/his 4028/12667
Eze_9:2.............went/in and stood beside the brasen/altar 8465/12667
Eze_10:6............went/in and stood beside the wheels/And 8475/12667 and the baken/pieces 1131/12667
2Ch_21:9.............him/in and the captains of/the 4940/12667
2Ki_11:8..........cometh/in And the captains over/the 4124/12667
Eze_10:3............went/in and the cloud/filled 8474/12667
Gen_7:16.............him/in And the flood/was. 59/12667
Est_6:6.............came/in And the king/said 5528/12667
Jdg_17:10...........went/in And the Levite/was 2755/12667
Jos_6:1.............came/in And the LORD/said 2355/12667
Gen_24:25..........lodge/in And the man/bowed 242/12667
2Ch_23:13.......entering/in and the princes/and 4969/12667
Num_35:3...........dwell/in and the suburbs/of 1833/12667
Hos_7:1...........cometh/in and the troop/of 9287/12667
Num_14:31..........bring/in and they shall/know 1612/12667
1Ki_1:22............came/in And they told/the 3521/12667
2Ki_19:27.........coming/in and thy rage against me Because thy rage against me and thy tumult is come up into mine ears therefore I/will 4293/12667
Isa_37:28.........coming/in and thy rage against me Because thy rage against me and thy tumult is come up into mine ears therefore will/I 7381/12667
1Ki_3:7.............come/in And thy servant/is 3559/12667
2Sa_3:25..........coming/in and to know/all. 3280/12667
Luk_5:18.............him/in and to lay/him. 10340/12667
Jdg_19:15.............go/in and to lodge/in. 2789/12667
2Ki_5:4.............went/in and told his/lord 4012/12667
Act_12:14............ran/in and told how/Peter 11004/12667
Exo_5:1.............went/in and told Pharaoh/Thus 634/12667
Mat_9:25............went/in and took/her.... 9854/12667
Rut_3:4...............go/in and uncover/his. 2875/12667
Jer_37:4............came/in and went out among/the 8063/12667
1Ch_27:1............came/in and went out month/by 4635/12667
2Ch_23:7..........cometh/in and when he/goeth 4965/12667
Eze_46:10.............go/in and when they/go 9036/12667
Num_35:2...........dwell/in and ye shall give/also 1832/12667
Luk_22:10.......entereth/in And ye shall say/unto 10558/12667
Mic_5:15.......vengeance/in anger and fury/upon 9503/12667
Eze_5:15............thee/in anger and in fury and in furious/rebukes 8426/12667
Jer_21:5............even/in anger and in fury and in great/wrath 7837/12667 anger and in wrath/and 2241/12667
Lam_3:66............them/in anger from/under 8368/12667
Isa_14:6.........nations/in anger is/persecuted 7165/12667
Dan_11:20........neither/in anger nor/in.... 9240/12667
Psa_77:9..............he/in anger shut/up... 6293/12667
Psa_27:9............away/in anger thou hast/been 5998/12667
Hab_3:12.........heathen/in anger Thou wentest/forth 9560/12667 anguish/because. 1893/12667
Exo_37:19........almonds/in another branch/a 1054/12667
Rut_2:8............glean/in another field/neither 2860/12667
Gal_6:4..............not/in another For/every 11732/12667
Mar_16:12.......appeared/in another form/unto 10242/12667
Exo_22:5............feed/in another man's field/of 855/12667
2Co_10:16..........boast/in another man's line/of 11617/12667
Heb_5:6.............also/in another place/Thou 12235/12667
Act_13:35...........also/in another psalm/Thou 11018/12667
Jer_51:46...........that/in another year/shall 8282/12667
Act_11:26..........first/in Antioch And in/these 10997/12667
Act_15:23.......Gentiles/in Antioch and Syria/and 11037/12667
Act_15:35......continued/in Antioch teaching/and 11039/12667
Jer_9:4..............not/in any brother/for. 7718/12667
Deu_22:1...........shalt/in any case bring/them 2122/12667
Deu_24:13.........pledge/In any case thou/shalt 2155/12667
1Sa_27:1............more/in any coast/of.... 3197/12667
Col_2:23.............not/in any honour/to.. 11975/12667
Luk_8:27...........abode/in any house but/in 10376/12667
2Sa_7:6............dwelt/in any house since/the 3318/12667
1Ki_10:20...........made/in any kingdom And all king/Solomon's 3699/12667
2Ch_9:19............made/in any kingdom And all the/drinking 4795/12667
Jos_2:11.........courage/in any man/because. 2321/12667 any manner/of... 5169/12667 any matter because/that 12043/12667
1Ch_27:1............king/in any matter of/the 4634/12667
Exo_34:10............nor/in any nation/and.. 1009/12667
Lev_6:3..........falsely/in any of all/these 1118/12667
2Sa_21:5.......remaining/in any of the/coasts 3467/12667
Lev_18:24.....yourselves/in any of these/things 1348/12667 any of you/an.. 12220/12667
Lev_7:26...........beast/in any of your/dwellings 1148/12667
Lev_2:11...........honey/in any offering/of. 1101/12667
Rut_2:22.............not/in any other field/So 2871/12667
Act_4:12.......salvation/in any other for/there 10879/12667
Lev_7:24............used/in any other use/but 1146/12667
Ezr_1:4........remaineth/in any place/where. 5233/12667
Deu_19:15............sin/in any sin/that.... 2103/12667
Jdg_18:7...........shame/in any thing and/they 2765/12667
Lev_13:48.............or/in any thing made/of 1244/12667
Lev_13:49.............or/in any thing of skin it is a plague/of 1249/12667
Lev_13:57.............or/in any thing of skin it is a spreading/plague 1266/12667
Lev_13:53.............or/in any thing of skin Then/the 1261/12667
2Ch_23:19........unclean/in any thing should/enter 4974/12667
Ecc_9:6.............ever/in any thing that is/done 6995/12667
2Co_6:3..........offence/in any thing that the/ministry 11560/12667
Php_3:15..............if/in any thing ye/be 11906/12667
Deu_22:6.............way/in any tree/or..... 2125/12667
Num_36:8.....inheritance/in any tribe/of.... 1842/12667
2Co_1:4..............are/in any trouble/by. 11494/12667
1Ki_11:22.............go/in any wise And God/stirred 3720/12667
Exo_22:23...........them/in any wise and they/cry 859/12667
Deu_21:23..........shalt/in any wise bury/him 2121/12667 any wise go/back 2524/12667 any wise keep/yourselves 2359/12667
Deu_22:7...........shalt/in any wise let/the 2126/12667
Mar_14:31...........thee/in any wise Likewise/also 10227/12667
Lev_19:17..........shalt/in any wise rebuke/thy 1354/12667
Lev_27:19...........will/in any wise redeem/it 1463/12667
1Sa_6:3..............but/in any wise return/him 2941/12667
Deu_17:15..........shalt/in any wise set/him 2079/12667
Psa_37:8.........thyself/in any wise to/do.. 6066/12667
Lev_13:51.............or/in any work/that... 1254/12667
1Sa_4:1..........pitched/in Aphek And/the... 2928/12667
2Ki_13:17........Syrians/in Aphek till/thou. 4159/12667
2Co_5:12...........glory/in appearance/and. 11551/12667
Isa_58:2.........delight/in approaching/to.. 7533/12667
Deu_2:29...........dwell/in Ar/did.......... 1895/12667
Gal_4:25...........Sinai/in Arabia and/answereth 11718/12667
Isa_21:13.........forest/in Arabia shall/ye. 7226/12667 Arnon/that...... 8200/12667
Jdg_11:26............and/in Aroer and her/towns 2703/12667
1Sa_30:28...........were/in Aroer and to/them 3233/12667
1Ch_5:8............dwelt/in Aroer even/unto. 4454/12667
2Sa_24:5.........pitched/in Aroer on/the.... 3505/12667
Jer_50:14.....yourselves/in array against Babylon/round 8240/12667
2Sa_10:17.....themselves/in array against David/and 3343/12667
Jdg_20:30.....themselves/in array against Gibeah/as 2812/12667
Jer_50:9......themselves/in array against her/from 8238/12667
2Ch_13:3..........battle/in array against him/with 4834/12667
1Sa_4:2.......themselves/in array against Israel/and 2929/12667
Job_6:4.......themselves/in array against me/Doth 5608/12667
2Sa_10:10...........them/in array against the children of Ammon And he said If the Syrians be too strong for me then thou shalt help me but if the children of Ammon be too strong for thee then I will come/and 3342/12667
1Ch_19:11.....themselves/in array against the children of Ammon And he said If the Syrians be too strong for me then thou shalt help me but if the children of Ammon be too strong for thee then I will help/thee 4585/12667
1Ki_20:12.....themselves/in array against the city/And 3908/12667
1Sa_17:2..........battle/in array against the Philistines/And 3036/12667
2Sa_10:9............them/in array against the Syrians And the rest of the people he delivered into/the 3341/12667
1Ch_19:10...........them/in array against the Syrians And the rest of the people he delivered unto/the 4584/12667
1Ch_19:17.........battle/in array against the Syrians they/fought 4588/12667
1Ch_19:17.........battle/in array against them/So 4587/12667
1Sa_17:8..........battle/in array am/not.... 3037/12667
1Ki_20:12.....yourselves/in array And/they.. 3907/12667
1Sa_17:21.........battle/in array army/against 3041/12667
Jer_6:23.............set/in array as/men.... 7679/12667
Jdg_20:33.....themselves/in array at Baaltamar/and 2815/12667
2Sa_10:8..........battle/in array at the entering/in 3338/12667
Isa_22:7......themselves/in array at the gate/And 7230/12667
1Ch_19:9..........battle/in array before/the 4582/12667
Jdg_20:22..........again/in array in the place/where 2806/12667
2Ch_14:10.........battle/in array in the valley/of 4846/12667
Jer_50:42............put/in array like/a.... 8252/12667
Jdg_20:22.....themselves/in array the/first. 2808/12667
Jdg_20:20.....themselves/in array to/fight.. 2805/12667
2Ch_13:3..........battle/in array with/an... 4833/12667
1Ki_4:10...........Hesed/in Aruboth/to...... 3579/12667
Exo_39:26.......minister/in as/the.......... 1074/12667
Zec_9:6............dwell/in Ashdod and/I.... 9677/12667
Jos_11:22............and/in Ashdod there/remained 2421/12667
1Sa_5:5............Dagon/in Ashdod unto/this 2938/12667
1Ki_4:16.............was/in Asher and/in.... 3585/12667
Jos_17:11............and/in Asher Bethshean/and 2469/12667
Jos_17:10.......together/in Asher on/the.... 2466/12667
Jon_3:6..............sat/in ashes And/he.... 9461/12667
Jer_6:26.........thyself/in ashes make/thee. 7681/12667
Jos_13:12........reigned/in Ashtaroth/and... 2439/12667
Gen_14:5........Rephaims/in Ashteroth/Karnaim 115/12667
Act_16:6............word/in Asia After/they 11044/12667
2Ti_1:15.............are/in Asia be/turned. 12143/12667
Act_19:22.........stayed/in Asia for a/season 11084/12667
Act_20:16...........time/in Asia for he/hasted 11097/12667
Rev_1:4..............are/in Asia Grace/be.. 12501/12667
Act_19:10..........dwelt/in Asia heard/the. 11081/12667 Asia that/we... 11497/12667
Rev_1:11.............are/in Asia unto/Ephesus 12508/12667
1Sa_12:17...........LORD/in asking/you...... 2978/12667
Hos_9:3...........things/in Assyria/They.... 9296/12667
1Ki_14:6............came/in at the door/that 3771/12667
Pro_8:3...........coming/in at the doors/Unto 6740/12667
2Ch_33:14.......entering/in at the fish/gate 5145/12667
Gen_23:18...........went/in at the gate of his city And/after 234/12667
Gen_23:10...........went/in at the gate of his city saying/Nay 226/12667
2Ki_9:31.........entered/in at the gate she/said 4090/12667
Jer_17:27.......entering/in at the gates of Jerusalem/on 7809/12667
Eze_44:17..........enter/in at the gates of the/inner 8996/12667
Mat_15:17.......entereth/in at the mouth/goeth 9940/12667
Luk_13:24..........enter/in at the strait gate for many/I 10454/12667 at the strait gate for wide/is 9838/12667
Joe_2:9............enter/in at the windows/like 9351/12667
Jer_7:2............enter/in at these/gates.. 7684/12667
1Sa_30:30...........were/in Athach/And...... 3241/12667
1Ti_2:2..............are/in authority that/we 12082/12667
Pro_29:2.............are/in authority the/people 6901/12667
Psa_4:4............Stand/in awe and/sin..... 5847/12667
Psa_33:8...........stand/in awe of him/For.. 6036/12667
Psa_119:161.....standeth/in awe of thy/word. 6583/12667
Jer_23:13.....prophesied/in Baal and/caused. 7862/12667
Hos_13:1........offended/in Baal he/died.... 9332/12667
2Sa_13:23..sheepshearers/in Baalhazor/which. 3367/12667
Jer_52:32............him/in Babylon And changed his prison garments and he did continually/eat 8323/12667
2Ki_25:28............him/in Babylon And changed his prison garments and he did eat/bread 4428/12667
Jer_51:44............Bel/in Babylon and I/will 8280/12667
Ezr_6:1...............up/in Babylon And there/was 5272/12667
Jer_29:15.......prophets/in Babylon Know/that 7921/12667
Jer_29:22............are/in Babylon saying The/LORD 7924/12667 Babylon saying This/captivity 7933/12667
2Ki_12:10.............up/in bags/and........ 4138/12667 Bahurim/which... 3413/12667
Num_23:5............word/in Balaam's/mouth.. 1710/12667
2Ki_23:33............him/in bands/at........ 4388/12667
Col_2:12.............him/in baptism/wherein 11966/12667
Deu_3:4...............Og/in Bashan All/these 1897/12667
Jer_22:20..........voice/in Bashan and cry/from 7850/12667
Mic_7:14............feed/in Bashan and Gilead/as 9522/12667
1Ch_5:16..........Gilead/in Bashan and in/her 4462/12667
1Ch_5:12.........Shaphat/in Bashan And their/brethren 4460/12667
Jos_22:7......possession/in Bashan but/unto. 2504/12667
Deu_3:10..............Og/in Bashan For/only. 1898/12667
Deu_4:43...........Golan/in Bashan of/the... 1929/12667
Jos_20:8...........Golan/in Bashan out/of... 2492/12667
Jos_21:6........Manasseh/in Bashan thirteen cities The/children 2495/12667
1Ch_6:62........Manasseh/in Bashan thirteen cities Unto/the 4478/12667
Jos_13:30............are/in Bashan threescore cities/And 2447/12667 Bashan threescore great/cities 3583/12667
Jos_13:31.............Og/in Bashan were/pertaining 2448/12667
Jos_13:12.............Og/in Bashan which/reigned 2438/12667
1Ch_6:71...........Golan/in Bashan with her suburbs and/Ashtaroth 4480/12667
Jos_21:27..........Golan/in Bashan with her suburbs to/be 2498/12667
2Ki_10:7...........heads/in baskets/and..... 4096/12667 basons/and....... 883/12667
Isa_22:2............dead/in battle All/thy.. 7227/12667
Dan_11:20............nor/in battle And/in... 9241/12667
Joe_2:5..............set/in battle array/Before 9348/12667
Oba_1:1..............her/in battle Behold/I. 9439/12667
2Sa_19:3............flee/in battle But/the.. 3431/12667
Deu_2:9.............them/in battle for I/will 1881/12667
Jos_11:19...........took/in battle For it/was 2416/12667 battle I/would.. 7286/12667
Jer_18:21..........sword/in battle Let/a.... 7819/12667
Psa_24:8..........mighty/in battle Lift/up.. 5974/12667
2Sa_19:10...........dead/in battle Now/therefore 3435/12667
Jos_11:20.........Israel/in battle that/he.. 2417/12667
Deu_2:24.............him/in battle This/day. 1892/12667
Jos_22:33...........them/in battle to/destroy 2520/12667
1Ch_26:27............won/in battles did/they 4630/12667
Isa_30:32............and/in battles of/shaking 7338/12667
Exo_8:17.............and/in beast/all........ 668/12667
Eze_32:19...........pass/in beauty go/down.. 8845/12667
Eze_28:12........perfect/in beauty Thou/hast 8768/12667
Zec_8:10............came/in because of the affliction/for 9668/12667
Luk_5:19.............him/in because of the multitude/they 10341/12667
Heb_4:6..............not/in because of unbelief Again/he 12229/12667
Heb_3:19...........enter/in because of unbelief Let/us 12224/12667 bed/I.......... 10410/12667
Mar_6:55...........about/in beds/those..... 10143/12667
Gen_21:33..........grove/in Beersheba and called/there 210/12667
1Sa_8:2...........judges/in Beersheba And his/sons 2950/12667
Lev_22:21.......offering/in beeves/or....... 1378/12667
Est_1:17.........brought/in before him/but.. 5482/12667
Dan_5:15.........brought/in before me that/they 9154/12667
Dan_4:8.............came/in before me whose/name 9116/12667
Dan_1:18............them/in before Nebuchadnezzar/And 9077/12667 before the king and I/will 9087/12667
Dan_5:13.........brought/in before the king And the/king 9151/12667
1Ki_1:23............come/in before the king he/bowed 3522/12667
Exo_28:30..........goeth/in before the LORD and/Aaron 940/12667
Exo_34:34...........went/in before the LORD to/speak 1021/12667
1Sa_18:13...........came/in before the people/And 3060/12667
1Sa_18:16...........came/in before them And Saul/said 3062/12667
Num_27:17.............go/in before them and which/may 1746/12667
2Ch_1:10............come/in before this/people 4687/12667 behaviour/as... 12171/12667
Mal_3:1..........delight/in behold he/shall. 9756/12667
1Sa_19:16...........come/in behold there/was 3085/12667
1Ki_16:7...........hands/in being/like...... 3833/12667
Rom_15:13..........peace/in believing/that. 11301/12667
Num_33:31........pitched/in Benejaakan/And.. 1805/12667
2Ch_11:10............and/in Benjamin fenced/cities 4817/12667
1Ki_4:18............Elah/in Benjamin Geber/the 3588/12667
Neh_11:36............and/in Benjamin Now/these 5436/12667
Gen_44:12..........found/in Benjamin's/sack.. 514/12667
Joh_1:28............done/in Bethabara/beyond 10611/12667
Mar_14:3...........being/in Bethany in the house of Simon the leper as/he 10220/12667
Mat_26:6.............was/in Bethany in the house of Simon the leper There/came 10044/12667
1Ki_13:32..........altar/in Bethel and against/all 3768/12667
2Ki_23:19...........done/in Bethel And he/slew 4372/12667
1Ki_13:11........prophet/in Bethel and his/sons 3756/12667
2Ki_17:28..........dwelt/in Bethel and taught/them 4263/12667
2Ki_10:29...........were/in Bethel and that/were 4107/12667 Bethel and the/other 3743/12667
Hos_12:4.............him/in Bethel and there/he 9322/12667
1Sa_30:27...........were/in Bethel and to/them 3230/12667
1Ki_12:32.............he/in Bethel sacrificing/unto 3747/12667
1Ki_13:4...........altar/in Bethel that/he.. 3752/12667
1Ki_12:33...........made/in Bethel the fifteenth/day 3749/12667
1Ki_12:32.........placed/in Bethel the priests/of 3748/12667 Bethel the words/which 3757/12667 Bethel Ye/who... 9400/12667 Bethhaccerem/for 7672/12667
2Sa_23:14...........then/in Bethlehem And David/longed 3498/12667
Mat_2:16............were/in Bethlehem and in/all 9778/12667
2Sa_2:32.............was/in Bethlehem And Joab/and 3267/12667
Rut_4:11..........famous/in Bethlehem And let/thy 2887/12667
Mat_2:5..............him/In Bethlehem of Judaea for/thus 9773/12667
Mat_2:1.............born/in Bethlehem of Judaea in/the 9770/12667
Eze_10:2..............Go/in between/the..... 8471/12667
Jdg_1:5.......Adonibezek/in Bezek and/they.. 2551/12667
Jdg_1:4.............them/in Bezek ten/thousand 2550/12667
1Sa_11:8............them/in Bezek the/children 2969/12667
Gal_4:19.........travail/in birth again/until 11715/12667
Rev_12:2......travailing/in birth and/pained 12584/12667 bitterness for him/as 9708/12667 bitterness for his/firstborn 9709/12667 bitterness Her/adversaries 8325/12667
Eze_3:14............went/in bitterness in/the 8399/12667
1Sa_1:10.............was/in bitterness of/soul 2894/12667
Rev_13:6...........mouth/in blasphemy/against 12590/12667
Gen_22:17...........That/in blessing I/will.. 218/12667
Psa_109:17...........not/in blessing so/let. 6507/12667
Rev_19:13.........dipped/in blood and/his.. 12641/12667
Isa_9:5...........rolled/in blood but/this.. 7125/12667
2Sa_20:12.......wallowed/in blood in/the.... 3456/12667 blood to/cut.... 8529/12667
2Ch_2:14..........purple/in blue and in fine/linen 4709/12667
Exo_38:23....embroiderer/in blue and in purple and/in 1057/12667
Exo_35:35....embroiderer/in blue and in purple in/scarlet 1037/12667
Eze_27:24.........things/in blue clothes/and 8748/12667
1Co_7:34............both/in body and/in.... 11384/12667
1Co_5:3...........absent/in body but/present 11368/12667
Lam_4:7............ruddy/in body than/rubies 8374/12667
Mar_15:43...........went/in boldly/unto.... 10237/12667
Exo_6:5.............keep/in bondage and/I.... 644/12667
2Pe_2:19.........brought/in bondage For/if. 12387/12667
Joh_8:33...........never/in bondage to/any. 10696/12667
Gal_4:3.............were/in bondage under/the 11710/12667 bondage will/I. 10912/12667 bondage with/her 11719/12667 bondage Ye/observe 11711/12667
Heb_13:3.............are/in bonds as/bound. 12283/12667
Act_25:14...........left/in bonds by/Felix. 11136/12667
Col_4:3.............also/in bonds That I/may 11997/12667
Eph_6:20......ambassador/in bonds that therein/I 11844/12667
Neh_8:14...........dwell/in booths in/the... 5374/12667
Lev_23:42..........dwell/in booths seven/days 1403/12667
Lev_23:42..........dwell/in booths That/your 1404/12667
Lev_23:43..........dwell/in booths when/I... 1405/12667
Num_27:21...........come/in both he/and..... 1750/12667
Exo_36:29...........them/in both the/corners 1051/12667 both which/I... 12389/12667 bowls/and....... 9415/12667
Isa_34:6.......sacrifice/in Bozrah/and...... 7360/12667 brass And he came/to 3631/12667
1Ki_7:14..........worker/in brass and he was/filled 3630/12667
Exo_31:4.............and/in brass And in cutting/of 970/12667
2Ch_2:7..............and/in brass and in iron/and 4694/12667
Exo_35:32............and/in brass And in the/cutting 1033/12667
Gen_4:22.......artificer/in brass and iron/and 35/12667
2Ch_2:14..........silver/in brass in/iron... 4704/12667
Eze_48:13.......thousand/in breadth all/the. 9058/12667
Eze_48:9........thousand/in breadth And for/them 9051/12667
Eze_48:8...........reeds/in breadth and in/length 9047/12667
Eze_48:10.......thousand/in breadth and toward the east/ten 9053/12667
Eze_48:10.......thousand/in breadth and toward the south/five 9054/12667
1Ki_6:20..........cubits/in breadth and twenty/cubits 3618/12667
Eze_45:2.........hundred/in breadth square/round 9009/12667
Luk_24:35...........them/in breaking of bread And as/they 10595/12667
Act_2:42.............and/in breaking of bread and in/prayers 10866/12667
Eze_16:59...........oath/in breaking the/covenant 8564/12667
Exo_1:14.............and/in brick/and........ 603/12667 bright/clothing 10982/12667
Job_31:26........walking/in brightness/And.. 5756/12667
2Sa_19:43............had/in bringing back/our 3445/12667
Heb_2:10..........things/in bringing many/sons 12207/12667
Eze_20:9............them/in bringing them/forth 8604/12667
Eze_23:21..........youth/in bruising/thy.... 8686/12667
Ezr_4:4.............them/in building And hired/counsellors 5248/12667
Joh_2:20..........temple/in building and wilt/thou 10618/12667
Ezr_5:16............been/in building and yet/it 5269/12667 building if/thou 3612/12667
1Ki_6:38...........years/in building it/But. 3625/12667
1Ki_6:7..............was/in building The/door 3610/12667
1Ki_6:7..............was/in building was/built 3608/12667 building you/an. 2510/12667
Mat_13:30...........them/in bundles/to...... 9917/12667
Isa_14:20...........them/in burial/because.. 7170/12667
Psa_51:16............not/in burnt offering/The 6149/12667
1Sa_15:22........delight/in burnt offerings and sacrifices as/in 3026/12667 burnt offerings and sacrifices for/sin 12258/12667
Rom_12:11.......slothful/in business/fervent 11279/12667
2Ch_15:5............came/in but great/vexations 4853/12667
Eze_46:9............came/in but shall/go.... 9033/12667
Exo_21:29............him/in but that/he...... 850/12667
1Sa_23:7............shut/in by entering/into 3133/12667
Exo_21:3............came/in by himself/he.... 846/12667
Eze_44:2...........enter/in by it because/the 8983/12667
Eze_44:2.........entered/in by it therefore/it 8984/12667
Joh_10:2........entereth/in by the door/is. 10705/12667 by the gates of Jerusalem/Neither 7806/12667
Jer_22:4...........enter/in by the gates of this/house 7846/12667
Eze_46:9........entereth/in by the way of the north/gate 9032/12667
Eze_46:8..............go/in by the way of the porch/of 9030/12667
Jer_22:2...........enter/in by these gates Thus saith the LORD Execute/ye 7844/12667
Jer_17:20..........enter/in by these gates Thus saith the LORD Take/heed 7805/12667 Caesarea/called 10974/12667
2Ch_35:13............and/in caldrons/and.... 5193/12667
1Ch_2:24............dead/in Calebephratah/then 4445/12667
Eze_23:19......whoredoms/in calling/to...... 8684/12667
Jdg_10:5..........buried/in Camon/And....... 2686/12667
Joh_2:11...........Jesus/in Cana of Galilee and manifested/forth 10615/12667
Joh_2:1.........marriage/in Cana of Galilee and the/mother 10614/12667
Luk_4:23............done/in Capernaum do/also 10326/12667
Joh_6:59..........taught/in Capernaum Many/therefore 10670/12667
Mat_4:13...........dwelt/in Capernaum which/is 9794/12667
2Ch_29:9.............are/in captivity/for... 5063/12667
Jer_46:2.......Euphrates/in Carchemish/which 8178/12667
1Sa_25:2............were/in Carmel and/the.. 3161/12667
1Sa_25:7............were/in Carmel Ask/thy.. 3167/12667
2Ch_26:10............and/in Carmel for/he... 5020/12667
1Sa_25:2...........sheep/in Carmel Now/the.. 3162/12667
Rom_15:27...........them/in carnal/things.. 11308/12667
Exo_31:5.............and/in carving of timber/to 972/12667
Exo_35:33............and/in carving of wood/to 1035/12667 cattle/in........ 101/12667 causing/you..... 7920/12667
1Sa_13:6......themselves/in caves and/in.... 2989/12667
Job_30:6.........valleys/in caves of/the.... 5742/12667
1Sa_12:23...........LORD/in ceasing/to...... 2979/12667
Jer_22:15........thyself/in cedar/did....... 7849/12667
Act_18:18...........head/in Cenchrea/for... 11072/12667
Jer_40:1...........bound/in chains among/all 8106/12667
Eze_19:9............ward/in chains and brought/him 8591/12667
Jer_52:11............him/in chains and carried/him 8302/12667
Isa_45:14...........thee/in chains they/shall 7457/12667
Nah_3:10...........bound/in chains Thou/also 9542/12667
Rom_13:13............not/in chambering/and. 11292/12667
Num_4:27............them/in charge all/their 1508/12667
1Ti_5:7.............give/in charge that/they 12121/12667
1Ch_19:18.........fought/in chariots and forty/thousand 4589/12667
Isa_66:20............and/in chariots and in/litters 7607/12667
Jer_22:4..........riding/in chariots and on horses he/and 7847/12667
Jer_17:25.........riding/in chariots and on horses they/and 7808/12667 chariots and some/in 5951/12667 chariots because/they 7339/12667 charity in patience/The 12169/12667
1Ti_4:12....conversation/in charity in spirit/in 12111/12667
Act_7:4............dwelt/in Charran and from/thence 10909/12667
Act_7:2............dwelt/in Charran And said/unto 10908/12667
Eze_27:24............and/in chests/of....... 8749/12667
1Ti_2:15...........saved/in childbearing/if 12093/12667
Zec_7:1.............even/in Chisleu/When.... 9649/12667
Mar_4:19........entering/in choke/the...... 10102/12667
1Sa_30:30...........were/in Chorashan/and... 3240/12667 Christ above/fourteen 11653/12667
Eph_1:3...........places/in Christ According/as 11744/12667 Christ And as/he 11133/12667
Rom_12:5............body/in Christ and every/one 11277/12667 Christ and hath/anointed 11510/12667
1Ti_2:7............truth/in Christ and lie/not 12086/12667
2Co_2:14.........triumph/in Christ and maketh/manifest 11518/12667
Rom_16:9..........helper/in Christ and Stachys/my 11318/12667
Php_1:13...........bonds/in Christ are manifest/in 11857/12667
1Co_15:18.........asleep/in Christ are perished/If 11464/12667 Christ as I/teach 11362/12667 Christ As ye/have 11958/12667
Rom_16:7............were/in Christ before/me 11316/12667
Eph_1:10..........things/in Christ both/which 11753/12667
2Co_3:14............away/in Christ But even/unto 11531/12667
Gal_1:22............were/in Christ But they/had 11684/12667
2Co_12:19............God/in Christ but we/do 11671/12667
Eph_3:6..........promise/in Christ by/the.. 11797/12667
2Co_2:17..............we/in Christ Do/we... 11523/12667 Christ For if/he 11620/12667
1Pe_3:16....conversation/in Christ For it/is 12348/12667 Christ he/is... 11553/12667
1Co_3:1............babes/in Christ I have/fed 11350/12667
Rom_9:1............truth/in Christ I lie/not 11250/12667
Php_2:1......consolation/in Christ if/any.. 11874/12667
Eph_1:12.........trusted/in Christ In/whom. 11757/12667 Christ Jesus All/scripture 12157/12667
1Co_16:24............all/in Christ Jesus Amen Paul/an 11491/12667
1Pe_5:14.............are/in Christ Jesus Amen Simon/Peter 12365/12667
Php_3:3..........rejoice/in Christ Jesus and have/no 11899/12667 Christ Jesus And if/ye 11709/12667 Christ Jesus and of/the 11925/12667 Christ Jesus And the/things 12148/12667 Christ Jesus before/the 12139/12667
1Co_1:2.......sanctified/in Christ Jesus called/to 11325/12667
1Th_5:18.............God/in Christ Jesus concerning/you 12056/12667 Christ Jesus For as/many 11708/12667 Christ Jesus For we/have 12184/12667
1Th_2:14.............are/in Christ Jesus for ye/also 12030/12667
Eph_1:1.........faithful/in Christ Jesus Grace/be 11742/12667 Christ Jesus hath/made 11233/12667
1Co_4:15.............for/in Christ Jesus I/have 11360/12667
Php_3:14.............God/in Christ Jesus Let/us 11905/12667
Phl_1:23..fellowprisoner/in Christ Jesus Marcus/Aristarchus 12196/12667
Gal_6:15.............For/in Christ Jesus neither/circumcision 11740/12667
1Co_15:31...........have/in Christ Jesus our Lord I die/daily 11472/12667 Christ Jesus our Lord I say/the 11249/12667
Eph_3:11........purposed/in Christ Jesus our Lord In/whom 11800/12667
2Ti_3:12...........godly/in Christ Jesus shall/suffer 12155/12667 Christ Jesus That good/thing 12141/12667
Eph_2:6...........places/in Christ Jesus That in/the 11777/12667
Gal_2:4.............have/in Christ Jesus that they/might 11690/12667
Php_4:21...........saint/in Christ Jesus The/brethren 11923/12667 Christ Jesus These/things 12099/12667 Christ Jesus This/is 12080/12667 Christ Jesus To/Timothy 12132/12667
Eph_2:10.........created/in Christ Jesus unto/good 11780/12667
Col_1:28.........perfect/in Christ Jesus Whereunto/I 11951/12667
Php_1:1...........saints/in Christ Jesus which/are 11847/12667
Php_2:5.............also/in Christ Jesus Who being/in 11877/12667
Rom_16:3.........helpers/in Christ Jesus Who have/for 11314/12667 Christ Jesus who of/God 11339/12667
Rom_8:1..............are/in Christ Jesus who walk/not 11232/12667 Christ Jesus Whom/God 11191/12667 Christ Jesus with/eternal 12150/12667 Christ Jesus ye/who 11786/12667
2Co_5:19.............was/in Christ reconciling/the 11554/12667
Rom_16:10.......approved/in Christ Salute/them 11319/12667 Christ shall all/be 11468/12667
1Th_4:16............dead/in Christ shall rise/first 12046/12667
Gal_3:17.............God/in Christ the/law. 11706/12667
Phl_1:8.............bold/in Christ to/enjoin 12186/12667
1Co_15:19...........hope/in Christ we are of/all 11466/12667
1Co_4:10............wise/in Christ we are weak/but 11358/12667
Eph_1:20.........wrought/in Christ when/he. 11764/12667
Col_1:2.........brethren/in Christ which/are 11924/12667
1Co_4:15.....instructers/in Christ yet/have 11359/12667 Christ's/stead. 11555/12667 Cilicia a/citizen 11106/12667 Cilicia yet/brought 11110/12667
1Sa_7:16............year/in circuit/to...... 2948/12667
Rom_4:10.............Not/in circumcision but/in 11196/12667
Rom_4:10.............was/in circumcision or/in 11194/12667
Luk_12:3.............ear/in closets/shall.. 10427/12667
2Co_11:27..........often/in cold and/nakedness 11650/12667
Pro_25:20........garment/in cold weather/and 6872/12667 colour/to....... 9222/12667
Jdg_5:28............long/in coming/why...... 2609/12667
Exo_34:32...........them/in commandment all/that 1019/12667
Exo_25:22...........thee/in commandment unto the/children 896/12667
Deu_1:3..............him/in commandment unto them/After 1849/12667
Psa_55:14............God/in company Let/death 6165/12667
Job_34:8...........goeth/in company with/the 5773/12667
Hag_2:3.............eyes/in comparison of it/as 9610/12667 comparison of you Is/not 2641/12667 comparison of you Then/their 2642/12667
2Ch_4:2............round/in compass/and..... 4723/12667
Act_13:27...........them/in condemning/him. 11013/12667
Gal_2:6.........somewhat/in conference/added 11691/12667
Isa_30:15............and/in confidence/shall 7328/12667
Psa_139:16.........which/in continuance/were 6635/12667
Eze_44:24............And/in controversy/they 8999/12667
1Ti_4:12............word/in conversation/in 12110/12667
Job_36:8..........holden/in cords/of........ 5787/12667
Act_10:25.........coming/in Cornelius/met.. 10979/12667
1Co_15:42...........sown/in corruption/it.. 11474/12667
Isa_28:29......wonderful/in counsel and excellent/in 7307/12667
Jer_32:19..........Great/in counsel and mighty/in 7974/12667
Pro_22:20.........things/in counsels/and.... 6848/12667
2Co_4:2..........walking/in craftiness/nor. 11533/12667
Tit_1:5.............thee/in Crete/that..... 12163/12667
2Ch_2:14.............and/in crimson/also.... 4711/12667
Exo_31:5.............And/in cutting/of....... 971/12667
1Ki_11:24........reigned/in Damascus And/he. 3721/12667
1Ki_20:34...........thee/in Damascus as/my.. 3915/12667
Amo_3:12.............and/in Damascus in/a... 9392/12667
2Co_11:32............not/In Damascus the/governor 11651/12667
2Pe_2:1............bring/in damnable/heresies 12379/12667
2Ki_10:29...........were/in Dan And the/LORD 4108/12667
1Ki_12:29.............he/in Dan And this/thing 3744/12667
1Sa_21:11............him/in dances saying Saul hath/slain 3113/12667
1Sa_29:5.........another/in dances saying Saul slew/his 3216/12667 dances then/come 2836/12667 danger of eternal/damnation 10096/12667 danger of hell/fire 9812/12667 danger of the council/but 9811/12667 danger of the judgment and/whosoever 9810/12667 danger of the judgment But/I 9809/12667
Act_19:40............are/in danger to be called/in 11089/12667 danger to be set/at 11085/12667
Dan_2:25.........brought/in Daniel/before... 9088/12667 dark places/as.. 8355/12667
Num_12:8.............not/in dark speeches/and 1583/12667
Psa_82:5..............on/in darkness all/the 6341/12667
Rom_2:19.............are/in darkness An/instructor 11182/12667
Isa_50:10........walketh/in darkness and hath/no 7497/12667
Ecc_5:17..........eateth/in darkness and he/hath 6968/12667
Ecc_6:4........departeth/in darkness and his/name 6972/12667
Ecc_2:14.........walketh/in darkness and I/myself 6939/12667
Joh_12:46..........abide/in darkness And if/any 10735/12667
Psa_107:10...........sit/in darkness and in the shadow of death being/bound 6490/12667
Luk_1:79.............sit/in darkness and in the shadow of death to/guide 10274/12667
1Jn_2:11.........walketh/in darkness and knoweth/not 12419/12667
Joh_1:5..........shineth/in darkness and the/darkness 10607/12667
Deu_28:29........gropeth/in darkness and thou/shalt 2203/12667 darkness and walketh/in 12418/12667
Psa_143:3..........dwell/in darkness as/those 6652/12667
Joh_8:12............walk/in darkness but/shall 10688/12667 darkness even/until 12415/12667
1Sa_2:9...........silent/in darkness for/by. 2903/12667
Isa_9:2...........walked/in darkness have/seen 7121/12667
Psa_88:6.............pit/in darkness in/the. 6365/12667
Joh_12:35........walketh/in darkness knoweth/not 10733/12667
Psa_91:6.........walketh/in darkness nor/for 6403/12667
Isa_42:7.............sit/in darkness out/of. 7430/12667
Mat_4:16.............sat/in darkness saw/great 9796/12667
Luk_12:3..........spoken/in darkness shall/be 10424/12667
Isa_49:9.............are/in darkness Shew/yourselves 7490/12667 darkness that speak/ye 9866/12667
1Th_5:4..............not/in darkness that that/day 12050/12667
Mic_7:8..............sit/in darkness the/LORD 9516/12667
Isa_59:9............walk/in darkness We grope/for 7543/12667
1Jn_1:6.............walk/in darkness we lie/and 12403/12667
1Sa_19:2............much/in David and Jonathan/told 3074/12667
2Ch_10:16.............we/in David and we/have 4810/12667
2Sa_20:1............part/in David neither have we inheritance in the son of Jesse every/man 3446/12667
1Ki_12:16.............we/in David neither have we inheritance in the son of Jesse to/your 3737/12667
2Sa_19:43..........right/in David than/ye... 3444/12667
Heb_4:7...........saying/in David To/day... 12230/12667
Job_27:15.........buried/in death and/his... 5726/12667
2Sa_15:21........whether/in death or/life... 3389/12667
Psa_6:5..............For/in death there/is.. 5866/12667
1Jn_3:14.........abideth/in death Whosoever/hateth 12436/12667
2Co_11:23.......frequent/in deaths/oft..... 11632/12667
1Sa_22:2.............was/in debt/and........ 3118/12667
Mar_5:20.........publish/in Decapolis/how.. 10116/12667
Lev_25:35.........fallen/in decay/with...... 1439/12667
1Jn_3:18.............but/in deed and in/truth 12441/12667
Luk_24:19.........mighty/in deed and word/before 10591/12667
2Co_10:11...........also/in deed when/we... 11614/12667
Act_7:22.............and/in deeds/And...... 10922/12667
Psa_69:2............sink/in deep/mire....... 6245/12667
1Co_2:4..............but/in demonstration/of 11344/12667
Heb_11:38............and/in dens/and....... 12279/12667
Gen_35:18............was/in departing for/she 355/12667
Heb_3:12........unbelief/in departing from/the 12221/12667
Psa_59:8.........heathen/in derision Because/of 6190/12667 derision daily/every 7831/12667 derision For/was 8202/12667
Eze_23:32............had/in derision it/containeth 8688/12667
Psa_2:4.............them/in derision Then/shall 5840/12667 derision whose/fathers 5738/12667
Psa_119:51.......greatly/in derision yet/have 6566/12667
Mar_1:45.........without/in desert/places.. 10087/12667
Heb_11:38.......wandered/in deserts/and.... 12277/12667
Job_15:28.......dwelleth/in desolate cities/and 5651/12667
Isa_59:10............are/in desolate places/as 7545/12667
2Co_4:8..............not/in despair/Persecuted 11539/12667 destruction and/perdition 12123/12667
Psa_88:11...faithfulness/in destruction Shall/thy 6368/12667
Num_33:45........pitched/in Dibongad/And.... 1820/12667
1Co_15:43...........sown/in dishonour/it... 11476/12667
1Sa_22:2.............was/in distress and every/one 3117/12667
Jdg_11:7.............are/in distress And the/elders 2696/12667
Psa_4:1..............was/in distress have/mercy 5846/12667 distress my/bowels 8333/12667
Psa_118:5...........LORD/in distress the/LORD 6535/12667
2Co_12:10...persecutions/in distresses for/Christ's 11664/12667
2Co_6:4......necessities/in distresses In/stripes 11565/12667
Heb_1:1..............and/in divers manners/spake 12197/12667
Mat_24:7.....earthquakes/in divers places All/these 10012/12667 divers places and famines/and 10540/12667
Mar_13:8.....earthquakes/in divers places and there/shall 10206/12667 doctrine/shewing 12173/12667
1Ki_16:19.........sinned/in doing evil/in... 3847/12667
2Ki_21:16............sin/in doing that/which 4328/12667
1Ti_4:16.............for/in doing this/thou 12117/12667
Deu_9:18..........sinned/in doing wickedly/in 1980/12667
Num_33:12.......encamped/in Dophkah/And..... 1794/12667
Gen_37:17...........them/in Dothan And/when.. 385/12667 Dothan Therefore/sent 4033/12667
Deu_28:66...........hang/in doubt before/thee 2225/12667
Gal_4:20...........stand/in doubt of/you... 11717/12667
Act_2:12............were/in doubt saying/one 10854/12667
Col_2:16..............or/in drink/or....... 11970/12667
Isa_58:11...........soul/in drought/and..... 7536/12667
Lev_26:4............rain/in due season and/the 1446/12667
Luk_12:42...........meat/in due season Blessed is that servant whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing Of/a 10435/12667
Mat_24:45...........meat/in due season Blessed is that servant whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing Verily/I 10028/12667 due season for/strength 7008/12667
Pro_15:23.........spoken/in due season how/good 6798/12667
Psa_104:27..........meat/in due season That/thou 6452/12667
Psa_145:15..........meat/in due season Thou/openest 6661/12667
Gal_6:9..............for/in due season we/shall 11736/12667 due time Casting/all 12361/12667
Rom_5:6.........strength/in due time Christ/died 11205/12667
Deu_32:35..........slide/in due time for/the 2284/12667
1Ti_2:6........testified/in due time Whereunto/I 12085/12667
Tit_1:3.............hath/in due times/manifested 12162/12667
Job_42:6..........repent/in dust and ashes/And 5827/12667
Job_39:14...........them/in dust And forgetteth/that 5814/12667
Isa_26:19..........dwell/in dust for/thy.... 7281/12667
Eze_23:15......exceeding/in dyed/attire..... 8683/12667 earing/time..... 1013/12667
Php_2:10..........things/in earth and/things 11882/12667
Mat_6:10............done/in earth as it/is.. 9827/12667
1Co_8:5...............or/in earth as there/be 11394/12667
Jos_2:11.............and/in earth beneath/Now 2323/12667 earth Give/us.. 10408/12667
Mat_28:18............and/in earth Go/ye.... 10071/12667
Psa_135:6............and/in earth in/the.... 6614/12667
Rev_5:3..............nor/in earth neither/under 12541/12667
Col_1:20..........things/in earth or/things 11941/12667
Deu_3:24..............or/in earth that/can.. 1902/12667
1Jn_5:8..........witness/in earth the/Spirit 12467/12667
Col_1:16.............are/in earth visible/and 11938/12667
Dan_6:27.............and/in earth who/hath.. 9174/12667
2Co_4:7.........treasure/in earthen/vessels 11538/12667
1Co_11:21............For/in eating every/one 11419/12667
1Sa_14:34...........LORD/in eating with/the. 3014/12667
Gen_2:8.........eastward/in Eden and/there.... 18/12667
Eze_28:13...........been/in Eden the/garden. 8769/12667
1Ki_22:47...........king/in Edom a/deputy... 3964/12667 Edom according/to 8713/12667
1Ch_18:13......garrisons/in Edom and all/the 4579/12667
1Ki_11:15............was/in Edom and Joab/the 3713/12667
Jer_40:11............and/in Edom and that/were 8114/12667
Gen_36:32........reigned/in Edom and the/name 369/12667
1Ki_11:14...........seed/in Edom For it/came 3712/12667
1Ki_11:15...........male/in Edom For six/months 3714/12667
1Ki_11:16...........male/in Edom That/Hadad. 3715/12667
2Sa_8:14.......garrisons/in Edom throughout/all 3330/12667
Deu_1:4.........Astaroth/in Edrei On/this... 1851/12667
Jos_13:12............and/in Edrei who/remained 2440/12667
Num_20:15..........dwelt/in Egypt a/long.... 1672/12667
Exo_1:5..............was/in Egypt already/And 601/12667
Jos_9:9..............did/in Egypt And all/that 2394/12667
Exo_3:7..............are/in Egypt and have/heard 615/12667
Neh_9:9..........fathers/in Egypt and heardest/their 5386/12667
Psa_78:43..........signs/in Egypt and his/wonders 6323/12667 Egypt and I have heard/their 10927/12667 Egypt And I have said/I 616/12667
Act_2:10.......Pamphylia/in Egypt and in the parts/of 10851/12667
Num_14:22............did/in Egypt and in the wilderness/and 1607/12667
Exo_10:2.........wrought/in Egypt and my/signs 696/12667
Gen_45:13..........glory/in Egypt and of/all. 524/12667 Egypt and publish/in 8182/12667
Exo_4:18.............are/in Egypt and see/whether 626/12667
Jos_24:14............and/in Egypt and serve/ye 2536/12667
Num_26:59...........Levi/in Egypt and she/bare 1734/12667
Deu_6:21.........bondmen/in Egypt and the LORD brought/us 1957/12667
Deu_24:18........bondman/in Egypt and the LORD thy/God 2158/12667
Jer_42:16..........there/in Egypt and there/ye 8131/12667
Num_13:22...........Zoan/in Egypt And they came/unto 1592/12667
Eze_30:19......judgments/in Egypt and they shall know/that 8809/12667
Eze_30:4............fall/in Egypt and they shall take/away 8795/12667
Deu_16:12........bondman/in Egypt and thou/shalt 2062/12667 Egypt and when/all 8800/12667
Jos_24:7............done/in Egypt and ye/dwelt 2531/12667 Egypt before your eyes And/in 1863/12667 Egypt before your eyes Unto/thee 1920/12667
Gen_42:3............corn/in Egypt But Benjamin/Joseph's 478/12667
Gen_47:29...........thee/in Egypt But I/will. 560/12667
Heb_11:26......treasures/in Egypt for he/had 12274/12667
Exo_12:30............cry/in Egypt for there/was 738/12667 Egypt freely/the 1563/12667
Jer_46:19.......dwelling/in Egypt furnish/thyself 8186/12667
Gen_42:2............corn/in Egypt get/you.... 477/12667
Exo_14:11.........graves/in Egypt hast/thou.. 762/12667
Gen_50:22..........dwelt/in Egypt he and/his. 598/12667
Act_7:12............corn/in Egypt he sent/out 10915/12667
1Ki_12:2.............yet/in Egypt heard/of.. 3735/12667
1Sa_2:27............were/in Egypt in/Pharaoh's 2908/12667
Gen_42:1............corn/in Egypt Jacob/said. 476/12667
Gen_50:26.........coffin/in Egypt Now/these.. 600/12667
Mat_2:19..........Joseph/in Egypt Saying Arise/and 9782/12667
Exo_14:12...........thee/in Egypt saying Let/us 764/12667 Egypt Sin/shall. 8807/12667
Exo_9:18............been/in Egypt since/the.. 685/12667
1Ki_11:21..........heard/in Egypt that David/slept 3719/12667
1Ki_12:2...........dwelt/in Egypt That they/sent 3736/12667
Psa_78:51......firstborn/in Egypt the/chief. 6325/12667 Egypt therefore/the 1573/12667
Eze_23:3.......whoredoms/in Egypt they committed/whoredoms 8677/12667
Psa_106:7........wonders/in Egypt they remembered/not 6471/12667
Act_7:17......multiplied/in Egypt Till/another 10917/12667
1Ki_11:40............was/in Egypt until/the. 3730/12667
Exo_12:40..........dwelt/in Egypt was/four... 742/12667
Gen_46:27............him/in Egypt were/two... 532/12667
Exo_12:27.........Israel/in Egypt when/he.... 734/12667
2Ch_10:2.............was/in Egypt whither/he 4809/12667
Psa_106:21........things/in Egypt Wondrous/works 6477/12667
2Ch_29:17...........LORD/in eight/days...... 5066/12667
Jer_49:38.........throne/in Elam/and........ 8231/12667
Num_33:9.............and/in Elim/were....... 1792/12667
Num_35:21.............Or/in enmity/smite.... 1837/12667
1Sa_17:1..........Azekah/in Ephesdammim/And. 3035/12667
2Ch_31:1........Benjamin/in Ephraim/also.... 5089/12667
Rut_4:11........worthily/in Ephratah/and.... 2886/12667
Ecc_2:21.............and/in equity/yet...... 6945/12667 error/While.... 12386/12667
1Sa_30:28...........were/in Eshtemoa/And.... 3235/12667
Exo_13:20.......encamped/in Etham in/the..... 756/12667
Num_33:6.........pitched/in Etham which/is.. 1788/12667 Ethiopia/when... 8794/12667
Jud_1:6.........reserved/in everlasting chains/under 12491/12667 everlasting remembrance/He 6519/12667
Dan_9:24...........bring/in everlasting righteousness/and 9214/12667
Act_14:23.........elders/in every church and/had 11033/12667
1Co_4:17...........where/in every church Now/some 11363/12667
Tit_1:5...........elders/in every city as/I 12165/12667
Act_20:23.....witnesseth/in every city saying/that 11100/12667
Act_15:21...........hath/in every city them/that 11035/12667
Est_8:11............were/in every city to/gather 5542/12667
Act_15:36.......brethren/in every city where/we 11040/12667
Est_8:17.............and/in every city whithersoever/the 5547/12667
2Ch_28:24.........altars/in every corner of Jerusalem/And 5050/12667
Eze_46:21.........behold/in every corner of the/court 9039/12667
Dan_6:26............That/in every dominion/of 9172/12667
2Th_3:17...........token/in every epistle/so 12076/12667
Deu_26:11........rejoice/in every good thing/which 2176/12667 every good word/and 12072/12667
Col_1:10........fruitful/in every good work and/increasing 11933/12667
Heb_13:21........perfect/in every good work to/do 12287/12667
2Ki_17:10.........groves/in every high/hill. 4254/12667
Act_5:42.............and/in every house/they 10902/12667
Zep_3:19............fame/in every land/where 9594/12667
1Co_8:7..............not/in every man/that. 11396/12667
Jdg_7:16.........trumpet/in every man's/hand 2634/12667
Act_10:35............But/in every nation/he 10986/12667
Zep_2:15............down/in every one/that.. 9582/12667
Pro_15:3.............are/in every place beholding/the 6793/12667
1Co_1:2.............that/in every place call/upon 11326/12667 every place For/we 11519/12667
Mal_1:11.............and/in every place incense/shall 9745/12667
Deu_12:13......offerings/in every place that/thou 2022/12667
Amo_8:3...........bodies/in every place they/shall 9426/12667
Isa_30:32............And/in every place where/the 7337/12667 every place ye/and 1654/12667
1Th_1:8.............also/in every place your/faith 12020/12667
Php_1:4...........Always/in every prayer/of 11848/12667
Est_8:17.............And/in every province and/in 5546/12667
Est_8:13...........given/in every province was published unto all people and/that 5544/12667
Est_3:14...........given/in every province was published unto all people that/they 5507/12667
Est_4:3..............And/in every province whithersoever/the 5509/12667
2Ch_11:12............And/in every several city he/put 4819/12667
2Ch_28:25............And/in every several city of/Judah 5051/12667
2Ch_31:19.........cities/in every several city the/men 5109/12667 every street and/hast 8547/12667 every street Thou/hast 8543/12667
Lev_11:34..........drunk/in every such/vessel 1180/12667
Act_26:11............oft/in every synagogue and/compelled 11140/12667
Act_22:19...........beat/in every synagogue them/that 11114/12667
Php_4:6..............but/in every thing by/prayer 11914/12667
1Th_5:18.........ceasing/In every thing give/thanks 12055/12667
Eph_5:24........husbands/in every thing Husbands/love 11833/12667
2Co_8:7...........abound/in every thing in/faith 11592/12667
2Co_9:11........enriched/in every thing to/all 11608/12667
1Co_1:5.............That/in every thing ye/are 11327/12667
Deu_30:9.......plenteous/in every work of/thine 2244/12667
2Ch_31:21............And/in every work that/he 5110/12667
Isa_19:14............err/in every work thereof/as 7206/12667
Exo_5:19............were/in evil/case........ 638/12667
Mat_16:26...........give/in exchange for his soul For/the 9947/12667
Mar_8:37............give/in exchange for his soul Whosoever/therefore 10152/12667
Gen_47:17..........bread/in exchange for horses/and 552/12667
2Ki_10:30...........well/in executing/that.. 4109/12667
Est_9:1..............put/in execution/in.... 5549/12667
Luk_3:15............were/in expectation/and 10312/12667
2Ch_20:36..........ships/in Eziongaber/Then. 4932/12667
1Ki_9:26...........ships/in Eziongeber/which 3689/12667
1Ti_2:15........continue/in faith and charity/and 12094/12667 faith and heirs/of 12304/12667 faith and love/which 12140/12667
2Co_8:7............thing/in faith and utterance/and 11593/12667
1Ti_2:7.........Gentiles/in faith and verity/I 12087/12667
Rom_4:20..........strong/in faith giving/glory 11201/12667
Rom_4:19............weak/in faith he/considered 11200/12667
Tit_2:2............sound/in faith in charity/in 12168/12667
1Ti_4:12..........spirit/in faith in purity/Till 12113/12667
Heb_11:13...........died/in faith not/having 12271/12667
Jam_1:6..............ask/in faith nothing/wavering 12291/12667 faith so/do.... 12078/12667 faithfulness and/thou 9267/12667
Psa_119:75..........thou/in faithfulness hast/afflicted 6571/12667
Jer_13:25........trusted/in falsehood/Therefore 7761/12667
Psa_68:6........solitary/in families/he..... 6229/12667
Job_5:20............thee/In famine he/shall. 5600/12667
Psa_33:19..........alive/in famine Our/soul. 6038/12667 far/countries... 9687/12667
Php_2:8............found/in fashion/as..... 11880/12667
2Co_6:5........watchings/in fastings By/pureness 11571/12667
2Co_11:27.........thirst/in fastings often/in 11649/12667
Isa_55:2..........itself/in fatness/Incline. 7520/12667
1Sa_2:26.............was/in favour both/with 2907/12667
Luk_2:52.............and/in favour with/God 10307/12667
1Co_2:3..............and/in fear and/in.... 11342/12667 fear Forasmuch/as 12329/12667 fear Now/it..... 5365/12667
Psa_9:20............them/in fear O/LORD..... 5890/12667 fear So/the..... 5358/12667
Psa_35:16........mockers/in feasts/they..... 6050/12667
Lev_6:2...............or/in fellowship/or... 1116/12667
Job_36:8...........bound/in fetters and be/holden 5786/12667
Luk_8:29.............and/in fetters and he/brake 10378/12667
2Ch_36:6.............him/in fetters to/carry 5213/12667 few words Know/ye 12290/12667
Eph_3:3............afore/in few words Whereby/when 11794/12667
1Sa_20:34..........table/in fierce/anger.... 3103/12667
Neh_6:15............Elul/in fifty/and....... 5360/12667
Heb_11:34........valiant/in fight/turned... 12275/12667 fine flax/and... 7203/12667
2Ch_2:14.............and/in fine linen and in/crimson 4710/12667
Exo_35:35............and/in fine linen and of/the 1040/12667
Rev_18:16........clothed/in fine linen and purple/and 12627/12667
Rev_19:8.........arrayed/in fine linen clean/and 12639/12667
Rev_19:14........clothed/in fine linen white/and 12643/12667 fire and/the..... 835/12667 fire by/night... 1869/12667
2Ki_17:31.......children/in fire to/Adrammelech 4266/12667
Act_20:6...........Troas/in five/days...... 11091/12667
2Th_1:8...........angels/In flaming/fire... 12061/12667
Eze_44:9...uncircumcised/in flesh shall/enter 8993/12667
Dan_1:15..........fatter/in flesh than/all.. 9073/12667
Eze_44:7...uncircumcised/in flesh to/be..... 8989/12667
2Co_3:3..............but/in fleshy/tables.. 11526/12667
2Ch_2:16............thee/in floats by/sea... 4712/12667
1Ki_5:9..............sea/in floats unto/the. 3598/12667
1Ki_21:26.....abominably/in following idols/according 3936/12667
Jdg_2:19.........fathers/in following other/gods 2571/12667
Ecc_5:4.........pleasure/in fools/pay....... 6962/12667
1Ki_8:13...........abide/in for ever/And.... 3649/12667
Rom_11:23........graffed/in for God/is..... 11269/12667
1Ch_17:4...........dwell/in For I/have...... 4567/12667
Isa_65:10...........down/in for my people/that 7591/12667
Job_3:23..........hedged/in For my sighing/cometh 5585/12667
Deu_28:38.........little/in for the/locust.. 2208/12667
2Ch_23:6..............go/in for they/are.... 4963/12667
1Ki_1:42............Come/in for thou/art.... 3527/12667
Jdg_18:1...........dwell/in for unto/that... 2760/12667
Job_30:3......wilderness/in former time desolate/and 5740/12667
Rut_4:7...........manner/in former time in/Israel 2882/12667 former years/And 9759/12667
Jdg_9:34.........Shechem/in four companies/And 2673/12667
1Ch_9:24...........wards/In four quarters/were 4505/12667
Jer_50:39..........dwelt/in from generation to generation As/God 8251/12667
Isa_13:20..........dwelt/in from generation to generation neither/shall 7158/12667
Gen_27:30...........came/in from his/hunting. 276/12667
1Ki_10:11........brought/in from Ophir/great 3696/12667
Isa_23:1........entering/in from the/land... 7239/12667
Psa_121:8.........coming/in from this/time.. 6587/12667
Heb_10:22..........heart/in full assurance/of 12261/12667
1Sa_18:27...........them/in full tale/to.... 3072/12667 full weight/and.. 502/12667
Eze_5:15.............and/in furious/rebukes. 8428/12667
Lev_26:28...........also/in fury and I/even. 1453/12667
Eze_5:15.............and/in fury and in furious/rebukes 8427/12667
Jer_21:5.............and/in fury and in great/wrath 7838/12667
Eze_16:38..........blood/in fury and jealousy/And 8552/12667
Jer_23:19..........forth/in fury even/a..... 7866/12667 fury mine/eye... 8460/12667
Eze_19:12.............up/in fury she/was.... 8594/12667
Joh_21:2............Cana/in Galilee and/the 10828/12667
Joh_7:9............still/in Galilee But/when 10676/12667
Mar_15:41............was/in Galilee followed/him 10236/12667
Joh_7:1...........walked/in Galilee for/he. 10672/12667
Jos_20:7..........Kedesh/in Galilee in/mount 2486/12667
Mat_17:22..........abode/in Galilee Jesus/said 9951/12667
Isa_9:1...........Jordan/in Galilee of/the.. 7120/12667
Luk_24:6.............yet/in Galilee Saying/The 10587/12667
1Ch_6:76..........Kedesh/in Galilee with her suburbs and/Hammon 4481/12667
Jos_21:32.........Kedesh/in Galilee with her suburbs to/be 2499/12667
Isa_65:3.....sacrificeth/in gardens/and..... 7585/12667
2Sa_21:22..........giant/in Gath and fell/by 3481/12667
Jos_11:22...........Gaza/in Gath and in/Ashdod 2420/12667 Gath And Shimei/arose 3549/12667
1Ch_20:8...........giant/in Gath and they/fell 4592/12667
2Sa_1:20.............not/in Gath publish/it. 3251/12667
2Sa_21:20.........battle/in Gath where/was.. 3479/12667
2Ch_20:25...........days/in gathering/of.... 4924/12667
Jos_11:22...........only/in Gaza/in......... 2419/12667
1Sa_13:3.............was/in Geba/and........ 2984/12667
Gen_20:1.......sojourned/in Gerar And Abraham/said 189/12667
Gen_26:6...........dwelt/in Gerar And the/men 264/12667
Jdg_1:29...........dwelt/in Gezer among/them 2561/12667
Jos_16:10..........dwelt/in Gezer but the Canaanites dwell/among 2465/12667
Jdg_1:29...........dwelt/in Gezer but the Canaanites dwelt/in 2560/12667
Hos_10:9..........battle/in Gibeah against/the 9309/12667
Hos_5:8...........cornet/in Gibeah and the/trumpet 9278/12667
2Sa_6:3..............was/in Gibeah and Uzzah/and 3304/12667
Jdg_19:15..........lodge/in Gibeah and when/he 2790/12667
Jdg_19:16......sojourned/in Gibeah but/the.. 2793/12667
1Sa_13:2........Jonathan/in Gibeah of Benjamin and/the 2983/12667
1Sa_13:16..........abode/in Gibeah of Benjamin but/the 2995/12667
1Sa_14:16...........Saul/in Gibeah of Benjamin looked/and 3007/12667
2Sa_21:6............LORD/in Gibeah of Saul/whom 3468/12667
Jdg_19:13..........night/in Gibeah or/in.... 2787/12667
Jdg_20:13............are/in Gibeah that/we.. 2803/12667
1Sa_22:6...........abode/in Gibeah under/a.. 3121/12667 Gibeon Amasa/went 3451/12667 Gibeon And/there 3261/12667
1Ch_9:35.............And/in Gibeon dwelt/the 4512/12667
Jer_41:12............are/in Gibeon Now/it... 8125/12667
1Ki_3:5............altar/In Gibeon the/LORD. 3554/12667
1Ki_1:45............king/in Gihon/and....... 3528/12667
2Sa_21:12...........Saul/in Gilboa And he/brought 3473/12667
1Sa_28:4.........pitched/in Gilboa And when/Saul 3208/12667
Jdg_10:17.......encamped/in Gilead And/the.. 2691/12667
1Ch_27:21.......Manasseh/in Gilead Iddo/the. 4649/12667
1Ch_5:16...........dwelt/in Gilead in/Bashan 4461/12667
1Ki_22:3..........Ramoth/in Gilead is ours/and 3941/12667
Jer_8:22............balm/in Gilead is there/no 7716/12667 Gilead Moreover/the 2689/12667
Deu_4:43..........Ramoth/in Gilead of/the... 1928/12667
Jos_20:8..........Ramoth/in Gilead out/of... 2491/12667
Hos_12:11.......iniquity/in Gilead surely/they 9328/12667
1Ki_4:13.............are/in Gilead to/him... 3582/12667
1Ch_6:80..........Ramoth/in Gilead with her suburbs and/Mahanaim 4483/12667
Jos_21:38.........Ramoth/in Gilead with her suburbs to/be 2500/12667
1Sa_13:7.............yet/in Gilgal and all/the 2994/12667
Jos_14:6..........Joshua/in Gilgal and Caleb/the 2453/12667
Jos_4:20...........pitch/in Gilgal And he/spake 2342/12667
Jos_5:10........encamped/in Gilgal and kept/the 2351/12667
1Sa_15:21............God/in Gilgal And Samuel/said 3025/12667
1Sa_11:15...........LORD/in Gilgal and there/they 2973/12667 Gilgal for/there 9306/12667
Jos_4:19........encamped/in Gilgal in/the... 2340/12667
1Sa_15:33...........LORD/in Gilgal Then/Samuel 3029/12667
Hos_12:11.......bullocks/in Gilgal yea/their 9329/12667
1Ki_5:9...........desire/in giving food/for. 3599/12667
Deu_10:18.......stranger/in giving him/food. 1996/12667
Rut_1:6...........people/in giving them/bread 2847/12667 glory and in/greatness 8834/12667
Luk_9:31........appeared/in glory and spake/of 10388/12667
Php_4:19..........riches/in glory by/Christ 11922/12667
Isa_14:18............lie/in glory every/one. 7168/12667
2Co_3:9...........exceed/in glory For/even. 11528/12667
1Co_15:43.........raised/in glory it/is.... 11477/12667
Psa_149:5.........joyful/in glory let/them.. 6683/12667
Col_3:4..............him/in glory Mortify/therefore 11977/12667 glory So/also.. 11473/12667
2Co_12:11...........fool/in glorying/ye.... 11665/12667
2Sa_21:19.........battle/in Gob/with........ 3478/12667
1Pe_3:5..........trusted/in God adorned/themselves 12344/12667
Joh_3:21.........wrought/in God After/these 10629/12667
1Ti_5:5.........trusteth/in God and continueth/in 12118/12667
1Jn_4:16........dwelleth/in God and God/in. 12460/12667
1Sa_23:16...........hand/in God And he/said. 3140/12667
Psa_78:7............hope/in God and not/forget 6301/12667
Psa_78:22............not/in God and trusted/not 6312/12667
1Jn_4:15..............he/in God And we/have 12458/12667
Joh_14:1.........believe/in God believe/also 10742/12667
Psa_63:11........rejoice/in God every/one... 6211/12667
Psa_42:5............thou/in God for I shall yet praise him for/the 6099/12667
Psa_42:11...........thou/in God for I shall yet praise him who is the health of my countenance and my God Judge/me 6103/12667
Psa_43:5............hope/in God for I shall yet praise him who is the health of my countenance and my God We/have 6104/12667 God For verily/I 10181/12667
Psa_56:11...........word/In God have/I...... 6177/12667
Psa_56:4............word/in God I have/put.. 6172/12667
Psa_56:4............thee/In God I will/praise 6171/12667
Psa_62:7...........moved/In God is/my....... 6200/12667
Mat_27:43........trusted/in God let/him.... 10063/12667
Tit_3:8.........believed/in God might/be... 12179/12667
Luk_1:47........rejoiced/in God my/Saviour. 10268/12667
2Th_1:1....Thessalonians/in God our/Father. 12057/12667 God Seeing/ye.. 12332/12667
Psa_3:2..............him/in God Selah/But... 5845/12667
1Pe_1:21.........believe/in God that/raised 12331/12667 God the/Father. 12008/12667 God through/our 11207/12667 God Trust/in.... 6201/12667 God we/boast.... 6109/12667
Col_3:3...........Christ/in God When/Christ 11976/12667
2Co_1:9..............but/in God which/raiseth 11500/12667
Eph_3:9..............hid/in God who/created 11798/12667 God will/I...... 6175/12667
Act_16:34......believing/in God with/all... 11051/12667
Neh_10:29...........walk/in God's law/which. 5410/12667
Job_33:6............wish/in God's stead I/also 5765/12667
Gen_30:2...............I/in God's stead who/hath 295/12667
Pro_30:29.........comely/in going A/lion.... 6919/12667
2Sa_2:19.............and/in going he/turned. 3262/12667
Gen_13:2.............and/in gold And he/went. 103/12667 gold and in silver and in brass And in cutting/of 968/12667 gold and in silver and in brass and in iron/and 4692/12667 gold and in silver and in brass And in the/cutting 1031/12667 gold and in silver in/brass 4702/12667 gold and of/silver 4416/12667 gold and that/which 8309/12667
Exo_28:20............set/in gold in/their.... 931/12667
Psa_45:9...........queen/in gold of/Ophir... 6114/12667 good health/he... 508/12667
Job_39:4.............are/in good liking/they 5811/12667 good works/ready 12130/12667
Jam_2:2.............ring/in goodly/apparel. 12299/12667
Exo_34:6........abundant/in goodness and/truth 1006/12667
2Ch_6:41.........rejoice/in goodness O/LORD. 4768/12667
Deu_28:11......plenteous/in goods/in........ 2193/12667
2Pe_3:18............grow/in grace/and...... 12400/12667 graven/images... 7433/12667
Rev_11:9.............put/in graves/And..... 12577/12667 great abundance And he/brought 3359/12667
Zec_14:14........apparel/in great abundance And so/shall 9735/12667
2Ch_4:18.........vessels/in great abundance for/the 4732/12667
Neh_1:3..............are/in great affliction/and 5323/12667
2Ch_25:10...........home/in great anger/And. 4997/12667
Ecc_10:6.............set/in great dignity/and 7005/12667
2Ch_24:25............him/in great diseases/his 4988/12667
Neh_9:37.............are/in great distress/And 5409/12667
Job_35:15............not/in great extremity/Therefore 5782/12667
Psa_14:5............they/in great fear for/God 5915/12667
Psa_53:5............they/in great fear where/no 6157/12667
Deu_29:28............and/in great indignation/and 2243/12667
Psa_131:1.........myself/in great matters/or 6603/12667
Psa_80:5...........drink/in great measure/Thou 6331/12667
Psa_37:35.........wicked/in great power/and. 6073/12667 great waters/These 6498/12667
Jer_32:37............and/in great wrath and I will bring/them 7984/12667
Jer_21:5.............and/in great wrath And I will smite/the 7839/12667
Eze_31:18............and/in greatness/among. 8835/12667
Psa_23:2............down/in green/pastures.. 5968/12667
1Th_2:3..............nor/in guile/But...... 12025/12667
2Ch_26:7...........dwelt/in Gurbaal/and..... 5013/12667
2Ki_18:11............and/in Habor by the river of Gozan and in the cities of the Medes Because/they 4277/12667
2Ki_17:6.............and/in Habor by the river of Gozan and in the cities of the Medes For/so 4250/12667
2Ki_18:11...........them/in Halah and in Habor by the river of Gozan and in the cities of the Medes Because/they 4276/12667
2Ki_17:6............them/in Halah and in Habor by the river of Gozan and in the cities of the Medes For/so 4249/12667
Gen_14:5..........Zuzims/in Ham/and.......... 116/12667
2Ch_8:4............built/in Hamath/Also..... 4777/12667
1Sa_20:19............was/in hand and/shalt.. 3099/12667
Pro_16:5............join/in hand he/shall... 6802/12667
Pro_11:21...........join/in hand the/wicked. 6765/12667
Luk_1:1............taken/in hand to/set.... 10244/12667
Num_33:24.......encamped/in Haradah/And..... 1801/12667
Gen_12:5..........gotten/in Haran and/they.... 97/12667
Gen_11:32...........died/in Haran Now/the..... 95/12667
Gen_35:17............was/in hard/labour...... 354/12667
Jdg_4:2............dwelt/in Harosheth/of.... 2583/12667 harvest and as/men 7123/12667
Pro_20:4.............beg/in harvest and have/nothing 6826/12667
Pro_10:5........sleepeth/in harvest is/a.... 6755/12667
Pro_26:1............rain/in harvest so/honour 6876/12667
Exo_34:21............and/in harvest thou/shalt 1014/12667
Num_33:29........pitched/in Hashmonah/And... 1804/12667
Exo_10:16..........Aaron/in haste and he/said 701/12667
Dan_2:25............king/in haste and said/thus 9089/12667
Dan_3:24..............up/in haste and spake/and 9106/12667 haste for/they... 739/12667 haste it/is...... 719/12667
Deu_16:3...........Egypt/in haste that/thou. 2056/12667
Ezr_4:23..............up/in haste to/Jerusalem 5259/12667
Dan_6:19............went/in haste unto/the.. 9167/12667
1Sa_4:14............came/in hastily/and..... 2933/12667
Luk_7:45............came/in hath/not....... 10369/12667 Hazazontamar/which 4910/12667
Deu_2:23...........dwelt/in Hazerim/even.... 1890/12667
Gen_14:7...........dwelt/in Hazezontamar/And. 119/12667
Jdg_4:2..........reigned/in Hazor/the....... 2582/12667
2Ki_9:34............come/in he did/eat...... 4091/12667
Mar_5:39............come/in he saith/unto.. 10123/12667
Jdg_19:15...........went/in he sat/him...... 2791/12667
Joh_10:9...........enter/in he shall be/saved 10706/12667
Exo_21:36............him/in he shall surely/pay 852/12667 health even/as. 12484/12667
2Sa_20:9............thou/in health my/brother 3453/12667
Psa_147:3.........broken/in heart and bindeth/up 6670/12667
Act_7:51...uncircumcised/in heart and ears/ye 10943/12667
Job_9:4.............wise/in heart and mighty/in 5620/12667
Eze_44:7...uncircumcised/in heart and uncircumcised/in 8988/12667
Mat_11:29..........lowly/in heart and ye/shall 9892/12667
Psa_109:16........broken/in heart As/he..... 6506/12667
1Th_2:17.............not/in heart endeavoured/the 12032/12667
2Ch_7:10...........merry/in heart for the/goodness 4771/12667
Mat_5:8.............pure/in heart for they/shall 9801/12667
2Co_5:12.............not/in heart For whether/we 11552/12667
Psa_7:10.........upright/in heart God/judgeth 5874/12667
Jer_9:8..............but/in heart he/layeth. 7720/12667
Job_36:13.....hypocrites/in heart heap/up... 5790/12667
Psa_11:2.........upright/in heart If/the.... 5905/12667
Pro_16:5...........proud/in heart is/an..... 6801/12667
Psa_36:10........upright/in heart Let/not... 6059/12667
Eze_44:9...uncircumcised/in heart nor/uncircumcised 8992/12667
Psa_32:11........upright/in heart Rejoice in the LORD O/ye 6032/12667
Psa_97:11........upright/in heart Rejoice in the LORD ye/righteous 6427/12667
Pro_16:21...........wise/in heart shall be called/prudent 6807/12667
Pro_14:14.....backslider/in heart shall be filled/with 6784/12667
Psa_94:15........upright/in heart shall follow/it 6415/12667
Psa_64:10........upright/in heart shall glory/Praise 6217/12667
2Ch_29:34........upright/in heart to/sanctify 5073/12667
Pro_10:8............wise/in heart will/receive 6756/12667
Eze_25:6........rejoiced/in heart with/all.. 8711/12667
Psa_58:2.............Yea/in heart ye/work... 6181/12667
Heb_10:34...........have/in heaven a better/and 12265/12667
Rev_12:1..........wonder/in heaven a woman/clothed 12583/12667
Rev_8:1..........silence/in heaven about/the 12557/12667
Jos_2:11.............God/in heaven above and in/earth 2322/12667
Act_2:19.........wonders/in heaven above and signs/in 10857/12667
Deu_4:39.............God/in heaven above and upon/the 1924/12667
1Ki_8:23............thee/in heaven above or on/earth 3655/12667 heaven above or that is in the earth beneath or that is in the water/under 836/12667 heaven above or that is in the earth beneath or that is in the waters/beneath 1935/12667
Mat_18:18.........loosed/in heaven Again/I.. 9963/12667 heaven And as Moses/lifted 10624/12667
Mar_12:25............are/in heaven And as touching/the 10192/12667
Rev_12:3..........wonder/in heaven and behold/a 12585/12667
Mat_19:21.......treasure/in heaven and come and/follow 9967/12667
Luk_18:22.......treasure/in heaven and come follow/me 10510/12667
Mar_10:21.......treasure/in heaven and come take/up 10166/12667
1Ki_8:32............thou/in heaven and do/and 3659/12667 heaven and earth/is 11802/12667
1Ki_8:34............thou/in heaven and forgive the sin of thy people/Israel 3661/12667
1Ki_8:36............thou/in heaven and forgive the sin of thy servants/and 3662/12667
Luk_19:38..........peace/in heaven and glory/in 10518/12667 heaven And I/say 9944/12667 heaven and in earth Go/ye 10070/12667
Psa_135:6.............he/in heaven and in earth in/the 6613/12667
Dan_6:27.........wonders/in heaven and in earth who/hath 9173/12667
Psa_113:6............are/in heaven and in the/earth 6521/12667
Rev_13:6...........dwell/in heaven And it/was 12591/12667 heaven and my/record 5659/12667 heaven and on/the 12544/12667
Rev_4:2..............set/in heaven and one/sat 12535/12667
2Ch_20:6.............God/in heaven and rulest/not 4913/12667
Col_1:16.............are/in heaven and that/are 11937/12667
Rev_4:1...........opened/in heaven and the first/voice 12533/12667
Rev_12:8............more/in heaven And the great/dragon 12587/12667 heaven and then/shall 10021/12667
Rev_11:19.........opened/in heaven and there/was 12581/12667
Php_2:10..........things/in heaven and things/in 11881/12667 heaven and thou/upon 6961/12667
Heb_12:23........written/in heaven and to/God 12282/12667
Mat_16:19..........bound/in heaven and whatsoever thou/shalt 9945/12667
Mat_18:18..........bound/in heaven and whatsoever ye/shall 9962/12667
Eph_1:10.............are/in heaven and which/are 11754/12667
Col_1:20..........things/in heaven And you/that 11942/12667
Isa_34:5..........bathed/in heaven behold/it 7359/12667
Mat_22:30............God/in heaven But as/touching 9998/12667
Psa_73:25..............I/in heaven but thee/and 6275/12667 heaven But whosoever/shall 9870/12667
Col_4:1...........Master/in heaven Continue/in 11994/12667
Rev_19:14...........were/in heaven followed/him 12642/12667 heaven for he/maketh 9815/12667
Luk_6:23...........great/in heaven for in/the 10351/12667
Mat_5:12..........reward/in heaven for so/persecuted 9802/12667 heaven For the/Son 9959/12667 heaven For where/two 9964/12667
1Pe_1:4.........reserved/in heaven for you/Who 12322/12667 heaven forgive/your 10184/12667 heaven from/whence 11908/12667 heaven give good/things 9837/12667 heaven Give us/this 9828/12667
Rev_15:1............sign/in heaven great/and 12611/12667 heaven Hallowed be thy name Thy kingdom come Thy will be done as/in 10406/12667 heaven Hallowed be thy name Thy kingdom come Thy will be done in/earth 9826/12667 heaven he/also. 12608/12667 heaven his/eyes. 5907/12667
Luk_10:20........written/in heaven In/that. 10399/12667 heaven is/perfect 9816/12667 heaven Many/will 9841/12667 heaven may/forgive 10183/12667
Rev_12:7.............war/in heaven Michael/and 12586/12667 heaven might such/a 4050/12667 heaven might this/thing 4038/12667 heaven Neither be/ye 10004/12667 heaven neither is/there 11838/12667
Mar_13:32............are/in heaven neither the/Son 10218/12667 heaven nor/in.. 12540/12667
Rev_12:10.........saying/in heaven Now/is.. 12588/12667
1Co_8:5..........whether/in heaven or in earth as/there 11393/12667
Deu_3:24...........there/in heaven or in earth that/can 1901/12667 heaven over/one 10468/12667
Rev_19:1..........people/in heaven saying Alleluia/Salvation 12638/12667
Rev_11:15.........voices/in heaven saying The/kingdoms 12580/12667
Psa_89:37........witness/in heaven Selah/But 6388/12667
Mar_13:25............are/in heaven shall/be 10215/12667 heaven so/in... 10407/12667 heaven that one/of 9960/12667
Dan_2:28.............God/in heaven that revealeth/secrets 9091/12667
Deu_30:12............not/in heaven that thou/shouldest 2249/12667
1Jn_5:7...........record/in heaven the Father/the 12466/12667 heaven the same/is 9907/12667
Mat_18:10...........That/in heaven their angels/do 9958/12667
1Ki_8:45............thou/in heaven their prayer/and 3668/12667
Mat_16:19.........loosed/in heaven Then/charged 9946/12667 heaven Therefore/when 9817/12667 heaven Think not that I am come to destroy/the 9804/12667 heaven Think not that I am come to send/peace 9871/12667
1Ki_8:43............thou/in heaven thy dwelling place and do/according 3667/12667
1Ki_8:39............thou/in heaven thy dwelling place and forgive/and 3665/12667
1Ki_8:49....supplication/in heaven thy dwelling place and maintain/their 3672/12667
1Ki_8:30............thou/in heaven thy dwelling place and when/thou 3657/12667
Psa_119:89.......settled/in heaven Thy faithfulness/is 6576/12667
Rev_15:5.......testimony/in heaven was/opened 12613/12667
Mat_6:20.......treasures/in heaven where/neither 9831/12667 heaven whereof/ye 11926/12667
Eph_1:3........blessings/in heavenly places in Christ According/as 11743/12667
Eph_2:6.........together/in heavenly places in Christ Jesus/That 11776/12667
Eph_3:10..........powers/in heavenly places might/be 11799/12667 heaviness For/if 11512/12667
1Pe_1:6..............are/in heaviness through/manifold 12324/12667
Joh_19:20........written/in Hebrew/and..... 10814/12667
2Sa_3:19...........David/in Hebron all/that. 3274/12667 Hebron and built/there 110/12667
2Sa_3:2.............born/in Hebron and his/firstborn 3268/12667
2Sa_3:5............David/in Hebron And it/came 3269/12667
2Sa_3:32...........Abner/in Hebron and the/king 3283/12667
1Ch_3:4..............him/in Hebron and there/he 4447/12667
1Ch_29:27.............he/in Hebron and thirty and three years reigned he in Jerusalem And/he 4674/12667
1Ki_2:11..............he/in Hebron and thirty and three years reigned he in Jerusalem Then/sat 3539/12667
1Sa_30:31...........were/in Hebron and to/all 3242/12667
2Sa_15:10.......reigneth/in Hebron And with/Absalom 3385/12667
1Ch_11:3............them/in Hebron before the LORD and they anointed David king over Israel according/to 4522/12667
2Sa_5:3.............them/in Hebron before the LORD and they anointed David king over Israel David/was 3294/12667
2Sa_4:12............pool/in Hebron But/they. 3289/12667
2Sa_3:22...........David/in Hebron for he/had 3277/12667
2Sa_15:7............LORD/in Hebron For thy/servant 3382/12667
2Sa_5:5............years/In Hebron he/reigned 3295/12667
2Sa_4:1.............dead/in Hebron his/hands 3285/12667
Jdg_1:10...........dwelt/in Hebron now/the.. 2555/12667
2Sa_2:11............king/in Hebron over/the. 3259/12667
1Ch_3:1..............him/in Hebron the/firstborn 4446/12667
2Sa_4:12...........Abner/in Hebron Then/came 3291/12667
Eze_31:10........thyself/in height/and...... 8826/12667
Mat_10:28...........body/in hell Are/not.... 9869/12667
Psa_139:8............bed/in hell behold/thou 6629/12667
Luk_16:23............And/in hell he/lift... 10484/12667
Act_2:31............left/in hell neither his/flesh 10862/12667
Act_2:27............soul/in hell neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption Thou hast/made 10861/12667
Psa_16:10...........soul/in hell neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption Thou wilt/shew 5927/12667
Eze_16:49............was/in her and in/her.. 8556/12667
Eze_28:22......judgments/in her and shall/be 8777/12667
1Ki_10:5..........spirit/in her And she said to the king It was a true report that/I 3693/12667
2Ch_9:4...........spirit/in her And she said to the king It was a true report which/I 4789/12667
Est_2:14.......delighted/in her and that/she 5489/12667
Psa_87:5............born/in her and the/highest 6361/12667
Eze_30:18..........cease/in her as/for...... 8808/12667
Jer_6:7............heard/in her before/me... 7675/12667
Mar_5:29............felt/in her body/that.. 10118/12667 her bosom and became/nurse 2891/12667 her bosom and laid/her 3567/12667
2Sa_13:20.......desolate/in her brother/Absalom's 3366/12667
Mar_5:33............done/in her came/and... 10121/12667
Eze_16:49............and/in her daughters/neither 8557/12667
Gen_16:4........despised/in her eyes And/Sarai 136/12667
Gen_16:5........despised/in her eyes the/LORD 137/12667
Num_12:14...........spit/in her face/should. 1584/12667
Gen_38:11..........dwelt/in her father's house And in/process 397/12667
Num_30:16..........youth/in her father's house And the/LORD 1770/12667
Num_30:3...........being/in her father's house in/her 1763/12667
Deu_22:21..........whore/in her father's house so/shalt 2131/12667 her first/glory. 9608/12667
Lev_15:19..........issue/in her flesh/be.... 1316/12667
Eze_28:22.....sanctified/in her For/I....... 8778/12667
Exo_15:20........timbrel/in her hand and all/the 787/12667
Gen_39:12........garment/in her hand and fled/and 421/12667 her hand and send/her 2152/12667 her hand and sendeth/her 2153/12667
Gen_39:13........garment/in her hand and was/fled 422/12667
Jdg_4:21..........hammer/in her hand and went/softly 2591/12667
Rev_17:4.............cup/in her hand full/of 12620/12667 her hands/which. 1521/12667
Luk_2:51.........sayings/in her heart And Jesus/increased 10305/12667
2Ch_9:1..............was/in her heart And Solomon told her all her questions and/there 4788/12667
1Ki_10:2.............was/in her heart And Solomon told her all her questions there/was 3692/12667
Luk_2:19............them/in her heart And the/shepherds 10289/12667
2Sa_6:16.............him/in her heart And they/brought 3306/12667
Zep_2:15............said/in her heart I am/and 9581/12667
Rev_18:7...........saith/in her heart I sit/a 12624/12667
1Sa_1:13...........spake/in her heart only/her 2895/12667
1Ch_15:29............him/in her heart So/they 4552/12667
Eze_19:11.......appeared/in her height/with. 8593/12667
Exo_3:22......sojourneth/in her house jewels/of 619/12667
Pro_7:11.............not/in her house Now/is 6734/12667
Num_30:10..........vowed/in her husband's/house 1767/12667 her iniquity/for 8259/12667
Eze_23:11........corrupt/in her inordinate/love 8680/12667
Mat_1:20.......conceived/in her is/of....... 9769/12667
Pro_3:16.............and/in her left/hand... 6709/12667
Lev_18:18..........other/in her life/time... 1347/12667
Luk_1:29............cast/in her mind/what.. 10261/12667
Jer_2:24......themselves/in her month/they.. 7628/12667
2Sa_14:3...........words/in her mouth And/when 3369/12667
Gen_8:11..............lo/in her mouth was/an.. 69/12667
Isa_65:19..........heard/in her nor/the..... 7598/12667
Jer_2:24........pleasure/in her occasion/who 7627/12667
Luk_1:36.............son/in her old/age.... 10263/12667
Zec_12:6...........again/in her own/place... 9704/12667
Psa_48:3...........known/in her palaces for/a 6126/12667
Isa_34:13.............up/in her palaces nettles/and 7363/12667
Jer_48:41..........woman/in her pangs And/Moab 8210/12667
Jer_49:22..........woman/in her pangs Concerning/Damascus 8223/12667
Isa_26:17............out/in her pangs so/have 7277/12667
Pro_7:25..........astray/in her paths/For... 6737/12667
Zec_14:10......inhabited/in her place/from.. 9730/12667 her right/hand.. 6708/12667 her separation and/she 1184/12667
Lev_15:20...........upon/in her separation shall/be 1317/12667 her skirts/she.. 8328/12667 her so/that..... 6922/12667
Eze_36:38......Jerusalem/in her solemn/feasts 8908/12667
Psa_102:14......pleasure/in her stones/and.. 6439/12667
Jer_49:26...........fall/in her streets and/all 8225/12667
Jer_51:4.........through/in her streets For/Israel 8258/12667
Deu_24:1.....uncleanness/in her then let/him 2151/12667
Deu_21:14........delight/in her then thou/shalt 2120/12667 her They/shall.. 9294/12667
Pro_31:26............and/in her tongue/is... 6925/12667
1Ch_5:16.............and/in her towns/and... 4463/12667
Jer_49:4.........trusted/in her treasures/saying 8216/12667
Isa_9:1..............was/in her vexation/when 7119/12667
Lev_21:13...........wife/in her virginity/A. 1370/12667
Rev_18:24............And/in her was/found.. 12637/12667
Eze_23:11............and/in her whoredoms more/than 8681/12667
Eze_23:11.........sister/in her whoredoms She/doted 8682/12667
Jer_8:19............king/in her Why/have.... 7715/12667
Hos_4:19..............up/in her wings/and... 9275/12667
2Sa_20:22.........people/in her wisdom/And.. 3463/12667
Luk_1:41..........leaped/in her womb and Elisabeth/was 10265/12667
Gen_38:27...........were/in her womb And it/came 411/12667
Gen_25:24..........twins/in her womb And the/first 257/12667 her youth And/her 1764/12667
Num_30:16............yet/in her youth in/her 1769/12667 her youth she/shall 1376/12667
Eze_23:8.............for/in her youth they/lay 8679/12667
Act_23:35...........kept/in Herod's/judgment 11123/12667
Jdg_11:26..........dwelt/in Heshbon and her/towns 2702/12667
Num_21:25.......Amorites/in Heshbon and in/all 1690/12667
Deu_1:4............dwelt/in Heshbon and Og/the 1850/12667
Jos_12:2...........dwelt/in Heshbon and ruled/from 2422/12667
Son_7:4........fishpools/in Heshbon by/the.. 7042/12667
Jer_48:2............Moab/in Heshbon they/have 8192/12667
Jos_13:10........reigned/in Heshbon unto/the 2437/12667
Jos_13:21........reigned/in Heshbon whom/Moses 2444/12667
Col_4:13............them/in Hierapolis/Luke 12003/12667
Isa_41:18.........rivers/in high places and fountains/in 7422/12667
1Sa_13:6.............and/in high places and in/pits 2992/12667
1Ki_3:3..........incense/in high places And the/king 3553/12667
1Ki_3:2.......sacrificed/in high places because/there 3551/12667
Eph_6:12......wickedness/in high places Wherefore/take 11841/12667 him a/well..... 10631/12667 him according/to 12066/12667 him Add/thou.... 6911/12667
Psa_72:17........blessed/in him all/nations. 6264/12667
2Co_1:20.............and/in him Amen/unto.. 11509/12667 him And again/Behold 12209/12667 him and all/the. 6216/12667
Dan_3:28.........trusted/in him and have/changed 9108/12667
1Jn_3:9........remaineth/in him and he cannot/sin 12434/12667
1Jn_4:15........dwelleth/in him and he in God/And 12457/12667
1Jn_3:24........dwelleth/in him and he in him/And 12444/12667
1Jn_4:13...........dwell/in him and he in us/because 12455/12667
Psa_37:5............also/in him and he shall/bring 6063/12667
1Jn_3:24..............he/in him And hereby/we 12445/12667
Dan_5:9..........changed/in him and his lords/were 9145/12667
Jer_48:11.......remained/in him and his scent/is 8198/12667
Psa_28:7.........trusted/in him and I am/helped 6002/12667 him And I will/deliver 8188/12667
Jer_4:2.......themselves/in him and in him/shall 7646/12667
1Jn_2:8.............true/in him and in you/because 12412/12667
1Jn_2:27...........abide/in him And now/little 12429/12667
1Co_8:6...............we/in him and one/Lord 11395/12667
1Ki_17:17...........left/in him And she/said 3878/12667
Col_2:7...............up/in him and stablished/in 11960/12667
Dan_6:3..............was/in him and the/king 9163/12667 him And they took/away 4469/12667
Jdg_9:26......confidence/in him And they went/out 2669/12667
Act_25:5......wickedness/in him And when he had/tarried 11135/12667
2Sa_14:25........blemish/in him And when he polled/his 3378/12667
2Co_1:20.............God/in him are/yea.... 11508/12667
Joh_6:56...............I/in him As/the..... 10668/12667
Psa_62:8...........Trust/in him at/all...... 6202/12667
Psa_33:21........rejoice/in him because/we.. 6039/12667 him before/the. 11745/12667
2Ch_36:8...........found/in him behold/they. 5215/12667
1Jn_2:10.......stumbling/in him But he/that 12417/12667 him but I/will.. 5640/12667 him But if thou say/to 7371/12667 him But if thou shalt/indeed 877/12667
Mat_13:57.......offended/in him But Jesus/said 9928/12667
Job_35:14...........thou/in him But now/because 5780/12667
Hab_2:4..........upright/in him but the/just 9550/12667
Psa_22:8.......delighted/in him But thou/art 5964/12667
Heb_10:38.......pleasure/in him But we are/not 12266/12667
2Co_13:4............weak/in him but we shall/live 11675/12667
1Jn_2:4..............not/in him But whoso/keepeth 12408/12667 him But with/an. 9530/12667 him Did/not.... 10678/12667
Col_2:9..............For/in him dwelleth/all 11962/12667 him even/so.... 11348/12667
1Jn_2:15.............not/in him For all/that 12422/12667
1Sa_28:20.......strength/in him for he/had.. 3209/12667
Mat_14:2......themselves/in him For Herod/had 9931/12667
Gen_18:18........blessed/in him For I/know... 163/12667 him For who is God save the LORD and/who 3488/12667 him For who is God save the LORD or/who 5943/12667
Joh_13:32......glorified/in him God/shall.. 10740/12667
Psa_66:6.........rejoice/in him He ruleth/by 6224/12667 him he shall be defiled/he 1240/12667
Lev_13:14......appeareth/in him he shall be unclean/And 1203/12667
1Ki_1:52...........found/in him he shall die/So 3529/12667
1Jn_2:5..............are/in him He that/saith 12410/12667
1Jn_3:15.........abiding/in him Hereby/perceive 12437/12667
1Jn_4:16.............God/in him Herein/is.. 12461/12667
Joh_9:3.........manifest/in him I must/work 10701/12667
Luk_23:22..........death/in him I will/therefore 10573/12667
Joh_13:31......glorified/in him If/God..... 10739/12667
Eph_1:10............even/in him In/whom.... 11755/12667
1Jn_1:5..............and/in him is no darkness/at 12402/12667
1Jn_3:5..............and/in him is no sin/Whosoever 12432/12667 him Lord/how.... 5844/12667
1Jn_3:17.............God/in him My/little.. 12438/12667
Joh_18:38...........find/in him no/fault... 10806/12667
Php_3:9............found/in him not/having. 11904/12667
Psa_34:8........trusteth/in him O fear/the.. 6044/12667 him O lord/rebuke 6075/12667
Rom_10:14........believe/in him of/whom.... 11264/12667
Mar_6:14......themselves/in him Others/said 10131/12667
1Jn_2:6..........abideth/in him ought/himself 12411/12667
1Jn_3:3.............hope/in him purifieth/himself 12431/12667 him Rooted/and. 11959/12667 him shall be/desolate 6045/12667
Oba_1:7....understanding/in him Shall I/not. 9442/12667
Act_10:43......believeth/in him shall receive/remission 10989/12667
Rom_15:12.......Gentiles/in him shall the/Gentiles 11300/12667
Jer_4:2..............and/in him shall they/glory 7647/12667
Col_1:19............that/in him should all/fulness 11940/12667
Joh_3:15.......believeth/in him should not perish but have eternal/life 10626/12667
Joh_3:16.......believeth/in him should not perish but have everlasting/life 10627/12667
1Sa_29:3...........fault/in him since/he.... 3214/12667
1Jn_3:6..........abideth/in him sinneth/not 12433/12667
Ecc_4:16.........rejoice/in him Surely/this. 6960/12667
1Jn_5:14............have/in him that if/we. 12471/12667
1Jn_5:20.............are/in him that is/true 12473/12667
Psa_149:2........rejoice/in him that made/him 6679/12667
1Jn_2:28...........abide/in him that when/he 12430/12667
Joh_19:6...........fault/in him The Jews/answered 10808/12667
Pro_14:7.............not/in him the lips/of. 6782/12667
Lam_3:24............hope/in him The LORD is/good 8361/12667
Psa_92:15unrighteousness/in him The LORD reigneth/he 6413/12667
Joh_15:5...............I/in him the same/bringeth 10765/12667
Joh_19:4...........fault/in him Then came/Jesus 10807/12667
Joh_7:5..........believe/in him Then Jesus/said 10675/12667
Dan_6:4............found/in him Then said/these 9164/12667
Est_1:12..........burned/in him Then the/king 5478/12667
1Ki_14:13........because/in him there/is.... 3777/12667
Joh_10:38..............I/in him Therefore/they 10713/12667
Joh_11:10..........light/in him These/things 10718/12667
1Ki_3:28.............was/in him to/do....... 3574/12667
1Jn_2:5.............word/in him verily/is.. 12409/12667
Joh_1:4.............made/In him was life/and 10606/12667
2Co_1:19.............but/in him was yea/For 11507/12667
Act_17:28............For/in him we live/and 11063/12667
2Co_5:21.............God/in him We then/as. 11556/12667
Act_17:16........stirred/in him when he saw/the 11056/12667
Joh_8:44...........truth/in him When he speaketh/a 10700/12667 him When he therefore/was 11094/12667
Col_2:10........complete/in him which/is... 11963/12667
Dan_5:11...........found/in him whom/the.... 9149/12667
2Sa_22:3............rock/in him will I trust he/is 3483/12667
Psa_91:2.............God/in him will I trust Surely/he 6402/12667
Act_13:28..........death/in him yet/desired 11014/12667
Gal_6:4........rejoicing/in himself alone/and 11731/12667 himself And hath/given 10650/12667
Joh_13:32............him/in himself and shall/straightway 10741/12667
Luk_24:12......wondering/in himself at/that 10588/12667
Isa_19:17.........afraid/in himself because/of 7209/12667
Mat_13:21...........root/in himself but/dureth 9913/12667
Joh_11:38.......groaning/in himself cometh/to 10728/12667
1Jn_5:10.........witness/in himself he/that 12469/12667
Jer_10:23............not/in himself it/is... 7737/12667
Eph_2:15............make/in himself of/twain 11789/12667 himself so/hath 10649/12667
Joh_6:61............knew/in himself that his/disciples 10671/12667
Eph_1:9.........purposed/in himself That in/the 11750/12667
Mar_5:30.........knowing/in himself that virtue/had 10119/12667
Jon_4:8...........wished/in himself to/die.. 9465/12667
Act_10:17........doubted/in himself what/this 10977/12667
Job_36:15...........poor/in his affliction/and 5792/12667 his anger and cast/down 8334/12667
Deu_29:23......overthrew/in his anger and in/his 2238/12667
Job_18:4.........himself/in his anger shall/the 5665/12667
Job_21:17........sorrows/in his anger They/are 5694/12667
Job_9:5.............them/in his anger Which/shaketh 5622/12667
Job_35:15........visited/in his anger yet/he 5781/12667
Isa_63:1........glorious/in his apparel/travelling 7568/12667 his appointed season according/to 1539/12667
Num_9:7.............LORD/in his appointed season among/the 1541/12667
Num_9:13............LORD/in his appointed season that/man 1544/12667
Isa_14:31..........alone/in his appointed times/What 7174/12667
Luk_2:28..............up/in his arms and/blessed 10295/12667
Mar_9:36.............him/in his arms he/said 10157/12667
Mar_10:16.............up/in his arms put/his 10165/12667
Dan_3:20............were/in his army/to..... 9104/12667
1Sa_17:49...........hand/in his bag/and..... 3051/12667
Lev_13:43.............or/in his bald forehead/as 1236/12667
Lev_13:42.............up/in his bald head or his/bald 1234/12667
Lev_13:43........reddish/in his bald head or in/his 1235/12667
Exo_22:5.............put/in his beast/and.... 854/12667
Eze_31:8.............him/in his beauty I/have 8824/12667
Isa_33:17...........king/in his beauty they/shall 7358/12667
2Sa_4:7..............bed/in his bedchamber/and 3286/12667
Job_20:20......quietness/in his belly/he.... 5683/12667 his blood/to... 11192/12667
2Co_5:10............done/in his body/according 11549/12667
Pro_12:4......rottenness/in his bones/The... 6769/12667
Luk_16:23........Lazarus/in his bosom And he/cried 10486/12667 his bosom and his/clothes 6728/12667
Isa_40:11...........them/in his bosom and shall/gently 7411/12667
2Sa_12:3.............lay/in his bosom and was/unto 3354/12667
Pro_19:24...........hand/in his bosom and will/not 6825/12667
Pro_26:15...........hand/in his bosom it/grieveth 6884/12667
Eze_31:6...........nests/in his boughs/and.. 8819/12667
Job_20:14...........meat/in his bowels is/turned 5682/12667
2Ch_21:18............him/in his bowels with/an 4946/12667
Jdg_5:17...........abode/in his breaches/Zebulun 2603/12667
Jer_51:3..............up/in his brigandine/and 8256/12667
Rom_14:13...........fall/in his brother's/way 11296/12667 his business And/for 5467/12667
Pro_22:29.......diligent/in his business he/shall 6850/12667 his cause If/thou 862/12667
Exo_23:6............poor/in his cause Keep/thee 863/12667 his cause the/LORD 8363/12667 his chamber/toward 9165/12667
1Ki_22:35.............up/in his chariot against the Syrians and/died 3952/12667
2Ch_18:34.............up/in his chariot against the Syrians until/the 4900/12667
2Ki_9:21............each/in his chariot and they/went 4080/12667
2Ki_10:16...........ride/in his chariot And when/he 4102/12667
