Pro_11:22........a/jewel of/gold............. 1/3
Eze_16:12........a/jewel on/thy.............. 3/3
Pro_20:15.precious/jewel Take/his............ 2/3
Num_31:51..wrought/jewels And all/the...... 11/25 and I/will....... 25/25
Eze_16:39.....fair/jewels and leave/thee... 22/25
Hos_2:13.......her/jewels and she/went..... 24/25
Isa_61:10......her/jewels For/as........... 20/25
Job_28:17......for/jewels of fine/gold..... 16/25
Exo_35:22......all/jewels of gold and every/man 9/25
Gen_24:53......and/jewels of gold and raiment and gave/them 2/25
Exo_12:35......and/jewels of gold and raiment And the/LORD 8/25
Exo_3:22.......and/jewels of gold and raiment and ye/shall 4/25
Exo_11:2.......and/jewels of gold And the/LORD 6/25
Num_31:50.......of/jewels of gold chains/and 10/25
1Sa_6:15.......the/jewels of gold were/and. 13/25
1Sa_6:8........the/jewels of gold which/ye. 12/25
Eze_16:17.....fair/jewels of my/gold....... 21/25
Gen_24:53....forth/jewels of silver and jewels of gold and raiment and gave/them 1/25
Exo_12:35Egyptians/jewels of silver and jewels of gold and raiment And the/LORD 7/25 of silver and jewels of gold and raiment and ye/shall 3/25
Exo_11:2.neighbour/jewels of silver and jewels of gold And the/LORD 5/25
2Ch_32:27.pleasant/jewels Storehouses/also. 15/25
Isa_3:21......nose/jewels The changeable/suits 19/25 the work/of...... 18/25
Eze_23:26.....fair/jewels Thus/will........ 23/25
Son_1:10........of/jewels thy/neck......... 17/25
2Ch_20:25.precious/jewels which/they....... 14/25
Act_16:1.........a/Jewess and/believed....... 1/2
Act_24:24........a/Jewess he/sent............ 2/2