Act_8:28.........sitting/in his chariot read/Esaias 10952/12667
2Ki_9:24............down/in his chariot Then/said 4082/12667 his cities and/it 8249/12667
Jer_49:1...........dwell/in his cities Therefore/behold 8213/12667
1Ki_21:11....inhabitants/in his city did/as. 3924/12667
1Ki_21:8............were/in his city dwelling/with 3922/12667 his city even/in 2648/12667
Exo_24:10.........heaven/in his clearness/And 885/12667
2Ch_17:4..........walked/in his commandments and/not 4876/12667
Psa_112:1........greatly/in his commandments His/seed 6516/12667
1Ch_27:4...........ruler/in his course likewise/were 4637/12667
1Ch_27:6.............and/in his course was/Ammizabad 4639/12667
1Ch_27:15............and/in his course were twenty and four thousand Furthermore/over 4648/12667
1Ch_27:2.............and/in his course were twenty and four thousand Of/the 4636/12667
1Ch_27:10............and/in his course were twenty and four thousand The eighth/captain 4643/12667
1Ch_27:13............and/in his course were twenty and four thousand The eleventh/captain 4646/12667
1Ch_27:7.............and/in his course were twenty and four thousand The fifth/captain 4640/12667
1Ch_27:11............and/in his course were twenty and four thousand The ninth/captain 4644/12667
1Ch_27:9.............and/in his course were twenty and four thousand The seventh/captain 4642/12667
1Ch_27:8.............and/in his course were twenty and four thousand The sixth/captain 4641/12667
1Ch_27:12............and/in his course were twenty and four thousand The tenth/captain 4645/12667
1Ch_27:14............and/in his course were twenty and four thousand The twelfth/captain 4647/12667
1Ch_27:5.............and/in his course were twenty and four thousand This/is 4638/12667
2Sa_17:18...........well/in his court/whither 3414/12667
Psa_78:37.......stedfast/in his covenant/But 6320/12667 his day/But.... 10493/12667
1Ki_21:29...........evil/in his days but/in. 3938/12667
1Ki_16:34............him/In his days did/Hiel 3867/12667
2Ki_8:20........children/In his days Edom/revolted 4060/12667
Jer_22:30........prosper/in his days for/no. 7854/12667
1Ch_22:9..........Israel/in his days He/shall 4609/12667 his days Judah/shall 7857/12667
2Ki_24:1............done/In his days Nebuchadnezzar/king 4394/12667
2Ki_23:29..........Judah/In his days Pharaohnechoh/king 4382/12667 his days shall/the 6260/12667
1Ch_1:19.........because/in his days the earth/was 4429/12667
2Ch_21:8............ever/In his days the Edomites/revolted 4939/12667
2Ch_14:1...........stead/In his days the land/was 4842/12667
Gen_10:25............for/in his days was/the.. 87/12667 his death because/he 7512/12667
Pro_14:32...........hope/in his death Wisdom/resteth 6790/12667
Jam_1:25.........blessed/in his deed/If.... 12297/12667
Psa_10:9............lion/in his den/he...... 5900/12667
Job_30:24............cry/in his destruction/Did 5749/12667
2Ch_16:12............yet/in his disease/he.. 4866/12667
Isa_25:4...........needy/in his distress/a.. 7254/12667
Mar_12:38...........them/in his doctrine Beware/of 10196/12667
Mar_4:2.............them/in his doctrine Hearken/Behold 10098/12667
Psa_66:5........terrible/in his doing/toward 6223/12667
1Sa_25:3............evil/in his doings/and.. 3163/12667 his due/season.. 2005/12667
Job_18:19......remaining/in his dwellings/They 5671/12667
1Sa_9:15..........Samuel/in his ear/a....... 2961/12667 his ears/in..... 5649/12667
Dan_11:20.............up/in his estate a/raiser 9238/12667
Dan_11:38............But/in his estate shall he/honour 9244/12667
Dan_11:21............And/in his estate shall stand/up 9242/12667
Dan_11:7..............up/in his estate which/shall 9235/12667
Deu_33:26............and/in his excellency/on 2303/12667
Luk_3:18..........things/in his exhortation/preached 10315/12667
Lev_21:20........blemish/in his eye or/be... 1372/12667
2Sa_22:25......cleanness/in his eye sight/With 3487/12667
Son_8:10...............I/in his eyes as/one. 7046/12667
Deu_24:1..........favour/in his eyes because/he 2150/12667
Est_8:5.........pleasing/in his eyes let/it. 5536/12667
1Ch_21:23...........good/in his eyes lo/I... 4599/12667
Pro_21:10.........favour/in his eyes When/the 6835/12667
Psa_18:24..........hands/in his eyesight/With 5942/12667
Mat_26:67...........spit/in his face and buffeted/him 10055/12667
Deu_25:9............spit/in his face and shall/answer 2167/12667
Luk_9:26.............and/in his Father's and/of 10387/12667
Act_7:20..............up/in his father's house/three 10919/12667
2Ch_36:1............king/in his father's stead in/Jerusalem 5207/12667
2Ki_23:30...........king/in his father's stead Jehoahaz/was 4385/12667 his father's stead shall/make 1339/12667
Psa_30:5..........moment/in his favour/is... 6005/12667
1Ki_15:23.......diseased/in his feet And/Asa 3810/12667
Act_14:8........impotent/in his feet being/a 11025/12667
2Ch_16:12.......diseased/in his feet until/his 4865/12667
2Sa_2:16...........sword/in his fellow's/side 3260/12667
Mat_13:24...........seed/in his field But/while 9914/12667
Mat_13:31..........sowed/in his field Which/indeed 9918/12667 his fierce/anger 8337/12667
Jos_6:26.........thereof/in his firstborn/and 2363/12667
Pro_30:4............wind/in his fists/who... 6909/12667
Eph_2:15.......abolished/in his flesh/the.. 11787/12667
Mal_1:14............hath/in his flock/a..... 9747/12667
Pro_17:12...........fool/in his folly/Whoso. 6811/12667
2Ch_26:20........leprous/in his forehead and/they 5026/12667
2Ch_26:19.............up/in his forehead before/the 5024/12667
Rev_14:9............mark/in his forehead or/in 12600/12667
1Sa_17:49.....Philistine/in his forehead that/the 3052/12667
Job_21:23..........dieth/in his full/strength 5697/12667
Job_8:16...........forth/in his garden/His.. 5619/12667
Gen_6:9..........perfect/in his generations/and 45/12667
Mat_25:31...........come/in his glory and/all 10036/12667
Psa_102:16........appear/in his glory He/will 6440/12667
Dan_6:23........believed/in his God/And..... 9169/12667
Isa_13:10.......darkened/in his going/forth. 7154/12667
Rom_11:22.......continue/in his goodness/otherwise 11267/12667
Eze_31:7............fair/in his greatness/in 8820/12667
Job_8:12.............yet/in his greenness/and 5618/12667
Rev_10:2.............had/in his hand a little/book 12568/12667
Rev_14:14............and/in his hand a sharp/sickle 12605/12667
Exo_22:4...........found/in his hand alive/whether 853/12667 his hand and a knife/and 213/12667
Eze_40:3............flax/in his hand and a measuring/reed 8954/12667
Eze_8:11..........censer/in his hand and a thick/cloud 8457/12667
1Sa_22:6...........spear/in his hand and all his/servants 3123/12667
2Ch_17:5.........kingdom/in his hand and all Judah/brought 4877/12667
Eze_9:1...........weapon/in his hand And behold/six 8463/12667
Jer_36:14...........roll/in his hand and came/unto 8045/12667
1Sa_17:40..........staff/in his hand and chose/him 3045/12667
Jdg_9:48.............axe/in his hand and cut/down 2680/12667
1Sa_19:9.........javelin/in his hand and David/played 3081/12667
1Sa_14:27............was/in his hand and dipped/it 3011/12667
Gen_24:10...........were/in his hand and he arose/and 239/12667
Num_22:31..........drawn/in his hand and he bowed/down 1705/12667
1Sa_17:40............was/in his hand and he drew/near 3048/12667
Rev_20:1...........chain/in his hand And he laid/hold 12646/12667
Dan_8:25.........prosper/in his hand and he shall/magnify 9202/12667
1Sa_2:13...........teeth/in his hand And he struck/it 2905/12667
2Ki_11:8.........weapons/in his hand and he that/cometh 4123/12667
Num_25:7.........javelin/in his hand And he went/after 1722/12667 his hand and he will throughly purge his floor and gather/his 9791/12667 his hand and he will throughly purge his floor and will/gather 10314/12667
Rev_6:5.........balances/in his hand And I/heard 12547/12667
1Sa_23:6...........ephod/in his hand And it/was 3132/12667
Gen_39:3.........prosper/in his hand And Joseph/found 413/12667
Jos_5:13...........drawn/in his hand and Joshua/went 2354/12667
2Ki_15:19........kingdom/in his hand And Menahem/exacted 4206/12667
Eze_9:2...........weapon/in his hand and one/man 8464/12667
1Sa_17:57.....Philistine/in his hand And Saul/said 3055/12667 his hand and slew/the 3077/12667
Num_22:23..........drawn/in his hand and the ass/turned 1700/12667
Amo_7:7........plumbline/in his hand And the LORD said unto me/Amos 9420/12667
Exo_4:20.............God/in his hand And the LORD said unto Moses/When 629/12667
Num_31:6............blow/in his hand And they/warred 1771/12667
Ecc_5:15............away/in his hand And this/also 6966/12667
2Sa_18:14..........darts/in his hand and thrust/them 3424/12667
Jdg_6:21.............was/in his hand and touched/the 2622/12667
2Ch_23:7.........weapons/in his hand and whosoever/else 4964/12667
Psa_95:4............gods/In his hand are/the 6419/12667
Ecc_5:14.........nothing/in his hand As/he.. 6965/12667
Jdg_14:6.........nothing/in his hand but he told/not 2722/12667
2Sa_23:21..........spear/in his hand but he went/down 3502/12667
Eze_30:24..........sword/in his hand but I/will 8813/12667
Son_5:4..............put/in his hand by/the. 7039/12667
Zec_8:4............staff/in his hand for/very 9658/12667
2Ch_23:10.........weapon/in his hand from/the 4968/12667
Isa_28:4.............yet/in his hand he eateth/it 7295/12667
Hos_12:7.............are/in his hand he loveth/to 9323/12667
Isa_53:10........prosper/in his hand He shall see/of 7514/12667
Exo_21:16..........found/in his hand he shall surely/be 848/12667
Psa_37:33............him/in his hand nor/condemn 6072/12667
2Ki_11:11........weapons/in his hand round/about 4127/12667 his hand shall/the 1279/12667
Est_5:2..............was/in his hand So/Esther 5520/12667
1Ch_21:16..........sword/in his hand stretched/out 4595/12667
2Ki_14:5.......confirmed/in his hand that he/slew 4165/12667
Exo_4:4..............rod/in his hand That they/may 621/12667
Num_5:18............have/in his hand the bitter/water 1522/12667
Rev_14:9..............or/in his hand The same/shall 12601/12667
Exo_32:15...........were/in his hand the tables/were 982/12667
Exo_34:4............took/in his hand the two/tables 1004/12667
Zec_2:1.............line/in his hand Then/said 9626/12667
2Ch_26:19.........censer/in his hand to/burn 5023/12667
Jos_8:18.............had/in his hand toward/the 2383/12667 his hand upon/the 1282/12667
Eze_47:3............line/in his hand went/forth 9042/12667
Neh_6:5...........letter/in his hand Wherein/was 5353/12667
Isa_6:6.............coal/in his hand which/he 7092/12667
Jdg_14:9.........thereof/in his hands and/went 2724/12667
Joh_20:25............see/in his hands the/print 10824/12667
Dan_7:20............were/in his head and of/the 9187/12667 his head And the/leper 1238/12667
Ecc_2:14.............are/in his head but/the 6938/12667
Dan_8:25.........himself/in his heart and by/peace 9203/12667
Mat_5:28.........already/in his heart And if/thy 9814/12667
Eze_14:7...........idols/in his heart and putteth the stumblingblock of his iniquity before his face and cometh to a/prophet 8525/12667
Eze_14:4...........idols/in his heart and putteth the stumblingblock of his iniquity before his face and cometh to the/prophet 8522/12667
1Ki_10:24............put/in his heart And they brought every man his present vessels of silver and vessels of gold and garments/and 3702/12667
2Ch_9:23.............put/in his heart And they brought every man his present vessels of silver and vessels of gold and raiment/harness 4798/12667
Exo_4:14............glad/in his heart And thou/shalt 622/12667
1Sa_21:12..........words/in his heart and was/sore 3114/12667
Mar_11:23..........doubt/in his heart but/shall 10182/12667
Psa_10:11...........said/in his heart God/hath 5902/12667
1Co_7:37........stedfast/in his heart having/no 11386/12667 his heart he deviseth/mischief 6725/12667
Psa_15:2...........truth/in his heart He that/backbiteth 5919/12667
Psa_55:21............was/in his heart his/words 6168/12667
Psa_10:6............said/in his heart I shall not/be 5895/12667
1Sa_27:1............said/in his heart I shall now/perish 3196/12667
Gen_8:21............said/in his heart I will/not 74/12667
Luk_12:45............say/in his heart My lord delayeth his coming and shall begin to beat/the 10436/12667
Mat_24:48............say/in his heart My lord delayeth his coming And shall begin to smite/his 10029/12667
Isa_44:19....considereth/in his heart neither/is 7450/12667 his heart none/of 6071/12667
1Ki_12:26...........said/in his heart Now shall/the 3741/12667
2Ch_32:31............was/in his heart Now the/rest 5128/12667
Deu_29:19........himself/in his heart saying/I 2234/12667
Gen_17:17...........said/in his heart Shall/a 148/12667
Pro_23:7........thinketh/in his heart so is/he 6851/12667
2Co_9:7........purposeth/in his heart so let/him 11606/12667
Exo_35:34............put/in his heart that he may/teach 1036/12667
1Co_7:37.........decreed/in his heart that he will/keep 11387/12667
Dan_1:8.........purposed/in his heart that he would/not 9071/12667
Gen_27:41...........said/in his heart The/days 277/12667
Psa_53:1............said/in his heart There is no God Corrupt/are 6156/12667
Psa_14:1............said/in his heart There is no God They/are 5914/12667
Mat_13:19...........sown/in his heart This/is 9912/12667
Psa_10:13...........said/in his heart Thou/wilt 5903/12667 his heart to destroy/and 7133/12667
Est_7:5..........presume/in his heart to do/so 5531/12667
1Ch_17:25..........found/in his heart to pray before/thee 4576/12667
2Sa_7:27...........found/in his heart to pray this/prayer 3327/12667
Est_6:6..........thought/in his heart To whom/would 5529/12667
Oba_1:3............saith/in his heart Who/shall 9441/12667
Pro_26:25...abominations/in his heart Whose/hatred 6887/12667
Eze_31:10.............up/in his height/I.... 8827/12667
Job_25:2...........peace/in his high/places. 5720/12667
Psa_60:6..........spoken/in his holiness I will rejoice I will divide Shechem and mete out the valley of Succoth Gilead is mine and/Manasseh 6196/12667
Psa_108:7.........spoken/in his holiness I will rejoice I will divide Shechem and mete out the valley of Succoth Gilead is mine Manasseh/is 6504/12667
Psa_68:5.............God/in his holy habitation/God 6228/12667 his holy name let the heart of them rejoice that seek the LORD Seek the LORD and his strength seek his face continually/Remember 4555/12667 his holy name let the heart of them rejoice that seek the LORD Seek the LORD and his strength seek his face evermore/Remember 6455/12667
Psa_33:21........trusted/in his holy name Let thy/mercy 6040/12667
Psa_24:3...........stand/in his holy place He/that 5972/12667
Ezr_9:8.............nail/in his holy place that/our 5306/12667 his holy temple let/all 9553/12667 his holy temple the/LORD's 5906/12667
Job_21:21.............he/in his house after/him 5695/12667
Gen_17:23...........born/in his house and all/that 150/12667
1Ki_13:19..........bread/in his house and drank/water 3760/12667
Act_16:32...........were/in his house And he/took 11050/12667 his house and his/righteousness 6517/12667
Gen_39:5........overseer/in his house and over/all 415/12667
Jer_37:17.......secretly/in his house and said/Is 8069/12667
2Ki_6:32.............sat/in his house and the elders/sat 4036/12667
2Sa_7:1..............sat/in his house and the LORD/had 3314/12667
Job_42:11............him/in his house and they/bemoaned 5829/12667 his house And when/this 12005/12667
1Sa_25:1.............him/in his house at/Ramah 3159/12667
1Sa_25:36..........feast/in his house like/the 3179/12667
Mar_2:15............meat/in his house many/publicans 10092/12667
2Ki_20:13........nothing/in his house nor in all his dominion that Hezekiah shewed them not Then came Isaiah the prophet unto king Hezekiah and said unto him What said these men and from whence came they unto thee And Hezekiah said They are come from a far country even/from 4308/12667
Isa_39:2.........nothing/in his house nor in all his dominion that Hezekiah shewed them not Then came Isaiah the prophet unto king Hezekiah and said unto him What said these men and from whence came they unto thee And Hezekiah said They are come from a far country unto/me 7401/12667
1Ch_17:1.............sat/in his house that/David 4564/12667
Lev_22:11...........born/in his house they/shall 1375/12667
1Ch_13:14.......Obededom/in his house three/months 4545/12667
Act_11:13..........angel/in his house which/stood 10995/12667
1Sa_19:9.............sat/in his house with/his 3080/12667
Act_8:33...........mouth/In his humiliation/his 10953/12667 his inheritance/But 5424/12667
Eze_33:6............away/in his iniquity but his blood will I require at the/watchman's 8858/12667
Eze_33:8.............die/in his iniquity but his blood will I require at thine hand Nevertheless/if 8859/12667
Eze_3:18.............die/in his iniquity but his blood will I require at thine hand Yet/if 8401/12667
Eze_3:19.............die/in his iniquity but thou hast delivered thy soul Again/When 8402/12667
Eze_33:9.............die/in his iniquity but thou hast delivered thy soul Therefore/O 8860/12667
Jos_22:20..........alone/in his iniquity Then/the 2512/12667
Eze_18:18............die/in his iniquity Yet/say 8581/12667
Pro_20:7.........walketh/in his integrity his/children 6828/12667
Pro_19:1.........walketh/in his integrity than/he 6821/12667
Lev_15:3.....uncleanness/in his issue/whether 1304/12667
Luk_11:6............mine/in his journey/is. 10409/12667
Eph_2:7............grace/in his kindness/toward 11779/12667
Mat_16:28.........coming/in his kingdom And after/six 9949/12667
2Ch_1:1.....strengthened/in his kingdom and the/LORD 4681/12667
1Ch_11:10............him/in his kingdom and with/all 4524/12667
Ecc_4:14............born/in his kingdom becometh/poor 6958/12667
Deu_17:20...........days/in his kingdom he/and 2081/12667
Jer_10:14........brutish/in his knowledge/every 7734/12667
Ecc_2:24............good/in his labour This also/I 6947/12667
Ecc_5:19.........rejoice/in his labour this is/the 6969/12667
Deu_23:7........stranger/in his land/The.... 2139/12667
Psa_78:10...........walk/in his law And/forgat 6303/12667
Psa_1:2..............and/in his law doth/he. 5835/12667
Jer_44:23.........walked/in his law nor/in.. 8165/12667
Dan_9:10............walk/in his laws/which.. 9208/12667 his left hand and/shall 1278/12667 his left hand seven/times 1281/12667
Gen_48:13.......Manasseh/in his left hand toward/Israel's 570/12667
Ecc_3:12............good/in his life And/also 6954/12667
Jdg_16:30...........slew/in his life Then/his 2748/12667
2Sa_18:18........Absalom/in his lifetime/had 3427/12667
Joh_5:35.........rejoice/in his light/But.. 10653/12667
Pro_19:1........perverse/in his lips and/is. 6822/12667
Mal_2:6............found/in his lips he/walked 9749/12667
Pro_16:27............and/in his lips there/is 6808/12667 his loins/and... 5821/12667
Isa_63:9............them/in his love and/in. 7579/12667 his love he/will 9593/12667
Joh_15:10..........abide/in his love These/things 10771/12667
1Ki_19:13...........face/in his mantle/and.. 3899/12667
Psa_147:11..........hope/in his mercy Praise/the 6675/12667
Psa_33:18...........hope/in his mercy To/deliver 6037/12667
Jdg_5:31...........forth/in his might And/the 2610/12667
Jer_9:23...........glory/in his might let/not 7722/12667 his month/they.. 3593/12667
Exo_34:26............kid/in his mother's milk And/the 1017/12667
Exo_23:19............kid/in his mother's milk Behold/I 875/12667
Deu_14:21............kid/in his mother's milk Thou/shalt 2038/12667
2Sa_18:25........tidings/in his mouth And he came/apace 3430/12667
Deu_18:18..........words/in his mouth and he shall/speak 2087/12667
Exo_4:15...........words/in his mouth and I/will 623/12667
Mal_2:6..............was/in his mouth and iniquity/was 9748/12667
Num_23:16...........word/in his mouth and said/Go 1712/12667
Job_20:12..........sweet/in his mouth though/he 5681/12667
1Pe_2:22...........found/in his mouth Who/when 12338/12667
Isa_53:9..........deceit/in his mouth Yet/it 7513/12667
Luk_24:47.......preached/in his name among/all 10601/12667
Jer_20:9............more/in his name But/his 7832/12667
1Ch_23:13..........bless/in his name for/ever 4614/12667 his name hath/made 10872/12667
Zec_10:12...........down/in his name saith/the 9690/12667
Mat_12:21............And/in his name shall/the 9898/12667
Deu_10:8...........bless/in his name unto/this 1991/12667
Joh_2:23........believed/in his name when/they 10622/12667
Job_41:22..........mouth/In his neck/remaineth 5825/12667
Lev_24:19........blemish/in his neighbour/as 1415/12667 his nostrils/for 7064/12667
Gen_21:7.............son/in his old age And/the 198/12667
Gen_21:2.............son/in his old age at/the 197/12667
Rev_1:5.............sins/in his own blood/And 12502/12667
1Pe_2:24............sins/in his own body/on 12339/12667
Pro_18:17..........first/in his own cause/seemeth 6819/12667
1Sa_28:3............even/in his own city/And 3206/12667
Pro_18:11...........wall/in his own conceit Before/destruction 6818/12667
Pro_28:11...........wise/in his own conceit but/the 6897/12667
Pro_26:5............wise/in his own conceit He/that 6877/12667
Pro_26:16..........wiser/in his own conceit than/seven 6885/12667
Pro_26:12...........wise/in his own conceit there/is 6881/12667
Mar_6:4..............but/in his own country and among/his 10126/12667 his own country and in/his 9929/12667
Luk_4:24........accepted/in his own country But/I 10328/12667
Joh_4:44..........honour/in his own country Then/when 10641/12667
Jdg_17:6...........right/in his own eyes And/there 2754/12667
Pro_12:15..........right/in his own eyes but he/that 6771/12667
Pro_21:2...........right/in his own eyes but the LORD pondereth/the 6832/12667
Pro_16:2...........clean/in his own eyes but the LORD weigheth/the 6800/12667
Deu_12:8...........right/in his own eyes For/ye 2019/12667
Jdg_21:25..........right/in his own eyes Now/it 2841/12667
Job_32:1.......righteous/in his own eyes Then/was 5759/12667
Psa_36:2.........himself/in his own eyes until/his 6055/12667
Luk_9:26............come/in his own glory/and 10386/12667
1Ki_13:30........carcase/in his own grave/and 3766/12667
Pro_28:26.......trusteth/in his own heart/is 6900/12667
Act_28:30..........years/in his own hired/house 11162/12667
2Ch_33:20............him/in his own house and Amon/his 5152/12667
Jdg_8:29...........dwelt/in his own house And Gideon/had 2652/12667
Mar_6:4..............and/in his own house And he could/there 10127/12667
Mat_13:57............and/in his own house And he did/not 9930/12667
Est_1:22............rule/in his own house and that/it 5483/12667
2Ki_21:23...........king/in his own house And the/people 4339/12667
Luk_5:29...........feast/in his own house and there/was 10343/12667
2Ch_33:24............him/in his own house But the/people 5156/12667 his own house But thou/art 7169/12667
2Ch_7:11.............and/in his own house he/prosperously 4773/12667
1Ki_2:34..........buried/in his own house in/the 3543/12667
Gen_14:14...........born/in his own house three/hundred 123/12667
2Sa_4:11..........person/in his own house upon/his 3288/12667 his own image/in.. 12/12667
Isa_37:7...........sword/in his own land So Rabshakeh returned and found the king of Assyria warring against Libnah for he had heard that he was departed from Lachish And he/heard 7378/12667
2Ki_19:7...........sword/in his own land So Rabshakeh returned and found the king of Assyria warring against Libnah for he had heard that he was departed from Lachish And when/he 4290/12667
Act_2:6............speak/in his own language/And 10846/12667
Gen_5:3..............son/in his own likeness/and 39/12667
Rom_14:5.......persuaded/in his own mind/He 11295/12667
Joh_5:43............come/in his own name/him 10658/12667 his own new/tomb 10067/12667 his own order/Christ 11469/12667
Act_1:7..............put/in his own power/But 10831/12667
Deu_24:13..........sleep/in his own raiment/and 2156/12667
2Ki_23:30............him/in his own sepulchre/And 4384/12667
2Ch_16:14............him/in his own sepulchres/which 4868/12667
Num_27:3............died/in his own sin/and. 1741/12667
Ecc_3:22.........rejoice/in his own works/for 6957/12667
Neh_3:17..........Keilah/in his part/After.. 5334/12667
Lev_22:23........lacking/in his parts/that.. 1379/12667 his path/and.... 9349/12667
Isa_2:3.............walk/in his paths for out/of 7057/12667
Mic_4:2.............walk/in his paths for the/law 9482/12667 his pavilion/in. 5995/12667
Psa_149:4.......pleasure/in his people/he... 6682/12667
Isa_63:9.............and/in his pity/he..... 7580/12667
1Sa_5:3..............him/in his place again/And 2937/12667
Isa_46:7.............him/in his place and he/standeth 7468/12667
1Sa_3:2.............down/in his place and his/eyes 2921/12667
Gen_29:3...........mouth/in his place And Jacob/said 288/12667
2Ch_34:31..........stood/in his place and made/a 5181/12667
Lev_13:28...........stay/in his place and spread not in/the 1215/12667
Lev_13:23...........stay/in his place and spread not it/is 1209/12667
1Sa_3:9.............down/in his place And the/LORD 2923/12667 his place by/their 1479/12667
1Ch_16:27............are/in his place Give/unto 4559/12667 his place in/the 3308/12667 his place let/no. 803/12667
Ezr_6:7..............God/in his place Moreover/I 5277/12667 his place Prepare/ye 7673/12667 his place round/about 2639/12667
Ezr_5:15.........builded/in his place Then/came 5267/12667
Ezr_2:68..............up/in his place They/gave 5238/12667 his possession/in 5419/12667
Dan_8:22.............not/in his power/And... 9200/12667
2Ch_34:4..........Baalim/in his presence and/the 5163/12667
1Sa_19:7.............was/in his presence as/in 3078/12667
1Co_1:29...........glory/in his presence But/of 11338/12667
1Ch_16:27............are/in his presence strength/and 4558/12667
Neh_2:1..............sad/in his presence Wherefore/the 5327/12667
Psa_10:2..........wicked/in his pride/doth.. 5892/12667
Isa_49:2...........shaft/in his quiver/hath. 7483/12667
Dan_3:13..Nebuchadnezzar/in his rage/and.... 9102/12667
2Ch_29:19...........Ahaz/in his reign/did... 5069/12667
Jer_9:23...........glory/in his riches But/let 7723/12667
Pro_11:28.......trusteth/in his riches shall/fall 6767/12667
Mat_27:29...........reed/in his right hand and/they 10061/12667
Rev_1:16.............had/in his right hand seven/stars 12511/12667
Gen_48:13........Ephraim/in his right hand toward/Israel's 569/12667
Rev_2:1............stars/in his right hand who/walketh 12514/12667
Mar_5:15.............and/in his right mind and they were afraid And/they 10115/12667
Luk_8:35.............and/in his right mind and they were afraid They/also 10381/12667
Ecc_7:15.......perisheth/in his righteousness and/there 6983/12667
Eze_18:22............him/in his righteousness that/he 8582/12667
2Ki_15:25........reigned/in his room And/the 4215/12667
1Ki_2:35........Jehoiada/in his room over/the 3545/12667
Gen_42:35............was/in his sack/and..... 490/12667
Gen_42:27............was/in his sack's mouth And he/said 486/12667 his sack's mouth And put/my 509/12667
2Th_1:10.......glorified/in his saints and/to 12062/12667 his saints yea/the 5647/12667
Psa_35:9.........rejoice/in his salvation All/my 6048/12667
Isa_25:9.........rejoice/in his salvation For/in 7260/12667
Psa_78:22............not/in his salvation Though/he 6313/12667
Psa_96:6.............are/in his sanctuary Give/unto 6425/12667
Psa_150:1............God/in his sanctuary praise/him 6686/12667 his season and/to 2198/12667
Exo_13:10......ordinance/in his season from/year 753/12667
Jer_5:24..........latter/in his season he/reserveth 7668/12667
Psa_1:3............fruit/in his season his/leaf 5836/12667 his season Lo/this 5606/12667
Job_38:32......Mazzaroth/in his season or/canst 5804/12667
Eze_34:26...........down/in his season there/shall 8885/12667
Job_20:26............hid/in his secret/places 5686/12667
2Ki_21:26.........buried/in his sepulchre in/the 4342/12667
2Ki_9:28.............him/in his sepulchre with/his 4087/12667 his servants/and 5588/12667
1Ki_2:5..............and/in his shoes/that.. 3535/12667
Rev_14:19.........thrust/in his sickle into/the 12610/12667
Rev_14:16.........thrust/in his sickle on/the 12607/12667
Psa_41:3.............bed/in his sickness/I.. 6094/12667
2Sa_13:8...........cakes/in his sight and did/bake 3362/12667
Gen_39:4...........grace/in his sight and he served/him 414/12667 his sight And he shall/live 6262/12667
Est_5:2...........favour/in his sight and the king/held 5519/12667
Est_8:5...........favour/in his sight and the thing/seem 5535/12667
1Jn_3:22........pleasing/in his sight And this/is 12443/12667
Exo_15:26..........right/in his sight and wilt/give 789/12667 his sight at/a.. 1229/12667
Lev_13:5..........plague/in his sight be/at. 1193/12667
Heb_4:13........manifest/in his sight but/all 12231/12667
Rom_3:20.......justified/in his sight for/by 11190/12667
Num_19:5..........heifer/in his sight her/skin 1656/12667
Job_25:5............pure/in his sight How much less/man 5721/12667
Job_15:15..........clean/in his sight How much more/abominable 5648/12667
Col_1:22...unreproveable/in his sight If/ye 11945/12667
Est_2:17..........favour/in his sight more/than 5494/12667
1Ch_19:13...........good/in his sight So/Joab 4586/12667 his sight Then/shall 9284/12667
2Sa_12:9............evil/in his sight thou/hast 3355/12667
Heb_13:21...wellpleasing/in his sight through/Jesus 12289/12667
Ecc_2:26............good/in his sight wisdom/and 6948/12667
Deu_4:37.............out/in his sight with/his 1921/12667
Eze_3:20.............die/in his sin and/his. 8403/12667
Eze_18:24............and/in his sin that/he. 8584/12667
1Ki_15:26............and/in his sin wherewith he made Israel to sin And/Baasha 3816/12667
1Ki_15:34............and/in his sin wherewith he made Israel to sin Then/the 3824/12667
1Ki_16:26............and/in his sin wherewith he made Israel to sin to/provoke 3857/12667
1Ki_16:19............and/in his sin which/he 3851/12667 his Son He/that 12470/12667
1Jn_5:20............even/in his Son Jesus/Christ 12474/12667
1Ki_21:29............but/in his son's/days.. 3939/12667
Psa_2:5.............them/in his sore/displeasure 5842/12667
Mar_7:32......impediment/in his speech/and. 10146/12667
Mar_8:12..........deeply/in his spirit and/saith 10149/12667
Zec_7:12............sent/in his spirit by/the 9655/12667
Mar_2:8........perceived/in his spirit that/they 10090/12667
2Ch_24:13............God/in his state/and... 4983/12667
1Ki_8:61............walk/in his statutes and/to 3675/12667
Jer_44:23............nor/in his statutes nor/in 8166/12667
2Ch_27:9.........reigned/in his stead Ahaz/was 5037/12667
1Ki_22:50........reigned/in his stead Ahaziah/the 3967/12667
2Ch_24:27........reigned/in his stead Amaziah/was 4992/12667
2Ki_21:18........reigned/in his stead Amon was twenty/and 4333/12667
2Ch_33:20........reigned/in his stead Amon was two/and 5153/12667
Pro_11:8..........cometh/in his stead An/hypocrite 6762/12667
1Ki_16:6.........reigned/in his stead And also/by 3830/12667
2Ki_14:16........reigned/in his stead And Amaziah/the 4177/12667
Gen_36:38........reigned/in his stead And Baalhanan/the 376/12667
2Ki_24:17...........king/in his stead and changed/his 4402/12667
1Ch_19:1.........reigned/in his stead And David/said 4580/12667
2Ch_21:1.........reigned/in his stead And he/had 4934/12667
Gen_36:34........reigned/in his stead And Husham/died 371/12667
2Ki_8:15.........reigned/in his stead And in the fifth/year 4055/12667
1Ki_16:28........reigned/in his stead And in the thirty/and 3860/12667
1Ki_15:8.........reigned/in his stead And in the twentieth/year 3799/12667
1Ki_16:10........reigned/in his stead And it came to pass when he began/to 3841/12667
1Ki_15:28........reigned/in his stead And it came to pass when he reigned/that 3818/12667
2Ki_13:24........reigned/in his stead And Jehoash/the 4161/12667
1Ki_22:40........reigned/in his stead And Jehoshaphat/the 3956/12667
Gen_36:33........reigned/in his stead And Jobab/died 370/12667
1Ki_15:24........reigned/in his stead And Nadab/the 3812/12667
2Ki_3:27.........reigned/in his stead and offered/him 3994/12667
1Ki_14:20........reigned/in his stead And Rehoboam the/son 3781/12667
1Ki_11:43........reigned/in his stead And Rehoboam went to Shechem for all/Israel 3734/12667
2Ch_9:31.........reigned/in his stead And Rehoboam went to Shechem for to/Shechem 4808/12667
Gen_36:36........reigned/in his stead And Samlah/died 374/12667
Gen_36:37........reigned/in his stead And Saul/died 375/12667
2Ch_17:1.........reigned/in his stead and strengthened/himself 4871/12667
2Ki_24:6.........reigned/in his stead And the king/of 4396/12667
Gen_36:35........reigned/in his stead and the name of his city was Avith And Hadad/died 373/12667
1Ch_1:46.........reigned/in his stead and the name of his city was Avith And when/Hadad 4434/12667
1Ch_1:50.........reigned/in his stead and the name of his city was Pai/and 4438/12667
Gen_36:39........reigned/in his stead and the name of his city was Pau/and 377/12667
2Ki_15:14........reigned/in his stead And the rest of the acts of Shallum/and 4201/12667
2Ki_15:10........reigned/in his stead And the rest of the acts of Zachariah/behold 4196/12667
2Ki_10:35........reigned/in his stead And the time/that 4117/12667
1Ch_1:49.........reigned/in his stead And when Baalhanan/was 4437/12667
1Ch_1:45.........reigned/in his stead And when Husham/was 4432/12667
1Ch_1:44.........reigned/in his stead And when Jobab/was 4431/12667
1Ch_1:47.........reigned/in his stead And when Samlah/was 4435/12667
1Ch_1:48.........reigned/in his stead And when Shaul/was 4436/12667
2Ch_22:1............king/in his stead for/the 4951/12667 his stead From/thence 1990/12667
2Ch_28:27........reigned/in his stead Hezekiah/began 5055/12667
2Ch_14:1.........reigned/in his stead In his/days 4841/12667
2Ki_15:22........reigned/in his stead In the fiftieth/year 4209/12667
2Ki_1:17.........reigned/in his stead in the second/year 3980/12667
2Ki_15:38........reigned/in his stead In the seventeenth/year 4231/12667
2Ki_15:7.........reigned/in his stead In the thirty and eighth/year 4192/12667
2Ki_13:9.........reigned/in his stead In the thirty and seventh/year 4153/12667
2Ki_12:21........reigned/in his stead In the three/and 4145/12667
2Ki_16:20........reigned/in his stead In the twelfth year of Ahaz/king 4242/12667
2Ki_8:24.........reigned/in his stead In the twelfth year of Joram/the 4063/12667
2Ki_15:30........reigned/in his stead in the twentieth/year 4221/12667
2Ki_14:29........reigned/in his stead In the twenty/and 4185/12667
Isa_37:38........reigned/in his stead In those days was Hezekiah sick unto death And Isaiah/the 7388/12667
2Ki_19:37........reigned/in his stead In those days was Hezekiah sick unto death And the/prophet 4301/12667
2Ch_36:8.........reigned/in his stead Jehoiachin/was 5217/12667
2Ch_33:25...........king/in his stead Josiah was eight years old when he began to reign and he reigned in/Jerusalem 5157/12667
2Ki_21:26........reigned/in his stead Josiah was eight years old when he began to reign and he reigned thirty/and 4344/12667
2Ch_26:23........reigned/in his stead Jotham/was 5029/12667
2Ch_32:33........reigned/in his stead Manasseh was twelve years old when he began to reign and he/reigned 5132/12667
2Ki_20:21........reigned/in his stead Manasseh was twelve years old when he began to reign and reigned/fifty 4317/12667
2Ch_12:16........reigned/in his stead Now in the eighteenth year of king Jeroboam began/Abijah 4830/12667
1Ki_14:31........reigned/in his stead Now in the eighteenth year of king Jeroboam the/son 3790/12667
2Ch_1:8............reign/in his stead Now O/LORD 4685/12667
1Ch_29:28........reigned/in his stead Now the acts/of 4677/12667
2Ki_21:24...........king/in his stead Now the rest/of 4340/12667
Lev_6:22........anointed/in his stead shall offer/it 1132/12667
Exo_29:30.........priest/in his stead shall put/them 954/12667
2Sa_10:1.........reigned/in his stead Then/said 3336/12667
Ecc_4:15..............up/in his stead There/is 6959/12667
Rev_1:16.........shineth/in his strength And/when 12512/12667
Job_39:21......rejoiceth/in his strength he/goeth 5817/12667
Jdg_3:24............feet/in his summer/chamber 2579/12667
Job_18:6............dark/in his tabernacle and/his 5666/12667
Job_18:15..........dwell/in his tabernacle because/it 5669/12667
Psa_27:6...........offer/in his tabernacle sacrifices/of 5997/12667
Job_20:26...........left/in his tabernacle The/heaven 5687/12667
Mat_22:15............him/in his talk/And.... 9993/12667
Mat_27:44...........same/in his teeth/Now.. 10064/12667
Rev_7:15...........night/in his temple and/he 12555/12667
2Ch_36:7............them/in his temple at/Babylon 5214/12667
Psa_29:9.............and/in his temple doth/every 6004/12667
Psa_27:4.........enquire/in his temple For/in 5993/12667
Rev_11:19...........seen/in his temple the/ark 12582/12667
Jdg_4:22.............was/in his temples/So.. 2592/12667 his tent and burn/this 8064/12667
Jos_7:22.............hid/in his tent and the/silver 2373/12667
1Sa_17:54.........armour/in his tent And when/Saul 3054/12667 his tent door/And 991/12667
Num_24:2.........abiding/in his tents according/to 1715/12667
Exo_16:16............are/in his tents And/the 800/12667
Jer_44:23............nor/in his testimonies/therefore 8167/12667
Job_26:8..........waters/in his thick/clouds 5722/12667
Rev_3:21..........Father/in his throne/He.. 12532/12667
Ecc_3:11.......beautiful/in his time also/he 6951/12667
2Th_2:6.........revealed/in his time For/the 12069/12667 his time The/Spirit 7554/12667
1Ti_6:15...........Which/in his times/he... 12125/12667
2Ch_29:19...........away/in his transgression/have 5070/12667
2Ki_20:13..........found/in his treasures there was nothing in his house nor in all his dominion that Hezekiah shewed them not Then came Isaiah the prophet unto king Hezekiah and said unto him What said these men and from whence came they unto thee And Hezekiah said They are come from a far country even/from 4307/12667
Isa_39:2...........found/in his treasures there was nothing in his house nor in all his dominion that Hezekiah shewed them not Then came Isaiah the prophet unto king Hezekiah and said unto him What said these men and from whence came they unto thee And Hezekiah said They are come from a far country unto/me 7400/12667
Eze_18:24......mentioned/in his trespass/that 8583/12667
Psa_68:21..........still/in his trespasses/The 6237/12667
2Ki_1:2..........lattice/in his upper/chamber 3973/12667
Isa_57:2.........walking/in his uprightness But/draw 7526/12667
Pro_14:2.........walketh/in his uprightness feareth/the 6779/12667
Pro_28:6.........walketh/in his uprightness than/he 6893/12667
Luk_13:6.........planted/in his vineyard/and 10447/12667
Jer_48:26.........wallow/in his vomit and/he 8201/12667
Isa_19:14.....staggereth/in his vomit Neither/shall 7207/12667
Mal_3:5.........hireling/in his wages/the... 9760/12667 his watch/and... 5366/12667
Psa_37:7......prospereth/in his way because/of 6065/12667
Psa_37:23.....delighteth/in his way Though/he 6070/12667
Deu_28:9............walk/in his ways And all/people 2192/12667
Deu_8:6.............walk/in his ways and to fear/him 1966/12667
Deu_30:16...........walk/in his ways and to keep his commandments/and 2253/12667
Deu_26:17...........walk/in his ways and to keep his statutes/and 2178/12667
Jam_1:11............away/in his ways Blessed/is 12295/12667
1Sa_8:3..............not/in his ways but/turned 2951/12667
Pro_14:2........perverse/in his ways despiseth/him 6780/12667
Psa_128:1........walketh/in his ways For/thou 6599/12667
Isa_42:24...........walk/in his ways neither/were 7436/12667
Pro_28:18.......perverse/in his ways shall/fall 6898/12667
Deu_19:9............ever/in his ways then/shalt 2098/12667
Psa_119:3...........walk/in his ways Thou/hast 6550/12667
Pro_28:6........perverse/in his ways though/he 6894/12667
1Ki_2:3.............walk/in his ways to/keep 3530/12667 his wickedness Be/not 6984/12667
Psa_52:7.........himself/in his wickedness But I/am 6153/12667
Pro_14:32...........away/in his wickedness but the/righteous 6789/12667
Mal_4:2..........healing/in his wings/and... 9765/12667
Jer_9:23...........glory/in his wisdom/neither 7721/12667
Psa_130:5............and/in his word/do..... 6601/12667
Mar_12:13............him/in his words And/when 10188/12667
Pro_29:20..........hasty/in his words there/is 6904/12667
Pro_18:9........slothful/in his work/is..... 6817/12667
Psa_104:31.......rejoice/in his works/He.... 6453/12667
Psa_21:9..............up/in his wrath and the/fire 5958/12667
Psa_2:5.............them/in his wrath and vex/them 5841/12667
Deu_29:23............and/in his wrath Even/all 2239/12667
Psa_58:9.............and/in his wrath The righteous/shall 6185/12667
Lam_2:2.............down/in his wrath the strong/holds 8336/12667 his wrath went/into 5532/12667 his wrath who/hateth 5656/12667
1Ki_16:34........thereof/in his youngest son Segub/according 3869/12667
Jos_6:26.............and/in his youngest son shall/he 2364/12667
2Sa_21:2............them/in his zeal/to..... 3465/12667
Pro_9:16............turn/in hither and/as... 6751/12667
Pro_9:4.............turn/in hither as/for... 6747/12667
2Sa_5:6.............come/in hither Nevertheless/David 3298/12667
Mat_22:12...........thou/in hither not/having 9992/12667
Luk_14:21..........bring/in hither the/poor 10465/12667
2Sa_5:6.............come/in hither thinking/David 3297/12667 hither to/night. 2319/12667
Act_4:3.............them/in hold/unto...... 10877/12667
Isa_42:22.........snared/in holes/and....... 7434/12667
2Ch_31:18.....themselves/in holiness Also/of 5107/12667
Luk_1:75............fear/In holiness and/righteousness 10273/12667
1Th_3:13.....unblameable/in holiness before/God 12040/12667
Exo_15:11.......glorious/in holiness fearful/in 776/12667
Psa_49:12..........being/in honour abideth/not 6134/12667
Deu_26:19............and/in honour and that/thou 2181/12667 honour and understandeth/not 6138/12667 honour preferring/one 11278/12667
2Sa_6:22.............had/in honour Therefore/Michal 3313/12667
1Co_9:10............plow/in hope and/that.. 11401/12667
Rom_8:20............same/in hope Because the/creature 11246/12667 hope Because thou/wilt 10860/12667 hope For/thou... 5926/12667
Tit_1:2........godliness/In hope of eternal/life 12161/12667
Rom_5:2..........rejoice/in hope of the/glory 11202/12667
Rom_12:12......Rejoicing/in hope patient/in 11281/12667
1Co_9:10.......thresheth/in hope should/be. 11402/12667
Rom_4:18........believed/in hope that/he... 11199/12667
Rom_15:13.........abound/in hope through/the 11302/12667
Deu_29:1............them/in Horeb And Moses/called 2228/12667
Exo_17:6............rock/in Horeb and thou/shalt 807/12667
Psa_106:19..........calf/in Horeb and worshipped/the 6476/12667
Mal_4:4..............him/in Horeb for/all... 9767/12667
Deu_18:16............God/in Horeb in/the.... 2085/12667 Horeb out/of.... 1910/12667 Horeb saying/Ye. 1853/12667 Horeb The/LORD.. 1933/12667
Deu_4:10.............God/in Horeb when/the.. 1908/12667
Deu_9:8.............Also/in Horeb ye/provoked 1975/12667
1Sa_30:30...........were/in Hormah/and...... 3239/12667
Isa_31:1.............and/in horsemen/because 7340/12667
Psa_20:7............some/in horses/but...... 5952/12667
2Ki_17:4......conspiracy/in Hoshea/for...... 4246/12667
Job_4:19...........dwell/in houses of/clay.. 5590/12667
Job_15:28............and/in houses which/no. 5652/12667
Neh_2:17.............are/in how Jerusalem/lieth 5332/12667
2Ti_1:18.............and/in how many/things 12146/12667
Deu_28:48...........thee/in hunger and in/thirst 2209/12667
2Co_11:27..........often/in hunger and thirst/in 11648/12667
Psa_107:4..........dwell/in Hungry/and...... 6487/12667
Pro_12:27...........took/in hunting/but..... 6774/12667
1Ch_12:2............left/in hurling/stones.. 4532/12667
1Ti_4:2.............lies/in hypocrisy/having 12105/12667
Gen_19:2............turn/in I pray/you....... 166/12667
Jer_6:11.........holding/in I will/pour..... 7677/12667
Act_14:1............pass/in Iconium/that... 11023/12667
Isa_58:12..........dwell/in If/thou......... 7537/12667
Num_15:26...........were/in ignorance/And... 1628/12667
Num_33:44........pitched/in Ijeabarim/in.... 1818/12667
2Co_6:5..........stripes/in imprisonments/in 11567/12667
Deu_1:33...........tents/in in fire/by...... 1868/12667
Job_5:26..........cometh/in in his/season... 5605/12667
Eze_10:2............went/in in my/sight..... 8472/12667
Exo_15:17..........dwell/in in the/Sanctuary. 783/12667
1Co_15:42.........raised/in incorruption/It 11475/12667 indignation/thou 9559/12667
2Co_12:10.......pleasure/in infirmities/in. 11660/12667
Psa_51:5..........shapen/in iniquity and/in. 6144/12667
1Co_13:6.............not/in iniquity but/rejoiceth 11432/12667
Psa_73:13..........hands/in innocency For/all 6271/12667
Psa_26:6...........hands/in innocency so/will 5986/12667
1Ki_9:4...........walked/in integrity/of.... 3677/12667
Jdg_19:11...........turn/in into/this....... 2785/12667
2Ch_2:7..............and/in iron and/in..... 4695/12667
2Ch_2:14...........brass/in iron in/stone... 4705/12667
Psa_105:18..........laid/in iron Until/the.. 6459/12667
Heb_11:18...........That/in Isaac shall thy seed be called Accounting/that 12272/12667
Gen_21:12............for/in Isaac shall thy seed be called And/also 202/12667
Rom_9:7..............but/In Isaac shall thy seed be called That/is 11253/12667
1Ki_19:18.......thousand/in Israel all/the.. 3903/12667
1Sa_17:46............God/in Israel And all/this 3050/12667
Jer_32:20............and/in Israel and among/other 7977/12667
2Ch_35:25......ordinance/in Israel and behold/they 5203/12667 Israel And David consulted/with 4539/12667 Israel And David spake/to 3043/12667
Luk_2:34............many/in Israel and for/a 10297/12667
Jer_29:23........villany/in Israel and have/committed 7926/12667 Israel And he said/What 3466/12667
Rut_4:14..........famous/in Israel And he shall/be 2889/12667 Israel And I am/this 3284/12667
Mat_8:10.............not/in Israel And I say/unto 9846/12667
2Ki_9:8.............left/in Israel And I will/make 4074/12667
Mal_2:11.......committed/in Israel and in Jerusalem/for 9752/12667
2Ch_34:21...........left/in Israel and in Judah/concerning 5172/12667
Jdg_18:1............king/in Israel and in those/days 2758/12667
Jdg_21:3.........lacking/in Israel And it came/to 2828/12667
Eze_45:16.........prince/in Israel And it shall/be 9013/12667
Num_1:16.......thousands/in Israel And Moses and Aaron/took 1472/12667
Num_26:2.............war/in Israel And Moses and Eleazar/the 1729/12667
Eze_45:8......possession/in Israel and my/princes 9012/12667
1Ki_18:36............God/in Israel and that/I 3891/12667
2Sa_5:2.......broughtest/in Israel and the LORD said/to 3293/12667
1Ch_11:2......broughtest/in Israel and the LORD thy/God 4521/12667 Israel And the priest's/heart 2772/12667
Luk_7:9..............not/in Israel And they/that 10360/12667
1Ki_21:21...........left/in Israel And will make/thine 3932/12667
1Ki_14:10...........left/in Israel and will take/away 3774/12667
1Sa_3:11...........thing/in Israel at/which. 2924/12667
Eze_18:3.........proverb/in Israel Behold all/souls 8578/12667
Eze_39:7.............One/in Israel Behold it/is 8940/12667
Jdg_20:6...........folly/in Israel Behold ye/are 2801/12667
Num_3:13.......firstborn/in Israel both man/and 1489/12667
2Ch_24:16...........good/in Israel both toward/God 4986/12667
Jdg_17:6............king/in Israel but every/man 2753/12667
2Ch_7:18...........ruler/in Israel But if/ye 4775/12667
Eze_12:23........proverb/in Israel but say/unto 8509/12667
Mat_9:33............seen/in Israel But the/Pharisees 9856/12667
Hos_13:1.........himself/in Israel but when/he 9331/12667
Rut_4:7.............time/in Israel concerning redeeming/and 2883/12667
Ezr_10:2............hope/in Israel concerning this/thing 5314/12667
2Sa_13:12...........done/in Israel do/not... 3363/12667
2Sa_24:9............were/in Israel eight/hundred 3507/12667
Num_1:45.............war/in Israel Even all/they 1474/12667
Jos_6:25........dwelleth/in Israel even unto/this 2362/12667
Jdg_21:25...........king/in Israel every/man 2840/12667
Num_18:21..........tenth/in Israel for an/inheritance 1653/12667 Israel for do/not 3437/12667
2Ch_35:18...........kept/in Israel from the days/of 5197/12667
Isa_8:18.........wonders/in Israel from the LORD/of 7116/12667
1Sa_14:45......salvation/in Israel God/forbid 3017/12667 Israel he/will.. 2165/12667
Eze_44:28.....possession/in Israel I/am..... 9004/12667
Gen_34:7...........folly/in Israel in lying/with 337/12667
Psa_76:1...........great/in Israel In Salem/also 6286/12667
Luk_4:25............were/in Israel in the days/of 10329/12667
Luk_4:27............were/in Israel in the time/of 10331/12667
Gen_49:7............them/in Israel Judah/thou 578/12667
Deu_34:10..........since/in Israel like/unto 2309/12667
Jdg_5:8.........thousand/in Israel My/heart. 2598/12667
2Sa_13:13..........fools/in Israel Now therefore I pray thee speak/unto 3364/12667
2Ki_5:15.............but/in Israel now therefore I pray thee take/a 4019/12667
Eze_44:29..........thing/in Israel shall be theirs/And 9005/12667
Num_18:14........devoted/in Israel shall be thine/Every 1650/12667
Jdg_20:10........wrought/in Israel So all/the 2802/12667
Jos_7:15...........folly/in Israel So Joshua/rose 2369/12667
2Ki_5:8..........prophet/in Israel So Naaman/came 4013/12667
Ezr_7:10...........teach/in Israel statutes/and 5288/12667 Israel telleth/the 4031/12667
Lev_20:2.........sojourn/in Israel that giveth/any 1364/12667 Israel that I/should 3063/12667
Jdg_11:39.........custom/in Israel That the/daughters 2706/12667
Jdg_21:3............pass/in Israel that there should/be 2827/12667
Jdg_19:1............king/in Israel that there was/a 2778/12667
2Ki_1:6..............God/in Israel that thou/sendest 3976/12667
Lev_22:18......strangers/in Israel that will/offer 1377/12667
2Ki_1:3..............God/in Israel that ye/go 3975/12667
Deu_25:10.........called/in Israel The house/of 2168/12667
Num_23:21...perverseness/in Israel the LORD/his 1714/12667
Eze_39:11.........graves/in Israel the valley/of 8943/12667
1Sa_11:13......salvation/in Israel Then said/Samuel 2972/12667
Jdg_5:11........villages/in Israel then shall/the 2601/12667
Deu_17:4.........wrought/in Israel Then shalt/thou 2076/12667
Rut_4:7........testimony/in Israel Therefore/the 2884/12667
Jdg_5:7...........mother/in Israel They/chose 2596/12667
Num_1:3..............war/in Israel thou and/Aaron 1471/12667
2Sa_20:19.......faithful/in Israel thou seekest/to 3461/12667
1Ch_29:25............him/in Israel Thus David/the 4673/12667
Isa_44:23........himself/in Israel Thus saith/the 7453/12667
2Ki_1:16.............God/in Israel to enquire/of 3979/12667
Deu_22:21..........folly/in Israel to play/the 2130/12667
2Ch_34:33........present/in Israel to serve/even 5184/12667
Jdg_5:7...........ceased/in Israel until/that 2595/12667
1Sa_9:9.......Beforetime/in Israel when/a... 2959/12667
1Sa_26:15...........thee/in Israel wherefore/then 3188/12667 Israel which he/commanded 6300/12667
Eze_14:7......sojourneth/in Israel which separateth/himself 8524/12667
Mic_5:2............ruler/in Israel whose/goings 9494/12667
2Sa_20:19.........mother/in Israel why/wilt. 3462/12667
Jos_17:11............had/in Issachar and/in. 2468/12667
Jos_17:10............and/in Issachar on/the. 2467/12667
1Ki_4:17..........Paruah/in Issachar Shimei/the 3587/12667
Deu_8:9............thing/in it a land/whose. 1967/12667
Ecc_9:15...........found/in it a poor/wise.. 7002/12667 it a yellow/thin 1218/12667
Jer_36:28..........write/in it all/the...... 8057/12667
Gen_30:35..........white/in it and all/the... 304/12667
Mat_21:33......winepress/in it and built/a.. 9987/12667
1Ch_20:3............were/in it and cut/them. 4591/12667
Rev_20:13...........were/in it and death/and 12651/12667
Isa_34:11..........dwell/in it and he/shall. 7362/12667
Jdg_19:11..........lodge/in it And his master/said 2786/12667 it and his servants/shall 12662/12667
Hag_1:8.........pleasure/in it and I/will... 9601/12667 it and in the arches thereof round about it/was 8960/12667 it and in the arches thereof round about like/those 8957/12667
1Ch_20:2..........stones/in it and it was/set 4590/12667
Neh_9:36........servants/in it And it yieldeth/much 5408/12667
Num_32:39............was/in it And Moses/gave 1784/12667
Job_2:2.............down/in it And the LORD said unto Satan Hast thou considered my servant Job that there is none like him in the earth a perfect and an upright man one that feareth God and escheweth evil and/still 5578/12667
Job_1:7.............down/in it And the LORD said unto Satan Hast thou considered my servant Job that there is none like him in the earth a perfect and an upright man one that feareth God and escheweth evil Then/Satan 5570/12667
Lev_6:9..........burning/in it And the priest/shall 1122/12667
Zec_14:11..........dwell/in it and there/shall 9731/12667
Gen_37:24..........water/in it And they/sat.. 387/12667
1Ch_16:19......strangers/in it And when/they 4557/12667
Num_13:32............saw/in it are/men...... 1596/12667
Eze_14:20...........were/in it as I live saith the Lord GOD they shall deliver neither son/nor 8530/12667
Eze_14:18...........were/in it as I live saith the Lord GOD they shall deliver neither sons nor daughters but/they 8528/12667
Eze_14:16...........were/in it as I live saith the Lord GOD they shall deliver neither sons nor daughters they/only 8527/12667
Isa_17:6............left/in it as the/shaking 7189/12667
Jer_49:18..........dwell/in it Behold he/shall 8221/12667
2Ki_7:13............left/in it behold I/say. 4046/12667
Jos_10:30.........remain/in it but did/unto. 2408/12667
Isa_1:21..........lodged/in it but now/murderers 7054/12667
Pro_2:21..........remain/in it But the/wicked 6702/12667
Isa_1:6........soundness/in it but wounds/and 7049/12667
Eze_30:6............fall/in it by/the....... 8797/12667
Psa_68:16..........dwell/in it for ever/The. 6234/12667
2Jn_1:6.............walk/in it For many/deceivers 12479/12667
Rev_21:23..........shine/in it for the glory/of 12657/12667
Isa_28:20........himself/in it For the LORD/shall 7302/12667
Exo_39:10............set/in it four/rows.... 1067/12667
2Ch_6:11.............And/in it have/I....... 4748/12667
Gen_2:3.............that/in it he had/rested.. 15/12667
Ecc_3:10.......exercised/in it He hath/made. 6950/12667
Amo_5:20......brightness/in it I/hate....... 9410/12667 it Is there/iniquity 5612/12667
Mat_10:11............who/in it is worthy/and 9859/12667
Lev_6:12.........burning/in it it shall/not. 1123/12667
Psa_68:14..........kings/in it it was/white. 6231/12667
Col_2:15............them/in it Let/no...... 11968/12667
Jer_51:62.........remain/in it neither/man.. 8289/12667
Act_7:5......inheritance/in it no not/so... 10910/12667 it no yellow/hair 1222/12667
Lev_25:11.........itself/in it nor/gather... 1422/12667 it of the/strength 9095/12667
Lev_25:11.........grapes/in it of thy/vine.. 1423/12667
Eze_14:23...........done/in it saith the Lord GOD/And 8531/12667
Zec_1:16...........built/in it saith the LORD of/hosts 9625/12667
Psa_118:24..........glad/in it Save/now..... 6546/12667
Exo_28:17............set/in it settings/of... 930/12667
Isa_6:13.............yet/in it shall be a/tenth 7094/12667
Eze_45:3.............and/in it shall be the/sanctuary 9010/12667 it shall be unclean/and 1179/12667 it so/will...... 7590/12667
Eze_24:11.........molten/in it that/the..... 8701/12667 it The burden/of 7175/12667 it the city/and. 7711/12667
Jer_49:33..........dwell/in it The word/of.. 8229/12667
Isa_13:17........delight/in it Their/bows... 7157/12667 it then/the..... 1220/12667
Exo_16:26........sabbath/in it there/shall... 802/12667
Jer_6:10.........delight/in it Therefore/I.. 7676/12667
Eze_14:14...........were/in it they/should.. 8526/12667
Exo_23:15............for/in it thou camest/out 870/12667
Job_22:8...........dwelt/in it Thou hast/sent 5703/12667
Deu_5:14.............God/in it thou shalt not do any work thou nor thy son nor thy daughter nor/thy 1940/12667
Exo_20:10............God/in it thou shalt not do any work thou nor thy son nor thy daughter thy/manservant 841/12667
Eze_44:3.............sit/in it to eat/bread. 8985/12667
Isa_61:11...........sown/in it to spring/forth 7562/12667
Jer_19:4.........incense/in it unto other/gods 7821/12667
Num_35:25..........abide/in it unto the/death 1838/12667
Dan_4:12.............and/in it was meat for all the/beasts 9121/12667
Dan_4:21.............and/in it was meat for all under/which 9129/12667
Psa_105:12.....strangers/in it When they/went 6458/12667 it when ye/turn. 7330/12667
Isa_5:4.............done/in it wherefore/when 7078/12667
Isa_8:1............write/in it with/a....... 7110/12667
Gen_1:12.............was/in itself after/his... 4/12667 itself upon/the.... 3/12667
1Ch_10:12............oak/in Jabesh/and...... 4519/12667
Psa_78:5.......testimony/in Jacob and appointed/a 6299/12667
Gen_49:7............them/in Jacob and scatter/them 577/12667
Psa_99:4...righteousness/in Jacob Exalt/ye.. 6431/12667
Gen_47:7.........brought/in Jacob his/father. 541/12667
Num_23:21.......iniquity/in Jacob neither/hath 1713/12667
Isa_59:20..transgression/in Jacob saith/the. 7549/12667
Psa_59:13.........ruleth/in Jacob unto/the.. 6193/12667
Gen_34:19........delight/in Jacob's/daughter. 341/12667
Jdg_11:20........pitched/in Jahaz/and....... 2701/12667
1Sa_30:27...........were/in Jattir/And...... 3232/12667
Luk_8:23............were/in jeopardy And/they 10375/12667
1Co_15:30.............we/in jeopardy every/hour 11471/12667
1Ch_11:19..........lives/in jeopardy for/with 4528/12667
2Sa_23:17...........went/in jeopardy of/their 3499/12667 Jerusalem also/my 6936/12667
2Ch_30:14...........were/in Jerusalem and all the altars/for 5081/12667
Eze_12:10.........prince/in Jerusalem and all the house/of 8504/12667 Jerusalem And all the silver/and 5291/12667 Jerusalem And all they/that 5235/12667
1Ch_8:28...........dwelt/in Jerusalem And at/Gibeon 4491/12667
1Ch_6:10...........built/in Jerusalem And Azariah/begat 4473/12667 Jerusalem And Barzillai/said 3441/12667
Isa_24:23............and/in Jerusalem and before/his 7253/12667
2Ch_34:32........present/in Jerusalem and Benjamin/to 5183/12667
Ezr_5:14.............was/in Jerusalem and brought/them 5265/12667
2Ch_11:5...........dwelt/in Jerusalem and built/cities 4814/12667 Jerusalem and came/hither 10961/12667
2Ch_33:15............and/in Jerusalem and cast/them 5148/12667
2Ki_16:2...........years/in Jerusalem and did/not 4233/12667 Jerusalem and dwell/there 3547/12667
Luk_24:18.......stranger/in Jerusalem and hast/not 10589/12667 Jerusalem And hath/extended 5297/12667
2Ch_36:9............days/in Jerusalem and he did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD And/when 5218/12667
2Ch_36:5...........years/in Jerusalem and he did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD his God Against/him 5211/12667
2Ch_36:11..........years/in Jerusalem And he did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD his God and/humbled 5220/12667
1Ch_29:27.............he/in Jerusalem And he died/in 4675/12667
2Ki_14:19............him/in Jerusalem and he fled to Lachish but they sent after/him 4179/12667
2Ch_25:27............him/in Jerusalem and he fled to Lachish but they sent to/Lachish 5006/12667
2Ki_8:17...........years/in Jerusalem And he walked in the way of the kings of Israel as/did 4057/12667
2Ch_21:5...........years/in Jerusalem And he walked in the way of the kings of Israel like/as 4936/12667
2Ch_29:1...........years/in Jerusalem And his mother's name was Abijah/the 5056/12667
2Ki_8:26............year/in Jerusalem And his mother's name was Athaliah/the 4065/12667
1Ki_22:42..........years/in Jerusalem And his mother's name was Azubah the daughter of Shilhi And he walked in all/the 3958/12667
2Ch_20:31..........years/in Jerusalem And his mother's name was Azubah the daughter of Shilhi And he walked in the/way 4927/12667
Jer_52:1...........years/in Jerusalem And his mother's name was Hamutal the daughter of Jeremiah of Libnah And he did that which was evil in the eyes/of 8290/12667
2Ki_23:31.........months/in Jerusalem And his mother's name was Hamutal the daughter of Jeremiah of Libnah And he did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD according to all that his/fathers 4386/12667
2Ki_24:18..........years/in Jerusalem And his mother's name was Hamutal the daughter of Jeremiah of Libnah And he did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD according to all that Jehoiakim/had 4403/12667
2Ki_21:1...........years/in Jerusalem And his mother's name was Hephzibah/And 4318/12667
2Ki_15:2...........years/in Jerusalem And his mother's name was Jecholiah/of 4187/12667
2Ki_22:1...........years/in Jerusalem And his mother's name was Jedidah/the 4345/12667
2Ch_25:1...........years/in Jerusalem And his mother's name was Jehoaddan of Jerusalem And he did that which was right in the sight of the LORD but/not 4993/12667
2Ki_14:2...........years/in Jerusalem And his mother's name was Jehoaddan of Jerusalem And he did that which was right in the sight of the LORD yet/not 4163/12667
2Ki_15:33..........years/in Jerusalem And his mother's name was Jerusha/the 4225/12667
1Ki_15:10.............he/in Jerusalem And his mother's name was Maachah the daughter of Abishalom And Asa/did 3801/12667
1Ki_15:2..............he/in Jerusalem and his mother's name was Maachah the daughter of Abishalom And he/walked 3792/12667
2Ki_21:19..........years/in Jerusalem And his mother's name was Meshullemeth/the 4334/12667
2Ki_23:36..........years/in Jerusalem And his mother's name was Zebudah/the 4392/12667
2Ki_12:1..............he/in Jerusalem And his mother's name was Zibiah/of 4132/12667
Ecc_1:12..........Israel/in Jerusalem And I/gave 6928/12667
Act_1:8.............both/in Jerusalem and in all/Judaea 10832/12667
Zec_14:21............pot/in Jerusalem and in Judah/shall 9739/12667 Jerusalem and in Lebanon and in/all 3683/12667 Jerusalem and in Lebanon and throughout/all 4778/12667
Luk_2:43..........behind/in Jerusalem and Joseph/and 10301/12667
2Ch_27:8...........years/in Jerusalem And Jotham/slept 5035/12667
Isa_65:19........rejoice/in Jerusalem and joy/in 7596/12667
Jer_52:3............pass/in Jerusalem and Judah till/he 8292/12667
2Ki_24:20...........pass/in Jerusalem and Judah until/he 4405/12667 Jerusalem and let/the 5266/12667
Act_26:10............did/in Jerusalem and many/of 11138/12667
Ezr_9:9..............and/in Jerusalem And now/O 5311/12667
2Ki_23:33..........reign/in Jerusalem and put/the 4390/12667
2Ch_12:13........himself/in Jerusalem and reigned/for 4826/12667
2Sa_14:28..........years/in Jerusalem and saw/not 3379/12667
Jer_4:5..........publish/in Jerusalem and say/Blow 7649/12667 Jerusalem and since/that 5268/12667
2Ch_36:2..........months/in Jerusalem And the king/of 5209/12667
2Ch_36:14.......hallowed/in Jerusalem And the LORD/God 5222/12667
1Ch_6:32............LORD/in Jerusalem and then/they 4475/12667
2Ch_17:13...........were/in Jerusalem And these/are 4885/12667
2Ch_35:1............LORD/in Jerusalem and they killed/the 5185/12667
Act_11:22............was/in Jerusalem and they sent/forth 10996/12667
Eze_4:16...........bread/in Jerusalem and they shall/eat 8407/12667
Jer_36:9..........people/in Jerusalem and to all/the 8036/12667
Zec_8:22...........hosts/in Jerusalem and to pray/before 9673/12667
Act_4:16...........dwell/in Jerusalem and we/cannot 10880/12667 Jerusalem And whatsoever/shall 5294/12667
Luk_2:38......redemption/in Jerusalem And when they/had 10299/12667
Isa_66:13......comforted/in Jerusalem And when ye/see 7604/12667 Jerusalem And whosoever/remaineth 5232/12667
2Ch_9:27..........silver/in Jerusalem as stones and cedar/trees 4800/12667 Jerusalem as stones and cedars/made 3704/12667
Zec_12:11.......mourning/in Jerusalem as the/mourning 9711/12667
2Ch_26:9..........towers/in Jerusalem at the corner/gate 5015/12667
Joh_2:23.............was/in Jerusalem at the passover/in 10620/12667 Jerusalem Because/ye 7300/12667
Ecc_2:7.............were/in Jerusalem before/me 6935/12667
Isa_31:9.........furnace/in Jerusalem Behold/a 7343/12667
2Ch_33:1...........years/in Jerusalem But did/that 5133/12667
2Ch_28:1...........years/in Jerusalem but he did not/that 5038/12667
2Ch_33:21..........years/in Jerusalem But he did that/which 5154/12667
Act_18:21.........cometh/in Jerusalem but I/will 11073/12667
Neh_11:3...........dwelt/in Jerusalem but in/the 5417/12667
2Ch_28:27...........even/in Jerusalem but they brought/him 5054/12667
2Ki_23:9............LORD/in Jerusalem but they did/eat 4364/12667
2Ch_19:8........Moreover/in Jerusalem did Jehoshaphat/set 4906/12667
2Ki_23:24............and/in Jerusalem did Josiah/put 4378/12667
2Ch_32:10..........siege/in Jerusalem Doth/not 5118/12667
1Ch_9:3..............And/in Jerusalem dwelt/of 4496/12667
2Ch_21:20........reigned/in Jerusalem eight/years 4948/12667
2Ch_26:15...........made/in Jerusalem engines/invented 5021/12667
1Ch_23:25..........dwell/in Jerusalem for ever/And 4615/12667
2Sa_9:13...........dwelt/in Jerusalem for he/did 3335/12667
Mal_2:11.............and/in Jerusalem for Judah/hath 9753/12667 Jerusalem for since/the 5086/12667
Jer_15:4.............did/in Jerusalem For who/shall 7774/12667
Act_6:7.......multiplied/in Jerusalem greatly/and 10905/12667
1Ch_3:4..............and/in Jerusalem he reigned thirty and three years And/these 4448/12667
2Sa_5:5..............and/in Jerusalem he reigned thirty and three years over/all 3296/12667
2Ki_18:2...........years/in Jerusalem His mother's name also was Abi/the 4269/12667
2Ch_22:2............year/in Jerusalem His mother's name also was Athaliah/the 4952/12667
2Ch_26:3...........years/in Jerusalem His mother's name also was Jecoliah/of 5009/12667
2Ch_27:1...........years/in Jerusalem His mother's name also was Jerushah/the 5030/12667
2Ch_13:2...........years/in Jerusalem His mother's name also was Michaiah/the 4832/12667
2Ch_24:1...........years/in Jerusalem His mother's name also was Zibiah/of 4976/12667
Luk_13:4...........dwelt/in Jerusalem I/tell 10446/12667
2Ki_22:14..........dwelt/in Jerusalem in the college and they communed/with 4352/12667
2Ch_34:22..........dwelt/in Jerusalem in the college and they spake/to 5175/12667
Joh_4:20............that/in Jerusalem is/the 10634/12667
2Ch_36:1...........stead/in Jerusalem Jehoahaz/was 5208/12667
1Ki_2:38...........dwelt/in Jerusalem many/days 3548/12667
2Ki_23:23...........LORD/in Jerusalem Moreover/the 4376/12667
2Ki_18:22..........altar/in Jerusalem Now/therefore 4284/12667
2Ch_34:1.........reigned/in Jerusalem one/and 5158/12667
1Ch_8:32........brethren/in Jerusalem over against/them 4492/12667
2Ch_9:30.........reigned/in Jerusalem over all Israel forty/years 4806/12667
1Ki_11:42........reigned/in Jerusalem over all Israel was/forty 3732/12667
Neh_8:15.............and/in Jerusalem saying/Go 5377/12667
Isa_4:3........remaineth/in Jerusalem shall be called/holy 7073/12667
Joe_2:32.............and/in Jerusalem shall be deliverance/as 9361/12667
2Ch_33:4............said/In Jerusalem shall my/name 5136/12667
1Ch_14:4.............had/in Jerusalem Shammua/and 4546/12667
2Sa_5:14.............him/in Jerusalem Shammuah/and 3300/12667
1Ch_3:5..............him/in Jerusalem Shimea/and 4449/12667 Jerusalem so/must 11120/12667
2Sa_11:12..........abode/in Jerusalem that day/and 3348/12667
Dan_5:2..............was/in Jerusalem that the/king 9139/12667
1Ki_8:1..........Solomon/in Jerusalem that they/might 3641/12667 Jerusalem That thou/mayest 5293/12667 Jerusalem the city which I/have 3727/12667
1Ki_14:21..........years/in Jerusalem the city which the LORD did/choose 3783/12667
2Ch_12:13..........years/in Jerusalem the city which the LORD had/chosen 4827/12667
Eze_21:20..........Judah/in Jerusalem the defenced/For 8635/12667
Neh_11:1...........dwell/in Jerusalem the holy/city 5415/12667
Zec_12:6............even/in Jerusalem The LORD/also 9705/12667 Jerusalem Then Eliashib/the 5333/12667
Neh_13:16............and/in Jerusalem Then I/contended 5460/12667 Jerusalem Then rose/up 5234/12667
1Ki_2:11..............he/in Jerusalem Then sat/Solomon 3540/12667 Jerusalem Then the/priests 5087/12667
2Ki_24:8.........reigned/in Jerusalem three/months 4397/12667
2Ch_31:4...........dwelt/in Jerusalem to give/the 5092/12667
2Ch_30:2....congregation/in Jerusalem to keep/the 5076/12667
1Ki_15:4............lamp/in Jerusalem to set/up 3794/12667
Jdg_1:21........Benjamin/in Jerusalem unto/this 2558/12667
Ecc_1:1.............king/in Jerusalem Vanity/of 6927/12667
Jer_34:6...........Judah/in Jerusalem When the king/of 8013/12667 Jerusalem When the Lord/shall 7074/12667
Psa_102:21........praise/in Jerusalem When the people/are 6442/12667
2Ch_33:7.............and/in Jerusalem which I have chosen before/all 5142/12667
2Ki_21:7.............and/in Jerusalem which I have chosen out/of 4326/12667 Jerusalem which is/in 5226/12667
2Ch_2:7..............and/in Jerusalem whom David/my 4698/12667
Act_10:39............and/in Jerusalem whom they/slew 10988/12667 Jerusalem whose/name 10293/12667
2Ki_21:4............said/In Jerusalem will/I 4321/12667 Jerusalem yea/my 6929/12667
Deu_33:5............king/in Jeshurun/when... 2294/12667
Jud_1:1........preserved/in Jesus Christ and/called 12488/12667
Php_1:26........abundant/in Jesus Christ for/me 11868/12667
Gal_5:6..............For/in Jesus Christ neither/circumcision 11721/12667
Gal_2:16........believed/in Jesus Christ that/we 11694/12667 Jesus That/ye.. 11821/12667
Rom_3:26.......believeth/in Jesus Where/is. 11193/12667
1Th_4:14...........sleep/in Jesus will/God. 12045/12667
Joh_7:1.............walk/in Jewry/because.. 10673/12667
2Ki_10:11...........Ahab/in Jezreel and all/his 4100/12667
2Ki_9:17...........tower/in Jezreel and he/spied 4079/12667 Jezreel And the/lords 3212/12667
2Ki_8:29............Ahab/in Jezreel because he/was 4071/12667
2Ch_22:6..........healed/in Jezreel because of/the 4955/12667
1Ki_21:1.............was/in Jezreel hard/by. 3919/12667
2Ki_8:29..........healed/in Jezreel of the wounds which the Syrians had given him at/Ramah 4070/12667
2Ki_9:15..........healed/in Jezreel of the wounds which the Syrians had given him when/he 4076/12667 Jezreel So/Jehu. 4077/12667
2Sa_20:10............was/in Joab's/hand..... 3454/12667 Jonathan/my..... 3015/12667
Act_9:43............days/in Joppa/with..... 10973/12667
2Ki_5:14...........times/in Jordan according/to 4017/12667
Jos_3:8............still/in Jordan And Joshua/said 2329/12667
Mar_1:9.............John/in Jordan And straightway/coming 10078/12667
Mat_3:6..............him/in Jordan confessing/their 9790/12667
2Ki_5:10............wash/in Jordan seven/times 4014/12667
Psa_81:5........ordained/in Joseph/for...... 6334/12667
Gen_39:6.............had/in Joseph's/hand.... 418/12667
Num_33:33........pitched/in Jotbathah/And... 1806/12667
2Co_11:26...........deep/In journeyings/often 11634/12667
Psa_126:5...........reap/in joy/He.......... 6594/12667
Act_2:9..............and/in Judaea and Cappadocia/in 10849/12667
Rom_15:31........believe/in Judaea and that/my 11311/12667
1Th_2:14...........which/in Judaea are/in.. 12029/12667 Judaea flee into/the 10015/12667 Judaea flee to the mountains And let him/that 10209/12667
Luk_21:21............are/in Judaea flee to the mountains and let them/which 10543/12667
Act_11:1............were/in Judaea heard/that 10991/12667
Mat_2:22...........reign/in Judaea in/the... 9783/12667
Act_11:29..........dwelt/in Judaea Which/also 11000/12667
2Ch_28:6............slew/in Judah an/hundred 5044/12667
2Ch_11:3..........Israel/in Judah and Benjamin/saying 4813/12667 Judah and build/the 5231/12667
Zec_9:7.........governor/in Judah and Ekron/as 9678/12667
2Ch_23:2...........about/in Judah and gathered/the 4960/12667
2Ch_17:9..........taught/in Judah and had/the 4882/12667 Judah and he/offered 3746/12667
2Ch_11:10............are/in Judah and in Benjamin fenced/cities 4816/12667
Neh_11:36......divisions/in Judah and in Benjamin Now/these 5435/12667
Ezr_9:9.............wall/in Judah and in Jerusalem And/now 5310/12667 Judah and in Jerusalem whom/David 4697/12667
Ezr_5:1.............were/in Judah and Jerusalem/in 5260/12667
Neh_6:7.............king/in Judah and now/shall 5354/12667 Judah and publish/in 7648/12667
Jdg_15:9.........pitched/in Judah and spread/themselves 2732/12667
2Ch_21:3..........cities/in Judah but/the... 4935/12667
2Ch_17:12..........built/in Judah castles/and 4883/12667
2Ch_34:21............and/in Judah concerning/the 5173/12667
2Ch_14:6..........cities/in Judah for/the... 4844/12667
2Ch_11:5.........defence/in Judah He/built.. 4815/12667 Judah how/much.. 3131/12667
Psa_76:1.........exalted/In Judah is/God.... 6285/12667
Jer_31:24..........dwell/in Judah itself/and 7954/12667
Jer_40:15........remnant/in Judah perish/But 8118/12667
1Ki_14:21........reigned/in Judah Rehoboam/was 3782/12667
2Ch_30:25..........dwelt/in Judah rejoiced/So 5085/12667 Judah saying/Hear 7666/12667
Zec_14:21............and/in Judah shall/be.. 9740/12667
Neh_13:15..............I/in Judah some/treading 5457/12667
Neh_6:18............many/in Judah sworn/unto 5363/12667
2Ch_30:12...........Also/in Judah the/hand.. 5079/12667
2Ch_12:12...........also/in Judah things/went 4825/12667
Jdg_18:12..Kirjathjearim/in Judah wherefore/they 2768/12667 Judah Who is there among you of all his people his/God 5230/12667 Judah Who is there among you of all his people The/LORD 5227/12667
Jer_22:30...........more/in Judah Woe/be.... 7855/12667
Pro_18:5.......righteous/in judgment A fool's/lips 6816/12667
Pro_16:10............not/in judgment A just/weight 6804/12667
Isa_32:1............rule/in judgment And a/man 7345/12667
Isa_28:6.........sitteth/in judgment and for/strength 7297/12667
Isa_5:16.........exalted/in judgment and God/that 7083/12667
Hos_2:19.............and/in judgment and in lovingkindness/and 9264/12667
Job_37:23............and/in judgment and in plenty/of 5801/12667
Jer_4:2............truth/in judgment and in righteousness/and 7644/12667
Num_35:12...congregation/in judgment And of/these 1835/12667 judgment and the/meek 5979/12667
Eze_44:24..........stand/in judgment and they/shall 9000/12667
Jdg_5:10.............sit/in judgment and walk/by 2599/12667
Hos_5:11..........broken/in judgment because/he 9281/12667
Deu_17:8............thee/in judgment between/blood 2077/12667
Deu_1:17.........persons/in judgment but/ye. 1860/12667
Isa_28:7.........stumble/in judgment For/all 7299/12667
Pro_24:23........persons/in judgment He/that 6861/12667
Lev_19:35unrighteousness/in judgment in/meteyard 1360/12667
Job_9:32........together/in judgment Neither/is 5625/12667
Isa_54:17...........thee/in judgment thou shalt condemn/This 7519/12667
Lev_19:15unrighteousness/in judgment thou shalt not/respect 1351/12667
Mat_12:41...........rise/in judgment with/this 9904/12667
Num_20:16............are/in Kadesh a/city... 1673/12667
Num_20:1...........abode/in Kadesh and Miriam/died 1668/12667
Eze_48:28.........strife/in Kadesh and to/the 9064/12667
Num_27:14........Meribah/in Kadesh in/the... 1744/12667
Deu_1:46...........abode/in Kadesh many/days 1877/12667
Eze_47:19.........strife/in Kadesh the/river 9044/12667
Jdg_11:17..........abode/in Kadesh Then/they 2700/12667
Jos_14:6............thee/in Kadeshbarnea/Forty 2454/12667
Jdg_8:10............were/in Karkor/and...... 2645/12667
Psa_19:11............and/in keeping/of...... 5946/12667
Num_33:22........pitched/in Kehelathah/And.. 1799/12667
Luk_7:25.............are/in kings' courts/But 10364/12667
Mat_11:8.............are/in kings' houses/But 9882/12667 kings' palaces/There 6918/12667
2Ki_3:25............only/in Kirharaseth/left 3993/12667
Gen_23:2............died/in Kirjatharba/the.. 221/12667
Jdg_18:12........pitched/in Kirjathjearim in/Judah 2767/12667
1Sa_7:2............abode/in Kirjathjearim that/the 2946/12667
Col_3:10.........renewed/in knowledge after/the 11980/12667
Php_1:9.............more/in knowledge and in all judgment/That 11855/12667
Exo_35:31............and/in knowledge and in all manner of workmanship And/to 1029/12667
Exo_31:3.............and/in knowledge and in all manner of workmanship To/devise 966/12667
Ecc_2:21.............and/in knowledge and in equity/yet 6944/12667
Dan_1:4..........cunning/in knowledge and understanding/science 9068/12667
2Co_11:6.............not/in knowledge but/we 11622/12667
Job_37:16........perfect/in knowledge How/thy 5798/12667
Job_36:4.........perfect/in knowledge is/with 5784/12667
Php_2:25.......companion/in labour/and..... 11894/12667
2Co_6:5..........tumults/in labours in/watchings 11569/12667
2Co_11:23...........more/in labours more/abundant 11629/12667
Eze_27:21...........thee/in lambs/and....... 8744/12667
Col_4:15.............are/in Laodicea and Nymphas/and 12004/12667
Col_4:13.............are/in Laodicea and them/in 12002/12667
Isa_30:23...........feed/in large/pastures.. 7332/12667
1Pe_4:3...........walked/in lasciviousness/lusts 12355/12667
Pro_14:13...........Even/in laughter/the.... 6783/12667
Mic_7:6...........mother/in law a/man's..... 9515/12667
Luk_12:53.........mother/in law against her daughter/in 10440/12667
Mic_7:6.........daughter/in law against her mother in law a/man's 9514/12667
Mat_10:35.......daughter/in law against her mother in law And a/man's 9872/12667
Luk_12:53.......daughter/in law against her mother in law And he/said 10442/12667
Exo_18:8..........father/in law all/that..... 819/12667
Mat_10:35.........mother/in law And a/man's. 9873/12667
Deu_27:23.........mother/in law And all/the. 2185/12667
Eze_22:11.......daughter/in law and another/in 8657/12667
Exo_18:24.........father/in law and did all/that 827/12667
Exo_18:7..........father/in law and did obeisance/and 818/12667
1Sa_22:14............son/in law and goeth/at 3128/12667
Luk_12:53.........mother/in law And he/said 10443/12667
1Sa_4:21..........father/in law and her husband And/she 2936/12667
1Sa_4:19..........father/in law and her husband were/dead 2935/12667
Rut_1:15..........sister/in law And Ruth/said 2854/12667
Exo_4:18..........father/in law and said/unto 625/12667
1Sa_18:27............son/in law And Saul/gave 3073/12667
1Sa_18:22............son/in law And Saul's/servants 3068/12667
Gen_38:16.......daughter/in law And she/said. 402/12667
Luk_12:53.......daughter/in law and the daughter/in 10441/12667
1Sa_18:26............son/in law and the days/were 3071/12667
Gen_19:12............son/in law and thy/sons. 172/12667
Gen_19:14...........sons/in law And when/the. 175/12667
Rut_3:6...........mother/in law bade/her.... 2876/12667
Exo_18:15.........father/in law Because/the.. 824/12667
Exo_18:12.........father/in law before/God... 822/12667
Rut_2:20........daughter/in law Blessed/be.. 2869/12667
1Ch_2:4.........daughter/in law bore/him.... 4440/12667
Lev_20:12.......daughter/in law both/of..... 1365/12667
Rut_1:14..........mother/in law but/Ruth.... 2852/12667
Exo_18:5..........father/in law came/with.... 816/12667
Jdg_19:5.............son/in law Comfort/thine 2781/12667
Exo_18:27.........father/in law depart/and... 828/12667
Rut_1:8........daughters/in law Go/return... 2849/12667
Gen_38:13.........father/in law goeth/up..... 399/12667
Gen_38:24.......daughter/in law hath/played.. 408/12667
Exo_18:1..........father/in law heard/of..... 813/12667
Gen_11:31.......daughter/in law his/son....... 94/12667
1Sa_18:21............son/in law in/the...... 3065/12667
Rut_1:15..........sister/in law is/gone..... 2853/12667
Rut_2:22........daughter/in law It/is....... 2870/12667
Exo_18:6..........father/in law Jethro/am.... 817/12667
Jdg_4:11..........father/in law of Moses/had 2585/12667
Neh_6:18.............son/in law of Shechaniah/the 5364/12667
2Ki_8:27.............son/in law of the house/of 4068/12667
Jdg_15:6.............son/in law of the Timnite/because 2730/12667
1Sa_4:19........daughter/in law Phinehas'/wife 2934/12667
Gen_38:11.......daughter/in law Remain/a..... 396/12667
Rut_3:1...........mother/in law said unto her My/daughter 2873/12667
Rut_2:19..........mother/in law said unto her Where/hast 2867/12667
Exo_18:17.........father/in law said unto him/The 825/12667
Exo_18:14.........father/in law saw all/that. 823/12667
Rut_2:18..........mother/in law saw what/she 2866/12667
Gen_38:25.........father/in law saying/By.... 409/12667
1Sa_18:23............son/in law seeing/that. 3070/12667
Lev_18:15.......daughter/in law she is/thy.. 1346/12667
Rut_3:16..........mother/in law she said/Who 2879/12667
Rut_2:11..........mother/in law since/the... 2862/12667
Rut_1:6........daughters/in law that/she.... 2845/12667
Jdg_19:4..........father/in law the damsel's father retained/him 2779/12667
Jdg_19:9..........father/in law the damsel's father said/unto 2784/12667
Exo_3:1...........father/in law the priest/of 613/12667
Rut_2:23..........mother/in law Then Naomi/her 2872/12667
Rut_3:17..........mother/in law Then said/she 2880/12667
Joh_18:13.........father/in law to Caiaphas/which 10799/12667
Neh_13:28............son/in law to Sanballat/the 5466/12667
1Sa_18:18............son/in law to the/king. 3064/12667
Exo_18:12.........father/in law took a/burnt. 821/12667
Exo_18:2..........father/in law took Zipporah/Moses' 814/12667
Jdg_19:7..........father/in law urged/him... 2782/12667
Num_10:29.........father/in law We/are...... 1559/12667
Jdg_1:16..........father/in law went/up..... 2556/12667
Rut_4:15........daughter/in law which loveth/thee 2890/12667
Gen_19:14...........sons/in law which married/his 174/12667
Rut_1:7........daughters/in law with her and/they 2848/12667
Rut_1:22........daughter/in law with her which/returned 2855/12667
Rut_2:19..........mother/in law with whom/she 2868/12667 league shall/fall 8796/12667 league with/the. 5602/12667
Pro_9:9.........increase/in learning/The.... 6749/12667
2Ch_2:8...........timber/in Lebanon and behold/my 4699/12667
1Ki_9:19.............and/in Lebanon and in/all 3684/12667
2Ch_8:6..............and/in Lebanon and throughout/all 4779/12667
2Ki_14:9.............was/in Lebanon and trode down the thistle Thou hast/indeed 4171/12667
2Ch_25:18............was/in Lebanon and trode down the thistle Thou sayest/Lo 5002/12667
1Ki_5:14............were/in Lebanon and two/months 3600/12667 Lebanon even/unto 3595/12667
2Ki_14:9.............was/in Lebanon saying Give thy daughter to my son to wife and there passed by a wild beast that was in Lebanon and trode down the thistle Thou hast/indeed 4170/12667
2Ch_25:18............was/in Lebanon saying Give thy daughter to my son to wife and there passed by a wild beast that was in Lebanon and trode down the thistle Thou sayest/Lo 5001/12667
2Ki_14:9.............was/in Lebanon sent to the cedar that was in Lebanon saying Give thy daughter to my son to wife and there passed by a wild beast that was in Lebanon and trode down the thistle Thou hast/indeed 4169/12667
2Ch_25:18............was/in Lebanon sent to the cedar that was in Lebanon saying Give thy daughter to my son to wife and there passed by a wild beast that was in Lebanon and trode down the thistle Thou sayest/Lo 5000/12667
Psa_92:12..........cedar/in Lebanon Those/that 6409/12667
Eze_31:3...........cedar/in Lebanon with/fair 8818/12667
Jdg_15:9......themselves/in Lehi And/the.... 2733/12667 Lehi unto/this.. 2735/12667
Eze_48:9........thousand/in length and of/ten 9050/12667
Eze_48:13.......thousand/in length and ten/thousand 9057/12667
Eze_48:10.......thousand/in length and the/sanctuary 9055/12667
Eze_48:10.......thousand/in length and toward/the 9052/12667
1Ki_6:20..........cubits/in length and twenty/cubits 3617/12667
Eze_48:8.............and/in length as/one... 9048/12667
Job_12:12............and/in length of/days.. 5635/12667
Eze_48:18........residue/in length over/against 9061/12667
Exo_27:11...........side/in length there/shall 922/12667
Eze_45:2.........hundred/in length with/five 9008/12667
Luk_23:38............him/in letters/of..... 10577/12667
Num_33:20........pitched/in Libnah/And...... 1798/12667
Psa_62:4.........delight/in lies they bless/with 6199/12667
Jer_23:14...........walk/in lies they strengthen/also 7864/12667
Psa_66:9............soul/in life and/suffereth 6225/12667
Rom_5:17...........reign/in life by/one.... 11209/12667
Pro_30:32......foolishly/in lifting/up...... 6920/12667 light and/what.. 9867/12667
Col_1:12..........saints/in light Who/hath. 11935/12667
Isa_59:19...........come/in like a/flood.... 7548/12667
1Ti_2:9.........doubting/In like manner also/that 12088/12667
1Sa_19:24.........Samuel/in like manner and/lay 3093/12667
Act_1:11............come/in like manner as/ye 10836/12667
Isa_51:6.............die/in like manner but/my 7502/12667
Jud_1:7.............them/in like manner giving/themselves 12492/12667
Deu_22:3...........again/In like manner shalt/thou 2123/12667 like manner the fifth/time 5352/12667
Luk_20:31............and/in like manner the seven/also 10525/12667
Jdg_11:17............And/in like manner they/sent 2699/12667 like manner thou/shalt 866/12667 like manner when/ye 10217/12667
Exo_7:11.............did/in like manner with/their 650/12667
Mat_21:24..............I/in like wise/will.. 9984/12667 linen and/laid. 10581/12667 linen clothes/with 10815/12667
Lev_13:52.............or/in linen or/any.... 1256/12667
Dan_12:6.........clothed/in linen which was upon the waters of the river How/long 9249/12667
Dan_12:7.........clothed/in linen which was upon the waters of the river when/he 9250/12667
Dan_10:5.........clothed/in linen whose/loins 9221/12667
Isa_66:20............and/in litters/and..... 7608/12667
Hag_1:6............bring/in little/ye....... 9600/12667
2Sa_9:4...........Ammiel/in Lodebar/Then.... 3332/12667
Mar_12:38.............go/in long clothing/and 10197/12667
Luk_20:46...........walk/in long robes/and. 10531/12667
1Ki_11:2...........these/in love And he/had. 3708/12667
1Co_4:21..............or/in love and in/the 11366/12667
Col_2:2.........together/in love and unto/all 11954/12667
Eph_5:2.............walk/in love as/Christ. 11824/12667
1Jn_4:18............fear/in love but/perfect 12464/12667
1Jn_4:16........dwelleth/in love dwelleth/in 12459/12667
Eph_4:2..........another/in love Endeavouring/to 11808/12667
1Th_5:13..........highly/in love for/their. 12054/12667
Eph_1:4..............him/in love Having/predestinated 11746/12667
Eph_3:17........grounded/in love May be/able 11805/12667
Eph_4:15...........truth/in love may grow/up 11814/12667
1Th_3:12..........abound/in love one/toward 12039/12667
Eph_4:16..........itself/in love This/I.... 11817/12667
Isa_38:17...........hast/in love to/my...... 7398/12667
1Jn_4:18.........perfect/in love We/love... 12465/12667
Hos_2:19.............and/in lovingkindness/and 9265/12667
Ecc_10:6.............sit/in low/place....... 7006/12667
Php_2:3..............but/in lowliness/of... 11875/12667
Gen_34:7..........Israel/in lying with/Jacob's 338/12667
Jer_7:4..............not/in lying words saying/The 7686/12667 lying words that/cannot 7690/12667
1Th_1:8.............only/in Macedonia and Achaia but/also 12019/12667
1Th_1:7..........believe/in Macedonia and Achaia For/from 12018/12667
Gen_23:17............was/in Machpelah/which.. 230/12667 majesty/but..... 8443/12667
1Ki_4:9............Dekar/in Makaz/and....... 3577/12667
Num_33:25........pitched/in Makheloth/And... 1802/12667
Hos_10:4.........falsely/in making a/covenant 9307/12667
Exo_5:14............task/in making brick/both 636/12667
1Ch_17:19......greatness/in making known/all 4574/12667
Mic_6:13............thee/in making thee/desolate 9507/12667
Deu_20:19...........time/in making war/against 2109/12667
Gen_7:16............went/in male/and.......... 58/12667 malice and/envy 12178/12667
1Co_14:20........howbeit/in malice be/ye... 11448/12667
Exo_8:17............lice/in man and in/beast. 667/12667
Jer_17:5........trusteth/in man and maketh/flesh 7793/12667
Pro_16:1...........heart/in man and the answer/of 6799/12667
Job_32:8..........spirit/in man and the inspiration/of 5761/12667
Psa_118:8.....confidence/in man It/is....... 6538/12667
Jer_10:23............not/in man that/walketh 7738/12667
Joh_2:25.............was/in man There/was.. 10623/12667
Jdg_6:15............poor/in Manasseh/and.... 2616/12667
Act_27:20..........stars/in many days/appeared 11148/12667
2Co_8:22........diligent/in many things but/now 11601/12667
Jam_3:2..............For/in many things we/offend 12307/12667
Act_8:25..........gospel/in many villages/of 10951/12667 many waters/and. 1716/12667
Luk_23:9.............him/in many words/but. 10569/12667 Maon/whose...... 3160/12667
Num_33:8.........pitched/in Marah/And....... 1791/12667
Mat_22:30..........given/in marriage but are as the angels of/God 9997/12667
Mar_12:25..........given/in marriage but are as the angels which/are 10191/12667
Luk_20:34..........given/in marriage But they/which 10527/12667
1Co_7:38.............not/in marriage doeth better/The 11389/12667
1Co_7:38.............her/in marriage doeth well/but 11388/12667
Luk_20:35..........given/in marriage Neither/can 10528/12667 marriage until the day that Noe entered into the ark And knew/not 10024/12667
Luk_17:27..........given/in marriage until the day that Noe entered into the ark and the/flood 10496/12667
Neh_13:27............God/in marrying/strange 5465/12667
Deu_6:16.............him/in Massah/Ye....... 1953/12667
1Sa_16:18........prudent/in matters/and..... 3033/12667
Luk_8:16...........enter/in may see the light For/nothing 10374/12667
Luk_11:33...........come/in may see the light The/light 10416/12667
Psa_51:10.........Create/in me a/clean...... 6148/12667
Rom_7:8..........wrought/in me all/manner.. 11223/12667
Dan_6:22...........found/in me and also/before 9168/12667
Mat_11:6........offended/in me And as/they.. 9880/12667
Luk_22:37...accomplished/in me And he/was.. 10564/12667
Joh_6:56........dwelleth/in me and I in him As/the 10667/12667
Joh_15:5.........abideth/in me and I in him the/same 10764/12667 me and I in him Therefore/they 10712/12667 me and I in thee/that 10791/12667
Joh_15:4...........Abide/in me and I in you As/the 10760/12667 me and I in you He/that 10755/12667 me and is/wisdom 5611/12667
Psa_139:24...........way/in me and lead/me.. 6638/12667
Job_29:20..........fresh/in me and my bow/was 5735/12667
Joh_15:7...........abide/in me and my words/abide 10767/12667
Php_1:30.............saw/in me and now/hear 11872/12667
Gal_2:20..........liveth/in me and the life/which 11695/12667
Job_28:14............not/in me and the sea/saith 5729/12667 me and the spirit/of 5723/12667 me and thy/hand. 6078/12667
Luk_7:23........offended/in me And when/the 10362/12667
Job_19:28..........found/in me Be/ye........ 5679/12667
Job_16:8..............up/in me beareth/witness 5655/12667
Job_33:9........iniquity/in me Behold he/findeth 5767/12667
Jer_8:18...........faint/in me Behold the/voice 7712/12667
Dan_7:28.........changed/in me but I/kept... 9189/12667
Joh_14:30........nothing/in me But that/the 10758/12667
Act_28:18..........death/in me But when/the 11161/12667
Rom_7:13...........death/in me by/that..... 11224/12667
Php_4:9.............seen/in me do/and...... 11915/12667
1Ti_1:16............that/in me first/Jesus. 12081/12667
Psa_42:4............soul/in me for I had/gone 6097/12667
Rom_7:17........dwelleth/in me For I know/that 11225/12667
Dan_10:8........strength/in me for my/comeliness 9223/12667 me For thus/saith 8218/12667
Gen_41:16............not/in me God/shall..... 448/12667
Joh_14:10.......dwelleth/in me he doeth/the 10747/12667
Joh_15:6.............not/in me he is/cast.. 10766/12667
Psa_42:5......disquieted/in me hope/thou.... 6098/12667
Joh_15:4...........abide/in me I am/the.... 10763/12667
Jer_4:19...........noise/in me I cannot/hold 7652/12667
Rom_7:20........dwelleth/in me I find/then. 11228/12667 me If/there.... 11873/12667
Joh_14:1............also/in me In my/Father's 10743/12667
Job_30:17........pierced/in me in the/night. 5747/12667 me iniquity/slay 3097/12667
Dan_10:8..........turned/in me into/corruption 9224/12667 me is I/am..... 11168/12667
Hos_13:9.............but/in me is thine/help 9335/12667
Mar_9:42.........believe/in me it is/better 10162/12667
Mat_18:6.........believe/in me it were/better 9956/12667
2Sa_14:32.......iniquity/in me let/him...... 3380/12667
Col_1:29.........worketh/in me mightily/For 11952/12667
Dan_10:17.......strength/in me neither/is... 9227/12667 me no/man...... 11626/12667 me Oh/let....... 5873/12667
Joh_14:11.........Father/in me or/else..... 10749/12667 me saith/the.... 8105/12667
Joh_11:26......believeth/in me shall never/die 10724/12667 me shall possess/the 7530/12667
2Sa_1:9............whole/in me So/I......... 3249/12667
Joh_15:2..........branch/in me that beareth/not 10759/12667
Gal_1:16.............Son/in me that I/might 11683/12667
Rom_7:18............that/in me that is/in.. 11226/12667
Jer_2:5............found/in me that they are/gone 7621/12667
Joh_17:23...........thou/in me that they may/be 10795/12667
Hos_12:8........iniquity/in me that were/sin 9325/12667
2Sa_22:20......delighted/in me The LORD rewarded me according to my righteousness according to the cleanness of my hands hath he recompensed me For I have kept the ways of the LORD and have not wickedly departed from my God For all his judgments were before me and as/for 3486/12667
Psa_18:19......delighted/in me The LORD rewarded me according to my righteousness according to the cleanness of my hands hath he recompensed me For I have kept the ways of the LORD and have not wickedly departed from my God For all his judgments were before me and I/did 5941/12667
Joh_14:10.........Father/in me the words/that 10746/12667
Gal_1:24.............God/in me Then fourteen/years 11686/12667
Dan_10:17...........left/in me Then there/came 9228/12667
Job_23:6........strength/in me There/the.... 5708/12667
Lam_3:20.........humbled/in me This/I....... 8360/12667
Joh_11:25......believeth/in me though/he... 10723/12667
Gal_2:8...........mighty/in me toward/the.. 11693/12667 me Whereupon/O. 11144/12667
2Co_13:3........speaking/in me which/to.... 11673/12667
Act_24:20..........doing/in me while/I..... 11131/12667
Isa_27:4.............not/in me who/would.... 7285/12667
Joh_16:33...........that/in me ye/might.... 10782/12667
Jer_30:11...........thee/in measure and/will 7941/12667
Lev_19:35.............or/in measure Just/balances 1363/12667
Isa_27:8.............him/In measure when/it. 7287/12667
Jer_46:28...........thee/in measure yet/will 8191/12667 meat/or........ 11969/12667
Heb_9:10............only/in meats/and...... 12252/12667
2Ti_2:25.........patient/In meekness/instructing 12153/12667
1Co_15:2............keep/in memory/what.... 11460/12667
1Co_3:21...........glory/in men/For........ 11354/12667
Hos_2:19.............and/in mercies/I....... 9266/12667
Psa_86:15......plenteous/in mercy and/truth. 6359/12667
Hos_10:12...........reap/in mercy break/up.. 9313/12667 mercy for/his.. 11774/12667
Psa_103:8......plenteous/in mercy He will not/always 6445/12667
Mic_7:18......delighteth/in mercy He will turn/again 9524/12667
Isa_16:5.............And/in mercy shall/the. 7182/12667
Psa_86:5.......plenteous/in mercy unto/all.. 6356/12667
Est_5:14............thou/in merrily/with.... 5524/12667
Psa_120:5........sojourn/in Mesech/that..... 6585/12667
Act_2:9.........dwellers/in Mesopotamia and/in 10848/12667
Act_7:2..............was/in Mesopotamia before/he 10907/12667
Lev_19:35.......judgment/in meteyard/in..... 1361/12667
1Sa_13:2............Saul/in Michmash and in/mount 2981/12667
1Sa_13:16.......encamped/in Michmash And the/spoilers 2996/12667
1Sa_13:5.........pitched/in Michmash eastward/from 2987/12667 Midian And/the.. 1725/12667
Exo_4:19...........Moses/in Midian Go/return. 628/12667
Jer_46:14........publish/in Migdol/and...... 8183/12667
Jer_10:6...........great/in might/Who....... 7731/12667 Migron/and...... 3001/12667 mills/or........ 1564/12667 mind because/of 11304/12667
2Th_2:2...........shaken/in mind or/be..... 12067/12667
Tit_3:1.............them/in mind to/be..... 12177/12667
Psa_35:15............But/in mine adversity/they 6049/12667
Psa_119:92......perished/in mine affliction/I 6577/12667
Eze_13:13.........shower/in mine anger and great/hailstones 8517/12667
Jer_33:5...........slain/in mine anger and in my fury and for/all 7995/12667 mine anger and in my fury and I/will 8666/12667
Jer_32:37...........them/in mine anger and in my fury and in/great 7982/12667
Isa_63:6..........people/in mine anger and make/them 7576/12667
Deu_32:22........kindled/in mine anger and shall/burn 2281/12667
Hos_13:11...........king/in mine anger and took/him 9337/12667
Isa_63:3............them/in mine anger and trample/them 7573/12667
Eze_43:8............them/in mine anger Now/let 8975/12667 mine anger which shall burn for/ever 7792/12667
Jer_15:14........kindled/in mine anger which shall burn upon/you 7779/12667
1Sa_15:14..........sheep/in mine ears and/the 3022/12667
Jdg_17:2............also/in mine ears behold/the 2750/12667
Isa_22:14.......revealed/in mine ears by/the 7233/12667 mine ears said/the 7080/12667
Num_14:28.........spoken/in mine ears so/will 1610/12667
Luk_1:44.........sounded/in mine ears the/babe 10266/12667
Eze_9:1.............also/in mine ears with a loud voice saying/Cause 8462/12667
Eze_8:18.............cry/in mine ears with a loud voice yet/will 8461/12667
2Ki_10:30..........right/in mine eyes and hast/done 4110/12667
1Ki_11:33..........right/in mine eyes and to/keep 3726/12667
1Ki_14:8...........right/in mine eyes But/hast 3773/12667
Zec_8:6.......marvellous/in mine eyes saith/the 9662/12667 mine eyes so/let 3194/12667
Deu_10:3..........tables/in mine hand And he/wrote 1985/12667
1Sa_24:11..transgression/in mine hand and I/have 3157/12667
1Sa_14:43............was/in mine hand and lo/I 3016/12667 mine hand And the/sticks 8918/12667
Num_22:29..........sword/in mine hand for/now 1703/12667 mine hand Now/therefore 3190/12667 mine hand O/house 7813/12667
1Sa_21:3...........bread/in mine hand or/what 3107/12667
Exo_17:9.............God/in mine hand So/Joshua 810/12667 mine hand Though/he 5639/12667 mine hand upon/the 655/12667
2Sa_18:12.........silver/in mine hand yet/would 3422/12667
Job_16:17......injustice/in mine hands also/my 5658/12667
1Ch_12:17..........wrong/in mine hands the/God 4534/12667
Job_33:8..........spoken/in mine hearing and/I 5766/12667
Eze_9:5.............said/in mine hearing Go/ye 8467/12667 mine heart and in/my 2917/12667 mine heart and the/year 7575/12667
Jer_20:9.............was/in mine heart as/a. 7833/12667
Gen_24:45.......speaking/in mine heart behold/Rebekah 246/12667
Ecc_3:18............said/in mine heart concerning/the 6956/12667
Ecc_2:1.............said/in mine heart Go/to 6931/12667
Ecc_3:17............said/in mine heart God/shall 6955/12667
Jos_14:7.............was/in mine heart Nevertheless/my 2455/12667
Psa_119:11...........hid/in mine heart that/I 6551/12667
2Ki_10:30............was/in mine heart thy/children 4111/12667
1Ch_28:2.............had/in mine heart to build/an 4658/12667
Ecc_2:3...........sought/in mine heart to give/myself 6932/12667 mine heart to make/a 5064/12667
Eze_20:40............For/in mine holy/mountain 8628/12667 mine house and flourishing/in 9112/12667
1Ch_17:14............him/in mine house and in/my 4571/12667
Job_19:15..........dwell/in mine house and my/maids 5674/12667
Mal_3:10............meat/in mine house and prove/me 9762/12667
Eze_8:1..............sat/in mine house and the/elders 8447/12667
Isa_56:5............give/in mine house and within/my 7522/12667
2Ki_20:15............are/in mine house have they seen there is nothing among my treasures that I have not shewed them And/Isaiah 4311/12667 mine house have they seen there is nothing among my treasures that I have not shewed them Then/said 7404/12667 mine house seeing/she 7747/12667
2Co_12:5.............but/in mine infirmities/For 11656/12667 mine integrity and/settest 6096/12667
Psa_26:1..........walked/in mine integrity I/have 5982/12667
Psa_26:11...........walk/in mine integrity redeem/me 5988/12667
2Sa_19:37............die/in mine own city/and 3442/12667
2Ch_9:5............heard/in mine own land of thine/acts 4790/12667
1Ki_10:6...........heard/in mine own land of thy/acts 3694/12667
1Co_1:15........baptized/in mine own name/And 11336/12667
Gal_1:14..........equals/in mine own nation/being 11682/12667
2Sa_6:22............base/in mine own sight/and 3312/12667
Psa_52:1.........thyself/in mischief/O...... 6151/12667 misery/and...... 5583/12667
Num_33:28........pitched/in Mithcah/And..... 1803/12667
Jer_41:10...........were/in Mizpah even/the. 8123/12667
Jer_40:15.......Gedaliah/in Mizpah secretly/saying 8117/12667
Jer_41:1........together/in Mizpah Then/arose 8120/12667
Jer_41:10.......remained/in Mizpah whom/Nebuzaradan 8124/12667
Jdg_11:11...........LORD/in Mizpeh And Jephthah/sent 2697/12667
Jdg_20:1............LORD/in Mizpeh And the chief/of 2798/12667
Jdg_10:17.......encamped/in Mizpeh And the people/and 2692/12667
1Sa_7:6...........Israel/in Mizpeh And when/the 2947/12667
Jdg_21:1...........sworn/in Mizpeh saying/There 2826/12667
Jer_40:11...........were/in Moab and among/the 8113/12667
1Ch_4:22........dominion/in Moab and Jashubilehem/And 4450/12667
Jer_48:41.........hearts/in Moab at/that.... 8209/12667
Jer_48:28..........dwell/in Moab leave/the.. 8203/12667
Jer_48:35..........cease/in Moab saith/the.. 8206/12667
1Ti_2:9.......themselves/in modest/apparel. 12089/12667 money/And....... 3920/12667 months/past..... 5730/12667
Est_2:22.........thereof/in Mordecai's/name. 5498/12667
Luk_21:3............cast/in more/than...... 10535/12667
Exo_1:14.........bondage/in morter/and....... 602/12667
Exo_34:29......testimony/in Moses' hand/when 1018/12667
Mat_23:2.............sit/in Moses' seat/All 10001/12667
1Sa_13:2.............and/in mount Bethel/and 2982/12667 mount Ebal and/thou 2183/12667
Jos_8:30..........Israel/in mount Ebal As/Moses 2387/12667
1Ki_12:25........Shechem/in mount Ephraim and dwelt/therein 3740/12667
Jos_19:50...Timnathserah/in mount Ephraim and he built/the 2481/12667
Jdg_10:1..........Shamir/in mount Ephraim And he judged/Israel 2683/12667
Jos_20:7.........Shechem/in mount Ephraim and Kirjatharba/which 2488/12667 mount Ephraim and said/Hear 4835/12667
Jdg_4:5...........Bethel/in mount Ephraim and the/children 2584/12667
Jos_24:33............him/in mount Ephraim Now/after 2549/12667 mount Ephraim on/the 2545/12667
1Ki_4:8..............Hur/in mount Ephraim The/son 3576/12667
Jos_21:21........suburbs/in mount Ephraim to/be 2497/12667
1Sa_14:22.....themselves/in mount Ephraim when/they 3009/12667
1Ch_6:67.........Shechem/in mount Ephraim with/her 4479/12667
1Ch_10:1...........slain/in mount Gilboa And the Philistines followed hard after/Saul 4513/12667
1Sa_31:1...........slain/in mount Gilboa And the Philistines followed hard upon/Saul 3243/12667
1Sa_31:8..........fallen/in mount Gilboa And they/cut 3245/12667
1Ch_10:8..........fallen/in mount Gilboa And when/they 4516/12667
Jdg_1:35...........dwell/in mount Heres/in.. 2562/12667
Jos_12:5.........reigned/in mount Hermon/and 2423/12667
Num_33:39...........died/in mount Hor And king/Arad 1812/12667
Deu_32:50...........died/in mount Hor and was/gathered 2290/12667
Num_20:23..........Aaron/in mount Hor by/the 1675/12667
Num_33:37........pitched/in mount Hor in/the 1808/12667
Jdg_3:3............dwelt/in mount Lebanon/from 2572/12667
2Ch_3:1........Jerusalem/in mount Moriah/where 4715/12667
Jos_20:7.........Galilee/in mount Naphtali/and 2487/12667 mount Perazim/he 7303/12667
Gen_36:8............Esau/in mount Seir Esau/is 361/12667
Gen_36:9........Edomites/in mount Seir These/are 362/12667
Num_33:23........pitched/in mount Shapher/And 1800/12667
Lev_27:34.........Israel/in mount Sinai And the/LORD 1467/12667
Num_3:1............Moses/in mount Sinai And these/are 1483/12667
Exo_34:32............him/in mount Sinai And till/Moses 1020/12667
Lev_26:46.........Israel/in mount Sinai by/the 1462/12667
Num_28:6........ordained/in mount Sinai for/a 1753/12667
Lev_7:38...........Moses/in mount Sinai in/the 1152/12667
Lev_25:1...........Moses/in mount Sinai saying/Speak 1417/12667
Isa_24:23..........reign/in mount Zion and in Jerusalem and/before 7252/12667
Joe_2:32.............for/in mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall/be 9360/12667
Isa_8:18........dwelleth/in mount Zion And when/they 7117/12667
Mic_4:7.............them/in mount Zion from/henceforth 9486/12667
Heb_11:38............and/in mountains/and.. 12278/12667
Jer_16:7............them/in mourning/to..... 7786/12667
1Th_1:6.............word/in much affliction/with 12017/12667
Luk_16:10...........also/in much and he/that 10477/12667
Mar_12:41...........cast/in much And there/came 10200/12667
1Th_1:5..............and/in much assurance/as 12016/12667
Luk_16:10...........also/in much If/therefore 10479/12667
2Co_6:4..............God/in much patience/in 11562/12667
1Co_2:3..............and/in much trembling/And 11343/12667
Ecc_1:18.............For/in much wisdom/is.. 6930/12667
Gen_22:17............and/in multiplying/I.... 219/12667 multitude and as/the 12270/12667
1Sa_13:5...........shore/in multitude and they/came 2986/12667
1Ki_4:20.............sea/in multitude eating/and 3592/12667 multitude Give/me 4686/12667
Pro_24:6.............and/in multitude of/counsellors 6858/12667
Jos_11:4...........shore/in multitude with/horses 2413/12667
Php_2:12............more/in my absence/work 11884/12667
Psa_119:50.......comfort/in my affliction/for 6565/12667
Dan_4:10............head/in my bed/I........ 9119/12667
1Co_11:25......testament/in my blood this/do 11424/12667
Psa_30:9...........there/in my blood when/I. 6008/12667
Luk_22:20......testament/in my blood which/is 10561/12667
Gal_6:17............bear/in my body the/marks 11741/12667
Php_1:20.......magnified/in my body whether/it 11864/12667
Php_1:7.............both/in my bonds and in/the 11852/12667 my bonds and took/joyfully 12263/12667
Phl_1:10........begotten/in my bonds Which/in 12187/12667
Jer_20:9..............up/in my bones and/I.. 7834/12667 my bones because/of 6080/12667
Psa_42:10..........sword/in my bones mine/enemies 6102/12667
1Ki_3:20...........child/in my bosom And/when 3568/12667
Job_31:33.......iniquity/in my bosom Did/I.. 5758/12667
Psa_89:50...........bear/in my bosom the/reproach 6392/12667 my bow/neither.. 6108/12667
Psa_55:2...........mourn/in my complaint/and 6159/12667
Jer_23:22..........stood/in my counsel/and.. 7868/12667
Jon_4:2..............yet/in my country/Therefore 9463/12667
Heb_8:9..............not/in my covenant/and 12248/12667 my days And/the. 4315/12667
Isa_39:8...........truth/in my days Comfort/ye 7408/12667 my desire/that.. 9310/12667 my distress I called upon the LORD and cried to/my 3484/12667 my distress I called upon the LORD and cried unto/my 5938/12667
Psa_120:1...commandments/In my distress I cried/unto 6584/12667
Gen_40:16............was/in my dream and behold I/had 440/12667
Gen_41:22............saw/in my dream and behold seven/ears 452/12667
Gen_40:9.............him/In my dream behold a/vine 437/12667
Gen_41:17.........Joseph/In my dream behold I/stood 449/12667
Isa_18:4........consider/in my dwelling/place 7197/12667
Job_30:10...........spit/in my face Because/he 5744/12667
Eze_38:18.............up/in my face For/in.. 8932/12667 my Father/and.. 10754/12667
Jdg_6:15...........least/in my father's house And/the 2617/12667 my Father's house are/many 10744/12667 my Father's kingdom/And 10049/12667
Joh_5:43............come/in my Father's name and/ye 10657/12667 my Father's name they/bear 10710/12667
Isa_60:10............but/in my favour/have.. 7552/12667
Psa_38:3.......soundness/in my flesh because/of 6079/12667 my flesh dwelleth/no 11227/12667
Col_1:24..........Christ/in my flesh for/his 11948/12667
Psa_38:7.......soundness/in my flesh I/am... 6081/12667
Job_19:26............yet/in my flesh shall/I 5678/12667
Gal_4:14.............was/in my flesh ye/despised 11713/12667
2Co_11:1..........little/in my folly/and... 11619/12667
Jer_33:5.............and/in my fury and for/all 7996/12667
Isa_63:6...........drunk/in my fury and I will bring/down 7577/12667
Eze_22:20............and/in my fury and I will leave/you 8667/12667
Jer_32:37............and/in my fury and in/great 7983/12667
Isa_63:3............them/in my fury and their/blood 7574/12667
Eze_13:13...........wind/in my fury and there/shall 8516/12667
Eze_36:6.............and/in my fury because/ye 8897/12667
Eze_13:13.....hailstones/in my fury to/consume 8518/12667
Isa_61:10.........joyful/in my God/for...... 7561/12667
Gen_50:5.............die/in my grave/which... 592/12667
1Sa_2:29.......commanded/in my habitation and/honourest 2910/12667
1Sa_2:32...........enemy/in my habitation in/all 2912/12667 my hand and have/hearkened 3210/12667
Gen_40:11............was/in my hand and I/took 439/12667
1Sa_12:5...........ought/in my hand And they/answered 2975/12667
1Sa_24:11...........robe/in my hand for/in.. 3155/12667
Job_29:20........renewed/in my hand Unto/me. 5736/12667
Psa_119:109..continually/in my hand yet/do.. 6578/12667 my hands and/passed 2708/12667
Psa_7:3.........iniquity/in my hands If/I... 5870/12667
Psa_116:11..........said/in my haste All/men 6529/12667
Psa_31:22...........said/in my haste I/am... 6023/12667
Eze_10:13...........them/in my hearing/O.... 8478/12667
Ecc_2:15...............I/in my heart As/it.. 6940/12667
Psa_13:2..........sorrow/in my heart daily/how 5911/12667
Ecc_9:1.......considered/in my heart even/to 6992/12667
Rom_9:2...........sorrow/in my heart For/I. 11252/12667
Dan_7:28..........matter/in my heart In/the. 9190/12667 my heart inasmuch/as 11851/12667
Psa_4:7.........gladness/in my heart more/than 5849/12667
Ecc_2:15............said/in my heart that/this 6941/12667
Psa_66:18.......iniquity/in my heart the/Lord 6227/12667
Neh_2:12.............put/in my heart to/do.. 5330/12667
Isa_13:3.........rejoice/in my highness/The. 7151/12667
Joe_2:1............alarm/in my holy/mountain 9347/12667
Ecc_2:7.............born/in my house also/I. 6934/12667
Act_10:30.........prayed/in my house and/behold 10981/12667
Jer_23:11............yea/in my house have/I. 7859/12667
Gen_15:3............born/in my house is mine/heir 125/12667
Isa_3:7..............for/in my house is neither/bread 7066/12667
Isa_56:7..........joyful/in my house of/prayer 7523/12667
2Co_12:9...........glory/in my infirmities/that 11659/12667
Eze_36:6..........spoken/in my jealousy and in my/fury 8896/12667
Eze_38:19............For/in my jealousy and in the/fire 8933/12667
Num_25:11.........Israel/in my jealousy Wherefore/say 1724/12667 my journey/and. 11307/12667
Eze_37:24...........walk/in my judgments and/observe 8921/12667
Psa_89:30............not/in my judgments If/they 6387/12667
Dan_4:36.....established/in my kingdom and excellent/majesty 9137/12667
Luk_22:30..........table/in my kingdom and sit/on 10563/12667
1Ch_17:14............and/in my kingdom for/ever 4572/12667
Jdg_11:12..........fight/in my land And the/king 2698/12667
Isa_14:25.......Assyrian/in my land and upon/my 7171/12667
2Ch_6:16............walk/in my law as/thou.. 4754/12667
Jer_44:10.........walked/in my law nor/in... 8154/12667
Exo_16:4............walk/in my law or/no..... 792/12667
Jer_26:4............walk/in my law which/I.. 7885/12667
Jdg_4:18............Turn/in my lord/turn.... 2587/12667
Gen_44:18...........word/in my lord's/ears... 517/12667
Joh_15:10..........abide/in my love even/as 10770/12667 my love If/ye.. 10769/12667 my members O/wretched 11231/12667 my members warring/against 11230/12667
1Sa_2:35.............and/in my mind and/I... 2918/12667
1Ch_22:7.............was/in my mind to/build 4607/12667 my mother's/womb 6631/12667
Deu_26:14........thereof/in my mourning/neither 2177/12667
Num_23:12............put/in my mouth And/Balak 1711/12667
Eze_3:3..............was/in my mouth as/honey 8397/12667 my mouth even/praise 6087/12667 my mouth My soul/shall 6042/12667
Job_33:2..........spoken/in my mouth My words/shall 5763/12667 my mouth neither/did 9219/12667
Rev_10:10............was/in my mouth sweet/as 12572/12667
Num_22:38........putteth/in my mouth that/shall 1709/12667
Joh_16:26............ask/in my name and I say/not 10781/12667
Jer_14:15.......prophesy/in my name and I sent/them 7771/12667
1Sa_25:5.............him/in my name And thus/shall 3165/12667
Joh_16:24........nothing/in my name ask/and 10778/12667
Mar_9:41...........drink/in my name because/ye 10161/12667 my name Behold/I 7923/12667
Joh_15:16.........Father/in my name he may/give 10773/12667
Joh_14:26...........send/in my name he shall/teach 10757/12667
Joh_16:23.........Father/in my name he will/give 10777/12667 my name I have/not 7919/12667
Jer_14:14...........lies/in my name I sent/them 7770/12667
Joh_14:14..........thing/in my name I will do/it 10752/12667
Deu_18:19..........speak/in my name I will require/it 2088/12667
Luk_9:48...........child/in my name receiveth me and whosoever shall receive me receiveth him/that 10390/12667
Mar_9:37........children/in my name receiveth me and whosoever shall receive me receiveth not/me 10158/12667
Mat_18:5...........child/in my name receiveth me But/whoso 9955/12667
Mar_13:6............come/in my name saying I am Christ and shall deceive many And when/ye 10205/12667
Mat_24:5............come/in my name saying I am Christ and shall deceive many And ye/shall 10011/12667
Luk_21:8............come/in my name saying I am Christ and the/time 10539/12667
Jer_23:25...........lies/in my name saying I have/dreamed 7870/12667
Psa_89:24............and/in my name shall his/horn 6384/12667
Mar_16:17........believe/In my name shall they/cast 10243/12667
Mar_9:39.........miracle/in my name that can/lightly 10160/12667
Jer_27:15............lie/in my name that I/might 7897/12667
Joh_14:13............ask/in my name that will/I 10750/12667
Mat_18:20.......together/in my name there/am 9965/12667
Deu_18:20...........word/in my name which I have not commanded him/to 2089/12667
Jer_29:23..........words/in my name which I have not commanded them/even 7927/12667
Job_29:18............die/in my nest/and..... 5734/12667
Eze_32:3..............up/in my net/Then..... 8841/12667
Isa_65:5...........smoke/in my nose/a....... 7588/12667 my nostrils/My.. 5724/12667
Dan_4:4......flourishing/in my palace/I..... 9113/12667
Job_19:8........darkness/in my paths/He..... 5673/12667 my people/and... 7597/12667
Psa_64:1.............God/in my prayer/preserve 6212/12667
Phl_1:4...........always/in my prayers Hearing/of 12182/12667
Rom_1:9...........always/in my prayers Making/request 11167/12667
2Ti_1:3.............thee/in my prayers night/and 12133/12667 my prayers That/the 11761/12667 my presence only/but 11883/12667 my presence shall/this 3116/12667
Psa_30:6.............And/in my prosperity/I. 6007/12667
Ezr_7:13.........Levites/in my realm/which.. 5289/12667
Psa_73:21........pricked/in my reins/So..... 6274/12667
Rev_1:20..........sawest/in my right hand and/the 12513/12667
Isa_44:20............lie/in my right hand Remember/these 7452/12667
Gen_42:28...........even/in my sack/and...... 487/12667
Eze_44:8..........charge/in my sanctuary for/yourselves 8991/12667
Eze_44:11......ministers/in my sanctuary having/charge 8994/12667 my sanctuary to/pollute 8990/12667 my shadow/and... 2662/12667
Jer_45:3.........fainted/in my sighing/and.. 8176/12667
2Ki_21:15...........evil/in my sight and have/provoked 4327/12667
Exo_33:17..........grace/in my sight and I/know 997/12667
1Sa_16:22.........favour/in my sight And it/came 3034/12667
1Sa_29:9............good/in my sight as/an.. 3223/12667 my sight Behold/a 4608/12667
1Sa_29:6............good/in my sight for/I.. 3219/12667
Psa_101:7..........tarry/in my sight I/will. 6435/12667
Jer_34:15..........right/in my sight in/proclaiming 8015/12667 my sight Now the/cherubims 8473/12667
Exo_33:12..........grace/in my sight Now therefore/I 992/12667
Jer_7:30............evil/in my sight saith/the 7700/12667
2Sa_13:6...........cakes/in my sight that I may eat/at 3361/12667
2Sa_13:5............meat/in my sight that I may see/it 3360/12667
Jer_18:10...........evil/in my sight that it/obey 7814/12667
Isa_43:4........precious/in my sight thou/hast 7437/12667
1Ki_11:38..........right/in my sight to keep/my 3729/12667 my sight to sit on/the 3656/12667 my sight to sit upon/the 4753/12667 my sight when/they 8480/12667
Eze_17:20..........taken/in my snare and I will bring him to Babylon and/will 8575/12667
Eze_12:13..........taken/in my snare and I will bring him to Babylon to/the 8506/12667
Psa_138:3.......strength/in my soul All/the. 6625/12667
Psa_13:2.........counsel/in my soul having/sorrow 5910/12667
Job_16:4............were/in my soul's/stead. 5654/12667 my spirit because/I 11517/12667
Dan_7:15.........grieved/in my spirit in/the 9184/12667
1Ki_6:12............walk/in my statutes and execute/my 3613/12667
Eze_18:9..........walked/in my statutes and hath/kept 8579/12667
Eze_11:20...........walk/in my statutes and keep mine/ordinances 8490/12667
Lev_26:3............walk/in my statutes and keep my commandments/and 1445/12667
Eze_20:19...........walk/in my statutes and keep my judgments/and 8616/12667
Eze_20:13............not/in my statutes and they/despised 8607/12667
Eze_36:27...........walk/in my statutes and ye/shall 8902/12667
Eze_20:16............not/in my statutes but/polluted 8612/12667
Eze_18:17.........walked/in my statutes he/shall 8580/12667
Eze_11:12.........walked/in my statutes neither executed/my 8487/12667
Eze_5:7...........walked/in my statutes neither have/kept 8415/12667
Eze_20:21............not/in my statutes neither kept/my 8617/12667
Jer_44:10............nor/in my statutes that/I 8155/12667
1Ki_1:35............king/in my stead and/I.. 3525/12667
1Ki_1:30..........throne/in my stead even/so 3524/12667
Col_1:24.........rejoice/in my sufferings/for 11947/12667
Job_13:14..........flesh/in my teeth/and.... 5638/12667 my temptations/And 10562/12667
Psa_69:21............and/in my thirst/they.. 6251/12667 my throne/even. 12531/12667
Psa_139:4...........word/in my tongue but/lo 6628/12667
Job_6:30........iniquity/in my tongue cannot/my 5613/12667
2Sa_23:2.............was/in my tongue The/God 3489/12667
1Ch_22:14.........behold/in my trouble/I.... 4610/12667
Deu_9:15............were/in my two/hands.... 1979/12667 my vineyard/He.. 9985/12667
Dan_7:2..............saw/in my vision/by.... 9178/12667
Isa_21:8.............set/in my ward/whole... 7224/12667
1Ki_11:38...........walk/in my ways and do/that 3728/12667
Zec_3:7.............walk/in my ways and if/thou 9632/12667
Psa_81:13.........walked/in my ways I/should 6339/12667
1Ki_11:33.........walked/in my ways to do/that 3725/12667
1Ki_3:14............walk/in my ways to keep/my 3561/12667
Luk_1:44..........leaped/in my womb for/joy 10267/12667
Rut_1:11............sons/in my womb that/they 2851/12667
Joh_8:31........continue/in my word/then... 10695/12667
Isa_60:10............for/in my wrath I/smote 7551/12667
Heb_4:3............sworn/in my wrath if/they 12226/12667
Psa_95:11..........sware/in my wrath that/they 6424/12667
Hos_13:11...........away/in my wrath The/iniquity 9338/12667
Heb_3:11...........sware/in my wrath They/shall 12219/12667 my zeal/when.... 8422/12667
Hab_3:16........trembled/in myself/that..... 9561/12667
1Sa_19:18..........dwelt/in Naioth/And...... 3087/12667 Naked and ye clothed me I/was 10037/12667
Mat_25:43............not/in naked and ye clothed me not/sick 10041/12667
Deu_28:48............and/in nakedness/and... 2211/12667
Deu_26:19............and/in name/and........ 2180/12667
1Ki_4:15.............was/in Naphtali/he..... 3584/12667
2Co_6:4......afflictions/in necessities in distresses/In 11564/12667
2Co_12:10.....reproaches/in necessities in persecutions/in 11662/12667
Jer_35:9...........dwell/in neither/have.... 8024/12667
Rom_6:4.............walk/in newness of life/For 11211/12667
Rom_7:6............serve/in newness of spirit/and 11221/12667
Eze_30:14......judgments/in No And/I........ 8806/12667
Jer_17:24..........bring/in no burden/through 7807/12667
Mat_5:20...........shall/in no case/enter... 9808/12667
1Co_1:7...........behind/in no gift/waiting 11331/12667
Act_13:41..........shall/in no wise believe/though 11021/12667
Joh_6:37............will/in no wise cast/out 10663/12667
Lev_7:24...........shall/in no wise eat/of.. 1147/12667
Rev_21:27..........shall/in no wise enter into/it 12659/12667
Luk_18:17..........shall/in no wise enter therein/And 10509/12667
Rom_3:9...............No/in no wise for/we. 11188/12667
Luk_13:11..........could/in no wise lift/up 10449/12667
Mat_10:42..........shall/in no wise lose/his 9877/12667
Mat_5:18...........shall/in no wise pass/from 9805/12667
1Ki_3:26.............and/in no wise slay it But/the 3572/12667
1Ki_3:27.............and/in no wise slay it she/is 3573/12667
1Sa_22:11...........were/in Nob/and......... 3125/12667
Jer_46:14........publish/in Noph/and........ 8184/12667
Psa_144:14......breaking/in nor/going....... 6658/12667
Deu_8:11.............God/in not keeping/his. 1968/12667
Exo_8:29............more/in not letting/the.. 675/12667
2Ki_5:20..........Syrian/in not receiving/at 4025/12667
2Co_12:11............for/in nothing am/I... 11666/12667
Act_17:21...........time/in nothing else/but 11059/12667 nothing For/godly 11581/12667
Php_1:20............that/in nothing I/shall 11863/12667
Php_1:28.............And/in nothing terrified/by 11870/12667
1Sa_16:12............him/in Now he/was...... 3030/12667
Jos_14:11...........come/in Now therefore/give 2458/12667
Joh_6:10............down/in number about/five 10661/12667
Deu_4:27.............few/in number among/the 1917/12667
Eze_5:3..............few/in number and bind/them 8410/12667
2Sa_21:20.........twenty/in number and he/also 3480/12667
Lev_26:22............few/in number and your/high 1451/12667
Act_16:5.......increased/in number daily/Now 11043/12667
Deu_7:7.............more/in number than any/people 1959/12667
Psa_139:18..........more/in number than the/sand 6636/12667
Gen_34:30............few/in number they/shall 346/12667
Num_31:36............was/in number three/hundred 1774/12667
Deu_28:62............few/in number whereas/ye 2224/12667 number yea/very. 6457/12667
Jdg_2:17..........walked/in obeying the commandments/of 2570/12667
1Pe_1:22...........souls/in obeying the truth/through 12333/12667 obeying the voice/of 3027/12667
Num_33:43........pitched/in Oboth And they departed/from 1817/12667
Num_21:10........pitched/in Oboth And they journeyed/from 1680/12667
Pro_20:20............out/in obscure/darkness 6830/12667
Isa_58:10...........rise/in obscurity/and... 7535/12667
Heb_7:19........bringing/in of a/better.... 12244/12667
2Ch_26:8........entering/in of Egypt/for.... 5014/12667
Jdg_3:3.........entering/in of Hamath And/they 2573/12667
2Ch_7:8.........entering/in of Hamath unto the river of Egypt And/in 4769/12667
1Ki_8:65........entering/in of Hamath unto the river of Egypt before/the 3676/12667
Amo_6:14........entering/in of Hemath/unto.. 9418/12667
1Ki_19:13.......entering/in of the cave/And. 3901/12667
2Sa_10:8........entering/in of the gate and the/Syrians 3339/12667
2Ki_7:3.........entering/in of the gate and they/said 4039/12667
2Ki_23:8........entering/in of the gate of Joshua/the 4363/12667
2Ch_18:9........entering/in of the gate of Samaria/and 4892/12667
2Ki_10:8........entering/in of the gate until/the 4098/12667
2Ki_23:11.......entering/in of the house of/the 4366/12667
Eze_44:5........entering/in of the house with/every 8986/12667
Exo_35:15.......entering/in of the tabernacle/The 1023/12667
1Ch_5:9.........entering/in of the wilderness/from 4455/12667
2Ki_13:20.........coming/in of the year/And. 4160/12667
Mar_12:44...........cast/in of their/abundance 10203/12667
Job_30:14.......breaking/in of waters/in.... 5745/12667
Num_15:13.........manner/in offering an/offering 1624/12667
Jer_11:17..........anger/in offering incense/unto 7748/12667
2Ch_35:14.........busied/in offering of/burnt 5195/12667
Luk_10:34........pouring/in oil and/wine... 10404/12667
Deu_33:24...........foot/in oil Thy/shoes... 2301/12667
Psa_92:14..........fruit/in old age/they.... 6412/12667
Deu_2:20.........therein/in old time and/the 1886/12667
Eze_38:17.........spoken/in old time by my/servants 8930/12667
2Pe_1:21.............not/in old time by the/will 12378/12667
Jos_24:2...........flood/in old time even/Terah 2530/12667
2Sa_20:18..........speak/in old time saying/They 3460/12667
Luk_19:43...........thee/in on every/side.. 10521/12667
Neh_13:19........brought/in on the sabbath day/So 5461/12667
2Ki_11:5...........enter/in on the sabbath shall/even 4122/12667
2Ki_11:9............come/in on the sabbath with them that should/go 4125/12667
2Ch_23:8............come/in on the sabbath with them that were/to 4966/12667
Heb_9:12.........entered/in once/into...... 12253/12667
Eph_1:10........together/in one all/things. 11752/12667
Joh_17:23........perfect/in one and/that... 10796/12667 one bed/the.... 10503/12667 one board/set.... 913/12667
Rom_12:4.........members/in one body and all/members 11276/12667
Col_3:15..........called/in one body and be/ye 11983/12667
Eph_2:16.............God/in one body by/the 11790/12667
Exo_37:19........almonds/in one branch a/knop 1053/12667
Exo_25:33.........flower/in one branch and/three 898/12667 one cake/And.... 1408/12667 one city/the.... 3353/12667
Exo_36:12.............he/in one curtain/and. 1046/12667
Gen_27:45...........both/in one day And Rebekah/said 278/12667
Isa_10:17.........briers/in one day And shall/consume 7134/12667
Lev_22:28...........both/in one day And when/ye 1383/12667
1Ki_20:29........footmen/in one day But/the. 3914/12667
Rev_18:8............come/in one day death/and 12625/12667
Est_3:13...........women/in one day even/upon 5506/12667 one day In/that. 9633/12667
Isa_66:8...........forth/in one day or/shall 7603/12667
Isa_9:14............rush/in one day The ancient/and 7127/12667
Isa_47:9..........moment/in one day the loss/of 7473/12667
1Sa_2:34........Phinehas/in one day they/shall 2916/12667
1Co_10:8............fell/in one day three/and 11409/12667
2Ch_28:6........thousand/in one day which/were 5045/12667
Eph_4:4...........called/in one hope/of.... 11810/12667
Rev_18:19............for/in one hour is she/made 12631/12667
Rev_18:10............for/in one hour is thy/judgment 12626/12667
Rev_18:17............For/in one hour so/great 12628/12667
1Ki_3:17...........dwell/in one house and/I. 3562/12667
Luk_12:52...........five/in one house divided/three 10439/12667
Exo_12:46........thereof/In one house shall/it 744/12667 one house that/they 9416/12667
1Jn_5:8............agree/in one If/we...... 12468/12667 one mind/and.... 5709/12667 one month/and... 9691/12667
Gen_40:5...........dream/in one night each/man 432/12667
Gen_41:11..........dream/in one night I/and.. 446/12667
Jdg_12:7..........buried/in one of the cities/of 2709/12667
2Ch_35:24.........buried/in one of the sepulchres/of 5201/12667
Luk_13:10.......teaching/in one of the synagogues/on 10448/12667
Lev_5:13..........sinned/in one of these and it shall be forgiven/him 1112/12667
Lev_5:4...........guilty/in one of these And it shall be when/he 1109/12667
Lev_5:5...........guilty/in one of these things/that 1110/12667
Deu_13:12............say/in one of thy cities/which 2034/12667
Deu_23:16.........choose/in one of thy gates/where 2144/12667
Deu_12:14.........choose/in one of thy tribes/there 2024/12667
Lev_26:26..........bread/in one oven/and.... 1452/12667
Act_2:1...........accord/in one place/And.. 10845/12667
Jam_2:10..........offend/in one point/he... 12305/12667
1Ch_23:11...........were/in one reckoning/according 4613/12667 one spirit/with 11869/12667
Gen_41:22.............up/in one stalk/full... 453/12667
1Co_14:24...........come/in one that/believeth 11452/12667
Joh_11:52.......together/in one the/children 10729/12667
Eze_4:9.............them/in one vessel/and.. 8404/12667
Gal_5:14.......fulfilled/in one word/even.. 11723/12667
Exo_23:29...........thee/in one year lest/the 880/12667
2Ch_9:13.........Solomon/in one year was six hundred and/threescore 4793/12667
1Ki_10:14........Solomon/in one year was six hundred threescore/and 3697/12667
Neh_11:21..........dwelt/in Ophel and/Ziha.. 5425/12667
Neh_3:26...........dwelt/in Ophel unto/the.. 5335/12667
Jdg_8:27............even/in Ophrah and/all.. 2649/12667
Jdg_8:32..........father/in Ophrah of the Abiezrites And it came to pass as/soon 2656/12667
Jdg_6:24.............yet/in Ophrah of the Abiezrites And it came to pass the/same 2623/12667
Jdg_6:11.............was/in Ophrah that/pertained 2614/12667
Psa_62:10............not/in oppression and become/not 6204/12667 oppression and perverseness/and 7322/12667
Job_36:15...........ears/in oppression Even/so 5793/12667
1Co_11:22..........drink/in or despise/ye.. 11420/12667
Mat_25:38...........thee/in or naked/and... 10039/12667
Luk_1:1............forth/in order a/declaration 10245/12667
Exo_39:37............set/in order and all/the 1075/12667
Gen_22:9............wood/in order and bound/Isaac 214/12667
1Ki_18:33...........wood/in order and cut/the 3889/12667
2Sa_17:23......household/in order and hanged/himself 3415/12667
2Ch_29:35............set/in order And Hezekiah/rejoiced 5075/12667
Eze_41:6..........thirty/in order and they/entered 8965/12667
Job_33:5...........words/in order before me/stand 5764/12667 order before the/LORD 1410/12667
Psa_50:21...........them/in order before thine/eyes 6141/12667 order for me/since 7446/12667 order for thou shalt die and not live Then he/turned 4303/12667 order for thou shalt die and not live Then Hezekiah/turned 7390/12667
Ecc_12:9.............set/in order many/proverbs 7025/12667
1Co_14:40............and/in order Moreover/brethren 11459/12667
Luk_1:3.............thee/in order most/excellent 10246/12667
Lev_1:12............them/in order on/the.... 1096/12667
Exo_26:17............set/in order one/against 914/12667
Act_18:23........Phrygia/in order strengthening/all 11074/12667
Exo_40:4.............set/in order the things that are to/be 1079/12667
Tit_1:5..............set/in order the things that are wanting/and 12164/12667
Psa_40:5..............up/in order unto/thee. 6089/12667
Lev_6:12........offering/in order upon it and he/shall 1124/12667
Exo_40:4.............set/in order upon it and thou/shalt 1080/12667
Exo_40:23..........bread/in order upon it before/the 1088/12667
Lev_1:7.............wood/in order upon the fire/And 1093/12667
2Ch_13:11...........they/in order upon the pure/table 4837/12667
Jos_2:6.............laid/in order upon the roof/And 2320/12667
Lev_1:8..............fat/in order upon the wood/that 1094/12667
1Co_11:34............set/in order when/I... 11426/12667
Eph_2:15.......contained/in ordinances/for. 11788/12667
Rom_9:25............also/in Osee/I......... 11255/12667
Eph_3:5............Which/in other ages/was. 11796/12667
Neh_11:1...........dwell/in other cities/And 5416/12667
1Pe_4:15........busybody/in other men's/matters 12359/12667
Exo_28:11............set/in ouches of gold And/thou 929/12667
Exo_39:6........inclosed/in ouches of gold graven/as 1066/12667
Exo_39:13.......inclosed/in ouches of gold in/their 1068/12667
2Ch_20:9............thee/in our affliction/then 4917/12667
2Co_4:10........manifest/in our body/For... 11541/12667 our bondage but/hath 5308/12667
Ezr_9:8.........reviving/in our bondage For/we 5307/12667
Ezr_10:14..........wives/in our cities/come. 5317/12667
Gen_29:26...........done/in our country/to... 293/12667 our ears/So..... 8046/12667
Mar_12:11.....marvellous/in our eyes And/they 10187/12667
Mat_21:42.....marvellous/in our eyes Therefore/say 9990/12667
Psa_118:23....marvellous/in our eyes This/is 6545/12667 our father's house Are/we 314/12667
Jdg_11:2.........inherit/in our father's house for/thou 2693/12667
1Th_2:2.............bold/in our God/to..... 12024/12667
Gen_43:21..........again/in our hand/And..... 503/12667
Gen_43:22...........down/in our hands/to..... 504/12667
2Sa_18:12............for/in our hearing/the. 3423/12667
Rom_5:5...........abroad/in our hearts by/the 11204/12667
2Co_3:2..........written/in our hearts known/and 11524/12667
2Co_1:22..........Spirit/in our hearts Moreover/I 11511/12667
2Co_7:3..............are/in our hearts to die/and 11578/12667
2Co_4:6...........shined/in our hearts to give/the 11536/12667 our image/after... 11/12667
Lev_25:20.........gather/in our increase/Then 1428/12667
Psa_85:9...........dwell/in our land Mercy/and 6353/12667
Son_2:12...........heard/in our land The/fig 7029/12667
1Th_1:3.............hope/in our Lord/Jesus. 12011/12667 our low/estate.. 6620/12667 our members/to. 11220/12667
2Co_4:11........manifest/in our mortal/flesh 11542/12667
Num_13:33...........were/in our own sight/as 1597/12667 our own tongue/wherein 10847/12667
Mic_5:5............tread/in our palaces/then 9497/12667
1Sa_14:9...........still/in our place/and... 3004/12667 our power/to.... 5345/12667 our prayers/Remembering 12010/12667 our sacks And/he. 505/12667
Gen_43:18.......returned/in our sacks at/the. 499/12667
Gen_44:8...........found/in our sacks' mouths/we 513/12667
Jer_3:25............down/in our shame/and... 7642/12667
Jos_24:17..........signs/in our sight and/preserved 2538/12667
Psa_79:10........heathen/in our sight by/the 6330/12667 our steps/they.. 5933/12667
Luk_13:26.........taught/in our streets But/he 10457/12667
Psa_144:14...complaining/in our streets Happy/is 6659/12667
Lam_4:18..............go/in our streets our/end 8381/12667
Psa_144:13.....thousands/in our streets That/our 6657/12667
Act_2:11...........speak/in our tongues/the 10853/12667
Ezr_9:15............thee/in our trespasses/for 5313/12667
1Sa_9:7............spent/in our vessels/and. 2958/12667 our watching/we. 8380/12667 ourselves but/in 11499/12667
2Co_1:9............death/in ourselves that/we 11498/12667
2Ch_24:6...........bring/in out/of.......... 4978/12667
Gen_35:26............him/in Padanaram And/Jacob 358/12667
Gen_31:18.........gotten/in Padanaram for/to. 315/12667
Gen_46:15..........Jacob/in Padanaram with/his 530/12667 pain and crieth/out 7276/12667
Mic_4:10..............Be/in pain and labour/to 9489/12667 pain as/a....... 7153/12667
Rom_8:22......travaileth/in pain together/until 11247/12667
Isa_26:18...........been/in pain we/have.... 7279/12667
Act_13:13..........Perga/in Pamphylia/and.. 11008/12667
2Ch_35:13............and/in pans and divided/them 5194/12667 pans and made/cakes 1566/12667
Mat_13:34......multitude/in parables and/without 9921/12667
Mat_13:13...........them/in parables because/they 9910/12667
Mat_13:10...........them/in parables He/answered 9909/12667
Mar_3:23............them/in parables How/can 10095/12667
Mat_13:35..........mouth/in parables I/will. 9922/12667
Mat_13:3............them/in parables saying/Behold 9908/12667
Mar_4:11............done/in parables That seeing they may/see 10099/12667
Luk_8:10..........others/in parables that seeing they might/not 10371/12667 paradise/And... 10579/12667
1Co_13:9............know/in part and/we.... 11434/12667
1Co_13:12...........know/in part but then/shall 11437/12667
1Co_13:9........prophesy/in part But when/that 11435/12667
Rom_11:25......blindness/in part is/happened 11272/12667 part shall/be.. 11436/12667
2Co_2:5..............but/in part that I/may 11514/12667 part that we/are 11504/12667
1Co_12:27........members/in particular And/God 11430/12667 particular so/love 11834/12667
Jer_44:15..........Egypt/in Pathros/answered 8159/12667
Jer_18:15...........walk/in paths in/a...... 7816/12667
Isa_42:16...........them/in paths that/they. 7432/12667 patience/The... 12170/12667
Act_20:13...........take/in Paul/for....... 11095/12667
Luk_2:29..........depart/in peace according/to 10296/12667
Mar_5:34..............go/in peace and be/whole 10122/12667
2Sa_3:21............went/in peace And behold/the 3275/12667 peace and equity/and 9750/12667
Luk_7:50..............go/in peace And it came to pass afterward/that 10370/12667
Gen_26:31............him/in peace And it came to pass the/same 274/12667
2Sa_19:24..........again/in peace And it came to pass when/he 3438/12667
2Ch_18:26.........return/in peace And Micaiah said If thou certainly/return 4898/12667
1Ki_22:27...........come/in peace And Micaiah said If thou return/at 3950/12667
1Ki_2:5..............war/in peace and put/the 3534/12667
Psa_4:8.............down/in peace and sleep/for 5851/12667
1Sa_1:17..............Go/in peace and the God of Israel/grant 2896/12667 peace and the God of love/and 11678/12667 peace And the king of Israel said to/Jehoshaphat 4894/12667 peace And the king of Israel said unto/Jehoshaphat 3945/12667
1Sa_20:13.............go/in peace and the LORD be/with 3098/12667
Exo_4:18..............Go/in peace And the LORD said/unto 627/12667 peace And the saying/pleased 3405/12667
2Ki_22:20..........grave/in peace and thine/eyes 4354/12667 peace and thou/shalt 5603/12667
Jer_34:5.............die/in peace and with/the 8012/12667 peace and your/two 3392/12667
Jam_2:16..........Depart/in peace be/ye.... 12306/12667
Jdg_18:6..............Go/in peace before/the 2763/12667
Act_16:36.............go/in peace But Paul/said 11052/12667
1Ki_2:6............grave/in peace But shew/kindness 3536/12667
Luk_11:21............are/in peace But when/a 10411/12667
1Sa_20:42.............Go/in peace forasmuch/as 3105/12667
Psa_55:18...........soul/in peace from the battle/that 6167/12667
Act_15:33.............go/in peace from the brethren/unto 11038/12667
Jdg_11:31.........return/in peace from the children/of 2705/12667
Jer_43:12.........thence/in peace He/shall.. 8143/12667
Jdg_8:9............again/in peace I/will.... 2644/12667
2Ch_34:28..........grave/in peace neither/shall 5178/12667
Jos_10:21.......Makkedah/in peace none/moved 2406/12667
Jam_3:18............sown/in peace of/them.. 12312/12667
2Sa_15:9..............Go/in peace So he arose/and 3384/12667
2Ki_5:19..............Go/in peace So he departed/from 4024/12667 peace So Moses/hearkened 826/12667
1Co_16:11..........forth/in peace that he/may 11487/12667
1Sa_29:7..............go/in peace that thou/displease 3221/12667
1Ki_22:28............all/in peace the/LORD.. 3951/12667
2Ch_18:27.........return/in peace then hath/not 4899/12667
2Sa_3:23............gone/in peace Then Joab/came 3279/12667 peace then shall/the 286/12667
Gen_26:29...........away/in peace thou art/now 272/12667
Gen_15:15........fathers/in peace thou shalt/be 129/12667 peace to Jerusalem/And 4901/12667
1Sa_25:35.............up/in peace to thine/house 3178/12667
2Sa_19:30..........again/in peace unto his/own 3440/12667
Gen_44:17.............up/in peace unto your/father 516/12667
2Sa_3:22............gone/in peace When/Joab. 3278/12667
Luk_8:48..............go/in peace While/he. 10382/12667
2Pe_3:14.............him/in peace without/spot 12396/12667
Dan_11:21...........come/in peaceably/and... 9243/12667
Isa_26:3.............him/in perfect/peace... 7266/12667
Num_15:3.......sacrifice/in performing a vow or in/a 1620/12667
Num_15:8.......sacrifice/in performing a vow or peace/offerings 1623/12667
Act_14:25...........word/in Perga/they..... 11034/12667 Pergamos/write. 12518/12667
2Co_11:26............sea/in perils among/false 11645/12667
2Co_11:26........robbers/in perils by mine/own 11637/12667
2Co_11:26.....countrymen/in perils by the/heathen 11638/12667
2Co_11:26........heathen/in perils in the city/in 11639/12667
2Co_11:26.....wilderness/in perils in the sea/in 11643/12667 perils in the wilderness/in 11641/12667
2Co_11:26.........waters/in perils of robbers/in 11636/12667
2Co_11:26..........often/in perils of waters/in 11635/12667
2Co_12:10....necessities/in persecutions/in 11663/12667
Dan_11:2...........kings/in Persia/and...... 9232/12667
Joh_18:16........brought/in Peter Then/saith 10801/12667
Gal_2:8......effectually/in Peter to/the... 11692/12667
Son_1:9...........horses/in Pharaoh's chariots/Thy 7027/12667
1Sa_2:27...........Egypt/in Pharaoh's house And did/I 2909/12667
1Ki_11:20.........weaned/in Pharaoh's house and Genubath/was 3717/12667
Gen_45:16..........heard/in Pharaoh's house saying/Joseph's 525/12667
1Ki_11:20............was/in Pharaoh's household/among 3718/12667 Philadelphia/write 12527/12667 pictures/of..... 6868/12667
2Ki_24:13............cut/in pieces all/the.. 4400/12667
Dan_2:40...........break/in pieces and bruise/And 9094/12667
2Ki_25:13..........break/in pieces and carried/the 4415/12667
Dan_2:44...........break/in pieces and consume/all 9097/12667
2Ch_31:1..........images/in pieces and cut/down 5088/12667
Psa_74:14......leviathan/in pieces and gavest/him 6283/12667
Isa_8:9...........broken/in pieces and give/ear 7112/12667
Gen_44:28...........torn/in pieces and I/saw. 518/12667 pieces And Jacob/rent 390/12667
1Ki_18:33........bullock/in pieces and laid/him 3890/12667 pieces and lay/it 3886/12667
2Ch_34:4...........brake/in pieces and made/dust 5164/12667
Mic_5:8..........teareth/in pieces and none/can 9501/12667 pieces and pour/oil 1099/12667
Jdg_20:6.............her/in pieces and sent her/throughout 2800/12667
1Sa_11:7............them/in pieces and sent them/throughout 2968/12667
2Ch_23:17.........images/in pieces and slew/Mattan 4971/12667
Dan_7:19...........brake/in pieces and stamped the residue with his/feet 9186/12667
Dan_7:7............brake/in pieces and stamped the residue with the/feet 9181/12667
Dan_2:40........breaketh/in pieces and subdueth/all 9093/12667 pieces And the/ten 9188/12667
Dan_3:29.............cut/in pieces and their houses/shall 9109/12667
Hos_13:16.........dashed/in pieces and their women/with 9340/12667 pieces and there/be 6142/12667
Exo_29:17............ram/in pieces and wash/the 950/12667
Dan_2:5..............cut/in pieces and your/houses 9082/12667
Psa_58:7.............cut/in pieces As a/snail 6184/12667
Mic_3:3.............them/in pieces as for/the 9478/12667
Psa_89:10..........Rahab/in pieces as one/that 6377/12667
Nah_3:10..........dashed/in pieces at/the... 9541/12667
Jer_5:6.............torn/in pieces because/their 7657/12667
1Sa_15:33...........Agag/in pieces before/the 3028/12667
2Ch_25:12.........broken/in pieces But/the.. 4998/12667
Jer_51:23..........break/in pieces captains/and 8274/12667
Nah_2:12............tear/in pieces enough/for 9539/12667
Jer_50:2..........broken/in pieces For out/of 8234/12667
Hos_8:6...........broken/in pieces For they/have 9293/12667
Isa_8:9...........broken/in pieces gird/yourselves 7113/12667 pieces he hath/made 8358/12667
Isa_30:14.........broken/in pieces he shall/not 7324/12667
Jer_50:2..........broken/in pieces her/idols 8233/12667
Nah_2:1..........dasheth/in pieces is/come.. 9532/12667
Psa_2:9.............them/in pieces like/a... 5843/12667
Jer_51:22..........break/in pieces man/and.. 8269/12667
Mic_4:13............beat/in pieces many/people 9492/12667
Job_34:24..........break/in pieces mighty/men 5775/12667
Eze_4:14............torn/in pieces neither came/there 8406/12667
Mar_5:4...........broken/in pieces neither could/any 10109/12667
Act_23:10.........pulled/in pieces of/them. 11119/12667
Jer_51:22..........break/in pieces old/and.. 8270/12667
Dan_6:24...........bones/in pieces or/ever.. 9170/12667
Isa_8:9...........broken/in pieces Take/counsel 7114/12667
2Ki_18:4...........brake/in pieces the brasen/serpent 4271/12667
Jer_51:21..........break/in pieces the chariot/and 8268/12667
Exo_15:6..........dashed/in pieces the enemy/And 772/12667
Isa_45:2...........break/in pieces the gates/of 7454/12667
Jer_51:21..........break/in pieces the horse/and 8267/12667
Jer_51:23..........break/in pieces the husbandman/and 8273/12667
2Ki_23:14..........brake/in pieces the images/and 4369/12667
Dan_2:45...........brake/in pieces the iron/the 9098/12667
Jer_51:20..........break/in pieces the nations/and 8266/12667
Psa_72:4...........break/in pieces the oppressor/They 6259/12667
1Ki_19:11..........brake/in pieces the rocks/before 3895/12667
2Ch_28:24............cut/in pieces the vessels/of 5049/12667
Jer_51:22..........break/in pieces the young/man 8271/12667
Exo_22:13...........torn/in pieces then/let.. 857/12667
Jer_23:29...........rock/in pieces Therefore/behold 7872/12667
2Ki_11:18...........they/in pieces thoroughly/and 4129/12667
Zec_12:3.............cut/in pieces though/all 9698/12667
Psa_94:5...........break/in pieces thy/people 6414/12667
Hos_10:14.........dashed/in pieces upon/her. 9317/12667 pieces while/there 5869/12667
Jer_51:23..........break/in pieces with thee/the 8272/12667 pieces with words/These 5672/12667
Zec_11:16..........claws/in pieces Woe/to... 9695/12667
Jdg_12:15.........buried/in Pirathon/in..... 2713/12667
Act_13:14........Antioch/in Pisidia/and.... 11009/12667
1Sa_13:6.............and/in pits/And........ 2993/12667 places/desolate. 8725/12667
1Sa_16:18........cunning/in playing/and..... 3032/12667 pleasant/places. 5924/12667
1Ti_5:6...........liveth/in pleasure is/dead 12120/12667
Jam_5:5............lived/in pleasure on/the 12318/12667
Job_36:11..........years/in pleasures/But... 5789/12667 plenty and/be... 9355/12667
Job_37:23............and/in plenty of/justice 5802/12667
Act_2:9.......Cappadocia/in Pontus and/Asia 10850/12667
Act_18:2............born/in Pontus lately/come 11067/12667 possession by/their 6107/12667
Psa_83:12............God/in possession O/my. 6343/12667
Eze_25:10...........them/in possession that/the 8712/12667
Pro_28:10.........things/in possession The rich/man 6896/12667 possession The seed/also 6253/12667
Eze_36:2............ours/in possession Therefore prophesy/and 8893/12667
Eze_11:15..........given/in possession Therefore say/Thus 8488/12667
2Ch_35:13...........they/in pots/and........ 5192/12667
Job_37:23......excellent/in power and in judgment/and 5800/12667
1Th_1:5.............also/in power and in the/Holy 12014/12667
2Pe_2:11.........greater/in power and might/bring 12383/12667
Nah_1:3............great/in power and will/not 9525/12667
1Co_15:43.........raised/in power It/is.... 11479/12667
Isa_40:26.........strong/in power not/one... 7419/12667
Job_21:7..........mighty/in power Their/seed 5689/12667
Exo_15:6........glorious/in power thy/right.. 771/12667
1Co_4:20.............but/in power What/will 11365/12667
Deu_26:19...........made/in praise/and...... 2179/12667
Exo_15:11........fearful/in praises/doing.... 777/12667
Ezr_3:11..........course/in praising and giving/thanks 5247/12667
2Ch_5:13...........heard/in praising and thanking/the 4740/12667
Neh_11:17...thanksgiving/in prayer and Bakbukiah/the 5421/12667
Act_1:14..........accord/in prayer and supplication/with 10838/12667
Col_4:2.........Continue/in prayer and watch/in 11995/12667
Mat_21:22............ask/in prayer believing/ye 9983/12667
Rom_12:12........instant/in prayer Distributing/to 11283/12667
Dan_9:21........speaking/in prayer even/the. 9212/12667
Luk_6:12...........night/in prayer to/God.. 10348/12667
Act_2:42.............and/in prayers And/fear 10867/12667 prayers that/ye 12000/12667
2Co_10:14...........also/in preaching/the.. 11615/12667
Eze_27:20.......merchant/in precious/clothes 8743/12667
Neh_13:7..........Tobiah/in preparing/him... 5453/12667
2Co_10:1.............who/in presence am/base 11610/12667
1Th_2:17............time/in presence not/in 12031/12667
Act_27:35............God/in presence of/them 11152/12667
Php_1:18.........whether/in pretence/or.... 11861/12667
Dan_4:37............walk/in pride he is/able 9138/12667
Dan_5:20........hardened/in pride he was/deposed 9156/12667
Psa_118:9.....confidence/in princes All/nations 6540/12667 princes nor/in.. 6665/12667
Mat_25:39.............or/in prison and came/unto 10040/12667
Act_12:4.............him/in prison and delivered/him 11001/12667
Mat_25:44.............or/in prison and did/not 10043/12667
Jer_29:26............him/in prison and in/the 7931/12667
Mat_25:36............was/in prison and ye came/unto 10038/12667
Mat_25:43............and/in prison and ye visited/me 10042/12667
Act_5:25.............put/in prison are/standing 10894/12667
Act_12:5............kept/in prison but/prayer 11002/12667
Mar_6:17.............him/in prison for Herodias' sake his brother Philip's wife for he/had 10132/12667
Mat_14:3.............him/in prison for Herodias' sake his brother Philip's wife For John/said 9932/12667
Act_26:10.............up/in prison having/received 11139/12667
Isa_42:22............hid/in prison houses/they 7435/12667
Jer_37:15............him/in prison in/the... 8067/12667
Mar_1:14.............put/in prison Jesus/came 10081/12667
Luk_3:20............John/in prison Now/when 10316/12667
Gen_42:16...........kept/in prison that/your. 481/12667
2Ki_17:4.............him/in prison Then/the. 4247/12667
Jer_52:11............him/in prison till/the. 8303/12667 prison Where/are 8070/12667
1Pe_3:19.........spirits/in prison Which/sometime 12350/12667
2Co_11:23........measure/in prisons/more... 11631/12667
Gal_2:4.............came/in privily/to..... 11689/12667
2Ch_21:19...........that/in process of time after/the 4947/12667
Gen_4:3..............And/in process of time it/came 29/12667
Jdg_11:4............pass/in process of time that the children/of 2695/12667
Exo_2:23............pass/in process of time that the king/of 612/12667
Gen_38:12............And/in process of time the/daughter 398/12667
Jer_34:15..........sight/in proclaiming liberty every man/to 8016/12667 proclaiming liberty every one/to 8018/12667
Zec_7:7..............and/in prosperity and the/cities 9653/12667
Job_36:11...........days/in prosperity and their/years 5788/12667
1Sa_25:6..........liveth/in prosperity Peace/be 3166/12667
Job_15:21...........ears/in prosperity the/destroyer 5650/12667
Pro_21:24........dealeth/in proud/wrath..... 6841/12667 proverbs but I/shall 10780/12667 proverbs but the/time 10779/12667
Num_21:27..........speak/in proverbs say/Come 1692/12667
1Ki_16:7............LORD/in provoking him/to 3832/12667
1Ki_16:13............sin/in provoking the/LORD 3842/12667
Eph_5:19......yourselves/in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs singing and/making 11829/12667
Col_3:16.........another/in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs singing with/grace 11986/12667
Num_33:42........pitched/in Punon/And....... 1816/12667
Rev_15:6.........clothed/in pure/and....... 12614/12667 purity/Till.... 12114/12667
2Ch_2:7..............and/in purple and crimson/and 4696/12667
Luk_16:19........clothed/in purple and fine/linen 10483/12667
Exo_38:23............and/in purple and in/scarlet 1058/12667
Rev_17:4.........arrayed/in purple and scarlet/colour 12619/12667
2Ch_2:14..........timber/in purple in blue/and 4708/12667
Exo_35:35............and/in purple in scarlet/and 1038/12667
Col_2:11...........hands/in putting/off.... 11965/12667
Act_23:6..........called/in question And/when 11117/12667
Act_24:21.........called/in question by/you 11132/12667
Act_19:40.........called/in question for/this 11090/12667
2Ki_11:20............was/in quiet and/they.. 4130/12667
Ecc_9:17...........heard/in quiet more/than. 7003/12667
Isa_32:18............and/in quiet resting/places 7353/12667
Isa_30:15..........saved/in quietness and/in 7327/12667
Jdg_8:28.............was/in quietness forty/years 2650/12667
Jer_49:2...........heard/in Rabbah/of....... 8214/12667
Deu_3:11.............not/in Rabbath/of...... 1899/12667
1Sa_30:29...........were/in Rachal/and...... 3236/12667
Psa_45:14...........king/in raiment/of...... 6115/12667
Mat_2:18..........saying/In Rama/was........ 9780/12667
1Sa_20:1..........Naioth/in Ramah and came/and 3094/12667
1Sa_19:23.........Naioth/in Ramah And he stripped/off 3092/12667
1Sa_19:22.........Naioth/in Ramah And he went/thither 3090/12667
1Sa_19:19.........Naioth/in Ramah And Saul/sent 3088/12667
1Sa_19:23.........Naioth/in Ramah and the/Spirit 3091/12667
Jdg_19:13.............or/in Ramah And they/passed 2788/12667
Hos_5:8..........trumpet/in Ramah cry/aloud. 9279/12667
1Sa_28:3.............him/in Ramah even/in... 3205/12667
1Sa_22:6............tree/in Ramah having/his 3122/12667
Jer_31:15..........heard/in Ramah lamentation/and 7949/12667
2Ki_8:28...........Syria/in Ramothgilead and/the 4069/12667
1Ki_4:13...........Geber/in Ramothgilead to/him 3581/12667
Mar_6:40............down/in ranks/by....... 10139/12667 rebellion/or.... 2513/12667
Ecc_8:2.............that/in regard/of....... 6986/12667 remembrance and he/called 3429/12667
Lam_3:20...........still/in remembrance and is/humbled 8359/12667
Rev_16:19...........came/in remembrance before/God 12617/12667
2Ti_2:14............them/in remembrance charging/them 12151/12667
Psa_83:4............more/in remembrance For they/have 6342/12667
2Pe_1:15..........always/in remembrance For we/have 12373/12667
Act_10:31............had/in remembrance in/the 10983/12667 remembrance Knowing/that 12372/12667 remembrance let/us 7445/12667
Luk_1:54..........Israel/in remembrance of his/mercy 10270/12667 remembrance of me After/the 11423/12667 remembrance of me For/as 11425/12667 remembrance of me Likewise/also 10560/12667
1Ti_4:6.........brethren/in remembrance of these things thou/shalt 12106/12667
2Pe_1:12..........always/in remembrance of these things though/ye 12369/12667
2Ti_1:6.............thee/in remembrance that/thou 12137/12667 remembrance though/ye 12490/12667
Exo_17:8..........Israel/in Rephidim And Moses/said 809/12667
Exo_17:1.........pitched/in Rephidim and there/was 805/12667
2Co_12:10....infirmities/in reproaches/in.. 11661/12667
Act_5:34.............had/in reputation among/all 10898/12667
Php_2:29............such/in reputation Because/for 11896/12667 reputation for/wisdom 7004/12667
Col_2:16..............or/in respect of an/holyday 11971/12667
Php_4:11...........speak/in respect of want/for 11917/12667 rest and at/ease 8190/12667 rest and be/quiet 7940/12667 rest until/he... 2881/12667
Isa_30:15.........Israel/In returning/and... 7326/12667
Psa_89:7.............had/in reverence/of.... 6376/12667
Isa_8:6..........rejoice/in Rezin/and....... 7111/12667
Jer_39:6........Zedekiah/in Riblah before/his 8099/12667
Jer_52:27..........death/in Riblah in/the... 8314/12667
Jer_52:10..........Judah/in Riblah Then/he.. 8301/12667 riches and/wisdom 4797/12667 riches to/enter 10167/12667
Psa_73:12.......increase/in riches Verily/I. 6269/12667
Pro_4:11............thee/in right/paths..... 6715/12667
Isa_45:13.............up/in righteousness and I/will 7456/12667 righteousness and in judgment/and 9263/12667
1Ki_3:6..............and/in righteousness and in uprightness/of 3557/12667
Isa_32:1...........reign/in righteousness and princes/shall 7344/12667
Isa_45:23..........mouth/in righteousness and shall/not 7464/12667
Jer_4:2..............and/in righteousness and the/nations 7645/12667
Eph_4:24.........created/in righteousness and true/holiness 11823/12667
Isa_42:6............thee/in righteousness and will/hold 7429/12667
Rom_9:28...........short/in righteousness because/a 11257/12667 righteousness by/that 11065/12667
Isa_48:1.............nor/in righteousness For/they 7479/12667
Rev_19:11............and/in righteousness he doth/judge 12640/12667 righteousness he shall/minister 5879/12667
Psa_17:15...........face/in righteousness I/shall 5936/12667
Isa_63:1...........speak/in righteousness mighty/to 7570/12667
Pro_25:5.....established/in righteousness Put/not 6863/12667
Hos_10:12.....yourselves/in righteousness reap/in 9312/12667
Isa_54:14.......children/In righteousness shalt thou be/established 7517/12667
Lev_19:15............but/in righteousness shalt thou judge/thy 1352/12667
2Ti_3:16.....instruction/in righteousness That/the 12158/12667
Isa_5:16......sanctified/in righteousness Then shall the lambs/feed 7084/12667
Mal_3:3.........offering/in righteousness Then shall the offering/of 9757/12667
Pro_8:8..............are/in righteousness there/is 6741/12667
Zec_8:8..............and/in righteousness Thus/saith 9665/12667
Psa_65:5..........things/in righteousness wilt/thou 6220/12667
Rom_13:13............not/in rioting/and.... 11291/12667
Num_33:18........pitched/in Rithmah/And..... 1797/12667
Psa_62:10...........vain/in robbery/if...... 6205/12667
1Sa_13:6.............and/in rocks/and....... 2991/12667 Rome beloved/of 11165/12667
2Ti_1:17.............was/in Rome he/sought. 12144/12667
Mar_6:48.........toiling/in rowing/for..... 10141/12667
1Ki_7:20.........hundred/in rows/round...... 3633/12667
Est_8:15............king/in royal apparel of/blue 5545/12667
Act_12:21........arrayed/in royal apparel sat/upon 11005/12667
Pro_6:18...........swift/in running to/mischief 6726/12667
Lev_15:13..........flesh/in running water/and 1313/12667
Mat_11:21............ago/in sackcloth and ashes But I/say 9887/12667
Luk_10:13........sitting/in sackcloth and ashes But it/shall 10397/12667
Est_4:3..............lay/in sackcloth and ashes So/Esther's 5510/12667
1Ki_21:27............lay/in sackcloth and went/softly 3937/12667
1Ch_21:16........clothed/in sackcloth fell/upon 4596/12667
Rev_11:3.........clothed/in sackcloth These/are 12573/12667
Joe_1:13...........night/in sackcloth ye/ministers 9345/12667
1Co_10:19........offered/in sacrifice to/idols 11410/12667
1Co_10:28........offered/in sacrifice unto idols eat/not 11412/12667
1Co_8:4..........offered/in sacrifice unto idols we/know 11391/12667
2Ch_29:31........brought/in sacrifices/and.. 5072/12667 safeguard/Then.. 3130/12667
Deu_33:28..........dwell/in safety alone/the 2304/12667 safety Also/thou 5631/12667
Isa_14:30...........down/in safety and I/will 7173/12667
Lev_25:19........therein/in safety And if/ye 1427/12667 safety And the/land 1426/12667
Deu_33:12..........dwell/in safety by/him... 2295/12667
Psa_12:5.............him/in safety from/him. 5908/12667
Psa_4:8............dwell/in safety Give/ear. 5852/12667
Job_3:26.............not/in safety neither/had 5586/12667
Deu_12:10..........dwell/in safety Then/there 2021/12667 safety whereon/he 5719/12667
Jos_12:5.............and/in Salcah/and...... 2424/12667
Psa_76:2..........Israel/In Salem/also...... 6287/12667
Psa_68:14...........snow/in Salmon/The...... 6232/12667
1Ki_18:2..........famine/in Samaria And Ahab called/Obadiah 3881/12667
1Ki_16:28.........buried/in Samaria and Ahab his/son 3859/12667
1Ki_16:32..........built/in Samaria And Ahab made/a 3866/12667
2Ki_6:25..........famine/in Samaria and behold/they 4035/12667
2Ch_22:9.............hid/in Samaria and brought/him 4956/12667
2Ki_15:17..........years/in Samaria And he/did 4204/12667
2Ki_10:35............him/in Samaria And Jehoahaz/his 4116/12667
2Ki_10:1............sons/in Samaria And Jehu/wrote 4094/12667
2Ki_13:9.............him/in Samaria and Joash/his 4152/12667
1Ki_22:37...........king/in Samaria And one/washed 3953/12667
2Ki_14:23..........reign/in Samaria and reigned forty/and 4182/12667
2Ki_13:1..........Israel/in Samaria and reigned seventeen/years 4147/12667
2Ki_13:10.........Israel/in Samaria and reigned sixteen/years 4155/12667
2Ki_15:27.........Israel/in Samaria and reigned twenty/years 4218/12667
2Ki_15:23.........Israel/in Samaria and reigned two/years 4211/12667
2Ki_15:14.........Jabesh/in Samaria and slew/him 4200/12667
Ezr_4:17...........dwell/in Samaria and unto the rest/beyond 5258/12667
Act_1:8..............and/in Samaria and unto the uttermost/part 10834/12667
2Ki_1:2..............was/in Samaria and was/sick 3974/12667 Samaria behold/he 3928/12667 Samaria for he/would 4011/12667
2Ki_15:13..........month/in Samaria For Menahem/the 4199/12667
Amo_3:12...........dwell/in Samaria in the corner/of 9390/12667
2Ki_15:25............him/in Samaria in the palace/of 4213/12667
2Ki_13:6............also/in Samaria Neither/did 4150/12667
2Ki_17:1...........reign/in Samaria over/Israel 4244/12667
2Ki_15:8..........Israel/in Samaria six/months 4194/12667
2Ki_3:1...........Israel/in Samaria the eighteenth/year 3986/12667
1Ki_22:51.........Israel/in Samaria the seventeenth/year 3968/12667
1Ki_20:34...........made/in Samaria Then/said 3916/12667
2Ki_10:17...........Ahab/in Samaria till/he. 4103/12667
1Ki_16:29.........Israel/in Samaria twenty/and 3862/12667
2Ki_10:36.........Israel/in Samaria was/twenty 4118/12667
2Ki_14:16.........buried/in Samaria with the kings of Israel and/Jeroboam 4176/12667
2Ki_13:13.........buried/in Samaria with the kings of Israel Now/Elisha 4158/12667
1Th_4:4...........vessel/in sanctification/and 12041/12667
Rev_3:4.............even/in Sardis which/have 12524/12667 Sardis write/These 12523/12667
1Sa_18:10........javelin/in Saul's/hand..... 3059/12667
Luk_8:51..............go/in save/Peter..... 10383/12667 saving/my........ 179/12667
Joh_20:5.........looking/in saw/the........ 10818/12667
Mar_14:14.............go/in say/ye......... 10222/12667
1Ki_1:6.............time/in saying/Why...... 3516/12667
Isa_40:12......mountains/in scales/and...... 7414/12667
Exo_38:23............and/in scarlet and fine/linen 1059/12667
Exo_35:35.........purple/in scarlet and in/fine 1039/12667
Lam_4:5...............up/in scarlet embrace/dunghills 8372/12667
Nah_2:3..............are/in scarlet the/chariots 9533/12667 scarlet with/other 3255/12667
2Ti_4:2..........instant/in season out/of.. 12159/12667
Isa_50:4............word/in season to/him... 7496/12667 Sechu/and....... 3089/12667
Psa_139:15..........made/in secret and curiously/wrought 6632/12667
Joh_7:4............thing/in secret and he/himself 10674/12667 secret and thy Father which seeth in secret himself/shall 9820/12667 secret and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly But/when 9824/12667 secret and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly Lay/not 9829/12667
Psa_64:4...........shoot/in secret at/the... 6213/12667
Eph_5:12............them/in secret But/all. 11828/12667
Isa_48:16.........spoken/in secret from/the. 7481/12667
Joh_18:20............and/in secret have/I.. 10804/12667
Mat_6:4............seeth/in secret himself/shall 9821/12667
Isa_45:19.........spoken/in secret in/a..... 7461/12667
Pro_9:17...........eaten/in secret is/pleasant 6752/12667 secret pacifieth/anger 6836/12667
Psa_17:12........lurking/in secret places Arise/O 5934/12667
Jer_13:17...........weep/in secret places for/your 7758/12667
Lam_3:10............lion/in secret places He/hath 8357/12667
Jer_23:24........himself/in secret places that/I 7869/12667
Mat_6:6............seeth/in secret shall reward thee openly But/when 9825/12667
Mat_6:18...........seeth/in secret shall reward thee openly Lay/not 9830/12667
Joh_7:10............were/in secret Then the/Jews 10677/12667
Job_40:13..........faces/in secret Then will/I 5820/12667
2Pe_2:8.............them/in seeing/and..... 12381/12667
1Sa_2:13.............was/in seething/with... 2904/12667
Deu_2:29...........dwell/in Seir and the/Moabites 1894/12667
Deu_2:4............dwell/in Seir and they/shall 1878/12667
Deu_2:12...........dwelt/in Seir beforetime/but 1883/12667 Seir even/unto.. 1876/12667
Deu_2:8............dwelt/in Seir through/the 1880/12667
Deu_2:22...........dwelt/in Seir when/he.... 1888/12667
Eze_17:15............him/in sending his/ambassadors 8571/12667
2Sa_13:16...........evil/in sending me/away. 3365/12667 Sepharad/shall.. 9455/12667
Deu_15:18...........thee/in serving/thee.... 2051/12667
Lev_8:33....congregation/in seven days/until 1158/12667
Job_5:19.............yea/in seven there/shall 5599/12667
1Ki_4:9..............and/in Shaalbim and/Bethshemesh 3578/12667
Jdg_1:35.............and/in Shaalbim yet/the 2564/12667
Eze_46:10.............go/in shall/go........ 9035/12667
Jdg_10:2..........buried/in Shamir And/after 2684/12667
Jdg_10:1...........dwelt/in Shamir in/mount. 2682/12667
1Ch_27:29............fed/in Sharon/was...... 4656/12667
Gen_14:5...........Emins/in Shaveh/Kiriathaim 117/12667
Neh_13:15.......bringing/in sheaves/and..... 5458/12667
Gen_37:12..........flock/in Shechem And Israel/said 382/12667
Jdg_9:41...........dwell/in Shechem And it/came 2676/12667
Jos_24:25......ordinance/in Shechem And Joshua/wrote 2541/12667
Jdg_9:6..............was/in Shechem And when/they 2659/12667
Gen_37:13..........flock/in Shechem come/and. 383/12667
Jos_24:32...........they/in Shechem in/a.... 2546/12667
Jdg_8:31.............was/in Shechem she/also 2653/12667 sheep's/clothing 9840/12667
Heb_11:37..........about/in sheepskins/and. 12276/12667
1Sa_1:9............eaten/in Shiloh and after/they 2893/12667
Jdg_18:31............was/in Shiloh And it/came 2776/12667
1Sa_1:24............LORD/in Shiloh and the child/was 2899/12667
Jos_18:8............LORD/in Shiloh And the men/went 2475/12667
1Sa_1:3............hosts/in Shiloh And the two/sons 2892/12667
Jos_18:10...........them/in Shiloh before the LORD and/there 2477/12667
Jos_19:51............lot/in Shiloh before the LORD at/the 2482/12667
1Sa_3:21..........Samuel/in Shiloh by/the... 2927/12667
1Sa_3:21...........again/in Shiloh for/the.. 2926/12667
1Ki_2:27.............Eli/in Shiloh Then/tidings 3542/12667
1Sa_2:14.............did/in Shiloh unto/all. 2906/12667
1Sa_14:3..........priest/in Shiloh wearing/an 3002/12667
Jer_7:12.............was/in Shiloh where/I.. 7693/12667
Jdg_21:19...........LORD/in Shiloh yearly/in 2832/12667
Luk_24:4............them/in shining/garments 10586/12667 ships and/sailors 12629/12667
Jdg_5:17..........remain/in ships Asher/continued 2602/12667
Psa_107:23...........sea/in ships that/do... 6497/12667 ships to/make... 8802/12667
Num_25:1...........abode/in Shittim/and..... 1719/12667
1Sa_28:4.........pitched/in Shunem/and...... 3207/12667
Est_4:16.........present/in Shushan and/fast 5514/12667
Est_9:15............were/in Shushan gathered/themselves 5558/12667
Est_3:15...........given/in Shushan the palace And the king/and 5508/12667 Shushan the palace and the ten/sons 5555/12667
Est_1:5..........present/in Shushan the palace both/unto 5472/12667
Est_1:2..............was/in Shushan the palace In/the 5470/12667
Neh_1:1..............was/in Shushan the palace That/Hanani 5321/12667
Est_9:6..............And/in Shushan the palace the/Jews 5553/12667
Est_2:5..............Now/in Shushan the palace there/was 5485/12667
Est_9:11...........slain/in Shushan the palace was/brought 5554/12667
Est_9:13.............are/in Shushan to/do... 5557/12667
Lev_14:37..........which/in sight are/lower. 1290/12667
Lev_13:3..........plague/in sight be deeper/than 1190/12667
Lev_13:4.............and/in sight be not/deeper 1192/12667
Lev_13:31............not/in sight deeper than the skin and that/there 1219/12667 sight deeper than the skin and there/be 1217/12667
Lev_13:32............not/in sight deeper than the skin He/shall 1223/12667 sight deeper than the skin it/is 1212/12667 sight deeper than the skin then/the 1226/12667
Rev_4:3...........throne/in sight like/unto 12536/12667 sight lower/than 1207/12667
2Co_12:12.......patience/in signs/and...... 11668/12667 silence For/Adam 12091/12667
Psa_94:17..........dwelt/in silence When/I.. 6416/12667
1Ti_2:11...........learn/in silence with/all 12090/12667
Luk_13:4...........tower/in Siloam/fell.... 10445/12667
Exo_31:4.............and/in silver and in brass And in cutting/of 969/12667
2Ch_2:7..............and/in silver and in brass and in iron/and 4693/12667
Exo_35:32............and/in silver and in brass And in the/cutting 1032/12667
Gen_13:2..........cattle/in silver and in gold/And 102/12667
2Ch_2:14.............and/in silver in/brass. 4703/12667
2Ki_25:15.........silver/in silver the/captain 4417/12667
Jer_52:19.........silver/in silver took/the. 8310/12667
2Co_1:12............that/in simplicity/and. 11502/12667
Psa_51:5.............and/in sin did/my...... 6145/12667
Rom_6:1.........continue/in sin that/grace. 11210/12667 Sinai/in........ 6235/12667
Eph_6:24..........Christ/in sincerity Amen/Paul 11846/12667
Jos_24:14............him/in sincerity and/in 2534/12667
Col_3:22.............but/in singleness of heart/fearing 11993/12667
Eph_6:5........trembling/in singleness of your/heart 11837/12667
Joh_9:34............born/in sins and/dost.. 10704/12667
Eph_2:5.............dead/in sins hath/quickened 11775/12667
1Pe_2:6..............lay/in Sion a chief/corner 12335/12667
Rom_9:33.............lay/in Sion a stumblingstone/and 11258/12667
Psa_65:1.............God/in Sion and/unto... 6218/12667
1Sa_30:28...........were/in Siphmoth/and.... 3234/12667
Exo_31:17............for/in six days the LORD made heaven and earth and/on 978/12667
Exo_20:11............For/in six days the LORD made heaven and earth the/sea 842/12667
Job_5:19............thee/in six troubles/yea 5598/12667
Jdg_9:56..........father/in slaying/his..... 2681/12667 sleep/Then..... 10719/12667
Psa_73:18...........them/in slippery/places. 6272/12667 slumberings/upon 5772/12667
1Ki_20:37...........that/in smiting he/wounded 3918/12667
Mic_6:13............sick/in smiting thee/in. 9506/12667 Smyrna/write... 12517/12667
Gen_44:5............evil/in so doing And/he.. 512/12667
Gen_31:28......foolishly/in so doing It/is... 322/12667
Job_32:22.........titles/in so doing my/maker 5762/12667
Rom_12:20............for/in so doing thou/shalt 11287/12667
Est_6:5.............come/in So Haman/came... 5527/12667
Deu_13:5............walk/in So shalt/thou... 2033/12667
Gen_30:42............not/in so the/feebler... 311/12667
Gen_14:12..........dwelt/in Sodom and/his.... 121/12667
Gen_18:26...........find/in Sodom fifty/righteous 164/12667
Mat_11:23...........done/in Sodom it/would.. 9889/12667
Mat_11:8.........clothed/in soft raiment behold they that/wear 9881/12667
Luk_7:25.........clothed/in soft raiment Behold they which/are 10363/12667
Act_5:12..........accord/in Solomon's porch And/of 10889/12667
Joh_10:23.........temple/in Solomon's porch Then/came 10709/12667
Lev_4:17..........finger/in some of/the..... 1104/12667
Neh_6:2.........together/in some one/of..... 5350/12667
2Sa_17:9..............or/in some other/place 3409/12667 some pit/or..... 3408/12667
2Sa_17:12............him/in some place/where 3411/12667 some sort/as... 11303/12667 some town/in.... 3199/12667
Isa_50:11...........down/in sorrow Hearken/to 7501/12667
Job_6:10..........myself/in sorrow let/him.. 5610/12667
Gen_3:17............sake/in sorrow shalt/thou. 27/12667
Gen_3:16......conception/in sorrow thou/shalt. 26/12667
Job_3:20..........bitter/in soul/Which...... 5584/12667
1Sa_30:27...........were/in south/Ramoth.... 3231/12667
Exo_6:11..............Go/in speak/unto....... 646/12667
Jer_38:4..........people/in speaking/such... 8075/12667
2Co_11:6............rude/in speech/yet..... 11621/12667
Isa_54:6.........grieved/in spirit and a/wife 7515/12667
Joh_4:23..........Father/in spirit and in truth for/the 10636/12667
Joh_4:24.............him/in spirit and in truth The/woman 10638/12667
Luk_10:21.......rejoiced/in spirit and said/I 10401/12667
Joh_13:21.......troubled/in spirit and testified/and 10738/12667
Luk_1:80..........strong/in spirit and was/in 10276/12667
Ecc_7:8............proud/in spirit Be/not... 6977/12667
1Co_7:34.............and/in spirit but/she. 11385/12667
Mat_22:43..........David/in spirit call/him 10000/12667
Luk_2:40..........strong/in spirit filled/with 10300/12667
Mat_5:3.............poor/in spirit for/theirs 9800/12667
1Co_5:3..........present/in spirit have/judged 11369/12667 spirit in/faith 12112/12667
Ecc_7:8..........patient/in spirit is/better 6976/12667
Rom_12:11........fervent/in spirit serving/the 11280/12667
Isa_29:24..........erred/in spirit shall/come 7315/12667
Pro_29:23.........humble/in spirit Whoso/is. 6906/12667
Pro_26:19..............I/in sport/Where..... 6886/12667
1Co_4:2.........required/in stewards/that.. 11355/12667
2Ch_2:14............iron/in stone and/in.... 4706/12667
Exo_28:11.......engraver/in stone like/the... 928/12667
Luk_23:53...........hewn/in stone wherein/never 10583/12667
2Co_3:7.........engraven/in stones/was..... 11527/12667
Psa_141:6.....overthrown/in stony/places.... 6645/12667
1Co_16:2.............him/in store as/God... 11486/12667
1Ti_6:19..............up/in store for/themselves 12131/12667
2Pe_3:7.............kept/in store reserved/unto 12392/12667
Isa_39:6..............up/in store until/this 7406/12667
2Ki_20:17.............up/in store unto/this. 4313/12667
Deu_32:34.............up/in store with/me... 2283/12667
Psa_33:7...........depth/in storehouses/Let. 6035/12667
Mar_6:25............came/in straightway/with 10134/12667 straits/every... 5685/12667
Act_9:22............more/in strength and confounded/the 10962/12667
Gen_49:24..........abode/in strength and the/arms 583/12667
Job_36:5..........mighty/in strength and wisdom/He 5785/12667
Psa_103:20.........excel/in strength that/do 6447/12667
Job_9:4...........mighty/in strength who/hath 5621/12667
Rom_13:13............not/in strife/and..... 11293/12667
2Co_11:23.......abundant/in stripes above/measure 11630/12667
2Co_6:5.......distresses/In stripes in/imprisonments 11566/12667
1Sa_23:14.....wilderness/in strong holds and remained/in 3135/12667
Num_13:19.............or/in strong holds And what/the 1591/12667
1Sa_23:29..........dwelt/in strong holds at/Engedi 3150/12667 strong holds in/the 3142/12667
Heb_2:5..............put/in subjection the/world 12202/12667 subjection to/your 12340/12667
Heb_2:8..............all/in subjection under him/he 12206/12667
Heb_2:8...........things/in subjection under his/feet 12204/12667 subjection unto the/Father 12281/12667
1Pe_3:5............being/in subjection unto their/own 12345/12667
1Ti_3:4.........children/in subjection with/all 12095/12667 subtilty/to..... 4104/12667
Num_33:5.........pitched/in Succoth/And..... 1787/12667 such a/case..... 6660/12667
Mat_24:44............for/in such an/hour... 10027/12667
2Ki_6:8...........saying/In such and/such... 4030/12667
1Co_7:15.........bondage/in such cases/but. 11378/12667
2Ch_30:5............time/in such sort/as.... 5078/12667
Pro_26:1............snow/in summer and as/rain 6875/12667
Zec_14:8.............sea/in summer and in/winter 9727/12667
Pro_10:5.......gathereth/in summer is/a..... 6754/12667
Nah_1:13...........bonds/in sunder And the/LORD 9531/12667
Luk_12:46............him/in sunder and will/appoint 10438/12667
Psa_107:16..........iron/in sunder Fools/because 6495/12667
Psa_46:9...........spear/in sunder he/burneth 6121/12667
Psa_107:14.........bands/in sunder Oh/that.. 6494/12667
Isa_45:2.............cut/in sunder the bars/of 7455/12667
Isa_27:9..........beaten/in sunder the groves/and 7289/12667
1Ti_5:5.......continueth/in supplications/and 12119/12667
Isa_32:18............and/in sure/dwellings.. 7352/12667
Luk_2:7..............him/in swaddling clothes and/laid 10279/12667
Luk_2:12.........wrapped/in swaddling clothes lying/in 10285/12667
2Sa_8:6........garrisons/in Syria of/Damascus 3328/12667
2Sa_15:8..........Geshur/in Syria saying/If. 3383/12667
Dan_2:4.............king/in Syriack/O....... 9081/12667
1Ch_18:6.......garrisons/in Syriadamascus/and 4577/12667
Jdg_5:19..........Canaan/in Taanach/by...... 2605/12667
Hos_12:9...........dwell/in tabernacles as/in 9326/12667
Heb_11:9........dwelling/in tabernacles with/Isaac 12269/12667
2Co_3:3..............not/in tables/of...... 11525/12667 Tahpanhes in/the 8140/12667
Jer_46:14............and/in Tahpanhes say/ye 8185/12667
Jer_43:8........Jeremiah/in Tahpanhes saying/Take 8136/12667
Act_22:3............born/in Tarsus/a....... 11109/12667
Psa_126:5............sow/in tears/shall..... 6593/12667
Jer_6:1..........trumpet/in Tekoa/and....... 7671/12667
1Sa_15:4............them/in Telaim/two...... 3019/12667
Isa_37:12...........were/in Telassar/Where.. 7380/12667
Jer_49:7............more/in Teman/is........ 8217/12667
Act_7:48.............not/in temples made with hands as/saith 10942/12667
Act_17:24............not/in temples made with hands Neither/is 11062/12667
Neh_5:18............once/in ten/days........ 5349/12667
Jer_35:10..........dwelt/in tents and have/obeyed 8025/12667
Gen_25:27.......dwelling/in tents And Isaac/loved 258/12667
2Sa_11:11..........abide/in tents and my/lord 3346/12667
Gen_4:20...........dwell/in tents and of/such. 34/12667
Jdg_8:11...........dwelt/in tents on/the.... 2646/12667
Num_13:19........whether/in tents or/in..... 1590/12667
Jer_35:7...........dwell/in tents that/ye... 8021/12667
Ezr_8:15..............we/in tents three/days 5299/12667
Mar_12:43...........more/in than/all....... 10202/12667
Isa_40:22..........dwell/in That bringeth/the 7417/12667
Joh_5:6.............time/in that case/he... 10646/12667
Act_16:12...........were/in that city abiding/certain 11046/12667
Luk_18:3...........widow/in that city and/she 10506/12667 that city But/there 10944/12667
Jos_20:6...........dwell/in that city until/he 2484/12667 that day a/man.. 7063/12667
Mic_7:12.........removed/In that day also/he 9519/12667
Deu_31:17...........them/in that day and I/will 2267/12667
2Ti_1:18............Lord/in that day and in/how 12145/12667 that day and leap/for 10350/12667
Zec_2:11............LORD/in that day and shall be/my 9629/12667
Isa_19:21...........LORD/in that day and shall do/sacrifice 7215/12667
Zec_11:11.........broken/in that day and so/the 9692/12667
Isa_2:17.........exalted/in that day And the/idols 7062/12667
Deu_31:17............say/in that day Are/not 2268/12667
Lev_27:23.....estimation/in that day as a/holy 1465/12667
Zec_9:16............them/in that day as the/flock 9679/12667
1Sa_8:18.............out/in that day because/of 2954/12667
Jer_39:16...accomplished/in that day before/thee 8103/12667
Isa_20:6.............say/in that day Behold/such 7220/12667
Isa_22:12............And/in that day did/the 7232/12667
Isa_31:7.............For/in that day every/man 7341/12667
Deu_31:18...........face/in that day for all/the 2269/12667
Luk_10:12......tolerable/in that day for Sodom/than 10394/12667
Isa_2:11.........exalted/in that day For the/day 7061/12667
Jos_14:12..........spake/in that day for thou/heardest 2459/12667
Deu_1:39...........which/in that day had/no. 1873/12667
Luk_17:31.......revealed/In that day he/which 10499/12667
Jos_14:12.......heardest/in that day how/the 2460/12667
Hos_2:21............pass/in that day I will hear/saith 9268/12667
1Sa_3:12..........tingle/In that day I will perform/against 2925/12667
Zep_3:16............more/In that day it shall be/said 9591/12667
Isa_17:4.............And/in that day it shall come/to 7187/12667
Isa_25:9............said/in that day Lo/this 7259/12667 that day Lord/Lord 9842/12667 that day Nevertheless/the 2955/12667
Jer_39:17...........thee/in that day saith the LORD and/thou 8104/12667 that day saith the LORD Behold/I 8248/12667
Oba_1:8..............not/in that day saith the LORD even/destroy 9443/12667
Amo_8:9.............pass/in that day saith the Lord GOD that/I 9427/12667
Amo_8:3.........howlings/in that day saith the Lord GOD there/shall 9425/12667
Amo_2:16...........naked/in that day saith the LORD Hear/this 9379/12667 that day saith the LORD I/will 9699/12667 that day saith the LORD of hosts And/I 8226/12667
Isa_22:25........flagons/In that day saith the LORD of hosts shall the/nail 7237/12667 that day saith the LORD of hosts shall ye/call 9634/12667
Jer_30:8............pass/in that day saith the LORD of hosts that I will break/his 7939/12667
Zec_13:2............pass/in that day saith the LORD of hosts that I will cut/off 9714/12667 that day saith the LORD of hosts will/I 9620/12667
Mic_5:10............pass/in that day saith the LORD that I/will 9502/12667
Zep_1:10............pass/in that day saith the LORD that there/shall 9570/12667
Mic_4:6.............ever/In that day saith the LORD will/I 9485/12667
Exo_13:8.............son/in that day saying/This 751/12667
Isa_4:1..............And/in that day seven/women 7070/12667
Eze_24:26.......escapeth/in that day shall come/unto 8707/12667 that day shall Egypt/be 7208/12667 that day shall five/cities 7210/12667
Isa_3:7.............hand/In that day shall he/swear 7065/12667
Isa_17:9..........images/In that day shall his/strong 7192/12667
Isa_19:24......Assyrians/In that day shall Israel/be 7217/12667
Eze_30:9.......destroyed/In that day shall messengers/go 8801/12667
Mic_2:4.............evil/In that day shall one/take 9474/12667
Isa_4:2.........reproach/In that day shall the branch/of 7071/12667
Isa_29:18............And/in that day shall the deaf/hear 7310/12667
Mic_7:11...........built/in that day shall the decree/be 9518/12667 that day shall the fair/virgins 9430/12667
Zec_12:8...........Judah/In that day shall the LORD defend/the 9706/12667
Isa_28:5..............up/In that day shall the LORD of/hosts 7296/12667
Zec_12:11......firstborn/In that day shall there be a great/mourning 9710/12667
Isa_19:23...........them/In that day shall there be a highway/out 7216/12667
Isa_19:19....destruction/In that day shall there be an/altar 7212/12667 that day shall there be one/LORD 9729/12667
Zec_14:20....tabernacles/In that day shall there be upon/the 9737/12667
Isa_26:1............dust/In that day shall this/song 7263/12667
Isa_30:23......plenteous/in that day shall thy cattle/feed 7331/12667
Eze_24:27...........ears/In that day shall thy mouth/be 8708/12667
Isa_12:4.............And/in that day shall ye/say 7148/12667
Zep_3:11........offering/In that day shalt/thou 9585/12667
Isa_27:2.............sea/In that day sing/ye 7284/12667
Zec_14:13...........pass/in that day that a great/tumult 9734/12667
Isa_7:21............pass/in that day that a man/shall 7107/12667
Isa_7:23............pass/in that day that every/place 7109/12667
Isa_10:27...........pass/in that day that his/burden 7140/12667
Isa_52:6............know/in that day that I am/he 7510/12667
Isa_22:20...........pass/in that day that I will call/my 7235/12667
Eze_39:11...........pass/in that day that I will give/unto 8942/12667
Zec_12:9............pass/in that day that I will seek/to 9707/12667 that day that living/waters 9726/12667
Isa_27:13...........pass/in that day that the great/trumpet 7291/12667
Zec_14:6............pass/in that day that the light/shall 9725/12667
Isa_27:12...........pass/in that day that the LORD shall beat/off 7290/12667
Isa_7:18............pass/in that day that the LORD shall hiss/for 7101/12667
Isa_24:21...........pass/in that day that the LORD shall punish/the 7249/12667
Isa_11:11...........pass/in that day that the Lord shall set/his 7144/12667
Joe_3:18............pass/in that day that the mountains/shall 9369/12667
Zec_13:4............pass/in that day that the prophets/shall 9716/12667
Isa_10:20...........pass/in that day that the remnant/of 7135/12667
Isa_23:15...........pass/in that day that Tyre/shall 7241/12667
Exo_8:22...........sever/in that day the land/of 670/12667 that day the Lord will/take 7068/12667
Isa_27:1...........slain/In that day the LORD with/his 7282/12667
Zec_13:1...........apart/In that day there shall be a fountain/opened 9713/12667
Eze_38:19.........Surely/in that day there shall be a great/shaking 8935/12667
Isa_11:10............And/in that day there shall be a root/of 7143/12667
Zec_14:21............and/in that day there shall be no/more 9741/12667
Isa_5:30.............And/in that day they/shall 7088/12667
Exo_10:28............for/in that day thou seest/my 705/12667
Isa_12:1.............And/in that day thou shalt/say 7147/12667
Isa_22:8............look/in that day to/the. 7231/12667
Zec_14:4...........stand/in that day upon/the 9722/12667
Mal_3:17...........hosts/in that day when I/make 9764/12667
Eze_38:14............GOD/In that day when my/people 8927/12667
1Ki_22:25............see/in that day when thou/shalt 3948/12667
2Th_1:10........believed/in that day Wherefore/also 12064/12667
Eze_29:21............GOD/In that day will I cause/the 8792/12667
Hos_2:18.............And/in that day will I make a/covenant 9262/12667
Zec_12:3.............And/in that day will I make Jerusalem/a 9697/12667
Zec_12:6.............God/In that day will I make the/governors 9702/12667 that day will I raise/up 9437/12667
Joh_16:23............And/in that day ye/shall 10776/12667
Act_14:17........witness/in that he did/good 11031/12667
Rom_6:10.............For/in that he died/he 11214/12667
Heb_5:7............heard/in that he feared/Though 12237/12667 that he hath raised him/from 11066/12667
Act_13:33.......children/in that he hath raised up/Jesus 11016/12667
Heb_2:18.............For/in that he himself/hath 12212/12667
Jam_1:9..........rejoice/in that he is exalted/But 12293/12667 that he is made/low 12294/12667
Rom_6:10.............but/in that he liveth/he 11215/12667
Gen_43:18........brought/in that he may/seek. 500/12667
Heb_2:8..............For/in that he put/all 12205/12667
Heb_8:13............more/In that he saith/A 12250/12667
Gen_31:20.........Syrian/in that he told/him. 317/12667
Num_14:45..........dwelt/in that hill/and... 1619/12667
Luk_10:21.........heaven/In that hour Jesus/rejoiced 10400/12667 that hour that/speak 10208/12667
Deu_30:16...........evil/In that I command/thee 2252/12667
1Sa_24:11............for/in that I cut/off.. 3156/12667
Mat_27:4..........sinned/in that I have betrayed/the 10057/12667
2Sa_24:10........greatly/in that I have done/and 3508/12667
Luk_2:38..........coming/in that instant/gave 10298/12667
2Ch_6:8.............well/in that it was in/thine 4745/12667 that it was weak/through 11234/12667
Luk_15:14.........famine/in that land and he/began 10470/12667
Jdg_1:27...........dwell/in that land And it/came 2559/12667
Gen_26:12..........sowed/in that land and received/in 265/12667
1Ch_7:21............born/in that land slew/because 4487/12667
Gen_35:22..........dwelt/in that land that/Reuben 357/12667
Jos_17:12..........dwell/in that land Yet/it 2470/12667
Deu_1:44...........dwelt/in that mountain/came 1875/12667
Luk_14:23...........come/in that my house/may 10466/12667 that my name/might 4742/12667 that night did/God 4684/12667
Exo_12:8...........flesh/in that night roast/with 717/12667 that night there/shall 10502/12667
Dan_5:30.........kingdom/In that night was/Belshazzar 9162/12667
Joh_5:13...........being/in that place Afterward/Jesus 10647/12667
Gen_28:11...........down/in that place to/sleep 279/12667
Joh_11:30............was/in that place where/Martha 10725/12667 that place which/he 2143/12667
Joh_4:18.........husband/in that saidst/thou 10632/12667 that same day for/it 1393/12667
Lev_23:29......afflicted/in that same day he/shall 1394/12667 that same day the/same 1395/12667
Luk_7:21.............And/in that same hour he/cured 10361/12667 that same hour said/Jesus 10050/12667 that same hour what/ye 9863/12667
Mat_26:12............For/in that she hath/poured 10046/12667
1Ki_14:5..........cometh/in that she shall/feign 3770/12667
Num_27:17...........them/in that the congregation/of 1747/12667
2Sa_14:13.........faulty/in that the king doth/not 3371/12667
2Sa_14:22...........king/in that the king hath/fulfilled 3376/12667
Deu_31:18........wrought/in that they are/turned 2270/12667 that they caused/to 8624/12667
1Sa_14:33...........LORD/in that they eat/with 3013/12667 that they have/committed 8626/12667
Act_17:11...Thessalonica/in that they received/the 11055/12667
Jer_44:3...........anger/in that they went/to 8147/12667
Lev_5:5...........sinned/in that thing And/he 1111/12667
Rom_14:22........himself/in that thing which/he 11299/12667
Eze_16:54...........done/in that thou art/a. 8562/12667
Eze_16:31..........woman/In that thou buildest/thine 8545/12667
Eze_16:34............and/in that thou givest/a 8551/12667
Exo_33:16............not/in that thou goest/with 996/12667
Jer_2:17.........thyself/in that thou hast forsaken/the 7622/12667
1Sa_22:13..........Jesse/in that thou hast given/him 3126/12667
Eze_16:52..........shame/in that thou hast justified/thy 8559/12667
2Ch_19:3............thee/in that thou hast taken/away 4903/12667
2Sa_19:6......concubines/In that thou lovest/thine 3432/12667
Eze_16:31.........harlot/in that thou scornest/hire 8548/12667
Amo_5:13.........silence/in that time for/it 9405/12667
Jer_50:4.............and/in that time saith the LORD the children/of 8236/12667
Jer_50:20............and/in that time saith the LORD the iniquity/of 8243/12667
Isa_18:7............them/In that time shall/the 7200/12667
Joe_3:1..............and/in that time when/I 9364/12667 that very/day... 6668/12667
Ecc_8:8........discharge/in that war/neither 6989/12667 that we/saw...... 484/12667
Ecc_3:9..........worketh/in that wherein/he. 6949/12667
Deu_15:8............need/in that which he/wanteth 2044/12667
Isa_65:18...........ever/in that which I/create 7595/12667
Luk_16:12.......faithful/in that which is another/man's 10481/12667
Luk_16:10.......faithful/in that which is least/is 10476/12667
1Pe_3:4............heart/in that which is not/corruptible 12341/12667
Eph_1:21............also/in that which is to/come 11767/12667
Lev_6:2........neighbour/in that which was/delivered 1115/12667 that while/we.. 11206/12667
1Ch_9:33........employed/in that work/day... 4511/12667
Eze_44:7....abominations/In that ye have brought/into 8987/12667
Jos_22:16...........LORD/in that ye have builded/you 2508/12667 that ye have forsaken/the 3885/12667
Jdg_9:16.......sincerely/in that ye have made/Abimelech 2663/12667 that ye have ministered/to 12240/12667
Job_42:8...........folly/in that ye have not/spoken 5828/12667
Jer_44:8..........remain/In that ye provoke/me 8150/12667
Mal_1:7.............thee/In that ye say The table of the LORD is contemptible/And 9743/12667 that ye say The table of the LORD is polluted/and 9746/12667
Eze_21:24.....remembered/in that your/transgressions 8639/12667
Luk_22:6............them/in the absence/of. 10557/12667
Psa_52:7.........trusted/in the abundance of his/riches 6152/12667
Psa_37:11.....themselves/in the abundance of peace/The 6067/12667
Luk_12:15............not/in the abundance of the/things 10429/12667
1Ch_27:24............put/in the account/of.. 4650/12667
Jos_22:20.......trespass/in the accursed thing and/wrath 2511/12667
Jos_7:1.........trespass/in the accursed thing for/Achan 2365/12667
Eph_2:7.............That/in the ages/to.... 11778/12667
1Th_4:17............Lord/in the air and/so. 12048/12667
Deu_4:17..........flieth/in the air The likeness/of 1911/12667
Pro_30:19..........eagle/in the air the way/of 6914/12667
Job_22:26........delight/in the Almighty and/shalt 5707/12667
Job_27:10........himself/in the Almighty will/he 5725/12667 the ancient/days 7504/12667
Job_7:11...........speak/in the anguish/of.. 5614/12667
Act_2:42......stedfastly/in the apostles'/doctrine 10865/12667 the appointed/place 8982/12667
Eze_40:29............and/in the arches thereof round about it was fifty cubits long and five and twenty cubits broad And the arches round/about 8961/12667
Eze_40:33............and/in the arches thereof round about it was fifty cubits long and five and twenty cubits broad And the arches thereof/were 8962/12667
Eze_40:25............and/in the arches thereof round about like/those 8958/12667
Gen_8:1..............him/in the ark and God/made 63/12667
Deu_10:2............them/in the ark And I/made 1984/12667
Gen_6:14............make/in the ark and shalt/pitch 46/12667
Gen_7:23.............him/in the ark And the/waters 62/12667
1Ki_8:6..........brought/in the ark of the covenant of the LORD unto his place into/the 3644/12667
2Ch_5:7..........brought/in the ark of the covenant of the LORD unto his place to/the 4737/12667
2Sa_6:17.........brought/in the ark of the LORD/and 3307/12667
1Ki_8:9..........nothing/in the ark save the two tables of/stone 3646/12667
2Ch_5:10.........nothing/in the ark save the two tables which/Moses 4738/12667
Exo_25:21............and/in the ark thou/shalt 895/12667
Deu_10:5..........tables/in the ark which/I. 1988/12667
Job_29:25...........king/in the army as/one. 5737/12667
Dan_4:35............will/in the army of/heaven 9136/12667
Eze_27:30.....themselves/in the ashes And/they 8757/12667
Jer_25:34.....yourselves/in the ashes ye/principal 7881/12667 the assembly of my/people 8514/12667
Psa_107:32...........him/in the assembly of the elders/He 6502/12667
Jer_15:17............not/in the assembly of the mockers/nor 7781/12667
Jdg_20:2......themselves/in the assembly of the people/of 2799/12667
Psa_89:7..........feared/in the assembly of the saints/and 6375/12667
Psa_111:1..........heart/in the assembly of the upright/and 6513/12667
Dan_5:7............bring/in the astrologers/the 9142/12667
Luk_20:45...........Then/in the audience of all/the 10530/12667
1Ch_28:8.............and/in the audience of our/God 4660/12667
Gen_23:10........Abraham/in the audience of the children/of 225/12667
Neh_13:1...........Moses/in the audience of the people and therein/was 5450/12667 the audience of the people and they/said 884/12667
Luk_7:1..........sayings/in the audience of the people he/entered 10358/12667
Gen_23:13.........Ephron/in the audience of the people of/the 228/12667
Gen_23:16..........named/in the audience of the sons/of 229/12667
Isa_46:6..........silver/in the balance and/hire 7467/12667
Psa_62:9............laid/in the balance they/are 6203/12667
Dan_5:27.........weighed/in the balances and/art 9160/12667 the balances So/I 7968/12667
Job_6:2.............laid/in the balances together/For 5607/12667 the bald/head... 1233/12667
Hag_2:19.............yet/in the barn/yea.... 9617/12667
Exo_40:18............put/in the bars/thereof 1086/12667 the basket by/the 957/12667 the basket of/consecrations 1157/12667
Exo_29:3............them/in the basket with/the 949/12667 the bason and none/of 732/12667 the bason and strike/the 731/12667
Deu_20:5.............die/in the battle and another man dedicate/it 2105/12667
Deu_20:6.............die/in the battle and another man eat/of 2106/12667
Deu_20:7.............die/in the battle and another man take/her 2107/12667
2Sa_3:30..........Gibeon/in the battle And David/said 3282/12667
1Ch_5:20.............God/in the battle and he/was 4468/12667
Zec_10:5.........streets/in the battle and they/shall 9685/12667
Jdg_20:39........retired/in the battle Benjamin/began 2821/12667
1Sa_29:4............lest/in the battle he/be 3215/12667
Eze_13:5...........stand/in the battle in/the 8512/12667 the battle Out/of 9683/12667
1Sa_14:22...........them/in the battle So/the 3010/12667
Psa_89:43..........stand/in the battle Thou/hast 6389/12667
Psa_110:3..........power/in the beauties/of. 6510/12667
Psa_96:9............LORD/in the beauty of holiness fear before him all the earth Say/among 6426/12667
1Ch_16:29...........LORD/in the beauty of holiness Fear before him all the earth the/world 4560/12667
Psa_29:2............LORD/in the beauty of holiness The/voice 6003/12667 the bed and/put. 3083/12667 the bed that/I.. 3084/12667
2Ch_16:14............him/in the bed which/was 4870/12667
1Sa_19:16..........image/in the bed with/a.. 3086/12667
2Ki_11:2...........nurse/in the bedchamber/from 4119/12667
Gen_1:1.............Amen/In the beginning God/created 1/12667
Heb_1:10............Lord/in the beginning hast/laid 12201/12667
Rut_1:22.......Bethlehem/in the beginning of barley harvest And Naomi/had 2856/12667
2Sa_21:9............days/in the beginning of barley harvest And Rizpah/the 3472/12667
Ezr_4:6........Ahasuerus/in the beginning of his reign/wrote 5250/12667 the beginning of his way/before 6745/12667
Php_4:15............that/in the beginning of the gospel/when 11920/12667 the beginning of the middle/watch 2635/12667
Jer_26:1...........anger/In the beginning of the reign of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah king of Judah came this word from/the 7882/12667
Jer_27:1...........death/In the beginning of the reign of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah king of Judah came this word unto/Jeremiah 7895/12667
Jer_28:1............year/in the beginning of the reign of Zedekiah king of Judah in/the 7903/12667
Jer_49:34...........Elam/in the beginning of the reign of Zedekiah king of Judah saying/Thus 8230/12667
Amo_7:1.....grasshoppers/in the beginning of the shooting/up 9419/12667
Lam_2:19...........night/in the beginning of the watches/pour 8348/12667
Eze_40:1.......captivity/in the beginning of the year/in 8949/12667
Joh_1:1.............Amen/In the beginning was/the 10604/12667
Joh_1:2..............was/in the beginning with/God 10605/12667
Num_10:10............and/in the beginnings of your months ye shall blow/with 1555/12667
Num_28:11............And/in the beginnings of your months ye shall offer/a 1755/12667
Php_1:29...........given/in the behalf of Christ/not 11871/12667
2Ch_16:9..........strong/in the behalf of them/whose 4860/12667
Jer_1:5.............thee/in the belly I/knew 7616/12667
Jon_1:17.............was/in the belly of/the 9458/12667
Eph_1:6.........accepted/in the beloved/In. 11747/12667
Gen_47:11..........Egypt/in the best of the land in/the 544/12667
Gen_47:6............thee/in the best of the land make/thy 539/12667
Job_21:25..........dieth/in the bitterness of his/soul 5698/12667
Job_7:11........complain/in the bitterness of my soul Am/I 5615/12667
Job_10:1...........speak/in the bitterness of my soul I/will 5626/12667
Isa_38:15..........years/in the bitterness of my soul O/LORD 7396/12667
Pro_7:9..........evening/in the black/and... 6733/12667 the blood and I/have 1342/12667
Lev_9:9...........finger/in the blood and put/it 1159/12667
Lev_4:6...........finger/in the blood and sprinkle/of 1102/12667
Gen_37:31...........coat/in the blood And they/sent 389/12667
Isa_1:11.............not/in the blood of bullocks/or 7053/12667
Gen_49:11........clothes/in the blood of grapes/His 581/12667
Lev_12:4........continue/in the blood of her purifying three/and 1183/12667
Lev_12:5........continue/in the blood of her purifying threescore/and 1185/12667
Lev_14:6............bird/in the blood of the bird/that 1272/12667
Rev_7:14...........white/in the blood of the Lamb/Therefore 12554/12667
Mat_23:30...........them/in the blood of the prophets/Wherefore 10008/12667
Lev_14:51...........them/in the blood of the slain/bird 1302/12667
Psa_58:10...........feet/in the blood of the wicked/So 6186/12667
Psa_68:23.........dipped/in the blood of thine/enemies 6238/12667 the blood that/is 730/12667 the blue/and.... 1062/12667
1Co_12:18...........them/in the body as/it. 11428/12667
1Co_12:25.........schism/in the body but/that 11429/12667
2Co_12:2.........whether/in the body I/cannot 11654/12667
Heb_13:3............also/in the body Marriage/is 12284/12667
Col_1:22......reconciled/In the body of/his 11944/12667
2Co_12:3.........whether/in the body or/out 11655/12667
2Co_4:10...........about/in the body the/dying 11540/12667
2Co_5:6.............home/in the body we/are 11548/12667
Act_8:23.............and/in the bond of iniquity/Then 10950/12667
Eph_4:3...........Spirit/in the bond of peace/There 11809/12667 the bonds/of... 12190/12667
Dan_12:1.........written/in the book And many/of 9247/12667
Est_9:32.........written/in the book And the/king 5563/12667 the book in/the. 5371/12667
1Ch_29:29............and/in the book of Gad/the 4680/12667
Jos_10:13........written/in the book of Jasher So/the 2402/12667
2Sa_1:18.........written/in the book of Jasher The/beauty 3250/12667
2Ch_20:34........written/in the book of Jehu/the 4930/12667
Rev_17:8.........written/in the book of life from/the 12621/12667
Rev_13:8.........written/in the book of life of/the 12592/12667
Php_4:3..............are/in the book of life Rejoice/in 11912/12667
Rev_20:15........written/in the book of life was/cast 12653/12667
2Ch_35:12........written/in the book of Moses And so/did 5191/12667
Ezr_6:18.........written/in the book of Moses And the/children 5281/12667 the book of Moses how/in 10193/12667 the book of Moses in/the 5449/12667 the book of Moses where/the 4996/12667
1Ch_29:29............and/in the book of Nathan the prophet and in the book/of 4679/12667
2Ch_9:29.........written/in the book of Nathan the prophet and in the prophecy/of 4803/12667
Act_1:20.........written/in the book of Psalms Let/his 10843/12667
Luk_20:42..........saith/in the book of Psalms The/LORD 10529/12667
1Ch_29:29........written/in the book of Samuel/the 4678/12667
2Ch_12:15........written/in the book of Shemaiah/the 4828/12667
1Ki_11:41........written/in the book of the acts/of 3731/12667
Est_2:23.........written/in the book of the chronicles before/the 5499/12667
Neh_12:23........written/in the book of the chronicles even/until 5441/12667
2Ki_1:18.........written/in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel And it/came 3982/12667
2Ki_13:8.........written/in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel And Jehoahaz/slept 4151/12667
2Ki_14:15........written/in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel And Jehoash/slept 4175/12667
2Ki_10:34........written/in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel And Jehu/slept 4115/12667
2Ki_14:28........written/in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel And Jeroboam/slept 4184/12667
2Ki_13:12........written/in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel And Joash/slept 4157/12667
2Ki_15:21........written/in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel And Menahem/slept 4208/12667
1Ki_14:19........written/in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel And the/days 3780/12667
1Ki_15:31........written/in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel And there/was 3819/12667
2Ki_15:31........written/in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel In the second/year 4223/12667
1Ki_16:14........written/in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel In the twenty/and 3843/12667
2Ki_15:26........written/in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel In the two/and 4216/12667
1Ki_22:39........written/in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel So Ahab/slept 3955/12667
1Ki_16:5.........written/in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel So Baasha/slept 3828/12667
1Ki_16:27........written/in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel So Omri/slept 3858/12667
2Ki_15:15........written/in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel Then Menahem/smote 4202/12667
1Ki_16:20........written/in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel Then were/the 3852/12667
2Ki_15:11........written/in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel This/was 4197/12667
2Ki_16:19........written/in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah And Ahaz/slept 4240/12667
2Ki_21:25........written/in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah And he/was 4341/12667
2Ki_20:20........written/in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah And Hezekiah/slept 4316/12667
2Ki_12:19........written/in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah And his/servants 4142/12667
2Ki_8:23.........written/in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah And Joram/slept 4061/12667
2Ki_21:17........written/in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah And Manasseh/slept 4330/12667
1Ki_22:45........written/in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah And the/remnant 3962/12667
1Ki_15:7.........written/in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah And there was war between Abijam/and 3797/12667
1Ki_14:29........written/in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah And there was war between Rehoboam/and 3788/12667
2Ki_23:28........written/in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah In his/days 4381/12667
2Ki_15:36........written/in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah In those/days 4228/12667
1Ki_15:23........written/in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah Nevertheless/in 3808/12667
2Ki_14:18........written/in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah Now/they 4178/12667
2Ki_15:6.........written/in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah So Azariah/slept 4190/12667
2Ki_24:5.........written/in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah So Jehoiakim/slept 4395/12667
Est_10:2.........written/in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Media/and 5564/12667
2Ch_20:34......mentioned/in the book of the kings of Israel And after/this 4931/12667
2Ch_36:8.........written/in the book of the kings of Israel and Judah and/Jehoiachin 5216/12667
2Ch_27:7.........written/in the book of the kings of Israel and Judah He/was 5034/12667
2Ch_35:27........written/in the book of the kings of Israel and Judah Then/the 5206/12667
1Ch_9:1..........written/in the book of the kings of Israel and Judah who/were 4493/12667
2Ch_33:18........written/in the book of the kings of Israel His/prayer 5151/12667
2Ch_28:26........written/in the book of the kings of Judah and Israel And Ahaz/slept 5052/12667
2Ch_16:11........written/in the book of the kings of Judah and Israel And Asa/in 4863/12667
2Ch_32:32............and/in the book of the kings of Judah and Israel And Hezekiah/slept 5130/12667
2Ch_25:26........written/in the book of the kings of Judah and Israel Now/after 5005/12667 the book of the law of God And they/kept 5382/12667
Jos_24:26..........words/in the book of the law of God and took/a 2542/12667
Jos_8:31.........written/in the book of the law of Moses an/altar 2388/12667
Jos_23:6.........written/in the book of the law of Moses that/ye 2523/12667
2Ki_14:6.........written/in the book of the law of Moses wherein/the 4166/12667 the book of the law of the/LORD 5385/12667
Jos_8:34.........written/in the book of the law There/was 2390/12667
Gal_3:10.........written/in the book of the law to/do 11703/12667
Act_7:42.........written/in the book of the prophets/O 10938/12667
Ezr_4:15............find/in the book of the records and/know 5257/12667
Ezr_4:15............made/in the book of the records of/thy 5256/12667
Num_21:14...........said/in the book of the wars/of 1684/12667
Luk_3:4..........written/in the book of the words/of 10310/12667
2Ki_23:21........written/in the book of this covenant/Surely 4373/12667
Deu_28:61........written/in the book of this law/them 2223/12667
2Ki_23:24........written/in the book that/Hilkiah 4379/12667
Jer_36:10.........Baruch/in the book the words of Jeremiah/in 8037/12667
Jer_36:8.........reading/in the book the words of the/LORD 8032/12667 the book Then/said 8048/12667
2Ch_34:24........written/in the book which/they 5177/12667
Rev_20:12........written/in the books/according 12650/12667
2Ki_3:21...........stood/in the border And/they 3990/12667 the border of Arnon/which 1707/12667
1Sa_10:2.......sepulchre/in the border of Benjamin/at 2965/12667
Jdg_2:9..............him/in the border of his inheritance in Timnathheres/in 2566/12667
Jos_24:30............him/in the border of his inheritance in Timnathserah/which 2543/12667 the border of Israel And ye shall know that I am the LORD for/ye 8486/12667 the border of Israel and ye shall know that I am the LORD This/city 8484/12667
Num_33:44......Ijeabarim/in the border of Moab/And 1819/12667
Exo_28:26....breastplate/in the border thereof/which 935/12667
Jos_11:2.............and/in the borders of Dor/on 2410/12667
Jos_22:11.........Canaan/in the borders of Jordan/at 2507/12667
Num_15:38........fringes/in the borders of their/garments 1632/12667
Mat_4:13...........coast/in the borders of Zabulon/and 9795/12667
Ecc_7:9..........resteth/in the bosom of fools/Say 6979/12667 the bosom of the/Father 10609/12667
Pro_21:14.........reward/in the bosom strong/wrath 6837/12667
Gen_21:15..........spent/in the bottle/and... 205/12667
Zec_1:8.............were/in the bottom and/behind 9624/12667
Amo_9:3............sight/in the bottom of/the 9433/12667
Dan_4:12...........dwelt/in the boughs/thereof 9122/12667
Php_1:8..............all/in the bowels/of.. 11854/12667
Luk_13:19.........lodged/in the branches of/it 10452/12667
Mat_13:32..........lodge/in the branches thereof/Another 9919/12667
Psa_106:23...........him/in the breach/to... 6479/12667
Gen_13:17............and/in the breadth of/it 108/12667
Eze_48:15...........left/in the breadth over/against 9059/12667
Exo_38:18.........height/in the breadth was/five 1056/12667
Exo_25:7.............and/in the breastplate And/let 889/12667
Exo_28:30............put/in the breastplate of judgment the/Urim 939/12667
Exo_28:29.........Israel/in the breastplate of judgment upon/his 937/12667
Lev_8:8..............put/in the breastplate the/Urim 1155/12667
Jer_43:9............clay/in the brickkiln/which 8139/12667 the bright spot and/it 1213/12667 the bright spot be/turned 1211/12667
Jos_3:15..........dipped/in the brim/of..... 2331/12667 the broad places/thereof 7656/12667
Son_3:2..............and/in the broad ways I/will 7033/12667
Nah_2:4..........another/in the broad ways they/shall 9536/12667
Num_21:14............and/in the brooks/of... 1686/12667
1Sa_25:29..........bound/in the bundle/of... 3176/12667
2Ch_30:15........brought/in the burnt/offerings 5082/12667
Isa_30:14..........found/in the bursting/of. 7325/12667
Jdg_16:31........Eshtaol/in the buryingplace/of 2749/12667 the bush God/spake 10194/12667
Act_7:35.............him/in the bush He/brought 10928/12667
Deu_33:16..........dwelt/in the bush let/the 2296/12667
2Ch_32:31........Howbeit/in the business/of. 5126/12667
Gen_31:34...........them/in the camel's/furniture 324/12667
Psa_106:16..........also/in the camp and Aaron/the 6474/12667
Exo_32:17............war/in the camp And he/said 983/12667
Jos_6:11..........lodged/in the camp And Joshua rose/early 2356/12667
Num_11:27.......prophesy/in the camp And Joshua the/son 1577/12667 the camp And Omri/went 3846/12667
Lev_24:10.......together/in the camp And the/Israelitish 1412/12667
Num_11:26.....prophesied/in the camp And there/ran 1576/12667
Jdg_13:25..........times/in the camp of Dan between/Zorah 2719/12667
Num_2:31........numbered/in the camp of Dan were/an 1481/12667
Num_2:9.........numbered/in the camp of Judah/were 1475/12667
Num_2:16........numbered/in the camp of Reuben/were 1476/12667
Isa_37:36..........smote/in the camp of the Assyrians a/hundred 7385/12667
2Ki_19:35..........smote/in the camp of the Assyrians an/hundred 4298/12667
1Sa_4:6............shout/in the camp of the Hebrews/And 2931/12667
2Ch_32:21.......captains/in the camp of the king/of 5120/12667
Lev_17:3............goat/in the camp or/that 1340/12667 the camp the/name 1575/12667
Jos_5:8...........places/in the camp till/they 2350/12667
Exo_19:16............was/in the camp trembled/And 834/12667
Exo_40:4...........bring/in the candlestick and/light 1081/12667
Exo_37:20............And/in the candlestick were/four 1055/12667
Exo_25:34............And/in the candlesticks/shall 901/12667
Gen_41:10...........ward/in the captain/of... 445/12667
2Ch_28:13..........bring/in the captives/hither 5047/12667
Jdg_14:8...........honey/in the carcase/of.. 2723/12667
1Ch_11:7...........dwelt/in the castle/therefore 4523/12667
1Ch_27:25............and/in the castles/was. 4654/12667
Pro_31:8............dumb/in the cause/of.... 6921/12667
1Sa_24:10...........hand/in the cave and/some 3154/12667
Gen_25:9.............him/in the cave of Machpelah/in 253/12667
Gen_23:19...........wife/in the cave of the field of Machpelah before/Mamre 235/12667
Gen_50:13............him/in the cave of the field of Machpelah which/Abraham 596/12667
Gen_49:29........fathers/in the cave that is in the field of Ephron/the 585/12667
Gen_49:30........Hittite/In the cave that is in the field of Machpelah/which 587/12667
Jos_10:27.........stones/in the cave's mouth/which 2407/12667
Eze_33:27............and/in the caves shall/die 8875/12667
Jer_22:23...........nest/in the cedars/how.. 7852/12667
Jdg_16:12........abiding/in the chamber And he/brake 2745/12667
Jdg_16:9.............her/in the chamber And she/said 2743/12667
Jer_36:20...........roll/in the chamber of Elishama/the 8050/12667
Jer_36:10...........LORD/in the chamber of Gemariah/the 8039/12667
1Ch_23:28............and/in the chambers and/in 4617/12667 the chambers of his/imagery 8459/12667
Ezr_8:29.......Jerusalem/in the chambers of the/house 5301/12667
Psa_105:30.....abundance/in the chambers of their/kings 6463/12667
1Ch_9:33.......remaining/in the chambers were/free 4510/12667
Deu_11:30..........dwell/in the champaign/over 2015/12667
2Ki_9:27............also/in the chariot And/they 4085/12667
2Ch_9:25........bestowed/in the chariot cities and with the king at Jerusalem And he/reigned 4799/12667
2Ch_1:14..........placed/in the chariot cities and with the king at Jerusalem And the/king 4689/12667
Eze_10:8........appeared/in the cherubims/the 8476/12667 the chest/that.. 4137/12667
Pro_1:21..........crieth/in the chief/place. 6693/12667
2Ch_32:33............him/in the chiefest of/the 5131/12667
1Sa_9:22.............sit/in the chiefest place/among 2964/12667
Luk_2:27.........brought/in the child/Jesus 10294/12667
Eph_2:2..........worketh/in the children of disobedience/Among 11771/12667
Isa_2:6.......themselves/in the children of strangers/Their 7059/12667 the choice/of.... 223/12667
1Co_14:28........silence/in the church and/let 11455/12667
Eph_3:21...........glory/in the church by/Christ 11807/12667
1Co_12:28...........some/in the church first/apostles 11431/12667
1Co_14:19............Yet/in the church I had/rather 11445/12667
1Co_11:18.......together/in the church I hear/that 11418/12667
1Co_6:4.........esteemed/in the church I speak/to 11373/12667
Act_7:38.............was/in the church in/the 10932/12667
Col_4:16............also/in the church of/the 12006/12667
Act_13:1............were/in the church that/was 11006/12667
1Co_14:35..........speak/in the church What/came 11458/12667
1Co_14:34........silence/in the churches for/it 11457/12667
Rev_22:16.........things/in the churches I/am 12665/12667 the churches of/God 12059/12667
Job_22:14........walketh/in the circuit/of.. 5705/12667
1Ch_27:25.........fields/in the cities and in/the 4652/12667 the cities And that/food 457/12667
Eze_36:33..........dwell/in the cities and the/wastes 8906/12667
1Ki_10:26.......bestowed/in the cities for/chariots 3703/12667
2Ch_17:2.............and/in the cities of Ephraim/which 4874/12667
Num_32:26..........there/in the cities of Gilead/But 1781/12667
2Sa_2:3............dwelt/in the cities of Hebron/And 3258/12667
Eze_39:9...........dwell/in the cities of Israel/shall 8941/12667
Jer_32:44............and/in the cities of Judah and in the cities/of 7990/12667
2Ki_23:5..........places/in the cities of Judah and in the places/round 4360/12667
Jer_44:6.........kindled/in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem and/they 8148/12667
Jer_44:17........princes/in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem for/then 8161/12667
Jer_11:6...........words/in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem saying/Hear 7741/12667
Jer_33:10...........even/in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem that/are 7998/12667 the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem The/children 7694/12667
Jer_44:21.........burned/in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem ye/and 8163/12667 the cities of Judah and the/men 4884/12667
2Ch_17:7...........teach/in the cities of Judah And with/them 4881/12667
Neh_11:3.............but/in the cities of Judah dwelt/every 5418/12667
Lam_5:11...........maids/in the cities of Judah Princes/are 8386/12667
1Ki_12:17..........dwelt/in the cities of Judah Rehoboam reigned over them Then king Rehoboam sent Adoram/who 3739/12667
2Ch_10:17..........dwelt/in the cities of Judah Rehoboam reigned over them Then king Rehoboam sent Hadoram/that 4812/12667
Jer_33:13............and/in the cities of Judah shall/the 8007/12667
2Ch_31:6...........dwelt/in the cities of Judah they/also 5096/12667
2Ch_34:6..............he/in the cities of Manasseh/and 5165/12667
Ezr_4:10.............set/in the cities of Samaria and/the 5255/12667
2Ki_17:24...........them/in the cities of Samaria instead/of 4260/12667
2Ki_17:26.........placed/in the cities of Samaria know/not 4262/12667
1Ki_13:32............are/in the cities of Samaria shall/surely 3769/12667
2Ki_23:19...........were/in the cities of Samaria which/the 4371/12667
1Sa_30:29...........were/in the cities of the Jerahmeelites/and 3237/12667
1Sa_30:29...........were/in the cities of the Kenites/And 3238/12667
2Ki_18:11............and/in the cities of the Medes Because/they 4278/12667
2Ki_17:6.............and/in the cities of the Medes For/so 4251/12667
Jer_32:44............and/in the cities of the mountains and/in 7991/12667
Jer_33:13...........down/In the cities of the mountains in/the 8002/12667
Gen_13:12........dwelled/in the cities of the plain/and 106/12667
2Ch_31:15......Shecaniah/in the cities of the priests/in 5102/12667
Jer_33:13............and/in the cities of the south and/in 8004/12667
Jer_32:44............and/in the cities of the south for/I 7993/12667
Jer_33:13......mountains/in the cities of the vale/and 8003/12667
Jer_32:44............and/in the cities of the valley/and 7992/12667
2Ch_6:28............them/in the cities of their/land 4759/12667 the cities the food/of 468/12667
Ezr_3:1.............were/in the cities the people/gathered 5241/12667
2Ki_17:24..........dwelt/in the cities thereof And/so 4261/12667
Jer_31:23............and/in the cities thereof when/I 7953/12667 the city and blessed/shalt 2186/12667 the city and cursed/shalt 2199/12667
Luk_23:19...........made/in the city and for/murder 10572/12667
1Ki_9:16...........dwelt/in the city and given/it 3680/12667 the city and in the country And/they 10113/12667 the city and in the country Then/they 10379/12667
Eze_9:7.............slew/in the city And it/came 8468/12667
Deu_22:23............her/in the city and lie/with 2132/12667
1Sa_20:29......sacrifice/in the city and my/brother 3101/12667
2Ki_25:19..........found/in the city And Nebuzaradan/captain 4420/12667
Gen_34:28............was/in the city and that/which 343/12667
2Ki_25:11...........left/in the city and the fugitives/that 4412/12667
Deu_22:24..........being/in the city and the man/because 2133/12667
Amo_3:6............blown/in the city and the people/not 9382/12667
2Ki_25:19..........found/in the city and the principal scribe of the host which/mustered 4419/12667
Jer_52:25..........found/in the city and the principal scribe of the host who/mustered 8312/12667
2Ki_25:3.......prevailed/in the city and there/was 4409/12667
Jer_39:9........remained/in the city and those that fell away that fell to him/with 8100/12667
Jer_52:15.......remained/in the city and those that fell away that fell to the/king 8306/12667
Amo_7:17..........harlot/in the city and thy/sons 9423/12667 the city and we/shall 4040/12667
2Ki_7:13............left/in the city behold/they 4045/12667
Jos_6:21.............was/in the city both/man 2360/12667
Gen_19:12...........hast/in the city bring/them 173/12667
Psa_55:9..........strife/in the city Day/and 6162/12667 the city even all/the 2108/12667
2Ch_28:27............him/in the city even in/Jerusalem 5053/12667 the city famine/and 8440/12667
Ecc_7:19.............are/in the city For/there 6985/12667
2Co_11:26.........perils/in the city in/perils 11640/12667
Isa_24:12...........gone/In the city is/left 7244/12667
Act_24:12............nor/in the city Neither/can 11127/12667 the city of David a/Saviour 10284/12667
2Ch_24:16............him/in the city of David among/the 4985/12667
2Ch_12:16.........buried/in the city of David and Abijah/his 4829/12667
2Ch_27:9.............him/in the city of David and Ahaz/his 5036/12667
2Ki_8:24.........fathers/in the city of David and Ahaziah/his 4062/12667
2Ki_14:20........fathers/in the city of David And all/the 4180/12667
2Ki_12:21........fathers/in the city of David and Amaziah/his 4144/12667
1Ki_15:8.............him/in the city of David and Asa his son reigned in his stead And/in 3798/12667
2Ch_14:1.............him/in the city of David and Asa his son reigned in his stead In/his 4840/12667
2Ki_16:20........fathers/in the city of David and Hezekiah/his 4241/12667
1Ki_14:31........fathers/in the city of David And his/mother's 3789/12667
2Ki_9:28.........fathers/in the city of David And in/the 4088/12667
2Ch_21:1.........fathers/in the city of David And Jehoram/his 4933/12667
2Ki_15:7.........fathers/in the city of David and Jotham/his 4191/12667
2Ch_16:14........himself/in the city of David and laid/him 4869/12667
2Ch_32:5...........Millo/in the city of David and made/darts 5114/12667
1Ch_15:1..........houses/in the city of David and prepared/a 4551/12667
1Ki_2:10..........buried/in the city of David And the/days 3538/12667
2Ch_21:20............him/in the city of David but not/in 4949/12667
2Ch_24:25............him/in the city of David but they/buried 4989/12667
2Ki_15:38........fathers/in the city of David his father and Ahaz/his 4230/12667
1Ki_22:50........fathers/in the city of David his father and Jehoram/his 3966/12667
1Ki_15:24........fathers/in the city of David his father and Jehoshaphat/his 3811/12667
1Ki_11:43.........buried/in the city of David his father and Rehoboam his son reigned in his stead And Rehoboam went to Shechem for all/Israel 3733/12667
2Ch_9:31..........buried/in the city of David his father and Rehoboam his son reigned in his stead And Rehoboam went to Shechem for to/Shechem 4807/12667
Num_35:28.......remained/in the city of his/refuge 1839/12667 the city of Jerusalem/until 10602/12667
Act_11:5.............was/in the city of Joppa/praying 10993/12667
2Ch_25:28........fathers/in the city of Judah/Then 5007/12667
Psa_48:8...........hosts/in the city of our God God/will 6129/12667
Psa_48:1.........praised/in the city of our God in/the 6124/12667
Psa_48:8............seen/in the city of the/LORD 6128/12667
1Ki_14:11.......Jeroboam/in the city shall the dogs eat and him that dieth in/the 3775/12667
1Ki_16:4..........Baasha/in the city shall the dogs eat and him that dieth of/his 3826/12667
Pro_1:21...........gates/in the city she/uttereth 6695/12667
Jer_52:6............sore/in the city so/that 8298/12667
1Ki_21:24...........Ahab/in the city the/dogs 3933/12667
Jer_38:9...........bread/in the city Then/the 8085/12667
Joe_2:9..............fro/in the city they/shall 9350/12667
Act_21:29............him/in the city Trophimus/an 11104/12667
Jer_37:21..........bread/in the city were/spent 8071/12667 the city where the/old 3764/12667
Ecc_8:10.......forgotten/in the city where they/had 6990/12667
Luk_7:37...........woman/in the city which/was 10367/12667
Lam_1:19...........ghost/in the city while/they 8332/12667
1Ki_7:46............them/in the clay ground between Succoth and Zarthan/And 3639/12667
2Ch_4:17............them/in the clay ground between Succoth and Zeredathah/Thus 4731/12667
Jer_43:9............them/in the clay in/the. 8138/12667 the clear/day... 9428/12667 the clefts of the rock in/the 7030/12667
Jer_49:16.......dwellest/in the clefts of the rock that/holdest 8219/12667
Oba_1:3.........dwellest/in the clefts of the rock whose/habitation 9440/12667
Job_30:6...........dwell/in the cliffs/of... 5741/12667 the cloud and I will look/upon 79/12667
Gen_9:14............seen/in the cloud And I will remember/my 78/12667
1Co_10:2...........Moses/in the cloud and in/the 11406/12667
Gen_9:13.............bow/in the cloud and it/shall 77/12667
Exo_34:5.......descended/in the cloud and stood/with 1005/12667
Exo_16:10.......appeared/in the cloud And the/LORD 797/12667 the cloud in/the 8395/12667
Lev_16:2..........appear/in the cloud upon/the 1322/12667 the clouds but/the 5799/12667 the clouds O/God 6243/12667
Mar_14:62.........coming/in the clouds of heaven Then the high priest rent his clothes and/saith 10230/12667
Mat_26:64.........coming/in the clouds of heaven Then the high priest rent his clothes saying/He 10054/12667
Mat_24:30.........coming/in the clouds of heaven with/power 10022/12667
1Th_4:17............them/in the clouds to/meet 12047/12667
Mar_13:26.........coming/in the clouds with/great 10216/12667
Eze_34:12......scattered/in the cloudy and/dark 8878/12667
Psa_99:7............them/in the cloudy pillar/they 6432/12667
Isa_65:8...........found/in the cluster/and. 7589/12667
Isa_44:12........worketh/in the coals/and... 7447/12667
Jos_12:23............Dor/in the coast/of.... 2433/12667
Num_32:33........thereof/in the coasts/even. 1783/12667
Nah_3:17..........hedges/in the cold day/but 9545/12667
Job_24:7........covering/in the cold They/are 5712/12667
2Ki_22:14......Jerusalem/in the college and they communed/with 4353/12667
2Ch_34:22......Jerusalem/in the college and they spake/to 5176/12667
Act_9:31.............and/in the comfort/of. 10969/12667
2Ch_31:21............and/in the commandments/to 5113/12667
Act_5:18............them/in the common/prison 10890/12667
1Ch_9:18.........porters/in the companies/of 4500/12667
Gen_32:21..........night/in the company And/he 330/12667
Num_27:3............LORD/in the company of Korah but/died 1740/12667
Num_26:9...........Aaron/in the company of Korah when/they 1732/12667
Num_27:3.............not/in the company of them/that 1739/12667
Luk_2:44............been/in the company went/a 10302/12667
Job_30:28..........cried/in the congregation I/am 5751/12667
Num_16:2..........famous/in the congregation men/of 1633/12667
2Ch_20:5...........stood/in the congregation of Judah/and 4911/12667
Psa_149:1.........praise/in the congregation of saints/Let 6678/12667
Pro_21:16.........remain/in the congregation of the dead/He 6838/12667
Jos_22:17.........plague/in the congregation of the LORD But/that 2509/12667
Mic_2:5..............lot/in the congregation of the LORD Prophesy/ye 9475/12667
Psa_82:1........standeth/in the congregation of the mighty/he 6340/12667
Psa_107:32..........also/in the congregation of the people/and 6501/12667
Psa_1:5..........sinners/in the congregation of the righteous/For 5838/12667
Psa_89:5............also/in the congregation of the saints/For 6373/12667
2Ch_30:17...........many/in the congregation that/were 5084/12667
Psa_111:1............and/in the congregation The/works 6514/12667
Num_26:9..........famous/in the congregation who/strove 1731/12667
Psa_68:26............God/in the congregations even/the 6241/12667 the congregations will/I 5990/12667 the cool/of....... 24/12667
Amo_3:12.........Samaria/in the corner of a/bed 9391/12667
Pro_25:24..........dwell/in the corner of the/housetop 6873/12667
Mat_6:5..............and/in the corners/of.. 9823/12667 the council a/Pharisee 10897/12667
Act_6:15.............sat/in the council looking/stedfastly 10906/12667
Act_23:6.............out/in the council Men/and 11116/12667
Jer_23:18..........stood/in the counsel of the LORD/and 7865/12667
Psa_1:1..............not/in the counsel of the ungodly/nor 5831/12667
Jer_7:24..........walked/in the counsels/and 7698/12667
Eze_22:15...........thee/in the countries and/will 8662/12667
Eze_12:15...........them/in the countries But/I 8507/12667
Luk_21:21............are/in the countries enter/thereinto 10545/12667
Eze_11:16......sanctuary/in the countries where/they 8489/12667
Eze_47:22...........born/in the country among/the 9045/12667
Mar_5:14.............and/in the country And/they 10114/12667
Jos_13:21.......dwelling/in the country Balaam/also 2445/12667 the country of Benjamin for/the 7966/12667
2Sa_21:14...........they/in the country of Benjamin in/Zelah 3474/12667
1Ki_4:19.............was/in the country of Gilead/in 3589/12667
Gen_47:27..........Egypt/in the country of Goshen/and 557/12667
1Ch_8:8.........children/in the country of Moab after/he 4490/12667
Rut_1:1..........sojourn/in the country of Moab he/and 2844/12667
Rut_1:6............heard/in the country of Moab how/that 2846/12667 the country of Moab to/the 1688/12667
Jer_44:1.............and/in the country of Pathros/saying 8146/12667
1Ki_4:19..........Gilead/in the country of Sihon/king 3590/12667
1Sa_27:11.......dwelleth/in the country of the Philistines And/Achish 3203/12667
1Sa_6:1..............was/in the country of the Philistines seven/months 2940/12667
1Sa_27:7...........dwelt/in the country of the Philistines was/a 3202/12667
Jdg_12:12........Aijalon/in the country of Zebulun/And 2712/12667 the country that/I 3200/12667
Luk_8:34.............and/in the country Then/they 10380/12667
Exo_26:10........outmost/in the coupling and fifty loops in/the 910/12667
Exo_36:17........curtain/in the coupling and fifty loops made/he 1049/12667
Exo_26:4........selvedge/in the coupling and likewise/shalt 903/12667
Exo_36:11.......selvedge/in the coupling likewise/he 1043/12667
Exo_36:11........curtain/in the coupling of the second Fifty loops made/he 1045/12667
Exo_26:4.........curtain/in the coupling of the second Fifty loops shalt/thou 905/12667 the coupling of the second that/the 908/12667
Exo_36:12............was/in the coupling of the second the/loops 1048/12667
Est_6:5.........standeth/in the court And/the 5526/12667 the court Now/Haman 5525/12667
Est_1:5.............days/in the court of the garden/of 5473/12667
2Ch_24:21...........king/in the court of the house/of 4987/12667
Jer_19:14..........stood/in the court of the LORD's house and said/to 7826/12667
Jer_26:2...........Stand/in the court of the LORD's house and speak/unto 7883/12667 the court of the prison according/to 7964/12667
Jer_32:12............sat/in the court of the prison And I/charged 7971/12667
Jer_38:6.............was/in the court of the prison and they/let 8077/12667
Jer_39:15.............up/in the court of the prison saying Go/and 8102/12667
Jer_33:1..............up/in the court of the prison saying Thus/saith 7994/12667
Jer_37:21.......remained/in the court of the prison Then Shephatiah/the 8072/12667
Jer_38:13.......remained/in the court of the prison Then Zedekiah/the 8086/12667
Jer_38:28..........abode/in the court of the prison until/the 8090/12667
Jer_32:2..............up/in the court of the prison which/was 7961/12667 the court of the tabernacle of the congregation they/shall 1126/12667
Lev_6:26...........eaten/in the court of the tabernacle of the congregation Whatsoever/shall 1135/12667
Est_5:2.........standing/in the court that/she 5518/12667
1Ch_23:28...........LORD/in the courts and/in 4616/12667 the courts of my/holiness 7567/12667
Psa_92:13.......flourish/in the courts of our/God 6411/12667
Neh_8:16.............and/in the courts of the house of God and in/the 5379/12667
Neh_13:7.........chamber/in the courts of the house of God And it/grieved 5454/12667
Psa_135:2...........LORD/in the courts of the house of our/God 6612/12667 the courts of the house of the/LORD 4962/12667
Psa_116:19........people/In the courts of the LORD's/house 6533/12667
Job_40:21..........trees/in the covert of the/reed 5823/12667 the covert of thy/wings 6198/12667
Job_38:40..........abide/in the covert to/lie 5809/12667 the cross/of... 11739/12667
Oba_1:14...........stood/in the crossway/to. 9452/12667
Pro_23:31.........colour/in the cup when/it. 6856/12667 the cup which/she 12623/12667
Exo_35:33............And/in the cutting of/stones 1034/12667
Isa_38:10...........said/in the cutting off/of 7394/12667
Act_6:1........neglected/in the daily/ministration 10904/12667 the damsel/no... 2135/12667
Jer_31:13........rejoice/in the dance both/young 7948/12667 the dance let/them 6681/12667
Jer_31:4...........forth/in the dances/of... 7944/12667
Isa_29:15............are/in the dark and they/say 7309/12667
Psa_88:12..........known/in the dark and thy/righteousness 6369/12667 the dark every/man 8458/12667
Job_24:16...........face/In the dark they/dig 5715/12667
Job_12:25..........grope/in the dark without/light 5637/12667 the darkness and/the 9085/12667
Psa_112:4..........light/in the darkness he/is 6518/12667
Job_17:13............bed/in the darkness I/have 5662/12667
Jer_23:12...........ways/in the darkness they/shall 7860/12667
Lam_2:5........increased/in the daughter/of. 8339/12667
Jdg_19:26..........woman/in the dawning/of.. 2796/12667
Hos_4:5.............fall/in the day and/the. 9272/12667
Neh_9:12............them/in the day by/a.... 5387/12667
Joh_11:9............walk/in the day he/stumbleth 10716/12667
Joh_11:9...........hours/in the day If/any. 10715/12667 the day not/in. 11290/12667 the day of a/solemn 8343/12667
Ecc_7:14.............but/in the day of adversity consider/God 6981/12667
Pro_24:10..........faint/in the day of adversity thy/strength 6860/12667
Jer_16:19.........refuge/in the day of affliction/the 7789/12667
Lev_25:9...........month/in the day of atonement/shall 1421/12667
Zec_14:3..........fought/in the day of battle And/his 9721/12667
Psa_140:7...........head/in the day of battle Grant/not 6641/12667
1Sa_13:22...........pass/in the day of battle that/there 2998/12667
Hos_10:14......Betharbel/in the day of battle the/mother 9316/12667
Psa_78:9............back/in the day of battle They/kept 6302/12667
Amo_1:14........shouting/in the day of battle with/a 9375/12667
Php_2:16.........rejoice/in the day of Christ/that 11888/12667
Ecc_8:8............power/in the day of death/and 6988/12667
Oba_1:14..........remain/in the day of distress For/the 9453/12667
Oba_1:12.........proudly/in the day of distress Thou/shouldest 9448/12667 the day of Egypt/for 8803/12667
Jer_17:17...........hope/in the day of evil/Let 7801/12667
Isa_17:11...........heap/in the day of grief/and 7195/12667
Lam_2:1........footstool/in the day of his anger/The 8335/12667
Lev_14:2...........leper/in the day of his cleansing He/shall 1269/12667
Num_6:9.............head/in the day of his cleansing on/the 1525/12667
Son_3:11.............him/in the day of his espousals/and 7036/12667
Isa_13:13............and/in the day of his fierce anger And/it 7156/12667 the day of his fierce anger From/above 8329/12667
Nah_2:3..........torches/in the day of his preparation/and 9534/12667
Eze_33:12............him/in the day of his transgression/as 8863/12667
Lev_6:5.....appertaineth/in the day of his trespass/offering 1120/12667
Psa_110:5..........kings/in the day of his wrath He/shall 6511/12667
Job_20:28...........away/in the day of his wrath This/is 5688/12667
Eze_22:24...........upon/in the day of indignation/There 8672/12667
Psa_137:7...........Edom/in the day of Jerusalem/who 6623/12667
1Jn_4:17........boldness/in the day of judgment because/as 12462/12667
Mat_12:36........thereof/in the day of judgment For/by 9901/12667
Mar_6:11........Gomorrha/in the day of judgment than for that city And/they 10130/12667
Mat_10:15.......Gomorrha/in the day of judgment than for that city Behold/I 9860/12667
Mat_11:24..........Sodom/in the day of judgment than for thee/At 9890/12667 the day of Midian/For 7124/12667 the day of my calamity but the LORD was my stay He brought me forth also into a large place he delivered me because he delighted in me The LORD rewarded me according to my righteousness according to the cleanness of my hands hath he recompensed me For I have kept the ways of the LORD and have not wickedly departed from my God For all his judgments were before me and as/for 3485/12667 the day of my calamity but the LORD was my stay He brought me forth also into a large place he delivered me because he delighted in me The LORD rewarded me according to my righteousness according to the cleanness of my hands hath he recompensed me For I have kept the ways of the LORD and have not wickedly departed from my God For all his judgments were before me and I/did 5940/12667 the day of my distress/and 347/12667 the day of my trouble I sought/the 6290/12667
Psa_86:7...supplications/In the day of my trouble I will/call 6357/12667
Psa_59:16.........refuge/in the day of my trouble Unto/thee 6195/12667
Hos_7:5.........leavened/In the day of our king/the 9289/12667
1Co_1:8........blameless/in the day of our Lord/Jesus 11332/12667
Ecc_7:14.........crooked/In the day of prosperity/be 6980/12667 the day of rain/so 8396/12667
Hos_5:9.........desolate/in the day of rebuke/among 9280/12667
2Co_6:2..............and/in the day of salvation/have 11559/12667 the day of temptation in the wilderness When your fathers tempted me proved me and saw my work/Forty 6421/12667
Heb_3:8......provocation/in the day of temptation in the wilderness When your fathers tempted me proved me and saw my works/forty 12216/12667 the day of the assembly And it/came 1978/12667 the day of the assembly and the/LORD 1987/12667
Deu_18:16..........Horeb/in the day of the assembly saying/Let 2086/12667
Isa_27:8............wind/in the day of the east/wind 7288/12667
Hos_9:5..............and/in the day of the feast/of 9298/12667
Num_28:26...........Also/in the day of the firstfruits/when 1760/12667
Son_3:11.............and/in the day of the gladness/of 7037/12667
Isa_30:25.........waters/in the day of the great/slaughter 7333/12667
2Co_1:14...........our's/in the day of the Lord Jesus And/in 11505/12667
1Co_5:5............saved/in the day of the Lord Jesus Your/glorying 11371/12667
Eze_13:5..........battle/in the day of the LORD They/have 8513/12667
Zep_2:3..............hid/in the day of the LORD's anger For/Gaza 9574/12667
Lam_2:22............that/in the day of the LORD's anger none/escaped 8354/12667
Zep_1:8.............pass/in the day of the LORD's sacrifice/that 9568/12667
Zep_1:18............them/in the day of the LORD's wrath/but 9572/12667
Eze_46:6.............And/in the day of the new moon it shall be a/young 9029/12667
Eze_46:1.............and/in the day of the new moon it shall be opened/And 9025/12667
Num_25:18..........slain/in the day of the plague/for 1728/12667
Amo_1:14.........tempest/in the day of the whirlwind/And 9376/12667
Eze_7:19............them/in the day of the wrath/of 8442/12667
Oba_1:13.......substance/in the day of their calamity Neither/shouldest 9451/12667
Oba_1:13......affliction/in the day of their calamity nor/have 9450/12667
Jer_18:17...........face/in the day of their calamity Then/said 7818/12667
Oba_1:13..........people/in the day of their calamity yea/thou 9449/12667
Oba_1:12...........Judah/in the day of their destruction/neither 9447/12667
Lam_2:21............them/in the day of thine/anger 8352/12667 the day of thy calamity/for 6888/12667 the day of thy fall For/thus 8842/12667
Eze_26:18........tremble/in the day of thy fall yea/the 8722/12667
Psa_110:3........willing/in the day of thy power/in 6509/12667
Eze_16:56..........mouth/in the day of thy pride/Before 8563/12667
Eze_27:27...........seas/in the day of thy ruin/The 8756/12667
Nah_1:7.............hold/in the day of trouble and/he 9529/12667 the day of trouble I/will 6139/12667
Psa_20:1............thee/in the day of trouble the/name 5948/12667
Jer_51:2.............for/in the day of trouble they/shall 8255/12667 the day of trouble when/he 9562/12667
Pro_6:34...........spare/in the day of vengeance/He 6730/12667 the day of visitation and/in 7130/12667
1Pe_2:12.............God/in the day of visitation Submit/yourselves 12337/12667
Pro_11:4.............not/in the day of wrath/but 6760/12667
Isa_58:3..........Behold/in the day of your fast/ye 7534/12667
Num_10:10...........Also/in the day of your gladness/and 1553/12667
Isa_17:11..........slips/In the day shalt/thou 7193/12667
Gen_5:1.............Adam/In the day that God/created 36/12667
Lev_7:36..........Israel/in the day that he anointed/them 1151/12667 the day that he became/a 9446/12667
Isa_11:16.........Israel/in the day that he came/up 7146/12667
Lev_7:38...........Sinai/in the day that he commanded/the 1153/12667
Eze_44:27............And/in the day that he goeth/into 9002/12667
Num_30:7.............her/in the day that he heard it/then 1766/12667
Num_30:14............her/in the day that he heard them/But 1768/12667
Num_30:5.............her/in the day that he heareth/not 1765/12667
Eze_34:12..........flock/in the day that he is/among 8877/12667
Eze_33:12..righteousness/in the day that he sinneth/When 8865/12667
Eze_33:12........thereby/in the day that he turneth/from 8864/12667
Jer_11:4.........fathers/in the day that I brought them forth out of the land of Egypt from/the 7740/12667
Jer_34:13........fathers/in the day that I brought them forth out of the land of Egypt out/of 8014/12667
Jer_7:22............them/in the day that I brought them out/of 7696/12667
Jer_11:7.........fathers/in the day that I brought them up/out 7743/12667
Lam_3:57............near/in the day that I called/upon 8367/12667
Eze_20:6.............God/In the day that I lifted/up 8601/12667
Mal_4:3.............feet/in the day that I shall do/this 9766/12667
Eze_36:33............GOD/In the day that I shall have/cleansed 8905/12667
Amo_3:14............That/in the day that I shall visit/the 9395/12667
Jer_31:32........fathers/in the day that I took/them 7957/12667
Num_7:10...........altar/in the day that it/was 1527/12667
Jos_14:11............was/in the day that Moses/sent 2457/12667 the day that she/was 9256/12667
Est_9:1........execution/in the day that the enemies/of 5550/12667
Zec_8:9.............were/in the day that the foundation/of 9667/12667
Isa_30:26...........days/in the day that the LORD bindeth/up 7334/12667
Gen_2:4..........created/in the day that the LORD God/made 16/12667 the day that the LORD had/delivered 3482/12667
Isa_14:3............pass/in the day that the LORD shall/give 7163/12667
Num_3:1............Moses/in the day that the LORD spake/with 1482/12667
Oba_1:11............side/in the day that the strangers/carried 9445/12667
Gen_2:17.............for/in the day that thou eatest/thereof 20/12667
Oba_1:11............ever/In the day that thou stoodest/on 9444/12667
Eze_16:5..........person/in the day that thou wast born/And 8535/12667
Eze_28:13...........thee/in the day that thou wast created/Thou 8771/12667
Mic_7:11.........streets/In the day that thy/walls 9517/12667
Gen_31:40............was/in the day the/drought 325/12667
Eze_16:4........nativity/in the day thou/wast 8532/12667
Job_5:14........darkness/in the day time and grope/in 5595/12667
Psa_42:8..lovingkindness/in the day time and in/the 6100/12667
Psa_22:2.............cry/in the day time but/thou 5960/12667
Isa_4:6...........shadow/in the day time from/the 7075/12667
Luk_21:37............And/in the day time he/was 10552/12667
2Pe_2:13............riot/in the day time Spots/they 12385/12667
Jer_36:30............out/in the day to/the.. 8059/12667
Rom_2:16.........another/In the day when God/shall 11180/12667
Lev_6:20............LORD/in the day when he is/anointed 1128/12667 the day when he presented/them 1149/12667
Eze_31:15............GOD/In the day when he went/down 8831/12667 the day when I am/in 6436/12667 the day when I call/answer 6438/12667
Eze_20:5.............GOD/In the day when I chose/Israel 8599/12667 the day when I cried/thou 6624/12667 the day when I take/from 8706/12667
Heb_8:9..........fathers/in the day when I took/them 12247/12667
Exo_32:34...nevertheless/in the day when I visit/I 987/12667
1Ki_2:8............curse/in the day when I went/to 3537/12667
Num_7:84...........altar/in the day when it was anointed/by 1528/12667
1Sa_21:6...........bread/in the day when it was taken/away 3110/12667 the day when she came/up 9261/12667
Son_8:8...........sister/in the day when she shall/be 7045/12667
Ecc_12:3............rain/In the day when the keepers/of 7022/12667
Jos_10:12...........LORD/in the day when the LORD/delivered 2399/12667 the day when the Son/of 10498/12667
Eze_43:18..........altar/in the day when they shall/make 8981/12667
Gen_5:2.............Adam/in the day when they were/created 38/12667
Neh_13:15...........them/in the day wherein/they 5459/12667
Gen_3:5.............that/in the day ye/eat.... 22/12667
Mar_2:26.............God/in the days of Abiathar/the 10094/12667
2Ch_13:20..........again/in the days of Abijah/and 4838/12667
Gen_26:1.............was/in the days of Abraham And/Isaac 260/12667
Gen_26:18.........digged/in the days of Abraham his father for/the 269/12667
Gen_26:15.........digged/in the days of Abraham his father the/Philistines 267/12667
Est_1:1.............pass/in the days of Ahasuerus/this 5468/12667
Isa_7:1.............pass/in the days of Ahaz/the 7096/12667
Gen_14:1............pass/in the days of Amraphel/king 111/12667
Ezr_4:7..............And/in the days of Artaxerxes/wrote 5251/12667
Act_11:28...........pass/in the days of Claudius/Caesar 10999/12667
Neh_12:46............For/in the days of David and/Asaph 5446/12667
2Sa_21:1..........famine/in the days of David three/years 3464/12667
1Ch_7:2..............was/in the days of David two/and 4485/12667
Luk_4:25..........Israel/in the days of Elias/when 10330/12667
Neh_12:22........Levites/in the days of Eliashib/Joiada 5440/12667
Psa_49:5............fear/in the days of evil/when 6131/12667
Psa_37:19............and/in the days of famine/they 6069/12667 the days of Gibeah/therefore 9302/12667
Jdg_8:28...........years/in the days of Gideon/And 2651/12667
2Sa_21:9...........death/in the days of harvest/in 3470/12667
Lam_1:7.......remembered/in the days of her affliction/and 8326/12667 the days of her youth/and 9260/12667
Mat_2:1...........Judaea/in the days of Herod the king behold/there 9771/12667
Luk_1:5..............was/in the days of Herod the king of/Judaea 10247/12667
2Ch_32:26...........them/in the days of Hezekiah And/Hezekiah 5123/12667
1Ch_4:41............came/in the days of Hezekiah king of Judah and smote/their 4452/12667
Jer_26:18.....prophesied/in the days of Hezekiah king of Judah and spake/to 7893/12667
1Ki_22:46.......remained/in the days of his father/Asa 3963/12667
Heb_5:7..............Who/in the days of his flesh/when 12236/12667
Jdg_5:6............Anath/in the days of Jael/the 2594/12667
Jer_35:1............LORD/in the days of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah king of Judah saying/Go 8020/12667
Jer_1:3.............also/in the days of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah king of Judah unto/the 7614/12667
1Ch_5:17.............and/in the days of Jeroboam king/of 4466/12667
Hos_1:1..............and/in the days of Jeroboam the son of Joash king of Israel The/beginning 9253/12667
Amo_1:1..............and/in the days of Jeroboam the son of Joash king of Israel two/years 9373/12667
Neh_12:7........brethren/in the days of Jeshua/Moreover 5437/12667
Neh_12:26...........were/in the days of Joiakim the/son 5442/12667
Neh_12:12............And/in the days of Joiakim were/priests 5439/12667 the days of Josiah the king/Hast 7636/12667
Zep_1:1..........Hizkiah/in the days of Josiah the son of Amon king of Judah I/will 9567/12667
Jer_1:2.............came/in the days of Josiah the son of Amon king of Judah in/the 7612/12667
Mic_1:1.......Morasthite/in the days of Jotham Ahaz/and 9468/12667
1Ch_5:17.....genealogies/in the days of Jotham king/of 4465/12667
Luk_17:28............was/in the days of Lot/they 10497/12667
Ecc_7:15............seen/in the days of my vanity/there 6982/12667
Job_29:4.............was/in the days of my youth/when 5732/12667
Neh_12:47............and/in the days of Nehemiah gave/the 5448/12667
Neh_12:26............and/in the days of Nehemiah the/governor 5443/12667
1Pe_3:20..........waited/in the days of Noah/while 12351/12667
Luk_17:26............was/in the days of Noe/so 10494/12667 the days of old According/to 9523/12667 the days of old and/as 9758/12667
Lam_2:17.......commanded/in the days of old he/hath 8346/12667 the days of old saith/the 8189/12667 the days of old That/they 9438/12667
Lam_1:7..............had/in the days of old when/her 8327/12667
Mat_23:30...........been/in the days of our/fathers 10007/12667
2Ki_15:29............sin/In the days of Pekah/king 4220/12667 the days of Saul And all/the 4542/12667 the days of Saul And the/three 3038/12667
1Ch_5:10.............And/in the days of Saul they/made 4457/12667
Jdg_5:6...........Israel/In the days of Shamgar/the 2593/12667
1Ki_10:21.............of/in the days of Solomon For the king/had 3700/12667
2Ch_9:20..............of/in the days of Solomon For the king's/ships 4796/12667
Jdg_15:20.........Israel/in the days of the Philistines/twenty 2736/12667 the days of the solemn/feast 9327/12667
Luk_17:26...........also/in the days of the Son/of 10495/12667
Act_5:37.........Galilee/in the days of the taxing/and 10899/12667
Rev_10:7.............But/in the days of the voice/of 12569/12667
Gen_47:9.........fathers/in the days of their pilgrimage/And 542/12667
Rev_11:6.............not/in the days of their prophecy/and 12575/12667
Dan_2:44.............And/in the days of these/kings 9096/12667
Dan_5:11.............and/in the days of thy father/light 9148/12667
Eze_16:60...........thee/in the days of thy youth and I/will 8565/12667
Ecc_11:9............thee/in the days of thy youth and walk/in 7017/12667
Ecc_12:1.........Creator/in the days of thy youth while/the 7020/12667
Hos_1:1............Beeri/in the days of Uzziah Jotham Ahaz and Hezekiah kings of Judah and/in 9252/12667
Isa_1:1........Jerusalem/in the days of Uzziah Jotham Ahaz and Hezekiah kings of Judah Hear/O 7048/12667
Amo_1:1...........Israel/in the days of Uzziah king of Judah and in/the 9372/12667
Zec_14:5......earthquake/in the days of Uzziah king of Judah and the/LORD 9724/12667
Gen_30:14...........went/in the days of wheat/harvest 298/12667
Joe_1:2.............even/in the days of your/fathers 9344/12667
2Ch_26:5.............God/in the days of Zechariah/who 5011/12667
Neh_12:47.........Israel/in the days of Zerubbabel/and 5447/12667
Eze_22:14.........strong/in the days that I/shall 8661/12667 the days that were/before 10023/12667 the days to/come 6942/12667 the days when God/preserved 5731/12667
Rut_1:1.............pass/in the days when the/judges 2842/12667 the days wherein/he 10258/12667
Psa_78:14...........heap/In the daytime also/he 6307/12667
Isa_21:8......watchtower/in the daytime and/I 7223/12667
Job_24:16.....themselves/in the daytime they/know 5716/12667
Eze_18:32.......pleasure/in the death of him/that 8587/12667
Eze_33:11.......pleasure/in the death of the/wicked 8862/12667
Psa_107:24.......wonders/in the deep For/he. 6499/12667
2Co_11:25...........been/in the deep In/journeyings 11633/12667
Psa_88:6........darkness/in the deeps/Thy... 6366/12667
Php_1:7..............and/in the defence/and 11853/12667
Rev_6:15......themselves/in the dens/and... 12549/12667
Mat_18:6.........drowned/in the depth of/the 9957/12667
Isa_7:11..........either/in the depth or/in. 7099/12667
Pro_9:18.............are/in the depths of hell/The 6753/12667
Eze_27:34...........seas/in the depths of the/waters 8761/12667
Isa_40:3........straight/in the desert a/highway 7410/12667
Jer_25:24..........dwell/in the desert And all/the 7880/12667
2Ch_26:10.........towers/in the desert and digged/many 5016/12667
Psa_106:14...........God/in the desert And he/gave 6473/12667
Jer_17:6...........heath/in the desert and shall/not 7794/12667
Isa_35:6.........streams/in the desert And the/parched 7366/12667
Joh_6:31...........manna/in the desert as/it 10662/12667 the desert go not/forth 10019/12667
Job_24:5...........asses/in the desert go they/forth 5710/12667
Num_27:14....commandment/in the desert of/Zin 1742/12667
Isa_43:19.........rivers/in the desert The beast/of 7442/12667
Isa_41:19............set/in the desert the fir/tree 7425/12667
Isa_43:20.........rivers/in the desert to/give 7444/12667
Psa_78:40............him/in the desert Yea/they 6322/12667
Luk_1:80.............was/in the deserts till/the 10277/12667
Eze_13:4...........foxes/in the deserts Ye/have 8511/12667
Isa_7:19............them/in the desolate/valleys 7104/12667
Job_30:14.........waters/in the desolation they/rolled 5746/12667
Isa_10:3.............and/in the desolation which/shall 7131/12667
Dan_9:2............years/in the desolations/of 9206/12667
Lam_4:10............meat/in the destruction/of 8376/12667
Psa_10:2...........taken/in the devices/that 5893/12667
2Ki_20:11...........down/in the dial/of..... 4306/12667 the dish the same/shall 10048/12667 the dish The Son/of 10224/12667
Eph_1:10............That/in the dispensation/of 11751/12667 the ditch/and... 5624/12667
2Jn_1:9..............not/in the doctrine of Christ hath/not 12481/12667
2Jn_1:9..........abideth/in the doctrine of Christ he/hath 12482/12667
2Ki_4:15...........stood/in the door And/he. 4000/12667 the door of his/tent 1568/12667
Num_12:5...........stood/in the door of the tabernacle and/called 1579/12667
Num_16:18..........stood/in the door of the tabernacle of/the 1638/12667
Jdg_4:20...........Stand/in the door of the tent/and 2590/12667
Num_16:27..........stood/in the door of their/tents 1641/12667
Eze_33:30............and/in the doors/of.... 8876/12667
Luk_23:31...........done/in the dry And/there 10576/12667
Gen_7:22.............was/in the dry land/died. 61/12667
Psa_105:41...........ran/in the dry places/like 6469/12667
Exo_12:29............was/in the dungeon and all/the 736/12667 the dungeon and cast/a 8366/12667
Jer_38:7........Jeremiah/in the dungeon the/king 8081/12667
Jer_38:6.............And/in the dungeon there/was 8078/12667
Job_21:26..........alike/in the dust and the/worms 5699/12667
Job_7:21...........sleep/in the dust and thou/shalt 5616/12667
Isa_2:10............thee/in the dust for/fear 7060/12667
Lam_3:29...........mouth/in the dust if/so.. 8362/12667
Job_16:15...........horn/in the dust My/face 5657/12667
Isa_47:1.............sit/in the dust O/virgin 7470/12667
Dan_12:2...........sleep/in the dust of/the. 9248/12667
Mic_1:10.........thyself/in the dust Pass/ye 9470/12667
Psa_7:5...........honour/in the dust Selah/Arise 5871/12667 the dust Then/answered 5663/12667
Job_20:11............him/in the dust Though/wickedness 5680/12667
Nah_3:18...........dwell/in the dust thy/people 9546/12667
Job_40:13...........them/in the dust together/and 5819/12667 the dust which/are 5591/12667
Pro_21:20............oil/in the dwelling/of. 6840/12667
Exo_9:31.............was/in the ear and/the.. 693/12667
Mar_4:28............corn/in the ear But/when 10103/12667
Luk_12:3..........spoken/in the ear in/closets 10426/12667
Mat_10:27...........hear/in the ear that/preach 9868/12667
Pro_23:9.............not/in the ears of a/fool 6852/12667
Jer_36:6............them/in the ears of all Judah/that 8031/12667
Deu_31:30..........spake/in the ears of all the congregation/of 2277/12667
Jdg_9:3..............him/in the ears of all the men of Shechem all/these 2658/12667 the ears of all the men of Shechem Whether/is 2657/12667
Jer_28:7.............and/in the ears of all the people The/prophets 7912/12667 the ears of all the people When/Michaiah 8041/12667
Jer_36:21............and/in the ears of all the princes/which 8053/12667
2Sa_3:19...........spake/in the ears of Benjamin/and 3272/12667
1Sa_18:23..........words/in the ears of David And/David 3069/12667
2Sa_3:19...........speak/in the ears of David in/Hebron 3273/12667
Jer_29:29.........letter/in the ears of Jeremiah/the 7935/12667
Jer_2:2..............cry/in the ears of Jerusalem/saying 7618/12667 the ears of Joshua/for 812/12667 the ears of Pharaoh/saying 591/12667
Jos_20:4...........cause/in the ears of the elders/of 2483/12667 the ears of the king and/in 8052/12667
Jer_36:20..........words/in the ears of the king So/the 8051/12667
1Sa_8:21............them/in the ears of the LORD And/the 2956/12667
Num_11:18...........wept/in the ears of the LORD saying/Who 1572/12667
1Sa_11:4.........tidings/in the ears of the people and all/the 2967/12667 the ears of the people and come/So 8044/12667 the ears of the people and let/every 706/12667 the ears of the people he/and 2286/12667
Jer_36:6............LORD/in the ears of the people in/the 8029/12667
Jdg_7:3.........proclaim/in the ears of the people saying/Whosoever 2629/12667
Isa_36:11.......language/in the ears of the people that are on the wall But Rabshakeh said Hath/my 7375/12667
2Ki_18:26.......language/in the ears of the people that are on the wall But Rabshakeh said unto/them 4287/12667 the ears of the people Therefore/all 8042/12667
Exo_10:2............tell/in the ears of thy/son 695/12667
Exo_32:2.............are/in the ears of your/wives 979/12667
Job_2:3..............him/in the earth a perfect and an upright man one that feareth God and escheweth evil and/still 5579/12667
Job_1:8..............him/in the earth a perfect and an upright man one that feareth God and escheweth evil Then/Satan 5571/12667
Jer_31:22..........thing/in the earth A woman/shall 7951/12667
Gen_10:32........divided/in the earth after/the 90/12667
1Ch_17:8.............are/in the earth Also/I 4569/12667
Gen_8:17......abundantly/in the earth and be/fruitful 73/12667 the earth And Cain/said 31/12667
Gen_2:5..............was/in the earth and every/herb 17/12667
Job_2:2..............fro/in the earth and from walking up and down in it And the LORD said unto Satan Hast thou considered my servant Job that there is none like him in the earth a perfect and an upright man one that feareth God and escheweth evil and/still 5577/12667
Job_1:7..............fro/in the earth and from walking up and down in it And the LORD said unto Satan Hast thou considered my servant Job that there is none like him in the earth a perfect and an upright man one that feareth God and escheweth evil Then/Satan 5569/12667
Isa_40:24...........root/in the earth and he/shall 7418/12667
Mat_25:18.........digged/in the earth and hid/his 10034/12667 the earth and I/will 9269/12667
Gen_4:14........vagabond/in the earth and it/shall 32/12667
Gen_9:7.......abundantly/in the earth and multiply/therein 76/12667
Gen_6:5............great/in the earth and that/every 43/12667
Gen_1:22........multiply/in the earth And the evening/and 10/12667
Isa_42:4........judgment/in the earth and the isles/shall 7428/12667
2Sa_14:20............are/in the earth And the king/said 3374/12667
Job_14:8.............old/in the earth and the stock/thereof 5642/12667 the earth And there/went 2766/12667
Gen_45:7.......posterity/in the earth and to save/your 522/12667
Psa_16:3.............are/in the earth and to the/excellent 5922/12667
Job_39:14...........eggs/in the earth and warmeth/them 5813/12667
Jer_17:13........written/in the earth because/they 7800/12667
Act_2:19...........signs/in the earth beneath blood/and 10858/12667 the earth beneath or that is in the water/under 837/12667 the earth beneath or that is in the waters/beneath 1936/12667
Joe_2:30.............and/in the earth blood/and 9359/12667 the earth But/when 10106/12667
Job_38:33........thereof/in the earth Canst/thou 5805/12667
Psa_58:11........judgeth/in the earth Deliver/me 6187/12667
Dan_4:15...........roots/in the earth even with a band of iron and brass in the tender grass of the field and let it be wet with the dew of heaven and let his portion be with the beasts in/the 9124/12667
Dan_4:23.........thereof/in the earth even with a band of iron and brass in the tender grass of the field and let it be wet with the dew of heaven and let his portion be with the beasts of/the 9130/12667
Psa_140:11...established/in the earth evil/shall 6642/12667
Jer_9:24...righteousness/in the earth for/in 7725/12667
Job_24:18.........cursed/in the earth he beholdeth/not 5718/12667 the earth He causeth/it 5797/12667
Psa_46:8............made/in the earth He maketh/wars 6120/12667
Psa_113:6............and/in the earth He raiseth/up 6522/12667
Amo_9:6............troop/in the earth he that/calleth 9435/12667 the earth He was/a 83/12667
Psa_119:19......stranger/in the earth hide/not 6556/12667
Jer_23:5.........justice/in the earth In his/days 7856/12667
Jos_7:21.............hid/in the earth in the/midst 2371/12667
Gen_6:4...........giants/in the earth in those/days 40/12667
Mar_4:31............sown/in the earth is less/than 10105/12667
2Sa_7:23..........nation/in the earth is like thy people even/like 3326/12667
1Ch_17:21.........nation/in the earth is like thy people Israel/whom 4575/12667
1Ch_29:11............and/in the earth is thine/thine 4665/12667
Mat_25:25.........talent/in the earth lo/there 10035/12667
2Sa_7:9..............are/in the earth Moreover/I 3322/12667
Pro_11:31....recompensed/in the earth much/more 6768/12667
Isa_26:18....deliverance/in the earth neither/have 7280/12667
Amo_5:7....righteousness/in the earth Seek/him 9401/12667
Isa_65:16........himself/in the earth shall bless/himself 7592/12667 the earth shall die/But 49/12667
Isa_65:16.......sweareth/in the earth shall swear/by 7594/12667
Isa_26:9.............are/in the earth the inhabitants/of 7272/12667
Isa_62:7..........praise/in the earth The LORD hath/sworn 7566/12667
Psa_46:10........exalted/in the earth The LORD of/hosts 6123/12667
Jer_14:4............rain/in the earth the plowmen/were 7763/12667
Psa_58:2...........hands/in the earth The wicked/are 6182/12667 the earth to/come 185/12667
Psa_72:16...........corn/in the earth upon/the 6263/12667
2Ch_6:14.............nor/in the earth which/keepest 4752/12667
1Ki_19:11............not/in the earthquake And/after 3897/12667
Rev_11:13............and/in the earthquake were/slain 12579/12667 the east and/are 9772/12667
Jos_4:19..........Gilgal/in the east border/of 2341/12667
Mat_2:9..............saw/in the east went/before 9775/12667
Exo_26:5............make/in the edge of the curtain that/is 907/12667
Exo_26:10..........loops/in the edge of the curtain which coupleth/the 911/12667
Exo_36:12.............he/in the edge of the curtain which was/in 1047/12667
Num_33:37............Hor/in the edge of the land/of 1809/12667
Exo_13:20..........Etham/in the edge of the wilderness And the/LORD 757/12667 the edge of the wilderness And they/removed 1789/12667
1Ch_11:23............and/in the Egyptian's/hand 4531/12667
2Ch_34:8.............Now/in the eighteenth year of his/reign 5166/12667
2Ch_13:1.............Now/in the eighteenth year of king Jeroboam began/Abijah 4831/12667
1Ki_15:1.............Now/in the eighteenth year of king Jeroboam the/son 3791/12667
2Ki_22:3............pass/in the eighteenth year of king Josiah that/the 4348/12667
2Ki_23:23............But/in the eighteenth year of king Josiah wherein/this 4375/12667
Jer_52:29.........twenty/In the eighteenth year of Nebuchadrezzar/he 8317/12667
2Ch_35:19......Jerusalem/In the eighteenth year of the/reign 5198/12667
Lev_12:3.............And/in the eighth day the/flesh 1182/12667
2Ch_7:9..............And/in the eighth day they/made 4770/12667
Zec_1:1............hosts/In the eighth month in/the 9621/12667
1Ki_12:32..........feast/in the eighth month on/the 3745/12667
2Ki_24:12............him/in the eighth year of his reign And/he 4399/12667
2Ch_34:3.............For/in the eighth year of his reign while/he 5161/12667
Deu_1:3.............year/in the eleventh month/on 1848/12667
Eze_26:1............pass/in the eleventh year in the first day/of 8714/12667
Eze_30:20...........pass/in the eleventh year in the first month/in 8810/12667
1Ki_6:38.............And/in the eleventh year in the month/Bul 3623/12667
Eze_31:1............pass/in the eleventh year in the third/month 8814/12667
2Ki_9:29.............And/in the eleventh year of Joram/the 4089/12667
Jer_39:2.............And/in the eleventh year of Zedekiah/in 8093/12667 the end of his/field 224/12667 the end of the sabbath/as 10069/12667
Heb_9:26............once/in the end of the world/hath 12256/12667 the end of the year/when 872/12667 the end of this/world 9924/12667
Dan_11:6.............And/in the end of years/they 9233/12667 the end thereof O/ye 7670/12667 the end thereof when/thy 6867/12667
Pro_17:24............are/in the ends/of..... 6814/12667
2Co_1:6........effectual/in the enduring/of 11496/12667
1Ki_19:13..........stood/in the entering in of the cave/And 3900/12667
2Ki_23:8............were/in the entering in of the gate/of 4362/12667
Jdg_9:35...........stood/in the entering of the gate of the city and Abimelech/rose 2674/12667
Jdg_9:44...........stood/in the entering of the gate of the city and the/two 2678/12667
Jdg_18:17..........stood/in the entering of the gate with/the 2771/12667 the entrance/of. 3943/12667
Mic_5:6...........Nimrod/in the entrances/thereof 9498/12667
Eze_8:5.........jealousy/in the entry He/said 8450/12667
Jer_26:10...........down/in the entry of/the 7889/12667
Exo_25:7.............set/in the ephod/and.... 888/12667
Eze_12:7.............and/in the even/I...... 8500/12667 the evening afore/he 8870/12667
1Ki_17:6...........flesh/in the evening and he/drank 3871/12667
Gen_30:16..........field/in the evening and Leah/went 300/12667
Gen_8:11.............him/in the evening and lo/in 68/12667 the evening And they/shall 716/12667 the evening flesh/to 795/12667
Zep_2:7.............down/in the evening for/the 9576/12667
Mar_14:17............And/in the evening he/cometh 10223/12667
Pro_7:9.........twilight/in the evening in/the 6732/12667
Psa_90:6..............up/in the evening it/is 6398/12667 the evening she/went 5487/12667
Gen_29:23...........pass/in the evening that/he 290/12667
Ecc_11:6.............and/in the evening withhold/not 7014/12667
Eph_6:13.......withstand/in the evil day/and 11842/12667
Psa_37:19........ashamed/in the evil time/and 6068/12667
Gen_41:37............and/in the eyes of all his/servants 460/12667
Isa_52:10............arm/in the eyes of all the nations/and 7511/12667
1Ch_13:4...........right/in the eyes of all the people/So 4543/12667
Pro_17:8...........stone/in the eyes of him/that 6810/12667
Exo_5:21.............and/in the eyes of his/servants 641/12667
Eze_38:23..........known/in the eyes of many/nations 8937/12667
Gen_41:37...........good/in the eyes of Pharaoh and in the eyes of all/his 459/12667
Exo_5:21........abhorred/in the eyes of Pharaoh and in the eyes of his/servants 640/12667
Exo_24:17..........mount/in the eyes of the children of Israel And/Moses 886/12667 the eyes of the children of Israel therefore/ye 1670/12667 the eyes of the handmaids/of 3311/12667
Jer_52:2............evil/in the eyes of the LORD according/to 8291/12667
1Ki_16:25...........evil/in the eyes of the LORD and did/worse 3855/12667 the eyes of the LORD and let/him 3195/12667
Isa_49:5........glorious/in the eyes of the LORD and my/God 7487/12667
1Ki_15:5...........right/in the eyes of the LORD and turned/not 3795/12667
1Ki_15:11..........right/in the eyes of the LORD as/did 3802/12667
2Sa_15:25.........favour/in the eyes of the LORD he/will 3390/12667
2Ch_14:2...........right/in the eyes of the LORD his/God 4843/12667
2Ch_21:6............evil/in the eyes of the LORD Howbeit/the 4938/12667
1Ki_22:43..........right/in the eyes of the LORD nevertheless/the 3960/12667
2Ch_29:6............evil/in the eyes of the LORD our/God 5061/12667
Gen_6:8............grace/in the eyes of the LORD These/are 44/12667
Deu_13:18..........right/in the eyes of the LORD thy/God 2035/12667
Zec_8:6.......marvellous/in the eyes of the remnant/of 9660/12667
2Ki_14:8.........another/in the face And Jehoash/the 4168/12667
2Ch_25:17........another/in the face And Joash/king 4999/12667
2Ki_14:11........another/in the face at/Bethshemesh 4172/12667
2Ch_25:21........another/in the face both/he 5003/12667
2Co_4:6..............God/in the face of/Jesus 11537/12667
Act_16:5.....established/in the faith and increased/in 11042/12667
Act_14:22.......continue/in the faith and that/we 11032/12667
Col_2:7.......stablished/in the faith as/ye 11961/12667 the faith Grace be/with 12180/12667
1Ti_1:2..............son/in the faith Grace mercy/and 12077/12667
Col_1:23........continue/in the faith grounded/and 11946/12667
1Pe_5:9.........stedfast/in the faith knowing/that 12362/12667
Tit_1:13...........sound/in the faith Not/giving 12166/12667 the faith prove/your 11676/12667 the faith quit/you 11488/12667
Rom_14:1............weak/in the faith receive/ye 11294/12667
1Ti_3:13........boldness/in the faith which/is 12098/12667 the Father and the Father in me or/else 10748/12667 the Father and the Father in me the/words 10745/12667
1Jn_2:24.............and/in the Father And this/is 12427/12667
2Sa_23:3..........ruling/in the fear of God And/he 3490/12667
2Co_7:1.........holiness/in the fear of God Receive/us 11577/12667
Eph_5:21.........another/in the fear of God Wives/submit 11832/12667
Neh_5:9.............walk/in the fear of our/God 5346/12667
Pro_23:17...........thou/in the fear of the LORD all/the 6853/12667
Isa_11:3...understanding/in the fear of the LORD and he/shall 7141/12667
Act_9:31.........walking/in the fear of the Lord and in/the 10968/12667 the fear of the LORD faithfully/and 4907/12667
Pro_14:26...........lies/In the fear of the LORD is/strong 6786/12667
Joh_2:23........passover/in the feast day/many 10621/12667
2Ch_8:13.............and/in the feast of tabernacles And he/appointed 4785/12667
Deu_16:16............and/in the feast of tabernacles and they/shall 2072/12667
Deu_31:10........release/in the feast of tabernacles When/all 2259/12667 the feast of the seven/days 9024/12667
Neh_8:14..........booths/in the feast of the seventh/month 5375/12667
2Ch_8:13............even/in the feast of unleavened bread and in the feast of weeks and in the feast of tabernacles And he/appointed 4783/12667
Deu_16:16.........choose/in the feast of unleavened bread and in the feast of weeks and in the feast of tabernacles and they/shall 2070/12667
2Ch_8:13.............and/in the feast of weeks and in the feast of tabernacles And he/appointed 4784/12667
Deu_16:16............and/in the feast of weeks and in the feast of tabernacles and they/shall 2071/12667
2Ch_5:3.............king/in the feast which/was 4734/12667
Eze_45:17......offerings/in the feasts and in the new/moons 9014/12667
Eze_46:11............And/in the feasts and in the solemnities/the 9037/12667
Num_32:17..........dwell/in the fenced cities because/of 1780/12667
2Ch_17:19............put/in the fenced cities throughout/all 4886/12667 the field about four/thousand 2930/12667
Jdg_20:31.........Gibeah/in the field about thirty/men 2814/12667
Rut_2:3..........gleaned/in the field after/the 2858/12667
Exo_1:14.........service/in the field all/their 605/12667
Pro_24:27........thyself/in the field and afterwards/build 6862/12667
1Ki_11:29..........alone/in the field And Ahijah/caught 3723/12667
Gen_34:28............was/in the field And all/their 344/12667 the field and among/all 3006/12667
Luk_15:25............was/in the field and as/he 10473/12667
1Sa_30:11.......Egyptian/in the field and brought him/to 3228/12667
Gen_30:14......mandrakes/in the field and brought them/unto 299/12667
Jer_14:5..........calved/in the field and forsook/it 7764/12667
Gen_39:5.............and/in the field And he left/all 417/12667
Eze_26:8.......daughters/in the field and he shall/make 8718/12667
Deu_21:1...........lying/in the field and it be/not 2112/12667
Jdg_9:32............wait/in the field And it shall/be 2671/12667
Gen_34:5..........cattle/in the field and Jacob/held 336/12667
Gen_37:7.........sheaves/in the field and lo my/sheaf 381/12667
Gen_29:2............well/in the field and lo there/were 287/12667
Jdg_9:43............wait/in the field and looked/and 2677/12667
Exo_9:19...........found/in the field and shall/not 687/12667
Deu_22:27............her/in the field and the betrothed/damsel 2136/12667
Exo_23:16...........sown/in the field and the feast/of 871/12667
Exo_9:21..........cattle/in the field And the LORD/said 688/12667
Gen_37:15......wandering/in the field and the man asked/him 384/12667
Deu_22:25.........damsel/in the field and the man force/her 2134/12667
2Sa_14:6........together/in the field and there/was 3370/12667
Job_24:6............corn/in the field and they/gather 5711/12667
Mic_4:10...........dwell/in the field and thou/shalt 9491/12667
2Sa_17:8..........whelps/in the field and thy/father 3407/12667 the field and to/morrow 10431/12667
1Sa_20:24........himself/in the field and when/the 3100/12667
Gen_24:63.......meditate/in the field at/the. 250/12667 the field Blessed/shall 2187/12667
Exo_9:25.............was/in the field both/man 691/12667
Jdg_13:9.............sat/in the field but/Manoah 2717/12667 the field Cursed/shall 2200/12667
Zec_10:1...........grass/in the field For the/idols 9681/12667
Exo_9:19............hast/in the field for upon/every 686/12667
Jer_17:3........mountain/in the field I/will 7790/12667
Jos_8:24..............Ai/in the field in/the 2385/12667
Luk_2:8..........abiding/in the field keeping/watch 10283/12667 the field let/him 10501/12667 the field not/turn 10210/12667
1Ch_19:9......themselves/in the field Now/when 4583/12667 the field of Ephron the Hittite/In 586/12667
Gen_25:9.......Machpelah/in the field of Ephron the son/of 254/12667 the field of Joshua/the 2944/12667 the field of Machpelah/which 588/12667
Gen_36:35.........Midian/in the field of Moab reigned in his stead and the name of his city was Avith And Hadad/died 372/12667
1Ch_1:46..........Midian/in the field of Moab reigned in his stead and the name of his city was Avith And when/Hadad 4433/12667
2Ch_26:23........fathers/in the field of the/burial 5028/12667
Jer_41:8.......treasures/in the field of wheat/and 8122/12667
Psa_78:43........wonders/in the field of Zoan And/had 6324/12667
Psa_78:12..........Egypt/in the field of Zoan He/divided 6306/12667 the field return/back 10016/12667
Mal_3:11............time/in the field saith/the 9763/12667
2Ki_7:12......themselves/in the field saying/When 4044/12667
Eze_26:6.............are/in the field shall be/slain 8717/12667 the field shall die/with 8439/12667
1Ki_21:24..........dieth/in the field shall the fowls of the air eat But/there 3934/12667
1Ki_14:11..........dieth/in the field shall the fowls of the air eat for/the 3776/12667 the field Six/days 801/12667
Gen_4:8.............were/in the field that Cain/rose 30/12667
Gen_23:17...........were/in the field that were/in 231/12667 the field the one shall be taken and the other left And/they 10504/12667 the field the one shall be taken and the other left Two/women 10025/12667
Deu_24:19..........sheaf/in the field thou/shalt 2160/12667
Gen_24:65........walketh/in the field to/meet 251/12667
Rut_2:17.........gleaned/in the field until/even 2865/12667
1Sa_20:5..........myself/in the field unto/the 3096/12667 the field upon/the 677/12667
2Sa_10:8......themselves/in the field When/Joab 3340/12667
1Sa_19:3..........father/in the field where/thou 3076/12667
Exo_22:31.........beasts/in the field ye/shall 860/12667
Jdg_9:44............were/in the fields and/slew 2679/12667
Jer_40:13...........were/in the fields came/to 8116/12667
Jer_40:7............were/in the fields even/they 8108/12667
1Ch_27:25....storehouses/in the fields in/the 4651/12667
2Ki_23:4.......Jerusalem/in the fields of Kidron/and 4358/12667
2Ch_31:19...........were/in the fields of the suburbs/of 5108/12667 the fields of the wood/We 6606/12667
1Ki_16:4.............his/in the fields shall/the 3827/12667
1Sa_25:15...........were/in the fields They/were 3171/12667
Jer_13:27..........hills/in the fields Woe/unto 7762/12667
Nah_1:6............abide/in the fierceness/of 9528/12667
Eze_45:25..........month/in the fifteenth day of the month shall/he 9023/12667
Eze_32:17...........year/in the fifteenth day of the month that/the 8844/12667
Lev_23:39...........Also/in the fifteenth day of the seventh/month 1398/12667
Num_28:17............And/in the fifteenth day of this/month 1757/12667
2Ki_14:23........fathers/In the fifteenth year of Amaziah/the 4181/12667
2Ch_15:10..........month/in the fifteenth year of the reign of Asa/And 4856/12667
Luk_3:1..............Now/in the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius/Caesar 10308/12667
Zec_7:5..........mourned/in the fifth and/seventh 9652/12667
Eze_8:1............month/in the fifth day of the month as I sat/in 8446/12667
Eze_1:1............month/in the fifth day of the month as I was/among 8389/12667
Eze_33:21..........month/in the fifth day of the month that/one 8869/12667
Eze_1:2..............God/In the fifth day of the month which/was 8390/12667
Jer_52:12............Now/in the fifth month in/the 8304/12667
2Ki_25:8.............And/in the fifth month on/the 4411/12667
Zec_7:3.............weep/in the fifth month separating/myself 9651/12667
Jer_28:1.............and/in the fifth month that/Hananiah 7905/12667
Eze_20:1............year/in the fifth month the/tenth 8598/12667
Jer_1:3..........captive/in the fifth month Then/the 7615/12667
Ezr_7:8........Jerusalem/in the fifth month which/was 5286/12667
2Sa_20:10......therewith/in the fifth rib/and 3455/12667
Jer_36:9............pass/in the fifth year of Jehoiakim/the 8034/12667
2Ki_8:16.............And/in the fifth year of Joram/the 4056/12667
2Ch_12:2............that/in the fifth year of king Rehoboam Shishak/king 4823/12667
1Ki_14:25...........pass/in the fifth year of king Rehoboam that/Shishak 3786/12667
Lev_19:25............And/in the fifth year shall/ye 1356/12667
2Ki_15:23..........stead/In the fiftieth/year 4210/12667
Hos_9:10.......firstripe/in the fig/tree.... 9304/12667
Exo_39:3.............and/in the fine/linen.. 1065/12667
2Ch_28:3........children/in the fire after/the 5042/12667
1Ki_19:12............not/in the fire and after/the 3898/12667 the fire and ground/it 984/12667
Lev_19:6...........burnt/in the fire And if it/be 1350/12667
Lev_13:52..........burnt/in the fire And if the/priest 1257/12667
Isa_54:16..........coals/in the fire and that/bringeth 7518/12667
Jer_36:32.........burned/in the fire and there/were 8061/12667
Jer_51:58...........folk/in the fire and they/shall 8286/12667
Psa_46:9.........chariot/in the fire Be/still 6122/12667
Jer_29:22........roasted/in the fire Because/they 7925/12667
Eze_5:4.............them/in the fire for/thereof 8412/12667
Isa_33:12.........burned/in the fire Hear/ye 7356/12667 the fire In/thy. 8702/12667 the fire it/is.. 1262/12667
Lev_6:30...........burnt/in the fire Likewise/this 1140/12667
Eze_36:5..........Surely/in the fire of my jealousy/have 8895/12667
Eze_21:31...........thee/in the fire of my wrath and deliver/thee 8643/12667 the fire of my wrath and ye/shall 8668/12667
Eze_38:19............and/in the fire of my wrath have/I 8934/12667
Mat_13:40.........burned/in the fire so/shall 9923/12667
Rev_3:18...........tried/in the fire that thou/mayest 12529/12667
Jer_36:23.......consumed/in the fire that was/on 8056/12667
Lev_16:27...........burn/in the fire their/skins 1335/12667
Deu_12:31..........burnt/in the fire to/their 2032/12667
Jer_7:31.......daughters/in the fire which I/commanded 7703/12667 the fire which is/under 1526/12667
Isa_44:16........thereof/in the fire with/part 7449/12667 the fire yea/also 7451/12667
Isa_24:15...........LORD/in the fires/even.. 7246/12667
Psa_150:1............him/in the firmament of his/power 6687/12667
Gen_1:14..........lights/in the firmament of the heaven to divide/the 5/12667
Gen_1:15..........lights/in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth and it/was 6/12667
Gen_1:17............them/in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth And to/rule 7/12667
Eze_10:1..........behold/in the firmament that/was 8470/12667 the first battle/But 2822/12667
Zec_6:2............brass/In the first chariot/were 9640/12667
Num_33:38..........Egypt/in the first day of the fifth/month 1811/12667
Hag_1:1............month/in the first day of the month came/the 9598/12667
Lev_23:24..........month/in the first day of the month shall/ye 1392/12667
Eze_26:1............year/in the first day of the month that the word of the LORD came unto me saying Son of man because/that 8715/12667
Eze_31:1...........month/in the first day of the month that the word of the LORD came unto me saying Son of man speak/unto 8816/12667
Eze_32:1...........month/in the first day of the month that the word of the LORD came unto me saying Son of man take/up 8839/12667
Eze_29:17..........month/in the first day of the month the/word 8791/12667
Eze_45:18..........month/in the first day of the month thou/shalt 9019/12667
Ezr_10:16...........down/in the first day of the tenth/month 5318/12667
Num_28:18..........eaten/In the first day shall/be 1758/12667
Exo_12:16............And/in the first day there/shall 721/12667
Lev_23:7...........bread/In the first day ye/shall 1387/12667
2Sa_21:9.........harvest/in the first days/in 3471/12667
Joe_2:23............rain/in the first month And the floors/shall 9354/12667
Num_20:1.............Zin/in the first month and the people/abode 1667/12667
Eze_29:17...........year/in the first month in the first day of the month the/word 8790/12667
Eze_45:18............GOD/In the first month in the first day of the month thou/shalt 9018/12667 the first month in the fourteenth/day 9020/12667
Exo_40:17...........pass/in the first month in the second/year 1084/12667
Eze_30:20...........year/in the first month in the seventh/day 8811/12667
Num_9:1............Sinai/in the first month of/the 1537/12667
Num_33:3.........Rameses/in the first month on the fifteenth/day 1785/12667
Exo_12:18...........ever/In the first month on the fourteenth/day 726/12667
2Ch_29:3...........reign/in the first month opened/the 5059/12667
Est_3:7.........Mordecai/In the first month that/is 5502/12667
Gen_8:13............year/in the first month the/first 71/12667
1Ch_12:15.........Jordan/in the first month when/it 4533/12667
Num_10:14..........Moses/In the first place/went 1558/12667
Rev_20:6............part/in the first resurrection/on 12648/12667
Jer_36:28...........were/in the first roll/which 8058/12667
Exo_34:1............were/in the first tables which thou brakest And be/ready 999/12667
Deu_10:2............were/in the first tables which thou brakest and thou/shalt 1983/12667
2Ch_17:3..........walked/in the first ways/of 4875/12667
Dan_7:1..........Persian/In the first year of Belshazzar/king 9177/12667
Ezr_1:1..............Now/in the first year of Cyrus king of Persia that the word of the LORD by/the 5228/12667
2Ch_36:22............Now/in the first year of Cyrus king of Persia that the word of the LORD spoken/by 5224/12667
Ezr_5:13.............But/in the first year of Cyrus the king of/Babylon 5264/12667
Ezr_6:3..........written/In the first year of Cyrus the king the/same 5275/12667
Dan_11:1...............I/in the first year of Darius the Mede/even 9231/12667 the first year of Darius the son/of 9204/12667
Dan_9:2........Chaldeans/In the first year of his reign I/Daniel 9205/12667
2Ch_29:3..............He/in the first year of his reign in/the 5058/12667
Jer_52:31........Babylon/in the first year of his reign lifted/up 8322/12667
Heb_1:6.........bringeth/in the firstbegotten/into 12200/12667
Jer_52:31..........month/in the five and twentieth day/of 8321/12667
Eze_40:1.............GOD/In the five and twentieth year/of 8948/12667 the flags/by..... 607/12667
Jdg_13:20.......ascended/in the flame/of.... 2718/12667
Phl_1:16............both/in the flesh and/in 12191/12667 the flesh arm/yourselves 12352/12667
Rom_2:28.........outward/in the flesh But he/is 11184/12667
1Co_7:28.........trouble/in the flesh but I/spare 11383/12667
Rom_8:9..............not/in the flesh but in/the 11239/12667 the flesh but live/according 12356/12667
1Pe_3:18...........death/in the flesh but quickened/by 12349/12667
Rom_8:8..............are/in the flesh cannot/please 11238/12667
1Pe_4:1.........suffered/in the flesh hath/ceased 12353/12667 the flesh I live/by 11696/12667 the flesh I more/Circumcised 11902/12667
Php_3:4.......confidence/in the flesh If/any 11901/12667
Php_1:24...........abide/in the flesh is more/needful 11867/12667
1Jn_4:3.............come/in the flesh is not/of 12448/12667
1Jn_4:2.............come/in the flesh is of/God 12447/12667
1Ti_3:16........manifest/in the flesh justified/in 12101/12667
Eph_2:11....Circumcision/in the flesh made/by 11784/12667
Gen_17:24....circumcised/in the flesh of his foreskin And/Ishmael 152/12667
Gen_17:25....circumcised/in the flesh of his foreskin In/the 153/12667
Rom_8:3..............sin/in the flesh That the/righteousness 11236/12667
Col_2:1.............face/in the flesh That their/hearts 11953/12667
2Co_12:7...........thorn/in the flesh the messenger/of 11657/12667
Rom_7:5.............were/in the flesh the motions/of 11219/12667
Gal_6:12............shew/in the flesh they/constrain 11737/12667
2Jn_1:7.............come/in the flesh This is a/deceiver 12480/12667 the flesh this is the/fruit 11865/12667
Php_3:3.......confidence/in the flesh Though/I 11900/12667
1Pe_4:2.............time/in the flesh to/the 12354/12667
2Co_10:3............walk/in the flesh we/do 11611/12667
Eph_2:11........Gentiles/in the flesh who/are 11783/12667
Col_2:5...........absent/in the flesh yet/am 11956/12667
Gen_30:40..........brown/in the flock/of..... 309/12667
2Pe_2:5.........bringing/in the flood/upon. 12380/12667
Psa_32:6..........surely/in the floods/of... 6027/12667
Jdg_6:37............wool/in the floor and/if 2627/12667
Gen_50:11.......mourning/in the floor of Atad/they 595/12667 the floor of the/tabernacle 1520/12667
Isa_18:5........ripening/in the flower he/shall 7199/12667
1Sa_2:33.............die/in the flower of/their 2915/12667
2Sa_11:15..........Uriah/in the forefront of the hottest/battle 3351/12667
Exo_26:9.........curtain/in the forefront of the tabernacle/And 909/12667
2Ch_20:27....Jehoshaphat/in the forefront of them/to 4926/12667 the forepart/was 3616/12667
Isa_56:9..........beasts/in the forest His/watchmen 7524/12667
Isa_21:13.........Arabia/In the forest in/Arabia 7225/12667
Jer_12:8............lion/in the forest it/crieth 7753/12667 the forest thereof/and 7843/12667
Amo_3:4.............roar/in the forest when/he 9380/12667
2Ch_27:4.............and/in the forests/he.. 5033/12667
Php_2:6............being/in the form/of.... 11878/12667 the former/days. 9669/12667
2Sa_5:9............dwelt/in the fort/and.... 3299/12667
Num_33:38..........there/in the fortieth year after/the 1810/12667
Deu_1:3.............pass/in the fortieth year in/the 1847/12667
1Ch_26:31........fathers/In the fortieth year of/the 4633/12667
Isa_34:13.......brambles/in the fortresses/thereof 7364/12667 the forts/and... 8874/12667
Dan_10:4.............And/in the four and twentieth day of the first/month 9220/12667
Hag_2:20..........Haggai/in the four and twentieth day of the month/saying 9618/12667
Hag_2:10...........hosts/In the four and twentieth day of the ninth/month 9612/12667
Hag_1:15.............God/In the four and twentieth day of the sixth/month 9604/12667
Eze_46:22..........court/In the four corners of/the 9040/12667
Exo_25:26..........rings/in the four corners that/are 897/12667
Exo_27:4...........rings/in the four corners thereof And thou/shalt 920/12667
Exo_25:12...........them/in the four corners thereof and two/rings 890/12667
Exo_37:13...........were/in the four feet/thereof 1052/12667
1Ki_6:1.............pass/in the four hundred/and 3603/12667
Rev_20:8.............are/in the four quarters/of 12649/12667
Eze_43:17..........broad/in the four squares thereof and the border/about 8980/12667
Eze_43:16.........square/in the four squares thereof And the settle/shall 8979/12667
Lev_23:5.........seasons/In the fourteenth day of the first month at/even 1386/12667
Num_28:16............And/in the fourteenth day of the first month is/the 1756/12667
Eze_45:21..........month/in the fourteenth day of the month/ye 9021/12667
Num_9:3...........season/In the fourteenth day of this/month 1538/12667
Eze_40:1...........month/in the fourteenth year after/that 8951/12667
Gen_14:5.............And/in the fourteenth year came/Chedorlaomer 114/12667
2Ki_18:13............Now/in the fourteenth year of king Hezekiah did/Sennacherib 4279/12667
Isa_36:1............pass/in the fourteenth year of king Hezekiah that/Sennacherib 7368/12667
Zec_6:3..............and/in the fourth chariot/grisled 9643/12667
Zec_7:1........Zechariah/in the fourth day/of 9648/12667
Gen_15:16............But/in the fourth generation/they 131/12667
Eze_1:1.............year/in the fourth month in the fifth/day 8388/12667
Jer_52:6.............And/in the fourth month in the ninth/day 8296/12667
Jer_39:2........Zedekiah/in the fourth month the/ninth 8094/12667
Mat_14:25............And/in the fourth watch/of 9937/12667
Lev_19:24............But/in the fourth year all/the 1355/12667
Jer_28:1...........Judah/in the fourth year and/in 7904/12667
1Ki_22:41..........Judah/in the fourth year of Ahab/king 3957/12667
Jer_51:59........Babylon/in the fourth year of his reign And/this 8287/12667
2Ch_3:2............month/in the fourth year of his reign Now/these 4719/12667
Jer_46:2...........smote/in the fourth year of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah king of Judah Order/ye 8179/12667
Jer_45:1........Jeremiah/in the fourth year of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah king of Judah saying/Thus 8175/12667
Jer_36:1............pass/in the fourth year of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah king of Judah that this/word 8027/12667
Jer_25:1...........Judah/in the fourth year of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah king of Judah that was/the 7876/12667
Zec_7:1.............pass/in the fourth year of king Darius/that 9647/12667
2Ki_18:9............pass/in the fourth year of king Hezekiah/which 4273/12667
1Ki_6:1............Egypt/in the fourth year of Solomon's/reign 3604/12667
1Ki_6:37...........beams/In the fourth year was/the 3621/12667
2Ch_3:4..............was/in the front/of.... 4720/12667
Pro_2:14.........delight/in the frowardness/of 6698/12667
Lev_23:39.......gathered/in the fruit of the/land 1399/12667
Deu_28:11..........goods/in the fruit of thy body and in the fruit of thy cattle and in the fruit of thy ground/in 2194/12667
Deu_30:9............hand/in the fruit of thy body and in the fruit of thy cattle and in the fruit of thy land/for 2245/12667
Deu_28:11............and/in the fruit of thy cattle and in the fruit of thy ground/in 2195/12667
Deu_30:9.............and/in the fruit of thy cattle and in the fruit of thy land/for 2246/12667
Deu_28:11............and/in the fruit of thy ground/in 2196/12667
Deu_30:9.............and/in the fruit of thy land/for 2247/12667
Lev_25:3..........gather/in the fruit thereof/But 1418/12667
Isa_32:16.........remain/in the fruitful/field 7350/12667
2Sa_9:10...........bring/in the fruits that/thy 3333/12667
Exo_23:10.........gather/in the fruits thereof/But 865/12667
Lev_7:9..........dressed/in the fryingpan and/in 1144/12667
Lev_2:7............baken/in the fryingpan it/shall 1100/12667
Job_20:22..........goods/In the fulness of his/sufficiency 5684/12667
Rom_15:29...........come/in the fulness of the/blessing 11309/12667
Isa_48:10...........thee/in the furnace/of.. 7480/12667 the furrow/or... 5812/12667
Hos_10:4.........hemlock/in the furrows of the field/The 9308/12667
Hos_12:11..........heaps/in the furrows of the fields/And 9330/12667
Eze_17:10.........wither/in the furrows where/it 8570/12667
Dan_8:6..............him/in the fury/of..... 9196/12667
Jud_1:11........perished/in the gainsaying/of 12495/12667 the gall/of.... 10949/12667
Son_7:5.............held/in the galleries/How 7043/12667
Eze_22:30..........stand/in the gap/before.. 8676/12667
Joh_19:41............and/in the garden a/new 10817/12667
Gen_3:10...........voice/in the garden and/I.. 25/12667
Gen_3:8..........walking/in the garden in/the. 23/12667
Eze_31:8..........cedars/in the garden of God could/not 8822/12667
Eze_31:9............were/in the garden of God envied/him 8825/12667
Eze_31:8............tree/in the garden of God was/like 8823/12667
2Ki_21:18.........buried/in the garden of his/own 4331/12667 the garden of Uzza and Amon/his 4332/12667
2Ki_21:26......sepulchre/in the garden of Uzza and Josiah/his 4343/12667
Joh_18:26...........thee/in the garden with/him 10805/12667
Son_6:2.............feed/in the gardens and/to 7040/12667
Isa_66:17.....themselves/in the gardens behind/one 7605/12667
Son_8:13........dwellest/in the gardens the/companions 7047/12667
Lev_13:51.........spread/in the garment either in the warp or in the woof or in a/skin 1250/12667
Lev_13:57..........still/in the garment either in the warp or in the woof or in any thing of skin it/is 1263/12667
Lev_13:53.........spread/in the garment either in the warp or in the woof or in any thing of skin Then/the 1258/12667
Lev_13:49........reddish/in the garment or/in 1245/12667
2Sa_19:8.............sit/in the gate And all/the 3434/12667
2Ki_7:17.............him/in the gate and he died as/the 4048/12667
2Ki_7:20.............him/in the gate and he died Then/spake 4051/12667
1Sa_9:18..........Samuel/in the gate and said/Tell 2962/12667 the gate And the damsel's/father 2128/12667
Rut_4:11............were/in the gate and the elders/said 2885/12667
Eze_40:3...........stood/in the gate And the man/said 8955/12667
Amo_5:10........rebuketh/in the gate and they abhor/him 9402/12667
2Sa_19:8.............sat/in the gate And they told/unto 3433/12667
Isa_29:21......reproveth/in the gate and turn/aside 7313/12667
Psa_127:5........enemies/in the gate Blessed/is 6598/12667
Pro_22:22......afflicted/in the gate For/the 6849/12667
Amo_5:12............poor/in the gate from/their 9404/12667
Pro_24:7...........mouth/in the gate He/that 6859/12667
Amo_5:15........judgment/in the gate it/may. 9406/12667
Job_5:4..........crushed/in the gate neither/is 5593/12667
Jer_37:13............was/in the gate of Benjamin a/captain 8066/12667
Jer_38:7.........sitting/in the gate of Benjamin Ebedmelech/went 8082/12667
2Ki_7:18............time/in the gate of Samaria And/that 4049/12667
2Ki_7:1...........shekel/in the gate of Samaria Then/a 4037/12667
Gen_19:1.............sat/in the gate of Sodom/and 165/12667
Exo_32:26..........stood/in the gate of the camp/and 985/12667
Jer_17:19..........stand/in the gate of the children/of 7802/12667
Jdg_16:2...........night/in the gate of the city/and 2739/12667
Dan_2:49.............sat/in the gate of the king/Nebuchadnezzar 9099/12667
Jer_7:2............Stand/in the gate of the LORD's/house 7683/12667
Psa_69:12............sit/in the gate speak/against 6246/12667 the gate Then/let 5755/12667
2Sa_3:27...........aside/in the gate to/speak 3281/12667
Psa_9:14..........praise/in the gates of the daughter/of 5884/12667
Eze_44:17.......minister/in the gates of the inner/court 8997/12667 the gates of the land/I 7775/12667
2Ch_31:2..........praise/in the gates of the tents/of 5090/12667
Pro_31:31............her/in the gates The/words 6926/12667 the gates thereof/and 7810/12667
Jdg_5:8..............war/in the gates was/there 2597/12667
1Ch_9:22.........porters/in the gates were/two 4502/12667
Pro_31:23..........known/in the gates when/he 6923/12667
Psa_109:13...........and/in the generation following/let 6505/12667 the generation of/the 5916/12667
Isa_51:9............days/in the generations/of 7505/12667
Psa_106:5........rejoice/in the gladness/of. 6470/12667
Dan_11:45...........seas/in the glorious holy/mountain 9246/12667
Dan_11:16..........stand/in the glorious land/which 9237/12667
Mat_16:27...........come/in the glory of his Father with his/angels 9948/12667
Mar_8:38..........cometh/in the glory of his Father with the/holy 10154/12667
Dan_11:20..........taxes/in the glory of the/kingdom 9239/12667 the God of my/salvation 9566/12667
Isa_65:16........himself/in the God of truth/and 7593/12667
Jer_48:5.............for/in the going down of/Horonaim 8194/12667
Jos_10:11...........were/in the going down to/Bethhoron 2398/12667
Jos_7:5.............them/in the going down wherefore/the 2366/12667
Jer_48:5.............For/in the going up/of. 8193/12667
1Co_9:18...........power/in the gospel For/though 11403/12667
Php_1:5.......fellowship/in the gospel from/the 11849/12667 the gospel Him/therefore 11892/12667
1Th_3:2...fellowlabourer/in the gospel of Christ/to 12034/12667
Rom_1:9...........spirit/in the gospel of his/Son 11166/12667 the gospel throughout/all 11597/12667 the gospel with/Clement 11911/12667
Act_13:43.......continue/in the grace of/God 11022/12667
2Ti_2:1...........strong/in the grace that/is 12147/12667
Dan_4:15..........beasts/in the grass/of.... 9126/12667
Psa_49:14...........laid/in the grave death/shall 6135/12667
Joh_11:17...........lain/in the grave four/days 10720/12667
Psa_49:14........consume/in the grave from/their 6137/12667
Psa_31:17.........silent/in the grave Let/the 6018/12667
Psa_88:11.......declared/in the grave or/thy 6367/12667 the grave that/thou 5644/12667
Ecc_9:10..........wisdom/in the grave whither/thou 6998/12667
Psa_6:5.............thee/in the grave who/shall 5867/12667
Psa_88:5.............lie/in the grave whom/thou 6363/12667
Joh_5:28.............are/in the graves/shall 10652/12667
Psa_22:25...........thee/in the great congregation I will pay/my 5967/12667
Psa_35:18.........thanks/in the great congregation I will praise/thee 6051/12667
Psa_40:9...righteousness/in the great congregation lo/I 6091/12667
Rev_9:14...........bound/in the great river/Euphrates 12564/12667
Psa_77:19...........path/in the great waters/and 6297/12667
Pro_5:23.............and/in the greatness of his folly/he 6722/12667
Isa_63:1......travelling/in the greatness of his strength/I 7569/12667
Exo_15:7.............And/in the greatness of thine/excellency 773/12667
Isa_57:10........wearied/in the greatness of thy/way 7529/12667
Rev_9:11.............but/in the Greek/tongue 12563/12667
Job_18:10............him/in the ground and/a 5667/12667
1Sa_26:7...........stuck/in the ground at/his 3187/12667
Job_14:8.............die/in the ground Yet/through 5643/12667
Gen_30:38.........flocks/in the gutters in/the 307/12667
Gen_30:41.........cattle/in the gutters that/they 310/12667
Pro_8:31.......Rejoicing/in the habitable/part 6746/12667
Jer_41:17..........dwelt/in the habitation of Chimham/which 8126/12667
Isa_35:7...........water/in the habitation of dragons/where 7367/12667
Pro_17:16..........price/in the hand of a fool/to 6812/12667
Gal_3:19..........angels/in the hand of a mediator/Now 11707/12667
Psa_127:4............are/in the hand of a mighty/man 6597/12667
1Sa_13:22..........found/in the hand of any/of 2999/12667
1Sa_17:50..........sword/in the hand of David/Therefore 3053/12667 the hand of Ephraim/and 8917/12667
Ecc_9:1..............are/in the hand of God/no 6993/12667
Lev_25:28.........remain/in the hand of him that hath/bought 1432/12667
Eze_28:9.............God/in the hand of him that slayeth/thee 8767/12667 the hand of Shishak/Whereupon 4824/12667
1Ki_2:46.....established/in the hand of Solomon/And 3550/12667 the hand of the angel/which 12570/12667
1Sa_17:22.......carriage/in the hand of the keeper/of 3042/12667
Isa_62:3...........glory/in the hand of the LORD and/a 7563/12667 the hand of the LORD as/the 6831/12667
Psa_75:8.............For/in the hand of the LORD there/is 6284/12667
Jer_18:4..........marred/in the hand of the potter/so 7811/12667
2Ch_13:8............LORD/in the hand of the sons/of 4836/12667 the hand of the workmen/that 5167/12667
Isa_62:3..........diadem/in the hand of thy/God 7564/12667
Zec_4:10.........plummet/in the hand of Zerubbabel/with 9635/12667
Exo_29:24............all/in the hands of Aaron/and 951/12667
Exo_29:24............and/in the hands of his/sons 952/12667
Jer_5:7...........troops/in the harlots'/houses 7658/12667 the harvest How/long 6724/12667
2Sa_23:13..........David/in the harvest time/unto 3495/12667
Amo_9:1.............them/in the head all/of. 9431/12667
Mar_12:4.............him/in the head and/sent 10186/12667 the head of every/way 8546/12667
Eze_42:12...........door/in the head of the/way 8971/12667
Jer_9:26...uncircumcised/in the heart Hear/ye 7729/12667
Pro_22:15..........bound/in the heart of a/child 6845/12667
1Ki_8:17.............was/in the heart of David my father to build an house for the name of the LORD God of Israel And/the 3650/12667
2Ch_6:7..............was/in the heart of David my father to build an house for the name of the LORD God of Israel But/the 4743/12667
Pro_14:33........resteth/in the heart of him/that 6791/12667
Pro_20:5.........Counsel/in the heart of man is/like 6827/12667
Pro_12:25......Heaviness/in the heart of man maketh/it 6773/12667
Mat_12:40.........nights/in the heart of the earth/The 9903/12667 the heart of the king's/enemies 6113/12667 the heart of the prophets/that 7871/12667
Exo_15:8.......congealed/in the heart of the sea/The 774/12667 the heart of them/that 6772/12667
Exo_31:6.............and/in the hearts/of.... 974/12667
Isa_18:4.............dew/in the heat of harvest/For 7198/12667
Eze_3:14......bitterness/in the heat of my/spirit 8400/12667
Gen_18:1............door/in the heat of the/day 158/12667
Psa_78:26...........blow/in the heaven and by/his 6314/12667
Amo_9:6..........stories/in the heaven and hath/founded 9434/12667 the heaven and in/the 4664/12667
Psa_89:6.............who/in the heaven can/be 6374/12667
Jer_8:7............stork/in the heaven knoweth/her 7706/12667
2Ch_6:14............thee/in the heaven nor/in 4751/12667
Psa_77:18............was/in the heaven the/lightnings 6295/12667
Eph_1:20............hand/in the heavenly/places 11765/12667
Heb_8:1..........Majesty/in the heavens A/minister 12245/12667
Jer_51:16.........waters/in the heavens and he causeth the vapours to ascend from the ends of the earth he maketh lightnings with rain and bringeth forth the wind out of his treasures Every man is brutish by/his 8263/12667
Jer_10:13.........waters/in the heavens and he causeth the vapours to ascend from the ends of the earth he maketh lightnings with rain and bringeth forth the wind out of his treasures Every man is brutish in/his 7733/12667
Psa_103:19........throne/in the heavens and his/kingdom 6446/12667
Joe_2:30.........wonders/in the heavens and in/the 9358/12667
Psa_18:13......thundered/in the heavens and the/Highest 5939/12667 the heavens and thy/faithfulness 6057/12667
Psa_123:1.......dwellest/in the heavens Behold/as 6588/12667
2Co_5:1..........eternal/in the heavens For/in 11545/12667 the heavens he/hath 6523/12667
Psa_2:4..........sitteth/in the heavens shall/laugh 5839/12667
Heb_9:23..........things/in the heavens should/be 12254/12667
Luk_12:33.......treasure/in the heavens that/faileth 10432/12667
Isa_5:30........darkened/in the heavens thereof/In 7089/12667
Lam_3:41.............God/in the heavens We/have 8364/12667
Joh_19:13............but/in the Hebrew Gabbatha/And 10811/12667
Joh_19:17.........called/in the Hebrew Golgotha/Where 10812/12667
Rev_16:16.........called/in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon/And 12616/12667
Joh_5:2...........called/in the Hebrew tongue Bethesda/having 10643/12667 the Hebrew tongue is/Abaddon 12562/12667
Act_26:14.........saying/in the Hebrew tongue Saul/Saul 11142/12667
Act_21:40...........them/in the Hebrew tongue saying/Men 11107/12667
Act_22:2...........spake/in the Hebrew tongue to/them 11108/12667 the hedges/in... 9544/12667
Isa_7:11..............or/in the height above/But 7100/12667
Job_22:12............God/in the height of heaven/and 5704/12667
Jer_31:12...........sing/in the height of Zion/and 7947/12667
1Ki_6:20..........cubits/in the height thereof/and 3619/12667
Psa_148:1............him/in the heights/Praise 6677/12667
Exo_10:15.............or/in the herbs/of..... 700/12667
Psa_51:6.............and/in the hidden/part. 6147/12667
Isa_57:15..........dwell/in the high and/holy 7531/12667
Jer_20:2............were/in the high gate/of 7829/12667 the high place As/soon 2960/12667
1Ch_21:29.........season/in the high place at/Gibeon 4602/12667
1Ch_16:39...........LORD/in the high place that/was 4562/12667
Jer_48:35.......offereth/in the high places and him/that 8207/12667
2Ki_12:3.........incense/in the high places And Jehoash/said 4134/12667
1Ki_22:43............yet/in the high places And Jehoshaphat/made 3961/12667
2Ki_16:4.........incense/in the high places and on the hills and under every green tree Then/Rezin 4236/12667
2Ch_28:4.........incense/in the high places and on the hills and under every green tree Wherefore/the 5043/12667
2Ki_15:35..........still/in the high places He/built 4227/12667
2Ki_23:5.........incense/in the high places in/the 4359/12667 the high places of the city/To 6750/12667
Jdg_5:18...........death/in the high places of the field/The 2604/12667
Jer_14:6...........stand/in the high places they/snuffed 7765/12667
2Ch_33:17..........still/in the high places yet/unto 5149/12667
Jer_36:10.........scribe/in the higher/court 8040/12667
Mar_11:10........Hosanna/in the highest And Jesus/entered 10178/12667
Luk_2:14.............God/in the highest and on/earth 10287/12667
Luk_19:38..........glory/in the highest And some/of 10519/12667
Mat_21:9.........Hosanna/in the highest And when/he 9977/12667
Luk_14:8............down/in the highest room/lest 10461/12667
Isa_7:3.............pool/in the highway of the fuller's field And say/unto 7097/12667 the highway of the fuller's field And when/they 4282/12667
Isa_36:2............pool/in the highway of the fuller's field Then/came 7369/12667
Jdg_20:45...........them/in the highways five/thousand 2824/12667
Jdg_20:31..........times/in the highways of/which 2813/12667
1Sa_7:1.........Abinadab/in the hill and/sanctified 2945/12667
2Sa_21:9............them/in the hill before/the 3469/12667
Jos_21:11.........Hebron/in the hill country/of 2496/12667
1Sa_26:3.........pitched/in the hill of Hachilah which is before Jeshimon by/the 3183/12667
1Sa_26:1.........himself/in the hill of Hachilah which is before Jeshimon Then/Saul 3181/12667
1Sa_23:19...........wood/in the hill of Hachilah which is on/the 3144/12667
1Ki_11:7............Moab/in the hill that/is 3710/12667
Deu_1:7............plain/in the hills and in the vale/and 1856/12667
Jos_9:1...........Jordan/in the hills and in the valleys/and 2391/12667
Mar_4:38.............was/in the hinder part/of 10108/12667
Psa_78:66........enemies/in the hinder parts/he 6329/12667
1Ch_11:16...........then/in the hold and the Philistines'/garrison 4527/12667
1Sa_22:4.............was/in the hold And the prophet/Gad 3119/12667
1Sa_22:5.............not/in the hold depart/and 3120/12667
Isa_7:19.............and/in the holes/of.... 7105/12667
Isa_40:12.........waters/in the hollow/of... 7412/12667
Eze_44:19...........them/in the holy chambers/and 8998/12667
Neh_11:18........Levites/in the holy city/were 5422/12667
1Th_1:5..............and/in the Holy Ghost and/in 12015/12667 the Holy Ghost For/he 11297/12667
Jud_1:20.........praying/in the Holy Ghost Keep/yourselves 12499/12667
Rom_9:1..........witness/in the Holy Ghost That/I 11251/12667
Zec_2:12.........portion/in the holy land/and 9631/12667
Isa_27:13...........LORD/in the holy mount at/Jerusalem 7294/12667
2Pe_1:18.............him/in the holy mount We/have 12375/12667 the holy mountains/The 6360/12667
Isa_29:19........rejoice/in the Holy One of Israel For/the 7312/12667
Isa_41:16..........glory/in the Holy One of Israel When/the 7421/12667
2Ch_35:5...........stand/in the holy place according/to 5188/12667
Exo_29:31..........flesh/in the holy place And Aaron/and 956/12667
Exo_39:1.........service/in the holy place and made/the 1061/12667
Lev_16:24..........water/in the holy place and put/on 1331/12667
Exo_39:41........service/in the holy place and the/holy 1076/12667
Exo_29:30.......minister/in the holy place And thou/shalt 955/12667 the holy place as/I 1166/12667 the holy place because/it 1162/12667
1Ki_8:8..............out/in the holy place before/the 3645/12667
Lev_6:27.......sprinkled/in the holy place But/the 1136/12667
Lev_14:13.......offering/in the holy place for as/the 1276/12667 the holy place for it/is 1411/12667
Lev_6:16...........eaten/in the holy place in/the 1125/12667
Lev_7:6............eaten/in the holy place it/is 1142/12667
Lev_10:17.......offering/in the holy place seeing/it 1164/12667
Lev_6:30..........withal/in the holy place shall be/eaten 1139/12667 the holy place shall it/be 1134/12667
Lev_16:27......atonement/in the holy place shall one/carry 1334/12667
Num_28:7............lamb/in the holy place shalt/thou 1754/12667
Exo_28:43.......minister/in the holy place that/they 947/12667
Exo_35:19........service/in the holy place the/holy 1024/12667
Psa_68:17..........Sinai/in the holy place Thou/hast 6236/12667
Lev_16:17......atonement/in the holy place until/he 1328/12667
2Ch_29:7.......offerings/in the holy place unto/the 5062/12667
Mat_24:15..........stand/in the holy place whoso/readeth 10014/12667
Rom_1:2.........prophets/in the holy scriptures/Concerning 11164/12667
Lev_5:16............done/in the holy thing/and 1114/12667
Lev_5:15.......ignorance/in the holy things/of 1113/12667
Jam_3:3.............bits/in the horses'/mouths 12309/12667
Jdg_7:11............were/in the host And/the 2632/12667
1Ch_12:21.......captains/in the host For/at. 4535/12667
1Sa_14:15......trembling/in the host in/the. 3005/12667 the host is/good 3218/12667
1Sa_14:19............was/in the host of/the. 3008/12667
Lev_14:43............out/in the house after that/he 1294/12667
Lev_14:48.........spread/in the house after the/house 1300/12667
Gen_17:27...........born/in the house and bought/with 155/12667
Joh_11:31............her/in the house and comforted/her 10726/12667
2Ki_22:9...........found/in the house and have/delivered 4351/12667 the house and he hath/committed 419/12667
2Ki_5:24............them/in the house and he let/the 4027/12667
Gen_39:5.............had/in the house and in/the 416/12667
1Ki_3:17.............her/in the house And it/came 3563/12667
Gen_34:29............was/in the house And Jacob/said 345/12667
Gen_27:15............her/in the house and put/them 275/12667
1Sa_28:24...........calf/in the house and she hasted/and 3211/12667
2Ki_4:2.............thou/in the house And she said/Thine 3995/12667
Mar_2:1..............was/in the house And straightway/many 10088/12667
2Ki_16:18..........built/in the house and the/king's 4239/12667
1Ki_3:18.............two/in the house And this/woman's 3565/12667 the house As/the 5533/12667 the house be/not 1287/12667
Jos_6:17.............her/in the house because/she 2358/12667
Mat_9:10............meat/in the house behold/many 9852/12667
Joh_8:35.............not/in the house for/ever 10697/12667
Mar_9:33...........being/in the house he asked/them 10155/12667
Isa_44:13.........remain/in the house He heweth/him 7448/12667
Jos_2:19............thee/in the house his blood/shall 2325/12667
Mar_10:10............And/in the house his disciples/asked 10164/12667
Lev_14:44.........spread/in the house it is a/fretting 1295/12667
Lev_14:44........leprosy/in the house it is unclean/And 1296/12667
Luk_17:31..........stuff/in the house let him/not 10500/12667
Mat_5:15.............are/in the house Let your/light 9803/12667 the house of a/stranger 6718/12667
Mic_1:10.............all/in the house of Aphrah/roll 9469/12667
1Ki_16:9...........drunk/in the house of Arza/steward 3837/12667
1Sa_31:10.........armour/in the house of Ashtaroth/and 3247/12667
1Ki_16:32...........Baal/in the house of Baal/which 3865/12667
2Ch_8:11...........dwell/in the house of David/king 4781/12667
2Ch_23:3............king/in the house of God And he said/unto 4961/12667
2Ch_23:9............were/in the house of God And he set/all 4967/12667
Neh_12:40.........thanks/in the house of God and I/and 5445/12667
Psa_52:8............tree/in the house of God I/trust 6154/12667
Ezr_6:5.............them/in the house of God Now/therefore 5276/12667
2Ch_33:7............made/in the house of God of/which 5140/12667
2Ch_22:12............hid/in the house of God six/years 4958/12667
Ezr_3:9..........workmen/in the house of God the/sons 5245/12667
1Ti_3:15.........thyself/in the house of God which/is 12100/12667
2Ch_25:24..........found/in the house of God with/Obededom 5004/12667
Neh_6:10........together/in the house of God within/the 5355/12667
Est_7:9.........standeth/in the house of Haman/Then 5534/12667 the house of her/husband 2850/12667
Hos_9:8...........hatred/in the house of his God/They 9301/12667
Ezr_1:7.............them/in the house of his gods/Even 5236/12667
Gen_39:2.............was/in the house of his master/the 412/12667 the house of his servant/David 10272/12667
Hos_6:10...........thing/in the house of Israel/there 9286/12667
Jer_5:20............this/in the house of Jacob and/publish 7665/12667
Amo_3:13.........testify/in the house of Jacob saith/the 9394/12667
1Ki_14:13.........Israel/in the house of Jeroboam/Moreover 3778/12667
Jer_37:15.........prison/in the house of Jonathan/the 8068/12667 the house of Joseph/and 9399/12667
Act_9:11.........enquire/in the house of Judas/for 10956/12667 the house of Machir/the 3331/12667
Jdg_17:4............were/in the house of Micah And/the 2751/12667
Jdg_17:12............was/in the house of Micah Then/said 2756/12667
2Ki_12:20..........Joash/in the house of Millo/which 4143/12667 the house of mirth/It 6975/12667 the house of mourning/but 6974/12667
Zec_13:6.........wounded/in the house of my friends/Awake 9718/12667
Psa_84:10.....doorkeeper/in the house of my God/than 6349/12667
Psa_119:54.........songs/in the house of my pilgrimage/I 6567/12667
Isa_37:38....worshipping/in the house of Nisroch his god that Adrammelech and Sharezer his sons smote him with the sword and they escaped into the land of Armenia and Esarhaddon his son reigned in his stead In those days was Hezekiah sick unto death And Isaiah/the 7387/12667
2Ki_19:37....worshipping/in the house of Nisroch his god that Adrammelech and Sharezer his sons smote him with the sword and they escaped into the land of Armenia And Esarhaddon his son reigned in his stead In those days was Hezekiah sick unto death And the/prophet 4300/12667
2Sa_6:11.......continued/in the house of Obededom/the 3305/12667
Act_10:32.........lodged/in the house of one/Simon 10985/12667
Neh_10:36.......minister/in the house of our God And/that 5413/12667
Ezr_8:33.........weighed/in the house of our God by/the 5303/12667
2Ki_5:18..........myself/in the house of Rimmon the/LORD 4022/12667
2Ki_5:18..........myself/in the house of Rimmon when/I 4021/12667
Mar_14:3.........Bethany/in the house of Simon the leper as/he 10221/12667
Mat_26:6.........Bethany/in the house of Simon the leper There/came 10045/12667
Gen_40:3............ward/in the house of the captain/of 430/12667
2Ch_9:16............them/in the house of the forest of Lebanon Moreover the king made a great throne of ivory and overlaid it with pure/gold 4794/12667
1Ki_10:17...........them/in the house of the forest of Lebanon Moreover the king made a great throne of ivory and overlaid it with the/best 3698/12667
Jer_27:18............and/in the house of the king of Judah and at/Jerusalem 7899/12667
Jer_27:21............and/in the house of the king of Judah and of/Jerusalem 7902/12667 the house of the LORD after/that 4474/12667
Psa_27:4...........dwell/in the house of the LORD all/the 5992/12667
2Ch_34:17..........found/in the house of the LORD and have/delivered 5171/12667 the house of the LORD And Hilkiah delivered/the 5170/12667 the house of the LORD And Hilkiah gave/the 4350/12667
2Ch_7:11............make/in the house of the LORD and in his/own 4772/12667
Jer_27:18...........left/in the house of the LORD and in the house of the king of Judah and at/Jerusalem 7898/12667
Jer_27:21.........remain/in the house of the LORD and in the house of the king of Judah and of/Jerusalem 7901/12667
2Ki_14:14..........found/in the house of the LORD and in the treasures of the king's house and hostages/and 4173/12667
2Ki_16:8...........found/in the house of the LORD and in the treasures of the king's house and sent/it 4237/12667
2Ki_18:15..........found/in the house of the LORD and in the treasures of the king's house At/that 4280/12667
2Ki_23:24..........found/in the house of the LORD And like/unto 4380/12667
2Ki_11:4............them/in the house of the LORD and shewed/them 4121/12667
2Ki_25:13...........were/in the house of the LORD and the bases and the brasen sea that was in the house of the LORD did/the 4413/12667
Jer_52:17...........were/in the house of the LORD and the bases and the brasen sea that was in the house of the LORD the/Chaldeans 8307/12667 the house of the LORD and the king said/unto 8087/12667
2Ki_23:2...........found/in the house of the LORD And the king stood by/a 4356/12667
2Ch_34:30..........found/in the house of the LORD And the king stood in/his 5180/12667
1Ch_26:12.......minister/in the house of the LORD And they cast/lots 4629/12667
2Ki_12:10..........found/in the house of the LORD And they gave/the 4139/12667
2Ki_11:15..........slain/in the house of the LORD And they laid/hands 4128/12667
2Ch_31:11.......chambers/in the house of the LORD and they prepared/them 5100/12667
Lam_2:7............noise/in the house of the LORD as/in 8342/12667
1Ki_12:27......sacrifice/in the house of the LORD at/Jerusalem 3742/12667
2Ch_20:5.......Jerusalem/in the house of the LORD before/the 4912/12667
2Ch_24:14......offerings/in the house of the LORD continually/all 4984/12667
2Ki_25:13............was/in the house of the LORD did/the 4414/12667
Jer_28:5...........stood/in the house of the LORD Even/the 7910/12667
Psa_23:6...........dwell/in the house of the LORD for ever/The 5971/12667
Jer_29:26.......officers/in the house of the LORD for every/man 7930/12667 the house of the LORD For Isaiah/had 7399/12667
2Ch_26:19........priests/in the house of the LORD from/beside 5025/12667
1Ch_28:13........service/in the house of the LORD He/gave 4661/12667
Jer_20:1........governor/in the house of the LORD heard/that 7827/12667
Jer_36:10.......Jeremiah/in the house of the LORD in the chamber/of 8038/12667
Psa_135:2..........stand/in the house of the LORD in the courts/of 6611/12667 the house of the LORD in the presence/of 7906/12667
Psa_134:1..........stand/in the house of the LORD Lift/up 6609/12667
Jer_26:7...........words/in the house of the LORD Now/it 7886/12667
Zec_7:3.............were/in the house of the LORD of hosts and/to 9650/12667
Zec_14:21......Canaanite/in the house of the LORD of hosts The/burden 9742/12667 the house of the LORD of hosts their/God 9603/12667
2Ki_21:4..........altars/in the house of the LORD of which/the 4320/12667
Psa_92:13........planted/in the house of the LORD shall/flourish 6410/12667
2Ki_11:3.............hid/in the house of the LORD six/years 4120/12667
2Ch_23:14............not/in the house of the LORD So/they 4970/12667
Jer_52:20...........made/in the house of the LORD the brass/of 8311/12667
Jer_52:17............was/in the house of the LORD the Chaldeans/brake 8308/12667
Zec_11:13.........potter/in the house of the LORD Then/I 9693/12667
2Ch_23:18....distributed/in the house of the LORD to offer/the 4972/12667
2Ch_34:10........wrought/in the house of the LORD to repair and/amend 5168/12667 the house of the LORD to repair the/breaches 4349/12667
Jer_26:9........Jeremiah/in the house of the LORD When/the 7888/12667
2Ch_33:4..........altars/in the house of the LORD whereof/the 5135/12667 the house of the LORD with cymbals psalteries/and 4627/12667
2Ch_29:25........Levites/in the house of the LORD with cymbals with/psalteries 5071/12667
Pro_15:6.........prudent/In the house of the righteous/is 6795/12667
Ezr_6:1.............made/in the house of the rolls/where 5271/12667
Mic_6:10......wickedness/in the house of the wicked and/the 9504/12667 the house of the wicked but/he 6712/12667
1Ch_9:9..........fathers/in the house of their fathers/And 4497/12667
Amo_2:8........condemned/in the house of their god/Yet 9378/12667
1Ch_10:10.........armour/in the house of their gods/and 4517/12667 the house of their idols/and 3246/12667
2Ch_36:17..........sword/in the house of their sanctuary/and 5223/12667
2Ki_21:7............made/in the house of which/the 4324/12667
Gen_42:19..........bound/in the house of your/prison 483/12667
2Sa_9:12...........dwelt/in the house of Ziba/were 3334/12667
Gen_17:12...........born/in the house or/bought 145/12667
2Ki_4:2............thing/in the house save a/pot 3996/12667 the house save we/two 3564/12667
Lev_14:47..........lieth/in the house shall wash his clothes and he/that 1297/12667
Lev_14:47.........eateth/in the house shall wash his clothes And if/the 1298/12667
Rut_2:7...........little/in the house Then said Boaz/unto 2859/12667
Joh_11:20..........still/in the house Then said Martha/unto 10721/12667
Lev_14:35.........plague/in the house Then the/priest 1286/12667
2Ki_4:35..........walked/in the house to/and 4003/12667 the house which is called by my name But/ye 8017/12667
Jer_32:34...abominations/in the house which is called by my name to defile/it 7980/12667
Jer_7:30....abominations/in the house which is called by my name to pollute/it 7701/12667
2Ch_35:3.............ark/in the house which Solomon/the 5187/12667
1Ki_6:7............heard/in the house while/it 3609/12667
1Ki_6:19........prepared/in the house within/to 3615/12667
Jdg_18:22...........were/in the houses near/to 2774/12667
Zep_2:7........thereupon/in the houses of Ashkelon/shall 9575/12667 the houses of the gods/of 8142/12667
2Ki_17:32...........them/in the houses of the high places They/feared 4267/12667
2Ki_17:29...........them/in the houses of the high places which/the 4264/12667
2Ki_4:42............corn/in the husk/thereof 4009/12667
1Co_8:10............meat/in the idol's/temple 11397/12667
Gen_1:27...........image/in the image of God created/he 13/12667
Gen_9:6..............for/in the image of God made/he 75/12667
Deu_29:19...........walk/in the imagination of mine/heart 2235/12667
1Ch_29:18...........ever/in the imagination of the/thoughts 4670/12667
Jer_7:24.............and/in the imagination of their evil heart and/went 7699/12667 the imagination of their evil heart therefore/I 7744/12667
Jer_13:10...........walk/in the imagination of their heart/and 7757/12667
Luk_1:51...........proud/in the imagination of their hearts/He 10269/12667
Gen_47:24...........pass/in the increase/that 554/12667
Lam_2:6.........despised/in the indignation/of 8341/12667
1Sa_26:19........abiding/in the inheritance/of 3191/12667
Lev_26:39...........also/in the iniquities/of 1459/12667
Eze_7:13.........himself/in the iniquity of his/life 8438/12667
Gen_19:15.......consumed/in the iniquity of the/city 176/12667
Luk_2:7.............them/in the inn And/there 10281/12667
Gen_42:27......provender/in the inn he/espied 485/12667
Exo_4:24.............way/in the inn that/the. 631/12667
Est_5:1............stood/in the inner court of/the 5516/12667
Eze_40:27...........gate/in the inner court toward/the 8959/12667
Eze_40:44........singers/in the inner court which/was 8964/12667
Eph_3:16..........Spirit/in the inner man/That 11803/12667
Mar_15:7..........murder/in the insurrection/And 10233/12667 the integrity of my/heart 191/12667
Gen_20:6............this/in the integrity of thy/heart 193/12667
Psa_51:6...........truth/in the inward parts and/in 6146/12667
Job_38:36.........wisdom/in the inward parts or/who 5806/12667
Act_28:9........diseases/in the island/came 11158/12667
Isa_42:12.........praise/in the islands/The. 7431/12667
Rev_1:9..............was/in the isle that/is 12505/12667
Act_28:11.......wintered/in the isle whose/sign 11160/12667 the isles afar/off 7946/12667
Eze_39:6......carelessly/in the isles and/they 8938/12667
Isa_24:15.........Israel/in the isles of/the 7247/12667
Jdg_15:19............was/in the jaw/and..... 2734/12667
Isa_30:28.........bridle/in the jaws/of..... 7335/12667
Isa_36:13..........voice/in the Jews' language and said/Hear 7376/12667
2Ki_18:28..........voice/in the Jews' language and spake/saying 4288/12667
Neh_13:24..........speak/in the Jews' language but/according 5464/12667 the Jews' language in the ears of the people that are on the wall But Rabshakeh said Hath/my 7374/12667 the Jews' language in the ears of the people that are on the wall But Rabshakeh said unto/them 4286/12667
Gal_1:14........profited/in the Jews' religion above/many 11681/12667
Gal_1:13............past/in the Jews' religion how/that 11680/12667
2Ch_32:18..........voice/in the Jews' speech/unto 5119/12667
Ecc_5:20.............him/in the joy/of...... 6970/12667 the joyous/city. 7348/12667
Lev_25:30............out/in the jubile But/the 1436/12667
Lev_25:28............and/in the jubile it/shall 1433/12667
Lev_25:31............out/in the jubile Notwithstanding/the 1437/12667
Lev_27:21............out/in the jubile shall/be 1464/12667
Psa_1:5............stand/in the judgment nor/sinners 5837/12667
Joh_19:13...........down/in the judgment seat/in 10809/12667 the judgment Wherefore/now 4905/12667
Luk_11:31.............up/in the judgment with the/men 10413/12667
Mat_12:42.............up/in the judgment with this generation and shall condemn it for she/came 9905/12667
Luk_11:32.............up/in the judgment with this generation and shall condemn it for they/repented 10414/12667
Jdg_9:24.............him/in the killing/of.. 2666/12667
Est_8:10...........wrote/in the king Ahasuerus'/name 5541/12667 the king and/we. 3443/12667
Jer_32:2.............was/in the king of Judah's house For/Zedekiah 7962/12667
Jer_38:22...........left/in the king of Judah's house shall/be 8088/12667
Rev_1:9..............and/in the kingdom and/patience 12504/12667
Dan_5:29...........ruler/in the kingdom In/that 9161/12667
Eph_5:5......inheritance/in the kingdom of Christ/and 11825/12667
Luk_13:29...........down/in the kingdom of God And behold/there 10459/12667
Luk_22:16......fulfilled/in the kingdom of God And he/took 10559/12667 the kingdom of God And when/they 10225/12667
Luk_13:28.......prophets/in the kingdom of God and you/yourselves 10458/12667
Luk_7:28...........least/in the kingdom of God is/greater 10365/12667
Luk_14:15..........bread/in the kingdom of God Then/said 10464/12667
Mat_18:1........greatest/in the kingdom of heaven And Jesus/called 9952/12667
Mat_18:4........greatest/in the kingdom of heaven And whoso/shall 9954/12667
Mat_8:11...........Jacob/in the kingdom of heaven But the/children 9847/12667
Mat_5:19...........least/in the kingdom of heaven but whosoever/shall 9806/12667
Mat_5:19...........great/in the kingdom of heaven For/I 9807/12667
Mat_11:11..........least/in the kingdom of heaven is/greater 9883/12667
Dan_4:17..........ruleth/in the kingdom of men and giveth it to whomsoever he will and setteth/up 9127/12667
Dan_4:25..........ruleth/in the kingdom of men and giveth it to whomsoever he will And whereas/they 9132/12667
Dan_4:32..........ruleth/in the kingdom of men and giveth it to whomsoever he will The/same 9135/12667
Dan_5:21...........ruled/in the kingdom of men and that/he 9157/12667
Mat_13:43............sun/in the kingdom of their/Father 9925/12667
Dan_5:7............ruler/in the kingdom Then came/in 9143/12667
Dan_5:16...........ruler/in the kingdom Then Daniel/answered 9155/12667
Est_1:14...........first/in the kingdom What/shall 5479/12667 the king's dale/for 3428/12667
Est_3:2.............were/in the king's gate bowed/and 5500/12667
1Ch_9:18..........waited/in the king's gate eastward/they 4499/12667
Est_2:19.............sat/in the king's gate Esther/had 5495/12667
Est_3:3.............were/in the king's gate said/unto 5501/12667
Est_5:9.........Mordecai/in the king's gate that/he 5522/12667
Est_2:21.............sat/in the king's gate two/of 5497/12667
Ezr_7:27............this/in the king's heart/to 5296/12667
Est_9:4............great/in the king's house and his fame/went 5552/12667
2Ch_21:17..........found/in the king's house and his sons/also 4945/12667
2Ki_12:18............and/in the king's house and sent/it 4141/12667
Jer_38:7.............was/in the king's house heard/that 8080/12667
Est_4:13..........escape/in the king's house more/than 5513/12667
Dan_4:31.............was/in the king's mouth/there 9134/12667 the king's name and seal/it 5538/12667
Est_8:8..........written/in the king's name and sealed/with 5539/12667
Dan_1:4............stand/in the king's palace/and 9070/12667
2Ki_25:19...........were/in the king's presence/which 4418/12667
Est_9:16............were/in the king's provinces/gathered 5559/12667
Ezr_5:17............made/in the king's treasure/house 5270/12667
Deu_28:35...........thee/in the knees/and... 2206/12667
Col_1:10......increasing/in the knowledge of God/Strengthened 11934/12667
Eph_1:17......revelation/in the knowledge of him/The 11762/12667
2Pe_3:18.............and/in the knowledge of our Lord and/Saviour 12401/12667
2Pe_1:8.......unfruitful/in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus/Christ 12368/12667
Gen_44:30.............up/in the lad's/life... 519/12667
Rev_21:8............part/in the lake/which. 12654/12667
Rev_21:27........written/in the Lamb's/book 12660/12667
2Ch_35:25........written/in the lamentations/Now 5204/12667
Jer_51:46..........heard/in the land a/rumour 8281/12667
Rut_1:1...........famine/in the land And a/certain 2843/12667
Gen_13:7............then/in the land And Abram said/unto 104/12667
Gen_12:10.........famine/in the land and Abram went/down 99/12667
1Ki_9:18......wilderness/in the land And all/the 3682/12667
Jer_14:8........stranger/in the land and as/a 7767/12667
Jer_40:7........governor/in the land and had/committed 8109/12667
Gen_26:22.......fruitful/in the land And he/went 271/12667
Gen_42:34.......traffick/in the land And it came to pass as/they 489/12667
Gen_12:10.......grievous/in the land And it came to pass when he/was 100/12667
Gen_43:1............sore/in the land And it came to pass when they/had 492/12667
Isa_7:22............left/in the land And it shall/come 7108/12667
Exo_8:25.............God/in the land And Moses/said 673/12667 the land and of/great 8244/12667
Num_9:14............born/in the land And on/the 1545/12667
Jer_40:9...........dwell/in the land and serve the king of Babylon and it shall be well with you As/for 8110/12667
2Ki_25:24..........dwell/in the land and serve the king of Babylon and it shall be well with you But/it 4423/12667
Deu_4:25............long/in the land and shall/corrupt 1915/12667
1Ch_21:12.....pestilence/in the land and the angel/of 4593/12667
Num_13:28..........dwell/in the land and the cities/are 1593/12667
Gen_12:6............then/in the land And the LORD appeared/unto 98/12667
Exo_9:5............thing/in the land And the LORD did/that 678/12667
Pro_2:21...........dwell/in the land and the perfect/shall 6701/12667
2Ki_15:20..........there/in the land And the rest/of 4207/12667
2Ki_4:38..........dearth/in the land and the sons/of 4006/12667
1Ki_17:7............rain/in the land And the word/of 3872/12667
1Ki_14:24......sodomites/in the land and they/did 3785/12667
Gen_34:21..........dwell/in the land and trade/therein 342/12667
Psa_37:3...........dwell/in the land and verily/thou 6061/12667
Luk_21:23.......distress/in the land and wrath/upon 10547/12667
Lev_26:6...........peace/in the land and ye/shall 1448/12667
Gen_45:6............been/in the land and yet/there 520/12667
Gen_47:4.........sojourn/in the land are/we.. 536/12667
Gen_26:1..........famine/in the land beside/the 259/12667
Jer_51:27.......standard/in the land blow/the 8277/12667
Job_1:10.......increased/in the land But/put 5572/12667
Gen_41:31..........known/in the land by reason/of 455/12667
Hos_4:1..............God/in the land By swearing/and 9271/12667
Jer_4:5..........trumpet/in the land cry/gather 7650/12667 the land famine/if 3663/12667
Exo_12:48...........born/in the land for/no.. 745/12667
Zep_1:18...........dwell/in the land Gather/yourselves 9573/12667
2Ch_32:31...........done/in the land God/left 5127/12667
2Ch_6:28..........dearth/in the land if/there 4758/12667
Lev_25:18..........dwell/in the land in safety/And 1425/12667
Jer_3:16.......increased/in the land in those days saith/the 7637/12667
Jer_33:15..righteousness/in the land In those days shall/Judah 8009/12667
Gen_43:11.........fruits/in the land in your/vessels 493/12667
1Ki_4:19.............was/in the land Judah/and 3591/12667
Eze_34:29.........hunger/in the land neither/bear 8887/12667
Amo_8:11..........famine/in the land not/a.. 9429/12667
Jer_40:6............left/in the land Now/when 8107/12667
Isa_27:13.........perish/in the land of Assyria and the/outcasts 7292/12667 the land of Assyria And they/shall 7103/12667
1Ch_5:11............them/in the land of Bashan/unto 4459/12667
Jer_32:44......witnesses/in the land of Benjamin and in the places about Jerusalem and in the cities of Judah and/in 7988/12667
Jer_33:13............and/in the land of Benjamin and in the places about Jerusalem and in the cities of Judah shall/the 8005/12667
Jer_1:1.........Anathoth/in the land of Benjamin To/whom 7611/12667
Gen_47:15............and/in the land of Canaan all/the 550/12667
Gen_23:2..........Hebron/in the land of Canaan and Abraham/came 222/12667 the land of Canaan and behold/the 480/12667
Gen_48:3.............Luz/in the land of Canaan and blessed/me 562/12667
Gen_46:6..........gotten/in the land of Canaan and came/into 528/12667
Gen_36:5.............him/in the land of Canaan And Esau/took 359/12667
Gen_16:3...........years/in the land of Canaan and gave/her 134/12667
Gen_42:5.............was/in the land of Canaan And Joseph/was 479/12667
Gen_31:18.........father/in the land of Canaan And Laban/went 316/12667
Gen_13:12........dwelled/in the land of Canaan and Lot/dwelled 105/12667 the land of Canaan And the children/of 1782/12667
Gen_23:19.........Hebron/in the land of Canaan And the field/and 236/12667
Num_34:29.........Israel/in the land of Canaan And the LORD/spake 1830/12667
Gen_42:32.........father/in the land of Canaan And the man/the 488/12667
Num_26:19...........died/in the land of Canaan And the sons of Judah/after 1733/12667
Gen_46:12...........died/in the land of Canaan And the sons of Pharez/were 529/12667 the land of Canaan And the whole/congregation 2829/12667 the land of Canaan and went/into 360/12667
Gen_46:31...........were/in the land of Canaan are/come 533/12667
Gen_47:14............and/in the land of Canaan for/the 548/12667
Num_33:40..........south/in the land of Canaan heard/of 1814/12667 the land of Canaan in/the 565/12667
Gen_47:4............sore/in the land of Canaan now/therefore 537/12667
Jos_21:2..........Shiloh/in the land of Canaan saying/The 2493/12667 the land of Canaan that/is 351/12667
Jos_22:10............are/in the land of Canaan the/children 2506/12667 the land of Canaan there/shalt 593/12667
Gen_37:1........stranger/in the land of Canaan These/are 380/12667 the land of Canaan to/go 2505/12667
Eze_16:29....fornication/in the land of Canaan unto/Chaldea 8544/12667 the land of Canaan when/he 335/12667
Gen_49:30..........Mamre/in the land of Canaan which Abraham/bought 589/12667
Jos_14:1.......inherited/in the land of Canaan which Eleazar/the 2450/12667
Num_35:14...........give/in the land of Canaan which shall/be 1836/12667
Neh_4:4.............prey/in the land of captivity/And 5337/12667
Act_13:19........nations/in the land of Chanaan/he 11012/12667
1Ki_9:26.............sea/in the land of Edom And Hiram/sent 3690/12667
2Ch_8:17............side/in the land of Edom And Huram/sent 4786/12667
Gen_36:21...........Seir/in the land of Edom And the/children 365/12667
1Ch_1:43.........reigned/in the land of Edom before any/king 4430/12667
Gen_36:31........reigned/in the land of Edom before there/reigned 368/12667
Gen_36:17..........Reuel/in the land of Edom these are/the 364/12667
Gen_36:16........Eliphaz/in the land of Edom these were/the 363/12667
Gen_41:56...........sore/in the land of Egypt And all/countries 474/12667
Deu_29:16..........dwelt/in the land of Egypt and how/we 2233/12667
Jer_24:8...........dwell/in the land of Egypt And I will deliver/them 7874/12667
Eze_30:13...........fear/in the land of Egypt And I will make/Pathros 8804/12667
Gen_47:15.........failed/in the land of Egypt and in the land of Canaan all/the 549/12667
Gen_47:14..........found/in the land of Egypt and in the land of Canaan for/the 547/12667
Act_7:36...........signs/in the land of Egypt and in the Red/sea 10929/12667
Gen_41:48...........were/in the land of Egypt and laid/up 467/12667
Exo_11:9......multiplied/in the land of Egypt And Moses/and 713/12667
Amo_3:9..........palaces/in the land of Egypt and say/Assemble 9386/12667
Isa_27:13.......outcasts/in the land of Egypt and shall/worship 7293/12667
Exo_23:9.......strangers/in the land of Egypt And six/years 864/12667
Deu_5:15.........servant/in the land of Egypt and that/the 1941/12667
Gen_41:30......forgotten/in the land of Egypt and the famine shall/consume 454/12667
Jer_42:16..........there/in the land of Egypt and the famine whereof/ye 8130/12667 the land of Egypt and the houses/of 8144/12667
Deu_15:15........bondman/in the land of Egypt and the LORD/thy 2050/12667
Act_13:17......strangers/in the land of Egypt and with/an 11010/12667
Jer_44:13..........dwell/in the land of Egypt as/I 8157/12667
Gen_48:5............thee/in the land of Egypt before/I 563/12667
Jer_44:26..........dwell/in the land of Egypt Behold/I 8169/12667
Exo_12:12......firstborn/in the land of Egypt both man/and 720/12667
Exo_13:15......firstborn/in the land of Egypt both the/firstborn 755/12667
Exo_7:3..........wonders/in the land of Egypt But/Pharaoh 648/12667
Jer_32:20........wonders/in the land of Egypt even/unto 7976/12667
Eze_23:19.........harlot/in the land of Egypt For she/doted 8685/12667
Isa_19:20..........hosts/in the land of Egypt for they/shall 7214/12667
Exo_12:29......firstborn/in the land of Egypt from/the 735/12667
Lev_19:34......strangers/in the land of Egypt I am/the 1359/12667
Num_3:13.......firstborn/in the land of Egypt I hallowed/unto 1488/12667
Num_8:17.......firstborn/in the land of Egypt I sanctified/them 1530/12667
Jer_44:15..........dwelt/in the land of Egypt in Pathros/answered 8158/12667
Gen_47:11.....possession/in the land of Egypt in the best/of 543/12667
Gen_47:27..........dwelt/in the land of Egypt in the country/of 556/12667
Psa_78:12........fathers/in the land of Egypt in the field/of 6305/12667
Exo_11:3...........great/in the land of Egypt in the sight/of 708/12667
Num_14:2............died/in the land of Egypt or/would 1599/12667
Exo_12:1...........Aaron/in the land of Egypt saying/This 714/12667
Hos_7:16........derision/in the land of Egypt Set/the 9292/12667
Gen_47:28..........lived/in the land of Egypt seventeen/years 558/12667
Jer_44:27............are/in the land of Egypt shall be/consumed 8172/12667
Exo_11:5.......firstborn/in the land of Egypt shall die/from 711/12667
Isa_19:18.........cities/in the land of Egypt speak/the 7211/12667 the land of Egypt that the land/perish 458/12667
Exo_6:28...........Moses/in the land of Egypt That the LORD/spake 647/12667
Deu_24:22........bondman/in the land of Egypt therefore/I 2162/12667
Jer_44:12...........fall/in the land of Egypt they/shall 8156/12667
Deu_10:19......strangers/in the land of Egypt Thou/shalt 1997/12667
Jer_44:24............are/in the land of Egypt Thus/saith 8168/12667 the land of Egypt to/Pharaoh 2311/12667
Deu_29:2............eyes/in the land of Egypt unto/Pharaoh 2229/12667
Gen_46:20.........Joseph/in the land of Egypt were born/Manasseh 531/12667
Gen_41:53............was/in the land of Egypt were ended/And 471/12667
Eze_20:5............them/in the land of Egypt when I/lifted 8600/12667
Exo_16:3............LORD/in the land of Egypt when we/sat 791/12667
Jer_44:1...........dwell/in the land of Egypt which/dwell 8145/12667
Jer_44:8............gods/in the land of Egypt whither/ye 8151/12667
Exo_22:21......strangers/in the land of Egypt Ye/shall 858/12667
Jdg_12:15.......Pirathon/in the land of Ephraim/in 2714/12667
Psa_88:12..righteousness/in the land of forgetfulness/But 6370/12667
1Ki_9:11..........cities/in the land of Galilee/And 3679/12667
1Ch_2:22..........cities/in the land of Gilead And he/took 4444/12667
1Ch_5:9.......multiplied/in the land of Gilead And in/the 4456/12667
2Sa_17:26........pitched/in the land of Gilead And it/came 3418/12667
Jdg_10:4.............are/in the land of Gilead And Jair/died 2685/12667
Gen_47:1.............are/in the land of Goshen And he/took 535/12667
Gen_47:4...........dwell/in the land of Goshen And Pharaoh/spake 538/12667
Gen_50:8............left/in the land of Goshen And there/went 594/12667
Gen_45:10..........dwell/in the land of Goshen and thou/shalt 523/12667
Gen_46:34..........dwell/in the land of Goshen for/every 534/12667
Gen_47:6...........dwell/in the land of Goshen let/them 540/12667
Exo_9:26............Only/in the land of Goshen where/the 692/12667
Hos_13:5......wilderness/in the land of great/drought 9334/12667
Zec_9:1.............LORD/in the land of Hadrach/and 9675/12667
Psa_105:23.....sojourned/in the land of Ham And he/increased 6460/12667 the land of Ham and terrible/things 6478/12667
Psa_105:27.......wonders/in the land of Ham He/sent 6461/12667
2Ki_25:21.........Riblah/in the land of Hamath So/Judah 4421/12667
2Ki_23:33.........Riblah/in the land of Hamath that/he 4389/12667
Jer_52:27.........Riblah/in the land of Hamath Thus/Judah 8315/12667
Jer_52:9..........Riblah/in the land of Hamath where he gave judgment upon him And/the 8300/12667
Jer_39:5..........Riblah/in the land of Hamath where he gave judgment upon him Then/the 8098/12667
Gen_11:28..........Terah/in the land of his/nativity 92/12667
Isa_34:6.......slaughter/in the land of Idumea/And 7361/12667
2Ch_2:17............were/in the land of Israel after/the 4713/12667
1Ch_22:2............were/in the land of Israel and/he 4603/12667
Eze_12:22...........have/in the land of Israel saying/The 8508/12667
Eze_38:19........shaking/in the land of Israel So/that 8936/12667
Mat_2:6........Bethlehem/in the land of Juda/art 9774/12667
Jer_39:10........nothing/in the land of Judah and gave/them 8101/12667
2Ki_23:24..........spied/in the land of Judah and in Jerusalem/did 4377/12667
2Ch_17:2.......garrisons/in the land of Judah and in the cities of/Ephraim 4873/12667
Jer_31:23.........speech/in the land of Judah and in the cities thereof/when 7952/12667
Jer_44:9.......committed/in the land of Judah and in the streets/of 8152/12667
2Ch_9:11..........before/in the land of Judah And king/Solomon 4792/12667
1Ch_6:55..........Hebron/in the land of Judah and the/suburbs 4477/12667
Jer_43:4...........dwell/in the land of Judah But Johanan/the 8134/12667
Jer_37:1............king/in the land of Judah But neither/he 8062/12667
Jer_43:5...........dwell/in the land of Judah Even/men 8135/12667
Neh_5:14........governor/in the land of Judah from/the 5347/12667
Isa_26:1............sung/in the land of Judah We/have 7264/12667
2Ki_25:22.......remained/in the land of Judah whom/Nebuchadnezzar 4422/12667
Act_7:29........stranger/in the land of Madian/where 10923/12667
Exo_2:15...........dwelt/in the land of Midian/and 610/12667
Jos_11:3..........Hermon/in the land of Mizpeh/And 2412/12667
Deu_34:5...........there/in the land of Moab according/to 2305/12667
Deu_1:5...........Jordan/in the land of Moab began/Moses 1852/12667
Deu_29:1..........Israel/in the land of Moab beside/the 2227/12667
Deu_34:6..........valley/in the land of Moab over/against 2307/12667 the land of Moab that/is 2288/12667
Gen_41:52.......fruitful/in the land of my/affliction 470/12667
Gen_4:16...........dwelt/in the land of Nod/on 33/12667
Jer_12:5..............if/in the land of peace/wherein 7751/12667
Heb_11:9.......sojourned/in the land of promise/as 12267/12667 the land of Rameses/as 545/12667
Gen_36:30..........dukes/in the land of Seir/And 367/12667 the land of Shinar and it/shall 9639/12667
Gen_11:2...........plain/in the land of Shinar and they/dwelt 91/12667
Gen_10:10.........Calneh/in the land of Shinar Out/of 84/12667
Deu_4:46........Bethpeor/in the land of Sihon/king 1931/12667
Num_21:31..........dwelt/in the land of the Amorites And/Moses 1693/12667
Jdg_10:8..........Jordan/in the land of the Amorites which/is 2688/12667
Deu_11:30...........down/in the land of the Canaanites/which 2014/12667
Jer_51:4............fall/in the land of the Chaldeans and/they 8257/12667
Eze_1:3.............Buzi/in the land of the Chaldeans by/the 8391/12667
Jer_50:25..........hosts/in the land of the Chaldeans Come/against 8245/12667
Jos_11:22...........left/in the land of the children/of 2418/12667
Act_10:39...........both/in the land of the Jews/and 10987/12667
Eze_32:32.........terror/in the land of the living and he/shall 8856/12667
Eze_32:26.........terror/in the land of the living And they/shall 8853/12667
Psa_142:5........portion/in the land of the living Attend/unto 6648/12667
Psa_116:9...........LORD/in the land of the living I believed/therefore 6528/12667
Isa_38:11...........LORD/in the land of the living I shall/behold 7395/12667
Eze_26:20..........glory/in the land of the living I will/make 8726/12667
Job_28:13..........found/in the land of the living The/depth 5728/12667
Eze_32:23.........terror/in the land of the living There/is 8848/12667
Psa_27:13...........LORD/in the land of the living Wait/on 6000/12667
Eze_32:27.........mighty/in the land of the living Yea/thou 8854/12667
Eze_32:25.........caused/in the land of the living yet have they borne their shame with them that go down to the pit he/is 8851/12667
Eze_32:24.........terror/in the land of the living yet have they borne their shame with them that go down to the pit They/have 8849/12667
Isa_14:2............them/in the land of the LORD/for 7162/12667
Jos_17:15..........there/in the land of the Perizzites/and 2471/12667
2Ki_8:2........sojourned/in the land of the Philistines/seven 4052/12667
Isa_9:2............dwell/in the land of the shadow/of 7122/12667
Num_13:29..........dwell/in the land of the south/and 1594/12667
Jos_17:16..........dwell/in the land of the valley/have 2472/12667
2Ch_6:37............thee/in the land of their captivity saying/We 4765/12667
2Ch_6:38............soul/in the land of their captivity whither/they 4766/12667
1Ki_8:37............them/in the land of their cities/whatsoever 3664/12667 the land of their enemies I/will 1460/12667
Neh_9:28............them/in the land of their enemies so/that 5401/12667
1Ki_8:48............soul/in the land of their enemies which/led 3671/12667
Gen_36:43....habitations/in the land of their possession/he 378/12667
1Ki_8:47............thee/in the land of them/that 3670/12667
Eze_21:30........created/in the land of thy/nativity 8642/12667
Jdg_11:3...........dwelt/in the land of Tob/and 2694/12667
Isa_26:10..righteousness/in the land of uprightness/will 7273/12667
Lam_4:21........dwellest/in the land of Uz the/cup 8384/12667 the land of Uz whose/name 5565/12667
Num_15:30...........born/in the land or/a... 1629/12667
Jer_51:46.......violence/in the land ruler/against 8283/12667
Jos_14:4.........Levites/in the land save/cities 2451/12667
Eze_20:40...........them/in the land serve/me 8630/12667
Eze_45:8..........border/In the land shall/be 9011/12667
2Sa_15:4...........judge/in the land that every/man 3381/12667
Deu_6:3.............thee/in the land that floweth/with 1950/12667
Eze_36:28..........dwell/in the land that I gave to your fathers and/ye 8903/12667 the land that I gave to your fathers for/ever 7689/12667
Eze_37:25..........dwell/in the land that I have/given 8922/12667 the land that I will/search 3145/12667
Jdg_18:7......magistrate/in the land that might/put 2764/12667
Jer_25:5...........dwell/in the land that the LORD hath/given 7877/12667
Deu_19:14........inherit/in the land that the LORD thy/God 2102/12667
Jer_5:30.......committed/in the land The prophets/prophesy 7669/12667
Eze_7:7.........dwellest/in the land the time/is 8436/12667
Exo_14:3.......entangled/in the land the wilderness/hath 760/12667
Jer_41:18.......governor/in the land Then/all 8127/12667
Jos_24:18..........dwelt/in the land therefore/will 2540/12667
1Ch_5:23...........dwelt/in the land they/increased 4471/12667
2Ch_19:5..........judges/in the land throughout/all 4904/12667
Num_35:32..........dwell/in the land until/the 1841/12667
Eze_37:22.........nation/in the land upon/the 8920/12667
Psa_74:8.............God/in the land We/see. 6280/12667
Lev_24:16...........born/in the land when/he 1414/12667
Jer_35:7............days/in the land where/ye 8022/12667
Gen_37:1...........dwelt/in the land wherein his/father 379/12667 the land wherein ye/dwell 1829/12667
Deu_7:13...........sheep/in the land which he/sware 1960/12667
Deu_5:31............them/in the land which I give/them 1946/12667
Jer_35:15..........dwell/in the land which I have/given 8026/12667
Gen_26:2...........dwell/in the land which I shall/tell 261/12667
Jos_1:14..........remain/in the land which Moses/gave 2316/12667
Zec_11:16.......shepherd/in the land which shall/not 9694/12667 the land which the LORD God/of 2017/12667
Deu_30:20..........dwell/in the land which the LORD sware unto thy fathers to Abraham/to 2255/12667
Deu_28:11.........ground/in the land which the LORD sware unto thy fathers to give/thee 2197/12667
Deu_11:21.......children/in the land which the LORD sware unto your fathers to give them/as 2011/12667
Deu_11:9............days/in the land which the LORD sware unto your fathers to give unto/them 2003/12667
Deu_25:15.....lengthened/in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee For all/that 2171/12667
Deu_15:4............thee/in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee for an inheritance to possess it Only/if 2042/12667
Deu_25:19..........about/in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee for an inheritance to possess it that/thou 2172/12667
Deu_28:8............thee/in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee The/LORD 2191/12667
Deu_5:16............thee/in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee Thou/shalt 1942/12667
Deu_21:1...........slain/in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee to/possess 2111/12667
Deu_12:10..........dwell/in the land which the LORD your/God 2020/12667
Num_18:13...........ripe/in the land which they/shall 1648/12667 the land which thou gavest unto our fathers Moreover concerning a/stranger 3666/12667 the land which thou gavest unto our fathers Moreover concerning the/stranger 4762/12667
Jer_17:4.........enemies/in the land which thou knowest/not 7791/12667
Deu_5:33............days/in the land which ye/shall 1948/12667
2Ch_6:37......themselves/in the land whither they are/carried 4764/12667
1Ki_8:47......themselves/in the land whither they were/carried 3669/12667
Deu_30:16...........thee/in the land whither thou goest to possess it But/if 2254/12667 the land whither thou goest to possess it When/thou 2146/12667 the land whither ye go over Jordan to possess it And the LORD said/unto 2262/12667
Deu_32:47...........days/in the land whither ye go over Jordan to possess it And the LORD spake/unto 2287/12667
Deu_4:14............them/in the land whither ye go over to/possess 1909/12667 the land whither ye go to possess it Keep/therefore 1905/12667
Deu_6:1.............them/in the land whither ye go to possess it That/thou 1949/12667
1Ki_9:21............them/in the land whom the children of Israel also/were 3686/12667
2Ch_8:8.............them/in the land whom the children of Israel consumed/not 4780/12667
Exo_12:19...........born/in the land Ye/shall 728/12667
Psa_35:20..........quiet/in the land Yea/they 6052/12667
Lev_26:36.........hearts/in the lands of/their 1456/12667
Psa_106:27..........them/in the lands They/joined 6482/12667
Neh_9:35.............and/in the large/and... 5407/12667
Joh_12:48............him/in the last day For/I 10736/12667
Joh_7:37............come/In the last day that/great 10680/12667 the last days Gather/yourselves 573/12667
Mic_4:1..............But/in the last days it/shall 9480/12667
2Ti_3:1.............that/in the last days perilous/times 12154/12667
Act_2:17............pass/in the last days saith/God 10855/12667
2Pe_3:3.............come/in the last days scoffers/walking 12390/12667
Isa_2:2.............pass/in the last days that/the 7055/12667 the last end/of. 9199/12667
1Pe_1:5.........revealed/in the last time Wherein/ye 12323/12667
Jud_1:18.........mockers/in the last time who/should 12498/12667
Num_24:14.........people/in the latter days And he/took 1717/12667 the latter days and I/will 8928/12667 the latter days because/ye 2275/12667
Dan_10:14.........people/in the latter days for/yet 9226/12667
Hos_3:5.........goodness/in the latter days Hear/the 9270/12667
Deu_4:30............even/in the latter days if/thou 1919/12667
Jer_48:47...........Moab/in the latter days saith/the 8212/12667
Jer_49:39...........pass/in the latter days that/I 8232/12667 the latter days Thy/dream 9092/12667
Jer_30:24..........heart/in the latter days ye shall consider it At/the 7942/12667
Jer_23:20..........heart/in the latter days ye shall consider it perfectly/I 7867/12667
2Sa_2:26......bitterness/in the latter end how/long 3264/12667
Rut_3:10........kindness/in the latter end than/at 2877/12667
Dan_8:23.............And/in the latter time/of 9201/12667
1Ti_4:1.............that/in the latter times/some 12104/12667
Eze_38:8.........visited/in the latter years/thou 8925/12667
2Ch_31:21............and/in the law and in the commandments/to 5112/12667
Act_24:14........written/in the law and in the prophets/And 11128/12667
Rom_2:17.........restest/in the law and makest/thy 11181/12667
Neh_10:36........written/in the law and the firstlings/of 5412/12667
Joh_1:45...........Moses/in the law and the prophets/did 10612/12667
Neh_10:34........written/in the law And to/bring 5411/12667 the law blameless/But 11903/12667
Joh_8:5............Moses/in the law commanded/us 10686/12667
Mal_2:9..........partial/in the law Have/we. 9751/12667
Luk_10:26........written/in the law how readest/thou 10403/12667 the law how that/on 9893/12667
2Ch_25:4.........written/in the law in/the.. 4995/12667 the law it/is.. 11450/12667
Mat_22:36....commandment/in the law Jesus/said 9999/12667
Rom_7:22.........delight/in the law of God after/the 11229/12667 the law of God distinctly/and 5372/12667
Dan_9:13.........written/in the law of Moses all/this 9210/12667
Luk_24:44........written/in the law of Moses and/in 10598/12667
1Ki_2:3..........written/in the law of Moses that/thou 3531/12667
Ezr_3:2..........written/in the law of Moses the man/of 5242/12667
Dan_9:11.........written/in the law of Moses the servant/of 9209/12667
1Co_9:9..........written/in the law of Moses Thou/shalt 11400/12667
Ezr_7:6...........scribe/in the law of Moses which/the 5284/12667
2Ch_23:18........written/in the law of Moses with/rejoicing 4973/12667
Luk_2:24............said/in the law of the Lord A/pair 10292/12667
2Ch_31:4......encouraged/in the law of the LORD And as/soon 5093/12667
2Ch_35:26........written/in the law of the LORD And his/deeds 5205/12667 the law of the LORD and in/his 5834/12667
Psa_119:1...........walk/in the law of the LORD Blessed/are 6549/12667
Luk_2:23.........written/in the law of the LORD Every/male 10291/12667
2Ki_10:31...........walk/in the law of the LORD God/of 4112/12667
2Ch_31:3.........written/in the law of the LORD Moreover/he 5091/12667
1Ch_16:40........written/in the law of the LORD which/he 4563/12667
Rom_2:12..........sinned/in the law shall/be 11177/12667
Rom_2:14.......contained/in the law these/having 11178/12667
Rom_2:20...........truth/in the law Thou/therefore 11183/12667
Neh_8:14.........written/in the law which/the 5373/12667
Luk_16:10.........unjust/in the least/is... 10478/12667
Psa_147:10......pleasure/in the legs of/a... 6672/12667
Deu_28:35............and/in the legs with/a. 2207/12667
Eze_31:7.......greatness/in the length of his/branches 8821/12667 the length of it/and 107/12667
Exo_26:13......remaineth/in the length of the/curtains 912/12667
Lev_14:3..........healed/in the leper/Then.. 1270/12667
2Sa_11:15..........wrote/in the letter saying/Set 3350/12667
Rom_2:29.............not/in the letter whose/praise 11186/12667
1Ki_21:9...........wrote/in the letters saying/Proclaim 3923/12667
1Ki_21:11........written/in the letters which/she 3925/12667
Gal_5:1........therefore/in the liberty/wherewith 11720/12667
2Ki_12:9............hole/in the lid/of...... 4136/12667 the light and hateth/his 12414/12667
Luk_12:3...........heard/in the light and that/which 10425/12667
1Jn_2:10.........abideth/in the light and there/is 12416/12667
1Jn_1:7.............walk/in the light as/he 12404/12667
Rev_21:24...........walk/in the light of it/and 12658/12667 the light of the king's/countenance 6805/12667
Psa_56:13............God/in the light of the living/Be 6178/12667
Isa_2:5.............walk/in the light of the LORD/Therefore 7058/12667
Psa_90:8............sins/in the light of thy countenance For/all 6399/12667
Psa_89:15...........LORD/in the light of thy countenance In/thy 6379/12667
Isa_50:11...........walk/in the light of your/fire 7499/12667
Joh_12:36........believe/in the light that/ye 10734/12667 the light we/have 12405/12667
1Ti_6:16........dwelling/in the light which/no 12126/12667
Luk_6:23.............for/in the like/manner 10352/12667 the likeness of God/made 37/12667
Rom_6:5.........together/in the likeness of his death/we 11212/12667
Rom_6:5.............also/in the likeness of his resurrection/Knowing 11213/12667
Php_2:7.............made/in the likeness of men And being/found 11879/12667 the likeness of men And they/called 11027/12667
Rom_8:3..............Son/in the likeness of sinful/flesh 11235/12667
Mar_15:46............him/in the linen/and.. 10238/12667
Pro_10:13...........sins/In the lips of him/that 6757/12667
Eze_36:3..............up/in the lips of talkers/and 8894/12667 the lips of the/king 6803/12667
Eze_21:21.........looked/in the liver/At.... 8636/12667
1Ti_6:17.............but/in the living God who giveth/us 12129/12667 the living God who is/the 12108/12667
Jos_4:3.............them/in the lodging/place 2333/12667
Heb_7:10.............yet/in the loins/of... 12243/12667
Php_4:4..........Rejoice/in the Lord alway/and 11913/12667 the Lord and admonish/you 12053/12667
Psa_37:3...........Trust/in the LORD and do/good 6060/12667
Gen_15:6........believed/in the LORD and he counted/it 126/12667
Psa_37:4............also/in the LORD and he shall/give 6062/12667
Rom_16:13.........chosen/in the Lord and his/mother 11323/12667
1Co_1:31...........glory/in the Lord And I brethren/when 11340/12667
Php_4:2.............mind/in the Lord And I intreat/thee 11910/12667
Isa_58:14........thyself/in the LORD and I will/cause 7538/12667
Eph_6:10..........strong/in the Lord and in/the 11839/12667
Act_9:42........believed/in the Lord And it/came 10972/12667
Psa_32:11...........glad/in the LORD and rejoice/ye 6031/12667
Psa_64:10...........glad/in the LORD and shall/trust 6215/12667
Isa_41:16........rejoice/in the LORD and shalt/glory 7420/12667 the LORD and the/poor 7311/12667
Zec_10:12...........them/in the LORD and they/shall 9689/12667
Psa_21:7........trusteth/in the LORD and through/the 5956/12667
Psa_37:7............Rest/in the LORD and wait/patiently 6064/12667
Jer_17:7........trusteth/in the LORD and whose/hope 7797/12667
Rom_16:2.............her/in the Lord as/becometh 11312/12667
1Co_7:22..........called/in the Lord being/a 11382/12667
Psa_31:24...........hope/in the LORD Blessed is he/whose 6024/12667 the LORD Blessed is that/man 6088/12667
1Co_7:39............only/in the Lord But/she 11390/12667 the Lord For as/the 11415/12667 the LORD for ever/for 7268/12667
2Co_10:17..........glory/in the Lord For not/he 11618/12667
Eph_6:1..........parents/in the Lord for this/is 11835/12667 the Lord For what/thanks 12037/12667
Psa_130:7...........hope/in the LORD for with/the 6602/12667
Psa_131:3...........hope/in the LORD from henceforth and/for 6605/12667
Rev_14:13............die/in the Lord from henceforth Yea/saith 12604/12667 the Lord Gaius/mine 11324/12667
2Ki_18:5.........trusted/in the LORD God of/Israel 4272/12667 the Lord GOD that/I 6276/12667
Php_4:10........rejoiced/in the Lord greatly/that 11916/12667
Pro_16:20.......trusteth/in the LORD happy/is 6806/12667
Isa_45:24............say/in the LORD have/I. 7465/12667
Phl_1:20..........bowels/in the Lord Having/confidence 12194/12667
Psa_115:9...........thou/in the LORD he is their help and their shield O/house 6525/12667 the LORD he is their help and their shield The/LORD 6527/12667 the LORD he is their help and their shield Ye/that 6526/12667
1Sa_30:6.........himself/in the LORD his God And/David 3227/12667 the LORD his God Which/made 6669/12667
Psa_112:7.......trusting/in the LORD His heart/is 6520/12667 the Lord Husbands/love 11990/12667 the LORD I have/made 6847/12667 the LORD I will be/glad 6011/12667
Zec_10:7.........rejoice/in the LORD I will hiss/for 9686/12667
Hab_3:18.........rejoice/in the LORD I will joy/in 9565/12667 the Lord If I/be 11398/12667
Phl_1:16.............and/in the Lord If thou/count 12192/12667
Eph_2:21..........temple/in the Lord In/whom 11792/12667
Psa_35:9..........joyful/in the LORD it/shall 6047/12667
Isa_26:4.............for/in the LORD JEHOVAH/is 7269/12667 the Lord Jesus and/love 11760/12667
1Th_1:1..............and/in the Lord Jesus Christ/Grace 12009/12667 the Lord Jesus to/send 11891/12667
Psa_104:34..........glad/in the LORD Let/the 6454/12667
Psa_32:10.......trusteth/in the LORD mercy/shall 6030/12667 the Lord Mine answer/to 11399/12667
1Sa_2:1........rejoiceth/in the LORD mine horn/is 2900/12667 the Lord my dearly/beloved 11909/12667
1Sa_2:1..........exalted/in the LORD my mouth/is 2901/12667
Isa_61:10........rejoice/in the LORD my soul/shall 7560/12667
1Co_15:58...........vain/in the Lord Now/concerning 11485/12667
Psa_33:1.........Rejoice/in the LORD O/ye... 6033/12667
Zec_12:5........strength/in the LORD of/hosts 9701/12667 the LORD our God is it/not 7372/12667 the LORD our God is not/that 4283/12667
Jer_3:23...........truly/in the LORD our God is the/salvation 7641/12667
Psa_11:1.........oppress/In the LORD put/I.. 5904/12667
Phl_1:20............thee/in the Lord refresh/my 12193/12667
Rom_16:12...........much/in the Lord Salute Rufus/chosen 11322/12667
Rom_16:12.........labour/in the Lord Salute the/beloved 11321/12667
Rom_16:11............are/in the Lord Salute Tryphena/and 11320/12667
Rom_16:8.........beloved/in the Lord Salute Urbane/our 11317/12667 the LORD saying The LORD will surely deliver us and/this 4289/12667 the LORD saying The LORD will surely deliver us this/city 7377/12667
Isa_45:25........ashamed/In the LORD shall all/the 7466/12667 the LORD shall be as/mount 6590/12667 the LORD shall be made/fat 6899/12667 the LORD shall be safe/Many 6907/12667
Eph_6:21........minister/in the Lord shall make/known 11845/12667
Zep_3:2..............not/in the LORD she/drew 9583/12667
Jos_22:25...........part/in the LORD so/shall 2516/12667 the LORD than to put confidence in man/It 6537/12667 the LORD than to put confidence in princes/All 6539/12667 the Lord that I/also 11893/12667
Col_4:17........received/in the Lord that thou/fulfil 12007/12667
Eph_4:17.........testify/in the Lord that ye/henceforth 11818/12667
Psa_34:2...........boast/in the LORD the/humble 6043/12667
2Ki_17:14........believe/in the LORD their/God 4256/12667 the LORD There/be 5848/12667
Psa_26:1............also/in the LORD therefore I/shall 5983/12667
Jos_22:27...........part/in the LORD Therefore said/we 2518/12667
Php_3:1..........rejoice/in the Lord To/write 11897/12667
2Th_3:4.......confidence/in the Lord touching/you 12073/12667
Eph_5:8............light/in the Lord walk/as 11826/12667
Php_1:14........brethren/in the Lord waxing/confident 11860/12667
Act_14:3..........boldly/in the Lord which/gave 11024/12667
1Co_4:17........faithful/in the Lord who/shall 11361/12667
Col_4:7....fellowservant/in the Lord Whom/I 11999/12667
Psa_56:10...........word/in the LORD will/I. 6176/12667
Php_2:29.......therefore/in the Lord with all gladness/and 11895/12667
Pro_3:5............Trust/in the LORD with all thine/heart 6704/12667
Isa_45:17..........saved/in the LORD with an/everlasting 7459/12667
1Co_16:19...........much/in the Lord with the/church 11489/12667
Psa_97:12........Rejoice/in the LORD ye/righteous 6428/12667
Joe_2:23.........rejoice/in the LORD your God for/he 9353/12667
2Ch_20:20........Believe/in the LORD your God so/shall 4921/12667
Jer_51:7.............cup/in the LORD's hand/that 8260/12667
Jer_26:2.........worship/in the LORD's house all/the 7884/12667
Jer_36:8............LORD/in the LORD's house And/it 8033/12667
Zec_14:20...........pots/in the LORD's house shall/be 9738/12667
Jer_36:6..........people/in the LORD's house upon/the 8030/12667
Hos_9:3............dwell/in the LORD's land/but 9295/12667
Hag_1:13.......messenger/in the LORD's message/unto 9602/12667
Jud_1:21......yourselves/in the love/of.... 12500/12667
2Ch_26:10...........both/in the low country/and 5017/12667
Eze_26:20...........thee/in the low parts/of 8724/12667
2Ch_9:27.............are/in the low plains in/abundance 4801/12667
1Ch_27:28...........were/in the low plains was/Baalhanan 4655/12667
Neh_4:13...............I/in the lower/places 5339/12667
Psa_139:15.......wrought/in the lowest parts/of 6633/12667 the lowest pit/in 6364/12667
Luk_14:10...........down/in the lowest room/that 10462/12667
Psa_10:8.........sitteth/in the lurking/places 5897/12667
1Th_4:5..............Not/in the lust of concupiscence/even 12042/12667
2Pe_2:10...........flesh/in the lust of uncleanness/and 12382/12667
Eph_2:3.............past/in the lusts of/our 11773/12667 the lusts thereof/Neither 11217/12667
Dan_4:7.............came/in the magicians/the 9115/12667
Mic_5:4.............LORD/in the majesty/of.. 9496/12667
Lev_20:23...........walk/in the manners/of.. 1367/12667
Eze_40:5.............and/in the man's/hand.. 8956/12667
Act_17:17............and/in the market/daily 11058/12667
Luk_7:32.........sitting/in the marketplace and calling/one 10366/12667
Mat_20:3............idle/in the marketplace And said/unto 9971/12667
Mar_12:38....salutations/in the marketplaces/And 10198/12667
Mat_11:16........sitting/in the markets and calling/unto 9884/12667
Luk_20:46......greetings/in the markets and the/highest 10532/12667
Mat_23:7.......greetings/in the markets and to/be 10003/12667
Luk_11:43......greetings/in the markets Woe/unto 10420/12667
Num_25:18............and/in the matter of Cozbi/the 1727/12667 the matter of Peor and in/the 1726/12667
Num_31:16...........LORD/in the matter of Peor and there/was 1772/12667
1Ki_15:5............only/in the matter of Uriah/the 3796/12667
Luk_12:1.............him/In the mean time/when 10423/12667
Joh_4:31.............him/In the mean while his/disciples 10640/12667
1Ki_18:45...........pass/in the mean while that/the 3893/12667
Eph_4:16.........working/in the measure/of. 11816/12667 the mercy/of.... 6155/12667
2Sa_10:4........garments/in the middle even/to 3337/12667
Jer_39:3.............sat/in the middle gate/even 8096/12667
Eze_1:16...........wheel/in the middle of/a. 8392/12667
Neh_4:11............come/in the midst among/them 5338/12667
Act_1:18.........asunder/in the midst and all/his 10841/12667
Mar_14:60.............up/in the midst and asked/Jesus 10229/12667
Luk_6:8............forth/in the midst And he/arose 10346/12667
Gen_15:10...........them/in the midst and laid/each 127/12667
Joh_19:18..........Jesus/in the midst And Pilate/wrote 10813/12667
Joh_20:26..........stood/in the midst and said/Peace 10825/12667
Joh_20:19..........stood/in the midst and saith/unto 10823/12667 the midst And when/Jesus 10580/12667
Jdg_15:4.......firebrand/in the midst between/two 2729/12667
Isa_66:17...........tree/in the midst eating/swine's 7606/12667
1Ch_19:4........garments/in the midst hard/by 4581/12667
Luk_4:35.............him/in the midst he/came 10335/12667
Php_2:15..........rebuke/in the midst of a crooked/and 11886/12667
Isa_6:5............dwell/in the midst of a people/of 7091/12667
2Sa_23:20...........lion/in the midst of a pit/in 3500/12667
Eze_12:2........dwellest/in the midst of a rebellious/house 8492/12667
Eze_10:10...........been/in the midst of a wheel/When 8477/12667
Deu_11:6......possession/in the midst of all Israel/But 2001/12667
Isa_10:23.....determined/in the midst of all the/land 7137/12667
Eze_17:16............him/in the midst of Babylon/he 8573/12667
Mic_7:14............wood/in the midst of Carmel/let 9521/12667 the midst of deceit/through 7719/12667
Deu_11:3.............did/in the midst of Egypt/unto 1998/12667 the midst of fools/is 6792/12667
Jos_10:13..........still/in the midst of heaven and/hasted 2403/12667 the midst of heaven Come/and 12645/12667 the midst of heaven having/the 12599/12667
Zep_2:14............down/in the midst of her all/the 9577/12667
Jer_50:37............are/in the midst of her and/they 8250/12667
Jer_6:6.......oppression/in the midst of her As/a 7674/12667
Eze_28:23.........judged/in the midst of her by/the 8779/12667
Zec_2:5............glory/in the midst of her Ho/ho 9627/12667
Jer_46:21............are/in the midst of her like/fatted 8187/12667 the midst of her she set/it 8700/12667 the midst of her she shall/not 6119/12667
Jer_51:47...........fall/in the midst of her Then/the 8284/12667
Lam_4:13............just/in the midst of her They/have 8378/12667
Isa_29:23..........hands/in the midst of him/they 7314/12667
1Sa_16:13............him/in the midst of his brethren/and 3031/12667
Jer_17:11...........them/in the midst of his days/and 7799/12667
Zec_5:4...........remain/in the midst of his house/and 9636/12667
Eze_29:3...........lieth/in the midst of his rivers/which 8786/12667 the midst of Israel and/that 9356/12667
Jos_8:22............were/in the midst of Israel some/on 2384/12667
Deu_17:20.......children/in the midst of Israel The/priests 2082/12667
Isa_5:2............tower/in the midst of it and also/made 7077/12667
Isa_19:1............melt/in the midst of it And I/will 7201/12667
Hab_2:19.............all/in the midst of it But/the 9552/12667
Luk_21:21............are/in the midst of it depart/out 10544/12667
Isa_7:6.............king/in the midst of it even/the 7098/12667
Eze_22:3...........blood/in the midst of it that/her 8645/12667 the midst of it The/oblation 9049/12667
Eze_11:7............laid/in the midst of it they/are 8483/12667
Psa_55:10............are/in the midst of it Wickedness/is 6163/12667
Zec_8:3............dwell/in the midst of Jerusalem and Jerusalem/shall 9656/12667
Zec_8:8............dwell/in the midst of Jerusalem and they/shall 9663/12667
Jos_3:17..........ground/in the midst of Jordan and/all 2332/12667
Jos_4:9...........stones/in the midst of Jordan in/the 2335/12667
Jos_4:10...........stood/in the midst of Jordan until/everything 2337/12667 the midst of many people as a dew/from 9499/12667
Mic_5:8.........Gentiles/in the midst of many people as a lion/among 9500/12667
Act_17:22..........stood/in the midst of Mars'/hill 11060/12667 the midst of me/he 8330/12667
Eze_23:39...........done/in the midst of mine/house 8691/12667
Dan_7:15..........spirit/in the midst of my body/and 9185/12667
Psa_22:14.........melted/in the midst of my bowels/My 5965/12667
Psa_102:24..........away/in the midst of my days/thy 6444/12667
Jer_12:16..........built/in the midst of my people But/if 7754/12667
Eze_39:7...........known/in the midst of my people Israel and/I 8939/12667
Amo_7:8........plumbline/in the midst of my people Israel I/will 9421/12667 the midst of my tent/and 2372/12667
2Ki_6:20............were/in the midst of Samaria/And 4034/12667
1Ch_11:14.....themselves/in the midst of that parcel/and 4525/12667
Eze_48:22..........being/in the midst of that which/is 9063/12667
2Sa_1:25..........fallen/in the midst of the battle/O 3256/12667 the midst of the boards/shall 916/12667
Num_2:17.........Levites/in the midst of the camp/as 1478/12667
Eze_43:7...........dwell/in the midst of the children of Israel for/ever 8972/12667
Deu_32:51............not/in the midst of the children of Israel Yet/thou 2292/12667 the midst of the children of men/with 8830/12667
Heb_2:12........brethren/in the midst of the church/will 12208/12667 the midst of the cities/that 8799/12667
Jer_52:25..........found/in the midst of the city So/Nebuzaradan 8313/12667
Eze_5:2.............part/in the midst of the city when/the 8408/12667
Pro_5:14............evil/in the midst of the congregation and assembly/Drink 6720/12667
2Ch_20:14...........LORD/in the midst of the congregation And he/said 4918/12667
Psa_22:22.......brethren/in the midst of the congregation will/I 5966/12667
Eze_29:12.......desolate/in the midst of the countries that are desolate and her cities among/the 8788/12667
Eze_30:7........desolate/in the midst of the countries that are desolate and her cities shall/be 8798/12667 the midst of the court/and 4750/12667
Act_1:15..............up/in the midst of the disciples/and 10840/12667
Luk_2:46.........sitting/in the midst of the doctors/both 10304/12667
Exo_8:22............LORD/in the midst of the earth And I/will 672/12667
Dan_4:10............tree/in the midst of the earth and the/height 9120/12667
Gen_48:16......multitude/in the midst of the earth And when/Joseph 571/12667
Isa_5:8............alone/in the midst of the earth In/mine 7079/12667
Psa_74:12......salvation/in the midst of the earth Thou/didst 6281/12667
Rev_5:6..............and/in the midst of the elders/stood 12543/12667
Zec_5:7..........sitteth/in the midst of the ephah/And 9637/12667
Dan_3:25.........walking/in the midst of the fire/and 9107/12667
Rev_6:6............voice/in the midst of the four/beasts 12548/12667
Eze_22:22.........melted/in the midst of the furnace so/shall 8670/12667
Eze_22:18...........lead/in the midst of the furnace they/are 8665/12667
Gen_2:9.............also/in the midst of the garden and/the 19/12667 the midst of the garden God/hath 21/12667
2Sa_23:12..........stood/in the midst of the ground/and 3494/12667 the midst of the hall/and 10567/12667
Eze_31:17.........shadow/in the midst of the heathen/To 8833/12667
2Sa_20:12..........blood/in the midst of the highway/And 3457/12667
1Sa_18:10.....prophesied/in the midst of the house and David/played 3058/12667
1Ki_6:27.........another/in the midst of the house And he/overlaid 3620/12667
Amo_7:10............thee/in the midst of the house of/Israel 9422/12667 the midst of the land among/the 7245/12667
Isa_6:12.......forsaking/in the midst of the land But/yet 7093/12667
Isa_19:19...........LORD/in the midst of the land of Egypt and/a 7213/12667
Eze_20:8............them/in the midst of the land of Egypt But/I 8602/12667
Eze_38:12..........dwell/in the midst of the land Sheba/and 8926/12667 the midst of the land thou/shalt 8644/12667
Isa_19:24.......blessing/in the midst of the land Whom/the 7218/12667 the midst of the nations/and 8413/12667
Isa_16:3...........night/in the midst of the noonday/hide 7181/12667
2Sa_18:14..........alive/in the midst of the oak/And 3425/12667 the midst of the paradise/of 12516/12667
Pro_8:20...righteousness/in the midst of the paths/of 6744/12667
Lam_3:45..........refuse/in the midst of the people All/our 8365/12667
Jer_37:12.........thence/in the midst of the people And/when 8065/12667
Jdg_18:20...........went/in the midst of the people So/they 2773/12667 the midst of the river and all the plain by/Medeba 2441/12667 the midst of the river and all the plain of/Medeba 2436/12667
2Sa_24:5...........lieth/in the midst of the river of/Gad 3506/12667
Exo_39:23...........hole/in the midst of the robe/as 1073/12667
Mar_6:47.............was/in the midst of the sea and he/alone 10140/12667 the midst of the sea And Miriam/the 786/12667
Exo_14:27......Egyptians/in the midst of the sea And the waters returned/and 768/12667 the midst of the sea and the waters were/a 769/12667
Pro_30:19...........ship/in the midst of the sea and the way/of 6915/12667
Eze_26:5............nets/in the midst of the sea for/I 8716/12667
Pro_23:34...........down/in the midst of the sea or/as 6857/12667 the midst of the sea tossed/with 9936/12667
Eze_27:32......destroyed/in the midst of the sea When/thy 8759/12667
Jon_2:3.............deep/in the midst of the seas and/the 9459/12667
Eze_27:4.............are/in the midst of the seas thy builders/have 8727/12667
Eze_27:26...........thee/in the midst of the seas Thy riches/and 8752/12667
Eze_27:25.......glorious/in the midst of the seas Thy rowers/have 8751/12667
Eze_28:8...........slain/in the midst of the seas Wilt/thou 8766/12667
Eze_28:2.............God/in the midst of the seas yet/thou 8765/12667
Rev_1:13.............And/in the midst of the seven candlesticks/one 12509/12667
Rev_2:1..........walketh/in the midst of the seven golden/candlesticks 12515/12667
Eze_32:25............bed/in the midst of the slain/with 8850/12667
Eze_28:14...........down/in the midst of the stones/of 8772/12667
Rev_22:2............Lamb/In the midst of the street/of 12661/12667
Isa_5:25............torn/in the midst of the streets/For 7087/12667 the midst of the tabernacle/that 3309/12667 the midst of the tent/that 4553/12667
Rev_5:6...............lo/in the midst of the throne and of/the 12542/12667
Rev_4:6..............and/in the midst of the throne and round/about 12538/12667 the midst of the throne shall/feed 12556/12667
Eze_32:28.........broken/in the midst of the uncircumcised and/shalt 8855/12667
Eze_32:32...........laid/in the midst of the uncircumcised with them that are/slain 8857/12667
Eze_31:18............lie/in the midst of the uncircumcised with them that be/slain 8836/12667
Eze_37:1............down/in the midst of the valley/which 8910/12667
Isa_41:18......fountains/in the midst of the valleys/I 7423/12667
Eze_26:12...........dust/in the midst of the water/And 8719/12667
Gen_1:6........firmament/in the midst of the waters/and 2/12667
Dan_9:27.............and/in the midst of the week/he 9216/12667 the midst of the years in/the 9554/12667
Hab_3:2............years/in the midst of the years make/known 9555/12667
Zep_3:12...........leave/in the midst of thee an/afflicted 9587/12667
Eze_5:12........consumed/in the midst of thee and a/third 8421/12667
Hos_11:9.............One/in the midst of thee and I/will 9319/12667
Eze_5:10............sons/in the midst of thee and the/sons 8419/12667
Eze_28:22......glorified/in the midst of thee and they/shall 8776/12667
Zec_2:11...........dwell/in the midst of thee and thou shalt know/that 9630/12667 the midst of thee and thou shalt take/hold 9508/12667
Eze_7:9..............are/in the midst of thee and ye shall know that I am the LORD that/smiteth 8437/12667 the midst of thee and ye shall know that I am the LORD Thus/saith 8435/12667
Nah_3:13..........people/in the midst of thee are/women 9543/12667
Exo_34:12..........snare/in the midst of thee But/ye 1010/12667
Eze_22:13...........been/in the midst of thee Can/thine 8660/12667
Zec_14:1.........divided/in the midst of thee For I/will 9720/12667
Exo_33:3..............up/in the midst of thee for thou/art 988/12667
Eze_22:7..........mother/in the midst of thee have/they 8650/12667
Eze_5:8........judgments/in the midst of thee in/the 8416/12667
Zep_3:17.............God/in the midst of thee is/mighty 9592/12667
Jos_7:13...........thing/in the midst of thee O Israel/thou 2367/12667 the midst of thee O Jerusalem/Praise 6534/12667
Zec_2:10...........dwell/in the midst of thee saith/the 9628/12667 the midst of thee shall fall All/the 8762/12667 the midst of thee shall fall into/the 8755/12667
Isa_12:6..........Israel/in the midst of thee The/burden 7150/12667
Eze_26:15...........made/in the midst of thee Then/all 8720/12667
Eze_22:9.......mountains/in the midst of thee they/commit 8654/12667 the midst of thee thou/shalt 9590/12667
Psa_78:28...........fall/in the midst of their camp/round 6316/12667
Mic_2:12...........flock/in the midst of their fold/they 9477/12667
Lev_16:16...........them/in the midst of their uncleanness/And 1325/12667
Act_27:21..........forth/in the midst of them and said Sirs/ye 11149/12667
Mat_18:2.............him/in the midst of them And said Verily/I 9953/12667
Luk_24:36..........stood/in the midst of them and saith/unto 10596/12667
Eze_36:23.......profaned/in the midst of them and the/heathen 8900/12667 the midst of them and they have/not 9276/12667
Eze_29:21..........mouth/in the midst of them and they shall/know 8793/12667
Mar_9:36.............him/in the midst of them and when/he 10156/12667
Isa_25:11..........hands/in the midst of them as/he 7262/12667
Eze_43:9...........dwell/in the midst of them for ever/Thou 8976/12667 the midst of them for evermore And/the 8924/12667
Eze_37:26......sanctuary/in the midst of them for evermore My/tabernacle 8923/12667
Eze_8:11.............and/in the midst of them stood/Jaazaniah 8456/12667
Eze_32:20...........fall/in the midst of them that are/slain 8846/12667
Eze_32:25............put/in the midst of them that be/slain 8852/12667
Jer_51:1...........dwell/in the midst of them that rise/up 8254/12667
Eze_16:53.......captives/in the midst of them That thou/mayest 8560/12667
Mat_18:20..............I/in the midst of them Then/came 9966/12667
Jdg_20:42......destroyed/in the midst of them Thus/they 2823/12667
Eze_46:10.........prince/in the midst of them when/they 9034/12667
Psa_110:2...........thou/in the midst of thine enemies/Thy 6508/12667
Pro_4:21............them/in the midst of thine heart/For 6717/12667
Deu_23:14........walketh/in the midst of thy camp/to 2141/12667
Psa_74:4............roar/in the midst of thy congregations/they 6278/12667
Deu_19:2............thee/in the midst of thy land/which 2095/12667 the midst of thy people/which 3560/12667
Psa_48:9.............God/in the midst of thy temple/According 6130/12667
Psa_138:7...........walk/in the midst of trouble/thou 6627/12667 the midst of us/and 7768/12667
Mat_10:16..........sheep/in the midst of wolves/be 9861/12667
Eze_6:7.............fall/in the midst of you and/ye 8430/12667
Act_2:22.............him/in the midst of you as/ye 10859/12667 the midst of you deceive/you 7918/12667 the midst Shall/any 5696/12667 the midst thereof and after/that 617/12667 the midst thereof and I/will 7202/12667
Amo_3:9..........tumults/in the midst thereof and the/oppressed 9387/12667 the midst thereof And these/shall 9060/12667
Isa_19:14.........spirit/in the midst thereof and they/have 7205/12667
Eze_9:4.............done/in the midst thereof And to/the 8466/12667
Eze_13:14.......consumed/in the midst thereof and ye shall know that I am/the 8519/12667
Eze_22:22.........melted/in the midst thereof and ye shall know that I the/LORD 8671/12667
Eze_22:27........princes/in the midst thereof are/like 8675/12667
Eze_11:11..........flesh/in the midst thereof but/I 8485/12667 the midst thereof deceit/and 6164/12667
Psa_137:2........willows/in the midst thereof For there/they 6621/12667
Amo_3:9........oppressed/in the midst thereof For they/know 9388/12667 the midst thereof he/will 9584/12667
Eze_22:25.........widows/in the midst thereof Her/priests 8674/12667 the midst thereof It shall be/for 9056/12667 the midst thereof it shall have/a 942/12667
Eze_22:25.......prophets/in the midst thereof like/a 8673/12667 the midst thereof Moreover/from 9062/12667
Zec_14:4..........cleave/in the midst thereof toward/the 9723/12667
Eze_22:21.........melted/in the midst therof/As 8669/12667
Act_4:7.............them/in the midst they asked/By 10878/12667
Joh_8:3..............her/in the midst They say/unto 10683/12667 the midst this/shall 1834/12667
Joh_8:9.........standing/in the midst When/Jesus 10687/12667
Num_5:3............camps/in the midst whereof/I 1518/12667
Isa_43:16...........path/in the mighty waters Which/bringeth 7440/12667
Exo_15:10...........lead/in the mighty waters Who/is 775/12667
Jer_38:22...........sunk/in the mire and/they 8089/12667
Jer_38:6............sunk/in the mire Now/when 8079/12667
Zec_10:5.........enemies/in the mire of/the. 9684/12667
2Pe_2:22.......wallowing/in the mire This/second 12388/12667
Exo_13:4.............out/in the month Abib And/it 747/12667
Exo_34:18............for/in the month Abib thou/camest 1012/12667
1Ki_6:38............year/in the month Bul/which 3624/12667
Neh_1:1.............pass/in the month Chisleu/in 5319/12667
1Ki_8:2............feast/in the month Ethanim/which 3642/12667
Neh_2:1.............pass/in the month Nisan/in 5325/12667
Deu_16:1.............for/in the month of/Abib 2054/12667
1Ki_12:33...........even/in the month which/he 3750/12667
1Ki_6:37............laid/in the month Zif And/in 3622/12667
1Ki_6:1...........Israel/in the month Zif which/is 3605/12667
Isa_65:4...........lodge/in the monuments/which 7586/12667
Luk_21:25............and/in the moon/and... 10549/12667
Act_27:12.........winter/in the more/part.. 11147/12667
Eze_24:18.........people/in the morning and at/even 8704/12667
1Ki_17:6...........flesh/in the morning and bread/and 3870/12667
Jos_7:16...........early/in the morning and brought/Israel 2370/12667
Exo_24:4...........early/in the morning and builded/an 882/12667
Gen_20:8...........early/in the morning and called/all 194/12667
Exo_34:2...........ready/in the morning and come/up 1000/12667
Jer_21:12.......judgment/in the morning and deliver/him 7842/12667
Jdg_20:19.............up/in the morning and encamped/against 2804/12667
Num_14:40..........early/in the morning and gat/them 1618/12667
Deu_16:7............turn/in the morning and go/unto 2060/12667 the morning and half/thereof 1129/12667
1Sa_29:10..........early/in the morning and have/light 3225/12667
Gen_24:54.............up/in the morning and he/said 248/12667
Psa_30:5..........cometh/in the morning And in/my 6006/12667
1Sa_17:20..........early/in the morning and left/the 3040/12667
Gen_40:6............them/in the morning and looked/upon 435/12667
1Sa_19:11............him/in the morning and Michal/David's 3082/12667 the morning and my/mouth 8871/12667
Jos_8:10...........early/in the morning and numbered/the 2376/12667
Job_1:5............early/in the morning and offered/burnt 5567/12667
Jdg_19:27.............up/in the morning and opened/the 2797/12667
Gen_22:3...........early/in the morning and saddled his ass and took/two 212/12667
Num_22:21.............up/in the morning and saddled his ass and went/with 1697/12667
Num_22:13.............up/in the morning and said/unto 1696/12667
Exo_9:13...........early/in the morning and stand before Pharaoh and/say 681/12667
Exo_8:20...........early/in the morning and stand before Pharaoh lo/he 669/12667
Gen_26:31........betimes/in the morning and sware/one 273/12667
Act_5:21...........early/in the morning and taught/But 10892/12667
Num_28:4...........offer/in the morning and the other lamb shalt/thou 1752/12667
Exo_29:39..........offer/in the morning and the other lamb thou/shalt 958/12667
Jos_6:12...........early/in the morning and the priests/took 2357/12667
Jer_20:16............cry/in the morning and the shouting/at 7835/12667
2Ki_3:22...........early/in the morning and the sun/shone 3991/12667
Psa_49:14...........them/in the morning and their/beauty 6136/12667
Jos_3:1............early/in the morning and they/removed 2327/12667
Psa_92:2..lovingkindness/in the morning and thy/faithfulness 6407/12667
Gen_21:14..........early/in the morning and took bread/and 203/12667
Gen_28:18..........early/in the morning and took the/stone 284/12667
2Ch_20:20..........early/in the morning and went forth/into 4920/12667
Dan_6:19...........early/in the morning and went in/haste 9166/12667
Exo_34:4...........early/in the morning and went up/unto 1003/12667
Mat_21:18............Now/in the morning as he/returned 9981/12667
Eze_24:18............did/in the morning as I/was 8705/12667
Jdg_9:33............that/in the morning as soon/as 2672/12667
Mar_11:20............And/in the morning as they/passed 10180/12667
Gen_29:25...........that/in the morning behold it was Leah/and 292/12667 the morning behold it was not/my 3570/12667
Jdg_6:28...........early/in the morning behold the/altar 2625/12667
Isa_37:36..........early/in the morning behold they were all dead corpses So Sennacherib king of Assyria departed and went and returned and dwelt at Nineveh And it came to pass as he was worshipping in the house of Nisroch his god that Adrammelech and Sharezer his sons smote him with the sword and they escaped into the land of Armenia and Esarhaddon his son reigned in his stead In those days was Hezekiah sick unto death And Isaiah/the 7386/12667
2Ki_19:35..........early/in the morning behold they were all dead corpses So Sennacherib king of Assyria departed and went and returned and dwelt at Nineveh And it came to pass as he was worshipping in the house of Nisroch his god that Adrammelech and Sharezer his sons smote him with the sword and they escaped into the land of Armenia And Esarhaddon his son reigned in his stead In those days was Hezekiah sick unto death And the/prophet 4299/12667 the morning Blessed/art 7007/12667
Exo_16:8.............and/in the morning bread/to 796/12667 the morning but/I 5617/12667
Eze_12:8.............And/in the morning came/the 8503/12667
1Sa_1:19..............up/in the morning early/and 2898/12667
Jer_5:8...........horses/in the morning every/one 7659/12667
Psa_143:8.lovingkindness/in the morning for in/thee 6653/12667
Psa_59:16..........mercy/in the morning for thou/hast 6194/12667
Joh_8:2............early/in the morning he came/again 10681/12667
Gen_49:27...........wolf/in the morning he shall/devour 584/12667
Hos_7:6............night/in the morning it burneth/as 9291/12667
Psa_90:6..............up/In the morning it flourisheth/and 6397/12667
Pro_27:14..........early/in the morning it shall/be 6889/12667
1Sa_15:12...........Saul/in the morning it was/told 3021/12667
Mat_16:3.............And/in the morning It will/be 9943/12667
Gen_31:55..........early/in the morning Laban/rose 328/12667
Mar_13:35.............or/in the morning Lest/coming 10219/12667
Exo_7:15.........Pharaoh/in the morning lo/he 651/12667
Psa_5:3.............hear/in the morning O/LORD 5853/12667
Jdg_19:8...........early/in the morning on/the 2783/12667
Mar_1:35.............And/in the morning rising/up 10085/12667
Psa_88:13............and/in the morning shall/my 6371/12667
Isa_17:11............and/in the morning shalt/thou 7194/12667
Ecc_11:6.............all/In the morning sow/thy 7013/12667
2Sa_11:14...........pass/in the morning that David/wrote 3349/12667
Jdg_19:5...........early/in the morning that he rose/up 2780/12667
2Ki_10:9............pass/in the morning that he went/out 4099/12667
Gen_41:8............pass/in the morning that his/spirit 443/12667 the morning that if/he 2878/12667
1Sa_20:35...........pass/in the morning that Jonathan/went 3104/12667 the morning that there/were 833/12667
Isa_5:11...........early/in the morning that they/may 7081/12667
Mar_15:1.....straightway/in the morning the chief/priests 10232/12667
Exo_16:13............and/in the morning the dew/lay 799/12667
Mar_16:2...........early/in the morning the first/day 10240/12667
2Sa_2:27............then/in the morning the people/had 3265/12667
2Sa_24:11.............up/in the morning the word/of 3509/12667
Num_9:21..............up/in the morning then they/journeyed 1549/12667
Exo_16:7.............And/in the morning then ye/shall 794/12667 the morning therefore/ye 2368/12667
Psa_90:5...........sleep/in the morning they are/like 6396/12667
Luk_24:1...........early/in the morning they came/unto 10584/12667 the morning thou/shalt 2226/12667
1Ki_3:21............rose/in the morning to give/my 3569/12667
Luk_21:38..........early/in the morning to him/in 10555/12667
Mat_20:1...........early/in the morning to hire/labourers 9970/12667
1Sa_29:11.........depart/in the morning to return/into 3226/12667
Gen_19:27..........early/in the morning to the/place 180/12667
Exo_34:2..............up/in the morning unto/mount 1001/12667 the morning watch and/slew 2971/12667
Exo_14:24...........that/in the morning watch the/LORD 767/12667
Jdg_16:2..........saying/In the morning when it/is 2740/12667
2Ki_3:20............pass/in the morning when the meat/offering 3989/12667
1Sa_25:37...........pass/in the morning when the wine/was 3180/12667
Num_28:23.......offering/in the morning which/is 1759/12667
Psa_5:3.............LORD/in the morning will/I 5854/12667
1Sa_29:10..........early/in the morning with/thy 3224/12667
Exo_16:12............and/in the morning ye/shall 798/12667
Psa_73:11......knowledge/in the most High/Behold 6267/12667
2Ch_3:10.............And/in the most holy house/he 4721/12667
Exo_26:34......testimony/in the most holy place And/thou 919/12667
Eze_44:13.........things/in the most holy place but/they 8995/12667
Num_18:10...........sons/In the most holy place shalt/thou 1646/12667 the most strong/holds 9245/12667
Deu_10:10.........stayed/in the mount according/to 1992/12667
Gen_31:54..........night/in the mount And early/in 327/12667
Gen_31:25...........tent/in the mount and Laban/with 320/12667
2Ki_23:16..........there/in the mount and sent/and 4370/12667
Exo_26:30...........thee/in the mount And thou/shalt 917/12667
Heb_8:5.............thee/in the mount But/now 12246/12667
Exo_24:18............was/in the mount forty days and forty nights And/the 887/12667
Deu_9:9............abode/in the mount forty days and forty nights I/neither 1976/12667
Gen_31:23............him/in the mount Gilead/And 318/12667
Exo_25:40...........thee/in the mount Moreover/thou 902/12667
Jdg_2:9.....Timnathheres/in the mount of Ephraim/on 2568/12667
Gen_31:25........pitched/in the mount of Gilead/And 321/12667
Exo_4:27.............him/in the mount of God/and 632/12667
Jdg_12:15........Ephraim/in the mount of the Amalekites/And 2715/12667
2Ch_33:15..........built/in the mount of the house/of 5147/12667 the mount of the LORD/it 217/12667
Jos_13:19...Zarethshahar/in the mount of the valley/And 2443/12667
Deu_5:4.............face/in the mount out of the midst of the fire I/stood 1934/12667 the mount out of the midst of the fire in the day of the assembly And it/came 1977/12667 the mount out of the midst of the fire in the day of the assembly and the/LORD 1986/12667
Deu_5:22........assembly/in the mount out of the midst of the fire of/the 1943/12667
Act_7:38.............him/in the mount Sina/and 10934/12667
Exo_27:8............thee/in the mount so/shall 921/12667
Luk_21:37..........abode/in the mount that/is 10554/12667
Deu_32:50............die/in the mount whither/thou 2289/12667
Gen_19:30..........dwelt/in the mountain and his/two 182/12667
Jdg_1:9............dwelt/in the mountain and in/the 2552/12667
2Ch_2:18..........hewers/in the mountain and three thousand and six hundred overseers/to 4714/12667
2Ch_2:2..............hew/in the mountain and three thousand and six hundred to/oversee 4691/12667
Jdg_3:27.........trumpet/in the mountain of Ephraim/and 2580/12667
Psa_48:1.............God/in the mountain of his/holiness 6125/12667
Jos_20:7..........Hebron/in the mountain of Judah/And 2489/12667 the mountain of Samaria which are/named 9414/12667
Amo_4:1..............are/in the mountain of Samaria which oppress/the 9396/12667
Eze_20:40.......mountain/in the mountain of the height of Israel saith/the 8629/12667
Eze_17:23........eminent/In the mountain of the height of Israel will/I 8576/12667
Exo_15:17...........them/in the mountain of thine/inheritance 781/12667
Jdg_6:2..............are/in the mountains and caves/and 2612/12667
2Ch_26:10.......dressers/in the mountains and in Carmel/for 5019/12667
Mar_5:5..............was/in the mountains and in the tombs/crying 10110/12667
Jos_12:8.......divisions/In the mountains and in the valleys/and 2427/12667
Num_13:29..........dwell/in the mountains and the/Canaanites 1595/12667
Exo_32:12...........them/in the mountains and to consume/them 981/12667
Jos_11:3........Jebusite/in the mountains and to the/Hivite 2411/12667
Jos_10:6...........dwell/in the mountains are/gathered 2397/12667
1Ki_5:15..........hewers/in the mountains Beside/the 3601/12667
Isa_13:4.......multitude/in the mountains like/as 7152/12667
Deu_2:37..........cities/in the mountains nor/unto 1896/12667
Num_33:47........pitched/in the mountains of Abarim/before 1822/12667
2Ch_21:11.........places/in the mountains of Judah and caused/the 4941/12667
2Ch_27:4..........cities/in the mountains of Judah and in/the 5032/12667
Jos_15:48............And/in the mountains Shamir/and 2463/12667
1Sa_26:20......partridge/in the mountains Then/said 3192/12667
Mic_1:11...........forth/in the mourning/of. 9471/12667
1Ki_22:22.........spirit/in the mouth of all his prophets And he/said 3946/12667
2Ch_18:21.........spirit/in the mouth of all his prophets And the/Lord 4895/12667
1Ki_22:23.........spirit/in the mouth of all these/thy 3947/12667
Jer_44:26..........named/in the mouth of any/man 8170/12667
Pro_26:7.........parable/in the mouth of fools/As 6878/12667
Gen_43:21............was/in the mouth of his/sack 501/12667
Dan_7:5.............ribs/in the mouth of it/between 9179/12667
Pro_14:3.............him/In the mouth of the/foolish 6781/12667
Job_32:5..........answer/in the mouth of these three/men 5760/12667
2Ch_18:22.........spirit/in the mouth of these thy/prophets 4896/12667
2Sa_14:19..........words/in the mouth of thine/handmaid 3373/12667
Mat_18:16...........that/in the mouth of two or three witnesses every/word 9961/12667 the mouth of two or three witnesses shall/every 11672/12667
Gen_43:12..........again/in the mouth of your/sacks 496/12667
Pro_26:9.........parable/in the mouths/of... 6880/12667
Pro_11:14............but/in the multitude of counsellors there/is 6763/12667
Pro_15:22............but/in the multitude of counsellors they/are 6797/12667
Ecc_5:7..............For/in the multitude of dreams/and 6963/12667
Psa_94:19.............up/In the multitude of my/thoughts 6417/12667
Pro_14:28..........death/In the multitude of people/is 6787/12667
Eze_27:18.......merchant/in the multitude of the/wares 8739/12667
Psa_49:6......themselves/in the multitude of their riches/None 6133/12667
Psa_5:10.............out/in the multitude of their transgressions/for 5861/12667
Isa_47:13........wearied/in the multitude of thy counsels/Let 7477/12667 the multitude of thy mercy and/in 5857/12667
Psa_69:13............God/in the multitude of thy mercy hear/me 6248/12667
Hos_10:13............way/in the multitude of thy mighty/men 9315/12667
Pro_10:19...........fool/In the multitude of words/there 6759/12667
Eph_3:4........knowledge/in the mystery/of. 11795/12667
Mat_10:42...........only/in the name of a disciple/verily 9876/12667
Mat_10:41........prophet/in the name of a prophet/shall 9874/12667 the name of a righteous/man 9875/12667
1Sa_25:9...........words/in the name of David/and 3170/12667
Deu_25:6.........succeed/in the name of his brother/which 2164/12667 the name of his god/and 9483/12667
Act_9:27........Damascus/in the name of Jesus And he/was 10965/12667
Act_5:40...........speak/in the name of Jesus and let/them 10900/12667
Act_4:18...........teach/in the name of Jesus But/Peter 10882/12667 the name of Jesus Christ for/the 10864/12667
Act_3:6.............thee/In the name of Jesus Christ of/Nazareth 10869/12667
Act_16:18...........thee/in the name of Jesus Christ to/come 11047/12667
Est_3:12........language/in the name of king/Ahasuerus 5505/12667
Deu_18:20..........speak/in the name of other/gods 2090/12667
Psa_20:5.............and/in the name of our God/we 5950/12667
Eph_5:20..........Father/in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ Submitting/yourselves 11831/12667
2Th_3:6.........brethren/in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ that/ye 12074/12667
1Co_5:4.............deed/In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ when/ye 11370/12667
1Co_1:13........baptized/in the name of Paul/I 11335/12667
Mat_28:19...........them/in the name of the Father/and 10072/12667
Ezr_5:1........Jerusalem/in the name of the God/of 5261/12667
Deu_21:5...........bless/in the name of the LORD and by/their 2115/12667
1Ch_16:2..........people/in the name of the LORD And he dealt/to 4554/12667
1Ki_18:32..........altar/in the name of the LORD and he made/a 3888/12667
1Ki_22:16...........true/in the name of the LORD And he said/I 3944/12667
Zec_13:3............lies/in the name of the LORD and his/father 9715/12667
Luk_13:35.........cometh/in the name of the Lord And it/came 10460/12667
Mat_23:39.........cometh/in the name of the Lord And Jesus went/out 10010/12667
Joh_12:13.........cometh/in the name of the Lord And Jesus when/he 10731/12667
1Ch_21:19..........spake/in the name of the LORD And Ornan/turned 4598/12667 the name of the LORD and stay/upon 7498/12667
Jam_5:14.............oil/in the name of the Lord And the/prayer 12321/12667
2Ki_2:24............them/in the name of the LORD And there/came 3985/12667
Mar_11:9..........cometh/in the name of the Lord Blessed/be 10176/12667
Jam_5:10..........spoken/in the name of the Lord for/an 12320/12667
2Ch_33:18............him/in the name of the LORD God/of 5150/12667
Deu_18:5........minister/in the name of the LORD him/and 2083/12667
Deu_18:7........minister/in the name of the LORD his/God 2084/12667
Mar_11:10.........cometh/in the name of the Lord Hosanna in the highest And Jesus/entered 10177/12667
Mat_21:9..........cometh/in the name of the Lord Hosanna in the highest And when/he 9976/12667
Psa_118:11...........but/in the name of the LORD I will destroy them They/compassed 6542/12667
Psa_118:12...........for/in the name of the LORD I will destroy them Thou/hast 6543/12667
Deu_18:22.......speaketh/in the name of the LORD if/the 2092/12667
1Co_6:11.......justified/in the name of the Lord Jesus and by/the 11374/12667
Act_9:29..........boldly/in the name of the Lord Jesus and disputed/against 10967/12667
Act_19:5........baptized/in the name of the Lord Jesus And when/Paul 11079/12667
Col_3:17.............all/in the name of the Lord Jesus giving/thanks 11989/12667
Act_8:16........baptized/in the name of the Lord Jesus Then/laid 10946/12667
2Sa_6:18..........people/in the name of the LORD of hosts And/he 3310/12667
1Sa_17:45...........thee/in the name of the LORD of hosts the/God 3049/12667
Mic_4:5.............walk/in the name of the LORD our God for/ever 9484/12667 the name of the LORD our God Then/rose 7892/12667 the name of the LORD Out/of 6600/12667
Luk_19:38.........cometh/in the name of the Lord peace/in 10517/12667 the name of the LORD saying The/LORD 3106/12667
Jer_26:9......prophesied/in the name of the LORD saying This/house 7887/12667
Jer_11:21............not/in the name of the LORD that/thou 7749/12667 the name of the LORD The/remnant 9588/12667 the name of the LORD Then he/said 4893/12667
Act_10:48.......baptized/in the name of the Lord Then prayed/they 10990/12667
Jer_26:20.....prophesied/in the name of the LORD Urijah/the 7894/12667
Psa_118:26........cometh/in the name of the LORD we have/blessed 6547/12667 the name of the LORD we will/not 8160/12667 the name of the LORD who/made 6589/12667
Psa_118:10...........but/in the name of the LORD will/I 6541/12667
Joh_3:18........believed/in the name of the only/begotten 10628/12667 the navel/of.... 5822/12667
1Ki_9:27............sent/in the navy/his.... 3691/12667 the neck/of...... 579/12667
Psa_9:15............made/in the net/which... 5887/12667
Eze_31:16......comforted/in the nether/parts 8832/12667
Psa_81:3.........trumpet/in the new moon/in. 6332/12667
Eze_45:17............and/in the new moons and in/the 9015/12667
1Ch_23:31.......sabbaths/in the new moons and on/the 4621/12667
Eze_46:3.............and/in the new moons And the/burnt 9027/12667
Gen_17:21...........time/in the next/year.... 149/12667
Psa_77:2.............ran/in the night and ceased/not 6291/12667
Psa_119:55..........LORD/in the night and have/kept 6568/12667
Lam_1:2.............sore/in the night and her/tears 8324/12667
Hos_4:5.............thee/in the night and I/will 9273/12667
2Ki_7:12...........arose/in the night and said/unto 4043/12667
1Th_5:7............sleep/in the night and they/that 12051/12667
Isa_15:1.........Because/in the night Ar/of. 7176/12667
1Ki_3:19............died/in the night because/she 3566/12667 the night But he/saveth 5597/12667
1Th_5:7..........drunken/in the night But let/us 12052/12667
Neh_9:12.............and/in the night by a pillar/of 5388/12667
Act_18:9............Paul/in the night by a vision/Be 11070/12667
Neh_2:15..............up/in the night by the/brook 5331/12667
1Th_5:2............thief/in the night For/when 12049/12667
Exo_12:30.............up/in the night he and/all 737/12667
Joh_11:10...........walk/in the night he stumbleth/because 10717/12667
Psa_42:8.............and/in the night his/song 6101/12667
Neh_2:12...........arose/in the night I and/some 5329/12667 the night I commune/with 6292/12667
Lam_2:19.............out/in the night in the beginning/of 8347/12667
2Pe_3:10...........thief/in the night in the which/the 12393/12667
Job_24:14............and/in the night is/as. 5714/12667
Son_3:8.............fear/in the night King/Solomon 7035/12667
Isa_15:1.........because/in the night Kir/of 7177/12667
Psa_22:2.............and/in the night season and am/not 5961/12667 the night season and my/sinews 5748/12667 the night seasons/I 5925/12667
Job_34:25...........them/in the night so/that 5777/12667
Job_27:20...........away/in the night The east/wind 5727/12667 the night the manna/fell 1567/12667
Psa_105:39.........light/in the night The people/asked 6468/12667
Act_16:9............Paul/in the night There/stood 11045/12667
Neh_4:22............that/in the night they/may 5344/12667 the night This/is 6946/12667 the night Thou carriest/them 6395/12667 the night thou hast/tried 5929/12667
Jer_36:30............and/in the night to/the 8060/12667
Dan_7:7..............saw/in the night visions and behold a/fourth 9180/12667
Dan_7:13.............saw/in the night visions and behold one/like 9183/12667
Psa_63:6............thee/in the night watches/Because 6209/12667 the night we/are 7544/12667 the night when/a 7336/12667
Job_35:10..........songs/in the night Who/teacheth 5779/12667
Neh_6:10.............yea/in the night will/they 5356/12667
Isa_26:9............thee/in the night yea/with 7271/12667
2Ki_15:17.............up/In the nine and thirtieth year of Azariah/king 4203/12667
2Ki_15:13..........reign/in the nine and thirtieth year of Uzziah/king 4198/12667
Lev_23:32..........souls/in the ninth day of the month at/even 1397/12667
Jer_52:6...........month/in the ninth day of the month the/famine 8297/12667
Jer_36:22....winterhouse/in the ninth month and/there 8055/12667
Jer_36:9...........Judah/in the ninth month that/they 8035/12667
Eze_24:1...........Again/in the ninth year in/the 8697/12667
2Ki_25:1............pass/in the ninth year of his reign in the tenth month in the tenth day of the month that Nebuchadnezzar/king 4406/12667
Jer_52:4............pass/in the ninth year of his reign in the tenth month in the tenth day of the month that Nebuchadrezzar/king 8293/12667 the ninth year of Hoshea king/of 4275/12667
2Ki_17:6...........years/In the ninth year of Hoshea the/king 4248/12667
Jer_39:1...........taken/In the ninth year of Zedekiah/king 8091/12667
Job_5:14...........grope/in the noonday/as.. 5596/12667
Zec_6:8...........spirit/in the north country And/the 9644/12667
Jer_46:10......sacrifice/in the north country by/the 8180/12667
Jos_15:5..........border/in the north quarter/was 2461/12667
Num_3:28......Kohathites/In the number/of... 1492/12667
Eph_6:4...............up/in the nurture/and 11836/12667
2Ch_31:12........brought/in the offerings/and 5101/12667
Lev_14:16.........finger/in the oil/that.... 1277/12667
1Pe_3:5...........manner/in the old/time... 12343/12667
Rom_7:6..............not/in the oldness/of. 11222/12667
2Ch_16:13...........died/in the one and fortieth/year 4867/12667
Hag_2:1............month/in the one and twentieth/day 9607/12667
Exo_26:5............make/in the one curtain/and 906/12667 the one of/the.. 3066/12667 the one side/of.. 891/12667
Lev_17:5...........offer/in the open field even/that 1341/12667
Eze_16:5.............out/in the open field to/the 8534/12667 the open field will/I 8873/12667
Num_19:16..........sword/in the open fields or/a 1663/12667
2Sa_11:11.......encamped/in the open fields shall/I 3347/12667 the open firmament/of 8/12667 the open sight/of 5778/12667
Eze_37:2............many/in the open valley/and 8911/12667
Pro_1:21.......concourse/in the openings/of. 6694/12667 the oracle/and.. 4722/12667
Luk_1:8..............God/in the order/of... 10250/12667
Jdg_6:26............rock/in the ordered/place 2624/12667
Exo_25:33........almonds/in the other branch/with 899/12667
Luk_5:7.............were/in the other ship/that 10337/12667
Exo_25:12..........rings/in the other side/of 892/12667
Isa_17:6............five/in the outmost/fruitful 7191/12667
Lev_7:9............baken/in the oven and/all 1143/12667
Lev_2:4............baken/in the oven it/shall 1097/12667
Jer_49:18.............As/in the overthrow/of 8220/12667
Mat_26:69........without/in the palace and/a 10056/12667
Isa_39:7.........eunuchs/in the palace of the king of Babylon Then said Hezekiah to/Isaiah 7407/12667
2Ki_20:18........eunuchs/in the palace of the king of Babylon Then said Hezekiah unto/Isaiah 4314/12667
Dan_4:29..........walked/in the palace of the kingdom/of 9133/12667
2Ki_15:25........Samaria/in the palace of the king's/house 4214/12667
Ezr_6:2.........Achmetha/in the palace that/is 5273/12667
Mar_14:66........beneath/in the palace there/cometh 10231/12667
Dan_8:2..........Shushan/in the palace which/is 9193/12667
Amo_3:9..........Publish/in the palaces at/Ashdod 9384/12667
Amo_3:9..............and/in the palaces in/the 9385/12667
1Ch_23:29..........baked/in the pan and/for. 4619/12667
Lev_7:9..............and/in the pan shall/be 1145/12667
1Ch_9:31............made/in the pans/And.... 4509/12667
Act_2:10.............and/in the parts/of... 10852/12667
Isa_40:14............him/in the path of judgment/and 7416/12667
Psa_119:35............go/in the path of thy/commandments 6558/12667
Gen_49:17..........adder/in the path that/biteth 582/12667 the paths of/righteousness 5969/12667
Job_24:13..........abide/in the paths thereof/The 5713/12667
Pro_12:28............and/in the pathway/thereof 6776/12667
1Ki_20:16..........drunk/in the pavilions he/and 3909/12667
1Ki_20:12..........kings/in the pavilions that/he 3906/12667
Jer_29:7.............for/in the peace/thereof 7917/12667 the person/of.. 11516/12667
Luk_7:37............meat/in the Pharisee's/house 10368/12667
Gen_21:34......sojourned/in the Philistines'/land 211/12667
Num_12:5............down/in the pillar/of... 1578/12667
Gen_37:29............not/in the pit and he/rent 388/12667
Isa_24:22.......gathered/in the pit and shall/be 7250/12667
Isa_51:14............die/in the pit nor/that 7506/12667
Psa_9:15............down/in the pit that/they 5886/12667
Exo_15:17....inheritance/in the place O/LORD. 782/12667 the place of dragons/and 6111/12667
Gen_50:19..............I/in the place of God/But 597/12667
Pro_25:6.............not/in the place of great/men 6865/12667
Lev_13:19............And/in the place of the boil/there 1206/12667
Hos_13:13...........long/in the place of the breaking/forth 9339/12667
Lev_4:29........offering/in the place of the burnt/offering 1107/12667
1Ki_13:22..........water/in the place of the which/the 3761/12667
Lev_14:42...........them/in the place of those/stones 1293/12667
Joh_6:10...........grass/in the place So/the 10660/12667
2Ch_3:1...........father/in the place that/David 4716/12667
1Ki_21:19...........LORD/In the place where dogs/licked 3930/12667
Jer_38:9..........hunger/in the place where he is/for 8084/12667
Lev_14:13...........lamb/in the place where he shall/kill 1275/12667
Gen_35:13............him/in the place where he talked with him And/Jacob 352/12667
Gen_35:14.........pillar/in the place where he talked with him even/a 353/12667
Joh_19:41............Now/in the place where he was/crucified 10816/12667 the place where his/lot 1826/12667
Hos_1:10............that/in the place where it was said unto them Ye are not my people there it/shall 9255/12667
Rom_9:26............that/in the place where it was said unto them Ye are not my people there shall/they 11256/12667
Lev_6:25........offering/In the place where the burnt/offering 1133/12667
Num_9:17.............and/in the place where the cloud/abode 1546/12667
Jos_4:9...........Jordan/in the place where the feet/of 2336/12667
Eze_17:16.........surely/in the place where the king/dwelleth 8572/12667
Ecc_11:3...........north/in the place where the tree/falleth 7011/12667
Lev_4:33........offering/in the place where they kill the burnt offering And/the 1108/12667 the place where they kill the burnt offering before/the 1106/12667
Lev_7:2.............holy/In the place where they kill the burnt offering shall/they 1141/12667
Jdg_20:22..........array/in the place where they put/themselves 2807/12667
Eze_21:30...........thee/in the place where thou/wast 8641/12667
Deu_16:16............God/in the place which he shall choose in/the 2069/12667
Deu_31:11............God/in the place which he shall choose thou/shalt 2260/12667
Deu_14:23............God/in the place which he shall choose to/place 2039/12667 the place which he should/choose 2396/12667
Deu_16:15............God/in the place which the LORD shall choose because/the 2065/12667
Deu_12:14............But/in the place which the LORD shall choose in/one 2023/12667
Deu_15:20...........year/in the place which the LORD shall choose thou/and 2053/12667
Deu_16:2............herd/in the place which the LORD shall choose to/place 2055/12667 the place which the LORD thy God hath/chosen 2061/12667 the place which the LORD thy God shall choose and/thou 2059/12667
Deu_12:18............God/in the place which the LORD thy God shall choose thou/and 2026/12667
Jer_22:12............die/in the place whither they/have 7848/12667
Jer_42:22.....pestilence/in the place whither ye/desire 8133/12667
Jer_32:44............and/in the places about Jerusalem and in the cities of Judah and/in 7989/12667
Jer_33:13............and/in the places about Jerusalem and in the cities of Judah shall/the 8006/12667
Jdg_5:11.........archers/in the places of drawing/water 2600/12667
Pro_8:2..............way/in the places of the/paths 6739/12667
2Ki_23:5.............and/in the places round/about 4361/12667 the plague is/turned 1189/12667
Deu_24:8............heed/in the plague of/leprosy 2154/12667
Num_16:49...........died/in the plague were fourteen/thousand 1643/12667
Num_25:9............died/in the plague were twenty/and 1723/12667
1Ki_20:23...........them/in the plain and surely we shall be stronger than they And do/this 3910/12667
1Ki_20:25...........them/in the plain and surely we shall be stronger than they And he/hearkened 3912/12667
Luk_6:17...........stood/in the plain and the/company 10349/12667
Deu_4:43......wilderness/in the plain country/of 1927/12667
Jos_13:17............are/in the plain Dibon/and 2442/12667
Deu_1:7........thereunto/in the plain in/the 1855/12667
Dan_3:1...............up/in the plain of Dura/in 9100/12667
1Ki_7:46...........brass/In the plain of Jordan did the king cast them in the clay ground between Succoth and Zarthan/And 3638/12667
2Ch_4:17...........brass/In the plain of Jordan did the king cast them in the clay ground between Succoth and Zeredathah/Thus 4730/12667
Gen_14:13..........dwelt/in the plain of Mamre the/Amorite 122/12667
Gen_13:18..........dwelt/in the plain of Mamre which/is 109/12667
Neh_6:2.........villages/in the plain of Ono/But 5351/12667
2Sa_15:28..........tarry/in the plain of the/wilderness 3393/12667
1Sa_23:24...........Maon/in the plain on/the 3147/12667
Deu_1:1.......wilderness/in the plain over/against 1846/12667
Eze_8:4..............saw/in the plain Then/said 8449/12667
Jos_12:8.............and/in the plains and/in 2429/12667
2Ch_26:10............and/in the plains husbandmen/also 5018/12667
Jer_52:8........Zedekiah/in the plains of Jericho and all his army was/scattered 8299/12667
2Ki_25:5.............him/in the plains of Jericho and all his army were/scattered 4410/12667
Jos_5:10............even/in the plains of Jericho And they/did 2352/12667
Jer_39:5........Zedekiah/in the plains of Jericho and when/they 8097/12667
Gen_18:1.............him/in the plains of Mamre/and 156/12667
Num_33:49....Abelshittim/in the plains of Moab And/the 1824/12667
Num_33:48........pitched/in the plains of Moab by Jordan near Jericho And/they 1823/12667
Num_26:63.........Israel/in the plains of Moab by Jordan near Jericho But/among 1735/12667
Num_35:1...........Moses/in the plains of Moab by Jordan near Jericho saying Command/the 1831/12667
Num_33:50..........Moses/in the plains of Moab by Jordan near Jericho saying Speak/unto 1825/12667
Num_26:3............them/in the plains of Moab by Jordan near Jericho saying Take/the 1730/12667
Num_36:13.........Israel/in the plains of Moab by Jordan near Jericho These/be 1844/12667
Jos_13:32....inheritance/in the plains of Moab on the/other 2449/12667
Num_22:1.........pitched/in the plains of Moab on this/side 1694/12667
Deu_34:8...........Moses/in the plains of Moab thirty/days 2308/12667
2Sa_17:16..........night/in the plains of the/wilderness 3412/12667
1Ki_22:38........chariot/in the pool of Samaria/and 3954/12667
Joh_9:7.............wash/in the pool of Siloam/which 10703/12667 the porch four/cubits 3632/12667
Eze_40:39............And/in the porch of the gate/were 8963/12667
1Ki_7:21.........pillars/in the porch of the temple/and 3634/12667
Act_3:11............them/in the porch that/is 10870/12667
2Ki_9:10.........Jezebel/in the portion of Jezreel and/there 4075/12667
2Ki_9:36..........saying/In the portion of Jezreel shall/dogs 4092/12667
2Ki_9:37...........field/in the portion of Jezreel so/that 4093/12667
2Ki_9:21.............him/in the portion of Naboth/the 4081/12667
2Ki_9:25.............him/in the portion of the/field 4083/12667
2Ki_4:41............harm/in the pot And there/came 4008/12667
2Ki_4:40...........death/in the pot And they/could 4007/12667 the potter's/hand 7812/12667
1Co_2:5..............but/in the power of God/Howbeit 11346/12667
Eph_6:10.............and/in the power of his/might 11840/12667 the power of my/hand 323/12667
Luk_4:14........returned/in the power of the Spirit/into 10322/12667
Pro_18:21............are/in the power of the tongue/and 6820/12667 the power of their/hand 9473/12667 the power of thine/hand 6711/12667
Est_1:10..........served/in the presence of Ahasuerus/the 5477/12667
Gen_16:12..........dwell/in the presence of all his brethren And she/called 141/12667
Gen_25:18...........died/in the presence of all his brethren And these/are 255/12667 the presence of all his people In/the 6532/12667 the presence of all his people Precious/in 6530/12667
2Ch_6:12............LORD/in the presence of all the congregation of Israel and spread forth his hands For/Solomon 4749/12667
1Ki_8:22............LORD/in the presence of all the congregation of Israel and spread forth his hands toward/heaven 3654/12667
Jer_28:11..........spake/in the presence of all the people saying/Thus 7913/12667
Jer_28:5.............and/in the presence of all the people that/stood 7909/12667
1Ch_24:31..........Aaron/in the presence of David/the 4625/12667
Luk_1:19...........stand/in the presence of God and/am 10254/12667
Heb_9:24..........appear/in the presence of God for/us 12255/12667
Joh_20:30..........Jesus/in the presence of his disciples/which 10826/12667
Pro_17:18.........surety/in the presence of his friend/He 6813/12667
2Sa_16:19..........serve/in the presence of his son/as 3398/12667 the presence of mine/enemies 5970/12667 the presence of our/Lord 12033/12667
Act_3:13.............him/in the presence of Pilate/when 10871/12667 the presence of the angels/of 10469/12667
Gen_23:18.....possession/in the presence of the children of Heth/before 233/12667
Jos_8:32...........wrote/in the presence of the children of Israel/And 2389/12667
Deu_25:9.............him/in the presence of the elders/and 2166/12667
Rev_14:10......brimstone/in the presence of the holy/angels 12602/12667
Dan_2:27........answered/in the presence of the king and said/The 9090/12667
Pro_25:6.........thyself/in the presence of the king and stand/not 6864/12667
Rev_14:10............and/in the presence of the Lamb/And 12603/12667
Jos_4:11.........priests/in the presence of the people And/the 2338/12667
1Ki_21:13.........Naboth/in the presence of the people saying/Naboth 3927/12667
Jer_28:5........Hananiah/in the presence of the priests and in/the 7908/12667
Jer_28:1............LORD/in the presence of the priests and of/all 7907/12667
Pro_25:7...........lower/in the presence of the prince/whom 6866/12667
Gen_23:11...........thee/in the presence of the sons/of 227/12667
Jer_32:12............and/in the presence of the witnesses/that 7970/12667
Luk_14:10........worship/in the presence of them/that 10463/12667
Act_3:16.......soundness/in the presence of you/all 10873/12667
2Pe_1:12.....established/in the present/truth 12370/12667
Mar_5:30...........about/in the press and/said 10120/12667
Mar_5:27............came/in the press behind/and 10117/12667
Isa_9:9..............say/in the pride/and... 7126/12667
2Ch_29:4.........brought/in the priests and/the 5060/12667 the priest's hand he shall pour/upon 1280/12667 the priest's hand he shall put/upon 1283/12667
Exo_39:41.......minister/in the priest's office According/to 1077/12667
Exo_35:19.......minister/in the priest's office And all/the 1025/12667 the priest's office And I/will 959/12667
Num_3:3.........minister/in the priest's office And Nadab/and 1484/12667
Exo_31:10.......minister/in the priest's office And the/anointing 975/12667 the priest's office And these/are 926/12667 the priest's office And they/shall 927/12667 the priest's office And thou shalt bring/his 1082/12667 the priest's office And thou shalt make/them 945/12667 the priest's office And thou shalt speak/unto 962/12667 the priest's office even/Aaron 925/12667 the priest's office for/their 1083/12667
Lev_16:32.......minister/in the priest's office in his father's/stead 1338/12667
Deu_10:6......ministered/in the priest's office in his stead/From 1989/12667
Num_3:4.......ministered/in the priest's office in the/sight 1486/12667 the priest's office Take/one 948/12667
Lev_7:35............LORD/in the priest's office Which/the 1150/12667 the principal and/shall 1119/12667
Isa_28:25...........cast/in the principal wheat/and 7305/12667
Isa_24:22.............up/in the prison and after/many 7251/12667
Mar_6:27.............him/in the prison And brought/his 10136/12667
1Ki_22:27.........fellow/in the prison and feed him with bread of affliction and with water of affliction until I come/in 3949/12667
2Ch_18:26.........fellow/in the prison and feed him with bread of affliction and with water of affliction until I return/in 4897/12667
Act_12:7..........shined/in the prison and he/smote 11003/12667
Mat_14:10...........John/in the prison And his/head 9934/12667
Gen_40:5...........bound/in the prison And Joseph/came 433/12667
Gen_39:22...........were/in the prison and whatsoever/they 428/12667
Gen_39:20..........there/in the prison But/the 426/12667
Neh_12:39..........still/in the prison gate/So 5444/12667
Jdg_16:21..........grind/in the prison house/Howbeit 2747/12667
Mat_11:2...........heard/in the prison the/works 9879/12667
Act_5:22.............not/in the prison they/returned 10893/12667
2Ch_9:29.............and/in the prophecy/of. 4804/12667
Act_24:14............and/in the prophets And have/hope 11129/12667
Luk_24:44............and/in the prophets and in/the 10599/12667
Joh_6:45.........written/in the prophets And they/shall 10664/12667
Mar_1:2..........written/in the prophets Behold I/send 10073/12667
Act_13:40.............of/in the prophets Behold ye/despisers 11019/12667
Jer_23:14...........also/in the prophets of Jerusalem/an 7863/12667
Jer_23:13..........folly/in the prophets of Samaria/they 7861/12667
Psa_35:27.......pleasure/in the prosperity/of 6054/12667
Neh_1:3............there/in the province are/in 5322/12667
Dan_3:30........Abednego/in the province of Babylon Nebuchadnezzar/the 9110/12667
Dan_3:1.............Dura/in the province of Babylon Then/Nebuchadnezzar 9101/12667 the province of Elam/and 9194/12667 the province of the/Medes 5274/12667 the provocation and/as 6420/12667 the provocation For/some 12222/12667 the provocation in/the 12215/12667
Luk_24:44............and/in the psalms/concerning 10600/12667
1Ch_23:28............and/in the purifying/of 4618/12667
Exo_39:3.............and/in the purple/and.. 1063/12667
Isa_19:10.........broken/in the purposes/thereof 7204/12667
Heb_6:7.........drinketh/in the rain/that.. 12239/12667
Dan_8:7............power/in the ram/to...... 9197/12667
2Co_3:14............away/in the reading/of. 11530/12667
Num_21:14............did/in the Red sea and in the brooks/of 1685/12667
Act_7:36.............and/in the Red sea and in the wilderness/forty 10930/12667
Jer_49:21..........heard/in the Red sea Behold/he 8222/12667 the Red sea for/his 6619/12667
Exo_15:4.........drowned/in the Red sea The/depths 770/12667 the regeneration/when 9968/12667
Mat_4:16.............sat/in the region/and.. 9797/12667
2Co_10:16.........gospel/in the regions beyond/you 11616/12667
2Co_11:10.......boasting/in the regions of/Achaia 11627/12667
Ezr_4:6..............And/in the reign of Ahasuerus/in 5249/12667
Ezr_7:1...........things/in the reign of Artaxerxes king/of 5283/12667
Ezr_8:1..........Babylon/in the reign of Artaxerxes the/king 5298/12667
Dan_6:28.............and/in the reign of Cyrus/the 9176/12667
Dan_6:28.......prospered/in the reign of Darius/and 9175/12667
Joe_2:32.............and/in the remnant/whom 9362/12667
1Sa_29:2..............on/in the rereward/with 3213/12667
Est_9:12............done/in the rest/of..... 5556/12667
Joh_11:24..........again/in the resurrection at/the 10722/12667
Mar_12:23...........also/In the resurrection therefore/when 10190/12667
Mat_22:30............For/in the resurrection they/neither 9996/12667
Luk_20:33......Therefore/in the resurrection whose wife of/them 10526/12667
Mat_22:28......Therefore/in the resurrection whose wife shall/she 9995/12667
Pro_15:6.............but/in the revenues/of. 6796/12667
Rev_5:1..............saw/in the right hand/of 12539/12667
1Ki_6:8..............was/in the right side/of 3611/12667 the right way/to. 247/12667 the rings/of..... 893/12667
Lev_13:10..........flesh/in the rising/It... 1200/12667
Exo_7:17.............are/in the river and/they 656/12667
Exo_7:21.............was/in the river died/and 664/12667
Exo_7:20............were/in the river in/the. 660/12667
Mar_1:5..............him/in the river of/Jordan 10076/12667
Exo_8:9...........remain/in the river only And he/said 665/12667
Exo_8:11..........remain/in the river only And Moses/and 666/12667 the river shall/die 657/12667
Exo_7:20............were/in the river were/turned 663/12667
Psa_89:25...........hand/in the rivers He/shall 6386/12667
Lev_11:10............and/in the rivers of/all 1173/12667
Lev_11:9.............and/in the rivers them/shall 1171/12667
Jer_48:28..........dwell/in the rock and be/like 8204/12667
Mat_27:60............out/in the rock and he/rolled 10068/12667
Job_19:24...........lead/in the rock for/ever 5677/12667
Jdg_21:13...........were/in the rock Rimmon and/to 2830/12667
Jdg_20:47..........abode/in the rock Rimmon four/months 2825/12667
Job_30:6.............and/in the rocks Among/the 5743/12667
Rev_6:15.............and/in the rocks of/the 12550/12667
Pro_30:26.........houses/in the rocks The/locusts 6917/12667
Gen_30:37............was/in the rods/And..... 306/12667 the roll/which.. 8028/12667
1Ki_2:35.............put/in the room of Abiathar/And 3546/12667
2Ch_6:10..............up/in the room of David my father and am/set 4747/12667
1Ki_8:20..............up/in the room of David my father and sit/on 3653/12667
2Ch_26:1............king/in the room of his father Amaziah/He 5008/12667
1Ki_5:1.............king/in the room of his father for/Hiram 3596/12667
Mat_2:22..........Judaea/in the room of his father Herod/he 9784/12667
2Sa_19:13....continually/in the room of Joab/And 3436/12667
2Ki_23:34...........king/in the room of Josiah/his 4391/12667
1Sa_27:5...........dwell/in the royal city/with 3201/12667
Est_5:1...........throne/in the royal house over/against 5517/12667
Est_1:9............women/in the royal house which/belonged 5476/12667
Lev_14:51............and/in the running/water 1303/12667 the sabbath day he/shall 977/12667
Eze_46:4............LORD/in the sabbath day shall/be 9028/12667
Eze_46:3............LORD/in the sabbaths and/in 9026/12667
Eze_45:17............and/in the sabbaths in all/solemnities 9016/12667
1Ch_23:31...........LORD/in the sabbaths in the/new 4620/12667
Gen_44:2.............cup/in the sack's/mouth. 510/12667
Eph_1:18.....inheritance/in the saints/And. 11763/12667
Gen_41:48.............up/in the same And/Joseph 469/12667
1Co_7:20...........abide/in the same calling/wherein 11381/12667
Act_8:9.......beforetime/in the same city/used 10945/12667 the same condemnation/And 10578/12667
Luk_2:8.............were/in the same country/shepherds 10282/12667
Dan_5:12...........found/in the same Daniel/whom 9150/12667
Zep_1:9..........apparel/In the same day also/will 9569/12667
Eze_23:38......sanctuary/in the same day and/have 8690/12667
Isa_7:20..........bushes/In the same day shall/the 7106/12667
Gen_15:18.........pieces/In the same day the/LORD 132/12667
Dan_5:5............stone/In the same hour came/forth 9141/12667 the same hour what/ye 10428/12667
Luk_10:7.............And/in the same house/remain 10393/12667
2Co_6:13......recompence/in the same I/speak 11574/12667
1Co_1:10.............and/in the same judgment/For 11334/12667
1Co_1:10........together/in the same mind/and 11333/12667
2Sa_2:23............died/in the same place and/it 3263/12667 the same place These/be 3492/12667
Joh_11:6...........still/in the same place where/he 10714/12667
Act_28:7.............god/In the same quarters/were 11156/12667
2Co_12:18............not/in the same spirit/walked 11669/12667
2Co_12:18............not/in the same steps/Again 11670/12667
Psa_68:23...........dogs/in the same They/have 6239/12667 the same with/thanksgiving 11996/12667
Gen_26:12.......received/in the same year/an. 266/12667
Psa_134:2..........hands/in the sanctuary and bless/the 6610/12667 the sanctuary and in/the 1500/12667
Num_4:12........minister/in the sanctuary and put/them 1497/12667
Psa_63:2............thee/in the sanctuary Because/thy 6207/12667
Eze_44:27.......minister/in the sanctuary he/shall 9003/12667 the Sanctuary O/LORD 784/12667
Lam_2:20...........slain/in the sanctuary of/the 8350/12667
Psa_68:24...........King/in the sanctuary The/singers 6240/12667
Psa_74:3........wickedly/in the sanctuary Thine/enemies 6277/12667 the sanctuary who/is 6294/12667
Deu_33:19............hid/in the sand And of/Gad 2299/12667
Exo_2:12.............him/in the sand And when/he 609/12667
Exo_39:3.............and/in the scarlet/and. 1064/12667
Act_19:9...........daily/in the school/of.. 11080/12667
1Pe_2:6........contained/in the scripture Behold/I 12334/12667
Dan_10:21..........noted/in the scripture of/truth 9229/12667
Act_18:24.........mighty/in the scriptures came/to 11075/12667 the scriptures The/stone 9989/12667
Isa_43:16............way/in the sea and a/path 7439/12667
Rev_5:13.............are/in the sea and all that/are 12545/12667
Zec_10:11..........waves/in the sea and all the/deeps 9688/12667
1Co_10:2.............and/in the sea And did/all 11407/12667
Rev_8:9.............were/in the sea and had/life 12558/12667
Psa_89:25...........also/in the sea and his/right 6385/12667
Luk_17:6.........planted/in the sea and it/should 10492/12667
Zec_9:4............power/in the sea and she/shall 9676/12667
Rev_16:3............died/in the sea And the third/angel 12615/12667
Mar_4:1..............sat/in the sea and the whole/multitude 10097/12667
Mar_5:13..........choked/in the sea And they/that 10112/12667 the sea and thy/path 6296/12667
Rev_18:19..........ships/in the sea by/reason 12630/12667
2Co_11:26.........perils/in the sea in perils/among 11644/12667 the sea In that/day 7283/12667
Mat_8:24.........tempest/in the sea insomuch/that 9849/12667
Jam_3:7...........things/in the sea is/tamed 12310/12667
Eze_26:18............are/in the sea shall/be 8723/12667
Eze_26:17.........strong/in the sea she/and. 8721/12667
Jon_1:4..........tempest/in the sea so/that. 9456/12667
Job_38:16.........walked/in the search/of... 5803/12667 the seas and all/deep 6615/12667
Lev_11:10.........scales/in the seas and in the rivers of/all 1172/12667
Lev_11:9..........waters/in the seas and in the rivers them/shall 1170/12667
Gen_1:22..........waters/in the seas and let/fowl 9/12667
Eze_32:2...........whale/in the seas and thou/camest 8840/12667 the season/thereof 9258/12667
2Sa_23:8.............sat/in the seat chief/among 3493/12667
Eze_28:2.............sit/in the seat of God/in 8764/12667
Psa_1:1..........sitteth/in the seat of the/scornful 5833/12667
Zec_6:2..............and/in the second chariot black/horses 9641/12667
2Ch_35:24............him/in the second chariot that/he 5200/12667
Gen_41:43...........ride/in the second chariot which/he 464/12667 the second day/of 4718/12667
2Ch_30:13..........bread/in the second month a/very 5080/12667
Ezr_3:8........Jerusalem/in the second month began/Zerubbabel 5244/12667
2Ch_30:2........passover/in the second month For/they 5077/12667
Gen_8:14.............And/in the second month on/the 72/12667 the second month the/seventeenth 54/12667
Act_13:33........written/in the second psalm/Thou 11017/12667
Num_2:16...........forth/in the second rank/Then 1477/12667
Luk_12:38...........come/in the second watch/or 10433/12667
Num_1:1............month/in the second year after/they 1470/12667
1Ki_15:25.........Israel/in the second year of Asa/king 3813/12667
Hag_2:10...........month/in the second year of Darius came the word of the LORD by/Haggai 9613/12667
Zec_1:7............Sebat/in the second year of Darius came the word of the LORD unto Zechariah the son of Berechiah the son of Iddo the prophet saying I/saw 9623/12667
Zec_1:1............month/in the second year of Darius came the word of the LORD unto Zechariah the son of Berechiah the son of Iddo the prophet saying The/LORD 9622/12667
Hag_1:15...........month/in the second year of Darius the king In the seventh/month 9605/12667
Hag_1:1.............LORD/In the second year of Darius the king in the sixth/month 9596/12667
2Ki_1:17...........stead/in the second year of Jehoram/the 3981/12667
2Ki_14:1..........Israel/In the second year of Joash/son 4162/12667
2Ki_15:32.........Israel/In the second year of Pekah/the 4224/12667
Dan_2:1..............And/in the second year of the/reign 9080/12667
Ezr_3:8..............Now/in the second year of their/coming 5243/12667
Exo_40:17..........month/in the second year on/the 1085/12667
Num_10:11..........month/in the second year that the/cloud 1556/12667
2Ki_19:29............and/in the second year that which/springeth 4296/12667 the secret chambers/believe 10020/12667
Psa_27:5........pavilion/in the secret of his/tabernacle 5996/12667
Psa_31:20...........them/in the secret of thy/presence 6020/12667
Psa_91:1........dwelleth/in the secret place of the/most 6401/12667
Psa_81:7............thee/in the secret place of thunder/I 6336/12667
Psa_10:8........villages/in the secret places doth/he 5898/12667
Son_2:14............rock/in the secret places of/the 7031/12667
Jos_5:11............corn/in the selfsame day And/the 2353/12667
Gen_17:23.......foreskin/in the selfsame day as/God 151/12667
Gen_7:13..........nights/In the selfsame day entered/Noah 55/12667
Eze_40:1.........smitten/in the selfsame day the/hand 8952/12667
Gen_17:26.......foreskin/In the selfsame day was/Abraham 154/12667
Mat_8:13..........healed/in the selfsame hour/And 9848/12667 the sepulchre of Abner/in 3290/12667
2Sa_17:23.........buried/in the sepulchre of his father Then/David 3416/12667
2Sa_2:32.............him/in the sepulchre of his father which/was 3266/12667
Jdg_8:32..........buried/in the sepulchre of Joash/his 2655/12667
2Sa_21:14..........Zelah/in the sepulchre of Kish/his 3476/12667
Act_7:16............laid/in the sepulchre that/Abraham 10916/12667 the sepulchre wherein/the 3767/12667
2Ch_21:20............not/in the sepulchres of the kings And the/inhabitants 4950/12667
2Ch_24:25............not/in the sepulchres of the kings And these/are 4990/12667
2Ch_31:21..........began/in the service of the house of God/and 5111/12667
1Ch_23:32.......brethren/in the service of the house of the/LORD 4622/12667
1Ch_26:30............and/in the service of the king/Among 4632/12667
Jer_52:31...........pass/in the seven and thirtieth year of the captivity of Jehoiachin king of Judah in the twelfth month in/the 8319/12667
2Ki_25:27...........pass/in the seven and thirtieth year of the captivity of Jehoiachin king of Judah in the twelfth month on/the 4425/12667
Eze_29:17...........pass/in the seven and twentieth/year 8789/12667
Gen_41:34..........Egypt/in the seven plenteous years And/let 456/12667
Gen_41:47............And/in the seven plenteous years the/earth 466/12667 the seven streams/and 7145/12667
2Ki_16:1...........stead/In the seventeenth/year 4232/12667
Lev_23:8............days/in the seventh day is/an 1388/12667
Eze_30:20..........month/in the seventh day of/the 8812/12667
Exo_13:6.............and/in the seventh day shall/be 749/12667
1Ki_20:29...........that/in the seventh day the battle/was 3913/12667
Lev_13:32............And/in the seventh day the priest shall look on the plague/and 1221/12667
Lev_13:34............And/in the seventh day the priest shall look on the scall/and 1224/12667
Exo_12:16............and/in the seventh day there/shall 722/12667
Exo_21:2.............and/in the seventh he/shall 845/12667
Exo_31:15............but/in the seventh is/the 976/12667
2Ch_5:3..............was/in the seventh month And all/the 4735/12667
2Ch_31:7............them/in the seventh month And when/Hezekiah 5099/12667
Eze_45:25..........ephah/In the seventh month in the fifteenth/day 9022/12667
Lev_23:24.........saying/In the seventh month in the first/day 1391/12667
Hag_2:1.............king/In the seventh month in the one/and 9606/12667
Jer_28:17...........year/in the seventh month Now/these 7915/12667
Num_29:1.............And/in the seventh month on the first/day 1761/12667
Gen_8:4...........rested/in the seventh month on the seventeenth/day 64/12667
Lev_16:29...........that/in the seventh month on the tenth/day 1337/12667
Jer_41:1............pass/in the seventh month that Ishmael the son of Nethaniah the son of Elishama of the seed royal and/the 8119/12667
2Ki_25:25...........pass/in the seventh month that Ishmael the son of Nethaniah the son of Elishama of the seed royal came/and 4424/12667 the seventh month Ye/shall 1402/12667
Eze_20:1............pass/in the seventh year in/the 8597/12667
2Ch_23:1.............And/in the seventh year Jehoiada/strengthened 4959/12667
Ezr_7:7........Jerusalem/in the seventh year of Artaxerxes/the 5285/12667
Est_2:16..........Tebeth/in the seventh year of his/reign 5493/12667
2Ki_12:1...........reign/In the seventh year of Jehu/Jehoash 4131/12667
Ezr_7:8..............was/in the seventh year of the/king 5287/12667
Lev_25:4.............But/in the seventh year shall/be 1419/12667
Deu_15:12...........then/in the seventh year thou/shalt 2049/12667
Jer_52:28........captive/in the seventh year three/thousand 8316/12667
Psa_107:10...........and/in the shadow of death being/bound 6491/12667
Luk_1:79.............and/in the shadow of death to/guide 10275/12667 the shadow of Egypt Therefore/shall 7317/12667 the shadow of Egypt your/confusion 7318/12667
Isa_49:2...........sword/in the shadow of his/hand 7482/12667
Isa_51:16...........thee/in the shadow of mine/hand 7508/12667
Eze_17:23...........wing/in the shadow of the/branches 8577/12667
Psa_57:1.............yea/in the shadow of thy wings will I make/my 6180/12667
Psa_63:7.......therefore/in the shadow of thy wings will I rejoice/My 6210/12667 the shadow till/he 9464/12667
1Co_10:25...........sold/in the shambles/that 11411/12667
2Sa_20:8...........loins/in the sheath/thereof 3452/12667
Mar_4:36.............was/in the ship And there/were 10107/12667
Act_27:39.........thrust/in the ship And when/they 11155/12667
Mat_14:33...........were/in the ship came/and 9938/12667
Jon_1:5.............were/in the ship into/the 9457/12667
Mar_1:19............were/in the ship mending/their 10082/12667
Act_27:37............all/in the ship two/hundred 11154/12667
Mar_1:20.........Zebedee/in the ship with the/hired 10083/12667
Mar_8:14............they/in the ship with them/more 10150/12667
Act_27:31..........abide/in the ship ye/cannot 11151/12667
1Ki_22:49.......servants/in the ships But/Jehoshaphat 3965/12667 the ships I/am.. 7438/12667
Son_6:13.............see/in the Shulamite/As 7041/12667
Mar_4:29.........putteth/in the sickle because/the 10104/12667 the sickle for/the 9365/12667 the side of the ark/of 2273/12667 the side of the ephod/inward 936/12667
Gen_6:16.............set/in the side thereof/with 48/12667
1Sa_24:3........remained/in the sides of the cave/And 3153/12667
Jer_48:28...........nest/in the sides of the hole's/mouth 8205/12667
Isa_14:13...congregation/in the sides of the north/I 7167/12667
Eze_32:23............set/in the sides of the pit/and 8847/12667
Deu_28:55............him/in the siege and in the straitness wherewith thine enemies shall distress thee in/all 2217/12667
Deu_28:53...........thee/in the siege and in the straitness wherewith thine enemies shall distress thee So/that 2215/12667
Jer_19:9..........friend/in the siege and straitness wherewith their/enemies 7823/12667
Deu_28:57.......secretly/in the siege and straitness wherewith thine/enemy 2220/12667 the siege both/against 9696/12667
2Ch_32:10..........abide/in the siege in/Jerusalem 5117/12667
Deu_20:19...........them/in the siege Only/the 2110/12667 the sight of Aaron/their 1487/12667
1Ch_29:25....exceedingly/in the sight of all Israel and bestowed/upon 4672/12667
2Sa_16:22.....concubines/in the sight of all Israel And the/counsel 3403/12667
Jos_4:14..........Joshua/in the sight of all Israel and they/feared 2339/12667
Deu_31:7.............him/in the sight of all Israel Be/strong 2257/12667
Deu_34:12.........shewed/in the sight of all Israel Now/after 2314/12667
Jos_3:7.............thee/in the sight of all Israel that/they 2328/12667
1Ch_28:8.......therefore/in the sight of all Israel the/congregation 4659/12667
Rom_12:17.........honest/in the sight of all men/If 11285/12667
2Ch_32:23......magnified/in the sight of all nations/from 5121/12667
Eze_5:14............thee/in the sight of all that pass/by 8424/12667
Eze_36:34.......desolate/in the sight of all that passed/by 8907/12667
Num_20:27............Hor/in the sight of all the congregation And/Moses 1676/12667
Num_25:6.............and/in the sight of all the congregation of/the 1721/12667
Num_33:3............hand/in the sight of all the Egyptians/For 1786/12667
Exo_40:38..........night/in the sight of all the house/of 1092/12667
1Sa_18:5........accepted/in the sight of all the people and/also 3056/12667 the sight of all the people for/he 5369/12667
Exo_19:11...........down/in the sight of all the people upon/mount 832/12667 the sight of all them that behold/thee 8775/12667
Est_2:15..........favour/in the sight of all them that looked/upon 5491/12667
Pro_1:17..........spread/in the sight of any/bird 6691/12667
Pro_3:4....understanding/in the sight of God and man/Trust 6703/12667
1Th_1:3...........Christ/in the sight of God and our/Father 12012/12667
2Co_4:2.......conscience/in the sight of God But/if 11534/12667 the sight of God it/is 11704/12667 the sight of God might/appear 11585/12667 the sight of God of/great 12342/12667
1Ti_2:3.......acceptable/in the sight of God our/Saviour 12084/12667
Act_8:21...........right/in the sight of God Repent/therefore 10948/12667
Act_10:31....remembrance/in the sight of God Send/therefore 10984/12667
2Co_2:17.............God/in the sight of God speak/we 11522/12667
Luk_16:15....abomination/in the sight of God The/law 10482/12667
Act_4:19...........right/in the sight of God to/hearken 10883/12667
1Ti_6:13..........charge/in the sight of God who/quickeneth 12124/12667
Jer_32:12.......Maaseiah/in the sight of Hanameel/mine 7969/12667
Hos_2:10........lewdness/in the sight of her/lovers 9259/12667
Exo_7:20.............and/in the sight of his/servants 662/12667
Jos_10:12...........said/in the sight of Israel/Sun 2400/12667
Eze_39:27...........them/in the sight of many nations/Then 8947/12667
Eze_16:41...........thee/in the sight of many women/and 8553/12667 the sight of men And deceiveth/them 12593/12667
2Co_8:21............also/in the sight of men And we/have 11600/12667
Num_25:6...........woman/in the sight of Moses/and 1720/12667
Gen_33:8...........grace/in the sight of my lord And Esau/said 332/12667
Gen_47:25..........grace/in the sight of my lord and we/will 555/12667
Gen_47:18...........left/in the sight of my lord but/our 553/12667
Gen_33:15..........grace/in the sight of my lord So/Esau 334/12667
Pro_4:3..........beloved/in the sight of my mother/He 6713/12667
Exo_7:20...........river/in the sight of Pharaoh and in/the 661/12667
Exo_9:8...........heaven/in the sight of Pharaoh And it/shall 679/12667
Act_7:10..........wisdom/in the sight of Pharaoh king/of 10914/12667
1Ki_11:19.........favour/in the sight of Pharaoh so/that 3716/12667
Exo_11:3...........Egypt/in the sight of Pharaoh's/servants 709/12667
1Sa_18:5............also/in the sight of Saul's/servants 3057/12667 the sight of the beast/saying 12594/12667
Exo_3:21..........favour/in the sight of the Egyptians and/it 618/12667
Exo_11:3..........favour/in the sight of the Egyptians Moreover/the 707/12667
Exo_12:36.........favour/in the sight of the Egyptians so/that 741/12667 the sight of the elders/of 808/12667
Eze_22:16........thyself/in the sight of the heathen and/thou 8664/12667
Psa_98:2..........shewed/in the sight of the heathen He/hath 6429/12667
Eze_20:22.......polluted/in the sight of the heathen in/whose 8620/12667
Lev_26:45..........Egypt/in the sight of the heathen that/I 1461/12667
Eze_28:25...........them/in the sight of the heathen then/shall 8781/12667
Gen_39:21.........favour/in the sight of the keeper/of 427/12667
Est_5:8...........favour/in the sight of the king/and 5521/12667 the sight of the kings/of 5309/12667
1Ki_16:30...........evil/in the sight of the LORD above/all 3863/12667
2Ki_18:3...........right/in the sight of the LORD according to all that David his father did/He 4270/12667
2Ch_29:2...........right/in the sight of the LORD according to all that David his father had/done 5057/12667
2Ch_26:4...........right/in the sight of the LORD according to all that his father Amaziah did/And 5010/12667
2Ki_15:3...........right/in the sight of the LORD according to all that his father Amaziah had/done 4188/12667
2Ki_24:9............evil/in the sight of the LORD according to all that his father had/done 4398/12667
2Ch_27:2...........right/in the sight of the LORD according to all that his father Uzziah/did 5031/12667
2Ki_23:32...........evil/in the sight of the LORD according to all that his fathers had done And/Pharaohnechoh 4387/12667
2Ki_23:37...........evil/in the sight of the LORD according to all that his fathers had done In/his 4393/12667
2Ki_24:19...........evil/in the sight of the LORD according to all that Jehoiakim/had 4404/12667
2Ki_21:2............evil/in the sight of the LORD after/the 4319/12667
2Ki_12:2...........right/in the sight of the LORD all his/days 4133/12667
2Ch_24:2...........right/in the sight of the LORD all the/days 4977/12667
2Ki_13:2............evil/in the sight of the LORD and followed/the 4148/12667
Jdg_3:7.............evil/in the sight of the LORD and forgat/the 2574/12667
Mal_2:17............good/in the sight of the LORD and he delighteth/in 9754/12667
Jdg_3:12............evil/in the sight of the LORD And he gathered/unto 2576/12667
Jam_4:10......yourselves/in the sight of the Lord and he shall/lift 12316/12667
1Ch_2:3.............evil/in the sight of the LORD and he slew/him 4439/12667
1Sa_15:19...........evil/in the sight of the LORD And Saul/said 3024/12667
Jdg_10:6...........again/in the sight of the LORD and served Baalim and Ashtaroth/and 2687/12667
Jdg_2:11............evil/in the sight of the LORD and served Baalim And they/forsook 2569/12667
Luk_1:15...........great/in the sight of the Lord and shall/drink 10251/12667
Jdg_6:1.............evil/in the sight of the LORD and the LORD delivered them into the hand of Midian/seven 2611/12667
Jdg_13:1...........again/in the sight of the LORD and the LORD delivered them into the hand of the/Philistines 2716/12667
Gen_38:7..........wicked/in the sight of the LORD and the LORD slew/him 393/12667
Jdg_3:12...........again/in the sight of the LORD and the LORD strengthened/Eglon 2575/12667
1Ki_14:22...........evil/in the sight of the LORD and they/provoked 3784/12667
2Ki_22:2...........right/in the sight of the LORD and walked in all/the 4346/12667
1Ki_15:26...........evil/in the sight of the LORD and walked in the way of his father and in his/sin 3814/12667
1Ki_22:52...........evil/in the sight of the LORD and walked in the way of his father and in the/way 3969/12667
1Ki_15:34...........evil/in the sight of the LORD and walked in the way of Jeroboam/and 3822/12667
2Ch_34:2...........right/in the sight of the LORD and walked in the ways/of 5159/12667
1Ki_11:6............evil/in the sight of the LORD and went/not 3709/12667
Lev_10:19.......accepted/in the sight of the LORD And when Moses/heard 1167/12667
2Ch_36:9............evil/in the sight of the LORD And when the/year 5219/12667
2Ch_33:22...........evil/in the sight of the LORD as did Manasseh/his 5155/12667
2Ki_8:27............evil/in the sight of the LORD as did the/house 4067/12667
2Ki_21:20...........evil/in the sight of the LORD as his father/Manasseh 4335/12667
2Ki_15:9............evil/in the sight of the LORD as his fathers/had 4195/12667
1Ki_21:20...........evil/in the sight of the LORD Behold/I 3931/12667
2Co_8:21............only/in the sight of the Lord but also/in 11599/12667
2Ki_17:2............evil/in the sight of the LORD but not as/the 4245/12667
2Ki_3:2.............evil/in the sight of the LORD but not like/his 3987/12667
2Ch_25:2...........right/in the sight of the LORD but not with/a 4994/12667
2Ki_15:18...........evil/in the sight of the LORD he departed not all/his 4205/12667
2Ki_13:11...........evil/in the sight of the LORD he departed not from all the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat who made Israel sin/but 4156/12667
2Ki_14:24...........evil/in the sight of the LORD he departed not from all the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat who made Israel to/sin 4183/12667
2Ki_15:24...........evil/in the sight of the LORD he departed not from the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat who made Israel to sin But/Pekah 4212/12667
2Ki_15:28...........evil/in the sight of the LORD he departed not from the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat who made Israel to sin In/the 4219/12667
2Ki_15:34..........right/in the sight of the LORD he did/according 4226/12667
2Ki_3:18...........thing/in the sight of the LORD he will/deliver 3988/12667
2Ch_36:5............evil/in the sight of the LORD his God Against/him 5212/12667
2Ch_36:12...........evil/in the sight of the LORD his God and/humbled 5221/12667
2Ki_16:2...........right/in the sight of the LORD his God like/David 4234/12667
2Ch_20:32..........right/in the sight of the LORD Howbeit/the 4929/12667
1Sa_12:17...........done/in the sight of the LORD in asking/you 2977/12667
1Ki_16:7.............did/in the sight of the LORD in provoking/him 3831/12667
1Ki_16:19...........evil/in the sight of the LORD in walking/in 3848/12667
Psa_116:15......Precious/in the sight of the LORD is/the 6531/12667
2Ch_28:1...........right/in the sight of the LORD like David/his 5039/12667
2Ch_22:4............evil/in the sight of the LORD like the/house 4954/12667
2Ch_33:2............evil/in the sight of the LORD like unto/the 5134/12667
2Ki_21:16...........evil/in the sight of the LORD Now/the 4329/12667
Deu_12:25..........right/in the sight of the LORD Only/thy 2029/12667
Deu_6:18............good/in the sight of the LORD that/it 1954/12667
Deu_17:2......wickedness/in the sight of the LORD thy God in/transgressing 2074/12667
Deu_4:25............evil/in the sight of the LORD thy God to/provoke 1916/12667
Deu_12:28..........right/in the sight of the LORD thy God When/the 2030/12667
2Ch_33:6............evil/in the sight of the LORD to provoke him to anger And he set a carved/image 5139/12667
2Ki_21:6......wickedness/in the sight of the LORD to provoke him to anger And he set a graven/image 4323/12667
Deu_9:18........wickedly/in the sight of the LORD to provoke him to anger For/I 1981/12667
2Ki_17:17...........evil/in the sight of the LORD to provoke him to anger Therefore/the 4257/12667
Deu_31:29...........evil/in the sight of the LORD to provoke him to anger through/the 2276/12667
Num_32:13...........evil/in the sight of the LORD was/consumed 1777/12667
Jdg_4:1.............evil/in the sight of the LORD when Ehud/was 2581/12667
Deu_21:9...........right/in the sight of the LORD When thou/goest 2117/12667
1Ki_21:25.....wickedness/in the sight of the LORD whom/Jezebel 3935/12667
2Ki_14:3...........right/in the sight of the LORD yet not/like 4164/12667
2Ki_8:18............evil/in the sight of the LORD Yet the/LORD 4059/12667
Jer_43:9.......Tahpanhes/in the sight of the men of/Judah 8141/12667
Jer_19:10.........bottle/in the sight of the men that/go 7824/12667
Eze_5:8.............thee/in the sight of the nations And/I 8417/12667
Deu_4:6....understanding/in the sight of the nations which/shall 1906/12667
Exo_11:3.............and/in the sight of the people And Moses/said 710/12667
Exo_4:30...........signs/in the sight of the people And the/people 633/12667
Psa_78:12.............he/in the sight of their fathers/in 6304/12667 the sight of their people/he 1366/12667
Ecc_11:9.............and/in the sight of thine/eyes 7019/12667
Neh_1:11...........mercy/in the sight of this man/For 5324/12667
2Sa_12:11..........wives/in the sight of this sun/For 3356/12667
Gen_32:32..........thigh/in the sinew/that... 331/12667
1Ki_16:31...........walk/in the sins/of..... 3864/12667
2Ch_16:1.............Asa/In the six and/thirtieth 4858/12667 the six branches/that 900/12667
Gen_8:13............pass/in the six hundredth and/first 70/12667 the six hundredth year/of 53/12667
2Ch_29:17............and/in the sixteenth/day 5067/12667
Eze_8:1.............year/in the sixth month in the fifth/day 8445/12667
Hag_1:1.............king/in the sixth month in the first/day 9597/12667
Luk_1:26.............And/in the sixth month the/angel 10259/12667 the sixth year and/it 1429/12667
Eze_8:1.............pass/in the sixth year in/the 8444/12667
2Ki_18:10...........even/in the sixth year of Hezekiah/that 4274/12667
Ezr_6:15.............was/in the sixth year of the/reign 5278/12667
Lev_13:35...........much/in the skin after his/cleansing 1227/12667
Lev_13:7..........abroad/in the skin after that/he 1196/12667
Lev_13:10..........white/in the skin and it/have 1199/12667
Lev_13:12.........abroad/in the skin and the/leprosy 1202/12667
Lev_13:28............not/in the skin but/it. 1216/12667
Lev_13:49.............or/in the skin either/in 1246/12667
Lev_13:39........groweth/in the skin he/is.. 1232/12667
Lev_13:34.........spread/in the skin nor/be. 1225/12667
Lev_13:2............have/in the skin of his flesh a/rising 1186/12667
Lev_13:4...........white/in the skin of his flesh and in/sight 1191/12667
Lev_13:11........leprosy/in the skin of his flesh and the/priest 1201/12667 the skin of his flesh like/the 1187/12667
Lev_13:3..........plague/in the skin of the flesh and/when 1188/12667
Lev_13:43......appeareth/in the skin of the flesh He/is 1237/12667
Lev_13:39..........spots/in the skin of their flesh be/darkish 1231/12667
Lev_13:38...........have/in the skin of their flesh bright/spots 1230/12667
Lev_13:36.........spread/in the skin the priest shall not/seek 1228/12667
Lev_13:6.............not/in the skin the priest shall pronounce/him 1195/12667
Lev_13:8.......spreadeth/in the skin then the priest shall pronounce him unclean it is a leprosy/When 1197/12667
Lev_13:22.........abroad/in the skin then the priest shall pronounce him unclean it is a plague/But 1208/12667
Lev_13:27.........abroad/in the skin then the priest shall pronounce him unclean it is the/plague 1214/12667
Lev_13:5.............not/in the skin then the priest shall shut/him 1194/12667
Lev_13:18...........even/in the skin thereof/was 1205/12667
Lev_13:24..........flesh/in the skin whereof/there 1210/12667
Hag_2:12...........flesh/in the skirt/of.... 9614/12667
Eze_21:22..........mouth/in the slaughter/to 8637/12667
Nah_2:13........chariots/in the smoke and/the 9540/12667
Psa_119:83........bottle/in the smoke yet/do 6575/12667
Jer_48:44..........taken/in the snare for I/will 8211/12667
Isa_24:18..........taken/in the snare for the/windows 7248/12667
Ecc_9:12..........caught/in the snare so/are 7000/12667 the solemn day/and 9297/12667
Eze_46:9............LORD/in the solemn feasts/he 9031/12667
Eze_46:11............and/in the solemnities/the 9038/12667
Deu_31:10..........years/in the solemnity/of 2258/12667
1Jn_2:24........continue/in the Son and/in. 12426/12667
Joh_14:13......glorified/in the Son If/ye.. 10751/12667
2Sa_20:1.....inheritance/in the son of Jesse every man to his/tents 3447/12667
2Ch_10:16....inheritance/in the son of Jesse every man to your/tents 4811/12667
1Ki_12:16....inheritance/in the son of Jesse to/your 3738/12667
Psa_146:3............nor/in the son of man/in 6666/12667
1Ch_25:7......instructed/in the songs/of.... 4628/12667
1Co_14:7.....distinction/in the sounds/how. 11441/12667
Deu_1:7..............and/in the south and by/the 1858/12667
Jdg_1:9..............and/in the south and in/the 2553/12667
Gen_24:62..........dwelt/in the south country And/Isaac 249/12667
Jos_12:8.............and/in the south country the/Hittites 2432/12667
Num_21:1...........dwelt/in the south heard/tell 1678/12667
Num_33:40..........dwelt/in the south in/the 1813/12667
Jdg_1:16...........lieth/in the south of/Arad 2557/12667
Isa_21:1......whirlwinds/in the south pass/through 7221/12667
Psa_126:4........streams/in the south They/that 6592/12667
Psa_78:26........brought/in the south wind/He 6315/12667
Isa_50:11............and/in the sparks/that. 7500/12667
Neh_13:24...........half/in the speech of Ashdod/and 5463/12667
Act_14:11.........saying/in the speech of Lycaonia/The 11026/12667
Pro_15:4..........breach/in the spirit A/fool 6794/12667
Rev_4:2..............was/in the spirit and behold/a 12534/12667
Mic_2:11.........walking/in the spirit and falsehood/do 9476/12667
Rom_2:29...........heart/in the spirit and not/in 11185/12667
Luk_1:17.............him/in the spirit and power/of 10252/12667
Php_3:3..............God/in the spirit and rejoice/in 11898/12667
Act_18:5.........pressed/in the spirit and testified/to 11069/12667
Joh_11:33........groaned/in the spirit and was/troubled 10727/12667
Eph_6:18....supplication/in the Spirit and watching/thereunto 11843/12667
Gal_5:16............Walk/in the Spirit and ye/shall 11725/12667
Gal_3:3............begun/in the Spirit are/ye 11698/12667
1Pe_4:6..............God/in the spirit But/the 12357/12667 the Spirit For/this 11931/12667
Act_18:25........fervent/in the spirit he spake/and 11077/12667
1Co_14:2.........howbeit/in the spirit he speaketh/mysteries 11439/12667
Rom_8:9..............but/in the Spirit if/so 11240/12667
Rev_17:3............away/in the spirit into/the 12618/12667 the spirit joying/and 11957/12667 the Spirit let us also/walk 11727/12667
Gal_5:25............walk/in the Spirit Let us not/be 11728/12667 the spirit of meekness considering/thyself 11730/12667
1Co_4:21.............and/in the spirit of meekness It/is 11367/12667
Eze_37:1.............out/in the spirit of the/LORD 8909/12667
Eph_4:23.........renewed/in the spirit of your/mind 11822/12667
Rev_1:10.............was/in the Spirit on/the 12506/12667
1Ti_3:16.......justified/in the Spirit seen/of 12102/12667
Rev_21:10...........away/in the spirit to/a 12655/12667
Act_20:22..........bound/in the spirit unto/Jerusalem 11099/12667
Act_19:21.......purposed/in the spirit when/he 11083/12667
Jos_12:8.............and/in the springs/and. 2430/12667
Isa_36:6........trustest/in the staff/of.... 7370/12667
Hab_3:17............herd/in the stalls/Yet.. 9564/12667
Luk_21:25............and/in the stars/and.. 10550/12667
1Ki_3:3..........walking/in the statutes of David/his 3552/12667
2Ki_17:19.........walked/in the statutes of Israel/which 4258/12667
Eze_33:15...........walk/in the statutes of life/without 8866/12667
2Ki_17:8..........walked/in the statutes of the/heathen 4252/12667
Eze_20:18............not/in the statutes of your/fathers 8615/12667
Num_4:8..............put/in the staves thereof And they/shall 1496/12667
Num_4:6..............put/in the staves thereof And upon/the 1495/12667
Gen_22:13.......offering/in the stead of his/son 216/12667
Jer_29:26.........priest/in the stead of Jehoiada/the 7929/12667
Rom_4:12............walk/in the steps/of... 11198/12667 the stocks And at/midnight 11048/12667
Job_13:27...........also/in the stocks and lookest/narrowly 5641/12667
Job_33:11...........feet/in the stocks he/marketh 5768/12667
Jer_29:26............and/in the stocks Now/therefore 7932/12667
Jer_20:2.............him/in the stocks that/were 7828/12667
Rev_2:17.............and/in the stone/a.... 12520/12667
Deu_23:1.........wounded/in the stones/or... 2137/12667
Nah_1:3..............and/in the storm/and... 9527/12667
2Ch_24:27........written/in the story of the book/of 4991/12667
2Ch_13:22........written/in the story of the prophet/Iddo 4839/12667
Deu_28:55............and/in the straitness wherewith thine enemies shall distress thee in/all 2218/12667
Deu_28:53............and/in the straitness wherewith thine enemies shall distress thee So/that 2216/12667
Isa_42:2...........heard/in the street A/bruised 7427/12667
Gen_19:2...........abide/in the street all/night 167/12667
Isa_59:14.........fallen/in the street and/equity 7547/12667
Job_31:32..........lodge/in the street but/I 5757/12667 the street He/shall 5670/12667 the street of the city/and 2794/12667
Neh_8:16.............and/in the street of the gate of Ephraim/And 5381/12667
2Ch_32:6.............him/in the street of the gate of the/city 5116/12667
Rev_11:8.............lie/in the street of the great/city 12576/12667
Ezr_10:9.............sat/in the street of the house/of 5315/12667
Neh_8:16.............and/in the street of the water/gate 5380/12667
Jdg_19:20............not/in the street So/he 2795/12667 the street The/young 5733/12667
Mat_12:19..........voice/in the streets A/bruised 9897/12667 the streets all/joy 7243/12667
Jer_50:30...........fall/in the streets and all/her 8247/12667
Mar_6:56............sick/in the streets and besought/him 10144/12667 the streets and in/the 7032/12667 the streets and lieth/in 6735/12667
Eze_7:19..........silver/in the streets and their/gold 8441/12667 the streets As/the 6883/12667
Pro_5:16..........waters/in the streets Let/them 6721/12667
Lam_2:21..........ground/in the streets my/virgins 8351/12667
2Sa_1:20.............not/in the streets of Askelon/lest 3252/12667
Zec_8:4............dwell/in the streets of Jerusalem and every/man 9657/12667
Jer_44:6.............and/in the streets of Jerusalem and they/are 8149/12667
Jer_14:16............out/in the streets of Jerusalem because/of 7773/12667
Jer_44:17............and/in the streets of Jerusalem for/then 8162/12667
Jer_11:6.............and/in the streets of Jerusalem saying/Hear 7742/12667
Jer_33:10............and/in the streets of Jerusalem that/are 7999/12667
Jer_7:17.............and/in the streets of Jerusalem The/children 7695/12667
Jer_44:9.............and/in the streets of Jerusalem They/are 8153/12667
Jer_44:21............and/in the streets of Jerusalem ye/and 8164/12667
Lam_2:11...........swoon/in the streets of the city They/say 8344/12667
Lam_2:12.........wounded/in the streets of the city when/their 8345/12667
Pro_1:20...........voice/in the streets She/crieth 6692/12667
Mat_6:2..............and/in the streets that/they 9819/12667
Pro_22:13..........slain/in the streets The/mouth 6844/12667
Lam_4:8............known/in the streets their/skin 8375/12667
Jer_48:38............and/in the streets thereof for/I 8208/12667
Zec_8:5..........playing/in the streets thereof Thus/saith 9659/12667 the streets they have/polluted 8379/12667
Nah_2:4.............rage/in the streets they shall/justle 9535/12667
Lam_4:5.........desolate/in the streets they that/were 8371/12667
Psa_18:42...........dirt/in the streets Thou/hast 5944/12667
Ecc_12:4............shut/in the streets when/the 7023/12667
Isa_30:2......themselves/in the strength of Pharaoh/and 7316/12667
1Ki_19:8............went/in the strength of that/meat 3894/12667
Psa_147:10...........not/in the strength of the horse/he 6671/12667
Psa_71:16.............go/in the strength of the Lord GOD/I 6258/12667
Mic_5:4.............feed/in the strength of the LORD in/the 9495/12667
Num_27:14............Zin/in the strife/of... 1743/12667
2Ki_23:11............was/in the suburbs/and. 4367/12667
Pro_6:8.............meat/in the summer and/gathereth 6723/12667
Pro_30:25...........meat/in the summer The/conies 6916/12667
Rev_19:17.......standing/in the sun and he/cried 12644/12667
Luk_21:25..........signs/in the sun and in/the 10548/12667
Isa_38:8............down/in the sun dial/of. 7393/12667
Isa_22:25.......fastened/in the sure/place.. 7238/12667
Gen_3:19...........field/In the sweat/of...... 28/12667 the swelling/of. 7752/12667
Joh_18:20.........taught/in the synagogue and in/the 10802/12667
Mar_6:2............teach/in the synagogue and many/hearing 10125/12667
Joh_6:59..............he/in the synagogue as/he 10669/12667
Act_18:4........reasoned/in the synagogue every/sabbath 11068/12667
Luk_4:33.............And/in the synagogue there/was 10334/12667
Luk_4:20............were/in the synagogue were/fastened 10324/12667
Luk_4:28............they/in the synagogue when/they 10333/12667
Act_18:26.........boldly/in the synagogue whom/when 11078/12667
Act_17:17.............he/in the synagogue with/the 11057/12667
Mat_23:6...........seats/in the synagogues And greetings in the markets and/to 10002/12667
Luk_11:43..........seats/in the synagogues and greetings in the markets Woe/unto 10419/12667
Mat_6:5.........standing/in the synagogues and in the corners/of 9822/12667 the synagogues and in the streets/that 9818/12667
Luk_20:46..........seats/in the synagogues and the chief/rooms 10533/12667
Mar_12:39..........seats/in the synagogues and the uppermost/rooms 10199/12667 the synagogues every/sabbath 11036/12667
Act_24:12........neither/in the synagogues nor/in 11126/12667
Luk_4:44........preached/in the synagogues of Galilee/And 10336/12667
Act_13:5.............God/in the synagogues of the/Jews 11007/12667
Act_9:20..........Christ/in the synagogues that/he 10960/12667
Mar_13:9.............and/in the synagogues ye/shall 10207/12667
Isa_36:11.......servants/in the Syrian language for we understand it and speak/not 7373/12667
2Ki_18:26.......servants/in the Syrian language for we understand it and talk/not 4285/12667
Ezr_4:7..........written/in the Syrian tongue and/interpreted 5252/12667
Ezr_4:7......interpreted/in the Syrian tongue Rehum/the 5253/12667
1Ki_8:4.............were/in the tabernacle even/those 3643/12667
Deu_31:15.......appeared/in the tabernacle in/a 2265/12667
Isa_16:5...........truth/in the tabernacle of David/judging 7184/12667
Num_4:4...........Kohath/in the tabernacle of the congregation about/the 1494/12667 the tabernacle of the congregation and shall pour all/the 1103/12667 the tabernacle of the congregation and shall pour out/all 1105/12667
Deu_31:14.....themselves/in the tabernacle of the congregation And the/LORD 2264/12667
Num_4:28.........Gershon/in the tabernacle of the congregation and their/charge 1509/12667 the tabernacle of the congregation And those/that 1512/12667
Num_8:19..........Israel/in the tabernacle of the congregation and to make/an 1531/12667
Num_4:15..........Kohath/in the tabernacle of the congregation And to the/office 1499/12667
Num_18:31........service/in the tabernacle of the congregation And ye/shall 1655/12667
Num_8:22.........service/in the tabernacle of the congregation before Aaron/and 1533/12667
Num_14:10.......appeared/in the tabernacle of the congregation before all/the 1602/12667
Num_17:4..............up/in the tabernacle of the congregation before the/testimony 1644/12667 the tabernacle of the congregation Even those that were numbered of them after/their 1516/12667 the tabernacle of the congregation Even those that were numbered of them throughout/their 1514/12667
Num_4:47..........burden/in the tabernacle of the congregation Even those that were numbered of them were/eight 1517/12667
Num_1:1............Sinai/in the tabernacle of the congregation on/the 1469/12667
Lev_24:3.......testimony/in the tabernacle of the congregation shall Aaron/order 1406/12667
Num_3:25.........Gershon/in the tabernacle of the congregation shall be/the 1491/12667
Deu_31:14.....yourselves/in the tabernacle of the congregation that/I 2263/12667
Num_4:31.........service/in the tabernacle of the congregation the/boards 1510/12667 the tabernacle of the congregation This is/the 1505/12667 the tabernacle of the congregation This shall/be 1493/12667
Num_8:26........brethren/in the tabernacle of the congregation to/keep 1535/12667
Num_4:33.........service/in the tabernacle of the congregation under/the 1511/12667 the tabernacle of the congregation when/he 1326/12667
Exo_30:36......testimony/in the tabernacle of the congregation where/I 963/12667
Num_4:37.........service/in the tabernacle of the congregation which/Moses 1513/12667
Num_4:41.........service/in the tabernacle of the congregation whom/Moses 1515/12667
Exo_27:21.........always/In the tabernacle of the congregation without/the 924/12667
Lam_2:4..............eye/in the tabernacle of the daughter/of 8338/12667
Num_17:7............LORD/in the tabernacle of witness/And 1645/12667
2Ch_5:5.............were/in the tabernacle these/did 4736/12667
Psa_78:51.......strength/in the tabernacles of Ham/But 6326/12667 the tabernacles of the/righteous 6544/12667
Exo_40:4...........bring/in the table/and... 1078/12667
Luk_21:37.......teaching/in the temple and at/night 10553/12667
Act_2:46..........accord/in the temple and breaking/bread 10868/12667
Mat_27:5..........silver/in the temple and departed/and 10058/12667
Mat_21:14............him/in the temple and he/healed 9979/12667
Act_5:42...........daily/in the temple and in/every 10901/12667
Joh_8:20..........taught/in the temple and no/man 10691/12667
Mat_21:12.........bought/in the temple and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers and the seats of them that sold doves And said/unto 9978/12667
Mar_11:15.........bought/in the temple and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers and the seats of them that sold doves And would/not 10179/12667
Luk_20:1..........people/in the temple and preached/the 10524/12667
Joh_5:14.............him/in the temple and said/unto 10648/12667
Mat_21:15.........crying/in the temple and saying/Hosanna 9980/12667
Act_5:25........standing/in the temple and teaching/the 10895/12667 the temple and went/about 11145/12667
Luk_1:21............long/in the temple And when/he 10256/12667
Mat_26:55.......teaching/in the temple and ye/laid 10051/12667
Joh_7:28...........Jesus/in the temple as/he 10679/12667
Luk_19:47..........daily/in the temple But/the 10523/12667 the temple disputing/with 11125/12667
2Ch_4:7.............them/in the temple five on the right hand/and 4728/12667
2Ch_4:8.............them/in the temple five on the right side/and 4729/12667 the temple for he/beckoned 10257/12667
Luk_21:38............him/in the temple for to/hear 10556/12667
Mar_12:35.........taught/in the temple How/say 10195/12667
Act_22:17.........prayed/in the temple I/was 11112/12667
Joh_10:23.........walked/in the temple in/Solomon's 10708/12667
Act_24:18.......purified/in the temple neither/with 11130/12667
1Ch_10:10...........head/in the temple of Dagon/And 4518/12667
2Th_2:4..........sitteth/in the temple of God/shewing 12068/12667
Rev_3:12..........pillar/in the temple of my/God 12528/12667
2Ki_11:10...........were/in the temple of the LORD And the/guard 4126/12667 the temple of the LORD And they/that 9645/12667 the temple of the LORD and ye/shall 9646/12667
2Ki_24:13...........made/in the temple of the LORD as/the 4401/12667
2Ch_29:16..........found/in the temple of the LORD into/the 5065/12667
Hag_2:15...........stone/in the temple of the LORD Since/those 9615/12667
1Sa_3:3..............out/in the temple of the LORD where/the 2922/12667
Luk_24:53....continually/in the temple praising/and 10603/12667
Mat_12:5.........priests/in the temple profane/the 9894/12667
Luk_2:46.............him/in the temple sitting/in 10303/12667
Act_21:27............him/in the temple stirred/up 11103/12667 the temple teaching/and 10228/12667 the temple that/Solomon 4472/12667
Mar_11:27........walking/in the temple there/come 10185/12667
Joh_2:14...........found/in the temple those/that 10616/12667
Act_5:20...........speak/in the temple to/the 10891/12667
Joh_11:56..........stood/in the temple What/think 10730/12667
Joh_18:20............and/in the temple whither/the 10803/12667 the temple ye/stretched 10566/12667
Dan_4:15...........brass/in the tender grass of the field and let it be wet with the dew of heaven and let his portion be with the beasts in/the 9125/12667
Dan_4:23...........brass/in the tender grass of the field and let it be wet with the dew of heaven and let his portion be with the beasts of/the 9131/12667
Gen_18:9..........Behold/in the tent And/he.. 160/12667
Gen_18:1.............sat/in the tent door in/the 157/12667 the tent door which/was 161/12667
Jdg_5:24...........women/in the tent He/asked 2607/12667
Exo_40:26..........altar/in the tent of the congregation before/the 1090/12667
Exo_40:24....candlestick/in the tent of the congregation over/against 1089/12667
Exo_40:22..........table/in the tent of the congregation upon/the 1087/12667 the tent shall/be 1662/12667
Eze_40:1............year/in the tenth day of the month in/the 8950/12667
2Ki_25:1...........month/in the tenth day of the month that Nebuchadnezzar/king 4408/12667
Jer_52:4...........month/in the tenth day of the month that Nebuchadrezzar/king 8295/12667
Eze_24:1...........month/in the tenth day of the month the/word 8699/12667
Jer_52:12..........month/in the tenth day of the month which/was 8305/12667
Exo_12:3..........saying/In the tenth day of this/month 715/12667
Jer_39:1...........Judah/in the tenth month came/Nebuchadrezzar 8092/12667
Eze_33:21......captivity/in the tenth month in the fifth/day 8868/12667
2Ki_25:1...........reign/in the tenth month in the tenth day of the month that Nebuchadnezzar/king 4407/12667
Jer_52:4...........reign/in the tenth month in the tenth day of the month that Nebuchadrezzar/king 8294/12667
Eze_24:1............year/in the tenth month in the tenth day of the month the/word 8698/12667
Eze_29:1............year/in the tenth month in the twelfth/day 8784/12667
Gen_8:5............month/in the tenth month on/the 65/12667
Est_2:16...........royal/in the tenth month which/is 5492/12667
Eze_29:1.............God/In the tenth year in/the 8783/12667
Jer_32:1............LORD/in the tenth year of/Zedekiah 7960/12667
Num_9:23..........rested/in the tents and/at 1551/12667
Psa_120:5..........dwell/in the tents of Kedar/My 6586/12667
Gen_9:27...........dwell/in the tents of Shem/and 80/12667
Psa_84:10..........dwell/in the tents of wickedness/For 6350/12667
Job_24:17............are/in the terrors/of.. 5717/12667
2Ch_6:1............dwell/in the thick darkness But/I 4741/12667
1Ki_8:12...........dwell/in the thick darkness I/have 3647/12667 the thickets/of. 7129/12667
Eze_42:10...........were/in the thickness/of 8970/12667
1Ch_2:7.....transgressed/in the thing accursed/And 4442/12667
Exo_18:11............for/in the thing wherein/they 820/12667
Isa_55:11........prosper/in the thing whereto/I 7521/12667
1Ki_7:51.........brought/in the things which David/his 3640/12667
1Ki_15:15........brought/in the things which his/father 3804/12667
2Ti_3:14............thou/in the things which thou/hast 12156/12667
Zec_6:3..............And/in the third chariot/white 9642/12667 the third day/he 9283/12667
2Ch_15:10......Jerusalem/in the third month in the fifteenth/year 4855/12667
Eze_31:1............year/in the third month in the first/day 8815/12667
Est_8:9.............time/in the third month that/is 5540/12667
2Ch_31:7...........heaps/In the third month they/began 5098/12667 the third month when/the 829/12667
Num_2:24.........forward/in the third rank/The 1480/12667
Luk_12:38...........come/in the third watch/and 10434/12667
1Ki_15:33...........days/In the third year of Asa king of Judah began/Baasha 3820/12667
1Ki_15:28...........Even/in the third year of Asa king of Judah did/Baasha 3817/12667
Dan_10:1........desolate/In the third year of Cyrus/king 9217/12667
Est_1:3...........palace/In the third year of his reign he made/a 5471/12667
2Ch_17:7............Also/in the third year of his reign he sent/to 4880/12667
2Ki_18:1............pass/in the third year of Hoshea/son 4268/12667
Dan_1:1............there/In the third year of the reign of Jehoiakim/king 9065/12667
Dan_8:1............heart/In the third year of the reign of king/Belshazzar 9191/12667
1Ki_18:1..........Elijah/in the third year saying/Go 3880/12667
Isa_37:30............and/in the third year sow ye and reap and plant vineyards and eat the fruit/thereof 7384/12667
2Ki_19:29............and/in the third year sow ye and reap and plant vineyards and eat the fruits/thereof 4297/12667
1Ki_22:2............pass/in the third year that/Jehoshaphat 3940/12667
Jer_1:2............Judah/in the thirteenth year of/his 7613/12667
Gen_14:4.............and/in the thirteenth year they/rebelled 113/12667
Eze_1:1.............pass/in the thirtieth/year 8387/12667
1Ki_16:29............And/in the thirty and eighth year of Asa/king 3861/12667
2Ki_15:8...........stead/In the thirty and eighth year of Azariah/king 4193/12667
1Ki_16:23........reigned/In the thirty and first/year 3853/12667
2Ch_16:12............Asa/in the thirty and ninth/year 4864/12667
2Ki_13:10..........stead/In the thirty and seventh/year 4154/12667
Job_12:5........despised/in the thought/of.. 5632/12667
2Ki_13:1...........stead/In the three and twentieth year of Joash/the 4146/12667
2Ki_12:6............that/in the three and twentieth year of king/Jehoash 4135/12667
Jer_52:30........persons/In the three and twentieth year of Nebuchadrezzar/Nebuzaradan 8318/12667
Num_10:33...........them/in the three days'/journey 1561/12667
2Sa_24:18...........LORD/in the threshingfloor of Araunah/the 3513/12667
1Ch_21:18...........LORD/in the threshingfloor of Ornan the Jebusite And David/went 4597/12667
2Ch_3:1.........prepared/in the threshingfloor of Ornan the Jebusite And he/began 4717/12667
1Ch_21:28............him/in the threshingfloor of Ornan the Jebusite then/he 4600/12667
Rut_3:2............night/in the threshingfloor Wash/thyself 2874/12667 the thresholds/for 9580/12667
Psa_9:4...........satest/in the throne judging/right 5878/12667
Mat_19:28............sit/in the throne of his/glory 9969/12667
Pro_20:8.........sitteth/in the throne of judgment/scattereth 6829/12667
Gen_41:40...........only/in the throne will/I 462/12667 the tillage/of.. 6778/12667
Exo_23:15...........thee/in the time appointed of/the 869/12667
Psa_81:3............moon/in the time appointed on/our 6333/12667
Jer_15:11............and/in the time of affliction/Shall 7777/12667
Luk_4:27..........Israel/in the time of Eliseus/the 10332/12667
Jer_15:11...........well/in the time of evil/and 7776/12667
Jer_50:16.........sickle/in the time of harvest for/fear 8241/12667
Mat_13:30............and/in the time of harvest I/will 9916/12667
Pro_25:13...........snow/in the time of harvest so/is 6869/12667
Gen_38:27...........pass/in the time of her/travail 410/12667
2Ch_28:22............And/in the time of his distress/did 5048/12667
1Ki_15:23...Nevertheless/in the time of his old/age 3809/12667 the time of old/age 6257/12667
Zec_10:1............rain/in the time of the latter/rain 9680/12667
Exo_34:18...........thee/in the time of the month/Abib 1011/12667
Eze_35:5...........sword/in the time of their calamity/in 8888/12667
Jer_11:12............all/in the time of their trouble For/according 7745/12667
Jer_2:27.............but/in the time of their trouble they/will 7629/12667
Neh_9:27.............and/in the time of their trouble when/they 5400/12667
Jer_8:12............fall/in the time of their visitation they shall be/cast 7710/12667
Jer_10:15.........errors/in the time of their visitation they shall perish The portion of Jacob is not like them for he is the former of all things and Israel is the rod of his inheritance The LORD of hosts is his name Gather/up 7736/12667
Jer_51:18.........errors/in the time of their visitation they shall perish The portion of Jacob is not like them for he is the former of all things and Israel is the rod of his inheritance the LORD of hosts is his name Thou/art 8265/12667
Psa_21:9............oven/in the time of thine anger the/LORD 5957/12667
Jer_18:23...........them/in the time of thine anger Thus/saith 7820/12667
Jer_2:28............thee/in the time of thy/trouble 7630/12667
Psa_37:39.......strength/in the time of trouble And/the 6074/12667
Isa_33:2............also/in the time of trouble At/the 7355/12667
Psa_27:5.............For/in the time of trouble he/shall 5994/12667
Jdg_15:1...........after/in the time of wheat/harvest 2726/12667 the time of your/tribulation 2690/12667
Zep_3:20............even/in the time that I/gather 9595/12667
Psa_4:7.............than/in the time that their corn/and 5850/12667
Eze_35:5........calamity/in the time that their iniquity/had 8889/12667
Jer_11:14...........them/in the time that they/cry 7746/12667
Hos_2:9.............corn/in the time thereof/and 9257/12667
Eze_27:34....merchandise/In the time when/thou 8760/12667
Psa_44:1............days/in the times/of.... 6106/12667
2Ch_31:6.........brought/in the tithe/of.... 5097/12667
Job_21:32.........remain/in the tomb/The.... 5700/12667
Mar_5:5..............and/in the tombs crying/and 10111/12667
Luk_8:27.............but/in the tombs When/he 10377/12667
Amo_9:3.......themselves/in the top of Carmel/I 9432/12667
Lam_2:19..........hunger/in the top of every street Behold/O 8349/12667
Lam_4:1..............out/in the top of every street The/precious 8369/12667
Pro_8:2.........standeth/in the top of high/places 6738/12667
Exo_28:32...........hole/in the top of it/in. 941/12667
Jdg_9:7............stood/in the top of mount/Gerizim 2660/12667
1Ki_7:35.............And/in the top of the base/was 3637/12667
Num_20:28..........there/in the top of the mount and Moses/and 1677/12667 the top of the mount And no/man 1002/12667
Mic_4:1......established/in the top of the mountains and it/shall 9481/12667
Isa_2:2......established/in the top of the mountains and shall/be 7056/12667
Jdg_9:25.............him/in the top of the mountains and they/robbed 2668/12667
Jdg_15:8...........dwelt/in the top of the rock/Etam 2731/12667
Isa_17:6.........berries/in the top of the uppermost/bough 7190/12667
2Sa_5:24...........going/in the tops of the mulberry trees that then thou shalt bestir/thyself 3303/12667
1Ch_14:15..........going/in the tops of the mulberry trees that then thou shalt go/out 4550/12667
Mar_8:26.............any/in the town/And... 10151/12667
1Ti_2:14.............was/in the transgression Notwithstanding/she 12092/12667
Pro_29:6............feet/In the transgression of/an 6902/12667
2Ki_12:18..........found/in the treasures of the house of the LORD and in/the 4140/12667
1Ki_15:18...........left/in the treasures of the house of the LORD and the/treasures 3806/12667
2Ki_14:14............and/in the treasures of the king's house and hostages/and 4174/12667
2Ki_16:8.............and/in the treasures of the king's house and sent/it 4238/12667
2Ki_18:15............and/in the treasures of the king's house At/that 4281/12667
Joh_8:20...........Jesus/in the treasury/as 10690/12667
Exo_10:15..........thing/in the trees/or..... 699/12667
2Sa_20:15..........stood/in the trench and all/the 3459/12667
1Sa_26:5.............lay/in the trench and the/people 3186/12667
1Ki_18:38............was/in the trench And when/all 3892/12667
Num_36:12.......remained/in the tribe/of.... 1843/12667
Jdg_21:15.........breach/in the tribes/of... 2831/12667 the truth and/not 12475/12667
1Co_13:6.......rejoiceth/in the truth Beareth/all 11433/12667
Joh_8:44.............not/in the truth because/there 10699/12667 the truth Beloved/I 12483/12667
3Jn_1:3..........walkest/in the truth I/have 12486/12667 the truth of/thy 6249/12667
Eze_29:1...........month/in the twelfth day/of 8785/12667
Eze_32:1............year/in the twelfth month in the first/day 8838/12667
Jer_52:31..........Judah/in the twelfth month in the five/and 8320/12667
2Ki_25:27..........Judah/in the twelfth month on/the 4426/12667
Est_9:1..............Now/in the twelfth month that/is 5548/12667
2Ch_34:3.............and/in the twelfth year he/began 5162/12667
Eze_32:17...........also/in the twelfth year in the fifteenth/day 8843/12667
Eze_32:1............pass/in the twelfth year in the twelfth/month 8837/12667
2Ki_17:1...........stead/In the twelfth year of Ahaz/king 4243/12667
2Ki_8:25...........stead/In the twelfth year of Joram/the 4064/12667
Est_3:7............Nisan/in the twelfth year of king/Ahasuerus 5503/12667
Eze_33:21...........pass/in the twelfth year of our/captivity 8867/12667
Neh_1:1..........Chisleu/in the twentieth year as/I 5320/12667
Neh_2:1............Nisan/in the twentieth year of Artaxerxes/the 5326/12667
1Ki_15:9.............And/in the twentieth year of Jeroboam/king 3800/12667
2Ki_15:30..........stead/in the twentieth year of Jotham/the 4222/12667
Neh_6:15........finished/in the twenty and fifth/day 5359/12667
Neh_9:1..............Now/in the twenty and fourth/day 5383/12667
1Ki_16:10............him/in the twenty and seventh year of Asa king of Judah and/reigned 3840/12667
1Ki_16:15.........Israel/In the twenty and seventh year of Asa king of Judah did/Zimri 3844/12667
2Ki_15:1...........stead/In the twenty and seventh year of Jeroboam/king 4186/12667
1Ki_16:8.............him/In the twenty and sixth/year 3834/12667
Eze_12:7...........forth/in the twilight and I/bare 8501/12667
2Ki_7:7.............fled/in the twilight and left/their 4042/12667
Eze_12:12.......shoulder/in the twilight and shall/go 8505/12667 the twilight in/the 6731/12667
Eze_12:6...........forth/in the twilight thou/shalt 8499/12667
2Ki_7:5...............up/in the twilight to/go 4041/12667
1Co_15:52.........moment/in the twinkling/of 11481/12667
2Ki_15:27.........Israel/In the two and fiftieth/year 4217/12667
Neh_13:6.............for/in the two and thirtieth/year 5452/12667
2Ch_33:5..........heaven/in the two courts of the house of the LORD And he caused/his 5137/12667
2Ki_21:5..........heaven/in the two courts of the house of the LORD And he made/his 4322/12667
2Ki_23:12...........made/in the two courts of the house of the LORD did/the 4368/12667
Exo_39:16..........rings/in the two ends of the breastplate/And 1070/12667
Exo_25:18...........them/in the two ends of the mercy/seat 894/12667
Exo_39:18.......fastened/in the two ouches and put them on the shoulderpieces of the ephod before it And they/made 1072/12667
Exo_28:25.........fasten/in the two ouches and put them on the shoulderpieces of the ephod before it And thou/shalt 934/12667 the two rings on/the 1071/12667 the two rings which/are 933/12667
Exo_26:23.....tabernacle/in the two sides And they shall/be 915/12667
Exo_36:28.....tabernacle/in the two sides And they were/coupled 1050/12667
Eph_4:13............come/in the unity/of... 11812/12667
Luk_16:11.......faithful/in the unrighteous/mammon 10480/12667
Est_9:19...........dwelt/in the unwalled/towns 5560/12667
Act_20:8..........lights/in the upper chamber/where 11092/12667
Zep_2:14...........lodge/in the upper lintels/of 9578/12667
Gen_40:17............And/in the uppermost/basket 441/12667 the uprightness/of 4669/12667 the utmost coast/And 1708/12667
Jer_25:23............are/in the utmost corners And all/the 7879/12667
Jer_49:32............are/in the utmost corners and I/will 8228/12667
Jer_9:26.............are/in the utmost corners that/dwell 7727/12667
Eze_42:8............were/in the utter/court. 8969/12667
Exo_26:4............make/in the uttermost edge/of 904/12667 the uttermost of/thy 1674/12667
1Sa_14:2.........tarried/in the uttermost part of Gibeah/under 3000/12667 the uttermost part of the/rivers 7102/12667
Psa_65:8...........dwell/in the uttermost parts are/afraid 6221/12667
Num_11:1............were/in the uttermost parts of the camp/And 1562/12667
Psa_139:9..........dwell/in the uttermost parts of the sea/Even 6630/12667
Exo_36:11...........made/in the uttermost side/of 1044/12667
Deu_1:7..............and/in the vale and/in. 1857/12667
1Ki_10:27............are/in the vale for abundance And Solomon had horses brought out of Egypt and linen yarn the king's merchants received the linen yarn at a price And a/chariot 3705/12667
2Ch_1:15.............are/in the vale for abundance And Solomon had horses brought out of Egypt and linen yarn the king's merchants received the linen yarn at a price And they/fetched 4690/12667
Gen_14:3........together/in the vale of Siddim which/is 112/12667
Gen_14:8............them/in the vale of Siddim With/Chedorlaomer 120/12667
Gen_26:19.........digged/in the valley and found/there 270/12667
Jos_11:2.............and/in the valley and in/the 2409/12667
Jdg_7:8..............him/in the valley And it/came 2631/12667
Jdg_1:9..............and/in the valley And Judah/went 2554/12667
Job_39:21.........paweth/in the valley and rejoiceth/in 5816/12667
1Sa_15:5............wait/in the valley And Saul/said 3020/12667
Jdg_7:1............Moreh/in the valley And the LORD/said 2628/12667
Deu_21:4...........there/in the valley And the priests/the 2114/12667
1Sa_6:13.........harvest/in the valley and they lifted/up 2943/12667
Deu_21:6........beheaded/in the valley And they shall/answer 2116/12667
Jos_13:27............And/in the valley Betharam/and 2446/12667
Jos_15:33............And/in the valley Eshtaol/and 2462/12667
2Ch_33:14..........Gihon/in the valley even/to 5144/12667
Jer_2:23.............way/in the valley know/what 7626/12667
Jdg_7:12...........along/in the valley like/grasshoppers 2633/12667
Jos_10:12...........Moon/in the valley of Ajalon/And 2401/12667
2Ch_20:26.....themselves/in the valley of Berachah/for 4925/12667
Joe_3:14......multitudes/in the valley of decision for/the 9366/12667
Joe_3:14............near/in the valley of decision The/sun 9367/12667
1Sa_21:9.........slewest/in the valley of Elah behold/it 3111/12667
1Sa_17:19...........were/in the valley of Elah fighting/with 3039/12667
Gen_26:17...........tent/in the valley of Gerar/and 268/12667 the valley of Gibeon/that 7304/12667 the valley of Hamongog/And 8944/12667
Hos_1:5...........Israel/in the valley of Jezreel And/she 9254/12667
Jdg_6:33.........pitched/in the valley of Jezreel But/the 2626/12667
Jos_19:14............are/in the valley of Jiphthahel/And 2480/12667
Jos_12:7.........Baalgad/in the valley of Lebanon even/unto 2426/12667
Jos_11:17........Baalgad/in the valley of Lebanon under/mount 2415/12667
2Ch_35:22..........fight/in the valley of Megiddo/And 5199/12667
Zec_12:11....Hadadrimmon/in the valley of Megiddon/And 9712/12667
1Ch_14:9......themselves/in the valley of Rephaim And David enquired of God/saying 4547/12667
2Sa_5:18......themselves/in the valley of Rephaim And David enquired of the/LORD 3301/12667
2Sa_23:13........pitched/in the valley of Rephaim And David was then in an/hold 3496/12667
1Ch_11:15.......encamped/in the valley of Rephaim And David was then in the/hold 4526/12667
2Sa_5:22......themselves/in the valley of Rephaim And when/David 3302/12667
Isa_17:5............ears/in the valley of Rephaim Yet/gleaning 7188/12667
2Sa_8:13.........Syrians/in the valley of salt being/eighteen 3329/12667
1Ch_18:12.......Edomites/in the valley of salt eighteen/thousand 4578/12667
2Ki_14:7............Edom/in the valley of salt ten/thousand 4167/12667
Jdg_16:4...........woman/in the valley of Sorek/whose 2741/12667 the valley of the children/of 4365/12667 the valley of the giants/on 2478/12667 the valley of the son of Hinnom also/he 5138/12667
2Ch_28:3.........incense/in the valley of the son of Hinnom and/burnt 5041/12667 the valley of the son of Hinnom to burn/their 7702/12667
Jer_32:35............are/in the valley of the son of Hinnom to cause/their 7981/12667
Isa_22:5...........hosts/in the valley of vision/breaking 7229/12667
Num_21:12........pitched/in the valley of Zared/From 1682/12667
2Ch_14:10..........array/in the valley of Zephathah/at 4847/12667
Deu_4:46..........Jordan/in the valley over against Bethpeor in/the 1930/12667
Deu_3:29...........abode/in the valley over against Bethpeor Now/therefore 1903/12667
1Ch_10:7............were/in the valley saw/that 4514/12667
Num_21:20.........Bamoth/in the valley that is/in 1687/12667
Jdg_18:28............was/in the valley that lieth/by 2775/12667
1Ch_14:13.........abroad/in the valley Therefore/David 4549/12667
Num_14:25..........dwelt/in the valley Tomorrow/turn 1609/12667
Jos_9:1..............and/in the valleys and in all/the 2392/12667
Jos_12:8.............and/in the valleys and in the/plains 2428/12667
Jer_49:4............thou/in the valleys thy/flowing 8215/12667
Isa_57:5........children/in the valleys under/the 7527/12667
1Ch_27:29...........were/in the valleys was/Shaphat 4657/12667
Eph_4:17............walk/in the vanity/of.. 11819/12667
Joh_8:4.........adultery/in the very act/Now 10685/12667
Hab_2:13..........labour/in the very fire/and 9551/12667
Psa_89:2.......establish/in the very heavens/I 6372/12667 the vessel/So... 3109/12667
Num_4:16.............and/in the vessels/thereof 1501/12667
1Ch_27:25............and/in the villages and/in 4653/12667
Son_7:11...........lodge/in the villages Let/us 7044/12667
1Ch_9:16...........dwelt/in the villages of/the 4498/12667
Neh_11:25............and/in the villages thereof and at Dibon/and 5427/12667
Neh_11:28............and/in the villages thereof And at Enrimmon/and 5431/12667
Neh_11:25............and/in the villages thereof and at Jekabzeel/and 5428/12667
Neh_11:25............and/in the villages thereof And at Jeshua/and 5429/12667
Neh_11:27............and/in the villages thereof And at Ziklag/and 5430/12667
Neh_11:30............and/in the villages thereof And they/dwelt 5433/12667
Joh_15:4...........abide/in the vine no/more 10762/12667
Gen_40:10............And/in the vine were/three 438/12667
Rut_2:14..........morsel/in the vinegar/And. 2864/12667 the vines/the... 9563/12667 the vineyard/of. 3929/12667
Jdg_21:20...........wait/in the vineyards And/see 2835/12667
Son_1:14........camphire/in the vineyards of/Engedi 7028/12667
Isa_16:10............and/in the vineyards there/shall 7185/12667
Rev_9:17..........horses/in the vision and/them 12565/12667
Dan_9:21............seen/in the vision at/the 9213/12667
2Ch_32:32........written/in the vision of/Isaiah 5129/12667
2Ch_26:5...understanding/in the visions of God and/as 5012/12667
Eze_40:2.........thither/In the visions of God brought/he 8953/12667 the visions of God to/Jerusalem 8448/12667
2Ch_9:29.............and/in the visions of Iddo/the 4805/12667
Dan_4:13.............saw/in the visions of my/head 9123/12667
Gen_46:2..........Israel/in the visions of the/night 526/12667
Psa_40:7............come/in the volume of the book it is written of me I/delight 6090/12667
Heb_10:7............come/in the volume of the book it is written of me to/do 12259/12667
Gen_46:5...........wives/in the wagons/which. 527/12667 the wall and/when 8452/12667
Eze_8:8...........digged/in the wall behold/a 8453/12667 the wall of Damascus/and 8227/12667 the wall of Rabbah/and 9374/12667
Eze_41:6............hold/in the wall of the house And/there 8966/12667
1Ki_6:6..........without/in the wall of the house he/made 3606/12667
Eze_8:7.............hole/in the wall Then/said 8451/12667 the walled/city. 1435/12667
Ezr_5:8.............laid/in the walls and/this 5262/12667
1Ki_6:6.........fastened/in the walls of the house And/the 3607/12667
Lev_14:39.........spread/in the walls of the house Then/the 1291/12667 the walls of the house with/hollow 1289/12667
Pro_14:28............but/in the want/of..... 6788/12667
Isa_3:25..........mighty/in the war And her/gates 7069/12667
2Ch_18:3............thee/in the war And Jehoshaphat/said 4889/12667
Eze_17:17............him/in the war by/casting 8574/12667
Jdg_21:22...........wife/in the war for/ye.. 2837/12667
Gen_40:7.............him/in the ward/of...... 436/12667
Lev_13:51.........either/in the warp or in the woof or in a/skin 1251/12667
Lev_13:49.........either/in the warp or in the woof or in any thing of skin it is a plague/of 1247/12667
Lev_13:57.........either/in the warp or in the woof or in any thing of skin it is a spreading/plague 1264/12667
Lev_13:53.........either/in the warp or in the woof or in any thing of skin Then/the 1259/12667 the warp or woof of/linen 1242/12667
Lev_13:59.........either/in the warp or woof or/any 1268/12667
Deu_32:10............and/in the waste/howling 2279/12667
Eze_33:27............are/in the wastes/shall 8872/12667
Neh_12:9............them/in the watches/And. 5438/12667 the watchtower/eat 7222/12667
1Ki_14:15.........shaken/in the water and he/shall 3779/12667 the water and sprinkle/it 1665/12667 the water under/the 838/12667
2Pe_3:5..............and/in the water Whereby/the 12391/12667
Gen_30:38........gutters/in the watering/troughs 308/12667
Deu_14:9.............are/in the waters all/that 2036/12667
Lev_11:10...........move/in the waters and of any/living 1174/12667
Lev_11:46.........moveth/in the waters and of every/creature 1181/12667
Mat_8:32........perished/in the waters And they/that 9850/12667 the waters beneath the earth And/lest 1912/12667 the waters beneath the earth Thou/shalt 1937/12667
Lev_11:9..........scales/in the waters in/the 1169/12667 the waters of/Jordan 2330/12667
Lev_11:12.........scales/in the waters that/shall 1177/12667 the waters they/shall 1175/12667
Psa_74:13........dragons/in the waters Thou/brakest 6282/12667
Lev_11:9.............are/in the waters whatsoever/hath 1168/12667
Psa_104:3.......chambers/in the waters who/maketh 6449/12667
Luk_9:57............went/in the way a certain/man 10392/12667
Act_26:13............saw/in the way a light/from 11141/12667
Pro_26:13...........lion/in the way a lion/is 6882/12667
Num_22:34.......stoodest/in the way against/me 1706/12667
1Ki_11:29............him/in the way and he/had 3722/12667
Mat_15:32..........faint/in the way And his disciples/say 9941/12667
Num_22:31.......standing/in the way and his sword drawn in his hand and he/bowed 1704/12667
Num_22:23.......standing/in the way and his sword drawn in his hand and the/ass 1699/12667
Luk_24:35...........done/in the way and how/he 10594/12667
Mar_11:8........garments/in the way and others/cut 10174/12667
Mat_20:17..........apart/in the way and said/unto 9972/12667
Act_9:27............Lord/in the way and that/he 10964/12667 the way and the almond/tree 7024/12667
1Ki_13:28...........cast/in the way and the ass and/the 3765/12667
1Ki_13:24...........cast/in the way and the ass stood/by 3762/12667
1Ki_13:25...........cast/in the way and the lion/standing 3763/12667
Mat_21:8............them/in the way And the multitudes/that 9975/12667
Mar_11:8............them/in the way And they/that 10175/12667
Exo_23:20...........thee/in the way and to/bring 876/12667
Luk_19:36........clothes/in the way And when he/was 10516/12667
Exo_33:3............thee/in the way And when the/people 989/12667
Mar_10:52..........Jesus/in the way And when they/came 10172/12667
Exo_5:20...........stood/in the way as they/came 639/12667
Act_9:17............thee/in the way as thou/camest 10959/12667
Pro_23:19..........heart/in the way Be/not.. 6854/12667
Ezr_8:22...........enemy/in the way because/we 5300/12667
Deu_1:33............went/in the way before/you 1867/12667
1Ki_18:7.............was/in the way behold/Elijah 3883/12667
Pro_13:6.........upright/in the way but/wickedness 6777/12667
Hos_6:9...........murder/in the way by/consent 9285/12667 the way everlasting/Deliver 6639/12667
Num_22:22..........stood/in the way for/an.. 1698/12667 the way give/diligence 10444/12667
Mar_10:32...........were/in the way going/up 10170/12667
Mat_21:19...........tree/in the way he came/to 9982/12667
Psa_102:23......strength/in the way he shortened/my 6443/12667
Pro_22:6...........child/in the way he should/go 6843/12667
Deu_22:6............thee/in the way in/any.. 2124/12667
Pro_29:27........upright/in the way is/abomination 6908/12667 the way Jehu/met 4101/12667
Neh_9:19............them/in the way neither/the 5394/12667
2Ch_20:32.........walked/in the way of Asa/his 4928/12667 the way of Assyria/to 7624/12667
Jud_1:11............gone/in the way of Cain/and 12494/12667
2Ch_11:17.........walked/in the way of David/and 4821/12667 the way of Egypt/to 7623/12667
Gen_48:7...........there/in the way of Ephrath/the 567/12667
Pro_4:14.............not/in the way of evil/men 6716/12667
Pro_2:20............walk/in the way of good/men 6700/12667
1Ki_15:26.........walked/in the way of his father and in his/sin 3815/12667
1Ki_22:52.........walked/in the way of his father and in the/way 3970/12667
Isa_57:17......frowardly/in the way of his heart/I 7532/12667
1Ki_22:52............and/in the way of his mother/and 3971/12667 the way of his steps/Bow 6354/12667
Isa_15:5.............for/in the way of Horonaim/they 7180/12667
1Ki_16:2..........walked/in the way of Jeroboam and hast/made 3825/12667
1Ki_15:34.........walked/in the way of Jeroboam and in his sin wherewith/he 3823/12667
1Ki_16:19........walking/in the way of Jeroboam and in his sin which/he 3850/12667
1Ki_22:52............and/in the way of Jeroboam the/son 3972/12667 the way of life/that 6758/12667 the way of righteousness and/ye 9986/12667
Pro_16:31..........found/in the way of righteousness He/that 6809/12667
Pro_8:20............lead/in the way of righteousness in/the 6743/12667
Pro_12:28.......precious/In the way of righteousness is/life 6775/12667
Psa_1:1.........standeth/in the way of sinners/nor 5832/12667
Pro_22:5.............are/in the way of the froward/he 6842/12667
2Ki_8:27..........walked/in the way of the house/of 4066/12667
2Ch_21:13.........walked/in the way of the kings of Israel and/hast 4944/12667
2Ki_8:18..........walked/in the way of the kings of Israel as/did 4058/12667
2Ch_21:6..........walked/in the way of the kings of Israel like/as 4937/12667
2Ki_16:3..........walked/in the way of the kings of Israel yea/and 4235/12667
Act_18:25.....instructed/in the way of the Lord and being/fervent 11076/12667
2Ki_21:22............not/in the way of the LORD And the/servants 4338/12667
Isa_8:11............walk/in the way of this/people 7115/12667
Isa_26:8.............Yea/in the way of thy judgments/O 7270/12667
Eze_23:31.........walked/in the way of thy sister/therefore 8687/12667
Psa_119:14......rejoiced/in the way of thy testimonies/as 6552/12667
Pro_9:6...............go/in the way of understanding/He 6748/12667
Pro_4:11............thee/in the way of wisdom/I 6714/12667
Mat_21:8........garments/in the way others/cut 9974/12667
Job_18:10............him/in the way Terrors/shall 5668/12667
Psa_25:12..........teach/in the way that he/shall 5980/12667
2Sa_13:30...........were/in the way that tidings/came 3368/12667
Gen_24:27..........being/in the way the LORD/led 243/12667
Psa_25:8.........sinners/in the way The meek/will 5978/12667
Psa_110:7..........brook/in the way therefore/shall 6512/12667
Gen_35:19.........buried/in the way to Ephrath/which 356/12667
Act_25:3............wait/in the way to kill/him 11134/12667
Gen_16:7........fountain/in the way to Shur/And 140/12667
1Sa_15:2.............him/in the way when he/came 3018/12667
Deu_23:4...........water/in the way when ye/came 2138/12667
Gen_48:7..........Canaan/in the way when yet/there 566/12667
Psa_142:3...........path/In the way wherein I/walked 6647/12667
Neh_9:12...........light/in the way wherein they/should 5389/12667 the way which I/went 348/12667
Psa_32:8............thee/in the way which thou/shalt 6028/12667
Psa_119:1......undefiled/in the way who/walk 6548/12667 the way with him/lest 9813/12667
Pro_1:15............thou/in the way with them/refrain 6689/12667 the ways and see/and 7678/12667
Isa_49:9............feed/in the ways and their/pastures 7491/12667
Jer_3:2.............with/In the ways hast/thou 7634/12667
2Ch_21:12............nor/in the ways of Asa/king 4943/12667
Pro_2:13............walk/in the ways of darkness/Who 6697/12667
2Ch_34:2..........walked/in the ways of David/his 5160/12667
2Ch_21:12.........walked/in the ways of Jehoshaphat/thy 4942/12667
2Ch_22:3..........walked/in the ways of the house/of 4953/12667
2Ch_28:2..........walked/in the ways of the kings/of 5040/12667
Psa_138:5...........sing/in the ways of the LORD for/great 6626/12667
2Ch_17:6..............up/in the ways of the LORD moreover/he 4879/12667
Ecc_11:9............walk/in the ways of thine/heart 7018/12667
Luk_18:12..........twice/in the week/I..... 10508/12667
Mat_12:40.........nights/in the whale's/belly 9902/12667
Eze_1:21.............was/in the wheels And/the 8394/12667
Eze_1:20.............was/in the wheels When/those 8393/12667
Joh_5:28..........coming/in the which all/that 10651/12667 the which at/your 10515/12667
Num_6:5........fulfilled/in the which he separateth/himself 1524/12667 the which he will/judge 11064/12667
Act_26:16.........things/in the which I/will 11143/12667
Gen_1:29............tree/in the which is/the.. 14/12667
Joh_4:53............hour/in the which Jesus/said 10642/12667
Gen_19:29.........cities/in the which Lot/dwelt 181/12667
2Pe_3:10...........night/in the which the/heavens 12394/12667
Gen_45:6...........years/in the which there shall neither/be 521/12667
Luk_21:6............come/in the which there shall not/be 10538/12667
Luk_23:29.........coming/in the which they/shall 10574/12667
Col_3:7.....disobedience/In the which ye also/walked 11978/12667
Gen_42:38............way/in the which ye go/then 491/12667
Nah_1:3..............way/in the whirlwind/and 9526/12667
Job_6:6............taste/in the white/of.... 5609/12667
Mat_26:13.......preached/in the whole/world 10047/12667
Jer_9:2..............had/in the wilderness a lodging/place 7717/12667
Jos_24:7...........dwelt/in the wilderness a long/season 2532/12667
Num_14:33.........wasted/in the wilderness After/the 1615/12667
Lev_16:22...........goat/in the wilderness And Aaron/shall 1330/12667
2Ch_24:9..........Israel/in the wilderness And all the princes/and 4980/12667
2Ch_8:4...........Tadmor/in the wilderness and all the store/cities 4776/12667
Joh_6:49...........manna/in the wilderness and are/dead 10665/12667
Gen_21:20..........dwelt/in the wilderness and became/an 207/12667 the wilderness and behold/hitherto 653/12667
2Sa_17:29........thirsty/in the wilderness And David/numbered 3419/12667
Exo_15:22...........days/in the wilderness and found/no 788/12667 the wilderness and gave/them 6308/12667
Luk_15:4............nine/in the wilderness and go/after 10467/12667
Psa_78:40............him/in the wilderness and grieve/him 6321/12667
Num_14:22............and/in the wilderness and have/tempted 1608/12667 the wilderness And he asked/them 10148/12667
Luk_3:2........Zacharias/in the wilderness And he came/into 10309/12667
1Sa_26:3...........abode/in the wilderness and he saw/that 3184/12667
Num_27:3............died/in the wilderness and he was/not 1738/12667
Jos_12:8.............and/in the wilderness and in/the 2431/12667 the wilderness and lay/no 386/12667
Exo_14:12............die/in the wilderness And Moses/said 765/12667
Num_14:16...........them/in the wilderness And now I/beseech 1606/12667
Jos_14:10.......wandered/in the wilderness and now lo/I 2456/12667 the wilderness And Pharaoh/said 635/12667
Mar_1:4..........baptize/in the wilderness and preach/the 10075/12667
Isa_32:16..........dwell/in the wilderness and righteousness/remain 7349/12667
Isa_43:19............way/in the wilderness and rivers in the desert The/beast 7441/12667
Isa_43:20.........waters/in the wilderness and rivers in the desert to/give 7443/12667
Eze_34:25.........safely/in the wilderness and sleep/in 8883/12667
Psa_106:14...exceedingly/in the wilderness and tempted/God 6472/12667
1Ch_21:29...........made/in the wilderness and the altar/of 4601/12667
Exo_16:2...........Aaron/in the wilderness And the children/of 790/12667 the wilderness And the king/put 3544/12667
Exo_19:2.........pitched/in the wilderness and there Israel/camped 830/12667
Num_26:65............die/in the wilderness And there was/not 1737/12667
Psa_78:17...........High/in the wilderness And they/tempted 6309/12667
Jer_3:2..........Arabian/in the wilderness and thou hast/polluted 7635/12667
Num_10:31.........encamp/in the wilderness and thou mayest/be 1560/12667
Heb_3:17............fell/in the wilderness And to/whom 12223/12667
Act_13:18........manners/in the wilderness And when/he 11011/12667
Num_32:15...........them/in the wilderness and ye/shall 1779/12667
Gen_36:24..........mules/in the wilderness as he fed/the 366/12667
Act_7:44.........witness/in the wilderness as he had/appointed 10940/12667
Mat_15:33..........bread/in the wilderness as to/fill 9942/12667
1Sa_4:8..........plagues/in the wilderness Be/strong 2932/12667
Psa_78:19..........table/in the wilderness Behold/he 6311/12667
Jos_15:61.......villages/In the wilderness Betharabah/Middin 2464/12667
Eze_20:17...........them/in the wilderness But I/said 8613/12667
2Ch_1:3.............made/in the wilderness But the/ark 4683/12667
Gen_16:7...........water/in the wilderness by the fountain/in 139/12667
Jos_5:4.............died/in the wilderness by the way after/they 2345/12667
Jos_5:5.............born/in the wilderness by the way as/they 2346/12667
Jer_31:2...........grace/in the wilderness even Israel/when 7943/12667
Joh_3:14.........serpent/in the wilderness even so/must 10625/12667 the wilderness except/thou 1635/12667
Jer_9:26...........dwell/in the wilderness for all/these 7728/12667
Jer_48:6...........heath/in the wilderness For because/thou 8195/12667
Num_21:5.............die/in the wilderness for there/is 1679/12667
Mar_1:13...........there/in the wilderness forty days/tempted 10080/12667
Num_14:33.........wander/in the wilderness forty years and/bear 1614/12667
Amo_5:25.......offerings/in the wilderness forty years O/house 9412/12667
Act_7:36.............and/in the wilderness forty years This/is 10931/12667
Num_32:13.........wander/in the wilderness forty years until/all 1776/12667
Deu_9:7............wrath/in the wilderness from/the 1974/12667
1Sa_17:28..........sheep/in the wilderness I know/thy 3044/12667
Hos_9:10..........grapes/in the wilderness I saw/your 9303/12667
Eze_19:13........planted/in the wilderness in a dry/and 8595/12667 the wilderness in a land/that 7619/12667
Jer_17:6..........places/in the wilderness in a salt/land 7795/12667
Psa_107:4.......wandered/in the wilderness in a solitary/way 6485/12667
2Co_11:26.........perils/in the wilderness in perils/in 11642/12667
1Sa_23:14..........abode/in the wilderness in strong/holds 3134/12667
1Ki_9:18..........Tadmor/in the wilderness in the land And/all 3681/12667
Hos_13:5............thee/in the wilderness in the land of/great 9333/12667
Deu_4:43...........Bezer/in the wilderness in the plain country/of 1926/12667
Deu_1:1...........Jordan/in the wilderness in the plain over/against 1845/12667
Psa_78:52...........them/in the wilderness like/a 6327/12667
Joh_1:23..........crying/in the wilderness Make/straight 10610/12667
2Sa_16:2...........faint/in the wilderness may/drink 3394/12667
Eze_20:21...........them/in the wilderness Nevertheless/I 8619/12667
1Co_10:5......overthrown/in the wilderness Now/these 11408/12667
Gen_21:14.......wandered/in the wilderness of Beersheba/And 204/12667 the wilderness of Engedi/Then 3151/12667
Num_33:8.........journey/in the wilderness of Etham/and 1790/12667
Mat_3:1........preaching/in the wilderness of Judaea/And 9788/12667
1Sa_23:25..........David/in the wilderness of Maon And Saul/went 3149/12667
1Sa_23:25..........abode/in the wilderness of Maon And when/Saul 3148/12667
1Sa_23:24...........were/in the wilderness of Maon in/the 3146/12667
Act_7:30.............him/in the wilderness of mount/Sina 10924/12667
Gen_21:21..........dwelt/in the wilderness of Paran and his/mother 208/12667
Num_12:16........pitched/in the wilderness of Paran And the/LORD 1587/12667
Num_10:12.........rested/in the wilderness of Paran And they/first 1557/12667
Num_33:11.......encamped/in the wilderness of Sin/And 1793/12667
Num_9:5.............even/in the wilderness of Sinai according/to 1540/12667
Num_1:19............them/in the wilderness of Sinai And the children/of 1473/12667
Lev_7:38............LORD/in the wilderness of Sinai And the LORD/spake 1154/12667
Num_3:4.............LORD/in the wilderness of Sinai and they had/no 1485/12667
Num_33:15........pitched/in the wilderness of Sinai And they removed/from 1796/12667
Num_26:64.........Israel/in the wilderness of Sinai For/the 1736/12667
Num_9:1............Moses/in the wilderness of Sinai in the first/month 1536/12667
Num_1:1............Moses/in the wilderness of Sinai in the tabernacle/of 1468/12667
Num_3:14...........Moses/in the wilderness of Sinai saying/Number 1490/12667
Eze_20:36........fathers/in the wilderness of the/land 8627/12667
Num_27:14.........Kadesh/in the wilderness of Zin And/Moses 1745/12667
Deu_32:51..MeribahKadesh/in the wilderness of Zin because/ye 2291/12667
Num_33:36........pitched/in the wilderness of Zin which/is 1807/12667
1Sa_26:2...........David/in the wilderness of Ziph And Saul pitched/in 3182/12667
1Sa_23:14.......mountain/in the wilderness of Ziph And Saul sought/him 3137/12667
1Sa_23:15............was/in the wilderness of Ziph in/a 3138/12667
Exo_8:28.............God/in the wilderness only/ye 674/12667
Mat_3:3...........crying/in the wilderness Prepare ye the way of the Lord make his paths straight And/the 9789/12667
Luk_3:4...........crying/in the wilderness Prepare ye the way of the Lord make his paths straight Every/valley 10311/12667
Mar_1:3...........crying/in the wilderness Prepare ye the way of the Lord make his paths straight John/did 10074/12667
Isa_40:3..........crieth/in the wilderness Prepare ye the way of the LORD make straight/in 7409/12667
Psa_55:7..........remain/in the wilderness Selah/I 6161/12667
Psa_72:9...........dwell/in the wilderness shall bow/before 6261/12667
Isa_35:6.............for/in the wilderness shall waters/break 7365/12667
1Sa_25:21...........hath/in the wilderness so that nothing/was 3173/12667
Neh_9:21............them/in the wilderness so that they/lacked 5395/12667
Pro_21:19..........dwell/in the wilderness than/with 6839/12667 the wilderness that cometh/out 1683/12667
Eze_20:15...........them/in the wilderness that I would not/bring 8611/12667
Eze_20:23...........also/in the wilderness that I would scatter/them 8622/12667
1Sa_25:4...........heard/in the wilderness that Nabal/did 3164/12667 the wilderness that they/should 7581/12667 the wilderness The breath/of 8382/12667
Isa_41:19..........plant/in the wilderness the cedar/the 7424/12667
Neh_9:19.............not/in the wilderness the pillar/of 5393/12667
Lam_4:3........ostriches/in the wilderness The tongue/of 8370/12667
Num_15:32...........were/in the wilderness they found/a 1630/12667
2Ch_20:24..........tower/in the wilderness they looked/unto 4922/12667
Isa_23:13..........dwell/in the wilderness they set/up 7240/12667 the wilderness they walked/not 8606/12667
Jos_5:6............years/in the wilderness till/all 2347/12667
Eze_20:13...........them/in the wilderness to consume/them 8609/12667
Deu_8:2............years/in the wilderness to humble/thee 1963/12667
Psa_106:26..........them/in the wilderness To overthrow/their 6481/12667
Jer_4:11..........places/in the wilderness toward/the 7651/12667 the wilderness until/ye 1999/12667
Jos_20:8...........Bezer/in the wilderness upon/the 2490/12667
Eze_20:18.......children/in the wilderness Walk/ye 8614/12667 the wilderness when I/brought 804/12667
Psa_95:8......temptation/in the wilderness When your fathers tempted me proved me and saw my work/Forty 6422/12667
Heb_3:8.......temptation/in the wilderness When your fathers tempted me proved me and saw my works/forty 12217/12667
Psa_107:40........wander/in the wilderness where there/is 6503/12667
Deu_1:31.............And/in the wilderness where thou/hast 1864/12667
Exo_14:11............die/in the wilderness wherefore/hast 763/12667
Jos_8:24...........field/in the wilderness wherein/they 2386/12667
Num_21:11......Ijeabarim/in the wilderness which/is 1681/12667
1Ch_6:78...........Bezer/in the wilderness with her/suburbs 4482/12667
Deu_8:16............thee/in the wilderness with manna/which 1969/12667 the wilderness with the/angel 10933/12667
Act_7:42...........years/in the wilderness Yea/ye 10939/12667
Deu_9:28............them/in the wilderness Yet/they 1982/12667
Deu_29:5...........years/in the wilderness your/clothes 2230/12667
1Ki_19:11............not/in the wind and after/the 3896/12667
Eze_5:2..........scatter/in the wind and I/will 8409/12667
Jos_2:21............line/in the window And/they 2326/12667
Jos_2:18..........thread/in the window which/thou 2324/12667
Zep_2:14............sing/in the windows/desolation 9579/12667
Eze_27:18.........riches/in the wine/of..... 8740/12667
Isa_63:2........treadeth/in the winefat/I... 7572/12667
Mar_13:18............not/in the winter For/in 10212/12667
Mat_24:20............not/in the winter neither/on 10018/12667
Jer_36:22............sat/in the winterhouse/in 8054/12667
1Co_1:21............that/in the wisdom of God/the 11337/12667
1Co_2:5............stand/in the wisdom of men/but 11345/12667
Hos_12:3............heel/in the womb and by/his 9321/12667
Luk_2:21.......conceived/in the womb And when/the 10290/12667 the womb If/I... 5754/12667 the womb make/him 5753/12667
Ecc_11:5............grow/in the womb of/her. 7012/12667
1Sa_23:18..........abode/in the wood and Jonathan/went 3141/12667
2Sa_18:17............pit/in the wood and laid/a 3426/12667
1Sa_23:19..........holds/in the wood in the hill/of 3143/12667
Mic_7:14......solitarily/in the wood in the midst/of 9520/12667
2Sa_18:6.............was/in the wood of/Ephraim 3420/12667
Eze_34:25..........sleep/in the woods/And... 8884/12667
Lev_13:51.............or/in the woof or in a/skin 1252/12667
Lev_13:49.............or/in the woof or in any thing of skin it is a plague/of 1248/12667
Lev_13:57.............or/in the woof or in any thing of skin it is a spreading/plague 1265/12667
Lev_13:53.............or/in the woof or in any thing of skin Then/the 1260/12667
1Ti_5:17..........labour/in the word and/doctrine 12122/12667
Gal_6:6...........taught/in the word communicate/unto 11733/12667
Heb_5:13.......unskilful/in the word of righteousness/for 12238/12667
1Ki_13:2...........altar/in the word of the LORD and/said 3751/12667
1Ki_20:35......neighbour/in the word of the LORD Smite/me 3917/12667
Col_1:5...........before/in the word of the truth/of 11927/12667
1Ti_4:6...............up/in the words of faith/and 12107/12667
1Ch_25:5............seer/in the words of God/to 4626/12667
1Co_2:13.............not/in the words which/man's 11349/12667
Neh_4:21........laboured/in the work and half/of 5343/12667
1Ki_5:16.........wrought/in the work And the king/commanded 3602/12667
Neh_4:16.........wrought/in the work and the other/half 5340/12667
Neh_4:17.........wrought/in the work and with/the 5341/12667
1Ki_9:23.........wrought/in the work But/Pharaoh's 3687/12667
Psa_9:16..........snared/in the work of his/own 5888/12667
Ezr_6:22...........hands/in the work of the house/of 5282/12667
1Co_15:58......abounding/in the work of the Lord/forasmuch 11483/12667
Neh_5:16.......continued/in the work of this/wall 5348/12667
Act_7:41........rejoiced/in the works of their/own 10937/12667
Psa_92:4.........triumph/in the works of thy/hands 6408/12667
Joh_17:11............are/in the world and I/come 10786/12667
2Co_1:12....conversation/in the world and more/abundantly 11503/12667
1Co_14:10.........voices/in the world and none/of 11442/12667
1Co_8:4..........nothing/in the world and that/there 11392/12667
Joh_1:10.............was/in the world and the/world 10608/12667 the world are/ye 11973/12667
Eph_2:12.............God/in the world But now/in 11785/12667
Rom_5:13.............was/in the world but sin/is 11208/12667
1Pe_5:9..............are/in the world But the/God 12364/12667
Joh_17:11...........more/in the world but these/are 10785/12667
Joh_13:1............were/in the world he/loved 10737/12667
Php_2:15..........lights/in the world Holding/forth 11887/12667 the world I am/the 10702/12667
Joh_17:12...........them/in the world I kept/them 10787/12667
1Jn_2:15.............are/in the world If/any 12421/12667
1Ti_3:16..............on/in the world received/up 12103/12667
Joh_17:13..........speak/in the world that/they 10789/12667 the world the/lust 12423/12667 the world They are/of 12451/12667
Psa_73:12........prosper/in the world they increase/in 6268/12667 the world through/lust 12366/12667
Mat_12:32........neither/in the world to come Either/make 9900/12667
Mar_10:30............and/in the world to come eternal/life 10169/12667
Luk_18:30............and/in the world to come life/everlasting 10512/12667 the world Ye are/of 12449/12667
Joh_16:33..........peace/In the world ye shall/have 10783/12667 the wrath/of.... 7155/12667
Eze_13:9.........written/in the writing/of.. 8515/12667
Exo_23:17..........items/in the year all/thy. 874/12667
2Ch_8:13...........times/in the year even/in 4782/12667
Lev_23:41...........days/in the year It/shall 1400/12667
Jer_17:8.........careful/in the year of drought/neither 7798/12667
Lev_25:54............out/in the year of jubile both/he 1443/12667
Lev_25:33............out/in the year of jubile for/the 1438/12667
Lev_27:24...........LORD/In the year of the/jubile 1466/12667
Lev_25:13..........field/In the year of this/jubile 1424/12667
Exo_34:23.........Thrice/in the year shall all/your 1015/12667
Exo_30:10...........once/in the year shall he/make 961/12667
2Ki_25:27........Babylon/in the year that he/began 4427/12667
Isa_14:28...........back/In the year that king Ahaz/died 7172/12667
Isa_6:1..........thereof/In the year that king Uzziah/died 7090/12667
Isa_20:1.....inheritance/In the year that Tartan/came 7219/12667 the year Thou shalt keep/the 868/12667
Exo_34:24.........thrice/in the year Thou shalt not/offer 1016/12667
Deu_21:3...........drawn/in the yoke/And.... 2113/12667
2Sa_11:21...........died/in Thebez/why...... 3352/12667
1Sa_25:28..........found/in thee all/thy.... 3175/12667
2Ti_1:5.............that/in thee also/Wherefore 12136/12667
1Sa_18:22........delight/in thee and all/his 3067/12667
Eze_20:47...........tree/in thee and every/dry 8634/12667
Eze_27:27............are/in thee and in all/thy 8753/12667
Gen_28:14............and/in thee and in thy/seed 280/12667 thee and it/shall 8633/12667
Psa_70:4............glad/in thee and let/such 6254/12667
Eze_25:4.........palaces/in thee and make/their 8709/12667
Rev_18:22............all/in thee and no craftsman/of 12632/12667 thee and no secret/troubleth 9118/12667
Dan_5:14...........found/in thee And now/the 9153/12667 thee and that light/and 9152/12667
Rom_9:17...........power/in thee and that my/name 11254/12667
Rev_18:22............all/in thee And the light/of 12634/12667
Rev_18:22...........more/in thee and the sound/of 12633/12667
Rev_18:23............all/in thee and the voice/of 12635/12667
Eze_5:10.......judgments/in thee and the whole/remnant 8420/12667 thee and there/is 7458/12667
Isa_62:4......delighteth/in thee and thy/land 7565/12667
Deu_23:14..........thing/in thee and turn/away 2142/12667
Psa_22:5.........trusted/in thee and were/not 5963/12667
Isa_22:3...........found/in thee are bound/together 7228/12667
Eze_22:9........sabbaths/In thee are men/that 8652/12667 thee be darkness/how 9832/12667 thee Be merciful unto me O God/for 6169/12667
Psa_86:2........trusteth/in thee Be merciful unto me O Lord/for 6355/12667 thee be not/darkness 10417/12667 thee before/the. 6019/12667
2Sa_15:26........delight/in thee behold/here 3391/12667
Deu_23:21............sin/in thee But/if..... 2147/12667
Eze_28:15..........found/in thee By the multitude/of 8774/12667 thee by the putting/on 12138/12667 thee Come/with.. 7038/12667 thee Deliver/me. 6086/12667
Psa_16:1.............for/in thee do I put my trust O/my 5921/12667
Psa_7:1..............God/in thee do I put my trust save/me 5868/12667
Psa_143:8............for/in thee do I trust/cause 6654/12667 thee even/as... 12485/12667 thee for thou LORD hast/not 5882/12667
Psa_5:11..........joyful/in thee For thou LORD wilt/bless 5863/12667
Rev_18:23............all/in thee for thy/merchants 12636/12667 thee from other/women 8549/12667 thee from those/that 5931/12667
Mat_11:23...........done/in thee had/been... 9888/12667
Eze_22:11........another/in thee hath/humbled 8658/12667
Eze_22:10.......lewdness/In thee have they discovered/their 8655/12667
Eze_22:10......nakedness/in thee have they humbled/her 8656/12667
Eze_22:7...........blood/In thee have they set/light 8649/12667
Eze_22:12.......daughter/In thee have they taken/gifts 8659/12667
Eze_22:7........stranger/in thee have they vexed/the 8651/12667
Luk_3:22.............Son/in thee I am/well. 10318/12667
Psa_33:22...........hope/in thee I will bless/the 6041/12667
Psa_9:2..........rejoice/in thee I will sing/praise 5877/12667
Eze_5:15.......judgments/in thee in anger/and 8425/12667 thee In God/I... 6170/12667
2Ch_19:3...........found/in thee in that/thou 4902/12667
Eze_28:13.......prepared/in thee in the/day. 8770/12667 thee in whose/heart 6345/12667
Psa_141:8...........Lord/in thee is my/trust 6646/12667
Mic_4:9.............king/in thee is thy/counsellor 9487/12667 thee Let integrity/and 5981/12667 thee let me/not. 5976/12667
Psa_40:16...........glad/in thee let such/as 6092/12667
Psa_84:12.......trusteth/in thee Lord/thou.. 6351/12667
Exo_9:16............shew/in thee my/power.... 684/12667 thee neither/shalt 6337/12667
Eze_38:16.....sanctified/in thee O Gog/before 8929/12667
Psa_38:15............For/in thee O LORD do I hope/thou 6083/12667
Psa_31:1............ever/In thee O LORD do I put my trust let me never be ashamed/deliver 6009/12667
Psa_71:1........tarrying/In thee O LORD do I put my trust let me never be put/to 6255/12667
Psa_87:7.............are/in thee O lord God/of 6362/12667
Psa_31:14........trusted/in thee O LORD I/said 6016/12667
Luk_19:44..........leave/in thee one/stone. 10522/12667 thee rejoice/let 5862/12667
Jer_2:19.............not/in thee saith/the.. 7625/12667
Gen_12:3.............and/in thee shall all families/of 96/12667
Gal_3:8...........saying/In thee shall all nations/be 11701/12667
Gen_48:20.........saying/In thee shall Israel/bless 572/12667
Psa_85:6.........rejoice/in thee Shew/us.... 6352/12667
1Sa_29:6............evil/in thee since/the.. 3220/12667
Joh_17:21..............I/in thee that they/also 10792/12667 thee that which I/have 8418/12667
Deu_23:22............sin/in thee That which is/gone 2148/12667
Hos_14:3.............for/in thee the fatherless/findeth 9341/12667
Eze_36:15...........hear/in thee the shame/of 8898/12667 thee Then/Daniel 9128/12667
Mic_1:13...........found/in thee Therefore/shalt 9472/12667
Eze_22:9.............and/in thee they eat/upon 8653/12667
Eze_27:10.........helmet/in thee they set/forth 8732/12667
Eze_25:4.......dwellings/in thee they shall/eat 8710/12667
Psa_22:4.........trusted/in thee they trusted/and 5962/12667
Eze_27:9............were/in thee thy/calkers 8729/12667
Eze_27:9............were/in thee to occupy/thy 8730/12667
2Ch_9:8........delighted/in thee to set thee on his/throne 4791/12667
1Ki_10:9.......delighted/in thee to set thee on the/throne 3695/12667
Eze_22:6............were/in thee to their/power 8648/12667
Isa_26:3........trusteth/in thee Trust/ye... 7267/12667
Son_1:4..........rejoice/in thee we/will.... 7026/12667
Eze_27:8............were/in thee were/thy... 8728/12667 thee which dwelt/first 12134/12667 thee which was/given 12115/12667
Psa_57:1........trusteth/in thee yea/in..... 6179/12667
Isa_66:3......delighteth/in their abominations/I 7601/12667
Jam_1:27..........widows/in their affliction and/to 12298/12667
Hos_5:15............face/in their affliction they/will 9282/12667
Gen_49:6.............for/in their anger/they. 575/12667
Ezr_3:10.........priests/in their apparel/with 5246/12667
Isa_49:22...........sons/in their arms/and.. 7495/12667 their beds/each. 7525/12667 their buryingplace/And 561/12667 their calamities/When 6644/12667
2Ch_31:16........service/in their charges according/to 5104/12667
2Ch_35:2.........priests/in their charges and/encouraged 5186/12667
2Ch_31:17.........upward/in their charges by/their 5105/12667
Ezr_2:70...........dwelt/in their cities and all Israel/in 5239/12667
Neh_7:73............were/in their cities And all the/people 5368/12667
Deu_19:1........dwellest/in their cities and in/their 2093/12667
1Ch_13:2.............are/in their cities and suburbs/that 4541/12667
Neh_7:73...........dwelt/in their cities and when the seventh month came/the 5367/12667
Ezr_2:70..........Israel/in their cities And when the seventh month was/come 5240/12667
Mat_11:1..........preach/in their cities Now/when 9878/12667
Est_9:2.........together/in their cities throughout/all 5551/12667
Neh_11:3......possession/in their cities to/wit 5420/12667
1Ch_9:2......possessions/in their cities were/the 4495/12667
2Ki_17:29.........nation/in their cities wherein/they 4265/12667
Exo_12:34.............up/in their clothes/upon 740/12667
Jos_18:5...........abide/in their coast/on.. 2473/12667
1Ch_6:54.........castles/in their coasts of/the 4476/12667
Jos_18:5...........abide/in their coasts on/the 2474/12667
Lev_10:5............them/in their coats out/of 1161/12667
Dan_3:21...........bound/in their coats their/hosen 9105/12667
Psa_106:18.......kindled/in their company/the 6475/12667
Mic_6:16............walk/in their counsels/that 9509/12667
Eze_27:35.......troubled/in their countenance/The 8763/12667
Gen_10:20........tongues/in their countries/and 85/12667
2Ki_3:24............even/in their country/And 3992/12667
2Ch_35:10........Levites/in their courses according/to 5190/12667
Ezr_6:18.........Levites/in their courses for/the 5280/12667
Jdg_5:20...........stars/in their courses fought/against 2606/12667
Neh_8:16.............and/in their courts/and 5378/12667
Psa_44:1...........didst/in their days/in... 6105/12667
Psa_73:4...........bands/in their death but/their 6265/12667
2Sa_1:23.............and/in their death they/were 3254/12667
Job_38:40..........couch/in their dens and/abide 5808/12667
Psa_104:22..........down/in their dens Man/goeth 6450/12667
Isa_13:22............cry/in their desolate/houses 7159/12667
Isa_10:25..........anger/in their destruction/And 7139/12667
Ezr_6:18.........priests/in their divisions/and 5279/12667
Mic_3:4..............ill/in their doings/Thus 9479/12667
Hab_1:15............them/in their drag/therefore 9549/12667 their due/season 1751/12667 their dwellings and among/them 6166/12667
Exo_10:23..........light/in their dwellings And Pharaoh/called 704/12667 their ears all the words of the book of the covenant that/was 5179/12667 their ears all the words of the book of the covenant which/was 4355/12667
Exo_32:3............were/in their ears and brought/them 980/12667
Deu_31:28..........words/in their ears and call/heaven 2274/12667
Gen_35:4............were/in their ears and Jacob/hid 350/12667
Gen_20:8..........things/in their ears and the/men 195/12667 their ears Now/it 8047/12667 their eldest brother's house And behold/there 5575/12667 their eldest brother's house And there/came 5574/12667
Est_1:17........husbands/in their eyes/when. 5481/12667
1Ch_4:38.........princes/in their families/and 4451/12667
Isa_5:12.............are/in their feasts/but 7082/12667
Psa_136:10.........Egypt/in their firstborn/for 6618/12667
Lev_21:5........cuttings/in their flesh/They 1368/12667
Rev_14:1.........written/in their foreheads And I heard a/voice 12597/12667
Rev_7:3..............God/in their foreheads And I heard the/number 12551/12667
Rev_13:16.............or/in their foreheads And that/no 12596/12667 their foreheads And there/shall 12663/12667
Rev_9:4..............God/in their foreheads And to/them 12559/12667
Luk_16:8.............are/in their generation/wiser 10475/12667
Exo_12:42.........Israel/in their generations And/the 743/12667
Gen_17:7............thee/in their generations for/an 142/12667
Lev_21:17...........seed/in their generations that/hath 1371/12667
Gen_17:9............thee/in their generations This/is 143/12667
1Ch_7:2............might/in their generations whose/number 4484/12667
Isa_61:6.............and/in their glory/shall 7556/12667
Isa_59:8........judgment/in their goings/they 7542/12667
Hab_3:11...........still/in their habitation/at 9558/12667
Gen_49:5.............are/in their habitations/O 574/12667
Gen_35:4............were/in their hand and all/their 349/12667 their hand and Benjamin/and 498/12667 their hand And she/made 2746/12667 their hand and take/it 3905/12667
Jdg_7:8.........victuals/in their hand and their/trumpets 2630/12667
Num_22:7......divination/in their hand and they/came 1695/12667
Gen_43:26............was/in their hand into/the 507/12667
Isa_10:5...........staff/in their hand is/mine 7132/12667
Job_21:16............not/in their hand the/counsel 5693/12667
Jer_41:5.........incense/in their hand to bring/them 8121/12667
Psa_149:6..........sword/in their hand To execute/vengeance 6685/12667
Exo_5:21...........sword/in their hand to slay/us 642/12667 their hands and brought/it 1861/12667
Luk_6:1.............them/in their hands And certain/of 10345/12667
Rev_7:9............palms/in their hands And cried/with 12552/12667
1Sa_21:13............mad/in their hands and scrabbled/on 3115/12667
Jdg_7:19............were/in their hands And the/three 2636/12667
Rev_20:4..............or/in their hands and they/lived 12647/12667 their hands and with/their 8689/12667 their hands For/thus 8696/12667
Psa_91:12.............up/in their hands lest/thou 6405/12667 their hands Their/feet 7540/12667
Ezr_5:8.......prospereth/in their hands Then/asked 5263/12667
Luk_4:11.............And/in their hands they shall bear thee up lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone And/Jesus 10321/12667
Mat_4:6..............and/in their hands they shall bear thee up lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone Jesus/said 9793/12667 their hands Who/can 9462/12667
2Ki_7:15............away/in their haste/And. 4047/12667
Deu_31:11.........Israel/in their hearing/Gather 2261/12667
Eze_14:3...........idols/in their heart and put/the 8521/12667
Act_2:37.........pricked/in their heart and said/unto 10863/12667
Heb_3:10.............err/in their heart and they have not known my ways So/I 12218/12667
Psa_95:10............err/in their heart and they have not known my ways Unto/whom 6423/12667
Psa_78:18............God/in their heart by/asking 6310/12667
Psa_140:2......mischiefs/in their heart continually/are 6640/12667
Jer_5:24............they/in their heart Let/us 7667/12667 their heart so/that 6952/12667
Zec_12:5.............say/in their heart The inhabitants/of 9700/12667
Zep_1:12.............say/in their heart The LORD/will 9571/12667 their heart while/they 6994/12667
Psa_35:25............say/in their hearts Ah/so 6053/12667
Heb_8:10............them/in their hearts and I/will 12249/12667
Mar_4:15............sown/in their hearts And these/are 10100/12667 their hearts and will/be 7959/12667
Psa_125:4........upright/in their hearts As/for 6591/12667 their hearts Give/them 6001/12667
Psa_74:8............said/in their hearts Let/us 6279/12667
Luk_3:15...........mused/in their hearts of/John 10313/12667
Luk_1:66..............up/in their hearts saying/What 10271/12667
Hos_7:2..............not/in their hearts that I/remember 9288/12667
Jer_32:40...........fear/in their hearts that they/shall 7985/12667
Rom_2:15.........written/in their hearts their/conscience 11179/12667
Job_1:5..............God/in their hearts Thus/did 5568/12667
Rev_17:17............put/in their hearts to/fulfil 12622/12667
Act_7:39.............and/in their hearts turned/back 10935/12667
Mar_2:6........reasoning/in their hearts Why/doth 10089/12667
Jer_51:39.........whelps/In their heat/I.... 8279/12667
Eze_31:14.............up/in their height/all 8829/12667
Eze_43:7...........kings/in their high/places 8973/12667
Jer_51:30.......remained/in their holds/their 8278/12667
Zec_14:12...........away/in their holes/and. 9732/12667 their house All/the 11490/12667 their house Salute/my 11315/12667
Job_1:4..........feasted/in their houses every/one 5566/12667
Hos_11:11...........them/in their houses saith/the 9320/12667
Deu_19:1.............and/in their houses Thou/shalt 2094/12667
Rom_1:21............vain/in their imaginations/and 11171/12667 their inclosings And the stones shall/be 932/12667 their inclosings And the stones were/according 1069/12667
Gen_48:6........brethren/in their inheritance And/as 564/12667
Jos_19:2.............had/in their inheritance Beersheba/and 2479/12667
Lev_26:39...........away/in their iniquity in/your 1457/12667
Hos_5:5.............fall/in their iniquity Judah/also 9277/12667 their inward/parts 7958/12667
Psa_149:2.........joyful/in their King/Let.. 6680/12667
Neh_9:35............thee/in their kingdom/and 5405/12667
Rom_1:28.............God/in their knowledge/God 11174/12667
2Ch_35:25.........Josiah/in their lamentations/to 5202/12667
Psa_105:35.........herbs/in their land and devoured/the 6466/12667
Eze_39:26.........safely/in their land and none/made 8945/12667 their land and shall/know 8886/12667
Joe_3:19...........blood/in their land But/Judah 9370/12667 their land He/smote 6465/12667
Num_18:20....inheritance/in their land neither/shalt 1652/12667
Deu_12:29.......dwellest/in their land Take/heed 2031/12667
Eze_28:25..........dwell/in their land that/I 8782/12667
Psa_105:36.....firstborn/in their land the/chief 6467/12667
Isa_61:7.......therefore/in their land they/shall 7558/12667
Gen_10:31........tongues/in their lands after/their 88/12667
Gen_10:5.........divided/in their lands every/one 81/12667
Joh_15:25........written/in their law/They. 10774/12667
Jdg_7:20...........lamps/in their left/hands 2637/12667
Psa_59:7.............are/in their lips/for.. 6189/12667
2Sa_1:23........pleasant/in their lives/and. 3253/12667
Rom_1:27..........burned/in their lust/one. 11172/12667
2Sa_17:8..........chafed/in their minds as/a 3406/12667
Heb_10:16............and/in their minds will/I 12260/12667
Gen_14:6.........Horites/in their mount/Seir. 118/12667 their mouth and a/two-edged 6684/12667
Jer_12:2............near/in their mouth and far/from 7750/12667 their mouth and in/their 12566/12667
Zec_14:12...........away/in their mouth And it/shall 9733/12667
Psa_58:6.............God/in their mouth break/out 6183/12667
Zep_3:13...........found/in their mouth for/they 9589/12667
Psa_5:9.....faithfulness/in their mouth their/inward 5860/12667
Mic_6:12.......deceitful/in their mouth Therefore/also 9505/12667
Rev_14:5.............And/in their mouth was/found 12598/12667 their mouths that/this 2271/12667
Psa_78:30............yet/in their mouths The/wrath 6317/12667
Psa_135:17........breath/in their mouths They/that 6616/12667
Gen_10:32....generations/in their nations and by/these 89/12667
Gen_10:5........families/in their nations And the/sons 82/12667
Gen_10:20............and/in their nations Unto/Shem 86/12667
Hab_1:15............them/in their net/and... 9548/12667
Lev_18:3............walk/in their ordinances/Ye 1344/12667
2Pe_2:12..........perish/in their own corruption/And 12384/12667
Psa_81:12.........walked/in their own counsels/Oh 6338/12667
1Co_3:19............wise/in their own craftiness And again/The 11353/12667
Job_5:13............wise/in their own craftiness and the/counsel 5594/12667
Isa_5:21............wise/in their own eyes and prudent/in 7085/12667
Pro_30:12...........pure/in their own eyes and yet/is 6913/12667
Neh_6:16............down/in their own eyes for/they 5361/12667
Psa_17:10.......inclosed/in their own fat/with 5932/12667
Eze_20:26...........them/in their own gifts/in 8623/12667
Eze_14:5..........Israel/in their own heart/because 8523/12667
Isa_14:1............them/in their own land and/the 7161/12667
Jer_23:8...........dwell/in their own land Mine/heart 7858/12667
Jer_27:11..........still/in their own land saith/the 7896/12667
Eze_36:17..........dwelt/in their own land they/defiled 8899/12667
Pro_11:6...........taken/in their own naughtiness/When 6761/12667
Isa_5:21.........prudent/in their own sight/Woe 7086/12667
Act_14:16...........walk/in their own ways/Nevertheless 11030/12667 their own wickedness/yea 6418/12667
Amo_3:10.........robbery/in their palaces/Therefore 9389/12667
Isa_59:7.............are/in their paths The/way 7541/12667
Pro_2:15.........froward/in their paths To/deliver 6699/12667
Isa_47:9............thee/in their perfection/for 7474/12667
Eze_19:4...........taken/in their pit and they brought/him 8588/12667
Eze_19:8...........taken/in their pit And they put/him 8589/12667
Lam_4:20...........taken/in their pits/of... 8383/12667
2Ch_35:15...........were/in their place according/to 5196/12667
2Ch_30:16..........stood/in their place after/their 5083/12667
Neh_9:3...............up/in their place and read/in 5384/12667
1Ch_17:9...........dwell/in their place and shall/be 4570/12667
2Ch_35:10..........stood/in their place and the/Levites 5189/12667
Isa_28:25............rie/in their place For/his 7306/12667
Job_40:12.........wicked/in their place Hide/them 5818/12667
Neh_8:7............stood/in their place So/they 5370/12667 their place Take/heed 5794/12667
Neh_13:11...........them/in their place Then/brought 5455/12667
Jos_5:8............abode/in their places in/the 2349/12667
Job_37:8..........remain/in their places Out/of 5796/12667
Isa_13:22........dragons/in their pleasant/palaces 7160/12667
Isa_61:7.........rejoice/in their portion/therefore 7557/12667
Deu_11:6.............was/in their possession/in 2000/12667
1Ch_9:2............dwelt/in their possessions/in 4494/12667 their presses/I. 7186/12667
Psa_59:12..........taken/in their pride/and. 6191/12667
Act_1:19..........called/in their proper/tongue 10842/12667
Job_17:2........continue/in their provocation/Lay 5660/12667 their purse/But 10128/12667
Neh_9:17.............and/in their rebellion/appointed 5391/12667
Rev_13:16...........mark/in their right hand/or 12595/12667
Jdg_7:20........trumpets/in their right hands/to 2638/12667
2Ch_18:9.........clothed/in their robes/and. 4890/12667
1Ki_20:24.......captains/in their rooms And/number 3911/12667
1Ch_4:41...........dwelt/in their rooms because/there 4453/12667
Pro_1:22.........delight/in their scorning/and 6696/12667
Luk_1:20.......fulfilled/in their season And/the 10255/12667
Jer_33:20..........night/in their season Then/may 8011/12667
Lev_23:4........proclaim/in their seasons In/the 1385/12667
Mat_21:41.........fruits/in their seasons Jesus/saith 9988/12667
1Sa_5:9..........emerods/in their secret/parts 2939/12667
Gen_49:6.............and/in their selfwill/they 576/12667
1Ch_24:3.........offices/in their service And/there 4623/12667
1Ch_24:19...........them/in their service to/come 4624/12667
1Ch_9:26............were/in their set office and/were 4507/12667
1Ch_9:22..........ordain/in their set office So/they 4504/12667
2Ch_31:18............for/in their set office they/sanctified 5106/12667
2Ch_31:15........priests/in their set office to/give 5103/12667
Eze_43:8..........places/In their setting/of 8974/12667 their shame/who 11907/12667
Num_13:33...........were/in their sight And all/the 1598/12667
Eze_12:5............wall/in their sight and carry/out 8497/12667
Eze_12:7........shoulder/in their sight And in/the 8502/12667 their sight And the/LORD 8405/12667
Num_27:19.........charge/in their sight And thou shalt put/some 1749/12667 their sight and thou shalt remove/from 8493/12667 their sight as stuff/for 8495/12667
Eze_12:4............even/in their sight as they/that 8496/12667
Job_19:15..........alien/in their sight I/called 5675/12667 their sight it/may 8494/12667
Eze_12:6.........thereby/In their sight shalt/thou 8498/12667 their sight that/they 8978/12667
Eze_21:23.....divination/in their sight to/them 8638/12667
Job_21:8.....established/in their sight with/them 5690/12667
2Sa_15:11...........went/in their simplicity/and 3386/12667
Deu_2:21...........dwelt/in their stead As he/did 1887/12667
Deu_2:12...........dwelt/in their stead as Israel/did 1884/12667
1Ki_14:27...........made/in their stead brasen/shields 3787/12667
Deu_2:22...........dwelt/in their stead even/unto 1889/12667
Deu_2:23...........dwelt/in their stead Rise/ye 1891/12667
Jos_5:7...............up/in their stead them/Joshua 2348/12667
Job_34:24.........others/in their stead Therefore/he 5776/12667
1Ch_5:22...........dwelt/in their steads/until 4470/12667
Isa_15:3.............and/in their streets every/one 7179/12667 their streets they/shall 7178/12667
Jos_11:13..........still/in their strength/Israel 2414/12667
Mar_1:23.............was/in their synagogue a/man 10084/12667
Mat_13:54...........them/in their synagogue insomuch/that 9927/12667
Mat_4:23........teaching/in their synagogues and preaching the gospel of the kingdom and healing all/manner 9799/12667
Mat_9:35........teaching/in their synagogues and preaching the gospel of the kingdom and healing every/sickness 9857/12667 their synagogues And ye/shall 9862/12667
Luk_4:15..........taught/in their synagogues being/glorified 10323/12667
Mar_1:39........preached/in their synagogues throughout/all 10086/12667 their tabernacles/The 9299/12667
Rev_9:10..........stings/in their tails and/their 12561/12667
Rev_9:19.............and/in their tails for/their 12567/12667
Num_9:20...........abode/in their tents and according/to 1548/12667
Psa_106:25......murmured/in their tents and hearkened/not 6480/12667
Num_9:22...........abode/in their tents and journeyed/not 1550/12667
Num_9:18..........rested/in their tents And when/the 1547/12667
2Ki_13:5...........dwelt/in their tents as/beforetime 4149/12667
Psa_69:25..........dwell/in their tents For/they 6252/12667
1Ch_5:10...........dwelt/in their tents throughout/all 4458/12667
Psa_78:55..........dwell/in their tents Yet/they 6328/12667
Deu_23:8............LORD/in their third/generation 2140/12667
Est_9:31...........Purim/in their times/appointed 5562/12667
Psa_107:28..........LORD/in their trouble and he bringeth/them 6500/12667
Psa_107:6...........LORD/in their trouble and he delivered/them 6489/12667
Psa_107:13..........LORD/in their trouble and he saved/them 6493/12667
Psa_107:19..........LORD/in their trouble and he saveth/them 6496/12667
2Ch_15:4............they/in their trouble did/turn 4851/12667
Hos_10:10.....themselves/in their two/furrows 9311/12667
Lev_15:31............not/in their uncleanness/when 1321/12667 their vessels Which/say 7587/12667
Mat_25:4.............oil/in their vessels with/their 10032/12667
Neh_11:31............and/in their villages And/at 5434/12667
Neh_11:30............and/in their villages at/Lachish 5432/12667
1Ch_9:25............were/in their villages were/to 4506/12667
1Ch_9:22.......genealogy/in their villages whom/David 4503/12667
Eze_27:32............And/in their wailing/they 8758/12667
Nah_2:5..........stumble/in their walk/they. 9537/12667
Pro_11:20........upright/in their way/are... 6764/12667
Rom_3:16.............are/in their ways And/the 11189/12667
Jer_18:15........stumble/in their ways from/the 7815/12667 their wealth/and 6132/12667
Zec_5:9..............was/in their wings/for. 9638/12667 their young/men. 7128/12667
Psa_144:12............up/in their youth that/our 6656/12667
Eze_23:3.......whoredoms/in their youth there/were 8678/12667
2Ki_19:12...........were/in Thelasar/Where.. 4292/12667
Ecc_11:8.........rejoice/in them all/yet.... 7015/12667
2Ki_5:12............wash/in them and be/clean 4015/12667 them and blemishes/be 1381/12667
Num_16:17........incense/in them and bring/ye 1636/12667 them and devour/them 9454/12667 them and I in/them 10797/12667
2Co_6:16............walk/in them and I will/be 11576/12667
1Ch_10:7...........dwelt/in them And it came to pass on the morrow when the Philistines came to strip the slain that they found Saul and his sons/fallen 4515/12667
1Sa_31:7...........dwelt/in them And it came to pass on the morrow when the Philistines came to strip the slain that they found Saul and his three/sons 3244/12667 them and laid/incense 1637/12667
Gen_30:37........strakes/in them and made/the 305/12667
Num_20:13.....sanctified/in them And Moses/sent 1671/12667 them and my/sabbaths 8608/12667
Joh_17:10......glorified/in them And now/I. 10784/12667
Jer_29:28..........dwell/in them and plant gardens and eat the fruit of them And/Zephaniah 7934/12667
Jer_29:5...........dwell/in them and plant gardens and eat the fruit of them Take/ye 7916/12667
2Ch_11:11.......captains/in them and store/of 4818/12667
Exo_29:29....consecrated/in them And that/son 953/12667
Jdg_21:23..........dwelt/in them And the children/of 2838/12667
Hag_2:22............ride/in them and the horses/and 9619/12667
Isa_8:20...........light/in them And they shall/pass 7118/12667
Rev_20:13...........were/in them and they were/judged 12652/12667 them and thou hast/praised 9158/12667
Joh_17:23..............I/in them and thou in/me 10794/12667
2Co_6:16...........dwell/in them and walk/in 11575/12667 them and withdrew/the 5402/12667
Jos_5:1...........spirit/in them any/more... 2344/12667 them because/of 11820/12667
Num_16:7.........incense/in them before/the. 1634/12667
Psa_135:18......trusteth/in them Bless/the.. 6617/12667
Ecc_3:12............good/in them but for/a.. 6953/12667
Col_3:7............lived/in them But now/ye 11979/12667
2Ch_4:6...........washed/in them but the sea/was 4726/12667
Hos_14:9............walk/in them but the transgressors/shall 9342/12667 them Christ/hath 11705/12667
1Pe_1:11.............was/in them did/signify 12326/12667
Rom_1:19........manifest/in them for God/hath 11170/12667
Eze_18:26..........dieth/in them for his/iniquity 8586/12667
1Ti_4:16........continue/in them for in/doing 12116/12667 them go/away.... 5592/12667 them hath/he.... 5945/12667
Rev_5:13.............are/in them heard/I... 12546/12667
Eze_33:10...........away/in them how/should. 8861/12667 them I/am....... 1345/12667
Eze_39:27.....sanctified/in them in the sight of many/nations 8946/12667
Eze_28:25.....sanctified/in them in the sight of the/heathen 8780/12667
Exo_20:11...........that/in them is and/rested 843/12667
Rev_15:1.............for/in them is filled/up 12612/12667
Mat_13:14............And/in them is fulfilled/the 9911/12667
Act_4:24............that/in them is Who/by. 10884/12667 them Moreover also/I 8605/12667
Eze_5:13............fury/in them Moreover I/will 8423/12667
Psa_115:8.......trusteth/in them O Israel/trust 6524/12667
Deu_32:28..understanding/in them O that/they 2282/12667
Ecc_2:5............trees/in them of all/kind 6933/12667
Jos_24:13..........dwell/in them of the/vineyards 2533/12667
2Pe_3:16........speaking/in them of these/things 12398/12667
Mal_2:17......delighteth/in them or/Where... 9755/12667
Eze_46:23..........about/in them round/about 9041/12667
Exo_12:16...........done/in them save/that... 723/12667
Eze_18:24.........sinned/in them shall/he... 8585/12667
2Ch_4:6.............wash/in them such/things 4725/12667
2Co_2:15..........Christ/in them that are/saved 11520/12667
Lev_10:3......sanctified/in them that come/nigh 1160/12667
Rom_1:32........pleasure/in them that do/them 11175/12667
Job_4:19............less/in them that dwell/in 5589/12667
Psa_147:11......pleasure/in them that fear/him 6673/12667 them that heard/it 12225/12667
2Th_2:10.unrighteousness/in them that perish because/they 12070/12667
2Co_2:15.............and/in them that perish To/the 11521/12667
Deu_5:29...........heart/in them that they/would 1945/12667
Rev_21:14............and/in them the/names. 12656/12667
Eze_37:8..........breath/in them Then said/he 8913/12667
Eze_10:17............was/in them Then the/glory 8479/12667
Psa_107:5........fainted/in them Then they/cried 6488/12667
1Ki_6:12............walk/in them then will/I 3614/12667 them therefore come/and 10451/12667
Eze_5:6...........walked/in them Therefore thus/saith 8414/12667 them Therefore will/I 7709/12667
Pro_8:8.........perverse/in them They are all/plain 6742/12667
Jer_10:14.........breath/in them They are vanity and/the 7735/12667
Jer_51:17.........breath/in them They are vanity the/work 8264/12667
Dan_5:3............drank/in them They drank/wine 9140/12667 them they polluted/my 8618/12667
Jer_2:37.........prosper/in them They say/If 7633/12667 them they shall/not 1382/12667
2Ch_14:14..........spoil/in them They smote/also 4849/12667
Jer_5:13.............not/in them thus/shall. 7660/12667
Ecc_8:11.............set/in them to do evil/Though 6991/12667 them to do good/Forasmuch 7730/12667
Dan_1:4..........ability/in them to stand/in 9069/12667
Joh_17:26..............I/in them When Jesus/had 10798/12667 them when they/cast 7095/12667
Eph_2:10............walk/in them Wherefore/remember 11781/12667
Ecc_12:1........pleasure/in them While/the.. 7021/12667
Rev_12:12..........dwell/in them Woe/to.... 12589/12667
Amo_5:11...........dwell/in them ye have/planted 9403/12667
Joh_5:39.............for/in them ye think/ye 10655/12667
Mar_4:17............root/in themselves and/so 10101/12667
Mar_6:51..........amazed/in themselves beyond/measure 10142/12667
Joh_17:13......fulfilled/in themselves I/have 10790/12667
Rom_1:27.......receiving/in themselves that recompence/of 11173/12667
Luk_18:9.........trusted/in themselves that they/were 10507/12667
Job_41:23...........firm/in themselves they/cannot 5826/12667
Joh_20:5.............not/in Then cometh/Simon 10819/12667
Dan_1:18............them/in then the/prince. 9076/12667
2Ki_2:21............salt/in there and/said.. 3984/12667
Isa_24:10...........come/in There is/a...... 7242/12667 there thou/shalt 2058/12667
Mat_7:13..............go/in thereat/Because. 9839/12667
2Ki_4:33............went/in therefore and/shut 4002/12667
Luk_15:28.............go/in therefore came/his 10474/12667
Eze_43:11........comings/in thereof/and..... 8977/12667
Luk_24:18..........there/in these days And/he 10590/12667
Act_11:27............And/in these days came/prophets 10998/12667
Zec_8:6...........people/in these days should/it 9661/12667
Zec_8:9.............hear/in these days these/words 9666/12667
Zec_8:15.........thought/in these days to/do 9670/12667
1Ch_7:29...........towns/In these dwelt/the. 4489/12667 these houses/an. 2769/12667
Heb_1:2.............Hath/in these last days/spoken 12199/12667
1Pe_1:20........manifest/in these last times/for 12330/12667
Joh_5:3..........porches/In these lay/a.... 10644/12667 these parts/and 11306/12667 these tents/as.. 9736/12667 these things but/Michael 9230/12667
Jer_9:24.............for/in these things I/delight 7726/12667
Rom_14:18...........that/in these things serveth/Christ 11298/12667
Dan_11:6.............her/in these times/But. 9234/12667
Isa_57:6.........comfort/in these Upon/a.... 7528/12667
Eze_27:21..........goats/in these were/they. 8745/12667
Lev_25:54.......redeemed/in these years/then 1442/12667
Act_17:11..........those/in Thessalonica in/that 11054/12667
Php_4:16............even/in Thessalonica ye/sent 11921/12667
Act_1:13............come/in they/went...... 10837/12667
1Sa_13:6.............and/in thickets/and.... 2990/12667
Psa_56:7........iniquity/in thine anger cast/down 6173/12667
Jer_10:24............not/in thine anger lest/thou 7739/12667
Psa_7:6.............LORD/in thine anger lift/up 5872/12667
Psa_6:1..............not/in thine anger neither/chasten 5864/12667 thine apparel/and 7571/12667
Eze_27:10...........were/in thine army/thy.. 8731/12667
1Sa_25:24..........speak/in thine audience/and 3174/12667
Eze_16:12.......earrings/in thine ears and a/beautiful 8539/12667
Jer_28:7...........speak/in thine ears and in/the 7911/12667
Isa_49:20..........again/in thine ears The/place 7493/12667
Jer_31:17...........hope/in thine end/saith. 7950/12667 thine eye/when. 10355/12667
1Sa_20:3...........grace/in thine eyes and/he 3095/12667
Job_11:4...........clean/in thine eyes But/oh 5628/12667
2Sa_19:27...........good/in thine eyes For all/of 3439/12667
1Sa_25:8..........favour/in thine eyes for we/come 3168/12667
1Sa_20:29.........favour/in thine eyes let me/get 3102/12667
1Sa_27:5...........grace/in thine eyes let them/give 3198/12667
1Ch_17:17..........thing/in thine eyes O/God 4573/12667
Gen_30:27.........favour/in thine eyes tarry/for 302/12667
Rut_2:10...........grace/in thine eyes that/thou 2861/12667
2Ki_10:5............good/in thine eyes Then/he 4095/12667
1Ki_20:6........pleasant/in thine eyes they/shall 3904/12667
1Sa_26:21.......precious/in thine eyes this/day 3193/12667
Exo_17:5............take/in thine hand and go Behold/I 806/12667
2Ki_8:8..........present/in thine hand and go meet/the 4053/12667
2Ki_4:29...........staff/in thine hand and go thy/way 4001/12667
2Ki_9:1..............oil/in thine hand and go to/Ramothgilead 4072/12667 thine hand And he gave/it 404/12667
Exo_4:2.............that/in thine hand And he said/A 620/12667
Jer_43:9..........stones/in thine hand and hide/them 8137/12667 thine hand and shalt/go 2040/12667
1Ki_17:11..........bread/in thine hand And she/said 3874/12667
Exo_7:15............take/in thine hand And thou/shalt 652/12667 thine hand And to/carry 5290/12667 thine hand And when/the 8916/12667
Jos_9:25.............are/in thine hand as/it 2395/12667 thine hand before/their 8919/12667
Exo_4:21.............put/in thine hand but I/will 630/12667 thine hand but save/his 5580/12667 thine hand do/to. 138/12667
Gen_21:18............him/in thine hand for/I. 206/12667
1Ch_29:12............and/in thine hand is power/and 4666/12667
2Ch_20:6.............and/in thine hand is there/not 4914/12667
1Ch_29:12............and/in thine hand it/is 4667/12667 thine hand put/it 5629/12667 thine hand set/magistrates 5295/12667
1Sa_24:20....established/in thine hand Swear/now 3158/12667 thine hand that we should give bread unto thine/army 2643/12667 thine hand that we should give bread unto thy/men 2647/12667
Deu_28:32..........might/in thine hand The fruit/of 2205/12667
Jer_36:14...........Take/in thine hand the roll/wherein 8043/12667
Exo_4:17.............rod/in thine hand wherewith/thou 624/12667
Zec_13:6..........wounds/in thine hands/Then 9717/12667
Deu_9:4.............thou/in thine heart after/that 1972/12667 thine heart And as/for 2963/12667
Eze_3:10.........receive/in thine heart and hear/with 8398/12667
2Ch_1:11.............was/in thine heart and thou hast/not 4688/12667 thine heart And thou shalt/teach 1951/12667 thine heart for God/is 4566/12667 thine heart for the/LORD 3316/12667
Deu_18:21............say/in thine heart How/shall 2091/12667
Isa_47:8..........sayest/in thine heart I am and none else beside me I/shall 7471/12667
Isa_47:10...........said/in thine heart I am and none else beside me Therefore/shall 7476/12667
Job_10:13............hid/in thine heart I know/that 5627/12667
Isa_14:13...........said/in thine heart I will/ascend 7166/12667
Job_22:22..........words/in thine heart If/thou 5706/12667
Deu_8:17.............say/in thine heart My/power 1970/12667 thine heart neither/let 6727/12667
1Ki_8:18.............was/in thine heart Nevertheless/thou 3652/12667
2Ch_6:8..............was/in thine heart Notwithstanding/thou 4746/12667
Deu_8:5.........consider/in thine heart that as/a 1965/12667
Rom_10:9.........believe/in thine heart that God/hath 11262/12667 thine heart that the/LORD 1923/12667
Deu_7:17.............say/in thine heart These/nations 1961/12667
Act_5:4............thing/in thine heart thou hast/not 10886/12667 thine heart thou shalt/in 1353/12667
2Ch_6:8..............was/in thine heart to build an house for/my 4744/12667
1Ki_8:18.............was/in thine heart to build an house unto/my 3651/12667 thine heart turn/thee 3003/12667
Jer_13:22............say/in thine heart Wherefore/come 7760/12667
Deu_8:2..............was/in thine heart whether/thou 1964/12667
Isa_49:21............say/in thine heart Who hath/begotten 7494/12667
Rom_10:6.............not/in thine heart Who shall/ascend 11259/12667
2Sa_1:25...........slain/in thine high/places 3257/12667
Deu_21:13.........remain/in thine house and bewail/her 2118/12667
Isa_39:4............seen/in thine house And Hezekiah answered All that/is 7403/12667
2Ki_20:15...........seen/in thine house And Hezekiah answered All the/things 4310/12667 thine house and that which thy fathers have laid up in store until/this 7405/12667 thine house and that which thy fathers have laid up in store unto/this 4312/12667 thine house And thou/shalt 2911/12667
Deu_6:7..........sittest/in thine house and when thou walkest by the way and/when 1952/12667
Deu_11:19........sittest/in thine house and when thou walkest by the way when/thou 2010/12667
1Sa_22:14.....honourable/in thine house Did/I 3129/12667
Deu_25:14...........have/in thine house divers/measures 2170/12667 thine house for/ever 2914/12667
1Sa_2:36............left/in thine house shall come/and 2919/12667
Num_18:13..........clean/in thine house shall eat/of 1649/12667
Jer_20:6...........dwell/in thine house shall go/into 7830/12667 thine house The/priests 9006/12667
Eze_22:4.........thyself/in thine idols/which 8647/12667
Deu_19:14............set/in thine inheritance/which 2101/12667 thine own beauty/and 8540/12667
Eze_16:6........polluted/in thine own blood/I 8536/12667 thine own eye Either/how 10354/12667 thine own eye Or/how 9835/12667 thine own eye Thou hypocrite cast/out 10356/12667 thine own eye Thou hypocrite first/cast 9836/12667
Pro_3:7.............wise/in thine own eyes/fear 6706/12667 thine own people/But 637/12667
2Sa_17:11.........battle/in thine own person/So 3410/12667
Act_5:4..............not/in thine own power/why 10885/12667
1Sa_15:17.........little/in thine own sight/wast 3023/12667
Psa_21:13...........LORD/in thine own strength/so 5959/12667 things pertaining to God that/he 12234/12667
Heb_2:17..........priest/in things pertaining to God to/make 12211/12667
Psa_131:1.............or/in things too/high. 6604/12667
Deu_28:48............and/in thirst and/in... 2210/12667
Jer_48:18............sit/in thirst for/the.. 8199/12667
Jdg_12:9............took/in thirty/daughters 2710/12667 this abundance/which 11598/12667
Mar_8:38...........words/in this adulterous/and 10153/12667
2Ch_20:17..........fight/in this battle/set. 4919/12667
2Co_9:3.............vain/in this behalf/that 11604/12667
2Ki_23:3.........written/in this book And all/the 4357/12667
2Ch_34:31........written/in this book And he/caused 5182/12667
2Ch_34:21........written/in this book And Hilkiah/and 5174/12667
Rev_22:18........written/in this book And if/any 12666/12667
Deu_29:27........written/in this book And the/LORD 2240/12667
Joh_20:30........written/in this book But/these 10827/12667
Rev_22:19........written/in this book He/which 12667/12667
Deu_30:10........written/in this book of the law and/if 2248/12667
Deu_29:21........written/in this book of the law So/that 2237/12667
Deu_29:20........written/in this book shall/lie 2236/12667
Deu_28:58........written/in this book that/thou 2222/12667
Jer_25:13........written/in this book which/Jeremiah 7878/12667 this city a/man. 2957/12667
Act_18:10.........people/in this city And he/continued 11071/12667
Jer_29:16.......dwelleth/in this city and of/your 7922/12667
Jer_38:4..........remain/in this city and the/hands 8074/12667
Eze_11:6...........slain/in this city and ye/have 8482/12667
Act_22:3..............up/in this city at/the 11111/12667 this city flee/ye 9865/12667
Jer_21:7............left/in this city from/the 7840/12667
Jer_21:9.........abideth/in this city shall die by the sword and/by 7841/12667
Jer_38:2.......remaineth/in this city shall die by the sword by/the 8073/12667
Jer_27:19.........remain/in this city Which Nebuchadnezzar/king 7900/12667
Eze_11:2.........counsel/in this city Which say/It 8481/12667
2Co_1:15.............And/in this confidence I/was 11506/12667
2Co_11:17......foolishly/in this confidence of/boasting 11628/12667
Luk_16:24......tormented/in this flame/But. 10488/12667 this generation/Of 50/12667
2Co_8:7...........abound/in this grace/also 11596/12667
Dan_7:8...........behold/in this horn/were.. 9182/12667 this house and cry/unto 4916/12667
2Ch_33:7.............son/In this house and in Jerusalem which I have chosen before/all 5141/12667
2Ki_21:7.............son/In this house and in Jerusalem which I have chosen out/of 4325/12667
Gen_39:9.........greater/in this house than/I 420/12667
2Ch_6:22...........altar/in this house Then hear thou from heaven and/do 4756/12667
2Ch_6:29...........hands/in this house Then hear thou from heaven thy/dwelling 4760/12667
2Ch_6:24............thee/in this house Then hear thou from the heavens and/forgive 4757/12667
2Ch_6:32............pray/in this house Then hear thou from the heavens even/from 4763/12667
1Ki_8:31...........altar/in this house Then hear thou in heaven and do/and 3658/12667
1Ki_8:33............thee/in this house Then hear thou in heaven and forgive/the 3660/12667 this house which/is 7691/12667 this I/praise.. 11421/12667
Gen_26:3.........Sojourn/in this land and I/will 262/12667
Jer_24:8..........remain/in this land and them/that 7873/12667
Jer_32:41...........them/in this land assuredly/with 7986/12667 this land By/sword 7772/12667
Deu_4:22.............die/in this land I/must 1914/12667
Jer_42:13..........dwell/in this land neither/obey 8129/12667
Jer_32:15..........again/in this land Now/when 7973/12667
Jer_42:10..........abide/in this land then/will 8128/12667
Jer_16:3............them/in this land They shall die/of 7784/12667
Jer_16:6.............die/in this land they shall not/be 7785/12667
Jer_32:43.........bought/in this land whereof/ye 7987/12667 this life all/the 6973/12667
Ecc_9:9..........portion/in this life and in/thy 6996/12667
Psa_17:14........portion/in this life and whose/belly 5935/12667
1Co_15:19.............If/in this life only/we 11465/12667
Luk_23:4...........fault/in this man And/they 10568/12667
Act_23:9............evil/in this man but/if 11118/12667
Luk_23:14..........fault/in this man touching/those 10571/12667
Rev_11:5............must/in this manner/be. 12574/12667
Dan_1:14............them/in this matter and/proved 9072/12667 this matter but/as 3229/12667
Act_8:21.............lot/in this matter for/thy 10947/12667
Dan_3:16............thee/in this matter If/it 9103/12667
2Co_7:11...........clear/in this matter Wherefore/though 11584/12667
Exo_13:5.........service/in this month/Seven. 748/12667
Deu_1:6...........enough/in this mount/Turn. 1854/12667
Joh_4:20......worshipped/in this mountain and/ye 10633/12667
Joh_4:21.........neither/in this mountain nor/yet 10635/12667
Isa_25:10............For/in this mountain shall the hand/of 7261/12667
Isa_25:6.............And/in this mountain shall the LORD/of 7256/12667
Isa_25:7.........destroy/in this mountain the/face 7257/12667
Act_5:28...........teach/in this name and behold/ye 10896/12667 this name And they/called 10881/12667
Mar_14:30...........even/in this night/before 10226/12667
Heb_4:5..............And/in this place again/If 12228/12667
Jer_16:3............born/in this place and concerning/their 7783/12667 this place And he gave/him 10913/12667
Gen_38:21.........harlot/in this place And he returned/to 406/12667 this place And he said/Bring 568/12667 this place and I knew/it 283/12667
Jer_19:7.......Jerusalem/in this place and I will/cause 7822/12667
Gen_38:22.........harlot/in this place And Judah/said 407/12667
Gen_20:11............not/in this place and they/will 196/12667
Jdg_18:3............thou/in this place and what/hast 2762/12667
1Sa_12:8...........dwell/in this place And when/they 2976/12667
Jer_22:3...........blood/in this place For if/ye 7845/12667
1Ki_13:16...........thee/in this place For it/was 3759/12667
2Ch_7:15............made/in this place For now/have 4774/12667
1Ki_13:8...........water/in this place For so/was 3755/12667
Jer_16:2.......daughters/in this place For thus/saith 7782/12667
Jer_7:7............dwell/in this place in/the 7688/12667
Mat_12:6............That/in this place is/one 9895/12667
Jer_7:6............blood/in this place neither/walk 7687/12667
2Ch_6:40............made/in this place Now/therefore 4767/12667 this place that/ye 8173/12667
Jer_14:13..........peace/in this place Then/the 7769/12667
Jer_7:3............dwell/in this place Trust/ye 7685/12667
Jer_33:12..........Again/in this place which is/desolate 8000/12667
Jer_33:10..........heard/in this place which ye/say 7997/12667
Hag_2:9..............and/in this place will/I 9611/12667
2Ki_9:26............thee/in this plat/saith. 4084/12667
Luk_18:30...........more/in this present time/and 10511/12667
Tit_2:12...........godly/in this present world/Looking 12176/12667
Luk_10:20Notwithstanding/in this rejoice/not 10398/12667
2Co_3:10...........glory/in this respect/by 11529/12667
2Co_9:4..........ashamed/in this same/confident 11605/12667
Rom_13:9....comprehended/in this saying/namely 11289/12667
Exo_12:17............for/in this selfsame/day 724/12667
Ezr_4:8.............king/in this sort/Then.. 5254/12667
2Co_5:4..............are/in this tabernacle do/groan 11547/12667 this tabernacle to/stir 12371/12667
Jer_9:24...........glory/in this that he/understandeth 7724/12667
1Co_11:17............Now/in this that I/declare 11417/12667
1Jn_3:10.............God/In this the/children 12435/12667
2Ki_5:18.........servant/in this thing And/he 4023/12667
Ezr_10:13...transgressed/in this thing Let/now 5316/12667
2Sa_24:3.........delight/in this thing Notwithstanding/the 3504/12667
2Ki_5:18............LORD/In this thing the/LORD 4020/12667
Deu_1:32.............Yet/in this thing ye/did 1866/12667
Job_33:12.........Behold/in this thou art/not 5769/12667
Exo_7:17............LORD/In this thou shalt know/that 654/12667
Gal_5:14............even/in this Thou shalt love/thy 11724/12667
Luk_19:42..........least/in this thy day/the 10520/12667
Jdg_6:14..............Go/in this thy might/and 2615/12667 this time/houses 10168/12667
Ezr_9:2............chief/in this trespass/And 5304/12667 this was/manifested 12452/12667 this way/that.... 285/12667
2Co_5:2..............For/in this we/groan.. 11546/12667
Num_14:29...........fall/in this wilderness and all/that 1611/12667
Num_14:2............died/in this wilderness And wherefore/hath 1600/12667
Num_14:32...........fall/in this wilderness And your/children 1613/12667 this wilderness they/shall 1617/12667 this will I/be.. 5991/12667
Gen_34:15............But/in this will we/consent 340/12667
Eph_1:21............only/in this world but/also 11766/12667
1Co_3:18............wise/in this world let/him 11352/12667
Mat_12:32........neither/in this world neither/in 9899/12667 this world shall/keep 10732/12667 this world that/they 12127/12667
1Jn_4:17..............we/in this world There/is 12463/12667
Eze_20:27............Yet/in this your/fathers 8625/12667
2Ki_4:10............turn/in thither And it/fell 3999/12667
Jdg_18:3..........turned/in thither and said/unto 2761/12667 thither and the/iron 4029/12667
Jdg_18:17...........came/in thither and took/the 2770/12667
Deu_1:39..............go/in thither and unto/them 1874/12667
Deu_1:37..............go/in thither But/Joshua 1871/12667
Deu_1:38..............go/in thither encourage/him 1872/12667
2Ki_4:8...........turned/in thither to/eat.. 3998/12667
Luk_21:2.........casting/in thither two/mites 10534/12667
Exo_26:33..........bring/in thither within/the 918/12667
Exo_22:6...........catch/in thorns/so........ 856/12667
Mar_13:24............But/in those days after/that 10214/12667
Neh_13:23..........mercy/In those days also/saw 5462/12667 those days and also/after 41/12667
Jer_33:15..........Judah/In those days and at/that 8008/12667 those days and enquire/and 2078/12667 those days And he/spake 10344/12667
Jer_50:4...........beast/In those days and in that time saith the LORD the children/of 8235/12667
Jer_50:20.........Gilead/In those days and in that time saith the LORD the iniquity/of 8242/12667
Joe_3:1...........behold/in those days and in that time when/I 9363/12667
Act_7:41............calf/in those days and offered/sacrifice 10936/12667
Jdg_20:27..........there/in those days And Phinehas/the 2809/12667
Mar_13:17...........suck/in those days And pray/ye 10211/12667 those days and say/unto 2175/12667 those days And the/judges 2104/12667
Luk_1:39...........arose/in those days and went/into 10264/12667 those days any/of 10389/12667
Mat_24:19...........suck/in those days But/pray 10017/12667
Mat_3:1.........Nazarene/In those days came/John 9787/12667
Luk_21:23...........suck/in those days for/there 10546/12667
Luk_4:2..............And/in those days he/did 10319/12667
2Ch_32:24....thenceforth/In those days Hezekiah/was 5122/12667 those days I/Daniel 9218/12667
Zec_8:23...........hosts/In those days it/shall 9674/12667
Eze_38:17.....prophesied/in those days many/years 8931/12667 those days No/man 10093/12667
Act_2:18.............out/in those days of/my 10856/12667
Act_1:15.............And/in those days Peter/stood 10839/12667
Jer_5:18....Nevertheless/in those days saith the LORD I/will 7662/12667 those days saith the LORD they/shall 7638/12667
Neh_13:15........thereof/In those days saw/I 5456/12667 those days saying/Shall 2810/12667
Mar_13:19............For/in those days shall be/affliction 10213/12667 those days shall Judah/be 8010/12667
Rev_9:6..............And/in those days shall men/seek 12560/12667
Luk_6:12............pass/in those days that he/went 10347/12667
Mar_1:9.............pass/in those days that Jesus/came 10077/12667
Act_9:37............pass/in those days that she/was 10970/12667
1Sa_28:1............pass/in those days that the/Philistines 3204/12667
Luk_2:1.............pass/in those days that there/went 10278/12667
Jer_3:18...........heart/In those days the house/of 7639/12667
2Ki_10:32............sin/In those days the LORD began to cut/Israel 4113/12667
2Ki_15:37..........Judah/In those days the LORD began to send/against 4229/12667
Mar_8:1............speak/In those days the multitude/being 10147/12667
Neh_6:17........Moreover/in those days the nobles/of 5362/12667
Jdg_18:1.............and/in those days the tribe/of 2759/12667 those days then/shall 2485/12667
Jdg_18:1..........priest/In those days there was no king in Israel and/in 2757/12667
Jdg_17:6..........priest/In those days there was no king in Israel but/every 2752/12667
Jdg_21:25....inheritance/In those days there was no king in Israel every/man 2839/12667
1Sa_3:1.........precious/in those days there was no open/vision 2920/12667
Jer_31:29...........LORD/In those days they/shall 7956/12667
2Sa_16:23.....counselled/in those days was as/if 3404/12667
Isa_38:1...........stead/In those days was Hezekiah sick unto death And Isaiah/the 7389/12667
2Ki_20:1...........stead/In those days was Hezekiah sick unto death And the/prophet 4302/12667
Exo_2:11............pass/in those days when Moses/was 608/12667
Est_1:2.............That/in those days when the king/Ahasuerus 5469/12667
Act_6:1..............And/in those days when the number/of 10903/12667
Jdg_19:1............pass/in those days when there/was 2777/12667
Rev_2:13............even/in those days wherein/Antipas 12519/12667
Est_2:21.............him/In those days while/Mordecai 5496/12667
Joe_2:29.......handmaids/in those days will/I 9357/12667
Isa_64:5..........sinned/in those is/continuance 7583/12667
Act_16:3............were/in those quarters/for 11041/12667
Heb_10:3.............But/in those sacrifices/there 12257/12667
1Co_14:23...........come/in those that are/unlearned 11451/12667
Psa_147:11...........him/in those that hope/in 6674/12667
Jud_1:10..........beasts/in those things they/corrupt 12493/12667
Rom_6:21............then/in those things whereof/ye 11218/12667
Rom_15:17.........Christ/in those things which pertain/to 11305/12667 those things which they/hallow 1374/12667
Dan_11:14............And/in those times there shall/many 9236/12667
2Ch_15:5.............And/in those times there was/no 4852/12667
2Ch_14:6.............war/in those years/because 4845/12667
Gen_24:31...........Come/in thou blessed/of.. 244/12667
2Ki_4:4.............come/in thou shalt/shut. 3997/12667
1Ki_14:6............Come/in thou wife/of.... 3772/12667
Isa_26:2...........enter/in Thou wilt/keep.. 7265/12667
Job_4:13.........thereof/In thoughts/from... 5587/12667
1Sa_11:11.........people/in three companies and/they 2970/12667
1Sa_13:17....Philistines/in three companies one/company 2997/12667 three days And/the 10053/12667
Joh_2:20..............up/in three days But/he 10619/12667
Jdg_14:14............not/in three days expound/the 2725/12667
Joh_2:19.............and/in three days I/will 10617/12667 three days Save thyself and/come 10234/12667 three days save thyself If/thou 10062/12667
Mat_13:33............hid/in three measures of meal till the whole was leavened All/these 9920/12667
Luk_13:21............hid/in three measures of meal till the whole was leavened And/he 10453/12667
1Ki_7:4............light/in three ranks And all/the 3628/12667
1Ki_7:5............light/in three ranks And he/made 3629/12667 three rows/and.. 3627/12667 three stories And/before 8967/12667
Eze_42:6............were/in three stories but/had 8968/12667
1Ki_10:22...........once/in three years/came 3701/12667
Rev_22:14..........enter/in through/the.... 12664/12667
Deu_25:13...........have/in thy bag/divers.. 2169/12667
2Ki_6:12........speakest/in thy bedchamber And/he 4032/12667 thy bedchamber for/a 7010/12667
Eze_16:22.......polluted/in thy blood And/it 8542/12667
Eze_16:6............wast/in thy blood Live I/have 8538/12667
Eze_16:6............wast/in thy blood Live yea/I 8537/12667
Eze_19:10...........vine/in thy blood planted/by 8592/12667
Eze_22:4..........guilty/in thy blood that/thou 8646/12667
Psa_139:16...........and/in thy book all/my. 6634/12667
Psa_56:8.............not/in thy book When/I. 6174/12667
Psa_147:14.........peace/in thy borders/and. 6676/12667
Num_11:12...........them/in thy bosom as/a.. 1570/12667
Mic_7:5............lieth/in thy bosom For/the 9513/12667
1Ki_1:2..............lie/in thy bosom that/my 3515/12667 thy brother's eye but considerest/not 9834/12667 thy brother's eye but perceivest/not 10353/12667 thy brother's eye For/a 10357/12667 thy camp/from... 2232/12667
Psa_119:47........myself/in thy commandments/which 6563/12667
Deu_11:14.........gather/in thy corn and thy wine and thine/oil 2006/12667
Deu_16:13.......gathered/in thy corn and thy wine And thou/shalt 2063/12667 thy country/And 10327/12667 thy courts is/better 6348/12667
Psa_65:4...........dwell/in thy courts we/shall 6219/12667
Psa_44:17........falsely/in thy covenant/Our 6110/12667
1Ki_11:12Notwithstanding/in thy days/I...... 3711/12667
Eze_27:19.......occupied/in thy fairs bright/iron 8741/12667
Eze_27:12.........traded/in thy fairs Javan/Tubal 8734/12667
Eze_27:22.......occupied/in thy fairs with chief/of 8746/12667
Eze_27:16.......occupied/in thy fairs with emeralds/purple 8737/12667
Eze_27:14.........traded/in thy fairs with horses/and 8736/12667
Psa_143:1..supplications/in thy faithfulness/answer 6649/12667 thy father's house/for 240/12667
2Sa_16:19.........served/in thy father's presence/so 3399/12667
Deu_10:15........delight/in thy fathers to/love 1995/12667
Psa_89:17............and/in thy favour/our.. 6382/12667
Psa_5:7..............and/in thy fear/will... 5858/12667
Deu_16:14........rejoice/in thy feast/thou.. 2064/12667
Deu_24:19........harvest/in thy field and/hast 2159/12667
Mat_13:27...........seed/in thy field from/whence 9915/12667
Deu_11:15..........grass/in thy fields/for.. 2007/12667 thy filthiness/is 8703/12667
Deu_28:57...........thee/in thy gates If/thou 2221/12667 thy gates that/he 2037/12667 thy gates whatsoever/thy 2028/12667
Mar_10:37...........hand/in thy glory/But.. 10171/12667
Deu_33:18........Zebulun/in thy going/out... 2297/12667
Psa_51:18...........good/in thy good/pleasure 6150/12667
2Ti_1:5............first/in thy grandmother/Lois 12135/12667
Neh_9:25......themselves/in thy great goodness Nevertheless/they 5399/12667
Neh_9:35.............and/in thy great goodness that/thou 5406/12667 thy greatness/Behold 8817/12667
Deu_33:3.............are/in thy hand and/they 2293/12667
Psa_31:15............are/in thy hand deliver/me 6017/12667 thy hand toward/Ai 2382/12667
Rom_10:8.............and/in thy heart that is/the 11261/12667
Deu_30:14............and/in thy heart that thou/mayest 2251/12667
Deu_33:26.........heaven/in thy help/and.... 2302/12667 thy hills/and... 8890/12667
Psa_15:1...........dwell/in thy holy/hill... 5918/12667 thy hot displeasure For/thine 6077/12667 thy hot displeasure Have/mercy 5865/12667
Gen_17:13...........born/in thy house and/he. 146/12667 thy house Grace/to 12181/12667
Gen_31:41..........years/in thy house I/served 326/12667
Num_18:11..........clean/in thy house shall/eat 1647/12667
Psa_84:4...........dwell/in thy house they/will 6344/12667
Eze_29:4...........hooks/in thy jaws/and.... 8787/12667
Psa_119:43.........hoped/in thy judgments/So 6562/12667
Mat_20:21...........left/in thy kingdom But/Jesus 9973/12667 thy kingdom in/whom 9146/12667
Ecc_9:9..............and/in thy labour/which 6997/12667
Exo_23:16.......gathered/in thy labours/out.. 873/12667
Deu_15:11..........needy/in thy land And/if. 2048/12667
Exo_23:33..........dwell/in thy land lest/they 881/12667
2Sa_24:13.....pestilence/in thy land now/advise 3511/12667
2Sa_24:13...........thee/in thy land or/wilt 3510/12667
Lev_25:7.............are/in thy land shall/all 1420/12667
Exo_23:26.........barren/in thy land the/number 879/12667
Isa_60:18..........heard/in thy land wasting/nor 7553/12667
Deu_19:10...........shed/in thy land which the LORD thy God giveth thee for/an 2099/12667
Deu_15:7...........gates/in thy land which the LORD thy God giveth thee thou/shalt 2043/12667
Deu_24:14............are/in thy land within/thy 2157/12667
Pro_19:20...........wise/in thy latter/end.. 6823/12667
Psa_119:70.......delight/in thy law It/is... 6569/12667
Jer_32:23.........walked/in thy law they/have 7979/12667
Luk_16:25...........thou/in thy lifetime/receivedst 10489/12667 thy light/shall. 6058/12667
Isa_37:29.........bridle/in thy lips and I will turn thee back by the way by which thou camest And this shall be a sign unto thee Ye shall eat this year such as/groweth 7383/12667
2Ki_19:28.........bridle/in thy lips and I will turn thee back by the way by which thou camest And this shall be a sign unto thee Ye shall eat this year such things/as 4295/12667
Pro_22:18.........fitted/in thy lips That/thy 6846/12667
Jer_15:15...........away/in thy longsuffering/know 7780/12667
Pro_1:14............Cast/in thy lot among/us 6688/12667
Dan_12:13..........stand/in thy lot at/the.. 9251/12667
Phl_1:7......consolation/in thy love/because 12185/12667
Psa_45:4.............And/in thy majesty/ride 6112/12667
Neh_9:19............thou/in thy manifold/mercies 5392/12667
Eze_27:25...........thee/in thy market and/thou 8750/12667
Eze_27:19...........were/in thy market Dedan/was 8742/12667
Eze_27:13..........brass/in thy market They/of 8735/12667
Eze_27:17.........traded/in thy market wheat/of 8738/12667
Psa_31:7.........rejoice/in thy mercy for/thou 6012/12667
Exo_15:13...........Thou/in thy mercy hast/led 778/12667
Psa_13:5.........trusted/in thy mercy my/heart 5912/12667
Num_14:13.........people/in thy might/from.. 1603/12667
2Sa_16:8...........taken/in thy mischief/because 3397/12667
Isa_51:16..........words/in thy mouth and I/have 7507/12667
Rom_10:8............even/in thy mouth and in thy heart that is/the 11260/12667
Deu_30:14...........thee/in thy mouth and in thy heart that thou/mayest 2250/12667
Jer_5:14...........words/in thy mouth fire/and 7661/12667 thy mouth for/with 752/12667
1Ki_17:24...........LORD/in thy mouth is/truth 3879/12667
Jer_1:9............words/in thy mouth See/I. 7617/12667
Psa_50:16.......covenant/in thy mouth Seeing/thou 6140/12667
Isa_59:21............put/in thy mouth shall/not 7550/12667 thy mouth sweet/as 12571/12667
Mar_9:38..........devils/in thy name and he/followeth 10159/12667
Mat_7:22......prophesied/in thy name and in/thy 9843/12667
Luk_9:49..........devils/in thy name and we/forbad 10391/12667
Mat_7:22.............and/in thy name done/many 9845/12667
Mat_7:22.............and/in thy name have/cast 9844/12667
Exo_5:23...........speak/in thy name he/hath. 643/12667
Psa_63:4...........hands/in thy name My/soul 6208/12667
Psa_89:16....countenance/In thy name shall/they 6380/12667
Joh_17:12...........them/in thy name those/that 10788/12667
Psa_89:12........rejoice/in thy name Thou/hast 6378/12667
Dan_9:6............spake/in thy name to/our. 9207/12667
Jer_29:25........letters/in thy name unto/all 7928/12667
2Ch_14:11............and/in thy name we/go.. 4848/12667
Isa_37:29...........hook/in thy nose and my bridle in thy lips and I will turn thee back by the way by which thou camest And this shall be a sign unto thee Ye shall eat this year such as/groweth 7382/12667
2Ki_19:28...........hook/in thy nose and my bridle in thy lips and I will turn thee back by the way by which thou camest And this shall be a sign unto thee Ye shall eat this year such things/as 4294/12667
Phl_1:21......confidence/in thy obedience/I 12195/12667
Psa_17:5..........goings/in thy paths/that.. 5930/12667
Eze_9:8...........Israel/in thy pouring/out. 8469/12667 thy power/only.. 5573/12667
1Ch_16:35..........glory/in thy praise Blessed be the LORD God of Israel for/ever 4561/12667
Psa_106:47.......triumph/in thy praise Blessed be the LORD God of Israel from/everlasting 6484/12667
Psa_119:15......meditate/in thy precepts and/have 6554/12667
Psa_119:78......meditate/in thy precepts Let/those 6572/12667
Luk_13:26..........drunk/in thy presence and/thou 10456/12667
Gen_47:15............die/in thy presence for the/money 551/12667
2Ch_20:9.............and/in thy presence for thy/name 4915/12667 thy presence is/fulness 5928/12667
Psa_140:13.........dwell/in thy presence Lord/I 6643/12667 thy presence Then/said 3400/12667
Zep_3:11.........rejoice/in thy pride/and... 9586/12667
Neh_9:30..........spirit/in thy prophets/yet 5403/12667
Jer_22:21...........thee/in thy prosperity/but 7851/12667 thy righteousness and cause/me 6256/12667
Psa_143:1............and/in thy righteousness And enter/not 6650/12667
Psa_5:8.............LORD/in thy righteousness because/of 5859/12667 thy righteousness Bow/down 6010/12667 thy righteousness Let/thy 6560/12667
Psa_89:16............and/in thy righteousness shall/they 6381/12667
1Ki_19:16........prophet/in thy room And/it. 3902/12667
1Ki_5:5...........throne/in thy room he/shall 3597/12667
Psa_20:5.........rejoice/in thy salvation and/in 5949/12667
Psa_21:5...........great/in thy salvation honour/and 5955/12667
Psa_21:1.............and/in thy salvation how/greatly 5954/12667
Psa_13:5.........rejoice/in thy salvation I/will 5913/12667
Psa_9:14.........rejoice/in thy salvation The/heathen 5885/12667
1Sa_2:1..........rejoice/in thy salvation There/is 2902/12667
Rom_3:4........justified/in thy sayings/and 11187/12667
Gen_28:14............and/in thy seed shall all the families/of 281/12667
Act_3:25.............And/in thy seed shall all the kindreds/of 10875/12667
Gen_26:4.............and/in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed Because that/Abraham 263/12667
Gen_22:18............And/in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed because thou/hast 220/12667
1Sa_29:8...........found/in thy servant/so.. 3222/12667
Rev_14:18.........Thrust/in thy sharp/sickle 12609/12667
Rev_14:15.........Thrust/in thy sickle/and. 12606/12667
Luk_10:21...........good/in thy sight All things are delivered to/me 10402/12667
Mat_11:26...........good/in thy sight All things are delivered unto/me 9891/12667
Luk_15:21............and/in thy sight and am/no 10472/12667
Exo_33:13..........grace/in thy sight and consider/that 994/12667
2Ki_20:3............good/in thy sight And Hezekiah wept sore And/it 4305/12667
Isa_38:3............good/in thy sight And Hezekiah wept sore Then/came 7392/12667
Lev_25:53............him/in thy sight And if/he 1441/12667
Num_11:15.........favour/in thy sight and let/me 1571/12667
2Ki_1:14........precious/in thy sight And the angel/of 3978/12667
Gen_32:5...........grace/in thy sight And the messengers/returned 329/12667
Gen_19:19..........grace/in thy sight and thou/hast 178/12667
Psa_90:4...........years/in thy sight are/but 6394/12667
Gen_21:12.......grievous/in thy sight because/of 200/12667
2Ki_1:13........precious/in thy sight Behold/there 3977/12667
Exo_33:16..........grace/in thy sight is/it.. 995/12667
Num_32:5...........grace/in thy sight let/this 1775/12667
Rut_2:13..........favour/in thy sight my lord for/that 2863/12667
2Sa_16:4...........grace/in thy sight my lord O king And/when 3395/12667
2Sa_14:22..........grace/in thy sight my lord O king in/that 3375/12667
Est_7:3...........favour/in thy sight O king/and 5530/12667
2Sa_7:19...........thing/in thy sight O Lord GOD/but 3325/12667
Exo_34:9...........grace/in thy sight O LORD let/my 1007/12667
Psa_19:14.....acceptable/in thy sight O LORD my/strength 5947/12667
Isa_26:17...........been/in thy sight O LORD We/have 7278/12667
Gen_18:3..........favour/in thy sight pass/not 159/12667
Gen_47:29..........grace/in thy sight put I/pray 559/12667
Psa_9:19..........judged/in thy sight Put them/in 5889/12667
Psa_143:2............for/in thy sight shall/no 6651/12667
Exo_33:13..........grace/in thy sight shew/me 993/12667
1Sa_1:18...........grace/in thy sight So/the 2897/12667
Num_11:11.........favour/in thy sight that thou layest/the 1569/12667
Psa_51:4............evil/in thy sight that thou mightest/be 6143/12667
Neh_2:5...........favour/in thy sight that thou wouldest/send 5328/12667
Gen_33:10..........grace/in thy sight then receive/my 333/12667
Jdg_6:17...........grace/in thy sight then shew/me 2618/12667
Psa_5:5............stand/in thy sight thou/hatest 5856/12667
Psa_76:7...........stand/in thy sight when/once 6289/12667
Jer_2:34............Also/in thy skirts is/found 7632/12667
Eze_5:3.............them/in thy skirts Then/take 8411/12667
Ecc_7:9............hasty/in thy spirit/to... 6978/12667
Psa_119:16........myself/in thy statutes I/will 6555/12667
Psa_119:48......meditate/in thy statutes Remember/the 6564/12667
Psa_119:80.........sound/in thy statutes that/I 6573/12667
Psa_119:23......meditate/in thy statutes Thy/testimonies 6557/12667
Phl_1:13............that/in thy stead/he... 12189/12667
Deu_28:8............thee/in thy storehouses/and 2189/12667 thy strength O/LORD 5953/12667
Exo_15:13...........them/in thy strength unto/thy 779/12667
Psa_61:4...........abide/in thy tabernacle for/ever 6197/12667
Psa_15:1...........abide/in thy tabernacle who/shall 5917/12667
Job_11:14..........dwell/in thy tabernacles/For 5630/12667
Deu_33:18.......Issachar/in thy tents/They.. 2298/12667
Ecc_10:20............not/in thy thought/and. 7009/12667
Eze_27:11...........were/in thy towers/they. 8733/12667
Jer_48:7.............and/in thy treasures/thou 8197/12667 thy truth and/teach 5977/12667
Psa_26:3..........walked/in thy truth I have/not 5984/12667 thy truth I will/freely 6158/12667
Psa_89:49..........David/in thy truth Remember/Lord 6391/12667
Psa_86:11...........walk/in thy truth unite/my 6358/12667
Eze_35:8.............and/in thy valleys/and. 8891/12667
Deu_23:24............any/in thy vessel/When. 2149/12667 thy way in/the.. 9314/12667
Pro_3:23............walk/in thy way safely/and 6710/12667 thy way Stablish/thy 6559/12667
Deu_28:29........prosper/in thy ways and/thou 2204/12667
Isa_64:5............thee/in thy ways behold/thou 7582/12667
Eze_28:15........perfect/in thy ways from/the 8773/12667
1Sa_8:5..............not/in thy ways now/make 2952/12667
2Ch_6:31............walk/in thy ways so/long 4761/12667
Eze_16:34..........women/in thy whoredoms/whereas 8550/12667
Deu_15:9.........thought/in thy wicked/heart 2045/12667
Isa_47:10........trusted/in thy wickedness/thou 7475/12667
Luk_1:31........conceive/in thy womb and bring/forth 10262/12667
Gen_25:23............are/in thy womb and two/manner 256/12667
Psa_119:133........steps/in thy word and let/not 6580/12667 thy word And take/not 6561/12667
Psa_119:114.........hope/in thy word Depart/from 6579/12667
Psa_119:148.....meditate/in thy word Hear/my 6582/12667
Psa_119:74.........hoped/in thy word I/know. 6570/12667
Psa_119:81..........hope/in thy word Mine eyes fail/for 6574/12667
Psa_119:147........hoped/in thy word Mine eyes prevent/the 6581/12667
Jer_48:7.........trusted/in thy works and/in 8196/12667
Psa_66:3............thou/in thy works through/the 6222/12667
Psa_38:1.............not/in thy wrath neither/chasten 6076/12667
Psa_90:9............away/in thy wrath we/spend 6400/12667 thy youth/and... 7016/12667 Thyatira as/many 12522/12667 Thyatira write/These 12521/12667
Eze_22:16....inheritance/in thyself/in...... 8663/12667 till/afterwards. 6903/12667
2Ch_2:14.............and/in timber/in....... 4707/12667 time of need/For 12233/12667
2Sa_23:20............pit/in time of snow/And 3501/12667
Luk_8:13.............and/in time of temptation/fall 10372/12667 time of trouble is/like 6871/12667
Psa_41:1.............him/in time of trouble The/LORD 6093/12667
Jer_14:8.........thereof/in time of trouble why/shouldest 7766/12667
Exo_21:36...........push/in time past and his/owner 851/12667
Exo_21:29...........horn/in time past and it/hath 849/12667
1Ch_9:20............them/in time past and the/LORD 4501/12667
Deu_19:4.............not/in time past As/when 2096/12667
1Ch_11:2........moreover/in time past even/when 4520/12667
Eph_2:11...........being/in time past Gentiles/in 11782/12667
Gal_1:13....conversation/in time past in/the 11679/12667 time past that/they 11726/12667
Heb_1:1............spake/in time past unto/the 12198/12667
Phl_1:11...........Which/in time past was/to 12188/12667
1Pe_2:10...........Which/in time past were/not 12336/12667
2Sa_5:2.............Also/in time past when/Saul 3292/12667
Deu_19:6.............not/in time past Wherefore/I 2097/12667
Eph_2:2..........Wherein/in time past ye/walked 11770/12667
Exo_13:14...........thee/in time to come saying What is/this 754/12667
Deu_6:20............thee/in time to come saying What mean the/testimonies 1956/12667
Jos_4:21.........fathers/in time to come saying What mean these/stones 2343/12667
Jos_4:6..........fathers/in time to come saying What mean ye/by 2334/12667
Pro_31:25........rejoice/in time to come She/openeth 6924/12667
Jos_22:28....generations/in time to come that/we 2519/12667 time to come when/it 303/12667
Jos_22:27.......children/in time to come Ye/have 2517/12667
Jos_22:24.........saying/In time to come your/children 2515/12667
Psa_9:9...........refuge/in times of trouble And/they 5881/12667
Psa_10:1.........thyself/in times of trouble The/wicked 5891/12667
Deu_2:10.........therein/in times past a/people 1882/12667
Deu_4:42.............not/in times past and that/fleeing 1925/12667 times past And there/was 3079/12667 times past have/not 11274/12667
Eph_2:3.....conversation/in times past in/the 11772/12667 times past now/preacheth 11685/12667
Act_14:16............Who/in times past suffered/all 11029/12667
2Sa_3:17...........David/in times past to/be 3271/12667
Jdg_14:1...........woman/in Timnath of the daughters of the Philistines And/he 2720/12667
Jdg_14:2...........woman/in Timnath of the daughters of the Philistines now/therefore 2721/12667
Jdg_2:9......inheritance/in Timnathheres/in. 2567/12667
Jos_24:30....inheritance/in Timnathserah/which 2544/12667
1Ki_16:6..........buried/in Tirzah and Elah/his 3829/12667
1Ki_16:23.............he/in Tirzah And he/bought 3854/12667
1Ki_16:15...........days/in Tirzah And the/people 3845/12667 Tirzah And Zimri/went 3838/12667
1Ki_16:9.............was/in Tirzah drinking/himself 3836/12667
1Ki_15:21..........dwelt/in Tirzah Then/king 3807/12667
1Ki_15:33.........Israel/in Tirzah twenty/and 3821/12667
1Ki_16:8..........Israel/in Tirzah two/years 3835/12667
Mal_3:8.............thee/In tithes/and...... 9761/12667
Gen_38:1..........turned/in to a/certain..... 391/12667
2Sa_17:25...........went/in to Abigail/the.. 3417/12667
Lev_21:11.............go/in to any/dead..... 1369/12667
2Ch_16:1............come/in to Asa king of Judah Then Asa brought/out 4859/12667
1Ki_15:17...........come/in to Asa king of Judah Then Asa took/all 3805/12667
1Sa_24:3............went/in to cover/his.... 3152/12667
1Sa_26:15.........people/in to destroy/the.. 3189/12667
Num_8:15..............go/in to do the/service 1529/12667
Num_8:22.........Levites/in to do their/service 1532/12667
Mat_9:16.............put/in to fill/it...... 9853/12667
Deu_4:38............thee/in to give thee/their 1922/12667 to give us/the.. 1958/12667
2Ch_29:18...........went/in to Hezekiah/the. 5068/12667
Act_10:3..........coming/in to him and saying/unto 10976/12667
Rev_3:20............come/in to him and will/sup 12530/12667
Gen_8:11............came/in to him in/the..... 67/12667
Pro_6:29...........goeth/in to his neighbour's/wife 6729/12667
1Ch_7:23............went/in to his wife/she. 4488/12667
Est_2:12..............go/in to king/Ahasuerus 5486/12667
Lev_16:17..........goeth/in to make an/atonement 1327/12667
Lev_16:27........brought/in to make atonement/in 1333/12667
Jdg_4:18............turn/in to me/fear...... 2588/12667
Act_11:3.........wentest/in to men/uncircumcised 10992/12667
Jdg_15:1..............go/in to my/wife...... 2727/12667
2Ki_10:24...........went/in to offer/sacrifices 4105/12667
Num_4:23...........enter/in to perform/the.. 1504/12667
Deu_11:10..........goest/in to possess it is/not 2004/12667
Neh_9:23..............go/in to possess it So/the 5396/12667
Deu_9:1...............go/in to possess nations/greater 1971/12667
Deu_11:31.............go/in to possess the land which the LORD your God giveth you and/ye 2016/12667
Jos_1:11..............go/in to possess the land which the LORD your God giveth you to/possess 2315/12667
Neh_9:15..............go/in to possess the land which thou/hadst 5390/12667 to possess this/land 1973/12667
Mat_22:11...........came/in to see the guests/he 9991/12667
Lev_14:36.............go/in to see the house/And 1288/12667
Num_4:20..............go/in to see when/the. 1503/12667
Gen_19:9............came/in to sojourn/and... 171/12667
Exo_34:35...........went/in to speak/with... 1022/12667
Luk_24:29...........went/in to tarry/with.. 10593/12667
1Ch_2:21............went/in to the daughter/of 4443/12667
Jer_36:20...........went/in to the king/into 8049/12667
2Ch_24:9...........bring/in to the LORD/the. 4979/12667
Gen_19:5............came/in to thee/this..... 169/12667
1Ki_11:2..............go/in to them/neither. 3706/12667
Num_8:24..............go/in to wait/upon.... 1534/12667
1Jn_3:18.........neither/in tongue/but..... 12440/12667
Jer_7:32............bury/in Tophet till there be no place And/the 7704/12667
Jer_19:11...........them/in Tophet till there be no place to/bury 7825/12667
Luk_16:23..........being/in torments/and... 10485/12667
Isa_59:13...........them/In transgressing and/lying 7546/12667
Deu_17:2.............God/in transgressing his/covenant 2075/12667
Pro_29:22......aboundeth/in transgression A/man's 6905/12667
Jos_22:22.............if/in transgression against/the 2514/12667
Jer_30:6...........woman/in travail and all/faces 7938/12667
Jer_13:21..........woman/in travail And if/thou 7759/12667
Jer_4:31...........woman/in travail and the/anguish 7655/12667
Jer_22:23..........woman/in travail As/I.... 7853/12667
Mic_4:9............woman/in travail Be/in... 9488/12667
Jer_50:43..........woman/in travail Behold/he 8253/12667
Mic_4:10...........woman/in travail for/now. 9490/12667
Jer_6:24...........woman/in travail Go/not.. 7680/12667 travail hath/sorrow 10775/12667
Jer_49:24..........woman/in travail How/is.. 8224/12667
Psa_48:6...........woman/in travail Thou/breakest 6127/12667
Act_19:29.....companions/in travel/they.... 11086/12667
Jer_51:13.......abundant/in treasures/thine. 8262/12667
Eph_2:1.............dead/in trespasses/and. 11769/12667
Lev_6:7.............done/in trespassing/therein 1121/12667 tribulation and all/these 1918/12667
Rev_1:9........companion/in tribulation and in/the 12503/12667
Rom_12:12........patient/in tribulation continuing/instant 11282/12667
Rom_5:3............glory/in tribulations/also 11203/12667
Mic_5:1..........thyself/in troops/O........ 9493/12667
Psa_81:7........calledst/in trouble and/I... 6335/12667
Psa_73:5.............not/in trouble as/other 6266/12667
Isa_26:16...........LORD/in trouble have/they 7275/12667 trouble hear/me. 6250/12667
Psa_91:15............him/in trouble I will deliver/him 6406/12667
Psa_66:14............was/in trouble I will offer/unto 6226/12667 trouble incline/thine 6437/12667 trouble mine/eye 6015/12667 trouble Therefore/will 6118/12667
Job_30:25............was/in trouble was/not. 5750/12667
Psa_78:33..........years/in trouble When/he. 6319/12667
Dan_9:25............even/in troublous/times. 9215/12667
1Th_2:4..............put/in trust/with..... 12026/12667
1Jn_3:18.............and/in truth And hereby/we 12442/12667 truth and I/will 7559/12667
1Ki_3:6.............thee/in truth and in righteousness and/in 3556/12667
Zec_8:8..............God/in truth and in righteousness Thus/saith 9664/12667
2Jn_1:3...........Father/in truth and love/I 12477/12667
Jos_24:14............and/in truth and put/away 2535/12667
Psa_111:8...........done/in truth and uprightness/He 6515/12667
2Ki_20:3............thee/in truth and with a perfect heart and have done that which is good in thy sight And Hezekiah wept sore And/it 4304/12667
Isa_38:3............thee/in truth and with a perfect heart and have done that which is good in thy sight And Hezekiah wept sore Then/came 7391/12667
2Jn_1:4..........walking/in truth as we/have 12478/12667
Col_1:6..............God/in truth As ye/also 11930/12667
3Jn_1:4.............walk/in truth Beloved/thou 12487/12667
Php_1:18..............or/in truth Christ/is 11862/12667 truth even/so.. 11587/12667
Joh_4:23.............and/in truth for/the.. 10637/12667
Psa_33:4............done/in truth He loveth/righteousness 6034/12667
Psa_145:18...........him/in truth He will/fulfil 6664/12667
Jer_4:2...........liveth/in truth in judgment/and 7643/12667 truth in the/tabernacle 7183/12667
Mar_12:14............God/in truth Is/it.... 10189/12667
Mat_22:16............God/in truth neither/carest 9994/12667
Isa_48:1.............not/in truth nor/in.... 7478/12667
Isa_10:20.........Israel/in truth The remnant/shall 7136/12667
Joh_4:24.............and/in truth The woman/saith 10639/12667 truth the word/of 12027/12667
Psa_132:11.........sworn/in truth unto/David 6607/12667 truth with all their/heart 3533/12667
1Sa_12:24............him/in truth with all your/heart 2980/12667
Jdg_9:15..............If/in truth ye/anoint. 2661/12667
2Co_6:5....imprisonments/in tumults/in..... 11568/12667 turning/away... 10876/12667
Jer_34:18...........calf/in twain and/passed 8019/12667 twain from the top to the bottom and the/earth 10065/12667 twain from the top to the bottom And when/the 10235/12667 twelve/pieces... 3724/12667
1Ki_3:25...........child/in two and give/half 3571/12667
Gen_7:9.............went/in two and two/unto.. 52/12667
2Ki_5:23..........silver/in two bags/with... 4026/12667
2Ki_10:8............them/in two heaps/at.... 4097/12667
1Ki_21:13...........came/in two men/children 3926/12667
Mar_12:42..........threw/in two mites/which 10201/12667
2Ki_2:12............them/in two pieces/He... 3983/12667
Lev_24:6............them/in two rows six/on. 1409/12667
1Ki_7:24............cast/in two rows when/it 3636/12667
Deu_5:22............them/in two tables/of... 1944/12667
Mat_11:21...........done/in Tyre and Sidon they/would 9886/12667
Luk_10:13...........done/in Tyre and Sidon which/have 10395/12667
Jud_1:4............crept/in unawares/who... 12489/12667
1Ti_1:13......ignorantly/in unbelief And/the 12079/12667
Rom_11:23..........still/in unbelief shall/be 11268/12667
Rom_11:32............all/in unbelief that/he 11275/12667 uncertain/riches 12128/12667
Rom_4:10.............but/in uncircumcision And/he 11197/12667
1Co_7:18..........called/in uncircumcision let/him 11380/12667
Rom_4:10..............or/in uncircumcision Not/in 11195/12667
Exo_35:31.........wisdom/in understanding and in knowledge and in all manner of workmanship And/to 1028/12667
Exo_31:3.............and/in understanding and in knowledge and in all manner of workmanship To/devise 965/12667
1Co_14:20............but/in understanding be/men 11449/12667
Pro_18:2.........delight/in understanding but/that 6815/12667
1Co_14:20.......children/in understanding howbeit/in 11447/12667
Psa_133:1.......together/in unity/It........ 6608/12667
Rom_1:18...........truth/in unrighteousness Because/that 11169/12667
2Th_2:12........pleasure/in unrighteousness But/we 12071/12667
Eze_23:44.............go/in unto a/woman.... 8694/12667
Eze_23:44...........they/in unto Aholah/and. 8695/12667
Dan_2:24............went/in unto Arioch/whom 9086/12667
Gen_16:4............went/in unto Hagar/and... 135/12667
Deu_21:13.............go/in unto her and be/her 2119/12667
Gen_30:4............went/in unto her And Bilhah/conceived 297/12667
Deu_22:13.............go/in unto her and hate/her 2127/12667
Jdg_16:1............went/in unto her And it/was 2737/12667
Gen_29:21.............go/in unto her And Laban gathered/together 289/12667
Gen_29:23...........went/in unto her And Laban gave/unto 291/12667
2Sa_12:24...........went/in unto her and lay/with 3358/12667
Luk_1:28............came/in unto her and said/Hail 10260/12667
Gen_38:2............went/in unto her And she conceived and/bare 392/12667
Gen_38:18...........came/in unto her and she conceived by/him 405/12667
Gen_30:3..............go/in unto her and she shall/bear 296/12667
Deu_25:5..............go/in unto her and take/her 2163/12667
Eze_23:44...........went/in unto her as/they 8693/12667
Jdg_4:18..........turned/in unto her into/the 2589/12667
Rut_4:13............went/in unto her the/LORD 2888/12667
Gen_19:3..........turned/in unto him and entered/into 168/12667
2Sa_11:4............came/in unto him and he/lay 3345/12667
2Ki_4:36............come/in unto him he/said 4004/12667
Gen_8:9..............her/in unto him into/the. 66/12667
Act_28:30...........came/in unto him Preaching/the 11163/12667
Gen_38:9............went/in unto his brother's/wife 395/12667
2Sa_16:22...........went/in unto his father's/concubines 3402/12667
1Ki_1:13............thee/in unto king/David. 3517/12667
Gen_38:16...........come/in unto me And/he... 403/12667
Gen_30:16...........come/in unto me for/surely 301/12667
Gen_39:14...........came/in unto me to lie/with 424/12667
Gen_39:17...........came/in unto me to mock/me 425/12667
2Sa_3:7.............gone/in unto my father's/concubine 3270/12667
Gen_16:2..............go/in unto my maid/it.. 133/12667
Psa_69:1............come/in unto my soul/I.. 6244/12667
Gen_7:15............went/in unto Noah/into.... 56/12667
Gen_41:14...........came/in unto Pharaoh And Pharaoh/said 447/12667
Exo_10:3............came/in unto Pharaoh and said/unto 697/12667
Exo_9:1...............Go/in unto Pharaoh and tell/him 676/12667
Exo_7:10............went/in unto Pharaoh and they/did 649/12667
Exo_10:1..............Go/in unto Pharaoh for/I 694/12667
Deu_4:21..............go/in unto that/good.. 1913/12667
Exo_23:23...........thee/in unto the Amorites/and 878/12667
Gen_6:4.............came/in unto the daughters/of 42/12667
Exo_28:35..........goeth/in unto the holy place before/the 943/12667
Exo_28:29..........goeth/in unto the holy place for/a 938/12667
1Ki_1:15............went/in unto the king into/the 3519/12667
Est_2:14............came/in unto the king no/more 5488/12667
Est_2:15..............go/in unto the king she/required 5490/12667
Est_4:11............come/in unto the king these/thirty 5512/12667
Est_4:8...............go/in unto the king to/make 5511/12667
Est_4:16..............go/in unto the king which/is 5515/12667 unto the land concerning/the 645/12667
Deu_27:3..............go/in unto the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee a/land 2182/12667
Deu_26:1............come/in unto the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee for/an 2173/12667
Deu_11:29...........thee/in unto the land whither/thou 2013/12667
Luk_21:4............cast/in unto the offerings/of 10536/12667
Act_19:30........entered/in unto the people/the 11087/12667
Amo_2:7...............go/in unto the same/maid 9377/12667
Exo_28:43...........come/in unto the tabernacle/of 946/12667
Lev_21:23.............go/in unto the vail/nor 1373/12667
Gen_38:16...........come/in unto thee for/he. 401/12667
Jon_2:7.............came/in unto thee into/thine 9460/12667
Jos_23:12.............go/in unto them and they/to 2525/12667
Act_17:2............went/in unto them and three/sabbath 11053/12667
Gen_40:6............came/in unto them in/the. 434/12667
2Sa_20:3.............not/in unto them So/they 3449/12667
Exo_1:19............come/in unto them Therefore/God 606/12667 unto this/evil.. 1669/12667
Gen_38:8..............Go/in unto thy brother's/wife 394/12667
2Sa_16:21.............Go/in unto thy father's/concubines 3401/12667
Gen_19:31...........come/in unto us/after.... 186/12667
1Ki_11:2............come/in unto you for/surely 3707/12667
1Th_2:1.........entrance/in unto you that/it 12022/12667
Exo_12:23...........come/in unto your/houses. 733/12667
1Ch_14:11.........broken/in upon mine/enemies 4548/12667
Psa_106:29.........brake/in upon them/Then.. 6483/12667
1Ch_29:17.......pleasure/in uprightness As/for 4668/12667
1Ki_3:6..............and/in uprightness of/heart 3558/12667
Psa_9:8...........people/in uprightness The/LORD 5880/12667
1Ki_9:4..............and/in uprightness to/do 3678/12667
Gen_11:28.......nativity/in Ur/of............. 93/12667
1Jn_4:12........dwelleth/in us and his/love 12453/12667
2Jn_1:2.........dwelleth/in us and shall/be 12476/12667
1Jn_4:13..............he/in us because/he.. 12456/12667
2Co_4:12.........worketh/in us but life/in. 11543/12667
2Co_6:12......straitened/in us but ye/are.. 11572/12667
1Jn_3:24.........abideth/in us by/the...... 12446/12667
Rom_8:18........revealed/in us For/the..... 11245/12667
1Jn_4:12.......perfected/in us Hereby/know. 12454/12667
1Jn_1:8..............not/in us If/we....... 12406/12667
Jam_4:5.........dwelleth/in us lusteth/to.. 12315/12667
1Jn_1:10.............not/in us My/little... 12407/12667
1Co_4:6............learn/in us not/to...... 11357/12667 us O/LORD....... 7274/12667
2Co_1:5...........abound/in us so/our...... 11495/12667 us that/the.... 10793/12667
Num_14:8.........delight/in us then/he...... 1601/12667
2Ti_1:14........dwelleth/in us This/thou... 12142/12667
Eph_3:20.........worketh/in us Unto/him.... 11806/12667
Rom_8:4........fulfilled/in us who/walk.... 11237/12667
Job_15:9.............not/in us With/us...... 5646/12667
Pro_30:9.............God/in vain Accuse/not. 6912/12667
Jer_50:9..........return/in vain And Chaldea/shall 8239/12667
Jer_51:58.........labour/in vain and the/folk 8285/12667 vain and to/no.. 7319/12667
Psa_73:13..........heart/in vain and washed/my 6270/12667
Gal_4:11..........labour/in vain Brethren/I 11712/12667
1Th_2:1..............not/in vain But even/after 12023/12667
1Co_15:10............not/in vain but I/laboured 11462/12667 vain But neither/Titus 11687/12667 vain But now/when 12035/12667 vain Do not/I... 6637/12667
Mar_7:7..........Howbeit/in vain do they/worship 10145/12667
Rom_13:4...........sword/in vain for he is/the 11288/12667
2Co_6:1..............God/in vain For he saith/I 11557/12667
1Co_15:2........believed/in vain For I/delivered 11461/12667
Deu_5:11.............God/in vain for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain Keep/the 1938/12667
Exo_20:7.............God/in vain for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain Remember/the 839/12667
Jer_6:29.........melteth/in vain for the wicked/are 7682/12667
Lev_26:16...........seed/in vain for your enemies/shall 1449/12667
Lev_26:20..........spent/in vain for your land/shall 1450/12667
1Sa_25:21.........Surely/in vain have I kept/all 3172/12667
Jer_2:30............LORD/In vain have I smitten/your 7631/12667
Isa_45:18............not/in vain he formed/it 7460/12667
Psa_39:6......disquieted/in vain he heapeth/up 6085/12667
Job_35:16..........mouth/in vain he multiplieth/words 5783/12667
Gal_3:4..............yet/in vain He therefore/that 11700/12667
Isa_49:4........laboured/in vain I have/spent 7485/12667 vain I the/LORD. 7463/12667
Job_9:29...............I/in vain If I/wash.. 5623/12667
Gal_3:4...........things/in vain if it/be.. 11699/12667
1Co_15:58............not/in vain in the/Lord 11484/12667 vain in this/behalf 11603/12667
Jer_3:23...........Truly/in vain is/salvation 7640/12667
Psa_127:1............but/in vain It/is...... 6596/12667 vain Keep/the... 1939/12667
Jer_8:8........certainly/in vain made/he.... 7707/12667 vain neither/laboured 11889/12667
Isa_65:23.........labour/in vain nor/bring.. 7599/12667
Gal_2:21............dead/in vain O/foolish. 11697/12667 vain Remember/the 840/12667 vain seeing/in.. 5701/12667 vain shall/not.. 5824/12667
Jer_4:30........painting/in vain shalt thou make/thyself 7654/12667
Jer_46:11..........Egypt/in vain shalt thou use/many 8181/12667
Psa_127:1.........labour/in vain that build/it 6595/12667
Eze_6:10............said/in vain that I/would 8432/12667
Pro_1:17..........Surely/in vain the net/is. 6690/12667
Jam_4:5............saith/in vain The spirit/that 12314/12667 vain The wise/men 7708/12667
Zec_10:2.........comfort/in vain therefore/they 9682/12667
Mat_15:9.............But/in vain they/do.... 9939/12667 vain What/man... 6390/12667 vain without/fear 5815/12667
Php_2:16........laboured/in vain Yea/and... 11890/12667
Isa_49:4.............and/in vain yet/surely. 7486/12667 valour/but...... 4010/12667 vanity and speak/lies 7539/12667
Psa_78:33........consume/in vanity and their/years 6318/12667 vanity for/vanity 5653/12667
1Sa_26:4............come/in very deed And/David 3185/12667
1Sa_25:34............For/in very deed as/the 3177/12667
2Ch_6:18.............God/in very deed dwell/with 4755/12667
Exo_9:16.............And/in very deed for/this 683/12667
Isa_18:2............even/in vessels of bulrushes/upon 7196/12667
Est_1:7............drink/in vessels of gold/the 5474/12667
Exo_7:19.............and/in vessels of stone/And 659/12667
Exo_7:19............both/in vessels of wood/and 658/12667
Gen_41:42............him/in vestures/of...... 463/12667
Isa_25:8...........death/in victory and/the. 7258/12667
1Co_15:54.............up/in victory O/death 11482/12667 vile/raiment... 12301/12667
Isa_28:7.............err/in vision they/stumble 7298/12667
Psa_89:19........spakest/in vision to/thy... 6383/12667
Jdg_16:12..........liers/in wait abiding in/the 2744/12667
Jdg_16:9...........lying/in wait abiding with/her 2742/12667
Jos_8:4..............lie/in wait against/the 2374/12667
Lam_3:10...........lying/in wait and as/a... 8356/12667
Jdg_9:35...........lying/in wait And when/Gaal 2675/12667
1Sa_22:13............lie/in wait as at this day Then Ahimelech/answered 3127/12667
1Sa_22:8.............lie/in wait as at this day Then answered/Doeg 3124/12667
Pro_23:28..........lieth/in wait as for/a... 6855/12667
Pro_7:12...........lieth/in wait at/every... 6736/12667
Exo_21:13............not/in wait but/God..... 847/12667
Ezr_8:31.............lay/in wait by/the..... 5302/12667
Jdg_20:37..........liers/in wait drew/themselves 2819/12667
Pro_12:6.............lie/in wait for blood but/the 6770/12667
Mic_7:2..............lie/in wait for blood they/hunt 9510/12667
Deu_19:11............lie/in wait for him and/rise 2100/12667
Jdg_9:25...........liers/in wait for him in/the 2667/12667
Act_23:21............lie/in wait for him of/them 11122/12667
Psa_59:3.............lie/in wait for my/soul 6188/12667
Jdg_20:37..........liers/in wait hasted/and. 2818/12667
Act_23:16..........lying/in wait he/went... 11121/12667
Jdg_9:32.............lie/in wait in the field/And 2670/12667
Jdg_21:20............lie/in wait in the vineyards/And 2834/12667
Jdg_20:33..........liers/in wait of Israel/came 2816/12667
Act_20:19..........lying/in wait of the/Jews 11098/12667
Jos_8:13...........liers/in wait on/the..... 2378/12667
Jdg_20:29..........liers/in wait round/about 2811/12667
Psa_10:9...........lieth/in wait secretly/as 5899/12667
Jdg_20:38..........liers/in wait that/they.. 2820/12667
Hos_7:6..............lie/in wait their/baker 9290/12667
Psa_10:9...........lieth/in wait to catch/the 5901/12667
Eph_4:14.............lie/in wait to deceive/But 11813/12667
Jdg_20:36..........liers/in wait which/they. 2817/12667
Job_38:40............lie/in wait Who/provideth 5810/12667
1Ki_16:19...........LORD/in walking/in...... 3849/12667 want And/he.... 10471/12667
Deu_28:48............and/in want of/all..... 2212/12667 war every/man... 7034/12667 war forty/thousand 4538/12667
Job_5:20.............and/in war from/the.... 5601/12667
Psa_68:30........delight/in war Princes/shall 6242/12667 war twenty/and.. 4537/12667
1Ch_5:18.........skilful/in war were/four... 4467/12667 war with/all.... 4536/12667
2Sa_20:3............them/in ward and fed/them 3448/12667
Gen_40:4..........season/in ward And they/dreamed 431/12667
Num_15:34............him/in ward because/it. 1631/12667
Eze_19:9.............him/in ward in chains/and 8590/12667 ward in the captain/of 444/12667
Gen_40:3............them/in ward in the house/of 429/12667
Lev_24:12............him/in ward that/the... 1413/12667
Joh_5:4..........stepped/in was/made....... 10645/12667
2Co_6:5..........labours/in watchings in/fastings 11570/12667
2Co_11:27....painfulness/in watchings often/in 11647/12667
Lev_6:28..........rinsed/in water All/the... 1138/12667
Lev_16:26..........flesh/in water and afterward come/into 1332/12667
Num_19:7...........flesh/in water and afterward he shall come into the camp and the/priest 1657/12667
Lev_16:28..........flesh/in water and afterward he shall come into the camp And this/shall 1336/12667
Num_19:8.........clothes/in water and bathe/his 1658/12667
Lev_15:16..........flesh/in water and be unclean until the even And every/garment 1314/12667
Lev_15:5.........himself/in water and be unclean until the even And he that sitteth/on 1305/12667
Lev_15:6.........himself/in water and be unclean until the even And he that toucheth/the 1306/12667
Lev_15:18.....themselves/in water and be unclean until the even And if a/woman 1315/12667
Lev_15:7.........himself/in water and be unclean until the even And if he/that 1307/12667
Lev_15:22........himself/in water and be unclean until the even And if it/be 1319/12667
Lev_15:11........himself/in water and be unclean until the even And the/vessel 1311/12667
Lev_15:8.........himself/in water and be unclean until the even And what/saddle 1308/12667
Lev_15:10........himself/in water and be unclean until the even And whomsoever/he 1309/12667
Lev_15:21........himself/in water and be unclean until the even And whosoever/toucheth 1318/12667
Lev_15:27........himself/in water and be unclean until the even But/if 1320/12667
Lev_17:15........himself/in water and be unclean until the even then/shall 1343/12667
Luk_16:24.........finger/in water and cool/my 10487/12667
Lev_14:9...........flesh/in water and he/shall 1274/12667
Lev_8:21............legs/in water and Moses/burnt 1156/12667
Num_19:19........himself/in water and shall be clean/at 1666/12667
Num_19:8...........flesh/in water and shall be unclean/until 1659/12667
Lev_16:4...........flesh/in water and so/put 1323/12667 water and spread/it 4054/12667
Lev_1:9.............wash/in water and the/priest 1095/12667
Lev_15:12.........rinsed/in water And when/he 1312/12667
Pro_27:19.............As/in water face/answereth 6891/12667
Lev_15:11..........hands/in water he/shall.. 1310/12667
Jer_13:1.............not/in water So/I...... 7755/12667
Lev_14:8.........himself/in water that/he... 1273/12667
Eze_16:4..........washed/in water to/supple. 8533/12667
1Th_1:9.........entering/in we/had......... 12021/12667 weakness and/in 11341/12667
1Co_15:43...........sown/in weakness it/is. 11478/12667
2Co_12:9.........perfect/in weakness Most/gladly 11658/12667
Job_21:13...........days/in wealth/and...... 5691/12667
2Co_11:27.......brethren/In weariness/and.. 11646/12667
2Sa_21:16..........brass/in weight he/being. 3477/12667
Lev_19:35.......meteyard/in weight or/in.... 1362/12667
Rom_11:19........graffed/in Well because/of 11266/12667
2Th_3:13...........weary/in well doing And/if 12075/12667
1Pe_4:19.............him/in well doing as/unto 12360/12667
Gal_6:9............weary/in well doing for/in 11735/12667
Rom_2:7......continuance/in well doing seek/for 11176/12667
Gen_7:16............went/in went/in........... 57/12667
2Sa_15:21.........surely/in what place my/lord 3388/12667
Mar_6:10............them/In what place soever/ye 10129/12667
Neh_4:20.........another/In what place therefore/ye 5342/12667
Eze_47:23...........that/in what tribe/the.. 9046/12667
Mat_24:43..........known/in what watch/the. 10026/12667
Rom_16:2.............her/in whatsoever business/she 11313/12667
Php_4:11.........learned/in whatsoever state/I 11918/12667
Mar_5:40........entereth/in where/the...... 10124/12667
2Sa_7:5............dwell/in Whereas/I....... 3317/12667
Mat_27:7.......strangers/in Wherefore/that. 10059/12667
Num_13:19..........dwell/in whether in/tents 1589/12667 whether it be a/woollen 1241/12667
Num_13:19..........dwell/in whether it be good/or 1588/12667
Heb_10:32...........days/in which after/ye. 12262/12667
2Pe_3:16..........things/in which are/some. 12399/12667
Lev_13:18...........also/in which even/in... 1204/12667
1Co_11:23..........night/in which he was betrayed/took 11422/12667 which he was taken/up 10830/12667
Isa_66:4............that/in which I/delighted 7602/12667
Heb_6:18..........things/in which it was impossible/for 12241/12667
Job_3:3............night/in which it was said/There 5582/12667
Luk_13:14...........days/in which men/ought 10450/12667 which my lord/drinketh 511/12667
Exo_8:22..........Goshen/in which my people/dwell 671/12667 which the LORD/hath 2586/12667
Lev_14:40.........stones/in which the plague/is 1292/12667 which time/Moses 10918/12667 which we/came... 1885/12667
Heb_9:9..........present/in which were/offered 12251/12667 which ye came/out 746/12667
Num_14:34...........days/in which ye searched/the 1616/12667
Act_1:10............them/in white apparel/Which 10835/12667 white for/they. 12525/12667
2Ch_5:12.........arrayed/in white linen/having 4739/12667
Rev_3:5..........clothed/in white raiment and I/will 12526/12667
Rev_4:4..........clothed/in white raiment and they/had 12537/12667
Rev_7:13.........arrayed/in white robes/and 12553/12667
Joh_20:12.........angels/in white sitting/the 10822/12667
Gal_2:4..........brought/in who came/in.... 11688/12667
Psa_24:9............come/in Who is this King of glory The LORD of/hosts 5975/12667
Psa_24:7............come/in Who is this King of glory The LORD strong/and 5973/12667
Eph_2:21...........stone/In whom all/the... 11791/12667
Eph_1:13.......salvation/in whom also after/that 11759/12667
Eph_1:11.............him/In whom also we/have 11756/12667
Col_2:11...........power/In whom also ye/are 11964/12667
Col_2:3...........Christ/In whom are/hid... 11955/12667
Pro_3:12.............son/in whom he/delighteth 6707/12667
Mar_1:11.............Son/in whom I am well pleased And immediately/the 10079/12667
2Pe_1:17.............Son/in whom I am well pleased And this/voice 12374/12667
Mat_17:5.............Son/in whom I am well pleased hear/ye 9950/12667
Mat_3:17.............Son/in whom I am well pleased Then/was 9792/12667
Psa_144:2.............he/in whom I trust/who 6655/12667
Psa_41:9..........friend/in whom I trusted/which 6095/12667
Isa_49:3..........Israel/in whom I will be/glorified 7484/12667
Psa_18:2........strength/in whom I will trust/my 5937/12667
Psa_16:3.......excellent/in whom is all/my.. 5923/12667
Deu_32:20.......children/in whom is no faith/They 2280/12667
Joh_1:47..........indeed/in whom is no guile/Nathanael 10613/12667
Lev_14:32............him/in whom is the plague/of 1284/12667 whom is the spirit and/lay 1748/12667
Dan_4:8..............and/in whom is the spirit of the holy gods and before/him 9117/12667
Dan_5:11.........kingdom/in whom is the spirit of the holy gods and in/the 9147/12667
Isa_42:1...........elect/in whom my soul delighteth/I 7426/12667
Mat_12:18........beloved/in whom my soul is/well 9896/12667 whom old/age.... 5739/12667 whom the evil/spirit 11082/12667
2Co_4:4.............lost/In whom the god/of 11535/12667 whom the LORD/put 1041/12667
Lev_13:45..........leper/in whom the plague/is 1239/12667 whom the Spirit/of 461/12667 whom there/is... 6667/12667
Rom_10:14............him/in whom they have/not 11263/12667
Deu_32:37...........rock/in whom they trusted/Which 2285/12667
2Ki_19:10............God/in whom thou trustest deceive thee saying Jerusalem shall not be delivered/into 4291/12667
Isa_37:10............God/in whom thou trustest deceive thee saying Jerusalem shall not be given/into 7379/12667 whom though/now 12325/12667
Dan_1:4.........Children/in whom was/no..... 9066/12667
Eph_3:12............Lord/In whom we have boldness/and 11801/12667
Col_1:14.............Son/In whom we have redemption through his blood even/the 11936/12667
Eph_1:7..........beloved/In whom we have redemption through his blood the/forgiveness 11748/12667
2Co_1:10.........deliver/in whom we trust/that 11501/12667
Eph_2:22............Lord/In whom ye also are/builded 11793/12667
Eph_1:13..........Christ/In whom ye also trusted/after 11758/12667
Joh_5:45...........Moses/in whom ye trust/For 10659/12667
Psa_15:4.......neighbour/In whose eyes/a.... 5920/12667
Job_12:10...........this/In whose hand is/the 5634/12667 whose hand the/cup 515/12667
Dan_5:23.............God/in whose hand thy/breath 9159/12667 whose hands/is.. 5987/12667
Psa_84:5............thee/in whose heart are/the 6346/12667
Isa_51:7..........people/in whose heart is/my 7503/12667 whose heart the/LORD 1042/12667
Gen_24:37.....Canaanites/in whose land I/dwell 245/12667
Jos_24:15.......Amorites/in whose land ye dwell but as/for 2537/12667
Jdg_6:10........Amorites/in whose land ye dwell but ye/have 2613/12667
Psa_38:14............and/in whose mouth/are. 6082/12667
Gen_7:22.............All/in whose nostrils/was 60/12667
Eze_20:22........heathen/in whose sight I brought them forth/I 8621/12667
Eze_20:14........heathen/in whose sight I brought them out/Yet 8610/12667
Eze_20:9............were/in whose sight I made/myself 8603/12667
Rut_2:2..............him/in whose sight I shall/find 2857/12667
Psa_32:2.............and/in whose spirit/there 6025/12667
2Sa_16:8............Saul/in whose stead/thou 3396/12667
1Jn_5:19...........lieth/in wickedness And/we 12472/12667
Psa_5:4.........pleasure/in wickedness neither/shall 5855/12667 widowhood/Then.. 3450/12667
Col_2:23..........wisdom/in will/worship... 11974/12667
Gen_49:11.......garments/in wine/and......... 580/12667
Zec_14:8.............and/in winter/shall.... 9728/12667 wisdom and in knowledge/and 6943/12667
Exo_31:3.............God/in wisdom and in understanding/and 964/12667
Luk_2:52.......increased/in wisdom and stature/and 10306/12667 wisdom hast/thou 6451/12667
Exo_35:31............God/in wisdom in/understanding 1027/12667
Job_38:37.........clouds/in wisdom or/who... 5807/12667
Exo_35:26.............up/in wisdom spun/goats' 1026/12667
Col_4:5.............Walk/in wisdom toward/them 11998/12667
Psa_32:9............held/in with bit/and.... 6029/12667
Psa_26:4..............go/in with dissemblers/I 5985/12667
Mat_25:10...........went/in with him/to.... 10033/12667
Exo_15:19...........went/in with his/chariots 785/12667
Joh_18:15...........went/in with Jesus into the palace/of 10800/12667
Act_7:45.........brought/in with Jesus into the possession/of 10941/12667
1Sa_29:6..........coming/in with me/in...... 3217/12667
Est_5:12............come/in with the king/unto 5523/12667
Jos_21:2...........dwell/in with the suburbs/thereof 2494/12667
1Ki_13:8..............go/in with thee neither will I eat bread nor drink water in/this 3754/12667
1Ki_13:16.............go/in with thee neither will I eat bread nor drink water with/thee 3758/12667
Jos_14:4...........dwell/in with their/suburbs 2452/12667
Act_21:18...........went/in with us/unto... 11102/12667
Ecc_6:4...........cometh/in with vanity/and. 6971/12667
Lev_10:18........brought/in within/the...... 1165/12667
Mat_23:13.............go/in Woe/unto....... 10006/12667
Lev_13:52...........woof/in woollen/or...... 1255/12667
1Co_4:20.............not/in word but/in.... 11364/12667
2Co_10:11............are/in word by/letters 11613/12667
1Ti_4:12.......believers/in word in/conversation 12109/12667 word neither/in 12439/12667 word only/but.. 12013/12667 word or/deed... 11988/12667
Jam_3:2..............not/in word the/same.. 12308/12667
Act_7:22..........mighty/in words/and...... 10921/12667
Jer_32:19.........mighty/in work/for........ 7975/12667
Isa_28:29......excellent/in working/Woe..... 7308/12667
Tit_1:16.............but/in works/they..... 12167/12667
Deu_29:28............and/in wrath and/in.... 2242/12667
Psa_59:13...........them/in wrath consume/them 6192/12667
Hab_3:2............known/in wrath remember/mercy 9556/12667
Psa_55:3.............and/in wrath they/hate. 6160/12667
Isa_14:6..........people/in wrath with/a.... 7164/12667
1Ch_28:19.....understand/in writing by/his.. 4662/12667
2Ch_36:22...........also/in writing saying Thus saith Cyrus king of Persia All/the 5225/12667
Ezr_1:1.............also/in writing saying Thus saith Cyrus king of Persia The/LORD 5229/12667
2Ch_2:11........answered/in writing which/he 4701/12667
Luk_11:52.......entering/in ye hindered/And 10422/12667
Lev_25:22...........come/in ye shall/eat.... 1430/12667
Psa_68:16..........dwell/in yea/the......... 6233/12667
Luk_1:7.........stricken/in years And it/came 10249/12667
Luk_1:18........stricken/in years And the angel/answering 10253/12667
Jos_13:1........stricken/in years and the LORD/said 2434/12667
Jos_13:1........stricken/in years and there/remaineth 2435/12667
1Ki_1:1.........stricken/in years and they/covered 3514/12667
Eph_4:6..............and/in you all But/unto 11811/12667
2Co_2:3.......confidence/in you all that/my 11513/12667 you and abound/they 12367/12667
Joh_15:11.........remain/in you and that/your 10772/12667
Mat_10:20.......speaketh/in you And the/brother 9864/12667
1Jn_2:14.........abideth/in you and ye have/overcome 12420/12667
2Th_1:12.......glorified/in you and ye in/him 12065/12667
1Jn_2:27.........abideth/in you and ye need/not 12428/12667
Eze_37:14.........spirit/in you and ye shall live and I/shall 8914/12667
Eze_37:6..........breath/in you and ye shall live and ye/shall 8912/12667
Joh_15:4...............I/in you As/the..... 10761/12667
1Jn_2:8..............and/in you because/the 12413/12667
Eze_20:41.....sanctified/in you before the/heathen 8631/12667
Eze_36:23.....sanctified/in you before their/eyes 8901/12667
Php_2:13.........worketh/in you both/to.... 11885/12667
Jdg_9:19.........rejoice/in you But/if...... 2665/12667 you except/ye.. 11677/12667
2Co_13:3..........mighty/in you For though/he 11674/12667
Joh_5:38.........abiding/in you for whom/he 10654/12667
Mat_11:21...........done/in you had/been.... 9885/12667
Joh_14:20..............I/in you He that hath/my 10756/12667
Rom_8:11...........dwell/in you he that raised/up 11243/12667
Joh_5:42.............God/in you I am/come.. 10656/12667
Gal_4:19..........formed/in you I desire/to 11716/12667 you I speak/that 10698/12667 you I will/not. 10753/12667
1Co_3:16........dwelleth/in you If/any..... 11351/12667
2Co_7:16......confidence/in you in all/things 11588/12667 you in Christ/Jesus 12183/12667
2Th_1:4............glory/in you in the/churches 12058/12667
Rom_12:18..........lieth/in you live/peaceably 11286/12667
Rom_8:9............dwell/in you Now/if..... 11241/12667 you of/a....... 11453/12667
Gen_42:16..........truth/in you or/else...... 482/12667
Col_3:16...........dwell/in you richly/in.. 11984/12667
Mal_1:10........pleasure/in you saith/the... 9744/12667
Col_1:6.............also/in you since/the.. 11929/12667
1Co_1:6........confirmed/in you So/that.... 11330/12667 you than/he.... 12450/12667
2Co_9:14.............God/in you Thanks/be.. 11609/12667
1Th_2:13............also/in you that believe/For 12028/12667
Heb_13:21........working/in you that which/is 12288/12667 you the body/is 11242/12667
Col_1:27..........Christ/in you the hope/of 11949/12667
2Co_8:6...........finish/in you the same/grace 11591/12667
Rom_8:11........dwelleth/in you Therefore/brethren 11244/12667
Luk_10:13...........done/in you they/had... 10396/12667
Gal_5:10......confidence/in you through/the 11722/12667 you We/having.. 11544/12667
2Co_7:7........comforted/in you when/he.... 11580/12667
2Co_8:22............have/in you Whether/any 11602/12667 you which was/also 11876/12667
1Jn_2:24...........abide/in you which ye have heard/from 12424/12667 you which ye have of/God 11375/12667 you Whoso/eateth 10666/12667 you will/perform 11850/12667 you with/meekness 12347/12667
1Jn_2:24..........remain/in you ye also/shall 12425/12667
Joh_15:7...........abide/in you ye shall/ask 10768/12667
2Co_7:11.........wrought/in you yea/what... 11582/12667
Job_21:34.........seeing/in your answers/there 5702/12667
Jam_4:16.........rejoice/in your boastings/all 12317/12667
1Co_6:20.............God/in your body/and.. 11376/12667
1Pe_5:9.....accomplished/in your brethren/that 12363/12667
Hag_1:4............dwell/in your cieled/houses 9599/12667
2Ch_19:10..........dwell/in your cities between/blood 4908/12667
Jer_40:10..........dwell/in your cities that/ye 8112/12667
Deu_3:19...........abide/in your cities which/I 1900/12667
2Co_7:13.......comforted/in your comfort/yea 11586/12667
2Co_5:11........manifest/in your consciences/For 11550/12667 your days a/work 11020/12667
Eze_12:25............for/in your days O/rebellious 8510/12667
Joe_1:2.............been/in your days or/even 9343/12667
Jer_16:9.............and/in your days the/voice 7788/12667 your days which/ye 9547/12667
Luk_4:21.......fulfilled/in your ears And/all 10325/12667
Jer_26:15..........words/in your ears Then/said 7891/12667
Deu_5:1............speak/in your ears this/day 1932/12667 your enemies' land/even 1454/12667
Lev_26:39.......iniquity/in your enemies' lands/and 1458/12667 your eyes and in/your 7787/12667
Num_33:55.........pricks/in your eyes and thorns/in 1827/12667
Gen_34:11..........grace/in your eyes and what/ye 339/12667
Jer_7:11.........robbers/in your eyes Behold/even 7692/12667
Hag_2:3..............not/in your eyes in/comparison 9609/12667
Gen_19:8............good/in your eyes only/unto 170/12667
Gen_50:4...........grace/in your eyes speak/I 590/12667
Jos_23:13.........thorns/in your eyes until/ye 2527/12667
1Th_3:10.........lacking/in your faith/Now. 12038/12667
Num_32:14.............up/in your fathers'/stead 1778/12667
Jud_1:12...........spots/in your feasts/of. 12496/12667
Gal_6:13...........glory/in your flesh But/God 11738/12667 your flesh for an/everlasting 147/12667
Lev_19:28.......cuttings/in your flesh for the/dead 1357/12667
Zec_8:16...........peace/in your gates/And.. 9671/12667
Num_15:21.......offering/in your generations And if/ye 1627/12667 your generations and will/offer 1625/12667
Num_15:15...........ever/in your generations as/ye 1626/12667 your generations by/an 725/12667
Lev_6:18............ever/in your generations concerning/the 1127/12667
Lev_24:3............ever/in your generations He shall/order 1407/12667
Gen_17:12..........child/in your generations he that/is 144/12667
Lev_23:41...........ever/in your generations ye/shall 1401/12667 your hand and the/money 495/12667
Exo_12:11..........staff/in your hand and ye/shall 718/12667 your hand do/with 7890/12667 your hand for/the 8076/12667
Gen_43:12..........again/in your hand peradventure/it 497/12667
Eze_13:21...........more/in your hand to/be. 8520/12667
Jer_21:4.............are/in your hands/wherewith 7836/12667
Deu_11:18..........words/in your heart and/in 2008/12667 your heart But/they 9654/12667
Eph_5:19..........melody/in your heart to/the 11830/12667
Zec_8:17............evil/in your hearts against/his 9672/12667
1Pe_3:15.............God/in your hearts and/be 12346/12667
Luk_24:38..........arise/in your hearts Behold/my 10597/12667
Eph_3:17...........dwell/in your hearts by/faith 11804/12667
Mat_9:4.............evil/in your hearts For/whether 9851/12667
Jam_3:14..........strife/in your hearts glory/not 12311/12667
2Pe_1:19...........arise/in your hearts Knowing/this 12377/12667
Luk_21:14......therefore/in your hearts not/to 10541/12667
Col_3:16...........grace/in your hearts to the Lord/And 11987/12667
Col_3:15............rule/in your hearts to the which/also 11982/12667
Jer_42:20.....dissembled/in your hearts when/ye 8132/12667 your hearts Whether is easier/to 10342/12667
Mar_2:8...........things/in your hearts Whether is it/easier 10091/12667
Exo_12:19..........found/in your houses for/whosoever 727/12667 your houses What/mean 7067/12667
1Pe_1:14...........lusts/in your ignorance/But 12327/12667
Num_10:9.............war/in your land against/the 1552/12667
Lev_25:45..........begat/in your land and/they 1440/12667
Lev_22:24........thereof/in your land Neither/from 1380/12667
Lev_26:5...........dwell/in your land safely/And 1447/12667
Jer_5:19............gods/in your land so/shall 7663/12667
Lev_26:1...........stone/in your land to/bow 1444/12667
Lev_19:33...........thee/in your land ye/shall 1358/12667
Joh_10:34........written/in your law I/said 10711/12667
Joh_8:17.........written/in your law that/the 10689/12667
2Co_8:7..............and/in your love/to... 11595/12667
Jam_4:1..............war/in your members/Ye 12313/12667
Col_1:21.........enemies/in your mind/by... 11943/12667
Heb_12:3...........faint/in your minds/Ye.. 12280/12667
Rom_6:12...........reign/in your mortal/body 11216/12667
2Co_6:12......straitened/in your own bowels/Now 11573/12667
Rom_12:16...........wise/in your own conceits Recompense/to 11284/12667
Rom_11:25...........wise/in your own conceits that/blindness 11271/12667 your own land/then 8915/12667
Eze_20:43.....yourselves/in your own sight for all/your 8632/12667
Eze_36:31.....yourselves/in your own sight for your/iniquities 8904/12667
Luk_21:19.........perish/In your patience/possess 10542/12667 your prayers/to 11310/12667 your presence/and 7050/12667
Mat_10:9...........brass/in your purses/Nor. 9858/12667 your sabbaths/when 1455/12667
Gen_43:23.......treasure/in your sacks/I..... 506/12667
Num_29:39...........LORD/in your set/feasts. 1762/12667
Num_33:55.........thorns/in your sides and shall/vex 1828/12667
Jdg_2:3...........thorns/in your sides and their/gods 2565/12667
Jos_23:13.......scourges/in your sides and thorns/in 2526/12667
Job_18:3............vile/in your sight He/teareth 5664/12667
Jer_51:24...........Zion/in your sight saith/the 8276/12667
Col_2:13............dead/in your sins and/the 11967/12667
Joh_8:24.............die/in your sins for/if 10693/12667
Joh_8:24.............die/in your sins Then said/they 10694/12667
1Co_15:17............yet/in your sins Then they/also 11463/12667
Joh_8:21.............die/in your sins whither/I 10692/12667
Amo_5:21...........smell/in your solemn assemblies/Though 9411/12667
Num_10:10............and/in your solemn days/and 1554/12667
Num_15:3..............or/in your solemn feasts/to 1622/12667
Deu_11:18............and/in your soul/and... 2009/12667
1Co_6:20.............and/in your spirit/which 11377/12667
Mat_23:34........scourge/in your synagogues/and 10009/12667
Deu_1:27........murmured/in your tents/and.. 1862/12667 your vessels and carry/down 494/12667
Jer_40:10...........them/in your vessels and dwell/in 8111/12667
Jam_2:4..........partial/in yourselves and are/become 12303/12667
Mar_9:50............salt/in yourselves and have/peace 10163/12667
Luk_11:52............not/in yourselves and them/that 10421/12667
1Co_11:13..........Judge/in yourselves is/it 11416/12667
Mat_23:13.............go/in yourselves neither/suffer 10005/12667
Heb_10:34........knowing/in yourselves that/ye 12264/12667
Job_36:14............die/in youth/and....... 5791/12667
Num_33:41........pitched/in Zalmonah/And.... 1815/12667
2Sa_21:14.......Benjamin/in Zelah/in........ 3475/12667
Jdg_7:22.....Bethshittah/in Zererath/and.... 2640/12667
2Sa_1:1.............days/in Ziklag It/came.. 3248/12667
2Sa_4:10.............him/in Ziklag who/thought 3287/12667
Lam_2:6........forgotten/in Zion and hath/despised 8340/12667
Psa_99:2...........great/in Zion and he is/high 6430/12667
Isa_4:3.............left/in Zion and he that/remaineth 7072/12667 Zion and his furnace/in 7342/12667
Psa_102:21..........LORD/in Zion and his praise/in 6441/12667 Zion and it/hath 8377/12667
Joe_2:1..........trumpet/in Zion and sound/an 9346/12667
Lam_5:11...........women/in Zion and the/maids 8385/12667
Amo_6:1.............ease/in Zion and trust/in 9413/12667
Psa_84:7............them/in Zion appeareth/before 6347/12667
Isa_33:14........sinners/in Zion are/afraid. 7357/12667
Isa_30:19..........dwell/in Zion at/Jerusalem 7329/12667
Isa_10:24.......dwellest/in Zion be/not..... 7138/12667
Psa_9:11........dwelleth/in Zion declare/among 5883/12667
Isa_28:16............lay/in Zion for a/foundation 7301/12667
Isa_46:13......salvation/in Zion for Israel/my 7469/12667
Jer_51:24...........done/in Zion in/your.... 8275/12667
Jer_8:19............LORD/in Zion is/not..... 7714/12667
Joe_3:17........dwelling/in Zion my/holy.... 9368/12667
Joe_2:15.........trumpet/in Zion sanctify/a. 9352/12667
Jer_50:28........declare/in Zion the vengeance/of 8246/12667
Joe_3:21........dwelleth/in Zion The words/of 9371/12667
Jer_51:10........declare/in Zion the work/of 8261/12667 Zion There/brake 6288/12667
Isa_61:3...........mourn/in Zion to/give.... 7555/12667 Zoan/and........ 8805/12667
Gen_19:30..........dwell/in Zoar/and......... 183/12667
